/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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April 2012
18664733When /tg/ met Nested Universe Simulator/tg/ jointly explored the Nested Universe Simulator. Amusement and hilarity gradually gives way to creeping horror.universe, god, philosophical, philosophy, creepy, horror, lovecraftian, sharks, ski masks, black holes, simulator, 2012-04-11 22 
May 2020
4248673Body Horror Quest - 43rd VeinShu preaches to the cult with a sermon in order to tell them to stop behaving like a cult. Anons crank out lots literal essays of write-ins.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 4, Cults, lotsa write-ins, philosophical speechcraft, SMT, choices2020-05-24 10 
December 2020
76279790/tg/ debates the morality of Brave New World and Iain Banks' Culture seriesDo people require the knowledge that nothing more powerful than them exists to be happy?philosophical, post-scarcity, post-singularity, utopia, dystopia, religion, 2020-12-10 1 
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