Thread | Title | Description | Tags | Added | Score |
December 2007 |
856019 | Locate City - Nuke | A thread initially asking about player dickery with regards to Apocalypse from the Sky and Eschew Materials evolves into a method on how to use Locate City to create a 90-mile-radius nuke at 9th-level and a 440-mile-radius nuke at 20th-level. | locate city, nuke, powergaming | 2007-12-01 | 35 | |
907404 | Floating Cities | Another D&D thread, this time on how to make a floating city. | D&D, building, floating city | 2007-12-17 | 0 | |
950847 | Player-built City | A DM lets his players take advantage of him and build a crazy city, and he needs help rousing them from complacency. | player city | 2007-12-30 | 1 | |
August 2008 |
2427551 | Meikyu Kingdom | A game-play synopsis on Make You Kingdom, a dungeon exploring/kingdom building RPG, possibly coming out with an English edition. | kingdom, dungeon crawling, sim city | 2008-08-26 | 0 | |
April 2009 |
4278898 | /tg/ builds a city | /tg/ comes up with various ideas for a steampunk mountain city including slave cockroaches, various guilds and more. | city, mountain, steampunk, cockroach | 2009-04-14 | 7 | |
May 2010 |
9587327 | VeloCITY Part Deux | Discussion of the /tg/ homebrew continues. It mostly concerns the fluff of the setting, but it's still a nice read. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Mirror's Edge, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-04 | 12 | |
9605580 | VeloCity part 3 | More fluff discussion. People pitch ideas for equipment, places, and other things. | VeloCity, homebrew, tagging, Jet Set Radio, Aire Gear, running, blading, biking, boarding, skating, | 2010-05-04 | 8 | |
9613988 | VeloCITY Part Four | Even more fluff is discussed. Things start getting organized, and the PDF gets cleaned up. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-05 | 6 | |
9619371 | VeloCITY Part Five | The discussion of the quickly-blossoming homebrew continues even *further*. The system gets a little crunchier, concepts are clarified and ideas are pitched. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-06 | 5 | |
9653086 | VeloCITY Part 6 | More VeloCITY stuff. Thread gets temporarily derailed by stupid bullshit about somehow making a canyon with dam below sea level for some reason, but gets back on track fast enough. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-07 | 5 | |
9659445 | VeloCITY Part 7 | More of the awesome homebrew. Amongst other things, jumping gets covered, status ailments, gang organisation and Velo City's power supply are discussed, and gear barely gets considered despite Nothing Man's request. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-08 | 5 | |
9696982 | VeloCITY Part 9 | More fluff discussion from all and progress reports from Nothing Man. Part 8 was never archived. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-10 | 5 | |
9741714 | VeloCITY #10 | The big tenth thread as it enters autosage. Character sheet, pictures, little bit of trolling and some stories. | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Mirror's Edge, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-11 | 5 | |
9785892 | VeloCITY 11 | General discussion about VeloCITY and what it is to be a grey. | VeloCITY | 2010-05-13 | 0 | |
9903789 | Worst catastrophies/body count inflicted by PCs | Anon shares their tales of the worst genocides and destructive catastrophes ever wrought by their player characters. | epic, stories, rpg, roleplaying, awesome, Writefaggotry, disaster, atrocity, tpk | 2010-05-19 | 7 | |
10162640 | VeloCITY Revival | Revival of the VeloCITY system/setting. Repost of some fluff, discussion and plans to actually get a game started contained within. Also, Nothing Man returns! | homebrew, Mirror's Edge, Velocity, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2010-05-31 | 4 | |
June 2010 |
10577311 | The Redeemer | anonymous posts a seriously badass 40k comic from 2002. Much purging and over the top awesomeness was witnessed. | Redeemer, 40k, warhammer, necromunda, hive city, purge | 2010-06-18 | 7 | |
November 2010 |
12875873 | Locate City Nuke | LCN discussion ends up bridging D&D to Square/Enix settings, Fallout and more. | locate city nuke, lcn, rules abuse | 2010-11-21 | 1 | |
August 2011 |
15905034 | /tg/Guards | We take a look at a usual day at the /tg/ City Guard | /tg/, citywatch, town watch, guards, tarrasque, apocalypse, goddamnitcarl | 2011-08-12 | 7 | |
November 2011 |
16903100 | Mayor Joker | M&M Whatif wherein Joker becomes Mayor of Gotham | M&M, Joker, Batman, Gotham City | 2011-11-10 | 11 | |
January 2012 |
17508118 | The Return of VeloCITY | The free-running, Jet Set Radio-ing, love love loveing /tg/ homebrew is back! | Velocity, homebrew, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, parkour, blading, biking, boarding | 2012-01-13 | 7 | |
17597062 | InfiniCon | /tg/ tosses around ideas for a convention that never ends, where turf wars are fought between weaboos, LARPers and Trekkies alike over kiosk space and hotel rooms. Writefaggotry also ensues. | Infinicon, Infinity City, world building, writefaggotry | 2012-01-20 | 23 | |
17603755 | InfiniCon continued | More fluffing out and discussion of the setting, and more stories. | Infinicon, Infinity City, world building, writefaggotry | 2012-01-20 | 13 | |
February 2012 |
17916794 | Superhero City "Make A Setting" | /tg/ is charged with making a single city for a superhero setting, said results merit a look. A few superheroes and a number of plot hooks are proposed. | campaign setting, city, heroes, make a setting, superhero, supervillain, Tall Grove City, villain | 2012-02-13 | 5 | |
March 2012 |
18452035 | InfiniCon | Another foray into developing the Con that never ends | InfiniCon, Infinity City, World building, Setting, Homebrew | 2012-03-26 | 10 | |
July 2012 |
19969075 | Commoragh Quest I | Brother Montus dives into the webway, trying to save Sister Judith from her Dark Eldar captors, however instead ends up in Commoragh, while on the way creating a personal warp spawn in the form of an Chaos Ork... | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Soulstone, Chaos Orks, Arena | 2012-07-21 | 6 | |
19981203 | Commoragh Quest II | Montus participates in a deadly battle royale in Death Arena. | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Soulstone, Arena, Wytches, Battle Royale | 2012-07-22 | 6 | |
20007819 | Commoragh Quest III | Brother Montus awakes to find yet another sentient tinkering with things in his chest! Emperor protect his soul, Montus is forced to negotiate with the vile xenos to continue his quest to save Sister Judith. | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches | 2012-07-24 | 8 | |
20075193 | Commoragh Quest IV | The trials of Montus continue as the Wytch Xynthia begins tormenting him. Though Sister Heidra's trapped soul is returned, the Wytch slays the enslaved guardsman Marcharius and tricks Montus... | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches | 2012-07-29 | 6 | |
20079827 | For all the marbles | OP needs 2,000 marbles for purposes unspecified, /tg/ contemplates his intentions. | marbles, funny, colonic capacity | 2012-07-29 | 22 | |
August 2012 |
20135355 | Chapter Quest V | Xynthia cries. | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches, Slaves | 2012-08-02 | 4 | |
20155647 | Mahou Shounen Quest 165 | Time for some SPEHSS HALK.
We go treasure huntan with our pirate witch girlfriend. Waiting to see if Cogbeard comes. | Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, This one's for you EGO. Thanks for the free publicity. | 2012-08-03 | 8 | |
20190814 | kung fu city | /tag imagines what a city would be like if everyong knew Kung fu | kung fu, city, martial arts, legends of the wulin | 2012-08-05 | 10 | |
20194318 | Commoragh Quest: Astartes Creed | Montus' assassination mission goes off perfectly, and when he returns Xynthia is more than grateful. | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches | 2012-08-06 | 13 | |
20223200 | Commoragh Quest VII: Assassins after Sex | Montus is interrupted from cuddling with his Mistress by another assassination attempt and realises that their attackers are ex-Elysian Drop Troopers... | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches | 2012-08-08 | 10 | |
September 2012 |
20611402 | Commoragh Quest X | We continue our preparations to regain Judith from Vorl-Xolanth. | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches | 2012-09-06 | 3 | |
November 2012 |
21502953 | Fabrique Generale Civilisation Quest. | The adventures of the Corporate Cooperative continue! We build some large, automated wrecking machines, learn about geddonite, build a wall, shoot the crap out of the Vice Lords, and meet the Molochians.
Oh, and the dude who ran Star City Quest says hi. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover, Light_City | 2012-11-10 | 22 | |
21509308 | Fabrique Generale Quest: Bow to her Majesty | The vice lords fall, the mollochians learn their place, the Men In White are revealed, and we meet an enemy that may prove to be our greatest challenge yet. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City | 2012-11-10 | 14 | |
21533075 | Fabrique Generale Quest: Bickering Gets you nowhere | Upgrade our rovers and preform attacks on Majesty units. Lots of development, Joint Project with DBRL and trade for silk producing equipment | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City | 2012-11-12 | 12 | |
21566417 | Fabrique Generale Quest: Muties be hatin | We complete a lot of research and make our troopers awesome, then mutants attack, darwin claims they were from Majesty and we discus better Viktry town protection. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City | 2012-11-14 | 13 | |
21573705 | Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest: Rock and Roll Angel | In which we upgrade V-Town, work on producing better equipment, and take control of a sattelite and learnj about the machine eat machine world of near Earth orbit. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City | 2012-11-14 | 11 | |
21595360 | Fabrique Generale quest: Case of the Missing OP | Meet the republic and the Cincinatus armed forces, get our Helo shot to hell, then the Cincinatus armed forces along side with the Majesty and the Mollochians all invade at once, but then OP disappeared. | Fabrique Generale, quest, post apocalpyse, robots, power armor, Light city, OP went missing, | 2012-11-16 | 10 | |
21611825 | Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest | In which we execute some slavers, make a treaty with some tribals, finish off one of our tanks, make headway with our satellite, and have a christmas celebration. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Gun_Rover,Wrecking_Rover, The_Majesty, The_Parish, D_B_R_L, Crown_Breaker, Light_City | 2012-11-17 | 12 | |
21625086 | Fabrique Generale Quest - ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ | We build a fear-inducing, 70mph tank with missile racks, a huge fucking gun, and full auto anti-materiel guns. Oh, and we make a heap of economic progress and give our troops a slogan. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-11-18 | 11 | |
21640512 | Fabrique General Civilization Quest: Atom and Evil | In this thread we switch over to Months instead of weeks (and get a greater scale of action) Finally develop a fleet of aerial drones and helos, mass produce our tanks, make progress with our research, and come to unbderstand the true nature of The Majesty. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-11-19 | 10 | |
21646579 | Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest: Rise And Fall | In this quest we finally start to take the fight to the Majesty, we develop defenses and weapons, build vehicles, drones, artillery, and gadgets, and then we field them. Our Merger with DBRL is on the line, can we defeat The Majesty and Claim Light City as our Rightful Domain? | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-11-19 | 17 | |
21676786 | Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest: Under Blood Red Skies | We start this installment off by getting the living hell kicked out of us by Majesty Orbital Weapons Systems, from there we make contact with the Pawn-King and learn more about the Majesty's true nature. Oh and we begin setting up a New Spartan Coup De Etat. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-11-21 | 11 | |
21683084 | Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest: expansion and liberation | Development of a basic AI begins with man's best friend, we encourage the population to be the best possible human they can be and deal with the New Sparta leadership who has lost touch with reality. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-11-21 | 12 | |
21645749 | VeloCITY Reloaded | Interest in the /tg/ homebrew game "VeloCITY" is rekindled. Archived for posterity and information. | VeloCITY, The Wind in Your Hair, /tg/, homebrew, discussion, Jet Set Radio, Tony Hawk, Air Gear, parkour, freerunning, rollerblade, skateboard, bike | 2012-11-21 | 5 | |
21717537 | Fabrique Generale Civilization Quest: All Roads Lead... | In this installment we we finish a network of roads between the surrounding settlements, back a Mafioso who doesn't mind getting his hands dirty, finish upgrading SAURON and recieve a disturbing message from our mysterious friend The Pawn-King. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-11-24 | 14 | |
December 2012 |
21978091 | Fabrique Generale: Tripping The Red Light Fantastique | Thanks to a lucky series of natural 100s and some dogged determination we develop better armor, laser weapons, rail guns, better geddonite batteries, an expanded AEGIS defense system, and we give our allies better gear. Kind of a slow thread really. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-12-11 | 13 | |
22010575 | RFabrique Generale: Diggin' a hole edition | In which we dig a hole, develop anti kinetic Kill weapons and argue a great deal. | Fabrique_Generale_Quest, Civilization_Quest, Collective_Game. Post_Apocalyptic, Light_City | 2012-12-13 | 8 | |
22033767 | Dr. Ass Marbles returns | Dr. Ass Marbles returns to /tg/ with exciting new data from his experiments. For science! | marbles, funny, colonic capacity, SCIENCE | 2012-12-14 | 39 | |
January 2013 |
22489457 | City Guardsman Quest 1 | We are Captain of the City Guard, Varnus Corr, and it is most definitely a Monday. We are inundated with work, the Guard is understaffed, a city noble has gone and 'accosted' the elven ambassador, and we forgot our daughter's birthday. | Collective Game, Quest, City Guardsman Quest | 2013-01-10 | 5 | |
22509195 | City Guardsman Quest part 2 | We are Captain of the City Guard, Varnus Corr. Investigating is done, we sort out some paper work take a nap and go for drinks | Collective Game, Quest, City Guardsman Quest | 2013-01-10 | 2 | |
22564863 | City Guardsman Quest 3 | We get a drink at a tavern, find out about a possible bandit mole, get knocked out, imprisoned by the Church, and get experimented on. They really should checked the bottles on their potions, though, and not mixed up "Will Kill The PC" with "Will Grant PC Were-Bear Powers". | Collective Game, Quest, City Guardsman Quest | 2013-01-14 | 7 | |
February 2013 |
22944423 | Commoragh Quest XII | We jump onto a speeding skimmer, massacre a few Dark Eldar and stomp on a few knees, you know, typical weekday in Commoragh. | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches | 2013-02-03 | 7 | |
June 2013 |
25515732 | City building in RPGs | /tg/ is asked how they would rebuild a dilapidated medieval city. | RPG, economics, laws, city | 2013-06-19 | 2 | |
25636892 | VeloCITY Reborn: New Update Released | After years of languishing in homebrew limbo, VeloCITY -- the homebrew game about freedom of movement -- rises from the ashes with a new, rewritten, vastly improved rules document. Hype ensues. | VeloCITY, The Wind in Your Hair, homebrew, rules, release, document, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Mirror's Edge | 2013-06-26 | 17 | |
25665553 | Velo-City The Revival-2 | Another Thread of Delicious VeloCityGoodnes | VeloCITY, The Wind in Your Hair, homebrew, rules, release, document, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Mirror's Edge,Air Gear | 2013-06-27 | 6 | |
July 2013 |
26224352 | VeloCITY One Month Anniversary Thread | Celebrating the one-month anniversary of the release of the highly anticipated /tg/ homebrew VeloCITY, a new version is released with some fluff added. Old fluff on locations is compiled and compared. | VeloCITY, The Wind in Your Hair, homebrew, rules, release, document, Jet Set Radio, Air Gear, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Mirror's Edge | 2013-07-28 | 2 | |
October 2013 |
27791520 | EDEN City Blues Quest : Pilot | You're ex-military in a cyperpunk world. Thankfully, a strange man gave you an invite to... something. | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-10-18 | 7 | |
27828326 | EDEN City Blues Quest II | We get our head checked and cash in a prescription for ten times extra | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-10-20 | 3 | |
27881675 | EDEN City Blues Quest III | Investigations lead to a high end sex simulation, and a commotion in Afterlife. | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-10-23 | 3 | |
27915809 | EDEN City Blues Quest IV | We hatch some spiders and go exploring for leads. | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-10-25 | 5 | |
28004969 | EDEN City Blues Quest V | An Interlude with EVE | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-10-30 | 6 | |
November 2013 |
28036565 | EDEN City Blues Quest VI | Halloween Special | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-11-01 | 6 | |
28124346 | EDEN City Blues Quest VII | An rare offer is given. | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-11-06 | 5 | |
28156861 | EDEN City Blues Quest VIII | We make a choice, and get in a fight. | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-11-08 | 3 | |
28249728 | EDEN City Blues Quest IX | We meet Chai and rodents of unusual sizes. | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-11-13 | 5 | |
28286521 | EDEN City Blues Quest X | We present our case | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-11-15 | 3 | |
28417071 | EDEN City Blues Quest XI | Interlude with EVE | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-11-22 | 2 | |
December 2013 |
28865071 | EDEN City Blues Quest XII | Jail Break...? | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-12-15 | 1 | |
28928033 | EDEN City Blues Quest XIII | Cityboarding 101 | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-12-18 | 1 | |
28973294 | EDEN City Blues Quest XIV | A short interlude with Chase | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-12-20 | 1 | |
29129622 | EDEN City Blues Quest XV | Welcome Terram Novum, goodbye EDEN | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk | 2013-12-29 | 0 | |
29174836 | EDEN Quest A New Earth XVI | Name change, short fight progression | Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk, EDEN Quest | 2013-12-31 | 0 | |
January 2014 |
29795815 | Princess Guard Quest 117 | Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest | In which we stupidly decide to wander the city for no good reason. | 2014-01-26 | 21 | |
February 2014 |
29996389 | Buddhist Dwarves and Prayer Wheel City | Original Content: Someone Takes An Idea and Gets It Done | Buddhism, Prayer Wheels, Dwarf, Dwarves, Dorf, City, OC, Gazette | 2014-02-04 | 9 | |
30124276 | A Certain Academic City Quest 3 | Kyril goes on a date, gets in a telekinesis fight and The Dictator levels a building | Collective Game, A Certain Academy Quest, To aru, A Certain Academic City Quest, | 2014-02-10 | 13 | |
30168474 | A Certain Academic City Quest 5 | Kyril drinks, feels like he's missing a few things and obtains the Level Upper | Collective Game, A Certain Academy Quest, To aru, A Certain Academic City Quest, Bored of Directors | 2014-02-12 | 12 | |
30215413 | A Certain Academic City Quest 6 | Kyril gets kidnapped, tears a Saint's shirt off. | Collective Game, A Certain Academy Quest, To aru, A Certain Academic City Quest, Bored of Directors | 2014-02-14 | 11 | |
30257582 | A Certain Academic City Quest 7 | Kyril dreams a dream, pulls of a heist but still gets busted. | Collective Game, A Certain Academy Quest, To aru, A Certain Academic City Quest, Bored of Directors | 2014-02-16 | 11 | |
30328299 | A Certain Academic City Quest 8 | Kyril challenges his teacher to a drinking contest. Kamijou gets barfed and weird out. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-02-19 | 9 | |
30412971 | A Certain Academic City Quest 9.5 | we help finish off AIM Burst and face the music for our JUSTICE! shenanigans. and set up a second date with the Dictator. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-02-23 | 11 | |
30482084 | A Certain Academic City Quest 11 | Party at Touma's! Kyril does some training,learns the nature of his power, and with Sagara, turn the tide on their would be assailants | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-02-26 | 11 | |
30524831 | A Certain Academic City Quest 12 | Kyril's second date with the Dictator goes quite well, barring the mindwipe and accidentally staying out all night. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-02-28 | 9 | |
March 2014 |
30568326 | A Certain Academic City Quest 13 | Kyril deals with Aneue, and then take a Journy into the mind of Index. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-03-02 | 9 | |
30632245 | A Certain Academic City Quest 14 | Kyril returns to his old stomping grounds, witness failed cake bakery, plays wingman for Touma, and takes on a group of thugs solo(they never stood a chance) | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-03-05 | 8 | |
30675114 | A Certain Academic City Quest 15 | Kyril's mauling of Big Spider goons is wrapped up and then later he plots a heist and acquires heist related accessories. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-03-07 | 8 | |
30714054 | A Certain Academic City Quest 16 | Data acquired, sewers wandered in, Nunotaba writes more BL. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-03-09 | 11 | |
30779960 | A Certain Academic City Quest 17 | Kyril gets phone calls,books, an invitation, a shower, a magic hair brushing, and learns Dracula is coming to town. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-03-12 | 8 | |
30834264 | A Certain Academic City Quest 18 | Kyril agrees to house a vampire hunter for awhile, work in the junkyard, thwart a robbery, gets a drink, and (kinda sorta) joins THIEF. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-03-15 | 7 | |
30873591 | A Certain Academic City Quest 19 | Kyril meets his THIEF contact, meets up with the Dictator, gets info on Big Spider, and slowly watches a BL doujin starring him and Touma gain popularity | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-03-17 | 9 | |
30935945 | A Certain Academic City Quest 20 | Kyril gets serious with the Dictator, meets his temporary roommate vampire slayer, has a brief Q&A with said vampire slayer, meets an old man and will help him find his missing vampire waifu in exchange for karate lessons. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-03-20 | 9 | |
30978081 | A Certain Academic City Quest 21 | Kyril and pals confront Big Spider, pop pop pop making motherfuckers drop,covering up murders, coming to grips over the fact we popped our murder cherry, and a pep talk from the Dictator. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Director | 2014-03-22 | 6 | |
31081874 | A Certain Academic City Quest 22 | Kyril does soul searching, drinking, police questioning, saving his boss, and learning a little kung fu lesson. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-03-27 | 6 | |
31140532 | A Certain Academic City Quest 23 | Kyril argues with his sikh pals, disobeys his teacher, meets a vampire, regrets meeting the vampire, gets saved, and passes out. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-03-30 | 6 | |
April 2014 |
31224606 | A Certain Academic City Quest 24 | Kyril is hospitalised. Business, blows and banter are exchanged within. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-04-03 | 7 | |
31281138 | A Certain Academic City Quest 25 | go to a hearing, go to a lunch with the GF, and go to a meeting with magicians. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-04-06 | 7 | |
31368168 | A Certain Academic City Quest 26 | speak in Punjabi, accept desk job from Wizards, and go to junkyard. Also, Bored falls asleep and or loses connection. short thread. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-04-10 | 7 | |
31430469 | A Certain Academic City Quest 26.5 | Visit work, visit orphanage, stay overnight, meet thieves guild contact. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-04-13 | 7 | |
31560864 | A Certain Academic City Quest 27 | We are mission control. Vampires,Touma waifu #3 (IIRC) a half metal alchemist, and FIRE!!! | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-04-19 | 7 | |
31582586 | A Certain Academic City Quest 28 | Fallout from the Misawa job, learn Kryil's reason to fight/kill, ta-ta to Teacher, and lods of emone! | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-04-20 | 6 | |
31645677 | A Certain Academic City Quest 29 | Bad news: Asuka gets shot.
Good news: The bullet wasn't silver, it just made her mad. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-04-23 | 7 | |
31711493 | A Certain Academic City Quest 30 | Kyril goes to work and then meet Asuka's Dad...
and there's a vocaroo guy for a bit | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-04-26 | 6 | |
May 2014 |
31825070 | A Certain Academic City Quest 31 | Bodyguard work, beat thugs, sell info, get paid. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-05-01 | 6 | |
31867879 | A Certain Academic City Quest 32 | Hang with friends, breaking the limit in a wheelchair, drunk karaoke, and learn why Asuka hasn't been answering her phone. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-05-03 | 7 | |
31938440 | A Certain Academic City Quest 33 | The search for Asuka begins. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-05-06 | 6 | |
31998516 | A Certain Academic City Quest 34 | Dinner and then planning with Asuka. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-05-09 | 7 | |
32041711 | A Certain Academic City Quest 35 | Finalization of the crew and some recce on the fight club. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-05-11 | 8 | |
32161774 | A Certain Academic City Quest 36 | Go to Kyril's job and then pull the big job later that evening. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-05-17 | 6 | |
32182139 | A Certain Academic City Quest 37 | important meetings with family. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-05-18 | 7 | |
32262907 | A Certain Academic City Quest 38 | Kyril's punishment is to be in an episode of COPS: Academy City | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-05-22 | 6 | |
32334087 | A Certain Academic City Quest 39 | Some sights are worth dying for... | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-05-25 | 6 | |
32418663 | A Certain Academic City Quest 40 | autoerotic asphyxiation and the stock market | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-05-29 | 7 | |
June 2014 |
32507734 | A Certain Academic City Quest 41 | The gang goes to a job interview. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-06-02 | 6 | |
32570627 | A Certain Academic City Quest 42 | The great loli robbery | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-06-05 | 7 | |
32634090 | A Certain Academic City Quest 43 | Waffles for breakfast and a crit fail for lunch. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-06-08 | 8 | |
32714337 | A Certain Academic City Quest 44 | Touman steps in | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-06-12 | 7 | |
32801360 | A Certain Academic City Quest 45 | The loot drop for beating Accelerator is the custody of a loli. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-06-16 | 7 | |
32921418 | A Certain Academic City Quest 46 | Kyril finds the time to not be clever twice in one day | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-06-22 | 11 | |
33002744 | A Certain Academic City Quest 47 | Remember kids, it's only illegal if you get caught! | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-06-26 | 7 | |
33044430 | A Certain Academic City Quest 48 | I'd like to see a bonobo drive like that Nakazawa! | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-06-28 | 7 | |
33065818 | A Certain Academic City Quest 49 | of Parkour and Parties | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-06-29 | 9 | |
July 2014 |
33336481 | A Certain Academic City Quest 50 | The fall of Ilyena Torikov. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-07-12 | 8 | |
33358654 | A Certain Academic City Quest 51 | Nothing will stop Problem Children in their pursuit of taking lolis that don't belong to them. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-07-13 | 7 | |
33470768 | A Certain Academic City Quest 52 | Adventures in babysitting and grand larceny | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-07-18 | 7 | |
33519347 | A Certain Academic City Quest 53 | Wanna see what a nat 1 while handling explosives looks like? | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-07-20 | 9 | |
33582954 | A Certain Academic City Quest 54 | Kyril's ass belongs to AC, assuming Asuka's Uncle doesn't carve it up first. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-07-23 | 11 | |
33675571 | A Certain Academic City Quest 55 | That robot handled like shit anyways. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-07-27 | 7 | |
33723735 | A Certain Academic City Quest 56 part 1 | Jail is depressing. So we'll just leave. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-07-29 | 6 | |
33735751 | A Certain Academic City Quest 56 part 2 | Trains are so much better than robots. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-07-29 | 7 | |
August 2014 |
33821178 | A Certain Academic City Quest 57: Finale | Kyril had a good run... | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-08-02 | 6 | |
September 2014 |
34814826 | A Certain Academic City Quest 58 | The prelude to war | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-09-13 | 7 | |
34837972 | A Certain Academic City Quest 59 | We catch a glimpse of Kyril | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors | 2014-09-14 | 6 | |
November 2014 |
36162330 | A Certain Academic City Quest II #1 | We can rebuild him. We can make him faster, stronger, but don't give him back his eyebrows. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2014-11-15 | 14 | |
36308485 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep2 | Meeting her royal highness and having a productive day of work. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2014-11-22 | 6 | |
36448005 | A Certain Academic City Quest II #3 | Kyril reconnects with the Dictator by indulging in their favorite pastime - beating up thugs. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2014-11-29 | 6 | |
December 2014 |
36586197 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep4 | The training manual says nothing about Imoutos in the field of duty. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2014-12-06 | 5 | |
36723051 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep5 | Meet with a friend. and then something completely different happens, a friend meets with us! | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2014-12-13 | 5 | |
36795414 | Machine Civilization Thread #5 | A plague of harpies is coming, the robots prepare. | Civilization, robot, machine, node, gnoll, Mage, harpies, plague, electricity | 2014-12-16 | 1 | |
36857450 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep6 | HsCC-02 VERDICT gets debriefed on his mission to go to his friends' party. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2014-12-20 | 5 | |
36988033 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep7 | Playing cards for Shields | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2014-12-27 | 5 | |
January 2015 |
37171170 | The Book of Sauron | OP makes a "Sauron did nothing wrong" joke thread. /tg/ proves untrollable and starts worldbuilding the Book of Sauron and his possible return. | LotR, Sauron, Worldbuilding, Writefag, Book, City, Dystopia, Horror | 2015-01-06 | 6 | |
37265308 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep8 | Kyril steals the heart of an older woman. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-01-10 | 5 | |
37287102 | A Certain Academic City Quest II #9 | Sparky seems to have misplaced her sword. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-01-11 | 5 | |
37324967 | Merfolk City Thread Part 2 | The Merfolk faced near destruction and now must survive on land! Can they survive? | Merfolk City, Collective Game, New Start, | 2015-01-12 | 0 | |
37418181 | A Certain Academic City Quest II #10 | Love, violence, and betrayal most foul. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-01-17 | 5 | |
37570464 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep11 | Who needs Onstar when you have a ghost? | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-01-24 | 5 | |
37726387 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep12 | New Year's plans in danger? | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-01-31 | 5 | |
February 2015 |
37880891 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep13 | We are a terrible aniki. Thank goodness for pain killers. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-02-07 | 5 | |
38042373 | A Certain Academic City Quest II #14 | An outrageous New Year to you. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-02-14 | 5 | |
38197101 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep15 | Matchmaker Matchmaker make me a match | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-02-21 | 5 | |
38355391 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep16 | na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na VERDICT! | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-02-28 | 5 | |
March 2015 |
38678265 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep17 | If the J-pop doesn't get you, the tranq darts will | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-03-14 | 3 | |
38970987 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep18 | The game is a foot! Assemble the crew! | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-03-28 | 5 | |
April 2015 |
39111441 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep19 | Every hero needs a villain | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-04-04 | 5 | |
39262043 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep20 | Everyone makes more money than HsCC-02 VERDICT | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-04-11 | 5 | |
39404705 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep21 | Please forgive us Camaro-chan | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-04-18 | 2 | |
39547195 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep22 | One does not simply waltz into the US Embassy. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-04-25 | 2 | |
May 2015 |
39831128 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep23 | I'm not saying it was nanomachines but... | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-05-09 | 2 | |
39974179 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep24 | getting paid getting paid. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-05-16 | 5 | |
40112872 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep25 | Nun shall escape! | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-05-23 | 5 | |
40260431 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep26 | We continue to not be clever | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-05-30 | 4 | |
June 2015 |
40329804 | Lost Primarch Quest 6 | It has been five years since Sol Prementus landed on Kilionos... | Collective Game, Lost Primarch Quest, Eleventh, Primarch, Mutants, Hive city | 2015-06-02 | 6 | |
40598342 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep27 | Would rather get brain surgery than uninstall an OS. then we try to turn chickenshit into chunky salsa. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-06-15 | 5 | |
40699440 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep28 | Yes, we do like hurting people | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-06-20 | 5 | |
40795028 | Wild City Quest | Welcome to Wild City, the weirdest place in the world. Not that anyone besides you seems to notice. You like it. | Collective Game, Wild City Quest, shaderic, | 2015-06-24 | 8 | |
40838420 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep29 | Everybody hates Etzali | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-06-27 | 3 | |
July 2015 |
40986637 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep30 | We unleash CADME, capture Etzali and Touma gets us back on track. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-07-04 | 5 | |
41137490 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep31 | Etzali gets his collar, Kyril gets brain surgery, and Kyouko fails at reading | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-07-11 | 5 | |
41434107 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep32 | Looking into casino woes and taking two girls to lunch. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-07-25 | 5 | |
August 2015 |
41587170 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 33 | Roll under DC30 ain't got shit on VERDICT | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-08-01 | 5 | |
41771635 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 34 | Fucking Aztecs | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-08-10 | 5 | |
41871575 | A Certain Academic City Quest 35 | Aztecs get fucked | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-08-15 | 5 | |
42008796 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 36 | Zombies ain't got shit on VERDICT. And then some internal affairs investigations. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-08-22 | 5 | |
42169835 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 37 | Why you gotta be like that GrÃmsdóttir? | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-08-30 | 5 | |
September 2015 |
42438810 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 38 | Prepping for walking in a winter wasteland | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-09-12 | 5 | |
42581819 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 39 | The Slumlord has been kidnapped by a Magic God. Is VERDICT a bad enough dude to rescue her? | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-09-19 | 5 | |
42720856 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 40 | Hijacking is just plane wrong | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-09-26 | 5 | |
October 2015 |
42978693 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 41 | The Fresh Prince of the Strange | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-10-10 | 5 | |
43107082 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 42 | a Guild of Calamitous Intent? | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-10-17 | 5 | |
43374935 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 43 | Remove teleporter seminar | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-10-31 | 5 | |
November 2015 |
43543205 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 44 | Get that Hothead outta here! | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-11-09 | 6 | |
43625976 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 45 | VERDICT vs the Fourth Estate | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-11-14 | 7 | |
43741765 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 46 | Much ado about dead whores | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-11-21 | 5 | |
December 2015 |
43985567 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 47 | Kyril steals his own girlfriend. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-12-05 | 5 | |
44112003 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 48 | Attack of the Party Poopers | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-12-12 | 6 | |
44249192 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 49 | We send a message to the Guild, despite their disarming personality. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-12-19 | 5 | |
44406632 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 50 | New Secretary, New Arm, New Plans. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2015-12-28 | 5 | |
January 2016 |
44688844 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 51 | Crashing this plane with several survivors! | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2016-01-11 | 5 | |
44837303 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 52 | VERDICT wears many hats. Tour guide, Real Estate Agent, Assassin | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2016-01-18 | 7 | |
February 2016 |
45134629 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 53 | worst traffic jam ever. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2016-02-01 | 5 | |
45419648 | A Certain Academicy City Quest II Ep54 | Kaoru was right. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2016-02-15 | 5 | |
45559949 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 55 | "Mercy", "Justice", and Scones | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2016-02-22 | 5 | |
March 2016 |
45840411 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 56 | Amusement parks and inquests | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2016-03-07 | 5 | |
45986406 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 57 | Negotiations turn explosive. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2016-03-14 | 5 | |
46141811 | A Certain Academic City Quest 58 | Suddenly, Peace breaks out? | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2016-03-21 | 7 | |
April 2016 |
46435690 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 59 | Things get EXPLOSIVE with GrÃmsdóttir | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2016-04-04 | 5 | |
46588954 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 60 | Operation Slumlord is a go. | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2016-04-11 | 5 | |
46599132 | Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 1 | James Case goes to a job interview, doesn't make a friend, and almost gets stabbed. | worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game | 2016-04-11 | 22 | |
46612303 | Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 2 | James Case earns some money, makes some plans, and goes full Macklemore. Also, Georges Saint Pierre. | worms, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game | 2016-04-12 | 12 | |
46640328 | Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 3 | James Case chances upon a lead on underground cape fights. | worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, James Case, collective game | 2016-04-13 | 11 | |
46736862 | Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 4 | James Case goes to a a club and beats people up. | worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, James Case, collective game | 2016-04-18 | 12 | |
46882906 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 61 | The latest in imouto technology | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2016-04-25 | 7 | |
7829 | Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 5 | James Case calls a friend, visits the tailor, and shitposts aggressively. | worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game | 2016-04-28 | 14 | |
May 2016 |
47020932 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 62 | Hamazura really should have said "Please." | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2016-05-02 | 6 | |
33827 | Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 6 | James Case has a bizarre sexual experience, beats up a girl, and stacks paper to the ceiling. | worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game | 2016-05-02 | 10 | |
47152977 | A Certain Academic City Quest II Ep 63 | Retirement? | Collective game, A Certain Academic City Quest, To aru, Bored of Directors, Season 2 | 2016-05-09 | 8 | |
107056 | Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 7 | James skips class | worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game | 2016-05-20 | 7 | |
156503 | Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 8 | James gets called out, calls someone, and makes a plan. | worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game | 2016-05-20 | 7 | |
177823 | Capes of Rain City Quest Episode 9 | We ride in a car, learn secret identities, and make preparations for being ground into sausage. | worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game | 2016-05-25 | 7 | |
June 2016 |
298562 | Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 10 | James Case fights like he never has before. James Case fights like he never has before. End of Season One. | worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, James Case, collective game | 2016-06-25 | 8 | |
July 2016 |
330450 | Mutant City Quest 1 | We discover our inner light and DEUS VULT. | Mutant, City, Quest, Mutant City Quest, Collective Game | 2016-07-08 | 2 | |
345116 | Mutant City Quest 2 | We commit a felony. | Mutant, City, Quest, Mutant City Quest, Collective Game | 2016-07-08 | 2 | |
48155358 | Stories about a city and village | A picture and a request for backstories are posted. /tg/ delivers awesomely. | city, village, worldbuilding, stories, setting, | 2016-07-09 | 2 | |
370401 | Mutant City Quest 3 | Quest over everyone go home. | Mutant, City, Quest, Mutant City Quest, Collective Game | 2016-07-15 | 1 | |
388007 | Mutant City Quest 4 | We play mailman. | Mutant, City, Quest, Mutant City Quest, Collective Game | 2016-07-21 | 1 | |
November 2016 |
50129254 | There's Something Strange About Your Apartment Building... | Your PCs have started to realize that the old, rundown apartment building they live in is far stranger and more exciting than they thought. | Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease | 2016-11-07 | 45 | |
50159577 | There's Something Strange About Your Apartment Building 2: Urban Unease | A second thread is had to discuss the idea of a rundown, old apartment building that is home to both creepy and comfy paranormal happenings. | Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease | 2016-11-10 | 30 | |
806798 | City of Souls Quest Part 1 | You discovered your name is Tallia, were joined by the spirit of your deceased dog, and have successfully beheaded another ghoul. | City of Souls, MostlyDead, Tallia, Quest | 2016-11-12 | 1 | |
50184198 | There's Something Strange About Your Apartment Building 3: Urban Unease | A third thread brainstorming ideas for creepy/comfy paranormal occurrences in an old apartment building. Also peeps argue over canon | Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease | 2016-11-17 | 24 | |
March 2017 |
51963891 | Urban Unease 4 | Urban Unease is brought up. An anon makes a cathedral | Urban unease, brainstorming, horror, city, neighborhood | 2017-03-03 | 6 | |
52021034 | Urban Unease 5 | Christ Imprisoned A Maid Inspiring Images of The Living Infomercial. Next thread, more commas | Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease | 2017-03-08 | 6 | |
June 2017 |
53832984 | Stories from a Dead Megacity | In this short thread, ideas are shared for things a group of explorers might find while searching for a way to leave a dead megacity. | post-apocalyptic, futuristic, sci-fi, megacity, urban unease, brainstorming | 2017-06-17 | 13 | |
October 2017 |
1919268 | Steam & Steel Quest #1 | Numar is on edge after recent murders. Arnold, the young scion of an old Mercantile House, has an unexpected encounter. | Quest, Storyteller, Steampunk, City-State | 2017-10-08 | 6 | |
55992067 | Urban Unease 6 | Mall Edition | Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease | 2017-10-23 | 3 | |
December 2017 |
2113986 | Fantasy Peasant Lord Quest | You are Sir William of Olmsville, peasant turned lord | Fantasy Peasant Lord Quest, Peasant Lord, Civ Quest, City-builder | 2017-12-13 | 10 | |
June 2018 |
60146809 | post-scarcity society theorization and worldbuilding | A discussion on what how a post-scarcity civilization might work. | setting, worldbuilding, post-scarcity, future, replicator, utopian, dystopian, fully automated luxury gay space communism, | 2018-06-10 | 1 | |
October 2018 |
2948613 | City of Games – Session 1 | We arrive in ReÃve, the great City of Games, seeking glory or death in the arena; off the boat and into the clutches of war. | City of Games, Reive, Arena, Fantasy, Collective Game | 2018-10-12 | 3 | |
November 2018 |
3022694 | City of Games – Session 2 | Short session in which we learn more of Reive and the origins of Devil's Chapter. | City of Games, Reive, Arena, Fantasy, Collective Game | 2018-11-12 | 1 | |
62990061 | Fireball System Thread #3 | VMore work done on Fireball, at first a lot is done but dries up leaving a sole anon to roll a few things out. | One is the loneliest number, Chaos, Inquisitors, Marines, Hive City, Lizards, 40k | 2018-11-14 | 0 | |
January 2019 |
63850296 | Urban Unease: Image thread edition | New Unease thread based mainly on images reference for the setting style. | Urban unease, brainstorming, horror, city, neighborhood, images, Surreal | 2019-01-08 | 14 | |
February 2019 |
3227617 | Rotten City I | The Inquisitor arrives and commences the scourge of Riva. | Inquisitor, =I=, Inquisition, Rotten, City, Female Protagonist, Collective Game | 2019-02-07 | 1 | |
64518341 | Night of the Lively Dead - tales from the tombcity | /tg/ worldbuilds a city-state populated entirely by miscellaneous varieties of undead. | undeadtopia, setting, worldbuilding, city-state, undead, zombies, liches, vampires, paladin hate crimes, | 2019-02-11 | 3 | |
March 2019 |
3319225 | Fate/City Akeldama | A reboot of a quest by the same name. Different QM. Still end up with caster, and some followers. | Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City | 2019-03-09 | 25 | |
3308076 | Cloud City - Post Apoc. Quest | A young teenager leaves the safety of the hideout after the food ran out, we avoid toxic clouds, monster, raiders and find company. | Collective Game, Cloud City, Old Radio, post-apocalypse, survival, humanity | 2019-03-14 | 2 | |
3344132 | Fate/City Akeldama Part III | A gathering of all 7 Servants ends in disaster. After recovering, Rushorou has a training montage and defeats Saber. More romantic drama. | Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon | 2019-03-19 | 14 | |
3361948 | Fate/City Akeldama Part IV | Rushorou learns Caster's true name, meets Berserker for coffee, and walks right into a trap set by Archer and Rider. Losses on both sides. | Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon | 2019-03-24 | 11 | |
3374576 | Fate/City Akeldama Part V | Rushorou captures and brainwashes the Master of Archer, but her final command spell is insufficient to compel the Servant to commit suicide. | Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon | 2019-03-29 | 11 | |
April 2019 |
3385048 | Fate/City Akeldama Part VI | Rushorou learns the basics of magic from Caster, has a none-too-edifying conversation with Cid, and kills the Master of Berserker. | Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon | 2019-04-05 | 10 | |
3382653 | Heir to Humanity: Last Man Alive | Cloud City 2, Alexa tries to adapt to this new place while worries about his mother trouble him, a new threat arises in the meantime. | Collective Game, Cloud City, Old Radio, post-apocalypse, survival, humanity, Last man, boy | 2019-04-08 | 2 | |
3400552 | Fate/City Akeldama Part VII | Rushorou makes a contract with Berserker and learns about the difficulty of Odic management. | Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon | 2019-04-10 | 10 | |
3421216 | Fate/City Akeldama Part VIII | Rushorou spends some much-needed downtime with his Servants and allies, and learns some magic from Caster. | Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon | 2019-04-19 | 10 | |
May 2019 |
3445671 | Fate/City Akeldama Part IX | Rushorou prepares for the final battle with Archer and Rider by improving his magical knowledge and getting an enchanted item. | Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game | 2019-05-01 | 10 | |
3474662 | Fate/City Akeldama Part X | The conclusion to Fate/City Akeldama. A final battle is fought, and the ending arrives. | Sweets-Loving QM, Fate/City Akeldama, Fate Quest, Urban Fantasy, Type-Moon, Collective Game | 2019-05-09 | 10 | |
3462630 | Heir to Humanity: Last Man Alive III | Cloud City 3: Alexa, the last boy, discover new feelings and sensations, visits his old home and discover some things about his past | Collective Game, Cloud City, Old Radio, post-apocalypse, survival, humanity, Last man, boy | 2019-05-12 | 2 | |
66143666 | The Fading Sea | /tg/ creates and fluffs out the Fading Sea and the City of Galgeleth, where the danger is great and the treasure is greater. | Fading Sea, Galgeleth, City of Wheels, setting | 2019-05-13 | 16 | |
66235775 | The Fading Sea II | /tg/ continues to discuss the Fading Sea, touching upon roll tables, the Sawtooth Isles, Knot Madness, slavery and angels. | Fading Sea, Galgeleth, City of Wheels, setting | 2019-05-21 | 6 | |
June 2019 |
3507776 | Heir to Humanity: Last Man Alive IV | Cloud City 4: and attempt at new life and Alexa finds a place in the new world what will the future hold for Alexa, Jess and their friends? | Collective Game, Cloud City, Old Radio, post-apocalypse, survival, humanity, Last man, boy | 2019-06-01 | 1 | |
October 2019 |
3849123 | Runaway Jedi Quest 1: Prologue | Jedi Knight Gohl and the Youngling Dove flee the jedi temple and Corsucant after Order 66 | Starborn QM, Starborn, Star Wars, Runaway, Jedi, Youngling, Corsucant, Smuggler, Undercity, Temple, Clones, Order 66, Noorian, Palliduvan | 2019-10-08 | 4 | |
3845477 | City of Reflections #1 | You are a professional duelist, working to uphold Sword Law and, more importantly, to find fame. Little of either ever happens. | City of Reflections Quest, Collective Game | 2019-10-18 | 1 | |
69059343 | Urban Unease: It returns! | New urban unease with an attempt to spread into disaster shelters. | Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease, images | 2019-10-30 | 5 | |
November 2019 |
3881876 | Runaway Jedi Quest 2: Can't Escape From Crossing Fate | Gohl's desperate flight continues. Ace Pilot Iso and Youngling Dove watch on in horror as The Chosen One himself chases the edi survivors | Starborn QM, Starborn, Star Wars, Runaway, Jedi, Youngling, Corsucant, Smuggler, Undercity, Temple, Clones, Order 66, Noorian, Palliduvan | 2019-11-01 | 1 | |
December 2019 |
3944718 | Runaway Jedi Quest 2: Chain Gang | gohl and co. land on an outer rim world to purchase supplies for their stay in the wilderness. | Starborn QM, Starborn, Star Wars, Runaway, Jedi, Youngling, Corsucant, Smuggler, Undercity, Temple, Clones, Order 66, Noorian, Palliduvan | 2019-12-10 | 1 | |
January 2020 |
4026975 | City of Reflections Quest #2 | Your upcoming gallery looms in the distance, and you must find inspiration. | City of Reflections Quest, Collective Game | 2020-01-24 | 0 | |
February 2020 |
4057724 | City of Reflections Quest #3 | The past comes back. | City of Reflections Quest, Collective Game | 2020-02-01 | 0 | |
4034246 | Heat City Nights 1 | It was a setup. The boss is dead. Make them pay. | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2020-02-01 | 27 | |
4048986 | Heat City Nights 1.2 | Crashing the Jacks' party at Nebula. Cutting through punks isn't so hard, but their leaders are made of stronger stuff. | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2020-02-04 | 26 | |
March 2020 |
4118836 | Super DC Quest | We become Michael Carmichael, son of a multibillionaire and student of Deathstroke. We head to Star City and begin carving a life. | Star,Wagon,DC Quest, DC, Super DC, Super DC Quest, Aether, Michael, Carmichael, Manhunter, Star City | 2020-03-12 | 0 | |
April 2020 |
4151644 | Super DC Quest 2: The second one | Star City continues to welcome it's newest metahuman. Cinderblock does not welcome us. | Star,Wagon,DC Quest, DC, Super DC, Super DC Quest, Aether, Michael, Carmichael, Manhunter, Star City | 2020-04-02 | 0 | |
4178838 | Teen Titans: Jump City Heroes #1 | Our hero heroically runs away from a chance to be heroic. What is this, Lightbringer? | Collective Game, Quest, Teen Titans, Jump City Heroes, Teen Titans: Jump City Heroes, Romulox | 2020-04-07 | 5 | |
May 2020 |
72290573 | Iceball Worldbuilding | In which we get to work building a setting based around The Great Ice Ball theory. | worldbuilding, lizardmen, table, generation, city, volcano, rolling, dice | 2020-05-01 | 4 | |
4210193 | I made a deal with a Devil! Quest #1 | A teenager named Solomon Attenborough makes a deal with a devil which makes his life very strange | Demon Quest, Urban Fantasy, City, Demon, Solo, Solomon | 2020-05-12 | 0 | |
July 2020 |
73530543 | Creepy Marseille | Anons discuss setting a World of Darkness game in the French city of Marseille. Which is ancient actually. 600 BCE or older. | Marseille, Creepy, Creepy Marseille, France, city, WoD, unease, crime, mafia, drugs, weather, culture, supernatural, corruption, geography | 2020-07-04 | 3 | |
August 2020 |
74086960 | ITT: We make a city map | Wacky urban fantasy hijinks ensue | city, oc, original content | 2020-08-03 | 1 | |
4384165 | Heat City Nights 2 | The Dirty Dogs biker gang's clubhouse, out on the edge of town, is the next target of the gang's bloody rampage. | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2020-08-16 | 22 | |
September 2020 |
4401370 | Jump City Heroes #1 | A Teen Titan Quest set in an alternate universe rendition of the DCAU. This is the origin story of Jewish Heroine and E-Thot Pantheona | Jump City Heroes, Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM, DC, | 2020-09-03 | 1 | |
4428487 | Heat City Nights 3 | The crew has a line on a stash house in the projects. | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2020-09-14 | 22 | |
October 2020 |
4436385 | Jump City Heroes #2 | Pantheona manages to round up a slue of crime fighting companions, both old and new. Including a tsundere gothic vampire demigoddess. | Jump City Heroes, Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM, DC, | 2020-10-01 | 0 | |
4474256 | Jump City Heroes #3 | Pantheona's first official run as a crime fighting heroine is met with a sudden twist of fate. | Jump City Heroes, Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM, DC, | 2020-10-25 | 0 | |
November 2020 |
4505424 | Jump City Heroes #4 | Our Space Adventures with Starfire ends up bringing forth pandora's box as we meet with the dark goddess Satania | Jump City Heroes, Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM, DC, | 2020-11-15 | 1 | |
December 2020 |
76279790 | /tg/ debates the morality of Brave New World and Iain Banks' Culture series | Do people require the knowledge that nothing more powerful than them exists to be happy? | philosophical, post-scarcity, post-singularity, utopia, dystopia, religion, | 2020-12-10 | 1 | |
4546156 | Jump City Heroes #5 | Our heroine, having narrowly dodged a horrible fate, arrives in Themyscira. Archived relatively early due to Maruta being busy. | Jump City Heroes, Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM, DC, | 2020-12-23 | 0 | |
April 2021 |
4682378 | Jump City Heroes #6 | Our Heroine has managed to acquired a new roommate as they begin their journey through Themyscira. Part 1 of the Amazon Games | Jump City Heroes, Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM, DC, | 2021-04-04 | 0 | |
May 2021 |
4799219 | Heat City Nights 4 | Following a lead from the stash house, the gang breaks into a secret underground drug lab to loot and destroy. | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2021-05-28 | 24 | |
July 2021 |
4892767 | Heat City Nights 5 | Tracking down the Triads from the drug lab leads to the Golden Tiger restaurant and adjacent kung fu school. | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2021-07-21 | 22 | |
August 2021 |
4919401 | Heat City Nights 5.2 | In the back office, the gang discovered Spider, the man they were looking for. He escaped in a car, and now the gang is chasing after him. | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2021-08-06 | 22 | |
November 2021 |
5054156 | INVULTUA Prelude | From the sun-scarred edge of darkness the LADY Of SORROWS descends, a jewelled dagger transfixed upon the pale throat of the city below.
| fantasy, witch, intrigue, occult, emperor, city, tarot, collective game, | 2021-11-16 | 8 | |
December 2021 |
5044142 | Isekai'd into being a necromancer in a shithole city #1 | Necromancer Isekai Quest | Necromancer isekai quest, quest, isekai, necromancer, undead, drugs, crime, under-city | 2021-12-16 | 8 | |
January 2022 |
5087827 | Necromancer Isekai #2: Working with/for a fat bastard | Anon continues his adventure, at least until a elf communist derails the whole thing. | Necromancer isekai quest, quest, isekai, necromancer, undead, drugs, crime, under-city, communism, QM fucked up | 2022-01-21 | 6 | |
March 2022 |
5129959 | Necromancer Isekai #3: Blueberry's magic now | Anon raises a big boi. Too big. He needs a upgrade to his lair. | Necromancer isekai quest, quest, isekai, necromancer, undead, drugs, crime, under-city, cute elf | 2022-03-05 | 6 | |
July 2022 |
5310562 | Dragon's dungeon quest | A young dragon hatch and learn how to fend for himself in a world of chaos and violence with his siblings. | Dragon, Dungeon, Strategy, Warhammer, City building | 2022-07-18 | 9 | |
August 2022 |
5343553 | Dragon's dungeon quest 2 | The dragon pack defend against a skaven army and establish their hold | Dragon, Dungeon, Strategy, Warhammer, City building | 2022-08-21 | 9 | |
October 2022 |
5379770 | Dragon's dungeon quest 3 | The dragon train his knights, and almost get sent back to his maker in a encounter with the dwarf king under the mountain | Dragon, Dungeon, Strategy, Warhammer, City building | 2022-10-01 | 9 | |
November 2022 |
5423182 | Dragon's dungeon quest 4 | A story of Knight fighting for glories, and young Dragons losing shroud of secrecy and such, attacked by several armies | Dragon, Dungeon, Strategy, Warhammer, City building | 2022-11-23 | 8 | |
December 2022 |
5458625 | New Jump City Heroes #1 | A Teen Titan Quest set in an alternate universe rendition of the DCAU. A redux origin story of the champions of the watchers, Plethora. | New Teen Titans, Jump City Heroes, Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM, DC, | 2022-12-12 | 0 | |
January 2023 |
5477185 | Dragon's dungeon quest 5 | Winter came, White surprisingly succesfully conquered a chaos castle and unsurprisingly got derailed in a later objective | Dragon, Dungeon, Strategy, Warhammer, City building | 2023-01-03 | 7 | |
5501948 | New Jump City Heroes #2 | Plethora has dealt with the aftermath of her time in Gotham before being thrown into outer space. Part 1 of the Space Chronicles. | New Teen Titans, Jump City Heroes, Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM, DC, | 2023-01-17 | 0 | |
February 2023 |
5517127 | Dragon's dungeon quest 6 | White somehow ties good relationship with a dwarven hold and a lizardmen town | Dragon, Dungeon, Strategy, Warhammer, City building | 2023-02-07 | 6 | |
March 2023 |
5561214 | Dragon's dungeon quest 7 | A chill winter leads to preparations | Dragon, Dungeon, Strategy, Warhammer, City building | 2023-03-08 | 7 | |
5564783 | Dragon slayer quest : a Dragon's dungeon sidestory | Turn left, 2 meter. Right, 2 meter. Slay the dragon. Easy enough? | Dragon, Dungeon, Strategy, Warhammer, City building | 2023-03-08 | 6 | |
April 2023 |
5607307 | Heat City Nights 6 | Word has it Spider's hiding out on a boat at the South Harbor docks. A gang of Marielitos, Cuba's worst criminals, stands in the crew's w | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2023-04-09 | 22 | |
5604232 | Dragon's dungeon quest Volume 9 | Training of gifted person, then abandon home to avoid a wipe, White start a retard lizard training arc | Dragon, Dungeon, Strategy, Warhammer, City building | 2023-04-26 | 3 | |
June 2023 |
5658276 | Dragon's dungeon quest Volume 9 (for real) |
Sidridijika meet an elven witch, Throdenslemoni becomes a pirate, Verthicha a governor | Dragon, Dungeon, Strategy, Warhammer, City building | 2023-06-22 | 1 | |
August 2023 |
5693659 | Dragon's dungeon quest Volume 10 | Taking down a great white wyrm, then preparation for a siege of your former home | Dragon, Dungeon, Strategy, Warhammer, City building | 2023-08-06 | 2 | |
September 2023 |
5746899 | Heat City Nights 7 | The crew robs a bank, acting on a tip from none other than their sworn enemy, Spider. It's a shady lead, but there's money in it either wa | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2023-09-19 | 25 | |
October 2023 |
5755137 | Gotham City Beat Cop Quest (1) | We join the GCPD as fresh faced rookie, Mark DeLucia, a meta-human with the ability to speak to the city but wears a badge not a mask. | Gotham City Beat Cop Quest, GCPD, DetectQM, Batman, DC | 2023-10-02 | 36 | |
5776283 | Ash settles : A Dragon's Dungeon side story | Shenanigans of Lizardmen enclave building | Dragon, Dungeon, Strategy, Warhammer, City building | 2023-10-23 | 3 | |
November 2023 |
5788584 | Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 2 | We save the Dent's life only to later be harassed by him and a federal agent. We also hunt the SIM Killer with Kimble while Hawthorne heals | DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game | 2023-11-17 | 22 | |
December 2023 |
5825145 | Slime City Adventure 1: Little Slime in the Big City | We're a slime! Fight a racoon, get electrocuted, and eat anything in sight! | Slime City, Slime, Monster Protagonist | 2023-12-02 | 9 | |
5829969 | Cyberpunk Quest #1 | Kai's father, an NCPD netrunner, is killed during a cyber psycho attack on New Years - A conspiracy is afoot, and Kai seeks the truth. | Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, flirt with cars, nomads | 2023-12-27 | 25 | |
5832876 | Gotham City Beat Cop 3 | We deal with our second home invasion, bite off more than we can chew, warn Banks and form a crew to handle the SIM Killer case on the DL. | DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game | 2023-12-29 | 20 | |
January 2024 |
5854340 | Heat City Nights 8 | While the gang is still figuring out their next step, the main safehouse comes under siege from Heat City's finest. | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2024-01-19 | 21 | |
5872086 | City Management Quest | In this thread Marjun is elected as major of Trenfel, and must wrestle with the council to achieve his goals. | City Management, Economy, Trade, Management, Trenfel, Marjun, City Management Quest, Drawing | 2024-01-30 | 6 | |
February 2024 |
5877169 | Gotham Beat Cop Quest #4 | We start the hunt for SIM, Sweet-talk a mobster, and sign up for undercover work. | DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game | 2024-02-08 | 17 | |
5906767 | Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 5 | Returning from the heavens, a half-elf catches up with his old flame(s), makes a world-changing discovery, and encounters a familiar face... | ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, polygamy, spycraft, hippies, elves, dragons, religion, post-scarcity | 2024-02-15 | 6 | |
5896061 | Heat City Nights 8.2 | The crew is bloodied and the safehouse is burning, but the cops are paying in lives for every inch of ground. | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2024-02-24 | 21 | |
March 2024 |
5912510 | Bobbert Quest 1 | Voices urge Bobbert to leave her home after months of burn out recovery and get a job. Lateralis Heavy Industries provide. Madness follows. | Collective Game, Bobbert Quest, Alphabet Soup, The City, Lateralis Heavy Industries, Madness, Female Protagonist | 2024-03-20 | 2 | |
5920234 | Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 5 | We get closer to the sting, get covered in shit, and make some headway in the case. | DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game | 2024-03-25 | 15 | |
April 2024 |
5944098 | Cyberpunk Quest #2 | Kai continues his search for answers, but mostly just finds more eddies and problems. | Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, flirt with cars, nomads | 2024-04-15 | 12 | |
May 2024 |
5960920 | Gotham City Beat Cop Quest #6 | We handle family drama, pull off the sting, get diagnosed, and come face to face with Firebug once again. | DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game | 2024-05-10 | 16 | |
5985534 | Cyberpunk Quest #3 | Kai recovers from his ICE induced coma suffered at the end of the last thread. Thread was cut short due to time constraints. | Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, fry your own brain, cop mommy | 2024-05-25 | 5 | |
June 2024 |
5991241 | Heat City Nights 9 | The Yakuza are holding out at the Sakura Garden. They're all that's left of the syndicate. Take them out. | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2024-06-09 | 21 | |
6003328 | Gotham City Beat Cop 7 | We attend an award ceremony, meet up with an old flame, and meet the SIM Killer face to face. Bonus Mark Lore Included. | DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game | 2024-06-21 | 13 | |
August 2024 |
6030011 | Heat City Nights 9.2 | A continuation of the attack on the Yakuza's commercial center. | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2024-08-03 | 14 | |
6041189 | Gotham City Beat Cop 8 | We admit the (partial) truth to Gordon and get an unofficial sign off to catch the mole. Meet SIM. And build our case. | Gotham City Beat Cop Quest, GCPD, DetectQM, Batman, DC | 2024-08-03 | 11 | |
September 2024 |
6066843 | Demon Negotiator Quest (Proof of Concept) | You're a newly acquired member of Summoning Management Group, a specialized business dealing in negotiations with demons. | demon, demon negotiation, Crescent City, SMG, Summoning Management Group | 2024-09-10 | 2 | |
6073055 | Heat City Nights 9.3 | Half the gang boards a train in pursuit of the enemy boss. The rest have to finish the job and escape, before the building burns down. | Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s | 2024-09-17 | 14 | |
October 2024 |
6076455 | Gotham City Beat Cop 9 | We die (kinda), enjoy two pizza dates, rob a prison of it's trash boy scout style, and finally handle the green light.. (kinda x2) | DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game | 2024-10-07 | 10 | |
December 2024 |
6118483 | Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 10 | We rummage through a boat, bring Gorkachov to justice, and pay a visit to the House of Mysteries, courtesy of The Dark Knight. | DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game | 2024-12-04 | 9 | |
January 2025 |
6152302 | Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 11 | We let a magician fiddle with our brain, put Hawthorne in the dog house, chat with both Dents and sit down for a "friendly" interview. | DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game | 2025-01-30 | 6 | |