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You exchange glances with the men besides you. “I only see the banner of your commander, not one of your so called Roi. How can you guarantee that you will honour the duel ?”

He scratches behind his ear, pondering your words. “My senahtor departs a long homme d'armes, uh, ah ! Tagmata (regiment/battalion).”

You burst out laughing. “So the war will continue then, even if I win ?”

The man nods before opening his mouth again. “My senahtor not fit in, uh, time away.”

This time, you simply shake your head. “Tell your senator.” You emphasise the correct pronunciation. “That he shall meet me upon the field of battle. Leave.” You finally dismiss the man with a gesture of your hand.

Not hesitating, and not testing your patience any further, the man swiftly rides back to the exceptionally obvious enemy commander.

Whilst you had showcased bravado and confidence. The truth is, you are dangerously spread thin. If the enemy musters enough strength, your line is at risk of easy shatter.

“Signal the holy knights, I need a message delivered to Mundus. Get those Tarrizans of their ships and get them upon land. I don’t care if he has to throw that child-faced admiral offboard. I need those men.”

“Right away, domestikos (domestic, commander).” The man quickly responds, drawing out a simple, scrubbed to perfection, disk of bronze, using the light of the sun to signal the holy knights as you had instructed.

Meanwhile, you stare down the Akeonian camp, watching as the messenger had returned to his master. With perhaps overly exaggerated movements, you can see as the man in his fanciful armour directs the soldiers around him. Most rushing towards the wall, battering away at the defenders’ attempt at a sally.

The blow of horns and the fluttering of banner does lead to a situation most unfavourable. The shattered professionals, had been turned around and whipped into shape, whilst further fluttering banners gather together upon a ferocious looking line, whilst other soldiery, the poorly equipped, if enthusiastic levies are starting to man the wall and try to fight the raging flames whom can still be controlled before their fury truly spreads beyond the control of man’s hands.

Domestikos, there perhaps are two, maybe two and a half thousand men rallying and nearly two hundred horsemen.” Another holy knight, having just landed informs you.

“How certain are you that you and your brothers could decapitate the head of the snake ?”

“We do not know how far their metal nets can reach, but I and mine had given a solemn and holy oath to assist their imperial majesty in the battle, so even if it means our deaths, that is a duty we shall carry out.”

“That is all that I ask. May God be with you.”

“May God be with you.” The man responds before his griffon once again lifts off, the rhythmic beating of wings becoming less and less audible.

As the cacophony of battle rises to the extreme in front of you, the Akeonian line begins to form and curiously enough, at the very centre of the formation, standing out like a peacock in between dirty pigeons, stands the Akeonian commander. His tall helmet and lacquered armour making him stand out like a sore thumb. You also acutely notice that there appears to be a more than usual number of spearmen, with rather large shields, standing all around the man. If nothing else, the presence of your holy knights had brought the fear of God to the man. Meanwhile, you do curiously notice that despite the assembling line, the cavalry, other than finishing to form up, stands entirely immobile, seemingly content to allow both lines to smash against one another. Or to cripple your own Scholae (School) when you get tied down amongst the footmen. Either way, that force will have to be destroyed in order to give you free reign over the battlefield.

With a prolonged blow of a horn, loud enough to momentarily drown out the sounds of battle around the wall and the crackling of flames, the main line begins a slow, steady, disciplined advance. The noise of thousands of beating feet clearly unnerves the mercenaries, the enthusiasm that had taken over from their last victory, despite the bloody losses, seems to have once again disappeared when they are again forced to face steep odds, even if the enemy they are to battle now have less of a numerical advantage, they now posses quality and superior leadership than before.

Another blow of the horn is greeted by the deafening sound of thousands of men shouting from the top of their lungs. The usual strategy, you had noticed, of the Akeonians, playing up their savagery.

Scholae ! With me !” You shout out as your cavalry quickly makes a hard right, moving directly towards the Akeonian chevaliers, most of whom are the survivors of the previous battle, already beaten by you once, though your previous trick may prove less effective as you quickly notice that they had forgone their long spears and exchanged them for shields and maces.

As you rush forwards, your eyes quickly drying out from the wind blowing upon them, you notice as a few Tarrizan vessels had beached themselves and are now disgorging their compliment of halberdiers, all that there is to stop them are the panicked Akeonians trying to fight the endless flames, whom are now busying themselves trying to organize a proper formation.

(POV shift: You are Orso Silvestro, a halberdier, one of the elite warriors of the great free city of Tarrizo.)

You had never seen the Ammiraglio (admiral) so distressed, until that fool of a man, who has nothing but a rotting, dying, shadow of an empire as his backing, tie an anchor around his neck and threaten to throw him off board. An insult as such shall certainly be remembered. Not only had these decrepit men threaten an elected man of Tarrizo, they also made a deal with those treacherous and good-for-nothing Paterans.

Shouting atop of your lungs, you direct your mind towards the battle ahead, and swing down upon the Akeonian whom had just hastily raised his shield. The wood bends, but does not split, but the sickening sound of something snapping, quickly followed by a scream of agony lets you know that you had already won the fight. Roughly kicking the broken limb, you watch as it deforms in a way an arm never should. With another powerful swing from your right, you smash the head of your alabarda (halberd) onto the man’s face. A spray of blood and gore quickly covers your armour, raising a slight bit of annoyance from you as you shall have to once again make sure it is immaculately cleaned. Afterall, you do not own the armour, nor the weapon, it is something issued by the republic to its most valiant and honourable defenders. Which unfortunately means that you may be forced to pay for any damage your equipment suffers due to negligence.

Looking around you see your fellows delivering similarly deadly blows. Had the Akeonians created a strong formation, which would stop your charge, they might have a charge. Lowering the alabarda, you charge forwards, the sharp tip of it piercing right through the cloth and chain of your latest foe, whom had been interlocked with another one of your fellows. Swiftly withdrawing the spear from the now reddened side, you take a step back as the other alabardiere (halberdier) delivers a large overhead swing, cracking the man’s neck, the iron helmet not offering enough protection against the sheer speed and strength of the blow as it bypassed what cover it could have offered.

Avanti ! Uccidili tutti ! You roar from the top of your lungs as more Akeonians, this time bloodied and clearly prepared for you, charge forwards, even then, they do not bother with any formations, but neither do you.

Raising your shoulder, you manage to deflect the incoming blow from an axe, it bites hard and deep, but your protected joints are reinforced by masterfully crafted movable plates. Still, it burns as the blow will undoubtedly leave a bruise upon you.

Through the slits of your helmet, and far away from your opponent, you see as the Thephian sellswords try to desperately hold on.

(POV shift: You are Evgrius Lecapenas, a man seeking fortune through danger.)

You were a farmer, before the army burnt the fields. Then you tried your hand at craftsmanship, when the town starved. And now, finally, you had found your calling – war. And this muse, that had once embraced and had seen you exceed in skill, had now turned around and started cheating right before your eyes, the damnable whore.

You swing your sword rightwards, and raise your shield in your left, barely parrying the blow from the hammer, as your sword bends and you can feel pain roll down your arm, which is unfortunately followed by your shield stubbornly refusing to obey you, as the axehead of your second assailant gets stuck in it. Feeling its increased weight, you let go just as the new mace blow moves towards you, barely being able to dodge the attack.

Breathing heavily, you barely manage to keep yourself upon your feet as you nearly stumble trying to move backwards whilst keeping an eye out on your two foes. With an annoyed grunt, the axe wielding foe drops his weapon, and your shield alongside it. Meanwhile, that bastard wielding a mace simply raises his shield and bashes slightly against it using his weapon.

Shit, shit, shit ! Your eyes nervously dart around the battlefield, searching for salvation, for anything that you could find to save yourself. At the beginning, the line had held, just as it had previously. For a moment, you had hoped you would emerge victorious once again. But when the second enemy line impacted their own first, some of your men stumbled, creating gaps for which everyone started to scramble. Issue was, the enemy had a lot more men to scrabble with and those tiny gaps had widened to the point where a terrible situation like yours is more than commonplace.

I should have just fucking broken that contract. What the fuck would they do to me ? Fine me ? Better than being dead. Now hefting your blade with both of your hands, you try a few tentative stabs, not intending to go on the offensive at all, but more than happy to make the enemy to think so. They might have the upper hand, but all it takes is just one fuck up. Come on you cunts, slip, fall over, for God’s sake, shit yourself and run away in embarrassment !

Suddenly, you are startled, as are your foes, when a shield falls from the blue sky. Raising your head, you watch as a man’s head disappears in the beak of griffon, before it jerks its head upwards, spilling blood for a moment, before, seemingly annoyed by the taste, spitting out the armoured helmet, and soon thereafter, dropping the body itself, the brilliant green and gold cloak upon the body’s back fluttering in the wind as a macabre flag.

Just as you raise one of your arms upwards to cheer the death of another enemy commander, your shout is caught in your throat as the net made of steel quickly envelops the beasts, raising a pained and confused squawk one might hear from a chicken rather than a mighty warbeast as it stumbles to the ground, crushing the rider that had once directed its actions.

Fuck this ! You bolt, turning around as fast as you can, whilst your would-be killers are distracted by their own shouts of victory. The ground is good, not the best as some moisture is still clear on the grass, but you find purchase enough to be able to run without much trouble.

Oh God, oh God, please, spare this poor sinner whom may have strayed from your enlightened path. Your lungs burn as you concentrate your whole being entirely upon one singular thought – survive. For a moment, changing your gaze, you watch as a man, wielding a two-handed sword, masterfully disarms one unfortunate soul, throwing the weapon away, before with a swift and fluid motion, bringing down his foot upon the man’s ankle, breaking it and causing the man to stumble, before grabbing the two-handed sword’s naked blade with one of his hands and rapidly guides it upon the exposed part of the faceplate. The tell-tale sight of fountaining blood revealing the success of the strike.

And as you watch the masterful sword work, the other thing that draws your gaze is the battle upon horseback, that you can witness in between the expertly crafted helmet’s black-blue dragon wings.

(POV shift: You are Armentarius Theocritus.)

Parrying the mace with your own, you drive the tip of your blade right into the exposed slit of the helmet, the killing blow had come from you twisting your sword and using more as a dagger. Alas, this means that even as your foe slides dead of his horse, the blade is stuck within his head as the horse further drags the corpse.

Though that is something you had long grown accustomed to, so you draw the back-up sword you always keep upon your horse, just for occasions like these. Spurring the great animal under you, you once again accelerate, despite its incessant whines begging for a moment of rest. A few chevaliers still stubbornly hold on and fight your own, there are dying, all of them shall die if they do not depart, but yet they still hold, much to your annoyance, you had hoped that they would rout like they had before, giving you the time and space needed to wheel about and smash apart that flamboyant bastard’s army.

Had they not expected your arcus (recursive bow), you would have slaughtered them to the last in half the time it is taking you now. Moving with full tilt, you bash your mace right into a chevaliers side, explicating a shout of excruciation that is swiftly silenced by your own Scholae driving his sword into the man’s now exposed neck.

Your eyes dart about, looking for another opponent, only to find none. The last of the Akeonian chevaliers had been killed, realizing this, your own men with practiced ease and discipline quickly reform your formation. And it is only now that you get the lay of the land. Your mercenary formation no longer exists. What of it still remains had ran for it the best they could without looking back, and what didn’t run now lie dead upon the ground. Meanwhile, you must give Mundus your thanks as the Tarrizans are fighting like rabid dogs, tying down a significant number of Akeonian levy with just their presence, how long will they survive once the proper Akeonian soldiery turns to face them remains to be seen. Whilst the Akeonian siege wall is rapidly catching alight, those whom had tried to douse the flames being dealt with the Tarrizans, much of it still stands, and even if it were to crumble, fire is as much as an opponent for you as it is for the enemy, whom are quite stubbornly holding said wall, repelling the sally attempt even as the locals clamber atop of said wall and giving it all that they’ve got. As for the greatest threat on the field, the Akeonian formation that had just roundly beaten your mercenaries, they are surprisingly slow to reform and reestablish themselves. No doubt the fine work of the holy knights, whom depressingly number only seven strong.

>Call for a retreat. The defenders can get back behind their walls. The Tarrizans can quickly clamber back up on their ships. And you can easily disengage now that your foe does not have anything that they can chase you with.

>You have to buy time, the wall can go either way, but if that formation restores itself, your defeat is a certainty.

>You have to buy time, the wall can go either way, strike within the camp, disturb it as much as possible, even if the terrain is treacherous to cross in full gallop upon horseback, the risk might just be worth it.

>(Write in)
>>You have to buy time, the wall can go either way, but if that formation restores itself, your defeat is a certainty.
Another update tomorrow. Thought changing to Manuel would be too much of tonal shift. You shall learn about the lands of the East from his eyes once I've had my night's sleep. Till then anons.
Good night

>You have to buy time, the wall can go either way, but if that formation restores itself, your defeat is a certainty.

The losses we could suffer in a retreat would be too great if our luck does not hold.
Focusing on a single target with good chances of ending this fight with our Victory seems to me the least bad option.
No, these mere high-risk, high-reward plans never work out, to be honest these scenarios always cause us more losses in elite troops than the battles themselves.
May your pillow be cold and your blanket warm.
>>You have to buy time, the wall can go either way, but if that formation restores itself, your defeat is a certainty.
>Call for a retreat. The defenders can get back behind their walls. The Tarrizans can quickly clamber back up on their ships. And you can easily disengage now that your foe does not have anything that they can chase you with.
Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer. Their fleet is burning, the siege is lifted, and we've savaged their forces. No need to risk everything in order to defeat one army on one island.
>You have to buy time, the wall can go either way, strike within the camp, disturb it as much as possible, even if the terrain is treacherous to cross in full gallop upon horseback, the risk might just be worth it.

Fuck it, break their morale, the troops directly under Armentarius are disciplined enough not to break down and start looting.
>You have to buy time, the wall can go either way, but if that formation restores itself, your defeat is a certainty.
Cavalry is made for breaking infantry formations.
>Cavalry is made for breaking infantry formations.

Not only that, but we have bows if they prove resilient. They do appear to lack the ability to challenge our mobility in any case.
>You have to buy time, the wall can go either way, but if that formation restores itself, your defeat is a certainty.
>>You have to buy time, the wall can go either way, but if that formation restores itself, your defeat is a certainty.

welcome back commander !

Maybe we could use more our bows, depending by how many arrows we have left. Having to fight our army, the halberdiers from the beach and the men of the town should be too much stress for them. If those war machines can be reached by the men of the town, our griffons will be able to fly for strike at targets of oppurtunity. Not their enemy commander for now, the holy knights are still valuable and should be used when it matters the most.
>You have to buy time, the wall can go either way, strike within the camp, disturb it as much as possible, even if the terrain is treacherous to cross in full gallop upon horseback, the risk might just be worth it.
Having made up your mind, you inhale, hold your breath for a couple of seconds before slowly exhaling.

“Raise the purple banner, let the savages know the might of Thephians, show them why their ancestors had been nought but our slaves ! Charge, charge and carry out deeds of woe upon our foes !” Raising your own blade you shout out, once again, your horse protesting the endless exertion,however it obeys nonetheless. From the corner of your eye, you catch the brilliant deep purple and the golden wolf, its eyes regarding you in a cold gaze, like a parent judging the misdeeds of their child. Ignoring the gaze of the calculating predator, you once again regard your foe, whom realizing what happens begin raising their shields and forming up just as the first arrows from your side begin to rain down upon them. A few swift blows before you deliver the strike of your hammer upon the anvil of Akeonian steel, and see whom breaks first.

(End of POV shift four weeks later.)

The fireplace crackles as the cold winds howl against the window and an endless hammering of lightning bolts make it sound like great battle is unfolding. As if God brings forth his wroth upon the world of mortal men, to deliver his punishment for their sins and misdeeds.

“Your majesty, the local logothétēs (one who accounts) of the town alongside his aids had been gathered.” Auxentius says.

“Is it the same man you had mentioned previously ?” You ask as the servant tending to you unfurls a purple cloak, whose edges had been decorated with gold threads and encrusted rubies.

That will hurt the shoulders. You already dread the overly cumbersome clothing you have to where, to the point where you’d prefer the suits of armour, at least they have their weight evenly distributed, unlike most of the, fashion, you were forced to endure.

“No, your majesty, Synesius Phocus had passed away a few years back due to a serious fever.”

“Then, who is in control now ?” Another servant takes a step back, having finished brushing your hair to the point where they had started to shine. You had only occupied the damned town for less than three hours, and you were already forced to change out of the warm furs and into a more, appropriate attire.

“A man named Joannes Vatatzes, a distant relation of Demetrius, the senator whom had kowtowed and begged your forgiveness about a month past, your majesty. Though the relationship is so far removed, that they may as well not be kin.”

“Had you met with the man ?” A third servant applies some foul stinking perfume upon your neck, apparently it is supposed to smell like lavender, but the intensity of the smell is as such, that to you it just smells like something strong and exceptionally alcoholic.

“Not yet, your majesty. I have no grasp on the man’s personality, but I am certain that he shall be more than happy to be returned to the fold.”

“Where is the meeting ?” You hold back a grunt as the cloak now drags you down and its full weight rests upon your shoulders.

“The main dining hall, your majesty’s mobile throne had already been set up there, your majesty shall enter the chamber first, it already secured by the Scholae Tagmata (School regiment/battalion), next shall come Strategos (General) Isaac, followed by Prōtoproedros (senior president) Leontius.” They’ll bicker over this without end. You sigh. “Then shall come the other senators based upon their seniority within the senate, followed by the assembly of lesser officers. Once everyone finds their place, a call shall be issued when you signal for it via a hand gesture, your majesty, and local leadership shall enter, all kowtowing until they reach five metres from your throne, the distance marked by the third line of your bodyguards. They shall make three bows every three steps they advance, one to beg the Shepherd for his understanding, one to beg God for his forgiveness, and the final to beg you, your majesty, for your mercy.”

Sounds exceptionally dull. “And then ?” You regard yourself upon the bronze mirror, a far cry from the one back within your royal chambers, but its weight and frailty had prevented its transportation. A mixture of fine velvet gives a shine to your dark red vest, to stand in contrast to it are golden buttons alongside dark onyxes. A fine dark leather belt keeps your trousers from falling down thanks to the golden buckle encrusted with diamonds. Speaking of the trousers themselves, they are just as brightly coloured with dark red and golden thread, luckily, whomever made this particular set of clothing had spared you and decided not to encrust exceptionally heavy jewellery. Despite the sheer amount of wealth flaunted by this look, even as your empire is on the verge of bankruptcy, your cloak still the most eye catching of anything else you are wearing. As it covers most of you, back to front, you have to slightly lift it to expose the scabbard hanging upon your left. The outer layer is made out of attention drawing white-gold, shining brightly as the light of the fireplace falls upon it, whilst proper reinforcements, and means of actually tying it down are made out of silver, being only a slight shift of tone from the white-gold, but standing out nonetheless. Meanwhile, the blade itself, or rather its hilt, has its guard made with some usability in mind, as while it shines gold and has a collection of five emeralds embedded onto it on either side, it is truly made out of reliable steel, the handle, in contrast to the bright metals, is made out of brown leather, with rather surprising grip upon it, as when you sense the handle, you can feel bumps and slight unevenness worked into it.

Finally, to top it all off, the pommel of the blade is made out of a single, large sapphire, with a rod of heavy lead in the middle of the gem that actually gives the pommel so actual usability in battle.

“Shall we depart, your majesty ?”

“Yes, we shall.” You say as the diadem you had worn since your day of coronation is once again placed upon your brow. The clinking of pearls, usually an annoyance, now seems to give you a sense of familiarity, if nothing else.
A simple chandelier made out of iron hangs high above you, acting as the only means of true illumination after the storm had swept through so unexpectedly and blacked out the skies. You do notice, with what you’d like to consider a practiced eye, that there is a distinct lack of, expense. Yes, that would be the term you would use. There are no great paintings, no gems, nor stones, nor gold or silver. Simple, though tastefully made, woodwork dominates the hall. A mixture of darker and brighter planks make up the floor, creating an interesting pattern that as far as you can tell appears to be entirely random, other that looking interesting, you do not really notice any real meaning. The walls themselves seem to follow a similar pattern, but you can actually understand what is upon them, thanks to the usage of a vast quantity and variety of different paints. They seem to portray people at feast, dancing merrily, spinning upon the floor in great melee of dance and celebration. Though the festivities, whilst wild and unrestrained, are continuously followed by what appear to be a gathering of clouds, and barely visible portrayals of trees.

The door swings open and Isaac marches in, reaching a respectful, and most importantly – safe from any assassination attempts, distance, he makes a bow before moving to the side close to your throne. Swiftly after him, walks in Leontius, and you can already see Isaac’s mocking smile directed towards the man, whom either out of politeness, or naïveté simply returns it, with no ill-intent whatsoever. Suspicious. Though I had never been particularly good at reading people. You idly think as Auxentius enters the chamber a moment after Leontius positions himself opposite to Isaac, but equally as close to the throne. After that, more and more men enter and bow, enter and bow, you can barely remember the faces of these men, much less their names, so you cannot even think of anything too interesting about them other than maintaining a stern expression, well, as stern as one you can manage, your mind is completely blank.

Finally, what seems to be an hour later, judging by the runoff from the candles above you, Auxentius nods towards you. Ensuring that your posture is as straight as it can be, you extend your hand outwards, with clear dismissal and lack of care in your movements.

“Bring in those whom had sinned !” The first line of your bodyguards shouts out, followed by the second, then the third, all the way to the seventh and eventually repeated by the guards next to the door as it is yet again swung open. You swear you can hear its hinges creaking from the overly excessive use it had seen this day.

And as you had been informed, five men step within the room, the red carpet leading up to you is then quickly greeted by their heads as they all kowtow. After that, is the process you had hated, if for nothing else than its length. Three steps, three tiny steps due to them kowtowing, then three bows, and again, and again, and again. Half of the people within the chamber could have entered it with pomp and ceremony before your third line of guards brings down their spears, blocking further movement of the traitors.

Silence again descends upon the room. You open your mouth to speak, only to shut up as blinding light is followed by an exceptionally loud boom, as nearly everyone in the chamber turns to regard the windows with some curiosity.

Clearing your throat, you start again. “Hear our words.”

“WE HEAR !” Everyone responds at once, and now do you truly realize just how small the hall is even compared to your throne room, the sound of hundreds of men, shouting a top of their lungs in a small chamber is deafening.

“You are accused of treachery. Betrayal of our father, the previous emperor, and now continuous treachery against us. It is this day, that we shall judge you, and you shall listen as son obeys his father. You shalt not complain, as we deliver upon you our decision. Plea, beg and ask, show to us why you are deserving of our forgiveness.”

“Yer majesty.” Yer ? “We’re but men chosen to guard these lands and er people. We had not risen in revolt against yer father, nor had we desired to rebel against yer majesty. We’re but loyal servants of Thephians as er ancestors had been millennia before. We’ve done no wrong and when the banner of the golden wolf had once again flown before the gates of er town, we had opened er gates and welcomed yer majesty with open arms like long lost children weld welcome their father.”

You sit silent for a second, before exchanging a glance with Auxentius, utterly confused if these men had just mocked you or not. All you get in response is Auxentius shaking his head, and gesturing not to execute them. Quickly glancing to your sides, both Isaac and Leontius stand unmoving, though Isaac maintains a neutral, if bored expression, Leontius has nothing but disgust upon his face.

Looking before the kowtowing figures before you, and what little power they actually hold, you take a deep breath and intone once more.

You had shown mercy when you could, and punished when you should, as such you already have a punishment fitting in mind. “You shall all receive ten lashes, a punishment prescribed by the Shepherd against rebellious children. Whether or not you shall maintain your positions and your wealth shall remain to be seen as we continue to reclaim the lands that are rightfully ours.” Your guards quickly grab the men as they continue to kowtow and drag them out of the chamber.

“The court is dismissed.” You proclaim, whilst gesturing for Isaac, Auxentius, and Leontius to stay behind.

“A fine judgement, your majesty.” As the door shuts once again, Leontius proclaims.

“Your majesty should have just hanged them.” Isaac, contrarian as always, says.


“Enough.” You say, a hint of threat clear in your voice as you are growing tired of their bickering. “Strategos, we wish to know of the fighting men of the town.”

“Now that is funny, your majesty.” You direct a quizzical look. “The crossbowmen we had seen above the city’s gate, they are all cripples.” He directs his gaze to Leontius as he says that word. “men old enough to remember the days of the first conquests.” Now looking at Auxentius. “Or children whom had not even grown their first beard.” And he finishes by staring at your general direction. “Around two hundred strong. Last we heard, the proper fighting men had been sent away from the town to fight in battles, some returned for rest and stay, to only depart once again, the locals I had conversed with all think that they are now in God’s embrace, deep beneath the seas. There’s nothing for us to draw from to bolster our numbers that wouldn’t be more of a hinderance than use.”

“Do we have to evacuate the town ?” You finally ask.

“It may be wise to do so, your majesty. I had taken the liberty of looking over the local documents when I had the chance.” Leontius says. “The town now has a populace of slightly less than a thousand. Mainly women, children. Stubborn cripples still clinging to life.” He throws a quick look at Isaac. “There’s little left that the place can offer for us.”

“And of the other towns ?”

“I know not, your majesty.”

“Then once the punishment is carried out upon the sinners, we want them back in the chamber to answer our questions.”
Joannes once again kowtows before you alongside his aids. The man shouldn’t really be moving, as you can already see blood staining his white linen shirt as even through his bandages, blood begins to pool.

“Yer majesty, this humble one is most graciers that yer majesty had decided to call for me this soon.”

“Yes.” You take a moment to process the man’s way of speaking. “We had called for you to grant you the opportunity to showcase your sincerity and repentance.”

“This humble one shall do his utmost to please yer majesty with what little knowledge I have.”

“We have questions about the foes we shall have to face, those savage forest tribals, their numbers, their means of warfare.”

“I know not of their numbers, but news did spread that the foreigners had numbered tens of thersands before they were defeated. As for their equipment, some of them had to be supplied by us by the arch-traitor’s orders when they launched their attacks. Their equipment seemed whatever they had, shields upon most of them, some with spears, some with axes, most had no armer with which to fight, half naked and painted in strange swirls and colers in the honer of their Gods, they werld holler and scream like beasts rather than men and charge whatever is in front of them. Some of them werld have bows, but nothing as large as what the Lucenians werld have, nor did it seem that they possessed many horses, none but the wealthiest of their numbers, as much as what those barbaroi (barbarians) consider wealth. But even then, they prefer to fight as cowards, throwing javelins and running off behind the screaming hordes only to rush back with more javelins.”

“Tens of thousands ?” Isaac says. “Your majesty, to gather so many men is quite unlikely, based on what we knew about the various tribes within the forest. Granted, that is knowledge a decade old. But if tens of thousands move, this is no invasion, your majesty, it is a migration. If my guess is correct.”

“Can we defeat them swiftly ?”

“I do not know, your majesty, but they were beaten before, as such they can be beaten again, as long as we advance with caution and proper preparation.”

“The lands surrounding us, how difficult would it be for us to move, anything we should note ?” You again ask the kowtowing man.

“The lands here had always been wet and winters like these are exceptionally snowy. It is still early winter, but give it a week, maybe two, and even the best roads shall be unable to carry forth any men, but those whom are of the fleetest of feet. Other than that, the lands arernd the area are flat, wind beaten, the land is usually exceptionally wet and can cause people hard time moving, it will be hard to move on all but the driest of days.”

“And the other towns, those in charge of them ? Would they come and kowtow before their emperor if called ?”

“All whom are loyal servants of the empire shall forever be loyal and obey yer call, yer majesty. Before, as I had mentioned previersly, the snow becomes too thick to pass, perhaps yer majesty’s men cerld reach fer other towns, maybe five.”

“Are they in a similar situation, where the fit and healthy menfolk had been stripped away for the war against the heartland of their empire ?”

The man stays silent for a second. Knowing the implication of yer words. “Their men had been taken, died in pointless battles between traitors and eventually sent to their deaths just like er own men by the order of traitorers tyrants threatening the lives of innocents.”

“Then strategos (general), We shall leave it up to you to see those towns secured as fast as able.”

Isaac simply inclines his head in a nod.

“Then the last question we have for you.”

“Had these pagans erected any idols of their false Gods upon your lands that stand to this day ?”

“No, yer majesty, our town’s chapel still stands as the only place of worship that connects us closer to God and his Shepherd.”

“Good. You are dismissed, rest and heal your wounds, your knowledge here had pleased us.”
The horrid mixture of rain and snow had finally entirely become the latter, even during the coldest of winters, your village had never seen snow enough to reach the chest of a grown man. The town’s inhabitants had been busying themselves by simply clearing the streets, transporting firewood and cooking warm soups and stews. Whilst the progress of the reconquest had been going on, it hadn’t been as great as you had hoped. The harsh weather conditions had only allowed your forces to reach another two towns, in a similar situation such as Kittos, barely inhabited, with weak defences and throwing themselves upon your feet.

This entire time you had busying yourself with the primary administrative duties of keeping the army going, a task that had incurred quite the headache as either rain, mud, or snow, made transportation a living nightmare. Luckily, the towns have their own food stores, whom are relatively filled, clearly intended for a larger population than they house right now, easing your situation somewhat.

You are startled as Pistis tumbles down on the floor, he had been sleeping and stretching upon your bed, and his rolling back and forth seems to have caught up to him. Shaking his head, stretching once again and yawing, revealing the terrifying fangs within his mouth, more than capable of grabbing your throat and tearing it open. Pistis regards you for a second, his eyes looking straight into your own, before he starts to slowly, carefully, gentle step after step come closer. And then he runs, to which you just extend your hand and start petting him as he finally ends up putting his head upon your legs.

With soft fur in between your fingers, you take a look outside of the window, watching the snowflakes fall, a sharp contrast to the dark sky above. Judging by the speed of said snowflakes, the wind outside seems to be quite strong, but now as powerful as you had witnessed a few days ago.

It seems that the campaigning season had utterly ground to a halt, to the point where it would now actually be dangerous to try and make your way back to Myralos. Sighing, your eye catches the sight of the small and humble chapel, made out of simple stone and a sharp, angular wooden roof, which you notice does quite a good job ensuring that the snow that lands atop it remains at a minimum.

It had been long since I had visited a church. You think to yourself. Watching you move and drab yourself with a large fur cloak, Pistis rises to attention and seems quite excited about the prospect of going outside.

Having dressed yourself, you open your door and are greeted by bows of your bodyguards.

“We are going to visit the chapel, we shall perhaps be gone for an hour, prepare warm wine for us when we return, distilled.” Pistis eyes you with a pleading look. “And some fresh meat for my pet.”

“As you command, your majesty.” One of the men responds.
Surprisingly, whilst it is cold, it is not as cold as you had feared. It is in fact warmer right now than during the usual winter of your village. As your cloak is quickly covered in a layer of white, the fresh snow crunches under your feet as Pistis excitedly follows you, despite the foul weather, being forced to remain indoors for a long while seems to have made even such air refreshing to him.

Walking the deserted street, the locals and your soldiery spending their time within the various houses, originally abandoned or not, and walking outside only when they absolutely have to. As such, there is a peaceful quiet, allowing you to relax, for just a moment. You feel not the weight of the crown, the burden of thousands, hopes of hundreds of thousands that you will bring forth a better tomorrow, a brighter future, the restoration of lost glory. And…


It is your birthday.

You come to realize with a slight shock. It is something you had completely forgotten during your struggles. You had been born at the start of winter, close to the new year, symbolizing the start of spring and the day the Shepherd had set as the day of celebration for all life and the day when he had ascended to meet with God. On this day you turn…nineteen. It takes you a moment to even recall your own age.

Having finally arrived at the chapel, you push against the heavy wooden door and enter it. Taking a few steps inside, you are greeted by the feeling of chill, as inside is actually colder than the outside. Your situation is not helped when Pistis walks past you and try to shake off the large quantities of snow upon his fur. Having shielded your face, you turn back and shut the door.

It is dark. You quickly realize, other than a single, large window set behind the altar, there is nothing that can provide illumination. Speaking of the altar, now that you can look upon it, you realize that it too, is made of plain stone, lacking adornments you had grown quite accustomed to. And another thing that stands out like a sore thumb, again, strange and unusual. The Shepherd’s cross, his blade to more precise, a literal interpretation in this case. Such Large crosses in churches are usually made out of Gold or Silver, encrusted with jewels and everything else that shines. But here, it is made of something expensive, you suppose, but much less so than pure gold. Steel, cleaned to perfection gives away what little gleam it can during such a gloomy day. As your steps echo forwards, you finally get an even better look at the blade, as it actually as a blade. Carefully running your fingers along the edge of the Cross, you realize that it had been sharpened, and the keen edge had been meticulously maintained.

Turning back and regarding the chapel as a whole, more things start to stand out. There are no paintings, no frescos, or sewn works that depict great deeds within the holy passages. The pews are made from simple wood, clearly evened, but not lacquered, they lacking any cushioning in their simplistic form, clear indent showcase their intense use, both for the positions to sit in and the positions to kneel in. And your exploration continues onwards as you see that the single large window is perhaps the most expensive thing in the room, and that is merely because it is made of clear glass, lacking any work upon it that would depict the Shepherd or one of his great disciples. The floor itself also appears to be made out of stone, nothing more than simple slabs of stone forming the floor, lacking any carpeting upon them.

Your curiosity piqued, you walk back to the lectern, placed before the altar of steel and regard the book placed atop of it. It appears to be a simple tome, made of parchment and covered with simple, rather worn looking leather. Taking the book, you can see that the edges of the parchment have also been clipped, losing their perfect shape and lustre due to intensive use. Interestingly enough, there is not a name upon the book, rather, nothing more than the Shepherds cross, humbly drawn upon it using simple white paint showcases that this is indeed the holy book.

Gingerly opening it, you start reading the first words, made out of ink that has lost its intensity, becoming harder to make out. Flipping page after page as you slowly read it, you see not any drawings, nor do you see any stylized lettering or flairs of creativity. The holy text had been dutifully copied down, with nothing else done to it. Its simplicity is, refreshing, as you had never seen the holy book so plain.

Pistis growls, having sat himself before the lectern, and stares straight ahead at the door, which soon enough is opened and a figure, clad in layers of dark furs, a great cloak made out of bear fur hugs the man, and then deep layers of some grey fur, seemingly those of a wolf, encase the rest of his body. No wonder Pistis is as alert as he is. The thing that does make you alert are the weapons by the man’s side, a short blade, closer to a large dagger than anything else, and an axe, the thin head making it clear that it only has one true purpose, that of killing.

“Havin a read, yer majesty ?” Having regarded you, or more precisely, Pistis, the man says, his voice echoing across the chapel, powerful and low. Closing the door behind him, he begins approaching, as Pistis rises to his feet and starts showing his teeth. Seemingly oblivious to the threat, the man just keeps moving forwards, and only now do you realize just how tall and wide the man actually is, taller and bulkier than even most of your bodyguards, yet fleet of foot, each step he takes is barely audible, even in such a chamber like this.

“I have to apologize, yer majesty, had I known yer’d come, I werld have lit up some oil to make the reading easier.”

“And who are you ?” You finally say.

“Ah, please accept by deepest apologies.” He doesn’t bow with those words. “Name’s Goran, I am this here town’s priest.” Now that had come as a surprise. “May I come closer ?” He finally stops barely further away from Pistis, towering over him. Only know, do you notice the Shepherd’s cross hanging from the man’s neck, rather than be made of gold, it appears to be forged out of simple iron and judging by the rather, circular look, it had been rubbed between one’s fingers a thousand times over.

To further showcase his non hostile intent, you see Goran take down the hood of his cloak, revealing a hard face, a powerful looking black beard, curling and hard to control equally tar black hair and blue eyes. His complexion is paler than most you had seen before, the only one comparable would be lady Dominica. But you doubt a man like him would spend long indoors.

“You may.” You eventually say, having regarded the man for a moment.

“Thank yer, yer majesty. Not many folks coming to visit during such weather. Too cold yer see, too busy keeping their fires burning, with their husbands gone and whatnot. I had come here to look after altar, steel ain’t as easy to manage as gold is, but the rewards for doing so are much sweeter.” He finishes, having withdrawn a whetstone from one of his pockets.

“There are no side doors that I can see, do you not live within the chapel ?”

“Nay, yer majesty. I go back home to me wife.” The sounds of him sharpening the steel irritating your ears.

“Wife ? You claim to be a priest, devoted to God and his messenger, his son, and you have a wife ?” You exclaim with surprise.

“And why not ? I’m but a man, someone that can read, someone that believes in God and his word. But one can’t console people and put ‘em on the right path withert having experienced it themselves. Also, yer majesty sherldn’t be so surprised, everyone arernd here does that.”

“But, that is sacrilegious ! The council that-“

“Now go forth and spread from yer loins and conquer all, bring the light of God to all.” He quotes from the holy book.

“But it had been established, that one must devote themselves to God, rather than carnal exaltation.”

“Well, whilst I do love shagging me wife. I don’t shag her just to shag, I love the hag, I have children with the hag, am I not carrying ert God’s command ? Besides, the orders that come from Myralos, even when er people were first conquered rarely reached further than getting taxes. Hell, even now, I consider meself a Thephian, those arernd me think so too, but Myralos holds little sway even as we pay taxes and fight in its name. We follow God, we follow his word and embrace His light. So what’s there more to ask ?”

You shake your head at the sheer audacity of the man. The only who comes close would probably be Isaac, and the man had threatened to kill you, maybe, you are not entirely sure, but even he had been more polite than this Goran before you.

Strange name, strange dressings, strange way of worship, yet the man proclaims himself a Thephian. You think with some confusion.

Seemingly content, he continues to work upon the Cross, humming some unheard song to your ear to himself. It seems you will have to ask him questions if you wish to find out anything more.

>What questions do you have for the so called priest ? (Write in)

With winter set in as it is, you have more free time than usual, so you could find occasions to converse with people around you.

>(Whom and what questions ?)

Then, there are your surroundings. Can pick more than one, must get at least half total votes to pass.

>Sit in a listen to the sermons within the chapel.

>Go out and engage in an activity favoured by your senators – hunting.

>You know little of the region’s history, maybe it is time for you to look over some books in the library ?

>Whilst unconventional, you could always disguise yourself and listen in to the mercenaries and senatorial troops, maybe they will have amusing stories, maybe some nuggets of wisdom.

>(Write in)
>>What questions do you have for the so called priest ?
I dunno question him further upon his faith? We will have to deal with heretics sooner or later might as well figure out what kind of heresies we are dealing with.
Also ask him about the state of religion in the region as a whole. Any barbarians who decided to convert? Any of our citizens who took up the heathen religion? How are different faith getting along in general? Will there be unrest once we start dealing with the issue?

>>(Whom and what questions ?)
Talk to Isaac about strategy and our current circumstances. Ask him about his plans for the campaign. Just show him that we want to get involved in general and not just fuck around.
Talk to Leontius about integrating the region. I can imagine what he says but we still should hear what he has to say.
Can't think of anything other than that right now. Anons will probably add some more questions anyway.

>>Sit in a listen to the sermons within the chapel.
Will give us a better grasp on the regional religious situation.
>>You know little of the region’s history, maybe it is time for you to look over some books in the library ?
This is our bread and butter. We will no doubt get some good info out of it.

Hunting seems like a waste of time and a chance of trauma. Nothing we can gain from it that we can't get from talking to Leontius.
Disguising is a bad idea. Just asking to get shanked on a bad roll.
Pretty well everything that I would have put forward, support.
>>What questions do you have for the so called priest ?
>I dunno question him further upon his faith? We will have to deal with heretics sooner or later might as well figure out what kind of heresies we are dealing with.
>Ask him about the state of religion in the region as a whole. Any barbarians who decided to convert? Any of our citizens who took up the heathen religion? How are different faith getting along in general? Will there be unrest once we start dealing with the issue?

>>(Whom and what questions ?)
>Talk to Isaac about strategy and our current circumstances. Ask him about his plans for the campaign. Just show him that we want to get involved in general and not just fuck around.
>Talk to Leontius about integrating the region. I can imagine what he says but we still should hear what he has to say.

>Sit in a listen to the sermons within the chapel.

>Go out and engage in an activity favoured by your senators – hunting.
While reading is Manuel's standby, this campaign is a unique opportunity to interact with the senatorial class. I consider that very important given our historical relationship with them as a whole. Were he a normal crown prince, he would have gotten to know the most important players personally before donning the purple. Alas, he is not. Also, I want to flex his fighting skills a little.
>Can pick more than one, must get at least half total votes to pass.

Is there a penalty for picking more than one?

All activities have a certain degree of possibility of things going wrong one way or another, but other than that, no.
Actually, can I add
as a separate action? Or is it included in the sermon?

You can iterate it as a more personal thing, where Manuel is alone. But listening to sermons will include prayer.
In that case...

>Ask Goran about his faith
>Ask Goran about the greater state of the faith in the region

>Go talk strategy and campaigning with Isaac
>Go speak to Leontius about the future of the reconquered regions

>Sit in a listen to the sermons within the chapel.
>Go out and engage in an activity favoured by your senators – hunting.
>You know little of the region’s history, maybe it is time for you to look over some books in the library ?
>Use some free time to make personal prayers to God and the Shepherd
Well, in that case I would like to add hunting to my vote >>5490186

I support these actions:
Solid enough

The only other thing i would ask Goran is probably the name of important leaders that are still alive and how many follow them.
At least the one known
Get the strong ‘Protestant’ vibe from this church

A focus more on theological purity rather than ostentatious displays of wealth

This isn’t ‘heresy per say, just a organisational focus

We’d shouldn’t come down hard. Instead we should retire local priests and replace them with more orthodox ones from the heartland
>Not a heresy
Degenerates like you belong on a cross
File: Goran.gif (4.42 MB, 382x640)
4.42 MB
4.42 MB GIF
>>5490138 >>5490141
>'ate criminals
>'ate traitors
>'ate barbaroi (ain't racist just don't loik 'em)

>luv me missus
>luv me church
>luv me town
>luv the empire

simple as
>Get to know Issac, Leontius, and the Senate
It’s a great time to socialize, network, and consolidate our power.
>Sit in a listen to the sermons within the chapel.
>Go out and engage in an activity favoured by your senators – hunting.
>You know little of the region’s history, maybe it is time for you to look over some books in the library ?
>Whilst unconventional, you could always disguise yourself and listen in to the mercenaries and senatorial troops, maybe they will have amusing stories, maybe some nuggets of wisdom.
Supporting this.
Is op ok?
He does this all the time. It doesn't matter if he got stuck in a blizzard, got captured by the Akeonians again, got kidnapped by the pagans to be sacrifrificed to their gods or simply went out to get milk and cigarettes. He'll show up soon enough.

The wait is worth the quality in any case.
Merry Christmas fellow autists
Merry christmas to you too anon!
Merry christmas!!
Merry christmas to you too based trips anon.
Merry Christmas! numbers don't lie.
You watch the man, his silent humming intermixing together with the sharp noise of whetstone grinding against steel. Then, your sight once again turns to the rather plain looking chamber, it is something that you had not truly caught before, but now that you consider it a bit more, even your village, which was far less populous and poorer than the town here had beautiful pieces of artwork.

“In the council of Smyrnousa in the 365th year since the Shepherd’s ascension, the [i]ékphrasē[/i] (expression) movement had proven that portrayal of man and all of God’s creations is not only not heretical, but required as means of showcasing God’s magnificence by granting humans the ability to create art and that the creation of art is one of the potentially highest forms of expressing one’s devotion to the faith.” You begin talking and the endless noise of grinding steel suddenly comes to a halt. Pistis, still vigilantly observing Goran, finally raises his ears now that the irritating sound had stopped, though his teeth still shine in contrast with the darker surroundings. “Even the humblest of chapels, mere waystations, have beautifully crafted works of art, drawing one’s eyes to it to the point where such charm could even draw tears from the dourest of men and the foulest of heathens. Yet, I see no such art here, where even the Shepherd’s cross is closer to the blade he wielded, a showcase of his wroth, rather than a showcase of his mercy when cast out gold.”

Goran pockets the whetstone and with a grunt sits down upon the base of the altar, facing you. Pistis interposes himself between the two of you, standing close to your legs, his head raised as he seemingly is attempting to protect your throat.

“Well, yer majesty. The lands here are not as prosperers as everywhere else. During winter, winds come from the North, bringing endless sheets of white that cover the landscape. During summer, the very same winds blow heavily from the Serth, bringing warmth and endless torrents of rain. Farming is hard, mining is even harder from anywhere expect the merntains, but even that takes much effort and difficulty. These lands, are poor.” He says calmly, looking at your face, though you do notice that he has wisdom enough not to stare directly at your eyes. “The people here are hardy, we mainly raise sheep, for only grass trees grow in such wet weather. So we do some lumberjacking, sheering and making clothes from wool, gathering what we can from forests and hunting game. Even then, famine is ever a threat and it is not unusual to go to bed hungry. We, yer majesty, have no time nor wealth for such showcases. We’d rather spend what coin we do possess, that are not taken in taxes, buying a good axe or blade, for everything we do is always threatened by savages at the gate.”

“So, it is an issue of prosperity.” You conclude.

“No, yer majesty. We are hardy folk, there is no one here that has not killed, be it an animal, or man. To portray art with bloodied hands werld be a sin to God’s creation and being imperfect being within an imperfect world, one werld have to kill at the very least a bug, thus staining their hand. But it also thrergh war and battle, that God’s word is spread, for as was said – There are those possessed by dark hearts and dark therghts, those who turn from God’s light that deem to bring one harm, for those one must hath need to sell one’s clothes to gain a sword if he hath no else, for those of true faith need know that evil must be combated in life and in death. The sin of murder and shedding blood shall be judged upon one’s final day, and hath he slain in God’s name those who’d perverse He, the most holy, shall be granted absolution during final judgement.”

“Creation hath been granted to man in God’s name, for we arth made from his image and to create is something only man possesses, so create in order to honour God and showcase his glory to all whom lay their eyes upon it, so that misguided those would see God’s glory and weep.” You recite the very same passage that had won the argument during council of Smyrnousa.

“Do not pervert God’s image and the image of all whom he hath made, let no hands of sinner make their false idols in the make of their ferl gods whom are naught but devils in disguise.” Goran says. “We can keep exchanging quotes from the good book all night, yer majesty.”

“Perhaps we shall. Though you had mentioned bloodshed, is that why you have naught but a blade within the chapel ?”

“Correct, yer majesty. The Skerraxúla (Derk woods) are full of horrors, both men and monsters whom threaten one and his family. We have no need for mercy, nor forgiveness for the sinner, for those we fight shall offer us none, and even perhaps condemn err serls via dark rituals and horrific sacrifices. Tell me, yer majesty, had yer ever seen Lucenian sacrificial ritual ? I had. We priest of these lands go to war almost daily against those ferl heathens, usually alongside the local the thémata (placement, district). In were, two years back now.” He says a moment of thought later, his expression growing ponderous and darker. “The watch tower of a nearby village had lit its beacon, indicating an attack. I, alongside some of my acolytes, went with a few men from the local garrison. As I said, the lands here are poor and to own a proper horse for anything more than pulling carts is a luxury most cannot afford, so we had been slow, too slow.” He sighs. “The village had been emptied by the time we got there. The palisade still standing tall, but the village’s gate thrown open, huts burning, fresh bodies littering the grernd. We saw tracks leading deeper in the woods made by carts. The savages whom attacked had looted the place, all of the men, bless their brave serls, for now most of them are beneath the waves far from home, had decided to venture in the woods for the sake of revenge and see if they cannot rescue a few folks.” He grows silent, simply staring at the floor.

You allow for the silence to hang, placing your hand upon Pistis’ head, you gently stroke and calm him down before sitting upon the altar. “What had happened ?” You finally ask.

“We fernd ‘em.” The man finally says. “God, we fernd ‘em, but far too late. I saw with my own eyes. A girl, no more than maybe, ten years, similar to my own, with dark hair looking almost like mine. A knife slowly slid along her throat, she was screaming, thrashing, being hung upside down from tree branches. Two people, a man and a woman, no derbt her parents judging by how they looked, had already hung besides her, dead. Crimson flowing down from their necks, being gathered in wooden bowls. Some devil worshipping witch, face painted red with blood, skull of what looked perhaps like a direwolf, mayhaps a wyvern, dunno, big skull and I hadn’t really looked too much at it, was a top of her head. She was chanting in a ferl tongue. We didn’t think. We just charged, killed every single last one of them, my axe personally ripped the witch’s guts ert and all of her followers were butchered to the last, we offered no mercy. That had costed us, as that very same bitch.” He curses with pure hatred in his tone. “Had a blade, dipped in no derbt basilisk venom, I had seen it before, acts fast, causes deadly pain, yer can see it cersing thrergh the blood as the veins turn purple, best lop off any limb affected.” He lets out a small chuckle. “I hope when they hunted that basilisk it had killed a lot of them.” What good mood he had disappears. ”A small hope, as I had heard rumers that they had fernd ways of rearing those prickly things. I remember looking at the girl’s eyes. All life had left them. And I cerldn’t help but think – had I only been faster. Her body was still warm when I cut her down. We used the very same carts that those savages had stolen to bring all of the dead back to their village. I personally dug each and every single one of their graves and I had blessed them, so that God werld have the upper hand in the battle for their serls. That is why all men and women here fight, and they kill, yer majesty, for we have no other choice.”

You cannot help but swallow deeply, tension clear in your body, a hint of paranoia creeping as you realize that these same barbaroi (barbarians) could strike against you right where you are. Still, the feeling of warmth in between your fingers calms you down as you gently stroke Pistis’ back.

“Do all priest wage war like you had ?” You ask, a minute or so after.

“Yes, yer majesty. Yer had caught me with my pants down, so to say. I usually galavant with better armer than what I have now. So do galavant the rest of my brethren. We are all hardy men, ready to die in God’s name to guard these lands from foreigners. Some, like Myslik, er.” He realizes that the name means nothing to you. “Myslik is sort of the Patriárchēs (patriarch) arernd here. He usually organizes raids against the ferals in the woods, driving the fear of God into their hearts. Lots of faithful follow him in guarding er lands.”

[blue]Another Patriárchēs ?![/blue] You had heard that during the empire’s height there had been a need to ensure local autonomy due to sheer distance, but ever since the Akeonians had invaded the empire, Oikoumenikós Patriárchēs (ecumenical patriarch) had been the only authority for religious matters within the empire. No inferior of his had been confirmed for the past few decades. You are about to once again proclaim upon what authority would such a title be bestowed, but you hold your tongue, realizing that arguing with the man is pointless, as he is seemingly unafraid of your influence, nor is he afraid of death.

Sighing with frustration, you bring up another question that had been at the back of your mind. “We had heard that defeated tribes of savages had been put to use in these lands. Had these heathens spread their vile faith amongst the misguided faithful ?”

Goran actually bursts out laughing at your question. “God no, these beaten savages have no chance of spreading their faith amongst er people, hatred is deeply engrained in er bones against all whom beferl er faith. No child or woman werld fall for it, much so grown men.” He finishes with a hearty chuckle.

“Then had any of them converted and seen God’s light ?” You ask with some hope in your heart.

“A few.” Goran nods seriously. “I had conversed with a cerple of them when they had been herded here, warriors all. They seem to have liked the idea of seeing heaven after death, for the afterlife they believe in is a cruel and unforgiving one. Knowing that God will offer mercy and knowing that they shall be redeemed if they shed blood and can keep their war-like ways in God’s name. Had they stayed true to the faith, had they perished when they had spread the good word amongst their brethren, that I do not know. Still, blood shall be shed one way or another, er people cannot exist alongside those whom worship foreign devils. I fear that this time, it shall be a losing battle, yer majesty, many of er best and bravest men had perished, leaving only widows and orphans behind.”

“And how do you think we should deal with them ?” You question, as that is an issue you shall have to deal with soon enough.

“If yer can, deliver upon them the sword, sherld they not embrace the one true word.” He says with a cold tone, a hard expression on his face.

For once, you can agree with the man.

You nod before saying. “If we were to do so, we need to know of those whom could rally the populace to out cause.”

“Well, other than Myslik, I know no one else, yer majesty. Most whose names come to mind had long since been devered by all kinds of sea creatures.”

You stand up and begin to meander out of the chaple, Pistis rapidly trailing behind you. “Thank you, for the conversation. We shall come to listen to one of your sermons one of these days. We hope you shall be with your pants then.” You finish and just as the door closes behind you, you hear Goran’s laughter.
You take a sip from the goblet, the warm wine filling your throat, the spices within barely tingling your tongue as you had order it be specifically more diluted than common. You can quickly feel warmth returning to you as the flames raging in the fireplace had made the room quite stuffy and comfortable, allowing you to shed the furs you had previously donned and sit in comfortable and thin cloth and silks.

“These fruits are quite lovely, your majesty.” Leontius says with a smile, taking a bite of sweetened apple whom had been preserved within honey. You simply nod, instead taking a bit of salted and spiced fish before you, which seems to go quite well with the wine.

It had grown quite late in the night and whilst most men had retired for the night, all but the guards that is. You were surprised to learn that most of your senators, at least those of not advanced age, are still up, sharing stories, playing games and dining through the night. And you just so happened to run into Leontius as you had returned.

“Prōtoproedros (senior president).” You begin. “We had called you here to perhaps discuss deeper matters than one should upon a merry night, but they torture us with their import.”

“Why of course, your majesty. I am but your servant whom shall assist as best as able.” He says with a smile.

“That is heartening to hear.” You reply with a smile of your own. “These lands, long lost to our embrace had been savaged, perhaps ruined even. But these lands are ours and we shall hold on to them until our dying breath, however that does not change the fact that we face many issues about returning these [i]thémata[/i] (placement, district) to the empire. What advise could wizened one as you could offer, about these issues ?”

You see Leontius, for once, showcase surprise upon his face, before his face takes upon a ponderous expression, a serious look in his eyes. Minutes pass as he considers the issues laid before him, before speaking up. “Well, your majesty. As your majesty had said, these lands are devastated. Most of the menfolk had been stripped away by the war. That means that women and children are the ones in these lands. A border region like this cannot exist in such a state, no matter how expensive it would be, I would suggest your majesty to restore Strategos (General) Isaac’s tagmata (regiment/battalion) to full strength. He is familiar with the terrain and the lands here are even more exposed due to Lucenian presence in the South.”

Now that’s a surprise. “Please do not be shocked, your majesty. I am not so blind as to ignore a weakness of the empire, after all, if the empire falls, so would my line.” [blue]Dammit ! He read me like a book ![/blue]

“We meant no insult Prōtoproedros, it is just that after all we had seen, it had come as a surprise.”

“I have no doubt it had.” He continues to smile. “Next, these lands should be exempt from taxes for a period of twenty years, forty would be better, but the empire cannot afford to have parts of it not contributing to its continued safety for so long. The twenty years should be enough for surviving children to grow and have children of their own, who’d be able to herd sheep and hunt wild beasts for their furs. Though I would still suggest that the region would not be levied for the aforementioned forty years, to ensure that the populace recovers.”

[blue]Reasonable so far.[/blue] “Next, your majesty should keep the local power structure intact.” [blue]And here it is.[/blue] “The locals know their situation best, to deliver change upon them in such a vulnerable moment would only stoke resentment and anger, not to mention that there would be a lack of local knowledge and customs whom could further destabilize the region. Not to mention, that the wealthy families of the area could soften the blow upon the treasury when it comes to the rebuilding efforts, if the aforementioned exceptions apply to them as well.”

“And the foreigners currently doing with these lands as they please ?” You ask, finishing the last of your wine in the goblet.

“Hmmmm…Kill them.” Leontius says with no hesitation only a moment of thought later. “The local populace is far too reduced to settle and integrate them effectively, we would sooner turn these lands into their own rather than make them proper Thephians. Whilst it would allow the area to recover much faster, it would be far too dangerous, and sending them towards Myralos is also impossible, to settle the heartlands with such filthy beast would only anger the populace. To exile them to their forest would simply leave them to grow in strength and try again at invading our lands. As such, their death is the best, no, the only option.”

If what Goran says is true, it is possible that there are converts amongst the barbaroi (barbarians), if they are of great numbers, it would pain you greatly to turn them away, and perhaps see them turn away from God’s light in turn. Sighing, you once more regard Leontius. “We see. If there is nothing else we can do, then it shall be so. Anything else ?”

“A couple of things, your majesty. Should we lose against the Akeonians, a distant possibility, I know, but one we must consider nonetheless, we could evacuate the people from there, the fleeing refugees and resettle them here, whilst there would be some friction, at the end of the day, everyone here are Thephians. Next, whilst disgusting, we could open up another town for trade. So far, foreigners are only allowed to trade within Myralos and nowhere else. The geography of the area does have a few excellent natural ports. The trade brought here could stimulate the people to reproduce more as they would have more, though this does bring the danger of foreign influence seeping in upon lands far from the capital.” Leontius finishes, before taking another piece of sweetened apple.

“And what if we try to resettle the area with those from the heartlands ?”

“All of the thémata (placement, district) are already depopulated your majesty, to do so would weaken those places beyond repair, not to mention the reluctance of one having to abandon his home for the frontier. It could cause discontent.”

“We thank you, Prōtoproedros. We allow you to return and enjoy the rest of the night.” You say with finality in your words, if nothing else, the man had given you things to think about.

“By your will, your majesty.” Leontius says with a bow before departing.

For now, you shall sleep. It had been quite an exhausting day. And judging by the snoring coming from the end of your bed, you are not the only one feeling tired as Pistis’ legs twitch, you can only hope that he is dreaming pleasant dreams.
The light had only broken, as you gently brush your hands against the assortment of books within the manor’s library. It is a humble collection, incomparable with what you have back in Myralos, and annoyingly, everything is written in the same dialect that everyone speaks here, but, it is also a treasure throve of knowledge about the local area. Taking in a deep breath, you smell the tell-tale smell of books and you feel right at home, as the first light of the morning washes through the room, a subdued light due to the clouds, but light nonetheless, and one lacking snow for once.

Pistis, whom had groggily followed you, had long since strewn across the floor, closer the fireplace within the library, a hazard if you had ever seen one, but then again, they do not have pipes coursing through the walls, ceiling and floor carrying heated water to keep the place warm, unlike your palace. It seems he’s protesting being woken up so early by having a sleep once again, though no matter how tired, he had still faithfully followed you all the way here.

Holding back a chuckle, you place down the collection of books you had picked out and take a seat upon the simple cushioned wooden chair and begin turning its pages.

Book after book, you start building up an image of the area:

The local area had been conquered roughly 1,100 years ago, a decade or so before the Shepherd’s accession. Though interestingly enough, the Thephian Empire had its first few footholds in Rogarus at the same time they had decided to conquer these lands so close to their heartlands. And the reasons why become clear when you read words of historians millennia past, all of whom complain about the horrid weather, worthless land, and uncivilized peoples, going so far as to question if these lands would even need to be conquered to begin with. Yet the orders had been given, and the armies had marched, for it was the time of the Pentarchy, five monarchs ruling the at the time burgeoning Thephian confederation, a time where only outwards aggression and expansion had prevented the bloodshed that would so often spill when no outside threat had united the confederation. Ironic how said outside threat eventually saw one of the great ruling families, Palaeologus, emerge as a unifier, exterminating the other four families and establishing the long tradition of autarchy, one that you now strongly benefit from.

The original people that had ruled here were made up of a single loosely controlled kingdom, whose name had been censored across the historic efforts, even the name Variáglóssa (Foul tongue) is the name Thephian had given the local people living here, their original way of calling themselves long since forgotten. [blue]Not surprising that they consider themselves Thephians then.[/blue] You muse. But one these lands were conquered, the expansion east came to a grinding halt as, at the very least so the record claims, more than a million men had been lost in the Gē tōn kataraménōn andrṓn (Land of cursed men) or as the local here refer to it Skouraxúla (Dark woods). You suppose it is a much shorter name. Other than that, the records go into detail about numerous rebellions of the local peoples, constant incursions by those not under imperial rulership, burning, pillaging and raiding. Until eventually, a few centuries after, the area you stand upon now had become integral part of the Empire, the locals being as they are now, considering themselves Thephians, whilst enjoying a certain degree of autonomy. What gives you some heart, is that in the reports about the area, it is eventually described as one of the centres of the so-called sheep nonsense, a rather crude term to describe the faith you believe in now.

Pushing down your annoyance, you do come across some things of note an interest. To your south is a giant lake called Galáziomáti (Azure eye), the largest lake in the world, or so some of the historians claim, and below that are the Psychráéli (Cold marshes) inhabited by Andresváltou (Men of swamps), a rather unruly people, continuously a bother to the empire, mounting minor raids into the empire’s lands and causing havoc. Shockingly enough, the latest records you have indicate that other than finally stopping their raids, these men do naught but pay a trinket tribute to you in the form of naphtha. This is a situation that you may have to try and remedy, but looking at the records, you wouldn’t be the first emperor to attempt to do so. And everyone before you had mainly failed, with what you have now being the best result. But even that is not the worst part, no, the worst is the fact that all of them are heathens, still worshipping their false idols and paying no heed or mind to Shepherd’s word !

The rest of your reading session had overall turned to be interesting, if not particularly fruitful, at the very least you now know why everyone here speaks wrong. You also had managed to acquire a deeper understanding of the region’s history and the peculiar traditions of the people here, so that may come in handy.

The ringing of a bell is what does cut your reading short, as after all, you have a sermon to attend.
It’s a rather awkward situation. Having noticed you going to the chapel, it had become jam packed with your senators, to the point where both they, and the locals are standing wherever they can find a place to stand. To further add to this annoyance, your bodyguards had occupied the very first pew upon the left and right, as well as the second pew behind that, all sitting in full dress, their blades upon their knees so that they would be easier to draw should any ne’er-do-well try to make an attempt upon your life. And so, your hope of a nice, quiet sermon, where you could commune with God, had been dashed. The rather scornful and annoyed look Goran is throwing at you is met by the glares of your men, whom you had to order not to draw their spathions and not to cut the bear of a man down, whom true to his word, came dressed appropriately. A chainmail hauberk covers him in his full entirety, a steel helmet, shaped like a bucket as far as you can tell, rests by his side, his arms and greaves are protected by bronze gauntlets and greaves, polished to perfection, the iron Shepherd’s cross rest prominently upon his chest, where that very same cross is painted on with deep dark dye, a large, black cloak made out of what appears to be a single bear hangs upon his shoulders. A holy man and a barbaroi (barnarian) all in one. No wonder the senators, at least those you can spot through the sea of your guards, appear bewildered, confused, shocked, amused or disgusted.

“Ahem !” Goran clears his throat. “I am glad to see…such a large congregation after so long. It gladdens my heart that so many of yer had come to here may relay Shepherd’s words, and thrergh him, God’s words to yer all. The Shepherd had said – Deliver justice upon the sinner. Sherld he repent, offer him forgiveness as God had offered His to all, so that he may redeem himself and be at peace not with those against whom he had sinned, but rather that he be at peace with himself, knowing that he had done good. For all men, not just the sinners must know right and wrong, for if he knows not of his wrongs, teach him. Sherld he lash ert in anger, teach him patience, for allowing anger to clerd one’s mind shall only lead to folly one shall regret. Sherld he be consumed by lust. Teach him chastity, for only thrergh true love, shall one see the blessing of one’s heart. Sherld he be enviers of all arernd him. Teach him kindness, to share what he has and have that kindness returned in turn. Sherld he be consumed with pride. Teach him humility and to be content with what he has, for he can lose all in an imperfect world. Sherld he be gluttoners. Teach him temperance, a satisfied stomach is better than a bloated one, to dever more than one’s share shall leave others to starve and suffer. Sherld a man be slothful. Teach him diligence, so that he cerld leave his mark upon the world and make a better place.

And should your teachings fail, should the sinner continue to sin, should he deny your forgiveness and pollute the earth, all that the virtuous can do is to draw his sword and deliver mercy upon the world by removing sin. Though this should only be done, when the sinner can no longer be redeemed, for his mind and heart are controlled by the temptations of devils and other evil spirits, for all that he does is spread misery in the world. So the Shepherd says.”

“So the Shepherd says.” Everyone in the chapel replies.

“Know that God’s forgiveness is infinite, but forgiveness is not mercy. One must forgive sins of those who deserve that forgiveness, and sherld they ignore it, sherld they ignore yer help, to deliver final benediction is the greatest mercy one cerld give, so that he whom sinned cerld be judged by God’s benevolent embrace. And sherld he be deemed unrepentant, God shall offer him a final mercy to be therght the ferlness of his ways thrergh punishment of sin. A glutton shall forever be hungry, a man consumed by pride shall forever be unnoticed, and once the sinner realizes what he had done wrong, only then God will once more, for one more time offer his forgiveness.

Know this. To tolerate sin, is to commit the sin yerself. Turn not a blind eye upon sin and evil. Bring all upon the righters path ! So the Shepherd says.”

“So the Shepherd says.” Once more, everyone says.

There is a fire burning in the man’s eyes, you can see that. Every word spoken, every movement of his hands is filled with vigour and power. You had not seen such energy in any sermons you had attended previously, they were quiet, solemn affairs, the words were spoken softly, in a manner that would guide one to inner peace and quiet. Whilst the sermon here is closer to a proclamation of God’s will, that all whom sin shall be burnt, that all whom oppose his word shall be sent to him for judgement. It is odd, and you also notice that almost every quote Goran chooses ends with proclamations of…righteous violence, tempered by virtue, would be the best way that comes to your mind to describe it.

If nothing else, you can feel energized by these words, even if they are spoken by a borderline heretic.

Eventually, you rise from your seat and are first to leave, not because you are eager to do so, but because no one dares to until you depart.
You steady your breathing, the muscles upon your back burn from the force applied to them and once you loosen your grip, all of that tension quickly disappears. Whizzing through the air, the arrow sails true and impacts a rabbit fifty or so metres away.

“A fine blow, your majesty !” One of the senators alongside you proclaims. The rest of them quickly follow in their praises.

You exhale as dogs bark and your servants move ahead to secure your kill, struggling to go through the thick snow.

“Not bad. Had you been training in archery, your majesty ?” Isaac asks.

“A bit. Though we are primarily receiving lessons in swordsmanship and the techniques related.” You reply.

“A good choice. All emperors should know how to fight.”

Looking around, you are still surprised by the lack of Leontius in your company, though you had heard rumours that the man is currently feeling ill. A certain kind of illness that only really comes from drinking too much and too strong wine.

“Did you hunt in these lands often, Strategos (general) ?”

“Used to, yes. Hunting is useful to keep one’s skills sharp. It also teaches you tracking, shows you how a terrified and cornered foe moves and acts. One has much to learn even from the simplest of hunts, your majesty.”

“We see.” You reply as the servants brings back the arrow you had loosed, cleaned and polished, the rabbit you had slain handed over to another follower of yours, whose back is currently ladened down with the various prizes of the hunstmen, primarily small critters like rabbits and foxes, as you are yet to head deeper is the relatively sparse woods around the surroundings, where bigger game lays hidden.

“Tell us, Strategos, now that we are at hunt and it is sharpening your skills, about our strategy going forwards, I am certain that these fine senators here in our company would also wish to know what great battles they shall forever enshrine within our history.” You say putting the arrow back into your quiver.

“Scouting, and more scouting.” Isaac bluntly replies. “We know almost nothing about the situation other than hearsay. If what I fear is true and that the barbaroi (barbarians) are here to settle, they will move with wagons, carts, with women and children, that will slow them down and make it easy to find them. I intend to ensure that no rock remains unturned when the weather changes in our favour and I intend to find them. Once we know of their location, we can quickly move to secure the local towns, if the situation is bad everywhere as it is here, a messenger or two will be enough to bring them to the fold. Other than that, I intend to leave no garrisons or very small ones.”

“How come ?” You pull the reigns of your mare and put it to a halt atop of a small rising, whilst a few senators go forwards to look for more prey.

“We need all the fighting men we have, your majesty. Migrations mean that the men are here not to simply raid, but to settle, they have their families with them, and men fight like beasts when it comes to defending their blood.” You hum at that, recalling your first meeting with your now deceased father, and how he outright told you that the only reason you are alive is because your mother had hidden you away from him. So much for a blood bond.

“And once you find the enemy ?”

“We shall fight them, your majesty. Though how will depend if they travel as one, or if they had split up via tribal lines. The first option would see a harder, but a more decisive battle, whilst the second would be inverse, and it would require us staying here for much longer.”

“And of the logistics ?” You ask about your area of expertise.

“Towns along the way. They have sturdy, solid walls. They shall have garrisons enough to overwhelm the foe. A system of messenger and patrols shall ensure that we maintain our position with no issues. Since the senators have so many mounted troops, I may as well put them to some use. Speaking of which, the local area is relatively open and even. Should the weather favour us, we could easily smash the savages apart.”

“And if it doesn’t ?”

“Then there will be no battle. The land is wet and can easily turn to mud. It works both to our advantage and disadvantage, as the foe, if they are migrating will be slow to move, both against us and away from us, allowing us to easily tail them and perhaps even encircle them, constant harassment to ensure that they are unable to forage could see victory with next to no losses, but of course, that is an ideal scenario, as that very same mud could slow us down. We have horses to feed, armour and weapons to maintain, lands to reclaim. But so far, that is the basics of what I have planned, your majesty. A more detailed plan shall come when I truly know of what is happening and where, and against whom, and how much.”

“Just like a puzzle, then.”

“I’m sorry ?”

“We are saying that it reminds us of a puzzle, a riddle, a mystery. One needs to put pieces together in order to reach the correct answer.”

“The difference here is, the wrong answer will stab you in the guts.” Isaac says with all seriousness. “But your majesty’s analogy is not entirely wrong.”

A sudden scream quickly draws your attention as you turn to regard the forest, the senators that had went ahead fleeing back upon their horses. “A wyvern ! There’s a wyvern in the forest !” One of them proclaims with a shout.

Isaac clicks his tongue in annoyance. “Damnable creatures. They are extremely territorial, if one had nested here, it will try to kill anyone whom it considers a threat.” He quickly explains. “Hey, you ! How did it look ?” He shouts at the senator.

“About the size of a horse, with dotted fur, short horns upon its head, razo-“ The senator is quickly cut off. “A young one then. Inexperienced. Must’ve been kicked out of its nest from further south in the Skouraxúla (Dark woods).” He says to himself. “Was it injured ?”

“Yes.” Red-faced, embarrassed the same senator responds. “It had some cuts and its head looked a bloodied, though the blood looked old.

“Its parents must’ve kicked it out due to a lack of food in winter. This should be an easy kill. Grab my spear !” He proclaims.

“You intend to fight that thing ? As far as I recall, wyverns can fly.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time, your majesty. If it were an old one, I wouldn’t, but young wyverns, like young men, are massively stupid and easily provoked.”

“I had found the wyvern, and I shall fight it !” The previously insulted senator proclaims.

“You see, your majesty ?” Isaac says with a grin as the young senator rages.

“Your majesty, I demand justice, I was the one who found the wyvern, the kill should be mine !” The same senator now addresses you.

[blue]Why are you pulling me into this ?[/blue] You sigh.

>Isaac has the experience, and it would be quite the sight to witness a man slay a beast so powerful.

>Let the senator try his luck. It might make for an entertaining show and encourage the other senators to redouble their efforts.

>What better way to establish oneself as a man than to personally slay a beast ? You will naturally ask for some pointers, as going into battle unprepared is the height of foolishness.
Ho, ho, ho ! Merry Christmas, anons ! I am giving you all one free pass upon a scene, be it a particularly difficult part in a battle, or trying to convince someone, perhaps even slaying a mighty beast ! Feel free to bring in this one free pass whenever you want to, and if enough anons vote for it, I shall implement it.
>What better way to establish oneself as a man than to personally slay a beast ? You will naturally ask for some pointers, as going into battle unprepared is the height of foolishness.
Also I'd rather enjoy getting a Sword-Cross made by the Blacksmith Priest
Merry Christmas, Newb, does the Faith of the Shepherd have like a Shepherdmass or something?
>>Let the senator try his luck. It might make for an entertaining show and encourage the other senators to redouble their efforts.
Let him have at it if he wishes. No skin off our nose.
Merry Christmas to you too.
I must say I am surprised by how sober Leontius' take was. He clearly has an agenda but most of what he said was well thought out and should be implemented by us in time.
>Isaac has the experience, and it would be quite the sight to witness a man slay a beast so powerful.
>Yet you do not wish to merely observe. If the Strategos does not oppose it, personally accompany him to slay the beast.
I don't know how hunting horse-sized flying monsters works, but it certainly must be a job for more than one man? If so, I vote for Manuel to let Isaac take the lead but personally assist. An excellent showing of his trust in Isaac as well as a proof of personal bravery.

Calling it here, the young senator would get BTFO and generate a significant blow to morale with his death.
Merry Christmas Newb! Such a bounty of gifts- a loreful update and a free pass!
>Let the senator try his luck. It might make for an entertaining show and encourage the other senators to redouble their efforts.

Only one I don't mind dyin'.

Wonder if this will have some down the line effects with whoever killing it been seen as having received a favourable omen and being favoured when they present their own strategy or methodology in some future battle or situation, or in the reverse with the wyvern killing someone important draining morale or something.

Day of the Shepherd's ascension, it is celebrated at the end of winter.
Support yeah

Merry Christmas
I support this vote.
I'm hoping he dies desu
>>What better way to establish oneself as a man than to personally slay a beast ? You will naturally ask for some pointers, as going into battle unprepared is the height of foolishness.

I say we use the free pass, it would do well to embellish our reputation.
>Let the senator try his luck. It might make for an entertaining show and encourage the other senators to redouble their efforts.

This situation is perfect to gain points with the nobility at little cost, plus if the senator dies we'll have clean hands.
We should personally travel to the ruler of the Akeonians and duel him for his kingdom. Or hell, ask him to give it to us.

Support, though make sure our bodyguards are around for backup. Don't want Isaac or us dying to this thing.
I’m partial to
>What better way to establish oneself as a man than to personally slay a beast ? You will naturally ask for some pointers, as going into battle unprepared is the height of foolishness.
purely because it’d make a fantastic wedding gift for the wife, but I’m open to being persuaded. Would
>encourage the other senators to redouble their efforts
mean just for this hunt, or their effort to curry favor?
>What better way to establish oneself as a man than to personally slay a beast ? You will naturally ask for some pointers, as going into battle unprepared is the height of foolishness.
This may be stupid but I have a desire to both please our boyish pride and impress our soon to be missus. With our training, the strategos' advice, and Pistis' help we should succeed.
Ah, fuck it. Votes as they are, I will switch >>5508716 to
>What better way to establish oneself as a man than to personally slay a beast ? You will naturally ask for some pointers, as going into battle unprepared is the height of foolishness.

I'm a Mobilefag so don't mind the IDs.

I mean, I'm only voting for it with using the free pass in mind
Naturally, I am doing the same. While I'd prefer to save the pass for something else, I also like the idea of giving Newb the opportunity to write an incredible confrontation of man and beast. We deny him exciting one v one combat encounters too often.
This is one of the most retarded uses of the pass that I can imagine.
You could use it to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat in a battle, push a vital reform through, sign the treaty of the century. Instead you are using it to kill an already wounded beast for a minor ego-boost.
I would like to explicitly vote against using the pass in this scene no matter which option wins.
I agree with >>5510933, a pass is too great a boon to use on this. I don't think it is even necessary for this in the first place.
>>Let the senator try his luck. It might make for an entertaining show and encourage the other senators to redouble their efforts.
Didn't care about this vote before but now that the pass is on the line I sure am motivated.
The pass isn't going to get used if we hunt it ourselves if only two anons want that to be the case. You can vote against it but do it for a valid reason.
>I would like to explicitly vote against using the pass in this scene no matter which option wins.
Supporting this. Here's my original vote incase my ID changed >>5508670
I don't see any great benefits coming from any of these options.
If you need a reason then let's say that vote is the safest. Isaac and Manuel stay safe and whether the noble succeeds or fails will have little impact on the overall situation.
I mean if the pass isn't being used it would be stupid to attempt to kill the creature ourselves considering the virgin emperor is a wimp.
Using the pass for a overall normal hunt is kind of stupid.
.... beside the fact that Newb likely enjoy writing each different part of the quest, not doing one on one until is the last option has been the wise choice. And for good reason. This isn't about just one man, but also the whole state on his shoulders. A fight can go quickly a way or another, even someone elite gets wounded and tired just like a rookie. And then killed.

I find hard to call or see Manuel has a wimp of any kind lol. He is putting effort on what needs to be done (stomp the wide spread corruption and waste, continue reforms, rebuild infrastracture, reconquer old provinces ecc...), and has jump with what can be only call has bravery in to fights or situations that were heavily against him. With his life on the line.
And marriage will arrive soon enough.
The Dutyfags are are making me want to use our free pass on the Emperor outta spite now. This isn’t entirely their fault though, I’m getting flashbacks of a Dutyfag obsessively samefagging the quest I like outta spite, and I’m more angry because of the bullshit than I am with the current dutyfaggery.

No, face it, we’ve chosen all the nerdy wimpy options, and anons are trying to sabotage the only manly opportunity for characterization so far over OOC beancounting. And before you mention it, no, the kid coming to the battlefield himself doesn’t count, that was more of a self-serving political decision than it was a self-sacrificing risk-taking manly decision.
>I find hard to call or see Manuel has a wimp of any kind lol. He is putting effort on what needs to be done (stomp the wide spread corruption and waste, continue reforms, rebuild infrastracture, reconquer old provinces ecc...), and has jump with what can be only call has bravery in to fights or situations that were heavily against him. With his life on the line.
>And marriage will arrive soon enough.

Sounds like virgin cope to me

We have a prime opportunity to at the very least establish a reputation of being a badass, perhaps the virgin emperor might even learn something from this free pass ass raping of a monster.

To those of you who act like its no big deal, note the wholesale slaughter our griffons reap and the stories we have learned of massive amounts of manpower being lost to the woods these creatures inhabit.
What the fuck is a dutyfag?
>nerdy wimpy options
i remember totally reading Manuel trying to survive in the palace massacre as a political act and not for what it was.
I am sure he would tell us the same thing when the traitor guards were trying to stab him with swords or smashing his head with maces.
But wait, there was the option to go to safety there wasn't there ? Avoiding to fight at all, in both the massacre and battle.
How about stopping being impatient when we are only 1 year in our rule, after being for most of our life someone living in a village ? It might not be wise, to throw someone that is receiving military training and exercise only now (on top of the administration and court work, mind you).
Let's just talk about the opportunity in front of us though.

The manticore in question is only a young one, if we really wanted something very prestigious and as a proof of our skills we could order Manuel to hunt specifically for something bigger and meaner than that. Which this forest is not short of at all.
Isaac mentioned that this manticore was likely kicked out by one bigger than it. There is also rumors of beasts like basiliks roaming around. If we wanted we could also use the free pass in the battle ahead of us, were there will be plenty of barbarians. And that battle will be really important no doubt, using the free pass there could fulfill two things.
Using one stone for two birds and it sounds better too :
>Ah our young emperor killed a young manticore on a hunt. Probably luck (Manuel did not have the luxury of a noble education and lifestyle, meaning people would be doubtful of his skills has hunter even if he killed the beast). I also killed one with my friends when i was younger.
>Our young emperor gained great glory in battle by beheading the barbarian leader in a duel (Manuel actually fought before, and has kept training in fighting in the background. His victory would be believable for the effort he puts, and for the masses this would look like a favor of the Shepherd because he is a pious ruler), and the battle against the heathens was won with little casualties ! What a great victory !
He's literally a booknerd virgin

And he scurried away with his tail between his legs during the palace massacre
I didn't said he wasn't a virgin ? He still fought lol, that doesn't change. You know is written in the quest. If he didn't fought, it wouldn't be written.
You love to omit things don't you ? Like the part were he had no weapons on him when the massacre started ? What he needed to do, stand his ground with no weapons against elites soldiers ? With what knowledge of combat ? lmao. Expecting an elite fighter out of someone that lived peacefully for most of his life is crazy talk.

He survived, equipped himself at best he could at the armory and joined the fight between guards. He could have put himself in a safe place, instead he joined his guards. And he had little to no training at the time too.
Are you one of the guys still mad that the traitors died ? I remember someone saying similar things as you in the first threads.
>Peasant blood
>Lacking in martial ability or feats
>Über bureaucrat
>Not socially deft
>Known for being extremely clement, to the point of weakness
>Progressive reformer
>Unironic/serious devotee of the Church in most every way
Manuel is about as anti-chad as it gets in the eyes of important Thephians within the setting. He has not a single feat to his name which any proper noble should respect. While not the most optimal use of a free pass with respect to the wellbeing of the Empire, doing something with the pass to benefit Manuel's reputation is nevertheless a good idea.

Hunting is a significant aristocratic activity, so the personal slaying of a monster is something that would earn Manuel respect from the Thephian nobility. Particularly the senators right here on the campaign. Respect which he undoubtedly needs! I'm not going to argue that killing this wyvern is the most impressive thing Manuel can do. However-

Manuel will never, and I mean NEVER, duel barbarian scum. Dueling is a foreign custom, likely unknown to the easterners he currently is marching against. It also is unbecoming of a sitting emperor- damn near a living god- to grant the honor of personal combat with him to any man. Unless we have Manuel leading cavalry charges a la Alexander, he'll probably never earn glory through battle. That will not be happening anytime soon with the state of his riding skill.

A horse-sized wyvern is an impressive kill for any man. Anyone with sense would not personally hunt anything larger, as Isaac himself says. Thephian nobles who come from a land lacking in extant monstrous creatures have likely never hunted something so imposing.

So, killing this wyvern would serve a purpose. It would also be cool. It is not the most efficient use of the pass, but it's one I find personally appealing. I want to build the legend of the peasant emperor!
>Like the part were he had no weapons on him when the massacre started
>With what knowledge of combat

Like. A. Virgin.
Yeah anon totally. The amount of respect that Manuel will get from killing a wounded cub will immediately make every senator fall on their knees and kiss his feet. It won't be expanding imperial borders for the first time in centuries, it won't be repelling heretic and heathen armies, it won't be restoration of imperial power and prestige. No those things are for losers and pathetic beta males.
Because you see this whole time we were mistaken in thinking that we were the emperor of the not!Byzantine Empire. Turns out we are actually a head of a tribe and the only way for us to earn prestige is to hunt. Once we slay that fearsome beast the enemy armies will fuck off, the drought will end, the giant imperial debt will evaporate, corrupt officials and nobles will change their ways out of respect for Manuel and heretics will become friends with the church.
But the most important part is that bards will sing songs about Manuel for his glorious hunting skills. He will join the ranks of all those emperors who were famous for their great hunting skills. I must say I struggle to think of even one emperor whose claim to glory was hunting but I am sure there are a ton of those.
I am starting to think that you are a virgin yourself anon.
You should go attack the nearest military base to prove that you are not one.

Cope and seethe
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Man I just wanted Manuel to have a go at hunting something for the fun and challenge of it, maybe please the missus too. Now everyone's having a chimp out and throwing shit at each other.
You sit upon your calm mare for a moment, whom is seemingly unconcerned about the shouting around her, whilst Pistis on the other hand, seemingly glares at the man shouting at you, his savage mind of a beast seeing if the creature before him is a threat to his master. Besides you, Isaac already has his spear prepared and is inspecting it, just as the senator himself is now also being cheered on by his peers. You take a moment to observe the man, upon closer inspection, you see that he is perhaps your elder by half a decade, maybe a bit more, but certainly not in his mid thirties, like most of the senators who are actively taking part here, those of a wiser disposition rather observing and chatting about things unheard by your ears.

Should I try my luck ? A though suddenly comes to you. You have no experience, no training to fight wild beasts. But there is something, something you cannot describe, as if an unknown confidence deep within you telling you that you shall succeed. But that would be foolishness of a young man aiming to prove himself with a minor deed at most, you are an emperor, not a man. To even risk your own life for something trivial like this, would be foolish. But maybe, just maybe. You cast a glance at the calm and self-assured looking Isaac, whom had by now entirely tuned out from the one sided demands of the various senators now joining in the fun, some shouting encouragements as they had before, others, clearly not friends of the man, flinging insult, perhaps cautioning against needless recklessness.

You take a deep breath, calming your racing, and often divided mind. “Very well. Spoils go to whom had found them. Hold your spear for but a moment Strategos (General) Isaac, we suggest that you employ against the savages plaguing our lands rather than some foolish beasts.”

The man locks eyes with you, or as close to as he can without actually looking directly into them that is. You can feel tension rise for but a moment, before he speaks. “As your majesty commands.” He finally says, returning his spear to one of the servants next to his horse.

Turning back, you regard the senator, whom appears to have quite the smug expression on his face. “I thank you, your majesty.” He says, bowing from the top of his steed. “I shall slay the great beast and present its head to you, your majesty !” He finally says, an arcus (recursive bow) by his left, alongside a spathion, an a spear tightly gripped in his hands.

With a command escaping his lips, the senator’s horse turns about and dives forwards into the dark forest.

“Tell me, Strategos, what are his chances ?” You ask, a minute or so later, ensuring that no one else but him hears your question.

He simply snorts. “A young wyvern is easy to hunt, as long as one knows what he is doing. That man doesn’t, and even if he wins, he shall treat it as a great victory much to the laughter of true hunters. What remains to be seen is if he has patience, wyverns are stupid creatures, extremely territorial, as I had said before, and all it takes to set them off is to threaten the nest, that can be used to ones advantage.”

“And if one is not so wise and capable ?”

Isaac gives you a slightly amused look. “Best case ? It will use its thick skull to bash him to death, which will hopefully result in a quick death. I had seen wyverns duel mid air by bashing their skulls against one another, the noise alone would inform anyone of the greatest strength possessed by these beasts. Worst case ? It would use its powerful jaws and teeth, as well as the spindly claws to rip its prey apart piece by piece, as their mouths are quite small for their size, despite the strengths of the jaws.”

“Then I suppose we shall see what happens upon the man’s return.” You say, looking at the man’s comrades following him at a respectful distance to affirm his achievements with their own eyes, or to inform everyone of his death.

(POV shift: You are Narses Palamas, a senator of the glorious Thephian Empire.)

You are quite fond of the new emperor, even if often times he feels like a fish out of water, something you suppose you do have in common. With the civil wars, disease, famine, the civil wars again, a fair number of senators, though still far too small for your taste, had been replaced by men of the younger generation such as yourself. This is a good chance to impress those old geezers with your martial prowess, you were even able to converse with the emperor, perhaps you may even be appointed domestikos (domestic, commander), once the army expands again.

Your warhorse neighs under you, struggling to go through the rough underbrush and thickening cacophony of trees, whilst most trees had long lost their leaves, there are still plenty of green spikes hanging of spruces irritatingly brushing against your face, the snow still upon them giving it a cold touch, causing you to shudder.

The warm breath turns to vapour as it leaves your mouth. You strain your ears and your eyes as you try to trace back your steps back to where you had first seen the wyvern, turning your head back, you spot your companions a fair distance away from you, though it is becoming difficult to fully make them out. As another branch roughly brushes against the back of your head, causing snow to fall down your neck, causing a feeling of chill to roll down your body, you come to the quick decision of dismounting your fine steed.

Hoping down upon the ground, the snow gives out a satisfying crunch, you quickly find that your movements are somewhat impaired by the fact that even deeper in the woods, the sheer amount white reaches above your knees, still, it is rather light and easy enough to move through. You guide your horse and tie his reigns around the nearby tree, giving him a couple of comforting taps upon his side. “Calm, calm. Good Bolt, good.” You soothe him with your words before raising your hand and signalling your companions to look after your friend, worse comes to worse, you’d rather he not become dinner to an enraged wyvern.

Hefting your spear, you start to move on foot, trying to keep your steps even and controlled as the sounds of a forest in winter once more dominate your surroundings. The noise of wind, gently blowing at your back, the occasional scratching noise made my a squirrel or some other such critter that for reasons unknown it still awake in the midst of the frost. The sound of birds, ravens mostly, circling somewhere just out of your sight far above. From the corner of your eyes, you notice a bundle of red and orange dart out and over the snow, causing you to grip your spear ever more tightly, only to realize that it is a fox on a hunt, no doubt startled by your presence, now fleeing for its life as it fears what danger you could bring.

Continuously moving forwards, you feel as your pants had become soaked, the chilly snow sticking to and beginning to melt as it encounters your body’s heat, a heat you feel quite strongly as the sound of your thumping heart becomes ever increasingly audible, with every footstep you take, your heart thumps.





You freeze in place, having covered dozens of metres if not more. You had concentrated upon your own noise that you had failed to realize something until this very moment — the forest is silent. Whilst not the most experienced of hunters out there, you had your fair share of adventure around your father’s estate, even more when it had become yours, and you know that when the forest creatures remain silent, is because they fear whomever hold sway over the lands.

Gripping your spear tighter, you can hear the groaning of leather rubbing against wood, your own heart beat increases exponentially as you try to calm your breathing. There’s a clearing before you. A small creak, running right next to a slight elevation. The perfect spot for a nest for any creature, close to water, defensible, and easy to spot any would be predators. The issue now is to see if you are that very same predator, or the prey. As you quickly glance over the sight you had seen before, bloodstained snow, carcasses of slaughtered animals, what look like deer and boars, but primarily consist of sheep, no doubt making some poor shepherd’s life even more miserable thanks to the thinning of his flock.

And you see something you had not seen the last time you had stumbled upon the nest —
its owner. The creature’s two cat like eyes staring directly at you, its nostrils continuously smelling the air. Growling with anger, it turns its entire body to face you, allowing you to have a full good look at the wyvern.

Its fur is a mixture of black dots set upon white, blending quite well when you gaze upon as it stands above you, white snow underneath, a mixture of darker colour and white from the treeline. Its skull appears to be rather thin at the mouth and going wider and wider as it continuously goes up, forming a shape necessary that would allow for the thing to use its thick skull to beat someone to death. Meanwhile, the prolonged mouth housing sharp teeth, if short, clearly showcasing that they are not intended to be the main way with which the wyvern kills its prey. The scruffy looking fur becomes barely visible as you gaze upon the creature’s wings, whom seem to be closer to those of a bat, rather than those of a bird, looking like a thin layer of skin stretching from the creatures body and upon its front facing paws, whom seem to be rather small, but still housing three sharp looking talons, whilst the back legs of the beast appear to be coursing with power, showcasing the wyvern’s ability to jump high into the air, or leap far ahead. When you had saw it, the thing was damn aggressive, but now that you’re near its nest, well, the only way you are leaving is if you either kill it, or it kills you.

You carefully move around the snow, trudging along and ensuring that your back is to the trees behind you, if it starts flying, it will be damned difficult to take it down. “Come on you beast ! Come and face me !” You shout out towards it.

Seemingly enraged by your words, or the noise itself more than anything, it lets out an angry howl, lacking the sheer strength of lions or other such creatures, it is nonetheless still an exceptionally deadly beast. Straining its back legs, you can see muscles bulging underneath it as the wyvern leaps forwards, covering metres in mere seconds, hurling itself directly towards you, its head lowered, ensuring that the toughest part of it slams into you first.

Not being a fool, you hurl yourself to the side, rolling upon your back, it takes a moment to get to your feat as you struggle to fight against the snow beneath you, you can feel the coolness upon your face, even with the cold around you, you still feel even more cold as sweat begins to cover you, the excitement of battle heightening your senses. Your flair for battle is momentarily interrupted by the noise of cracking wood. Regaining your vision, you see as the tree you were using to protect your back had been cracked and it groans as it falls down kicking up the snow around you. The wyvern, smacking full force against the thick trunk, appears to be dazed, shaking its head and trying to regain its bearings.

Using this God given chance, you yourself dive ahead, thrusting your spear forwards and it pierces into the beast, but unfortunately, it had moved, and instead of landing upon its body, you had pierced the thin skin that makes up its wings. With a shout atop of your lungs, you bring down your spear with great gusto, further tearing the wing as the sharp spearhead causes a large quantity of blood to spill out.

Wounded, the beast roars in pain, with the excitement of your first blow, you fail to notice its sturdy leg quickly rise and smack right at your chest, knocking the wind out of you as you are smashed to the floor. Coughing heavily, you struggle against the pain as you try to once again rise to your feet, luckily, the hit had come from desperation rather than any cunning intent, otherwise there’s no doubt that your bones would have been broken, but you can certainly feel that they had been bruised quite painfully.

Finally rising to your full height again, you try to take a few deep breaths as you watch the wyvern angrily flail and struggle to dislodge the spear still stuck within its wing. Eventually, it is able to grab it with its mouth and dislodge it, biting hard the wyvern shakes the spear left and right, as if trying to kill the thing that had wounded, moments before hurling it away. Rage clear in its eyes, the wyvern finally turns to regard you, spit dripping from its maw, blood flowing from its side. You finally let go of your breath, taking the spathion from your side, you grip the blade in one hand and slightly bend your knees, taking a firmer stand upon the ground.

“Well, come on you furry rat !” You shout out again, receiving an enraged howl in return as the beast yet again charges ahead.

Parry the blow as it comes, timing is everything, use your opponents strength against him. You think back to the instruction manual and the words of your instructors in your younger years, the basics of swordsmanship now hopefully aiding you against an opponent that perhaps the duelling style you are used to is not entirely made for.

Quickly reacting, you use your footwork to take a step to the side, bringing your blade down and drawing blood as it slides across the monster’s body, earning you a scream of pain from it. Just as you smile with triumph, you suddenly feel yourself fly, as the wyvern rotates its head and slams right onto your left arm. Sharp, all searing pain moves through your body as you feel your arms bones crack and break, blood spurting out and the shattered bones piercing your skin, jutting out and exposing themselves to the chilly air. As you land heavily upon your right, you lose your grip and once again find yourself without a weapon. Head swimming, you look around trying to comprehend what had happened, with white being the only thing you can see before you, you quickly start looking for a weapon, any weapon, the arcus (recursive bow) upon your side is now useless, with one of your arms shattered, you see arrowheads before, whom must have fallen out of your quiver after the impact, grabbing the first one before you, grunting with pain and agony, tears distorting your vision, you once again try to wobbly rise to your feet, just as the wyvern, its side nastily cut open missing a good chunk of flesh, slams straight into your chest. Out of instinct, you drive the arrow down with all of your might, hearing another howl of pain before you dislodge your day’s lunch, just as unimaginable torment now comes from the back and you can feel your chest squeezed from the back and the front.

(End of POV shift.)

You avert you gaze and try to keep your own stomach from revolting against you, as you watch the young senator be smashed against a tree, the sight of his body being squeezed, of one of his eyes popping out of his skull of the pressure still vividly hunting your sight, your guards around you have their arcus (recursive bow) prepared.

“A good fight.” Isaac coldly says. “He shouldn’t have faced an animal as one would a human, and he should have kept hold on his spear, retreating after inflicting the wound and goading the wyvern against him. Had he had some more experience, he could have won.”

Dóxa (Glory) !” Comes shouts from the woods, as the senator’s friends start to attack the wyvern themselves. As you raise your eyes to look upon the beast again, you see its crippled wing, cut open side, and now a single arrow embedded atop of its neck, staining the area crimson, before another arrow, then another impacts the wounded animal whom once again howls and tries to rush forwards.

“Would the beast have died ?” You ask.

“In time. Its wing crippled and side opened, it would be far too weak to hunt and survive in winter, that last blow of his could have been potentially deadly as well, the wyvern is loosing a lot of blood, so it is possible that the creature’s artery had been cut.” Isaac responds.

A loud thud and a pained moan quickly draws your attention and you see the wounded wyvern, now looking closer to a hedgehog than what it once was, trying to still move as it finds difficult to lift itself up. One of the senators appears to be approaching the monster with a half broken spear, its metal still gleamingly sharp. You quickly realize that it is the spear of the now dead man whose mutilated body you still not dare to regard. Moving with surety and purpose, he approaches the wyvern, whom still struggles to bite at him, the yellow pupils still glaring with hatred just as the spear is brought down upon its neck. Moments pass as its pupils dilate, and eventually lose their fury.

“Is this common ?” You ask.

“Foolish young men getting themselves killed in search for honour and glory ?” Isaac responds.

“No, strategos (general), you know well what We mean.”

“Sometimes. They shall grieve his loss, drink, whore, and tomorrow morning they shall once again be entirely fine. That is the nature of men, unlike women, we do not mourn and cry, we see that best way to give justice to one’s friend’s legacy is to keep them in mind and become even better than they would have ever expected. That is at least how I used to think, that is how many think, until so many of your friends pass that you can no longer even dream of being able to truly honour their legacy.” He goes silent for a moment, regarding the now dead wyvern, surrounded by men filled with spite. “And not always can we avenge the fallen as we would like.”

You sit silently for a moment, pondering his words. “Should We call the end of the hunt ?”

“That would be for the best, your majesty. The hunt had also lasted a few long hours, so no doubt emotions had grown quite strong. Now, if you would excuse me, your majesty, I need to return to my men.” Turning his warhorse around, Isaac slowly departs, leaving you alone surrounded by your bodyguards, looking back, you can see that the senators had gathered around the corpse and begun to do their best to collect the body, everyone trying to maintain their stoicism, but you can see a few struggling to hold their feelings back.

“Let us return.” You say to your bodyguards. “Inform the senators that today’s hunt has come to an end.” You give out your final order as you struggle to leave the forest.
How did I end up here ? You wonder absent-mindedly as the chantings grow stronger and stronger.

“Drink, drink, drink !” The men besides you continue to shout as two of the most honoured, august persons with in the empire, two senators whom can trace their ancestry for up to millennia if not more... Are currently competing to see whom can finish off a wine pot the fastest... Being cheered on by other, just as august persons.

Looking around the candle illuminated room, you see perhaps, two dozen senators, all of whom are your elders, but close enough to your age to have at least a few things in common. The rest of the guests, perhaps four dozen or so, are made up of young men of just fourteen, usually the sons of the senators themselves or their younger brothers whom had come along for the campaign.

Finally, one man slams down the pot and wobbly standing on his feet raises his arms upwards. “Victory !” He proclaims with a drunken tone, shouting a top of his lungs and is quickly greeted by everyone’s cheers.

“Are you having fun, your majesty ?” One of the men asks you, a younger sibling to one of the senators, close to your own age.

“The only banquet we had attended had been far more...”

“Dour ?” He asks with laugh.

“Correct.” You yourself responds with a chuckle and take a sip of your diluted wine, a decision you are glad you took as even now you can feel a strong buzz, having to respond to so many cheers and toasts. Your goblet is quickly refilled by one of the servant girls moving around, a servant from the palace specially picked out by your Parakoimomenos (one who sleeps nearby), Gallienus. You suppose it pays to be at least slightly paranoid in your position.

“Your majesty should join in with us more often, men like us of hot blood should stick together, rather than those wizened old men condemning our actions even though they themselves would do it in a heartbeat if only their liver wasn’t on the verge of collapse !” He says with a laugh and a loud voice which is met with cheers from those nearby.

“We thank you for your invitation.” You say non committedly, having now realized that there’s an entire, brand new faction within the senate.

“Of course, your majesty, everyone here would be honoured if your majesty were to attend our great feasts and fight side by side for glory !” Another round of cheers sounds out across the entire chamber.

You raise your cup in return to the cheer and in response, everyone raises theirs and takes a drink.

“Now then, We must depart to our bedroom, as we are unused for such long celebrations, much work is to be done in our duty to the empire.” You finally say, rising from your seat of honour upon a reclining chair that had been stuffed full with exceptionally comfortable cushions.

”Of course, your majesty. We all thank you for your great duty. Long live the Emperor !” The man you were conversing with drunkenly shouts out.

“Long live the Emperor !” Other respond with similarly slurred voices.

Making your way across the large room, you respond to a few more cheers in the most dignified manner you can. Had it been a village festival, you would have undoubtedly gotten drunk, but alas, things are not like you had imagined them being so long ago.

You walk the abandoned corridors as the celebration rages on behind you as you walk out of the building, feeling the cool air brush against your burning cheeks. Your bodyguards quickly salute you and fall into a circular formation around you, keeping watch from any would be assassins as you start making you way back towards the main manor where your bed chamber and your fluffy pet both await, one eagerly, the other no doubt sleeping without a care, having had his stomach filled with wyvern meat, which you had not found particularly to your taste as it had been far too muscular to give it a nice taste compared to the lamb you had been eating for the past few weeks.
(3 weeks later)

Yawning, you wipe away the tears that had sprung forth as you regard the rising Sun. You had not realized just how... boring, your campaign would be. Though you suppose it is winter when everything seems to come to a halt, when nature itself lays to rest. There is one thing however that is causing you dread, with relatively little work to be done, at least compared to when you were back in Myralos, you can only imagine the pile of work that awaits you once you return.

Pistis wobbles back and forth as he sits next to you, once again, annoyed by your tendency to rise early in the morning. He had grown exponentially in the last few weeks to the point where his head whilst sitting reaches your chest, and you’ve yet to see any signs of him stopping his growth. Taking your hand, you pet him upon his head, stroking his quite fluffy and well looked after grey fur.

Your lovely morning, like so many mornings beforehand, is interrupted by a knock at the door leading into your room. “Your majesty, I bring news about the barbaroi (barbarians).” Auxentius’ voice rings out behind the door.

“Come in.” You respond, still gazing at the Sunrise whilst petting Pistis.

The door swings open behind you and the older man comes in, you catch him bowing at the edge of your sight.

“Your majesty, a man proclaiming himself to be of noble birth.” You can hear slight derision at the edge of his voice. “Of a tribe of savages that had invaded these lands, requesting a meeting on behalf of his, king. If nothing else, he is at least somewhat skilled in our civilized tongue.”

“Very well, we shall meet with this, noble. Prepare the main hall.” You say a moment of thought later.

Sitting atop of your throne, once again, a far cry from what you have at Myralos, you regard the man with unkept curling brown hair and a long brown beard kowtowing before you, his clothing appears to be simple furs, with occasional bits and pieces of gold worked into it, mainly a simple necklace and a couple of rings, your guards had reported that the man had come astride a horse, with a chain hauberk decorated with far more gold and exquisite drawings and other signs of wealth now utterly lacking as he awaits your permission to speak. All around the hall, your senators and guards stand, as usual, the senators are entirely dismissive of the bowing man, some further back having hushed conversations, barely audible words coming from them.

Sitting back comfortably upon your throne, you gesture for one of your servants, an eunuch brought over from the palace to speak on your behalf now that a foreigner bows before you.

“Their majesty, by the grace of God, Manuel Angelus, Imperator, Basileús kai Autokrátōr Thephaiōn (General, Sovereign and Autocrat of Thephians), welcomes you to their court. Now speak and know that your words shall be judged.” The eunuch says with a firm voice.

“This humble one is Ansgar Hayek, I come on behalf of Herkun that is the King of my tribe of Thuregs, named Griswold Dreierg. My Herkun had seen the glory and the might of the ancient Thephians and the civilization that they bring and is requesting permission to settle the lands now empty and guard in the name of your majesty. He would also like to inform your majesty of his willingness to convert to the faith of the one true God of your people and embrace Shepherd’s will, he would humbly request that the priests whom had fought his people for centuries and earned our respect would carry the conversion out.”

The man finishes speaking, causing silence to hand in the room as everyone’s gazes turn to regard you as the eunuch approaches to hear your instructions.
What questions do you have for the man ? Will start answering them in around 12-14 hours from now.

>(Write in)

Once all that you wish to learn had been layed down, what will you make of the offer given ?

>Accept the deal, the faith grows.

>Decline, you have no need for savages masquerading as civilized men.

>(Write in)
>>(Write in)
Ask him how many people are under this Herkun and what do they posess. Cattle, weaponry, wagons, goods, things like that.
Ask him about his tribe's relationship with other tribes. Enemies, allies, marriages. Maybe some of their allies would be willing to convert too.
Ask him about whatever their accomplishments are. Are they warriors? Sheperds? Steppe riders? What can they do for the Empire?

>>Accept the deal, the faith grows.
Accept the deal but make sure he understands that if they are to settle in the imperial lands they not only have to convert but also accept manuel as their emperor whose will is only second to the Sheperd himself.
They also need to accept the imperial law as it is the foundation of the civilisation that tthey seem to crave so much.

I'm certain that there will be those who do not agree with our decision, we would do well to remind them that the very people of these lands were once not Thephian.

I would also add that we should take some of the nobilities sons as wards in Myralos, both to properly teach them our ways and ensure compliance.
So they want to be foederati? They're gonna have to do a lot more than that for us accept this. They can't be a parallel society, they must live entirely within the Thespian paradigm. We want normans not goths.

These are good questions.

And this is a good suggestion though we should always remain wary of an Arminius situation.
>I would also add that we should take some of the nobilities sons as wards in Myralos, both to properly teach them our ways and ensure compliance.
Yeah I like this
I didn't realize there was a POV shift and got really worried for a second
In all honesty this eastern campaign is going pretty well so far
I think we have to accept one way or another. The empire desperately needs some fresh blood.
Supporting both >>5526421 >>5526445

I'd have to go back and reread, but I worry slightly about converting these people to the more militant version of our faith that the people of this land worship, it seems like potentially adding to the problem we promised the ecumenical patriarch we'd deal with next in exchange for the holy knight's aid.
Support this

but in addition :
- Ask him about his old lands, what happened there ? Why the tribes have moved here ? (their own perspective on this could be interesting)
- Ask him how the different tribes fight and what kind of troops they have ?
- Ask him how many tribes march against us and their numbers, and if they know their positions. Are they sieging settlements in the north and raiding the lands, or marching south ?
- Ask him how Herkun wishes to show his loyalty to us. As he prepared a gift, wants to kneel and give up his crown (The only heads with crowns in the empire, is the emperor and the empress. Explain that if the diplomat asks) in front of us and his people ? Will he, his vassals and his warriors make a public oath of loyalty and obedience to us, the Shepherd and the empire ? Will he and his vassals send some of their sons and daughters to our court ?

- If they wish to settle our lands, they shall learn our tongue and customs becoming Thepians themselves.
- They shall not bring harm to our people, and will respect them. In time of peace they will work together, and in time of war fight together.
Lastly allow our important men to make some questions of their own to the ambassador, and ask a few questions to our important men about the topic .
- if there are previous examples in the history of our great empire (Leontious)
- if this could be seen has a triumph of our civilized empire over tribal barbarism, and help the recovery of the eastern provinces (Auxentius)
- if their warriors could be put to good use in the battle ahead. Using the tactics of the enemy against them perhaps ? (Isaac)

Don't immediately say yes, show we are considering the option put in front and that we respect and listen to the different opinions and concerns (like treachery in battle. Prepare some plans in case of their treachery we aren't fools) our men give.
I will support this
>- Ask him about his old lands, what happened there ? Why the tribes have moved here ? (their own perspective on this could be interesting)
>- Ask him how the different tribes fight and what kind of troops they have ?
>- Ask him how many tribes march against us and their numbers, and if they know their positions. Are they sieging settlements in the north and raiding the lands, or marching south ?

This is something to settle later when we meet the guy. This ambassador clearly has no authority to agree to anything like this
>- Ask him how Herkun wishes to show his loyalty to us. As he prepared a gift, wants to kneel and give up his crown (The only heads with crowns in the empire, is the emperor and the empress. Explain that if the diplomat asks) in front of us and his people ? Will he, his vassals and his warriors make a public oath of loyalty and obedience to us, the Shepherd and the empire ? Will he and his vassals send some of their sons and daughters to our court ?

This is unnecessary and breaks the ceremony. This is an audience with the emperor. Emperor speaks to the barbaroi though the eunuch and the barbaroi answers. Everyone else can speak with the guest once the audience ends.
Supporting this >>5526421 also
You whisper a series of questions to the eunuch, each and every word said slowly and with purpose, building tension in the throne room as everyone awaits your command, your questions or simply desiring to see a quick end to this boring showing of a grovelling foreigner, but eventually, the eunuch stands to his full height and taking a step back turns to regard the kowtowing man before you.

“Their majesty, in their grace and wisdom praise you and your kin for seeing the light of God and the magnificence of our great and venerable Empire. But, you request protection, you request lands, but you do not say what you shall bring to the Empire, what you shall deliver in exchange for their majesty’s mercy upon your unwashed peoples. As such, their majesty desires to know of your tribe and the knowledge you possess of other tribes that dare to oppose their majesty’s justice.” With clear authority and gusto, the eunuch delivers your words with a lot more flair and a lot more arrogance than you had originally intended for your words to have.

Continuing his kowtowing, Ansgar contemplates your question, no doubt constructing the most appropriate answer he can muster in these circumstances, whilst not revealing too much information that could threaten his tribe. “We, the Thuregs, stand thirteen thousand strong, of whom five thousand are warriors, we are one of the greatest tribes that had come to these lands.” He finally says, which does cause a murmur of concern to rise from the surroundings.

“And the other tribes ?” Your eunuch asks, hoping to decrease his own worries best as able.

“There are the Aleringians, the strongest and largest tribe, numbering perhaps twenty thousand, half of whom are great warriors. The Lorinders are the second great tribe, numbering perhaps fifteen thousand strong with about half being warriors.” The man finishes, a hint of something in his voice, perhaps rising from the now concerned murmurings that had grown louder. “Then there are mayhaps three dozen tribes of smaller sizes, ranging from a few thousand to perhaps only a couple of hundred.”

An invasion. You cannot help but think with some paleness upon your face. Or a migration quickly casting a glance to Isaac, you recall.

“And these tribes ? Are they united ?” Having recovered, your eunuch continues.

“No, your majesty. Some tribes are our younger brothers, but we compete with both Aleringians and the Lorinders, both of whom have other tribes under their sway, whilst some other tribes remain stubbornly lonesome.”

“And these tribes, shall they embrace God’s name and cast down the devils and demons that you people worship ?”

“We shall endeavour to make them, and if they disagree, it is the duty of an elder to force his younger to obey.” You hear an edge of harshness in the man’s voice.

“Then your tribe, if it were to settle, what do you possess ? What would you require to survive ? What greatness do you dare proclaim ?”

“We have few horses, but we do possess strong oxen to drive forth carts and wagons, our people are merchants by trade, our tribe had held the lands bordering the empire for more than seventy winters, we know of woodwork, making great bows and shields, we know how to work metals such as gold and silver, we know how to hunt and make great clothes from furs. We fight with our bows if we have to, but we do not seek harm unless harm is done upon us first.”

“And how you shall dedicate that to the Empire’s glory ?”

“We shall guard the border, learn to herd sheep, clear the forests to make arts, if your majesty wishes and is willing to teach us, we shall make great ships to sail the seas. We shall pay our share, we shall fight in your wars.”

Your eunuch turns towards you and approaches once again as new questions rise to the forefront of your mind, before once again slowly departing forth.

“Foreigner, their majesty wishes to know why you had come to our lands, as you proclaim you had traded with our subjects for decades, you had proclaim not to attack unless attacked, and yet our lands burn under your feet in a showcase of savagery.”

“That is because we were forced out of our homes. The Lucenians had been the largest tribe in the Wodger, or the Skouraxúla (Dark woods) as you call them. They worship Wodtrat, Goddess of death, he drives them to sacrifice and disregard their own lives in pursuit of their worship, they appease Hardrad, God of War, war that they wage with glee and raid the lands of all tribes, finally they venerate Ernar, one that our people... used to worship.” He says a moment of hesitation later. Naturally, this brings forth some distaste from your gathered senators. “He is the God of craftsmanship and creation, he commands the Lucenians to make things, things that their other two Gods demand to be weapons and armour. We had defeated them and their belligerent ways, but it had weakened us dearly to the point where the newest and largest tribe, the Uvergians had beaten and exiled us the moment of our victory, employing treachery and seizing the entirety of Wodger for themselves !” His calm voice had risen over the course of his explanation where rage had become apparent and clear.

“Speaking of fighting, you had mentioned your people waging war beforehand, how do you do it, and how do the other tribes do so ?”

“We fight using our bows and form shieldwalls when the fighting gets close, most of my kin prefer shortswords and lighter sets of armour, mainly thick cloth, occasional metal, as what mines were within Wodger rich and overflowing with iron and coal are now in the hands of the treacherous Uvergians.” You can imagine him spitting upon the ground every time he exclaims the name of the tribe that had wronged him. “As for Lorinders, they are hill folk, raising sheep and herds of horses, they like javelins and they like their horses, however, they are not the great beasts that your glorious empire possesses, as such they will always fight with javelin and bow, only when necessary shall they strike ahead, that is when their herds or their families are threatened, they become ferocious fighters, swinging and thrusting their spears with grace and speed, they are ferocious fighters, but only when cornered. The Aleringians are the largest tribe, they had always fought with unflinching discipline, their leaders wearing great plumed helmets and fighting with great ferocity, preferring shield tactics, moving individual warbands at the will of its leader, it makes them difficult to pin down and they battle with great fluidity, due to how stubborn they are and unwilling to bow before anyone, their great Herkun (King) is often times their most skilled warrior and leader.”

“And these two large tribes, where are they right now ?”

“That I know not. The lands here cannot support us for long, so before the coming of winter we split up and dispersed across the lands, no doubt the other tribes, just like our own, have an agreed upon place within which they shall reunite at the coming of spring.”

Your eunuch nods before proclaiming. “Know that you bow before the greatest man upon Earth, whose word is only lower to that of God and his esteemed and holy Shepherd. Know, that if their majesty accepts your plea of mercy, you and yours shall all be their majesty’s subjects, not as primitive men you are used to being, you shall be civilized, you shall learn our tongue and worship our God, you shall obey our laws and customs and in due time, with blood shed in the Emperor’s name, only then can you eventually earn our most esteemed citizenship. You shall behave, as you said, as younger siblings in front of their elders, whenever you talk to those in possession of citizenship, you shall remain respectful and subservient as all forefingers until the day they can proclaim themselves as Thephians. Do you understand our words, do you comprehend what is being asked of you should their imperial majesty decide to grant you satisfaction of your meagre requests ? How shall your leader showcase his loyalty and prostrate himself before their graceful majesty ?” Turning his nose up, your voice for this conversation proclaims.

“I shall ensure to proclaim your words to my Herkun.” Ansgar says, his voice utterly neutral, not allowing you to build an idea of his reaction. “And tell him of your demands for our peace and security.”

You wave your hand, sending a signal to your voice. “Their majesty shall contemplate your words, for now, you are dismissed until you are summoned on their majesty’s pleasure.”

Still kowtowing, the man begins to slowly and silent shuffle backwards, scraping against the rough floor which is lacking the carpet that had been previously laid down when you were dealing with the regretful traitors, whom at least did not commit the sin of being a foreigner.

Eventually, the door shuts loudly and echoes across the chamber, which you can feel is filled with tension. “You may speak.” You simply state and the room erupts in a cacophony of voices and conversations.

“Well, damn.” Isaac says with frustration. “The battles for these lands shall be dangerous, your majesty, with their homes gone, these people will fight to their last.”

“Do you fear now, strategos (general) ?” Leontius uses the opportunity to take a bite.

“I am not afraid of a bunch of unwashed barbaroi (barbarians), but I know a tough battle when I see one, for unlike some others here, I had seen real war.” Isaac immediately bites back.

“Your majesty, these foreigners cannot be accepted, their populace is vast, even if we take in only this one tribe, presuming that the savage had not lied about their numbers, it will massively outnumber the current loyal populace.” He stresses the word.

“Then what is it that you suggest ?”

“Use them, have the tribe rally under our banner and have them bleed against their kin, and when everything is over, wipe them out.”

“You intend to sully the Empire’s honour ?” Isaac intejects.

“There is no honour to be had with savages.”

“There is a blood feud to be had. If the proclamation that Skouraxúla (Dark woods) is now united under a single tribe, it is only a matter of time until it does become the Gē tōn kataraménōn andrṓn (Land of cursed men) as you so proclaim. They will have the excuse, the people and the weapons to forever threaten our lands. Unfortunately, we need the blood of these barbaroi (barbarians) to bolster our border.”

“The border that we shall no longer have, for we shall simply give it up to them without a fight !” Leontius snaps back.

“Intermix the tribes and take their sons to Myralos.” Auxentius calmly says, now having approached the throne. “Ensure disunity and that the only way for them to have an identity, is the identity that we impose upon them.”

“Would that be possible, in our Empire’s long history, we had no doubt integrated foreigners, the very same men of these lands being the best example ?” You direct the question to Leontius.

In response, Leontius’ face crumples. “Well, your majesty. It had happened, but, I must stress this, it had happened during the times of strength, when our empire’s splendour overwhelmed all. When the locals outnumbered the foreigners ten to one. These lands are empty and barren, even if we can settle them here, they shall never be true Thephians.”

“But, should we bring them to kneel with a quill rather than the sword, would it not be seen as a great Triumph of our civilization ? Would our citizens not feel invigorated and desire to help these wayward fools to become enlightened ?” You now direct the question to your Protasekretis (first secretary).

“Perhaps, any victory is a good victory in these times.” Auxentius says. “But many lands already lay abandoned, with those with means importing slaves at exorbitant costs to work them. With so much to be used and taken with one’s will in the safe heartland, other than those lusting for adventure and excitement, few would come, unless your majesty orders them to come.”

“And as for the war itself, would these primitives be put to good use in the upcoming battle ?” Now you ask Isaac.

“They would, if what they proclaim is to be true. With most savages here lacking proper armour, those whom posses ranged weapons in abundance could be devastating upon open fields. The only ones that I am concerned would be the hill tribals, but thanks to the bravery of the senators, I am certain they can charge them down.” He now directs his gaze with derision towards Leontius. “Still, mercenaries are unreliable, foreigners doubly so. They will have to be kept under a thumb and strict watch to ensure that no ideas of kinship spring within our ranks.”

As the conversation around you continues on, you start pondering everything you had heard today.

>>5526413 direct your decision here.
Support, but with an addition

>In addition to the hostage noble sons, for a period of four generations every first born son of the tribe will be drafted into the Thephian army for a limited term of service.
>In return, the emperor will promise that the Thephian armies bolstered by their forces will protect their people.

We bleed their numbers a bit and hopefully promote intermixing between tribals and Thephian. We cannot allow their tribe to defend itself on the border, as that will allow them to exist as an independent polity just like the eastern Thephians. We protect them, they offer us fresh manpower.
>>Accept the deal, the faith grows.
I keep my current vote. I think we are more or less good, even if i am still thinking of what else we could ask. We are gaining more points with the faith likely though, conversion is always welcome.
The only thing i am considering is calling the men we stationed in our border city in the east mountain province. More soldiers we have the better. Even if the barbarians fight each other, we will still have plenty to fight.

Hopefully things in the west are going well

>Accept the deal, the faith grows.
I almost lost the vote, well I have to pay more attention in the future.

Anyway I would say this is the least bad option, yes the population difference is dangerous but if we use the barbarian numbers wisely we can recover our own numbers in a possible peace.
It's risky but less bad than fighting a massive migration, full of desperate people the empire doesn't have enough men to deal with that.
>Accept the deal, the faith grows.
>accept the deal
Between the immigrants and the nee young senator faction we have a chance to build a political and military power base rooted in loyalty to us rather than the more Shakey ground we stand on now
From what I remember, the romans had a working model for how to take in "barbarians" into the the empire;
1. When the tribe/group crosses the border as agreed, they will be met with an overwhelming show of strength so as to demonstrate roman military superiority
2. The barbarians are to be disarmed immediately.
3. If any barbarians are inducted into the army, they will fight under roman officers and leaders. This distances them from their old cultural and political structures
4. They will settle where they are told to settle, and they are broken up/dispersed to prevent them from unifiying and identifiying politically

That is from what I remember at least, if there are any more points please >> me.

When the germanic peoples started emigrating into the western roman empire en masse, this practice was eventually neglected for the sake of expediency. The result was germanic enclaves within the borders of the empire. This was one of the major elements which brought down the western roman empire.

So I think this is an exceedingly important question. We need the manpower and population, but it also need to be handled very firmly
Take them in
That and their institution of slavery was very effective in assimilating peoples.
Also Leontius mentions that assimilation was done in times of strength, and while the Thepians outnumbered the barbarians. We may want to send settlers near the frontier to encourage any form of assimilation.
>, this practice was eventually neglected for the sake of expediency. The result was germanic enclaves within the borders of the empire. This was one of the major elements which brought down the western roman empire.
That's not what actually happened. It's basically just stormer propaganda that leaked into the mainstream. The Western Roman Empire mostly fell because it was locked in a sociopolitical doom loop that stopped being sustainable.

Suppose we enslave a large number of barbaroi who do not convert, we could use their labor to afford sending Thephian settlers to this area.

I'm sure there will be some soldiers made invalid as well during the conflict that we could grant land to as well.
We can't exactly do as the Romans, current circumstances are a bit different. Later probably though.
1 Already inside, these provinces in fact separated in the past under a different emperor and remained independent for a while with different magnates having control and fighting each other. What we have here is only half of our land forces more or less, with not a small part of them being made of mercenaries. For an army is sizable but nothing incredible.
2 We need them now to kill the other barbarians, so no. They will die for us, less thepians losses.
3 We could arrange momentarily to have some experienced senators/veteran soldiers to act as officers, but even if they just obey direct orders of us and Isaac it should be largely fine in the battles to come (of this campaign of reconquest at least). Re-organizing an army while there are so many enemies relatively near us is not exactly easy.
4 While I agree, the eastern provinces have lost a lot of population and our homeland provinces are recovering only now with the reforms (we will still lose a lot of men thanks to two wars we need to do). So splitting them up if they are more than us will be tricky, but doable and something we should do. A lot of barbarians need to be straight up killed (especially the ones most against the empire), or made slaves to sell in markets or put on hard works (mining, deforestation, reclamation of swamps and public works like roads) that will make them weak and kill them with time, so we avoid rebellions.

This tribe, if it has been truthful which it looks like, should be treated better. They have willingly come to us to unite, want to change their religion on their own initiative and like the idea of our civilization. Points in our favor with them.
I concur with this, if we come off as too opressive we will just anger them into another angry raiding mob. We will need to handle them gently in the beginning to have them used to Civilization. Otherwise we will just get the Goths.
Whats stormer propaganda?
Also, the fall of the WRE is incredibly nuanced and complex. I would not ascribe it to any one main reason, but rather a number of factors (some of which fuelled and exasperated each other) that the WRE was not able to overcome. The germanics retaining their political structures and identity is usually seen as one of the main contributors to the fall.
Yup, the 4 points is a simplified model of what the romans used to assimilate barbarians (i.e. long term)
In the short term we may want to adopt the measures you describe
The "Unchecked immigration from uncivilized savages destroyed western society"

Gets bandied about by the Brexit crowd and such for obvious reasons.
The way I would do it is just have them pay taxes and serve in the army.

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter who is on the land as long as the Capital gets it's cut and people aren't destroying our shit.
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I want to start arguing with you but I think that, if I did, it would completely derail the thread.

So please, for both our sakes, refrain from making such references. We are on /qst/ after all, not /pol/.
Oh. Ok.
Thats not where I am coming from.
I say we follow this guys advice, yeah? >>5528956
>>Accept the deal, the faith grows

Just finished catching up to the quest and it's been great QM.

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