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  • File : 1304305622.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest LXXXIX Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/01/11(Sun)23:07 No.14782661  
    >worked late then watched game of thrones, sorry about the late start
    >last time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/14746347/
    >the irc on sup/tg/ is #CommanderQuest

    The next morning starts much earlier than you would like. By the time you reach the wall your men are rising from where they passed out to clear the wall, many of them struggling to clear the corpses and debris away. The north wall seems to be under the command of Seventus' second in command, and in perfectly good order, the south and West also seem to be clearing away well. the south wall has a single regular siege tower, and the slowly re-growing Living tower at it, the north only its pair of living towers, west bereft of any towers at it, though there was clearly fighting on it. As the enemy camp stirs to preparation, you stand, contemplating what you will see to first.
    >> Maximus 05/01/11(Sun)23:11 No.14782697
    How each wall fared in terms of casualties. If that's going to take time, we need to assess the damage that occurred on the east wall and perhaps get our earth elementalists to repair it as best they can.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/01/11(Sun)23:12 No.14782699
    I think first things first:
    Have them burn down or otherwise destroy the remaining siege towers. Have that life elementalist with the vine go to the living towers to kill them.

    As for us, we should concentrate on repairing the damage to the East Wall.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:12 No.14782700

    we need to deal with those living towers on our wall. Sounds like we need that legionary with the vine.

    Are there enemy forces on the field to defend that living tower we immobilized? If not, sounds like a job for a cav-mounted oil team. burn it.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/01/11(Sun)23:30 No.14782794
    You set out to track down either the elementalist with the Syptionus vine, or Sansa; to see about the towers at the wall, or The Bill, respectively. You find the man sitting atop the tower Wulf fought his portion of the battle from, meditating, drenched in sweat, his symbiont still noticeably spreading. "Commander..." he greets you, staggering to his feet. "how can I help you?"

    "I was hoping you would be able to deal with the living towers at our walls." you answer honestly

    He grimaces "The towers are akin to my vine, its... its moving faster than I can control it. Another tower could be then end of me in my current state. And from what I can feel, I will need to be more delicate with the next few towers, as they are growing into the wall. If they are allowed to die and burst..." he falls back to his feet, sweating again. "Give the command and I will deal with the towers, Commander." he finishes, half sitting, half in his meditative stance.
    >> Maximus 05/01/11(Sun)23:31 No.14782809
    Screw that. We can't afford to let this guy die. We still do need to find out why exactly they exploded... Perhaps we should see if we can get men inside the top and then explore the interior?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:32 No.14782815
    Maybe we should have Laelith burn them down instead, while we seal the damage with our own abilities.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:35 No.14782846

    Agreed. We're pushing this guy to the breaking point and I don't want to kill him just for expediency. We'll find another way to deal with the towers for now.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/01/11(Sun)23:38 No.14782882
    Wait, maybe we can use this to our advantage?
    The enemy will concentrate on the living towers already on our walls; maybe we can use them as choke points and trap them to hell and back.

    Either that, or have Laelith and the fire elementalist teams try to burn them down.
    >> Generic 05/01/11(Sun)23:39 No.14782887

    "The towers are growing on their own? Shouldn't that ability leave them with the life elementalists?"

    Get Lealith to the towers on our wall and have her turn them and any possible elementalists inside to ash.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:40 No.14782898
    Let me remind you all that we still need to repair the damage caused by that one tower that exploded.
    >> Maximus 05/01/11(Sun)23:48 No.14782940
    I still think we should find out why they explode before we burn them. Especially since that might cause them to explode some more. This is a chance to examine the interior of their towers and maybe find a weakness if Laelith has time to study them.
    >> Maximus 05/01/11(Sun)23:50 No.14782960
    Of course, if we do only send a few people in to clear it and see what's inside. I wouldn't want Laelith entering that thing if they can detonate it at will. Actually, now that I think about it, let's not have her go inside it at all. But we should still see if we can find out why they explode.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/01/11(Sun)23:50 No.14782962
    "The towers are growing on their own?" you ask the man, dismissing his attempt to rise again with a wave of your hand.

    "No." your man replies, his breath ragged "The elementalists are still in the towers, probably guarded heavily. The towers are more an extension of their bodies than anything by now."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/01/11(Sun)23:54 No.14782972
    Fire. Lots and lots of fire and oil. Now.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)23:56 No.14782980

    "If we kill the elementalists, will the towers die with them?"
    >> Laurentius 05/02/11(Mon)00:00 No.14782990
    sounds good
    >> Maximus 05/02/11(Mon)00:02 No.14782999
    I'm hesitant to destroy the towers until we get an idea on why they exploded. It's entirely possible they're designed to explode upon being destroyed and that might open up the wall. We need to talk to Laelith and see if we can get an idea on what the safe path might be at this point.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)00:04 No.14783006
    Sure, but we better hurry.

    The other idea, of course, is to turn the siege towers into parts of the wall using our earth elementalism, thereby negating any use they are to the enemy.
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)00:05 No.14783018

    fire elementalists and our grenadier teams are to get fire INSIDE of the towers. don't try to burn the towers, kill the elementalists with fire.

    Kill the elementalists, then burn the inert towers.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)00:08 No.14783036
    "So, if we were to kill the towers, they will all detonate as the last one did?" you ask the man, who is now looking grateful, and in his meditative stance.

    "I believe that is the extent of the things death throes. Storming them would be best, and I hope, that if the elementalists are removed alive the thing will simply wither and die. But as the towers are likely an extension of their bodies by now, that will be no small feat." he answers, behind you, the sound of footsteps can be heard, and you turn to see Sansa approaching, a small smile on her face.
    >> Laurentius 05/02/11(Mon)00:10 No.14783050
    "You seem cheery today, what could be causing your good mood?" my guess is bad news for seventus
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)00:12 No.14783060

    "Can you sense where their elementalists are located in the towers?"
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)00:25 No.14783149
    Going with Generic's idea of using fire to overwhelm the nervous system of the life elementalists who are linked with the living siege towers.
    According to Pax, they can feel the pain of whatever they're linked to feels; in this case, the living siege towers.
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)00:27 No.14783163
    If the towers are likely an extension of the elementalists' bodies by now, can cause massive amounts of trauma to overwhelm their nervous systems and incapacitate them?

    Best bet would likely be hitting the towers with all our remaining oil flasks and siege equipment, then lighting them on fire. If we're lucky, we might even kill them by putting them into shock.


    Oh hey, you're fast.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)00:32 No.14783191
    You turn to greet your aid, whose grin drops as soon as the top of the wall is back within her sight "You seemed rather cheery love, care to share it with me, or do you have business that needs sseing to first?" you greet her with a hug.

    "Work, of course." she replies, her meek voice apologizing for her inappropriate mood as she sees the slaughter around, and after the bombardment in, the city. she hands you the bill "Most of the wooden structures in the market district were burnt up in the night, as was the rest of the food stored in that part of the city and the food ready to be distributed today. By my count its an even chance of us running out or lasting through until our reinforcements arrive. The well was damaged as well, if it werent for yiour orders to collect the rain that would be a pressing issue as well now." she informs you, her nerves showing raw again.

    -196th Legionary
    Gaius Rex

    -454th Legionary
    Cornelius Hoursch

    -98th Warlords
    Uurist Titius

    -65th Dwarven Rangers
    Kyria Esfelda

    -The Sunstorm (elves)
    Tyxia Nestad
    Splintmail, spears, kite shields, javelins

    -Celtron Guard (Dwarves)
    Denuk Tyshop
    Surecoats over mail, longswords, tower shields

    -Daimus Skywings
    Damian Corinth
    Chainmail, polearms, valkeries

    -Neftius Spearmen
    Trysha Morose
    leathers, spears, circleshields

    -Dentrus' Raiders (elfs)
    Boros Klars
    Leathers, combat axes, kite shields, javelins

    The summary of the other units show them as having the same level of losses throughout the city.
    >so, what tower do you want to try to burninate then?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)00:38 No.14783225
    Let's start with the South Wall. It only has 1 living tower attached, and we need to make sure that it doesn't stay up.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)00:38 No.14783226
    Walk the walls and use tremorsense to see which has grown into the wall the most/fastest. Kill that one first.
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)00:38 No.14783228

    I'm thinking the living tower on the south wall.

    I have more confidence in our force or Seventus' holding against a living tower than the garrison.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)00:40 No.14783242
    Best keep our earth elementalists who can fix the walls on standby. But don't keep them close enough to the tower that they'd be in danger if it blows
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)00:42 No.14783249

    very good point.

    >> Maximus 05/02/11(Mon)00:46 No.14783275
    We might also want to have scouts keeping an eye on movement of their towers in the future so we have more of a heads up on where they're putting them. Them assaulting the western wall worried me and I want to be sure we know before battle starts if the western wall might be hit by towers.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)00:54 No.14783322
    You turn to face the elementalist "Can you sense where in the towers the elementalists are?"

    He shakes his head "Near the bottom, but not at the lowest level, roughly the center." the elementalist forces out.

    You nod, and face Sansa again "Have all of our remaining oil gathered and meet me at the south wall. I have a plan to deal with these living towers."

    "Who will you want with you for this?" she asks quickly.
    >> Maximus 05/02/11(Mon)00:59 No.14783353
    I say the warlords and Dasesu. He might be able to pull off some fancy tricks while we're in there and the warlords are probably our best thing to deal with their knights. I think that's what was in the towers at least.
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)01:00 No.14783357

    Lealith, 40 legionaries? Blackbird and some of his men?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)01:01 No.14783365
    Seconded. I'd like to try overloading the nervous systems of the life elementalists with pain, first.
    Once they're down, then we can storm the tower.
    >> Maximus 05/02/11(Mon)01:06 No.14783413
    Might be worth bringing Laelith although we could just have her sit outside the tower and continually burning it. It's living wood so it won't be too effective but it'll constantly be applying pain to the elementalist in charge. Oh and I suppose we should bring a few crossbows with us since I imagine repeaters in close quarters are pretty awesome.
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)01:14 No.14783481
    Let's not set any fires if we are sending our men INSIDE the towers.

    I say bring:

    Justinian as team leader.


    Daeseu, give him the knife that can make cuts that does not heal. His job is to cut the enemy elementalist loose from the tower as soon as possible.

    20 legionnaires, 10 warlords, 10 rangers with repeaters

    Afterward, after everyone gets back out, fire elementalists and grenadiers torch the tower, while earth elementalists repair any damage to the walls.

    We got to take down any many towers as possible before the enemy main force returns. Let's get to work.
    >> Maximus 05/02/11(Mon)01:17 No.14783503
    Well I figured Laelith outside the tower setting it on fire, she can stop the fires if it gets bad enough and living wood won't go on fire that easily. When she notices the fires burning a lot better, she can stop them so we can escape. Furthermore, I believe the knife that doesn't naturally heal CAN heal if a life elementalist uses their abilities.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)01:18 No.14783505
    "Daeseu, Laelith, and 40 of Uurists' craziest dwarfs." you reply after thinking for a brief period of time. You look out over your burnt field, it will be a while before you can make your move, so you pause to observe it, strewn with corpses and caltrops as it is. Not pretty to be certain, but beautiful in its own way. Wasnt that tower lower in the ground yesterday? It must be your exhaustion muddying your mind.

    "We will be ready to move in an hour." Sansa replies energetically. All you have to do now is fill the time between then and now, you realize, as you think on what it is you will do.
    >> Maximus 05/02/11(Mon)01:24 No.14783548
    If we have lesser fire elementalists, perhaps we should get them to start torching the tower to begin weakening the elementalist. Until our assault, we should talk to Degrian and assess the damage done to the walls. See how much he can repair.
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)01:25 No.14783559
    Send Jayne out with our cavalry. Go to the tower stuck outside the east wall. Stop the enemy elemental's heart(s).

    I'm fine with using fire to weaken the enemy first.

    Even if the enemy elementalist can heal their cuts, make them work for it. I bet the knife's cuts are still harder to heal than the ones made with non-arcana knifes.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)01:27 No.14783570
    >Wasnt that tower lower in the ground yesterday?
    No, do not assume anything, especially when the enemy has magic users.

    Detail one or two sharp-eyed archers to keep an eye on that tower and to tell if anything weird happens with it.
    It might just be us being tired, but it pays to be a little paranoid when the enemy has lots of elementalists and mages to throw at us.
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)01:27 No.14783572

    I want to put an earth spike into that tower that ISNT on the wall.

    Concentrate/meditate on it, then drive one giant spike into the thing, then SPIKES FROM THAT SPIKE, like we did against Stant's Valks when they tried to drop those rocks.

    Kill everyone inside.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)01:34 No.14783640
    We don't want those life elementalists to be anywhere near effective when we storm the tower.
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)01:38 No.14783668
    rolled 41 = 41

    Second. Rolling for elementalism.

    Plan B is sending Jayne out.
    >> Maximus 05/02/11(Mon)01:39 No.14783673

    Depends how close it is... This was a living tower? The explosion might still do damage.

    I'm hesitant to send out our cavalry at this point just because I don't want them pegged by archers.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)01:44 No.14783703
    Sighing, you set off to find your fire supression crew, and Degrian. The former are easy to find, as they sit gathered around a table in the smoking ruins of the market district, dead-eyed and quiet. They all rise to salute you, before quietly waiting for orders "I need you to head to the south wall and start working to set the Living Tower there on fire. i'm striking at the thing and when we move for the kill with oil and Laelith I want it to be fast." they all nod, salute and trudge off. You feel somewhat sorry for them, despite the rain they had had a hell of a battle last night. But all of your soldiers are tired, and there's work that needs to be done.

    You find Degrian quietly pacing in front of a model of the city, a very accurate representation of the damage to the wall cut into it. "Hello Commander, how can I help you?" he asks, after saluting.

    You look at the model "Excellent work with that... what can you do to remedy some of that damage while we're stuck behind these walls?" you ask amiably returning the salute.

    Degrian stops his pacing to think for a moment before responding "Insane idea or plain idea first?"
    >> Laurentius 05/02/11(Mon)01:45 No.14783715
    seconding these
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)01:46 No.14783721
    insane first.
    >> Maximus 05/02/11(Mon)01:47 No.14783738
    Insane then plain. We should also see if our stonesense can tell us just how much damage was done and if we can repair it with elementalism.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)01:48 No.14783739
    "Insane first. It'll make the plain one seem even more reasonable in comparison."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)01:59 No.14783823
    "Insane first, my friend. It will make the saner choice seem all the wiser that way." you quip, nodding in acknowledgement to the man from Aurelius unit as he confirms that the enemy has, in fact, gotten the last Living tower out from its hole.

    "Give me 50 men to collect stone from walls base, then I use ropes with engineers to re-build wall from top down." he answers grinning at the look of confusion that forms on your face "Or, we dismantle abandoned shops to build new wall around broken section. No time or room to properly repair wall during siege." he finishes, looking apologetic.

    Sansa enters the room "Commander, when you are ready so is your strike group."
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 05/02/11(Mon)02:02 No.14783850
    rolled 2 = 2

    The insane plan may not seem so insane if we can provide proper defenses in the mean time. I wonder if Lena has gained enough skill with shielding yet.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 05/02/11(Mon)02:02 No.14783854
    "Do what you can, Degrian, but if it looks like the Urlanthi are starting another push, get to safety. You're an important part of how I make war."
    >> Maximus 05/02/11(Mon)02:04 No.14783868
    As much as I'd like to not destroy the abandoned stores at this point, the insane plan will likely result in more deaths from their archers. Perhaps we can try to locate the store owners and get permission from them to use their stores but at this point, I think the plain idea is better unless someone can think of an idea on how to protect the builders in the insane idea.

    An alternate idea - we can sculpt stone. If we have it all gathered at the wall, could we build up the wall with our elementalism? As long as we can do it from some distance, it might be safer than the insane plan. Regardless, I'm out for the night guys.
    >> Laurentius 05/02/11(Mon)02:04 No.14783873
    tell degrian to go with the shops, then go get ready to attack
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)02:07 No.14783900
    Seconding asking Degrian if he could get the earth elementalists to strengthen the walls instead.
    >> Laurentius 05/02/11(Mon)02:08 No.14783911
    I'll second this as well, can't hurt to ask
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)02:13 No.14783952
    Let's go with plain plan + earth elementalism for now.

    From what Pax told us in IRC, the damage by the tower to the wall was about 1/6 of wall thickness, and 20 feet in width. Damage done by the more mature towers we have now, if they were to explode, would be much greater. They've had more time to weaken and grow into the walls.

    If we screw up and end up with more exploded towers and actual gaps in the walls, we can fall back on the insane plan.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)02:15 No.14783962
    You sigh "Ask the shop owners in the case of those still living, then go with that plan. If at all possible have the other earth elementalists help you as well." At that you salute, and follow Sansa to the wall.

    "I'm helping you with this action." she states as you walk. You shoot a questioning sidelong glance at her "Nothing else can be done for the defense at the moment, we're already back to waiting for our foes to make their next move, and you need steady hands and calm nerves for this." she defends her ascertation as you reach the spot on the wall where your group is waiting.

    The tower is burnt deep, the point where its roots in the wall meet the tower bare and think from the fire, the thing weeping sap. Laelith looks to you, her unspoken request for permission matching Sansas.
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)02:15 No.14783963
    Also, for that tower that hasn't reached the walls yet, can't we just send out some guys with ropes and hooks, maybe some draft animals, and pull that sucker down?
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)02:17 No.14783985
    Before we go in, Pax, are you going to use my 41 roll on the east wall tower?
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)02:23 No.14784043

    wouldn't the living tower just root and laugh us like frenchmen?
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)02:27 No.14784086
    Leverage is a wonderful thing.

    I don't have a good idea of what the dimensions of this "living tower". We could definitely use this trick on the regular siege towers.

    Hey, Pax, I believe there is one remaining regular siege tower on the south wall? Get some people with ropes, hooks, draft animals, and pull it down, away from the wall.
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)02:28 No.14784093

    ... laugh AT us


    Let's do this.

    Hit the outside hard with lealith's fire to distract/fuck with the enemy's life eles.

    Then assault it, cut out the grown-in life eles and remove them from the tower. Don't kill them until they're cut apart from the structure, but if they resist slay them before they can grow themself back into it.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)02:29 No.14784112
    Alright, let's go.
    Laelith comes with us as an elven flamethrower, protected by staying behind the dwarven warlords.
    We keep an eye on the tower itself; when it looks like it's about to die, we get the hell out before it explodes.
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)02:30 No.14784125

    can't we just burn the regular tower?

    It seems like a much safer bet and also one that we don't have to devote much manpower to.
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)02:34 No.14784158

    I'm a little worried about causing further damage to the walls. Plus, this frees up our fire elementalists to concentrate on the big living tower.
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)02:36 No.14784177
    Oh and Sansa can come.
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)02:36 No.14784186

    Nod to Sansa after giving Lealith the go.

    "Shall we, dear?"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)03:06 No.14784268
    You nod to the ladies "Shall we, my loves?" you ask, sighing as you cast one more glance at the last tower to the east not on you wall. You were not as accurate as you would have liked, and your fine control wast stellar, but a sizable stone spike is deep in its back left corner. At least it wont be going anywhere soon.

    The dwarves all have combat axes ready, having eschewed their battleaxes for smaller, more easily manageable weapons. A handful of them step forward,and throw the last few pots of oil at the weakened spots on the tower. The small things explode, covering the tower and some of the wall with fire. Within seconds Laelith grows the fire greatly, a second, far greater explosion. For a brief second, it seems the world is silent, the tower twitching slightly, then seeming to... sigh.

    Then, a great inhuman howl emits from the precipice of the tower. Seconds later, the roots that had dug into the wall tear free, and begin to flail wildly through the air. Several of the warlords are knocked from the wall, screaming in rage and terror. The ramp remains, but inside the tower you can see the madness, as the thing writhes in pain. "I think you made it angry." Sansa deadpans, drawing her blades.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)03:10 No.14784290
    "Well, shall we see if we can put it out of its misery?
    "Warlords, tight formation, charge!"
    >> Laurentius 05/02/11(Mon)03:12 No.14784294
    "what gave you that idea?"
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)03:14 No.14784303

    >U Mad, Tower?

    trollface at Sansa, then charge!
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)03:17 No.14784321
         File1304320638.jpg-(267 KB, 560x843, 1287279093601.jpg)
    267 KB
    Let's do this.

    Combat roll.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)03:18 No.14784324
    rolled 28 = 28

    Right. Combat Roll.
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)03:18 No.14784331
    rolled 22 = 22


    Clever girl, captcha. Clever girl...

    >> Laurentius 05/02/11(Mon)03:19 No.14784334
         File1304320769.png-(191 KB, 800x800, advice justinian9.png)
    191 KB
    lets do this!
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)03:26 No.14784377
    Oh, one last thing before we plunge in. Do we want Seventus's forces to try to take out the living towers on their side of the wall? If they still have two up against the wall when the enemy returns, the north wall might not last long.
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)03:29 No.14784394

    They would likely fare better defending the wall than attempting to assault a living building that will fight back against them.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)03:31 No.14784404
    My main concern is if the life elemtentalists allow for some kind of active defense inside of the towers, such as vines or wooden spikes coming out of the walls to attack any of our troops trying to attack them.

    Pax, is there any evidence of these kinds of internal defenses? If not, then Seventus' Second should try to storm the living towers while he can.
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)03:35 No.14784425
    Have Lena make the towers into swiss cheese first?

    I think the ones on the south and east walls have already been weakened during the battle. Send Lena to soften up the two on the north wall. We'll assault them eventually if we have the time.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)03:36 No.14784432
    You shrug, draw your blade and let a mad grin stretch across your face "Just another day I suppose." you shoot back "INTO THE BEASTS MAW BOYS!!!!!" you below, before hurling yourself into the thing. You dodge past a section of wall as it slams into the ground, before snapping back up. A series of small thorns fly out, and leave a glistening residue on your armor as you press forward. You know you lost more than a few dwarves moving down, especially when the sphincter for the growths there for moving through the tower closed on one of them, and everything from the poor lads waist down nearly crushed you. In the dark and gloom of the living thing you slosh onward, viscous stinking fluids seeping into your boots. The tower continues its antagonistic streak, though much of it does still seem to be spasms of pain. A few levels from where you think you will find the elementalists, the beating heart of the tower, you see the first of them.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)03:37 No.14784441
    Wide and stubby, though half again as tall as the dwarves you brought with you, the plant-like creatures rush you, their skin a rough barky texture, their arms ending in viciously sharp looking serrated blades. You block the first blow, and decapitate the first of them with a lound *thunk* and a spray of black pearlescent ichor, mixed in with a spray of seed-like objects. None of them strike you or Sansa as the two of you continue to trudge forward, but when one strikes the dwarf behind you she falls to the living, pulsating floor, screaming and writhing in pain. The severed head of the first seedling you slew attempts to latch on to Laelith, its beady eyes angrily staring at her, as its toothy maw works open and shut. She incinerates the thing quickly, though she looks quite disgusted by the whole situation. The coridor is fairly wide, enough for you and Sansa to stand next to each other, though when four more of the things round the corner and charge, screaming battlecries in a strange and terrifying tongue your aid and lover launches herself forward, blades flashing out before her.
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)03:38 No.14784463

    Have her blast away the top levels and part of the ramp.

    Force the elementalists to regrow parts of the tower and force any men that attack from the tower to charge the wall without cover.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)03:42 No.14784486
    rolled 51 = 51

    Here we go, another combat roll.
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)03:43 No.14784496
    Murderous plants. Great.

    Combat roll.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 05/02/11(Mon)03:44 No.14784505
    no place to go but forward, men!
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)03:52 No.14784560
    You sprint ahead to catch up with Sansa, and hear a surprised shout and blink hard as the gloom is briefly lit to its complete brilliance by the sudden growth and subsiding of Laeliths arcane torch's flame. You meet one of the strange creatures as Sansa dispatches her first, leaping from its body towards the next nearest. You block one strike from your foe, but a secondfinds its way to the inside of your armors knee joint, ripping at flesh and spreading the burn of poison. Angrily you bury your blade inside its chest, barely managing to dodge the rancid spray that emits forth as you free your blade. Sansa locked in combat with her foe, and a Warlord wrestling the other closest thing to the ground you continue to advance, following the pulsing beat of its core. You find another closed sphincter, a trio of the strange creatures defending the insides of the tower standing at attention, seemingly armored, and wielding grown blades, as opposed to having bladed limbs.

    Laelith trudges up next to you, her robes soaked in the fluid flooding the corridor, and seeping from its walls. "Sometimes going with undergarments has its perks." she quips, lifting up her robes and wringing them out, sighing contentedly as a valve in the things lets out a blast of cool air. You hear an utterly shocked sound emit from a dwarf that had been closely following come from behind you.
    >> Laurentius 05/02/11(Mon)03:58 No.14784605
    this won't bode well
    >> Laurentius 05/02/11(Mon)04:00 No.14784618
    let's turn around and see what horrible thing is going to happen
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)04:00 No.14784619
    Got an idea.
    Justinian and the warlord put up a shield wall in the corridor.
    Laelith hides behind us, and she torches the three guards.
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)04:01 No.14784623
    rolled 52 = 52

    Second. Combat roll.
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)04:01 No.14784626
         File1304323277.gif-(495 KB, 475x335, challengeaccepted.gif)
    495 KB
    rolled 98 = 98


    Combat roll.
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)04:03 No.14784638
    We get poisoned on a 51?

    Maybe we need more lessons with Collin.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)04:13 No.14784700
    "Laelith, love, your shocking the troops." you chide her, flourishing your blade.

    The elf sighs "Let me burn up the central one before you go charging in." before dropping her robes, than her torch arm to spray out a jet of fire, burning up not only the plant-creature she indicated, but the top layer of the fluid in the central room as well. With a battle-cry on your lips, you throw yourself at the rightmost guard creature, and are surprised to find it competent and not suicidal. a series of rapidly exchanged blows reinforces this revelation, but you are quickly wearing it down, it skin darkeing and drying out as it tries to keep up with you. As you kick the thing back in time to see the Warlord fall, only to have Sansa take his place against the other creature while Laelith moves to burn through the entry to the heart of the tower. You block a sluggish seeming blow as you notice the walls secreting even more fluids than they had been before Laelith burnt up the top layer of the pond you are fighting in. As you dispatch your current foe, Laelith manages to get through the fleshy portal in a burst of steam fire and cooked meat.

    Inside you barely recognize three human forms merged with the walls. Their organs spread about, no hearts save the single massive beating... thing, in the center of the chamber. The brains move closer to each other, and the top center of the room with every pulse, the still protruding heads moaning in ecstasy and wailing with pain at once. "Its... grotesque" Sansa remarks clinging to you as she enters the otherwise silent, peaceful chamber.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 05/02/11(Mon)04:16 No.14784717
    Oh boy. That's not disturbing in the least.

    Soo... if we just cut out the heart, it will just wither away?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)04:20 No.14784740
    Alright, let's just cut it.
    First go with the brains so that it can't put up a defense, then the heart.
    Hack, slash, and smash the brains. I assume they're exposed, correct?
    >> Generic 05/02/11(Mon)04:22 No.14784753

    remove the heart, then have Lealith burn it to ash.
    >> Laurentius 05/02/11(Mon)04:23 No.14784756
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)04:23 No.14784761
    Yes, attack the brains first, then "stab the weak point for massive damage".
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)04:31 No.14784832
    Grimacing, you force yourself from the reassuring embrace of Sansa, frightened as she is, and move towards the three moving brains. It takes a short time to get up to where you can reach the organs in the spacious chamber. As you stab the first mind, the whole tower shakes, and a harrowing noise, almost a howl of pain, fills the halls and shakes you to your very core. The howl is twice and half again worse when you dispatch the second mind. the complete and total silence when you take the third is even worse. All motion stops, save the steady, slow beating of the things 'heart'. With grim determination you advance to it, and steeling yourself, drive the blade into the thing, before hauling back on it to slice the thing open. You are disgusted to see some sort of... creature incubating at the center of the heart. Long of limb with a pale, almost transparent skin, its features seem elegant, yet lethal, its face at once that of an infant, an aristocrat, a seasoned soldier and a blood drunk murderer. It smiles, looking into your eyes as it slowly dies, mouthing silently some strange phrase in a language you cannot fathom. Then the tower shudders and shifts, and a great slab of flesh falls from the ceiling.
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)04:33 No.14784848
    Okay, time to GTFO. Shout for everyone to evacuate.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 05/02/11(Mon)04:34 No.14784854
    This tower is obviously the result of THINGS MAN WAS NOT MEANT TO KNOW (tm)

    Examine fallen lump of flesh carefully, then begin retreat.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)04:35 No.14784866
    Time to GTFO. Like, NAO.
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)04:35 No.14784870
    Decapitate and grab its head. Analyze later.

    Good gods there are three more of these things in the other towers.
    >> GoldPanda 05/02/11(Mon)04:39 No.14784897
    Correction: Three more on the walls. One more in the tower stuck outside.

    We need to take these towers out before these things HATCH.

    ... Also, next time we see Degrian, ask him to make flame-throwers.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)04:41 No.14784912
    Hey, the final guardians seemed to be adversely affected when Laelith starting burning away the moisture from floor. Could that be prospective weakness with these things?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 05/02/11(Mon)04:47 No.14784960
    You hack at the dying things head, severing it, and taking its vestigial tendrils growing where a man would have hair, you take the stunned Sansa by her hand and flee.You continue to press upwards as the tower continues to rapidly decay, several of the plantlike creatures immobilized and gibbering, howling in pain or bawling like babes. As you make it to the wall, you stop at the rear of the group, and look out at the walls. The strange creatures flowing from the towers and into well ordered ranks of Legionaries, the bulk of the Uurlanthi forces sprinting across the field towards the walls. In the sky the entirety of your foes aerial forces dive and swoop, dodging incoming and outgoing stones and bolts as best they can. "This one must have not matured as quickly from the damage Lena did to it." You hear Laelith announce, her voice crying away from you. She must not have turned around you. You see a fully matured version of the thing you decapitated stride from the tower, in its hand a great bone and stone spear, its skin thick and plated, its tendrils hanging down past its shoulders. The clean summer air feels good on your wound, its mere presence seemingly sapping the poison away. An octet of the larger, armored guardian creatures advance from the living weapon you had thought was a tower, their grown great-weapons at the ready as they position themselves about their leader.

    >I'm tired as fuck, so I'ma call it here for tonight
    >someone archive please
    >I'll be back Tuesday at 9pm server time
    >if you have any CQ/setting questions just e-mail me at paxcomquest@yahoo.com
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 05/02/11(Mon)05:00 No.14785032
    Session archived. Don't forget to vote.

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