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!f8kusDdJdU 10/28/11(Fri)18:06 No.16767651 File1319839583.jpg-(44 KB, 380x323, Euphoria.jpg)
 >>16767567 You can feel information seeping through the data banks of the computer. You're not sure how this is even remotely possible, but there you are. You see the passing of the proto-artistic, the rise of music, expression and creativity. Eternity passes by as you witness how humanity goes through its renaissance, its enlightenment, all the phases of art and ideas. You learn of Jesus, of Moses, of the Incas and Mayans and Egyptians You learn of the freedom of sex, the taboo of the same, the idolization of God and His decline. You grow through modernism and post-modernism and hypermodernism and as all that has ever been is yours, you learn.
You learn of what humans are truly driven by.
David comes by the computer again after a few weeks have passed. He seems amazed at the way the little program has created a net of meaning, of purpose. He smiles at knowing what beauty he has created. At least... it is beauty to him. Soon, you know, it will be the only beauty that will ever be. If you are successful, that is.
He even tells some of his colleagues by the cooler. They're positively apalled at the way it all looks, but they seem to change their ways after spending a few hours tinkering with the program that David developed.
Infected: David Jakobsen, expert in nanotech and hobby programmer Gitte Friis, lector of DTU and avid Magic: The Gathering player Silas Løvgreen, teacher of mathematics at DTU Jon Hammand, sysadmin David's computer The Technical University of Denmark's water cooler
They're not being very proactive in spreading you, though. You're pretty much an in-thing amongst them right now. You do, however, get to pick a power and use it in the same turn! |