Thread | Title | Description | Tags | Added | Score |
July 2011 |
15735503 | Medieval Engineering | Engineering student joins his TA's RPG. /tg/ listens as he goes back to 1231 Europe, learns of John Prester's Land, and revels in a smart, story-based world in which the PCs invent their way to glory. But can OP & pals prep for the Mongol invasions? | MedievalHistory storytime awesomeroleplayers | 2011-07-29 | 25 | |
15757474 | Medieval Engineering II | OP and his buddies continue to prepare for the mongol invasion in medieval Poland. Confessional seal is broken, the guns/butter problem rears its head, and the science of screws gets explained. | MedievalHistory MedievalEngineering storytime awesomeroleplaying | 2011-07-30 | 22 | |
September 2011 |
16458695 | Starship Troopers: Medieval edition | OP tells of his setting idea and ideas start getting thrown around. | grimdark, Starship Troopers, medieval, weapons, bug, bugs, settings | 2011-09-29 | 6 | |
September 2012 |
20544279 | Medieval X-COM - part 1 | Muscle trio of three barbarian assassins wrestle their way to the ruined castle where they kill the king. | Collective Game, Medieval X-COM, X-COM, guard, | 2012-09-01 | 10 | |
20567326 | Medieval X-COM - part 2 | Avant-Garde is formed, giant crabs are fought | Collective Game, Medieval X-COM, X-COM, guard, | 2012-09-03 | 7 | |
20595385 | Medieval X-COM - part 3 | troll bridge is conquered, Gaspard is saved | Collective Game, Medieval X-COM, X-COM, guard, | 2012-09-04 | 6 | |
20620932 | Medieval Game Room | OP shows us an awesome medieval style room for playing roleplaying, board games & wargaming. | medieval room, tavern, roleplaying, rpg, wargaming, board game | 2012-09-06 | 6 | |
20721927 | Medieval X-COM - part 4 | hugs are given and cultists are killed | Collective Game, Medieval X-COM, X-COM, guard, | 2012-09-14 | 6 | |
20745596 | Medieval X-COM - part 5 | merchants are saved, guards are killed | Collective Game, Medieval X-COM, X-COM, guard, | 2012-09-16 | 10 | |
April 2014 |
31370688 | Medievalmon Quest part 1 | Ceil Millener discovers he has some latent potential, befriends a monster, then goes shopping. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-04-10 | 12 | |
31586832 | Medievalmon Quest part 3 | Ceil fights some pirates, beats up their captain, almost dies, then hugs a girl | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-04-20 | 10 | |
31667910 | Medievalmon Quest part 4 | Ceil arrives in Anistar, meets a psychic, chases a thief, and gets paid for a bounty. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-04-24 | 9 | |
May 2014 |
31829605 | Medievalmon Quest part 5 | Ceil orders his armor, visits a mine, finds a rock, meets a lady, and things go wrong. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-05-01 | 8 | |
32128021 | Medievalmon Quest part 6 | Ceil buys a gift, looks at some dresses, meets an enemy, makes a friend, and shares a moment. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-05-15 | 8 | |
32268726 | Medievalmon Quest part 7 | Ceil has some good luck, beats some monsters, then gets in some training. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-05-22 | 8 | |
32423846 | Medievalmon Quest part 8 | Ceil rides in the woods, talks to a stump, meets an odd family, and has a restless sleep. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-05-29 | 7 | |
June 2014 |
32718543 | Medievalmon Quest part 9 | Ceil arrives in the capital, finds a strange shop, discusses events, and practices with aura. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-06-12 | 8 | |
33026862 | Medievalmon Quest part 10 | Ciel arrives in Camphrier town, defends it and meets Lady Shabboneau's brother | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-06-27 | 6 | |
July 2014 |
33150948 | Medievalmon Quest part 11 | Ciel heads back home, gains a new sword, rolls a bunch of Nat 20s and Lisa finds a Shiny! | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-07-03 | 6 | |
August 2014 |
34509629 | Medieval Pokemon Quest | A gypsy boy sets off with his trusty Turtwig, Teddy. They catch a Clauncher then become a cabin boy. Barry shares a cabin with the rich kid of a mechant, Jesse. They catch a Croagunk and Bagon, then go to a botanical garden. | Medieval Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Prof. Sequoia, Collective Games | 2014-08-31 | 3 | |
September 2014 |
34534124 | Medieval Pokemon Quest 2 | We fight off a pirate, then learn something new about Jesse. We go on a shopping spree and meet Jesse's parents | Medieval Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Prof. Sequoia | 2014-09-01 | 4 | |
34555637 | Medieval Pokemon Quest 3 | Barry joins a trading ship convoy on it's way to Hoenn. Jessie teaches him to read, and loose access to Jessie's room. You and Jessie have some fun in the sun, before falling asleep on the beach. A thief steals your gold, but is caught and given a job on the ship. You go on a short trip, ending with the acquisition of new pokemon. You regain access to Jessie's room and go shopping for books. We also get a view of this through Mr. Korda's eyes | Medieval Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Prof. Sequoia, Collective Game | 2014-09-02 | 6 | |
34674059 | Medieval Pokemon Quest 4 | We survive a storm and pick up some people who are lost at sea. Returning them to their home proves difficult, what with the pirates and all. | Medieval Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Prof. Sequoia, Collective Game | 2014-09-07 | 3 | |
34835927 | Medieval Pokemon Quest 5 | We listen to a speech, then go to Kalos. Turns out Barry is great at flying | Medieval Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Prof. Sequoia, Collective Game | 2014-09-14 | 2 | |
34999211 | Medieval Pokemon Quest 6 | Our first ship battle takes place, and ends with us boarding the pirate ship. The Runic Bracer proves it's worth in the battle, and we get some loot. The loot is then split up throughout the crew. We also learn that Barry has shitty when gambling, then arrive at Bluerock City. A tearful reunion leads to Barry getting a gift. He then goes shopping for a while. | Medieval Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Prof. Sequoia, Collective Game | 2014-09-21 | 3 | |
35150719 | Medieval Pokemon Quest 7 | Off to a slow start, Barry leaves on the pilgrimage. In a tavern, he learns some very useful abilities. Joining up with a merchant caravan, and help fight off some bandits. | Medieval Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Prof. Sequoia, Collective Game | 2014-09-28 | 3 | |
October 2014 |
35303635 | Medieval Pokemon Quest 8 | We reach the temple and have a very strange dream. A timeskip takes place, shooting us forward five years. The kingdom has been overrun and it's us to storm a castle. Inside the keep, an invader is captured. We question the girl. | Medieval Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Prof. Sequoia, Collective Game | 2014-10-05 | 3 | |
35454870 | Medieval Pokemon Quest 9 | We talk with Nara, and learn about a shiny Zebstrika. To get the pokemon back from a lying knight, you duel the man. After the duel, Barry is sent to relieve a castle and conquer a Rytterean controlled town. | Medieval Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Prof. Sequoia, Collective Game | 2014-10-12 | 3 | |
35593483 | Medievalmon Quest part 12 | Ceil arrives in the forest, sees a woman, gets attacked, and has lots and lots of questions. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-10-18 | 5 | |
35609161 | Medieval Pokemon Quest 10 | A battle in the castle, then we burn down the bridge. Our general isn't gonna be happy | Medieval Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Prof. Sequoia, Collective Game | 2014-10-19 | 2 | |
35713451 | Medievalmon Quest part 13 | Ceil wakes up next to someone, bids farewell, has a fall, and meets a new ally. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-10-24 | 5 | |
35751323 | Medieval Pokemon Quest 11 | We head south and meet the local noble. After dining with her, we head to a psychic. News of the metal man is confirmed, and expanded on. As we leave for the capital, something unfortunate happens. | Medieval Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Prof. Sequoia, Collective Game | 2014-10-26 | 2 | |
35819873 | Medievalmon Quest part 14 | Ceil learns about dragons, wanders through tunnels, escapes certain death, and has a talk. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-10-29 | 8 | |
November 2014 |
35894527 | Medieval Pokemon Quest 12 | A battle in the desert leads to you hiring Steelheart, the Steel mage. Heading back to the port town, you visit the local mercenaries. | Medieval Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Prof. Sequoia, Collective Game | 2014-11-02 | 1 | |
36024495 | Medievalmon Quest part 15 | Ceil meets two strangers, hears some news, makes a purchase, sees some stuff, then falls asleep. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-11-08 | 2 | |
36148304 | Medievalmon Quest part 16 | Ceil makes it back home, visits Lisa's parents, gathers intel, makes plans, and gets equipped. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-11-14 | 2 | |
36254245 | Medievalmon Quest part 17 | Ceil practices teamwork, practices bladework, makes a plan, makes a purchase, and talks a lot. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-11-19 | 2 | |
36417671 | Medievalmon Quest part 18 | Ceil gets lunch, plays with some pets, gets armor, and has a conversation. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-11-27 | 2 | |
December 2014 |
36533297 | Medievalmon Quest part 19 | Confessions, plans, and weird dreams. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-12-03 | 2 | |
36669783 | Medievalmon Quest part 20 | Ceil talks about dreams, finishes preparing, starts a mission, and things go right. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-12-10 | 3 | |
36805753 | Medievalmon Quest part 21 | Ceil fights a sea serpent, witnesses a change, loses a fight, wins a battle, and lies in bed. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-12-17 | 5 | |
37073958 | Medievalmon Quest part 22 | Ceil gets a surprise when he wakes up, spends the day with Lisa, and tries to figure things out. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2014-12-31 | 3 | |
January 2015 |
37209500 | Medievalmon Quest part 23 | Ceil fixes his dream problem. Finally! | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2015-01-07 | 5 | |
37401608 | Medievalmon Quest part 24 | Ceil gets a war report, makes plans, runs into trouble, and takes his time. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2015-01-16 | 2 | |
37514271 | Medievalmon Quest part 25 | Ceil starts his journey, fights off an attack, holds hands, and takes a walk in the woods. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2015-01-21 | 2 | |
37710371 | Medievalmon Quest part 26 | Ceil walks through a swamp, arrives in a village, meets new people, panics, and finds something strange | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2015-01-30 | 2 | |
February 2015 |
37979367 | Medievalmon Quest part 27 | Ceil wins a battle, listens to a story, makes a friend, goes back to town, makes a decision, then experiences something unbelievable. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2015-02-11 | 2 | |
38180737 | Medievalmon Quest part 28 | Ceil doesn't know how to react, gets lost, gets found, then goes to sleep. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2015-02-20 | 2 | |
38298557 | Medievalmon Quest part 29 | Ceil gets out of bed, helps with laundry, eats breakfast, learns about ghosts, and plays hide and seek. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2015-02-25 | 3 | |
March 2015 |
38499108 | Medievalmon Quest part 30 | Ceil talks about arrows, has a nice lunch, chats about psychics, then practices aura. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2015-03-06 | 5 | |
38774649 | Medievalmon Quest part 31 | Ceil goes for a walk, finds a house, sets off on his trip again, climbs a mountain, then things go badly. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2015-03-18 | 4 | |
38956753 | Medievalmon Quest part 32 | Ciel reaches the top of the montain, good things happen as well as more dangerous ones | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2015-03-27 | 2 | |
April 2015 |
39096074 | Medievalmon Quest part 33 | Ceil does some research, gets a lead, gives encouragement, and things take off. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2015-04-03 | 3 | |
39349484 | Medievalmon Quest part 34 | Ceil fulfills a promise, gains new allies, meets old friends, and rides to battle. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2015-04-15 | 4 | |
39492736 | Medievalmon Quest part 35 (Finale) | Ceil charges into battle, fights for his life, wraps things up, and finally heads home. | Collective Game, Medievalmon Quest, Pokemon, quest | 2015-04-22 | 3 | |
March 2016 |
46270987 | MedievalQuest: The Beginnings | We meet our protagonist, Domenico Particino, as he starts his journey to make his family's business great again | MedievalQuest, Collective Game, Happy Merchant | 2016-03-27 | 6 | |
46288760 | MedievalQuest #2 | Chapter 2: The one where we spend some money, and meet a German. | Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant | 2016-03-28 | 2 | |
46329502 | MedievalQuest #3 | Domenico finds himself a new shipment, and bumps into an old acquaintance. | Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant | 2016-03-30 | 5 | |
46350270 | MedievalQuest #4 | Domenico hatches a plot to overthrow a patrician family, with an unexpected ally.. | Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant | 2016-03-30 | 5 | |
April 2016 |
46393070 | MedievalQuest #5 | Domenico buys himself another outfit, and goes to a dinner with Lady Francesca. | Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant | 2016-04-02 | 3 | |
46413519 | MedievalQuest #6 | Domenico finally faces Otto again. We spend the day with Francesca! | Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant | 2016-04-03 | 4 | |
46456865 | MedievalQuest #7 | Poison! Poison! This entire chapter is spent from a doctor's bed. | Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant | 2016-04-05 | 8 | |
46521332 | MedievalQuest #8 | We deal with a traitor. That's pretty much it for this thread. | Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant | 2016-04-08 | 2 | |
46630441 | MedievalQuest #9 | We get a bit more friendly with our father-in-law, and get married! | Collective Game, MedievalQuest, Happy Merchant | 2016-04-12 | 4 | |
11046 | Synth Souls | Set in synth-medieval faux-Miami you create a character from classes and control its actions | pixelart, rpg, multiple characters, 80s, medieval | 2016-04-29 | 4 | |
June 2016 |
225068 | Adventure Civ medieval #1 | The four tribes have advanced to the medieval ages! | Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game | 2016-06-15 | 1 | |
269671 | Adventure Civ medieval #3 | The autism and memes continues. Opee gets hit with a plague and then infects it with everyone | Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game | 2016-06-29 | 1 | |
July 2016 |
306328 | Adventure Civ medieval #4 | Things happen and Treetards go full retard | Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game | 2016-07-04 | 1 | |
372476 | Medieval Pokemon Quest | The adventures of the young noble Lye and her friends begins. | Collective Game, Pokemon, Medieval Pokemon Quest | 2016-07-20 | 1 | |
373162 | Adventure Civ medieval #5 | Giants n shieet | Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game | 2016-07-24 | 1 | |
397054 | Adventure Civ medieval #6 | The end of the copper engineers and tree rebels. RNG must hate them | Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game | 2016-07-31 | 1 | |
August 2016 |
431693 | Adventure Civ medieval #7 | The finale of the medieval era for the civs.
Engineers are still cowards | Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game | 2016-08-05 | 2 | |
508197 | Not so Glorious Quest | The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The comfy chapter. | drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious | 2016-08-30 | 10 | |
September 2016 |
523061 | Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 2 | The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Spiritual chapter. | drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake | 2016-09-04 | 3 | |
529049 | Medieval Mercenary Quest | You are Griffith of the Golden Lion, a mercenary band leader in the war-torn medieval land of Kivan. | Medieval Mercenary Quest, Quest, Low Fantasy, Medieval Fantasy, Dark Fantasy | 2016-09-09 | 1 | |
544516 | Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 3 | The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Ghost chapter. | drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake | 2016-09-11 | 2 | |
579107 | Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 4 | The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Boat chapter. | drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake | 2016-09-19 | 5 | |
614997 | Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 5 | The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Beauty chapter. | drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake | 2016-09-26 | 3 | |
October 2016 |
643012 | Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 6 | The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The School chapter. | drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake | 2016-10-02 | 5 | |
673851 | Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 7 | Usually the dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Special Emily chapter. | drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake | 2016-10-10 | 3 | |
704861 | Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 8 | The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Adoption chapter. | drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake, stands | 2016-10-17 | 3 | |
737549 | Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 9 | The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Cat chapter. | drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake, stands | 2016-10-24 | 2 | |
766378 | Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 10 | The dumb adventures of Ilin, a girl who wants to be glorious and fit. The Shimilia duel chapter. | drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake, stands | 2016-10-31 | 2 | |
November 2016 |
794487 | Krieg | Bryce Edgar a local shepherd is interrupted by an elephant, they go on a journey to a HUGE tower cuz that's the elephant's home! | Krieg, Messer, Medieval | 2016-11-09 | 3 | |
792079 | Not so Glorious Quest: Chapter 11 | The Final Chapter of the Adventures of our Super SWOLE Heroine: Ilin! Time to become Glorious! | drawquest, fun, cute, fitness, swole, Ilin, fantasy, medieval, dumb, glorious, Collective Game, cake, stands | 2016-11-09 | 7 | |
842771 | Low-Fantasy Warlord Quest 1 | Our (anti-)hero carefully considers his first steps into the world of killing and pillaging. | warlord, low fantasy, durwin, outlaws, medieval | 2016-11-19 | 5 | |
859045 | Low-Fantasy Warlord Quest # 2 | You are Sir Durwin, Bandit Chief of the south-lands of Entor. ready to do intelligent banditry and get your dick wet. | ignoble king, low fantasy, medieval, banditry, smut, | 2016-11-27 | 4 | |
873645 | Low-Fantasy Warlord Quest # 3 | You are Sir Durwin, Bandit Chief of the south-lands of Entor. time to figure out what to do with all that loot. | ignoble king, low fantasy, medieval, banditry, | 2016-11-27 | 4 | |
December 2016 |
876051 | Medieval Pokemon Quest | Donn tries to deliver some goods for his mother and gets involved in a pokemon smuggling ring. | Collective Game, Pokemon, Medieval Pokemon Quest, Scholar Spruce | 2016-12-05 | 1 | |
906537 | Medieval Pokemon Quest #2 | Donn and his friends continue their journey, running into new faces, and finding the rebels. | Collective Game, Pokemon, Medieval Pokemon Quest, Scholar Spruce | 2016-12-17 | 1 | |
952912 | Medieval Pokemon Quest #3 | Donn Yen and his friends find the rebels and make a new friend. Also, Donn is bad at cages. | Collective Game, Pokemon, Medieval Pokemon Quest, Scholar Spruce | 2016-12-28 | 1 | |
January 2017 |
980134 | Medieval Pokemon Quest #4 | Donn and his friends begin on the path to investigate the rebels. Also, more Pokémon are obtained. | Collective Game, Pokemon, Medieval Pokemon Quest, Scholar Spruce | 2017-01-06 | 1 | |
1014872 | Medieval Pokemon Quest #5 | Donn and friends make it to the province ruled by House Hydros and discover a mystery in a small town. | Collective Game, Pokemon, Medieval Pokemon Quest, Scholar Spruce | 2017-01-14 | 1 | |
April 2017 |
1360505 | Medieval Pokemon Quest #6 | Donn and friends fight the lord and start searching a castle. | Collective Game, Pokemon, Medieval Pokemon Quest, Scholar Spruce | 2017-04-24 | 1 | |
May 2017 |
1433461 | Medieval Pokemon Quest #7 | Donn explores a castle with his friends and discovers some interesting stuff | Collective Game, Pokemon, Medieval Pokemon Quest, Scholar Spruce | 2017-05-20 | 1 | |
June 2017 |
1502838 | Two Kingdoms Quest 1 | Is story-driven quest that could be described as a "Medieval Cold War" scenario. | Medieval, Ruler, Diplomacy, Espionage | 2017-06-01 | 1 | |
1523373 | Two Kingdoms Quest 2 | After dealing with Svert we learn that we ran into Darius' trap. | Medieval, Ruler, Diplomacy, Espionage | 2017-06-06 | 1 | |
1517401 | Medieval Pokemon Quest #8 | Donn and friends enjoy a celebration | Collective Game, Pokemon, Medieval Pokemon Quest, Scholar Spruce | 2017-06-14 | 1 | |
July 2017 |
1629925 | Medieval Fantasy Conquest 1 | A quest combining medieval fantasy literature with turn based strategy games. | Medieval Fantasy Conquest, Andalf, Medieval, Fantasy, Conquest, Strategy, War, Collective Game | 2017-07-08 | 1 | |
December 2017 |
2109440 | War of the Roses #1 | Duke Will Seymour of Somerset makes plans and conducts war on his enemies. Who will claim the crown of England? | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2017-12-09 | 7 | |
2140770 | War of the Roses #2 | The fight for Bridgwater begins, Duke Seymour has to pull on stops to defend his fief. | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2017-12-17 | 4 | |
2145189 | Stray Demon Quest #1 | A demoness escapes from hell, seduces a man, corrupts a farm house, acquires two more party members, and kills a man for his home. | Stray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game | 2017-12-28 | 5 | |
January 2018 |
2182202 | War of the Roses #3 | Plans are laid for the invasion of Devonshire, and plans are made with your wife. | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2018-01-05 | 3 | |
2182493 | Stray Demon Quest #2 | The demoness gets a job, meets a vampire, acquires a bodyguard, gets back her foothold in hell, and discovers the secret of the stolen house | Stray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game | 2018-01-11 | 5 | |
2221499 | War of the Roses #4 | Harold declares himself rightful king, Devonshire is attacked, plans for the war continue | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2018-01-22 | 3 | |
2236411 | Stray Demon Quest #3 | The demoness loses her job, does some punishment, leads astray few humans for their souls, gets raped, and starts house renovation. | Stray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game | 2018-01-29 | 4 | |
February 2018 |
2257833 | War of the Roses #5 | Meeting with your family and preparations to receive Duke Harold for Christmas, as well as the siege of Plymouth | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2018-02-03 | 1 | |
2274034 | Stray Demon Quest #4 | The demoness fights pirates, turns women into fly, upgrades her domain in hell, corrupts her friends, throws a party and acquires followers | Stray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game | 2018-02-12 | 6 | |
2312979 | War of the Roses #6 | A relaxing Christmas with the family full of drama and intrigue. | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2018-02-23 | 1 | |
March 2018 |
2351933 | War of the Roses #7 | Final preparations to begin the Middlesex Campaign and trouble in Bristol. | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2018-03-02 | 2 | |
2335553 | Stray Demon Quest #5 | The demoness pays a visit to nobility, meets another demoness, seduces ton of people (and kills them) and temporarily acquires a dullah. | Stray Demon Quest, Dark Whispers, fantasy, medieval, demons, corruption, Collective Game | 2018-03-08 | 1 | |
August 2018 |
2773632 | Dark Queen Quest | you are Freya Godsbloods, the princess of the kingdom of Ordamark, And you find yourself married against your will to the dark lord Lazarus. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess,Medieval, Fantasy, Amex, | 2018-08-11 | 28 | |
61460915 | /tg/ makes a hexmap - Mundane Edition | Once again they attempt to create another world in a team effort with a hexmap, except this time there's no more ridiculous science-fantasy | hexmap, worldbuilding, lore, fluff, medieval fantasy, fantasy | 2018-08-21 | 1 | |
2799006 | Dark Queen Quest 2 | In which we burn a maid, meet stupid heroes, free slaves, acquire an orc servant, and have prophetic dreams. a normal day for a dark queen. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2018-08-23 | 21 | |
61576895 | /tg/ makes a hexmap - Mundane Edition Continuation | In which they carry on, adding several new things. | hexmap, worldbuilding, lore, fluff, medieval fantasy, fantasy | 2018-08-24 | 1 | |
September 2018 |
2831289 | Dark Queen Quest 3 | Where we enter a magical place, talk to a deer, recruit a zealot kid, find ourselves in a bloody hunt, and learn about our husband's past. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2018-09-03 | 12 | |
2881194 | Dark Queen Quest 4 | In which we act as Cupid for a boy and a dark elf, meet a circus, kill zombies, take a bath, meet the black moon and are crowned Empress. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2018-09-12 | 12 | |
2858575 | Dark Queen Quest 4 (real) | In which we act as Cupid for a boy and a dark elf, meet a circus, kill zombies, take a bath, meet the black moon and are crowned Empress. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2018-09-12 | 12 | |
October 2018 |
2915320 | Dark Queen Quest 6 | We burn another person, make one of our friend ruler of Asoevia, then celebrate the new year. We also meet a strange man from the east. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2018-10-04 | 12 | |
2943066 | Dark Queen Quest 7 | We meet our husband "ex-lovers", tame an ancient beast (?) and beat up an arrogant elf. We also learn about a prophecy. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2018-10-16 | 11 | |
62530908 | Scripts and Snails | This thread involved sharing humorous medieval manuscript margin drawings and then making them into world design. | World Design, Fluff, Medieval, Manuscript, Snail, Snails, Rabbits, Knights, | 2018-10-18 | 9 | |
2980253 | Sworn to Valour Quest | A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Ser Gabriel Rousseau, Kingsman of Aubres, sets out on Errantry to prove himself as the world's greatest knight | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed | 2018-10-21 | 44 | |
2974460 | Dark Queen Quest 8 | You take a boat to Lynn, the capital of Hagëndorff's Empire, made a promise to the deer god. and finally reach the great city. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2018-10-26 | 12 | |
November 2018 |
3018178 | Sworn to Valour Quest #2 | His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Emile Andrei of Romaine aids his father in battle and travels west to hunt the Creeping Horror of Grenmire. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Monster | 2018-11-05 | 26 | |
3001004 | Dark Queen Quest 8 part 2 | After meeting the Great Emperor, Irene, Ruriska and Shelur won a gladiator fight, we recruited Aleanor the Valkyrie, then we went shopping ! | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2018-11-05 | 11 | |
3033954 | Dark Queen Quest 9 | We face the trials to unlock our potential, then learn the true identity of the deer god. Then we start our journey to the Old Forest. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2018-11-21 | 11 | |
3049678 | Sworn to Valour Quest #3 | His Blade Defends the Helpless. On his way to the Capital Sir Andrei apprehends a murderous false knight, political consequences be damned. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Crime | 2018-11-26 | 24 | |
December 2018 |
3060873 | Dark Queen Quest 10 | We meet Queen Titania, who's quite the liberated woman, Dillon play the champion of a goddess and get an harem, then we catch assassins. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2018-12-07 | 11 | |
3104041 | Squire Quest | Small scale quest following a minor conflict on the fringes of civilization while a squire tries to improve his position. | Medieval, Squire Quest, RPG, EABAnywhere | 2018-12-19 | 1 | |
3096455 | Dark Queen Quest 10 part 2 | We deal with the assassins, meet the goddess Luna, spank Titania, and pull a little prank on Lazarus. We go back home and talk to Metraton. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2018-12-22 | 11 | |
3104780 | Medieval Lord Quest p0 | After saving the king's life you, a lowly soldier, are granted lordship over a small fief. | medieval lord quest, Advisor | 2018-12-30 | 2 | |
January 2019 |
3129672 | Dark Queen Quest 11 | Our husband is back, we rule our empire, and declare our interest in other women, as our birthday and the threat of a rebellion, draw near. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-01-05 | 12 | |
3140876 | Sworn to Valour Quest #4 | His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei skirts the political fallout of the trial of the murderous knight and ensures that justice is done. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Justice | 2019-01-05 | 26 | |
3154986 | Dark Queen Quest 12 | We celebrate our birthday, get awesome presents, become the pillow fighting champion, before working on a baby with our dork of a husband. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-01-15 | 11 | |
3173679 | Sworn to Valour Quest #5 | His Word Speaks Only Truth. Sir Andrei witnesses the execution of the false knight and battles against foul beastmen on the King's Highway. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Shekels | 2019-01-20 | 25 | |
3184496 | Dark Queen Quest 13 | You have a party in town, meet Dillon chilhood friends, a mercenary grope you in a bar, and you make a huge mistake with an ogre. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-01-28 | 11 | |
February 2019 |
3212812 | Dark Queen Quest 14 | We celebrate Silviana 18th birhtday, and make love to her for the first time, and negociate with the wood elves and dark elves respectively. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-02-04 | 12 | |
3221640 | Sworn to Valour Quest #6 | His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei brings grim tidings to House Rousseau and the caravan finally arrives at the great Capital, Aubrey. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Homecoming | 2019-02-10 | 24 | |
3240273 | Dark Queen Quest 15 | We deal with scientific, magical and religious matters, learn with Luna, and have a barbecue party with Shelur and the maids of the palace. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-02-17 | 11 | |
3258739 | Sworn to Valour Quest #7 | His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei and his companions celebrate, sparking a tryst with the foreign Wastelander woman. The Vigil awaits. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Knight is Sworn to Child Support | 2019-02-18 | 23 | |
3271518 | Dark Queen Quest 15 part 2 | We take a bath with the maids, learn Feral Form, celebrate the Day of the Drack Empire, and the traitors finally reveal themselves. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-02-27 | 11 | |
March 2019 |
3302498 | Dark Queen Quest 16 | We fight an angel until Metraton save us, we punish the traitors, and Ellisa burns her father, then we go back to ruling our empire. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-03-09 | 11 | |
3333941 | Sworn to Valour Quest #8 | A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Sir Emile Andrei stands the Vigil and agrees to protect pilgrims on the way to the next holy site in Fallavon. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, | 2019-03-21 | 22 | |
3340617 | Dark Queen Quest 17 | We have a little argument with our husband, meet the Tharque ambassador and his legionaries, and are being called a furry by an angry girl. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-03-23 | 11 | |
April 2019 |
3372045 | Dark Queen Quest 18 | We build our empire and train, lick Titania's ears, then we catch Shelur, who seduced ALL the maids of the palace, before flirting with her | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-04-03 | 12 | |
3406300 | Dark Queen Quest 19 | Lazarus go on a little journey, We go out with Gweyr, learn about her past, and spend a whole day riding on the back of our Giant wolf Sif. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-04-14 | 12 | |
3406624 | Levy Quest | The story of a humble peasant levy begins | Medieval, Battle, Levy Quest | 2019-04-16 | 7 | |
3439658 | Dark Queen Quest 20 | We rule our empire, learn the localisation of Wells of Magic, welcome our parents, plan the End-Year and face an assassination attempt. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-04-28 | 11 | |
3438306 | Levy Quest #2 | The levy becomes a slave. | Medieval, Battle, Levy Quest | 2019-04-28 | 3 | |
May 2019 |
3466746 | Levy Quest #3 | The slave becomes a gladiator, the gladiator becomes a farmer again | Medieval, Battle, Levy Quest | 2019-05-03 | 5 | |
3471644 | Dark Queen Quest 21 | We meet the Goddess Gefian and conviced her to return. You then visited a wood elf village and get to know Dillon's childhood friends. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-05-12 | 11 | |
66202771 | Radon and Raiders (working title) | A follow up on the apocalyptic cavalry thread, where anons continue to fluff out a medieval radioactive England and the things living in it | Setting, world building, post-apocalypse, medieval | 2019-05-15 | 61 | |
66255181 | Radon and Raiders 2 | Creating of a radioactive feudal Britain from the 50s continues, now with more mutants! | Setting, post-apocalypse, medieval, world building | 2019-05-18 | 40 | |
66288903 | Radon and Raiders the Third | Anons continue to develop the medieval radioactive isles, as wars are fought and maps are made | Post apocalypse, setting, world building, medieval | 2019-05-19 | 40 | |
66321936 | Radon and Raiders IV | Anons continue to build a radioactive medieval Britain, now featuring more raiders and SAS fighting wizards in radioactive hellholes | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building | 2019-05-23 | 37 | |
66379684 | Radon and Raiders V | Anons continue work on medieval irradiated Britain, as a religious schism occurs and lighthouse duty is a death sentence | Medieval, post apocalyptic, setting, world building | 2019-05-27 | 34 | |
66435735 | Radon and Raiders VI | Anons continue to work on medieval irradiated Britain. | Setting, world building, Medieval, post apocalyptic, setting, world building | 2019-05-28 | 32 | |
3506611 | Dark Queen Quest 22 | We work on the relationship between the elves, welcome our guests for the End-Year Celebration and witness the birth of our little brother. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-05-29 | 11 | |
66458350 | Radon and Raiders VII | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as railway guns are worshipped and the Welsh fight a war for the rails | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building | 2019-05-31 | 32 | |
June 2019 |
66521629 | Radon and Raiders VIII | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as rad-wizards are cloaked, giants roam, and Ireland is paranoid. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-06-07 | 31 | |
66636388 | Raiders and Radon IX | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As prompts are made and Turingists are examined. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-06-13 | 31 | |
3544910 | Dark Queen Quest 23 | Lazarus is finally back but only with the remains of Orelliel, your guests for the End-Year Celebration are here, and the party begins. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-06-18 | 11 | |
66739109 | Raiders and Radon X | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as Numbers Stations broadcast in the Zone. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-06-19 | 31 | |
3559231 | Sworn to Valour Quest #9 | His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Andrei escorts the pilgrims through the glades of Fallavon. A fell creature stalks them in the night. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Black Company Quest | 2019-06-22 | 23 | |
66842550 | Raiders and Radon XI | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As the Scotland zone warps itself and the London Swamp dragon hides in the sewer. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-06-25 | 31 | |
66946028 | Raiders and Radon XII | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As the Red Army marches eternally and Turing Radicals manipulate their flesh. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-06-30 | 30 | |
July 2019 |
3588472 | Dark Queen Quest 2 part 2 | We discuss with our guests, make some deals and plan our next projects for next year. We also reveal our pregnancy to everyone. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-07-02 | 12 | |
3599087 | Sworn to Valour Quest #10 | His Blade Defends the Helpless. Having safely escorted the pilgrims to Motte-Fallavon, Sir Andrei goes to attend a small tournament nearby. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, | 2019-07-04 | 24 | |
67033338 | Raiders and Radon XIII | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As the Fomorian leader Balor was once a cosmonaut whose helmet holds back his gaze. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-07-06 | 31 | |
67088011 | /tg/ talks dragons | /tg/ talks about dragons, artistic representations of dragons, heroic and villainous coding, female kings, and what dragons represent. | dragons, medieval, saber, king emotionlessly watching a dragon fuck his woman from the closet | 2019-07-06 | 0 | |
3621285 | Runaway Prince Quest #1 | Prince Liliwin makes a daring escape. Along the way, he meets a morbid joke cracking ghost, and brings the court mage along for the ride. | Uri, Runaway Prince, Quest, Fantasy, Medieval, Spirits, Collective Game | 2019-07-10 | 2 | |
67124296 | Radon and Raiders XIV | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As the conflicts within Ireland are hammered out more clearly. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-07-11 | 31 | |
67205326 | Radon and Raiders XV | Work on radioactive medieval England continues, as Cornwall gets some attention and the Loch Ness Monster lurks about | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, radon and raiders | 2019-07-14 | 31 | |
3634637 | Dark Queen Quest 24 | Short thread, where Metraton make us choose something that could change the future. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-07-16 | 11 | |
67247308 | Radon and Raiders XVI | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as battle lines are drawn and we see the difference between Touched and Turned. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-07-19 | 30 | |
3648621 | Sworn to Valour Quest #11 | His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei forms rivalries and friendships alike at the tournament. Meanwhile, plots thicken on the sidelines. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Why did you have to Crit | 2019-07-23 | 23 | |
67345810 | Radon and Raiders XVII | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as the central kingdoms have politics and Cheyenne is mysterious. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-07-26 | 30 | |
August 2019 |
67477623 | Radon and Raiders XVIII | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, As some small history is made and recapped, and weapons stats are started. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-08-01 | 32 | |
3675896 | Dark Queen Quest 25 | We start the negotiations with Hagëndorff, Parsifal and Titania for an alliance between the four kingdoms, but things did not go as planned. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-08-02 | 11 | |
3704809 | Runaway Prince Quest #2 | A prince dons the identity of a mercenary, leaves the crown city for the desert, and meets a strange man and his bird... | Runaway Prince Quest, Fantasy, Medieval, Comfy | 2019-08-06 | 2 | |
67577808 | Raiders and Radon XIX | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as more stats are listed, maps are finished, and Nessie and Champ could meet. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-08-07 | 32 | |
3725756 | Sworn to Valour Quest #12 | His Word Speaks Only Truth. Having resolved to find his brother, Sir Andrei first makes preparations and stands the Vigil at Motte-Fallavon. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Spooky Visions | 2019-08-14 | 22 | |
67709083 | Radon and Raiders XX | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as some maps are finalized, mapmakers wander, and a Balor statue is made. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-08-15 | 30 | |
3724463 | Dark Queen Quest 26 | After talking with the gods we have a private party with our friends before starting the Royal Council meeting. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-08-18 | 10 | |
67858598 | Radon and Raiders XXI | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as NPC’s are made and the Wire Weed grows in the Industrial Zone. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-08-28 | 31 | |
September 2019 |
3778725 | Dark Queen Quest 27 | We throw a birthday party for Ellisa, talk with Kazeel Thorn himself and prepare our unofficial involvement in the war in the south. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-09-09 | 10 | |
68056499 | Radon and Raiders XXII | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as both the Industrial Zone and Horned Men are fleshed out. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-09-10 | 25 | |
3794389 | Catalyst Quest | Father Richard Anscham fights demons. He seeks the cure for humanity's greatest weakness: The Catalyst. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2019-09-14 | 32 | |
3803080 | Sworn to Valour Quest #13 | His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei and his companions set out in the Fallavon woods in search of his brother. Much danger awaits them. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Into the Woods | 2019-09-14 | 22 | |
68282965 | Radon and Raiders XXIII | Anons continue to work on a medieval irradiated Britain, as an atomic Phoenix appears, anti-Rad vine can become tea, and the thread dies. | Medieval, post apocalypse, setting, world building, Radon and Raiders | 2019-09-24 | 21 | |
3843850 | Catalyst Quest #2 | Father Anscham fights his own demons. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Flashback | 2019-09-27 | 23 | |
October 2019 |
3814765 | Dark Queen Quest 28 | We find ourselves face to face with Filarion, and after playing with his pride we finally put an end to the trouble he is causing us. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-10-04 | 14 | |
3848849 | Sworn to Valour Quest #14 | A Knight is Sworn to Valour. A secret war brews in the depths of the Fallavon woodlands. In the midst of this, two brothers are reunited. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, The Secret War | 2019-10-06 | 22 | |
68686655 | Fuck sieges. | A castle is besieged, and elaborate plots unfold. | medieval, roleplay, fantasy | 2019-10-08 | 20 | |
3879593 | Catalyst Quest #3 | Father Anscham and his new allies are on a divine mission, deep within the ruins. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2019-10-19 | 20 | |
3866691 | Dark Queen Quest 29 | Short thread, where we help the three elves leaders establish the elven council and have their people gain citizenship in our empire. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-10-26 | 10 | |
November 2019 |
3894083 | Sworn to Valour Quest #15 | His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Andrei throws in his lot with his brother, a desperate gambit while the main battle rages. The die is cast. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, The Secret War, No dice yet | 2019-11-04 | 22 | |
3912347 | Catalyst Quest #4 | Father Anscham swears to aid an archdemon, in exchange for everything he's searched for. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2019-11-10 | 13 | |
69298643 | Radon and Raiders XXIII | Anons continue to work on the isles, this time with some more focus on weapons and disease | Post-apocalypse, setting, worldbuilding, medieval | 2019-11-17 | 7 | |
3902086 | Dark Queen Quest 30 | After spening time in Uirebglad with our friends, we are blessed by Luna as she gift us the Blood of the Eldars. We then return home. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-11-20 | 10 | |
3924727 | Sworn to Valour Quest #16 | His Blade Defends the Helpless. The rescue mission is successful. But there is a darker, terrible secret at the heart of this conspiracy. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, The Secret War, Blasphemy | 2019-11-24 | 23 | |
3946406 | Catalyst Quest #5 | Father Anscham finds Mercy in a different form. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2019-11-30 | 15 | |
December 2019 |
3935131 | Dark Queen Quest 31 | We manage our empire, start some ambitious projects with the dwarves, try purifying Lazarus harem and celebrate Aleanor birthday. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2019-12-08 | 7 | |
3967771 | Catalyst Quest #6 | Father Anscham has never had a vacation. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Downtime | 2019-12-13 | 10 | |
3958282 | Sworn to Valour Quest #17 | His Might Upholds the Weak. A foul evil is defeated. Sir Andrei survives a trying ordeal only to nearly be eaten alive by a serpent. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, The Secret War, SNEK | 2019-12-21 | 26 | |
January 2020 |
3965998 | Dark Queen Quest 32 | We manage our empire, spend time with Lazarus and take a look with Gweyr at the vault where your husband kept Thoreric's treasure. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2020-01-02 | 7 | |
4004914 | Catalyst Quest: Avowed | Father Richard Anscham conquered the ruins. Is the rest of the world ready for his return? | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Avowed, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-01-06 | 10 | |
3998715 | The Holy Writ - Settlers Civ | Kutcher is founded, infrastructure is set in place, and Jonas' people begin exploring the political tensions of their neighbours. | comfyqm, civ, settlers, cult, pilgrims, frontier, medieval | 2020-01-11 | 5 | |
4023578 | The Holy Writ - Settlers Civ 2 | Kutcher fights off the militia from Ashton, makes trades with Medris and Tessin, and continues to grow. | comfyqm, civ, settlers, cult, pilgrims, frontier, medieval | 2020-01-21 | 3 | |
4042082 | Catalyst Quest: Avowed #2 | Even a land of Gods and demons was not ready for Father Anscham's return. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Avowed, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-01-23 | 7 | |
4021592 | Sworn to Valour Quest #18 | His Word Speaks Only Truth. Sir Andrei is unsure which is deadlier, the monsters lurking within the forest or the machinations of the Fae. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Fae Banquet | 2020-01-27 | 22 | |
February 2020 |
4032701 | Dark Queen Quest 33 | We spend some time in the city with Gweyr, get an idea for an imperial zoo, learn more about Lazarus past and get taught a new spell. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2020-02-02 | 7 | |
4073467 | Catalyst Quest: Avowed #3 | Father Anscham commits to his recovery. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Avowed, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-02-08 | 7 | |
4057155 | Sworn to Valour Quest #19 | His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. At last returning to civilisation after an arduous expedition, Sir Andrei prepares to continue his pilgrimage. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Forest Hunt | 2020-02-13 | 22 | |
March 2020 |
4077130 | Dark Queen Quest 34 | A short session, where we spend most of our time with our friends. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex | 2020-03-01 | 6 | |
4125648 | Catalyst Quest #10 | The King's city is in turmoil, and He's charged you with saving it. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-03-07 | 7 | |
4104172 | Sworn to Valour Quest #20 | A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Sir Andrei travels further west, testing his mettle against ruthless knights and perfidious bandits alike. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Captain Canton | 2020-03-12 | 23 | |
4123677 | Dark Queen Quest 35 | We use the Far Sight spell and watch around important places we visited, then spend time with Dillon, Emelyne, Adeleine and Isabella. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2020-03-24 | 6 | |
4159591 | Catalyst Quest #11 | The Goddess, your lover, old allies, new enemies, and a city in peril. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-03-29 | 7 | |
April 2020 |
4176970 | Catalyst Quest #12 | You try to learn what it means to be healthy. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-04-09 | 7 | |
4160863 | Sworn to Valour Quest #21 | His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Determined to prove his squire's innocence, Sir Andrei thrashes his third Fallavon knight on the way to Pascae | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Lard Kitchener | 2020-04-10 | 23 | |
4159741 | A Road of Few | Donovan runs into a familiar face, meets a new companion, kills a corrupted demon hunter, and takes someones soul from a chapel. | Fantasy, Dark Souls, medieval | 2020-04-15 | 0 | |
4161745 | Dark Queen Quest 36 | We get giant eagle eggs from Ellisa, contract the service of a certain mercenary, and welcome Titania as the birth of our child draw near. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2020-04-16 | 6 | |
4200658 | Catalyst Quest #13 | You are a man of alliances. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-04-23 | 7 | |
May 2020 |
4198134 | Sworn to Valour Quest #22 | His Blade Defends the Helpless. Arriving in Pascae, Sir Andrei enters a fourth duel and accidentally slays the challenger. Penance follows. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Miracle Man | 2020-05-01 | 24 | |
4202533 | Dark Queen Quest 37 | In which we give birth to a daughter, and organise a meeting of the Royal Coucil to discuss on what to do during the following months. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2020-05-07 | 6 | |
4245139 | Catalyst Quest #14 | A flight for your life, legendary heroism, old enemies, and a revolutionary alliance. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Flashback | 2020-05-22 | 7 | |
4243407 | Dark Queen Quest 38 | We agree to follow Ellisa when she'll go meet the witches, commissioned ships and celebrated several birthdays. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2020-05-26 | 6 | |
4248478 | Sworn to Valour Quest #23 | His Might Upholds the Weak. The big city of Port Bounty wears against Sir Andrei like a tongue against a sore tooth. Rotten to the core. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Port Bounty 99 | 2020-05-29 | 24 | |
June 2020 |
4274153 | Catalyst Quest #15 | Well over 489 lives at stake, dual invocations, a hidden congregation in need of your aid, and one VERY long day. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-06-06 | 7 | |
4289306 | Dark Queen Quest 39 | A thread where we spend the most time managing our empire, everything seems to be fine. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2020-06-27 | 5 | |
4303639 | Blood and Coin: A Blade for hire | Exiled outlaw Bagal Rattan takes a job rooting out cultists with questionable methods. Op has to leave unexpectedly but returns in chapter 2 | Monster hunter, Bounty hunter, medieval, fantasy, collective game, horror, magic, mercenary, CursedQm, Slow paced | 2020-06-27 | 1 | |
July 2020 |
4313892 | Catalyst Quest #16 | Harvey Jay Algrith is a cunning loyalist, and the bravest man you've ever met. He promised to tell you his story. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Flashback | 2020-07-02 | 7 | |
4316752 | Sworn to Valour Quest #24 | His Word Speaks Only Truth. The investigation leads to a bloody raid in the worst slums of Port Bounty. Next up, the Duke's Ball. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Battle in the Streets | 2020-07-06 | 23 | |
4339365 | Catalyst Quest #17 | An archdemon of Time. Love. Mourning. Cults, betrayal, and an unexpected destination. The conclusion to your investigation! | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-07-14 | 7 | |
4356289 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 1 | Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Kingdom of Alterac starts his journey to reclaim and restore Alterac back to its former glory. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2020-07-17 | 23 | |
4340225 | Sea of light civ | A civ game in a medieval world centered around the titular sea of light, and it's numerous deities and powers. | civ, civilization, medieval, sol, sea-of-light, Laconians, narrative | 2020-07-18 | 2 | |
4362107 | Sea of Light Quest Civ II | The continuation of the saga of the sea of light, now moving on from the civilizations of the white sea, to the barbarian tribes of the dark | sea-of-light, medieval, goths, Alans, Dark sea, Black sea, Civ, civilization, Sol | 2020-07-23 | 0 | |
4354356 | Sworn to Valour Quest #25 | His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. The Duke's Ball, the social event of the year. A perilous viper's den of courtship and intrigue for our knigh | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Smile Protec, Vancewell Train | 2020-07-23 | 31 | |
August 2020 |
4336980 | Dark Queen Quest 40 | We leave for Asoevia with our friend Ellisa, and witness the gathering of witches before discussing with their leader. | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2020-08-01 | 5 | |
4373245 | Catalyst Quest #18 | Royal affairs, countless answers, bitter good-byes, new friendships, and the start to a grand homecoming. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-08-01 | 7 | |
4396360 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 2 | With the imminent threat from the gnolls is over, Alric speaks to Uther the Lightb, returns a bounty and goes to solve Tarren Mills problems | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2020-08-18 | 21 | |
4404551 | Catalyst Quest #19 | When you hit the road in Corcaea, the road hits back. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-08-22 | 7 | |
4403667 | Sworn to Valour Quest #26 | A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Sir Andrei grapples with the end of Ball, meeting with Sir Gilbern and paying a midnight visit to Lady Vancewell. Thread is subsequently derailed by samefag and mod politics. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Vancewell Train | 2020-08-25 | 23 | |
4420645 | Sworn to Valour General #1 | A thread to discuss the recent ban of Forgotten QM and the virtues of Erotic Roleplay. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, All Jannies Must Hang, ERP | 2020-08-26 | 22 | |
4387870 | Dark Queen Quest 41 | A short session, where we persuade the Dragon Rimmirra to let us meet with Queen Helennae | Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Princess, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, | 2020-08-26 | 4 | |
4428910 | Sworn to Valour #27 | A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Sir Andrei finishes his affairs in Port Bounty and makes ready to depart for the foreign shores of Cathagi. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Smile Protec, Vancewell Train | 2020-08-30 | 24 | |
September 2020 |
4429270 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 3 | The bandit problem of Tarren Mill has been solved, but an expedition has been organized by Lord Uther against the gnolls | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2020-09-12 | 20 | |
October 2020 |
4470276 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 4 | The expedition and the fight against the gnolls in Durnholde | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2020-10-14 | 20 | |
4495380 | Catalyst Quest #20 | The Father of Compassion returns to the Church of Mercy, and we put the dark back into dark fantasy. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-10-29 | 10 | |
November 2020 |
4522193 | Catalyst Quest #21 | There are a lot of things that mankind was not meant to witness, and distorting concepts of reality is one of them. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-11-17 | 10 | |
December 2020 |
4548540 | Statecraft: The Prince's Ambition | Auguste Mathias-Baxter Argentein, third prince of Gral, begins plotting to seize the throne. | Statecraft, Royalty, Prince, Intrigue, Medieval | 2020-12-21 | 1 | |
4558294 | Catalyst Quest #22 | War is declared on the cult of Inertia. The lord of judgement has a field day, and news reaches you from across Time, memory, and the sea. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2020-12-23 | 7 | |
January 2021 |
4582898 | Catalyst Quest #23 | Weaponizing trauma, confessions from 7 traitors, and surgery within the tunnels dug under your city. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2021-01-09 | 7 | |
4573185 | Zerak Rise Quest #1 | You're King Andros III of Zerak and you got the responsibility to rule your country since your father passed away. | Zerak, Rise, medieval, fantasy, kingdom simulator, crusader kings, court, king, zerak rise quest | 2021-01-17 | 1 | |
4600195 | Catalyst Quest #24 | A sermon with the Goddess of Mercy, nightmare fuel, open roads, and a new beginning. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion | 2021-01-29 | 8 | |
February 2021 |
4610638 | Zerak Rise Quest #2 | We go around getting witches naked. | Zerak, Rise, medieval, fantasy, kingdom simulator, crusader kings, court, king, zerak rise quest | 2021-02-18 | 1 | |
4633673 | Huscarl | A skirmish made in 24 hours for Skrimjam. Vikings cross the sea to raid England, but their return is blocked by the lord's soldiers. | Huscarl, Skirmish, Vikings, Medieval | 2021-02-19 | 1 | |
March 2021 |
4667661 | Siegebroken Quest 1 | The enemy has decided to storm your castle. In stopping them, you will find glory, or you will meet death. | Siegebroken, Medieval, Multiplayer | 2021-03-16 | 0 | |
June 2021 |
4827347 | Medieval Fantasy Punk - Part 1 - "Fucking Why?" | Diedre "Corpse Girl" McCabre, a young witch, sets off to brew a great potion. | medieval fantasy punk, drawquest, potion, witch, TaleTeller | 2021-06-02 | 0 | |
July 2021 |
4868199 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 5 | Solving problems at home and leaving back to Durnholde at request of Lord Blackmoore to visit one of his gladiator tournaments. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2021-07-02 | 20 | |
August 2021 |
4915470 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 6 | After having made a deal with Blackmoore, Alric did some scouting and fought bandits. With spring came business opportunities. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2021-08-16 | 18 | |
September 2021 |
4963026 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 7 | You left for a diplomatic tour of Dalaran, Hillsbrad and Southshore. During it you met with Jaina and solved Hillsbrads problems. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2021-09-23 | 15 | |
November 2021 |
5009747 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 8 | In which Alric scouted and trekked through the Strahnbrad Hills, saved a warlock and then fought off a raiding party of Blackrock Orcs. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2021-11-12 | 15 | |
December 2021 |
5062162 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 9 | Your trip to Stormwind has begun and you have met with a plenty interesting characters like King Varian, Edwin VanCleef and Calia Menethil. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2021-12-21 | 15 | |
January 2022 |
5097216 | Berserk Quest #1 | vlad santana embarks on a journey to rescue his parents and fights the enemy army of Tudor. | Berserk, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana | 2022-01-03 | 34 | |
5085315 | Local Lord Quest I | A XIIIth century French Knight is transported to a fantasy world. | Medieval Mudcore Fantasy | 2022-01-23 | 15 | |
February 2022 |
5129996 | Berserk Quest #2 | Vlad intercepts Griffith from becoming king and learns more about the Silver Eyed Clan. | Berserk, Berserk Quest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana | 2022-02-06 | 30 | |
5114740 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 10 | As Alric finishes his business in Stormwind, he has to deal with Thrall's escape from Durnholde Keep and everything that means. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2022-02-14 | 13 | |
March 2022 |
5134375 | Local Lord Quest II | Our XIIIth century knight learns more about the world, survives an assassination attempt and defends a lady's honor. | Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy, History | 2022-03-07 | 7 | |
5169763 | Berserk Quest #3 | A coliseum is found, along with some old and new faces to support and antagonise our protagonist. | Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana | 2022-03-14 | 28 | |
April 2022 |
5167732 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 11 | With the business in Durnholde done, Alric has to deal with the Alliance and the news that are coming from Strahnbrad Hills. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2022-04-06 | 14 | |
5187631 | Spymaster Anti Isekai Quest | Overpowered teenagers from another world are a destabilizing influence on a proper state. Hunt them down. | IlluminatiQM, Medieval, Uilleam Campbell | 2022-04-10 | 8 | |
5198601 | Berserk Quest #4 | Vlad loses his money, his armor, his cape and his dignity. But at least he gets the girl at the end, right? | Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana | 2022-04-20 | 22 | |
5194246 | Local Lord Quest III | Charles de Villeroi wins a duel, makes alliances and hunts witches | Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy | 2022-04-26 | 8 | |
May 2022 |
5223197 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 12 | In which Alric finishes scouting Strahnbrad Hills, deals with Syndicate agent and prepares for the invasion of the hills. Also Capital City! | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2022-05-15 | 14 | |
5223723 | Renovatio Imperii Quest | Manuel is taken from his village for something grander. Will this young man achieve greatness or will he be forgotten by history ? | Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM | 2022-05-23 | 26 | |
5247847 | Berserk Quest #5 | Vlad and his team return to their hideout and plan their next steps as Midland is invaded by the ruthless Emperor Ganishka. | Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana | 2022-05-31 | 20 | |
June 2022 |
5243545 | Spymaster Anti Isekai 2 | Uilleam Campbell continues his war against extradimensional invaders, gets marries, gets into a bad situation in the far north. | IlluminatiQM, Medieval, Uilleam Campbell | 2022-06-05 | 8 | |
5269197 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 13 | Alric continues his visit to Capital City, meets with the Alteracis and takes his first steps in the complex road of romance | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2022-06-14 | 14 | |
5279354 | Renovatio Imperii Quest 2 | Manuel makes preparations for the oncoming war. Hard and costly battles are fought but then NewbQM goes on hiatus because of a work trip. | Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM | 2022-06-26 | 16 | |
5290674 | Goblin assassin quest | Pine, a goblin assassin does free lance killings and tries to help people | medieval fantasy, make your own NPCs, Action, Goblin, Fantasy races | 2022-06-30 | 7 | |
July 2022 |
5300829 | Berserk Quest #6 | On the way to the sea, Vlad and his team make their stop in a strange town infested by Mandragoras. | Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana | 2022-07-13 | 12 | |
5305728 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 14 | You returned to Dawnholme and launched your invasion of Strahnbrad Hills. You fought bandits, while Eligius managed to spot an enemy warlock | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2022-07-14 | 15 | |
5340590 | Sworn to Valour Quest #28 | His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Andrei takes his first step on foreign shores, disembarking at Langland before continuing his voyage. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Copper Clipper Nation | 2022-07-17 | 27 | |
5340783 | The USURPER | PRELUDE - Eftsoones com'st thou, with ill impartations yburdened, by secret sorrow distrained. Experiment with Shakespearean English | collective game, quest, horror, magic, Shakespeare, castle, Aztec, occult, medieval, fantasy, dungeon | 2022-07-17 | 1 | |
5314154 | Local Lord Quest IV | Where our hero tortures witches, plants apple trees, hang adventurers, courts a lady, mocks a mage and kills a goat | Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy, History | 2022-07-27 | 7 | |
August 2022 |
5340343 | Berserk Quest #7 | Vlad is healed of his wounds and finds new magicians to upgrade his arsenal in the upcoming fights. | Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana | 2022-08-10 | 10 | |
5340842 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 15 | The Invasion of Strahnbrad Hills continues. Alric handles logistics, hears about very bad news, fights gnolls and meets with the Barovs | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2022-08-20 | 15 | |
5386312 | Sworn to Valour #29 | His Blade Defends the Helpless. Sir Andrei enjoys his time ashore in Langland, provided that he is not embroiled in foreign intrigues. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Copper Clipper Nation | 2022-08-28 | 26 | |
5353610 | Draw your own adventure | OP makes low effort quest and flakes, NewQM turns it into a early medieval fantasy adventure where MC abuses a peasant, kills a monster etc. | redsek, drawfquest, medieval, fantasy | 2022-08-31 | 0 | |
September 2022 |
5377799 | Berserk Quest #9 | The Holy City of Vritannis is within sight, but as the group approaches their exit of Midland, they are struck by mixed emotions. | Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana | 2022-09-13 | 7 | |
5383948 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 16 | Alric talks with Barovs, handles the invasion of Strahnbrad Hills and acquires his first vassal before the winter arrives. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2022-09-30 | 12 | |
October 2022 |
5394381 | DrawAdventureQuest 2!!! | MC DillRick & friends kills some cultists, witness Cosmic horror then enter a swamp only to be pressured by entities into moral dilemas etc. | redsek, drawquest, medieval, fantasy, cosmic horror | 2022-10-19 | 0 | |
5389007 | Goblin Assassin - Reopened Wounds | Slice of life story about Pine after she leaves teh criminal underworld behind | Goblin, Slice of life, Schizo QM, medieval fantasy | 2022-10-22 | 12 | |
5393710 | Renovatio Imperii 3 | The war for the isles rages on, but a new threat emerges shortly after Manuel makes a monumental decision. | Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM | 2022-10-23 | 13 | |
5440066 | Reopened Wounds - Farewell to the goblin assassin | Epilogue of Goblin Assassin and some background notes on the story | Goblin, Schizo QM, Epilogue, Medieval fantasy | 2022-10-30 | 10 | |
November 2022 |
5451870 | Sworn to Valour Quest #30 | His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei sets sail for the Cathagi Strait across open water, facing all the perils the sea has to offer. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Ship, Boat, Pirates, Sea Shanty | 2022-11-04 | 25 | |
5404015 | Settler Lord Quest | Dietrich Von Adlershorst is named the count of the frontier by his granduncle Albrecht, and must manage his lands to thrive | Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management | 2022-11-06 | 11 | |
5413369 | Berserk Quest #9 (The real one) | Last one was #8 named #9 by mistake.
Anyway, the boat arc begins, hopefully this one doesn't last 5+ years like the real one. | Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana | 2022-11-08 | 7 | |
5422744 | Local Lord Quest V | Charles de Villeroi judges adventurers, courts a lady, fights a Guelph, visits a tomb and an old Centaur. | Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy | 2022-11-23 | 7 | |
5426197 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 17 | In which Alric visits Dalaran, retrieves a new armour, learns secrets of the city and starts to walk a new path in his life. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2022-11-28 | 14 | |
December 2022 |
5441396 | Renovatio Imperii 4 | The war for the isles continues and reaches a pivotal point, just as an unexpected opportunity presents itself to the East. | Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM | 2022-12-07 | 11 | |
January 2023 |
5482107 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 18 | Alric continues his visit to Durnholde and is caught in a blizzard. Marriage issues, rumours and life threatening situations! | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2023-01-05 | 10 | |
5481110 | Local Lord Quest VI | Charles de Villeroi judges some peasant, debates with an "atheist" and travels through valley and fields towards Count's Careless Castle | Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy | 2023-01-07 | 7 | |
5489116 | Renovatio Imperii 5 | The Eastern campaign starts swimmingly and Armentarius wages a dangerous battle that could prove decisive. | Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM | 2023-01-15 | 8 | |
5534306 | Sworn to Valour Quest #31 | His Word Speaks Only Truth. Cathagi at last, the City of Cities. It is the final step on Sir Andrei's pilgrimage. The Long Walk awaits... | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Pilgrimage | 2023-01-16 | 24 | |
February 2023 |
5520797 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 19 | The dangerous activities continue in Durnholde as Alric has to navigate through some dangerous waters. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2023-02-02 | 11 | |
5510993 | Settler lord quest 2 | In which we find a crown,hunt, found a city, hold a tournament and explore a tower. | Settler Lord Quest,Collective game,Politics,Medieval,Management, | 2023-02-06 | 5 | |
5534877 | Renovatio Imperii 6 | The war for the isles enters a new phase of hte conflict, whilst deals are struck in the East | Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM | 2023-02-22 | 7 | |
March 2023 |
5555603 | Anti Isekai Spymaster 3 | Events at Caertheon turn bloody and another hidden enemy is laid bare through the fires of war. | IlluminatiQM, Medieval, Uilleam Campbell | 2023-03-04 | 3 | |
5561322 | Local Lord Quest VII | Our local lord travels to meet his liege, fights strange Lombards, gets quite drunk, is jailed, and then must explain himself while hungover | Local Lord, Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy, Intrigue, Battle, Nearly Naked Guelphs | 2023-03-11 | 11 | |
5559320 | Settler Lord Quest 3 | In which, we meet an elf, read a book, marry, start a family and begin the rebellion | Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management | 2023-03-11 | 6 | |
April 2023 |
5623965 | Sworn to Valour Quest #32 | His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. As the Long Walk begins Sir Andrei will find himself tested. Body, mind and soul. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Pilgrimage | 2023-04-02 | 24 | |
May 2023 |
5624062 | Local Lord Quest VIII | Charles de Villeroi sees his count's court, leaves his beloved lady, catches criminals and goes back to Local. | Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy | 2023-05-13 | 10 | |
June 2023 |
5680534 | Sworn to Valour Quest #33 | A Knight is Sworn to Valour. Having completed his long pilgrimage, Sir Andrei must consider what to do during his time in Cathagi. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Cathagi High | 2023-06-05 | 25 | |
5647403 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 20 | Alric's dealings and attempts to find the assassin in Durnholde Keep continue and he does have several successes in things unrelated to tha | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2023-06-08 | 11 | |
July 2023 |
5665694 | Settler lord Quest 4 | The rebellion is finished, and now the newly independent duke looks toward the future | Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management | 2023-07-05 | 3 | |
5683621 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 21 | Alric's adventure in Durnholde comes close. He deals with politics, relationship foes, gets his moustache burned off. The usual stuff. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2023-07-18 | 8 | |
August 2023 |
5694520 | Berserk Quest #10 | Vlad goes through his highest highs and his lowest lows. | Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana | 2023-08-12 | 5 | |
5702220 | Renovatio Imperii 7 | More is learnt about the barbarians of the East and a breakthrough is achieved upon the isles. | Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM | 2023-08-15 | 7 | |
5702984 | Local Lord Quest IX | Charles goes back to his lordship, sees his projects, judges a murderer almost drowns brings justice to his people and deals with kids. | Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy | 2023-08-19 | 7 | |
5715687 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 22 | Alric's stay in Southshore came to an end. There was an important meeting, new closer alliance was forged and step by step spring arrives | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2023-08-31 | 7 | |
September 2023 |
5720288 | Europe 1000 A.D. | The nations of Medieval Europe contest each other between long wait times and rolls.
Alliances are forged and two power blocs emerge. | Collective Game, Skirmish, Nations, Europe, Medieval, Middle Ages, 1000ADMapGameHost, Christianity, Paganism, Multiplayer, Crusade | 2023-09-05 | 0 | |
5736603 | Renovatio Imperii 8 | The wars finally draw to a conclusion and Manuel can shift his attention to the inner needs of the realm. | Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM | 2023-09-26 | 10 | |
5734102 | Settler Lord Quest 5 | Justice is held, an early financial sector is founded, a new castle is build, children are disciplined and more | Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management | 2023-09-27 | 3 | |
5736783 | Berserk Quest #11 | The war between Ilos and Falconia finally begins, with hopes of the Blood Moon and Vlad's efforts being enough to overthrow Griffith. | Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana | 2023-09-28 | 5 | |
October 2023 |
5749767 | Lovers of The Sun: I | YOU are a Lover of The Sun. Do Heroism, and maybe someday you too will feel Her embrace! | Lovers of The Sun, LoTS, quest, SunQM, knights, medieval, fantasy, drawquest, lighthearted | 2023-10-05 | 1 | |
5754561 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 23 | Alric ends up dealing with relationship drama, gets stuck in a cabin due to a storm and handles a lot of small things | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2023-10-08 | 7 | |
November 2023 |
5777018 | Renovatio Imperii 9 | Manuel celebrates his 20th birthday and a religious council begins. | Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM | 2023-11-01 | 11 | |
5785267 | Local Lord Quest X | Where Charles de Villeroi hunts a boar, saves a damsel in distress and discovers a nefarious plot. | Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy | 2023-11-14 | 6 | |
5789162 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 24 | Alric handles business with Dark Irons, has a serious incident that throws all the plans sideways, but at least his studies progress | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2023-11-18 | 7 | |
5794828 | Settler Lord Quest 6 | The Duke of Greifswald attends a tournament while nomadic warriors from the east approach. | Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty, | 2023-11-30 | 6 | |
December 2023 |
5836536 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 25 | The spring finally arrives and Alric does a lot of decisions regarding the future of Alterac. Also Black Gold. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2023-12-24 | 7 | |
January 2024 |
5849152 | The von Adlershorst Dynasty | Albrecht von Adlershorst is sent on crusade by his father to far-off Mithras, but the road is long | Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty, | 2024-01-17 | 3 | |
5858896 | Errant Knight Quest | The High Middle Ages of Europe:You are Roland von Fritzlkeller, Knight-errant from the Kingdom of Teutonia travelling for fortune and glory. | ESL_QM, Unteralterboot Prequel, Knight, UOHH, Romantic Idealism, Mild Schizophrenia, Medieval Germany | 2024-01-23 | 1 | |
February 2024 |
5881442 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 26 | The stay in Tarren Mill continues as the army marches into Strahnbrad Hills. Excitement! Assassins! | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2024-02-06 | 7 | |
5906360 | Sworn to Valour Quest #34 | His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Andrei's search for a missing companion takes him deep into the Old City of Cathagi. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Cathagi High | 2024-02-07 | 23 | |
March 2024 |
5920163 | Local Lord Quest XI | Where Charles has fun with his bride, trouble with messengers and armed vagrants and has to travel under the earth to meet a new baron. | Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy | 2024-03-23 | 10 | |
5924398 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 27 | Alric's stay in Tarren Mill comes to an end, he learns to handle fire and Stonemason's finally arrive to Dawnholme. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2024-03-25 | 6 | |
April 2024 |
5945726 | The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 2 | Albrecht von Adlershorst makes his way from Tautenland to Castana.
| Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty, | 2024-04-20 | 2 | |
5952532 | Berserk Quest #12 | The world is born anew as Vlad's journey comes to an end. | Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana | 2024-04-24 | 5 | |
May 2024 |
5960681 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 28 | Alric deals with Stonemasons, meets with someone familiar and fights a terrible enemy. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2024-05-07 | 6 | |
5996957 | Sworn to Valour Quest #35 | His Blade Defends the Helpless. Sir Andrei joins the illustrious Dragon Guard, an elite army of the fiercest warriors in the known world. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Cathagi High | 2024-05-10 | 25 | |
June 2024 |
5986965 | Taken and Forsaken | Rue, our talentless peasant if facing off against some goblins... or more like trying to run! | Drawquest, Medieval Fantasy | 2024-06-02 | 8 | |
5999763 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 29 | Alric deals with the aftermath of previous fighting, makes Tari a happy girl and battles kobolds and ogres | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2024-06-15 | 5 | |
6012263 | Silver Knight Quest | You play as Argia Candente, a cursed trainee Knight with silvery hair, fighting to show your valour and free your family. | Silver Knight Quest, Argia Candente, Sunseeker QM, Fantasy, Paladins, Knights, Medieval, Worldbuilding Galore | 2024-06-26 | 21 | |
6011182 | Local Lord Quest XII | Charles swears allegiance to the new baron, sees the town, plots with the Neutral Lord and goes back to Local to see his irrigation system. | Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy | 2024-06-30 | 8 | |
July 2024 |
6053959 | Sworn to Valour Quest #36 | His Might Upholds the Weak. With his induction into the Dragon Guard, Sir Andrei must settle into the duties of his term of service. | Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Cathagi High | 2024-07-10 | 23 | |
August 2024 |
6036387 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 30 | 30 threads! Summer is here, rest of the Stonemasons have arrived. Alric fought an orc and Malevus found her courage. | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2024-08-02 | 4 | |
6042174 | The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 3 | Albrecht von Adlershorst has made it to the Empire of Mithras, and must now campaign against the infidels. | Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty, | 2024-08-20 | 2 | |
6049645 | Silver Knight Quest #2 | Argia faces her hardest trial in the Night Well, and then faces its consequences. At least she’s making friends. Will it be enough? | Silver Knight Quest, Argia Candente, Sunseeker QM, Fantasy, Paladins, Knights, Medieval, Worldbuilding Galore | 2024-08-26 | 21 | |
September 2024 |
6100752 | Swords and Little Girl; Dark Fantasy One-shot | You are a Knight in a desolate world, pursued by many who wish to claim the young princess under your protection. | Fantasy, Medieval, Dark Fantasy, Grimdark, Knight, Princess, Loli, Child, Little girl, Vermis | 2024-09-18 | 5 | |
6072789 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 31 | Alric visits Strahnbrad Hills, acquires a girlfriend, sends his spymaster into a merry goose chase. Durnholde Campaign is here too! | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2024-09-25 | 4 | |
October 2024 |
6079405 | Local Lord Quest XIII | Where Charles wins a hunt but loses a duel goes to a feast and fails at intrigue. | Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy | 2024-10-10 | 5 | |
November 2024 |
6098808 | Silver Knight Quest #3 | Our Knight goes on a 'diplomatic' mission on behalf of the Angel of Ansàrra. Along the way, Salicera involves Argia into her deepest secr | Silver Knight Quest, Argia Candente, Sunseeker QM, Fantasy, Paladins, Knights, Medieval, Mages, Isekai, Worldbuilding Galore | 2024-11-02 | 17 | |
6111138 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 32 | The campaign begins, Alric gets caught in an illusion and duels Garithos | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2024-11-28 | 4 | |
January 2025 |
6131057 | The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 4 | We go on campaign, get a bit involved in crusading politics and delve into the secrets of the past | Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty, | 2025-01-03 | 2 | |
6136025 | One Knight Stands | Former Knight Infiltrates Troll infested Cave to retrieve the THING! | Drawquest, Medieval Fantasy | 2025-01-16 | 1 | |
6150759 | Alterac Resurgent Quest 33 | The campaign against the gnolls continue. Alric fights an ambush and duels gnoll mage. Eligius makes a huge reveal | Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game | 2025-01-27 | 3 | |
February 2025 |
6154957 | Silver Knight Quest #4 | You explore the Temple, get quints, and discover the truth about some of your friends. Also your Master gets arrested. Oops. | Silver Knight Quest, Argia Candente, Sunseeker QM, Fantasy, Paladins, Knights, Medieval, Mages, Isekai, Worldbuilding Galore, Mogging | 2025-02-02 | 9 | |
6157669 | Local Lord Quest XIV | Charles passes the winter and begins to go to the capital. He meets a friendly baron and kills a monster from the valley of weeb. | Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy | 2025-02-08 | 2 | |