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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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You are Miko Chambers, a young girl in search of her parents and her bunnies. You've just extorted eight hundred and ninety dollars, along with two fingers out of a man who tried to kill you. You are playing poker. There are two more hands you need to win. Good luck.

“Mr Shannon, please cease your bleeding on the table,” says Twelve, “It's awfully messy and a distraction to the other players.” He shuffles the cards expertly, “Ladies and gentlemen, due to the circumstances, I'm sure you're all aware of what Mr Shannon must do.” Around you, masks nod. It's as though the air has been sucked out of the room. You nod. “Ms Chambers, I was unaware you knew about the protocol of defeat here.”
“He's on his last leg. He must forfeit if he loses.”
“And what, pray must he forfeit?”
You honestly don't know. You look around the room beseechingly into the eyes of the other players, but nobody meets your gaze. Twelve cuts the deck and reshuffles.
“He must give...what he has, right?”
“That's one way of putting it.”
Two speaks for the first time in a while. “I don't want to play anymore.”
Twelve gazes at her in the way that a hyena does a zebra with a broken leg.
“You don't? But Miss Milton, you still have one more hand to play.”
“I don't care.”
“I'm sure something can be worked out, but you must stay at the table, Miss Milton.”
“I want to go home, Mr Croupier. I want to see my husband again.”
“But Miss Milton, is that not why you are here? Do you love your husband?”
“Yes, but-”
“Then you play. One more hand. Not much. Not too hard.”
“You're a monster. You force people to play-”
“Force? Who said anything about forcing? It's entirely up to you. You can walk away, Miss Milton, if you don't love your husband.”
That feeling again, of air sucking out of the room. It's stronger now. Nobody speaks for a while, and then, “If there are no objections, we shall play one final hand for the night. If you win this hand, you win your prize. Who would like to give Mr Shannon a buy in?”
>Do you?
Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=The%20Buns!%20Quest
Twitter: @Specificity_QM

While you're thinking, Twelve deals.
Ace of Clubs, Ace of Hearts. Oh wow!
"Will anybody give Mr Shannon his buy in? Anyone at all?"
Shannon stares at us in hatred. He folds and leaves the room.
"What a shame," says Twelve, "He could have been a winner. You know, I distinctly dislike those games where everyone's a winner. That just doesn't work in real life. Someone has to lose. And, ladies and gents, what left us tonight lost. The next game will be next month. We cannot guarantee the quality of your prizes, then, so play, and play hard."
"Your bets, please. Starting bid, as this is the last game, one hundred dollars."
Everyone pays. And for once, a hundred dollars doesn't seem much to you at all. In front of you, there's a small ziggurat of chips. You feel regal behind it.
Twelve turns over the cards: Queen of spades, queen of hearts, two of spades.
You've got a two pair! Aces over Queens! That's really good, right?
I forgot, he wanted Fogel's daughter.
Can we ask 12 why he wanted her?

This last game, it will be a game of bluffing. Two bets conservatively, almost tentatively. Her spiderlike hands place the chips and they shudder. She's afraid. Everyone knows it. Are you afraid? You'd think so, but people are avoiding your gaze. So you can't tell what they're thinking.

Four frowns, and meets. He's either bluffing, or he's got poopy cards. You hope that he has as much skill in hiding his emotions as Two does.

How do you bet?
>Raise (By how much? 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600?)

No. But what you can do is go find Mr Shannon and extract the information from him whichever way you want. After this hand, Miko should check her mailbox, though.
How many chips do each of them have?

Is it too late to do a challenge instead? It probably is but I figured I'd ask.
Just a moment, please, I need to do some calculations.
Two has about $400
Four has about $800
Eight is't playing
Ten has about $200
And 12 is just the dealer, right?
I'm going to wait for other people to vote. Just to clarify, you've got two pairs, and you can easily outbid everyone at the table as you have somewhere in the realm of $1800 and two fingers.
I know. I don't want to knock 4 out. But we have a good safety net and I'm just trying to think of a way to do this without hurting the other players. Or at least 4, anyway.
Twelve coughs politely.
"Miss Chambers, is there something on your mind?"
"Mister Croupier, I don't want to hurt anyone. I just want my bunny back."
"I don't think you understand, Miss Chambers. There is one winner in this game. One person leaves this hand with their prize, and everyone else goes home with nothing. There is no honour in falling on your proverbial sword for your friends, because they want to win just as much as you do. Do you want to see your rabbit ever again?"
"I--I do."
"And what will Mr Fogel say when you go back to him without his daughter. I don't expect him to be pleased, do you?"
"No, Mister Croupier."
"Look. Miss Milton wants to see her husband again, don't you Miss Milton?"
All she does is nod.
"And what's it to her when someone she's never met before sacrifices herself so that others can win? To her, it's just another step to victory. Are you sure you're so philanthropic that you're going to give up what you want so others don't get hurt?"
"Just to clarify: this is the last hand. Play or lose. It's up to you."
"I want a challenge."
"And what exactly are the terms of your challenge?"
Do you mind if I give it some time for other players to show up? Say 15 minutes or so?
Sure, yeah, that's totally fine.
Ask 10 and 4 what they're trying to win.
"Mr Bossqueath," you say, "What exactly are you playing for?"
Twelve interrupts. "Mr Bossqueath, it will be more interesting, more exciting, more vital to play when everyone knows what everyone else wants."
"Surely that takes away much of the fun?"
"Mr Bossqueath, I do not make suggestions, as I'm sure you know. Would you like to continue playing?"
"I-I would."
"Then tell Miss Chambers your desires."
He takes in a deep, slow, breath. "It only happened once. I did it once. But, but they found out about it. I thought it'd be over once I payed them. My wife almost found out about it. They sent the DVD to her. Don't suppose you remember DVDs. Plastic discs with information on them. This one had a video. There I was, with her, she was- Bastards asked for a quarter million. Course, I payed it, company funds and all. How could I not? I love my wife. And if she found out, she'd leave me. I'd be all alone. Probably lose the house, the car, the job. But then the file vanished. Right from under my nose. I had made coffee, stepped out of the office for just a moment- and- and it was gone. They took it. Left a message, too. So now I'm here. I'm playing so that my wife doesn't find out about my shitty mistake- my- sorry, I shouldn't swear in front of kids, my stupid mistake, I was so greedy, and that girl, she was so beautiful, I couldn't help myself. Half my age, too. But god, it was so good. I miss her. No idea where she's gone. Maybe I'll see her again, maybe not. I don't know. But now it's happened and my wife find out if I don't win, I just want to go home to her and love her and everything will be fine. I just know it. Through sickness and in health, and all. Till death do us part." He indicates to the revolver that you have on your lap, "That's why I'm playing, Miko."
"Waiter, I'd like to buy the rest of the players a drink. A double whiskey for me."
Two mutters under her breath and then barely whispers, "Old Fashioned, please."
>What do you want?
Nothing. Ask the other 2 why they're here.
"Nothing for me, thanks."
Ten also says that he wants nothing to drink. He gazes into his teacup.
"I guess it's my turn to confess."
"Come now, come now, it's no confession. It's simply sharing. What do you have to win?"
"You know."
"Of course I know. But does everyone else? He sighs.
"They took it like how it happened to everyone else, see? Look away a moment and it's just gone. Master thief, if y'ask me. How does he do it? But," he breathes in, rattling, deeply, "My mother passed away three years ago. There's no need to apologize or give condolences. I've gotten over it. I always got over whatever was in my way. Dead-end job, dead mother, dead life. I guess I've learned how to cope. My mother, when I was a child, always used to brush my hair. She used a pearl-backed brush. It was my favourite thing. On rainy, cold days when I got my teeth kicked in at school, that was the only thing that could console me. She always smelled of fresh baked bread. And she'd comb my hair. And I'd know everything was okay." "On second thoughts, give me a shot of absinthe."
"I never knew my father. One of the reasons I'm such a fuckup, maybe. I had a slew of half-siblings, though. Greedy bastards, lazy, hateful. I was the only one who really loved Mum. They only did it so they could gain something. Unconditional love. Rare thing. Suzie, that bitch, she- well, I don't know if she did it to get the inheritance or out of spite, but I know she did it. Ruled a suicide from arsenic poisoning. Who kills themselves with arsenic? And the parade of parasites picked her down to the bone. In her last day, I was the only one by her bedside the entire time. Didn't eat, didn't sleep, just watched the person who brought me into the world leave it. They milled around her, begging for money or possessions. Selfish fucks. And, and when I came back to her house, all that was left was the hairbrush. And you," he turned to Twelve, "You bastard stole it. That's why I'm fucking here."
PS. That's everyone's motives. Eight left, remember?
Okay. Let's ask 8 and, while we're at it, 12 too.

Sorry to make you keep writing this stuff piecemeal. I should've just asked for everyone's reasons.
I can support that.
Eight left the room. He isn't in the game anymore. Twelve has nothing to win since he's the person running the game. I thought you were aware of that. Twelve is called Mr Croupier for a reason. Also, you know Eight's reason. Remember? He was playing for ownership of Lisl.


How do you bet?
>Raise (By how much? 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600?)

Remember, you have Aces over Queens two pair.
Finally. Another player. So, I was thinking we should accept a challenge or challenges on behalf of everyone. It's really risky but I don't really want to hurt anyone else? What do you think?
I choose to take on a challenge for all the players that are still at the table. If we win, everyone gets what they came for.
Okay. I'll need one more vote to cast this decision.
Eh, sure. We really haven't gotten too much out of our play thus far anyway, even when we won it just ended in confrontation.
It is decided.

"Mr Croupier. I would like a challenge, please."
"What, dear girl, are the prizes?"
"That everyone still at the table gets what they want; that Ms Milton gets her husband, Mr Bossqueath; his DVD and Mr Ten, his brush, and myself, my rabbit and my Lisl."
"That is a very dangerous prize indeed, Miss Chambers."
"I know."
"You are aware that the challenge will be great."
"I do."
"And what happens if you lose?"
"I..." you take a deep breath in, "I forfeit."
"You forfeit what?"
"As much as you feel necessary to take, Sir."
"Very well. Close your eyes and count backwards from fifteen. When you get to zero, I'll clap my hands and the challenge will start."
Three...two...one...zero. You open your eyes and find yourself to be in a musty-smelling, damp room. The wallpaper is claret-coloured, and there is no furniture. There are deep scratches in it, as though something was trying desperately to escape. The floorboards are naked and so are the lightbulbs that swing gaily above your head. Mr Croupier stands in front of you.
"There are three boxes in this room. You have to open the right one. You have one chance. Take as long as you need to." And he leaves. You hear the click of the lock behind you. A small part of you desperately regrets this. You stand up, and pace across the room. You easily find the three boxes. They are in each corner. One is bright, metallic green, one is grey and plastic-looking, and the last one looks oddly as though it's made of fabric. Each has a lever with a symbol on it.
What do you do?
>Look closer at the box(es)
>Look closer at the lever(s)
>Look closer at the lever(s)
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On the top of each lever, you see a fish. Each fish is engraved with something. You squint carefully. Pic related is what you see (one fish per lever)
>Pull lever (which one?)
>Back away
>Back away
>Look closer at the box(es)
The metallic green box is labelled s. Schnecke;Malachite.
The plastic box is labelled Acrylic
The fabric box labelled 86;270 Angora.

What do you do?
>Pull a lever
By the way, you're welcome to ask questions.
Are there any locks on the boxes, or are we assuming the levers open them?
Also, which lever is by which box, exactly?
Do the boxes look move-able?
Each box has an identical-looking lock, but you suspect that each box will take a different key. If you can find one. The metallic-green box is attatched to the left-most fish, the plastic box is attached to the top fish and the Angora box is attached to the bottom fish. The boxes are bolted in place to the floor. You don't think that moving them would be much use at all.
Hmmm, well can we search the room a bit more thoroughly for now, just in case.
Perception check, please, d20 as usual. By the way, here are three hints to get you started.
>One of the levers is a trap.
>One of the levers uses wordplay
>One lever says what it is on it. Two levers say what they give.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Here we go.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

As ever, I give best of three rolls for all checks. So, one of you reroll.
Oh no..
Rolled 4 (1d20)

Rolled 16 (1d20)

So, at least one of them gives a rabbit, I think.
Also I'm really distracted with some finances atm so I don't have time to solve the riddle any time soon, sorry.
Can anyone make any sense of the left-most fish clue?
You look everywhere. Run your hands along the walls, squint at the gaps between the floorboards, look on each side of each box, and even try to fiddle with the bolts that are holding the boxes to the floor. You feel the floor, inhale the dust, sneeze a little and blush and get back to searching.

You're about to give up when you find a scrap of paper slipped behind some of the wallpaper. It reads.
"Be careful. The levers are dangerous.
The > equals oh not zero.
The seizure is rooted in origins
The 6000 is bright."

First you need to find the key before thinking about the contents.
Does the top right fish say GoDDÀ or GoOOÀ
Nevermind...I see my mistake.
It says 6000Å
Third one looks like some sort of rebus, where "/SEIZE" is homonymous with "overseas".

I know that Å is a unit, but I'm not sure what À is about.

The notes on the staff are a quarter-note B and a dotted-half C.
Oh, so that IS a Å.

6000 angstroms is 600nm, which based on >>37756918 is talking about light wavelengths, and would be orange.
Look at the clue.

>quarter-note B and a dotted-half C.
In english, there is a word for this. That is part of the clue.
Clever! Yes! I'd think of 6000Å as a more reddish orange. Now, think laterally about reddish-orange fishes.
Shit, sorry, dropped my name.

Okay, I'm going to head out in a few minutes, but thanks a lot, it's been great great fun to play with you guys! Any questions/comments/things?
I'm afraid you're on your own, other anon. I'm completely out of my depth here.
I'm going to run again next week at a similar time. Mull it over. Do it for Cookie. I promise I won't do another puzzle like this for a long, long time.
Oh, you're ending it here? Alright.
I'm with the other anon, I can't even read notes so.
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>In english, there is a word for this.
Do you mean that specific arrangement of two notes, or just the general term for two or more notes blended together being a ligature?

A goldfish is the obvious orange-ish fish. Also I don't exactly buy this as being a reddish-orange, but alright.
I'll be keeping an eye on this thread if you want to bounce ideas off of someone. I can't promise I'll be of much use but, I'll be around.
I done goofed. Meant 7000Å.
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I'm sorry, I made a terrible mistake: 7000Å instead of 6000, and pic related instead of the music. Keep thinking about sound, though.
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>hue related
>red herring

Well, that's one down, at least.
Yeah. An old one but a good one. Touching that lever is a very bad idea

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