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  • File : 1312338046.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest CXVIII Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/02/11(Tue)22:20 No.15798168  
    >last time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/15773303/
    >the irc on sup/tg/ is #CommanderQuest
    >sorry about the late start, I'm a Wisconsinite and was homebrewing: srs business

    Cornelius and Gaius walk up to either side of you, looking over Blackbirds map and list. "I doubt that we will be able to stretch our ranks far enough to take the entire charge effectively." The older, larger of the two eventually admits.

    Cornelius continues to look at the list and map for several minutes, before scratching at the back of his head and adding "Perhaps a counter-charge to one flank with Uurists battalion."

    The dwarf in question harrumphs from behind the three of you "Give me Colin, and an extra elementalist detachment and I would be more open to having me boys shreded like they will be with that charge."

    After a while, Gaius finally adds "He would need at least that much for the maneuver to be effective. And it would free up the rest of our cavalry to deal with the southern flank."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/02/11(Tue)22:22 No.15798181
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    >map and list of enemies, your units list inbound


    Knights 50/50
    Scale-mail, Falchions, Heater Shileds, Composite Bows, Horses

    Knights 50/50
    Surecoat over Breastplate & Chainmail, Bucklers, Sabres, Javelins, Velociprey, Elves

    Men At Arms 150/150
    Scailmail, Falchions, Kite Shields, Lances, Horses

    Elven Riders 100/100
    Velociprey, Leathers, Javelins, Falchions, Circle Shields, Spears


    Knights 50/50
    Splintmail, Lances, Falchions, Kite Shields, Horses.

    Knights 50/50
    Splintmail, Lances, Falchions, Kite Shields, Horses.


    Darin Ramons Bodyguard 50/50
    Mithia Spears, Bucklers, Javelins, Velociprey

    Knights 50/50
    Scalemail, Lance, Longswords, Heater Shields

    Knights 50/50
    Scalemail, Lance, Longswords, Heater Shields
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/02/11(Tue)22:23 No.15798193
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    >aaaand heres what you have to work with
    >> 風林火山 08/02/11(Tue)22:25 No.15798217
    Battlefield terrain?

    It's muddy right?

    Does Lena, antonius or Laelith detect any arcane presence in our enemies' midst?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/02/11(Tue)22:31 No.15798271
    >muddy and flat, and yes, they have a healthy ammount of elementalists and other arcanists
    >> GoldPanda 08/02/11(Tue)22:40 No.15798375
    Those enemy cavalry don't have a lot of ranged weapons.

    I say arrange our six units into a hexagon, with the corners pointing east, west, nw, ne, sw, se. Place them like this:

    --- warlords ---
    deadeyes --- legionaries
    scouts --- centurions
    --- rangers ---

    Have everyone take out their spears, form a giant hexagonal spear wall.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)22:42 No.15798389
    crazy plans that might be trolltastic:

    1) Braveheart style "SURPRISE WE HAVE SPEARS/PIKES BITCHES!" with scouts/rangers/warlords/everyone

    2) Water elementalist specializing in ice freezes the water in front of the unit he joins. Enemy horses/velociprey hit the ice at charging speed, lose balance just long enough to stumble.
    Result: BennyHill.mp3

    3) Raise earth spikes/stakes in the grass, with ropes secured as trip lines at human knee height. Key feature: rope and spikes/stakes are hidden until the last moment by the tall grass! Charging horses/velociprey are tripped and throw their riders, and cause pileups as they thrash upon the ground.

    4) earth elementalists make knee-high pits/ditches before our units, allowing them to fill with mud/keep the grasses on them. Enemy cav hits pit and loses momentum/cohesion. Horses have a good chance of their legs digging in and throwing rider/breaking legs!

    5) use broken/short spears: place in muddy ground as defensive barriers at grass height, immediately before our units. Free spear attacks to bellies/legs of enemy cav, damages cohesion of charge.
    >> GoldPanda 08/02/11(Tue)22:43 No.15798411
    I mean our six regular infantry/archer units.

    Estren Infiltrators and Blacktusk Raiders do their regular routine.

    All of our cavalry on one flank. Deploy gryphons as ground cavalry, with valk riders tagging along.

    Trip ropes. Earthen spikes. Caltrops.

    Ice rain. Water curtain.

    Time to pull out all the stops, yes?
    >> Laurentius 08/02/11(Tue)22:46 No.15798449
    seconding maximum trollage
    >> 風林火山 08/02/11(Tue)22:49 No.15798477

    I suspect the water elementalist in the enemies' group will already be freezing the ground. Else their fire elementalist will be setting fire to dry it out but seeing as Pax deprived us of our fire elementalist, I strongly suspect it'll be the former.

    >gogo metagaming

    So when it freezes, our ice elementalist can just save the juice and resculpt the ice to form spikes or pits instead of making it wet again.

    Seconding Panda's deployment but we're missing the inflitrators.
    >> Generic 08/02/11(Tue)22:49 No.15798489
    it has potential, but i'm worried they'll just ride past us.
    we need to stop at least 2/3rds of this force dead in their tracks and forming a hex defense might just lead to the force bypassing us
    >> Generic 08/02/11(Tue)22:54 No.15798540

    the problem with them freezing the ground is that it won't help them with mobility. Horses can't move quickly on ice, and velocpirey shouldn't fair any better.

    Unless Pax would like to suddenly drop "velociprey are MASTERFUL ICE RUNNERS" on us...
    >> 風林火山 08/02/11(Tue)22:54 No.15798546

    One thing we can do is park our autowagons in a complete line so that the enemy will be unable to bash their way though without severly injuring their mounts.

    So a wagon fort line behind our forces. If they want to they'll probably have to dismount to push them out of the way.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/02/11(Tue)22:56 No.15798571
    Sounds okay. Seconding.
    >> GoldPanda 08/02/11(Tue)22:57 No.15798585
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    They have nothing but cavalry. Some will definitely get past us if they make a wide arc around our units and never stop running.

    I'm more worried about them decimating our units before running away, removing any chance of pursuit.

    A defensive formation will ensure maximum survivability. If the enemy does make a run for it, we get on our auto-wagons and hound them all the way to Degnar. I mean, dammit, they have to rest and sleep eventually.
    >> 風林火山 08/02/11(Tue)22:59 No.15798613

    The thing is that the ground is not just water. Its a mixture of water and soil, so when the mud sets it will be somewhat similar to concrete and actually have some good traction.
    >> GoldPanda 08/02/11(Tue)23:00 No.15798622
    I was hoping to pretect them in the middle of the hexagon. They are our best chance to pursue the enemy effectively.

    Because I best all those cavalry are going to make a run for it toward Degnar the moment the battle seems lost.

    How about a long line of traps? Can we set our camp followers to start digging pits and ditches behind us? Far enough from the battle so that they are safe, of course.
    >> Generic 08/02/11(Tue)23:01 No.15798637

    I'm a bit worried that they'll just bypass our legionaries/centurions and eat our squishy ranged units with that formation.
    >> 風林火山 08/02/11(Tue)23:02 No.15798649

    Thing is, on muddy ground, our wheels are going to get caught up and will basically get stuck.

    I guess we now know our next upgrade. TRACKS.

    If they were tracked, we could go with your plan but with wheels, they're not going anywhere.
    >> Laurentius 08/02/11(Tue)23:07 No.15798714
    why don't we put the ranged units on the wagons and surround them with our melee units?
    >> GoldPanda 08/02/11(Tue)23:08 No.15798730
    We looted their long spears for a reason.
    >> Generic 08/02/11(Tue)23:09 No.15798734
    New troll plan!

    Put scouts in the wagons, give them some spears/javelins/longsticks/etc... The wagons are now manned walls that double as clusters of repeater fire!

    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:10 No.15798746
    Tracks are gonna be slightly slower and have their own set of problems (more noticeable on larger tracked vehicles trying to turn).

    We need balloon tires if it's possible. Something wide enough to have a good footprint yet not so wide they're hugely vulnerable.
    >> GoldPanda 08/02/11(Tue)23:11 No.15798760
    Also, guys, keep in mind that we're have to carefully protect our siege weapons and Lena. We can't just leave our rear wide open like usual.

    Anything that can't form a spear wall should be inside the hexagon.

    Although I'm fine with our squishy archer troops forming a spear wall while inside the wagons.
    >> GoldPanda 08/02/11(Tue)23:23 No.15798891
    Tripping ropes: Set them up in front of our most vulnerable units first: Scouts, deadeys, rangers. Even if they are behind/in auto-wagons, they'll need all the help they can get.

    If we have the time, set them up in front of our spear infantry as well. Just make sure that the enemy doesn't see us fiddling with ropes and such.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/02/11(Tue)23:34 No.15799028
    After thinking for a while you finally order "Gaius, Cornelius, your battalions will take the eastern line, and revive the worst of the charge. Uurist, your battalion will deploy north and west of their units." you pause, as the other captains gather about you, before continuing "Kyria, yourrangers will mirror Uurists Warlords. Aurelius' deadeyes and Finians scouts will mirror Gaius and Cornelius' battalions. Sansa, I assume that you are familiar enough with the 76th to command them effectively?"

    Your concubine nods, before asking "what of Blackbird, the Estren infiltrators, and our cavalry?"

    "The cavalry will concentrate to one flank, and Blackbird and his mercenary apprentices will deploy just ahead of us to do what they do best." you reply plainly.

    Jaynelooks at you, her left eyebrow cocked as she wipes the rainwater from her brow before asking "Which flank will the cavalry deploy to?"

    Finian frowns briefly before asking "What is our plan for the cavalry that simply ignores our maniple to head west? And is it safe to assume that we will be defending the autowagons inside our formation?"

    Gaius replies to the dwarfs questions before you can, as he turns to face the dwarved cypher-master and says "Those same wagons will allow us to catch those dogs which simply bypass us. And the wagons will stay inside the hexagon of course."
    >> GoldPanda 08/02/11(Tue)23:44 No.15799126
    North flank.
    >> GoldPanda 08/02/11(Tue)23:46 No.15799150
    Collin with the warlords. Lena and Autronius inside the hexagon.

    Siege weapons inside the hexagon.

    Don't forget the spears.
    >> Laurentius 08/02/11(Tue)23:49 No.15799178
    I'd say put the cav with uurists men to counter charge with them. if we can we should include grounded gryphons with the cav
    >> Laurentius 08/02/11(Tue)23:49 No.15799189
    sounds fine
    >> Laurentius 08/03/11(Wed)00:05 No.15799334
    How about justinian with the legionaries?
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)00:12 No.15799382
    Justinian should go with Jayne's unit. We'll need mobility in order to put his abilities to full use.
    >> Maximus 08/03/11(Wed)00:20 No.15799452
    I say put the cavalry on the north flank. More men-at-arms that we should be able to crush quicker and start rolling their flank. Justinian goes with Jayne's cavalry and perhaps have Lennis on reserve to chase anyone who gets past us. Assuming it's not velociprey.

    And yes, make sure our units have spears so they have some defense against anyone who charges them.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/03/11(Wed)00:31 No.15799560
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/03/11(Wed)00:40 No.15799616
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    After a while, you sigh and reply "To the north. I will ride with Jayne and her wing. Lena, Autronius you will both deploy inside the formation, Collin, you will deploy with the Warlords." at that, you salute the assembled group, and mount Spite.


    It is not long before the enemy is large on the horizon, and rapidly approaching. Your defenses are set as best as you can make them, but, it still is not enough to your mind. As your foes approach range for your arcanists and missile units, you feel an elemental pull on the earth just in front of the enemy wedges. Before them, you see... "Jayne, love, am I hallucinating?"

    Your fiance shakes her head "Unless your seeing a wave forming before our foes as well, no your not. But, how?"

    You scratch at your head "I can feel the earth being pulled back slightly in front of the approaching cavalry, so I would assume they have water elementalists pushing the water up and forward out of the mud." You pause to think "an unfortunately clever combination of elemental skills, path around how difficult mud makes water and earth elementalism, and our solid formations."
    >> Maximus 08/03/11(Wed)00:45 No.15799673
    rolled 25 = 25

    If they're pulling back the earth slightly, would us attempting to enhance their efforts make it worse for them? The earth would move even more and potentially mess up their charge and have the water fill in the hole that is made as the earth moves. I say we try that. Rolling some elementalism. I suggest we get the rest of ours doing stuff too.
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)00:49 No.15799703
    Have our ice elementalist freeze the water being pulled in front of the charging enemy cavalry. As much as he can. Get support from the life elementalists and other water elementalists.

    Earth elementalists and Justinian should start making earthen spikes around our archer troops. I'm surprised we need to stay this again. It's what we did last time.

    Air elementalists should be helping the archers.

    I still don't see any mention of spears, Pax.
    >> Maximus 08/03/11(Wed)00:50 No.15799726
    Alright. Seems my understanding of what they were doing was off. In that case, since they're separating the water from the earth, let's try to make a pit swallow up a chunk of their knights in the south.

    Well we want it to be a surprise so I imagine the spears are hidden in the grass for now.
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)00:55 No.15799771
    rolled 42 = 42

    Command roll for our instructions to the other elementalists. I assume our archers don't need to be told to fire.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/03/11(Wed)00:57 No.15799785
    Seconding commands for water and air elementalists. The earth spikes are already made, so we just need to see how well Maximus' pit works on killing some cavalry.
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)01:04 No.15799877
    Perhaps our earth elementalists can help with more spikes, ditches, pits?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/03/11(Wed)01:10 No.15799921
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    "STOP THE WAVES, IMPALE THE RIDERS!!!!" you below out to the elementalists as Spite shuffles with anticipation beneath you. Leading by example, you drop a pit just before the cavalry far off to the south. You felt the enemy elementalists control over the ground resist you fro the blink of an eye, but then your superior will and strength bashes the resistance aside. Your satisfied grin at the demise of the rear half of the enemy wedge is short lived however. It is, after all, difficult to stay happy at one success when other plans are going the wrong way. The waves, swiftly growing, absorb many of your projectile attacks, and lift up the outer layer of caltrops as well. as the waves before each wing finally grow up over their heads, some of the bolts and arrows finally lance through, killing far too few enemies.

    Whats worse, is the green mists you see washing away from the fallen riders "Enemy Necromancer." you hear Lena voice echo in your head "He will likely attempt to engage me, orders, sir?" Lena asks, her voice the opposite of its usual quite, timid pleasant self. As your ice elementalists attempt to freeze one of the waves melts in the late summer heat, you realize that this harsher, more steely voice is more common of the girl when she speaks with you on the battlefield of late.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/03/11(Wed)01:14 No.15799958
    "Engage the Necromancer at range; burn him to ash!"

    Basically have Lena do a charged up arcane plasma shot on the necromancer before he can get his defenses up.
    >> 風林火山 08/03/11(Wed)01:15 No.15799970
    rolled 72 = 72


    "Hes yours. Be careful, my dear."

    Water is subsiding? Have our water and ice elementalist combine powers to stop the water moving in our direction and freeze it as a wall if possible. The enemy riders will either run into a water and start drowning or smack into a solid wall of ice.

    Command roll.
    >> Maximus 08/03/11(Wed)01:17 No.15799992
    rolled 43 = 43

    Have Lena aim to take out the necromancer ASAP. At least then the undead won't be under direct control.

    Water elementalists work to reduce that wave, stop it growing or slow it down. Ice elementalist make it rain ice since he'll have free reign. Earth elementalists work at countering their earth movements and air elementalists help the archers arrows to arc over the waves. Command roll.
    >> Maximus 08/03/11(Wed)01:20 No.15800007
    rolled 22 = 22

    Let's earth spike the knights in the south more. Need to weaken them so their flank isn't effective. Elementalism roll.
    >> 風林火山 08/03/11(Wed)01:21 No.15800023

    Appendum to command.

    Use our catapult to redeploy more caltrops infront of the enemy cav using that design I came up with last seige.
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)01:28 No.15800087
    If freezing the water doesn't work, have our water elementalists punch holes in the water screen for our ranged fire.
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)01:31 No.15800118
    Yes. Freezing the rain may be easier than freezing the water wave.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)01:36 No.15800152
    Can we sense for the necromancer using our crystal or some other means? If a chunk of this force is necro'ed riders/mounts, won't killing the necro undo them?

    >> Maximus 08/03/11(Wed)01:38 No.15800171
    It'll only stop more from spawning. Part of the problem with the undead, IIRC, is that the undead remain behind and just go to the next strongest necromancer. If there are none, I think they still remain but just under no one's control.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)01:45 No.15800233

    say we kill the necromancer(s) present at this battle, won't the undead just loiter mindlessly/flounder about unless they are high level ones?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)01:46 No.15800242
    or, even better... attack uurlanthian troops?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/03/11(Wed)01:48 No.15800260
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    You fire off the signal to let Lena deal with the necromancer, and then patiently gather your wits about you in an attempt to synchronize your strikes with the ice elementalist. And it works splendidly. Your earthen spikes prevent the enemy unit from escaping, as the wave before them freezes solid, and seconds later, those that were not crushed are impaled by earthen spikes. As the ice shatters, whetting the pile of corpses, a sickly green fog settles over the entire area around the slaughtered knights. As more and more arcane and mundane projectiles lance through the waves to eat away at the onrushing cavalry, you see a slight figure materialize amongst the corpses. The enemy necromancer is a slight girl, no larger than Lena, long, striking silver hair tumbling down her shoulders to her waist. As the green mists slough off her, the corpses begin to dance, some tearing apart to piece back together, others simply surrendering bones or flesh or skin. "I may have to go out to meet this foe." Lenas voice echos in your head "And I know that you would rather I stay where I can be defended, but if I do not move to deal with this Uurlanthi... dog, I..."
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)01:58 No.15800354
    Have Lena do her fast running trick.

    "Decapitation strike on that necromancer. Get in. Kill her as quickly as you can. Get out."
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)02:01 No.15800367
    Have her bring her bodyguards along. I believe she can impart her ability to some allies.

    If she has no bodyguards, bring along ten men from the Warlords. They will be well suited to taking down any Undead.

    Okay, I just want to see dwarves imitating Flash.
    >> Generic 08/03/11(Wed)02:03 No.15800378
    rolled 72 = 72


    Earth spike that little abomination.

    Elementalism roll.

    Neshai, little help with the dice?
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)02:05 No.15800403
    rolled 64 = 64

    Rolling for possible botch on that elementalism roll.

    Also, do our cavalry counter-charge now? Or wait one more round?
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)02:12 No.15800455
    One last order: See if the Rangers can overwhelm the necro with repeater fire, for one round only. (If it doesn't work at first, let Lena deal with her.) Scouts and Deadeyes continue to concentrate on the enemy cavalry.
    >> Generic 08/03/11(Wed)02:12 No.15800460

    Our cav should hold for now. Ideally we want to counter-charge their northern flank so that we meet roughly above the warlords, allowing them to either charge out and hit the southern unit of the 3, or to let them flank the units hitting the legionary group next to them.
    >> Maximus 08/03/11(Wed)02:17 No.15800507
    rolled 13 = 13

    If this is a 1, clearly we should botch.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/03/11(Wed)02:19 No.15800532
    rolled 94 = 94

    Does this mean we're botching?
    >> Maximus 08/03/11(Wed)02:20 No.15800545
    It's only a 49 I believe. Not sure if that's worth a botch honestly.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/03/11(Wed)02:37 No.15800673
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    "Move swiftly and keep your guards close." you command the one your protege prizes the most. As she sets off at full tilt, pulling the ten centurions she had-picked before the battle you feel a swelling of pride. the same sensation you felt whenever your brother did something particularly impressive, clever or commendable. "FLETCH THAT SILVER-HAIRED BITCH!!!!" you shout out to your archers, as the enemy riders begin peppering your own units with arrows and javelins.

    The roar of water is deafening, as your earthen spikes erupt mere inches in front of the necromancer. The bolts that dont connect with your miss-aimed spikes land in dead flesh, now floating and swirling about the necromancer. As a trio of mostly horse and man flesh golems materialize, most of them possessing wicked blades of bone in their forearms. You see Gaius Turn to shout something to Lenas guards as they depart, and you know that you heard both Raynha and Neshai invoked, though the exact words evade you. the guards draw maces as they fall into step with the waifish mage they were tasked with defending, then the looming waves catch your attention, about to smash into your ranks. Vaguely, you hear a group of rangers wailing in pain, and are able to steal a glance at them, razor-sharp shards of bone imbedded into several of their necks or chests.
    >> Maximus 08/03/11(Wed)02:41 No.15800712
    rolled 45 = 45

    Okay... Let's try to delay the oncoming charge. Earth elementalism to cause a pit in front of our front lines.
    >> Maximus 08/03/11(Wed)02:44 No.15800747
    rolled 72 = 72

    Sigh. My 13 would have been nice there. Now we're going to get rolled by that incoming wave and the charge right after. I recommend our water and earth elementalists do what they can to reduce the damage coming to hit us but I know the dice won't let them do anything.
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)02:50 No.15800795
    Yes. Water and earth elementalists. Last ditch effort to part the wave and put up earth spikes.

    All archers focus on the cavalry again. Let Lena deal with the necro.

    Command roll.
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)02:51 No.15800804
    rolled 33 = 33

    Dammit. COMMAND ROLL.
    >> Generic 08/03/11(Wed)02:52 No.15800817
    rolled 93 = 93

    Combat roll.
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)02:53 No.15800821
    rolled 60 = 60

    All cavalry units. CHARGE. FOR DEGNAR!

    Combat roll.
    >> 風林火山 08/03/11(Wed)02:55 No.15800837

    >> Generic 08/03/11(Wed)03:00 No.15800875
    rolled 68 = 68


    I never thought I'd be glad i put noko with dice!

    Combat Roll without noko :D
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/03/11(Wed)03:22 No.15801079
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    SEconds before the enemy forces impact your own, your fire off a flurry of signals from your ring. Nervous hands drop to spears they were barely trained for, and men in formation brace themselves against waves double their height. The waves crash into your men at the same second that the enemy riders hit the spikes and ropes you set for them. As men are thrown about like discarded dolls in the torrent of water, horses scream out their deaths, and velociprey silently slump to the ground lifelessly. Then the charges connect, barely positioned phalanxs slowing the enemy charge, but not nearly enough. As mounts riders, and footmen all die in droves, your cavalry wings impact the northern cavalry wings sent against you. Spite tears the throat from one rider as you bury your spear into another riders mount. Soaking wet from having powered through the wave, you realize just how tired Jayne looks, as what your cavalry wings just did hits you, at the same time a falchion bounces off your shield. Shaking off the shock of realizing that you just rode through a massive wave as if it werent there, you dispatch the rider who lashed out at you.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/03/11(Wed)03:23 No.15801085
    You spare a glance to the south for long enough to see the waves that had been flowing as an arrow shield for the south-most Uurlanthi wings falter, and a score of riders fall because of it.

    Further east, you see Centurions working in groups to deal with the necromancers golems as Lena deals with the necromancer herself. Every attack Lena launches either bites air as the target shifts about the mists emitted by the corpses surrounding her, or simply raises a chunk of meat to absorb the attack.

    For a while Lena is able to dodge or block the bursts of green energy thrown back at her, along with the razor-sharp bone fragments, but eventually, one does connect with your mage. In an instant, a deep gach is opened up down Lena arm, and another on her leg. Luckily, a flash of white throw both of the tiny arcanists away from each other before the necromancer can do anything worse than superficial damage to your mage.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)03:29 No.15801132
    rolled 59 = 59

    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)03:32 No.15801154
    rolled 37 = 37

    Rangers, set spears, front ranks draw weapons, rear ranks keep firing into the cavalry about to charge you.

    Other archers, concentrate fire on the Lord's bodyguard unit.

    Warlords, move up and flank the cavalry units hitting the Legionaries.

    Command roll.
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)03:33 No.15801164
    Whoever rolls elementalism, hit the cavalry unit that's about to hit our rangers. Use a pit or spikes.
    >> Generic 08/03/11(Wed)03:36 No.15801191
    rolled 22 = 22

    Elemental roll.

    Pit the unit about to hit our rangers.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/03/11(Wed)03:52 No.15801314
         File1312357936.png-(57 KB, 1536x1024, Battle 3g.png)
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    Grunting with frustration, you drop a pit just before the unit about to impact your rangers, and those riders that dont fall into it, are fletched down. unfortuanately, in the confusion and rush to preserve themselves, the units to the south of your rangers slip past your maniple.

    Just east of them, one of the flesh golems is beaten down by centurions, though it takes its killers with it. As bodyguards rage against each other around them, Lena and the necromancer continue their duel. Lena shatters one of the necromancers arms, even as a patch of your mages skin turns greyish black. Seconds later, as a bolt of arcane energy nearly obliterates teh silver-haired necromancer, a wormlike growth erupts from Lenas patch of dead skin, only to be obliterated by the one whos body it sprouted from just as quickly.

    Before you can see the continuation of that battle, Spite rears up, roaring as he disembowels the rider in front of you. Not one to be left behind, you decapitate a nearby rider, and run your blade through another ones heart.

    To your south, the enemy knights continue to push through the broken phalanx of your legionaries and centurions. Much to your chagrin, you realize that they are very likely to thunder straight through your maniple in their attempt to reach Degnar. As your archers begin to pepper Lord Ramons guard, he begins raising head-sized stones from the ground, and hurling them at your autowagons with ruthless precision.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)04:04 No.15801386
    rolled 43 = 43

    >> Generic 08/03/11(Wed)04:05 No.15801400

    Command suggestions:

    Rangers are to charge the bodyguard unit if it loses momentum. If it doesn't, join the scouts/deadeyes and fire after the unit as it tries to escape.

    Trentz may wish to break from Garlain's unit and move to battle the bodyguard/noble in the event that they get stuck in with our squishy archers.
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)04:05 No.15801401
    rolled 96 = 96

    Centurions, Legionaries, don't let them get past you! You are the shield that guards the Empire!

    Warlords, FLANK THEM DAMMIT!

    Rangers, turn any knights that get past the infantry lines into pincushions.

    Scouts, Deadeyes, front rank set spears, rear ranks keep firing.

    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)04:07 No.15801411
    rolled 49 = 49

    Dammit. Rolling for possible botch?
    >> Generic 08/03/11(Wed)04:08 No.15801425
    rolled 46 = 46

    rolling for combat.

    Captcha wishes to remember those times in Saigon
    >> 風林火山 08/03/11(Wed)04:17 No.15801487
    rolled 87 = 87


    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)04:25 No.15801546
    ... Anyway, I hope Autronius gets off his butt and do something. He's gonna get skewered by a lance at this rate.
    >> Generic 08/03/11(Wed)04:27 No.15801556
    rolled 8 = 8

    Meh, i don't think we should botch a command roll. Our captains are all good at what they do and our dwarven lass should know to either relieve the legionaries or collapse onto the bodyguard unit.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/03/11(Wed)04:29 No.15801565
         File1312360193.png-(56 KB, 1536x1024, Battle 3h.png)
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    "STOP THEM!!!!" you bellow, as you sink your sword into another pathetic Uurlanthi rider. And then, as Uurists dwarves make a wonderful mess of the cavalry battle you are in, some of his less fleet footed wariors being trampled and crushed as they drag down enemy riders, a terrible choir of screams and death erupts from your southwest. You turn to see the two units that bypassed your line being dragged down into the tall grass, not a single one of them rising again.

    The front line finally begins to slow the advance of enemy cavalry. As your elemental attempts to hem in and negate the efforts of the enemy lord begin to slow his rampage amongst your autowagons, it becomes increasingly obvious that your foes will not escape through your lines. "NOW WE HAVE THEM EXACTLY WHERE WE WANT THEM!!!!" you hear Gaius bellow "NO ESCAPE, AND NO SURVIVING FOR THESE DOGS!!!" and at that, both his own unit, and Cornelius' battalion begin to close in on the remnants of the enemy cavalry wedges.

    To the south, Lena battle continues at its blinding pace. Shards of bone and blasts of arcane energy flying back and forth. Again, a solid blast from Lenas flattened palm sends her foe flying. A golden shield easily catches the return fire of bone spikes. Another flash of brilliance about the girls body, and you see the growing patch of necrotic flesh disappear, replaced once again by healthy, albeit crisp, flesh. As the necromancer struggles to her feet, Lena begins to confidently stride towards her foe.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/03/11(Wed)04:35 No.15801591
    rolled 22 = 22

    Elemental roll.
    Stone arrows to finish off the Vistyek riders fighting with the Skyrus.
    >> Generic 08/03/11(Wed)04:41 No.15801609
    rolled 84 = 84


    In the butcher's name, let none survive!

    Combat Roll
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)04:41 No.15801610
    rolled 95 = 95


    No real need to change orders at this point. Attempt to rally troops and give morale boost.

    Command roll.
    >> 風林火山 08/03/11(Wed)04:44 No.15801622
    rolled 32 = 32

    God dammit /tg/ dice.
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)04:52 No.15801658
    rolled 64 = 64

    Oh well. We had some good rolls this time. It's a good body count for Justinian's elementalism.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/03/11(Wed)04:54 No.15801669
         File1312361652.png-(49 KB, 1536x1024, Battle 3i.png)
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    Raging at the losses you have been taking, you raise up a sizeable flock of stone arrow, and begin to shred the Uurlanthi cavalry units around you. "FINISH TH-" you below, only to have you helmet smashed into by an enemy blade. After several clumsy strokes, you slay the offending rider, in time to see you legionary and centurion battalions close the box around the knightly units that charged into their midst. As the Lord plunges recklessly on, his bodyguards' faces set in a fanatical frenzy, his force dies behind him.

    Further south, Lena again blasts the enemy Necromancer to the ground. Contemptuously your mage advances, extending either hand to incinerate her foes constructs, before lifting up the necromancer by her neck, and, with surprising gentleness, rests her left hand on the unconscious uurlanthis forehead, a light silver glow covering the girl. Sighing, Lena slings the necromancer over her shoulder, and, waving off her guards attempts to aid her as she makes her way towards you, heedless of the battle, and clearly deflated.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)04:59 No.15801700
    rolled 67 = 67

    Let's close the box and offer this lord one final chance for surrender.

    uhm... Diplomacy roll?
    >> 風林火山 08/03/11(Wed)05:01 No.15801706
    rolled 29 = 29


    Ele roll.

    Drop the lord and his retinue into a hole.
    >> Generic 08/03/11(Wed)05:01 No.15801707

    Archers: Final volley if possible on bodyguard unit.

    Garlain and griffon forces move to charge bodyguard unit, if possible staggered charges. Warlords behind.

    Morian unit to help legionaries if possible, otherwise charge with Garlain/griffons.

    Trentz: disable the enemy noble.
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)05:05 No.15801727
    rolled 70 = 70

    Scouts and Deadeyes, set spears! Everyone else, converge on Darin Ramon! Do NOT let him escape!

    Surely this command roll will be low? Surely? Command roll.
    >> GoldPanda 08/03/11(Wed)05:06 No.15801734
    Okay I think we're done here.
    >> Generic 08/03/11(Wed)05:10 No.15801750

    seconding, our plans are similar enough.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/03/11(Wed)05:17 No.15801782
    Sighing you mutter "Overly-eager fool." as you drop Lord Ramon and a few of his closest bodyguards into a pit. Seconds later, the rest of his bodyguards are dead, or dying. The battlefield is a mess of dead men elves and dwarfs, but victory is yours.


    It takes several hours to recover the gear worth taking. Luckily it takes that long for Degrian to discern how much of a load each of the damaged autowagons can bear, and repair those that cannot be used after the beating they took. You stand next to lena, a wet box, and an unconscious girl, no older than Lena before you. Though her hair is silver, long and straight, not black and curled, and her skin incredibly pale, as opposed to the rich tan of most of the Uurlanthi from the region where the Desert Lords reign, you could see the family resemblance between the two unconscious captives before the Lord was locked away in his box. Silently, Lena moves forward to stroke the necromancers hair and face, pity and sorrow on her face.

    >this seems to be a good enough place to call it.
    >someone archive please
    >I'll be back thursday at 9pm server time
    >if you have any CQ/setting questions just email me at paxcomquest@yahoo.com

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