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You are Jakdal Zul - Sith and apprentice to the enigmatic and ruthless Darth Greia, leader of the pyramid of Sith Advancement. You are en route to the mysterious world of Sho'al, in hopes of persuading its native Force users to ally with your reborn empire.

You are going to be briefed on Sho'al upon arrival, but you have time until then: Time that can be spent in experimentation.

Your subject, a Twi'lek and failed Sith acolye, sits nervously on a bench across from you, trying to avoid eye contact.

> [ Force Persuade ] "Go to sleep."
> [ ] "Don't worry. It will be alright."
> [ Lie ] "Don't worry. It will be alright."
> [ ] Use your mental powers on him.
> [ ] Try to gain an alchemical understanding of him.
> [ ] (Write-in.)
>> [ ] Try to gain an alchemical understanding of him.
Didn't you already do this vote.
> [ ] Try to gain an alchemical understanding of him.
> "Do not worry - i will be careful with the dosage.Before we begin,any allergies or other traits I should know about you?I have to know what i`m working with here."
> [ ] Try to gain an alchemical understanding of him.
>> [ ] Try to gain an alchemical understanding of him.
This already won
> [ ] Try to gain an alchemical understanding of him.

> [ ] Try to gain an alchemical understanding of him.

If he lives we can do mental influence stuff next.
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Just making sure we were picking up where we left off.



"Do you have any allergies or other traits I should be aware of?" you ask, voice neutral.

"No - my lord." he says, adding the honorific hurriedly. It feels strange, being called "My Lord" - But it also feels good.

"Then I need you to hold still and relax." you say. You close your eyes, and remembering the process you read of in the Academy libraries, see him through the eyes of the Force.

His power is weak, but you can still sense the power within him - and when you narrow your focus, you can see it being carried in his cells like stars floating in an ocean. Flowing through his bloodstream, swelling in his muscles, flashing in his neurons. But awareness is only one step - to influence it is another.

> [ Roll ] Agitate the Force in his cells or otherwise induce damage.
> [ Roll ] Use the Force to induce strength or renewal in his cells.
> [ Roll ] Look at him more - get a detailed understanding of the way the Force lives inside him.
> [ ] (Write-in.)
Rolled 91 (1d100)

> [ Roll ] Look at him more - get a detailed understanding of the way the Force lives inside him.
>> [ Roll ] Look at him more - get a detailed understanding of the way the Force lives inside him.
>> [ Roll ] Look at him more - get a detailed understanding of the way the Force lives inside him.
Rolled 41 (1d100)

>Look at him more
Rolled 28 (1d100)


Look at him more for further understanding. Sith lore is deepest lore.
Rolled 36 (1d100)

>> [ Roll ] Look at him more - get a detailed understanding of the way the Force lives inside him.

Decision is made - players, roll for your results.
can we take this roll
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Let's do this!
Rolled 38 (1d100)

Rolled 8 (1d100)


Rolling again.
Rolled 96 (1d100)

Rolled 88 (1d100)

fair enough
you mother fucker pleas nover roll agien
Man you should take off the Roll in the vote. It confused people.
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You try to sense deeper - to gain a greater understanding of why the Force flows in him the way it does, to understand what in his cells interprets the Force - but you can't. Attempts to narrow your focus further elicit a rather sharp pain in your head. Not the pain of something unnatural, but rather the pain of a muscle that has not been exercised before.

The light in his cells flickers with the movements inherent to life - chaotic and in different directions, yet with a distinct pattern - a pattern that could be pushed, or moved...

> [ ] Accelerate the flow of the Force or induce his cells.
> [ ] Slow the flow of the Force or impede his cells.
> [ ] Disrupt the flow of the Force or otherwise scatter his functions.
> [ ] (Write-in.)
Knowing more about it affecting the body will let us be able to improve ourselves too, good
Good ol' Sith drunk science
>> [ ] Accelerate the flow of the Force or induce his cells.
>Slow the flow of the Force or impede his cells.
>> [ ] Accelerate the flow of the Force or induce his cells.
Stronger minion?

>Slow the cells

But not too much! Cellular mechanics is pretty fine tuned and we could kill him like this.
> [ ] Accelerate the flow of the Force or induce his cells.
First,we pump him up so he can endure more later.
>Keep looking, observe so you can see how it all works after reading about it.
>Ask him to lift up a small object with the force while we observe
>Oh right, "What's your name?"
>> [ ] Accelerate the flow of the Force or induce his cells.
He's not a minion he's a test subject.

Understood - I'll do this now to clear things up.


I'll need rolls for this - Sith Alchemy is an obscure and difficult practice.
Rolled 21 (1d100)


I hope I don't critfail!
Rolled 96 (1d100)

I hope this goes better
Rolled 55 (1d100)

My Nigga
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Rolled 19 (1d100)

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You push, ever so slightly, with the force of your will, moving the flow of the Force out of its natural order - bending it to your will.

The lights, like stars, brighten and reach a steady cadence. His eyes twitch rapidly, seemingly taking in sight with speed and clarity - and, easing for a scant moment out of your trance, you see your test subject, his forehead's green skin slicked with some sweat, his heart beating more rapidly.

> [ ] Return him to normal.
> [ ] Continue accelerating his functions.
> [ ] Slow his functions to lower than normal.
> [ ] Try to adapt his body to these changes.
> [ ] (Write-in.)
you need a star for this
>> [ ] Try to adapt his body to these changes.
>slow him to lower than normal
> [ ] Try to adapt his body to these changes.

Return him to normal. Let's try to slow him down now. Also I want to practice mind control on this guy and if we kill him we won't get to practice that.
>Slow his functions to lower than normal.
>> [ ] Try to adapt his body to these changes.
For research
> [ ] Try to adapt his body to these changes.
>"Hang on."
>> [ ] Try to adapt his body to these changes.
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With your power and connection to the Dark Side, you reach out and push against the flow of energy within him - his breaths, once quick and stuttering begin to become slow and deep. The lights of his cells seem to dim - not flickering, but dim.

Your subject seems to be slipping into a sort of trance, his eyes slowly glazing - he stares, no longer at the floor, but forward and past you, unfocused.

> [ ] Try to stabilize these changes.
> [ ] Push further.
> [ ] Revert these changes, returning him to normal.
> [ ] (Write-in.)
> [ ] Try to stabilize these changes.
>> [ ] Try to stabilize these changes.
>> [ ] Try to stabilize these changes.

Return him to normal.

I think we've explored the basics. Lets not kill our toy just yet.

It's time for mind invasion!!
>Ask him about his condition-what does he feel,what is he thinking about.
>> [ ] Try to stabilize these changes.
>Push further.
>> [ ] Try to stabilize these changes.
> [ ] Try to stabilize these changes.

This, I will require a roll for - stabilizing these changes is a 70+. Catastrophic failure will be poor for his health.
so I'm thinkin this one should be for the non-damaging experiments, so that we have a stainless surface to work from. for potentially fatal experiments lets grab some schmo with no potential in the force to start with, and eventually move on to a force-sensitive one once we have a large enough pool to pick from
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 41 (1d100)

I hope he dies
Rolled 85 (1d100)

Rolled 4 (1d100)

PermaBuff, go!
Rolled 1 (1d100)

oh boy here we go
Rolled 64 (1d100)

Rolled 17 (1d100)

Rolled 88 (1d100)

Nice, saved us there.

Please, never roll again.
Shut your gob namefag.

Woo! Great.

I think we induced a coma with the Force. Pretty cool.
If this was rolled in time, would the dude have started to bleed from his pores?
that`s some rng payback for 90`s that i got earlier
thank you
dude go find a roll-under quest and rroll in that one, just dont roll here
I kid its all timing
Why do people complain about namefagging anyway
probably some coma bs
>anonymous broad
I doesn't belong here.
You tryna' get krumped, git?
I am shit at typing
Man, hookers don't even give you a moniker or alias?

Just a buncha anonymous broads?

Damn son, how ugly are you?
Namefags are usually cancer and on an anonymous image board using a name for no good reason(not a QM, writefag, drawfag, etc) us isually a sign of egotism and general shittiness
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You begin to set these changes in place - easing the flow of his cells into their state. The Twi'lek begins to settle into a trance, his eyes closing and his lights easing into their dimmed and sleepy state.


Then, the first light flickers out. Then the second. His breaths, his heartbeat, which were easing into a gentle sleep-like state, begin to come further and further apart. Then, they stop.

> [ ] Quick - accelerate his cells, I can save him.
> [ ] Observe his death - you could learn much about the Force from this.
> [ ] Stop tampering with his body and hope it reverts.
> [ ] (Write-in.)
> [ ] Quick - accelerate his cells, I can save him.
>> [ ] Quick - accelerate his cells, I can save him.
I was unaware that that roll would be counted, it wasn't in the first 3.
>accelerate that shit.

I can confirm that I am a cancerous, egotistical, douchebag.
And here i hoped OP takes first 3rolls only
>> [ ] Quick - accelerate his cells, I can save him.
>you could learn much about the Force from this.
I thought this was best of three. Well shit.

> [ ] Observe his death - you could learn much about the Force from this.
yeah in the future might want to stick with best of three, its not as bad as twenty sided dice, but if you go beyond 3 criticals will be pretty common.
> [ ] Quick - accelerate his cells, I can save him.

Critical failures are a special case - 1s and 100s override the other rolls and negate one another.


Let's get a roll - but it will be difficult to save him. I will return after a 15 to 30 minute break to adjudicate the results.
>> [ ] Quick - accelerate his cells, I can save him.
Rolled 97 (1d100)

fair enough
Rolled 13 (1d100)

Come on dice!
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Rolled 46 (1d100)


I am rolling to save a life. At least we're learning a little about alchemy in the process.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

alright stop rolling before we get another 1 everybody
Rolled 29 (1d100)

>Critical failures are a special case - 1s and 100s override the other rolls and negate one another.

So, what, any time a 1 or 100 is rolled it's legit?

So if someone rolls a 1 and he is the 16th roll, it still counts?

I may be retarded, elaborate further, please.
Appears so.A horrible rule for a quest with 20+players, but in our case it may be considered reasonable.
If it is that way, all it turns into is a giant clusterfuck of panicrolls if a 1 is rolled, and everyone screaming to stop rolling after the first three.

Might as well the QM just roll 3d100 if that's the case.
It's really not reasonable, because more posters = greater chance for broken mechanics, but the QM does have a good quest going, so it's something that can be overlooked.
Basically this.
Good points.I`m sure OP can work this rule out - like accept 3first rolls,plus leave 5roll window for crits,for example.
Something like that is definitely needed, but with over 10 potential rolls per call, it should probably be first 3 and then allow 2 or 3 extra for crits.
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With the finesse of a Sith in his element, you correct your error. Over the course of a long, strenuous hour, you draw the Twi'lek back from his trance, returning color to his cheeks and life stirs in his eyes.

He gasps, like waking from a nightmare at the end of it. "I - I could... Did I die and come back to life?"

"No - you almost died and came back to life." you say idly.

> [ ] "Now we can continue..." (This will damage him.)
> [ ] "You're dismissed."
> [ ] (Write-in.)
> [ ] "You're dismissed."
Keep up the good work of not dying kid.
Is he our only one?
If so
> [ ] "You're dismissed."
> [ ] "You're dismissed."
> "What did you feel?I have to document this."
> [ ] "You're dismissed.Get some sleep."
>He's not a minion he's a test subject.
There is a difference?
If you don't mention it on the brochure?


So keep your eyes open for Greia feeding us strange things and focusing really hard on us.
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"You're dismissed." You say, keeping the nonchalant tone of a Sith talking to an inferior.

"Thank you, Sith." he says bowing, before unsteadily returning to his chambers with the other failures. Though he seems weary, your senses reveal no further or lasting injury.

Now that he's gone, you allow yourself some weakness. You feel tired from this, and the chill of the Dark reaches into your bones, sending you shivering. You draw in deep breaths, centering yourself and your connection to the Force - it appears that the costs of alchemy hinted at in Darth Vilghast's text were no exaggerations, but if anything understatements.

> [ ] Continued
S-so we're developing mind control?

"Apprentice." Darth Greia says, standing in the doorway. His carapace-like mask reveals no emotion, and colored lights flicker behind it. "I saw what you were doing. I have to say, I'm impressed. I was worried that I might be stuck with a mere enforcer, but it looks like you might follow in my footsteps after all."

> [ ] "Thank you, Master."
> [ ] "About Sho'al - what's it like?"
> [ ] "Are there really going to be Jedi on a backwater planet like Sho'al?"
> [ ] "When do we start my instruction, Master?"
> [ ] "How did you see? You weren't in the room."
> [ ] (Write-in.)
well if im reading this right we essentially just figured out how to both cause and fix cardiac arrest with the force. now we just need to learn to do it quicker
> [ ] "Thank you, Master."
> [ ] "When do we start my instruction, Master?"
> [ ] "Thank you, Master."
> [ ] "About Sho'al - what's it like?"
> [ ] "Are there really going to be Jedi on a backwater planet like Sho'al?"
These three

"You sensed my experiment from quite a distance, Master. That is a trick I would like to learn myself."
> [ ] "About Sho'al - what's it like?"
> [ ] "When do we start my instruction, Master?
> "Any feedback from you on this experiment,Master?I would like to know your take on this"
> [ ] "When do we start my instruction, Master?"

Combat applications might be fairly limited but I bet Force Coma will be useful if we're trying to artificially strengthen or weaken someone's body or force connection. Also if we Coma someone I bet we could really fuck with their mind while they're out.
no kidding, hell with enough practice we might be able to trap them in their memories, literally having them stuck in a coma living through their life over and over again
It appears that we need the target to stand still and not actively try to shank us,though
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"Thank you, Master. When do we start my instruction?"

Greia lets out his laugh - if it can be called that. His words, artificially generated by his mask, have strange inflection. To hear this approximation of mirth is nothing short of unsettling.

"You're eager - I like that. But this is pressing business. If Sho'al was revealed to us through the Force, then the Jedi will be aware of it. We must enlist the aid of their Sages and turn them against the Jedi quickly."

> [ ] "What are these Sages? What makes them so important?"
> [ ] "We should kill the Jedi, Master."
> [ ] "Do you have any feedback on my experiment?"
> [ ] "Are you ever going to use alchemy on me?"
> [ ] (Write-in.)
>> [ ] "What are these Sages? What makes them so important?"
>Take a minute to catch your breathe
> [ ] "What are these Sages? What makes them so important?"
> [ ] "Do you have any feedback on my experiment?"
> [ ] "What are these Sages? What makes them so important?"
> [ ] "Do you have any feedback on my experiment?"

Whoa, we could trap someone in a dream until they go totally crazy or slowly turn them into our broken slave to enact our will. We could put sleeper agents in foreign governments that way or corrupt Jedi.

We could really go total Dark Lord here.
>"Do you have any feedback on my experiment?"
>> [ ] "What are these Sages? What makes them so important?"
> [ ] "Do you have any feedback on my experiment?"


Sounds like we could maybe promise them obscure and powerful Dark Side techniques. All we have to do is find the creepiest and most power hungry amongst them...
I dig more being a bit more gray.
Just influence the right people here and there and carve our corner in the world, no need to kill all jedi and take over the galaxy.
thats genius, kidnap lone jedi, implant a code word into their minds and then manipulate their memories so that they believe they went about a perfectly normal day, then when the code word or phrase is given, the "programming" kicks in and overwrites their self-control, making them do what we tell them, the best part is if we figure out how to do this we can use it to keep our subordinates in line without them ever knowing about it!
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"Still, my Master - do you have any feedback on my experiment?"

"For starters, you're working with a complex, delicate system - it's difficult to induce changes without understanding the component parts. Try to take blood or skin samples and manipulate them, then move up from there." Greia's lights flicker fondly at this, as though remembering favored times from his youth.

"What are these Sages? Why are they so important?"

"They aren't dark or light - they aren't warriors, either. We don't fully understand these 'Sensari' as they're called, but we know they have a unique understanding of the Force as a interface between the mind and the body. In order to continue with the research that the Dark Lord gave me, I will need these secrets. And you, my apprentice, will go down to the surface of the world to retrieve them."

> [ ] "Why me?"
> [ ] "As you command."
> [ ] "So... you're going to laze around the ship, picking apart acolytes?"
> [ ] (Write-in.)
> [ ] "As you command."
>> [ ] "As you command."

> [ ] "As you command."
>> [ ] "Why me?"
>> [ ] "As you command."
Hey, all the more secrets for us to steal. Should even be easier to be subtle without a guy just emanating evil and menace.

"As you command, my Lord."

Pretty cool! Let's trade secrets with these guys then.

Really all we have to do is show Force Lightning to the meanest guy there and the whole order will be corrupted.
>> [ ] "As you command."
>"As you command."
It's not needed at this point, but
>as you command
Sorry, but I have to nerd out on this. But how in the fuck did we become the apprentice of a leader of a sphere? The dark councilors are legitimately the highest ranking sith besides the Emperor himself... They often take Sith Lords as their 'apprentices', not to mention they have several apprentices at any given time.
Obviously because we're a Mary Sue.

But that actually is a pretty good point.
I actually got on here today planning on running a sith based quest, got excited/disappointed when I saw this, and became VERY disappointed when I realized how mary sue this is.
well we displayed a power full connection to the force and talent for sorcery plus there isn't many sith left

I kind of assumed that Greia is an apprentice to the head of the Academy, and THAT Dark Lord is still just an apprentice to the true Head of the Sith.

So we're at least three tiers away from the head of the whole organization.
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"As you command, my lord."

"Good - the Force users of Sho'al are segregated from the main population due to a mixture of fear, prejudice, and reverence. You will reach out to the Sensari Adepts, persuade them against the Jedi and towards the Sith. I have arranged for a few Sith warriors to accompany you. I have business with the mundane leadership of the Sho'ali."

> [ ] "Who are these warriors?"
> [ ] "Am I your only apprentice?"
> [ ] "Why did you take me as an apprentice?"
> [ ] "How am I to persuade them?"
> [ ] (Write-in.)
Assuming that he meant the actual leader or a sphere, that means he's a member of the dark council, the Sith who run the bureaucracy of the empire that the emperor doesn't handle directly, they have ultimate authority and are the defacto most skilled Sith in the empire.
you can still run a quest but all the force orders are extinct and the protagonist discover a sith holocron
>> [ ] "Who are these warriors?"
>> [ ] "Am I your only apprentice?"
>> [ ] "Why did you take me as an apprentice?"
>> [ ] "How am I to persuade them?"
Connection with the force =/= Skill with the dark side

You could have more connection to the force than anyone (I;E Luke Skywalker/His father) and be a shit Sith/Jedi until you have training
>> [ ] "Who are these warriors?"
>> [ ] "Am I your only apprentice?"
> [ ] "Who are these warriors?"
> "What would it take to persuade them?"

"Do you have any recommendations for how to proceed?"

It kind of seems that Greia wants us to handle this on our own but we'll see how this goes.
I was either going to do that, or run one in the cold war era of the old republic.

The era(s) portrayed by the movies just aren't that interesting seeing as at any given time only the sith or jedi exist while the other is destroyed
And sorry OP, didn't mean to be an asshole about this. Was just curious what your explanations for all of it was.
sounds great! i would play it

> [ ] "Who are these warriors?"
>> [ ] "Who are these warriors? Can i experiment on them?"
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I'm a new QM - if you don't voice concerns, I won't be able to address them. I simply liked the idea of the mysterious mad scientist Sith archetype - Greia was my creation for that. If you have some ideas about how this quest could be improved, I could make a suggestion box on Google Drive or something.


"Who are these warriors?"

"You may recognize them from the Academy - their instructors vouched for their skill in combat enough for me to take notice. You all are reporting directly to me for this operation - it's a good time to remember that your only authority in this order is what I invest in you."

"How exactly am I going to persuade them?"

"Their seers have a habit of prophesying certain events and significant figures - fulfilling such a prediction would be a good way to gain influence. Such things are all stored on the planet, though - you'd need to find a way to access them."

> [ ] "I'm ready, Master. To Sho'al."
> [ ] "I have some more questions."
> [ ] (Write-in.)
>not to mention they have several apprentices at any given time.
Exactly, we just happen to have enough potential to catch his attention but it's unlikely we're the only one. We're not THAT special.
> [ ] "I'm ready, Master. To Sho'al."
Let`s do this
>> [ ] "I'm ready, Master. To Sho'al."
>> [ ] "I'm ready, Master. To Sho'al."
Oh god its going to be the chiss girl and the rodian
rodian is a bro,though
i would still follow this quest don't worry my friend

i would like the protagonists to have more of a personality and a deeper understanding of what our caretakers power

"I'm ready, Master. To Sho'al."
we only interacted with him once or twice, but yeah he seemed alright. the chiss on the other hand we'll have to keep an eye on
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"I'm ready, Master."

"Good. This holocom will transmit to one of my subordinates on a secure channel - obey him as you would me. Do whatever is necessary - and if you cross a Jedi, don't kill them in the open. It merits mentioning that this Force cult frowns on murder."

Your shuttle falls out of hyperspace, cruising towards the tropical, ringed world of Sho'al's orbital station.

For a moment, however, you are not going to be Jakdal Zul - you are going to be a different person entirely.

> [ ] Who?
> [ ] I don't want to do a cutaway scene - let's proceed to Jakdal's adventures on Sho'al.
> [ ] Who?
This oughta be interesting.
>> [ ] I don't want to do a cutaway scene - let's proceed to Jakdal's adventures on Sho'al.
> [ ] Who?

I really hope not. We should have killed the Chiss on Moraband. At least she fears us more than she hates us.
>> [ ] Who?

> [ ] please ! I don't want to do a cutaway scene - let's proceed to Jakdal's adventures on Sho'al.


How could we pass this up?
>Quoth the owl; "hoo, hoo"

Yes, I am proud of myself.
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"You're troubled."

"Master, I'm fine."

"Ignore your passions and they will grow within you. They'll consume you. Now, my Padawan, tell me - what is troubling you?"

You are Kitai Los'ma - a young girl from Umbara, with the trademark pallid skin, and white hair falling to your shoulders. Your eyes are outlined with a dark pigment, and the robes of a Jedi still feel strange on you.

And most of all, you remember when the Sith brought fire to the skies of Umbara.

> [ ] "It's my parents... that I'll never see them again."
> [ ] "It's the Sith - I... I want revenge."
> [ ] "It's the idea of fighting... it scares me."
> [ Lie ] "I'm not troubled. Just let me meditate."
> [ ] "Why Umbara? Why my home?"
> [ ] (Write-in.)
>> [ ] I don't want to do a cutaway scene - let's proceed to Jakdal's adventures on Sho'al.
> [ ] I don't want to do a cutaway scene - let's proceed to Jakdal's adventures on Sho'al.
>> [ ] "Why Umbara? Why my home?"
> [ ] "It's the Sith - I... I want revenge."
>I want revenge
Let`s not dwell on this scene too much though,we have Sith stuff to do
> [ ] "It's my parents... that I'll never see them again."
>"It's my parents... that I'll never see them again."
>> [ ] "It's the Sith - I... I want revenge."
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"It's the Sith. They did so much to me... to everyone I ever knew. I'll never see my family again. How am I supposed to ignore this? How am I supposed to not want revenge?"

Your master, an aged Whipid, lays his hand on your shoulder.

"In times of trouble, darkness can find roots in even the calmest Jedi. Understand that revenge, taken in anger - it will bring no good. The dead are at peace with the Force, and have no desire for any harm to be done. Do not seek revenge for the sake of the fallen. Seek justice for the benefit of those that are alive."

> [ ] "I understand."
> [ Lie ] "I understand."
> [ ] "I don't understand."
> [ ] (Write-in.)
>"I don't understand."
> [ ] "I understand."
>> [ ] "I understand."
Fight to save the living
>> [ ] I understand, but they still deserve punishment!
>"Dead or alive,we all are connected to the Force.I shall seek justice for both."

"I understand, it's just..." You struggle to find words.

"Don't worry. This is a diplomatic mission - far away from any sort of combat. You will be able to find your center, here, and make ready for the trials to come."

"Yes, Master Dhurman." You let out a sigh, then return to your meditation. Your master is right. Sho'al will be good for you.

> [ ] SAQ will return in ~30 minutes to Jakdal's perspective.
You know. If lead her towards lieing, given in to her other emotions, we as Jakdal can no easily turn her.
Our actions clearly our to set up our foil, arch nemesis, or future apprentice.
Choose wisely anons, lead her slowly to the dark side, let her have her justified anger
>hay guis, letz meta! :D

Motherfucker, leave.
Let's make her an apprentice.
OP must have expected meta gaming considering he let us make those choices
I'd rather we made her our spy, but apprentice is good too.
You mean the thing he encouraged with those choices? And dont stick emojis to try and discredit me.
Wouldnt it be too easy to figure out a dark side spy amongst the Jedi?
Doing anything for meta means you're shit.

Don't try to make a character tailor made for Jakdal's benefit, try to make an interesting character.

Sorry if I'm not as much of a faggot as you.
Not as much of a faggot is the wrong term, you should have used "on a different level of faggotry".
>namefag attempting to council me on faggotry

Well, I would say you aren't the expert, but you do have me beat.
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The people of Sho'al are scaled and brightly colored, with elongated snouts. The village of the Sensari is a good ways away from the landing site because in its direct vicinity are forbidden. Since Force users are mostly shunned to the outer villages, you leave dealing with the mundanes to Greia.

Your allies, the Sith warriors are three - Telza tries to avoid speaking with or looking at you whenever possible. The Rodian, calling itself "Buydo", greets you with a "We Sith meet blue planet happy," accompanied with a vigorous nod. The third is unfamiliar - a muscular human with a scraggly moustache. He introduces himself as Thirty-Seven.

> [ ] "Okay - all of you report to me. Obey me or else."
> [ ] "We're all equals here - we need to work together."
> [ ] "We all are servants of Darth Greia - we carry out his will or die trying."
> [ ] "Telza - try not to get into trouble."
> [ ] "Thirty-seven? Do you have a real name?"
> [ ] (Write-in.)
> [ ] "We all are servants of Darth Greia - we carry out his will or die trying."
> [ ] "Telza - try not to get into trouble."
> [ ] "Thirty-seven? Do you have a real name?"
I never claimed to not be a faggot, but I figured that since I'm an expert on the matter, I have the right to consul others.
[ ] "We all are servants of Darth Greia - we carry out his will or die trying."
> [ ] "Telza - try not to get into trouble.Killing is frowned upon here."
> [ ] "Thirty-seven? Do you have a real name?"
Ok people,you can measure your faggot levels later.Let`s play the game.
Sounds good to me.

But just know that as a namefag, I'm off the fucking charts.
>beating a dead horse

>like a faggot
>We all are servants of Darth Greia - we carry out his will or die trying."
> [ ] "Telza - try not to get into trouble."
> [ ] "Thirty-seven? Do you have a real name?"

Not if even she isn't aware she is a spy.
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"We're all servants of Darth Greia." you say, your voice imperious. "I am his apprentice and I know what its will is. We will carry it out - or die trying." You turn towards Thirty-Seven. "Do you have a real name?"

"That... is my real name. It's what they gave me. I'm a "mutation", they called it."

Telza shoots him a glare. "It's a clone, lab-grown. Made for some backwater Hutt's pleasure barge."

"Oh, and Telza? Try not to get in trouble. I hear that they don't like random brutality."

Telza frowns. "Yes, my lord."

> [ Shock ] "I don't like your tone."
> [ ] "We need to move quickly - let's go together."
> [ ] Explain what your overall goal is.
> [ ] "I'll go ahead and contact you so you can come in covertly."
> [ ] (Write-in.)
>We need to move quickly - let's go together."
>> [ ] Explain what your overall goal is.

That's a man.
> [ ] Explain what your overall goal is.
> [ ] "I'll go ahead and contact you so you can come in covertly."
> [ ] "We need to move quickly - let's go together."
> [ ] Explain what your overall goal is.
Watch your tone Telza, Just because they don't like death does not mean I have my hands overly tied. Remember?
> Explain overall goals, then move in together

Keep Telza on a short leash.
> [ ] Explain what your overall goal is.
> "This is a diplomatic mission.Keep your eyes open, and don`t do anything stupid."
Careful not to get her too riled up, leave her fetishes out of it.
You never know with those chiss girls, they're the star wars equivalent of redheads.
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"Our goal is to fulfill a prophecy to enlist the aid of the Sensari. My Master told us to expect Jedi opposition. We need to move quickly - let's go together."

All of them nod. "Together Sith be not stoppable!" The Rodian adds, looking proud of itself. Telza looks like she hates it in particular.

I'm afraid I have to call it a night - my friends all want to play Nobilis. Tomorrow, SAQ will return - this time, with the Sensari village and your adventures there.
Sound good.
Thanks for running. How much does Telza hate us?
Well we pretty much made her our bitch, so probably a lot.
I thought that was the Xeltron. Who are actually red and got crazy sex pheromones
Chiss are more VE ARE ZE SUPERIOR RACE tier, they grow up to be all perfectly fit
so we're absolutely going to try and turn that jedi yeah?
Could use her planet bombing as a way for us to lead out apprentice towards her desired revenge.
get her to gank some sith warrior down the road that made the call, take his/her stuff, blame her if someone powerful complains
So is this quest entirely unrelated to the one Brine ran that disappeared a while back?
Seems so, his sith war happened around knights of the old republic, this is post-vader
Ah, cool.
So, for anyone interested in following two Sith-esque quests, mine might start tonight if there is enough of a player base online
I got the impression this was old republic with the sith empire and all.

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