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  • File : 1303775107.jpg-(50 KB, 588x700, EvilQuest.jpg)
    50 KB Evil Quest: Part ??? Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)19:45 No.14719814  
    L̛͓͙͔̼̹̼͔̞a̫͍̞͍̮ͅs̴͇͔͍͎̖̯̖̙t̡͈̙͇̙͇͔ ͖͞E̴̠̼̕͢p̴̛͓̱i̡͓̯̺̻̭͓͞ś̲̝̪̦̖̯ò̵̬͙d̵̸̖e͏̵̖͇̭̠:̷͕̯͓͈̀ͅ
    ̼̣ ̘̜̻̯̀̕h̢͙̼̩̲̬̗t̕҉͍͈ͅt͓̱͡p̡̪̖̯͢:̥͟ͅ/̜̗͔͉͠ͅ/̡̡̘̜ṣ̹̹̻̖̕͜
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)19:47 No.14719830

    Opening your eyes reveals a world that betrays your very senses, your surroundings have suddenly changed. Were you not just at the highest point in the city of Angelfalls, its ancient lighthouse? Were your hands not covered with blood clutching a small, helpless and dead child? The blood is gone and you only had to blink once for your world to be pulled out from under you and replaced with something foreign. Before you is an affront against the very laws of nature. A gray and dull landscape, unnatural, yet neither sinister nor virtuous. Floating in the distance are useless clumps of land, some small as pebbles, some large as small islands. Listlessly and with no cause or reason they slowly fly in a single direction above an endless flat plain of ashen grass.
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)19:47 No.14719835
    Turning south you are hit with a sudden and powerful force of howling and horrid wind. Dust is quickly swept up into the air creating a maelstrom of dust that renders your vision near useless. You are forced to dig your feet into the ground as this new wind is trying to push you backwards as if resisting you. Adjusted to the sting your eyes and skin now feel the heat of flames and the din of battle, inhuman shouts and cries mixed with the very human sound of suffering and terror. Silhouettes of mighty stone spires begin to rise from the soil miles away and the landscape is becoming dotted with ancient looking columns of rock and marble.

    Looking north again the wind and dust suddenly dies down and in the distance is a surreal landscape forming before you eyes. Silhouettes of buildings rise from the ground as if being built by invisible hands. They twist and turn, outwards and in on themselves like growing trees before crashing to the earth, some of them in flames, turning into dust. Nonsensical babble of many voices flood the gray landscape with ceaseless noise, but in the distance, sitting upon a rock at least 8 feet tall, a human figure. It is only a silhouette but it looks like that of a woman with her legs crossed sensually.
    >> tha/tg/uy 04/25/11(Mon)19:49 No.14719848
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    >evil quest
    Never leave us again Evil. We missed you too damn much.
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)19:58 No.14719872
    All the cardinal points are open to you in this odd surreal dreamlike world.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:00 No.14719883
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:01 No.14719894
    Unholy shit! Evil, it's been ages!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:02 No.14719901
    there are no reaction images to express my suprise at seeing this thread.
    that said, explore this purgatory-like land
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:02 No.14719908
    Oh man, I have to leave for work soon. I'll join it as soon as I get there.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:04 No.14719917
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:06 No.14719928
    Walk towards the rock, we need answers.
    ((Also, it's great that you're back, evil, this was always my favorite quest))
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:08 No.14719942
    Go to the woman.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:09 No.14719948
    What powers do we have available to us? Check over ourselves and take note of our condition first.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:09 No.14719950
    i have no idea what this is so i'm gonna lurk this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:09 No.14719953
    No mere force of nature will stop us!
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)20:10 No.14719961
    (Yes, I am choosing either Monday or Thursday nights as a day I'll do this weekly since those days will be free to me for quite few months. But continue, as always the most popular or an interesting mixture of posts will continue the story.)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:10 No.14719963
    Let's try North. What could go wrong?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:11 No.14719969
    Approach the human figure. At least we're potentially guaranteed for some answers. And I've missed this quest so much.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:12 No.14719991
    This may not be the right time to start this, 4chan posting has been freaking out for me all day.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:14 No.14720011

    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:16 No.14720037
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    >mfw evil quest

    This will be glorious
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)20:20 No.14720066
    Looking at yourself you are quite completely naked, but you can still feel all your power all the same.

    Walking north you pass through the twisting and turning buildings, the grinding of stone, the groaning and creaking of wood, the buildings crash to the ground soon after rising from the ground only to be replaced by something completely different.

    Coming upon the stone a mist falls over the landscape and the buildings vanish from your sight. The still image of the silhouette becomes animated as this woman with one leg crossed over the other twirls her foot in circles. Finally her features are visible, a tall human woman with absurdly long legs and equally absurd long black hair draped over her shoulders and running down her back. Staring right at you it seems her red iris eyes have been following your approach. She sits upon this rock nude herself with svelte curves and large chest.

    "Hello, your _____" The last part of her speech cuts off suddenly, her mouth still moving revealing sharp pointed canines but dubbed over with an odd blaring tone not from her person.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:27 No.14720125
    Well that cut out part probably isn't going to be bad... Ask it where we are and how did we get here I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:28 No.14720144

    Searching for the source of the blaring.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:30 No.14720151
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    >a tall human woman with absurdly long legs and equally absurd long black hair

    Well, hello there.

    And see where the noise came from.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:30 No.14720152

    "Greetings, strange and malevolent woman, would you be so kind to tell me the name of this place?"

    Keep your distance.
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)20:38 No.14720254
    Leaping down from her rock perch she lands softly like a cat on her feet and begins walking toward you with a grin plastered on her face. As she approaches closer and closer a burning like ash erupts from various parts of her body, instead of burning away clothing replaces her nude figure, although not much clothing, a black bikini top and several long strips of fine black mesh wrapping around her hips trailing behind her.

    The sound itself as you turn your head to the right and the left is gone now, as quickly as it started it stopped, in sync with her mouth closing, finishing her earlier address. The sound itself must have come from the very air itself. The same air that like a supercell forming from the ground up kicks dust in the immediate area, the dust moving very purposefully to create stone walls, a floor and very high ceiling. It seems like a throne room of some castle, a high back throne erupting from the ground where the stone the woman was sitting before.

    "Strange? Malevolent? Don't be such a tease." She stops walking toward you when you straiten your back ready to keep your distance. She tilts her head at you inquisitively her grin dissipating. "And of course you're at _____ ." That strange noise again. The walls once stiff and straight, the first sane sight since awaking her begin to ebb and flow as if they were made of water. Windows to what you'd think are outside the same gray, but color flooding the rest of the room you are in, red carpets, mahogany furniture and the like.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:40 No.14720277

    Try to recognize our surroundings as they form.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:43 No.14720304

    It seems like this place is conspiring to prevent us from hearing her say our name or what this place even is.

    Ask her who she is. I am running out of patience for these games.
    >> tha/tg/uy 04/25/11(Mon)20:43 No.14720312
    That cutoff noise is starting to get to me.Where is it coming from?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:46 No.14720340

    Let´s ask
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)20:50 No.14720374
    The surroundings are very much like that of a castle, although their stability is very questionable.

    She presses the tips of the fingers on her right hand over her heart and speaks, "Why I'm Mithrilda. While you're tired of games it seems you are quite fine to continue playing them yourself." She approaches ever closer but with both hands behind her back and stands right in front of you, having to look up at you. Then you feel something sensually caress your right cheek, it feels slightly scaly, when you look a black spade attached to a long black tail flowing back to her backside where it is attached.

    "I don't hear a thing.... Darling."
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:51 No.14720387
    kill it, wear its skin

    or alternatively, continue the inane convesation until the plot deems it time for somthing to happen
    >> tha/tg/uy 04/25/11(Mon)20:52 No.14720392
    Then the only thing I can think of is that our Pally-God nemesis is screwing with us to prevent us from learning our past.

    Ask he why we are here.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:55 No.14720406

    If she's trying to seduce us we're not interested. We're only interested in figuring out what the hell we're doing here, how to get back, and get back to our plans. If she cannot help us with that then we have no use for her.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:55 No.14720413
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:56 No.14720417
    what can we kill it with OP as we seem to be naked?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:56 No.14720421
    Haha, sweet, Evil Quest!

    I remember when you tried to do that other quest.... I think it had to do something with music? People told you that, while that quest was interesting, they wanted EVIL back.

    You did a session and disappeared again ;_;

    Don't leave us again, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:56 No.14720424

    "I'm sorry, but for the moment I'm very confused. One moment I was doing an... Experiment, and suddenly I find myself in this strange land. Perhaps it would be easier if you tell me more about yourself and this place."
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:00 No.14720460
    "Catharine? You seem...different."
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:02 No.14720481
    perhaps we should pretend to let her seduce us, then when the opportunity arises, grab her by the neck and squeeze. of course it might be rather risky
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:05 No.14720512
    She seems to know us or is likely confusing us for whoever created us. There's no point killing or harming her yet. Damnit, I don't get why people are so eager to resort to violence right away. Just like how it boggled my mind that people wanted to kill the mage kids at the lighthouse.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:06 No.14720521
    Take a step back and hold up your hands.

    "Not trying to be rude, but I'm very confused. Just one moment ago I was enjoying a nice bloodbath, and now I'm in some empty gray wasteland, and some blaring noise is selectively muting you to my ears.

    How did I get here and how do I leave?"
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)21:07 No.14720529
    The spaded tail tip trails down along your body, but you stop feeling its pressure. A black ash covers your body burning and covering your entire body a suit of plated armor covers you from the neck down.

    "Why are you here? What a funny question. You're here to take this world, whether it burns or not is up to you once there are none left to say otherwise."

    Losing patience you quickly outstretched an armored fist and seize her by the neck and lift her up off the floor with one hand, "Where. Am. I?"

    She brings her hands from behind her back to your clenched fist trying to alleviate the strangulation the best she can flailing her legs uselessly and her tail whisking behind her frantically. "C-Catharine? That...*cough* that... *cough* *gak* sad excuse for a woman, *cough*" she fixates her gaze beyond your gaze.

    The stone walls giving out suddenly crash down as ash harmlessly hitting the ground and spreading out. The outside world has been replaced with utter blackness, a single ray of light from above shining on you so that you may still see yourself.

    A voice from the darkness, monotone and uninterested, "The past stands still, but we are guarded from it. The future stands changing, ever flowing. Either way you look, while many wish to see it, and feel it again, will regret it." This voice seems to have no source.

    Still clutching the strange woman called Mithrilda she chokes and gags. There is no other sound, except for what you think may be soft crying.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:13 No.14720570

    Agreed. There were many moments in the quest when we could have been subtle, but the some anons appeared demanding soul obliberation everywhere. For example, the engineer and his apprentice would have been slowly corrupted, but now they must be seriously traumatized after we kidnapped them and kept them for months in our ship.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:16 No.14720602
    What is this? Some kind of moment of destiny(ey-ey-ey...)?

    "Catherine may be a simple human, but she's been a capable servant so far. You will address me and mine with respect." Then toss her to the ground.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:17 No.14720615
    Crush her neck, and drag her toward the light. "You are not Catharine and you did not answer my question. Where am I?"
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:19 No.14720640

    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:19 No.14720647

    Our corruption of that one king early on in the quest is still one of the best moments of any quest thread I've seen. I wish we could do more Ultimate Temptation-style evil like that rather than just being a bloodthirsty warlord.
    >> tha/tg/uy 04/25/11(Mon)21:19 No.14720650
    She's proven quite capable of her own brand of evil as well.

    I mean, she DID kill that archmage and choose to stay with us instead of save the world. She gets evil points for that.

    Where is that crying coming from? We need to find out.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:20 No.14720668
    why are we chokeing her again?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:22 No.14720686
    Agreed. It really irks me to see how many people just want to be all crush, kill, destroy when we could handle things with much more style.

    Let her go and see if we can find the source of the crying.
    >> tha/tg/uy 04/25/11(Mon)21:22 No.14720688
    Because we can? Because we want answers and she's beating around the bush?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:23 No.14720696
    Because she's the only person we can see, we've asked her questions, and she's giving us the runaround. But yeah, mindless violence isn't my thing either.

    drop her down and begin asking. How did we get here, what is that crying, why are we here, and how do we get out?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:23 No.14720697

    See >>14720481
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:24 No.14720706

    This pretty much.

    Keep our hand around her throat for now, try to determine the source of the crying.
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)21:40 No.14720778
    "Catherine may be a simple human, but she's been a capable servant so far. You will address me and mine with respect." With great force you throw her to the ground, surprisingly you don't hear any bones shatter, she must be made of sturdy stuff. She lies there choking trying to push herself up.

    Turning around and in the distance you see the source of the crying. On the ground is Catharine, holding something in her arms.

    The world shifts and the strange buildings return as the world flood with the gray light. Around you you see many other sights. To the East banners planted in the soil, they depict a gold hill with a black bird with its arms outstretched, lines of soldiers you remember from the east standing below them looking toward you. To the west spires of the Apostle states. To the north a great castle and to the south a fair distance away a supercell of the same winds that blew against you and pushed you away before.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:40 No.14720781
    >because we can
    >herp derp
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:48 No.14720825
    I feel that whatever chance we had to find out information, we blew it by being violent.

    Maybe we'll get pulled there again somehow. In the meantime, see if we can't identify residual magic on us, and ask our mage-girl if she recognizes anything we've seen.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:49 No.14720826

    Perhaps a warning of some antagonistic force that will come from the south?

    Observe the figure of Catherine. I suspect this is all some manner of illusion, but it could be an illusion with important information nonetheless. Or a trick. Either way we wait and gather our knowledge of this place until an opportunity presents itself.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:58 No.14720859
    Is Catherine and Mithrilda still here?
    Tempted to say either go south or north at this point.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:01 No.14720872
    demand information from Mithrilda
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)22:09 No.14720907
    Ignoring your surroundings you approach the sitting figure of Catharine. She does not respond to you getting closer. She seems different though, she appears more mature, the passage of years, but still relatively young. In her arms you can see something more clearly, something wrapped with cloth.

    Approaching closer. You hear a voice behind you from the other woman, "No, don't get any closer. I beg you. Don't do it, for your own sake!"

    Ignoring this you tower before her, and kneel down to get the best look you can. She still does not look at you, but you can see she is still breathing. When you can finally see her face her eyes are red and streaks of dry tears flow from her eyes, eyes that are otherwise dead. And bundled in the cloth, is a child, a newly born child, but when you reach your hand out to it, you feel no warmth at all. A blinding flash of light from above obliterates the scenery around you as everything turns to dust and the world becomes white. Floating in the sky, the source of the light, a golden crown sitting upon the hilt of a shining silver sword. It is like some living banner, the symbol of Valtir. Words echo in your mind coming from this massive object.


    And the world fades away...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:10 No.14720914
    Use soul destruction on Mithrilda. TAKE INFORMATION!
    >> Evil Quest: Part XII Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)22:14 No.14720960
    Last Episode: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/13774551/

    A low hum reverberates inside the enclosed stone room, the scent of iron and burnt flesh permeates the stale air creating a sickening putrid stench and the sounds of battle elsewhere in the city are heard muffled by the stone. Crowded together in fear are a group of children, each one a potential mage, after watching one of their comrades die a horrid death they are motionless like rodents in the presence of a great bird of prey. A pool of blood seeps through the cracks in the stone at your feet as the dead boy lies there, his body in a wretched state. Outside the soldiers who could only see your imposing back during the horrid scene now wait outside disbelieving what they saw, taking the innocent half elf girl with them to safety.

    Along with torch light another light now illuminates the room, the dull blue glow of the giant glass crystal that dominates the center of the room. In front of you one of the much smaller and identical crystals hums with power, you can barely see a faint blue tendril of magic power connect it to the main crystal like a spider’s strand of silk. The machine, the Lighthouse of Angels, for the first time in centuries, hums and crackles with power. But it is nowhere near enough power.
    After what seemed minutes in silence the children fear for their lives, and they all jump in unison as urgent knocking pounds against the doors leading to the spiral staircase outside.

    "-sir? Sir? You may wish not to be disturbed, but I come with news of the battle outside! My lord the Duke Gagné wishes to meet with you again within the hour!"
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:18 No.14720976

    A child? Our child? Preposterous. We alone shall rule and have no need of physical relations with another or an heir of any kind.

    Also, fuck you Valtir, we've already proven your bullshit prophecy false with all the pillaging and burning we've expedited around this world.
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)22:18 No.14720982
    (stupid slow posting times, Part XXII rather)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:20 No.14721001
    so did we just dream all of that?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:21 No.14721004

    Leave the lighthouse for now, we cannot lose this kids, later we should try to make a story about the death of the child.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:21 No.14721005
    hmm, what to do
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:28 No.14721009
    >evil quest part 12

    A year and a half of evil quest, I guess
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:28 No.14721015
    "And how goes the battle thus far?" To the soldier.

    Now how the hell to salvage this situation with the kids...
    "If the elves take the city, it is unlikely they will show mercy to those that were with me. I suggest you all re-think your stance on cooperation at this point in time. Unless you rather force me to resort to other means..." I guess something along these lines once the soldier is dismissed and we can talk to the children alone.

    At this point guys, we best get to fighting this war. This lighthouse will not win us the battle unless we plan to destroy the city and our own forces at the same time as the elves.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:29 No.14721027
    Tell them casually to power the machine or there will be consequences. Then leave to see the Duke.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:38 No.14721044
    Where's that one kid? Gareth was it?

    The kids should be capable of channeling their power into the orb, but they need a leader. Gareth could do that. He's always been the one to stand up to us we just need to give him a reason to work for us.
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)22:50 No.14721104
    "Sir, casualties among the milita were severe, we have no numbers yet, but they are inadequateagainst the Elven magic. Our other forces managed to attack their flank as they attempted to advance into our territory and stopped them, Skirmishes are still taking place in East Angelfalls (4), but fighting has died down for now. They are likely to regroup and attack again. We'll need orders on how to deploy. Sir!"

    Forces under your command: 589 - Knights (Heavy Calvary), 2,431 Men at Arms (Heavy Infantry) 9,250 Angelfalls Levy (Light Militia Infantry, 1900 of which armed with Crossbows), 6 light cannons

    In the meantime you wave your hand and tell the soldiers to leave the lighthouse, hiding most of the body of the dead child behind you. "This is war now children, if I don't end you, the elves will. So help me power this machine."

    They shudder and shake terrified of your presence, your facade surely weakened.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:54 No.14721135
    Man, /tg/ posting is slow tonight.

    brb, catching up on the last episode. It's been awhile and I have no clue what was going on when we left off.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:54 No.14721144
    Dammit im new, and i screwed up.
    I archived this with part XII in the name, my bad completely, went off what OP had posted.

    is there any way to get the archives to change this?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)23:06 No.14721183
    Address Gareth.
    "Boy, if you and your friends here do not power this crystal, I shall have to do so. Manually. One by one."
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)23:09 No.14721212
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)23:09 No.14721213
    What happened to the map?, i was about to suggest that we Keep trying to attack 5 and that other one but i cant see it anymore. Also have Kelgris rip at the elven fleet as best as hes able.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)23:21 No.14721284
    Man what idiot had us try and activate the tower instead of leading the troops?!

    Alright, address Garreth. Tell/dark imply him that the other children need not die, but they need someone to guide them in this. It's a simple task to channel the energy necessary to the orb. They all look up to him, he can keep them safe if he can lead them through this.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)23:21 No.14721300
    Let's talk to the duke first and get an idea on the elves advance. If the majority of their men are hitting 5, we might want to send some to try to take some territory on the other side of the city.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)23:31 No.14721325
    why is /tg/ so fucking slow today
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)23:31 No.14721329
    I tried to get us leading the troops way back but too many people wanted to play with the tower. And damn /tg/ is slow with posting tonight.
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/25/11(Mon)23:36 No.14721395
    Garreth looks at you defiantly, his legs are shaking, but he does not break eye contact with you neither does he speak to you when you try to order the children. The look in his eyes say to you that the only thing his sanity and life hangs upon is hating you until the end.

    But you have other important matters to attend to.

    Soldiers wait outside the doors to the lighthouse main chamber, and you give them the order to keep the place under a tight watch and not to let anyone enter or leave.

    Descending the stairs and to the main castle across the bridge you can see the city below the eastern part of the city burning, and that fire is spreading, where it is not burning there are clashes between men and elf.

    After a moderately long walk you finally come to the war room, the court and throne room of the citadel tower, its fancy interior transformed from a ball room to a supply room. Standing in his armor is the Duke with a few of his other nobles deep in thought over a map of the city.

    As you approach they break their circle to let you in for a better view of the table.

    *Choose the next deployment or inquire about something*
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)23:40 No.14721428
    Find out about the elven advance. Did it seem like a major push/majority of their forces or only a small portion?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)23:42 No.14721446

    Sounds like the most pressing issue is the magic that the elves are slinging around that our militiamen can't handle. Is there some way we could use our dark arts to nullify it or at least give our soldiers some resistance?
    >> tha/tg/uy 04/25/11(Mon)23:57 No.14721507
    I could, but it might disrupt our facade. We should ask if the duke knows of anther way we can power up the tower and do something about those elven mages.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)00:01 No.14721512

    Man, /tg/ is running slow tonight
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/26/11(Tue)00:07 No.14721521
    The Duke speaks up, "I was with the heavy cavalry charge, but I hear the situation with the militia is going disastrously. They're using a magical barrier to defend their troops that extends to just before their spear points. They cannot get near them, but the spear wall just keeps advancing up the street lanes."

    The Duke takes a second to pause and another noble continues, "No mage academy exists in this city, its in the capital, so we are woefully unprepared to fight Elven mages.. But the three light cannons managed to pierce the barrier from the side no problem. After that the heavy infantry and cavalry could break through an engage."

    "A cowardly weapon." One other noble scoffs.

    "We only have three, that isn't enough to defend with. They can simply avoid or overrun them if they are spread out."

    There is no way you could nullify that much magic on your own, not even for very long if you tried.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)00:11 No.14721535
    It's an elven lighthouse so I doubt he'll have any idea. The best bet we have of dealing with the mages at this point is likely us being there and using our cannons. But we need to see what the Duke has to say about their advance and how they were using the magic. Offensively or were they focusing on defense?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)00:13 No.14721565

    Man I thought with our increased power we'd be able to do more evil shit with fewer consequences, but if anything, worrying about our facade has hindered our ability to do that now.

    Guess we'll just have to assume some different tactics to avoid their spell slinging. Guerilla warfare hit-and-run? I'm not the best with military strategy, someone else help out with this.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)00:13 No.14721570
    We should select a Charisma based power when we next earn one. One to brainwash/corrupt individuals. There have been tons of times we have captive audiences that we could use it on.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)00:20 No.14721602
    We lost 3 light cannons? Dammit. That limits our options quite a bit... And it doesn't seem like we have any way to deal with those mages other than the cannons at this point. Was the barrier a sphere or did it only block the front part of their spear wall? Perhaps Kelgis will need to make an appearance in our next engagement...

    Regardless, I think we should try to push them out of the right side of the city but this time we need to join them. In terms of dealing with their mages though, I can't think of any other solution than the cannons or Kelgis at this point...
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)00:20 No.14721606
    Cowardly weapon or not, if it works, we make use of it.

    Set up a feint to draw the fire of the advancing elven group to allow us to set up cannons at their flank and have a contingent of soldiers ready to charge in when their shield goes down.

    Or something else, I dunno, like I said, I suck at military tactics.
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/26/11(Tue)00:25 No.14721658
    Three are on offense, the other 3 are stationed on the citadel bridge for defense. The cannons are hard to move and take time to set up, keep that in mind.

    The victory condition is forcing the Elven Navy to retreat. The losing condition is to lose control of the citadel. If you lose control it's all over, instant defeat.

    There may be reinforcements for the Elven fleet, there have been no word of reinforcements or help for Angelfalls.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)00:32 No.14721717
    In that case, we definitely need to blunt their advance. I say we join the forces on the right side of the city and push. The idea of luring the elves into a crossfire or trap with the cannons is likely the best since they're also pushing in that area of the city and hopefully our presence can make up for only having three cannons. We can take some heavy infantry and attempt flanking attacks or carving a path into their lines.

    Take the knights, about half the heavy infantry and half the levies with us for the offensive assuming the elves weren't pushing hard with their forces. If they were performing a major push with their forces, they can't get them across the city that quick so we can take probably around 75% of the heavy infantry.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)00:34 No.14721730
    Have we any gunpowder? If so, how much?
    Is the elven general likely to fight us one on one if we ask?
    This is all very important.
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/26/11(Tue)00:40 No.14721751
    Gunpowder for the cannons, yes.
    Fighting you one on one, not likely.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)00:40 No.14721756

    Do this while still ensuring that the citadel stays secure. We don't want to send all our forces out in the streets to fight and leave us sitting ducks.

    Is there a way to prevent the incoming reinforcements from landing? Send Kelgris out to wreck their shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)00:48 No.14721800
    Damn. If we were to funnel the elven army into a narrow area, how much damage could the gunpowder do?
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/26/11(Tue)00:56 No.14721851
    Stepping away from the table you turn for the exit. The other nobles are startled for a moment at your sudden departure and the Duke calls out, "Where are you going? The meeting isn't done yet."

    You stop for a moment and turn you head slightly back toward them, "I will handle the next offensive myself, in person."

    "Offensive? Now? We need to recover our forces and defend!"

    "No, I will take back the eastern half of the city, you and your men hold down the citadel." You suffer no further argument from the men and leave down to the city below.

    In the courtyard below the citadel, at the bottom of the great cliff leading up toward the stone tower an infirmary has been set up. You notice the wounds that were not fatal to the men are mostly located at the legs and arms. Gathering large force you make muster 400 heavy knights (dismounted), 1000 men at arms and 3000 militia and 3 light cannons.

    Such a large force easily alerts the Elves in the eastern part of the city and they gather their forces, approximately 1100 Elven soldiers with a maybe three hundred more in reserves behind their front lines. The fires still rage in this part of the city, some areas too hot to go near, although not raging as fierce as they were since the previous battle hours ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:11 No.14721973
    And? What's the area like, where are their forces stationed? Give us something to work with.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:11 No.14721985

    I'm assuming they're going to get smart to our cannoneer tactics, so we need some new ideas:

    Are we able to use Kingslayer in any way? Ice?
    How can we use the burning city to our advantage?
    How can we disable their barrier/lance advantage?

    Can't afford revealing Kelgris, nor any of our heavy magicks, the Lighthouse or anything...

    Well shit. Can we somehow reroute the water to flood them out?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:17 No.14722028
    We can create ice yes... Can we cool down the areas that are too hot to go through or at least a path to send a flanking force through? Do any of the men native to the city know about lesser known paths that we could use to sneak men into areas the elves aren't expecting?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:20 No.14722040

    I second the idea of using some urban warfare tactics to force the elves into getting pinned in by fire.

    I just want this to move along faster.
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/26/11(Tue)01:22 No.14722055
    They have grown wise to the effectiveness of the cannon fire and have spread out their forces from a phalanx into a loose formation. This formation may step together before charging or being charged though. The street lanes here are rather narrow, so there is no continuous line, but there are burnt out and turned to rubble homes to fight on top of and parks for open combat.

    >Well shit. Can we somehow reroute the water to flood them out?

    You might... But you're not going to have time to do that unless you break off and have your soldiers stand down and hope they don't attack before you get it set up. Oh and you'll certainly destroy even more of the city.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:26 No.14722060
    We have gunpowder. Flush them out with fire, blow them up.
    That's how you scatter the roaches.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:30 No.14722079
    How quickly can we set up bombs?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:32 No.14722102
    Force them between Ice and Fire... then shoot them. And then heavy infantry for mop-up. Heavy crossbows to pin them down or massed volleys to halt advances.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:33 No.14722122
    Force them between Ice and Fire... then shoot them. And then heavy infantry for mop-up. Heavy crossbows to pin them down or massed volleys to halt advances.

    If they're in narrow streets... can we use some sort of cart or wagon? Fit it out with like a cattle-pusher-esque thing? Battle-wagon? Have it be pushed from the rear instead of using horses...

    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/26/11(Tue)01:44 No.14722222
    With both forces prepared on either side of each other you give out your orders to set strategic detonation charges, however, the time to set them up will make them unavailable for sometime.

    Your militia crossbow men take aim in their teams throughout all the massed positions of Elven soldiers, but their bolts bounce off the shields being kept active by the Elven mages. The streets, while some wide and some narrow give a clear shot to your three cannons the Elves choose to give up any ground where the cannons have a clear line of sight before they can fire. In compensation they use these forces to double up on a given point and push forward with that unit. The walls of spears approach slowly, but they are not hindered by bolt fire.

    Throwing your men at these barriers proves useless as well. The barriers can hold out long enough before breaking against several bodies slamming into them for the Elven spear men to cause many casualties thrusting out with their spears beyond the barrier line.

    The battle is back and forth, and the elves are not keen on holding onto any position for long, avoiding areas that are on fire, or with units having extra mages simply dousing the flames with water magic or moulding the flame out of the way. The kill ratio for the Elves is going greatly in their favor.
    >> Ken !TrollKenUE 04/26/11(Tue)01:45 No.14722236
    Nice quints
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:47 No.14722252
    Wait, I thought of something evil AND useful.
    Pretend to surrender. While they're distracted, have Kelgris tear their shit up from behind.
    Trachery, folks.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:49 No.14722268
    Damnit... This is not going well. Does the city have more cannons that were destroyed or anything we can use to make it look like we have more cannons set up? A decoy or two would be nice.

    Since it wasn't mentioned if we could quell the flames, I will assume we cannot so at this point I don't see what the hell we can do to deal with their mages... Unless we're daring enough to try to shadow step into them ourselves and butcher them but that's probably iffy. Perhaps we should call in our Kelgis trump card because we have nothing else at this point.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:50 No.14722288

    >Implying that we should not have Kelgris instead tear up as much of the elven fleet as he is able.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:52 No.14722307
    >implying that matters if we lose the land war
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:02 No.14722345

    >implying that it will not cause a distraction that forces numerous elven mages to turn about to aid their fleet. While busy doing that we hit them as hard as we can, the reduced number of mages will create weak points in their lines.
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/26/11(Tue)02:10 No.14722418
    Standing behind the battle lines from an elevated position a runner from below gives his message to one of the nobles holding the back lines. After reading it quickly he rushes up the stairs leading to your perch his voice shaking and out of breath from running in his armor.

    "Sir. We've lost the right flank. Our forces are being routed on that side its a threat to our center and left."



    "Quiet, I'm handling it."

    Screeching on the wind, a clockwork clatter half mixed with a bestial cry shatters the din of battle below and beyond you. With a loud clatter something large and heavy has landed on the roof above, a metal talon ripping through the ceiling above you.

    Perched on top of tower of the building, his tail curled and secured the long neck of Kelgris leans back a growing flame in the back of his throat and a pulsing red glow inside the breast a long thin strand of fire gets out with a great screech and hiss slams into something blue in the distance. Following along this thin red line a single pulse of red flame travels down it like a large drop of water down a thread, and once disappearing into the distance and hitting ground explodes in a large flame. With smoke trailing from his maw and the fire in his chest extinguished Kelgris grips tighter and waits staring out into the distance waiting, the fire in his belly slowly rekindling itself.

    The noble behind drops his letter and falls onto his behind in terror.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:15 No.14722447

    DAMMIT! That was NOT supposed to happen. Now we are even down our trump card and everyone can see that its ours.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:20 No.14722480
    We have our mobile artillery. Protect Kelgris at ALL costs!

    Next priority, have our engineer slaveman figure out how to arm cannons onto Kelgris... he will become the ultimate weapons platform.

    How do we keep his energy levels up? Fuel sources?

    We will crush these elves, with fire, magic and merciless brutality.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:22 No.14722504
    Oh... we have plenty of trump cards... we just can't actually reveal most of them without the general populace screaming and fleeing in horror.

    That being said... Kelgris could take some explainin'.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:25 No.14722536
    To be fair, I think that subtlety is now secondary to survival.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:26 No.14722551
    How about we and Kelgris distract them and make their mages focus on us, so that our army can kill them?
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/26/11(Tue)02:39 No.14722708
    Perched upon the roof still Kelgris sits and continues to charge as the fire in his chest begins to spark and burn once more. As the battle shifts and changes down below you Kelgris, after several minutes nears being ready to fire once again.

    From the horizon, down below a distant series of flashes, blue, sudden and bright flash from the sea far below. Arcing across the sky on down upon the battle field near you are lances of blue light that crash down around you. Splitting a house in front of you in two is a large bolt, about three meters in length smoldering with a blue flame that quickly dies out. The bolts continue to crash down around you slamming into your half of the battlefield. Kelgris despite this continues to charge, but a bolt tears into his upper right shoulder and goes straight through finally crashing into the street blow, flinching but with his other claw and two hand claws grabs onto the building to hold himself up. With the same attack as before Kelgris picks a spot on the battlefield clear to him and fires again creating a large deafening explosion.

    Word is out that the Elves are making a slow tactical withdrawal, but that barrage wrecked havoc on your forces, no message with accurate numbers has yet to arrive. Kelgris himself has a large wound left over in his shoulder, the living metal pipes and plates that make up his body will heal it in time, but although he doesn't show it, it is debilitating.

    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:40 No.14722737
    Use Kingslayer to stop an area of flames to allow a group of soldiers to get behind the elves' advancing formations. Then use the militiamen like cannon fodder to keep their attention while the knights hit them from behind. It'll be glorious.

    Have Kelgris snipe with that fireblast thing of his. We can be spotter.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:41 No.14722748
    That's it. We need the lighthouse.
    Check how ready it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:42 No.14722765

    Finished reading, so addendum: Use Kingslayer to create route to cut off their retreating forces. Send knights to hold them still while the regulars come in from behind. We'll support.

    Have Kelgris knock buildings down to cut off the Elves' retreat.

    We can tell the nobles that the dragon-machine is something that an insane half-brother built after being kidnapped by a real dragon, or something like that.
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/26/11(Tue)02:58 No.14722932
         File1303801090.jpg-(152 KB, 776x769, Angelfalls4.jpg)
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    As far back as you are it is unlikely you will be able to advance to the front lines quickly enough to engage the withdrawing forces yourself.

    Instead you issue the order to charge the withdrawing forces. You force the Elven soldiers to be pushed further back, however, having no time to reorganize after the first devastating barrage a second series of large siege bolts from the Elven fleet arcs high into the sky and descends upon your forces. The blue fiery magic encasing each bolt causes each bolt to act as if it's pointed tip is in fact several times larger than it is, obliterating a large area under each one. The volley was aimed directly in front of the elven spear line, adjusted a little further to avoid friendly fire. The effect is devastating. The Elves

    The battle is over and the numbers of casualties will eventually trickle in later, but word has it that a second assualt was launched by the Elven forces on the opposite side of the river. The entire west Noble's district was captured and the Elves prepare to storm Citadel once they have reorganized! There may only be until tomorrow before they prepare the magic necessary to do so.
    >> Evil !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/26/11(Tue)03:01 No.14722959
    (And it is late, I will call this part over here, since I'm catching many mistakes I'm making after the fact in my posts and losing the audience do to the time. Next Evil Quest on next Monday Evening)
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)03:01 No.14722967
    Get the lighthouse running and use it to take out their artillery. That shit is annoying.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)03:04 No.14722988
    PLZ PLZ PLZ do not abandon us again!!!!!

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