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(Feeling brave tonight, /tg/?)

Rin and you walk through the streets of Amegakure past the villagers and other shinobi who go about their business. She keeps mostly quiet before speaking, "Daisuke...it will be a great loss to my team to have you taken from me for five years." She said with a tinge of sadness to her voice. In your hand is a scroll containing the full mission details. The most frustrating part of this mission is the demand on your time and your quality of work. If the woman who is to be your "Mom" feels, for a single moment, that you are not giving the mission your fullest attention and effort she can complain to the village. Though you won't be put in jail or anything, the negative reputation and shame from your higher ups may make living in the village difficult. Rin wasn't kidding, this woman wants 100% effort from you, and she wants it 100% of the time.
She's not our real Mom. Then again, we just said that we didn't consider our real Mom our Mother any more. We're not good at having a Mom.

Our poor training time, maybe we'll be able to commune with the Swamp Lord while we sleep, get some work in while we're resting.

Details on the woman, where are we going to be staying, what enemies are likely to come after her, if she does get Ninja sent after her in what number and of what skill are they likely to be, are there any other relatives of note to pay attention to, does she have any important habits that we ought to be aware of?
Amegakure is our Mother.
Ok, we can still do basic training when we're on this 'mission' - Sit ups, pull ups, push ups, chakra training of sleeping on the roof. That kind of stuff. We can also use this time to start learning about Corps and how best to screw with them, or work the stock market.
Hug Rin.
Pretty much. And our Father is a couple steps beyond emotionally distant and has only started to show affection after we decided we weren't going to rat on him.

It's amazing we're only this screwed up considering our family situation.
Don't forget how our brother, one of our former inspiring figures in our life, ended up a bum and said he'd kill us if he saw us or we went near our real mother again.
Attempt not to hug Rin and fail miserably. Also, attempt not to cry big salty little boy tears.
Who? Our brother died years ago. I don't know who you're talking about, but he sounds like a stranger and not our brother.
And the saddest part about it, at least in Daisuke's eyes, is that our brother would fail miserably at killing us.

At least if we had a brother, we obviously don't, if we had a brother they'd be strong, hard working, and be loyal to Amegakure. Some drugged up washout loser who doesn't even count as a ninja can't be related to us.
We should request that we be allowed to socialize with our team from time to time, claim that they're our cousins or distant relatives that we stayed with for a while. That way we can keep tabs on our team and not drift too far from the village. Cuz Rin is one of the only people we have that treats us right.
what the fuck did I miss? also enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQgiugYPz7A
Doesn't work that way sadly. We're this executives son and have to be around her most of the time. We have to socialize with our fake family now.

The scroll lays out the woman as a 38-year old upper level executive in the company. She founded one of the five companies that merged into the Zaibatsu, and thus she commands impressive clout. Attempts had been made on her before, though mostly through thugs and ex-samurai. Only recently did a small cadre of weak shinobi attack her and she escaped, but lost her entire guard unit. That's why she has taken to hiring shinobi. She has a son, named Toshi, that you will be expected to "Disguise Jutsu" into the form of whenever the two of you are in public together. Her actual son will be secretly sent away to live with relatives beyond the scope of any would-be assassins. Obviously, if someone attempts the woman's life, you are expected to kill them.

As you close the scroll and look up at Rin you stop, causing her to pause as well. She faces you and, in a surprising show of kindness, you walk up and hug her, right around the waist. She kneels and wraps her arms around you and this feeling, the warm feeling of her arms through the cloth, the scent of her perfume, and the gentle sensation of acceptance brings something surprising to your eyes.

Tears. Actual tears. You try in vain to hold it back, but the suffering of seeing your Dad's forbidden secret, your horrible loss of your Brother and Mother, the knowledge of Miwa's son dying in front of your eyes, and the loss of Rin in your life brings it out, and you can't stop it. You feel the air grow cold as the rain starts up and she gently pats your head.

"Daisuke, dear..." her voice is the faintest of soft whispers, "It's ok. You'll make it. You have the strength. Just...remember. There is more to life than training. There are things worth having over work. Don't ever forget about this." She said and tapped your chest, where your heart was, as she held you for another few minutes as you sob like a child. The shame that you would feel later at this would be outweighed by the comfort you felt for the first time in recent memory.

You part only after wiping your face profusely and apologizing, causing her to actually laugh as she puts her hand on your head and cocks her head to the side. "You're just a kid, Daisuke. Kids cry, and you have suffered more than most people twice your age. Come on, don't worry." She said and with her words of reaffirmation she urges you towards the waiting room of the Black Ops office, where you would see the form you would be wearing for the next five years.

At the doorway of the office Rin looks up into the sky and puts her hands in her pockets, unsure of what to say.
Is this a wat do?
"Well, it'll be a while but I'll see you later.

When this is done you're taking me out drinking, if I'm lucky I'll drink enough to be able to forget this bullshit assignment. I'm going to be expected to socialize, talk to people, not train, if there is a hell I think I just found it."
"Tell Satori I'll miss training with her."
First, debate if there are thinks worth having over work.

Then...Just stay close to Rin and be quiet. Our voice would be all cracky and sand if we said anything. Just nod, salute, and turn into whatever fake-thing we're suppose to be.

(Sure is. How do we say good-bye? This is the last time we'll see Rin for five years, probably.)

You muck about nervously for a little bit as she eventually reaches out and puts her hand on your head. "Good-bye, Daisuke. Grow up to be a strong man, make your Father proud, and don't forget about you. A shinobi needs a heart as well as strength. Otherwise he's just a cold sword." She said and at your words she actually let out a short harsh laugh. "Yes, I'll let her know. She's been worried about you since you left. We'll see about that drinking, but I'll have a lot to talk to you about." She said and with that gave a wave of her hand and vanished in a snap of black cloth.

Almost as soon as she had left five Black Ops agents appeared from the doorway they took you inside without much of a word and soon had you seated in front of a series of almost a dozen pictures of a young man. "This is Toshi. You will be known by this name, and carry this form, as well as receiving cues from the real thing on how to modify your form." One of the agents explained as he stood back. "Make certain that your form is perfect. Do not let it slip in public." And, of course, you do.

In short order you are taken away from the Black Ops building, maneuvered in a dizzying pattern, and then placed at the door of a titanic building. You walk up the stairs and are lead to a large imposing doorway.
Were we given anything on Toshi's basic personality? We don't want to act too differently. And were we given info on things Toshi would know that might come up in conversation with family other than "Mom"?

I suppose we're supposed to head through the doorway now.
Straighten our disguise, knock, enter.

"Enter." It's the voice of a woman who has worked far too much. You walk into the room and see that it is in the traditional style, as opposed to the corporate style favored by a few executives. A woman sits in the middle of the room in an extremely expensive kimono with her hair done up in the traditional style. She has a painted white face and dark red lips. "Greetings, Daisuke-san." She says and indicates the cushion for you to sit on. As you settle down she puts her painted nails on her chest.

"I am Fukushi Sakura. I am the former president of the Sakura Enterprises, a company that headed up lumber and herbal distribution across this country and several others. While this may seem like bragging it is knowledge I expect you to know intimately as my son." She said and looked at you with strong steely eyes, but not unkind ones. "Toshi is a good happy boy. He enjoys playing sports with his friends, he enjoys literature and art." She said, almost as if reading off a list, "My son is the favorite child of my family, and he stands head and shoulders above his cousins in terms of favoritism. Expect to be coddled and doted upon. But do not let this inter..." She said and then smiled softly, "I'm sorry, Daisuke-san, I forget that you are a professional shinobi. Please, is there anything I can tell you to aid in your duties?"
"You're going to need to tell me about your son a lot more in-depth. Pretending to be him will be difficult for me."
"Does Toshi have any favored aunts, uncles, grandparents and so on? Could I get a list of influential events and occasions in his life, especially those which others might refer to or bring up? What can you tell me about Toshi's friends? Who else is aware of the charade we're putting on? Are there any habits, quirks, and rituals that Toshi performs that would be strange in their absence?

Why did you choose me?"
"A list of the sports he excelled in, a list of what exact artists he enjoyed. A list of whom 'Toshi' was closest within the family. Who you except to be attacked from first. The details of the Sakura Enterprises as Toshi would understand them. A list of Toshi's friends, mother."

"Toshi is friendly, personable, and very attentive. He is extremely intelligent for his age and it shows in the way he acts. He is trained in conversation and discourse, and he is interesting to many adults, despite his youth. You, of course, will be receiving the same education though at an accelerated rate due to your skill as a shinobi." She said and relaxed. "He's mature, but...in public he has a bit of a tendency to be a mother's boy. He never leaves my side in public, which is why we chose to have you emulate him rather than become another faceless member of my entourage."

"He has three friends, and you will receive a dossier with information on them. Influential events...the most obvious is the death of his Father, which occurred before he was three. He has no strange quirks other than his proximity to me. Finally, when you are fifteen, the last year of your service, you will be expected to begin courting a woman of Toshi's choosing. This is of vital importance, as the woman chosen will be bearing his heirs to the corporation." She said simply.
food favorites,
allergies, favorite colors ya know stuff like that. also is there time I can slip in training? I need to keep up in it if I'm going to protect you. list of family, friends and pets too, also anything life changing occurrences with him you and the fam
"I hope Toshi is known for being very clean."
This kid is the exact opposite of us.

we're boned.

"Toshi's favorite relative is his Aunt Miwa. She is a shinobi, who according to your superiors you have interacted with in the past. It is because of this that I expect you to maintain this facade especially strongly around her. The only ones who know about this are your higher ups, myself, you, and my Vice President Norihide. Training? I'm afraid I can't offer you a gret deal of time for that. Outside of the times you will be actively protecting me, you will be maintaining his lifestyle. I cannot have you operating at a sub-par level, even a small bit." She said and smiled, "Toshi, if that's all I can help you with your homework today, please go ahead to your room. The serving staff cleaned it for you, as they do every day. So don't worry about cleaning your room. You're a good boy, Toshi." She said and put her extremely light arms around your shoulders and kissed your forehead. She smelled like flowers. She didn't seem like a bad woman.

You walk into your room and see a large desk with traditional calligraphy tools, a comfortable chair for reading in, and a massive bookshelf with a small library in your room. In the closet you see a wealth of clothing in your size. A small pile of documents rests on the table, titled, "Dossier". Flipping through it you see a list of people, facts, and various information relative to Toshi's life. This would take weeks alone to memorize.
We best get started memorizing the most important things then. Mental training time!
Genjutsu is gonna be going up, I can tell you that. And so is Diplomacy and Lores.
... We have to fake it around Miwa? Kami damn.
"D-don't worry about cleaning?" Oh yeah, start scrubbing and memorized.
Let's get to memorizing, making sure we know everything about him, that any homework he's expected to do is done.

We can trust the staff to keep stuff clean, we have more important stuff to take care of.

It looks like the only ninja training we'll be able to fit in will be if we cut our sleep to get some in and if we manage to Commune with Mr. SwampLord in our dreams.
As much as i hate to admit i have to agree with you dear anon.
begin a sort of triage of information. Give each a once over to get a feel for them then meticulously study the ones we are more likely to encounter first. Transfer the same fervor we have for pushups and the like into memorizing these notes.

You study the information to the point where it's almost too late to get some sleep before you turn in for the night.

In the morning you are woken up by a servant who bows as he enters the room. "Master Toshi, breakfast is waiting for you downstairs. Additionally, Ryu-san and Karin-san are on their way over for your arranged meeting." He said and as you dressed in your clothes for the day, loose comfortable clothes, you follow the man down the stairs. He seems none the wiser to you.

After a quick breakfast the door is thrown open and two rapid sets of footsteps fill the air with noise. "To-kun!" An eager girl calls out as she hugs you around the neck and spins around you. Behind her is a boy who looks similar to her, her second cousin Ryu, you remember. You smile, a wide happy smile, "Hey guys!" It's the most casual greeting you can think of and they accept it. It's a strange sensation, you have to admit. The two of them walk you out of the building to the courtyard where they produce a series of three sticks. "Let's play shinobi!" Ryo says as he puts on a cloth headband, "Today I'm Salamander Hanzo! I'm the strongest ninja alive!" He said and crossed his arms across his chest, deepening his voice ridiculously as he laughs. The girl pushes him over and says, "Nah uh! You can be the old Tsukki...Tsuchee...Tsuchikage. I'm gonna be the famous Tsunade, toughest kunoichi around! Who do you wanna be, Toshi?" She asks with a smile as Ryu asks, "Yes, young man, who do you wanna be?" Remembering Toshi's knowledge of the world and his personality he would pick someone young, powerful, and cheerful like him. Who do we pick?
This is what we must do! Also, start obsessing over your Calligraphy. We must perfect each stroke.

uh, who do we know of that fits that description?
4th hokage?

(With Toshi's knowledge of the shinobi world he knows who Kages are and he knows the Sannin. He also knows Kakashi. The current Kages are

Iwa- Old Onoki
Kumo- A
Konoha- Minato
Kiri- Yagura, the downer kid
Suna- The severe Gaara's Dad )
Minato then.

Minato could work, how old is Might Guy at this point? Would Toshi know Might Guy?

(At this point Guy is about 24, but he's not as world famous as Kakashi, so it's unlikely.)

"Duh! I'm the Yellow Flash! You can't keep up with my speed!" You call out loudly, posing in a silly fighting stance as the three of you screw around, throwing sticks and sword fighting like a real kid. It's almost cathartic to fight and accept getting poked every so often. Not too often though, you do still have a bit of your pride.

After a whole day of playing you come back inside, eat dinner, bathe, and then are brought before your mother. A massive spread of homework is sitting in front of you as she clears her throat, "Toshi, we're going to continue our lecture on business management, international relations, and the use and application of shinobi to further business gains." She said without batting an eye, "So please start a new scroll and we'll begin."

The night continues without incident and as you stand up to leave she speaks up, "Toshi. I hope you enjoy this life you've been given. Remember, your Father and I worked hard for this." She said with a kind smile. It wasn't meant to be chiding, more as a way of asking if you were going to be ok with his assignment. How do you respond?
I will. thanks.

Too bad we dont have a way to keep in touch with our squad while on this assignment. unless we can suddenly command lizards to deliver messages
"Of course I'm thankful mother."
Resist the urge to start twitching in annoyance at not getting to train. We'll cope, it won't be fun but we'll cope. Maybe we'll even get a childhood out of this.

"I'm very thankful for this life Mother and I'll make you proud of me. I love you very much."
"Of course, Mother." And we really need to start training these damn yahoos. Seriously, Ryu's form sucks. We could have killed him 15 diferent ways.
Rolled 2

>unless we can suddenly command lizards to deliver messages
Sadly our bloodline does not include that skill. I think.

Give general consent. try not to have conniptions at how things are handled.
We should also memorized all of this business material. Start checking up whatever newspapers or what not we can get our hands on.

She smiled, "I love you too, Toshi." And with that you head back to your room and dive into your studies....

Time's slow toll begins to mount and the days begin walking, then running, and then flying by...

(We are going into MAXIMUM TIME SKIP. Very shortly. However, there will be three "Key Events" for us to play through that will determine our ending condition. I will post options, everyone will vote on three. I'm gonna make a store run while you decide.)

1) Our Meeting with Aunt Miwa (Age 10)
2) Assassination Attempt 1 (Age 10)
3) Assassination Attempt 2 (Age 13)
4) Karin's Confession (Age 14)
5) Ryu and Toshi- Facedown (Age 13)
6) Bride-to-Be 1 (Age 15)
7) Bride-to-Be 2 (Age 15)
8) Tragedy (Age 15)
9) Assassination Attempt 3 (Age 15)
10) Parting of Ways (Age 15)

Additionally, we will be forced to play through Assassination Attempt 4 (Age 15).

Finally, select two actions that we will try to force to work with our schedule.

1) Combat Training
2) Commune with Swamplord
3) Business Studies
4) Friends on the Other Side (Converse with Shinobi Friends)
5) Broaden Mind (General Study) )

(Have fun!)
Hm, I'm gonna vote:

1) Our meeting with Aunt Miwa
3) Assassination Attempt 2
6) Bride-to-be 1
6) Bride-to-Be 1 (Age 15)
7) Bride-to-Be 2 (Age 15)
10) Parting of Ways (Age 15)

2) Commune with Swamplord
3) Business Studies
>2) Assassination Attempt 1 (Age 10)
>3) Assassination Attempt 2 (Age 13)
>9) Assassination Attempt 3 (Age 15)

>1) Combat Training
>2) Commune with Swamplord
Any reason why it's just three? they all sound interesting and important.

anyway, my vote

2) Assassination Attempt 1 (Age 10)
5) Ryu and Toshi- Facedown (Age 13)
8) Tragedy (Age 15)


1) Combat Training
2) Commune with Swamplord
Only 4 assassination attempts, poor Daisuke.

3.Assassination Attempt 2
3.Karin's Confession
8. Tragedy.

Combat Training and Commune with Swamplord. The Combat Training means we won't fall 5 years behind, and the Swamplord will probably get us a lot of stuff including Kekkei Genkai Training and various knowledges.
>1) Our Meeting with Aunt Miwa (Age 10)
>2) Assassination Attempt 1 (Age 10)
>10) Parting of Ways (Age 15)

As for forced stuff
2 and 4 (satori)
oh, and actions! almost forgot:

2) commune with Swamplord
5) broaden mind
I mean

3. Assassination Attempt 2
4. Karin's Confession.

I got the numbers wrong.

Remember, we'll be doing a lot of business study as part of our assigned homework that we have to keep up on anyways, we'll also be interacting enough with people involved in business so we'll pick some up just by osmosis. We only have 1 friend really, and we'll get drunk with her and Rin when we get back.
>>21752182 here
Changing business studies to 4) Friends on the Other Side (Converse with Shinobi Friends) to get more Satori time.

1 4 5

Unrelated to this, I have some questions about Swamp Lord.

Can we use weapons like Kusari-Gama while Swamp Lording? Can we preform Jutsu? Do the benefits we get increase if we up Kekkei Genkai Training? Does the Stealth it gives stack with any Stealth training we pick up?

4, 3
>4) Friends on the Other Side
I'm going to go with
We need to romance a Nara.

1) Our Meeting with Aunt Miwa (Age 10)
7) Bride-to-Be 2 (Age 15)
8) Tragedy (Age 15)

2) Commune with Swamplord
4) Friends on the Other Side (Converse with Shinobi Friends)
Dont much care for events, but we should probably focus on swamplord for badass lizard stunts and keeping in touch with our buddies so we dont wind up completely alienated when we find out satori is screwing whatshisface
(We've got a 5-way tie on events, with Event 3 securing a Place. As for our off-work actions we have a massive amount of support from 2 and 4, so that's what we're going with. I'm narrowing the choice down now to-


Please cast your votes now amongst those 5. Top 2 win it. You have 5 minutes.)
6 and 8.
6 and 10.
2 and...1
8 and 10.
6 and 8, again

(Also, yes, while all of these are important events, they will be handled off screen based on our actions in the 3 events and our choices in our downtime actions.)
8, 10

(Thank you. We're going live with 3, 6, and 8. First we begin with 3)

Your life had become relaxed, for the most part. You were calm and restful. The idea of "being Toshi" and "being" were still two separate thoughts in your mind, but you were able to flip between them like a switch. When you were Toshi you were happy, energetic, and friendly. You had become this boy. This was, largely, thanks to the Swamplord. Through his advice and his massive understanding of you, he was able to work with you in dividing your mind, for a price. You gave half of your mind, the half that was "Daisuke" over to the Swamplord. When you assumed the shape of the Swamplord now he would have a larger voice in your actions, but his combat experience would perhaps help you. It was a deal you had a hard time refusing. The first attempt on Sakura's life came only three months after you were assigned. It was easy enough, they were barely shinobi. After all, these kids were older than you and weaker than you. They were scrap.

Three years passed, relatively uneventfully. You grew into a taller person, though you were still cursed by your Father's thinness. Toshi, however, had become bigger and stronger than you were, and you changed your shape to reflect that.
It looks like we're developing some Multiple Personality Disorder. This actually might be a good thing as it probably makes Genjutsu very hard to use against us.

And also, Swamplord seems like a pretty easy guy to get along with.
Sacrificing half our psyche is "easy to get along with"?
Great, Daisuke is becoming DIDsuke.

We should offer up the other half of our mind to the Hunter.
you do know this could going to bite us in the ass big time later

hell this might happen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyXq6-q_2vE
That's a bad idea. We'd have nothing to call our own, and it's hard to figure out your identity when you don't have one to work with.
god damn booze...
It's not a sacrifice, we're just segmenting somewhat. We can bounce between them at will.

Remember, the Swamplord is part of us, it's made up of all of our mental trauma, inner demons, and a touch of ancient predator. It's still us though, just our animal side.

Now that seems like a really bad idea.
Half our mind now belongs to the giant crocodile that lives in our head.

There is no possible way this could backfire.

It was a balmy day and you were sitting under a tree with Ryu and Karin. Your Mother was sitting next to several aides and business attendants. You had journeyed with her to the Land of Wind and were having a discussion on a windy balmy bluff. Ryu and Karin's parents were both involved in the business, explaining their presence there. As you kept up your facade of Toshi, acting naturally and fully, the Swamplord drifted behind your eyes and scanned the area with a second pair of eyes as you lived on. A warning emerged in your mind. "Daisuke, there's an unusual haze. I've noticed it for a while, it's coming closer to us slowly. I think it's supposed to be a dust devil, but it's moving with too much determination. Be aware." He warned you. This wasn't a scenario you wanted to be in. There were a total of fifteen people who weren't part of the mission, and if you had to defend Mother here your cover would be blown. Fortunately, thanks to your diligent letter writing to Satori and Masahiro, as well as the rare letter to Rin (as she was often busy), you managed to get a few smoke pellets given to you surreptitiously.

As the Dust Devil got close the Swamplord let out a roar, "That's three shinobi! They're aiming for the meeting, Daisuke, strike!" Your hand moves faster than your mind can even recognize the words as you smash your hands onto the ground, yelling out to give the image off that you are in a panic as smoke fills the entire plateau. The sand shinobi try to get their bearings, rushing towards the businesspeople who start yelling and crying out in panic.

You draw your kunai quickly and fluidly as you rush forward and stab one of the attacking women in the stomach, taking her completely by surprise and then finishing her off with a wrench of your kunai and a finishing stab to the temple.
When the five years are up, I intend to ask for our psyche back.

It's hard to see through the smoke, though the chaos is all that's letting you operate. You can't do much if a strong wind blows. You need to prioritize! Do we

1) Defend Mom First and foremost
2) Go on the Hunt and kill them first
3) Try to let everyone escape, hindering the attackers
4) Unleash the Swamplord and kill them.
Give half our mind to the thing that just wants to hunt and kill everything? Great idea.

1) Defend Mom First and foremost
1) Defend Mom First and foremost
And if it finishes off after that, we can just act like we're running to mom like the mothers boy Toshi is.
>3) Try to let everyone escape, hindering the attackers
The fewer people are around, the less chance our cover is blown.
Go On The HUNT! God, it's be so boring, lets play with these punks.
1) Defend Mom First and foremost

If she dies we fail the contract. And then Hanzo will be most displeased with us.
1) Defend Mom First and foremost

She's the highest priority, we kill all of them that we can, but we stick in her vicinity. Fuck, I wish it was wet.
Glad you like it! That's two votes for!
And just as many saying NO! BAD!

The Swamplord is cool, he's sane, he's dangerous but he's in full control of his mental faculties. The Hunter is too wild to be given his own portion of our mind.

If we need him we'll drag him up from wherever the Swamp Lord put him and tell him that we're in charge and we're using him, not the other way around.

You leap through the smoke and seek out the familiar smell of your Mother's perfume. You hold her hand and pull her away from the rest of the group and get between her. You hear screams and the sounds of brutality before another shinobi gets close to you. He pushes past you, thinking you just a kid. To his surprise you impale him in the back of his neck and throw him to the ground, stomping on his windpipe to ensure his demise. A strong gust of wind whips up and you quickly clean your knife, take one of the man's, soak it in his blood, and give it to your Mom. The Swamplord laughs, "Very clever" It's rare to hear him comment.

When everyone is able to see the two gutted and mangled shinobi attackers laying on the ground, the knife in your Mom's hand, the respect they hold for her mounts tremendously. The last shinobi ran away, but you didn't see him or her, and you weren't seen. This would be good enough. Only three people died before the smoke cleared. You're on edge the rest of the day.

As you ride back in a carriage with Ryu and Karin you hear her sigh, "Jeez...that was so scary..." She said as she shook a little, her dark hair draped over her face. Ryu shook his head, "Man...I wish I were a shinobi. I could have saved everyone. But your Mom, Toshi, she's amazing!" He said with awe in his voice. Karin nods, "I wish I were as strong as she is."
"She is. I was really scared, I'm glad she was there for me. I don't know what I would have done without her."
"I'm glad you guys are safe too."

"Yeah, I mean, we're just kids...what can we do about adult stuff?" Ryu said with a sigh, "When I grow up and run this stuff I'm going to hire the best ninjas in the world and have them guard me at all times. Then no one will mess with me." he said proudly and grinned. Karin shook her head, "Not me. I'm going to keep myself away from all this high-level business and let my husband handle it. This is way too scary for me. I would have panicked."

The three of you share a moment of fondness for one another that you have a hard time telling if it is genuine or not. It has been three years with these two people, and you have spent nearly every day with them. Certainly something has grown. Hasn't it?

Do you want to grow closer to Karin and Ryu? Do you want to just let your "Toshi" Half grow closer, or do you actually want to let feelings for them carry into your "Daisuke" half?
Grow closer to Karin and carry it into the Daisuke half.
>Hasn't it?
No. Do they not even try and learn to become ninjas? Or any kind of martial arts, they just want their bodyguards or their husbands to do it. Disgusting.
Grow closer to Karin, let it grow into the Daisuke half, we're allowed to like people. We control it more than most people, but we actually are friends.
no. keep it professional
keep it professional
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Let Karin grow on our Toshi half. We already have two ladies waiting for us when we get out.

>Daisuke's internal fw
Keep it professional. They're weak scum.
Karin, let it carry into Daisuke.

We aren't a complete machine, and Rin did say that we needed heart as well as strength, that we shouldn't be just a cold sword.
Just because they're not shinobi doesn't mean they're scum.
Dude's got a point. We're supposed to be maturing as people.
I've already voted. But I think keeping the halves of us too separated, partly by doing this, will not be doing our long-term mental stability any favors.
Yeah, but these people are weak and simpering cowards. We should be growing close to actual people like business men or other tycoons.
good point

forget about >>21752966 I change my mind
Why is everyone singling out Ryu for Karin? do we really need another fucking waifu?

Let em both grow on Daisuke.
The scum part was probably a joke. (The email field)

I say we let them in, and then after the years are up, we tell them that we're not actually Toshi. And then we jump karins bones.

No, you tell yourself, this is just the job. You will act like this as long as it permits. However, Karin does bear a little bit of kindness extra. It seems she's impressed by your friendly kind ways, despite your wealth. It's hard, even for a trained killer like you, to keep all of your feelings away. The last time you did it you just cried for a while, but this is three more years of hard repression...perhaps a little care wouldn't hurt. You and Ryu are different from one another, after all....

~~~Time Passes~~~~

You knew this day would come. Unfortunately, it seems, that five years isn't enough. A week after Toshi turned fifteen, and almost six months after you did, your Mother calls you to her office in the middle of the work day.

"Toshi, it's time for you to begin deciding your future. As a man of fifteen, it's time for you to find a future bride. You will be engaged in short order." She said and clapped her hand. The butler, Moro, entered the room with a large folder full of pictures.

"These are daughters and heiresses of various business both in the Zaibatsu and without who have the potential to create an advantageous position for your future children." Sakura explained. "I would like for you to consider them."
agreed it would be good for our fucked up mind
This is true. Who says we have to pick?
Let it grow into the Daisuke half.
Tell our mother we're considering Karin, but we won't ignore these girls.
Kuma did by telling us which one to pick.
Ah, fuck, our opinion. Hide with the Swamplord and scrub that part of our mind while Toshi makes some stupid, inane breeding decision about who he should marry so this corp will keep itself strong.
This. Best option.
Okay, let's scan through the list. See who's available.

Reading through the dossier you find that most of these girls are plain and homely. Wealth, it seems, doesn't buy beauty. Since you don't have much more to go on, and Moro reminds you as you leave the room that you should pick three or four, the choices are rather bleak. However, amusingly, Karin is one of them. She is a longtime friend of yours, that's true. However, as you can see in her dossier, her family is losing money. They are on a downward slope due to her Father's bad business decisions. Once she and Toshi, the real Toshi mind you, are married they seize control of the company. It would be a minor pick up. However, as you can see, there is a mildly attractive girl who comes from a great family, a metal refining company.

So how do we pick? Do we

1) Do the damn job right- Pick a wife that is best for Sakura and her son's futures.

2) Pick Toshi a hottie- What fun is there sleeping with omen?

3) Pick Karin- Because it would probably work out in the end.
Can we marry Karin?
3) YEP.
1) Do the damn job right- Pick a wife that is best for Sakura and her son's futures.
Sorry Karin. Better hope you meet older Daisuke and fall in love with him.
>3) Pick Karin- Because it would probably work out in the end.
Besides, if Toshi is as brilliant as his mom intends him to be, perhaps they can turn Karin's company around for bigger profits.

we dont give a SHIT about the longterm for this family
>1) Do the damn job right- Pick a wife that is best for Sakura and her son's futures.
Oh, like -that- is gonna happen. We're gonna go after that Black Ops girl or die cold and alone.
Do the damn job right.
You mean Satori or Rin? Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if either falls for us when we get out of here.
do you mean rin or satori?
2) Pick Toshi a hottie- What fun is there sleeping with omen?

She's hot, we may as well be nice to the guy who's life we're borrowing, and it's still a damn good marriage.

If 2 doesn't work I'd prefer 1 to 3.
Karin is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiqmZLOaD8o&feature=related
prob satori.

Daisuke needs a girl that can get him to FUCKING RELAX whilst being tough as nais
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Wait, Karin is counter Shinobi?
Probably not Rin, that'd be a bit too Oedipus Complex for me. Besides, I don't think we've ever seen her face.

Satori could work, assuming she got stronger while we were out on this bullshit assignment.

Daisuke has very specific needs for a girlfriend, she needs to be extremely competent, rather hard working, able to cope with his various neuroses, and willing to tell him to shut up and relax.
And let him clean.

And like big lizards.

It's a hard toss-up. On one hand you know that Karin actually cares for Toshi and that Toshi is a smart guy. From the monthly updates you receive he's actually passing you in terms of studies. But then again, he doesn't have to fight shinobi and work on security all the time. It's only natural. Still pisses you off a little.

Eventually you select Karin and when your Mom sees the decision she smiles thinly and raises her eyebrow. "You are certain, Toshi? Karin is from a family of nothing that got a chance at fortune and is failing. She could drag you under." You assert your certainty and she laughs,

"Alright, Toshi. Karin will be your bride. I'll make the arrangements. You'll be wed at the age of seventeen."

It seemed that this would be the right choice. Satori couldn't seem to stop laughing as you informed her of the choice and Masahiro even managed to admit it was funny in his letter to you. "Hope she's a looker." Satori teased you, "Otherwise this Toshi may hunt you down for saddling him with some sorta pig."

You feel good about your choice. Toshi is a smart man, and love will win out. It's strange, though, how for once you let your heart pick, rather than your head.

~~~~~Time Passes~~~~~~~

You are almost out. Only three months left on this assignment. The release date is your sixteenth birthday, which would be half a year away from Toshi's. It's hard to think about what you're going to do after this. Loathe though you may be to admit it, the comforts are nice, and Sakura seems to genuinely care about you, even when no one else is around she's warm and comforting.
>Daisuke has very specific needs for a girlfriend, she needs to be extremely competent, rather hard working, able to cope with his various neuroses, and willing to tell him to shut up and relax.
So Satori. she's already done all those.

>And like big lizards.


Technically Rin does the same thing, albeit in a slightly different capacity.
Romantic relationships are based on trust, if we can not trust our girlfriend with the fact that we turn into giant lizard we shouldn't get into a relationship with them.

Besides, if we tell her we can get lizardy belly rubs and and head scratches, which ought to be spectacular.

inb4 someone brings out an Oedipus complex explanation on why Rin is the obvious choice.

And come on, she's just being nice because we're suppose to be Toshi.
more motherly though.

>Besides, if we tell her we can get lizardy belly rubs and and head scratches, which ought to be spectacular.
I now have a mental image of LIZARD!Daisuke returning from a mission, looking up with puppydog eyes at satori and getting a head rub

As you relax in the mansion one day, reading as you so often did about business theory and how to use shinobi contracts to corner other businesses without even talking to them, you are summoned with all haste by Moro.

You are brought before Sakura, the doors closed, the windows closed, and everyone sent away from the floor. She looks at you and breathes out, "Toshi...was caught in a mass attack. I do not know if he's alive or not. Reports coming from the area speak of hundreds of casualties. Apparently in the Land of Birds there was some sort of...terrorist from the Hidden Stone Village who unleashed a mass explosion across the countryside, nearly destroying half the country, before being chased away by Iwagakure shinobi. The areas hit included the safe house Toshi was staying at..." She said, her composure strong and solid as she spoke, though you could see her lips trembling. "I am going on a business trip to the north of the Land of Wind. While I'm there, Toshi, I want you to go to the Land of Birds, away from the disaster zone," She said while shaking her head no, indicating she wanted the opposite, "And once you're there, I want you to take it easy and relax." You see a bit of tears well up in her eyes. It's clear what she wants.

"Save my son." The words unspoken, begging you. Technically this is well beyond the limits of your contract. You are to guard her. She would NEVER go into an active warzone, and she would have no authority to send you. By rights you can say no. After all, someone who can blow up half the country at a whim? That's a little beyond you...Still...she's on the verge of tears.

Do we do it? Are we a bad enough dude to save Sakura's son?
You know, we -can- remain single. And if we have to get married, we can marry the woman Amegakure tells us to, or we can find another girl. The whole world isn't three girls, guys.
That's probably not entirely it. I mean she is warm and caring even more than she needs to be, and she smells nice.

We probably like her, Amegakure is still our mother, but she's a nice lady. And while she isn't physically strong she's rather competent which we can respect.
... Sigh. Yes, Daisuke is. Because then he can prove he's better than Toshi at something, even if he has better grades.
Do it.

Having a businessman in our debt NEVER hurts
lets go save him
Wait, a chance for excitement, adventure, actual Ninja work? Holy shit, yes! In the name of everything good, holy, and Ninja, YES!

We get to stretch our legs some, murder things. She'll just have to "happen" to leave out the dossier with info on where exactly the safe house is.

Besides, then she'll owe us big time.

See if we can arrange for a care package with armor, weapons, tools, steel wire, smoke bombs, and soldier/blood pills can be arranged to be delivered to us. We're still chatting with people outside so we ought to be able to get that.
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Okay. Let's blackmail toshi for Karin too. She's our-- WHY DIDN'T WE HAVE TOSHI MARRY THE BEST GIRL, AND THEN MARRY KARIN OURSELVES?
very good point!
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you dunn goofed
Because she isn't the best choice for Daisuke. She likes us as we're faking Toshi, but do you really think she could handle a relationship with an OCD, DID, ruthless killer, with many more quirks and flaws, who spends time as a Lizard?
Eh. Let's go save Toshi.
Better at something? We ahve to do that!

Do it, she been nothing but caring for us. besides, we can blow off some steam if we do it.
Too bad you didn't pick option 10 for events Anon! Maybe you could of had your chance to reveal yourself to Karin before leaving! Now she will never know.
I already voted earlier to safe Toshi. But I was just saying that we probably shouldn't try to romance Karin.
Wait... this events name is.. TRAGEDY.

"Of course, Mom, I'll be very careful in the Land of Birds." you say and before the words are out of your mouth she's across the room and hugging you, sobbing into your chest as she slips a single piece of paper in your kimono very subtly and then kisses your forehead, "You're....an amazing boy, Toshi. You're the best a mother could wish for." She said and bowed her head to you in actual genuine thanks.

A care package would be a lot to sneak in. The "donations" you've been receiving from the outside have all been well disguised. You send the message out with a fast courier, hoping to get some sort of response before day's end, as you would be leaving tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn.

"Master Toshi, you have a visitor." Moro says as he leads you down the hallway into the reception area where a man is sitting on his knees before you, his head on the ground in respect. You recognized that sword from a mile away. It's the Rain's Blade himself.

"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Fukushi-san." Father raises his head to look up into your eyes and you can tell that he caught the messenger you sent for Satori. "I am here from Amegakure to show you a tribute of our support to the Zaibatsu and how we want our relationship to grow closer and more strong. Please, remember the Amegakure Shinobi support you in all endeavors." He said and presented a chest to you. With that he rises and gives you a single glance and the faintest curl of his lips, a smile? A snarl? With that last expression he turns and vanishes from the room, a true shinobi.
Toshi dies and then we're forced to live as him. Bad end.
That's... Not a good sign. Guess we should open this chest in private.
>Dad points reset to zero
fuck WTH guys this isn't marriage sims smh. why is every fucking post turning into who to marry and get with?...
Didn't dad say he'd be gone for several years? He's...ahead of schedule.
It's been like 4-5 years man. That's several years.

We just got a care package from our dad! He loves us! Make sure to open it in private and keep the contents VERY secret.
Our dad is so Awesome. We need to hug him when we get back. We could use father to find Actual Toshi. But lets go and save our double.

Moro brings the chest up to your room and you close the door for privacy and open the chest. Inside you find an empty chest with a seal on it, requiring chakra to open. When you do so you see the best gift your Father ever gave you.

A tactical vest, a matching kunai to couple with the one he gave you almost six years ago, ten exploding tags, a batch of smoke grenades, a light grenade, almost fifty yards of iron wire, and a scroll that you would have to investigate later. And a letter.

"Daisuke. You are threatening the mission. Do not fail. I expect you to achieve both the mission and beyond." That was...something else. "Even Father is proud, eh?" The Swamplord says with a chuckle.

You touch the seal again and the chest appears empty. You fill it with clothes and in short order take the road the next morning.

The carriage seems to be in a big hurry as your Mother leaves in a rush. "Toshi, go play in the village over there." She says, pointing at a clearly safe village, though her eyes were at the distant smoke. "Of course, Mom." You say and grab your chest and head out. Once safe you release the tag and suit up, changing into Daisuke properly.

This is dangerous. If Mom is attacked while you're gone...you've failed. You've thrown the whole mission. But she basically begged you to do it. Suiting up totally you arm yourself with both of the customized kunai and rush into the distance.
We could leave a shadow clone with mom. Or can we not do that?
read the thread, we are daisuke not toshi. we are a 16 year old ninja, why play the quest if you guys fall head over heels for the first character who shows us interest then plan our "twilight" themed wedding out?
Don't know the technique.
We don't know the technique, and even if we did I don't think it'd last long enough.

(We definitely do not know how to do that)

This place is a fucking disaster. You haven't seen this much carnage since you ripped those monsters apart six years ago. Bodies, blood, shattered wood, all of this mess is strewn everywhere. You produce the paper Sakura gave you and read it over quickly, using the coordinates, running there as quickly as you can.

The safe house doesn't look that safe when you arrive. It's blown to pieces. There isn't much left standing. You try to pick through the wood, but you find that the supporting beams are way too heavy for you to lift, there's no way you can do it. Even though you've been keeping up with your strength training these beams would require superhuman strength.

You listen carefully, using all your shinobi senses to try and detect life. To your surprise you do find life, there are two beating hearts under the rubble. One is very very faint, the other is fast, panicked. How should we resolve this?

1) Carefully planted and placed explosions
2) Swamplord and try to get the rubble away
3) Hunter and GET the rubble away
4) Keep looking elsewhere.
>1) Carefully planted and placed explosions
>1) Carefully planted and placed explosions
This is gonna go poorly.
SWAMPLORD! Explosives could harm anyone in the mess.
>1) Carefully planted and placed explosions
BEST case: he gets out, we get back, job done

WORST CASE: He dies, we get back quick
>1) Carefully planted and placed explosions
Assuming we don't exacerbate the damage any more than is already present. In broad daylight, indulging either beast is too risky.
>1) Carefully planted and placed explosions
>1) Carefully planted and placed explosions

Assuming we are confident that we'll be able to do so safely and not hurt the people underneath.

If we aren't confident in that we'll go Swamplord. I don't trust our control in the Hunter enough to get it removed safely and not harm the people underneath, if the Swamp Lord can't do it he ought to be able to think with us and figure out a better way.
Yeah, that sounds good.
2 might scare into death, one is sure death if the first heart Is dying. yet the first heart could be passed out...two is much safer so there goes my vote, not a person should notice us

Thanking your Father for the tags you place them in a quick and careful grid. It's fortunate that you read a few books on mining techniques as well as talked to Satori in her explosive phase. After quadruple checking the rubble and the tags you close your eyes and even let up an aimless prayer, "Please, work." With a deep breath you sigh, "Release."

The explosion fills the area with smoke and you are into the rubble in a flash. Thankfully, due to your great intelligence, your help from the Swamplord, as well as some notes from Satori and Rin, you find a scene of true terror.

Miwa is there, holding onto the wall, her legs stabilized on the ground, a large piece of wood through her stomach. She's bleeding from the mouth and the wound. Flachettes of stone and wood and rubble have her bleeding all over. She's on death's door. And, amazingly, as you can see, she was holding up a beam with her back. Her arm must be horribly broken, as she's supporting with her head and her other arm. But why would she be in this position?

Underneath her, curled up, is Toshi. He's dusty, and a bit red from some of her blood, but he's safe. He's a little ruffled to be sure, but otherwise he's alright. "Auntie! Look! Someone's here!" He said, almost in a panic.

Miwa turns her head slightly and sees you, "Daisuke...save....my nephew..he's all I have...please..." She said, begging you with her pained eyes. She's about to collapse. With the beam removed from her back by your explosion she should be able to relax, but she's on the verge of collapse. She's stuck there, about to die.
I see i'm not the only one drinking.

What do we do here?

1) Save Toshi
2) Save Miwa and Toshi
3) Save Miwa
4) Do nothing, the unstable rubble will finish the weak off.
Save Toshi. Daisuke isn't trained to do medic things. It's unfortunate but I guess Daisuke is going to have to cry more tears at people he cares for dying.
1) He needs to be free. She should be remember for her intense bravery. We get toshi back as fast as we can, and then come back.
>2) Save Miwa and Toshi
Get Toshi out first, then see if we can't do anything for Miwa.
Save Toshi. Sad as it is, there's nothing we can do about Miwa.

How old is miwa again?
attempt 2 with a for sure one?
Save toshi, triage miwa.

If we can save miwa do it, else get Toshi to his mom STAT

Save Toshi. Say our goodbyes to Miwa. Something sweet.
2, save Toshi first, and if possible save Miwa.

Toshi is higher priority, we might not be a medical expert but we probably read some on that and I bet Swampy can help with the triage. Also we ought to have some Blood Pills on us to help.

(Miwa is in her mid fifties)

You nod, holding your emotions in check as you grab Toshi in your arms and heft him. He's a big lad, to be sure, but he's soft and squishy like a scholar or a businessman should be. He's not too heavy. You look at Miwa one time and she smiles, "Thank you...Daisuke.." And, seeing her nephew live, she hits the ground and falls onto her side. You jump out of the hole and land, then take off at maximum speed with Toshi in your arms. "Who are you?" he asks, his voice almost eerie to hear as it was the voice that was coming out of your mouth for the past six years. You were strangely close to the voice, though his was deeper than you imagined it was. You find it hard to answer, and act silently.

You hurry and in short order arrive back at the carriage. "Toshi!? What happened!?" Sakura asked, still acting, though she hugged her son tightly to her chest, sobbing loudly as she hugs her son close to her chest. Taking this opportunity to leave you vanish from the scene before anyone else can see you. Now...to do what you can.

You arrive back in the crater and see Miwa there, though she managed to remove the piece of stone in her arm, she's not in any better shape. "Daisuke..." She whispers, looking up at you. "I've...lost so much. My pride as a woman, my value as a shinobi, my....my husband...my son....I couldn't lose Toshi....and you..." she said and reached up, "You've been...like a son to me." She said with a smile, "Thank you for seeing me off. Please, help Toshi. He needs you. Sakura needs you." She said with a tired sigh. You reach down to grab her and she shakes her head once, asking for release. What choice do you have.
dammit miwa too....
We don't have one, we can't save her, we don't know Medical Jutsu. We can ease her passing and make sure she dies in utter peace.

"Goodbye Miwa, goodbye mother. May you find peace. I'll be sure to make you proud."

No tears, we don't want her last sight to be us crying, we force a smile until the end.

Gently you smile at her as she passes and you close her eyes, building a shoddy grave from the rubble before leaving.

You return to the carriage, finding it safe and secured by the regular guards as you watch from a distance. You follow the carriage home and wait til nightfall.

When night has fallen and all the lights are off in the house you wait. Sakura turns a single light on and you arrive at her window. "Tosh...Daisuke-san." She says with a bit of a struggle as she smiles, bowing her head to you. "I cannot offer you enough thanks. Please, take this." She said and extended an extremely expensive fan to you. "I will terminate our contract with the highest praises now. I believe that with Toshi arranged to wed and my security having studied what information you have gathered I am safe enough. No one can be safe forever, and I am deeply honored that you could be with me. I consider you a second son." She says honestly, "That fan can command lesser members of the Zaibatsu, and can get you to a conversation with any of the higher ups. Treasure it. If you ever want to see me, or Toshi, again, please use the fan and we will have you brought here. Would you like to talk to Toshi?" She offered.

Do we?
Go hunter and go berserk.
Out of grief.
take it. Major business leaders owe us big time
Yeah. Tell him everything that has happened. Fill him in. Tell him he's marrying Karin.
Don't believe it is needed to talk to him. Thank her for everything she and everyone else showed us for all these years, and that we will take great care of this gift.
"I think I would like to talk to him. I've lived his life for a number of years, I ought to get to know him.

If it means anything I consider you dear to me as well, if you ever need anyone killed just let me know. And by the way, you smell good and have excellent taste in perfume, I've always like that about you."
He's been getting monthly updates, so I'm pretty sure he knows who he's marrying.

She smiled and laughed, "You are a mystery to me still. I have known you six years but never known you. I welcome you to my family." She said and welcomed you into the house.

You find your way through the place naturally and open the door without a word, so used to it at this point. Toshi is sitting at the desk and writing. He turns, expecting Moro, and his eyes widen as he sees you.

"You! You...you're the boy who saved me. Are you the one who was protecting mom?" He asked, standing up, keeping quiet, as he walks up to you. You can see he's a little shorter than you and far pudgier. "I'm Tos...heh.." he said with a nervous laugh, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to address this situation. You know me so well. I know nothing of you, Shinobi-san. What's your name?" He asked with a measured kind and wise voice. He's just as smart as you trusted him to be.
Wink at him and act all gay towards him.
Call me Dai. From what I've heard you seem to "owe me one"
"It's Daisuke. I'm the one who has guarded your mom in the shadows and worn your face in the light. Weird, I know.

I've lived your life, spoke with your voice, read your books and worn your clothes for 5 years. It's a pleasure to finally meet you.

Though seriously, work out a bit more, you can spare a couple hours a week. It's not all that hard.

Also, Karin's a nice girl, be sure to make her happy."

Let's not.
Hurt Karin and i'll kill you. Also I gave you abs, so work out a bit.
How the hell do you manage to have any time to clean with this schedule?

Also work out a bit. seriously. you're getting pudgy

"Dai-san. Thank you for everything you've done. You have put me in a marriage with a woman I care deeply for, you have protected my mother, and you saved my life. I know that your work for mother will be compensated handsomely, but I want to offer you my own thanks." He said and produced a scroll for you.

"That is my deed and will. If I am to pass from this world before you, I want you to open that will. But do not open it before then." he said and grips your arm, "Promise me you won't? The information in there is vital only to be seen at the appropriate time." He said, holding onto the scroll with a tight hand.
A threat might be a bit rude. We can imply them, but don't go out and say it.
this haha
na say "my name it's daisuke, it has been an honor serving your mother all these years. she's an amazing women."

"Make sure to take care of mother, it's your job now."
"I won't open it, you have my promise."
I won't.

It doesnt ask me to like, blow up a small city does it? I mean I could but thats just a pain in the as to organize
"I won't. I know how to keep promises.

If you ever need my services you know how to hire me, my rates are quite reasonable, consider it a family discount if you give me an entertaining one.

Take care of mother for me, I happen to like her. And work out more, I managed to find the time and I had to live your life and do full time body guarding."
I won't.

Now, Karin kinda thinks you have some great looking abs. She was a bit tipsy at the time and no we didnt do anything further, but for fucks sake man work out a bit
Kiss him. Disguise jutsu into muscled him, and sex him up.
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"Alright." He lets go of the scroll and smiles with a slight laugh, "I'll work out. I'm not just protecting myself and Mom, soon I have to protect my wife and our family. You have my work, Daisuke. Don't think I'll forget about your service." he promised and extended his hand, which you grabbed and a handshake was given.

(Bond: Toshi Fukishi) (Acquired)

You leave without another word, holding two items that probably have more value than any amount of money you'll ever see in the rest of your life.

Where do you go from here? As you ponder this you hear a scream from back in the house and turn around and hurry back at maximum speed.

You arrive and see a figure in the white robes of an ANBU agent from Konoha chasing after Toshi, who is running away from his mother's room, throwing a vase at his pursuer, who clearly has a knife. How did you not notice this person!? We have to do something. These people are more than clients. They're family!

How do we want to attack? A Genjutsu to lay them out, unleash the Swamplord, or just stab them, nice and personal?
Attack from behind
Let's not unleash the Swamp Lord inside, and if it's ANBU they are probably wearing the ANBU mask which makes Sight based Genjutsu a bitch to pull off.

Stabby time, throw a pile of Kunai to get their attention and keep them off of Toshi and then close to melee. Also what do they smell like?
the fuck do these leaf faggots want!?

Nonono, this IS anbu. Swamplord.
The fuck is ANBU doing here?

Dive from above. bounce the fucker
kill the ANBU nice and clean then we steal his gear! A trophy from our hunt!
Note, if stabbing is ineffective going Swamplord is acceptable. These guys are family, they'll understand and know how to keep secrets.

Actually, fuck it stabbing, he's going after family, he gets the Croc. Change to Swamplord.

Given that Toshi's running from the Mother's room and we heard a a scream he might of even gotten Mom. Do we smell her blood?
stab em
I like this idea we take something from every kill as a trophy

(The air isn't moist enough to draw a good scent. Besides, you don't recognize the scent. It's ashen, but that's all you can detect.)

You throw a handful of kunai at the target, who is forced to stop and defend. As they face you and ready themselves for combat you slam into their guard with both of your knives. Behind him Toshi raises his fist and punches at the head of the attacker. The attack is feeble, but the attacker swoons forward a little bit and that gives you the opportunity to stab a lethal blow to the jaw!

However, to your surprise, their reaction time is nightmarish. They bob backwards just in time and you cut the bottom of their mask, making the mask come lose. You see a flash of red eyes, dark hair, and the face of a boy about your age. As you swing again he grabs your arm and slams you into the wall, though not without getting cut across the ribs. He winces, the deep marks of tiredness around his eyes showing a man who doesn't believe in murder for murder's sake. That means nothing to you. You stab at him again and he disarms you in a flash of Taijutsu. However, you have his blood on your hands and he notices this, his eyes spiraling red and black as he turns to the window and vanishes, moving at speeds you couldn't even dream of.

His blood is on the ground. You sniff it and memorize that smell. It's ashes and the smell of some herb. You run to Mother's room and see that she's alright. Moro, however, is badly injured and you hear the sound of medics rushing up the stairs. Moro waves you off, as does Toshi, they want you to remain hidden.

You leave the room and memorize the sight. A dark haired shinobi with red eyes. You couldn't make out the eyes very well, but you aren't stupid enough to not recognize something like that. Uchiha. Those were Sharingan eyes. You know those well from your studies about Konohagakure. With a troubled chest you leave. As you do so you see a squadron of Black Ops agents soaring past you, not paying you any heed. Apparently the ANBU agent triggered some alarms on his way in to attack, and now that it was an actual attack from another nation, not just faceless assassins, Amegakure can step in. Your second family is in better hands than you can provide.

What now? What should we do? Who do we want to see after six yeas?
Call up Satori or rin.

If we can get Satori, training. weve had to go years without a good bout
can we catch him in trans?

Not a prayer. We're fast. He's lightning. Speed of his caliber is too far beyond us at this point.
See Rin, we deserve to go out drinking after six years of this. Maybe Satori can come along as well. We can train tomorrow, we deserve 1 day off.

Also we might want to assign some of our MP.
and this time we bring the fuckers body home! remember the first quest...
nvm off to satori, no father, no rin fuck!
Satori and/or Rin.

You return to the village, a welcome sight after six years. It has only grown in size and congestion since you last left. You head to the Black Ops building, looking for RIn. It appears she's out on a mission, however, you are greeted by a huge hug.

"DAISUKE!!!" The yell almost shakes the Black Ops building and you feel a weight pulling backwards on you. It looks like Satori has found you, and she has grown from a twelve year old girl to an eighteen year old woman, just as you are now a young man yourself. She smiles and squeezes you tightly around the ribs, "Daisuke! You're home! I thought we'd never see you again! I know you talked with us for a while, but we hadn't heard from you in a few weeks and we had gotten worried! Come on! I was just about to go have dinner with Masahiro, join us!" And with that she drags you along with her towards the all-you-can eat restaurant you all ate at together as team the first day. However, this time, instead of Masahiro's brother, you have Satori in the team. It seems a bit better.

(And that, my friends. Will be the end of our game tonight. I will be giving out the MP the have earned, the Rank up we have achieved, and we'll discuss the UA and spending our MP at the start of the next quest. However, to that end, I have an announcement. Because of RL stuff I will be putting FNG3 on hiatus for a week. However, we will be back on our regular schedule a week from today, so don't fret! Please stop by the IRC, where I will be present most days but not that active, and you can chat with the team and maybe do some planning before hand. As always, thank you all for playing. Good night.)
One question. Are we still technically a Genin?

Because I don't think we ever took the Chuunin exam. Statwise we're a Spec. Jonin I think.

(Yes, we are still officially a Genin. Don't worry, that will be resolved in short order next thread.)
We should totally fade out with us giving a lememting look to the camera before smiling at the very end. Maybe life isn't so bad, seeing the person who cared for us before Rin dying at the end of our blade.

Dad is proud of us!
How much MP are we getting? Just so I can look through things now and see what we can afford?

Also we can use MP to purchase perks and the like that require Spec. Jonin now right?
Don't think we're getting that value this week so just list down things you think are important and we'll see how it goes next time.
appears we are seeing mr. itachi uchiha
we going to run into him agian? I'd count on it.

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