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Hello again, good sirs and fair ladies, I am happy to announce you the thirteenth (it brings bad luck) chapter of our Quest, my VPN almost broke but finally I triumphed. So, where were we ? You were riding to see your orchard and just saw it, after many travels you were finally back to Local, Hosannah !

For those of you who are not yet familiar to this quest, because they had to oversee their peasants while they seeded and harvested or because they were busy in some feudal war (unfortunately Crusades are no more popular these days) here are the links to the previous posts.

>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5085315/ thread 1
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5134375/ thread 2
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5194246/ thread 3
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5314154/ thread 4
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5422744/ thread 5
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5422744/ thread 6
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5561322/ thread 7
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5561322/ thread 8
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5702984/ thread 9
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5785267/ thread 10
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5920163/ thread 11
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6011182/ thread 12

It begins to make a lot of threads, yes.

As per tradition, and tradition is sacred, it is time to begin with a prologue who will follow the mage girl Ava, who tried to capture us but ended tied while Charles fled the mage's guild of Pleasantville. How could magical burghers expect to subdue a knight ? Such arrogance ! Such hubris !
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Ava ignored why she had chosen to do what she was doing. Disobeying her guild superiors ? Maybe because they were cruel and vile, or she found the noseless warlock who was with her. Of course a part of her brain told that she should not trust warlocks like this "Deathstealer" but still, what he said was plausible. Apparently despite the sayings of this Charles de Villeroi who had killed so many people in her guild and seemed to be impervious to magic it was not this rogue foreign sorcerer "Geasus Krist" that was responsible for his anti magic, it was his blood. She has seen Deathstealer summoning demons of knowledge, that was terrifying, but she was now certain that no, it was not this entity (that the demons of knowledge ignored about so it seemed that it did not exist) that protected Villeroi but his blood. They had found someone with antimagic in it's blood.

Look, she was normally against murder, as any young girl who just had finished her magical studies was, well, as any person would be. But antimagic was dangerous, it could prevent spells from being casted, even some prophecies from being realised and... And this Villeroi was a killer, a villain and a tyrant who must have tyrannised her home village of Local. So she needed to do what was to be done, eliminate him. But what to do when the Guild was focused on this "Geasus Krist" and even sent an elite task force against it like it was some cosmic threat. She had to act with great care, to help Deathstealer and to plot behind the back of the Guild. He said that he would contact some friends, and now they were in the corner of a forgotten tavern of the Imperial Capital with some other cowled people that she did not knew.

Deathstealer was finishing his tale about the battle at the guild of pleasantville and his acquintances nodded. All used code names, illusions or masks and she had the disagreeable impression that noone was to be trusted. Damned warlocks...

The man spoke in a hushed tone, fearful of bringing unwanted attention. He then told.

-Good sirs and ladies, I will be brief : I think that we have spotted a new antimagical bloodline.

There was disbelief, there were whispers. One of the men, who looked well built behind his mask told.

-It... It is impossible my lord.. They were all destroyed a long time ago !

What ? He was called "my lord" what did that mean ? Was she in a sort of cult ? No... Not everyone who met secretly and wore cowls and masks were cultists. Deathstealer continued.

-It is possible ! I tell you ! They were exterminated on the continent but he comes from a faraway land ! The man is a lord in a remote corner of Bifuria, with a strange name, Charles de Villeroi.

A man told.

-We must exterminate his bloodline !

A woman added.

-If he is invulnerable to magic we need to pay assassins...

Deathstealer made them a sign to calm down and explained.

-My friends, I understand your opinion but we need information first, what if he had stirred some bastard with a farm girl and we will have a new bloodline il 80 or 100 years. We need to see who he knows, all the women he slept with, and eliminate them and their progeny in plus of killing this man. We will need to pay assassins, but first we need a spy.

Someone told.

-We can tell the Mage's Guild perhaps, they could drop fire on all the region, pretend it is an accident. The problem would be solved, the prophecies preserved.

Deathstealer disagreed.

-I know, but they would not believe us, besides they say that eliminating entire counties of the Empire tend to be poorly seen by non magical authorities and anti-magical resentment could grow if we explain this by a magical phenomenon. You know their usual bull crap, we will need more subtle methods to act.

There were discussions and Ava felt forced to intervene. She explained.

-The presence of such an individual, who can smother magic simply by existing is a threat, it is a threat not only to us, but to the prophecies that bind the world about our victory against the forces of evil, I... I must now say some very...

She was interrupted by a loud masked mage.

-Who is she ? She looks young like she still drank milk from the breast of her mother yesterday !

An old woman added.

-Prophecies are stronger than such nonsense as antimagical bloodlines. Their extermination was needed to free the expansion of magic, not of prophecies.

Other people stood clueless and Deathstealer looked at her, she hadn't revealed anything at all about it but she felt that, betrayed by the Mage's Guild she would have to use these... Unsavoury types to finish the mission given to her and poor Zoomer, killed by this Villeroi brute, by the High Council of mages.

-It is... I... I had to arrest this Villeroi because we had all reasons to believe that he had destroyed a very important prophecy.

They looked at her.

-The Chosen One, the one who should have defeated B'beg the Terrible and assured the victory of the Free Peoples, of the Forces of Good, has last been seen in Local, his lordship, several months ago, right when this Villeroi became ruler. We have testimonies and proofs that the man is truly invulnerable to magic, having slaughtered the tower where we kept him prisoner. He is... Very dangerous for the world. We were... Sure of victory, but now..

-How do you know about the chosen one prophecy, no such things exist !

Most of the Warlocks agreed but one of them, with a very old and wise voice told.

-She is right, I worked in the divination department of the Guild, there are several secret prophecies and this Chosen One has been already prepared several millennia ago, it had to be a girl from the village of Plotarmort, born on a full moon of pure hearth and with pearly white teeth and a look to serve as a muse for a painter from the capital.

They all whispered and the old man continued.

-She was a paladin of Edos if I remember well.

-Yes, and she disappeared with two high ranked paladins... We hadn't the time to go to Local ourselves... But we sent adventurers, some quite powerful and they were all killed.

There were whispers, some thought about a plot, others of rasing Local with magic, Ava felt bad about it, she was born here. But finally Deathstealer spoke.

-What you tell us... Is very interesting, if prophecies and people fated to win can... Be killed by this man, we understand it's danger. It is why... Why we should thread carefully. We need to plant a spy here, understand what children could the man have had and then eliminate him and all of them in a churgical blow.

The small assembly of maybe eight people agreed and cheered, that was going to be interesting. But the same woman as the last time told behind her mask.

-We need money for this, spies are cheap but good assassins...

Deathstealer told.

-I think that I exactly know who could be interested.

He looked at Ava.

-Ava you will come with me. For the rest of you, Bella you will try to learn more about the travels of the man, see how many times he left Local and if he could have stirred children. Astarnar, you will try to find if he has brothers or cousins here or other relatives, try to see the genealogy of the Local family in the Bifurian archives, when was his foreign branch related to his predecessor, and finally Yax you will be charged of spying in the Mage's Guild, they think that he has his powers because of a mage called Geasus Krist, who lives in his land, France or something like that, and have prepared an expedition, I want to see how much anti magical bloodlines there is there. You are dismissed.

And with these words a new adventure was beginning.
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Seeing all these people work you thought about what to do. One part of you wanted to give the men a raise but you stopped yourself immediately, first the work had not been finished and secondly it was showing that India, with it's most barbaric characteristics was beginning to influence you. Dreadful... You should be an exemple of good Christian morals to your subjects, or at least an embodiment of the right and proper feudal order that these lands has forgotten and desperately needed. You had not only to behave virtuously but to encourage virtue.
You sighed, of course you would not pay them a rise because it would be properly amoral. In general, working for money was a bad thing in your opinion, it was why serfdom was to be preferred. Of course some royal administrator would tell "free peasants work more and are more taxable" but you were against this, it was a matter of principle. A man paid for his work will work for his pay, not for the chance of working hard by doing his duty. Not even to do it to get one day to paradise, being before Saint Peter who would say "I see Jean, you have been a good peasant it seems, you always obeyed your lord, only occasionally had been drunk and beaten your wife and children, and never tried to fuck your donkey, you tried hard to be a loyal subject, a stern but good father for your household and not to act out of pettiness, greed or selfishness, you can enter.". No, this was not the motivator for the paid worker : his motivation was his pay and his selfishness.
Yes, paid peasants expected to be paid, and where unhappy if not. It was disgusting ! As a nobleman you did not rule them for your personal greed or selfishness, you ruled and protected them because it was your duty, if you ruled them out of greed you would have doubled their taxes ! But no, you were a good nobleman, and so you had to set an example for them to follow, doing it's duty for it's own sake.

It was why serfdom, where no money but trust between a lord and his serf was far more preferable. A society without it like India seemed to be a society on the first step of moral corruption. Imagine a society where money would decide all ! Of course fat merchants would dominate it, and rule to extort the masses for anything to get always richer and not to try to bring the world closer to the Kingdom of God. People would not help eachother out of charity but expect to be paid for their services, hell even the right of glanage, of the outermost wheats on the fields will probably be suppressed, considered "theft of property" and poor people will starve for the marginal gains of some vile men. Everything would be dependent on money, every interaction a calculus : the realm of Mammon. The populace would follow it's most selfish and vile instincts instead of behaving itself and remembering it's place.

No, money was not an absolute value, it was why the most destitute nobleman or the most isolated monk living as a hermit were infinitely above the richest merchant of the realm. They acted for something more noble and pure.

So, to discourage the spread of greed you decided not to give more pay to your workers. You would wait for the end of their work to pay them. You thanked Oldfossil of course and rode back to your keep. When you were riding back your brave Oldfossil asked you.

-My lord, should I tell the peasants to come tomorrow, they ask for justice in many private matters and it would be profitable to listen to them.

You hesitated, of course you were travelling some days and peasants always needed your guidance on judicial matters. But you wanted to have Rose for you for a day...

>Call them tomorrow, duty first.
>Tell them that I shall judge them after-tomorrow, they need some time to come and I want to have a day alone with Rose.
>No, tomorrow I shall do something else... (write in)
>>Call them tomorrow, duty first.
Welcome back
>Call them tomorrow, duty first.
More legal hijinks? Count me in, as ever! Welcome back, LL.
>>Call them tomorrow, duty first
Noblesse oblige and whatnot.
>>Call them tomorrow, duty first.
>>Call them tomorrow, duty first.
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Thank you good sir.

Hahaha, I am glad that it pleases someone. Thank you very much, I am glad that everyone is back.

Of course messire. Of course.


You decided that you had to first take care of the pressing matters before indulging into your hobbies. Were you not thinking about being an exemple just some minutes ago ? Yes. You told.

-Call them tomorrow, duty first.

-It shall be done my lord.

The afternoon and dinner was a pleasant affair. You ate well, Bob Denarius sung a song on his lute just like Bohémond and you had to admit that the mercenary did not lie about being a bard. He was a true master of his art while Bohémond was a good amateur. But there was no jealousy and they exchanged pleasantries, at least when your knight was not rejoicing in the company of his beloved. You mostly spoke with Father François about spiritual matters and asked Rose what she had done today. She told that she was sewing a small bit and asked you if you could help her to replenish her household after the monstruous killings done by Baron Crook. You agreed eagerly, not yet sure of how to do it, you hesitated between giving members of your household, looking on her lands or going elsewhere. Whatever. You decided to raise early the next day so you could answer to the cases of Local in the morning and those of the other villages of your demesne in the afternoon.

And so, somewhat at the early morning you were in your throne room, surrounded by a small number of peasants. They were early raisers fortunately and they began to give their cases. You decided to judge their petty quarrels before more important cases like theft or murder.

The first case opposed two groups of peasants living in farms near local, near a stream called the Cleanex. A very small stream indeed and it seemed that their quarrel was about it. They had been touched by the "explosion of light" that came with you and the family father of one of the groups, the Tryhard family was a big man with a small hunchback and one eye bigger than the other. Their opponents, the Bitcher family had been touched too, one of their sons was a dwarf apparently.

Their father had smallpox marks all on his cheeks and a bulbous face. It was good to see that peasants, finally, looked like proper peasants. Oldfossil announced them.

-The families of Tryhard and Bitcher want to bring their quarrel about the Cleanex stream to your lordship. Bow before it's lordship.

They all bowed, it was a lot of people, 25 people at least with the two families if you counted for women and children. They all came here. And Oldfossil explained to you in your ear that they hated eachother even before the rule of lord Random. A family feud... Well... When you told.

-Explain me why are you quarelling about this stream ?

They began to all speak at the same time and you took your head in your hand. You ordered your guards to beat their spears on the stone floor, not wanting to scream since Rose, not the early riser, was still sleeping. You then explaining.

-The plaintiff first.

It was the Bitcher family father who began to explain. The man bowed before you and told.

-My lore, I want to complain, I am the victim of an awful conspiracy of the Tryhards, who always hated us and live upstream of the Cleanex stream that courses on our lands. A small stream but very useful.

That was it, you guessed what happened, they tried to dig to turn around the stream to make it's land worthless. Or perhaps like with Cresus and Pauperus the stream changed course and one tried to annex more lands from the others. Streams were always the cause of many judicial headaches. You reflected about it while Bitcher was perorating about why he was a very good and loyal subject. Then the end of his tirade surprised you the most.

-He is.. Forgive me for saying it before such a noble person as you. He is shitting my lord ! Shitting right in the stream when my wife and my daughters try to wash something in it.

It made some other peasants laugh, you smiled a bit too.

-My lord, and you too good people, do not mock me, how do you want to clean your clothes on your lands when fifteen people take a shit right when you try. They even have a lookout, one of the children spies when my wife is coming with my daughter's and our clothing and he raises them all. Sometimes we had to fake sorties so they shat everything and had no more... Ammunition so to speak and our women could wash our clothes in peace but after several months of shitting, and even inviting their cousins from the village to do it the stream has become unclean.

By the heavens, what kind of sick men these Indians were. A lookout to see when they wanted to clean it was almost comical.

You told.

-Could you not go wash your clothes in the river ? Or your wife could not do it ?

The man told.

-It takes one hour to get there my lord, we have to go around the other lands of Tryhard, who are downstream and almost surround ours, and other lands then, and with the clothing for ten people especially when soaked it could be heavy for a woman.

Effectively his wife was frail, and quite beautiful to be sincere, she looked at you silently and reddened because of the shame of the story, she had big blue eyes and it's two daughters were small girls less than ten years old. You answered.

-Have you thought about travelling through the lands of Tryhard, a man can pass by another man's property if it is needed for his work, I am sure that a woman could travel to the river to wash her clothing in peace.

There was protestation in the Tryhard ranks, they were outraged. These basic french rights were still seen as foreign by the Local peasantry. Their family father explained.

-My lord ! It is outrageous ! Your predecessor, lord Random, blessed be his name, forbid the Bitchers from travelling through our lands, they already asked for it to access some of their own lands more downstream than those that we have downstream of them...

Ah, the joy of dispersed parcels of lands, a glorious creator of judicial conflicts since the dawn of time. Oldfossil quietly nodded and added.

-Indeed, thirty two years ago if I remember well there has been such a decision in favour of your father against the current plaintiff's father.

What precious man he was ! You rejoiced every time when you heard the brave Oldfossil, he truly remembered every case. But whatever, you asked Tryhard.

-But explain me, why defecating when Bitcher is around ?

The man answered.

-He is lying my lord, it would be absurd to soil my own stream. And a lookout, this man is mad. I can tell you that we simply used the stream one or two times for shitting, nothing else. It is our lands after all.

You answered mischievously.

-Good, then if the water is so clean you could take a bath in it with all your family. It will be good for your health.

The man paled and began to explain.

-M... My lord it is cold and...

-Or you are taking me for an imbecile ! Why have you polluted this stream ?

-I... I have the right to do it ! It is on my own lands my lord ! You cannot forbid someone to shit on his own lands !

>Yes I can, I forbid you to soil your river from now on and I authorise Bitcher's family to clean clothes on your own lands upstream as compensation.
>Yes I can and I shall give you a fine for soiling the waters of the Local lands.
>You are right, it is within your rights to shit where you want. Case dismissed.
>You are right, Bitcher's wife could walk, and I shall order the guards to beat him ten times with a stick for wasting my time about insignificant matters.
>I shall thereby declare that it will be forbidden to defecate in rivers and streams in the lordship, people should collect their dejection and use it as manure. Since our good Tryhard is an enterprising man with much imagination he is now named manure collector on all the lands belonging directly to the Local Lord.
>We shall see the stream ourselves before taking a decision it seems.
>Other (write in)
>>I shall thereby declare that it will be forbidden to defecate in rivers and streams in the lordship, people should collect their dejection and use it as manure. Since our good Tryhard is an enterprising man with much imagination he is now named manure collector on all the lands belonging directly to the Local Lord.

Let the punishment fit the crime. Also this benefits the common weal and increases the value of the waterways, and thus our holdings.
>I shall thereby declare that it will be forbidden to defecate in rivers and streams in the lordship, people should collect their dejection and use it as manure. Since our good Tryhard is an enterprising man with much imagination he is now named manure collector on all the lands belonging directly to the Local Lord.

Don’t want people shitting in the water never want to drink some peasant shit.
These Indians so uncivilized not like us French no we are just the epitome of cleanliness.
>Yes I can, I forbid you to soil your river from now on and I authorise Bitcher's family to clean clothes on your own lands upstream as compensation.
>I shall thereby declare that it will be forbidden to defecate in rivers and streams in the lordship, people should collect their dejection and use it as manure. Since our good Tryhard is an enterprising man with much imagination he is now named manure collector on all the lands belonging directly to the Local Lord.

Hon hon hon, I 'seine' what did zere.
>>Yes I can, I forbid you to soil your river from now on and I authorise Bitcher's family to clean clothes on your own lands upstream as compensation.
>I shall thereby declare that it will be forbidden to defecate in rivers and streams in the lordship, people should collect their dejection and use it as manure. Since our good Tryhard is an enterprising man with much imagination he is now named manure collector on all the lands belonging directly to the Local Lord.
What a shitty case.
>>I shall thereby declare that it will be forbidden to defecate in rivers and streams in the lordship, people should collect their dejection and use it as manure. Since our good Tryhard is an enterprising man with much imagination he is now named manure collector on all the lands belonging directly to the Local Lord.
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A wise decision, let him be punished by where he sinned (it is why we impale sodomites).

Hahahahahaha very true, I shall tell your joke to all the good frenchmen who live today in Paris (all ten of them).

As we say "Issou" hahaha.


You felt playful and ordered.

-I shall thereby declare that it will be forbidden to defecate in rivers and streams in the lordship, people should collect their déjection and use it as manure. Since our good Tryhard is an enterprising man with much imagination he is now named manure collecting on all the local lands.

You hesitated give any compensation to Bitcher since you understood that he would use it to hurt Tryhard and their quarrel will continue. And the face of Tryhard in his humiliation was enough. But on the other side you saw Bitchers wife and the frail creature deserved something. You told.

-I authorise Bitcher's family to clean clothes on your own lands upstream as a compensation.

And the judgment was done. Well, these cases did not make you want to jump into the river it was sure. You understood Ancel who never bathed. Whatever you continued and a new case had to be judged, between two Local inhabitants.

This case was no less exotic, but definitely cleaner, than the other. It was between two old peasants, Perrin and Dandin. They disliked each other and the border of their gardens was marked by a fence. Near this fence Perrin had a pear tree. But some branches of the pear tree had grown over Dandins territory. Quails had nested on the branches over Dandins territory but Perrin told that they were his and he had the right to eat their eggs since it is his tree while Dandin told that it was over it's territory. You put your palm on your face, were you in Normandy for everyone to ask their lord to judge on such trivial matters. It seemed to be, like in Normandy, a case of prestige, to see who would win before the courts, more than something about the eggs in themselves. You had to ask Oldfossil.

-Do they have the cry of "haro" here too ?

-My lord ? What do you mean ?

-In provinces mad about law, like Normandy, any commoner can cry "Haro" when he thinks that he is wronged by something and judicial servants of the Local Lord have to hear him.

Oldfossil seemed bewildered and answered.

-We have nothing of the sort my lord, commoners can come here instead of screaming on the street.

-Good, you are normal people then.

You then looked towards the two bitter old men and told.

>Perrin should get the eggs, whatevers grows on your tree is yours.
>Dandin should get the eggs, whatever is over your territory is yours.
>The local lord should get the eggs, it will teach you to disturb me about nonsense. Plus I like it very much.
>The Church should get the eggs, it is fair and just.
>Other (write in)
>The local lord should get the eggs, it will teach you to disturb me about nonsense. Plus I like it very much.
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What does the Lords' Guild think about the rumours of little green mans?
>>The local lord should get the eggs, it will teach you to disturb me about nonsense. Plus I like it very much.
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>The local lord should get the eggs, it will teach you to disturb me about nonsense. Plus I like it very much.

You mean the Ghibellines? Those funny little German fellows?
Welcome back QM
I always knew my orchard plan was a good idea
>The local lord should get the eggs, it will teach you to disturb me about nonsense. Plus I like it very much.
Free eggs
Either this or we make them split 50/50
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It is said that they have pushed the Genoese out of Crimea several years ago.

AH ! Nostre bon comte Robert ! Il est venu tout exprès de France pour nous dire que nos belles sœurs sont des putains !

Thanks for the art, and yes, if you ment the Ghibellines with Konradin we will have news some day.

Thank you good sir. It was a really good idea indeed. It will make Local considerably richer in several years.


Tired of this idiocy and wanting to eat some good quail eggs.

-The local lord should get the eggs, it will teach you to disturb me about nonsense. Plus I like it very much.

It made the other villagers mock Perrin et Dandin even if Oldfossil was a bit sad, he told that it would have been interesting to establish a rule in case law. Whatever, he was too much enamored by the procedures. And he had it's fill of case law when you passed the next three hours trying to determine the delimitations of the fields of different peasants. This was easy, you knew that it was worse when your lord father had to order the peasants in the lordship to pour grain in the bags designed to be taxed from the shoulder and not the hip since it made the grain pack more densely in these bags (using weights was worthless since they were always rigged or they could not agree on a unit of measurement).
Finally it was time to take a lunch in the delightful company of your lady Rose and after this you had to listen to the complaints of the peasantry of your faraway villages. And finally something interesting happened : the northernmost community of your lands, in the hamlet of Disputed that Lord Hostil claimed told that they were harassed by wolves who ate some pigs and sheep. One of the landowners of the hamlet, Jevo Dan, explained you.

-My lord, since the death of Lord Hostil his troops have been added to the baronial retinue, but now that the baron himself is dead, and they learned it, some have begun to take bribes or returned home, there is nobody to hunt the wolves down, we tried to put traps to protect the hamlet but for the herds that are on the plain...

You then asked.

-When have the attacks begun ?

-A week ago, you were travelling, so we waited for your return, my lord, to ask you to hunt the wolves. They are in the plains, but on Hostil lands.... Or today Baronial lands.
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This was an interesting dilemma, normally you needed the authorization of the baron to hunt on his lands, but since the baron had to put order on his own lands first you could technically cross the border, not be seen, hunt down the wolves and give a beautiful wolf pelt to your sweet lady Rose for the collar of her winter dress. But still, what if you came here, especially on a disputed border, after all Baron Crook never told that this hamlet was not yours, but he encouraged lord Hostil to claim it. You had a deal with the Neutral Lord to confirm your ownership of this land and put an end to this dispute but now maybe the new baron who had inherited from lord Hostil will press the claim. Or use your misbehavior to confiscate it. What will be your decision ?

>I shall protect all my lands, I am going on a hunt after-tomorrow, we will put these wolves down.
>I shall send my knights and some men at arms to help you deal with these wolves, they could help securing your herds of sheep before my coming even if not crossing the borders.
>Messire Godefroi ! You always liked wolf hunting, take Bohémond and twelve men tomorrow, and put these wolves down.
>I will send a messenger to the baron, I need his agreement to hunt on his lands after all, once I have an answer I shall come to your help.
>I shall send a messenger to the baron, clearly the absence of authority in these lands need a firm hand, I can take care of securing not only the lands but the keep of the Hostil lord.
>Other (write in)
>>I shall send a messenger to the baron, clearly the absence of authority in these lands need a firm hand, I can take care of securing not only the lands but the keep of the Hostil lord.

Solves the problem and adds to both our demesne and reputation. Seems a no-brainer.
>>I shall send a messenger to the baron, clearly the absence of authority in these lands need a firm hand, I can take care of securing not only the lands but the keep of the Hostil lord.

In the meantime we should dispatch a few guardsmen to help defend against any further wolf attacks.
>I shall send a messenger to the baron, clearly the absence of authority in these lands need a firm hand, I can take care of securing not only the lands but the keep of the Hostil lord.
But before we do that however we should preface the letter with the wolf attacks in order to make it seem like we have to do this while also ensuring that if no one takes over bandits may start to pop up. We are fearmongering so we get a new keep.
>>I shall send a messenger to the baron, clearly the absence of authority in these lands need a firm hand, I can take care of securing not only the lands but the keep of the Hostil lord.
>the art
It's by Olympus QM, from the King & Quest of /QST/ tournament.


But also:
>I shall send my knights and some men at arms to help you deal with these wolves, they could help securing your herds of sheep before my coming even if not crossing the borders.
In the meantime, this seems wise.
>Messire Godefroi ! You always liked wolf hunting, take Bohémond and twelve men tomorrow, and put these wolves down.
A risky move good sirs, a risky move...

Yes, it is clearly better. The wolf attacks will be included as the reason of your move in your letter.


A talented young fellow it seems.

OH ! Mahaut la truie ! Mahaut la femelle ! Que la lèpre lui mange la face ! It is an interesting art of Mahaut d'Artois because she was a quite old woman, for the time, here she seems younger, or perhaps I have been too much influenced by the portrayal of Hélène Duc in the 1972 series (pic related).


You thought about the question, it was clearly interesting. You had an occasion to secure not only your demesne but the Hostil lands. They were between your lands and those of Rose's father, before they were confiscated. So you hatched a plan, if you could obtain the new baron's authorization to take care of the keep it would be hard to push you out of it. So you proposed.

-I shall send a messenger to the baron, clearly the absence of authority in these lands need a firm hand, I can take care of securing not only the lands but the keep of the Hostil lord.

But since you were a good lord you did not forget your peasants and told.

-Messire Godefroi, you always liked wolf hunting. Take ten good men with you and protect the village and the herds.

-It will be done Monseigneur !

You wanted to send Bohémond too, or Brother Louis but Louis had sworn to only hunt lions, as a templar, while Bohémond was just travelling with his love. Heh, you will perhaps send him to escort lady Takable to her castle in several days, even if you must come to your baron's castle in more than a week Rose needed to have access to all her old dresses and be ready for the feast, you would have to leave her for a moment. But, whatever, what was done was done. You happily let the next problem to be brought before you and of course it was an affair of inheritance. Apparently the father of the family of Nowded, a family of rich peasants from Nearby, was dead, and you had to tell who would have the inheritance. No will was left, be it orally before neutral witnesses or on a parchment since the poor man died sudenly after drinking too much and falling into a river, things like this happened. You saw that there were four children in their early twenties or late teens, the eldest, a rather bland blonde, Firista, was the first to talk.

-My lord, I would want to ask your judgement on our inheritance.

-So be it, I am listening.
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She cleared her throat and stood first.

-My lord, I am the eldest child of my father, I always cared for him, I know how to work on a farm, I am still unmarried but I can take care of the fields and the beasts, especially once I will have a husband. I think that I can have the inheritance, according to the new Bifurian Law, I consulted a lawyer, but women can inherit in equality to men.

You shook your head, what nonsense was this. A woman, inheriting. By the heavens. She was of course healthy but still not strong enough to rule a farm alone. You did not listen what she wanted to say next. Then came a young man, a bit shy, with blond hair too, clearly her younger brother, he was healthy too, tall and thin. He explained while stumbling a bit, after bowing he told.

-M... My lord, I... I am Secundus, first living son of Nowded, I always help... helped my father on the farm. Aye. According to all laws I should inherit.. Boys come before girls, that is known.

Fortunately this guelph nonsense had not taken root since most of the peasantry nodded to his words. He was not a bad man, but he should have bullied his sister and younger brothers more often, or marry the woman to someone, the fact that they wanted his inheritance was scandalous. You did not listen to the rest of the stumblings of the young man who were not important and then you saw a stronger lad advancing, he was well built even if in his late teens and told.

-My lord, i am Tertius, second son of Nowded, I demand that the inheritance be split between my brother and me, I have worked hard on the farm, I deserve a part of this, I am sure that my father would have agreed. And it is the custom here...

The fact that some people here were agreeing was strange, yes, you were a third son yourself but you were wise enough to know that second and third sons should not inherit. You asked.

-What is the size of the farm.

-It could feed us both my lord.

Tertius's answer did not reassure you.

Yes, feed them both, but then what about the next generation, could two small farms feed more peasants ? You doubted it, it was why indian families were so small even if deaths in childhood were rare, a healthy family of twelve children assured, if as of average one third of them survived, five kids, one of them inherited the farm, to have then as many kids. The others cut down some trees in forests and formed a new village with many kids, civilization progressed, the demesne of the local lord grew and, as everybody knew, more people meant more taxes and more taxes meant more soldiers. A solid demography was the basis of a solid society. And small families, with probably only one kid to save the land would be the doom of the nation, even if the populace and even Oldfossil seemed to agree with Tertius you were unimpressed. All these inheritance problems seemed even more interesting if you took the widows into accounts and her douaire, unfortunately here it seemed that Nowded had outlived his wife.

You then turned towards the last person a brown haired teen, not having heard the nonsensical rest of Tertius's argument.

-And who are you ? The third son ?

The man was in his teens, and told.

-Yes my lord, I am Bypass, brother of all the three others but not from the same mother, Nowded... My father, never married my mother even if they lived together but he recognized me and I think that I should get a share of the inheritance.

WHAT ? A BASTARD ? Inheriting something ? Even amongst peasants ? You hit the armrest of your throne hard with your fist and Rose, who was witnessing looked at you with concern, it was cute on her part. But even her cuteness wasn't enough to not make you want to strangle the man. The simple fact that Nowded lived with a woman and was not married and the legitimized bastard wanted a part of the inheritance like some danish scum was throwing you into a rage.

>Roll a rulership roll please to not go into a rant (1d100)
>Rolling to keep your cool against such blasphemy ? Such parody of laws ? Let us go on a rant against bastards and their ilk.
>Rolling to keep your cool against such blasphemy ? Such parody of laws ? And this conjuration of women, second sons, bastards and other degenerates using queer indian customs ? No ! Not on our watch ! Let us remind the good people what are proper inheritance laws, it is time to change the bad customs and put in place a true, Christian order.
Rolled 97 (1d100)

>>Roll a rulership roll please to not go into a rant (1d100)
Explain CALMLY the Christian inheretance laws.
Rolled 60 (1d100)

>Roll a rulership roll please to not go into a rant (1d100)
>>Rolling to keep your cool against such blasphemy ? Such parody of laws ? And this conjuration of women, second sons, bastards and other degenerates using queer indian customs ? No ! Not on our watch ! Let us remind the good people what are proper inheritance laws, it is time to change the bad customs and put in place a true, Christian order.
>Rolling to keep your cool against such blasphemy ? Such parody of laws ? And this conjuration of women, second sons, bastards and other degenerates using queer indian customs ? No ! Not on our watch ! Let us remind the good people what are proper inheritance laws, it is time to change the bad customs and put in place a true, Christian order.
>Rolling to keep your cool against such blasphemy ? Such parody of laws ? And this conjuration of women, second sons, bastards and other degenerates using queer indian customs ? No ! Not on our watch ! Let us remind the good people what are proper inheritance laws, it is time to change the bad customs and put in place a true, Christian order.

We have been too generous waiting for them on their own to convert to Christian law and thought. WE SHALL SPEED IT UP FOR BASTARDS SHALL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY!
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Ouch ! What a roll !


Excellent ! Excellent !


Enough, you rose from your seat and instinctively the bastard shivered, knowing what would happen. You rose your right hand and began.

-When, O bastard, do you mean to cease abusing our patience? How long is that madness of yours still to mock us ? When is there to be an end of that unbridled audacity of yours, swaggering about as it does now ? Do not the weight of tradition of the noblemen—do not the good defense of the guards—does not the alarm of the people, and the union of all good men—do not the lessons of our brave Father François about our Lord Jesus Christ, not the looks and countenances of your lord and master here present, have any effect upon you ? Do you not feel that you are a shameless thieving little criminal born out of wedlock who thinks only of himself.

Before someone could say "but the law" you continued to speak.

-But the law tells the woman, and tells the second son ! What are these laws ? Some nonsense allegedly found in Justinian's institutes that some legist has found to impose to favour King Philippe ? NO ! There is no law but the good feudal custom, the custom of the Franks who were free and just men who conquered these lands. Well, not these lands in India per se but unchristian customs do not count ! Why do you think they exist ? Mhhh ?

You looked at the masses with a mad eye and they seemed to fear you too much to speak. Good. Bob Denarius who was in the public tried.

-Perhaps to advantage the first son and concentrate...

-Silence ! Fools ! All of you ! It is done for a simple, good reason, good customs do not exist if they are not just. How much can your farm sustain people ?

The first son answered, stuttering.

-T... Ten people m.. My lord...

-Ten people, so a family, while if you cut it in two it would be two couples, with three children each, and then if you share even more there would be less kids, people will make less kids ! It is all a plot of heathens to make you raise less children !

You continued to rant, seeing clearly in the fog of ignorance that corrupted these pagans. Truely, faith in our Lord and His holy Church and your newfound experience as a lord made you better at politics.

-So what will happen ? Less births, and less births means less lands colonised ! By the heavens I have more lands than I could dream of in France but they are infertile or full of a forest populated by spirits and Ghibellines ! Why in hundreds of generations have you not managed to push this back ? Because a family, even if deaths in childbirth are low here, has very few people. Only those like the Rabits who populate a hamlet with their descendents know.

-B... But we are a family of four kids and...

-SILENCE ! Four is few, eight, nine, or even twelve kids are good. I want to found villages, not to see this... This stagnation ! And having such different rules of succession for nobles and peasants is pure nonsense. So, Secundus, you will have the farm and Oldfossil, take your plume and parchment, and write... I, Charles de Villeroi, Lord of Local, declare that from now on the inheritance laws will give everything to the first male child. He will be the leader of the family after the death of his father.

You did not have the courage to write everything about dowries or anything else. But of course, the not so bullied woman and the second son began to complain. She began by saying, opening her large mouth.

-But the queen and...

You imitated her whiny voice during her first sentence

-"But the queen says". SILENCE ! What do you know of the queen ? Nothing ! Be silent ! Horrible woman ! Sorceress ! Black mud ! "But the queen says" what do you know about our queen ? Nothing ! You never saw her ! This is because of idiotic people like you that that this realm is in crisis. "But the queen says", I will tell you something every king, queen, or regent will always say that he will rule justly, and equally and it's intendants will rob you blind ! Regulate the people !

You even added, too zealous for your own good.

-I am sure that these law have been made so the guelphs could not be too outnumbered. This is the truth ! Here, see, look at her, good people ! It is because of such people cradled too close to a wall that everything goes wrong ! They see the end of feudal wars and cheer "but the king says" and then the chivalry is not ready for the next war ! They see some upjumped burghers made minister and "but the king say" a lot to make him approved and let him ruin the realm ! They will cheer at everything ! The queen is far away ! I am the lord here and I have right of life and death on these lands ! Damn it !

Of course the girl cried, and the second son, Tertius, began to tell.

-B... But the council of many...

-What council ? The council of many ? The one with the burghers sitting besides noblemen and priests ? This nonsense ? Were you there ? No, because they will not take you on this council, even if they take commoners they must take only sane commoners, not madmen who ask for inheritances that do not belong to them ! Disappear from my sight ! Scum ! Cop ! COOOOP ! Take this bastard out, and the true bastard, yes, these two, and cut them down in the corridor if they do not leave quickly enough ! Council of Many... Tsss... You are all dismissed ! Go out !

The terrified assembly left, Godefroi looked at you with pity, understanding the burden of government, the rest left quickly, Oldfossil wanted to tell something but judged against it when you sat on your throne and breathed heavily, your face was probably red from anger and only the sight of the one person who stayed, Rose, appeased you a bit. Looking at her you reddened, but for another reason.

-Rose.. I... Sorry, I forgot my manners it...

She put her finger on your mouth kindly and said "shhh" then.

-Do not worry Charles, you were... Passionate, active, and even quite funny... It is impressive to see you try like this... I do not bother to judge too often myself..

She then kissed you, by the heavens, you did not deserve a woman who supported you even when you lost yourself. You kissed her back and rose from the seat. You were alone on the great hall now. She said.

-You are very attractive when you are all passionate like this Charles...

-And you are always very attractive my sweet lady. All your moods completing your wonderful figure.

She laughed at this and you stroked her hair, telling her.

-I want to pass the next day with you... What do you think about :

>Riding with me in the forest.
>Playing the harp and singing together
>Reading poetry together
>Visiting some curiosity of the lordship like one of the old barrows
>Taking a small boat near Forgotten and being on the lake all day
>Other (write in)
>Visiting some curiosity of the lordship like one of the old barrows
Charles is truly onto something here! If these womenfolk and second sons and bastards had apparently worked so hard on these farms that they can now demand for an inheritance then why did they not start their own and create large families? Our land is large and there is more than enough room, these peasants are just lazy, get them to work!
>Visiting some curiosity of the lordship like one of the old barrows
Sounds fun
>>Visiting some curiosity of the lordship like one of the old barrows
>Visiting some curiosity of the lordship like one of the old barrows
>>Riding with me in the forest.
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Charles is always wise, he tells the truth not because it is written somewhere in books but by his innate wisdom as a nobleman. Of course we need to colonise these lands.


You proposed her.

-What do you think about visiting some curiosity of the lordship like one of the old barrows.

She looked at you, her blue eyes playful.

-Old barrows... It might be scary... Is it an excuse to hold me tight to protect me when we hear something strange ?

You answered her smile by yours, and told.

-Do I need a reason to hold you tight ?

You then took her by the waist and rose, kissing her passionately. Her rosy lips were soon matched by the colour of her cheeks. What an adorable woman.

And it was the next morning after these sweet words that you began to visit the barrows of your region. You were dressed as for hunting while Rose had a kind of red dress with riding pants under it that suited her blonde complexion very much. Since it was cold you did not ask Oldfossil to come with you but you still asked him what were the most interesting places. He named a few.

>We should be returning to the tomb of the brother of Leman.
>There was the tomb of an ancient queen to the east of the lordship.
>There was a very big unnamed barrow to the north of the cairns.
>If you rode practically all morning at a fast pace there was a kind of megalith.
>There was some ruins in the forest but nobody was sure where they were.

All of them had already been robbed and it was not risky at all to visit them. But you remembered what happened in Leman's brothers tomb you were still prudent.
>There was the tomb of an ancient queen to the east of the lordship.
The tombs of monarchs are always splendid
>There was the tomb of an ancient queen to the east of the lordship.
>>There was the tomb of an ancient queen to the east of the lordship.
>There was the tomb of an ancient queen to the east of the lordship.
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You decided to visit the tomb of an ancient unnamed queen, Captain Crumbling, Brother Louis and some soldiers coming with you while Becky and Bohémond remained behind for God knows what. But hey, they loved eachother. It was cold outside and you mounted your brown palfrey while Rose was on her white horse. You rode swiftly, not wanting to take several hours in the cold and the light rain of the morning. Fortunately once the afternoon came you were able to enjoy some conversation. You asked captain Crumbling.

-Dear Captain, tell us more about this tomb, I ignored that we had monarchs here...

-Oh, it is the tomb of the wife of a petty king, a most unusual one. Primitives that lived there, barbarians, were buried with their wives and servants who were killed when they died.

Rose murmured "charming" while you told "such barbarity". Brother Louis added.

-Typical Indian custom, I have heard of it.

Captain Crumbling continued.

-You know, my lord. Here it is unusual because the king seemed to like his queen very much and she died before him, so he buried her with some servants in a small barrow, and her cats too.

You were astonished.

-Cats ? Was she a witch ?

Rose found it funny.

-Buried with cats.. At least she was married... Not an old cat lady... I always feared to become this, I love cats too much.

You turned towards her, a bit surprised by the news.

-You use cats as pets ?

-Yes of course ? Why else would we keep them Charles ? Cats are adorable, absolutely cute, gracious, clean and they eat mice.

You liked her enthusiasm, but to tease them you explained.

-They are a strange choice of pet...

-You do not have cats in France ?

-Not often... Well we have hunting dogs or dogs, they are loyal companions.

-But they smell ! And they are not as.. Cuddly.

She tried to explain, well, of course, she used her hunting dogs to eat people so it must not be the same, you thought about more domestic animals, you hadn't much.

-I am not a great lover of small animals Rose... But my brother had a ferret, he taught it to hunt mice, there are weasels to, and genets they make good companions.

Rose was not impressed.

-They smell ! Cats are far more beautiful and gracious.

She cutely pointed her nose up as if her argument could not be countered and Brother Louis told.

-With all due respect Monseigneur, and Gente Dame, I think that it comes to you by the saracens, they are fond of cats. According to their legends their holy man who they worship liked his cat so much that he cut his own cloak, where the cat was sleeping, not to disturb the beast when he rose. I heard this tale from a saracen merchant and it amused me. And the love of Lady Rose is understandable, alchemists all tell that cats are mysterious and close to the feminine nature.

Heathens, sorcerers, cats were strange. But you had to admit that if they were rare and curious they could be beautiful.

Rose told you.

-Charles, tell me, when we will be married could we have a cat ? A beautiful one, all white with blue eyes and long fur, it would climb on our knees when we sit and purr during the long nights of winter. And... If it puts hair on my dresses I shall order a servant to clean them.

-Of course my sweet lady, anything to make you happy, we can have four or five if you want.

She smiled kindly and answered.

-Thank you my lord, you are too kind, but one or two would be enough.

She told this while you continued to ride and saw a barrow on the background, it seemed to be the same as the others, a middle sized barrow on the plain of the Cairns. It seemed like an artificial hill like any other. Once you dismounted and helped Rose dismount putting her tight against you and gave the horses to a guard you began to advance. You used torches to enter into the small entry where the temperature was chill. There were some primitive engravings on the walls showing banquet scenes and a small room.

In this small room decorated with engravings there were three doors Captain Crumbling explained.

-I shall not tell you in advance, my lord, if your permit me, but what gate should we take first.

>The front gate, it is the biggest one, let us begin by what I suppose would be the most interesting room.
>The left gate, it is decorated with scenes of hunting animals.
>The right gate, what are these representations it seems creatures walking on two legs but not like normal people.
>The front gate, it is the biggest one, let us begin by what I suppose would be the most interesting room.
The royal chamer I presume
>>The left gate, it is decorated with scenes of hunting animals.
>The front gate, it is the biggest one, let us begin by what I suppose would be the most interesting room.
>The front gate, it is the biggest one, let us begin by what I suppose would be the most interesting room.
>The left gate, it is decorated with scenes of hunting animals.
>The front gate, it is the biggest one, let us begin by what I suppose would be the most interesting room.
>The right gate, what are these representations it seems creatures walking on two legs but not like normal people.
Oh no, the queen was a Saracen! And worse yet: a furry!
Of course




You decided, in your infinite wisdom, to visit the biggest door, after all, why not.

-Let us take the big one that it at the front, I suppose it is where the queen is buried.

-It is correct my lord, let us go...

Captain Crumbling told this and you entered into a medium sized room with old encarvings on the walls and a rectangular tomb here. There was no "gisant" or representation of the dead on it, simply some writings. Lady Rose, who seemed to know a lot about history quickly told.

-It is a woman's tomb, yes, look at the moon drawn here. Generally in the Old tribes that were the ancestors of Bifurians men were buried looking to the west, to the setting sun since they believed that the sun guided their lives, while women were always buried towards a representation of the full moon since the moon represented feminity.

You were quite impressed, and smiled at her. Crumbling added.

-Exactly my lady, your knowledge is great, to be sincere I never knew it before Oldfossil explained me... Look at the encarvings, it recounts her life story.

You were accustomed of this, for people who never learned how to read like you histories were known by statues, encarvings and bas reliefs. Every church and cathedral explained the scriptures by representations on the top of it's columns, on it's walls and on it's stained glass windows. So you looked, from the right to the left as the old guard's captain explained that it was the good way to read it. It was very interesting, you saw how the queen was born, apparently from a couple of small chieftains of the region, then how she learned to take car of the home but to sow and to hunt too. Interesting. She seemed to be presented by her father to a man in a crown, probably the king but you did not see a part of the story, the encarvings were too old. There was some natural damage in different places. You looked towards her marriage and saw her entering in a kind of building and then. Then the next part was impossible to see.

You looked after this missing part and saw the half of what happens to be a feast, there was the king and the main character, the heroine, with a crown too now, oh, it must be their marriage.

Then there were some more half missing and damages panels, worn out by time, but you saw that their mariage seemed to be happy. They hunted with falcons together, feasted and had some children. At the end she died and her husband ordered a tomb to be made. Brother Louis asked.

-Why and how did someone erase this panel.

-What panel ?

Asked Captain Crumbling but Brother Louis pointed on the one that you had remarked to be completely erased, the guards captain told.

-It seems to be the ravages of time, sir knight.

But the Templar was not impressed.

-No, look, there is some damage here and here, sometimes we miss two thirds of a panel but here all the panel was cleanly destroyed. But I do not see any trace of chisel strikes or something to sabotage it, all look smooth. Even smother than if it was sawn off by stonemasons.

Rose offered.

-Perhaps it was magic.

You did the sign of the cross. It seemed to be logical. Captain Crumbling looked at the place and raised his shoulders.

-I would not know... I have visited this place several times during my long life, heh, it was considered romantical in my youth, it was a gift of love after all. And it had been pillaged far before I was born. I never remarked how everything was erased. But nor I remember some mage visiting it. Perhaps... Rollarion... Yes... He visited the place twice. But I was with him each time, Lord Random insisted, and the man never cast any magic. The court mage before him did not even visit the place... It is very strange...

Brother Louis told.

-Do not worry, it must have been done far before your time, look at this smoothness on the panel, it is remarkable but the corners are being eroded. It would take centuries to damage it, so someone did this a long time ago.

Why would someone do this ? You asked out loud. You heard that the kings of the day had many wives... Was one of them jealous ? It was the theory of Rose.

-A jealous second spouse perhaps ?

You shook your head.

-She would have broken everything, here we see the king living with her "rival" and being happy... And what was on this panel anyway, she seemed to travel with her father and be presented to the king, then there is a marriage feast and she has a crown. And one scene is missing...

The mystery was intriguing you and you decided to tell.

>Perhaps it is the first night ? Someone found it scandalous.
>Perhaps there was a figure that had been erased and was not visible here.
>Perhaps it is the mariage ceremony in itself, in a church, or the equivalent.
>Gifts ? Perhaps there would be representations of gifts that she received at her mariage.
>Try to look for clues (intrigue rolls)
>We need to see the other rooms.
>Other (write in)
Rolled 14 (1d100)

>Try to look for clues (intrigue rolls)
When in doubt the mages did it
>Perhaps it is the first night ? Someone found it scandalous.
Perhaps... She was a cat transformed, herself, and this was the evening in which he discovered this? There are old pagan tales and fairy stories of forest brides, non?
Rolled 16 (1d100)

>Try to look for clues (intrigue rolls)
Rolled 72 (1d100)

>Try to look for clues (intrigue rolls)
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51 KB
Wise words, very wise words good sir.

It is probable good sir, you should enter the Dominican order and become an Inquisitor.

Two good rolls, maybe not enough for a good average but I will give you a clue.


You began to look for clues and looked at all the room, you saw a kind of tablet near her tomb. After a short inspection it appeared that it was written in some kind of runes or pagan symbols that you were unable to decipher, you showed it to your companions but none of them knew how to read them. Captain Crumbling simply said.

-My lord... I suppose that Oldfossil knows how to read and write in ancient runes, he is a very learned man.

You answered.

-He is indeed. No doubt that with him we could one day try to see the tomb again. It's mystery is interesting.

Captain Crumbling suggested.

-Perhaps it is the bedding night that was erased, it would be improper.

You smiled at it, you thought about it too, but after reflecting a bit you were sure that it was not.

-No, they would not get to bed before the marriage feast, it is somewhere between the marriage feast and her first meeting with the king. It is... Probably something with a figure... Or the mariage ceremony.

Brother Louis, always wise, corrected you.

-It is possible, my lord... Very possible, but I would not have all the place be erased only for a figure, it is probably something big, something on all the pannel that was bad. Perhaps someone found this marriage ceremony heretical or improper, or someone found the building that was in it improper. Or maybe some treasure or marriage gift, or some of them who were disliked by the next generations, if it would have been a figure only their faces would be erased.

It made sense, Brother Louis was a wise man. Rose looked cute when she was reflecting, seeing that you gazed at her biting her lower lip she smiled at you, a playful expression in her eyes and told.

-I like mysteries. But perhaps we should look for clues in the other rooms.

Yes, but where to begin.

>Let us go to the room on the right from the entrance.
>Let us go to the room on the left from the entrance.

And please roll an INTRIGUE roll gentlemen.
Rolled 39 (1d100)

>Let us go to the room on the left from the entrance.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

>Let us go to the room on the right from the entrance
Rolled 9 (1d100)

>Let us go to the room on the left from the entrance
Rolled 48 (1d100)

>>Let us go to the room on the left from the entrance.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

>Let us go to the room on the right from the entrance.
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You took the decision to go to the room on the left next and saw that it was not as well decorated as the others, it was an empty room with some encarvings representing different things like a chariot, some dresses, a crown, a horse, jewellery and other things that were given during scenes to the queen, sometimes by the king itself. You quickly told.

-It was a kind of treasure room ?µ

Captain Crumbling answered.

-Yes indeed my lord, entirely furbished by gifts to the queen that she could use in the next world. It was entirely pillaged by adventurers several centuries ago.

-Damned armed vagrants, they do not even respect the dead. Burghers and guilds are a plague on our world.

This made Rose smile while she watched.

-Nothing seems scandalous at all, I mean, a chariot, horses, even a hunting bow apparently, some dresses...

Brother Louis added.

-It must have been a representation of the treasure that was here.

And captain Crumbling agreed.

-Yes, there was a treasure, see, here, golden cups, plates and many other rich ornaments for her... We even see the gifts given after death, the king is putting a model of a longhouse looking like his own on the tomb on this encarving to represent her home in the afterworld.

You had to admit that the room was beautiful and there were no clues besides the fact that the king seemed to love his wife very much and they seemed to enjoy doing many activities together. Rose seemed to find it adorable and she approached you, you put your hand around her hip while nobody was looking and she put her head against your shoulder. You thought about it, and rejoiced in the fact that even before you there was true love. But whatever, you tried to look at the other characters around. Some of the people giving gifts must have been vassals of the king, others were his other wives, or perhaps his mother since they were women with crowns. You decided to walk towards the last room.

The fact that only two walls of the four were engraved here showed probably that there was not so much gifts in these times, probably because the kingdoms were poor. You asked.

-How big was the kingdom of these unnamed king and queen ?

Captain Crumbling raised his shoulders.

-Nobody knows my lord, but in these times it was rarely bigger than a barony, perhaps half a barony, a part of the cairns in the unclaimed border between us and Someplace to the East, and one or two lordshiops, maybe a part of the baronial lands. I only tell this because since many generation buried their petty kings or lords in barrows in the cairns they must have been related but perhaps they were different old Bifurian tribes. You should ask an historian, I doubt that even our good Oldfossil knows the size of these realms.

Brother Louis told.

-Yes, their histories must have lied in forgotten oral legends.

This caused some mirth in your mind and you were forced to comment.

-Fortunately they were not bretons, they would have invented that they had the greatest kingdom in the world without any traces of it.

That made Brother Louis laugh, mocking your celtic neighbours and their extravagance was proper and just Frankish behaviour. Sincerely, having to invent king Arthur and Lancelot because they had not Charlemagne and Roland among their ancestors. But the stories were beautiful and inspiring, you had to admit.

>Roll intrigue rolls please.

Your last rolls were unsuccessful unfortunately
Rolled 79 (1d100)

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Anon, please, you're better than this.
Rolled 79 (1d100)

Here we go
Rolled 68 (1d100)

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Thank you for your honesty good sir. I have suspected that some rolls disappeared some threads ago but you are the first to bring me proof. Thank you for your chivalric spirit, I shall award you 5xp for your fair play. As for the gentleman who tries to hide it's rolls let us not do this and be like Bayard, knights without fear nor reproach ! Who are we ? Flemish tailors or Lombard usurers trying to play with numbers like that ? No, we should accept the results as true knights.
Of course Lady Fortuna is as fickle as the weather, someday it will rain, there will be mud, your destrier will get stuck and you will end up beaten to death with mallets and sharp sticks by smelly Engl*sh archers or Flemish militiamen growling in their barely human dialect but the next day there will be clear weather and you will ride down hordes of them. Each Azincourt has it's Patay, each Courtrai has it's Mons-en-Pévèle, victories and defeats are part of the fun. C'est la vie !


Finally you came to the last room, it was a beautiful with four sarcophaguses of small size and two of middle size, apparently it was those of the queen's cats and her two handmaidens who were killed when she died to serve her in the afterlife. Rose got tighter to you when seeing this.

-It is out of the question that we kill poor Becky like this. What a barbaric custom.

Unfortunately if you remembered the words of that Abovyurlevel sorcerer and her pains it was apparent that she was sick and would die far before Rose. You promised to search for a cure but you were not more advanced than today. Perhaps you will find a doctor in the capital when you will have to go there ? Who knows. She should probably convert too and pray to healers saints and other saints that intercede to the Lord in case of illnesses, it worked more than letting a doctor gut you and pour your blood generally. But whatever you decided to look at the engravings of the room. They were ornate and interesting to look at, it seemed that it represented some battles of her husband but scenes of hunting too and processions. Some of the engravings were too old to be here and only half of the walls were occupied by them, the other half stood "naked" so to say.

You asked captain crumbling.

-What are these walking creatures ?

-Orcs my lord, they are orcs and humans who fight them.

Ah these orcadians, you did not manage to understand it. You asked.

-They were the enemies of this realm ?

-Yes my lord, Bifuria in these old times was full of orcs, fortunately we managed to exterminate them with the help of the dwarves and the elves.

So they were their old enemies, here it seemed that effectively the king fought them and that he saved one of the handmaiden from it. As for the rest you thought that it did not follow a story like in the middle room, there were probably some other evil characters that were warded off, perhaps as a symbol of hope for the souls of the departed.

-Who are these.

You asked, pointing to strange creatures.

-Some gnolls, and these are goblins, the king is riding them down on his chariot and the queen waiting for him in the longhouse. Ah, it seems that here the court has fun firing on attached goblins with bows.

You shook your head. A cruel passtime, you asked.

-These ghibellines are far more primitive than those that we saw in the south, they have no helmets, shields, only crude knives and spears and some slings.

-They are generally like this my lord, what we saw was, I would say, very strange.

You nodded. Well, it was truely a beautiful place. Rose asked.

-Is there a secret room ? Sometimes there is something like that ?

-Unfortunately not my lady, the tomb is too small, some people searched for it but even with the help of magic nothing was seen. Some people thought that these blank "columns" in the walls without any engravings were kind of.. How to say it, doors or hid hidden doors or hidden engravings to lead to a hidden door but nothing, the surface is simply smooth like this.

You touched it and even hit on it, yes, it sounded that it was simply plain walls. Well, there comes the end of your exploration. But still, the erasure of a pannel remained a mystery. You looked at the cats tombs and unfortunately there were not engravings on them that told about their life story, it would have been amusing indeed. You told.

-It was very interesting, I still think that we missed something but I do not know what.

Rose agreed, and even told.

-We should try to hire adventurers, they are very good at this job.

When you looked at her with an astonished face (you were sure that you opened your mouth in the process) she burst out with a cristal clear laugh. And then all the assistance smiled joyfully. But still, you regained all your composure, it remained a tomb.

Once outside you began to tell.

>Ask Rose if she enjoyed the trip.
>We should try to bring Oldfossil here on spring, we need to learn what is written on these runes.
>No, truely, hiring armed vagrants could be interesting to investigate this history
>Where can we find historians ? Perhaps someone could explain us what happened.
>I guess that we can leave mysteries to History, nobody will never know the enigma of the missing pannel in the queen's tomb.
>Other (write in)

Your new stats :

Charles de Villeroi

Class : Local Lord
Level : 5
XP : 780+5 = 785 xp (next level at 1000)


Combat : 51%
Intrigue : 30%
Rulership: 36%

Piety : 77
Mudcore : 65

With 65 Mudcore you have a strong field of gritty realism around you (150 meters), in this field heavy magic will not work and supernatural abilities will not work, oh, and women will lose 4 pounds of strength of course, plus in the field the people that obey you will act more like they would be in a dark fantasy setting. You have chosen Blood of Mud and so your mudcore field will become a bit bigger and stronger but could be transmitted to your children. Magic, even restorative, will become considerably weaker near you. Weak practitionners of magic (less than rank 5) are unable to cast in your mudcore field.
Next level at 70, your field will become 200 meters wide, magical objects will lose their properties in your mudcore field just like potions, crops who came from the columbian exchange will lose their taste and a medieval disease will enter your world.

-Cavalry Commander : +20 to martial when you have to lead a cavalry charge or a cavalry attack. Works only when commanding shock or melee cavalry mounted on horses.
-Foreign Etiquette : You focus on learning Indian etiquette with Oldfossil, you gain a +10 bonus in intrigue in your interactions with the nobility of your duchy.
->Basic Literacy : Your lessons with Oldfossil and Lady Takable finally paid off and you can read and write, even if you write with errors and move your lips still when you read it is a great leap forward.

Traits :
Leader : Your magnetism on the masses is glorious and your learning of speech could encourage many men to follow you. You may choose the best of 3 rolls when you try to speak in public to convince an audience, be it the Council of Many or angry peasants.
>Ask Rose if she enjoyed the trip.
most important then:
>We should try to bring Oldfossil here on spring, we need to learn what is written on these runes.
>>We should try to bring Oldfossil here on spring, we need to learn what is written on these runes.
>We should try to bring Oldfossil here on spring, we need to learn what is written on these runes.
>Where can we find historians ? Perhaps someone could explain us what happened.
>I guess that we can leave mysteries to History, nobody will never know the enigma of the missing panel in the queen's tomb.
>Ask Rose if she enjoyed the trip.
All this archaeology is for nerds and women. Rose can investigate if she would like, but knights and other men of valor live in the present, not in the pas. Our great romance is here before us, not in a dusty, well-looted heathen tomb.
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Of course.


Hahahaha, well said, the only famous person who we know doing this was a female, lady Croft, and she was English. But every lady should have hobbies after all. But you are in the minority, Charles seems to begin to become more scholarly, terrible consequences of learning to read.


First you asked Rose if she enjoyed the trip, and seeing her bright smile was enough to make her understand that she did.

-Yes, I loved it, I hope to find out the mysteries of the tomb, it is like playing with history, and maybe... Maybe we will find some clue, about an old building or some treasure on our lands. Or even discover an old love story that we could play in a ballad.

You enjoyed the idea, and agreed entirely, at least if it made her happy. You would have lordly duties to focus on but when it will be cold too cold to train in the courtyard, why not.

You decided to tell.

-Maybe we should come here again in spring, with Oldfossil, to learn what it is written with these runes.

There was some agreement and Rose even answered you.

-I hope to come too, it will be after our marriage, and I love solving mysteries ! It is so exciting.

She beemed of enthusiasm like a little girl and you could not be unmoved by this. You retorted happily.

-Then we will lead an inquiry together. It will be a good passtime.

You then returned towards your castle, since you were cold Rose tried to push her horse and to race with you, she was in a playful mood. You let her win of course, being a gentleman, and wanting to see her smile, and laugh with her cristalline laugh that you liked so much. You had fun during the dinner, Bohémond and Denarius played the lute and the halls of Local were filled with mirth, joy and the smell of roasted pork.
And it was good, because the next day was a great day, while you joyfully solved mysteries with the lady of your hearth your peasants worked, well, it was what they did in general, and Oldofossil was happy to announce that the trees of your orchard would be planted in the afternoon after the canal was flooded. So you decided to take all your household and ride to the south with them. Some peasants even got along the way, they wanted to see how the canal would be soon full of water once the dam will be broken.

You still hoped that Oldfossil's calculus was good, it would be sad if you lost your canal when it was flooded and a kind of swamp formed. But you trusted the old man. Then the trees would be planted, it would be a short affair and fortunately you would be able to see the orchard grow soon.

When the dam was broken it was an impressive spectacle, the triumph of the elements was there. One of the workers almost fell into the water but was helped by a companion.

It was something beautiful to see, something enchanting, the power of a flood submerging everything, the movement of water. The forces of nature like fire or water or even storms and tempests on sea had something so powerful, so above the humble men that we were. It was the majesty of God's Creation and you understood why so many holy men rejoiced at it. Not on the level of heathens who prayed to "gods of nature" but in a true, Catholic way.

The fact that soon this nature will be tamed, and that you will now have an orchard that will produce excellent cider for the years to come filled you with pride. You had debts, of course, but you never intended to repay them to begin with. People applauded the spectacle.

>Thank the workers with a few short words.
>Congratulate Oldfossil on his plans.
>Ask how much time exactly it will take to plant all the trees.
>Ask Oldfossil if it would be appropriate to give a raise to the workers, or at least some beer from our cellars.
>Other (write in)
>Thank the workers with a few short words.
>Congratulate Oldfossil on his plans.
Good work all around, this investment shall pay off I am sure

No beer though, they will get that when the first harvest from the Orchard comes, it can be during the peasants harvest festival
>Thank the workers with a few short words.
>Congratulate Oldfossil on his plans.

+1 to >>6089150's sentiments.
>>Thank the workers with a few short words.
>>Congratulate Oldfossil on his plans.
I believe we promised them the first batch of cider to taste.
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Of course, if nobody burns it before it begins to yield benefits it shall pay off.

Yes indeed, you promised this if I remember well.


You said a few short words to the workers, thanking them for their service. You then congratulated Oldfossil.

-Your skills in architecture amaze me dear Oldfossil, and your planning. In truth I wonder if there is something that you can not do !

The old man chuckled and simply stated that.

-I try to serve. What a lord wants a good steward does.

You smiled kindly to the old man. He was really precious. You patted him in the back and decided to thank the brave man with a feast. It was a merry affair between everyone and you even tried to listen to the intellectual conversations between Becky, Brother Louis and Oldfossil about mathematics, without understanding anything. And it was pleasant since Rose, naughty as she was was caressing your ankle with her foot under the table and looked at you innocently like the very proper lady that she was, it was terryfying, she probably had too much wine. If it made her so happy you did not want to be alone in this lack of drink. You ordered more wine and remembered that you had to ask about the tomb. So you asked him.

-Dear Oldfossil, we were at the tomb of the forgotten queen yesterday, Rose and I, and we saw a most strange thing, one of the pannels had disappeared by magic, one of the scenes with the engravings...

Oldfossil seemed surprised and Rose added.

-Yes, and there were tablets written on ancient runes, on the tomb and at other places and we could not traduce them, could you, perhaps come in spring to see it.

Oldfossil nodded, then his eyes opened, as if he was struck with an illumination. His mouth became agape and he told.

-Missing pannels ! Rollarion ! Rollarion wrote about it in his notes !

The notes of the old Court Mage that he had been studying. You looked at Oldfossil and he explained.

-I need to... Remember exactly what it was, it was rather short, and in the middle of a paragraph...

Mmmmh interesting, since it was late and you wanted the old man to keep his eyes you reassured him. You remembered that the court mage had visited the tomb twice, everything made sense.

-Do not worry, we will talk about it tomorrow.

And it was done, after training in the courtyard you came to your steward's quarters and Oldfossil had the document, a paper written in the same runes. He told.

-Unfortunately, as always with the writings of Rollarion McFumbles there is some genius idea, and then many nonsense. Here look, he tells that those missing pannels were erased by magic, there was a pannel, a wall and columns on another wall, he says that it was to erase traces of previous religions during the "shattering of gods" ordered by powerful archmages.

You told him.

-But, but it is a very important proof, why have you forgotten it ?

-My lord, it was in the middle of ramblings telling that the wife of the Emperor Macron II was a man and that a civilisation of ratmen burrowed deep under our cities and was ready to destroy us. If he was apparently right about the archmages he had many other, let's say, rather strange beliefs.

You nodded, of course, ratmen, what a nonsense. You could imagine people lying with cats after seeing a queen interred with them and earing your sweet Rose, women here were silly. And you saw cat men. You knew that the mare was at the hearth of the erotic universe of the man of the Carolingian era back in France having heard the penitentials and the number of punishments for horse fuckers of these less enlightened times. You saw lizard men, and bird men, and it was very disturbing but yes, of course. Goat men too, they were satanical. But no, you could not imagine people lying with rats, it made no sense. It was unclean. Unfathomable.

-What did he wrote exactly ?

You told, after all there could have been many other reasons than this nefarious heretical plot by magical burghers for defiling tombs. It had been done since the dawn of history after all. But you were inclined to believe him, who needed proofs against such nefarious individuals ? Saying that mages acted against God was like saying Auvergnats were clingy with their money or Venetians fond of scheming. It was known.

-He was saying that probably the parts of the scenes showed a location where the old gods or the old lone god had been powerful. And they erased it, probably it was a temple were the mariage was celebrated. And that this lone god was commemorated in hunts and military victories. He tried to search for the temple but thought that it had been destroyed.

This theory pleased you, it was like trying to find the tomb of Christ or the old temple of Jerusalem and bring it under christian management after the saracen misrule. Still, you had to ask some questions about it.

>Tell me, Oldfossil, have you seen other "proofs" of these conspiracies in these writings ?
>So there is maybe a lost temple, full of treasure, somewhere... What were the borders of the realm of the husband of this unnamed queen ?
>I wonder if we could find some clues in other old barrows... It is interesting that Rollarion found out what we were unable to see, the wall and part of the other wall in the secondary room were erased too.
>Thank you very much Oldfossil, I shall tell Rose so that she will be able to continue this inquiry in the future.
>We should call an historian to be sure of it. Rollarion maybe denounced a mage's plot but he was a mage himself.
>Your indian Guelphs live for a long time... Our baron is young by their standarts but since I will have to see the queen soon I will maybe try to see one who was alive at this time.
>Thank you Oldfossil, we know know the enigma of that tomb.
>Other (write in)
>I wonder if we could find some clues in other old barrows... It is interesting that Rollarion found out what we were unable to see, the wall and part of the other wall in the secondary room were erased too.
>Thank you very much Oldfossil, I shall tell Rose so that she will be able to continue this inquiry in the future.
The Queen is invested in this strange Indian model of society, and if she was alive when there was one god (maybe THE God?) worshiped here, she will not want us to know.
>I wonder if we could find some clues in other old barrows... It is interesting that Rollarion found out what we were unable to see, the wall and part of the other wall in the secondary room were erased too.
>Thank you very much Oldfossil, I shall tell Rose so that she will be able to continue this inquiry in the future.
The mystery thickens. I also think we should send Denarius out soon, mostly to fuck with mages since I fear his stay here may garner attention, especially with the Guelph baron now here.
>>So there is maybe a lost temple, full of treasure, somewhere... What were the borders of the realm of the husband of this unnamed queen ?
>>I wonder if we could find some clues in other old barrows... It is interesting that Rollarion found out what we were unable to see, the wall and part of the other wall in the secondary room were erased too.
>I wonder if we could find some clues in other old barrows... It is interesting that Rollarion found out what we were unable to see, the wall and part of the other wall in the secondary room were erased too.
>Thank you very much Oldfossil, I shall tell Rose so that she will be able to continue this inquiry in the future.
>We should call an historian to be sure of it. Rollarion maybe denounced a mage's plot but he was a mage himself.
It is a wise idea. But there are other people who may know and live in the capital.

It is a good idea, I will had, once you have made your choice an option about "household management" if you want to take care of this. Before seeing the end of the plantations and going to visit the new baron.


Hearing his answer you thought aloud.

-I wonder if we could find some clues in other old barrows... It is interesting that Rollarion found out what we were unable to see, the wall and part of the other wall in the secondary room were erased too.

Oldfossil quickly answered.

-I shall try to reread my notes, well, winter will be a long period, I think that I shall be able to traduce most of Rollarion's writings by then.

You thanked him longly.

-Thank you very much Oldfossil, I shall tell Rose so that she will be able to continue this inquiry in the future.

-She is a lady of shrewd mind and of great knowledge. I shall be glad to help her.

-Yes, and if she likes mysteries she will have one to solve. Winter can be a long season, especially before her marriage.

The old man smiled, time had not the same meaning for old people. One year when you were sixteen looked like an eternity, while one year at your age of twenty-seven, soon to be twenty eight was far less important. A long time, but manageable.

So you wondered when to discuss your findings with Rose, she was still ignorant of this vast conspiracy and of the papers of Rollarion MacFumbles, on one side you knew that you were unfortunately unable to keep many things from her, her pleading face (and her suspicious face too) were too adorable. Every man has it's weaknesses after all, for you it was beautiful women. But still, speaking to her before your marriage and your common life was perhaps not very prudent. It could be dangerous to embark her on this quest, especially before you would live at the same place.

>Tell Rose about Rollarion's theories
>Do not tell Rose about Rollarion's theories for now


Sorry for the rather short update but it is an important choice that could begin a discussion. If not chosen I shall make the next few days pass quickly.
>Do not tell Rose about Rollarion's theories for now
Do it for after the marriage
>>Tell Rose about Rollarion's theories
>Tell Rose about Rollarion's theories
She is better at intrigue than we are, as is right and proper since we are a man of action.
>Tell Rose about Rollarion's theories
>Do not tell Rose about Rollarion's theories for now
>>Tell Rose about Rollarion's theories
>>Tell Rose about Rollarion's theories
>Tell Rose about Rollarion's theories
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A most prudent choice dear bannerman.


That is true, hiding in the dark and scheming is not in our nature.


You took the decision to talk to Rose about all of this, after all she was clever, had the genius of intrigue and was a local, knowing about their laws and traditions. Better tell her sooner than later. So you waited a little moment when you were alone, in her chambers, and you explained her.

-You remember the tomb my lady ? I have had more informations about it from Oldfossil.

She turned towards you, visibly intrigued.

-Oh, he had informations ? Tell me everything !

She very excitedly sat on her bed and you sat besides her. And you began to tell.

-We had, here, a court mage called Rollarion McFumbles.

-Yes, I know him he was very wise. What happened to him.

-He died in an accident shortly before I came. And he left some notes, notes about the nature of your lands and what he believed was an important conspiracy.

She frowned visibly but you continued.

-Yes, you see, you Indians have many many id.. gods, well, one for doors, another for tables, a third one for a small concept like taking a breath of fresh air.

-For breathing in general and smells, and perfumes.

-Yes, yes. But apparently that was not always the case.

-Mmmh ?

-Several thousand years ago, according to his research, you all worshiped one god, and little by little it was "shattered" he calls it the shattering of the gods.

-But why ?

Here was the difficult part, you decided to try to explain what you have understood for now.

-Some say that it was that the gods will be as strong as simple mages or archmages but I do not believe in this, there is only one god. Others think that if all clergy is divided then mages will take their places as advisors to rulers.

-What do you mean ?

-In France we have one church, the Catholic Church, led by the pope present in all the Christendom, but every lord has a priest as confessor or as councillor, here every lord has a court mage isn't it. And your magical burghers guild is very numerous, present in all the Indias.

She began to understand and answered after biting her lip cutely.

-So you are suggesting that the lack of an unique church does create smaller organisations unable to compete with the influence of the Mage's Guild and so the mages take more power into their own hands by becoming advisors to lords or... Yes even full members of the Council of Many. It... It would make sense, but tell me, how could the people not be aware of this conspiracy, I mean, when you tell me to worship another god I am aware of it.

-I have no idea my sweet lady... But the extent of their machinations is visible in the tomb that we visited, the missing pannel might be a ceremony, and a structure, and the wall and columns on the other wall were erased too according to Rollarion, to mask some traces...

She frowned...

-It is very strange, and hard to believe because, it there was truely an ancient God, he would not be passive and let himself be erased like this, especially if he was so strong, there must have been a war, or something. Against the cult, and there must be traces.

You tried to tell.

-Apparently, according to the daughter of a Guelph merchant...

She raised an eyebrow.

-I met her before knowing you my lady, but she told me that there were some kind of angels in a gate in the lands of the eastern barbarians, they live in the far north. I did not understood it but she said that they were long lived and servants of this Old God, but the place where they lived has been recently destroyed by B'beg the terrible and they have been on the run since.

She frowned about it, but noted the information, so far she was very calm about all of this.

-It is interesting, but there must be ruins, or something, or they have sabotaged ruins, I have trouble understanding how they would have managed to hide such a conspiracy.

-Perhaps Rollarion wrote about this, Oldfossil is currently translating his notes.

She nodded.

-Then I shall look about it. Thank you Charles.

And while you were smiling to her she beamed with joy and jumped on you, kissing you lightly on the cheek.

-Thank you Charles ! I mean it ! I always loved mysteries when I was a kid, reading books about this, we had only a few of them but here it is far more than a simple mystery. I will have sooo much to do, in plus of carrying our child of course.

You turned towards her, thinking that she was pregnant, how ? You never.. She was not the holy virgin. Before you could open your mouth she told.

-Not now my silly knight ! But do not expect us to be chaste once married.

-I never expected it anytime, honhonhon...

You then kissed her, and you passed the rest of the afternoon in peace and told her that she could speak with Oldfossil about this mystery. Unfortunately you did not have the occasion to speak much, because she had to come back to her fief to take some things and put it in order. You sent her Bohémond who was now fond of her handmaiden, they were always together, with two riders to protect her and bring order to her lands.

You continued to wait until your trees were planted and just one day before the end of the plantations you were training in the courtyard. Since Bohémond was with Rose and Becky and Godefroi was hunting wolves you had only your guardsmen and Brother Louis to train against to have some challenge. You had invited Bob Denarius too, and he was not bad, but still, you and your knight dominated the encounters. At least the others learned, and you could, in plus of single combat, have them learn manoeuvers like forming a half decent shieldwall, but still. It was when you heard a soft cough behind you.

Turning around you saw the small girl who tried to murder you, Elana, now totally healed after her ordeal. She was again dressed in her black leathers instead of robes and asked you, trying to look innocent and put an emphasis on her green eyes, you recognised that her frequentation of Rose had transmitted some mannerisms.

-My lord... May I... Join ?

A woman ? Joining training ? Scandalous. You were against, of course, but you had asked her to use her abilities to free Becky and Bohémond, and she had to train somehow... But you hoped that she would not have to use them. You remembered that she was very quick indeed, and not bad with a short blade. But still.. You thought about your household and how you needed every person in it. Godefroi and Bohémond provided defense and advice, being knights, Godefroi was a good tactician with a wealth of knowledge and experience and Bohémond was brash but played the luthe well, they were all good companions. Brother Louis was an advisor in military and spiritual matters and a formidable warrior as a templar knight. Father Louis, as a priest, led the populace and gave you the sacraments during mass like yesterday. Oldfossil was your best advisor and wise in the Indian ways, he was precious with numbers and you could count on him to make any project grow. Captain Crumbling was a good commander of your guardsmen and knew the land better than anyone, just like he knew it's laws. Each one of them had uses.

Then you had men that you would trust with matters that were better left out of honorable eyes, if you needed someone killed you had Bob Denarius, if you needed someone to be killed and his wife raped you had your brave Ancel, he could smell tracks very well too, oh and Denarius was a good bard.
Then there were all your soldiers and guards, Cop probably the best qualified of them who could be a sergeant. You had your servants and maids, to take care of the keep, your guests, your horses and your dogs, the sweet Stacy being a bonus.

But where to put Elana in all of this, what should she do ? You decided to discuss it now, since she was before you. She clearly disliked the idea of being an hired killer, and as a gentleman you did not want to use young girls to fight your battles anyway. But what should she do, you had several ideas. But first should she join the training ?

>Yes, of course... It is, most unusual that a lady takes part, but let us see what you are worth, grab a shortsword.
>No, it would be improper. And you do not have the build young lady.

>Tell me Elana.. You have been baptised isn't it ? What do you think about joining the orders ? I think that you loved to read the scriptures a lot.
>I think that you have been temporarly allowed to be a servant in the household, is it pleasing you ? Do you want to continue ? Or shall I find some other position for you ?
>Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Would you want to become one of her maids one she comes here after our marriage ?
>It is a very unusual request that I shall make but... Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Once we are married with her, I would probably need someone to take care of her, and serve, perhaps, as a bodyguard. For a lady... There could be advantages of having another lady performing the deed.
>Elana, I wanted to ask you, in plus of murdering people, what have you learned in this school of yours ?
>Other (write in)
>>Yes, of course... It is, most unusual that a lady takes part, but let us see what you are worth, grab a shortsword.

Scandalous or not, she has proven to be useful, if nothing else we should indulge her.

>>Elana, I wanted to ask you, in plus of murdering people, what have you learned in this school of yours

I think perhaps she might make for a good spy master, ostensibly with a place in our household as a bodyguard/maid for lady Rose.

As cliche as it is, the battle butler/maid is a damn fine trope.
She is basically the only person we have that fills the niche
>Yes, of course... It is, most unusual that a lady takes part, but let us see what you are worth, grab a shortsword.
>Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Would you want to become one of her maids one she comes here after our marriage ?
As fun as it would be to send her to a nunnery, Rose having a bodyguard would be very handy. it would take pressure of of us, and this has an poetic amusing synergy: when we're around to protect Rose, she has -4 STR. When we can't be there, she regains the strength necessary to defend our beloved.

In addition, she is already an ardent Christian. She can be a good influence on our (sadly pagan) bride.
>>Yes, of course... It is, most unusual that a lady takes part, but let us see what you are worth, grab a shortsword.

>It is a very unusual request that I shall make but... Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Once we are married with her, I would probably need someone to take care of her, and serve, perhaps, as a bodyguard. For a lady... There could be advantages of having another lady performing the deed.
>Yes, of course... It is, most unusual that a lady takes part, but let us see what you are worth, grab a shortsword.
>Elana, I wanted to ask you, in plus of murdering people, what have you learned in this school of yours ?
>Yes, of course... It is, most unusual that a lady takes part, but let us see what you are worth, grab a shortsword.
>It is a very unusual request that I shall make but... Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Once we are married with her, I would probably need someone to take care of her, and serve, perhaps, as a bodyguard. For a lady... There could be advantages of having another lady performing the deed
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Yes, I agree, she has been useful and is competent. And it can be a pleasant trope indeed.

I haven't thought about the synergy but it is really excellent. And the fact that she is not cruel, kind and a Christian can be a mitigating factor for Rose's worst tendencies. While Rose with her mastery of intrigue could use her to a better extent than Charles.


You thought about the young lady and, after all, she had been always loyal and helpful, and when she looked at you with these eyes you could have given her a horse if you wanted. So you told.

-Yes, of course... It is, most unusual that a lady takes part, but let us see what you are worth, grab a shortsword.

The look of joy on her face was pleasant, but you fond it very strange when she took two training shortswords, what would she do with that ? It would only be detrimental to the use of one. But she seemed to insist on it and when you looked how she fared against a guardsman it was quite amusing, she defeated him quickly, you had to admit that she completely lacked power but was very fast and soon he had been hit in two exposed parts of his defense. She then told, quite cockily.

-Perhaps someone more experienced would be at my level.

You frowned while she had such a smile, sincerely, you trained those guards, yes they were peasants but still. You ordered to send a second one, more talented. Marcus was a recent recruit but he knew swordplay. He was more prudent, tried to hit her, protected himself with his shield and parried both of her swords when she attacked recklessly from two sides at once. But then he was exposed and she kicked him between the legs. The poor lad held his aching balls and writhed in agony, you winced a bit in sympathy for him. Brother Louis admonished her.

-Young lady, that is not very fair...

-I am sorry brother... I ignored that people played fair on battlefields.

This made Denarius chuckle, but still, the look that Brother Louis gave her, even if she had a point, made her help her opponent get to his feet and say that she was sorry. To be honest on a battlefield she would not survive, not having the space to dodge as she did. You then resumed training with Brother Louis and after your bout saw that she was against Cop. She tried to kick away his shield but seemed to weak to do that.

It surprised her and when she got hit by his spear she seemed astonished to have lost. Hey she might be trained but he was too, and she was just a girl even smaller in size than Rose. Still, while she nursed her wound, and tried to regain her pride back you approached her. Seeing you she told.

-It is not right, I shouldn't be this weak, I had unbalanced him... And my adventurers abilities do not work.. That..

-I do not know what you are talking about Elana, I wanted only to ask you, in plus of murdering people, what have you learned in this school of yours ?

She looked at you, quite surprised by the question you explained.

-I want to give you perhaps a place at my household that is more suited to your skills, you are a pious young woman, and hardworking, but I do not know, everything.

She reddened a bit and knelt.

-My lord, it is too much, you... You already gave me my soul back. You are a blessed person you...

-Hey hey hey, do not do it too much we are not in Italy...

-S... Sorry my lord but such kindness was rare where I grew up... I mean... I know how to fight as you saw, how to climb walls, disguise myself, but I know poisons too, and antidotes, and if I can hurt someone by knowing anatomy I can certainly know what is good for his health. I guess I am also good at doing acrobatics and throwing knives so if a travelling circus needs me I can be useful.

She laughed at that and you did too. But she could be useful, qualified healers were rare so half qualified healers like her could be precious. So you answered her.

-Thank you for the informations... Well, then I shall reflect on it and give you an answer during the afternoon.

She raised an eyebrow, and had half a smile.

-Of course my lord, shall a bout at the training yard help you decide. I... Am very glad that I did not manage to kill you the last time, and you knocked me out, I shall always thank the Lord for this day... But a part of me.. Perhaps too prideful, wants a revenge.

She looked at you sheepishly, probably thinking that she was too bold but you could only indulge her, it was fair. And you still failed to understand how could someone fight with two short swords so it should be interesting. Taking your training sword and shield you decided to see for yourself.

-I am very against hitting women but if you ask for it.

-I fear, your lordship, that you will receive more than you give.

The boldness ! Or was she trying to provoke you in being reckless ? She had a strange guard and you knew that you had advantages in reach and defense. And strength of course, but she was fast, and had this tendency to be "jumpy" and dodge some blows out of nowhere.

>Try to overpower her with strong blows and a charge (combat roll)
>Keep your distance, use your reach to force her to come at you and take risks. (combat roll)
>Try to strike quickly to surprise her (combat roll)
>Other (write in) (combat roll)

During the afternoon, or even during lunch, you had thought about your decision and told her.

>You have been baptised isn't it ? What do you think about joining the orders ? I think that you loved to read the scriptures a lot.
>I think that you have been temporarily allowed to be a servant in the household, is it pleasing you ? Do you want to continue ? Or shall I find some other position for you ?
>Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Would you want to become one of her maids one she comes here after our marriage ?
>It is a very unusual request that I shall make but... Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Once we are married with her, I would probably need someone to take care of her, and serve, perhaps, as a bodyguard. For a lady... There could be advantages of having another lady performing the deed.
>We always need healers, you shall be the healer at my court Elana.
>I need someone who would be able to plan some.. Discreet operations involving spying, I am far from an expert on it, but if you had some experience I shall be glad to put it to good use.
>Other (write in)
Rolled 10 (1d100)

>Keep your distance, use your reach to force her to come at you and take risks. (combat roll)
>It is a very unusual request that I shall make but... Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Once we are married with her, I would probably need someone to take care of her, and serve, perhaps, as a bodyguard. For a lady... There could be advantages of having another lady performing the deed.
Rolled 17 (1d100)

>>Keep your distance, use your reach to force her to come at you and take risks. (combat roll)

>>It is a very unusual request that I shall make but... Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Once we are married with her, I would probably need someone to take care of her, and serve, perhaps, as a bodyguard. For a lady... There could be advantages of having another lady performing the deed.
Rolled 64 (1d100)

>Keep your distance, use your reach to force her to come at you and take risks. (combat roll)
We are a knight trained in war and cannot possibly lose this

>We always need healers, you shall be the healer at my court Elana.
Offical purpose
>It is a very unusual request that I shall make but... Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Once we are married with her, I would probably need someone to take care of her, and serve, perhaps, as a bodyguard. For a lady... There could be advantages of having another lady performing the deed.
Real purpose
Rolled 93 (1d100)

>Try to overpower her with strong blows and a charge (combat roll)

>I need someone who would be able to plan some.. Discreet operations involving spying, I am far from an expert on it, but if you had some experience I shall be glad to put it to good use.
Rolled 66 (1d100)

>when she looked at you with these eyes you could have given her a horse if you wanted
Kek, I didn't know Lord Charles was of the House of Musk

>Keep your distance, use your reach to force her to come at you and take risks. (combat roll)
>It is a very unusual request that I shall make but... Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Once we are married with her, I would probably need someone to take care of her, and serve, perhaps, as a bodyguard. For a lady... There could be advantages of having another lady performing the deed.
>Try to overpower her with strong blows and a charge (combat roll)
>It is a very unusual request that I shall make but... Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Once we are married with her, I would probably need someone to take care of her, and serve, perhaps, as a bodyguard. For a lady... There could be advantages of having another lady performing the deed.
>>Keep your distance, use your reach to force her to come at you and take risks. (combat roll)
>>It is a very unusual request that I shall make but... Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Once we are married with her, I would probably need someone to take care of her, and serve, perhaps, as a bodyguard. For a lady... There could be advantages of having another lady performing the deed.

Of course, it will be easy. And you were the wisest one with an official and a real purpose, you are as crafty as Charles de Valois or Robert d'Artois. A master of intrigue.


KEK, we shall name his next horse "Tesla".


As you had predicted with your tactical genius you managed to keep your opponent at distance. She tried to advance to dodge each time at the last moment, you tried to cut her all opportunities of escape. Finally when she was against the corner of wall, since you were far taller and Elana did not even have the occasion to get you you told.

-It's over Elana, I have the high ground.

Her answer worried you.

-You underestimate my power...

And she tried to flip over you, yes, really like an acrobat, probably to stab you while flying, you only saw indian guelphs trying to do it so it surprised you, but as a reflex you tried to hit her here with your training sword while she flew. She emitted a cry of pain and fell harshly on the courtyard. And you immediately felt bad, feeling guilty that you hurt a woman. It was definitely unchivalric. You tried to see if she was well and she nodded.

-I will... Probably only have some bruises my lord... You.. You are very good with a sword and a shield, I didn't think...

-Elana, I am a knight, I am trained from birth.

She looked at you and answered in an annoyed tone.

-And what do you think my lord ? That I practised gardening and embroidery when I was a little girl ?

Ah, yes, reflecting on it she was trained too from a very young age. But still, she was a little girl, you were a man and of noble birth so she was at a disadvantage. But whatever. You laughed.

-I weight twice as much as you if you were all wet young lass, there is no shame in losing.

She nodded, explaining.

-Yes, I... I am sorry my lord. It was the frustration of defeat, I should not have talked in this tone to your lordship I..

-I do not blame you, try to not do it again simply.

You then let her recover and proceded to try to teach some good passes to Bob Denarius, you sometimes still wondered if keeping him was useful but the man was truely a talented bard, and bandit and fanatically devoted to you as a kind of "master of warfare", he could be useful.

Whatever, you decided to call Elana after your decision was made and to tell her in private.

-It is a very unusual request that I shall make but... Elana, you have grown close to lady Rose isn't it ? Once we are married with her, I would probably need someone to take care of her, and serve, perhaps, as a bodyguard. For a lady... There could be advantages of having another lady performing the deed.

When she heard you she seemed a bit taken aback, before nodding and laughed. Before asking worriedly.

-Of course my lord, I shall do as you wish... But... With all due respect, you make it sound like it is not usual... Is it forbidden by the Holy Scriptures ?

-N... No not that I know, it is not.

-Then why is it not ?

-Generally ladies do not have this, kind of role in France, or even in the neighbouring lands.

She frowned and then asked.

-So... Ladies have male bodyguards ?

-Generally knights yes.

She then told.

-And the lords are not afraid that, well, they can begin to have romantic feelings for eachother... And how do they..

She reddened and added.

-Do they go together even in the public baths ?

You reddened too, yes, of course not.

-No, no, it is why amongst other reasons I was asking you. And yes, of course young knights can be in love with the wife of their lord, it happens often. It is sad indeed. In the legends Lancelot was in love with the wife of his king. But know that a True Knight should never stoop so low as to rapt the honor of his suzerain's wife. There is no worse crime. Sometimes, even often, there is courteous love, but it stays.. How did Oldfossil say, platonic... Yes. I wonder where he had heard of this Plato man that Brother Louis spoke me about once. So generally a wise lords gives his wife an old and ugly, but loyal and competent knight to protect her in his absence.

She nodded and understood.

-It is wise my lord.

-Yes, and what do you do in India ? Do you use eunuchs like the saracens ?

She seemed terrified.

-Eunuchs ?

-Yes castrated males, to guard the wives of their lords, they all live in an enclosed space..

-No my lord ! It's awful ! There is no mutilations like this amongst us. Generally, for the reasons that we mentioned above it is a woman's job... Or.. Some lords, generally unmarried, or ladies unmarried, have a young and beautiful bodyguard of the opposite sex. When I studied they told to kill them at night because they were... Rarely preoccupied with guarding the body.

Yes, more by exploring it, you had a smile and told.

-By Saint Denis... Well, I think that this solution is the best.

-I am glad to have been of use my lord and to have soothed your consciousness.

You thanked her, she was a very kind soul. She obediently bowed her head and left. It was the day tommorrow, when you wanted to go on a hunt that you heard a soldier tell that you heard that two knights, your messenger and a man from the baron were riding in the horizon towards your castle. They were probably answering to your demand of securing the keep of lord Hostil and killing the wolves on the border. You ordered to prepare the great hall and received them. The baron's messenger bowed, he was a male guelph with long brown hair. He knelt and told, after being introduced.

-My lord, I am Email, messenger of the baron, it is customary to give the answer back to the man who came with it but, since we, servants of his lordship Endoftutoriel, are new to these lands he sent me to give you his respects and learn the road from Local to Someplace for future travels.

-A most wise decision Email, I suppose that you have an answer to our wolves problem?

-Of course your lordship.

He then gave you a parchment, and you began to try to read it, making sign to Oldfossil to come closer, he could read it far faster than you do and understand all the little nuances on this. Oldfossil took a sorry expression. Of course, since you read.

"Lord de Villeroi,

It is with pleasure that I learned of your noble efforts of securing your border. Fortunately they will not be needed, after all a good baron cares for his subjects, it is why I decided to give the old "Hostil" castle to my noble councillor and court witch Cristmasel. I am sure that you will be happy to see some new blood in the region to regenerate the nobility.
She will arrive in a day with sixty brave souls of the Royal Guard to ensure that order is reestablished and the wolves are dealt with. I am sure that she, or lieutenant Daniel, in her absence, will he able to dissuade any would be bandits to establish themselves in the place or lordship.

Thank you, once more, my loyal vassal, for giving me such a detailed account of the situation. I await you with tremendous impatience in five days for a huge banquet in my new seat."

Then came his titles and all the courtesies that are expected in this kind of letter. But you could not not be worried. "Some new blood" ! COMMONERS ! Burghers ! Scum ! Magical scum ! Gaining lands ! And now with twice as much soldiers to block you from annexing the land ! The man was clever. And who needs to be regenerated ? You ? You were excellent.. He gave the place to a sorcerer after you had killed the first one. And plus this one was a woman so no duelling with her. Damn it. Worse, you understood that he saw you as a land grabber and some disloyal vassal, he did not even invite you to help deal with the wolves, no, it was "go back home and shut up". You breathed heavily and ordered.

>Oldfossil, please, redact me a polite answer to this message. Something like that we thank him for his sollicitude.
>Oldfossil, what to think of this. He insults us and we can do nothing.
>Ask the messenger what his lord meant by "regenerating the nobility" are you not "generated" enough (you ignored if this word existed but decided to use your lordly powers to invent it and make it mandatory).
>Thank the messenger and do not answer. Order to call Godefroi Back.
>Lock up your messengers, it is very unfortunate, they never came ! It is why you killed the wolves and marched towards the Hostil castle. Let us saddle up lads, one day will just be enough.
>Other (write in)
>Ask the messenger what his lord meant by "regenerating the nobility" are you not "generated" enough (you ignored if this word existed but decided to use your lordly powers to invent it and make it mandatory).
Kind words my lord
>Ask the messenger what his lord meant by "regenerating the nobility" are you not "generated" enough (you ignored if this word existed but decided to use your lordly powers to invent it and make it mandatory).
>Thank the messenger and do not answer. Order to call Godefroi Back.
He made his position clear and so there is no need for us to do anything more then secure our own borders, he can handle the rest with his elevated commoners and then we can start to push even more responsibilities onto him since he has clearly decided we are some type of untrustworthy vassal!
>>Ask the messenger what his lord meant by "regenerating the nobility" are you not "generated" enough (you ignored if this word existed but decided to use your lordly powers to invent it and make it mandatory).
>>Oldfossil, what to think of this. He insults us and we can do nothing.
Another witch! After we have killed so many! We must find a way to charge her for heresy
>>Ask the messenger what his lord meant by "regenerating the nobility" are you not "generated" enough (you ignored if this word existed but decided to use your lordly powers to invent it and make it mandatory).
>Oldfossil, what to think of this. He insults us and we can do nothing.
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Kind but honest dear bannerman. And I am curious how you will do that, we will see.


It seems that as much as you burn them they "regenerate" has fast as we do it. It is an endless task but with the help of God Almighty we shall prevail.


Looking at the messenger you made him sign to raise, you had finished to read. Then you asked him.

-Young man, or not so young, we never know with you Guelphs. Tell me... Am I not... Generated enough ?

The man seemed taken aback, just like much of the audience, one of his ears moved higher than the other, questioning you.

-I beg your pardon my lord.

-I was asking you if I was not generated enough.

The man seemed lost... Scrambling to find an answer, he then told.

-I am.. No mage nor savant my lord, but.. Perhaps you meant "generated".. Sorry... "Born".. Generally we say born in our land instead of "generated"...

-I meant what I meant..

-Y... Yes my lord... I.. I think that you were born obviously well formed, without deformities, but I fail to see the..

-Perhaps I am not born well enough ? Mmmmh ? Perhaps his excellency thinks that I am of common blood ?

-My lord... My liege would never...

-Then why is he calling to "regenerate" us ? And naming commoners left and right, is this the process of "regeneration", to make the birth of a new nobility ?

Oldfossil, who, it seemed, was lost in your words began to catch up. He nodded. You liked this feeling, the wisdom of a man of the countryside like you was to always be able to bounce back into well known subjects. For a peasant it would be the harvest or his pigs, for a nobleman it was the degeneracy of burghers and the neighbouring fief that was ruled by an imbecile. Such wisdom was so ancient that the guelph messenger understood and quickly tried to tell.

-My lord, lady Cristmasel is of an old line of elven nobility descended from the guardians of the New Year Tree.

You were not sure if he was trying to engarland you as some would say, covering you of praises to appease you, but you nodded. Noble or not, she was still a witch. You told.

-Then the baron is most wise. You can leave, but before that my men shall feed you and let your horse rest.

-Thank you my lord.

The next days were sinister and you thought about all of this. Your liege lord must have disliked you on first sight, and you had managed to take care of a vile baron to have another one that was as vile as the other, or perhaps less since he was not a sorcerer who consorted with demons and evil spirits. Whatever, you had no time to plot, because you had to celebrate the fact that your orchard, finally had been entirely planted.

Oh you would remember that day when Oldfossil was coming happily to you and told in a beaming tone.

-My lord, it is done ! We have planted the trees ! The orchard only awaits your presence to be completed, shall you plant the last tree yourself my lord ? It is a local custom ?

You found it silly, peasants were here to plant things. But if it was a custom.

>If it is a local custom than so be it.
>I am a knight, I use a sword, not a shovel. Let someone else do it.
>You deserve to plant it Oldfossil, you have never failed me and managed to keep this project afloat. I insist.
>Other (write in)
>You deserve to plant it Oldfossil, you have never failed me and managed to keep this project afloat. I insist.
>>If it is a local custom than so be it.

The peasantry will be most pleased by us indulging their custom, and a happy peasant is a productive peasant.
>If it is a local custom than so be it.
May aswell
>>If it is a local custom than so be it.
>>If it is a local custom than so be it.
>If it is a local custom than so be it.
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Of course, we take care of our subjects after all.


You took the decision to respect the customs of your subjects after all. What was nobility if not respect for the old customs and traditions that made our right and proper feudal society. Even those of a pagan society like India who was only half civilised. You ordered your household to ride with you, since Godefroi was back he was at your left when Oldfossil was at your left. The old knight was still unhappy that he was not allowed to hunt wolves and he expressed himself strongly against the fact that a witch had been chosen to rule the Hostil lands.
But whatever, today was a glorious day where you shall think about apples and cider you decided, not burghers, magical "nobles" and pagans. It will be a positive day, of course with your luck it had to be absolutely raining and you could not give a proper speech over the coughs of some people. But still, you were not made of sugar, you wanted to thank the workers. And see the place.

The installation was impressive, and the canal clearly designed to resist even in case of great rain, small apple trees were growing by the hundreds, one thousand of them, neatly arranged, in one or two years they shall begin to yield and you will be able to drink, all the men who worked here, even one saracen amongst them, were assembled, they seemed proud. Some of them had even crosses on their necks and had become christians, excellent news. Their pride was justified even if the cold rain was unpleasant for them as much as for you, a common man should always be proud of his work, of his liege lord and his family, these great acts and people who are far above his simple life are glorious and shine upon him, basking him in his glory and giving him a part of it. It was the same for minor noblemen like you, you could sometimes disagree with King Philippe but he was a powerful ruler and a great warrior. Being ruled by his strong hand meant that you were respected when you said that you were a Frenchman.

On the other side the fact that this realm was ruled by a Guelph witch could only mean shame for it's inhabitants. It is why rulers had to be exemplary. You dismounted your horse and received a shoveld from Manfore, one of the peasants, a tall brown haired peasant in his fourties with hairy arms and a huge mustache who had been chosen by Oldfossil to lead the working teams when he was not there. He told you.

-It will be beautiful my lord... here, the last tree, we bought it in Podunk.

You thanked him.

-Thank you my good man. Are all these apple trees of the same kind.

-Yes Mylord, Oldfossil took care of this, of course, the best apples for cider.

It was fortunate, you had not thought about this before now, it would have been stupid to plant everything again because of it. Haha, you had invested 2000 gold coins on this project if you remembered well. You shoveled the earth softened by the rain and your boots were absolutely filthy before you put the small tree in the hole and put ground around. You then poured it some water, in plus of the rain and looked with satisfaction on it. The people cheered, they did not need much. With humour you told.

-Thanks, thanks of course but I suppose that you cheered less when you planted the 999 other trees.

After some laughs you addressed your courtiers and peasants.

-What is important, is all the work that had been done and that will change our lordship, far from everything, to a center of cider production in all the barony and beyond. Everyone will know about the cider produced here and you could tell your sons and grandsons that you worked to build it. With the help of God Almighty it will bring fame and prosperity to us. As promised, I shall give you the first tankards of cider once it will be finished.

But then a question remained. Should you give them a raise for their work on time ?

>Yes they worked hard on a tight schedule.
>No, no need to pay them more they did their duty.

Then after your words you were accosted by Oldfossil. He asked you.

-My lord, a question remains, how shall we name the orchard, everything should have a name once it is planted... We still have time, since we will build the structures during winter and spring but still.

-Name an orchard ? It... Is strange custom, for wine I can understand... We normally name it after the village.

-Here we give it a name my lord, for the future cider. If we intend to sell it.

You nodded and decided to answer.

>Villeroi's Orchard, family first
>We shall name it after Saint Clément, patron saint of Cider sellers
>We shall name if after Saint Fiacre, patron saint of gardeners
>We shall name it in honor of Rose, I am sure that she will appreciate once we will be married
>Other (write in)
>Yes they worked hard on a tight schedule.

>We shall name it after Saint Clément, patron saint of Cider sellers
>Yes they worked hard on a tight schedule.
Just a bit, we can't spoil them

>We shall name it after Saint Clément, patron saint of Cider sellers
It is best to start spreading the name of good saints and such as much as we can
>>Yes they worked hard on a tight schedule.

>>We shall name it after Saint Clément, patron saint of Cider sellers
>No, no need to pay them more they did their duty.
If we teach the commoners to value money more than duty, it will be the beginning of the end of our barely-born Proper Feudal Society.

>We shall name it after Saint Clément, patron saint of Cider sellers
>No, no need to pay them more they did their duty.
>We shall name it after Saint Clément, patron saint of Cider sellers
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Of course, it shall be reasonable


It is true, yes, you speak wisely. But the kindness of the noble heart of the other bannermen voted against you. Know if one day Charles lacks in cash you will have the priviledge to remind them of this moment.


You decided to order Oldfossil to give a raise to the men, a small one but they deserved it, 100 gold coins sufficed and the men cheered, it would have been a gigantic sum back in the Christendom but here it was cheap. The workers deserved it in your opinion they worked on a tight schedule after all. You then answered him.

-It will be Saint Clément's Orchard, he is the patron saint of the cider sellers.

-The patron saint ? My lord, I fear to not understand, you told me that you had only one God, but when I hear Father François, or yourself, you always talk about patron saints and other beings.

-Patron saints are holy men, that have been, after their death and canonisation, chosen to be the protectors of an activity, or a city, or a place. For exemple Saint Georges is the patron saint of chivalry, because he vainquished a dragon and behaved like a knight, so we knights revere him. Sometimes it is because of it's occupation, or sometimes because the saint was from a city. Or that the king decreed that such saint will be the patron saint of the realm. There is traditions. Just like we keep their relics too, I saw a relic of our Holy King Saint Louis in the Hostel de Valois at paris, a part of his left heel enchased in gold.

-So this Saint Clément was a cider seller ?

You shook your head, amused.

-No, sometimes the connection is not because of their activity, in Champagne we have wineyards and the patron saint of winemakers is Saint Vincent, some say because he invented how to cut the grapes in a better way, or was tortured in a wine press by pagans, others that simply Vincent sounds like "Vin Sang" wine and blood. And that we drink wine as the blood of Christ during the mass. Sometimes the analogies are a bit of a bad taste, in my opinion, Saint Laurent is the patron saint of sellers of roasted meats, rôtisseurs, roasters, because he was tortured by pagans who put him on a grill and roasted him alive.

-And for Saint Clément ?

You raised your shoulders, not knowing what to answer exactly, your knowledge was not infinite unfortunately.

-I know that Saint Clement of Metz vainquished the Graoully, the dragon that lived in this region, he tamed him with the power of the Lord and made him docile, he vainquished some serpents too. But Clement of Rome travelled a lot, maybe it is this Saint Clément, I am not an expert of cider sellers, if he travelled maybe some travelling merchants who sell cider far and wide decided to make him their patron saint. You should ask Father François, he will know it better than me.

The old man nodded, no doubtedly impressed by the power of sainthood. You then ordered your men to return to the castle, you had a voyage to prepare. The day when you shall come to your liege lord was coming closer and closer.

You knew that Bohémond shall return with Lady Takable, but who else to take with you ? You excluded Denarius or Elana, better not to provoke diplomatic incidents with the lord of Darkplace or any other noble. The time was unkind to Oldfossil and he was a very good regent but on the other side you needed him to see the new liege lord so he could judge him. Godefroi and Captain Crumbling could rule in your absence. Brother Louis could be sent too, but he already provoked some diplomatic incidents with adventurers and other scum that in any normal real would have simply be beaten with batons but were heard here and considered of good counsel in the Indias. Father François could be a useful councilor but he needed to tend to the needs of his parishioners. Who shall be taken with you, besides Ancel of course, he must be researched there but you were not ready to travel without your loyal scout.

>Brother Louis
>Captain Crumbling
>Father François
>Other (write in)

You gain 40 xp for planting the orchard, 10 xp more will be given when you will finish the buildings.

Your new stats :

Charles de Villeroi

Class : Local Lord
Level : 5
XP : 785+40 = 825 xp (next level at 1000)


Combat : 51%
Intrigue : 30%
Rulership: 36%

Piety : 77
Mudcore : 65

With 65 Mudcore you have a strong field of gritty realism around you (150 meters), in this field heavy magic will not work and supernatural abilities will not work, oh, and women will lose 4 pounds of strength of course, plus in the field the people that obey you will act more like they would be in a dark fantasy setting. You have chosen Blood of Mud and so your mudcore field will become a bit bigger and stronger but could be transmitted to your children. Magic, even restorative, will become considerably weaker near you. Weak practitionners of magic (less than rank 5) are unable to cast in your mudcore field.
Next level at 70, your field will become 200 meters wide, magical objects will lose their properties in your mudcore field just like potions, crops who came from the columbian exchange will lose their taste and a medieval disease will enter your world.

-Cavalry Commander : +20 to martial when you have to lead a cavalry charge or a cavalry attack. Works only when commanding shock or melee cavalry mounted on horses.
-Foreign Etiquette : You focus on learning Indian etiquette with Oldfossil, you gain a +10 bonus in intrigue in your interactions with the nobility of your duchy.
->Basic Literacy : Your lessons with Oldfossil and Lady Takable finally paid off and you can read and write, even if you write with errors and move your lips still when you read it is a great leap forward.

Traits :
Leader : Your magnetism on the masses is glorious and your learning of speech could encourage many men to follow you. You may choose the best of 3 rolls when you try to speak in public to convince an audience, be it the Council of Many or angry peasants.
>Brother Louis
Someone holy should be brought to introduce the great faith
>Brother Louis
>>Brother Louis
>Father François
>>Brother Louis
>Brother Louis
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It is true, he can be useful in many situations, but I should have told that you could choose multiple choices. My bad. Whatever, it is not so important.


Deciding to take Brother Louis, Ancel and an important complement of guardsmen with you you rode to the west, to the barony of Someplace. It was a huge place and you had several days of travelling.

You rode fast while Ancel ran nearby, it was good for his health and yours. The first thing that you noticed on place was that the watchtower on your borders was occupied by five Guelph, three males and two females, armed with bows and arrows. One of them was in a royal guard armor, the others looked like a fresh recruit. The women were very beautiful and when Cop joked that they must be living happily in the tower from now on you smiled at it. You asked the new commander of the watchtower where were Justdoing, Myjob and the other guards of the place and he told that they have been sent to Someplace to see who was fit to serve again. Looking at the raw recruits you understood that the Lord wanted Guelphs (or as some of your men called them, half-guelphs) in his guard, primarily at least.

When you stopped at the High Mandol Inn it seemed that the people were happy that there was a new baron instead of Crook, taxes got lower apparently. On the other side there was no Spotifia so you were a bit sad, but glad that this time no assassin awaited you to kill you in the courtyard.

You finally arrived at Someplace during a rainy day. You could not see the keep well but couls swear that someone had painted it in white instead of black, how could someone do it in only two weeks ? The streets had been cleaned and the houses with their Indian big windows looked like they were beautiful. People seemed to be joyful, there were no more spikes on the walls and people impaled in it, some armed Guelphs were even patrolling the streets and assuring order. All seemed joyful and good, perhaps what happened was a bringing of civilisation like when the Normans invaded the Anglo-Saxons.

Yes, of course, the end result could be clearly evil, any sane person had only to look at England and be certain of it, but nobody would deny that the Norman Conquest brought tremendous positive change to England, making it the second most powerful realm in the Christendom after France (the Holy Roman Empire was too divided like the realms and city states in the Iberian Peninsula and Italy).

Despite the rain you were greeted at the gates by several guardsmen who quickly called their liege lord who was in the great hall. While you waited the baron's councilor, Demisel, a "half-guelph" as some people called himself with short dirty blond hair and a green tunic greeted you, he was with the woman Lyddien, their new guard's captain. You exchanged politenesses and when you had sent your horses in the stables he quickly he told you.

-My lord, I am glad to be able to speak to you before our Baron, we have read your letter about the wolves in the Hostil lordship, be assured that we will deal with it. We shall try to give you compensations too, for the damage done. We understand that you will have taken care of them yourself but, you know, we needed to show the strength of the Barony after some anarchy. I do not wish to see bad blood between my master and yourself about this.

>I understand this, councilor, I had hoped too that we shall be able to avoid misunderstandings in the future. I shall always remain a loyal vassal of our glorious baron.
>I understand this, councilor, but the letter that you sent worried me about the possibility of being taken as an ungrateful vassal. Believe me good sir, I would never have annexed lands without your permission, it is why I waited the baron's permission if only to cross the border.
>I think that I shall speak with the baron in person about it. Even if I am glad for the help that you offered me.
>My good councilor, I understand your words and am happy for your compensations offer, but then why sending us a letter with veiled insults ? Why such blasphemy about "generating me" again ? Am I not generated enough ?
>My good councilor, your words are good but my people suffered and I had to station troops unable to take the fight to their enemies. Know that the next time I shall not wait for permission to hunt some wolves or other malevolent vermin.
>Councilor, am I not generated enough ? (Simply stare at him with a deep stare as if asking a powerful philosophical question)
>Other (write in)

Roll an intrigue roll please
Rolled 57 (1d100)

>I understand this, councilor
I don't want to lean too far in anyway so keep short but follow up with:
>Councilor, am I not generated enough ? (Simply stare at him with a deep stare as if asking a powerful philosophical question)
Because we have to know
>I understand this, councilor
>Still, I think that I shall speak with the baron in person about it.
Rolled 95 (1d100)

>>Councilor, am I not generated enough ? (Simply stare at him with a deep stare as if asking a powerful philosophical question)

Rolled 35 (1d100)

>>My good councilor, your words are good but my people suffered and I had to station troops unable to take the fight to their enemies. Know that the next time I shall not wait for permission to hunt some wolves or other malevolent vermin.
Sometimes it is better to be a man of few words who ask wise questions.


You looked at the man and talked quickly.

-I understand this.

Your laconic answer made him question himself, probably, because he remained silent a moment before trying to talk.

-Very good my lord, by the way...

You interrupted him and looked at him with your deepest look.

-Councilor, am I not generated enough ?

You fixed him and stared for a long time while he opened and closed his eyes, in panic. He was probably not ready to answer such philosophical question. Even Lyddien, the female Guelph guard's captain with her scar on the cheek stopped and looked at you. Finally Demisel answered you, in an hesitant tone.

-I... I beg your pardon my lord, what have you said ?

-I asked you if I was not generated enough. I want your answer. Or perhaps the one of the lady here.

They looked at each other, taken aback. Finally Demisel began to smile, and laugh a little. A forced laugh to kill the deafening silence.

-My... My lord you are full of surprise and of spirit. Such a funny jest I...

-I was not joking. I am asking you this completely seriously. Am I not generated enough ?

The man looked at you, visibly not knowing what to answer, he was far behind your philosophical knowledge and this metaphysical question had no answer in his minuscule mind. It is what you would have thought, at least, if you knew the existence of the word metaphysical. Still, your question seemed to create an awkward unease upon these guelphs, and it was justice. They were terrifyed of their own implications. Of course, they tried to stall for time, the councilor explaining.

-I am terribly sorry my lord, I must not have caught the deep meaning of your words but what do you mean by "generated" ?

Of course it was a tricky question. The vile man tried to imply that there was a hidden meaning behind this word. A meaning that only a litterate man like him would know. He took you for a simpleton. Hah ! Such arrogance ! Such hubris ! How can he take the local lord for a fool.

Your answer took him completely aback.

-I mean what it says, I go by the usual definition of the word.

Hah ! How could he answer that without passing for a fool ? He paled for a moment, and tried to scramble a retort.

-I.... I suppose that you are, well generated...

-Are you sure ?

He tried to look at Lyddien for support, she simply looked at you, then at him, one of her ears raising more than the other.

-Y... Yes...

-Why ?

-You seem well proportioned and healthy, at least you seem in good health.

You nodded, ready to send your comeback.

-Then, good sir, tell me why should I be regenerated ?

He seemed to fail to answer an instant, and it was at this moment that you saw the gates of the next room open. To reveal the baron, and someone that you knew well, Lady Rose. She smiled happily when she saw you and you too had your hearth warmed by her presence. So she had come early. But etiquette forced you to see the baron. He explained with a very smug face.

-Ah, lord Charles de Villeroi, be welcome, we have redecorated the interiors of the first floor, I was just showing it to your delightful bride. Everyone is here, we only wait for the Lord of Darkplace and the Neutral Lord, they should come today. Have your travels gone well ? You must be wet... Demisel, have you ordered to have some drinks served to our guests ?

The chancelor answered.

-I was going to do it my liege, but we were caught up in a... Philosophical conversation.

The baron seemed taken aback.

-Philosophy ? I never knew your kind were able to understand it. You are very well educated for a human lord Charles.

You decided to answer, perhaps with a bit of humor to this man who seemed to consider himself not a part of mankind.

-Yes, I am certain that our horses read philosophy more than us, I am sure you had conversations with them and learned much.

Rose looked at you with big eyes, like you told something that could be insulting but the baron only laughed at it.

-Hahaha, very amusing, I am not, unfortunately, able to speak with animals, not being a druid but I understand.

He then made you sign to come, he was still in his Bathrobe. While you climbed the stairs Rose took your hand and you kissed her on the cheek when nobody was watching. It was at this moment that when you looked at a very beautiful tapestry, woven with such art that you had to stop before looking, the colors, the skill of the craftsman, it was a chef d'oeuvre, it detailed some scene of love between a guelph with a harp and a female guelph princess. The expressions on their faces, the unicorn that she rode, the forest behind, it was enchanting. Seeing your fascination the baron told you.

-Ah, I see that you appreciate art, it is a piece from Unreal-Kost, a very renowned artist, he had not produced anything in the last two centuries, it is said that he is working on a tryptich about the arrival of the first elves in Bifuria.

Two centuries, two centuries for a work of art, it was why it was so beautiful, you had to give it to the guelphs they knew their stuff about art, being Italians. Perhaps they could forge good armor too like the tuscans. Yes, they were not all bad, and perhaps the baron did not hate you. Still.. Should you talk to him about the letter.

>Do not talk to the baron about the letter that he sent yet
>Talk to the baron about your letter
>Ask the baron if you are generated enough in his opinion.
>Other (write in)
>Do not talk to the baron about the letter that he sent yet
I honestly don't think we need to talk to him again about the letter, we pretty much figured out what he means by that and this 'regeneration' nonsense.
As funny as it would be I think we shouldn't bring up if we are generated enough for him
+1, fair.

>>Do not talk to the baron about the letter that he sent yet
>Do not talk to the baron about the letter that he sent yet
>>Ask the baron if you are generated enough in his opinion.
The thought occurred to me, of those guards that the Baron cuts loose, Rose could probably employ some of them as well.
>Ask the baron if you are generated enough in his opinion
The wise idea of a most prudent lord.


Very good idea indeed, you deserve +5xp good sur for it.


You decided not to press the question of your generation and even leave it to the next generations. Nor press the matter of his letter. The man seemed in a good mood. You looked at the great all, painted now in white and decorated with exquisite potteries, tapestries and furniture.

Since Rose was walking with you and the lords of Darkplace and of Neutral were not here you deduced that the Rival lord and Lady Sue were already here. It was true, the big man with pig like eyes and his mustache was looking at this new decor and trying to smile even if he was clearly uneasy while lady Sue seemed enchanted but quickly frowned when she saw you coming. Rose moved closer to you while she looked and quickly you began to exchange greetings and other polite salutations with these two people that you disliked.

But still, while you waited for the others some Guelph servants gave you wine and one of them began to play something with a harp, it was lovely. The new lady of Hostil, the witch, was here too and you saluted her but she told that she was first and foremost her baron's councilor. Brother Louis seemed fascinated by the potteries and the Guelphs explained him that it was all porcelain. It seemed to be very precious. They explained that it came from the east but as of now the Guelphs make it better than everyone else. You asked what was east of India and they say that there was Eastern Barbarians, then mountains, then there was an Empire and nomadic tribes. Brother Louis seemed to be very interested by this.

Whatever, you were now with the representatives of practically all the landed nobility of the baront around you, and you had to discuss of something. Since the servants served something that was not meat nor sausage, and it was sad, you had to look around you to see who spoke to whom. The councilors were in their own conversation between themselves and the lords... It depended.
The baron was speaking with Lady Sue, and making her laugh, he was retelling her some of his adventures at the service of the queen in the royal guard. The Rival Lord brooded with his wine and your Rose was near you.

>Ask Rose if she likes these Guelph potteries.
>Ask Rose her opinion on the new decorations.
>Ask the Rival Lord what he thinks of the changes in the castle.
>Try to intervene in the conversation between the baron and lady Sue.
>Other (write in)


By the way, sorry for the delay in the update, I had new problems with my VPN and I have to continue sadly to use phone posting as a method to bypass this. Such treachery makes me want to send an expedition to pillage the Rhineland for no other apparent reason.
>Ask the Rival Lord what he thinks of the changes in the castle.
The Neutralssons were going to handle Sue, we can handle rival
>Ask the Rival Lord what he thinks of the changes in the castle.
>Ask the Rival Lord what he thinks of the changes in the castle.
>>Ask the Rival Lord what he thinks of the changes in the castle.
>>Ask the Rival Lord what he thinks of the changes in the castle.
>Other (write in)
Talk to the witch
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71 KB
Habile !


You took the decision to speak to the Rival Lord. You did a half smile towards Rose first, so she would understand and, as a polite man, seeing that your rival brooded a bit you wanted to tell him something but Rose stopped you, whispering into your ear.

-What are you doing Charles ? He is a swine.

You answered her kindly.

-As much as he looks like he had some porcine creatures amongst his ancestors this man is a powerful landowner. And now that the baron has changed I would want to smooth out relationship.

She looked at you and answered.

-He mocked me when my father was dead, he hated your father, hated lord Random and was generally his first lackey. He deserves a sword in the gut not a smoothing of relations.

You told her kindly.

-Perhaps, perhaps but we had to, remember...

Yes, the Neutralssons... We had to deal with lady Sue or him and Rose hated lady Sue even more so she sighed and nodded. Telling.

-Well, do your diplomacy then but do not trust him.

-I shall trust him as far as I can throw him my lady.

This made her smile, the man was huge effectively, shorter than you but strong and fat just like the boar on his coat of arms. You approached him with distinction.

-A huge change in decorations my lord, I wonder how they managed to do it in only two weeks.

The man scoffed a bit, but then looked at you with his small eyes.

-Magic, it is how they did it. Painting everything white. More elvish. I'm sure they will make the windows bigger then. But how do you enjoy it yourself ? It is the result of your own work after all ? Mmmh ?

Ah, yes, he had against you the fact that you had given the proofs to put an end to the reign of the vile baron Crook, that he found probably not vile. You had the impression that the first step towards this negociation shall be delicate.

>Yes, of course, it reminds me of my victory but a good victor should give it's hand to the vanquished, like after an honourable tournament.
>I sense some bitterness in your tone, lord Rival, and while I understand that family feuds are a holy thing, we had some back in France. But unfortunately I have never really understood what began ours, you see I only came here after the death of the previous lord and if my councillor told about land problems I have to admit that we do not even share a border. So enlighten me good sir, about the reason why we should kill each other with boundless enthusiasm.
>To be sincere not so much, it is too soft, the ancient decorations were awful tough, the decorations of a heretic and a sorcerer. But now it is beautiful but looks like something from an Italian merchant prince. I am a warrior, you seem to be too. I want tapestries representing hunts and battles, weapons on walls and hunting trophies.
>Yes, yes, it is the result of my work. I did what I did because baron Wickedson tried to murder me with the help of this Darkplace commoner, and they mocked a beautiful lady. I restored justice, but I do not wish to pursue hatred. We are from old families together and when new unchivalric men come those that have nobility in their blood for centuries must stick together.
>Hah ! Perhaps... And the wine, what do you think about the wine, personally I think that our new baron has a great taste in it. You appreciate good wine don't you ?
>Other (write in)

Roll an intrigue roll please.


And sorry I forgot to mention you good sir, even if your idea is in the minority it is wise but dangerous for your soul, even if you are a man of faith she can probably change people into frogs. (some would say you already are one but their place is at the gallows)
Rolled 2 (1d100)

>I sense some bitterness in your tone, lord Rival, and while I understand that family feuds are a holy thing, we had some back in France. But unfortunately I have never really understood what began ours, you see I only came here after the death of the previous lord and if my councillor told about land problems I have to admit that we do not even share a border. So enlighten me good sir, about the reason why we should kill each other with boundless enthusiasm.
I call this strategy the frontal assault
Rolled 76 (1d100)

>I sense some bitterness in your tone, lord Rival, and while I understand that family feuds are a holy thing, we had some back in France. But unfortunately I have never really understood what began ours, you see I only came here after the death of the previous lord and if my councillor told about land problems I have to admit that we do not even share a border. So enlighten me good sir, about the reason why we should kill each other with boundless enthusiasm.
>>I sense some bitterness in your tone, lord Rival, and while I understand that family feuds are a holy thing, we had some back in France. But unfortunately I have never really understood what began ours, you see I only came here after the death of the previous lord and if my councillor told about land problems I have to admit that we do not even share a border. So enlighten me good sir, about the reason why we should kill each other with boundless enthusiasm.

Let's see where being reasonable lands us...
Rolled 80 (1d100)

>>To be sincere not so much, it is too soft, the ancient decorations were awful tough, the decorations of a heretic and a sorcerer. But now it is beautiful but looks like something from an Italian merchant prince. I am a warrior, you seem to be too. I want tapestries representing hunts and battles, weapons on walls and hunting trophies.
It is a very good name.


To bad rolls unfortunately.


You decided to be direct, you were always the man for a direct assault, a true knight. So even in intrigue you talked clearly.

-I sense some bitterness in your tone, lord Rival, and while I understand that family feuds are a holy thing, we had some back in France. But unfortunately I have never really understood what began ours, you see I only came here after the death of the previous lord and if my councillor told about land problems I have to admit that we do not even share a border. So enlighten me good sir, about the reason why we should kill each other with boundless enthusiasm.

You had to admit your demonstration took him aback, he opened his eyes then his mouth. You then looked at him, waiting for an answer. And he told.

-You don't know.

-Would I be asking if I knew.

-And you want to hear my point of view ?

-It seems to be by general intention according to my two last sentences.

The man frowned, he was more than unhappy with your remarks and began to list his griefs.

-So you pretend not to know how the Neutralsson despised me, just like the Takable father... Helped by the other coward, Lord Random, older than them both, was a knight when they were squires and mocked me. Fat ass they said, they called me fat pig ! Every time in my youth, mocked me when I wanted to marry a girl ! Fuck it the bastard Takable slept with my fiancée... Well I had not yet proposed her but still, then it was the Neutralsson ! When I learned to use a mace and a lance to avenge myself and awaited patiently to beat them at the tournament of the county these bastards were to drunk to ride, I began to mock them for it but apparently they... They managed to save the life of the count's future wife in the process, vainquishing bandits with your lord Random ! And these three bastards were now the count's favourite ! Them ! Not me ! They never took me in their group ! Fortunately the baron understood... And I am not talking about all the insults that my family endured...

And then you heard all his litany of griefs and you were a bit blinded by it's radiance. Yes, you knew people who could remember a feud for the last hundred years or two hundred years but to say "I shall only begin with the last three hundred years" and then explaining for half an hour how a cow was stolen and how a distant ancestor was unhorsed, not wounded no, no, unhorsed at this turnament. No, it was art, some form of art at least. Yes, this lord Salty Rival was a performer, or a buffoon. About his sad childhood in your opinion it was typical of children who were mocked but not beaten up in their childhood. Your two brothers mocked you when you were little, and so you tried to hit them, but they were bigger and had you beaten each time.

What was the result ? You became a better fighter, and you liked them because hitting each other is fun. And it teaches people to behave. It is why you hit Ancel or order criminals to be administered beatings by your sergeants. Words without deeds, they were always poisonous, because when someone insults you you want to hate him, to answer, to create violence, while if someone insults you and then beats you you understand that he is stronger and cannot hate him like you hate an equal. They should have beaten him then mocked him more. And sincerely, they were clearly superior since not one of them even told you about that, what he called a "life of misery" they called a "funny tuesday".
Still, you understood that you will have trouble apologizing for all of it in a lifetime. So this tirade was delicate to answer to, diplomatically, since you knew that he would not appreciate your wise insights. Still another part of you wanted to insult him for wasting your time.
>I understand the griefs, but still, insulting a young lady, it is not very chivalric, I would have thought that a rivalry between noblemen will not concern women and children.
>To be sincere, I never knew about all that you said, but.. You can have my sincere apologies. Words can sometimes hurt young children, especially when not accompanied with deeds.
>Lord Rival, I wish to end all of this feud, I was not here when all of this happened, and I think that we must be judged more by the deeds than by the misdeeds of our ancestors. Let us make peace, finally.
>You know what my lord, I do not care very much about all these long litanies worthy of a penitent. But all can I give you is a good counsel if you do not want to be treated as a pig anymore : stop eating like a pig and having such a piglike face, it is very difficult to distinguish you from this animal.
>Other (write in)
This man appears to believe himself deeply wronged so lets play to that by incorporating parts of the first 3 options
>Write in
>I understand the griefs, but still, insulting a young lady, it is not very chivalric, and siding with the Baron did not help change how you were seen by those who already viewed you lowly but To be sincere, I never knew about all that you said, but.. You can have my sincere apologies. Lord Rival, I wish to end all of this feud, I was not here when all of this happened, and I think that we must be judged more by the deeds than by the misdeeds of our ancestors. Let us make peace, finally.
In other words we are pretending like we care to get him to calm the fuck down. Make sure to put our most remorseful Christian face we can.
>>Lord Rival, I wish to end all of this feud, I was not here when all of this happened, and I think that we must be judged more by the deeds than by the misdeeds of our ancestors. Let us make peace, finally.

Perhaps offer to go on a hunt together?

Around elves, we must watch ourselves. These old rivalries must be put to pasture, lest we risk them keeping us divided and weak, look to the 100 years war for proof.

+1 t the hunting idea, too.

Habile, very good, honestly I liked the write so even if the rolls were against you on this one I decided to give it a chance.

And this, very good offer, everyone likes to hunt, there is no better way to bond than killing animals together and eating them after all. Seriously your predecessor and yourself should get +10 xp together.



A hard tirade to answer, you finally decided to explain yourself with the best of your ability and your humblest face.

-I understand the griefs, but still, insulting a young lady, it is not very chivalric, and siding with the Baron did not help change how you were seen by those who already viewed you lowly but To be sincere, I never knew about all that you said, but.. You can have my sincere apologies. Lord Rival, I wish to end all of this feud, I was not here when all of this happened, and I think that we must be judged more by the deeds than by the misdeeds of our ancestors. Let us make peace, finally.

The man looked at you suspiciously, like you would look at a snake ready to bite. His small pig like eyes looked at you and he scowled. He then answered.

-Heh, like I would believe you.

You then shot your best arrow at him. You had trouble imagining this peace offer without military metaphors because of his hostile face.

-I am not talking about being good friends at once, but we could perhaps go on a hunt together this winter. Do you hunt well ?

-Yes. I know how to hunt yes... Mmmh. Why not.

He was suspicious of course and thought that you wanted to poison him but he did not want to show fear by refusing. Still, it would take a considerable amount of time to have something like a working relationship with this vindictive scum. Fortunately you did not have to speak more with him than necessary because an ever viler person appeared, the vile lord of Darkplace. This... This knave had tried to kill you not once but twice and was a commoner. You could dislike a man like the Rival Lord, but aknowledge him as an equal, this, this vermin who had served the old baron was really lower than the dirt under your boot. Saluting humbly the new baron the bald man was given a seat on the table and the Guelph began to even praise him and tell that we all awaited him. Politely you nodded to him when he was here. You had trouble trying to insult him because you remarked that while you spoke to the Rival Lord baron Endoftutoriel was entertaining your bride and lady Sue and they were laughing happily.

It was not jealousy, not, but the fact that the Guelph was a bit taller than you and fair of face, and the joy of the two ladies was a little bit annoying. So you came back again near Rose she took you by the arm, to reassure you, but a part of you thought that she mischievously tried to talk to the baron because you talked to the Rival Lord, on the other side there was no one else to talk to. So you took the hand of Rose and she reddened a bit, perhaps ashamed and kissed you on the cheek while nobody was watching.

Then the baron turned towards the assembly and told everyone.

-It seems that the Neutral Lord is late I suggest that we begin to dine without him. We enjoyed some wine and music but festivities should unfortunately fill bellies after filling hearts and minds. Let us go.

He then began to put everyone around him. Being next to the lord was a privilege and everyone awaited to know who would be. The dining table was strange, there was only one rectangular table and instead of all sitting to the face of the room looking at the secondary tables you were all surrounding the tables. Those at both ends must have some kind of places of honour. Surely a strange Italian novelty like the small forks next to the plates, it was probably a satanic devilry or veiled insults, who used pitchforks ? Peasants and devils and you were none of them. You were not so surprised when he put Lady Sue at his right, the place of honor. Then next to lady Sue, to your astonishment, came his witch and even worse, next to Rose came the lord of Darkplace. This upjumped scum was higher than you on the hierarchy ? How ?!? Even the Rival Lord was astonished to be below him. You were already hardly tolerating how his witch would be next but since she was noble born and loyal you could understand it but this. Then the next were yourself, and lord Rival.

You wondered where the councillors and the other folk would be eating but the baron explained that "he wanted to eat in a small group" and they were dismissed to another room. He kept some minstrels to play music but you were still very angry to be separated like this, put in the lowest place ! What a scandal ! You were right next the lord of Darkplace and across the Rival Lord. And you were about to speak when some servant with a pompous air announced that "Lord Neutralsson has come with his son". The baron told.

-Good, excellent, make them enter, give them wine. Let us feast together.

When they finally came, tired from the travels he was very courteous and polite but explained that since they were late everyone was already seated, and you ended up near Swede Neutralsson, a nice lad and the heir to the Neutral Lordship. The baron explained that he would have put lord Swiss at his right hand if he could. The Neutral lord answered, in his usual neutral tone.

-It is an honor my liege, and I understand your concerns, unfortunately it seems that strange rogue earth elementals caused our path to be muddy near your lordship. Such an incident caused my delay.

-Oh... Really ? Cristmasel would you take care of this after the festivities, I would not want to delay your return.

The witch nodded, approving and saying.

-I will your highness. I will.

-Excellent, then let us rejoice while seeing what our chefs have prepared us.

They prepared something strange, it looked like meat but was not meat, they said it was meat made of vegetables, elvish cuisine you said it was sorcery but not out loud. To begin the conversation the baron adressed you.

-Lord Charles de Villeroi, I have heard much about your exploits. They said that you have been at war, is it true ?

-It is, your lordship. I fought the perfidious English and the Flemish of the communes who had rebelled and the Barrois too.

The man looked like he understood all of that and smiling smugly he told you.

-That makes us two, I was there when the barbarian hordes attacked our lands more than sixty years ago and we drove them back with magic and steel. It is good to know that I can count on good men who know how to wield a sword, and who have very charming brides. I am glad for it, truly, and am sure that your marriage will procure us joy and merriment and give you many heirs.

You thanked him for these usual compliments.

-Thank you very much my liege, you are too good. I am glad myself to be able to put my sword into the service of wise and just ruler.

He nodded and everyone was watching your exchange, while he raised his cup.

-Yes, I know, by the way, let us drink to lord Charles and lady Rose, may they find happiness in their marriage and serve loyally.

The guests raised their cups with more or less enthusiasm and you drank gladly, perhaps the man wanted to say sorry in this way for having placed you where you were. He then continued to adress you.

-Tell me Lord Charles, I have heard from my messenger that you are a great lover of the good old feudal customs of our lands isn't it ?

You nodded.

-Customs are the best that was given to us by our ancestors, they provide guidance to know how to live our lives.

He nodded joyfully.

-I can only agree. What do you think about the custom of the first night lord Charles ?

He looked at you with a kind of smug smile that you had trouble to read. To be sincere you had no idea about this first night custom, surely something Indian and pagan. But seeing how everyone paled when he said this, and how Rose dropped her fork at this mention (you had not even thought of using yours) you understood that this was something important. Still, you did not want to appear clueless, everyone was looking at you. Awaiting your answer in an unsettling and deathly silence.

>It is an important custom my liege, it should be respected.
>The first night in a new place is always a night where the host must show hospitality, that is my opinion. And I think that all the table will agree.
>And what is your opinion about this my liege ?
>I do not know about all the Indian customs, explain me what is it about please, it seems that it is important since everyone looks at me with such intense stares.
>Other (write in)
>I do not know about all the Indian customs, explain me what is it about please, it seems that it is important since everyone looks at me with such intense stares.
Throw it back at him, then if he asks if we had something like that in France lie to him since lying to heathens is always our right.
>I do not know about all the Indian customs, explain me what is it about please, it seems that it is important since everyone looks at me with such intense stares.
This knife-eared Italian son of a bitch it trying to make a cuck out of Chuck! Or to publicly humiliate us, at least.
Also make sure to point out and question as many things as possible if he tries to explain while acting completely oblivious and if he tries to smugly hand wave the explanation push him on it. This will either a) make him back off completely or b) make everyone at the table pissed and disgusted at him (I.e Sue and Rival) and thus lower his already precarious popularity with his vassals.
The Indians removed Serfdom so I am pretty sure they have done the same with this and he is trying to humiliate as you say but unfortunately this can easily be thrown back into his face. If somehow it has not, then we can just get Denarius to handle him
>>I do not know about all the Indian customs, explain me what is it about please, it seems that it is important since everyone looks at me with such intense stares
>Denarius to handle him
Sadly, I fear our troubadour is likely no match for a nobleborn sorcerer and warrior who has fought in actual wars and has decades of experience.
This is true but we can just give him free reign and I am sure he can think of something
>>I do not know about all the Indian customs, explain me what is it about please, it seems that it is important since everyone looks at me with such intense stares
>I do not know about all the Indian customs, explain me what is it about please, it seems that it is important since everyone looks at me with such intense stares.
Of course, of course, fortunately there was none of it in fair France.

What to expect from people who count money instead of fighting. Not a private war or a challenge to a duel but some lowly jabs... No wonder that in these lands their ears became pointy like the horns of the devil !

Well deduced good sir.


Bob is a professional indeed. You do not get a bounty on your head for "genocide" (whatever that means) without having some experience in mischief.


If you had to pass for a fool better to be open about it, so you answered with a somewhat humorous tone.

-I do not know about all the Indian customs, explain me what is it about please, it seems that it is important since everyone looks at me with such intense stares.

Some people snickered, and the baron smiled smugly, telling in a most solemn tone.

-Oh, it was an old human custom, it authorized a nobleman to have the first night of all the recently married women that were his subjects.

Your first thought was that that was terrible, and you wanted to ask him if this custom had to be applied even to the ugly ones. You would not want to fuck fat peasant cows all day. But then your blood boiled in your veins. He spoke of your marriage. Surely this scoundrel would not dare to... You remarked that it was visible on your face when the baron laughed and answered rather amusedly.

-Lord Charles, be sure that we have abolished this barbarity a long time ago. A lady must be with her husband. What were you thinking ?

You had to control your temper but told him.

-Nothing my liege... Nothing... I was simply thinking that this abolition saved us all from sleeping with all the overweight milkmaids of our lordships.

On these words everyone smiled a bit and you asked for more wine. You exchanged a glance with Rose and you understood that she was worried and tried to soothe you. She now looked at the baron with a bit of apprehension, just like the Neutral Lord did. But the rest seemed to appreciate it, especially the Rival Lord who liked seeing you almost lose your temper. You continued to eat your vegetable meat then and be more or less silent since you were near different kind of scoundrels while the baron exchanged pleasantries with the ladies.
Swede Neutralsson wanted to tell you something and protest but his father made him sign to be silent. At this moment when you finished the false meat the baron explained.

-My good Lord Rival, are you enjoying our hospitality.

The man with pig like eyes nodded. He wiped some sauce from his mustache.

-Yes your lordship, it is a pleasure to dine in cultured company.

The baron smiled at the flattery and answered.

-You are too kind my lord, I feared that the food would not be consistent enough for a man of your habits.

-Of my habits.

-Yes of course, everyone told me that you are a tough man of strong stature and of tremendous appetite, really a portrait of the boar that you display proudly on your coat of arms.

Sincerely, to be completely honest you chuckled, Rose did too, even Lady Sue had a guilty smile. This was the most elegant way to tell that this man looked like a pig and ate like one. Not that he ate a lot, he did it uncleanly, you even saw him sometimes take food with four fingers instead of three with his hand. The Neutral Lord smiled too, and the piglike eyes of Lord Rival tried to find someone to support him. He looked at the Lord of Darkplace who only laughed at him and hints of desperation and betrayal traversed his mind. He then closed his fist until it became white and mumbled.

-T... Thank you your lordship for your kind words.

The baron then nodded and ordered his next plates to be served.

It was during this moment that you wondered why he acted like this. You first took this Guelph for a fool, a true Italian moves in the cover of the dark, never humiliating his enemies like that. And even if he does, he never attacks two enemies at once, or three, since he humiliated the Neutral lord by making him late by some sorcery. You cannot insult your best vassals and think to get away with this. Then the reason of this behaviour hit you like the projectile of a pierrière hit Simon de Montfort in the face during the siege of Toulouse. Metaphorically of course, you did not need to have the bits of your face to be picked from your helmet like from a bowl of jelly by those wanting to bury you.
He was not an evil schemer who consorted with demons or a schemer, he was a warrior who was bored, despised this place, and was given two hundred professional men at arms in plus of his local forces. The theories of the Neutral Lord were right. If Baron Crook had 300 men at his service all his vassals put together could do more or less the same put together, now he had 200 men of the crown in plus of 300 that he would be able to raise here. He did not need you... Simply... Simply... You contemplated everything over your soup when the baron explained.

-Lord Bitchson, your reports about the troubles under my predecessor were very well kept. It would be very pleasant to me that you continue to serve on my council. I will always appreciate those who can demonstrate their skills be they elves or humans.

-It is too great a honor that you do me your lordship, I shall serve you at the best of my abilities.

Simply as you thought he needed the support of the man who ran a school of professional killers that could murder him in his sleep. And then since the Indians believed in the so called "supernatural prowess" of adventurers who could kill an entire army by themselves you were not surprised when he invited lady Sue to a dance when the minstrels began playing some music. You, of course, decided to invite Rose and you were soon dancing and understood that this would be a good occasion for a discussion. She was as always gracious as a swan even in this grave hour, surpassing even the Guelph witch that the young son of Lord Neutralsson had thought about inviting. You were entranced by the beauty of the music, and of your partner and forgot why you were here for a small magical moment before you were woken up by the applause of the rest of the crowd. Rose took your hand, looked at you with a worried expression, and told in a touching moment that reminded you of her youth and her faith in you.

-Charles... What to do ?

You raised an eyebrow.

-What do you mean ?

-I... You saw how it was, just like me... But I do not understand if he appreciates me or not... I... Wanted to ask for my father's lands to be given back, we already asked and he said that he shall see it today... But now I fear to ask...

Yes, seeing how he publicly humiliated all the others, you would not tolerate Rose to be treated like this. But you had to take a decision.

>Better now than never, ask him for justice while he is in a good mood.
>Better not now, I think that we will have to think of other means to take our lands back.
>Other (write in)
>>Better now than never, ask him for justice while he is in a good mood.

His mood matters not, what matters is that he has purposely insulted a number of his vassals and to deny this request would further expose his tyranny. It may well give us an in with Lord Rival, as we can commiserate with him as being mutually aggrieved by the Baron.
>Better now than never, ask him for justice while he is in a good mood.

Good thinking. Also, if he gets too aggressive in insulting our wife-to-be, we will perhaps be justified in demanding justice.
>>Better now than never, ask him for justice while he is in a good mood.
>>Better now than never, ask him for justice while he is in a good mood.
>Better now than never, ask him for justice while he is in a good mood.
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It is clear that his actions should have consequences. It will be good to assure that they are good for Local, God and our right and proper feudal society.

Of course ! Honor and love are always a good reason to start wars or duels since the times of the Greeks and Trojans.


You decided to tell your future wife not to lose time.

-Better now than never, ask him for justice while he is in a good mood.

She nodded slowly, and took your hand as if to give herself courage and once you were served the dessert (these Guelphs ate really lightly, it was why they were so skinny, or the lack of food was another insult) she tried to press her claim. Asking the baron.

-Your lordship, now that your rule is secured and the corrupt baron Crook has been branded a traitor by our benevolent queen, perhaps some of his unjust decision should be reversed. Baron Crook Wickedson falsely branded my father a traitor, using the support of his traitorous uncle, today fleeing the crown's justice, to confiscate his lands. As I know you are a great lover of Justice, baron Endoftutoriel, can I ask you for Justice on this matter.

The baron wrapped a lock of his long black hair around his finger while he reflected, then answered with a preoccupied face.

-My lady... Your sweet words have moved me. They show you as a shining example of filial piety. Tell me, who was on the baron's council when this decision was taken... Ah, yes, you, dear lord Creepy... Why was it taken ? As a spymaster of the baron you could tell me if he forced you to fabricate proofs of lord Takable's treachery, I shall not blame you... Or if there was truely some matter on it.

A simple look at the Lord of Darkplace explained you the answer already. Rose did not show her hatred on her face but you understood that it was hard to contain herself when this man who rose from the gutter told.

-I fear, your lordship, that this treachery, with the help of some powerful people, in this case his Highness the Count, to deposit Baron Crook was real. And swift measures had to be taken.

Rose wanted to rise, you too but the baron made a sign of his hand. And began.

-My lady...

He then had to stop to think a small bit.

-My lady, I am sorry to say so, but at this time baron Crook was not a traitor to the crown who sold slaves, just like his chancellor had not revealed his traitorous nature. I cannot change decisions legally taken in the past, as a keeper of the law. I cannot give your your lands back without breaching the laws of our majesty the queen..

Yes, of course, he wanted the land, the greedy bastard. But the man explained.

-Nevertheless, I can understand that this decision stripped you of souvenirs and of your ancestral fortress. I shall allow you to collect what you want from him. Be it family heirlooms, furniture, or something that reminds you of your ancestors. Consider it a marriage gift.

Hah, trinkets against lands, but still, of course she would be at least placated. The tapestries that she saw while she was a little girl, some musical instruments, you were sure that she would like that, she thanked him, even if it was a polite way to rebuke her. What to do next, you listened to some songs of different minstrels, that were, you had to admit it, very talented. The discussions were about banal topics, most of your end of the table hated eachother or was afraid of the new baron, and with the Lord of Darkplace as his new spymaster you understood that you could not avenge yourself. This made you a bit sour and desperate. And before you could agree to scheme the Guelph explained.

-I was, my good lords and ladies, wanting to mark the good occasion beyond this simple and sympathetic dinner, and I have thought about something that could make us all rejoice. My falconers have readied themselves and we will be able to hunt some prey tomorrow. For the night I ordored to prepare chambers for all of you.

You all thanked him and you saw that you were in a chamber near the one of Rose. So it was not surprising when she came when you were helped by Ancel to remove your clothes.

She entered, her high heels clacking on the floor and a frightened expression on her face.

-I... Charles... I do not know what to do.. I have definitely lost the lands of my ancestors. If this new baron, who will live far longer than me and my children does not want to give us this nobody would, and even if letting us keep some souvenirs was kind on his part it will..

You took her in your arms, kindly trying to reassure her.

>Do not worry my lady, we will build something even grander in Local together. Sometimes something good is lost but another boon emerges.
>Do not worry my lady, you are still young, sometimes taking back a fief takes an entire life, you still have plenty of time and many allies like the Count.
>Do not worry my lady, seeing how he insults his vassals I doubt that the current baron will have a very long reign, or he will be forced to change his politics. We will take back your lands do not worry.
>Do not worry my lady, what is not given can still be taken by force of arms and fortunately you will soon marry a fine knight who had to take several castles in his lifetime.
>Other (write in)

Roll an intrigue roll please
Rolled 3 (1d100)

>Do not worry my lady, you are still young, sometimes taking back a fief takes an entire life, you still have plenty of time and many allies like the Count.
Can’t wait for the civil war that removes the elves from the kingdom to begin
>Nevertheless, I can understand that this decision stripped you of souvenirs and of your ancestral fortress. I shall allow you to collect what you want from him.
Forgot to mention this when I voted but lets just take everything including everything that is not nailed down, he gave us permission after all
Rolled 34 (1d100)

>Do not worry my lady, what is not given can still be taken by force of arms and fortunately you will soon marry a fine knight who had to take several castles in his lifetime.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

>>Do not worry my lady, what is not given can still be taken by force of arms and fortunately you will soon marry a fine knight who had to take several castles in his lifetime.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

>Do not worry my lady, what is not given can still be taken by force of arms and fortunately you will soon marry a fine knight who had to take several castles in his lifetime.
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My lord ! That would be treason ! You want what, to side with the Ghibellines ?

My lord that would be petty, I know that this Venetian money changer of a baron is petty but we are above that, are we not ?


You looked at your lady, she was frightened, her hands stiff then moving really fast and her chest pulsating nervously. You kissed her on the forehead, and spoke very softly as to reassure her.

-Do not worry my lady, what is not given can still be taken by force of arms and fortunately you will soon marry a fine knight who had to take several castles in his lifetime.

She seemed to find it only mildly soothing.

-It... It is not like this, there was no wars in my lifetime, and in the lifetime of my father... It... We should not... All is lost...

-Do not worry, we will first rebuild with what we have, you need to repair and refurbish tower, you could do it with something from your old castle and engage some soldiers, I know several of them.

She continued to despair, you tried to find reassuring words but finally set up for finally stroking her hair.

-I will never be able to live where my father lived, to have his lands back, all our legacy, generations upon generations, it is gone. I... I feel like I failed him, like I failed my mother... I... I am unworthy of them... And of you and...

Years of abuse had made her confidence fragile behind a stern facade, you had to kiss her, to tell her that you loved her and that everything was going to get better but she was still sad, even when she told that she was alright her expression told something else. Unfortunately you could not sleep with her to use your favourite method of bringing some joy to lonely maidens, the baron would not like it. But you recited her some poetry, even some indian poetry, telling her that she taught it to you and it made her happy again, and ready for tomorrow's hunt. You kissed before departing in your separate chambers and her lips perhaps had a taste of wine, but you could smell on them the relents of true love.

Speaking of the hunt all the nobles and their councillors were assembled and you finally managed to see your brave Bohémond. Your saluted him joyfully and he told you about the poor tower where Lady Rose lived. His description made you understand her sadness. But she will live in Local soon, it was a great reason to rejoice.

The baron ordered to assemble all the hunters in small groups of five to better scout the land for potential prey. He had his own falcon who did not need to have his eyes obscured to be on his wrist, he said it was because of nature magic and you know had the confirmation that he was a witch in plus of being and vile knave. But he gave falcons to all of you.

You knew that rose dislike falcon hunts because it was baron's crooks favourite pass time. On your side you liked it, it was a noble tradition brought to the Gauls by your Frankish ancestors since even the time of the Merovingian kings. You knew that some birds could be useful against some grounded game like rabbits for exemple but the hunt would be "de haut vol" against flying preys. It was when you were, for the first time, truly impressed by something Indian. If most of you hunted on horses the master of the hunt of the baron, a kind of Guelph gamekeeper, came towards you, flying on a giant falcon. You tried to sweep your eyes to see if it was true, you had heard of flying horses and even sea horses but giant falcons ?!? It was impressive, and Bohémond did the sign of the cross, just like Ancel. They all seemed to be amazed like you by the beast who came here. The Indians were impressed by it, but not so amazed, it seemed that it was seen like having a purebred arabian horse. Something rare and costly but not impossible. Still, you were amazed when the master of the hunt, a blond Guelph with a strange almost spiked hair and a satisfied grin told that he will try to fly around and disturb some birds and bring them towards you.

You decided to pair up in a group with Rose, Bohémond and Becky, this kind of hunt was after all practicable by women too. Brother Louis told that he could not take part in it since, as a Templar he had vowed to only hunt lions (he still made an exception when foraging in campaign of course).

Still, you needed one more hunter since Ancel counted as a dog. The first group was the one of the Baron who came with his witch, Cristmasel, Lady Sue who had come alone, his guard's captain Lyddien and the Lord of Darkplace. He had wisely chosen his new allies, probably to see how the others would organise. Another group being composed of the Neutral Lord, his son, one of their knights and the chancellor who helped him rule his lands. Just like this the Lord of Darkplace had come with his guard's captain, a quiet and solid man who never left his two axes, perhaps because he feared to lose one, his steward, a thin old man all dressed in black (since he was thin you concluded that he was probably not corrupt) and one of his cousins who must have been a knight in his household and looked like a younger him to the point that you thought that he had a bastard son. But still, these other groups were composed of only four persons and three riders stayed.

There was Tel Salaad, the kind of Guelph lombard banker that served as a steward to the baron, Demisel, the baron's chancellor with his short blonde hair and green tenue and a retained from the lord of darkplace with a long dark cloak. He seemed to be quite young, but his look told you that he was up to no good. Of course, probably one of his killers. You wondered if all of this will end with a murder.

The baron decided to ask all of you.

-It seems that three riders need a group... I suggest that we will try to see who had caught the most birds at the end of the day, no cheating, falconry is a fair practice. Who will take these gentlemen ?You saw the two other lords hesitating, probably thinking about a possible murder too. The man was unsubtle and unafraid.

>Offer to take Tel Salaad, the steward
>Offer to take Demisel the chancellor
>Offer to take the young man in dark robes
>Do not offer anything, let the most powerful lords chose first.
>Other (write in)
>Offer to take the young man in dark robes
We fear no assassin.
>>Offer to take the young man in dark robes

It would be a shame if something happened to him.


Since I forgot to put your new XP see, oh and your roll was fortunately a success because of your etiquette bonus.


Your new stats :

Charles de Villeroi

Class : Local Lord
Level : 5
XP : 825+15 = 840 xp (next level at 1000)


Combat : 51%
Intrigue : 30%
Rulership: 36%

Piety : 77
Mudcore : 65

With 65 Mudcore you have a strong field of gritty realism around you (150 meters), in this field heavy magic will not work and supernatural abilities will not work, oh, and women will lose 4 pounds of strength of course, plus in the field the people that obey you will act more like they would be in a dark fantasy setting. You have chosen Blood of Mud and so your mudcore field will become a bit bigger and stronger but could be transmitted to your children. Magic, even restorative, will become considerably weaker near you. Weak practitionners of magic (less than rank 5) are unable to cast in your mudcore field.
Next level at 70, your field will become 200 meters wide, magical objects will lose their properties in your mudcore field just like potions, crops who came from the columbian exchange will lose their taste and a medieval disease will enter your world.

-Cavalry Commander : +20 to martial when you have to lead a cavalry charge or a cavalry attack. Works only when commanding shock or melee cavalry mounted on horses.
-Foreign Etiquette : You focus on learning Indian etiquette with Oldfossil, you gain a +10 bonus in intrigue in your interactions with the nobility of your duchy.
->Basic Literacy : Your lessons with Oldfossil and Lady Takable finally paid off and you can read and write, even if you write with errors and move your lips still when you read it is a great leap forward.

Traits :
Leader : Your magnetism on the masses is glorious and your learning of speech could encourage many men to follow you. You may choose the best of 3 rolls when you try to speak in public to convince an audience, be it the Council of Many or angry peasants.
> My lord ! That would be treason !
We are merely saving the queen from her wicked councillors who are surely misleading her
>My lord that would be petty, I know that this Venetian money changer of a baron is petty but we are above that, are we not ?
I guess so, let us hope that justice will be served some other way.
>Offer to take the young man in dark robes
Why not
>>Offer to take the young man in dark robes
>>Offer to take Demisel the chancellor
>My lord that would be petty, I know that this Venetian money changer of a baron is petty but we are above that, are we not ?
It isn't robbery when you're nobility and those things belong to your family. it's reconquista.
Of course, they use cowardly methods that are unbefitting of a knight.

Of course.

I love your wise words, there is nothing more medieval than saving the ruler from it's wicked councillors. And yes, justice comes, God's Plan is perfect.


We are above money problems, good sir, but of course if something is beautiful we are lover of beauty as men of good taste and it would be better in the hands of our nice rose than those of a Florentine dressed in strange robes.


You took the decision to engage the young man in black robes and told.

-You, young lad, I do not know how you are called.

He looked mildly surprised and stated.

-Rellik my lord, I'm Rellik.

-Oh, like Rose's late guard's captain... Come.

You were still thinking about this brave old man when you saw that the Neutral Lord took the chancellor and the Rival lord the steward. Then the baron explained that the rules would be simple. You will each be given a direction, north, south, east or west to try to catch as many birds that you could. You would have dogs and servants in your party and the one with the most prey caught would win at the end.
You decided to begin the contest by advancing a lieue towards the East, your destination, you looked at the sun, holding the falcon on your wrist and a strong wind blew in your face. You saw the landscape of farms and autumnal plains with several isolated trees and found it sympathetic, the castle on a hill over the river was truely formidable and could overlook any invading army from a long distance. You saw that several small birds sang, too small to be a catch, and it completed this bucolic landscape. Bohémond talked with his love, and Ancel scouted the horizon for bigger birds. He seemed to look at the young man in black, not trusting him at all. Rose was riding silently, perhaps in a bit dour mood since falconry reminded her of the late baron Crook. It was unfortunate that she disliked this activity, it was amusing. Of course you preferred to hunt boars and wolves with a spear but you would not ask a young and sweet lady to take part in such activities. Still, you tried to cheer her up by telling her a funny story about the Genoese. She even laughed at it and hearing her cristalline laugh made you happy.

Still you had time to kill, a lot of time to kill actually and so a conversation would fill this need.

>Ask Ancel if he saw something in the horizon.
>Ask Rose about some matters of your future mariage.
>Ask Rose about how was her visit to her tower.
>Ask Rellik if he knew Elana.
>Ask Rellik what is his place at his lord's court.
>Tell Bohémond that your falcon will catch more than his.
>Other (write in)
>Ask Rellik what is his place at his lord's court.
Lets get to know him
>Ask Rose about some matters of your future mariage.
To get her mind focused on something else
>>Ask Rose about some matters of your future mariage.
>Ask Rellik what is his place at his lord's court.

Where Rose and our union is concerned, I think now might be a good time to talk... FAITH.
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Of course of course.


It will be asked.


You decided to ask the lone rider in black some questions first, simply to be polite. He looked like he was quite young, seventeen or even less. You wondered if he was a relative of captain Relic of lady Takable's guard but decided not to ask. Instead you told.

-Good sir, Rellik is it ?

-Yes your lordship.

-Explain me, what is your role at your lord's court ? Are you like his bodyguard ?

He chuckled.

-His bodyguard ? No... I am simply one of his students. He brought me here for a trip to learn more about the world outside the school. Learning to... Socialize with nobility is useful to then give information to the Empire.

This Empire, what kind of polity engaged trained assassins ? Only a pagan one ! Like those saracen hashashins. Once a good Christian goververnment would be put in place, based on five principles : right of private wars for noblemen, right of every nobleman to mint his own money, a morality based on chivalry and it's principles, obedience to the pope's decrees and the fifth would be the protection of the customs of the Realm but since they were full of paganism and changed by vile, and probably common born men, you will have to rediscover their original ideas that, you were sure, were the same as the French ones. Since after all, were we not all children of Adam and Eve and, even more, if there were Guelph and Ghibellines there there had to be some normal Frenchmen and Franks. To be sincere a huge part of the population looked like to be of Frankish blood, or, even of Gallic blood for the matter. You had no doubt that Frenchmen passed there one day, perhaps they were forgotten, perhaps you were wrong, but since you were here now you had to bring truth and justice with you. So you answered the young man.

-I understand, good, socialize well then.

And you turned towards Rose, after making sign to Bohémond and Ancel to keep an eye on this cowled man.

Rose looked like she was sad and you wanted to bring her joy, make her think of something.

You of course decided, in this case, to talk about your marriage, so you rode towards her and asked.

-Rose, my sweet Rose, since we are together under the autumn sky, tell me, you have thought about the marriage ceremony how to organist the feast, the invitations...

She turned towards you, trying to stroke the head of her bird of prey.

-Yes, yes it will be in spring, I hope that we will be able to do it outside.

-It will be as you wish my lady.

She smiled but you continued.

-Still, the religious ceremony remains. And before marriage, there must be baptism, for Father François to celebrate. Have you thought about it ?

She took the cute expression when she bite her lip when she thought and answered you.

-I have given it some thoughts, and if you need it I shall learn it. I.. I fear sometimes, since... You know what...

You knew of her cruel instincts but how could so beautiful blue eyes be evil. You had to answer.

-God forgives, and I will help you as much as I can.

You would have hugged her if you did not have a falcon on your hand and she did not have one. You simply smiled to her while she did the same. And her answer warmed your hearth.

-I will convert, to be with you I am ready to do anything, my shining knight.

You brought your horse near hers and kissed her red lips. Of course at that moment Ancel had to scream.

-Look messire ! There is some ducks that are flying !

You quickly released the caps of your falcons and they began to soar up in the sky. They were graceful beasts, and quick ones, generally brown or grey, you still wondered what breed it was and asked.

-What are these birds, I never saw them...

It was Becky that answered, surprising you.

-They are Falcon Millenensis, bred as a separate breed at the year 1000 by the Emperor Georges... They are very fast, truly wonderful beasts.

You looked at her quite surprised and asked.

-I ignored that you were such an expert on birds of prey.

She reddened and thanked you.

-I love birds, they are beautiful and fly high, I wonder how the world looks from above. Not occasionally but every day.

Well, cats, birds, ladies here seemed to like their beasts. You were more of a dog person personally and looked how the first of the falcons soared upon a poor duck. It was an impressive spectacle to see them soar high, even if they were no peregrine falcons, bustards or sacret these birds were of a great beauty. Perhaps India was not so bad after all, you will soon be enjoying it with your lady, a married man, you hoped to become the patriarch of a numerous family.

>Roll a martial roll please good sirs for the hunt.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Rolled 26 (1d100)

Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 21 (1d100)

Bless you, messire.

I'll roll as well and, I pray, not spoil it.

Messeigneurs ! Such rolls ! All pass and with a critical success ! What a glorious sigh ! This smells of complete French victory.

Perhaps it was chance, perhaps it was God's will but you saw practically all the birds fly to the west and your impeccably trained falcons were picking them all. Ducks, pheasants, partridges, all ended up picked by the dogs in an impressive tally. Even Rose was pleased, even the man in robes was pleased. Still, your love told.

-Mmmh I would prefer to shoot them with a bow.

-You know how to use a bow Rose ?

-A recurved one, but I am not very good and out of practice, and I used it only once for hunting some birds.

You reassured her.

-I am not a very good archer either. Even for hunting.

Bohémond added.

-Brother Louis is an impressive bowman. He liked to hunt with bow before becoming a templar.

Indeed he liked it and now he used it when foraging. Or for entertainment when loosing his arrows at targets of hay. Ancel could be a good archer too, but you did not want to spoil him too much with compliments so you simply nodded.

You rept your quarry during all the day, almost one hundred birds ! Yes almost one hundred ! Ninety seven birds had been carried, while the second group, the one of the baron had only fifty five. The others had thirty two and twenty four only. The wind hit your happy faces when you all laughed and exchanged pleasantries. You then all congratulated the master of the hunt and the baron, contrary to your expectations, was gentlemanly. He explained.

-It was impressive lady Rose, lord Charles. I must say that I rarely saw such excellent hunters. But, since we removed the bird's overpopulation problem for the year, let us feast in the evening with what we caught.

A good and merry hunting tradition. Everybody cheered, especially when they gave you strong spirits. Even if the politicking was bad this hunt gave you a good mood. But still, you had to find something to do. You had ridden all the day but falconry was not so demanding as hunting with a spear and you still had plenty of free time before dinner.

It was logical, removing the feathers and cooking two hundred ducks, pheasants, partridges and smaller birds was a great endeavour. So you still had some time to do something.

You remarked that some people choose to have some refreshments brought in some room and listen to music while more militarily inclined noblemen choose to go to the courtyard to train a bit.

>Take a walk with Rose in the gardens.
>Go to the courtyard to see what these new Guelphs are worth with a blade.
>Enjoy some refreshments and music upstairs with the baron.
>Try to seek out a person in particular (write who it would be)
>Take a stroll through the streets of Someplace.
>Other (write in)
>Go to the courtyard to see what these new Guelphs are worth with a blade.
If we fight them, or even fight alongside them, we will need to know.
>>Go to the courtyard to see what these new Guelphs are worth with a blade.
>>Go to the courtyard to see what these new Guelphs are worth with a blade.
>Try to seek out a person in particular (write who it would be)
The new harlot witch
Wise words good sir, wise words.


By saint Denis, what she will speak about ? Familiars ? How to get damned ? You live dangerously good sir.

You were a serious man and you had agression to release, yes you were victorious but your politicking was not enough. When Bohémond explained that he wanted to train with the locals. Since he asked so nicely you excused yourself and decided to join.

Fortunately you were not alone in this endeavour. The rival lord was there, with his cousin who looked like a younger him less fat but as tough, you learned that he was called Renew Rival. Probably a local form of the old name René. Then there was their guard's captain, a giant of a man called captain Sharpchop who had two axes and apparently intended to use them at the same time. Amusing. Swede Neutralsson was there too, while his father was politicking. He was with his knight, sir Tall Wart who seemed grand and thin with a serene expression only broken by an hideous wart on his face. Well, it reminded you of home where some people had this. He had a very tall norman shield to compliment his sword while the son of the Neutral lord had a smaller one.

You were saluting all the brave lads wanting to enter the bout and choosing an adequate training axe when you saw, to your astonishment, but not to the astonishment of the rest of the people (and to be sincere seeing indian mores you shall be less astonished than that), two ladies chatting and giggling idly while entering here. First it was Lyddien, the Guelph's guard captain who had some kind of curved blade like a saracen. She even had two curved blades like this. And the, of course lady Sue with her flaming hair and some training leathers that made her legs look even longer. You were distracted by them, for a moment, when Lyddien told.

-Good sirs, we would wish to join.

Everyone said "of course", only Bohémond was scandalised and looked at you. He never saw you taking Elana to train, but to be sincere, with Elana, it was in your keep. Here it was in public, and tolerance of women playing at being men should not be accepted in any civilised society.

You wanted naturally to condemn this and to tell something but then, one was this keep's guard's captain. You frowned, and Lyddien told.

-Lord Charles, is everything allright, you look like you are in deep thought.

Before you could answer to the scarred, but very beautiful, guelph lady, the perfidious, but unnervingly pretty, redhead talked.

-Lord Charles has always ranted against women warriors. Saying that it is improper for a lady to carry a blade..

She made it sound like it was not common sense. What kind of people would survive long, sending it's women to slaughter ? Being sincere you told.

-Lady Sue, a knight should not hurt a lady or raise a hand against her. It would be most unchivalric.

Bohémond nodded, adding.

-Yes, women should be exalted in song and in love, not beaten with training swords, or real swords. That would be most barbaric.

It made Lyddien laugh, some other people looked at you, of course the Rival lord had to tell.

-Hah, he fears to get his ass beaten by a lady.

You quickly angered.

-Tell this to my face, my axe against your mace and we will se who will get his ass beaten.

You refrained from calling him a pig, Rose and Oldfossil should be proud of your newfound diplomatic skills. But of course the lady of Special had to interrupt you.

-I think, lord Rival, that you will be most gallant and let me fight the first bout against lord de Villeroi. He killed lord Hostil right here. It is fitting that he shall know defeat.

Ah of course, her paramour, this sorcerer ! He had insulted lady Rose, of course he deserved to be killed, even if he was not a sorcerer and deserved to be killed by his simple nature and sorcerous acts. And to be sincere, by killing him you probably saved lady Sue to be pregnant with a bunch of red haired children so it was a service to the realm too. You had to answer.

-I defended the honor of lady Rose, and God granted me victory.

Lady Sue frowned when she heard this and answered a bit angrily.

-Unlike this tart I do not need a man to fight my battles.

Your sharp tongue could not be controlled.

-No wonder that you have no men at all with such character.

This made Swede Neutralsson chuckle and when she took a sword and told you.

-Less talking, more fighting good sir, or are you all words and no acts.

Swede had the grace to intervene.

-Lady Sue.. With all due respect, do not use your adventurer powers it would be unfair and..

-Like I would need them.

You understood that it should end like this. Yes, yes, of course, you had a shield and a training axe and you saw how she took a high guard with a longsword. You sighed. Really, she thought she had a chance ? You fought against wolf-men together, and you had to admit that she was quite a good fencer, but sincerely, she was tall for a lady but smaller than you, and slender with a beautiful waist and legs but not the strength to measure against a true knight. You wanted to fight Guelphs, not this, you could not gain glory with the title of "woman beater". But still, you had no choice, insulting Rose drew the line. She was jealous, of course, because she was less beautiful, intelligent and educated than your bride but still, there were limits that were unacceptable to cross. So you got in guard and began to look at her. She would be a less formidable opponent than the Rival lord that would be the next but you had to decide how to end this. She was fast and with her longsword had more reach, but your shield gave you a defensive advantage and you were far stronger while your weapon, once at range, would be far quicker.

>Draw the thing to tire her a bit (combat roll)
>Be very aggressive, use your shield to bash, close the distance and hit her with your axe with a few short blows (combat roll)
>Use your power, great and strong blows would help destabilise her (combat roll)
>Advance behind your shield, feint a blow to the head and hit the ribs (combat roll)
>Shield bash her once she is close then disarm her and spank her, being bastard born she clearly was not spanked enough in her youth (combat roll)
>Other (write in)
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Rolled 61 (1d100)

>Shield bash her once she is close then disarm her and spank her, being bastard born she clearly was not spanked enough in her youth (combat roll)
Because that's what heroes do!
Rolled 98 (1d100)

>Advance behind your shield, feint a blow to the head and hit the ribs (combat roll)
3 nat 100s in a row just watch
and it is taking a lot of restraint not to choose the last option
At this rate, it is we who will be spanked...
Rolled 9 (1d100)

>>Shield bash her once she is close then disarm her and spank her, being bastard born she clearly was not spanked enough in her youth (combat roll)
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You are the unluckiest but the wisest good sir. You have 56 average with those three rolls with your option since you were advantaged in combat you would have had to roll 60 or less to win. But with the meme option it was 40 or less.

I fear that it will be so, yes.



You decided to end it quickly, bashing her with your shield after parrying a blow and then spanking this uppity woman. nothing could go wrong you thought. So you advanced, she tried to move around you but you followed, finally she tried to hit you with a cutting blow, very easy to parry, then you charged and... And of course there was some ice under the snow, of course ! It should have been this, you slipped like some drunkard. Of course not enough to fall you were not completely idiotic, but enough to leave an opening that, it pained you to admit it, an experienced fighter like Lady Sue used at her advantage.

You felt the point of a training sword hitting you at the knee and grunted, since it was the one you used to get up, you fell on one knee and before you could rise again she was on your right side, the side with no shield. She could be damned fast when she wanted. She smacked your arm hard with the sword made of a lead core surrounded by wood and your padded protection did not help you so much. But you dit not release your weapon. Unfortunately you could not predict the next blow that got you on the side of the head. You had nothing on your head, people fought without helmets there and so you feared having missed some teeth. Fortunately it was not the case, you still had a split lip and would have a big bruise, and you fell to the ground. She tried to get you with a thrust while you were in the ground but even in your dazed state your rolled back and began to rise. She tried to charge you but you saw it coming, hitting her with a thrust with your axe, it would not have been a killing blow in a battle, unlike the one with her sword but with all her mass running towards it it had to hurt, it worked, she was practically folded in two and had trouble breathing. You saw hatred in her eyes, but.. the passion of the fight too, you tried to regain your footing, managing it even if your knee was painful.

It was not dislocated because you could still stand but she got it really hard. She did not let you think a lot a flurry of quick blows tried to hit you, you parried everything, but barely, you launched some attacks of your own but they were dodged or parried until you managed to understand where she would dodge and charged. But instead of dodging she inverted her stance with her sword that you had put away with your shield and you got it's pommel right in the solar plexus. This harsh blow stopped you, especially since she then recoiled and hit you again on the same knee that was already wounded and you fell, catching yourself on your shield hand. Before you could raise your axe to defend yourself you got her boot on the face in a kick that hurt very much especially since she wore a kind of high heels.

You had fallen on your back when you felt her boot press side of your head to the ground and the tip of her sword smacking your right arm again. By saint Denis this could not be happening. Her authoritative voice told.

-Release your axe, now.

You did as she told, it was painful to admit but you were currently not in a position to do anything else. She then pushed your weapon aside with her blade and you felt it on the tip of your throat. She then told, taking her time.

-Do you yield lord Charles ?

It pained you to say it, by the heavens, why had you slipped at this critical moment. This was humiliating, right before everyone... You had to admit.

-Yes, yes... I yield...

-I haven't heard anything, louder please.

You could see her amused tone, what kind of poor sport she was. Hey ! You would never have done something like this. You tried to remain silent even when she stomped harder on your face and felt her sword leave the tip of your throat. You thought about trying to get her ankle, throw her down and wrestle her down but before all of this you felt a terrifying pain in your groin.

It was like...

-Sorry... My sword slipped, it happens that even the best slip sometimes.

Yes, that bitch, that piece of mud, that ugly slime, that whore had smacked your balls with her sword. Grunting you told.

-Yes, yes, I yield... For heaven's sake let me...

She stopped stomping on your head, that was most pleasant and when you were trying to raise she stomped on your chest, quite gently and kept her sword on your neck.

-Not so fast Charles, not so fast...

How ? Will she make this spectacle all day long. She looked smug and confident, with a pretty smirk on her face her long legs accented by her figure hugging pants and boots and the brown leather armour that emphasised her breasts was, worse of all not disagreeable at all to look at. Worse of all was when her long hair flew a bit in the wind, and her smile became playful. It was awful, one part of you wanted to rise and to slap her hard the other wanted to take her to one of the chambers and make her such love that she will cry your name for hours. You erased these thoughts from your mind, you were married with Rose who could have this confident and very sexy expression without having her sword "slip" to make you understand that she won because of your mistake. She told you.

-So, will you stop trying to be holier than thou and explaining that women have no place on battlefields ? Or shall this lesson continue ?

You almost choked on this and answered.

-Holier than thou ? Coming from you ?!? That's rich an... AÏE !

She had smacked your ear with her training sword, it was painful. You nodded after two more hits. She then told.

-Do you admit that I am the better warrior ?

You opened your eyes once more, will this end, of course you tried to protest but there was no use being hit even more. Finally, after this admission she removed her foot and her sword, and came back towards the side of the training yard, telling Bohémond.

-Take care of what remains of your lord.

The fact that you looked at how her hips and her behind balanced when she walked from you was annoying you. She deserved to me spanked. Really. You rose and Bohémond tried to tell.

-Monseigneur I..

-Yes, I know it is the most humiliating moment in my life...

-There was when your horse slipped and you fell in a muddy pond in Aquitaine. All the army saw it they talked about it for three days.

-Yes, but despite..

-And the moment when you tried to court lady Ermengarde and..

-No need to remind me of all my humiliations Bohémond.

-Yes monseigneur...

No, the worst was not it, Swede Neutralsson even looked at you in sympathy. What angered you was that this piglet of lord Rival pointed at you and laughed with his entourage, and even the Guelph guard's captain chuckled. Oh the bastard. Your body ached and you would not be able to fight at all your strength but you were fuelled by a holy wrath and needed to release it on someone.

>Release your rage on the Rival Lord in a bout (combat roll)
>You had fought enough for today, go take a bath you are all covered in mud and snow.
>Stay and watch the rest of the bouts.
>Other (write in)
>Other (write in)
Since our day can't get any worse try to talk to this Cristmasel to get a read on her
>>Stay and watch the rest of the bouts.

A result such as that seems more appropriate for a critical failure.

And be mocked further?
Hence it can't be worse
Rolled 54 (1d100)

>Release your rage on the Rival Lord in a bout (combat roll)
After a moment to catch our breath, if you please.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

>Release your rage on the Rival Lord in a bout (combat roll)
Rolled 1 (1d2)


I shall begin to write later this evening let us say since there is a draw that 1 will be the fight with the rival lord (if it wins and someone wants to not get beaten up you should roll a third roll for the average) if it is a 2 it will be Cristmasel.
I will support seeing Cristmasel
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You were too annoyed and humiliated to continue to see the bouts, so you decided to come back inside, not taking a bath but trying to join the people who were inside, here you stumbled on your new neighbour, the Guelph witch, Cristmasel, who asked you.

-Oh, Lord de Villeroi, you seem to have taken quite the beating, is everything allright ?

You sighed strongly and tried to smile.

-The joys of training my lady, but since you are here, I wanted to speak to you a bit, we have to be neighbours after all my lady.

She nodded, her ears imitating her concern.

-About the wolf problem, yes, I shall try to take care of this.

-A most pleasant surprise my lady, but I was more thinking about travels by barge between my lands and the baron's or several projects that I would have wanted to do...

She smiled politely to you and answered.

-I... Sincerely, this business of ruling, you know, do what you must, it is not so interesting. Perhaps in one or two centuries, but now I have important magical research projects about the proprieties of Dragon Blood mixed with Chimera Saliva and I do not know what to do with those pesky peasants.

Saying that you were shocked by this announcement was an impressive understatement.

-WHAT ? You mean... You got lands right, and as a...

-My good lord, I know, the policies of the new Chancellor : lands for elves, we must learn to take care of land, but who needs this land ? Yes the tower is good for research but what do these peasants produce ? Cabbages ? Grain ? Who needs that ?

-With all due respect, what do you eat my lady ?

-I eat what I grow magically, I mean, lands in an enchanted forest are useful, you can converse with some creatures, the elves too, they produce works of art, something pretty to put in your tower to have some friends for tea but this... No, I intend to stay rarely in my new lands, Endoftutoriel is a kind young man but he needs my counsel more than I need these lands.

You rarely sensed a better opportunity than this and you tried to tell something clever, you could not understand this woman at all but taking advantage of the beautiful guelph witch and her ignorance of the holy duty of landowning would be excellent.

-You know, one of the hamlets, near the river, I could buy it and manage it for you.

She laughed, a clear and crystalline laugh.

-Oh, lord de Villeroi, you are amusing, I do not need money, I could brew ten potions it will give me more money than all that these two villages produce, or that you can give me. No... Unfortunately, royal and chancellorial policies... If you really want it I can try to remember that, in one or two hundred years we will sell it once nobody will be against the fact that we sell land back to humans but now the circumstances are not good.

-I still cannot imagine how can you live without your land.

-I can, I can, this lands will force me to engage people to rule it, maybe I shall find someone or a cousin to rule it. Or perhaps even a human that I can trust.

>Can I counsel you someone my lady ? (say whom)
>So if I understand well you could not take a toll from barges going from Someplace to my lands ?
>If you want I can take care of border security for you.
>The Hostil Lord and I had a small conflict, he wanted one of my hamlets, Disputed, I suppose that you will not be interested in trying to annex it ?
>Other (write in)
>>So if I understand well you could not take a toll from barges going from Someplace to my lands ?
>>The Hostil Lord and I had a small conflict, he wanted one of my hamlets, Disputed, I suppose that you will not be interested in trying to annex it ?

The Baron mocks us by appointing a lord who doesn't even care about the land.

We will explot this ignoramus!
Support! The baron gifted us with the best rival lord someone could hope for.
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It is a point of view...

But an opportunity too as these two gentlemen have pointed out.

Nice digits good sir, it will still count as one even if your number of ones is impressive.



In truth you could not have expected to have a better neighbor, if she was true to her word, you will not need to always keep watch near her border. One part of you thought about expanding into her lands but with the support of the Baron it would be hard. Factually it was a good deal, the Hostil lord menaced you, here Cristmasel was like a Christmas gift compared to the ancient times. If she was not a Guelph witch and you were not to be wed you would have kissed her right now, plus she was very beautiful, like all guelph women. Fortunately your faith moderated this enthusiasm, the witch was by definition a liar, and your experience with Italians told you that they were not very high above servants of satan when it came to keeping their promises. But still, you had to ask.

-So if I understand well you could not take a toll from barges going from Someplace to my lands ?

She then looked at you, frowning lightly.

-I suppose so, but I suppose that it would be my duty to take something, making roads and waterways unpracticable with tolls seems to be the duty of every landowner. Let us say that we will see the average tax in the realm and

-But you told me that you did not want to administer your lands and the money that it shall give you will be negligible.

-This is a question of principle, young man, for more than 600 years human lords annoyed me when I travelled through Bifuria, I shall annoy them for at least the same amount of time.

This made you chuckle, yes, indeed. Well, you could wait this after all. Still, you had to ask.

-I understand but what about the question of Disputed. The Hostil Lord and I had a small conflict, he wanted this hamlet that belongs to me. Shall you try to annex it by principle too ?

She looked at you.

-And having to blast your castle with magic ? No, let us be serious, no need for this. I want peace on my borders, you want too, I believe you about this hamlet. This Hostil Lord supported a known slave trader and traitor to the realm. You might be sometimes original, and have strange ideas like trying to duel a high ranked adventurer but we shall agree on a border and not move it for the next millennium, do you agree with this ?

Her tone was firm, a bit patronizing, perhaps motherly, and it was very strange because she sometimes spoke nonsense, perhaps her long life had given her some depth that you could not imagine. You nodded.

-We shall sign a treaty I suppose.

-Yes, but when you will have taken a bath, you have dirt and bruises on your face my lord, and there is no way our good baron will let you enter at his banquet hall like this.

You complied, she knew him after all, and you had a good deal. Perhaps this day was not so bad. You then remembered lady Sue stomping on your head and pointing her sword to your throat and this sentiment of happiness evaporated at once. It was awful. And humiliating, plus the fight was close, without that slipping, no wound on your knee and she was losing. It was luck, she was lucky and humiliated you because of this. What a vile red haired witch ! It was in this mood that you asked a pretty guelph servant girl if she could order some servants to prepare you a bath and she complied with kindness. Apparently it was enchanted to keep you warm, you told her that it was out of the question for you to step on a cursed bath. You were still astonished that people were cursing baths ! After this then what ? Cursing chamberpots to clean themselves ? Finally they made a fire and prepared a good bath, even if they seemed annoyed. And, fortunately, you were joined by Rose, her small footsteps announcing you her presence before you saw her. She was radiant in a turquoise dress and looked at you with concern.

-Charles ! You are bruised, and wounded...

She signaled the poor servant girl to give her something to wipe at your wounds and tend to them.

-No, this is but bruises, and some scratches...

-Your cheek is swollen ! It was awful, what she did and...

You cut her off, dread being on your face.

-You saw it ?!?

-Y... Yes Charles I... I was watching through the window, it...

-Let us not discuss about this. Please my lady.

By the heavens, it was awful, she saw it. She will remember you like this, pathetic. This day was going to be even worse, and your marriage too. How could she accept to marry such a poor knight.

-Charles, do not despair... She is... An adventurer of rank twenty, she can take over a small army and she was never defeated..

-She is half my weight, and a lady, and she is stupid and insufferable at that. And how can someone never be defeated ? It is nonsense, everyone gets a trashing on a training field sometimes and

-You see, it is not so terrible...

She smiled at you, happy to have manipulated your train of thoughts you looked at her and smiled lightly. She clearly had the genius of intrigue. But still, your sour mood could not depart and she asked you, whispering into your ear.

-Do you want to poison her ?

You were shocked by her easy will to return to such means but you stopped her.

-No, I was defeated fair and square, I shall win honorably. Poison and daggers in the dark are not my methods.

She kindly stroked your hair and brushed your bruises. Her soft hand and the soft cloth that she used soothening your mood and trying to keep you joyful and happy. Instead of answering with words you decided to kiss her pale neck and then her soft lips. The next half hour, if nothing scandalous was done, was very pleasant indeed and you were ready to join the banquet that will celebrate the end of the hunt, at least the hunt was a thing that you managed to win, and easily at that.

When you made your entrance to the banquet together you were offered two seats together at least, even if you had to support the amused look of the Rival lord, but he had a bandage around the head. A short look at Bohémond showed you that your young friend had indeed managed to retain all his faculties on the battlefield after his wound and that he had decided to cut a ham out of this piglet. Lady Sue looked smug, but was too preoccupied by the baron to look at you. Lady Takable was right near the baron and on your other side you had the witch, Cristmasel, who tried to tell you.

-I see that you are rested, excellent.

-Yes, indeed lady Cristmasel.

And that was all your short conversation because the first birds arrived and you enjoyed their delicate meat, they were after all living in the sky, close to God, so they were a delicacy. People were speaking softly and listening to a guelph lad singing a sad song. It lacked the barking of the dogs, the amusing jokes and the drinking songs that you generally associated with good feasts but hey, you were not really in the mood for a feast for now, and not enough wine had been drunk to enjoy the thing fully.

>Try to speak with Rose about some possible visits on the winter.
>Try to get the attention of the Baron about your travel to the royal court when the spring will come back, how is it ?
>Ask Cristmasel about the royal court, you have been invited by the queen after all.
>Try to find Ancel amongst the servants and throw him some meat, this feasts do not look merry enough.
>Other (write in)
>Try to find Ancel amongst the servants and throw him some meat, this feasts do not look merry enough.
The simple comforts of home, like servants who count as dogs, will bring us cheer.
>>Ask Cristmasel about the royal court, you have been invited by the queen after all.
>still count as one

>>Ask Cristmasel about the royal court, you have been invited by the queen after all.
>Ask Cristmasel about the royal court, you have been invited by the queen after all.
>Ask Cristmasel about the royal court, you have been invited by the queen after all.
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Of course, it is the basis of civilisation.


You took the decision to ask your neighbor to the right, the witch Cristmasel, about the royal court. Trying to use flattery, it was always working with ladies, you explained.

-My lady, our good baron told me that the queen wanted to see me, after all this story about baron Crook. But, I have never been at her court at Briberopolis, and I have heard that you were quite known there, even important. How it is like ?

She had a small laugh and drunk delicately a sip from her goblet of wine.

-I was consulted as a good specialist on certain topics yes. And about the court. Briberopolis is a beautiful city, the palace of the court is over two hills, with gardens, and a bridge had been built in the last decades to link both of them above the city. The palace has been remade and is now a work of architectural art. You will be pleased by it. Avoid the city though, it is a cesspit of corruption, disharmony and generally unclean. If you exclude the quarters near the hills where every important person has a villa.

You heard about Roman villas and supposed that this city was founded by romans, who knew how far they got during their time. If then it meant that it was full of corruption, all cities founded by romans were corrupt after all, well, to be sincere, all cities, an honest man lived in the countryside, ruling his lands with his peasants that obey and love him.

You told her then.

-And what about the court, I do not even know who are the most important councilors of our majesty. Besides Abastardion, the new chancellor.

She nodded.

-Oh, I doubt they would see you so much, our Queen rarely demands to see simple lord for governmental reason, she probably wants to see you for magical ones.

This made you afraid, wizardry, witchcraft ! Treachery ! The queen was a witch, of course, but you feared that she would try to change you into a toad or sacrifice you to the denizens of hell. You did the sign of the cross.

Despite the protection of the holy cross the witch continued.

-And yes, Besides Abastardion, there is the duke of Ehr, Winromel, he is our Marshal, leading all the forces of Bifuria. You will probably like him since you had been to war, he has been a veteran of 500 years of conflicts. There has been a new steward to, Law'n, a gnome, we could not have a dwarf in this post.

-You ? Lombards trusting the finances to a small jew ? Didn't you have some Tolomei or Bonsignore ? You are strange guelphs indeed ?

The lady frowned, and then answered.

-You shall tell this to Abastardion, if he deigns to see you, the idea of even humans wanting an elf at the finances is interesting. But where was I ? Ah.. Yes, councilor Thalmor deals with all the pesky traitors and spycraft, he is suspicious of everyone but it is his work, and the best member of this council is Thegathara, a childhood friend of our queen and mage of gigantic power, she has been granted a barony recently but like me, she prefers to deal with her researches.

You nodded, and told her kindly.

-Any other, less highly ranked members of court that you know ?

She then told amicably.

-It would be hard for me to introduce you to them... Many know eachother for centuries, but I do not doubt that you will find some interesting people. Oh, and if you do not know where to stay and as a simple lord, will probably not be given chambers in the palace since we have a huge amount of courtiers there, try to go the the Black Swann inn, it is a very beautiful establishment with a good reputation.

-The Black Swann, I shall remember my lady.

You nodded, and noted that effectively these guelphs seemed to have taken all the power at court. Interesting to know. But whatever, in the meantime you enjoyed your meal and were addressed by Rose.

-Charles I am sorry to ask you this, I forgot it before, but since the death or flight of many servants I shall recruit new ones.

-You could try to recruit some old baronial men into your guard...

She looked at you with big eyes.

-Charles nobody knows if they are loyal.

-A lot of them have been expelled by our new baron and have no place to feed their family.

She nodded...

-I... Shall think about it, but I would have wanted to have someone, Bohémond did not have the time... To see about the guards, I know a good servant, but without a Guard's Captain or guards at all... I am a bit lost, could you help me find three or four men, not more, until we are married of course.

-You told me that you had some family somewhere ? Was not one of them a knight, if you need a guard's captain it can be a good idea ?

-I know, but they live far away and winter will not be so long... And I shall need men before, only if for order purporse. You gave me some men as an escort with Bohémond... And can I ask you if I can "borrow them" for some time.

>You can indeed, of course, and if you want Bohémond to lead them in the meantime it can be a good idea, seeing him and your Becky I think that they will be married sooner than us.
>I can travel on your lands and train some soldiers there, it will be a good occasion to spend some time together.
>I can recruit some people in Local, old baron's men amongst them and give them to you.
>I have an excellent sergeant at Local, Cop, he could be a good Guard's Captain for you in the meantime. He will shortly train some of your farmhands.
>I can send you Bob, as romantic and original as he is he is a good leader. He shall probably recruit you some men, and sing songs, and probably stir some bastards with your peasant women.
>Other (write in)
>>I can travel on your lands and train some soldiers there, it will be a good occasion to spend some time together.

Rather than lessen our own household, we should seek to empower her own, that they may be even stronger once combined.
Sensible! But we have our own lands to care for, and have been away often. Remember in the Bible how when Moses went away to make the first tablets of tge Commandments, the Hebrews fell to idolatry? We have barely even started to steer these people away from paganism.

>You can indeed, of course, and if you want Bohémond to lead them in the meantime it can be a good idea, seeing him and your Becky I think that they will be married sooner than us.
Bohemond can train them well enough.
>>I can travel on your lands and train some soldiers there, it will be a good occasion to spend some time together.
>I can travel on your lands and train some soldiers there, it will be a good occasion to spend some time together.
>I have an excellent sergeant at Local, Cop, he could be a good Guard's Captain for you in the meantime. He will shortly train some of your farmhands.
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You have both a very good take in the situation good sirs. And yes both choices have advantages and disadvantages but it seems that spending time with Rose won the vote. Who could blame the Bannermen who choose her ? She is adorable.


You never had visited Lady Rose's tower before, so you decided to do it now. Nodding you answered her.

-I can travel to your lands and train some soldiers there, it will be a good occasion to spend some time together.

She smiled radiantly and you felt her hand naughtily caressing your thigh under the table, you turned towards her, a bit surprised and she answered with an innocent smile but a bit of mischievousness in her eyes. She then sweetly agreed.

-Thank you Charles, you are very kind.

You then asked her.

-I can ride directly to your tower if you wish so.

-It will be a pleasure Charles ! Thank you !

You held her hand and she held yours. The rest of the feast were quite bland, were "cultured" as said those Guelphs. The poetry was not so bad to be sincere but for the rest, nothing new or particular happened. The baron wished good health to all his vassals, told that his reign would be just and thanked you once more for your fealty. Then of course the Neutral Lord tried to tell you that once you will be back from the queen, at spring, he would be glad to hunt with you. For the time being you had to work with Lady Sue, and the Rival Lord and... Apparently this meeting was not very useful. You hated them. Seriously. The question of the Lord of Darkplace trying to kill you remained but since he was now the new baron's spymaster you understood that you would not be able to seek justice from him. Sad. Very sad. But still, autumn was ending, you decided to pass two weeks, just before winter factually, at Rose's home then to hibernate like a bear in your quarters, occasionally hunting some wolves or watching the villager's kids build snowmen. Perhaps you will have some time to learn to read better... By Saint Denis it was dreadful.

So you left on the northern road from Someplace, it would be three days to travel towards lady Takable's home. On the road, before roaring plains met great hills you asked her.

>Tell me Rose, is there something interesting to see on your lands ?
>Do these lands that we cross today are those that were yours ?
>Once we will live together in local what shall we do with your tower my lady ?
>We will have to cross lady Sue's lands isn't it ? Does she tries to make you pay tolls or something like this ?
>Is there a good Inn on the road to your lands ?
>It seems that this new Guelph witch is harmless, at least as harmless as a witch can be.
>What have you thought about all of this feast, perhaps you had more diplomatic success than me.
>Other (write in)

(Choose Maximum 3, unfortunately I will have an important conference on the third of October. So I will be unable to update before. Good luck good sirs, I shall answer after this.)
>What have you thought about all of this feast, perhaps you had more diplomatic success than me.
>Tell me Rose, is there something interesting to see on your lands ?
>Once we will live together in local what shall we do with your tower my lady ?
>Tell me Rose, is there something interesting to see on your lands ?
>Once we will live together in local what shall we do with your tower my lady ?
>What have you thought about all of this feast, perhaps you had more diplomatic success than me.
>Tell me Rose, is there something interesting to see on your lands ?
>Once we will live together in local what shall we do with your tower my lady ?
>It seems that this new Guelph witch is harmless, at least as harmless as a witch can be.
>Tell me Rose, is there something interesting to see on your lands ?
>Once we will live together in local what shall we do with your tower my lady ?
>What have you thought about all of this feast, perhaps you had more diplomatic success than me.
QM? All well?

Yes, thank you, the conference was yesterday, we may say that I gave my first official lecture at an university ! A glorious victory indeed.


You decided to take the decisions in your own hands and asked the lady.

-Tell me Rose, is there something interesting on your lands ?

She answered you with a bit of irony.

-On all my lands yes, in what is left not much. It is only a village and a tower on the borders of the Cairns that are not anymore cairns and that we simply call "the great emptiness", we can ride for four days before seeing the Northern March, there isn't anything there, no rivers north of the waifue, no streams, no trees, nothing. Simply grass and infertile flatlands. My ancestors tried to conquer it from nomads. They built the tower to watch them.

-There must have been traced of battles.

-Yes, indeed, they tried to take the lands of my ancestor Notso Takable, but he pushed them back, then lord Hover Takable was killed by them and his son Nowgot Takable was killed when he tried to marry their chieftain's daughter. Then the fourth generation, Yourlandis Takable took their lands and exterminated them and impaled them to mark the new boundaries of his lands, founding this tower to protect the place. Since the land to the north is infertile the village of Lasthold is the last point of civilisation before the Great Emptiness.

You found it interesting, she had glorious ancestors. You too, your dinasty was begun by a companion of Charlemagne, Humbert the Throat-Slitter, a wise and good man who brought some faith to the Saxons and received lands in Champagne in compensation. You had too warriors and funny men like Eudes the Gardener who loved to plant "Human gardens" of saracens when they raided Aquitaine by burying them alive face first but letting their lower half to hang outside like a plant, and finally even some scholars of note like Thierry who was an Abbot that wrote against the strange decree of the IXth century forbidding the marital rapt and the efforts of some bishops to implement it. Was it not a good old Frankish custom after all ?

But let us think of the future, you asked.

-Rose, tell me about your tower, what to do with it once we will live together in Local ?

-I guess we should lease it to someone we can trust... Perhaps a landless cousin of mine ?

-It seems to be a good idea. We will need all our closer companions with us. And yes, we should try to rentabilise the land. By the way, what are your conclusions about all of this feast, perhaps you had more diplomatic success than me ?

She answered in a bitter tone that did not suit her.

-No, the new baron is all words not deeds. He monopolized me, made me think that he would give me my lands back but no. At least we got some souvenirs I guess.

-So it was lost for us both...

She raised her shoulders and smiled cutely.

-At least winter will be coming, soon we will be able to build snowmen and play in the snow...

She giggled, a girlish laugh, you ignored that she loved such girlish passions.

-You are definitely full of life my lady...

-I know, I loved Ice Skating on the river too when it was frozen... The worst that this infamous Elsa did was trying to make me stop enjoying the cold so much.. So I associate it with her and not with the funny season where we drink tea and chocolate and go ice skating and I did snow angels while father watched me and sometimes helped me... I have some of my better memories in winter.

Ice skating, it was generally a man's pastime, after all you needed much help from your arms to push on batons while you were sliding on blades enchased into the bone of an ox and a leather sole attached to your foot by ropes. But chocolate and tea ?

-What are those chocolate and tea ? I barely heard of it...

-You do not know it ? It is why it is not on your table... I thought it was about your religion... We will need to drink it at my tower, it is the best delicacy in life, tea I mean, chocolate is good too but with moderation, a lady has to take care of her figure. What do you do in winter my lord ?

You frowned a bit, and explained...

-We hunt the wolves, sometimes we get a hibernating bear too, and then if someone dares he tries to get him with a spear, with one blow, if you fail, you die, if you manage to win... Well one day my brother Thierry ate the bear's hearth as a dare... We feast too, when we have enough to hold the winter one day the coif of my aunt took fire ! We had to break the ice of the castle's moats to throw it inside... We did some sledding, I sometimes pushed my little sister... And of course we can do a winter boar hunt, the beast is easier to track in the snow, but it can be nasty on this season. We battled by throwing some snowballs at each other.

-Snowball battles, I love it ! But still, we shall drink tea when we will be at my home, it is very important.

You then talked about your best habits and activities, she had such an adorable laugh when she was happy, you decided to stop at an inn in a village and saw that everyone on the old Takable lands treated Rose with great respect, calling her "young mistress" and you were inspired by such feudal spirit. The people here were loyal to the family that ruled them and the half timbered inn was pleasant.

>The people here seem to remember your family fondly.
>We should revise our diplomatic strategy, I think.
>The people here seem to remember your family fondly, perhaps you could find some volunteers for your guards in these lands.
>And what about the Neutral Lord, I did not see with whom he was talking...
>Now we have the lord of Darkplace and Lady Sue on the side of the Baron, but the Rival Lord, he got humiliated.. Unfortunately I can not stand this pig.*
>Other (write in)
>I gave my first official lecture at an university !
Félicitations, monseigneur! Mais attention à ne pas lire trop; cela salit les vertus masculines, et c'est mieux laissé aux femmes, ou du moins aux membres du clergé.

Oh no, our anti-foreign food field is going to ruin all Rose's winter beverages, isn't it? :(

>The people here seem to remember your family fondly, perhaps you could find some volunteers for your guards in these lands.
>Also, I think we sadly must find a way to ally with the Rival lord, even as I detest that man and would rather skewer him like a "winter boar"
>>The people here seem to remember your family fondly, perhaps you could find some volunteers for your guards in these lands.
>>And what about the Neutral Lord, I did not see with whom he was talking...

Hopefully at least tea should be spared. Truly, this effect of our presence is a sad one.
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Hahaha, merci bien messire, mais certes, les universités sont lieux bien fous et même si ce n'était point à la Sorbonne de Paris mais en une terre lointaine et glacée aux mains de schismats novgodoriens j'avois été étonné de voir tant de femelles en université ! Quel scandale que de voir femmes sur les bancs de ces institutions ! Par le sang Dieu, elles devoient être mariées à cet âge ou bien en couvent !

By the way, I fear that yes, the chocolate will be lost. You should try to reduce your mudcore score to avoid such consequences Mudcore is an equilibrium.


Marco Polo returned to Europe in 1295 and brought the word "tea" (but no samples of it), he wrote his book circa 1300, our knight left France in 1299 so I shall consider tea to be drinkable at less than 80 Mudcore. But of course it will be spoiled if you put sugar in it. Where are we ? In Martinique ?


You made Rose a proposition about her troops.

-The people here seem to remember your family fondly, perhaps you could find some volunteers for your guards in these lands.

She frowned at this and began to tell.

-The baron would never let me and...

-Well we have a new baron, he doesn't know the lands yet.

She frowned and told.

-It.. It will be hard to convince someone to live in the village of Lasthold, but... But some other villages are quite poor... And, people would be glad to serve House Takable.. It... It is a good idea Charles, I haven't thought about it but it would build some links with the population...

-Good, very good. We will have men so, and then I shall only have to train them. Hehe... But still, there remain some questions. Diplomatical questions...

She raised an eyebrow but you continued.

-Also, I think we sadly must find a way to ally with the Rival lord, even as I detest that man and would rather skewer him like a "winter boar".

She smiled at the idea, answering.

-He was always jealous, jealous of my father, who was richer and more powerful, and of the Neutral lord, who is too and is his neighbor, and hated lord Random, because even if Lord Random was less powerful than him he got along with them and was never jealous of anyone, always speaking honestly and truthfully.

-He seemed to be a good man.

-Yes indeed, and evil men hate good men.. still, allying with the Rival Lord... Charles... He... When I was a prisoner, paraded by the baron, he was always one of the meanest. Lady Sue is a whore and a bastard, but an ignorant one and is she tried to taunt me she did not do it too much. The lord of Darkplace was just creepy, the baron relished in his hatred but lord Salty Rival, he always tried to find the word to cut deep... He mocked my father before me, my dead father... I.. I cannot accept this.

You understood her, family was sacred, and what kind of man mocks a young girl about her dead father.

-Still my lady, we can only make peace with our enemies, and even then you invited him to our marriage. This scoundrel is unfortunately from an old line of the region, he has plenty of soldiers and riches from his mines. You saw the baron humiliating him...

-I still do not know if it was humiliation or simply a kind of.. twisted elvish menace if we misbehave... After... After his inappropriate comments about the right of First Night the baron did not disturb you anymore.

-Rose, he is a serpent ! You cannot insult your vassals in this manner, and look what is in his council : a bastard and a commoner ! If this is not the proof of this Guelph's perfidy I do not know what to show you.

She looked at you with big eyes and told.

-He is still better than baron crook.

You begrudgingly agreed.

-Yes he is, but if we do not unite he shall devour us all... Look how he denied your lands.

-I know of these insults, I know, but at the same time... His arguments, they were logical, not a lot of rulers would have abandoned their lands like this... And..

-Do not tell me that you have fallen into the charm of this.. this Tuscan usurer !

You wanted to call him a Venetian usurer first but you abstained. Pagan and uncouth as he was he was still your liege lord and insulting him so gravely was out of bounds.

-No, of course not Charles ! But I do not know if this coalition story is not a plot of the Neutral Lord to put himself at the head of the barony.

-If he was baron he would have given you your lands back.


She tried to find something to retort, by principle, but gravely nodded.

-I... Cannot disagree. But still, what would you want us to do.

-What we agreed with the neutral lord.

-What you agreed, I was less than enthusiastic about all of this.

-My lady, with all due respect it is the only course that we can take now.

And then, of course, she did what was the worst in this situation. She put her eyes down and answered, without enthusiasm and with the gravity of duty.

-You will be my lord husband, you know better than me.

Obedience was a great quality in a wife, it was natural and proper. But a wife was not a peasant, you could not simply accept them to work without enthusiasm. Hearing this tone, seeing her sad, it hurt you much. So you decided to tell.

-Or we can arrange him a hunting accident.

Your smile made her smile and finally her lips opened a bit to let ring a crystalline laugh. You then decided to tell her, in your diplomatic wisdom.

-We should think about this. Not now but.. When the time will come.

After all the lack of thought was what made her change her mind after having agreed at the Neutral lord's court. She was wise yes, and clever, but she remained a young girl of 17 who was a slave of her passions. Perhaps time and mariage will give her wisdom. As the oldest you had to give her wisdom... But by Saint Denis you had not so much yourself.

Whatever you continued the evening by singing on a tune played by some small bearded Scottish minstrel and travelled to the north, then the west in an illogical turn of events.

By the way, what shall you do on the road, in plus of recruiting men.

>Try to convince Rose of the necessity of an alliance with lord Rival. (Intrigue roll)
>Try to begin to train the men that you recruited (combat roll)
>Try to see what are the riches of the lands (Rulership roll)
>Other (write in)

Roll a Rulership roll please, in plus of the first, for the recruitment process.
>Try to begin to train the men that you recruited (combat roll)
Rolled 31 (1d100)

Oh, and the roll!
Rolled 50 (1d100)

>>Try to begin to train the men that you recruited (combat roll)
Rolled 90 (1d100)

>>Try to see what are the riches of the lands (Rulership roll)
Rolled 17 (1d100)

>Try to begin to train the men that you recruited (combat roll)
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You took the decision to recruit some men and train them on the way, you were good at it after all and seeing training would make some people want to train. Unfortunately it did not have much effect, you only had three volunteers and one left, perhaps you should not have been so harsh on corporeal punishments and ordering to take bags of rocks in their backpacks while climbing hills have been poorly seen. One man was an enthusiastic youth who wanted to see the world, the other man was an old soldier who had served under Lord Takable and was very respectful of lady Rose. He was called Oak, and you decided that he would be an excellent future sergeant. The two men seemed surprised that they would have to fight with spears, Rose too, she even told that swords were always the guard's weapons. You answered that spears and shields were more effective in battle, and that guardsmen should have kettle helms like yours instead of norman helmets, and of course axes for close combat since it was more effective. Understanding that you were more experienced in military matters she agreed and told that the first thing that she would do once inside would be to help knitting their tabards with her banner, a white tree on a green field.

Speaking of banners you first saw the banner of Lady Sue when travelling on her lands, she rarely used it on her clothing and you understood why, it was awful, who put purple on their banner... A crime against heraldry, then you remembered that your own Lord Random had a kind of muddy brown on his and decided to remain silent on it. Plus Rose explained you that apparently a crown on a purple field as the chef of a coat of arms signified that someone was from a princely house of the Imperial Corelands. Well, she was, but she was a bastard too as the red bar on her banner signified. Speaking of heraldry you asked what were the banners of Baron Endoftutoriel and the Guelph Lady Cristmasel and Rose's answer surprised you.

She told you in her small voice, as didactic as when she helped you with her reading lessons.

-Elves do not use shields like us, or heraldry so much, it is first and foremost a human thing, their houses still have sigils, but their colors are less important than their form, sometimes they use music too to represent their houses. It was the first music played by the baron at the feast that sung the geste of the house of Dobii where he belongs.

-Strange geste when we cannot understand a word...

-It was in elvish.

-They can use translations.

She agreed but shrugged.

-I agree, but I suppose they would consider that the common tongue cannot match the purity of their melodious elven language.

-My opinion is that if you do not understand the words there is no thought behind it. Well, the exception would be latin at the mass of course. But for the rest, it is pompous nonsense, we even traduce what the Occitan troubadours are writing.

It was at this moment that your eyes were taken by a very strange vision, a wagon of hay, but not any normal wagon, an hexagonal wagon pulled by not one, nor two, but three oxes ! What was this to be so big and high, a siege tower ? It was covering all the road and advancing slowly through the plain. On top of a gigantic pile of hay a guelph was playing the luthe while a grumpy short scotsman was beating the oxes. Seeing you the man on top told.

-Greetings to you noble lords and ladies ! Peace be with you... We are travelling to Pleasantville, it is to the south isn't it ?

You answered him while Ancel looked at the short scotsman and at the hay, interested in stealing one of the oxes probably.

-It is indeed, it is, it will take you two weeks to travel there with such an equipage, but who are you and why do you have such a huge chariot and a tower of hay.

The man on top of the pile of hay bowed to you and told.

-I am Happymandiel, and this is Grimbold, my companion and comrade. We were part of a travelling circus on the north march and you see our stage here, he juggled with fishes while I played the lute. Unfortunately the inhabitants of Norvard, the capital of the march of the same name beyond the Great Emptiness, had no money and paid us in hay, we try to sell it now, we tried to pay our other colleagues with this hay but unfortunately it seems that they preferred gold and left us. Would you be interested in a huge pile of hay to feed your cattle perhaps ?


Added Grimbold.

You found the two lads amusing, Rose too, and she looked at you, trying to let you answer.

>I am not interested in hay, no, but in news from Norvard.
>Juggling with fishes ? I want to see that... (Throw a coin at the short scotsman)
>We could, we could buy hay for our beasts while we will stay at Lasthold
>Play us something about love minstrel we still have road today but I want to hear your song.
>You, you are a guelph minstrel, tell me, why could you not traduce your songs in something understandable ?
>I suppose that I can buy some hay, but could you transport it to Local ?
>I shall pay you for a special delivery to (the castle of Lady Sue/Lord Random/the Lord of Darkplace) tell the inhabitants that it is from Lord Charles to feed the donkeys that live here.
>Other (write in)
>Juggling with fishes ? I want to see that... (Throw a coin at the short scotsman)
>Play us something about love minstrel we still have road today but I want to hear your song.
>You, you are a guelph minstrel, tell me, why could you not traduce your songs in something understandable ?
>I suppose that I can buy some hay, but could you transport it to Local ?

>I shall pay you for a special delivery to the Lord of Darkplace tell the inhabitants that it is from Lord Charles to feed the donkeys that live here.
>I suppose that I can buy some hay, but could you transport it to Local ?

But before he goes...

>Play us something about love minstrel we still have road today but I want to hear your song.
>You, you are a guelph minstrel, tell me, why could you not traduce your songs in something understandable ?
Since us a Guelph love-song in the common tongue. let us hear its meaning!
>Juggling with fishes ? I want to see that... (Throw a coin at the short scotsman)
>I suppose that I can buy some hay, but could you transport it to Local ?
>Play us something about love minstrel we still have road today but I want to hear your song.
>You, you are a guelph minstrel, tell me, why could you not traduce your songs in something understandable ?

A wise idea my dear Bannerman.


You decided to go straight to business first and told.

-I suppose I can buy some hay, but could you transport it to Local ?

The two men looked at eachother then at you. The guelph said finally.

-To Local ? I would of course, and with pleasure my lord if I knew where it would be ?

You scratched your head and fortunately Cop intervened, explaining.

-To the east of there, ask the villagers on the road.

-Thank you good guardsman.

You even told.

-Brother Louis, take two men and travel with them, they shall be escorted after all and tell Oldfossil that they come from my will and are not some grifters or larrons.

-It shall be done monseigneur.

The two other men did not even ask how much you would pay for hay, too happy to exchange it for coins. Finally you asked.

-But, by the way, since we are in the presence of some minstrels and performers, I want to see how well you perform and ask you a question about art.

-A question about art my lord ?

-Yes, you are a guelph minstrel, tell me, why could you not traduce your songs in something understandable ?

The man seemed taken aback, his ears moved in a strange stance that you shall call interrogative, even if it was difficult to describe you saw such behavior when a Guelph was perplexed. He put is long fingers on his chin.

-It is a very interesting question, normally an elf would simply tell you that "your primitive language cannot express emotions properly" or that there is not enough words in the human tongue to explain everything but I shall be more precise, since you are a customer after all, and you clearly are a friend of the arts. I will be honest and explain everything in detail. As you see, we elves have 38 terms for your terms of "love", well you have "passion", "amourette" or other terms but most of our terms have multiple meanings, like Gaenthil, for exemple, a form of love between a group of people
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You frowned saying this.

-WHAT ?!? A group of people ? What do you mean ?

-Gaenthil is between a group of 8 or ten elves and they exchange wives and...

You did the sign of the cross.


-No, but if you want we have song about two people, but there is different love, a love that burns bright for a short time of fifty years, another one for life, another one only platonic, or with different degrees of passion and suffering.

You were still not convinced by such nonsense and Rose told you.

-It is romanticism Charles, nothing wrong with this...

-Nothing wrong with what ? Sharing you with all the household ? Are you simply listening to what he says.

She giggled, and approached towards you, kissing you on the cheek and explaining.

-Elves are silly, but it is not what is important, the sound of music creates emotions and it is what we like. Isn't it ?

You rolled your eyes but agreed, still thinking that this kind of music was improper. And that lady Rose was too lax for reading too much books, especially books about romance between brothers and sisters and with some dead people too. India was in need of a civilising presence. But whatever. Wanting to be happy you told.

-Then before you sing us a sad song that I do not want to even know the words from, Happymandiel, let your friend juggle with fishes.

You threw a coin to the short Scotsman who took it and answered.

-Do ya see fishes herre m'lord ? I think not. So how could I juggle with dem ?

You were so astonished that you preferred to not even ask for your coin back, it would have been petty. But yes, dead fishes stunk and transporting living ones overland was let us say optimistic. So you had to let the good man go. Not before hearing a love song from the minstrel. It was indeed beautiful, more melodious than even occitan tunes.

You looked at him, astonished, but the man continued, Rose was literally taking his words as music, Becky too you remarked and even Bohémond so you decided to look like you were impressed by what he said to look cultured too. It is a clever trick in this kind of situation.

-And Oamprehens, it is one of the nine verbs for "walking" or her it means "Walking firmly" but it can mean "Taking the path too" so you have this concept of firmness and determination in his decision, but at the same time you have this idea of a journey, and of the fact that he simply took his sword in hand, since he will fight with a two edged sword, not the one of myth but his own personal weapon. Oamprehens is too a reference to myth, the myth of the crowning glory of the High Elven Monarchs that had to walk to the tree of Oampre and received a scepter from it, here too he receives the scepter, or the sword walks firmly, regally, it could be interpreted as "He walked regally on the path of the two edged sword of his love" but it is forgetting an important detail.

You opened your eyes, you probably looked like a carp now but Rose answered.

-The Yorc !
The man seemed pleased.

-Exactly the Yorc this adjective cannot be traduced, it means that the man was in a state of mind between life and death and ease or suffering, but not as strong as Lirval.

Rose answered, frowning.

-Really ? But would it not mean, He walked firmly but sadly on the path of the two edged sword ?

He shook his head.

-No, sadly would be Misfaer, this is true sadness or Fumblae, this is funny sadness, or the state of mirth in sadness, or even Faeler, the regular sadness as much as we can call it regular but we use it for human sadness. The Yorc here means that he lived in a kind of... Choice, knowing that everything will lead him to sadness but choosing sadness instead of addressing his problems. And it mitigates the his regal walk, he is determined, he is determined to do greatness, but filled with sorrow at the same time.

The Guelph cleared his throat.

-You understand, in one sentence the author, glorious Jaecbrel, explains us that our hero takes a sword in hand physically, choose to live as a warrior, decided to leave in sadness the two women that he loved because the choice between rhem made him sad but is still determined to see through this sadness to get to this path, describes exactly the emotions and acts of the hero and implies his future fate with references to mythology. It is untranslatable unfortunately.

You admired the poet, you had to say this Guelphish tongue was probably, as the tongue of the Italians, even closer to Latin, the purest language in form (as you had heard of) that existed. You nodded. Still, you remembered that Yorc meant to choose sadness, understandable, who would live in York in England ? And even worse in northern England, in an awful climate and being surrounded by ignorant Anglo-Saxon peasants and greedy Normans. Dreadful indeed !

It was with these strong words and powerful thanks that you continued your road towards lady Rose's tower. You arrived after two days at a round tower with several additions that was too high to be defensible in your opinion but had a good view on the region. It had good view on the plains and on a small village, maybe as big as Nearby, in the middle of the plains where there were probably fields and other places. Rose looked at you and you saw her green banner hang from the walls of the tower, you wondered how they managed to put it here. She told in a sad tone.

-So, what do you think about my little demesne ?

>It's clear stones are beautiful, and I like it.
>A good dungeon for a future keep, perhaps we should add the plains to the north to your domain.
>Is it your only village ? Do someone live in farmsteads and hamlets nearby ?
>It is the tower from where we rescue maidens to bring them to a huge castle my lady.
>With you before it it is the only place where I want to be.
>Other (write in).
>With you before it it is the only place where I want to be.
>A good dungeon for a future keep, perhaps we should add the plains to the north to your domain.
It's a good start!
>>A good dungeon for a future keep, perhaps we should add the plains to the north to your domain.
>>A good dungeon for a future keep, perhaps we should add the plains to the north to your domain.
>>Is it your only village ? Do someone live in farmsteads and hamlets nearby ?
>It is the tower from where we rescue maidens to bring them to a huge castle my lady.
>With you before it it is the only place where I want to be.
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123 KB JPG

Your answer was sincere and brief.

-A good dungeon for a future keep, perhaps we should add the plains to the north to your domain.

She laughed.

-There is nothing but plains and barren rocks there.

-Very good, at least it will give us stone for a wall and other aisle to the building.

She laughed and told you.

-You are adorable Charles.

You then looked at the plains. Yes, in general India was more sparsely populated than your precious Champagne but it was because they made not enough kids. Once women will be having eight or nine kids each it will quickly change, since three will probably survive into adulthood and make a lot of other children too. Then with these numbers new lands will be colonised. If they are bad for farming you should breed cattle here. Or horses. Perhaps you should breed a huge number of horses in the Cairns it will be more glorious than breeding goats, but the grass was not tall for big horses. It was a dilemna, perhaps if you took more lands for each exploitation you could live with it and have your own powerful destriers. You would need brave knights to build towers there. Of course the lands would be poor unfortunately and here you saw that the lack of serfdom was a great barrier to Indian developpement.
Why would you say ? Because free people would not move into areas like the Cairns of the Great Emptiness of their own will. They were petty, selfish and greedy. And since families were small they did not even have starving third or fourth sons to send... And if they had these men got to some cities to become peddlers or journeymen and died there. No, it was bad. With serfdom, like in a right and proper feudal society everything will be simple. People will be moved and attached to the land and forbidden from moving back. Or serfs would be allowed to be free men if they built a canal to irrigate these plains or at least change this emptiness into farmland or pastures.

But enough dreaming, once Christendom will be introduced you were sure that everything would come right, after all it was with faith that your Frankish Ancestors changed from disorganised but brave tribesmen to the rulers of the most powerful realm in all the Christendom.
But enough dreaming about politics, Rose told you that she wanted to have some hot drinks and who were you not to oblige...


Thank you good sirs for your attention, we are already at page 10 and in my humble opinion it is time to archive the thread. It was a pleasure to continue Charle's adventures with you gentlemen. I shall be quite occupied in the next month but be assured that I will continue the quest as soon as possible.
Of course we have been somewhat unlucky during this thread but it is the 13th one and as the 13th person on the table was Judas Iscariot a red haired man and he betrayed Jesus we got some problems with our own red haired lady. It is only a cohincidence. I am sure that the 14th thread will be more lucky, omens and peasants superstitions are custom after all, and custom does not exist simply because of cohincidences !

By the way I got Tiny Glade, as you can see in the last image, I shall try to make Castle Local one of these days, it would look good.

By the way if you have some questions still during the days when the thread is still up I would be glad to answer dear bannermen.
Another wonderful thread and we await your return in a months time.
Have a good one QM!
A blast as always. Thank you, QM! We'll see you in Thread 14. My only question would be...
>Do you plan any time-skips to see the Blood of Mud perk to fruition, or the further future of our lands?
Bon chance m'lord
Thank you good sir, I will try to return in mid to end November.

Thank dear bannerman, I will do some time skips sometimes, when we will not have "urgent matters" to be sincere you players dealt very quickly with Baron Crook, I thought that victory over him would take years, with searching perhaps help at court and this story with elves will remain into the background. I keep a timetable on some "background events" that are going, sometimes in our complete ignorance. But now things at court have been rushed and some players played more openly, it will make many things more interesting.
For the first timeskip I think that winter will go in one or two threads but our two new travels : to the duchess of Tradnod to give her back her locket and to the Queen will be of course detailed and open new contacts and opportunities. The marriage with Rose shall be played in detail too of course.

Hahaha, thank you, it is actually "Bonne chance" since lady luck is a woman (and a beautiful and fickle one). Bonne chance to you too.


By the way, I have a question for you all, who would you be interested to see in the prologue of the XIVth thread ?

Thanks for running, as always it has been a pleasure.

As to the prologue, seeing what the saracens have been up to would be neat. Or perhaps some behind the scenes elvish fuckery.
Oh right, the Muslim guy with the wives waiting back home! Yeah, I wonder how he's doing?

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