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!!0ZviLFh59My 01/30/12(Mon)02:44 No.17732500 File1327909443.jpg-(27 KB, 500x347, 1325136468408.jpg)
 You surge through the water at a speed just a hair short of "desperately fleeing," only to almost smash into Elia.
"Hello," she says casually, brushing her wet hair out of her face, and you keep your eyes locked firmly on hers. "Oh, you're not ogling MY eyes, are you?"
"N-NO," you stammer, and suddenly you feel Charlotte's hands land on your shoulders. "Want me to wash your back?"
"NOPE!" you say, "A-HAHA, I'M JUST FINE, THANK YOU- " You try a desperate Crazy-Ivan, dodging right, but Lucchini is waiting for you, seizing your arm.
As the women close in, you go for your last resort - THE WHISTLE. Still in your pants pocket (thank god,) you whip it out, shake the water out of it, and desperately start blowing on it as small female hands start getting very grabby with your torso. The first blasts sound really tinny, panicked, and waterlogged, but the second, third and fourth blasts come through piercing and clear.
Too bad you're underground, in a stone cavern. You blow one more desperate blast on the whistle before sinking towards the water, determined to throw off your assailants or drown trying -
- soap. On your back. Rubbing vigorously. And on your chest. And if she rubs any harder your problems are going to keep rising. Yeah."
"Don't make a fuss," Elia says, applying the soap to your chest a little too liberally.
You see your chance, and take it. |