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January 2025
6157506Tyranid-Girl Quest #3Ninety-Nine makes some friends, fights a tyranid splinter fleet and evolves into her juvenile phase. QM messes up thread count.Collective Game, Quest, Tyranid-Girl Quest, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, AU, Krypt-Chan2025-01-29 7 
6155612Imperium of Man Princess Quest #4The Great Crusade begins, and Pangea adopts her nephews from Rackham.Collective Game, Quest, The Imperium of Man Princess Quest, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, AU, Mawmaw2025-01-29 3 
6151389Maximum Spider Quest #24Cindy uncovers the true nature of Khonshu's gift, patches things up with her grandmother, and receives an audience with the Monster CouncilMax Spider Quest, Action/Adventure, Slice of Life, Marvel Comics, Crime Thriller, Crime Drama, Sci-Fi2025-01-29 2 
6151652The 2nd Primarch Quest 39The Mystery of Yushan is solved, Lieren ensures the survival of two peoples & prepares the first generation of Shangralan space marinesCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2025-01-28 18 
6178649Saiyan Conqueror Quest 233In which Karn prepares for then battles the forces of Zamasu under Meloka Black in a battle for the fate of Marron's people.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2025-01-28 4 
6151986The False-Woman #9: A Warhammer 40k QuestIn flames, you come face to face with a serpent and a raven at the peak of the temple.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2025-01-27 0 
6150759Alterac Resurgent Quest 33The campaign against the gnolls continue. Alric fights an ambush and duels gnoll mage. Eligius makes a huge revealAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2025-01-27 4 
6151559The Isekai Inquisition #6Asher has a flashback to one of his first missions, rescuing a Stranger, while down south Lorina is given a mission of her own.The Isekai Inquisition, StrangeQM, Isekai, designated waifu, anime, Collective Game2025-01-26 5 
6150931RWBY Quest: "Tales of a Sparrow" Part 6You survived! You had a sauna, got high and met a weirdo. And an important meeting, too.Collective Game, RWBY, Missval, Shelly Suzume, RWBY Quest2025-01-26 0 
6152417Commoner QuestA test quest in a fantasy setting with Tyranid Girl systemtest quest, collective game2025-01-25 1 
6147901Life Quest #1Ritz Reinhardt is born and begins his life in Alaska with the Reinhardt family with his grandmother taking care of him.Ritz, Reinhardt, Life, Slice of Life, Drawquest2025-01-24 0 
6178360NEMESIS Quest #1Kyle Mercer wakes up with a dead woman in a hotel room and no memory of who she is. Things only get worse from there.NEMESIS, dark, spooky, creepy, murder, slasher, occult, witch, horror, blood2025-01-23 7 
6165574Slave Gnoll QuestOneshot about a gnoll that worships demons.Slave Gnoll Quest, oneshot, fantasy, gnoll, demons, narrative2025-01-23 0 
6149927Isekai Cheat Harem #2You go to a city, add a cute fox hag to your harem, get money, repel a bandit invasion, and have a mandatory beach episode.NotIseQM, John Doe, Isekai, Herta, Goddess of Artifice, Steampunk, Mecha, Savant, Slavery, Harem, Slave-Wives, War, Bandits, Trade2025-01-23 4 
6152096With Great Power: A Cape Quest #17The Hunt for the Flesh-Smith concludes! In the depths of Chicago, the monster is slain! But with one threat defeated, another emerges!With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2025-01-23 12 
6147523Student Ascension Quest #6Avoided rune knights, ran away from golems, and QM mistakes were madeCollective Game, Student Ascension Quest, student2025-01-22 0 
6179729Cambion Quest: Volume 4Two gobbo sisters suffer a false start and an attack by spider-fey as they seek out an ancient dwarven dungeon to plunder with their party.ReptoidQM, dungeon-crawling, ettercaps, unseelie fey, goblins, orcs, dwarves, demons, LGBT, adventure, romance, stigma, drama, lore2025-01-20 2 
6180072Seven Against Thebes Quest #3Hippomedon of Argos adjusts to fatherhood, as speedy prosecution of the war against Thebes proves to be a cruel mirage...Trojan War Quest, Seven Against Thebes Quest, Deianira Quest, Homer, Lesches, Ancient Greece2025-01-20 2 
6147182Magically Challenged Quest 3Atlas finally leaves the timeloop, and has to deal with the fallout of forgetting a lot about his girlfriend.Quest, Magic School, Magically Challenged.2025-01-19 2 
6170618Do Your Best Quest #191Johnny deals with a bunch of girls with creepy smiles.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2025-01-18 8 
6142153Olympus Incarnation Quest #9Stranded in a hostile plane, Atë tries to find a way homeMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game, Eldritch, Horror2025-01-18 2 
6136025One Knight StandsFormer Knight Infiltrates Troll infested Cave to retrieve the THING!Drawquest, Medieval Fantasy2025-01-16 1 
6130937Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Fatale Albion #2The strife in the Witch's forest continues, the britbong gucas must learn to work together.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, wcae, Fatale Albion, spin-off2025-01-16 1 
6146522Necromancer QuestA Necromancer in a fantasy worldSpookQM, Necromancer, Fantasy2025-01-16 1 
6153226Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #8Fiona gets nonconsentually volunteered for a suicide mission against a rogue world government agent!Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest, Solarpunk, Cleanup, Agent, Mojique, Sci-fi, Dystopian2025-01-14 6 
6145818Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 28After a long hiatus, you finished battling tri-athletes, made it to the Route 4 Roadhouse and beat Fie's dad in a 1v1 battle.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Battle, Hiatus, Short2025-01-14 1 
6140211Warlords of Chaos #4Fifth thread in warlords of ChaosMultiplayer, Turn-Based, Lanu, Rolpelaying, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, Chaos2025-01-13 0 
6159297Drowned Quest Redux 44Charlotte Fawkins is not a good person.drowned, drowned quest, bathic, drowned quest redux, quest, collective game2025-01-13 2 
6139570Swards and Stripes A Bronze Age princess finds herself among a strange townBronze Age, magic, Swards and Stripes, America2025-01-13 1 
6146425Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 8Kuroda Haruka decides to recruit humans for her kingdom. Unfortunately, they're all crazy. Now she has to deal with missing vassals...villainess, collective_game, magical_girl2025-01-12 5 
6170180Saiyan Conqueror Quest 232In which Karn discovers the scale of the looming threat, and begins making preparations to combat this body snatcher.Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, GDQM, Saiyan, Karn, DBZ, /qst/,2025-01-11 3 
6139420Hexpedition: Atlas Improbable II [Skirmish]Short thread 2Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch2025-01-11 0 
6142656Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 15 pt. 2In which Eve, Henri's infiltrator friend, penetrates deep into Ambition movement's headquarters in search of evidence of evildoing.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2025-01-11 1 
6172201Six Sisters Quest! <3Six sisters share a home, and squalor. You are the youngest sister, and you are special. 1 QM starts a quest, abandons; another takes it up.six sisters, adopted quest, sisterhood2025-01-09 1 
6143578Jail Quest thread #9We defeat a serial killer, confront Millie's past, and return to a suspicious autowagon.Jail Quest, Collective Game, Rosa Montagni, Nemo, Craig Snorlison, Brother Valencio, con artist, prison, Gongalla Gaol2025-01-08 5 
6136563Alola Quest #3 Day 2/60 attempt 3Alola Quest threadPokemon, Alola Quest2025-01-07 0 
6132286Broken Empire New Frontier 4David successfully deals with the Margrave and begins to set down the foundation of his nation's noble class.Broken Empire Quest, Broken Empire, Scifi, Sci-fi, sci fi, NewbQM, civquest, civ, civ quest2025-01-04 0 
6147404So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #13A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Anon commits to a heist, recruiting none other than trazyn the infinite. What will anon steal?storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2025-01-04 5 
6128681Swiftarn NRP #2A classicish NRPNRP2025-01-03 0 
6131057The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 4We go on campaign, get a bit involved in crusading politics and delve into the secrets of the pastSettler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty,2025-01-03 2 
6131428Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #32In which Cochrane makes little to no progress in ending the questHFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2025-01-03 5 
6160017Goblin CultivatorA goblin of GoblinSlayer meets an Absolute Heterodox Evil CultivatorToady, goblin, cultivator, XianXia, Wuxia, goblinslayer, low fantasy2025-01-02 0 
December 2024
6138162Cutémon S01E09The Crate Escape!Cutémon, Cutemon, Collective Game2024-12-31 2 
6134923Cleaner Quest #8 You brought a person to the future, your apartment blew up, and Casey is doing Casey things. The threat of the glowniggers looms over you.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Benjamin is a dumbass, QM got the coof while writing2024-12-31 7 
6133183Valen Quest 87A sincere conversation with Asche. Thread cut short.RizQM, Valen Quest, Collective Game2024-12-31 0 
6152987The Siege: A Crusader Horror StoryA medieval horror story in the cradle of civilization reaches breaking point. crusader2024-12-30 1 
6137389Dark Quest #2: Shady DealingsAnton and the gang delve into Crossroads' seedy underbelly with the goal of making FAT STACKZ! But what lurks in the shadows of the city?Dark Quest, DemBones, Anton Peas, Drawquest, Collective Game2024-12-28 7 
6130126One Life #4Johan goes to the gym and delivers a package.Johan, Mimi the Mime, Noir Detectives, Mike, Gymbro, Hospital, Fugue Amnesia, Etheric Color Dynamics, The QM Without A Name2024-12-28 2 
6129367The Fall of Hyrule: Halloween SpecialImpa Ventures into TwilightFall of Hyrule, Legend of Zelda2024-12-27 3 
6165384Claymore: Second Swords Quest #90Clean Sweep.Claymore, Collective Game, AU2024-12-27 3 
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