/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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May 2022
5223723Renovatio Imperii QuestManuel is taken from his village for something grander. Will this young man achieve greatness or will he be forgotten by history ?Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2022-05-23 26 
June 2022
5279354Renovatio Imperii Quest 2 Manuel makes preparations for the oncoming war. Hard and costly battles are fought but then NewbQM goes on hiatus because of a work trip.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2022-06-26 16 
October 2022
5393710Renovatio Imperii 3The war for the isles rages on, but a new threat emerges shortly after Manuel makes a monumental decision.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2022-10-23 13 
December 2022
5441396Renovatio Imperii 4The war for the isles continues and reaches a pivotal point, just as an unexpected opportunity presents itself to the East.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2022-12-07 11 
January 2023
5489116Renovatio Imperii 5The Eastern campaign starts swimmingly and Armentarius wages a dangerous battle that could prove decisive.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2023-01-15 7 
February 2023
5534877Renovatio Imperii 6The war for the isles enters a new phase of hte conflict, whilst deals are struck in the EastRenovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2023-02-22 7 
August 2023
5702220Renovatio Imperii 7More is learnt about the barbarians of the East and a breakthrough is achieved upon the isles.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2023-08-15 7 
September 2023
5736603Renovatio Imperii 8The wars finally draw to a conclusion and Manuel can shift his attention to the inner needs of the realm.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2023-09-26 10 
November 2023
5777018Renovatio Imperii 9Manuel celebrates his 20th birthday and a religious council begins.Renovatio Imperii, civquest, byzantium, rome, medieval, collective game, NewbQM2023-11-01 11 
December 2023
5811050Vampire the Dark Ages: Athens By NightKalina of Damascus is initiated into as a NeonateVampire the Dark Ages, Athens By Night, World of Darkness, WoD, Crassus, Tzimisce, Byzantium, Constantinople2023-12-14 7 
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