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!!FOs+3LWXJDT 04/06/12(Fri)01:16 No.18592439 File: 1333689385.jpg-(120 KB, 640x480, Silver..jpg)
“Hardly. If anything he hasn’t paid me nearly enough to even stay around him. To be frank; I know you’ve probably known him for longer, but the man is worse than even what you are saying. If there’s any plan of yours I can get involved, in to make this town decent, then all the better to jump ship on.”
Halla nods, visibly disappointed, but empathetic. Altair continues to look up at the ceiling, content just to listen. And think about everything you’re saying.
“Truth is,” You continue, wondering how to phrase this, “Aside from keeping me in total ignorance about exactly what it is that’s going on around here, I think there’s even more he’s not telling me. You see, one of the reasons I originally came to this place was to look for an old acquaintance of mine for...familial reasons. Of course she probably looks a lot different now, having been last here over thirty years, ago, but I’m thinking yours is the kind of circle she would have moved in, and he knows about it...and he’s just dangling the carrot over my head.”
You sit forward, getting into it now. Halla, for her part, seems riveted. Altai, from what you can see, has a massive grin on his face.
“Truth told, I wouldn’t mind him gone, and I’d be fine in helping you if that’s wht you intend to do. Providing for two things...first is money, that goes without saying. The second...is any informantion you might have about this person I’m looking for.”
There is a long, tremulous silence; the two nobles sat across from you sitting stoic. Belatedly, you realize they are having their own conversation telepathically. A strained one, but the tension on Halla’s face. Eventually, after several minutes, it’s Altair who speaks.
In draconic. |