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  • File : 1301189046.jpg-(20 KB, 180x446, Doppelganger.jpg)
    20 KB Doppelganger Bootleg Quest VIII Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)21:24 No.14377318  
    This is Doppelganger Bootleg Quest. A tale of a freak, a monster; torn between ravening, mindless hunger and a newborn sense of self-awareness. This tale has yet to be told, and yet to be ended. Come to my table. Join the voices in this creature's head, urging it to either kill, consume, and survive; or to think, to grow, and to transcend its nature. In the end, your choices and decisions in conjunction with the roll of fortune's dice will determine this creature's fate.

    >Please refrain from posting until prompted.

    Last time on Doppelganger Bootleg:
    >You were captured and knocked out by guards after attempting to break into a villa and eat a maid. You were brought before the courts and sentenced to a year of hard labor for trespassing and assault. On your first day of digging, you were caught in a tunnel collapse. You and your fellow convicts encountered an unknown beast that ate your companions and left you alive. When diggers searching for survivors broke through, you hid, allowing yourself to escape notice.You now stand at the rim of the dig, a free being. It is dark out, and much of the city is asleep.
    What will you do?

    Archived Threads
    Scroll down a bit to the point where the bootleg begins.
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)21:24 No.14377327
    HP: 11/22
    Str: 17
    Dex: 17
    Con: 13
    Int: 13
    Wis: 19
    Cha: 13
    Land Speed: 35 ft
    Climb Speed: 15 ft
    Size: Medium


    Personal Inventory:
    Prisoner's Garb (covered in earth and beast-snot)

    Home Inventory (current state unknown: probably still at the lodgings you claimed after eating its owner):
    Corroded Sword
    Puzzle Box
    Dark Glasses
    Weird Lens
    Priestess's Letter
    Enforcer's Club
    Sack of Trinkets

    Climb +8 natural bonus
    Knowledge: Local 4 ranks
    Knowledge: Religion 1 rank
    Stealth 16 ranks + 4 natural bonus

    Weapon Finesse
    Simple Weapon Proficiency

    Special Abilities:
    Sneak Attack +1d6
    Low-Light Vision
    Assimilate: Appearance, special abilities, attributes, skill ranks, and feats are taken from devoured kills. You may only take 1/4 of a person's learned skill ranks through a kill, and only from people with more ranks than you; skill ranks stack.
    Shape Memory: The current form you possess can be imprinted into your memory, allowing you to shift back to it after gaining a new form. This shapeshifting takes one minute. Only one extra form may be had at a time, imprinting a new form will overwrite the other one.
    Finally, Tolly's General Rules/Suggestions:
    First choice of action to receive 3 votes, no matter how stupid or suicidal, will be undertaken. Especially retarded choices may receive a "Are you sure?", first.
    Addendum: If there just aren't enough posts after about 10 minutes, first to two (or just plain first) decides.
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)21:26 No.14377335
    This quest is being run using the Pathfinder system.

    All consequences are decided in the end by my dice. If something attacks you, and the dice say it crits and nearly kills you, you better get ready to run.

    Joke options may be given when I am tired and think they are hilarious. See: Death Blossom. These options are not actually on the table.

    Please do not accuse me of railroading; I can quite honestly tell you I have no idea where this is going plot-wise. Just enjoy yourselves instead.

    >Ladies and gentlemen, you may begin.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)21:29 No.14377361
    If we're dressed like a prisoner, find new clothes.

    Either way, it's late, so hunt the alley ways. Look for drunks and bums. We need to eat.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)21:37 No.14377432
    Where are we?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)21:39 No.14377449
    I'd assumed the prison was outside the city. So it was inside of it? And we're in the same city as before?
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)21:42 No.14377472
    >You wander the alleys, looking for prey to heal your wounds and quiet your hunger. After several hours searching, you find a brace of rats.
    HP: 17/22
    >You feel tired, exhausted both by your long day and the experiences therein.
    What do you do?
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)21:44 No.14377483
    The site you were laboring at was in the city, yes.
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)21:45 No.14377492
    Perception check. Anyone noisy nearby?
    Also, what time is it? Sounds like we're hoboing it up tonight ourselves, let's not camp in a fucktardedly dangerous part of town.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)21:46 No.14377499
    Yes. Find someplace quiet and out of the way where we can sleep. We can climb, so if there's a hidden alcove on someone's roof or something, that would be a good choice.
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)21:46 No.14377501
    >inb4 "what about our house?"
    We're pretty damn tired, and it's late. We can spend the day tomorrow looking for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)21:51 No.14377521
    Okay guys, let's be smart about this. What are things to keep an eye out for? We've seen some things we should probably keep track of and had some ideas.

    1. Gnome seer chicanery. Are we still for doing this?
    2. What's up with those mysterious late-night guarded carts?
    3. Are we helping out Gave and/or nomming some local criminal element?
    4. There's at least one thing big and dangerous living under the city in tunnels. Should we see about looking around down there?
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)21:55 No.14377554

    Knowledge: Local. Any animals, particularly pests, that seem to be able to see in the dark? Let's eat us some of them. We'll probably need better equipment for taking down that...whatever the fuck, though. But seeing in the dark would make them tunnels a LOT easier.

    Sleep first, though. What was that perception roll, Tolly? Or is that a secret and it just "sounds" clear?
    Also also this: >>14377499
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)21:56 No.14377559
    >You climb up onto the rooftops, searching for a safe place to sleep. You find a spot under an overhang, with no visible means of access. You curl up to sleep...
    >You dream of blood and death. People scream in fear, and flee from something rampaging, humanoid, something hazy and vague. Just before you jolt awake, you see the thing's face. It's gray and elongated, with large black eyes and no nose. Its mouth is filled with sharp teeth, and its face is smeared with blood.
    >You awake with a start. It's bright out. You hear the sounds of crowds echoing from the streets below.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)21:59 No.14377580
    Blood for the Blood God?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)22:00 No.14377584
    Any chance of climbing down without being noticed? Also, what form are we in?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)22:01 No.14377590
    Why is there a place with an overhang, if it doesn't have any visible ways onto it? Look around to see if anyone's nearby, climb down, and see what type of building this is.
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)22:03 No.14377606
    We dreamed of our possible future big self?
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)22:07 No.14377625
    There's another section of roof above overhanging it. Part of the building continues up for a couple more floors.
    >You get up, stretching out your muscles as you do so. You stroll over to the edge, and look at the streets below. Down in the street, a fairly thin crowd of people go about their business, a rather chaotic sight. You glance about for a way down. You could just climb down, but somebody might see you. There are other rooftops within jumping range as well.
    What do you do?
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)22:11 No.14377653
    Well, seems only logical to jump off this building.

    ...And use our climb speed to climb an adjacent building, of course.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)22:14 No.14377667
    Any haybales below us?
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)22:18 No.14377696
    >In desert
    >Wearing probably somewhat flowy clothes
    >On top of building
    >Jump onto haybales

    Since when were we playing Assassin's Creed?

    But how close is the nearest building, though? Didn't ask that last time.
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)22:21 No.14377717
    I'm waiting for somebody to suggest some action other than "go to another rooftop".
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)22:21 No.14377720
    Do we know of any pounds in the area?
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)22:29 No.14377786
    Knowledge: Local check 24
    >You feel hungry. You sift through stolen knowledge for some place with animals, a place you can feed at without too much trouble. It's said a local noble keeps a menagerie...
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)22:31 No.14377807
    What about local children? There must be unguarded orphans and the like.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)22:36 No.14377840
    Lets go and scout the area out, see how heavy the security is. Gotta use that huge stealth bonus somehow.

    Doubt orphans will give us anything that's worth being chased after by adventuring parties.
    >> BaiZ 03/26/11(Sat)22:38 No.14377853
    I say we go "home" (we should sneak in via the window) Also are wee still getting ranks in climb for rats or are we as good/better than them?
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)22:40 No.14377875
    Probably better than. But Let's get home and change our clothes. Related: Use Stealth to get home, guards no likey seeing unsupervised prisioners out of prision.
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)22:41 No.14377886
    You have a climb speed. There's really no need for climb skill after that.
    >You get your bearings, then make your way across the rooftops of the city to your home in about an hour's time. You climb down to street level in an alleyway, then make your way to the window you originally broke in through.
    Everything appears untouched.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)22:42 No.14377893
    I'm suddenly reminded that we left a cat locked in our house.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)22:43 No.14377909
    Go around and check the front too, look for people just standing around, or out of place scents.
    >> The Paranoid One 03/26/11(Sat)22:43 No.14377912
    Anything look out of place? Is it /too/ quiet?
    >> BaiZ 03/26/11(Sat)22:46 No.14377933
    Why do we need stealth we should turn int Nom if were not him already.
    Also after we go home and eat we should relay invest in our own home so no nosey gnomes mess with our stuff.

    We should also get a new second form and pull that trick someone's said about noming a bar in teh last thread.
    >> The Paranoid One 03/26/11(Sat)22:48 No.14377951
    We're already in the shape of Nom. And we don't actually own the house, we just killed the owner of it. Cities don't work under the principle of "The strongest one gets the prize", though. And god only knows what kind of friends the gnome might have, especially when you consider how they're viewed in this setting.

    Walking into this house with anything less than mild paranoia is asking for trouble.
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)22:49 No.14377967
    You sniff the air, checking for suspicious or out-of-place scents. You sense nothing out of the ordinary, other than sleeping cat. You climb inside.
    Postan description of room
    >The hookah you took from two men in the slums sits in the corner, next to a large chest. Inside, you have several changes of medium-creature size clothing, the strange items you got off the gnome, and things you took from the priestess. A wooden club is leaning against the chest. There is a sleeping mat under the window, and a cage containing a cat under the window. As you step into the room, you scuff your foot against the floor. The cat's eyes snap open, and it yowls at you. It might be hungry.
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)22:52 No.14377983
    You're currently in the shape of a skinny dark-skinned man, wearing filthy prisoner's garb.
    >> BaiZ 03/26/11(Sat)22:53 No.14377995
    >> 14377886
    If we are hit while climbing dont we need to make checks to not fall or is that just 3.0 and 3.5? Plus som oter realy hard stuff maybe?

    At some point wee need to go buy a butchered chicken or something small and whole and eat it raw to test if we can gain abilities that way plus same thing with a raw egg and then if that works a cooked egg.
    But wee need to see to our stuff and get a new backup form we dont want to go hunting as Nom or walk around as the other guy.
    >> The Paranoid One 03/26/11(Sat)22:54 No.14378002
    Apparently I failed in reading comprehension. Thought we had morphed into being him to get out of the chains.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)22:54 No.14378004
    go hunting with the cat
    its a bonding experience
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)22:56 No.14378021
    >Kitty's hungry
    Well, we can't have that. We don't...we don't exactly keep food. Did the house's previous occupant keep any anywhere? We should take the cat with us as a companion/familiar (yes, I know we're not wizards, but I don't care). Tomcat or no?

    Change clothes to non-prisoner clothes and let's bring kitty with us grocery shopping.
    >> BaiZ 03/26/11(Sat)23:00 No.14378056
    I know we dont own the place that is why we need to find anew place to live, like i said earlier.
    I called it "home" because that is where we are keeping our stuff and have been sleeping recently.

    Shot. We have no food for the cat do you guys think we should
    A. let it out and hope it comes back
    B. eat it.
    C. ???
    >> BaiZ 03/26/11(Sat)23:02 No.14378082
    when you put it that way i say keep the cat time to go shopping.
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)23:05 No.14378110
    Idea. As Nom, get a job somewhere. A menial job, yeah, but a job nontheless.
    Work an honest living as Nom. Become a homeowner.
    Meanwhile, as our second form (which we can and will change) become a nightstalker of sorts. No one will suspect us, because Nom is such a fine, upstanding...Gnomish...citizen!
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)23:05 No.14378112
    Huh. Didna think of that, actually.
    >You morph and change into gnome clothing, throwing the prisoner's clothing into a trash heap in the alley way. The cat seems agitated and hungry. You toy with the idea of eating the cat, but decide against it. Well, you don't want it to starve to death. You decide to venture out into the marketplace. You try the door, but it's locked and you've lost the key. It seems you'll need to get new locks, or at least remove this one.
    >You make your way into the marketplace while the morning crush is still in full swing. You stop at a butcher's shop, and buy some meat with coinage you took from the chest. You now carry 24 coppers on you. You spy, among other things, an animal merchant and a smith selling his wares.
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)23:06 No.14378124
    >No ranks in Handle Animal

    Oops. Well, keep the cat around for now, not as and adventuring buddy, just as a pet cat. When we buy a house, get trained in Cat handling, too. Although we'll probably learn by trial-and-error by then.
    >> BaiZ 03/26/11(Sat)23:08 No.14378139
    We need a new knife.
    >> The Paranoid One 03/26/11(Sat)23:08 No.14378148
    Lets see what ye old animal shopee has to offer us.
    >> Anonymous de Bergerac-Fleur !RZND91lf7s 03/26/11(Sat)23:10 No.14378158
    >Cat Handling
    Ha! I assume you have never had a pet cat.
    >> BaiZ 03/26/11(Sat)23:12 No.14378172
    i say we do this but not as a Gnome. We continue to pretend were an elf and keep gnome clothes stashed at home. For when we want to use there creepiness to our advantage. Plus I dont think anyone would hire us as a gnome at least for something so "low rent".
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)23:12 No.14378179
    Let's go with the smithy. As previously stated, we're not so good with animals. They tend to be better with our intestines.

    Related! Our current form changes with what we eat, right? Like if we eat six dozen rats as notNom, will Nom look ratty? Also, regular food can sustain us, yes?
    ...Actually, we don't got shit in terms of money. 22 copper? I found a quarter yesterday. We don't even have that much.
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)23:15 No.14378194
    You ever litterbox-train a cat? Getting it to not run away from combat is over 9000 times harder.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)23:15 No.14378195
         File1301195735.jpg-(42 KB, 318x184, Herding%20Cats.jpg)
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    >pic related

    Also throwing in another vote for checking out the animal seller.
    >> BaiZ 03/26/11(Sat)23:17 No.14378210
    I thought we had several silver in our chest at home what happened to them? I mean our cat foo didn't cost that much.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)23:24 No.14378254
    if you followed the last quest, you will know that anything pre cooked or pre killed does not allow us to assimilate them, nor does it sate our hunger as much as eating something fresh or raw would
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)23:28 No.14378287
    Right. Note to self: Share raw steaks with our cat. Was it a tomcat or no?

    Also, if you'd followed the last quest, you'd know I was in it.
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)23:28 No.14378295
    Well, nobody wants to break the tie, so smithy first it is.

    >You walk up to the smith's booth. He's a short, rather burly man, with small pockmark scars covering his face. "What're you looking for, gnome?"
    >> BaiZ 03/26/11(Sat)23:29 No.14378305
    we learned about cooked tings yes but not about whole raw corpses like a whole chicken from a butcher and we have no idea about eggs
    also when did we learn it is not as filling?
    >> BaiZ 03/26/11(Sat)23:31 No.14378318
    hey Tollymain
    what happened to our silver?
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)23:33 No.14378338
    Do you carry all of your money with you everywhere you happen to go?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)23:33 No.14378341
    Recover HP.
    Take new abilities.
    Try to find some other race's children. Orphans would be preferable.
    >> BaiZ 03/26/11(Sat)23:38 No.14378374
    I thought we would have brought more as we were planing on going shopping. My bad I thought you meant that was all of our money period not all the money we had on us.
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)23:40 No.14378393
    "Stick. Poley type. No metal, though. NO METAL."
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)23:43 No.14378410
    Why would we go to a blacksmith for a non metal item?
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)23:44 No.14378421
    Gnomes are weird, man. He probably makes polearms anyway, so there's that.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)23:45 No.14378429
    A knife, we came for a knife.
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)23:45 No.14378431
    Goddamnit it I know who you are. No info-cheating.

    >"I don't sell wood, gnome. Try the lumber merchants."
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)23:47 No.14378447
    Why do we need a pole?
    >> BaiZ 03/26/11(Sat)23:47 No.14378454
    we didnt just do that did we?

    if we didn't. Say: I would like a to buy a knife.
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)23:49 No.14378467
    >"How about a knife, good sir?"
    >"I can sell you that." The smith's brows unfurrow, and he steps out to the cart behind the booth being watched by a lanky-looking young man. He brings back a box and opens it. Inside is a collection of knives, ranging from cutlery to small utilitarian daggers.
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)23:49 No.14378471
         File1301197786.gif-(26 KB, 650x450, JohnIsStillNotPleased.gif)
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    "How about a halberd, then?"
    >> BaiZ 03/26/11(Sat)23:53 No.14378507
    i think we want something functional for ether medium or small wielders so get one of the larger daggers i think.
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/26/11(Sat)23:58 No.14378545
    >You point out one of the larger daggers, saying "This looks good. How much do you want for it?"
    >"40 coppers." The blacksmith folds his arms, waiting for a reply.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/11(Sat)23:58 No.14378551
    Why do we want a halbred?
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/26/11(Sat)23:59 No.14378559
    To use the wood as a staff.

    Lesse...haggle time! Appraise check first. Maybe knives are worth more here.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/11(Sun)00:02 No.14378579
    Why not just buy a staff then?
    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)00:02 No.14378585
    Appraise check
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/27/11(Sun)00:03 No.14378599
    Appraise check (really should require levels in it to use) 4
    >You have no idea what the actual value of the dagger is.
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/27/11(Sun)00:06 No.14378617
    I'm going to take a break, be back in something around 1 to 1-1/2 hours.
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/27/11(Sun)00:10 No.14378648
    Herp. Well, we have 22 copper. Offer 20, and if he says no, or offers a higher price (he'd be a fool not to) offer to work for him for a day to make it up.

    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)00:10 No.14378651
    darn we should have brought more money....
    do any of you guys have any ideas i dont think we can haggle him down to the 22 we have on us though i guess we could try.
    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)00:15 No.14378690
    we should start at 15 if we haggle at all.
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/27/11(Sun)00:15 No.14378692
    Dammit, Tolly...
    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)00:33 No.14378867
    so what does everyone think of getting a job and another place to stay?
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/27/11(Sun)01:05 No.14379155
    rolled 2 = 2

    Be an Outstanding Cat-Owning Citizen as Nom, and hear (and make) stories about the urban legend of our other form?

    Also, since Tolly won't say doodly about the cat's gender, 1 is male, 2 is female.
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/27/11(Sun)02:00 No.14379224
    Okay, /tg/'s back up. So...
    >Diplomacy check 13
    >"40? for that kind of work?" You attempt to look vaguely contemptuous.
    >The smith looks you over. "30."
    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)02:08 No.14379278
    something like humm how about 22 and i look to see if there are any major dangers in your future?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/11(Sun)02:12 No.14379295
    "20 and I'll tell you your future."
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/27/11(Sun)02:18 No.14379328
    >"How about I pay you 22, and maybe a few words for the future?"
    >The blacksmith scowls. "I want nothing to do with your meddling, gnome. I'll take your money, and you can go." He hands you the dagger. It's fairly plain and undecorated, but it looks like a practical, useful tool. You pull 22 copper coins from your purse, leaving only two.
    What do you do now?
    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)02:24 No.14379369
    Thank the man. Go home get more money. Begin plan buy a house. (Ie get a job as Nom)
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/27/11(Sun)02:35 No.14379453
    >You leave the marketplace with your new dagger, and return to your room. From the alleyway, you can hear shouting. The cat yowls loudly as you enter. You hear a knocking on the door. "Gnome! It's been 2 days! Pay your ancestorsdamned rent or I'm going to summon the city guards!"
    >> Anonymous 03/27/11(Sun)02:36 No.14379467
    we don't even need this house
    kill him and eat him
    >> Anonymous 03/27/11(Sun)02:37 No.14379468

    Get behind the door and say, "Come iiiiiiiiiiiin!"

    Ready your knife.

    Get ready to show him our stabs.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/11(Sun)02:37 No.14379473
    also, let the cat free. its just unnecessarily cruel
    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)02:38 No.14379479
    where are we exactly and how did we get in?
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/27/11(Sun)02:43 No.14379510
    Our house.

    Alright. Get our stuff out of "our" chest. Open cat's cage and bring her with us, if she doesn't seem more apt to claw us to shreds. Let's bug out with out +God stealth skill and see how long until the landlord actually calls the guards.

    By which I mean leave the house immediately and start slummin' again with our cat.
    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)02:46 No.14379532
    i mean how did we get into our house the front door the window?
    and if we came in via the window i say we bug out otherwise try to smooth talk.
    on a side not wee need ranks in bluff.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/11(Sun)02:46 No.14379533
    Be sure to take off the gnome clothes before eating people!
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/27/11(Sun)02:47 No.14379535
    Well, if you really want to...
    >You answer the person on the other side, saying "Just a moment..." You pull out the dagger, and unlock the door with your free hand. You pull the door open, and you see a tall, thin man standing as though he were about to knock again.
    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)02:48 No.14379542
    and be in the not nom form
    >> Anonymous 03/27/11(Sun)02:48 No.14379544
    Anyone behind him?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/11(Sun)02:48 No.14379546
    I advocate letting the landlord in first, slamming door shut, eating then leaving.

    If he said I'm going to call the guards, that means he hasn't called them YET, so he's most likely alone-a free meal, and you know you have to bug out of here either way, WAY too dangerous to try to bluff through here at your skill levels.

    So lure in, slam door, knife, eat, collect belongings and cat, and leave.
    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)02:51 No.14379561
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/27/11(Sun)02:51 No.14379563
    The window, thanks to climb speed. So the sneaky way out it is. Also Bluff sounds lovely.

    Did the servers take DBQ with them?
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/27/11(Sun)03:02 No.14379633
    >"Come in."
    Sleight of Hand check 6
    Perception check 16
    >The man notices the dagger held low to your side, and pales slightly. He stammers, "You have half an hour to be gone before the city guards get here. I don't want to see you about here again." He backs away from the door slowly, keeping his eyes on the blade.
    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)03:05 No.14379655
    Pack our stuff and leave.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/11(Sun)03:09 No.14379696

    In a low, commanding voice. "Stop. Your money is on the table."

    If he buys it, backstab him.
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/27/11(Sun)03:13 No.14379732
    I thought we were trying to be an upstanding citizen!
    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)03:17 No.14379768
    Well at least he only thinks were a gnome not Nom
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/27/11(Sun)03:18 No.14379775
    >As the man walks into the courtyard, you look about the room. You probably won't be able to carry all of your stuff in this form... but you could run into problems if you transform into your human guise.
    WHat do you do?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/11(Sun)03:21 No.14379793

    When are we gonna stab hiiiiiiiiim?? ;_;
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/27/11(Sun)03:22 No.14379810
    I'll take a wild guess and say that half-morphing between them would be a Very Bad Idea.
    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)03:23 No.14379820
    >> Finn !!HHhltDERfw8 03/27/11(Sun)03:30 No.14379861

    Aaand it seems I'm starting to lose coherence due to 330 in the morning, so I'm bowing out to sleep. 'Night, all!
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/27/11(Sun)03:35 No.14379907
    I'm going to have to agree with Finn. I'm going to wrap up here. Not much going on tonight, I guess. Y'all have a good night/day.
    >> BaiZ 03/27/11(Sun)03:36 No.14379914
    Good night same time next week?
    >> Tollymain !!ze5GOtMjMiN 03/27/11(Sun)03:40 No.14379942
    Probably. It's going to nearly always be Friday or Saturday night, about 20-2100 EST;

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