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May 2024
5981619RWBY Quest: "Tales of a Sparrow" Part 1Shelly Suzume, a Huntress from Haven Academy, starts her journey after getting out of her early retirement.Collective Game, RWBY, Missval, Shelly Suzume, RWBY Quest2024-05-25 2 
July 2024
6016690RWBY Quest: "Tales of a Sparrow" Part 2You discovered more about your past, being officialy branded 'dead' by Haven Academy, even when you're alive.Collective Game, RWBY, Missval, Shelly Suzume, RWBY Quest2024-07-01 1 
August 2024
6049681RWBY Quest: "Tales of a Sparrow" Part 3Your investigation was at a nearly dead end, so you turned to look for help in unlikely places Collective Game, RWBY, Missval, Shelly Suzume, RWBY Quest2024-08-18 2 
October 2024
6083581RWBY Quest: "Tales of a Sparrow" Part 4Finally you joind a new faction. And also, discovered a conspiracy.Collective Game, RWBY, Missval, Shelly Suzume, RWBY Quest2024-10-02 0 
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