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!pYbzRsKGCY 03/04/11(Fri)14:39 No.14127021 File1299267592.gif-(90 KB, 399x232, a66914ec1d4e78dda38258a12a1354(...).gif)
The doctor frowns disapproval and then leans towards you, stripping away a bit of the bandage carefully, but not carefully enough so that you feel no pain from this action. "Looks like you took a hit," he replies. "Yes... just a glancing blow, however." He opens his bag and produces a bit of disinfectant, and with this he begins to clean the wound. "This needs to be cleaned properly," he says, in a tone you find oddly condescending, as he works.
"Where are you 'eaded, anyway, son?" Henris asks from the corner of the room. "Yer trying to find yer mates, right? I could direct you towards the nearest Guard fortress, if you'd like. Could set you up with me old map 'n compass, too."
The small girl grins widely and snatches up the chocolate bar. Taking no heed to your suggestion, she peels back the wrapper and snaps it in half, giving the other half to her sister. "Chocolate?" the older one asks with a raised brow. "It's been awhile! The Tau representatives hardly ever bring anything good."
Henris turns away from the window in shock, eyes darting between you and his daughter. She realizes what she has said, and her eyes widen, her hands moving to her mouth. |