/qst/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /qst/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2001
1Dorf QuestYou are a DORF. Armed with your IRON AXE, you are ready to take on the denizens of the dungeon.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2001-01-01Thread Collection
2Maid QuestYou are a young man who has suddenly come into an unexpected inheritance.Maid Quest, Collective Game2001-01-01Thread Collection
January 2009
3301577DORF QUESTShort adventure inspired by Ruby Quest, but filled with DORFINESS and RAGE.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-03 77 
3343335Dorf Quest II: THE DORFENINGcontinuing adventures of a dorf. filled with DORFINESS and RAGE.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-08 45 
3345091Dorf Quest III: DORF HARDERcontinuing adventures of a dorf. filled with DORFINESS and RAGE.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-08 42 
3345934Dorf Quest IV: DORFBLIVIONThe dorf attempts to escape the fucking elf swamp light shitsDorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-08 37 
3416837The adventures of blockheadWhat starts as anon offering to do a quest game and making /tg/ rage gets hijacked by blockhead's adventures. Awesomeness followscollective game, quest, blockhead2009-01-16 8 
3481137DORF QU- Wait, that's not a dorfThe Dorf has found a drinking buddy in the Manly Elf, so we're stuck with Aldwin the rogue and his child sidekick, the neckbeard-in-training.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-22 32 
3511147DORF QUEST VI: ADORFCALYPSEBeardbeard's adventure continues, now together with MANLY ELF.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-25 35 
3512634DORF QUEST VII: DORF WITH THE DEVILBeardbeard has finally replaced his lost arm, and the new one is much better than anyone expected.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-01-25 33 
February 2009
3577349Dorf Quest: The MovieRAILROADRAILROADRAILROAD. Dorf Quest Side Quest.Dorf Quest2009-02-01 20 
3577563Dorf Quest VIII: Aldwin's HeistAldwin's shenanigans continue. Involves an awesome hat. Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-01 28 
3585038Ruby QuestFaggot whines about Ruby Quest, Thursday and Orkz ensue.Ruby Quest, Thursday, Rooby Kwest, Orkz2009-02-02 23 
3644336Dorf Quest IX: Dorf of the Deadhttp://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/3577563/ Part 9 is found there, but this is part 10, where Beardbeard tries to bring Garrelf back to life!Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-08 26 
3646171Dorf Quest X: DorfinationBeardbeard's arm seems to have grown unruly.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-08 25 
3715410Dorf Quest XI: Dorfin Numerals Are WeirdAldwin's trials continue!Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-15 25 
3717155Dorf Quest XII: A Dorfy ReunionAldwin meets up with the entire party.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-15 24 
3718242Dorf Quest XIII: King of the ElvesGarrelf is King.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-15 24 
3780617Dorf Quest Side Story: Sci Fi Dinosaur HunterBeardbeard hunts some dinosaurs!Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-22 22 
3781790Dorf Quest IV: Dorfen RageBeardbeard is angry. Xom help us all.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-22 24 
3783722Dorf Quest XV: To Dorf A GodBeardbeard challenges Glittergold to a duel.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-02-22 30 
March 2009
3846024Dorf Quest XVI: Why Did I Use Roman NumeralsAldwin gets an invite from a lost friend.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-01 22 
3847908Dorf Quest XVII: Lily TimeOhfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckDorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-01 23 
3886655Dungeon Quest, Part 2The Sling King and Marty Stonegripper continue their quest for stones and the Barrow Wight's Treasure.collective game, Dungeon Quest, Quest2009-03-05 2 
3912871Dorf Quest XVIII: Dorfy DaysBeardbeard messes with a street urchin.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-08 21 
3914354Dorf Quest XIX: Dorf the WorldBrutal Victory. Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-08 21 
3915247Dorf Quest XX: Dorfen EmotionBeardbeard... made a friend?Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-08 21 
3956427Dorf Quest XXI: BelthimusBeardbeard goes dragon slaying! Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-13 21 
3958030Dorf Quest XXII: The Dragon Is DorfedKav has joined the party, but another has been lost...Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-13 21 
3976998Dorf Quest XXIII: Dorfen ResponsibilitySome more problems develop.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-15 21 
3979080Dorf Quest XXIV: Dude Where's My DaughterThe search continues.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-15 21 
3980097Dorf Quest XXV: The AftermathThe guildhall is in shambles, and oh hey, Cultist finally tells Aldwin.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-15 21 
4043841Dorf Quest XXVI: The Last One With a Sub-TitleBeardbeard tries to fix a memory.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-22 21 
4045445Dorf Quest XXVIIControl has switched to Mado.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-22 21 
4046909Dorf Quest XXVIIIExploring the Shadow Realm.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-22 24 
4118012Dorf Quest XXIXAldwin takes control of the Goldmoon Slayers.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-29 22 
4119563Dorf Quest XXXGARDENING QUESTDorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-29 23 
4120779Dorf Quest XXXICultist attempts to play matchmaker.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-03-29 28 
April 2009
4186919Dorf Quest XXXIIBeardbeard and garrelf try their hand at escaping the shadowy perils of the shadow realm.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-05 21 
4188057Dorf Quest XXXIIIControl has switched to Garrelf.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-05 22 
4237435Dorf Quest XXXIVThe BBEG is revealed.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-10 21 
4239250Dorf Quest XXXVThe death of a mobster.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-10 21 
4254912Dorf Quest XXXVILily wants a god.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-12 21 
4256947Dorf Quest XXXVIIAldwin and Cultist have a new... friend. Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-12 21 
4258370Dorf Quest XXXVIIIPayment must be procured.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-12 21 
4322102Dorf Quest XXXIXControl has switched to Garrelf.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-19 24 
4397982Dorf Quest XXXXAldwinside. Some gods are acquired.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-26 21 
4400335Dorf Quest XXXXIIn which we start a forest fireDorf Quest, Collective Game2009-04-26 21 
May 2009
4465383Dorf Quest XXXXIIDorfside. Demonsun gets his reckoning.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-03 24 
4466685Dorf Quest XLIIIFate and Beardbeard have a chat.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-03 23 
4513074Dorf Quest XLIVElfside. Some time is spent in a box storage facility.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-10 20 
4514421Dorf Quest XLVRoyalty is as Royalty does.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-10 22 
4571998Dorf Quest XLVIAldwinside. Xom is let loose on society.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-17 20 
4573350Dorf Quest XLVIIAldwin, Lily, and Beardbeard get together as a party.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-17 20 
4622379Dorf Quest XLVII Part 2Aldwinside continued.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-22 20 
4643050Dorf Quest XLVIIIDorfside. Muslebeard muscles in on the action.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-24 21 
4644798Dorf Quest ILWe show Musclebeard our pride.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-24 20 
4715748Dorf Quest LElfside. The Box of Shadows finally takes effect.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-31 17 
4717369Dorf Quest LIIn which the Illithid run amok.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-05-31 12 
June 2009
4771721Dorf Quest LIIBeardside. We are trapped in a cave, and Tony Stark isn't around to build Iron Man from the scraps.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-05 13 
4773092Dorf Quest LIIIWe build ourselves a new army.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-05 13 
4871936Dorf Quest LIVDorfside again. A hunting we will go.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-14 12 
4873858Dorf Quest LVRary tells all.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-14 12 
4882280Moonleaf's QuestMoonleaf the elf tries her best to become a Dorf. She is not successful.Moonleaf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-15 13 
4890684Moonleaf Quest IIDorfin it upMoonleaf Quest2009-06-16 11 
4904119Dorf Quest LVI: Last Man StandingBeardside and Elfside! Horrors commence.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-17 21 
4905900Dorf Quest LVII: Drinking BuddiesMany fall this day. Manly tears are shed.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-17 26 
4914513Moonleaf's Quest 3Moonleaf arrives at Gearthundered.Moonleaf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-18 13 
4925672Moonleaf's Quest 4: How many sessions before /tg/ realises she's not a dorf?Moonleaf chooses her profession.Elf, Quest, Collective Game, Moonleaf, Moonleaf Quest2009-06-19 7 
4927095Moonleaf's Quest 5MELANCHOLY MOOD CANCELED: INTERRUPTED BY GREY SLIMEElf, Collective Game, Moonleaf Quest2009-06-19 1 
4935930Moonleaf's Quest 5I accuse Moonleaf in the Woods with a Grey Slime.Elf, Collective Game, Moonleaf Quest2009-06-20 5 
4956095Moonleaf's Quest 6I must kill the goblins! No Moonleaf, you are the goblins. Then Moonleaf was an elf.Elf, Collective Game, Moonleaf Quest2009-06-22 3 
4988324Moonleaf's Quest 7Could this be the end?Elf, Collective Game, Moonleaf Quest2009-06-25 2 
5010815Moonleaf's Quest 8I accuse XOM in the TEMPLE with the FISH!Elf, Collective Game, Moonleaf Quest2009-06-27 0 
5012009Dorf Quest LVIIIAldwinside. Wedding day.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-27 16 
5012316Rudy QuestHe is motherfucking Rudy! He is here to fuck shit up!Rudy Quest, Collective Game2009-06-27 37 
5014203Rudy Quest Part 2Our plane has crashed. Lets punch stuff.Rudy Quest, Collective Game2009-06-27 36 
5013866Dorf Quest LIXFinlayside.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-06-27 14 
5020019Overlord Quest?Text adventure. You wake up in a ring of bloody meat, in a lab that seems to be yours. Your servants inform you that a Great Doom is coming. Might be set in 40K.text adventure, writefaggotry, Leibowitz, Overlord Quest2009-06-28 6 
5022597Moonleaf's Quest End / Tau Quest 1Moonleaf Quest is over. There is only Tau... in the 18th century!Collective Game, Moonleaf Quest, TauQuest2009-06-28 0 
5023502God QuestCast down from darkness, /tg/ becomes the little evil girl. God Quest, Collective Game2009-06-28 11 
5034120Rudy Quest Part 2, Part 2Holy Shit! Did Rudy Just Punch Out Cthulhu!?Rudy Quest, Collective Game2009-06-29 28 
5036299Rudy Quest Part 2, Part 3The Chapter Comes to a Close With The Birth Of A Legend. Farewell Atlantis!Rudy Quest, Collective Game2009-06-29 28 
July 2009
5050305Blob QuestThe blob gains sentience. You appear to be in a field. Insert Command. > _Blob Quest, Collective Game2009-07-01 10 
5055403Blob Quest Part 2The continuing adventure of a blob and his lack-of-boy.Blob Quest, Collective Game2009-07-01 10 
5062330God Quest: Part 2You are in a small village, somewhere and must somehow regain deity status before you get shanked by a roving Paladin.God Quest, Collective Game2009-07-01 10 
5064812Blob Quest, PART 3The blob checks out the post explosion hut.Blob Quest, Collective Game2009-07-02 3 
5064449God Quest: Part 2: Part 2The sun rises over the little village and things will never be the same...God Quest, Collective Game2009-07-02 3 
5071724Robot Quest part II: Radio QuestContinuation of Toaster QuestRadio Quest, Robot Quest2009-07-02 2 
5073879Robot Quest part II: Radio Quest part IThe transcript from part I of Radio QuestRadio Quest, Robot Quest2009-07-03 7 
5080043Unnamed Story Part 2.5Finishing up Part 2.Unnamed, Quest, Story, Part 2.52009-07-03 6 
5115474Blob Quest, PART 4The blob gets into the chest, devours the being and then everyone leaves the thread to die.Blob Quest, Collective Game2009-07-07 1 
5128932Viking QuestMjollnir has been stolen! Our many-named hero of Valhalla sets forth to find it. Includes punching ice giants to death with iron gauntlets and mushroom-fueled fury.viking quest2009-07-11 8 
5138177Dorf Quest LXBeardside. Xom has an offer.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-12 14 
5140102Dorf Quest LXIWe go after Heracles.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-12 14 
5142038ButtquestIt's a quest. But with a butt. He has a sword. This could go interesting places.quest, buttquest, collective game, awesome2009-07-12 15 
5166304Emperor QuestThe Emperor awakens! He is pissed!Emperor Quest, Collective Game2009-07-15 39 
5167245Emperor quest 2The final battle. Will Chaos finally be destroyed forever?Emporer quest, collective game2009-07-15 39 
5181093Ork QuestYou iz an Ork. You iz in a hut made outta metal bitz. What does ya do?Collective Game, Ork Quest2009-07-17 18 
5196550Dorf Quest LXIIBeardbeard, God of Strength. Fisticuff showdown.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-19 15 
5198531Dorf Quest LXIIIGodhood acquired...Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-19 15 
5198466Dorf Quest LXIIIvbnDorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-19 44 
5201813Cell Quest 4The "Heaven" Supercell/virus continues it's growth and has a moment of memory problem and schizophrenic arguing.Cell Quest 42009-07-19 11 
5204456Butt Quest 2The ever epic Butt Quest returns with a second chapterButt Quest, Quest2009-07-20 3 
5203486FROOT QUESTQuasi-biblical quest; begins with protagonist eating fruit of knowledge and killing the snake. Dreams of Lillith then learns Inscription Magik.Quest, Collective Game, Adventure, FROOT, Fruit2009-07-20 1 
5211159Cell Quest 9He's infectan and deflectan, and taking the turns, cause he's infectan, deflectan, and plotting infe-cccctionCell Quest2009-07-20 9 
5212919Cell Quest 10Oh god this again.Cell Quest, Collective Game2009-07-20 8 
5214644Cell Quest 11Moving right along.Cell Quest, Collective Game2009-07-21 8 
5225934Cell Quest 12SHTF, really this timeCell Quest, Collective Game2009-07-22 6 
5227957Jawfish QuestThe epic tale of one fish trying to make a difference in the Siluric period. Bring it on Pterygotus buffaloensis.Quest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-23 10 
5229995Jawfish Quest 2The Jawfish seperateJawfish, Quest Thread2009-07-23 8 
5231263Jawfish Quest IIITeam Land and Team Deep Ones continue their quest. Team Land eats giant worms, and Team Deep Ones build a society.Quest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-23 6 
5232388Jaawfish Quest IVLand Team grows in large numbers and gets allys and sexfriends while starts to plan their flying evolution. Meanwhile the deep ones kills a Colossal squid and began developing a Religion.Quest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-23 6 
5238453IRON QUEST IITHE MACHINE CONTACTS THE MACHINE AWAKES THE MACHINE PANICS robots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-07-24 10 
5242405Tree QuestWhat starts out as advice regarding paint derails into winfull questingCollective Game, Tree Quest, Paints2009-07-24 1 
5242358Jawfish Quest VTeam Land continues to struggle to adapt, and learns why not to mate with any dragonfly that comes along. Team Deep encounters a mysterious force at the very bottom of the ocean, and must figure out how to deal with new cults among their shark slaves.Quest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-24 5 
5243753Jewish Quest 5.5PART FIVE POINT FIVEQuest Thread, Jawfish2009-07-24 5 
5246705Hell Quest 13Stuff looks really and stuff you know for the 13th time and for seriousCell Quest, Collective Game2009-07-24 6 
5250511Bad Gay QuestYou are a mad sodomist. Your shit has been packed up really tight. Are you a bad enough dude to get revenge?Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-07-25 10 
5253086Creation QuestTwo locked doors. An enigmatic terminal. A machine that can create almost anything. An idiot office worker for a character. And /tg/. Can we make it through enough stupid questions to escape?Collective Game, Creation Quest2009-07-25 0 
5258777Dorf Quest LXIVTrolling for information about the Gods.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-26 14 
5260849Never Going To Fucking End Quest LXVSixty-five threads. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? God damn. There is also apparently a moon to conquer and city to carve. And you should be getting to it.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2009-07-26 35 
5266389Bad Guy Quest 2The mad scientist continues his evil schemeBad Gay Quest, Collective Game2009-07-27 8 
5272014Bad Guy Quest 3Oh no! Giant Robot Attack! Dispatch the Lolis!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-07-28 8 
5272737Jawfish Quest VIThe Deep Ones handle the rebellion, but are they bad enough dudes to defeat Gaia? Jawfish, Quest, Deep Ones, Team Land, Team Deep2009-07-28 3 
5281329IRON QUEST IVTHE MACHINE is tired of talking in allcaps. Expansion, assimilation, Industrial SCIENCE!!!robots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-07-29 7 
5281972Hive Quest - PanopticonAs a mnemonic virus that has just gained self awareness we tried to expand our influence, only to come across a number of pitfalls in learning how we can spread our HIVEMIND-y goodness.Hive Quest, Quest, Panopticon, Collective Game, Hive2009-07-29 7 
5290842Bad Guy Quest 4Evil Scientist touches base with his arch nemesis: Elizabeth. Also, lolis.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-07-30 8 
August 2009
5306828Iron Quest 5.0the Machine Continuesrobots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-08-02 8 
5318832Bad Guy Quest 5The Mad Scientist faces down his most dangerous foe yet!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-03 9 
5321206WutquestA JonQuest style quest. Equip your +5 cactus armor and get ready to fight some dinosaur train conductors in space.quest, wut, space, train, cactus2009-08-03 1 
5327835Wutquest Part 2Part two of the quest where anything goes. This time around we kick OP's ass and fuck up some shit at McDonalds.wutquest, op, mcdonalds, quest, maid2009-08-04 1 
5330638WutQuest 2.5The continuation of WutQuest 2.WutQuest, Collective Game2009-08-04 1 
5330299IRON QUEST VIThe machine, in its benevolence, has decided to aid these lowly bipeds. Or use them as cheap labour, whatever.robots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-08-04 8 
5340128Dad Guy QuestOnly one man has the power to save his beautiful robot daughters from the malevolent disapproval of the world. Take over the world while being the best father you can.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-05 5 
5344185Drow QuestJoin Evilelf Bondageslave the Drow Sorcerer as he quests to defeat some evil Lich somewhere. Hijinx ensue.Drow Quest, Collective Game2009-08-05 5 
5346089Drow Quest 2Evilelf Bondageslave's quest for glory continues. Next Town.Drow Quest, Collective Game2009-08-05 3 
5351648Blob Quest, PART 5after FOREVER blob quest returnsBlob Quest, Collective Game2009-08-06 1 
5353147IRON QUEST VIIThe machine attempts basic communication with humans. Humans argue a lot.robots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-08-06 7 
5354632IRON QUEST 7.1Human issue talked to death in previous thread. Progress made. Motto acquired: IRON QUEST: A pursuit of expansion, minerals, and ever-more outlandishly powerful versions of laser.Iron Quest, robots, collective game, thread2009-08-06 7 
5359176Cubicle QuestYou wake up in cubicle. Things get creepier from there.Collective Game, Cubicle Quest2009-08-06 3 
5362714Bad Guy Quest 7The Plan (tm)Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-07 7 
5363716WutQuest 3It's back. Grab your neckbeard codpiece and get ready to fight the hobos buried under your basement.WutQuest, Collective Game2009-08-07 0 
5386780IRON QUEST 8.08th installment of IRON QUEST many projects started in 7, 6, and 5, completedIRON QUEST 82009-08-09 5 
5386461Damsels in DistressGeneric "let's discuss females and their role in fantasy" turns into demon and paladin-related highjinks.chicks, females, women, saving NPCs, Quest2009-08-09 4 
5388982Damsels in distress Cont'dThe second part of the Pally.Succy highjinks ends!Quest, Sucubbus, Pally, Love, Writefag2009-08-09 1 
5397064Bad Guy Quest 8The quest for revenge and world domination continue.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-10 7 
5398792Bad Guy Quest 8.1Plots are made, plans pursued. We move against another rival.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-10 7 
5405035Git Quest 1You are a Git. You have a tophat. There are things you can do. Like commiting scone larceny. Well? Git to it.Britquest, Collective Game2009-08-10 0 
5410379Bad Guy Quest 9The quest for vengeance continues. Threads 8 and 8.1 are retconned.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-11 5 
5425261IRON QUEST, IRRELEVANT MUSING EDITIONsup/tg/ being down prevented the scheduled installment of IRON QUEST, so instead, we chatted for about 100 posts. CPU !irONY will be occupied, so the next quest is in 6 days or so.Iron quest, wasted time, collective game, damn you LL, candy.2009-08-12 3 
5435695Bad Guy Quest 10The Evil Genius begins tracking down his manliest opponent yet!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-13 5 
5450273Parasite Quest/tg/ becomes a virus, trying to spread itself by mutating other creaturesquest, collective game, metamind, rat, virus, parasite2009-08-14 7 
5451839Parasite Quest 2nd GenerationParasite Quest!Parasite Quest2009-08-14 2 
5453679Parasite Quest #3Yes, this shit again.Parasite Quest, Collective Game2009-08-14 2 
5459922Abomination QuestTed, Father of all Pimps, Master of all things Fly and Bitchin', is summoned by a foolish mortal. Hilarity ensues.Quest, Collective Game, Slaanesh, Cthulhu2009-08-15 5 
5469745Bad Guy Quest 11Drinking contest, HO!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-16 4 
5495170Bad Guy Quest 12The next rival gets The direct approach, plus blitzkrieg.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-18 6 
5495916Iron Quest 9.0The Machine becomes a god to men. The Machine gains knowledge of the planet and the system... and discovers it is not alone.Iron Quest IX2009-08-18 3 
5518862/g/ quest, now Gemini Quest. part 2gory SAN loss adventures of the damsel saver, us./g/ quest, gemini quest, 22009-08-20 4 
5522923Gemini Quest pt. 3The conclusion to Vlad's Game/g/, Gemini, Quest, Loli, Mindfuck2009-08-20 1 
5530981The Deadliest WeaponWritefag becomes disgusted with the poor quality of a writethread, decides to create his own. Epic ensues.Weapon, Quest, Writefaggotry, Sci-Fi2009-08-21 2 
5533208Ant QuestYou're a fucking ant queen or some awesome shit."Ant Quest"2009-08-21 10 
5543548IRON QUEST 10.0The Machine turns its many eyes spaceward. The faction that created the far-off satellites are known to it...robots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-08-22 5 
5542838Thinking Machine QuestConstruct. Improve. Help your creator make enough money to survive. These tasks lie before you, little machine.Quest, Machine, Sci-Fi2009-08-22 5 
5543364The Deadliest Weapon, pt. 2Writefag becomes disgusted with the poor quality of a writethread, decides to create his own. Continued.Weapon, Quest, Writefaggotry, Sci-Fi2009-08-22 1 
5542874Bad Guy Quest 13A bit of dicking around, thread derails, not much gets done... IN SPACE!!!Bad Gay Quest, Collective Game2009-08-22 0 
5558335Thinking Machine Quest pt2The little machine craves power tools, seeks to understand humor.Quest, Machine, Sci-Fi2009-08-23 2 
5559826Gemini Quest pt. 4A short session, as Gemini crashed at his keyboard. Still, good thing we took the Geiger counter.../g/, Gemini Quest, Gemini, Quest2009-08-23 0 
5568282Thinking Machine Quest pt3The little machine learns, expands, and prepares to break into the stock market.Quest, Machine, Sci-Fi2009-08-24 2 
5569271Bad Guy Quest 14After casting our lethargic eye around, we equip our trusty shooting iron & sally forth to impose our leaden will on all who oppose us!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-24 3 
5579682Thinking Machine Quest pt4The little machine continues to grow. Conquest will inevitably follow.Quest, Machine, Sci-Fi2009-08-25 3 
5581275Ant Quest, pt. 2Ant Quest here. Still awesome.Ant Quest, Ants2009-08-25 2 
5646783IRON QUEST 11.0The great machine continues to expand. Conflict with the neighboring civilization is likely.robots, collective game, Iron Quest2009-08-30 3 
5645907Ant Quest, pt 3Ant Quest here. Still a fucking awesome ant queen.Ant, Quest, Ant Quest2009-08-30 3 
5655084POWquest IYou are a colonel in the British Army during World War II. You and several others have been captured by the Axis forces, and have been moved into a German Prisoner of War camp. Day I.Collective Game, Quest, World War, Nazi, War2009-08-30 1 
5659076Lonely AI QuestAn armed drone finds itself alone on an asteroid.robots, collective game, quest2009-08-31 1 
5659581Bad Guy Quest 15Math logic bombs, maniacal mental manipulation, & The Question.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-08-31 5 
5661706Panzerquest - Survival in Normandy 1Command your shaken young tank crew and do what Nazis do best: Kill the allies! Or try and find a good spot to surrender, at least.Panzerquest, tanks, collective game, Nazis 2009-08-31 5 
September 2009
5670299Crossover QuestYou are a crossover portal. You must cross over everything before the lawyers get you. Begin.Crossovers, Quest, Awesome2009-09-01 0 
5673820IRON QUEST 12.0BUILD ADDITIONAL DYSON SPHERESIron Quest, robots, collective game, dyson sphere2009-09-01 5 
5685376Creature QuestThe first sentient crab preaches the dominance of the sun godCreature Quest, Collective Game2009-09-02 6 
5686185Ahh! Shit! Zombies! (The Quest)Zombies, a cabin, your animate butchered uncle in the basement; what could possibly go wrong?Zombies, Collective Game, Quest2009-09-02 1 
5700038Creature Quest 2UNBELIEVAS GET KRUMPT, MATIN' GITS DUN, A STORM APPEARS!Creature Quest, Collective Game2009-09-03 4 
5702219Random Guardsman Quest - Insomniac Edition/tg/ wakes up in a guard bunker and proceeds to FOR THE BLOOD GOD!40k, roleplay, quest, guard2009-09-03 10 
5704578Gary the Betrayer Quest Pt. 2MORE BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! MORE SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE! MORE TSUNDERE FOR THE TSUNDERE GOD!40k, roleplay, quest, guard, khorne, chaos2009-09-03 1 
5705617Gary the Betrayer Quest, Pt 3We begin to build our force as we set our sights on the Tactical Genius himself. Cadia shall fall.40k, roleplay, quest, guard, khorne, chaos2009-09-03 1 
5709187Dream Quest - Part 1The beginning of the adventures of a sleepy marine. Art is messy and photographed...dream quest, questfaggotry, sleepy marines2009-09-03 1 
5711048Gary the Betrayer Quest, Pt 3 Pt 2Sagefags fucked up the thread after the profile caused a GARY SUE Shitstorm. Fuckers. Will continue later tonight.40k, roleplay, quest, guard, khorne, chaos2009-09-04 2 
5714126Bad Guy Quest 16To catch a psychiatrist.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-09-04 2 
5728265IRON QUEST 13.0EXPAND. CONQUER. ENCLOSE BLACK HOLES.Iron Quest, robots, collective game, dyson sphere2009-09-05 2 
5726857Creature Quest 3The cult expands and the first religious schisms appearCreature Quest, Collective Game2009-09-05 2 
5738533Gary the Betrayer Quest, Pt 3.3WE GET FUCKED BY DARK ANGELS AND RUN TO THE EYE. WE FUCK UP KHORNATE DAEMON PRINCES AND BROFIST KHARN. FUCK YEAR.40k, roleplay, quest, guard, khorne, chaos2009-09-06 0 
5740595Gary the Betrayer Quest, Pt 3.4Sagefags stopped it again tonight. Shitsux. Progress is currently 3/5th ready for assault on Cadia.40k, roleplay, quest, guard, khorne, chaos2009-09-06 0 
5735147Corp Quest 1Control a tiny subcontracting firm whose job is to exploit a resource-laden virgin planet filled with hostile natives and rival corporations.Corp Quest, collective game2009-09-06 23 
5738885Ant QuestAnt quest continues along -- slow start out, but trudges on for a while. Another group of ants is located, and a new queen is born. . .ant quest, ant, quest2009-09-06 1 
5743045Corp Quest 2The abruptly ended sequel to the first thread. Natives are becoming increasingly hostile and the local pharmaceutical company needs a good hippy-stomping.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-06 15 
5754383Astartes QuestYour drop pod is hit on its way down. You're torn out of the pod as it screams its way towards the landing zone. Since you are a holy angel of Imperial wrath armored in mighty ceramite tempered in the fires of war, you land in a soft clearing or lake relatively intact. At this point, you assess whatever damage or injuries you've sustained and decide your next course of action. Hint: It will involve visiting death upon the enemies of Man."40k", "space marines", "quest"2009-09-07 16 
5757739Astartes Quest 2Battle Brother Mansoon and Brother Dreadnought Iratus continue to fuck shit up.40k, space marines, quest2009-09-07 10 
5761125Corp Quest 3The natives initiate the first conflict, relations with Lemmington Pharmaceuticals become calmer and war is brewing to the North, all in Corp Quest.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-08 11 
5767061Creature Quest 4no real resolution to the thwarted schism. Some basic planing for the future is made. The myth grows...Creature Quest, Collective Game2009-09-08 1 
5768617Corp Quest 4Day 21 begins in the world of Corp Quest.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-08 7 
5769249Astartes Quest 3Short dip into the mind of the captured heretic. Turns out she's a psyker.40k, space marines, quest2009-09-08 7 
5768025IRON QUEST 14.0Iron Quest has an encounter with the relativistic speed kind.Iron Quest, collective game2009-09-08 5 
5768807Tactics QuestGuardsman Anon finds himself taking command of the remnants of his squad in the middle of his regiment's first battle with the Necrons. 40k, Imperial Guard, quest2009-09-08 6 
5770781Troll QuestIt's... It's pretty horrifyingTroll Quest, Collective Game, Robe and Wizard Hat2009-09-08 1 
5775021Tactics Quest! PART DEUXTake control of some Imperial Guard units as you try to take that damn hill. Get ambushed by necrons.Quest, 40k, IG2009-09-08 3 
5775885Corp Quest 4 - The Real DealPlanet-rape! Slavery! War! Eco-terrorists! Fun! It's all in here!Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-09 8 
5782190Corp Quest 5 - Total WarContinued war with the Kil'thweq and a very costly battle indeed.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-09 10 
5784429Corp Quest 6 - Total War Part DeuxThe final attack against the Kil'thweq . . . with unexpected results.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-09 11 
5786214Corp Quest 7- Death of a Company The fowl xenos are sent to oblivion. Also, Comrade 70 joins our ranks. Corp Quest2009-09-09 12 
5793798I Feel Like a Woman 4The next installment in the continuing Thrugg/Elrood saga/homoerotic relationshipQuest, Man, I Feel Like a Woman2009-09-10 3 
5795957Grandmaster Chyo QuestThe road to enlightenment is rocky!Guru, Grandmaster Chyo, Quest, Collective Game,2009-09-10 7 
5794633Tactics Quest Part Sam!Tactics Quest continues. Gather the old team, meet the new team, and drop into a warzone.40k, Imperial Guard, quest2009-09-10 2 
5796371Tactic Quest Part COMBATTake up carefully chosen positions and mow down the endless waves of oncoming foes. It's just another day in the Emperor's service. Now with added Nurgle.40k, Imperial Guard, quest2009-09-10 2 
5802653Corp Quest 8The subcontractors begin to rebuild their economy after the war is over and they discover that Uni-Peace are dicks.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-10 10 
5805904Corp Quest 9You plot against Uni-Peace and Centauri Synthetics plots against you.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-11 10 
5810569Reality Quest #2Another day, another Morton's List thread. Watch as more fa/tg/uys get their quests from the noble Table Master.Morton's Quest, reality quest2009-09-11 1 
5810929Iron Quest 15.0The glorius machine empire controls 729 systems. The revenge campaing against the Tshpath continues with crushing victories.Iron Quest, robots, collective game, dyson sphere2009-09-11 1 
5813349Iron Quest 15.0The machine empire controls 729 systems. The revenge campaing against the Tshpath continues with crushing victories.Iron Quest, robots, collective game, dyson sphere2009-09-11 1 
5809264Corp Quest 10More corp quest.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-11 10 
5824997Astartes Quest 3The quest continues with an assault on an Ork Fortress.quest, space marines, swings2009-09-12 7 
5831328Corp Quest 11Preparing to stomp the hippies and slavery shenanigans!Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-13 8 
5836630Corp Quest 12The invasion of the hippies commences.Corp Quest, collective game2009-09-13 8 
5851469Astartes Quest 5Even the most mighty can fall.40k, space marine, dreadnought, quest2009-09-14 11 
5862006Spess Quest! Episode 2Spess Marine Quest.Spess, Marine, Quest2009-09-15 0 
5860124Corp Quest 13The hippies have officially been stomped and the spoils are being collected.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-15 8 
5864165Corp Quest 14Month 3 begins with some ominous events.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-15 8 
5866171Corp Quest 15Many great mysteries are uncovered.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-15 7 
5877786IRON QUEST 16.0Iron Quest: We are under attack from a star powered laserIron Quest, collective game2009-09-16 5 
5885900Corp Quest 16The virus situation is getting worse and worse.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-17 6 
5889898Corp QuestVIRUS ENDURES.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-17 10 
5891341Astartes Quest 6A filler chapter, where we initiate Guardsman Emi into the Thundering Gales, and get our pimped out new wargear and a personal Purity Seal from Master Iratus. HIS FURY LIVES ON!40k, space marines, quest2009-09-17 5 
5892174Corp Quest 18Short. The pirates are raided and cliffhanger.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-17 7 
5913575Corp Quest 19The missile attack on the nanovirus' island. Will it succeed?Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-19 5 
5916545Corp Quest 20Alright chums, let's do this! COOOORRRPP QUESTTTT!Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-19 7 
5917682Corp Quest 21FUUUUUUUUCK YEAH!Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-19 8 
5918789Corp Quest 22The sweet rewards of victory.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-19 6 
5929987Sad Guy Quest 17Scientist wants hugs!Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-09-20 4 
5927362Ant Quest pt5The continuation of the Tyranid Queen's hive. Many upgrades were earned, several new species found. Decisions to be made.Quest, Ant, Ant Quest2009-09-20 3 
5943620Astartes Quest 7Brother-Captain Mansoon's first taste of command proves to be brutal, as his Drop Company fights through the streets of Kasr Lain.40k, space marines, quest2009-09-21 5 
5944838Corp Quest 23Industrial espionage, new technology, plans.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-21 6 
5948225Corp Quest 24Planning for the inevitable conflict with TradeStar. Brainstorming starship designs. Production plans.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-21 6 
5950279Tactics Quest #5.5After a devastating enemy artillery bombardment (the result of garrisoning the a build with bright red target marks all over it) we must rally the platoon, as the arch-enemy attempts to breach the doors. 40k, Imperial Guard, quest2009-09-21 0 
5970014Astartes Quest 8Another filler chapter. Negi apologizes for some shit in it, but will continue GtB quest to bring this all together.40k, space marines, quest2009-09-23 2 
5967670Corp Quest 25Starship design is finalized, New Earth Missions are wiped out.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-23 4 
5972530Corp Quest 26NME remnants are hunted. Ships built. Etc.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-23 3 
5983230Bored Techpriest adventureYou are a Techpriest. You are bored. There is relics and orks on the planet. Your path is rather obvious.Techpriest, quest, 40k2009-09-24 1 
5993961Corp Quest 27The final hour before the final battle.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-25 5 
5996027Corp Quest 28Space battles ensue with meager forces.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-25 5 
5998191Corp Quest 29Boarding actions, tough decisions and 6mil get awesomeness.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-25 10 
6000238Corp quest 28Get aftermathCorp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-25 6 
6012369Alt WWII Thread VIIAlternative WWII thread, with 100% more space age!"WWII", "alt", "quest", "Canadian", "USSR"2009-09-26 2 
6025775Ant quest -- The world is changingNight falls as the colloney expandsAnt Quest, Ant, Collective Game2009-09-27 1 
October 2009
6081810HATE QUESTWe are hate. It's what we do. Come, let us impale you with our immense, hateful penis. It's been a rotten day.Hate, Quest, Hate, Hate, HATE2009-10-01 9 
6120589Ant Quest 6The may the battle commenceAnt quest, Ant, Collective game2009-10-04 1 
6126535ZEONQUEST/tg/ attempts to conquer the Federation in flash. After a slow start, things pick up as anonymous get's flung out of a transorbital lifter a kilometer up, strapped into a battle robot armed to the teeth with no parachute.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2009-10-04 40 
6136779Evil QuestBraining old priests with their own holy symbol and other pleasantries.Quest thread, evil2009-10-05 33 
6145656Deity Quest/tg/ gets to make a god.Deity Quest, Collective Game2009-10-06 22 
6159900Deity Quest #2More godly fun.Deity Quest, Collective Game2009-10-07 15 
6165188Evil Quest #2Teegee the Corruptor and his Evil deeds. Part 2.Quest thread, evil2009-10-07 22 
6167237Bandit QuestAfter the fall of a particularly powerful organization of thieves, some of the surviving members band together to start a new reign of greed and lawlessness. Led by Victor Von Strupp, this ragtag group of disgruntled ne'er do wells will seize wealth and power as they see fit and rise once again to the top of the food chain.Bandit, Quest, Victor, Von, Strupp2009-10-07 1 
6175335Deity Quest #3Godly fun yet again.Deity Quest, Collective Game2009-10-08 13 
6172431ZEONQUEST Pt 2Later than advertised, ZEONQUEST continues. We blow up some tanks, blow the bloody doors off, and nearly die to the weakest cannon fodder unit the Federation fields in the history of gundam.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2009-10-08 39 
6190957Deity Quest #4More godding around.Deity Quest, Collective Game2009-10-09 11 
6193290Deity Quest #4 Part 2Continued after last part autosaged.Deity Quest, Collective Game2009-10-09 7 
6196590Evil Quest Part IIIOur anti hero duels with the forces of good. Gets the girl, many die. Good times by all.Quest Thread, Evil,2009-10-09 20 
6198252Evil Quest Part IV/tg/ seizes a warship to sow fear and terror over the world.Quest Thread, Evil2009-10-09 20 
6202425Slug QuestA standard-seeming quest thread turns awesome thanks to SLUG BRAINScollective game, quest, slug2009-10-09 13 
6204898Deity Quest #5Godliness!Deity Quest, Collective Game2009-10-09 8 
6216433Deity Quest #6Dealing with the Abyss and other nasty stuff.Deity Quest, Collective Game2009-10-10 5 
6203113ZEONQUEST Pt 3Part three makes a shaky start after a collosally slow start leads the OP to believe that the thread has died. It then picks up and the awesome finally kicks in. The largest thread yet, and remarkably on topic.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-10-10 35 
6218435Deity Quest #6 Part 2Attack on Deep Masters incoming.Deity Quest, Collective Game2009-10-11 5 
6215822Slug Quest 2Evolution!collective game, quest, slug2009-10-11 6 
6220106Slug Quest 4Death of a son/daughter.collective game, quest, slug2009-10-11 5 
6222972FirstquestA writefag's first attempt at running a quest thread, that just so happens to be a balcksmith's first quest. First quest2009-10-11 8 
6229716Deity Quest #7Preparing for an attack on the Abyss.Deity Quest, Collective Game2009-10-11 5 
6232004Firstquest, part 2Everyone's dead. Except the children. Got to save the children. Can't sleep, the spell will kill us. Can't trust the werewolf. Got to keep moving...First quest, collective game2009-10-12 8 
6235500Evil Quest Part VThe Elves are pissed off at you already, but that isn't unexpected.Quest Thread, Evil2009-10-12 16 
6244307Deity Quest #8General godding around.Deity Quest, Collective Game2009-10-12 5 
6247427Firstquest 3Lots of fire and pain in this one, pain pain zombies... speculations on the lich being M.J.Firstquest, Collective Game2009-10-13 6 
6260669Firstquest 4First quest wraps up with a climatic finale.Firstquest, Collective Game2009-10-14 8 
6286469Zendikar QuestAfter a prelimanry thread to see if there is interest. Yon plays a land and puts a counter on Zendikar Quest. Needs more Active PCs.quest, MtG, Magic the Gathering2009-10-16 1 
6292164Astartes Quest - Part 10Touhou? In MY Astartes quest? It's more likely than you think. At least the Inquisitors could have something else to impregn... I mean, investigate after this.Quest, 40k, Space Marines2009-10-16 3 
6298636Slug Quest 5Recovering from the battle with the son/daughter/thing.collective game, quest, slug2009-10-16 5 
6300486Slug Quest 6Thing goes a little bit fubar near the end of this thread.collective game, quest, slug2009-10-17 5 
6297819ZEONQUEST Pt 4A quick jaunt to San Jose and we discover David Listers capacity for destruction also extends outside of a giant 18 meter tall robot. We also meet Mr Incognito, the most casually violent man I've ever created.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-10-17 32 
6302328Slug Quest 7Stuff gets good, then Bio disappears!Slug Quest2009-10-17 5 
6312476ZEONQUEST Pt 5Continuing where part 4 left off, our merry band of spaceborn misanthropes fly straight into a warzone with no communications, in stolen enemy units, and somehow manage to not only survive but totally save the day. Finally we get recognition for our amazing skills (read, plot armour) and the medals start to roll in.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-10-18 31 
6316513"Deathwish" questThe Blacksmith is Back, and his quests have changed. Lots to talk about, and a town to manage. Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-18 8 
6318285Evil Quest Part VIStarting working class rebellions are harder then you think. Quest Thread, Evil2009-10-18 16 
6317808ant quest 7the aphid rebelioncollective game, ant, ants, ant quest2009-10-18 0 
6327363Zendikar Quest Part 2The party gets into the ruins, encounters a baloth. Then, silence.quest, MtG, Magic the Gathering2009-10-19 0 
6330822Deathwish Quest 2Traveling to the Dwarf Kingdom to enter the competition. Possibly knock up a woman on the way. Impress the king with our badass plan to for his weapon. Kiss the Dwarf princess. Come face to face with a Golden Dragon.Deathwish Quest, Collective Game2009-10-19 7 
6345559Deahtwish Quest 3Cutting deals with dragons. Learning some humility. Deathwish Quest, Collective Game2009-10-20 7 
6346283Astartes Quest 11The cleansing of the space hulk goes horribly wrong. Also, Touhou.Astartes Quest, Touhou2009-10-20 1 
6348196Deathwish Quest 3.5Returning to the Dwarf city. Attacked on the way. Action packed! Kind of.Deathwish Quest, Collective Game2009-10-20 7 
6360363"Deathwishquest" 4A lot of discussion, finally we ride the Lightning. Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-21 8 
6361709Astartes Quest 12Acquisition, interrogation and revelations on board an Ordo Malleus battle barge, prior to heading back to that Hulk and finishing what you started.Quest, 40k, Space Marines2009-10-21 1 
6362283Deathwish Quest 4.5We kill a fucking dragon and finish our fucking axe. I SAID FUCK YEAH!Deathwish Quest, Collective Game2009-10-21 10 
6376902"Deathwish" quest 5We gear up and get ready to rumble. Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-22 7 
6379452"Deathwish" quest 5.5It all comes together at last.Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-22 6 
6381479"Deathwish" quest 5.75Lots of Resolution A violent twist at the end.Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-22 7 
6390231Real Life QuestThe OP decides to try out a quest thread - Hits home and takes offQuest, Roleplay, Little sister, Life, Real, Real, Life, NeckBeard2009-10-23 3 
6390866"Deathwish" quest 6Lots of yawn, then an OH SHIT and an OOOH SICK BURN. Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-23 6 
6394382"Deathwish" quest 6.5The BBEG is defeated early, but... the Deathwish still lingers. A decision must be made.Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-23 7 
6400122ZEONQUEST pt5Mastodon Battalion goes on a short boating excursion by night. We set fire to a ghost town and the hosts computer dies mid-thread, forcing an early end.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-10-24 29 
6404119Real Life Quest 2The continuing story of an anon and his attempts to un-fuck his life.Quest, Real Life, Roleplay2009-10-24 0 
6419505Ork QuestDa adventure of Nuk da Cunnin' and 'iz boar ChargaOrkz, Orkz, Ork Quest, Warhammer 40K, Quest, Collective game2009-10-25 6 
6419801Evil Quest VIIWe hear about a prophet at the mage academy, and pay her a fateful visit.Evil Quest, Collective Game2009-10-25 18 
6428286ant quest 8Fightin waspsAnt quest, Ant, Collective game2009-10-26 0 
6435211Ork Quest 2Nuk da Kunnin' takes control of da mob, and gears up for da WAAAAAGHH!!!Ork Quest, Orkz, Ork, Quest thread2009-10-26 5 
6445877Deity Quest, part 9EXPOSITION, And what notDeity, Quest, Diety Quest, Quest thread2009-10-27 1 
6449034Deathwish quest part 7Seriously, I have no idea what deathwish is about but suptg was off line, and now it ain't.Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-27 6 
6451755Deathwish quest 7.5I archive this things because I care.... kinda.Deathwish Quest, Collective game2009-10-27 6 
6462267Evil Quest VIIIA barbarian horde at the doorstep of the city, we maneuver for a power play.Evil Quest, collective game2009-10-28 20 
6465507Evil Quest IXAfter the violent success at the end of the last thread, we make good on our gains.Evil Quest, collective game2009-10-28 20 
6476698Deathwish Quest FinaleDeathwish Quest reaches its conclusion.Deathwish Quest, Collective Game2009-10-29 16 
6489840Horror StoriesOP requests horror stories, Chuck-E-Cheese writefag delivers to stop thread derailment.horror, storytime, firstquest2009-10-30 7 
6497682ZEONQUEST Pt5.2Finishing up last weeks ZEONQUEST thread, as well as the first story arc... thermonuclear explosions, massive kill scores, crazy antics with heat hawks and the discovery that the pilot of our Land Cruiser/Hovership is from Fast and the Furious follow in the epic conclusion.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-10-31 30 
November 2009
6510065ZEONQUEST Pt6The start of the second story arc for Zeonquest. We discover hidden depths to David Lister which comes in handy when we have to defuse a bomb. Then we take a boat ride back to Mexico, and blow up a whole load of stuff. zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-01 30 
6517599The Mansion, Part 1/tg/ plays a rich mansion owner with a live-in maid, quest runner attempts to avoid rape with some success.Maids, Quest2009-11-01 9 
6519738The Mansion, Part 2/tg/ plays a rich mansion owner with a live-in maid, quest runner attempts to avoid rape with some success.maid, maids, quest,2009-11-01 7 
6520884The Mansion, Part 3/tg/ plays a rich mansion owner with a live-in maid, quest runner keeps this thing goingMaid,maid,Maids,maids,Quest,quest,Thread2009-11-01 5 
6522791ZEONQUEST Pt7The first Zeonquest thread to autosage. Right at the end admittedly but still impressive. Watch our plucky young Giant Robot Pilots completely humiliate the Mexican army so hard that they run away crying - to a gigantic land fortress that wouldn't be out of place in AC4A.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-02 28 
6532058The Mansion, Part 4/tg/ plays a rich mansion owner with a live-in maid, quest runner has to duck out early. Quest now with Butlers!Maids, Butlers, Quest2009-11-02 1 
6593180ZEONQUEST Pt8Our intrepid band of Giant Robot Pilots get a new Land Battleship to call home, learns to fly and then invades the US. Further fun and games ensue.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-06 28 
6595851Slug Quest 8Hobo battles!collective game, quest, slug2009-11-07 6 
6598071Slug Quest 9It's called evolution.collective game, quest, slug2009-11-07 6 
6599420Slug Quest 10The training of our brood, and more evolution."collective game", "quest", "slug"2009-11-07 5 
6606312ZEONQUEST Pt9The obligatory "Seaside Resort" Filler episode. Our heroes get drunk and try to score in the town of Truth and Consequences. Whilst they fail to get laid, They do however get some action, and then have to leave in a hurry because said action was a bar room brawl. We also help our new arch-rival load up his van with beer and then throw giant axes at him the next day.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-08 27 
6614165Mind Control Quest 1/tg/ gets a mind control orb. Things get silly fast.Collective Game, MC quest2009-11-08 2 
6627560Cronquest part 2The adventure continues (part one can be found at http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/6623771 )Collective Game, Cronquest2009-11-09 2 
6639269My First Quest Thread Greed !!u95zbWX8j7r Greed takes /tg/ On a riveting tale involving Kings/skeletons/ And a scepter of powerQuestthread, Quest, Thread, Questhread, King2009-11-10 1 
6651866Forgotten King Quest Part 2 Greed !!u95zbWX8j7rThe King explores some more, And meets his BROTHER DUN DUN DUNQuest, Thread, Questhread, King 2009-11-11 2 
66792676 Forgotten King Quest Part 3 Greed !!u95zbWX8j7rThe king finally gets out of the crypt, and with Gorewarp discovers a new town, and the king's riveting tale continues.Quest, Thread, Questhread, King, Greed2009-11-13 1 
6680207Exalted QuestOP does his first quest and does a good job about it. Set in Exalted.Exalted Quest2009-11-13 7 
6690829Slug Quest 11Mass Exodus!collective game, quest, slug2009-11-14 7 
6687938ZEONQUEST Pt10In this action packed tenth episode, giant explosions! Tank Punching! Trick Shots! And our first encounter with an enemy Mobile Suit.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-14 30 
6692638Slug Quest 12Is that a motherfucking bear?collective game, quest, slug2009-11-14 8 
6694095Slug Quest 13Horrifyingcollective game, quest, slug2009-11-14 7 
6693534Evil Quest Part XThe forces of evil encounter its first adventuring party and promptly deals with it.Quest thread, Evil2009-11-14 16 
6692401Exalted Quest, part 2Not as good as the first one, but gets the plot moved forward at least. Introduces your sifu and information is gathered to make a character sheet and decide on the setting for the upcoming parts.Exalted Quest2009-11-14 4 
6695674Slug Quest 14The Omniarchcollective game, quest, slug2009-11-14 6 
6696963Slug Quest 15Slug Quest #15Slug Quest 2009-11-14 6 
6697198Evil Quest Part X (2)To the victor goes the gloating.Quest Thread, Evil2009-11-14 18 
6702817ZEONQUEST Pt11We storm Roswell, nearly die, score the first Mobile Suit kill in history, and beat a one armed man to death in manly duel. Oh, and yet more nuclear explosions.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-15 30 
6722423Exalted Quest 3More Exalted Quest, we get our first assignment and meet some Lunars. Ignore the samefag trolling up front, the good stuff happens later.Exalted, Quest2009-11-16 4 
6736138Exalted Quest, part 4In which our hero socializes with some Lunars, steals a hearthstone, and butchers Fair Folk.Exalted Quest2009-11-17 2 
6751380verythings-A-Check-Quest The Worst DM Ever /tg/ Makes a check, FOR EVERYTHING watch the zany adventures unroll/tg/, Quest, Questthread, Roll, Dice, Check2009-11-18 8 
6765738Exalted Quest, 5In which our hero saves some Lunars, enslaves powerful fair folk to create Las Faegas, and has a delightful cup of coffee with one of the most powerful Exalted alive. They exchange pleasantries and chat politics.Exalted Quest2009-11-19 3 
6780993Exalted Quest, part 6In which our hero trolls the Guild, scares a drunk, and deals with surly manual laborers.Exalted Quest2009-11-20 2 
6791440Slug Quest 16Recovering from lossescollective game, quest, slug2009-11-21 5 
6791950Steam QuestWe begin our journey into the unknown, aided only by our wits, our scribe Godfried, 100 soldiers and two gatling guns.Steam Quest, Collective Game, Steampunk2009-11-21 0 
6789341ZEONQUEST Pt12No explosions, no kills, no property damage, and yet it's arguably the best episode yet. Lot's of manly tears, walking off into the sunset meeting new people and FINALLY getting new robots. It's the end of Mastodon Battalion, it's the end of an era (sort of).zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-21 29 
6792547SlugQuest 17Recover! Rebuild! Reproduce!collective game, quest, slug2009-11-21 5 
6793961Slug Quest 18Sibling rivalry?collective game, quest, slug2009-11-21 5 
6794127steam quest pt 2We did great stuff, got killed by logs, and made a camp. Now we met frogs.Steam Quest, collective game, steampunk2009-11-21 0 
6795534Slug Quest 19Got a possible traitor.collective game, quest, slug2009-11-21 10 
6796202steam quest part 3- the colonyWe fought, we got gliders, we completed buildings, and 10 rifles and 10 workers died. Not so badSteam Quest, collective game, steampunk2009-11-21 0 
6806077Steam Quest Part 4- ZULUSO MANY NATIVES, Winston goes Rambo, we lead an expedition into the city, the royal grenadiers arrive. All this and more.Steam Quest, Collective Game, Steampunk2009-11-22 0 
6818268steam quest part 5- the cityWe invaded the city, got shot at, and revved a gatling. Granary built, 3 rp gained. Good run.Steam Quest, Collective Game, Steampunk2009-11-22 2 
6819545ZEONQUEST Pt13Unlucky for some, in this case a whole slew of feddie airpower. A short episode where we take our new Gouf Prototype out for a spin. zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-23 28 
6822200END OF THE GOD DAMNED WORLD QUEST part 1Its the end of the world. Your a cop in L.A. Get to Cape Cod. Shoot thugs and dont give miranda rights. Be a loose cannon.Collective Game, quest thread, racial slurs, "It's not even a boat"2009-11-23 5 
6823463Exalted Quest, 7We finally get to An-Teng, start investigating shit way over our head. Ends in violence. OP gets mocked for bumping own thread. Reintroduces us to several characters from earlier on. Not as good as other parts, archived for completeness.Exalted Quest2009-11-23 0 
6838286END OF THE GOD DAMNED WORLD QUEST part 2We find out about mobs of mormons and steal an SUV. After driving around some, we get hit with a frying pan. Jessica sounds like a muscle girl.Collective Game, quest thread, frying pan, "I'm just a defense attorney" 2009-11-24 2 
6853944Steam Quest Part 6-RevengeWe fought, we used dynamite, we died, we counquered, we autosaged. A great threadCollective Game, Steam Quest, Steampunk2009-11-25 3 
6855998Sandcastle QuestWe are a colony of molecular machines, which after currently unknown time/events have managed to re-coalesce in the crater of an airless moon. Also we have a preoccupation with sandcastles.Sandcastle Quest, nanites, molecular machines, sandcastles, quest2009-11-25 3 
6868629The Adventures of Bruce Killfist pt1You are a goblin, and you clan is dead. What will you do? Why you'll don the latest in cat fashion, catch a bat, pay a farmer to sleep in a shed, and go on a quest for revenge! That's what!quest thread, goblin, bruce, batman, revenge2009-11-26 3 
6869678Steam Quest Part 7- ColonistsWe started stone walls, got Riker the commissar, and met the FRENCH LEGION. American Intrigue and more in this exciting episode.Collective Game, Steam Quest, Steampunk2009-11-26 2 
6871419TrollQuestUrk Deepravines is a Troll. He lives under a bridge, fights adventures and rules over a cave full of Kobolds.quest, Troll, fantasy, cutebold2009-11-26 0 
6870742Sandcastle QuestA sloooow thread this time, but we find a new AI, fix the Orbital Turret, explore the underground facility, and find that we may not be alone...Sandcastle Quest, nanites, molecular machines, sandcastles, quest2009-11-26 1 
6879343Dungeon Keeper Greed QuestA quest thread combining Overlord, Dungeon Keeper, and Greed !!u95zbWX8j7r's previous Forgotten King quests.Quest, Thread, Questhread, King, Greed2009-11-26 0 
6885610Did somebody say quest time? 'Cuz I thought I heard somebody say quest time/Tg/ Goes on a railroad quest, Fun times still hadQuest, Andriod, Railroad2009-11-27 2 
6885377Sandcastle Quest 3In which we find that there is power inside the shipyard, which is itself very much active, begin to understand the language used by the station, and begin to move our main base to the underground facility. Oh, and we have a visitor...Sandcastle Quest, nanites, molecular machines, sandcastles, quest2009-11-27 0 
6885062Evil Quest Part XIOne of evil's obstacles in the capital is obliterated at last.Quest Thread, Evil2009-11-27 17 
6893700Dungeon Keeper Greed Quest Part 2A quest thread combining Overlord, Dungeon Keeper, and Greed !!u95zbWX8j7r's previous Forgotten King quests. Part 2.Quest, Thread, Questhread, King, Greed2009-11-27 0 
6893177ZEONQUEST Pt14 aThe first part of episode 14, which could have been avoided if I'd timed things better. I railroad the players and we investigate a hidden rebel bas - sorry, federation base in Arizona.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-28 28 
6898115ZEONQUEST Pt14 bThe end of Part 14 of ZEONQUEST. Ambushes galore, and we blood our new Gouf. TUNE IN TOMMOROW FOR OUR 'THRILLING' CONCLUSION!zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-28 27 
6899791Dungeon Keeper Greed Quest Part 2 (Part 2 of Part 2)A continuation of part 2 of the Dungeon Keeper Quest line, which was mislabeled Part 3 in OP's subject line.Quest, Thread, Questhread, King, Greed2009-11-28 0 
6900798TrollQuest: Part 2The continued adventures of Urk Deepravine. Urk and the Kobolds raid a caravan, get mad loots and recruit some new helpquest, Troll, fantasy, Kobold2009-11-28 0 
6907127Dungeon Keeper Greed Quest Part 3A quest continuing Greed's adventure into the world of the underdark, A quest taking influences from Dungeon Keeper, Overlord, and Greed's previous Forgotten King quest line.Quest, Thread, Questhread, King, Greed2009-11-28 0 
6908664ZEONQUEST Pt15David and Zolomon spend a DELIGHTFUL evenings repast hunting down the Federation. The final fight takes place in a giant hall of mirrors, and I cannot begin to calculate the amount of bad luck that results.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-11-29 30 
6912207END OF THE GOD DAMNED WORLD QUEST part 3We drive to the airport and Brian gets shoot. Whoops. Alebak admits he's not good at this.Collective Game, quest thread, bullet wounds, "Imma find some SOLVENT"2009-11-29 0 
6913800Anna Quest, part two/tg/ continues its railroad quest, and THE PLOT THICKENS.Quest, Questthread, monstergirl2009-11-29 0 
6931048TrollQuest 3The tale of Urk Deepravine continued.quest, troll, fantasy, kobold2009-11-30 0 
December 2009
7000263ZEONQUEST Pt16Not much happens, other than the return of EL MEURTO GRANDE, as we abuse our position as a peer of the realm. The characters wonder what a newtype is, whilst we all go: YOU ARE, DID YOU NOT SEE THE THING WITH AXES AND THE FIGHTER PLANES JEEBUS.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-12-05 27 
7002619Slug Quest 20Beat down of a century.collective game, quest, slug2009-12-05 4 
7004361Slug Quest 21Humans!collective game, quest, slug2009-12-05 5 
7005784Slug Quest 22How to deal with humanscollective game, quest, slug2009-12-05 5 
7004888Evil Quest Part XIIThe war in town is coming to a conclusion, looting the mage academy and battling skilled royal blood.Quest Thread, Evil2009-12-05 18 
7013842ZEONQUEST Pt17War is hell. That's all I have to say about this episode. It's all I really CAN say about this episode.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-12-06 28 
7027390ZEONQUEST Pt18 aWe recuit a new member for our team of badasses. The interviews are hilarious. We then try to plan out an assault on the mine.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-12-07 28 
7032180ZEONQUEST Pt18 bThe concluding part 18. We visit boatmurdered... as the elephants. NO ONE SURVIVES. The end of the current adventure arc.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-12-07 33 
7056624ZomCombo QuestSomething that started out as mediocre Quest turns awesome when another person starts a parallel quest in the same thread. The Adventures of Assertive Bitch and Fatguy!Zombie, Multiple Authoer, Collective Game, Quest, Zombie Quest2009-12-09 3 
7068795Dragonslayer George QuestYou are George the mighty Dragonslayer with amnesia. You reject fate and destiny. You are the maker of your own path, the Lord of your own life. You will be the hero of a thousand lands, saviour of a thousand maidens, chased from the homes of a thousand angry fathers. This world is your oyster and you shall be its hero to... eat it, if you want. I guess. BOUND BY NO INCOHERENT METAPHORS. BECAUSE YOU ARE GEORGE THE MIGHTY DRAGONSLAYER. And nothing can stop you now. Not. A. God. Damn. Thing.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-12-10 4 
7073593Lord QuestYou are a lord. Get shit done.Collective game, Lord Quest, /tg/, quest thread2009-12-10 68 
7087298Lord Quest IILord Quest, Part II. Digganob, Quarry completion and DOOOBS returns with swords. Lord Quest, Quest,2009-12-11 38 
7096169Evil Quest Part XIIIEvil is back upon the high seas.Quest Thread, Evil2009-12-12 14 
7101979Lord Quest IIIInterrupted by /tg/ downtime, but shit gone done beforehand. We get a kickass hunting dog.Lord Quest, Quest, Collective Game2009-12-12 35 
7113987Lord Quest IV -The ReturningWe got shit done, then we stopped getting shit done and looked at fancy rings, Just like a real Lord. I'm so proud.Lord Quest, Quest, Collective Game2009-12-13 35 
7116542Lord Quest V - The Still at the feast, alchemy ones is on fire -eningWe get drunk and make an ass of ourselves. Luckily we regain our honor by freeing our Dorfy friend in a nailbiting contest of hunting.Lord Quest, Quest, Collective Game2009-12-13 34 
7138228Bad Guy QuestScientist trapped on an alien world! Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-12-15 3 
7142296Normal QuestA normal evening for a poor npc farmer turns into a revolution.Normal Quest, collective game2009-12-15 4 
7142969Lord Quest VIStronger ties are forged between the houses of Green and Sheff, and a prophecy warns of troubles to come.Lord Quest, Quest, Collective Game2009-12-15 31 
7161417Hill Giant QuestTheodore Roosevelt the Hill Giant tries to defend his home from hooligan humans. Hilarity ensues.quest, hill, giant, Roosevelt2009-12-16 7 
7164514HILL GIANT QUEST PART 2Theodore Roosevelt's quest continues!Hill Giant Quest, Quest Thread, Theodore Roosevelt2009-12-17 2 
7163889Lictor QuestA Lictor causes some trouble in a local Hive and consumes massive amounts of drugs.Quest, Tyranid, Drugs2009-12-17 16 
7166575Lictor Quest Part 2The Lictor continues on its mission to consume and subvert for the Hive Mind"Quest, Tyranid, Drugs, Slaanesh"2009-12-17 11 
7168406Lictor Quest 3Doomlictor sneaks into a Chaos cult headquarters"Quest, Tyranid, Drugs, Slaanesh"2009-12-17 10 
7176789HILL GIANT QUEST PART 3Teddy Roosevelt's quest continues! Now with baseball, druid powers, and mad dorfs!Hill Giant Quest, Quest Thread, Theodore Roosevelt2009-12-18 2 
7179315Lictor Quest 4Doomlictor scouts out the power plant and then heads towards the upper hive."Quest, Tyranid, Drugs"2009-12-18 7 
7181419Lictor Quest 5Doomlictor screws with the Inquisition and blames it on Slaaneshi cultists, then looks for his Genestealer buds."Quest, Tyranid, Drugs"2009-12-18 7 
7184547Lord Quest VIIWe finally return from partying at Seakay. Now we are back to getting shit done. Tannery is almost completed, Urist officially signs on with us, and we squash some Bandit scum.Lord Quest, Quest, Collective Game2009-12-18 31 
7188192Strange PlacesStrange Places Quest Thread, part 1Quest2009-12-18 0 
7192593Lictor Quest 6After chatting with his Genestealer bros, Doomlictor finds a hydroelectric dam and contemplates how to use it for the fleet's benefit."Quest, Tyranid, Drugs"2009-12-19 6 
7195337Lictor Quest 7Doomlictor fucks up, the game enters hard mode and shit gets serious."Quest, Tyranid, Drugs"2009-12-19 6 
7194875Strange PlacesStrange Places Quest Thread, part 2Quest2009-12-19 1 
7200149Lord Quest VIIIWe interrogate the bandit leader and find the bandits that fled. Lord Quest, Collective Game, Quest2009-12-19 28 
7201711Lord Quest IXIt's clearly here already.Lord Quest, Collective Game2009-12-19 30 
7207205Lictor Quest Part 8Trap set!Quest, Tyranid2009-12-20 6 
7213899Potato QuestPotato becomes a Satanic vegetable overmind.Potato Quest, Collective Game2009-12-20 13 
7214709Angrycorp. CEO QuestANGRY CEO buys Games Workshop, complimentary to PotatoQuest.Potato Quest, Collective Game, Angry2009-12-20 5 
7222287Potato Quest Part 2Our horrible creation grows, and assimilates the CEO of Angrycorp.Potato Quest, Collective Game2009-12-21 3 
7222642AngryCorp CEO QuestIF WE SEE THAT FUCKING POTATO ONE MORE GODDAMN TIMEAngry, CEO, Potato Quest, Collective Game2009-12-21 2 
7224260HoboQuestPart of the Weston Mythos. Collective gamecollective game, hoboquest, potatoquest, angry CEO quest, Weston South Dakota, Weston2009-12-21 3 
7225022drawfag goldie questShort but nice quest thread with a speedy drawfag as the op.quest, goldie2009-12-21 5 
7227453Overlad Quest RecapBasically the most awesome thing since a while. Contains evil, elves, incest, shota/loli, awesome, gratuitous blood, etc.Overlad Quest, Collective Game2009-12-21 21 
7234880Lictor Quest Part IXGrey Knights eaten, loli daemon evaded.Quest, Tyranid2009-12-22 5 
7236915Potato Quest Part 3The potato's influence spreads to two houses and the CEO is sent to hell again.Potato Quest, Collective Game, Weston2009-12-22 0 
7237329AngryCorp Quest 3Great, now we're in fucking TARTARUS. As if we didn't have to put up with enough shit, what with that goddamn potato.Angry, CEO, Potato Quest, Collective Game2009-12-22 0 
7242781The Game, Part OneLarro leads a new Quest, where numbered characters struggle to survive each other in a deadly complex created by a sinister organisation.quest, quest thread2009-12-22 0 
7245438The Game, Part TwoThe game continues as Anonymous shows varying levels of clevernessQuest, Quest Thread2009-12-22 0 
7244789Exterminatus Quest 1You are a ganger. Exterminatus is on the way. If only you'd kept that Amasec...Exterminatus quest, Collective game, Exterminatus2009-12-22 0 
7245185Lictor Quest IXMajor victory and major loss. Daemons are confronted and plans for the Hive's invasions are begun.Doomlictor, Tyranid, Quest, Drugs2009-12-22 3 
7245628Armor Quest, Pt. 1The adventures of a leman russ crew.Armor Quest, Leman Russ, Tanks, Quest, imperial guard2009-12-22 0 
7246798The Game, Part ThreeDepartures and Reunions as things begin to reach their climaxQuest, Quest Thread2009-12-23 0 
7248690Game Quest Final?Things build towards a close as we encounter the final hazard as well as an old friend.Quest, Quest Thread2009-12-23 0 
7249875Lictor Quest Part 11Doomlictor and his burgeoning swarm migrate to the upper hive just in time.Tyranid, Quest, Doomlictor2009-12-23 4 
7253400Lord Quest XWe begin to make adjustments and successfully haggle with a mage, then the quest abruptly ends when Quest Lord goes off to pack. Lord Quest, Collective Game, Quest2009-12-23 32 
7253620The Game, True EndingThe adventure finally ends, and despite Anonymous losing their patience, we achieve a pretty good end.Quest, Quest Thread2009-12-23 0 
7262410Bad Guy Quest: The YuletideningHijack & derail Christmas we must.Bad Guy Quest, Collective Game2009-12-24 4 
7263525Geckilian QuestA rogue with some spellcasting abilities and a fondness for full, luscious breasts has his life take a turn for the unpleasant. Mutant monsters, branded foreheads, and giantess farmers herein.Quest, Geckilian Quest, Collective Game2009-12-24 1 
7268954Con-QuestYou decide to take over the world as a mad scientist/magicianCollective game, quest, conquest, mad science, steam punk2009-12-24 0 
7272561Evil Quest Part XIVI am Kelgris. I hunger. Run coward! Run run run! I live.Quest Thread, Evil2009-12-25 15 
7273946Lictor Quest Part XII (Christmas Special!)Finally up to the stars!Tyranid, Quest, Doomlictor2009-12-25 2 
7276695Lictor Quest Part XIIDoomlictor and Chewiarch set off into the stars on a commandeered Inquisitorial Battle Barge, to spread the seed of Doomlictor across the system."Doomlictor, Tyranid, Quest, drugs, Chewy, Chewiarch"2009-12-25 3 
7287288Chewy Quest 1Chewy begins his travels through the warp, eats some Furies, fucks up a Lord of Change, and battles with a pair of Bloodthirsters.Doomlictor, tyranid, quest, Chewy, Lictor2009-12-26 0 
7293065ZEONQUEST Special Christmas EpisodeA delightful short 1 thread sidestory, where our old friend Wolfgang Strauss drops a colony on Australia. Nukes fly think and fast and I have fun with three dimensional combat and battleship duels.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2009-12-27 30 
7296545Chewy Quest IIChewy manages to escape Kharn, and finally arrives at the center of Slaanesh's palace.tyranid, quest, Doomlictor, Chewy, Kharn, Slaanesh, warp2009-12-27 6 
7323898Chewy QuestCut short by internet problemsChewy, nids, Warhammer 40000, quest2009-12-29 2 
7346077Rabbit QuestYou are a rabbit. Nothing else. You will always want to be a rabbit.Rabbit Quest, Collective Game, Quest2009-12-30 8 
7349671Chewy Quest IVChewy is sent to Medrengard to RIP'N'TEAR by Slaanesh, on his quest to return to the Materium.Doomlictor, tyranid, quest, Chewy, Lictor, warp, medrengard, daemons2009-12-31 1 
7353184Interrogator QuestWe are an Interrogator on a Black Ship. We find a Tau woman tied up in an empty room. Paranoia ensues as we realize the true depths of planning and scheming that could very well be at work here. Surprisingly rape-free.Interrogator Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Inquisition, Interrogator2009-12-31 8 
January 2010
7367499Interrogator Quest 2The Third OP engages. Less 'dat Tau,' more Cloak. More Dagger.Interrogator Quest, Acolyte Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-01-01 2 
7372043Interrogator Quest 3Continued, with more heresy.Interrogator Quest, Acolyte Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-01-01 1 
7375935ZEONQUEST Pt19The Hildolfr is finally added to our roster, along with a new pilot to go with it. We then take a train ride back, and have to deal with trainjackers. We do so with 300mm shells.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-02 30 
7381710Steam Quest Part 8- Jump Back InDrama, Tesla, Flash Hawkins, Riker in chains, and planning for a bold raid into the second level. Fun stuff.Steam Quest, Collective Game, Steampunk2010-01-02 5 
7392022ZEONQUEST Pt20 aEVERYONE IS GAY FOR GARMA ZABI. Also, we visit Canada, and UPGRADES FOR EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-02 28 
7392055Some kind of hobby quest?So we're putting together some Space Hulk miniatures when suddenly we glue our face to our friends hair. And then we find out we aren't girls, we're traps. No, wait, futa. The next part should shed some light on just WTF is going on.Quest, Collective Game2010-01-03 3 
7395908ZEONQUEST Pt20 bThe conclusion to part A (obviously). Morale of the day? Doms are faaaaaast.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-03 28 
7400425Dorf Quest AnniversaryBeardbeard is bored in his godhood.Dorf Quest, Collective Game2010-01-03 20 
7407935ZEONQUEST Pt21Everyone is still gay for garma. But that's all moot now since he scores himself a girlfriend. We try to train him up into some kind of respectable soldier. Training montages abound.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-04 29 
7418303Conspiracy Quest part 1There's a conspiracy afoot! Unfortunately, nobody's sure what's going on.conspiracy, quest, collective game2010-01-04 0 
7420335Girlfriend Quest! Girlfriend quest, No serisouly its pretty coolGirl, Quest, Collective Game, FUCK YEAH2010-01-04 2 
7423531Clockwork QuestAlred Nonymous and Nikola Teslsa on a quest for SCIENCEsteampunk, clockpunk, quest2010-01-04 1 
7424288Girlfriend Quest 2The quest continues under new management. It gets worse before it gets better.Girl, Quest, Collective Game, Evil, Vampires2010-01-05 5 
7424814H.A.N.A. QuestMy first quest, sci-fi future. Went through Emergence, Contact, Memory 1, and Memory 2.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-05 18 
7430980Steam Quest Part 9- The next echelonWe ventured into the city, made doomsday theories, got new players, and discovered the beast that is Wilson. Good Show.Steam Quest, Collective Game, Steampunk2010-01-05 2 
7429980Mage School QuestToday you wage war on the wizards, the sorcerors, the warlocks and even the damn bards. Today, you wage war on those damn students. You are Ulfgar Stonbrakkar Ravenhelm, and you are a damn Dwarf. - What would you like to do, Administrator? -quest, dwarves, ale2010-01-05 15 
7430991Conspiracy Quest part 2Tensions rise as our protagonist tries to arm himself and completes another "mission."conspiracy, quest, collective game2010-01-05 1 
7430848Vampire QuestA Vampire Female with a penchant for summoning 'creatures,' crying, and boyrape.Vampire Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-01-05 13 
7444513H.A.N.A. Quest Part 2Sparring and a Showdownquest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-06 15 
7448063H.A.N.A. Quest Part 3Flashbacks are now finished. Facing the Present is next session. An explosive and sad ending, but hope remains.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-06 17 
7448714MageQuest/tg/ is a mage at an amoral academy. Their dream? Become the best Cooking Mage the kingdom has ever seem. Sandwiches ensue.Sandwich, Quest Thread, Magic2010-01-06 1 
7457330Vampire Quest 2Vampire Quest continues, wherein our miserable heroine learns some things and grows a small but noticeable spine.Vampire Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-01-07 12 
7463449Vampire Bride Quest 2AContinuation of the 2nd Vampire Bride Quest. Vampire, Bride, Quest, Vampire Bride Quest 2010-01-07 12 
7444109Mage Hunt QuestIt's a new day, and there are still eight mages to hunt, each well trained in their specialty - transmutation, illusion, evocation, fire, force, necromancy, domination and teleportation. You are Ulfgar Stonbrakkar Ravenhelm, and you are a damn Dwarf. - What would you like to do, Executioner? -quest, dwarves, ale, mages2010-01-07 5 
7465150Old School Dungeon Crawl Spectacular Ongoing Game Thread 1Desum, Jacques, Ghrelor and Aelloon forge their way in to the Beastmen's Cave, since the villagers of Odasurston don't like being raided.D&D, game, quest2010-01-07 0 
7468480Guard QuestKyle is the worst guard in the whole freaking world.Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread2010-01-07 5 
7470201Guard Quest Part 2Kyle still sucks at being a guard...so he's trying to become a wizard! Now with more gay sex!Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay2010-01-07 3 
7472973Strategy Quest Part 1We begin with a battle against the ruthless Viyu, and manage to crush them under our heel! Then come news that the King has been killed and we're left in charge of defending against a massive incoming enemy force. Session cut short due to OP real life stuff.Quest, Strategy Quest2010-01-07 7 
7480046Guard Quest Part 3Kyle becomes more evil, more gay, and more powerful!Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay 2010-01-08 2 
7484742Bard QuestJanis Ivanova, a currently down on her luck bard, arrives in a tiny town.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-01-08 1 
7485175Guard Quest Part 4Kyle's wizardly prowess grows. He plans to travel by ship to the East, to study magic. Until the ship sets sail, he spends his time blowing cocks up and practicing telekinesis.Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay 2010-01-08 1 
7487084Guard Quest Part 5Kyle sets sail on the might ship the K.S. Oroblarm, and makes it to the eastern lands of Sha'azar, to further his magical studies. More magic and dickings, of course.Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay2010-01-08 2 
7489764Charmander QuestA Charmander hatches inside a laboratory of some sort.Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-08 8 
7489694Zeonquest pt 22 aWorking through the lurg makes for slow posts. On a more related note: just once I wish we could have a nice quiet trip to somewhere and back, without the need to shoot people...zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-09 27 
7492639Charmander Quest 2Now with Magnemite and Snover in tow, our heroine gets into a brief scuffle with some humans. And feasts on Rare Candies.Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-09 6 
7495394Zeonquest Pt22 bThe conclusion to tonights pyrotechnics. zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-09 27 
7496367Charmander Quest 3Char..Char.. Cha- "I HAVE AWAKENED" WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-09 6 
7501477PriiPrii Quest /tg/ rejects OP's dungeon delve in favor of a steady job. quest, collective game2010-01-09 2 
7501850Bard Quest Part 2Janis gets paid, goes shopping, and gets gifts.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-01-09 3 
7502020Colony 13The 13th colony ship awakens 500 years late at the bottom of the ocean. Quest thread for computer stored minds trying to work out how to fix everything.Quest, Questthread, Collective Game2010-01-09 5 
7506532ZEONQUEST pt23More plot twists that everybody saw coming, though I have to admit, I didn't think you COULD go potholing in a 16 meter tall giant robot.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-10 27 
7506844Charmander Quest 4Charmander and company finally escape from the lab... but what do they bring with them?Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-10 7 
7511068Charmander Quest 5Char finally leaves the base and discovers SPOILER TEAM AQUA TEAM NIGHTFALL SUSPENSEPokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-10 7 
7514860Charmander Quest 6Dun dun dun EXPOSITIONPokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-10 7 
7517646Bard Quest part 3Janice and Tabby head for Colinswealth, get attacked by Bandits.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-01-10 3 
7523827Charmander Quest 7A plan of actionPokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-11 3 
7522614ZEONQUEST pt23The field is captured and exploration of the Giant Drill Battleship begins. The spy isn't among the POWs.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-11 27 
7528751Charmander Quest 8 A brief change from Tits to charming spell (same person) and we're good to goPokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-11 2 
7527674Mage Hunt Quest 2: Mage Hunt HarderYou are Ulfgar Stonbrakkar Ravenhelm, and you are a damn Dwarf. Until recently you were the Administrator of a great Mages Academy. As a fighter through and through, you had suffered ridicule and pranks from the vast student population until finally you snapped. Using the traps you had rigged in the school over the last 10 years, you slaughtered all of the staff and nearly all of the students. Now, you hunt down the ones who escaped, while they bring nasty magic to bear in their own attempts to kill you.quest, dwarves, ale, mages2010-01-11 3 
7534792Lord Quest XIWe begin preparations for Wreckvember and have several items enchanted by a hired mage. Urist and Harry return from a trading expedition and bring word of strange happenings in dwarven lands. Lord Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-01-11 32 
7537970Quest QuestWhat begins as a metaquest slowly descends into utter madnessquest, zalgo, he comes2010-01-11 6 
7546129H.A.N.A. Quest Part 4In which we meet CAM, defeat the Language Barrier, agree to meet the Three, and move along very, slowly.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-12 14 
7541705Vampire Bride Quest 3Our heroine drinks blood, has emotional problems, and moves to the big city.Vampire Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Vampire Bride Quest2010-01-12 16 
7556848Charmander Quest 9The party arrives at Sarina's home town and explores a local marsh. A human trainer is defeated, and another Magneton is sighted...Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-13 3 
7561211Charmander Quest 10Oh fuck, A battle and whatnotPokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-13 5 
7573592Wasteland QuestWasteland Quest pt.1Quest, Wasteland, 2010-01-13 2 
7572858Vampire Bride Quest 4Hunting for blood in the city, hunting for silver outside it.Vampire Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Vampire Bride Quest2010-01-14 21 
7579758Vana'diel QuestBob Robertson, and his trusty friend Leo begin their journey out of the city of San d'oria.quest, vana'diel quest2010-01-14 1 
7579833Vampire Bride Quest 4ATrading with smugglers and descent into ever darker depths of evil.Vampire Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Vampire Bride Quest2010-01-14 16 
7588274H.A.N.A. Quest Part 5Where we go to present, meet Seekers, learn a bit about their background and have random encounter aboard their ship.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-15 14 
7593604Wasteland QuestWasteland Quest pt.2Quest, Wasteland, 2010-01-15 1 
7599805Runic marines & Black Library quest #1A discussion on how runic marines work turns into a less grimdark quest on finding the black libraryquest2010-01-15 0 
7601871ZEONQUEST Pt 25The start of a new story arc, our band is officially turned into an independant unit and were sent of to Hawaii. Just in time to deal with a major sea attack. TO BE CONTINUED TOMMOROW.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-16 26 
7618220Charmander Quest 11Evolution, plans, and schemes...Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-17 5 
7617624ZEONQUEST Pt26 aThe Battle of Midway commences, we get our feet wet, and end up deep inside enemy lines taking out Battleships and Carriers left right and center. SUDDENLY: BALLS.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-17 28 
7623159Charmander Quest 12Z dicks around with the players and Sarina.Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-17 5 
7623818H.A.N.A. Quest Part 6In which we finally start and finish the Pirate encounter with a badass spacewalk, and continue on to Assura.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-17 12 
7629772The Mansion, Part FiveAfter a long hiatus, Gemini adds to The Mansion. A Gentleman's rave is planned, complete with tophats and glowsticks. The Mansion, Quest, Gemini2010-01-17 5 
7629364Lord Quest XII - Arc II Part IILord Quest gets underway, although early on those pesky /b/tards try and ruin everything for everyone, with predictable results. Also, our feudal society decides to go into the market for... soap?Lord Quest, collective game, Quest, FUCKING AWESOME2010-01-17 32 
7635146ZEONQUEST Pt27Day two of the battle of midway. We conduct a highly effective night raid, our reward? BOOZE! The next day doesn't go quite as well as our merry band end up jumping at shadows.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha,2010-01-18 31 
7648951Island QuestA man wakes up in a strange place. Stuff happens.Collective Game, Island Quest2010-01-18 1 
7654370Island Quest 1.2More Island Quest. Protagonist is trapped in a room with exploding closets of acid pus. And so on.Collective Game, Island Quest2010-01-19 1 
7650600H.A.N.A. Quest Part 7We set out on a military venture after meeting the Three, and gain a new companion. Trolls strike at the end but are unsuccessful.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-19 13 
7666959Vampire Bride Quest 5 Our heroine buys her first home, and begins work on a Greater Summoning spell with our Mimir.Vampire Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Vampire Bride Quest2010-01-19 17 
7676009Vampire Bride Quest 5AOur dark mistress finishes her portable summoning circle and sets about preparing a place to live.Vampire Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Vampire Bride Quest2010-01-20 15 
7700900Charmander Quest 13An alliance is made with Team MagmaPokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-21 2 
7702178Vampire Bride Quest 6This time, our heroine acquires some useful information and buys her first hideout Vampire Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Vampire Bride Quest2010-01-22 13 
7707008H.A.N.A. Quest Part 8Where we secure the Battleship and capture H.A.N.A B2.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-22 12 
7708826Vampire Bride Quest 6Our heroine builds her first lair! Vampire Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Vampire Bride Quest2010-01-22 13 
7718619ZEONQUEST pt28We see what Hovis Goddard has been doing since he lost his leg. He claims it's been quiet. HE LIES.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha,2010-01-22 26 
7723163ZEONQUEST Pt28 bThe second part to today's thread. Stuff actually get's done, including new team members and Mobile Suit to play with.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-23 27 
7734512ZEONQUEST Pt29Day 3 of the Battle of Midway. For real this time, with 100% more IGLOO shenannigans!zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-23 28 
7741518Charmander Quest 15Our heroes escape the wrath of Skarem and take refuge inside a tower in the middle of the desert.Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-24 2 
7743662Colony Quest Episode 3A storm approaches as looters from the surface have been dealt with.Colony Quest, Collective Game2010-01-24 1 
7754371ZEONQUEST Pt 30We finish off some fighter jets, giving our new Mobile Armour a spin. We then all go to Honolulu, get drunk, eat meat, smoke cigars and tell war stories. Good times.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-25 28 
7781157Charmander Quest 16Lots of exposition in the desert.Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-27 3 
7782070Vampire Bride Quest 7 (or should that be 8?)Our heroine practices some more mind control and receives a letter from her boyfriend. Also, I don't fucking trust that Faeling, not one bit.Vampire Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Vampire Bride Quest 2010-01-27 11 
7785094Charmander Quest 17The group reaches a crossroads and deliberates on which path to take. Skarem shows up.Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-27 2 
7787876Vampire Bride Quest 7/8 ACreated gelatinous cube, failed. Summoned new Mimir and Fealing. On top of that we robbed a warehouse and pawnshop. Meeting gradually creeps closer and closer.Vampire Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Vampire Bride Quest 2010-01-27 11 
7802206Steam Quest Part 10-TeslaKill a shaman, get a new one, run like hell. Fun times as steam quest resumes from its hiatus.Steam Quest, Collective Games, Steampunk2010-01-28 0 
7811339Charmander Quest 18A fight and a talk with Ari.Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-29 2 
7816340H.A.N.A. Quest Part 9In which we head off to the Dig Site.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-29 11 
7825665ZEONQUEST Pt31We journey out into space, and get to test out some nice new prototype mobile suits, meet Dozle Zabi, reunite with our old CO and a good time is had by all.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-30 28 
7831196H.A.N.A. Quest Part 10We continue our investigation into the installation, and discover much background information.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-30 12 
7840792ZEONQUEST Pt32Our short period in Pezun continues... with a Basketball match? Zolomon get's a dogging for gambling with Jolyne's chastity and we get a handle on newtypes.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-01-31 28 
7843073H.A.N.A. Quest Part 11We enter the Training Arena and meet the last living shells of KANE and ABLE.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-31 11 
7841303Charmander Quest 19The party heads back to Mauville.Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-31 2 
7847687H.A.N.A. Quest Part 11-2We meet the remaining fleshly containers of KANE and ABLE, and work on deciding what to do with them.hana, supernova, quest, collective game2010-01-31 11 
7849257Charmander Quest 19 (cont'd)A stranger visits Charmeleon in the night.Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-01-31 2 
7848192Colony 13 Ep. 4More underwater shenanigans, a sunken ship, and further ship explorationColony 13, quest2010-01-31 0 
February 2010
7856806ZEONQUEST pt33aWe do yet more mobile suit testing, have a mock battle with Dozle Zabi and get naked Newtype vision space.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-01 30 
7862806H.A.N.A. Quest Part 12In today's episode we determine the fate of two potentionally insane AI's.hana, supernova, quest, collective game2010-02-01 11 
7868812Lord Quest XIIIWe return from a long hiatus and begin plans to venture into the swamps and visit one of the shrines to the wild gods. Lord Quest, Collective Game 2010-02-01 32 
7874332Vampire Bride Quest - The EndAt long last, our heroine is finally reunited with her lost love, but how will he react to her after what she has become? Vampire Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Vampire Bride Quest 2010-02-02 10 
7880320Vampire Bride Quest EndDO THE BATUSI! Vampire Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Vampire Bride Quest 2010-02-02 15 
7889304Charmander Quest 20Infiltration of MauvillePokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-02-03 0 
7893309Girl Friend Quest ReduxHopefully, this time we don't end up as an undead monstrosity Girlfriend, Quest, Collective Game2010-02-03 2 
7922605Charmander Quest 21The Underground Resistance of Mauville beginsPokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-02-05 0 
7931028Deja Vu Ruby Quest/tg/ has a deja vu as Stitcher reposts the opening picture of Ruby Quest. However, strange things happen as Weaver interferes with fate.Ruby Quest, Deja Vu2010-02-05 38 
7936040ZEONQUEST Pt34We return to the earth after a weekend in space to find, as usual, the federation fronting with our shit. After causing yet another mushroom cloud with a badly made prototype, we start planning how to TAKE OVER THE WORLD.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-05 30 
7949613Zeonquest Pt 35 aWe plan our invasion of Jaburo.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-06 29 
7950751Charmander Quest 22Nothing much happened, all the participants are gone, but Skarem's on the roof!Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-02-07 1 
7953263ZEONQUEST Pt35 bWith the plans finalised, we journey back to Costa Rica for the final stages of the attack. We meet back up with our friends from Hawaii. zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-07 28 
7952011H.A.N.A. Quest Part 13In which we chat with the ghost(s) in the machine, hear cryptic words from the Architects, and head off in search of Six once again.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-02-07 9 
7966002Zeonquest Discussion threadThe elegan/tg/entlemen of Zeonquest sit back and discuss the Assault on Jaburo. Hilarity ensues. Zeonquest, mecha, quest thread2010-02-07 22 
7967454ZEONQUEST Pt36 AThe first part of today's assault on Jaburo.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-08 33 
7970671ZEONQUEST Pt36 bThe second half of the attack on JaburOH FUCK IT'S A GUNDAM!zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-08 39 
7965941I Was a Teenage Elder brain starts a riveting tale of mind flayersGame, quest, mind flayer, elder brain2010-02-08 10 
7977717Lord Quest XIV We explore the temple to the old gods. Lord Quest, Collective Game2010-02-08 28 
7985663Coward ClerkOne extraordinary day in the life of a Munitorum pen-pusher who was really quite happy filing.40k, Collective Game, Quest2010-02-09 6 
7989619Teenage Mind Flayer 2The Elder Brain is not pleased.Collective Game, Mind Flayer, Quest2010-02-09 5 
8000504Charmander Quest 23Charmander and co. go on separate missions into Mauville. A new comrade joins the cause.Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-02-10 2 
8022318Mandingo the Bard's Exciting AdventureAn adorable little bard goes off to the mountains in search of ADVENTURE!Daww,Collective Game, Draw, Adventure, Quest2010-02-11 23 
8033260Charmander Quest 24A contact is made within the civilian population of Mauville. The party goes back to rescue Sarina.Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-02-12 2 
8032082H.A.N.A. Quest Part 14In which we find Six and meet our creator.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-02-12 9 
8037198Deity of Logic QuestGM pulls a 'Black and White' opening classic. /tg/ decides to become the Deity of Logic.Deity of Logic Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-02-12 9 
8029909Dragon Quest Part 1/tg/ begins a small quest in the life of a dragonD&D, Dragon, Quest2010-02-12 2 
8048850ZEONQUEST Pt 37The Escape from Jaburo - Footsloggers edition.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-12 28 
8055769H.A.N.A. Quest Part 15The First Arc of HANA Quest comes to an end peacefully.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-02-13 11 
8064094Fairy PrincessYou are a fairy princess. This is the story of your HIGH ADVENTURE.Fairy, Princess, Quest2010-02-13 2 
8064912ZEONQUEST pt38 aEscape from Jaburo - Airborne edition.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-13 25 
8069347ZEONQUEST Pt38 bWhat? Salina Cruz AGAIN? zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-14 25 
8066662Charmander Quest 25A botched rescue, another frantic chase...Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-02-14 2 
8077221Mandingo the Bard Adventure2Cute Bard goes on her 3 adventure.Mandingo drawfaggotry quest2010-02-14 13 
8080716Fairy Princess 2Continue the quest. choosing a destination.Fairy, Princess, Quest2010-02-14 1 
8085114Fairy Princess valentineValentines day with the PrincessFairy, Princess, Quest2010-02-15 0 
8085772AVP quest pt 1Anon attempts to survive as a colonial marine in a three way clusterfuck. Lot's of running, shooting, betrayal and pissing our pants in abject terror ensues. So, business as usual in the Corps then?quest thread, collective game, aliens, predator, game over man, game over2010-02-15 5 
8108324ADVENTURE NOW!Rage viking goes on a quest.Quest thread, rage, viking, Olaf Whistleaxe2010-02-16 10 
8119515Post-Valentine's Quest IIMore action ensues.Collective Game, Post-Valentine's Quest2010-02-17 1 
8124734Post-Valentine's Quest II.2More action.Collective Game, Post-Valentine's Quest2010-02-17 1 
8120367Charmander Quest 26The Mauville struggle continues...Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-02-17 2 
8141620Guiding Spirit Quest he Jester has made a new world, a new stage. He has put life onto it, sparked into existence by energy caused by a joke, a joke he guards. Sentient life and great beasts crawl on the various environments of this new world. It is early in the world, the sentient races still primitive. Now he creates a new batch of toys, guiding spirits. They will be assigned to a tribe of sentient life, and they will compete for dominance. If they amuse he will lend them a hand in their quests. The more followers, the more power they will have. Theirs is the duty to guide these species in the starting days of civilization and beyond.Guiding, Spirit, Quest, Collective game2010-02-18 1 
8144567ADVENTURE NOW! Pt 2Rage viking goes on a quest with his wench, time for some pillaging.Quest thread, rage, viking, Olaf Whistleaxe2010-02-18 6 
8137042AEUG Quest 2It's September 1st UC 0085, a year and a half prior to the events of Gundam Z and a man named Alan Corset finds himself in a whole heap of shit.AEUGquest, quest, mecha2010-02-18 2 
8135162RiderquestA journey of one hero and his pursuit of Justice, and his adventures for today.Kamen, Rider, Kamen Rider, Justice, Lawful Good, Good, Friend, /m/, quest, thread, quest thread,2010-02-18 2 
8156243Charmander Quest #27Figured I'd archive this since the GM seems to have taken an hour-long potty breakCharmander Quest, Charmander, Pokemon, Quest, Pokémon, Gratuitous use of ascii2010-02-19 2 
8162717Artifact QuestYou are a sword. You have been a sword for as long as you can remember, which is roughly three hundred years. Unfortunately for you, you've spent that time languishing in the hoard of a green dragon.Sword, Green, Dragon, Quest, Tg, Game2010-02-19 5 
8164420Artifact Quest: Part IIThe sword and the adventuring party arrive in the city of Riverton.Sword, Collective Game, Artifact Quest2010-02-19 3 
8176779Artifact Quest: Part 3The tale of the Artifact continuesArtifact Quest2010-02-20 1 
8174457Post-Valentine Quest Chapter IVStuff happens, mostly setting up for more stuff to follow.quest, post-valentine, collective game2010-02-20 0 
8182415Warlock QuestWarlock makes a pact with the blood god. Warlock has two dads. I don't even know, what even.Quest, Collective Game2010-02-20 2 
8194984ADVENTURE NOW! Pt 3Rage viking now lost in a crappy forest. Where the fuck is the wench?Quest thread, rage, viking, Olaf Whistleaxe2010-02-21 5 
8190000Charmander Quest 28The Resistance beginsPokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-02-21 2 
8197622Taiidan QuestWe get to see the events of Homeworld from the otherside... As the Taiidani fleet who burned Kharak. Taiidan Quest, collective game, Homeworld, Adaigo for Strings, Kharak, Kharak is burning2010-02-21 1 
8208190Pokemon Quest. Get your nostalgia gogglesHello there! My name is Oak. Some people call me the Pokemon Professor. This world is inhabited by creatures we call Pokemon! Some people play with Pokemon, while others battle them. I study Pokemon. I am here to serve as your guide through the world of pokemon training.Pokemon, Collective Game, Gary MOTHERFUCKING oak, Treecko, Quest2010-02-21 3 
8205753ZEONQUEST Pt 39Suprise sunday session. The end of the Jaburo Arc.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-02-22 25 
8210509 Pokemon Quest 1b. Get your nostalgia gogglesYou are Sarah a 12 year old pokemon trainer from pallet. Having received your brand new Treecko your are now battleing Red and Gary your childhood friends. Red has a Hoot Hoot named Dr. Hoo and Gary a Whismur. You are Jungle Jack , your pokemon, is on the ground trying to ward of as series of peck attacks from the good doctor as whismur charges into the fray having now deflated to normal size.Pokemon, Collective Game, Gary MOTHERFUCKING oak, Treecko, Quest, Battle2010-02-22 4 
8213968Retarded Peasant Quest, Part 2 Retarded Peasant Quest, Part 2You feel tired, and hungry, only mildly damp, and only slightly cold. Your robe is dirtied with mud, from the couple of times you have fallen. It is now dawn, and it has stopped raining.Patheic, Epic, Peasent, Powers, Magic, Quest, DOORS2010-02-22 3 
8217602Shiba Yusuke's Marriage QuestA Phoenix clan bushi is awarded his choice of clan and family for a wife and asks for advice. Catfight ensues.L5R, quest, harem, catfight2010-02-22 2 
8233038ADVENTURE NOW! Pt 4IN WHICH OLAF WANTS A MACHETE AND ARMWREASTLES A BEARQuest thread, rage, viking, Olaf Whistleaxe2010-02-23 7 
8235493MercQuest 2Mercenary begins to investigate into a friends murder.Quest, mercenary, investigation2010-02-23 1 
8245455Charmander Quest 29Team Aqua finally arrives. Skarem returns, and the Resistance makes their move.Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-02-24 4 
8258660Build an empireA map thread turn questquest, build, slow, STALKER, monolith2010-02-24 5 
March 2010
8388281Tau QuestDespite copious amounts of trolling, the story continuesTau, Quest, Collective Game, System Shock, Survival, Horror, necron2010-03-04 16 
8407630Tau QuestWe destroy a Necron Wraith Moot bans some pesky trollsTau, quest, Necron, System Shock, 2, Collective Game2010-03-05 6 
8418245Zeonquest Pt 42Parts 40 and 41 were done during the outage, but we'll se if we get something done. In today's ZEONQUEST, arguments over repair orders, Cameos! Enemy Mobile Suits! Fire!zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-06 24 
8426561Tau QuestNecron Lorf induces paranoia. Surprisngly troll free.Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-06 5 
8434179Tau questIt continuesTau, quest, necron, system shock2010-03-06 5 
8434737ZEONQUEST Pt43Elaine's scenario: Her first command mission, fighting enemy Mobile Suits in woodland hills. Fire, death and guerilla warfare ensue.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-07 25 
8436979Charmander Quest 32A quick fight in Fallarbor.Pokemon, Charmander, Quest2010-03-07 4 
8441332Tau QuestFirst flight and victory, but something's not quite right.Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-07 7 
8442664Nutopia Quest: Hiver Part 1The first installment of a (hopefully) ongoing series of quests in the Nutopia universe.Post-Cyberpunk, Nutopia, Quest2010-03-07 3 
8444055Game Boy QuestA game-boy themed adventure, featuring NATHAN the man with an inventory, JULES the illithid, STEVE the fake wizard, and BOOBS the elf geomancer.Collective Game, Quest, Game Boy2010-03-07 1 
8451656ZEONQUEST pt44We finally leave the burning wreck of Don Martin, sadly we don't get to break dam.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-08 24 
8456231Tau Quest, the numbers are lost to the agesLike Weaver, the cheeful Nekron lass we meet. And fix. FUCK YEAH.Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-08 5 
8478487Tau QuestWhat Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger. Also Rez OrbTau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-09 5 
8498317taucron questbecause tau quest.... becomes less and less true, as we get lady deathstrike claws :3 Tau, Quest, Necron, collective game, system shock 22010-03-10 7 
8533726Tau QuestSeems we congratulated ourselves too early.tau, quest2010-03-12 11 
8538456Tau quest, the after partyIncludes people's thoughts on the whole thing, and a compliation of all the tau quest inspired images.Tau, quest, Necron, System Shock, 2, Collective Game2010-03-12 5 
8545524ZEONQUEST Pt45The siege of Nuevo Laredo begins. We take out a Big Tray in the opening moves. We then go for the double. Can we make the treble? Is there even a third battleship TO treble?zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-13 24 
8558388Lord Quest XVLord Quest returns yet again and the people rejoice. We begin by taking steps toward constructing a large well and finding ways to make more gold. In the next month we travel back into the swamps with our adventuring crew.Lord Quest, Collective Game2010-03-13 29 
8563414ZEONQUEST pt46The concluding part of the battle along the Rio Grande (hopefully). We bushwack enemy raiders, conduct a night raid an OH SHIT IT'S ANOTHER ENEMY DRILL TANK!zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-14 26 
8570043Apocalypse Quest Post Apocalypse in New Anchorage. Currently messing with shop owner (with delicious weapons/supplies) and hostage.Quest Thread, Post Apocalyptic, Apocalypse Quest2010-03-14 5 
8581610Brave new World (Quest)Let's see if lightning strikes twiceBrave, New, World, Quest, Collective Game2010-03-15 12 
8598494FateStay/Night Quest 1Somehow despite the faggotry, we have fun as VOLG Z EINZBERN. MANLY MAN WHO WRASSLES BEARS, STEALS FROM MUSEUMS IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, SUMMONS DRACULA AND ISN'T AFRAID OF ANYTHING. Well, I have fun anyway.collective game, quest, FSN2010-03-15 10 
8601196Cake Golem Quest 1Cake Golem is up to some hijinks!cake, golem, quest2010-03-16 3 
8607804Golem Quest III-ish/tg/'s crystal golem awakens with a terrible hunger, and does some bad things. Short thread this time.Crystal, Golem, Quest, Philosophy, HUNGER2010-03-16 0 
8617692Fate Stay Night Quest 2Part 2, we scene shift to another character. We accidentially summon Kamen Rider as our servant. All of 4chan boggles.collective game, quest, FSN2010-03-17 12 
8621738Tao Quest 2.This time isn't not Tao Quest 1Tao, Quest, Necron, Collective game2010-03-17 3 
8620706Brave New World Part 2We go hunting, observe an execution, and switch scenes. Next up, Fighting in the Middle East.quest, collective game, brave, new, world2010-03-17 5 
8638503Tau Quest 2 part 2This quest shall be archived .... FOR THE GREATER GOD.Tao, Quest, Necron, Collective game2010-03-18 3 
8651031Fate Stay Night Quest 3Yet more character jumping. Now in tsundere magicians daughter flavour!collective game, quest, FSN2010-03-19 10 
8651124Witch Quest Redux: Part IIOur heroine confronts a potential murderer. And runs away screaming like a little girl.Witch, Quest, Collective Game, Shakespear2010-03-19 5 
8651370Frontier Quest IYou are a noble son of the one the six Great Houses of Kelen. Putting great faith in you, or perhaps wanting you kept from the heartlands, the patriarch of your house has sent you east, to the Frontier, and charged you to establish a profitable outpost.frontier quest, quest, collective game2010-03-19 5 
8664066ZEONQUEST pt47Promotions for everybody, some new suits, oh, and we go up against The Gundam. Yes, THE Gundam. zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-19 26 
8671107Witch Quest Redux: Part IIIIngrid confronts the mayor over the presence of fae. Witch Quest, Quest, Collective game2010-03-20 3 
8676553Bounty Hunter QuestThe adventures of bounty hunter Sarah Jones (And her horse BB, and their current bounty.Bounty Hunter, Western, Quest, Collective Game2010-03-20 1 
8685796H.A.N.A. Quest Part 16New Beginnings.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-03-20 7 
8683311ZEONQUEST pt48The other half of the Nachtmaren squad take on the Gundam... well, nobodies luck can last forever... On the plus side we get some critical salvage and pick up some cutting edge mobile suits from Pezun.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-20 28 
8685039Lobsterman Quest 2Xcom Terror from the Deep as seen by an alien grunt, LM quest 1 is summarized in beginning. the alien grunt uses an anti-ship weapon to shoot down a missile and fixes damage to his craft, only to fall victim to poor aim and be shot down with the rest of his squad.xcom, collective game, quest, Lobster2010-03-21 3 
8682575Settler Quest Starting with a choose your race settler quest /tg/ elects to go Goblin. They proceed to become Glorious Leader. Favored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs."Goblins, Bears, Quest, Settler"2010-03-21 14 
8694943Remnants Quest Part 1: The ShatteringPost apocalyptic quest where we play a soldier on his way to secure shelter and survive.Eagle, Quest, Apocalyptic, Remnants2010-03-21 3 
8702610Settler Quest IIThe goblin tribe expands with another generation added to its ranks and plots to assimilate and conquer. The Glorious Leader is a clever bastard.Goblins, settler, quest, bears2010-03-21 10 
8702610Settler Quest 2Glorious Leader. Favored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs.Goblins, Bears, Quests, Settler2010-03-21 10 
8703556Zeonquest MiscellaneousThe elegan/tg/entlemen of Zeonquest discus various things Zeon and quest related.Zeonquest , mecha, quest thread2010-03-21 23 
8709150Settler Quest 2.5A bugbear burial ground is defieled and a dangerous new enemy is discovered.Settler Quests Goblins2010-03-22 10 
8709944Terminator QuestYou wake up in a white room, resting easily in a reclined chair. The room itself is featureless with a single door set into the wall in front of you. You look down at yourself to see a rather plain white smock draped on you, fastened losely around your neck. Who are you exactly? What are you? What is your name? The answers to these questions elude you as you sit up to check out your body. Human and female.One Shot Quest, Jimmy Sankis2010-03-22 3 
8725635Settler Quest IIIFavored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs. Crusher of bugbears, Impaler of the Slayers.settler, quest, goblins, goblin, village2010-03-23 9 
8730628Roll For Everything Quest/tg/ plays a six-word-RPG, and gets the GOOD END. The very, very GOOD END.Collective Game, Quest, roleplay2010-03-23 4 
8281670ADVENTURE NOW! Pt 5IN WHICH OLAF FINDS A SECRET CAVE (manually restored)Quest Thread, rage, viking, Olaf Whistleaxe2010-03-23 4 
8749783ADVENTURE NOW PART 7IN WHICH OLAF BECOMES A TIME TRAVELLING GENTLEMAN PILLAGERQuest Thread, rage, viking, Olaf Whistleaxe2010-03-24 5 
8780479Lego Quest 1A new quest based around a Lego Spaceman.Lego Quest2010-03-25 46 
8782518Chaos Marine QuestYou are Charadon Asher of the Iron Warriors, newly minted. This is your questquest, collective game, 40k, marine, SPESS2010-03-26 7 
8785707Lego Quest part 2: Spaceman QuestSpaceman's adventures across the universe continue!"Lego Quest"2010-03-26 22 
8798987Zeonquest Pt49After getting into an utterly terrifying battle against the Gundam in freefall, we get sent off to OH CANAAAADAAA. Also we get a new pilot to replace the dearly departed Ramirez.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-26 23 
8801210Lobsterman quest #3glorious squad leader died, then we killed a bunch of humans with sniper-spotter tactics and ambushes. we'll be home next time!xcom, collective game, lobster, quest2010-03-27 3 
8802115Settler Quest IVThe Glorious Leader gets his interrogation on and uses his incredible charisma (and the soul of the old bugbear chieftain) to convince the bugbears to join him in his mission to destroy the humans. Goblin, Goblins, Settler, Quest, Collective Game,Bears2010-03-27 7 
8808646Lego Quest 3Spaceman's adventures continue!Lego Quest2010-03-27 21 
8809175Hadron Quest, the Prologue[SYSTEM ARCHIVE]. /tg/ communicates with a person looking for...TG[/SYSTEM ARCHIVE]Quest, Hadron Quest2010-03-27 0 
8817408Zeonquest Part 50For our 50th episode we take on the Crazy 8 in Canada. First up, their night combat specialist.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-27 25 
8819737Lobsterman Quest 4we killed the last of the human soldiers, found out Squad Leader didn't die, and saved him from death by freezing him. the human landing craft got away.lobster, quest, collective game, xcom2010-03-28 3 
8819731H.A.N.A. Quest Part 17We play as 19, during the initial attack on Utopia. Cyber warfare abound, meet seven of how many bloody HANA there are.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-03-28 6 
8827697Lego Quest 4Spaceman's adventures take him to hostile worlds and win him glances of affection! (maybe)Lego Quest2010-03-28 17 
8832464Lord Quest XVIWe delve underground and into the ancient ruins to search for a treasure guarded by vicious nightstalkers. Lord Quest, Collective Game2010-03-28 31 
8833649Ork QuestWAAAGH DA ORKSOrks, Quest2010-03-28 13 
8836542ZEONQUEST Pt51After dealing with one member of the Crazy Eight, the other 2 come looking for him. The Gigan proves it's worth, and we chalk up another victory in our ongoing rivalry with Prototype Gundam Pilot: Wyatt Bandit.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-03-28 25 
8839763Terminator Quest Model:Terminator unit D300.S Cyberdyne Infiltration model. Status: Space-Time failure. Localitation and time period unknown. Mission: Assure the develovment of Skynet in the future. Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest 2010-03-29 23 
8839618Ork Quest Part 2In which Toofsum Bakkhakker kills some more 'umies, recruits a mek and challenges a nob to a bar fight. ork, quest2010-03-29 8 
8845731Lego Quest 5The adventures of Spaceman, Endman and Clarke continue!Lego Quest2010-03-29 16 
8844159Terminator Quest IITerminator unit D300.S, Advanced Infiltration Model with a space-time error affecting his mission. Finally get some clothing, and with it some armor and weapons. And a thankful human.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest 2010-03-29 21 
8842327The Misty FantasyThe Mist: FANTASY STYLE. Also, a pretty close/surreal version of the Mist, and according to OP, may be continued...The Mist, Quest2010-03-29 1 
8854037Ork Quest part 3Got up this morning. Wrestled a squig. Got a mekanical buttocks. WAUUUGHED a humie base to tiny little pieces.ork, quest, collective game2010-03-29 8 
8859405Ork Quest: Part 4 - The BreachBoss Bakkhakker breaks into the 'umie base and gets dead stompy on a psyker, commissar and priest. Meanwhile, his boyz and squigs run riot and practically burn the place to the ground. Finally, Ramirez (err, Toofsum) clears out the last building with a taktikal mob of boyz. ork, quest,2010-03-30 8 
8868254Lego Quest 6Spaceman's adventures get him in all kinds of hilarious trouble.Lego Quest2010-03-30 12 
8879071Ork Quest: Part 5 - Base Buildan'Toofsum Bakkhakker continues to build his Waaagh! by looting the captured base, recruiting more boyz, picking a banner and suiting up in some dead killy armour! Plenty of krumpings to go about.ork, quest, Orkquest, Collective Game, 40k2010-03-31 8 
8878800Retro Sci FI QuestArther Dent is the manliest motherfucker around Eh shots guys in the balls and attempts to save Carter.quest, sci fi, retro, collective game2010-03-31 3 
8882753Frontier Quest 2Wherein Prince Faraldan encounters master blacksmith and de facto leader of Last Chance, Vulcan Lor. Frontier Quest, quest thread, minimal progress2010-03-31 1 
8886559Psyker QuestPsyker Theodore is shunted into a new assignment on a Paradise world...psyker, quest, 40k2010-03-31 1 
April 2010
8901221Retro Sci-Fi Quest Episode 2!More Adventures of Arther Dent, manliest man ever. Eh is worshiped as a god by the Zeldessi, for being so damned manly.quest, sci fi, retro, collective game2010-04-01 2 
8907738Lego Quest 7Spaceman confronts the enigmatic BLACKTRONS.lego quest, collective game, lego, awesome2010-04-01 15 
8913524Ork Quest part 6 - ERE WE GOIn which our erstwhile yoof races tanks, burns plants and HOLY SHIT A NID-SQUIGGOTHork, quest, collective game2010-04-01 7 
8934687Zeonquest Pt52What's that? Enemy forces coming to attack us? ANOTHER siege battle? Nachtmaren says "fuck that noise" and goes out and kicks all kinds of ass.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-04-03 23 
8937567Lobsterman Quest p5An Alien infiltration mission goes horribly because of continous bad rolls but at least we are not hurt badly.xcom lobsterman quest collective game2010-04-03 6 
8941257Ork Quest: Part 7 - Squignidz Taste GoodSome base buildan' and a trip to camp. Holy shit dakka upgrade.ork, quest, ork quest, collective game2010-04-03 9 
8947433Lego Quest - Viking EditionViking based interlude, in which the fearless viking Arnold seeks mighty orange transparent mjöllnirLego Quest, viking2010-04-03 13 
8954825Zeonquest Pt53We save the town of Smokey Lakes, oh, and it transpires that Elaine is apparently the SWORD THAT SMITES AND CLEAVES ALL EVIL. Which is nice.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-04-04 24 
8957101Lobsterman Quest 6Lobsterman quest continues after a failure. we get ordered to retrieve an artifact bust through some doors with DRILLS, but nothing really happens.lobster, quest, collective game, xcom2010-04-04 4 
8965303Adeptus Quest 1Techpriestess Lyra and Servitor Peg-Leg get really fucking lost on a horrible rock with Orks and possibly-Heretical Space Marines and all they wanted to do was save their ship. Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-04 0 
8973823Zeonquest Epic Part 2Another discussion about Zeonquest in general and converting it to Epic.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-04-04 20 
8977099Terminator Quest IIIWe are D300.S, a Terminator with a space-time error. Here we learn more about the people we've just saved, the world we're in, and then arrive at a settlement needing citybuilding skills.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest 2010-04-05 20 
9000339Retro Sci-Fi Quest Episode 3!A few bad rolls put the manly Captain Dent in a bad place, but he takes the fight to the new Jellitar threat with daring and courage!retro, quest, collective game2010-04-06 1 
9004141Terminator Quest IVOur Terminator with a space-time problem assumes his newfound leadership position and tries to keep a settlement from winter starvation. It's like Lord Quest and Iron Quest had a baby... an angry, hungry baby.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest 2010-04-06 21 
9003741Settler Quest VThe Glorious Leader is back in action, with both the bugbears and another generation of gobs to command--and new targets for pillage and conquest. Short but sweet.Goblin, Goblins, Settler, Quest, Collective Game, Bears2010-04-06 5 
9022888Dromaeosaurid QuestAn improvised quest about dinosaurs meets expectations.Dinosaur, Quest, Collective Game2010-04-07 8 
9027232Tlaloc QuestSequel to old primarch quest.Tlaloc Quest, Quest, Collective Game2010-04-07 1 
9026107Terminator Quest VTerminator D300.S continues to establish a surviving settlement populace for its base of operations. Diplomatic envoy sent, and someone ate a couple of our lumberjacks. Also we fret about anti-tech killsats.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest 2010-04-07 20 
9033864Lord Quest XVIIThe aftermath of besting a dragon, where we decide what to do with the remains and explore the rest of the temple ruins.Lord Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-04-07 23 
9047990Doppleganger Damacy QuestYou wake up in a dank alleyway with no skills and no abilities. Solution? Eat local fauna and citizens. Acquire their abilities. ??? Profit.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealh, Quest, Growth2010-04-08 65 
9050315Maid Quest Part IIWacky hijinks with Reginald the manly butler. And masturbation. Lots of masturbation. Maid Quest2010-04-08 31 
9047710Maid Quest Part IOUT OF ORDER. Deal with it.Maid Quest, Collective Game2010-04-08 31 
9052773Maid Quest Part 3Fuckin' xenos!Maid Quest2010-04-08 22 
9054492Maid Quest 4: HellquestYou get killed and go to hell. Time to rip and tear your way back to your maids, house, and kickass butler. How badly do you want it, /tg/?!Maid Quest2010-04-08 20 
9055966Maid Quest VMaid Quest continues.Maid Quest, Quest2010-04-08 20 
9049166Psyker Quest Pt.3WE ARE THE FIST OF THE EMPEROR. Also lsightly possesed.psyker, quest, 40k2010-04-08 1 
9069163Retro Sci-Fi Quest Episode 4Starts off slowly, but nothing can keep a good captain down as Dent crusades against the evil Jellitar!retro, quest, collective game2010-04-09 1 
9070998Maid Quest VIThe saga continues! Maid Quest2010-04-09 20 
9073610Maid Quest VIIThe continuing saga continues!Maid Quest2010-04-09 19 
9075194Maid Quest Part VIIIThe continuing continuation of the saga continues! Now with reinforcements for the battle in hell.Maid Quest, Awesome2010-04-09 19 
9077019Maid Quest IXWe're finally home. And we find something in our bed. Maid Quest2010-04-09 18 
9078487Maid Quest XMore stuff happens. Then we wind up playing the Ace of SpadesMaid Quest2010-04-09 15 
9085173ZeonquestIt's time to put this day in Canada to an end.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-04-10 23 
9089308WW QUESTWasteland Warrior eschews storytime in favor of running a drunken quest thread.Wasteland Warrior, quest2010-04-10 7 
9093599Maid Quest XIWe get ourselves a maid of SCIENCE!Maid Quest2010-04-10 14 
9096268Maid Quest XIIThe Quest continues.Maid Quest, Quest2010-04-10 14 
9097972Maid Quest XIIIPart XIIIMaid Quest2010-04-10 14 
9096179Psyker Quest - Pt 4Sanctioned Psyker Ted seeks purification, and is paid a traumatic visit.Psyker Quest, 40k2010-04-10 1 
9099543Maid Quest XIVPart XIVMaid Quest, Quest2010-04-10 14 
9096997Lego Quest 8Spaceman throws down with an Imperial Knight, and Clarke is near death!Lego Quest2010-04-10 10 
9105014Zeonquest Pt55, what could have beenAfter a rocking start Zeonquest falls and almost dies. Let this be a reminder of what can happen in any quest thread and the mark of a fresh start for Zeonquestzeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-04-10 22 
9108250Lobsterman Quest 7Lobsterman quest continues, We killed some lizard-men and gained access to the second floor. Squad Leader is a badass.lobster, quest, collective game, xcom2010-04-11 5 
9116176Legend of the Five Rings QuestWe are Toranaga Suzume, Sparrow Clan Bushi. Currently, we are embroiled in a conflict that could result in bitter, inter-clan warfare across Rokugan. Features devious Scorpions, haughty Lions, and a rapping Sparrow Clan Bushi.Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Quest, Rokugan2010-04-11 5 
9120227Lord Quest metathread - Arts & Crafts We fulfil Quest Lord's request.Lord Quest2010-04-11 14 
9114489Adeptus Quest 2Techpriestess Lyra, her faithful Servitor Peg-Leg, and Space Marines fuck up orks and more besides and OH FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT OH OMNISSIAH AND ALL THE SAINTS. Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-11 2 
9131274Derpuhpus QuestEVOLVE OR DIE, BITCHESderpuhpus quest, evolution2010-04-12 11 
9135028Derpuhpus Quest, Part TwoIn this chapter, the derpuhpi explore the stromatolite maze, impress some scorpions and everyone tries to roll 44 d4s. Hilarity ensues.derpuhpus quest, evolution, quest2010-04-12 7 
9133164SD Gundam Quest>IN WHICH A ROBOT KID GETS A NEW BODY, BEATS UP A BULLY, EATS PIZZA, AND BECOMES KAISER.Quest Thread, Collective Game, SD Quest2010-04-12 3 
9137108Legend of the Five Rings Quest IIThe continuing adventures of Suzume Toranaga. This installment features a meeting with a Wasp Emissary, some creepy old people, and tricking a kappa. Rapping optional.Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Quest, Rokugan2010-04-12 1 
9140311TrappedA military/adventure desert quest; protagonist wakes up in a perspex box atop an anthill, and things get mostly worse from there.Quest, Collective Game2010-04-12 0 
9151637Retro Sci-Fi Quest Episode 5!Dent, the manliest Captain this side of the Ferengi Belt, does battle with the Jellitar, saves some civilians, and shows Captain Gallant how shit gets done!retro, quest, collective game2010-04-13 2 
9152419Derpuhpus Quest, Part ThreeOur intrpid derpuhpi discover floating cephalopods, giant land squid and the fact that floating cephalopods are explosive enough to launch giant fish across a shallow sea.derpuhpus quest, quest, evolution2010-04-13 5 
9157328Derpuhpus Quest, Part 3.5In this short iteration, the derpuhpi settle a brief disagreement, check the state of their derpuhpotami and discover stoneworking. Then OP starts stalling.derpuhpus quest, quest, evolution2010-04-13 4 
9158648Grunt Quest ISomeone posts a quest starter. After a lack of follow-up, a couple of replacement DMs take over and give the best Imperial Guard quest since Tactics Quest.Grunt Quest, Imperial Guard, IG, Quest, 40k2010-04-13 1 
9163548Grunt Quest IIWe take out three Noise Marines, get recommended a promotion and manage to save a tank driver from execution. Just another day in the life in His Majesty's Imperial Guard.Grunt Quest, Imperial Guard, IG, Quest, 40k2010-04-13 1 
9163999Ork Quest: Part 8 - Taktikal Sneaky ActionAnon finds themselves in the shoes of Deffdakka, one Bakkhakker's underlings. Grotlikka has given him the mission of taking a band of kommandos to scout out for the real human base, but as with most of Ork Quest, things don't go as planned...ork, orkz, quest, ork quest, collective game2010-04-14 6 
9198867Maid Quest XVPart XV, where our newest maid returns with a linear accelerator for our backyard and a tentacle monster springs our trap card.Maid Quest, Quest2010-04-15 16 
9201289Maid Quest XVIThe thread devolves into an argument over traps, then the confused forces of anonymous go emo and weeaboo on us allMaid Quest2010-04-15 16 
9212906Rei Quest: The ReickoningIn which /tg/ becomes the emotionless little girl, attempting to slowly develop emotions whilst attacking beer bottles. It makes about as much sense as Evangelion ever did.Evangelion, quest, TEH REI2010-04-16 2 
9211020Ork Quest: Part 9 - Quit Muckin' AboutDon't trust gangers or ooze. That's all.ork, quest, ork quest, orkz, collective game, deffdakka, bakkhakker2010-04-16 6 
9215590Terminator Quest VID300.S, Terminator with a space-time error. We attack a rival settlement who think they can fuck with our diplomats. Also we work to confirm killsat presence, and possibly find lost technology.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest 2010-04-16 20 
9222524Terminator Quest VIID300.S, Terminator with a space-time error. We destroy a rival settlement, and tear the chiefs heart out. Lideca is mentally scared for life thanks to THE SHITTIEST ROLLS SINCE TAU QUEST. Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest2010-04-16 18 
9217744Adeptus Quest #3In which we narrowly avoid falling to Ruinous Powers and show the a daemon the power prayer.Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-16 0 
9229512Zeonquest Pt55 (again)We attempt to hash out a plan to take down the Trojan Horse. Again.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-04-16 23 
9235870Chryssalid Quest Episode 1You're the last Chyrssalid in a Snakeman terror mission, after the Snakemen killed all your bros. What do?X-COM, Quest, Collective Game, Chryssalid2010-04-17 5 
9255563Cultist QuestA cultist is you. How do you serve the dark gods?cultist, quest, warhammer, 40k2010-04-17 12 
9252429Lobsterman Quest p8People did not post much so I decided to close earlier. Hopefully next Friday/Saturday it will be better.xcom lobsterman quest collective game2010-04-18 2 
9255012Dragon Quest Part 3Oh shit, Tarrasque.Maws, dragon, quest, oglar, tarrasque2010-04-18 4 
9258637Pimp QuestThe adventures of one fly honky making a name for himself in the pimpin' business in 1976.pimping, quest, collective game2010-04-18 5 
9260546Legend of the Five Rings Quest IIIThe continuing adventures of Suzume Toranaga. This installment features a meeting with the (apparently) identical twin of Shinichi, a masterful painting, and flattery worthy of James Bond. Rapping optional, but amazing.Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Quest, Rokugan2010-04-18 2 
9265344Lord Quest XVIIIDeath has us, but hopefully not for much longer.Lord Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-04-18 27 
9267046Lord Quest XIXConfronted by our own mortality, we face the final trials of Death. Lord Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-04-18 27 
9268304Harold QuestA miserable office worker throws off the shackles of morality and embraces Chaos!Quest, Chaos2010-04-18 1 
9282640Cultist QuestOur dear cultist gets a wire from chaos space marines itching to teleport to the planet. Tasked with turning on the teleporter, he stumbles upon two guardsmen and mindfucks them completely. Woot! "Cultist, Quest, Warhammer, 40k"2010-04-19 10 
9277671Doppleganger Damacy Quest IITerminator Quest's GM takes over until the main GM can return. We om, we nom, we grow.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealh, Quest, Growth2010-04-19 47 
9283104Maid Quest XVIIMaid Quest continues.Maid Quest, collective game, maid, quest2010-04-19 23 
9285850Maid Quest XVIIIWhere we take the new boat out, get new abilities, and play dress-up.Maid Quest, Maids, Katherine, Boat2010-04-19 14 
9295056Lego Quest 9Spaceman, Endman and Clarke in the Imperial city!Lego Quest2010-04-20 10 
9299544Terminator Quest VIIID300.S, Terminator with a space-time error. We unsuccessfully try to convert Mac Bair, and then take a trek to the killsat bombardment site.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest2010-04-20 18 
9304641META QUEST: THE RE-REQUESTENINGA look into the madness of a zero talent artist, complete with recursion.quest, meta quest, collective game, no talent, the re-requestening2010-04-20 11 
9325614Maid Quest XIXWherein the protagonist gets shitfaced with a giant squid and shoots lasers of JUSTICE with a demoness.Maid Quest, Collective Game2010-04-21 19 
9327869Maid Quest XXWherein dickings are administered while remaining suitably romantic, and Black Mesa oversteps their bounds.Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-04-21 28 
9345384Cultist Quest 3Our hero dicks around and attempts to save a pair of cultist t- woman... a lady cultist, and kinda fails but defeats a bunch of guardsman.Cultist, Quest, Warhammer, 40k2010-04-22 10 
9340810Doppelganger Damacy Quest IIIA replacement DM takes over temporarily, we meet an aspiring wizard, and we prove, among other things, that we are so hungry we can eat a horse.Doppleganger Damacy, Doppelganger, Quest, Collective Game2010-04-22 45 
9344565Crab QuestThe riveting tale of a giant crab and his murderous rampage at sea.quest, crabs, colletive game2010-04-22 11 
9365464Crab Quest 2The Crab King makes the transition from murderous tyrant to glorious emperor of the virtuous crustacean empire. Squid Beware.quest, crabs, colletive game2010-04-23 10 
9366555MythPlay - Crow's BridgeFirst part of /tg/ run Myth campaign.quest, collective game2010-04-23 0 
9369052Crab Quest 3The Crab King does battle with a FUCKING KRAKEN and comes out on top. The glory of Crustacea knows no bounds!quest, crabs, colletive game2010-04-23 8 
9377939Zeonquest Pt56I return from the dead, and we mount our assault on the White Base, explosions, crash landings, return of old friends, plot armour, and WERE JUMPING ONTO A GAW DIRECTLY ABOVE THE WHITE BASE follow.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-04-24 23 
9385373Stratedgy Quest 5 part 2 SPACEcolonyContinuation of Stratedgy Quest 5Stratedgy Quest, drawfag, Quest,2010-04-24 13 
9381231Lobsterman Quest p9The team downs two bio drones by using up all their grenades. Number 32 takes a shot but he is not dead.xcom lobsterman quest collective game2010-04-24 1 
9385076Doppleganger Damacy IVA new voice is obtained.Doppleganger, Damacy, Quest2010-04-24 35 
9389314Crab Quest 4The Crab King deals with the problem of humanity and sets out to find the ancient proto-crabs. All hail Crustacea!quest, crabs, colletive game2010-04-24 5 
9393163crab quest 5the crab king leads his mighty army into battle to gain the support of all protocrabsquest, crabs, colletive game2010-04-24 5 
9391381Peasant? QuestA surreal trip through the dreamscapes of RICK! the peasant, or possibly hero, in something vaguely resembling classic text game format.Peasant? Quest, quest, Ghoul2010-04-24 1 
9391452Adeptus Quest 4Lyra punches Daemons into oblivion, and GOOD END is achieved. Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-24 0 
9394498Lord Quest XXAfter returning to this mortal coil, it's back to business as usual.Lord Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-04-24 23 
9397145Lord Quest XXIWe visit the Sheff estate to attend a merchant festival and reacquaint ourselves with Sarah. Lord Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-04-24 22 
9397343Stratedgy Quest 5 part 3 SPACEcolonyExpansion of the colony continues. Also, AI wars and a complete purge of all systems.Stratedgy Quest, drawfag, Colony, Quest,2010-04-24 10 
9403380MultiverSentience questThis is a quest. No, it is many quests.collective game, quest2010-04-25 2 
9404013Stratedgy Quest 5 part 4 SPACEcolonyA pirate ship lands on the crippled colony devoid of AI. What happens next? Only one way to find out.Stratedgy Quest, drawfag, Colony, Quest2010-04-25 10 
9407581Crab Quest 6The Crab King is faced with a most terrible dilemma, Crustacea teeters on the brink of civil war!quest, crabs, colletive game2010-04-25 5 
9412115Crab Quest 7Our newest crustacean threat has been eliminated and we molt satisfied with our victoryquest, crabs, collective game2010-04-25 6 
9415490Lord Quest XXIIWe make our rounds on the first day of the Merchant's Festival.Lord Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-04-25 24 
9418297Lord Quest XXIIIWhile attending the Merchant's Festival with Sarah, an unseen foe makes its move.Lord Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-04-25 23 
9415748 Stratedgy Quest 5 part 5 SPACEcolonyHOLY SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!Stratedgy Quest, drawfag, Colony, Quest2010-04-25 15 
9411513Servo-Skull QuestIn which a servo-skull designed to fight daemons is assigned to a Secutor. Then all it does is hit on maid skulls. Servo Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-25 5 
9425197 Stratedgy Quest 5 part 6 SPACEcolonyThe colony's economy is on the up and up, but the strange specter of "Ulysses" looms over the system.Stratedgy Quest, drawfag, Colony, Quest2010-04-26 8 
9424460Frost Giantess Quest 45Racing through fog, being chased by a shadow beast, then suddenly OH YEAH KOOLAID MAN!"frost" "Giantess" "Quest"2010-04-26 26 
9427665Mage Quest One - The Magening/tg/ is a Mage. Part one.Mage Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-04-26 4 
9428391Doppelganger Damacy Quest VWe buy and eat a rabbit for great hearing, become a rooftop runner, and make a young wizard girl happy. Then we get ready for serious omming and nomming.Doppleganger Damacy, Doppelganger, Quest, Collective Game2010-04-26 45 
9426590Crab Quest 8The Crab King makes an assault on a resisting band of protocrabs, and claims a giant lobster for a new mountquest, crabs, colletive game2010-04-26 5 
9439892Stratedgy Quest 5 part 7 SPACEcolonyShort continuation from last timeStratedgy Quest, drawfag, Quest, 2010-04-26 8 
9448347Terminator Quest IXD300.S, Terminator with a space-time error. We find out who the bastard was that jinxed Lideca's brain, and set out to terminate his ass. Also, citybuilding, converting, and seriously kickass art.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest2010-04-27 24 
9447953Crab Quest 9Giant sharks, Deep Sea Eels, Horseshoe Crabs found!quest, crabs, collective game2010-04-27 6 
9466706Lego Quest 10Spaceman takes on Azimuth and gets a goddamn chainsaw hand!Lego Quest2010-04-28 10 
9473107Lego Quest 10 part 2Orange Transparent motherfucking CHAINSAW HAND Lego Quest2010-04-28 10 
9488864Stratedgy Quest 5 part 8 SPACEcolonySpace Colony gets more drama! More ACTION! And the return of a long lost AI...Stratedgy Quest, drawfag, Quest, 2010-04-29 8 
9493983Doppleganger Damacy Quest VIWe eat what we've beat, then upgrade and repeat. A visit to the stables proves highly productive. Hungry enough to eat a horse? Try three.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-04-29 45 
9493313Lego Quest: The Final EpisodeThe final episode of Spaceman Quest!Lego Quest2010-04-29 28 
9496804Remnants Quest: Part 2: The ShelterWe reach the base, and go inside.Eagle Remnants Apocalypse Quest2010-04-29 1 
9493210Crab Quest 10The Crab King tangles with an eel and negotiates with turtles while his followers upgrade the lair!quest, crabs, colletive game2010-04-29 6 
9514729Crab Quest 11Wherein we defeat a false god.Crab Quest, Quest Thread2010-04-30 5 
May 2010
9571026Crab Quest 12Crab Queen located, empires merged, and contact is made with the humans! Also: Crabs dancing the Thriller.quest, crabs, colletive game, Crab Quest2010-05-03 7 
9575798Maid Quest Rides AgainIt's back after a week's hiatus, and we go on our mission to Black Mesa, get listless, and roll for random events.Maid Quest2010-05-03 14 
9579096Maid QuestContinuation of last thread.Maid Quest2010-05-03 15 
9619786Maid Quest XXIIIMaid Quest continues.Maid Quest, Quest2010-05-05 14 
9621957Maid Quest XXIVWherein we decide that Black Mesa is a waste of all of our goddamn time and press fast-forward. Also strawberries.Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-05-05 14 
9623790Maid Qest XXVWe make a nerdy maid come with the force of a thousand suns. News at 11.Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-05-05 14 
9634730Crab Quest 13Whales located, squids fought, all in a day's work.quest, crabs, colletive game, Crab Quest2010-05-06 6 
9636188Evil Quest: Part XVGuess who's back, back again Evil's back, tell a friend.Quest thread, Evil2010-05-06 15 
9668913Zeonquest Pt57Where we take a trip to NY, and train some new recruits, and we school them in a totally different manner.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-05-08 25 
9689326Zeonquest Pt58We save Garma Zabi. Fuck yes we do. 8 months in the making we save Lord Captain Garma Zabi, how? BY MAKING HIM AWESOME.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-05-09 25 
9699385Bloodquest?In a drug-fueled creative haze, /tg/ becomes an escaped research subject with sentient, violently hungry blood.Quest thread, Collective Story2010-05-09 23 
9712471Free QuestYou are a man with a claymore and a burning hatred for the sun on a quest for glory. Free Quest, Collective Game2010-05-09 28 
9721705Maid quest XXVIMaid Quest Part XXVIMaidquest, maid quest, Collective Game2010-05-10 13 
9718987Bloodquest 2Subject 82 holes up in the Miami sewers, jumping at shadows and gathering supplies.Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-05-10 20 
9740662Bloodquest 3Subject 82 encounters a few other Arkham escapees, with fucking disastrous resultsBlood quest, Collaborative Storytelling, Quest Thread.2010-05-11 23 
9746933Bloodquest 4Subject 82 isn't in Kansas anymore, or rather, she is in Kansas now.Blood quest, Collaborative Storytelling, Quest Thread.2010-05-11 20 
9760642Bloodquest 5Subject 82 comes into contact with a cosmic horror, then plays along with her former captors for a while. Things are looking grim.Bloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-05-12 30 
9765681Bloodquest 6Subject 82 ditches the feds and begins tracking down other Arkham escapees. 54 re-establishes contact in a GRIPPING CLIFFHANGER!Bloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-05-12 28 
9781242Bloodquest 7Subject 82 has yet another close call with Arkham, this time to steal supernatural artifacts. There is an encounter with more unstable escapees. 82 makes efforts to get past the military blockade and rendezvous with 54. Not all is at it seems...Bloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-05-13 55 
9802302Blood Quest 8Old friends, and new enemies.Blood Quest, Quest Thread, Collective Game2010-05-14 22 
9813897Zeonquest Pt59We team up with Ramba Ral, return to space, get yet MORE sweet tech from Pezun and play shadow games with an enemy taskforce.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-05-14 23 
9839479Doppleganger Damacy Quest VIIIn which we fish for crocodiles and fall into an adventurer group's trap.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-16 47 
9841752Bloodquest 9Subject 82 finds herself shoulder to shoulder with Arkham employees for like the tenth time this week. Plot happens; guest-DM Spider-LebronBloodquest, Quest Thread, Collective Game2010-05-16 29 
9843086Doppleganger Damacy Quest VIIIIn which Weasel Jesus briefly entered our lives like a sparrow through an open window. Also, Pygmy Death Wolves.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-16 46 
9846191Bloodquest 10A shorter thread, consisting almost entirely of the interrogation of Dr. Okuniewicz. A rich expository mine.Bloodquest, Quest Thread, Collective Game2010-05-16 27 
9861922Bloodquest 11Subject 82 gets suited up, now subsidized by Arkham Research. Devon Brody becomes an ally of dubious effectivenessBloodquest, Collective Game, quest thread2010-05-17 27 
9865162Maid Quest XXVIIPart XXVII. Seems like one trip to Hell wasn't enough.Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-05-17 13 
9868374Maid Quest XVIIIIts us vx. the LEGIONS OF HELL. HELL IS GONNA NEED SOME BACKUP.Maid Quest2010-05-17 16 
9869616Lord Quest XXIVWe discover a large plot against the Sheff family and possibly ourselves. In the search for the source of it all we run afoul of an assassination attempt against our life. Lord Quest, Collective Game2010-05-17 20 
9873464Lord Quest XXV We have ourselves a bar fight!Lord Quest, Collective Game2010-05-17 21 
9883636Blood Quest 12: What Rough Beasts In which A hamtastic Spider named 93 and Helen exchange quips, and Helen sets a town on fire.Bloodquest, Collective Game, quest thread2010-05-18 29 
9904907Bloodquest 13We get owned (but not killed) by a giant space spider. Hilarity ensues when we call Walters and find out shit has gone down. MOURN THE BRO!Collective Game, Bloodquest, Blood Quest2010-05-19 26 
9910690Bloodquest 14A Short Session; in which Helen makes plan in Atlanta, and a new teammate is introduced.Bloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-05-19 26 
9924792Doppleganger Damacy Quest IXIn which we try to heal our con damage and start to tell Claire what we are.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-20 50 
9922001Megacorp Space ExplorationQuest/TG/ gets its own megacorp that explores the reaches of interstellar space. We also have Apeture Science as our R&D department! Yaah Portals!Megacorp, Quest, Space, Science, Win, Portals2010-05-20 25 
9930522Megacorp Quest 2Buildan, exploran, portalan all over the place. Found a nice new mineral that burns forever when you feed it oxygen. Gonna use it to blow stuff up.Megacorp, Quest, Space, Science, Win, Portals2010-05-20 24 
9945225Rowdy the Rabbit QuestYou are a rabbit in East London of the criminal type. You do criminal stuff. For Fun, really.quest, collective game, rabbit2010-05-21 8 
9947734Bloodquest 15Subject 82 does some cleaning in Atlanta, then tries to retrieve 33 from Tampa. She finds much more than that.Bloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-05-21 26 
9962388Zeonquest Pt60We finally reach Side 3 in our mission to deliver grapes to Garma's father in hospital. SUDDENLY INTRIGUE! MURDER! AWESOME PARENTS!quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-05-22 23 
9970784Bloodquest 16Exposition. Exposition everywhere. Includes the Depressing Backstory of Devon BrodyBloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-05-22 28 
9992097H.A.N.A. Quest Part 16 [Redux]HANA Quest is rewound to the end of part 15 - Parts 16 and 17 no longer exist. We wake up on Utopia and get started forging a Seeker/Human first contact group.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-05-23 5 
9991055Bloodquest 17Helen and crew go to the heart of Cleveland to do battle with insidious beasts. Anon rages at poor planning, StonerDM denies responsibility.Bloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-05-23 25 
9994974Legend of the Five Rings Quest IVAfter a long hiatus, Shinsei's Smile returns for another round of Sparrow shenanigans. Contains a lecherous Kappa, a sharp-tongued Shugenja, and a fight for our lives against a rogue Spirit Wolf!Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Quest, Rokugan2010-05-23 6 
10033598Bloodquest 18Helen gets in touch with her emotions, then sits down with Arkham to get some answers. Computer problems promptly derail the shit out of everythingBloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-05-25 22 
10031728Endman's Adventures 1Tales of Endman's adventures before he met SpacemanLego Quest2010-05-25 6 
10056322Bloodquest 19Eurotrip! Much exposition is had en-route.Bloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-05-26 23 
10072987Doppleganger Damacy Quest XWe get our Con damage fully healed, and learn about the city and the politics. Then our carefree nomming comes to a halt...Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-27 42 
10073577Megacorp Quest 3So we pulled Morgan off of Planet and got him home safely. Suck it, Zakharov. Also, numbers. A shitload of numbers.Megacorp, Quest, Space, Science, Win, Portals2010-05-27 23 
10078525Blood Quest 20Helen Tanner (aka 82) meets 16 fights the shadow man and finds out Arkham's secret.Blood Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-05-27 21 
10081813Maid Quest Part XXIXThe fight against the demonic invasion against our home begins in earnest. And we die. Again. And go to hell. Again.Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-05-27 14 
10084278Maid Quest XXXIn which we trick the demon that killed us, and begin making amends. And Plans.Maid Quest2010-05-27 15 
10085588Maid Quest XXXIIn which our intrepid explorers make good their escape and get some actual, genuine sympathy out of the loli demon. Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-05-27 13 
10092063Horror Noir BonanzaIn which we wake up without memory in a motel room, save a woman from being murder-raped by a demon, discover a little of our past, get caught up in big events beyond our control.Horror Noir Quest, Man In Suit, Roleplay, Fun2010-05-27 2 
10096876Crab Quest 14The Crab King returns with a bang and slays the god of war Bloodshell in a vision!quest, crabs, colletive game, Crab Quest2010-05-28 5 
10113672Zeonquest Pt61We arrive on the moon, we get into a low G gunfight, and at one point the leader of our entire nation is shoved in a fridge.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-05-29 24 
10122105Bloodquest 21Helen finds herself in the Dreamlands, and makes the best of it. Warning: BAD ROLLSBloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-05-29 23 
10138220Doppleganger Damacy Quest XIWe track down the adventurers to their safe house, get ready to attack, and deal with the most annoying old man ever in the process.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-29 44 
10141231Doppleganger Damacy Quest XIITempDM disappears half-way through thread, argument ensues on what to do next while waiting for his return.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-30 45 
10144162Bloodquest 22Helen finds herself fighting her way out of the Dreamlands.Bloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-05-30 24 
10150655Doppleganger Damacy Quest XIIITempDM's return last thread carries over into a thread of win as we gain an ally and launch our attack.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-30 70 
10170158L5R Quest VThe continuing adventures of Suzume Toranaga. A Lion scouting party is defeated and Toranaga and company arrive at Kyuden Asahinabachi. Legend of the Five Rings, Quest, Collective Game2010-05-31 2 
June 2010
10197905Quest for FireYou are Korsna, a twelve year old caveman and today is the big day. Today you are going to complete your journey into manhood. Quest for Fire, Collective Game 2010-06-01 13 
10209000Crab Quest 15We go to bed with the Queen and prepare our assault against the squid.quest, crabs, colletive game, Crab Quest2010-06-02 4 
10212117Doppleganger Damacy Quest XIVIn which we heal up then enter the sewers once more.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-06-02 45 
10210462Bloodquest 23Helen defeats 18 and makes it back to Chicago, where plans are set in place and emotions boil over.Bloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-06-02 28 
10214352Maid Quest XXXIIWe finally escape from hell (again) now to reclaim the mansion.Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-06-02 15 
10217324Maid Quest XXIV The continued adventures of last thread. Maid Quest, Collective Game2010-06-02 16 
10232125Megacorp Quest 3Research into Umbra complete, mindfukery ensues. Colonies established and reinforced, we also now have Lady Deirdre Skye joins our research team, so take it Hive, you bunch of communists you. Megacorp, Quest, Space, Science, Win, Portals2010-06-03 20 
10233744Bloodquest 24Helen reunites with the now expanded team, and hunkers down to plan a FINARU BATTARUBloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-06-03 23 
10241332Bloodquest 0Helen...um...does some stuff.Bloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-06-03 21 
10234092Crab Quest 16The assault on the filthy squid begins. However, Crabmaster dissapears in the middle of battle; possibly due to MAN JELLY donations to his queen or smoking CRAB POT with his crab bro.Crab, Quest, Collective Game, Bloodshell, Wavemaker2010-06-03 4 
10256293Bloodquest 00StonerDM is too high to manage a quest, and just writes a bunch of filth again. Other questees pick up the slack while he spaces out, seemingly idefinitely.Bloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-06-04 20 
10270891Zeonquest Pt62We arrive at Grenada, introduce Garma's girlfriend to daddy, and help start a civil war that will probably doom our nation to defeat in the One Year War. Fucking Delaz.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-06-05 23 
10279070Bloodquest 25Helen travels to space looking for answers. Cliffhanger ending.Bloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-06-05 23 
10288410Lord Quest XXVI We go into detective mode to finally uncover the person responsible for the crimes occurring in Seakay. Lord Quest, Collective Game2010-06-05 16 
10293241Lord Quest XXVII - Back@home.tgThe workers shall control the means of production!Lord Quest, Collective Game2010-06-05 17 
10305577Legend of the Five Rings Quest VDue to connection problems, not much is accomplished; however, we come to a resolution about the Arrow containing the Ezo Wolf and set out to find the missing Tsuruchi Scouts!Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Quest, Rokugan2010-06-06 1 
10328969Maid Quest XXVWe're going to Disney World!Maid Quest, Collective Game2010-06-07 14 
10329785DronequestThe Drone designs are completed and Entity finds herself on a derelict vessel.Dronequest2010-06-07 2 
10331618MAID QUEST PART XXXVIdemon maid trolling edition.Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-06-07 13 
10340714Dronequest2Equality has the bridge up and running. 2 more drone allies, Drone 002 and Drone 003. Vessel still derelict.Dronequest2010-06-07 1 
10342577Maid Quest: Fleshing out the CharactersMaid questers decide to go into detail about the maidsMaid Quest2010-06-07 9 
10347458Bloodquest 26The conclusion to Helen's journey. A suitably epic finish? you decide.Bloodquest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-06-08 38 
10356374Lord Quest XXVIII We return for another fine edition of Lord Quest, that is until Quest Lord disappears. Australian wildlife and the ghost of Steve Irwin are implicated. Lord Quest, Collective Game2010-06-08 13 
10359261Lord Quest XXIXWe begin our fight with the Virmen band and encounter a surprisingly well trained group of warriors amongst them. Talk of future plans is made and love letters are written. Lord Quest, Collective Game2010-06-08 11 
10369165Doppleganger Damacy XVWherein we descend into a cave filled with shocking lizards, and their detritus.Doppleganger Damacy, OMNOMNOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-06-09 44 
10368776DroneQuest3First Combat. New Drone joins the party, new drone in the works.Dronequest2010-06-09 1 
10373572MAID QUEST PART XXXVIIContinuation of Day 1 at the Disney. Sort-of-Undead Walt is met.Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-06-09 24 
10376500MAID QUEST XXXVIIIFireworks and shit yo.Maid Quest, loli demonesses, fireworks2010-06-09 13 
10378714XXXIXCuddle process is started. Goushujin is bannedMaid Quest, loli demonesses, fireworks2010-06-09 11 
10380608The Cutest KriegerA man finds a Krieger in his trunk. Extreme DAAAW and Cute commences.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-09 20 
10400355Maid Quest Discussion IIThey be Trollan, they hatin', Goshujin-sama gives a question and answer session, not much is accomplished.Maid Quest, Collective Game, Trollan2010-06-10 9 
10413733Doppleganger Damacy Quest XVIWherein we prepare to skip town, learn of current events, and see some giant flying hornet mounts.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-06-11 41 
10417479Doppleganger Damacy XVII Doppleganger Damacy continues. We find some clues to who we are. Also, food. :)Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Doppleganger, Quest, Growth, No stealth any more good job with the lizards guys2010-06-11 43 
10421153The Cutest Krieger 3The D'aww continues as Emmie learns to ice skate.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-11 9 
10428057Rowdy The Rabbit - Part 2Card games with rabbits. and rabbit raping.quest, collective game, rabbit2010-06-11 4 
10426912Zeonquest Pt 63The moral for this episode: Civil Wars suck. Even ones which don;t butcher long standing characters personalities and kill Captain America.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-06-11 23 
10438910MAID QUEST XLDisneyland day 2. We try to ride a T-rex.Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-06-12 11 
10443817Maid Quest (part something)Wherein we are completely assured that Asmoday is a total bitch.Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-06-12 11 
10441997Maid Quest XLIExposition!Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-06-12 11 
10443625The Cutest Krieger part 4Emmi discovers an Imperial Guard Surplus Store and fixes the yard.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-12 5 
10445107Maid Quest XLIIWalt Disney gives us a magic sword.Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-06-12 12 
10464152The Cutest Krieger part 5It is decided that you will accompany Emmie and her quest to find out why she was left behind.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-13 1 
10484075The Cutest Krieger part 6Night at the Fair. First kiss.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-14 6 
10505101Colony QuestSome AI wakes us up and we find out we're a Captain of some shit full of Prisoners sent out by humanity to colonize a planetColony Quest, Collective Game2010-06-15 1 
10504243The Cutest Krieger part 7Meet the crew of the Blazing Profits.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-15 3 
10513233Colony quest 2We get some building and exploring done, and we find out just how long we overslept.Colony Quest, Collective Game2010-06-15 2 
10522934Maid QuestMaid QuestMaid Quest, Collective Game2010-06-16 13 
10516939Dino Quest : Genesis/tg/ embarks upon its quest to survive as a Raptor in a world full of fighting and hardship. Watch as we grow form a small insignificant creature into something much greater....Dino Quest, Collective game, Raptors, Dinosaurs, HONK HONKs, Delicious Meats, Fighting, survival, 2010-06-16 6 
10524445Maid Quest Holy Fuck What Number Is ThisFUCK YEAH GIANT SQUID FIGHT. WAIT, WE FORGOT THE RP IS THE BEST PART. BACK TO THAT.Maid Quest2010-06-16 11 
10526077Maid Quest #(Last one + 1)^_^;;Maid, Quest, Trolls, Spam, Loli, Haters gonnna hate2010-06-16 11 
10527831Maid Quest XLVIAlicia raised to love!Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-06-16 9 
10527637The Cutest Krieger part 8Card night on the Blazing Profits. You learn the stories of most of the crew.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-16 2 
10541389Doppleganger Damacy XVIIIWe found a cult last thread who believes we're their god. Now, they pave the way for us to scour the underworld for skills and feats.DoDoppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth, cult2010-06-17 44 
10546476Maid QuestMaid QuestMaid Quest, Collective Game2010-06-17 11 
10548527Maid quest XLVIIMore servant sidequestan'Maid Quest, Collective Game, Quest2010-06-17 11 
10550778The Cutest Krieger part 9The big reveal!Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-17 3 
10573097The Cutest Krieger part 10You meet the captain. Some confusion is resolved... kinda.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-18 3 
10578633Zeonquest 64In which David slowly, pedantically makes the journey back to Terra. Oh, and lots of suit choices.Zeonquest2010-06-18 23 
10588708Coin and Cleavage IIn which we meet the Bard, our intrepid hero. He is a tad unstable.Collective game, Coin and Cleavage, Bard, Quest2010-06-19 4 
10643241Colonial quest!We set up a colony in the new world. We start of pretty well, then OP goes to bed.Colonial, colonial quest, collective game2010-06-21 6 
10655864Maid Quest XLVIXWherein we continue the sidequest, seeing the world through the eyes of the staff. (Maid Quest XLVII is mislabeled under tag "avatarfags." (XLIII is under "avatarfagging.") XLVIII is labeled XLVII.)Maid Quest, collective game, Quest2010-06-22 9 
10658610Maid Quest LJehanne and Samantha celebrate the capture of THUGS MOST NEFARIOUS with some chick on chick... questing.Maid Quest, collective game, Quest2010-06-22 9 
10655745Colonial Quest, the SecondThe Colony continues to developecolony quest, quest2010-06-22 5 
10683779The Cutest Krieger part 11Tonight you meet the Inquisitor in charge and make a deal.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-23 3 
10703367Maid Quest LIDealing with the FUKKEN XENOS & more.Maid Quest, collective game, Quest2010-06-24 26 
10701259Colonial Quest 3Third part. Further expansion, and later we find our very own waifu. (Events from the lost thread outlined after few posts, namely the capture of goblin village.)Colonial Quest, colony quest2010-06-24 6 
10707368The Cutest Krieger part 12Emmie makes you exercise. You also surprise Ralph.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-24 3 
10723622Colony Quest 5 part 1Dukes got a Son, Heretics are afoot and the expedition is surrounded by blood thirsty orcs far from home. Colony Quest2010-06-25 2 
10728531Colonial Quest 5 part 2Epic siege is epicColonial Quest, Colony Quest, colonial2010-06-25 2 
10729857The Cutest Krieger part 13Drinking, and the consequences there of.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-25 1 
10735787Zeonquest Part 65Invasion of Jaburo 2: Jab Harderquest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-06-25 24 
10745502Colonial Quest 6Crops fail, The baron and his daughter have a touching reunion, Hippodile invasion.. yeah we doomed. Colonial Quest, Colony Quest, Colonial2010-06-26 6 
10746919Coin and Cleavage IIIn which the Bard escapes Jail, steals a public official's horse, angers a diminutive man, and attempts to cause a forest fire.Collective game, Coin and Cleavage, Bard, Quest2010-06-26 1 
10771482The Cutest Krieger part 14Short shopping sequence.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-27 1 
10787284Colonial Quest 7Shit finally hits the fan and we are in all out war with the Acra.Sieges, battles, and death abound. Colonial Quest, Colony Quest, colonial2010-06-28 4 
10793433Lord Quest XXXWe spend several fine months in Teajy and continue to work on our water wheel. Fortune strikes us and we come upon a skilled dwarven brewer who joins our staff. Lord Quest, Collective Game2010-06-28 13 
10837680Bard Quest part 4An eventful and productive day in Colinswealth.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-06-30 7 
July 2010
10854460Colonial Quest 8The war is won but they have kidnapped our wiafu! Colonial Quest, Colony Quest, colonial2010-07-01 3 
10886330Zeonquest Pt66Our attack on Jaburo commences. Again.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-07-02 23 
11031914Zeonquest Pt67Jaburo, Again, Pt. 2Collective game, ZeonQuest, Quest, Mecha2010-07-10 23 
11035643Frost Giantess Quest 65Construction, archaeological digs, and founding Zeppelin attack squadrons stocked with ridiculous quantities of bombs and machine guns. We've got steam-powered lasers and everyone else is riding our awesome trains. Life is good.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-10 15 
11055182Frost Giantess Quest 66Ancient highly advanced city destroyed by fire gods. Let's go in and touch stuff!Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-11 13 
11064384Bard Quest part 9You're traveling show expands, and you meet the Ranger Ruby.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-07-11 3 
11064384Bard Quest part 9You're traveling show expands, and you meet the Ranger Ruby.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-07-11 3 
11073680Frost Giantess Quest 67"No, it's IN the system, you idiot! All the medical consoles have been infected" .............................................END OF LINEFrost, Giant, Frost Giantess, quest, collective game, ohgodwhat2010-07-12 15 
11103865Bard Quest part 11You get checked in and Have a bath. You also put on a show.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-07-13 5 
11125464Bard Quest part 12You witness an assassination, but it's alright, because he was a dick.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-07-14 5 
11145534Bard Quest part 13You pick on Newt, and waste a day at the Inn while the storm still rages outside.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-07-15 5 
11157577Zerg Quest II Cerebrate Anon was manifested by the Overmind to innovate. It was created to think in new ways, and thus confound the enemies of the Swarm. It has succeeded, and it has grown.Zerg, Quest, Overmind, /tg/2010-07-16 25 
11170245Zeonquest Pt68Final part of the Second Attack on Jaburo. We add another Gundam to our kill tally. Although this one is piloted by an utter idiot. Plus, Midnight Fenrir are bros.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-07-17 23 
11173181Frost Giantess Quest 68Ancient AIs? Techno-viral infections? Difficult choices? ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROLFrost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-17 14 
11177294Zerg Quest IIICerebrate Anon encounters the Protoss, gets its shit tossed, and whips out the Siege Canon Ultralisk cavalry. Slow starter, and shorter than the others, but just as much Glory for the Swarm.zerg, Cerebrate Anon, quest, /tg/, fleshlings, starcraft2010-07-17 26 
11182896Bard Quest part 14You finally leave the Inn, have a talk with Newt, and meet an unexpected guest on the road.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-07-17 6 
11191313Frost Giantess Quest 69Going to heal the heir to the throne, do some real good, then suddenly POLITICSFrost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-18 14 
11193292Doppleganger Damacy XIXBack from month-long hiatus! We get information about our latest threat, boost our Intelligence, and take care of a few loose ends. Then we prepare an ambush for the only paladin of Heironeous.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth, Cult2010-07-18 33 
11251782After the Brick: A Lego Quest one-shotPost-apocalyptic fun with LegosLego Quest, post-apocalyptic2010-07-21 14 
11254899After the Brick pt. 2The Wanderer continues his journey across the post-apocalyptic baseplateLego Quest, post-apocalyptic2010-07-21 12 
11257423Bard Quest part 15You reintroduce Ta'kal and come upon the Halfling Druid Kithri and the wolf Sam. Tanot spends the night with her.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-07-21 5 
11272408Zerg Quest IVOn the eve of what would come to be known by some as the Great War, the Overmind created a Cerebrate called Anon...It has gone rogue (OR HAS IT?!)Zerg Quest, rapelings, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Overmind, Planet Glassing2010-07-22 25 
11278484Bard Quest part 16Kithri joins the party, and you put on a roadside show. Ruby also shows her girly side.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-07-22 6 
11299882Bard Quest part 17You finally get to Vimestead. After going through the hell of the city's DMV like travel office, you set up in the Silver Dragon.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-07-23 6 
11316275After the Brick pt. 3The Wanderer continues his journey across the badlands.Lego Quest, post-apocalyptic2010-07-24 12 
11308994Frost Giantess Quest 70Internal combustion engines. Rail artillery. Nuclear weapons. With our luck, we'll end up fighting in the astral plane.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-24 14 
11320243Bard Quest part 18You pick up your new suit, some maps, and you get Newt enrolled.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-07-24 5 
11329508Frost Giantess Quest 71When you've come as far as we have, well, let's just say an Air Navy is just reward.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-25 13 
11358903Bard Quest part 19Ruby and Janice get some PJs, stumble upon a magic shop, find a house, and get robbed!Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-07-26 4 
11375058Zerg Quest VCerebrate Anon decides to strike for Tassadar's throat. Also, major fuck-yous to the Starcraft canon abound as Kerrigan and Duke end up infested!Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Unnecessary Ban, Drunk OP2010-07-27 16 
11402100Bard Quest part 20 AThe first portion of the quest before CAPTCHA bugged out.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-07-28 6 
11432949After the Brick pt. 4The final episode of After the Brick! The Wanderer takes on the raiders, steals the food truck, and leaves a trail of bodies across the badlands!Lego Quest, post-apocalyptic2010-07-30 13 
11438494Bard Quest part 21You get Grue, Ruby, and Tabby signed up for the sporting events.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-07-30 4 
11443152Zeonquest Pt69We depart for the battle of Odessa.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-07-31 24 
11446506A Frost Giant is Thee ★One of the worst, Longest-running quests is still continuing why won't they give it up already?Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-07-31 21 
11451316AlchemyQuest 1We begin the tale of Court Alchemist Gillivers, setting foot on an uncharted island in the name of arcane science and imperialism. Things immediately go horribly wrong. There are also a great deal of ship-related images.AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-07-31 20 
August 2010
11462073Frost Giantess Quest 73At some point, you ask yourself whether you're doing the right thing. Well, if saving an entire race is wrong...Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-01 14 
11482169AlchemyQuest 2Gillivers and crew do significant tinkering and discover a source of fresh water, but- oh no! what's this?AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-08-02 12 
11513034Zerg Quest VICerebrate Anon obtains Kerrigan, infests Raynor, prevents the destruction of Tarsonis, and meets a human nemesis who flat-out embarrasses it. More to come!Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, fleshlings, KINGSTOOOOON!2010-08-04 14 
11518286Bard Quest part 22Ruby and yourself go out to lunch, and keep Zanne out of jail! Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-08-04 7 
11530867Guardsman Quest 3Our guardsman goes through a fucked up dream sequence, gets (possibly fake) memories back, and raids the armory finally.Guardsman Quest, Guardsman, Imperial Guard, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-05 5 
11545604Valet Anon ReturnsA professional valet offers to answer questions to curious anons. The thread is informative, classy, and fun. Do butlers seem scarier to anyone besides me?Questions, Valet, Bulters, Classy, Gentlemen2010-08-06 7 
11547558Guardsman Quest IVO=In which our noble Guardsman loots the armory, and meets Frank, the elevator Demon. Good times are had, he has a chat with Death, and meets Cog, a techpriest.Guardsman Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Guardsman, Imperial Guard2010-08-06 2 
11553738Zeonquest Pt70We avoid the statement "It's a Gundam!" and thus survive last weeks cliffhanger ending. This week the Red Comet returns, we test the mettle of the European Federal Forces, and pick and choose some new toys.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-08-07 24 
11563894Bard Quest part 23You finally meet again with Miranda.Bard Quest, Collective Game2010-08-07 4 
11600995Zerg Quest VIIAnon hacks the Confederate Intelligence network, personally organizes the Invasion of Aiur, and THEN the epic starts.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, fleshlings, Starcraft, KINSTOOOOON!!!, Giant fucking crystals, Shit just got real2010-08-10 13 
11606540Survival Quest/tg/ finds itself naked and bloody on the floor of a very creepy room with a very creepy painting. Armed with a magic poker, some granola bars, and our survival instinct, /tg/ begins its quest.Survival Quest, Collective Game, Creepy2010-08-10 13 
11608498Survival Quest 2/tg/'s exploration of the haunted house continues. One fa/tg/uy's dream of vomiting is fulfilled. Shit continues to be creepy.Survival Quest, Collective Game, Creepy, Fetuses2010-08-10 11 
11611070Peak Oil Stratedgy quest #2Survival in America continues: now with 100% more lootin' and shootin'.Collective game, stratedgy quest, village2010-08-11 6 
11610846Survival Quest: Going for Good+When /tg/ only got the good ending in Survival Quest, they knew they could do better... But they had no idea what they were getting into...Survival Quest, Collective Game, Creepy2010-08-11 7 
11651665Lobsterman p10The team continues to search the base and encounters a Tentaculat.xcom, lobsterman, quest2010-08-14 9 
11651638ZeonQuest Pt71We clarify some orders, initiate the first phase of our plan and beat off a Federation attack. In the process, Bernie proves he has balls bigger than A Baoa Qu.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-08-14 24 
11656229Frost Giantess Quest 74Bitching. So. Much. Bitching. Later, we capture a SHITTON of feral frost giants for re-education and open up another fleet base.Frost, Giant, Frost Giantess, quest, collective game, bitching2010-08-14 13 
11680631Lobsterman Quest p11The mission is successful and new shiny things unlocked. With this the first chapter of Lobsterman quest has ended.lobsterman quest, Collective game, x-com2010-08-16 11 
11682951Frost Giantess Quest 75Mistakes are made. Bases are found. One of them full of enough tanks and missiles to win a war in a small desert country. Hooah!Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-16 13 
11702594Zerg Quest VIIICerebrate Anon has conquered Aiur, but lost the Protoss. To celebrate, it absolutely ruins the life of a single Terran man. Kerrigan is born.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Mengsk, Kerrigan, I have no mouth and must scream2010-08-17 22 
11727717Colonial Quest Background FluffInformation on most of the Nations, races and characters of the Colonial quest seriesColonial Quest, colony quest, collective game2010-08-19 1 
11727646Colonial quest 9Colonial quest returns, and a prison break is staged.Colonial Quest, Colony quest, Collective Game2010-08-19 2 
11753430Zeonquest pt 72In the thread, I mislable it pt 71, but no there's no time travel involved. Just incompetance. Lot's of running and gunning here as we try to pin down General Revil. His response? He sic's named characters from 0083 on us. Oh, and GIANT ROBOT NINJAS.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-08-21 23 
11756369Frost Giantess Quest 76Yet more cool hardware that we must find a way to use as a weapon. Talking, diplomacy, and even more rage against the nobles. Life is good.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-21 13 
11764346Gladiator Manager QuestWe take the role of a veteran ex-gladiator in Dark Sun, setting up a gladatorial school of our own and getting business going.Gladiator Manager, Dark Sun, Quest2010-08-21 12 
11782555Frost Giantess Quest 77Back to town to see how things are going. Then it's back off into the wasteland to dig up possibly homicidal AIs and have them make chairs. Also laser telescope. Love this job.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-23 14 
11799126Zerg Quest IXAnon finds out that Kingston isn't screwing around with this rivalry, and loses its whole goddamn Brood in the process.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, fleshlings, suddenly nukes, KINGSTOOOOON!!!2010-08-24 14 
11823862Doppleganger Damacy XXIn which we debate whether or not to devour the Right Arm of Heironeous.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth, Cult2010-08-26 32 
11844550Zeonquest Pt73We take on the Midnight Pixy Death Squad and come out on top. Revil then goes on to remind us that he's some kind of tactical genius. Or at least just not as retarded as some other Federation commanders we've met in the past.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-08-27 24 
11848994Doppleganger Damacy XXIour beloved doppleganger gets slightly drunker, and TempDM passes out! MAGIK!Doppleganger Damacy XXI doppelganger damacy quest thread2010-08-28 31 
11847023Frost Giantess Quest 78Learning. Assessing projects. Working through politics. Sometimes, to take care of the boredom, you just have to go for a walk in the cancerous forest and check for shiny things.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-28 12 
11855121Obliterator Quest part 2Brother Acherus encounters hostile brother marines of a rival Warsmith, possessed astartes, fights daemons, and kicks arse with brother Solonis, all while trying to capture a scheming chaos sorcerer.Obliterator Quest, Quest Thread, Chaos, Iron Warriors, 40k, Collective Game2010-08-28 5 
11865919Gladiator Manager Quest 2.5In which 'Unstoppable' wins a heroic endurance match and the Thrikreen gets a snackGladiator Manager, Dark Sun, Quest, Tordek, Gladiator2010-08-29 13 
11865591Obliterator Quest part 3After finding Deimos on the verge of dying, brother Acherus wanders around, and breaks into the Generatorum in attempt to OMNOMNOM a plasma generator.Obliterator Quest, Quest Thread, Chaos, Iron Warriors, 40k, Collective Game2010-08-29 7 
11874640Doppleganger Damacy XXIIWe are hungry. Hungry for KNOWLEDGE!Doppleganger, Damacy, Quest, Collective Game, OM NOM NOM, 5 ranks of Knowledge (Local-Cult of the Devourer)2010-08-30 29 
11872738Frost Giantess Quest 79More Zeppelin rides and plenty of politics. Exploration, planning, and the testing of a very important ship designed to kill sky castles.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-30 13 
11888966Zerg Quest XThe Brood is isolated, but works to regain control. Plans are made, plots set into motion, and Anon rediscovers the Protoss. Then we argue about the best one-liner to leave the Toss.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, KINGSTOOOOOON!!!, All your Aiur, Starcraft2010-08-31 12 
11893407Stalker Quest 7 part 2We go back to Putin and bring him a giftStalker Quest, Stalker, Zone2010-08-31 3 
September 2010
11914470Stalker Quest 8Get some info from around Rostok, make some bets at the Arena, and be a pal for some Stalkers who lost their buddy.Zone, Stalker Quest, Quest, Stalker2010-09-02 4 
11922862Obliterator Quest part 4Acherus tries to escape the Generatorum, killing a bunch of Scitarii, and probably pissing off the Dark Mechanicum.Obliterator Quest, quest thread, collective game, 40k, chaos, iron warriors2010-09-02 2 
11929156Evil Quest: Part XVIEvil Quest is back. Again. Hopefully to stay this time. We fuck with some elves and nobles.Quest thread, Evil2010-09-03 12 
11929303AlchemyQuest 3StonerDM finally gets AlchemyQuest off the ground again. Gillivers awakens after sustaining serious injury, and finally meets the locals, with confusing and perhaps ominous results.Collective Game, Quest Thread, AlchemyQuest2010-09-03 11 
11934328Obliterator Quest part 5Brother Acherus gets elected to Lord Skraal's Chosen, gets some new wargear, and his first assignment to get back on the rival Warsmith.Obliterator Quest, Quest Thread, Chaos, Iron Warriors, 40k, Collective Game2010-09-03 3 
11935344Zeonquest Pt 74Months of Siege? (Advice Revil) How about we just fly over them?quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-09-04 23 
11938570Frost Giantess Quest 79Politics, planning, and nuclear devices everywhere. Also, shit goes down. But not in the manner expected.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-09-04 12 
11940621Stalker Quest 9We leave Rostok to go questing, when we see one of Petrovs men being held prisoner by bandits. We save him, at grave cost.Zone, Stalker Quest, Quest, Stalker2010-09-04 2 
11945250Stalker Quest 9 part 2The short conclusion of yet another awesome session.Zone, Stalker Quest, Quest, Stalker2010-09-04 2 
11948892Obliterator Quest part 6Acherus wanders into the Serf Quarters to hunt down the cannibalistic mutants lurking there. He tries out his new chainfist in action, and TACKLES THE BEAST WITH CARNAGE!Obliterator Quest, Quest Thread, Chaos, Iron Warriors, 40k, Collective Game2010-09-04 3 
11959468Gladiator Manager #3In which training gets introduced, and we make another trip to the arenaGladiator Manager, Dark Sun, Quest, Tordek, Gladiator2010-09-05 4 
11965730Frost Giantess Quest 81 - The endand a flight of angels sing thee to thy restFrost, Giant, Frost Giantess, quest, collective game, GAR, The End2010-09-06 21 
11971324Gladiator Manager #4In which Unstoppable proves he really is, we make an important contact and purchase more gladiatorsGladiator Manager, Dark Sun, Quest, Tordek, Gladiator2010-09-06 6 
11986388VieraQuest #1Start of a mission to acquire a Viera companion Goal possibly subject to change). Booze is imbibed & we meet our neighbors.Collective Game, Quest, VieraQuest2010-09-07 26 
12009336Bloodquest- Blessed PeaceA short Bloodquest sidestory rife with sentimentalism and a small pinch of action somewhere in the middle.Quest Thread, Bloodquest2010-09-09 14 
12009517Zerg Quest XIAnon spends two hours deciding how to deal with the Disruptor, then shit gets real. A choice is made. A friend's life is endangered. A sexual preference is discoveredCerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, KIIIINGSTOOOOON!!!!, gay cerebrates, nuke the fuckers, brave warbrate, stalwart labbrate2010-09-09 12 
12021778VieraQuest #2Our Protag wakes & makes his way back to the apartment trying to figure out what the hell happened.Collective Game, Quest, VieraQuest2010-09-10 21 
12021439Evil Quest: Part XVIIThe Beast? The Tyrant? Or the Coward?Quest Thread, Evil2010-09-10 13 
12032972Lobsterman Quest p12Chapter two finally on the way, starting with a trade route attack. lobsterman quest, Collective game, x-com2010-09-11 2 
12037294Stalker Quest #10Continuation of STALKER quest, where we BLOWOUT SOON, FELLOW STALKER.Stalker quest, Stalker, Quest, Bosse, BLOWOUT SOON, FELLOW STALKER2010-09-11 4 
12048805Stalker Quest #11More Stalker quest. In this quest, we burn a controller hangout and visit Agroprom.Stalker quest, Stalker, Quest, Bosse2010-09-12 3 
12049761VieraQuest #3Wherein we visit a village, confirm the side effects of drinking magical rabbit-person booze & assist in the beat-down of a hairy crocodile...thing.Collective Game, Quest, VieraQuest2010-09-12 25 
12078401Evil Quest: Part XVIIIChildren are set on the path to corruption. Delicious.Quest Thread, Evil2010-09-14 14 
12089630Stalker Quest #12Bosse interrogates Spaz and learns that it was actually Freedom who ordered the Duty scientists be killed. We also haul him away like an animal.Zone, Stalker Quest, Quest, Stalker2010-09-15 4 
12103536Zerg Quest XIIThe Swarm waffles about for a long time, but pulls itself together to stage a JUST AS PLANNED rescue mission. One-on-one banter with Kingston ensues.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, KINGSTOOOON!!!, Warbrate rescue, Labbrate in pain, Starcraft2010-09-16 12 
12115849Stalker Quest #13Wherein we get mauled by Pseudodogs and accosted by bandits.Stalker quest, Stalker, Quest, Bosse2010-09-17 2 
12115979VieraQuest #3Getting sloshed on things not meant for human consumption.Collective Game, Quest, VieraQuest2010-09-17 26 
12116883AlchemyQuest 4AlchemyQuest somehow manages to keep on living. Plot threads begin to unravel before Gillivers, and intrigue takes place in both past and present.AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-09-17 11 
12120701Stalker Quest #13 p. 2In the wrap-up of this session, we discover the truth about the village Bosse and the others found.Stalker, Stalker Quest, Bosse, Zone2010-09-17 3 
12123540Zeonquest Pt 75Cometh the man, cometh the hour. Feat. Blue Destiny Gyan, David reminding people that he PAINTS HIS ROBOT LIKE A SKELETON FOR A FUCKING REASON, vague hint's at newtype powers and Girhen managing to completely ruin Davids birthday.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-09-18 24 
12129190AlchemyQuest 5The space elves invade. That is all.AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-09-18 10 
12129403Stalker Quest #14We Head out from the village to meet Russkie then we run up on some military fellows until....stalker, quest, bosse, zone2010-09-18 4 
12133413Stalker Quest #14 p. 2The sadistic bastard that is Stalk Out of Here Getter threw nerve gas at Twitch, and now we have to deal with the consequences. Also, spacetime makes us its bitch.stalker, quest, Stalker Quest, Zone2010-09-18 8 
12131737Death QuestWe died but then we got better. Or got a second chance. We're not sure yet. Then we found our long lost childhood love interest, and god damn she's hot. Also, the world is going to be destroyed in 5 days by an asteroid and we need to get to NASA if we hope to survive. Worst rolls since Tau Quest, here we go!Death Quest, collective game, smoking hot farmgirl, bloodquest dice2010-09-18 11 
12144638Stalker Quest #15 p.2We finally find Motor-Mouth and coax him into leaving with Damsel then we get the little bastard where we head back to Russkie and let him deal with him.stalker, quest, Stalker quest, bosse, zone2010-09-19 3 
12144906Death Quest 2LOOTAN' TIME gives us crazy good rolls, and we roll out of Orlando with a gas guzzler, a gun, and our girl. NASA, here we come.Death Quest, collective game, looting, smoking hot farmgirl, AWESOME DICE2010-09-19 9 
12161510Evil Quest: Part XIXBesieged in a smuggler's cavern. Can evil hold out long enough?Quest Thread, Evil2010-09-21 11 
12173740Stalker Quest #16We get our armor from Russkie and head out to do some artifact hunting and it leads us to some interesting loot.stalker, quest, Stalker quest, bosse, zone2010-09-22 3 
12178082Stalker Quest #16 pt.2After camping for the night, Bosse and co decide to head to Yantar to sell our loot. stalker, quest, Stalker Quest, Bosse, Zone2010-09-22 3 
12177388Zombie QuestKilling shit like a baws and surviving hell.zombie quest2010-09-22 34 
12188273Zerg Quest XIIICerebrate Anon is really late, because Google Maps hates him. The Brood starts colonizing, eavesdrops on some Protoss, and gets the whole Swarm ready for an apocalyptic battle at Aiur. Artisanlord starts writing an anti-war play.Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Voyeurism, Sexy Brain Tentacles2010-09-23 13 
12185849Dragon Quest IIA young-adult red dragon, out to see the world, accumulate the requisite dragon-hoard, gain power, wealth, minions, and artifacts. Of course, we start out by robbing a wizard. Perhaps we aren't as bright as we think we are. D&D 3.5 setting. -ish.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing2010-09-23 33 
12199300Stalker Quest #17We get to Yantar after we get our new Stalker suits and we are offered a quest to thin out the local Salamander population. We find a cave which happens to be their den and Twitch has another brush with death. After all said and done we start to head back towards Rostok and we get a little lost and find ourselves looking over a strange warehouse complex.stalker, quest, Stalker quest, bosse, zone2010-09-24 2 
12201589Zombie Quest IICut short due to OP bleeding but archive requiredzombie quest2010-09-24 22 
12200874AlchemyQuest 6Gillivers learns about the true face of court politics...in the past. In the present, relatively little progress is made.AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-09-24 11 
12203908Stalker Quest #17 p.2We get caught in a pickle in this last part for the evening. I dont want to explain it. Read it, it gets good.stalker, quest, Stalker quest, bosse, zone2010-09-24 7 
12207011Death QuestOP breaks in his new tablet with a cutesy quest where we play Death. Or maybe his son. It's fun and really weird.Death Quest, DQ, Cute, Drawfag, Weird2010-09-24 6 
12207372Zeonquest PT 76We pick up our stranded team-mate, and then help with the evacuation of Odessa. Things get hectic, then as usual, blow up.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-09-25 24 
12214519Lobsterman Quest p14The bomb explodes, and number 14 dies a heroic death. RIP clawrad!lobsterman quest, Collective game, x-com2010-09-25 5 
12219223Zombie Quest IIIPart three of Zombie Quest when OP finally gives in and admits Dom is a reverse trap. zombie quest2010-09-26 22 
12233518/tg/ Fights Drunken Bears/tg/ plays a session of Drunken Bear Fighter RPG. Shit gets real.Quest, Collective Game, Bear, Game, Drunken Bear Fighter, Epic2010-09-27 9 
12233118Dragon Quest IIIYoung red dragon out to explore the world, gain a hoard, power, and all that. Now with Kobold Manservant and Succubus/Erinyes Consort! [We're still a bit unsure on that.] Finish robbing a Wizard's tower, get laid with aforementioned hell-chick, and get a job that may or may not have a nod to Cthulhu Mythos. fantasy, D&D, dragons, dragon, dragon quest, adventure, RPG, dungeons, wizard, heist, job,2010-09-27 30 
12236415Commander QuestA young cadet takes his final test to determine his command and placement amongst the Degnarian Legion. Legionnaires, Dorfs and archers brawl armoured dorfs and giant lizardmen.Commander Quest, Quest Thread2010-09-27 35 
12241780Zombie Quest IVGRainy gets a cool car. Dom continues searching for a hat she can keep. And Lucha bro drives a monster truck.zombie quest2010-09-28 22 
12246179Dragon Quest IVGet paid, look into a cult, win past a wizard, and start learning magic. A busy day for a red dragon, particularly when all done polymorphed as a 'lesser race'. A fun read and installment, with potentially far-reaching events.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic2010-09-28 27 
12257873Commander Quest IIJustinian Trentz gets the first member of his retinue and gets assigned to put down a potential rebellion. /tg/ spends years deciding on what troops to bring and then we get bear cavalry.Commander Quest, Quest thread2010-09-29 24 
12262709Zombie Quest VAfter the greatest Zombie massacre so far, Dom and pals face even greater challenges....zombie quest2010-09-29 21 
12269050Dragon Quest VMore investigating a disappearance. For cash and considerations, of course. May have accidentally drowned the person we're trying to find while trying to loot a pirate ship, and ran into Jerrik, our manservant and now P.R. agent again. All in a days work for an dragon among the lesser races. Also: /tg/'s dice are sentient, and hate us. Viciously.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic, pirate, orc,2010-09-30 24 
12269958Zerg Quest XIVThe Swarm gathers for the cataclysmic battle above Aiur. Forces rush in on all sides, but Anon cleverly arranges for a rearguard force on Char, which ends up intercepting a Dark Templar plot to kill all of the other Cerebrates! Ends on a cliffhanger: Will Anon kill its Brother to save it?Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Protoss assault, Huge-ass fight2010-09-30 12 
October 2010
12282945Commander Quest IIICommander Justinian meets with almost all of his Captains for a small feast. Ends with them all getting smashed.Commander Quest, Quest Thread2010-10-01 21 
12282007Airship Quest Ch IIIWhile the Rouxfowl is repaired and refitted, the captain and crew take some R&R. The local pirates, however, have other ideas.Airship Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Airship2010-10-01 0 
12282927AlchemyQuest 7Gillivers gets the hell off the island with a handful of survivors. Exposition exposition exposition. Also an adorable little goblinAlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-10-01 11 
12290937Destroyer Quest IThe Empire is in flames. From the ashes arise a Droid Captain of the Imperial Navy to save the day.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-02 8 
12289125Zeonquest PT 77We fly back into space and start chucking chunks of starships at feddies. Zolomon also shows he still has his touch with heat hawks.quest thread, Zeonquest, mecha2010-10-02 23 
12292392Winter Wasteland Quest: Part 3Short one this time. Quest, Winter Wasteland2010-10-02 1 
12294425Rogue trader Quest: The Beginning Presenting Dolemite Deadlift, the newest Rogue Trader in the Imperium. In which Dolemite meets his crew, and gets into all sorts of fun shit. Best Crew Ever.Rogue Trader Quest, Rogue Trader, Quest, Collective Game, Wahammer 40k2010-10-02 28 
12298920Death Quest 3We go all Road Warrior and serious ass is kicked. Backstory revelations with our lady friend show that we were a total dick. Then we get to Canaveral, and meet Klep. Klep is... a little hard to describe.Death Quest, collective game, awesome thread2010-10-02 3 
12300301Zombie Quest VIShit gets dirty and serious as Dom tries her best to counterattack the next Zombiechargezombie quest2010-10-03 20 
12300799Sororitas QuestYou are a Sister of Battle. You are in training. This is your final test...Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Quest, Collective Game, 2010-10-03 26 
12304881AlchemyQuest 8A flashback to our origins. We learn of our motivations, endure a heart wrenching parting, and arrive at the door of the Academy, the door of our fate. AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-10-03 13 
12305396Rogue Trader Quest: Part 2We meet more of our... unique crew. Creepy psykers are wooed.Rogue Trader Quest, Rogue Trader, Quest, Collective Game, Wahammer 40k2010-10-03 13 
12307838Sororitas Quest IIYou have completed your final task but at a terrible price. What does the future hold? Only one thing is certain. The body count has only just gotten started.Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Quest, Collective Game, 2010-10-03 18 
12304272Dragon Quest VISlow start, but we get a good start on our hoard, including some magical gubbinz, learn some new things about certain people, and find an elder-god style cult. Damn elder gods always screwing around in our reality.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic, pirate, orc, cult, 2010-10-03 23 
12317162Commander Quest IVMore shenanigans from our captains after we brief them on our mission. We march out and deal with some raiders, recruiting a Scottish Dorf and crucify a raider. Our next battle sits on the horizon.Commander Quest, Quest thread2010-10-04 21 
12319589Sororitas Quest IIIShit gets real when the terror moves from the planet to your ship. Will /tg/ be able to beat the baddies and save their waifu?Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Quest, Collective Game, 2010-10-04 15 
12314471Dragon Quest VIICibach Azaladon, young-adult age category red dragon, is out to see the world, gain empire, hoard, love (or at least mate,) and power. Glorious power. Under the 'knowledge is power' theory, we manage to bust up an evil cult, and rescue a servant the local god of knowledge who is as much more than she seems as we are. Also, we get to drop the hammer in dragon-form.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic, pirate, orc, cult, gold, VII, 7, seven2010-10-04 24 
12318885AlchemyQuest 9Fierna seems stuck with us for the time being. We journey to the manor of Lord Blackheed, the elven seditionist emplanted within the nobility.AlchemyQuest, Quest Thread, Collective Game2010-10-04 10 
12317800Rogue Trader Quest: Part 3We plan our first mission. The inevitable occurs with a creepy psyker. Rogue Trader Quest, Rogue Trader, Quest, Collective Game, Wahammer 40k2010-10-04 12 
12326310Guardsman Quest Part 1Corporal David Hayter wakes up on a battlefield, finds Private Hal Emmerich, a Long-Las, and a salamander with a girl in it. Brevets himself to Sargent, and starts on their journey.Guardsman Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Imperial Guard, Quest2010-10-04 5 
12326021Merc QuestCut Unfortunately short, OP sets us up for an adventure with anon posing as a hive mind of ensorcled deamons contracted to give advice to an up and coming mercenaryMerc, Quest, Role, Deamon, Demon2010-10-04 1 
12325360Gladiator QuestIn tribute to the new Dark Eldar Codex, a quest thread is made detailing the circumstances of a human slave captured by Dark Eldar.Dark, Eldar, Quest, Role Play, Discworld, Slave, Gladiator 2010-10-05 0 
12329208Sororitas Quest IVThe clash of giants. /tg/ fights a champion of chaos... shit gets fucking awesomeSisters of Battle, Sororitas, Quest, Collective Game, Awesome2010-10-05 18 
12331592Rogue Trader Quest: Part 4Planetfall. We tend to the vital issue of our hat.Rogue Trader Quest, Rogue Trader, Quest, Collective Game, Wahammer 40k2010-10-05 11 
12329848Dragon Quest VIIICygnis, the Gold we rescued, offers us an in on local politics, as well as a fairly decent bribe. We accept, and start plotting about how to off her. Necessities are arranged for, and meetings are scheduled. Wonderfully productive. Short, but lots of text. Plotting and maneuvering.Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, erinyes, wizard, magic, pirate, cult, gold, VIII, 8, eight2010-10-05 22 
12340707Destroyer Quest IIIn which nothing much happens since hardly anyone showed up. The story continues Wed 06 1500PSTDestroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-06 7 
12343410Rogue Trader Quest Part 5: Planet ConqueringWe delay the conquering for some HIGH ADVENTURE!Rogue Trader Quest, Rogue Trader, Quest, Collective Game, Wahammer 40k2010-10-06 10 
12342957Zombie Quest part VIIContacting the outside world about the cure proves to be difficult, with potentially devastating consequences.zombie quest2010-10-06 18 
12346811Eldar quest reduxNew initiate dark eldar, getting ready for her first big raid! yay!dark eldar quest2010-10-06 1 
12350366Guardsman Quest Part 2Sergeant David Hayter and his group reach the rendevous point, discover everyone there is dead, discover that there are other imperial guard on the planet, get two new members to the party, and venture into a Chaos filled city. Meanwhile, the questers deal with an irritating grammar naziGuardsman Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Imperial Guard, Quest2010-10-07 4 
12352590Destroyer Quest IIIIn which our droid captain darn goofs when reporting in, but still kicks the crap out of an enemy ground assault.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-07 6 
12352461Dragon Quest IXWe prepare various gifts for the women in our life, meet some new minions, and come down with an inexplicable case of the MUAHAHAHAs.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, D&D, RPG, Collective Game, dragons, writing2010-10-07 25 
12354135Zerg Quest XVThe Second Battle of Aiur rages on, the largest conflict in recorded history. It ends with a goddamn bang. I'm not going to spoil it for you, but damn.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Kerrigan, Overmind, Aiur, EPIC, Goddamn Feneschal, Since when does CA do screenshots?2010-10-07 14 
12354642Commander Quest VCommander Justinian comes across a band of raiders and sees that bear cavalry wins battles. Almost alone. The dice roller also hates us and we take heavy losses and learn scouts are not meant to hold the line.Commander Quest, Quest thread2010-10-07 21 
12356534Rogue Trader Quest Part 6: Space NegotiationsAfte rthe battle, Captain Dolemite and the senechal go aboard the strike cruiser from the battle to enjoy a banquent in honor of the victory. Intrigue ensues.Rogue Trader, Quest, Collective Game, Rogue Trader Quest,2010-10-07 13 
12358484Eldar quest redux2Continuing the tale of Caraten, our lonely and neglected dark eldar, as she begins her first raid on an Imperial worlddark eldar quest2010-10-07 0 
12362034Guardsman Quest Part 3In this session of Guardsman Quest, Evaline is refueled, we kick cultist ass, discover the secrets of Pvt. Katy Perry and Corporal Lucious Keldo, and meet Lieutenant John Keel and his group.Guardsman Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Imperial Guard, Quest2010-10-08 2 
12366166Commander Quest VICommander Justinian finds this little rebellion he's dealing with is not so little. We attract the attention of gods and realize we're not being paid enough for what we have to deal with.Commander Quest, Quest thread2010-10-08 20 
12367395Rogue Trader Quest Part 7Busy day. Meetings and mourning. Rogue Trader Quest, Quest Thread, Collective Game2010-10-08 11 
12372468Planes and Mercs Quest DiscussionRequest for info regarding P&M turns into quest planning threadPlanes & Mercs, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries, quest, OC2010-10-08 1 
12372424Zombie Quest part VIIIAnon proves his multitasking skills as the storyfocus shifts between one PC to the next zombie quest2010-10-08 16 
12373425Zeonquest Pt 78Pezun, againzeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-10-09 21 
12378977Rogue Trader Quest Part 8: Good TimesDolemite aatends his meeting with Captain Cetus, and almost gets some from Invidia again. Later goes to see Jet, who informs him about the seneschal. Tablet drunkenly runs the quest.Rogue Trader, Rogue Trader Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Warhammer 40k2010-10-09 10 
12377973Dragon Quest XSwagfest time. We also find out that Captain Cibach Azal isn't a morning person.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, D&D, RPG, Collective Game, dragons, writing2010-10-09 22 
12385200Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming StormYou are Delessa Kravos, cigar smoking, daemon insulting, badass Inquisitor in service of the God-Emperor. Investigation concerning The Exalted Martyr has begun.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest thread2010-10-10 16 
12388602Pokemon Crusade Quest IPokemon Quest thread, but set in the Holy Crusades. Protagonist Charles Martellus has just been put in charge of the Eighth Heavy division, a left over division for women, levies, and aged veterans. Pokemon Quest2010-10-10 3 
12388813Commander Quest VIIWe learn more about the old gods and get an idea on who we're facing. Commander Justinian hesitantly communicates with the old gods and we hire mercenaries to make a battle relatively simple.Commander Quest, Quest thread2010-10-10 20 
12399064Destroyer Quest IVIn which our droid captain gives the enemy a taste of their own virus while attempting to get off the planet.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-11 5 
12397403Dragon Quest XIInterrogating a captive, taking care of a few items of business, converting captive to minion, and presenting Scinnari her gift. Finally, a new task, and corroboration that the cult we fought is still in action. Slow night, but fairly productive.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, cult, magic2010-10-11 24 
12402526Pokemon Crusade Quest IIMartellus leads his division against the Saracen scouts, then captures a Drapion. Manly speeches are said and a tournament is arranged.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Crusade, Crusades2010-10-11 2 
12400901Commander Quest VIII-IWe stage an ambush on a supply caravan and find out it's being protected by an elven spell caster. /tg/ dice hate us once again.Commander Quest, Quest thread2010-10-11 20 
12403737Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm IIWith a bound daemon, /tg/ goes planetside to fight against Daemons in a hive world alongside the sisters of battle.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-10-11 14 
12404003Commander Quest VIII-IIWe tend to our wounded and our own wounds after our last battle. We interrogate the captured mercenaries and the /tg/ dice finally let us succeed, with us breaking the elven sorcerer's faith in her husband and her god.Commander Quest, Quest thread2010-10-11 22 
12413226Commander Quest IXWe interrogate one of the wives of our foes and then /tg/ bickers for an extended time on how to assault the enemy. Eventually we move on, forge some weapons and prepare our captains for a bloody battle.Commander Quest, Quest thread2010-10-12 21 
12412133Dragon Quest XIIWe go investigating the cult again at Brother Arman's request, get robbed, and roast some people. Once again the dice prove to be troublesome little buggers.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, D&D, RPG, Collective Game, dragons, writing2010-10-12 23 
12418678Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm IIIWith Esme back, you can witness first hand her power and grace. But now the sisters know about your daemonette waifu, Filigree, and even more trouble is blooming on the horizon.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-10-13 14 
12421155Zombie Quest part IXSHIT JUST GOT REAL. zombie quest2010-10-13 16 
12435456Commander Quest XWe finish up last minute preparations and then begin our march towards the enemy ruins. On the way, we discover a band of broken orcs, receive important intel and attract the favor of a god for leaving on good terms with the orcs. We then run into barricades.Commander Quest, Quest thread2010-10-14 20 
12433858Dragon Quest XIIIWe further investigate the cult and discover that the wizard Kazmiri is deeply involved with the cult of the Binder. Also, we get arrested.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dungeons, D&D, RPG, Collective Game, dragons, writing2010-10-14 23 
12434786Zerg Quest XVIThe Overmind is dead. Anon assumes direct control. A tentative peace is found. Subversion begins. Cerebrate Anon explains some stuff. Anon must decide whether to push that goddamn button!Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, fleshlings, recovery, The Day After, Beautiful Candy-Like Button2010-10-14 28 
12444295Destroyer Quest VIn which our captain takes exception to another droid, and goes out with a bang.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-15 4 
12441476Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm IV/tg/ meets a pair of Ebon Chalice twins. Two canonesses argue over who has the better weapon. Shits and giggles ensue before everything goes to hell.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-10-15 15 
12454018Zeonquest unofficial threadIn which we discuss Zeonquest stuff since Apologised is working and can't do Zeonquest till tomorrow. Includes discussion on the newest generation of Zeonic general production suits, Gihren's loony times, etc.sieg, zeon, zeonquest, unofficial2010-10-16 3 
12459131Cyber Dungeon QuestAfter nearly five hundred years of dormancy, an autonomous machine awakes on a crippled space station, desperately seeking answers.Cyber, Punk, Dungeon, Quest, role, interactive, robots, ghosts, disaster2010-10-16 3 
12464190Zombie Quest XAfter gathering a whole army around her, Dom launches the first attack of the Zombie Annihalation campaign.zombie quest2010-10-16 15 
12464395Zeonquest pt79More medals, more explosions, more tactical essays, more Zolomon and more CRAZY NEWTYPES.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-10-16 24 
12479383Dragon Quest XIVGet saved by a cultist pretending to be Arman, catch him on it, with Scinnari's help, then get Cygnis to help us walk into an ambush. (and have her on hands so as to manipulate her easier.) Traps, then cult-huntan' ensue. Stop right before we get to save/kill Arman.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, cult, magic2010-10-18 23 
12493266Dragon Quest XVSmash the cult, rescue Arman, use superior memory to trip up W-D, and unveil sinister plans. Manage to get a little closer with Cygnis, too.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, cult, fantasy, magic2010-10-19 23 
12495804Zombie Quest THE COMICZombie Quest gets a reimagening as a comic. Chapter 1 gets newly reworked.zombie quest, comic, remake2010-10-19 15 
12499346SELENE Satellite AIA.I. Initialized. Model S-378 Standalone Intra-Galactic Satellite SELENE standing by. Query? We are a satellite around a planet, with amnesia, nuke it from orbit, its the only way to be sure.Roleplay, AI, Satellite, Quest, SELENE2010-10-19 9 
12501374Running the Show - Camarilla QuestMeet Oglivi: The Camarilla Prince of Toronto. With his vast wealth and cadre of elite henchmen, he must retain his power while growing outside forces threaten it.Collective Game, World of Darkness, quest thread, awesome2010-10-20 3 
12506810Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm VShit starts getting epic again when /tg/ encounters an Eldar Craftworld. Sensing the shitstorm, they offer their help. The Exalted Martyr is nowhere in sight.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-10-21 13 
12517127Zerg Quest XVIIRoutine planning meeting to consolidate power takes a turn for the horrific as Nargil initiates something unspeakable. A dark force returns. All hope built over the last 15 threads may be lost.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, fleshlings, Starcraft, WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?, Kerrigan, true evil, Bernie2010-10-21 20 
12516585Commander Quest XIWe begin our assault against the main enemy encampment. Things start good with complete surprise on our side, then bad rolls hit us in the head at the end.Commander Quest, Quest Thread, Quest, Collective Game2010-10-21 20 
12528522Mechwarrior Quest (1)The first episode of Mechwarrior questBattletech, Mechwarrior, Quest Thread, Quest2010-10-22 15 
12528432AlchemyQuest 10StonerDM is back after yet another leave of absence. He proceeds to grab a fistful of heartstrings and swing around like a toddler on a sugar rush. Also feature the fantastic drawfag stylings of some kind of fantastic drawfag.AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-10-22 10 
12527946Commander Quest XIIThe assault continues. not to many snags but the casualties are starting to pile up. Khalles proves to be a formidable combatant, the orks get wiped out save for blackbird; and we find out just how useful an elementalist can be.Commander Quest, Quest thread2010-10-22 20 
12530130Zombie Quest XIAfter much hardship, the survivors finally get a hour of rest. Dom uses this opportunity to go on a date with GRainy.zombie quest2010-10-22 15 
12536856Destroyer Quest Redux ICaptain Farlander goes to Harridan, encounters a toxic situation, and puts on a good show for the media.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-23 5 
12539103AlchemyQuest 11Gillivers is framed for murder and shipped off to exotic islands, completing the temporal loop. In the present, EXPOSITION EXPOSITION EXPOSITION EXPOSITION.AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-10-23 10 
12544429Zeonquest pt80We travel to the Moon. In a mail ship. There's no expenses spared in THIS operation. We also are formally introduced to Nell Dyland, newtype guinea pig.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-10-23 20 
12546242Mechwarrior Quest 2We meet with some of the other merc outfits, load up, and make our way to Hellhole. Arrive to find the mines invaded, and Corvatti trying to alter the deal. We alter it first.Battetech, Mechwarrior, Quest Thread, Quest, Mechwarrior Quest2010-10-24 11 
12545927Jaguar Quest Part 1A drop pod falls to a harsh jungle planet, carrying an amnesiac superhuman who first beats a monster Jaguar and leads a band of Orkz.Jaguar Quest, Quest Thread, Warhammer 40k, Orkz2010-10-24 6 
12549831Doppleganger Damacy XXIIIDD is back and kicked into high gear as we tie up loose ends, grow, continue to develop our allies, and more. Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-10-24 41 
12548246ODST Quest 1You are Gunnery Sergeant Roland M. Lowell, ODST of the 22nd Tactical, and a Communications and Electronic Warfare Specialist.Halo, ODST, ODST Quest, Quest, Quest Thread, Collective Game2010-10-24 4 
12545575Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm VIWARP PORTALS!!! EVERYWHERE!!! THOUSANDS OF THEM!!!! Ophelia VII is under attack and its up to badass Inquisitor Delessa to save it! A farseer and a living saint join the party. Filigree does more cute stuff.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-10-24 15 
12549593Commander Quest XIIIWe beat the Dwarf rebel leader into unconsciousness, and put him in a small damp box. Later, we hold a party with his ale and don't give him any.Commander Quest, Quest Thread, Quest, Collective Game2010-10-24 20 
12549418Cyber Dungeon Quest IIAnon meets up with Chuckles and Cal, then gets attacked by security drones.CyberDungeon, interactive, Quest2010-10-24 2 
12559513ODST Quest2We meet our AI and learn that our mission is to be a "routine surveillance op"Halo, ODST, ODST Quest, Quest, Quest Thread, Collective Game2010-10-25 6 
12557364Dragon Quest XVIThuron turns out to be a snake creature in disguise and answers some questions about the cult, the Unspeakable One, and what will happen if the cult succeeds. Cygnis continues to grow more dependent on us, Scinnari is a bit tight-lipped when questioned about her past, and we finally get a serious lair up and running with the help of our kobold minions. Also, we get invited to a party by the Sealord.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-10-25 22 
12569815Destroyer Quest Redux IICaptain Farlander plans a dirty assassination, only to discover someone had the same idea.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-26 5 
12571430CommanderQuest XIVWe recover from a night of celebrations, find out our Aide's past and fail at interrogating. We then save someone from Ferengi gnomes and recruit him to our retinue.Commander Quest, Quest thread2010-10-26 20 
12571656Zombie Quest XIIA bond is formed between two unlikely heroines, hope is rekindled for one, and one last job for the other.zombie quest, quest, journal, quest thread2010-10-26 15 
12570611Dragon Quest XVII We buy some gunpower, find out more about Sealord and council members, get hired(in guise of Ladon "Blackjack") by Scinnari to get rid of Brother Arman and btw the cult of the Unspeakable One has plans concerning the lighthouse. Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-10-26 23 
12582004ODST Quest 3Session cut short due to lack of participation. We are left on a literal cliffhanger.Halo, ODST, ODST Quest, Quest, Quest Thread, Collective Game2010-10-27 1 
12594005Spooky Zerg Quest ICerebrate Anon celebrates Halloween by giving us control of a Terran on a planet that may have Zerg. First, we had to decide whether or not to wear pants. Things moved way slower than Cerebrate Anon planned, so more to come!Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Spooky, Secretly Terran Quest, The voices in my head are screaming!2010-10-28 11 
12592656Dragon Quest XVIIIThe Sealord's ball. One of Drac's minions tries to buy our loyalty, though we opt for keeping our options open for now. Scinnari makes quite a splash, Lydon confirms that Drac is a cultist, and an elderly snake creature crashes the party with the obligatory cryptic warning. Plot, plot everywhere.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-10-28 23 
12604918Spooky Zerg Quest IIThe Master Sergeant develops some interesting side effects after slaughtering thousands of sick-looking Zerg. With evacuation looming, he has to decide just how far he's going to push this. Halloween Zerg Quest Bonus Extravaganza extended!Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Eating your goddamn soul, Mayor McTastyFace2010-10-29 11 
12605957Apprentice QuestLego Quest returns with the tale of a wizard's apprentice and the dark powers that grant her the magic she seeks!lego quest, wizard, apprentice2010-10-29 11 
12602264Mechwarrior Quest 3Part 3, where we learn that things may not be all that they appear to be on Hellhole.Battetech, Mechwarrior, Quest Thread, Quest, Mechwarrior Quest2010-10-29 13 
12604840Commander Quest XVWe continue back to the capital and tame a large, wild bear for our mount. We have more exposition with our elf and then make it back to the capital for our debriefing.Commander Quest, Quest thread2010-10-29 22 
12605238Zombie Quest XIIIOur forces engage the zombie hordes in the Stadium. After fighting through hundreds of zombies, we face the UWF.zombie quest, quest, journal, quest thread2010-10-29 15 
12605538AchemyQuest 12Gillivers moves to the big city and gets comfortable in his borrowed quarters. We go to a party, and party it up.AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-10-29 12 
12612753Adventure Time Quest!30 years after Jake and Finn left their legacy, Brock the Rock Candy Musclewizard sets out to make his mark on the world.Adventure Time, Collective Game, Quest thread2010-10-30 1 
12614432Destroyer Quest Redux IIICaptain Farlander halts another chemical attack, and digs deeper into the mystery.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-30 5 
12617050AlchemyQuest13Gillivers spins a fantastic yarn. Reconnections are made with figures from our past. StonerDM has a chance encounter...with DRUGS.AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest thread2010-10-30 10 
12616777Monster Hunter QuestThe slow beginning to what hopes to be an epic quest. You are Faolan Orobus, an amnesia ridden Hunter who was found half dead near the village of Lammite. Only a few moments out of your rest bed are you and a fellow hunter assaulted by the villages problem.Monster Hunter Quest, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Monster Hunter2010-10-30 1 
12601958Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm VIIThe attack has finally begun on Ophelia VII. /tg/ declares their loev for their pet daemonette who just somehow KEEPS GETTING FUCKING CUTER!!!Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle, cute2010-10-30 15 
12623583Apprentice Quest part 2The Apprentice learns how to make fire with magic, gives her nemesis a killer put-down, and continues her quest to master the dark arts!Lego Quest, Apprentice2010-10-31 7 
12627692Skirmish QuestA rather small group of clones is dropped off at an unknown location. Starts off with shitty quips and overall camaraderie, turns into tactical squad-based RPG of some sort.skirmish quest, collective game, multiplayer, tripfaggotry2010-10-31 18 
12627193Cyber Dungeon Quest IIIAnon, Chuckles, and Callahan wake up Oswald. Progress ensues. CyberDungeon, Quest, interactive, BLAME, collective game2010-10-31 3 
12627604CommanderQuest XVIWe mess around in the capital city by spending time in the library researching. We then re-hire our bear cavalry for another campaign and endlessly debate on hiring mercenaries.Commander Quest, Quest thread, Quest, Collective Game2010-10-31 20 
12629629The Beginnings of MercQuestI test the waters for a new Quest, and people seem to be agreeable. Planning commences. Oh and character portraits. mercquest, quest, portraits2010-10-31 1 
November 2010
12634050Mechwarrior Quest 4We troll the pirates before starting negotiations to let them live while still getting paid. Battetech, Mechwarrior, Quest Thread, Quest, Mechwarrior Quest2010-11-01 11 
12634766Dragon Quest XIXWe have the displeasure of meeting Cygnis' half-brother Azdukashen, discover that (not)Thuron has been murdered, and make plans for stopping the cult. We finally turn Brother Arman over to Finn and Jassa(Scinnari), overhear that she's up to something on the side, and start looking for our next target, the merchant captain Andarr. We also wine and dine both Asha and Cygnis behind Scinnari's back, but get very possessive about Scinnari herself.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-01 24 
12642940Skirmish QuestA game pitting a squad of clones against terrorists, xenos, and a wealth of other foes.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-fi2010-11-01 12 
12647596CommanderQuest XVIIJustinian gets a bunch of arcane loot, delegates party planning to his protege and then goes to the races with Sansa. We then return for our celebration with our men.Commander Quest, Quest thread, Quest, Collective game2010-11-02 21 
12647865Spooky Zerg Quest IIIDyles continues its transformation into a horrible monster. It devours its fellow man. It drains their blood and their souls. It uses them like sock puppets made of human flesh. The Bonus Quest finally ends--But does he die, sparing the galaxy his evil, or escape, inflicting his ravenous hunger on us all?Zerg Quest, Spooky Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Dyles, Halloween, Mayor McTasteyFace, Space Tadpoles2010-11-02 10 
12651509Mechwarrior Quest 4.5Jussi and his team finds up he's up against assault mech Wobbies armed with nukes, loses good men. Goes on to win anyway and bargains to get the pirates offworld. Yes, we mad but then we shot the Blakist in the face. Then took his 100 tonner as salvage.Battetech, Mechwarrior, Quest Thread, Quest, Mechwarrior Quest2010-11-02 11 
12670760Zerg Quest XVIIIRegular Zerg Quest returns. Bernie is immediately shipped to boarding school, and Anon gives a touching pep talk to Labbrate. Anon aims Kingston at the Protoss. Will it backfire?Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Bernie, Starcraft, Motivational Speaking, Subterfuge2010-11-04 12 
12670831Commander Quest XVIIIWe have a night out and introduce our retinue's introverts to the rest of the group. Later on we armor our bear, cash in our gold, and scare the hell out of Jayne with some magical hocus pocus while also learning a new ability. (And maybe start on some magic)Commander Quest, Quest thread, Quest, Collective game2010-11-04 20 
12661681Zombie Quest XIVThings get hairy in the gym, and a boss zombie is confronted. Se7en does her stuff.zombie quest, quest, journal, quest thread2010-11-04 15 
12669869Dragon Quest XXWe go searching for the temple. Along the way we roast a ship, kill a dragon turtle, and find a cursed sword. Cygnis shows up with word that the Sealord and the cult are stepping up their timetable for the lighthouse.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-04 23 
12683190Skirmish Quest Part-2The Clones face off against waves of disgusting and merciless xenoforms.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-fi2010-11-05 11 
12681296Commander Quest XIXWe proceed to trial and have to demonstrate Khalless's power to incredulous judges, and Laelith gets sweet fiery vengeance. Later on we attend to army duties and teach Jayne the beginnings of life elementalism. Then we round it out with a briefing on our next mission and some discussion on romantic prospects.Commander Quest, Quest thread, Quest, Collective game2010-11-05 20 
12689140Skirmish Quest Part-2.2The Clones continue the fight against the foul Xenoforms, hoping to clear Aggoria of their filth.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-fi2010-11-05 8 
12694861AlchemyQuest 14Gillivers meets with Elegy again, before team-building with the hired help. Alchemical developments ensue, and we stand poised to meet with Stelton.AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-11-06 11 
12696704Skirmish Quest Part 4Will our soldiers cleanse Aggoria once and for all?Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-11-06 8 
12701257Zeonquest Pt81Antarctica Treaty? [advice Gihren] Sorry, I don't listen to HipHop.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-11-07 20 
12664949ororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm VIII/tg/ almost fucks up bad, one of the twins is mortally wounded and Filigree is given a new pleasure appendage... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-11-07 12 
12718284Commander Quest XXWe hire some more mercs, have a nice dinner with Jayne and her sister, begin planning our campaign, and argue. Oh, the arguing.Commander Quest, Quest Thread, Quest, Collective Game2010-11-08 17 
12716245Skirmish Quest Part 5Episode 5: -High Command-Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-11-08 5 
12715111Dragon Quest XXIWe get a ride home and talk to a really knowledgeable crystal, finally getting some long awaited answers. It also seems to like us. Az is less pleased, and we troll him masterfully. The cult is on the move and has started the ritual as well as captured our ladies, so we swoop in to the rescue and prepare for the climax of the cult arc.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-08 23 
12726929Omegle RPFa/tg/uys collectively introduce the concept of roleplay to Omegle. Hilarity- and epic- ensue.omegle, improv, roleplay, epic, adventure, infocom, quest, giant, barbarian, knight2010-11-09 2 
12730557CommanderQuest XXIWe finish up in the capital and finally head out to our next campaign. After selecting out base camp, our scouts quickly determine the location of the enemy base camp and spot an enemy scouting party.Commander Quest, Quest thread, Collective game, Quest2010-11-09 17 
12730025Dragon Quest XXIIAttacking the Lighthouse to ruin the Cult's Summoning ritual, we find vrocks hovering around the place. Fight is NOT had, we go for stealthy and then stabby instead. Epic fight abound. Read.Dragon Quest, collective game, quest, dragon2010-11-09 23 
12736193Rogue Trader Quest - Part 3The continued adventures of Jacobius Dolemite Othmar, now out among the Heathen Stars.Rogue Trader, Quest, Warhammer, 40k2010-11-10 1 
12743039Skirmish Quest Part 6Episode 6: Zerospace to MoveSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2010-11-10 5 
12719005Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm IX/tg/ gets their eldar units and prepares for the upcoming battle. Several key story-related posts, adorable Filigree antics, and Canoness arguing were deleted due to mod faggotry.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-11-10 12 
12752560Zerg Quest XIXAnon watches Confederate TV, and makes plan for ZergTV. It succeeds in beginning a war between the Protoss and the Terrans. It spends about two hours trying to goad Cerebrate Anon into making giant floating missile ships or something. TUCAMP shares part of his Zerg Quest-inspired stage play (no, really). Very little actually happens.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Let's add shit to it, yea verily Cerebrate, Collective Game, Talk talk talk2010-11-11 13 
12743608Rogue Trader Quest part 9: The Return of TabletRogue Trader Quest returns! A month later, the repairs are complete, and we get another message from our brother. After a trip through the warp, we finally make planetfall on the unclaimed planet, and manage to form and alliance with a badass viking king. Good timesRogue Trader, Rogue Trader Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Warhammer 40k2010-11-11 10 
12753274CommanderQuest XXIIWe spring our attack on the enemy scouting party and /tg/ dice hate us for awhile. The force is eventually scattered and then we fail at interrogation. We then begin trap laying.Commander Quest, Quest thread, Quest, Collective game2010-11-11 17 
12752230Dragon Quest XXIIIWe plan how to get rid of Azdukashen, "Blackjack" introduce the Captain Finn to the mr. dagger and reaches agreement with Jassa.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-11 22 
12765548AlchemyQuest 15Gillivers meets with Stelton and convinces her of the dire situation (somewhat), then it's off to the Academy to try and find out who wants to kill us.AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-11-12 14 
12771329Zeonquest Pt82Zolomon shoots some guys, blows some more up, and generally helps save Von Braun.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-11-13 20 
12768411Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm X/tg/ wins the day through the aplication of more heresy, though unconciousness and an angry caononness are the result.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-11-13 12 
12776666Doppleganger Damacy XXIVThe much awaited meeting with Gaul ends with a surprise. Also some rage.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Cult, Doppelganger Quest, Growth2010-11-13 28 
12773523Rogue Trader Quest part 10We play as Bob, an inquisitorial acolyte in the past. And also maybe our future. We're not quite sure.Rogue Trader, Rogue Trader Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Warhammer 40k2010-11-13 6 
12776381CommanderQuest XXIIIOur opponent sends a force to burn out our fort and we meet him on the field. An initially promising battle turns into a disaster and results in a Pyrrhic victory.Commander Quest, Quest thread, Quest, Collective game2010-11-13 17 
12801043CommanderQuest XXIVWe go over received intel, send out raiders, improve our captured siege engine and have a nice breakfast with the captured son of the enemy. That and learn he's in love with one of his bodyguards captured during the last battle. Sweet, honeyed words are whispered to wear away at his loyalty.Commander Quest, Quest thread, Quest, Collective Game2010-11-15 15 
12797702Dragon Quest XXIVThe council puts us on trial. As a reward for saving Freeport from the cult they try to kick us out of the city. Ungrateful bastards. Mostly debate.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-15 23 
12812389CommanderQuest XXVWe debate on how to best assist another commander likely fighting an elementalist. We convince more people to learn to control the elements and then continue interrogating captured prisoners and wearing away at their loyalties.Commander Quest, Quest thread, Quest, Collective game2010-11-16 15 
12824097Zombie Quest XV EndgameOperation High Noon commences as the first book comes to a close.zombie quest, quest, journal, quest thread2010-11-17 15 
12815395Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XII/tg/ gets attacked by corrupt sisters. Filigree turns into Bruce Campbell. Also, warp tornadoes.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-11-17 12 
12835112Dragon Quest XXVAz is at our mercy and we finally get a chance to do some good old fashioned villainous gloating before we have Scinnari kill him. Writer-Dude shows off his skills, to the delight of all.Dragon, dragon quest, quest, Collective Game, RPG, D&D, dungeons, dragons, fantasy, writing2010-11-18 23 
12837061CommanderQuest XXVIProfessor Justinian teaches the class how to manipulate the elements. We learn a bit more about Kyria and talk to our experienced veterans about our situation.Commander Quest, Quest thread, Quest, Collective game2010-11-18 16 
12834871Zerg Quest XX20 threads of mutation! The Brood decides to rush the DNA scanners, and all hell breaks loose. As usual. TUCAMP announces Terran Quest. Another planet is glassed. We go through so many!Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, KINGSTOOOON!!!, Planet Glassing, Down with the Bourgouis Confederacy!2010-11-18 13 
12839817Dungeon DenizensMarit, a young soldier explores a strange dungeon and finds it inhabited.Dungeon Denizens, Quest, Collective Game2010-11-18 30 
12848784AlchemyQuest 16Gillivers tries to get to the bottom of Elegy's disappearance. Questees are sparse.AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-11-19 10 
12847934Dungeon Denizens pt2Marit, a young soldier gets to know the inhabitants of a strange dungeon.Dungeon Denizens, Quest, Collective Game2010-11-19 23 
12847946CommanderQuest XVIIA caravan is sent out as bait for a trap. We let our captured noble have a few hours of happiness with his love and see what the gods think of us. We also find out Khalless had a boat load of interesting things for us to translate.Commander Quest, Quest, Quest thread, Collective game2010-11-19 25 
12842656Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XI/tg/ epic fails their exorcism roll and wonder where the Inquisitor Lord ran off too. Squad morale restored and OP draws more stuff.Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle2010-11-19 12 
12854719Zeonquest Pt83We talk to some more newtypes, tell the same story GOD KNOWS HOW MANY TIMES, travel to the Flanagan Institute in time to see a psychic prostitute kick Char Aznable's ass and get back just in time to get our marching orders.zeonquest, quest thread, mecha2010-11-20 21 
12860634AlchemyQuest 17Gillivers gets to the bottom of Elegy's disappearance. Dice rolls are called for; no one is up to the task. Gillivers gets his shit handed to him before the magic of explosives finally wins out.AlchemyQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread2010-11-20 11 
12860730Dungeon Denizens pt3Marit, a young soldier, tries to figure out how to react to her monstrous new acquaintances.Dungeon Denizens, Quest, Collective Game2010-11-20 17 
12874636Skirmish Quest Part 7Episode 7: Armor at Blacksad. Clones duke it out in our fir