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In the year 1987, crime and corruption in America is an epidemic. Drugs and guns flow into the country from everywhere in the world, and the gateway to it all is the coastal paradise, Heat City. This is a place of shining high-rises and shadowed alleys, sunsets and smog, neon and blood, ruled by ambition and greed and power. Here in Heat City, you can get whatever you want -- if you can pay the price.
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New and returning players are welcome.

Signup begins now. The first 3 days are for side jobs and preparation, then squad assignment for the main mission begins.
ETA for turn cycle during the mission is once every 3 days, try to have your turn done within 48 hours of the previous turn's posting.

Previous threads:

Join the discord for tactics and game discussion:
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Welcome back, criminals. Ready for violence?

Reply to this post with your character information and loadout to sign up. Write your character's name in the Name field, without any weird spelling, because it helps me to find your posts.

Update and Unlock Notes:


- Legacy added, replacing previous death/retirement rules.


- Rage and Armor beneficial status effects added. A few moves and items have been adjusted to use them, there might be more in the future.
- Negative status effects have been sorted into Debuffs and Conditions. Debuffs are healed by healing gear items, Conditions are healed by Inspire.
- Cover objects have a changed interaction with area attacks such as grenades. Formerly a percentage based reduction that only applies when taking cover, they now provide a flat damage reduction at all times, improved by taking cover.
- Block now reduces damage to 0 rather than cancelling hits. Debuffs and conditions will still apply. Note that being knocked down cancels further instance of Block.


- Added Block 1 to Call Out


- Medic Bag and Ammo Bag were over-buffed last thread, numbers have been adjusted
- Impact Grenade uses from 2 to 3.
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(Side jobs had to get split into two images)

Side Jobs, Part 1
- Several job adjustments
- Training job has been added
- Day Jobs have been expanded
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Side Jobs, Part 2
- Race rewards adjusted
- Secret File [B] deciphered. The Offshore Platform heist has been unlocked.
- Boat Key leads Dr. Ben a boat with a stash of unmarked guns in the compartment. Boat Running side job unlocked. Dr. Ben gets a free boat.
- Lockey Key leads Ramirez to a locker at the airport, containing a duffel bag full of cocaine. Airlift side job is unlocked. Ramirez gets $5,500 for the cocaine.
- Heckler forces the brains to reverse-engineer the Green Box for him. Phreaking side job unlocked. New Favor options available on some missions. +2 Favors this mission.
- The Armageddon tournament has mysteriously vanished
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Prep Work
- Martial Training advanced moves have been added
- The death of Ricardo "Ricky" Valdez has left a power vacuum in the Heat City dance scene. Dance Battle has been unlocked.
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- Aircraft are now available for purchase
- Bird & Tortoise has temporarily closed
- Muramasa motorbike stats increased to 3/3/0, Ronin reduced to 3/1/0
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Power Players
- New local businesses are available for "restoration" by the Vespucci syndicate.

Some time has passed since the safehouse defense. You've all had enough time to find a rat hole to hide out in while things cool down. The whole gang doesn't assemble in one place, but they maintain contact in small groups. The thugs and enforcers work out at Chaser's gym. Mizuchi and the brains watch anime in the back room of Wizard's Tower. The psychos do ... whatever unpleasant things they do when they're out of sight.

Everyone's keeping their heads down and handling their side gigs while Claire figures out the next move.

The big TV in the safehouse was destroyed in the attack, one of several unfortunate casualties. But there are TV sets everywhere in Heat City. In fact, it's impossible to avoid them: just walking down the street, you see broadcasts displayed in electronics shop storefronts, in waiting room lounges, even the front steps of apartments where the dwellers have set up those fancy new portable sets.

So it is that everyone sees their defense of the safehouse played all over TV news. Camera crews got footage of the event from multiple angles. The more dramatic shots are played on every station. Hudson's violent arrival, then later getting rammed by Ray and Blaze. Dokkebi blowing up a police truck, then being dragged away in handcuffs. Heckler laughing as he fires the technical truck machine gun. Friedrich lighting up in red as he torches the remnants of the safehouse.

The gory shots, like Doc's plague doctor mask cracking as he takes a bullet to the face, are only seen on the late night shows.

A response from City Hall came swiftly. Less than 24 hours after the incident, the burly figure of Mayor Harland was standing behind a podium, where he gave a speech that soon took over the airwaves alongside the combat footage.

Mayor Harland is a muscular man for a public official, almost ripping through his white shirt when he flexes, and he makes an imposing figure on screen as he gestures decisively. The speech he gave was a thundering denouncement of the incident. "Even with the increase in police funding, our brave officers are helpless to bring these barbaric, violent murderers to justice. This particular group -- I'm told they don't even have a name, they simply call themselves 'the crew' or 'the gang' -- are believed to be responsible for many of the recent tragic incidents of death and destruction here in our fair city. If our police department can't stop them, who can? And how can any of our good and honest citizens live in safety while they are free?" His heavy fist crashes down on the podium. "We need order in our city! We must protect our home from these psychotic killers! I call upon the city council and state governor to join me in denouncing these savage lawbreakers, and to grant me the power necessary to restore peace and justice to Heat City, once and for all. Thank you, and may god bless America."

** All criminals who participated in the safehouse defense gain +2 Heat and +2 Wanted. **
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In the back of a souped-up Estate a man stirred from another drug induced slumber. He pulled at the window shield which had fallen long ago to try to get it back into place. With no luck he was awoken. He thought getting into Heat City would be easy money after that phone call. Instead he got there in time to see the group he was supposed to be working for be burned to the ground and killed by cops on the news. The drop box he was directed to gave him the keys to a car. It felt good. Real good. Made him drive faster just from using it. Reminded him of the days when rode shotgun to the younger Enforcer as he barreled through other vehicles. A powerful feeling for a powerful car. Fresco snapped out of the nostalgia when he realized he was hunger and that fucker Alamo didn't leave him any actual money. As Fresco fumbled for the keys he picked up what he thought was a chunk of plaster. Flipping it over he found it was a poorly painted mask. Fresco tossed it in the back seat and didn't worry where he got it from during his latest binge.

>Lone Star [Estate]
>Furious Focus
>Free Asset: Custom Mask

Name: Fresco
Type: Operator
Stats: HP: 8/8, Armor 0, Edge 8/8, Move 6, Defense 8, Crit on 6
Weapons: DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 3/9)
Factor: Hard 0, Cool 4, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Special Talent: Deadeye: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Attack with +3 accuracy, +3 crit rate, and +1 crit damage
Lightning Reload: 1/Turn reload for 0 AP
Oh Yeah!: Fuck you, roll +weird for a cool entrance
Furious Focus: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 edge, gain 1 edge.

Custom Mask: +1 HP & +1 Move
Lone Star [Estate]: (Racing Tires, Sport Suspension, Engine Tuning, Nitrous) 3 Speed, 3 Handling, 4 Size
Rolled 10 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 10/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 4/16, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. If they are knocked down, they stand up.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (2 Uses)
Cash: $934877
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/2/3), Phreaker Box (Used), Blue Disk,

>Increase Coolness
>$500 spent and rolling on Arcading
>Pay $10000 for C4 via Ramirez

Heckler was quick to blend into daily life after the defense. Throughout his down time, he spent a lot of time hanging out at the basketball courts, shooting some hoops. When the calls come back in that the gang is ready to move again on the next target, he finds himself with most of the rust that had settled in after he left the Navy to be gone, ready to pull his weight for the next fight. But that doesn't mean that a guy can't enjoy himself, as he goes to try and conquer Conan the Librarian.
Heckler finishes his pretty much perfect run (power walk because running in the library is against the rules) having gotten past the infamous mariachi marriage proposal level. With the new high score, Heckler obviously enters in H E K for his moniker.
Name: Blackjack
Type: Assassin
HP 6+1/6+1
Edge 0/6
Move 6-1
Defense 8+2

Cool: 4
Sharp: 2
Hard: 0+1
Weird: 4+1
>+1 Weird

Flash Step (0 AP, 1 Edge.): Target an enemy within (Move) spaces. Move behind them, and make any attack action. The first reaction shot misses, other shots have disadvantage.
Infiltration: At the start of a mission, you may choose to not deploy. At any time, either you or the GM may deploy you in the right spot for the job, with the right tools, with or without an explanation. When this happens, roll Weird.
Agility: Pass through enemies. Gain advantage to Vault, jump, or Climb.
Visions of Death: (0AP, 1 Edge) Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 Crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.
Flurry of Blows: (1AP, 1 Edge) Attack with main weapon, pistol, and fists, in any order. You can move up to 3 tiles before each attack.
Throwing Knives: (1 AP, 1/3 uses): Attack 3 enemies within Range 10 for 2 damage.
[Top 10]: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favorite movies to reroll any die.

Moonshadow- DMG 3, +1 Defense, [Stance]. 2/mission, consecutive rounds only: [Phases of the Moon] (1 AP, 1 Edge): Attack 3 enemies within 3 spaces.
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 4/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1
First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 1/2 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.

Bulletproof Suit: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
+Living Room

Motorbike (Rebel) [2/1/0]
Motorbike (Muramasa) [3/2/0]
Heat 14
Cash: $784,783 USD ($190,958 of which is in Cuban Pesos and British Pound Sterling)
Black Disk

Blackjack had been in a mood best described as fey, since the pigs hit the safehouse. One would think that the lives lost, and property torched might have put her in a black mood, lashing out at everything and everyone- instead, she kept her cool, wielding it like a shield, protecting her from the turmoil that some of her fellow criminals and mercenaries were surely feeling.
A mistake in the first post. Joy.
>Movement isn't -1, Hard isn't +1, and Weird isn't +1, because I haven't gone to the fortuneteller.
>Announcing my candidacy as the Infiltrator for the Billy Marconi hit.
Jackie hated the type of con artists and phreaks like Billy Marconi the most. The types that made nuisances of themselves, while also targeting the most vulnerable. It simply wasn't cool, even to the violent mercenary assassin. Over a pay phone 5 blocks from her apartment building, Jackie called some of the crew. "I'm putting together a team..."
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Rolled 10 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 13/13, Edge 10/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/20, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard, Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x3
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $728702
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Loud Apartment, Jackhammer Shotgun, Red Disk, Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy), Locker Key, White Disk, Blue Disk, Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter

>Gain Old Friends
>+$5500 from locker key cocaine
>-$500 from Arcade quarters.
>-$150000 to buy Chief Helicopter

Ramirez hadn't sat quiet after the Safehouse raid, helping Angela and Claire sort and salvage what they'd managed to pull out of the old Safehouse - whatever he'd been allowed to see, anyway. Important to compartmentalise info, after all. The void once filled by Alamo is felt by everyone, and Ramirez knows he'll have to step it up to keep the gang from falling apart.

>+$10000 from Heckler
>-$10000 to buy C4 for Heckler
It's a bustling afternoon at the arcade where Heckler is working hard at a high score when his bandaged compatriot walks in.

In silence, Ramirez takes the cabinet next to Heckler's, the Street Fryer game that had eluded him last time. In silence the two friend game for a bit, before Ramirez passes a package over to Heckler, and speaks.

"Got something else for you. Something big. Big ass oil rig. You in?"
Ramirez blows through Street Fryer like it wasn't even hard, then inputs 'RMZ' casually as though he hadn't spent entire weeks practising this stupid game.

>Gain God Gamer
>[Opening up sign ups for the Oil Rig heist, I'm joining the Airdrop half as Gunner, please reply to this post if you are joining.]
"Yeah, course. We'll get Rain in on this as well, seeing as she's got the codes. An old sailor like me's going to be taking a boat ride." Heckler says as he tucks away his gear. "I haven't seen you that much. You doing okay?"
>Signing onto Oil Rig as Wires for Engine Room half.
"Fine. Don't think about it." Ramirez says sharply. "Just been working with Claire and Angela to keep the gang organised." And not thinking about my dead sister.

"And, sailor? Thought you jarheads had some kinda fuckin' kill order on anyone calling marines 'sailors'." He snarks.
>Signing in with Cool or Weird
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>Picture because forgot

"Well I was more of a combat engineer, so I get special permission."

"I'm sorry I wasn't around afterwards. I can't find myself really being around you lot all that much, especially during rainy days. Can't find the connection."
Name: D. Spenser
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 8/8 (9/9 from suit), Move 5, Defense 5, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0+1, Cool 0+1, Sharp 2, Weird 2, Heat 0, Wanted 1
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit +1)
Special Talent: Infiltration
Outfit: Two Piece Suit (+1 Edge)
Gear: Gym Bag: Ammo Bag (1 AP, 1 Uses), Medic Bag (1 AP, 1 Uses), Armor Vest
Cash: $180
Assets: Mastodon
Rolled 2, 3, 9 = 14 (3d10)

Seeing as he had been left with no job, no house, and no real legitimate way for earnings, D went to find at least something to do.

Selecting Training and Working as an Assistant at the Gentleman's Club as Side Jobs, Dance Battle (Disco) as Prep Work.

Dice are rolled in that order, first gets +1, second and third get +2.
Rolled 9 (1d10)

A secret meeting of the local KKK chapter is invaded by shaved-headed, suspender-wearing, drooling and moaning thugs. Mayhem ensues.
>Send my gang to bust up some klanners. Rolling Weird 2
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 10/10
Move 5
Defense 9

Cool: 4+1
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 3/12
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 4/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 2 Uses), Deploy ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (2 AP, 2 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.

>Cash: $300000
- It’s actually slightly more than this, but I lost count completely. Assume the excess was given away to my staff’s families.

>Heat: 9
>Wanted: 2

Overturned Dirthog (1 Speed, 3 Handling, 0 Size, All Upgrades)
Jet (5/3/0, All Upgrades)
Mastodon (2 Speed & Handling, 6 Size, All Upgrades)
Loud Apartment (Workshop, Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom)
Secure Warehouse (Workshop+, Security+, 5x Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Kitchen, Studio)

Machinist Apprentices (2 Sharp, 1 Cool, Paranoid)

> Level up! Gain one Sharp.
> Purchase a Utility Vest.

> Send my Machinists out to raise *Mayhem*- they’re *meant* to be putting their ear to the ground, but things have clearly gotten out of hand….

Life has been good, to Seline, barring the bad.

In wake of the razing of their hideout, she’s taken to either secluding herself within her shop, or spending time with her suitor. Indeed, Chaser, Kit, Riptide and her close knit friends seem to be about the only people who can reliably contact her.

She seems… aimless. Enjoying the moment, sometimes, involved in careful craftsmanship or mundane relationships, simple yet sweet, but…

…she doesn’t act like this can last.

And only in the most private moments, will she grudgingly divulge that she isn’t bothering to *look* for a purpose. She has this dreadful premonition, that ‘purpose’ will find *her*, soon enough.
Rolled 4, 5 = 9 (2d5)

> +1 Cool, +2 to random stats, don’t get chased.
> Rolling stat tokens.
> For posterity’s sake, also noting that I have Furious Focus, from the previous chapter.

Despite too many close calls, the machinists quickly extract before it gets far too hot. A few gifts of hand crafted arms is more than enough to soothe all feathers, and the information gained seems to ease the tension on the young gun’s shoulders.
Rolled 2, 5 = 7 (2d10)

Klanners trample each other trying to escape through a small door, only to realize it leads to a fenced backyard. Their screams can be heard from afar.
>+1 token to 2 stats
>+1 Sharp token
>-3 Heat (-1 total)
>not [Chased]
Rolled 1 (1d10)

….but do it *again*
> -$10K. Rolling gang’s Mayhem again.
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d5)

> Goes out of hand. Shit. I guess those gifts weren’t enough…
> +1 Cool token. +2 Random stats. Do get Chased.
> Rolling stats first.
Rolled 10 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

> Assuming that the two stat tokens can’t both apply to the same stat, so:

5+3 Cool
1+1 Hard
4 Sharp
0+1 Weird
5+1 Move

Now rolling for *Chased*, using the Mastadon- the only vehicle large enough to hold all three of these scoundrels.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

> Break it, and I’m taking half the cost out of your damned pay checks.
> Rolling [Wrecked], and awaiting the *other* consequences.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

>+Cool, +Move
>Get +Sharp as level-up

Meanwhile, at the other end of the city, Doctor Ben exits a public library. In his arms, a book about Korean mythology, especially on mischievous creatures that can, say, possess a SWAT officer and help out during a firefight. After a quick grocery run, Ben returns to his bungalow and carefully places an offering of rice cakes and soju into a ritual circle.
>Offerings for Dokkebi!

His activities are suddenly disturbed by loud music. The local brats decided to switch from bike racing to competitive dancing! Once again Doctor Ben must put them into their place.
>Dance Battle (poppin', rolling Weird)
Following the worst ass kicking of his life (so far), D found themselves mugged and without a penny to his name. While the incident had left them with...ideas, on how to prevent it going forward, that was for a later date with resources.
Wandering the streets, D was recruited to work the support services at a gentleman's club in the city. While an unusual setup, the pay was good and the fact that it allowed him to continue to eat was even better.

>Wasted, lose $500, go to -$320 funds
>Gain 1 XP, gain 1 Weird
>Earn $2500, go to $2180 funds

That evening, D was introduced to the wonders of a dance hall that their coworkers frequented. With no idea what overtook their body, D found that they had earned 3rd in what was apparently the weekly competition. In Disco of all things. Well, that means it's time to get funky.

>Earn a +1 Move token.
Rolled 9 (1d10)

+Move token.

Another day, another chore: Ben needs to sell the guns he found in the Swordfish boat he found. It's a far cry from his canoe, but how different can it really be?
>Boat running, 6 Cool
Rolled 6 + 2 (1d10 + 2)


Thankfully, my bloody idiots *didn’t* get themselves into trouble.

Unfortunately, for sake of honesty, this means I lose two cool tokens, and a hard token.

Instead I spend $10K and send them on an *Investigation*
Ah well. Good effort, lads.

Heat 10.
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Just a bigger, fiberglass, motor-equipped, completely differently shaped canoe, really.
>$25 000 and luxury loot
Rolled 10 + 9 (1d10 + 9)

Taking on the Central City Circuit with my +9 total bonus. For old time’s sake, using the Hog.
Rolled 7 + 9 (1d10 + 9)

Taking on the Central City Circuit with my +9 total bonus. For old time’s sake, using the Hog.
>$3500 of jewelry
>Prototype weapons elude me...
>Forgot to mark myself as -$100000 to cover both halves of the Heist, new total is $628702
Please ignore my internet glitch.

Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 10/10
Move 5+1
Defense 10

Cool: 5+1
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 3/12
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 4/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bags, Armour Vest (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 2 Uses), Deploy ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (2 AP, 2 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.

>Cash: $342000

>Heat: 9
>Wanted: 2

Overturned Dirthog (1 Speed, 3 Handling, 0 Size, All Upgrades)
Jet (5/3/0, All Upgrades)
Mastodon (2 Speed & Handling, 6 Size, All Upgrades)
Loud Apartment (Workshop, Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom)
Secure Warehouse (Workshop+, Security+, 5x Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Kitchen, Studio)

Machinist Apprentices (2 Sharp, 1 Cool, Paranoid)

Ready to join Ramirez’s strike team.
Rolled 7 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

>We start the night, as we generally do, with a little . . . Mayhem. [Weird 1, because this is a bonding exercise I do with the people that train in the old dog Dojo; the gang is doing it] [I just . . . supervise]

#Kit de Guerre, Brain-Forcer, 81400€
Hp 9/9 Edge 9/9 Def 4 Crit 5 Heat 6
Hard 1 Cool 0 Sharp 3 Weird 5 Move 5+1
!Electrify, !Spook, !Infiltrate, !RC Bomb
!Apprentice, !Furious Focus, !Havana Hardline
!Some Bark, More Bite [Unstoppable]
!Dad's Shades [Shootdodge]

Fist: 2D, +1C, +1A
Kit's Cocktails [2x]

A Custom Mask, face like a dog, and a comfortable hoodie. [+1HP, +1Move]

Katana Kids (Grunts, Hard 2, Weird 1, Honourable to a Fault)

Murasama [4/4/0]+Nitrous+Sports

Waterfront House (Home is where the tie collection is)
TTRPG Collection
A surprisingly large tie collection.
Rolled 9, 7, 2, 8 = 26 (4d10)

No fire this time? You're getting better. I think the idea of not starting you out with jumping a full armored patrol down-town to have "sword fights" on top of "moving vans" with "officer sof the law", as far as training regimes go, it kinda works.

>8 gives us 3 options, we nap a +1 Stat, +1 Stat to 2[2d10, take half], and some street loot[1d10]. Then we *run away* from the fire we didn't--- oh there's a fire. Guys why is there a fire?? [1d10, 0 Cool]

#Kit de Guerre, Brain-Forcer, 81400€
Hp 9/9 Edge 9/9 Def 4 Crit 5 Heat 8 Wanted 2
Hard 1 Cool 0 Sharp 3 Weird 5 Move 5+1
!Electrify, !Spook, !Infiltrate, !RC Bomb
!Apprentice, !Furious Focus, !Havana Hardline
!Some Bark, More Bite [Unstoppable]
!Dad's Shades [Shootdodge]

Fist: 2D, +1C, +1A
Kit's Cocktails [2x]

A Custom Mask, face like a dog, and a comfortable hoodie. [+1HP, +1Move]

Katana Kids (Grunts, Hard 2, Weird 1, Honourable to a Fault)

Murasama [4/4/0]+Nitrous+Sports

Waterfront House (Home is where the tie collection is)
TTRPG Collection
A surprisingly large tie collection.
Rolled 4 (1d13)

>That's a +1Move, a +1Weird, and take +1 Sharp, 1000€ worth of petty cash. . .

I told you not to start any fires. Okay, let's practice urban safety driving. I've spent a lot of time doing that lately, so I can show you. First step in urban safety driving, you have to get a *car*. Come on, keep up - no you cannot swordfight the long arm of the law. They have longarms. It doesn't end well. Also long arms, but I think they use batons, so I'd call that even, but the shotguns is the real problem.
Rolled 6 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

>>5991404 (You)
>>5991401 (You)
>>5991397 (You)
>Ah, a Katana, good find, very reliable vehicle at 2 speed, 1 handling, 3 size...

. . . Convenient that it fits all of us, except that I'm sorry to say someone might have to try to hold unto the roof, but, since, apparently, you've had prior practice sword-fighting on top of moving vehicles, that will surely go fine?

>1d10+2 Speed, but, listen, no one here has any cool, alright?
>Signing in on any open slot for Cool or Weird, like Dr. Ben.
Not a player or even a lurker (used to be a Thug Quest player, though), but I found this fake 80's pop song and thought you guys might enjoy it.

Rolled 10 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

>Go to the Blue Mare with a Gold Ticket ($-5,000 USD)
>Visit "Lena" with Lena
Jackie wasn't one for 'gentlemen's clubs'- she neither cared for the gentlemen, or the clubs themselves. They usually listened to the wrong types of music, and lead to the clientele thinking that she was a working woman if she dressed too nicely. However, she hadn't taken Lena out for any sort of date recently, and the safest place that she knew that was also somewhat kind of classy was the Blue Mare.

... God, Jackie needed to get out more.
Rolled 6 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

Surprisingly, Lena was a hit with Lena. Now that the hostess had a chance to chat with the med student and Jackie, they found her in a better mood than last time. They both found it novel that they shared a name (though the Blue Mare girl's was obviously some sort of stripper name, but classy), and the conversation came easy, and the drinks easier. Jackie was thinking that maybe, this wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Rolled 8 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

>Forgot Moonlighter
>Rolling Mayhem

Fresco figures the best way to get aligned with the crime life of Heat City again is to have some fun. So with guns at the ready and a great car, he has a little fun in a well off neighborhood.
Rolled 9 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

>Blue Mare: Lena reroll
The night seemed to drag on, that darkened hour between ten and eleven PM, and the conversation took turns that not even Jackie could predict.
Rolled 10, 3, 4 = 17 (3d10)

>Rolling Loot (1st die)
>Rolling stats (Hard 1,2 | Cool 3,4 | Sharp 5,6 | Move 7,8, Werid 9,10 (2nd and 3rd die)
>+1 Stat to whatever wasn't rolled (Weird > Cool > Hard > Move > Sharp)
>Don't get [Chased]
Rolled 7 (1d10)

>Private Lounge
Jackie was getting buzzed, and so were the two Lenas that looked absolutely nothing alike, despite sharing the same name. The blonde Lena (her Lena), hung off her arm, laughing at the other woman's jokes, while the dark-haired lounge lady seemed to appreciate Jackie's off-color stories that the med student had already heard a thousand times before. Honestly, the annoying clientele and 'sketchy-but-wants-to-be-classy' surroundings had melted away at this point, and the three women had migrated into a private lounge, downing champagne and margaritas like Jackie didn't have a hit tomorrow.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

>+2 Cool, +1 Weird, +2 Heat, +whatever this roll is
>Rolling Luxury

What Fresco thought would be a fun romp turned out to involve a surprising amount of self-defense trained butlers and maids. He comes away feeling different than he expected. But also glad that he has something fresh to carry away it.
Rolled 8 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

With a bag full of gold and a hot attitude, Fresco begins to hit up clubs before the sun has set. With one goal in mind. Dance his fucking mind out. And he has one style in mind to. One he knows will draw the eyes of ladies. Disco.

>Dance Battle Disco
Name: Blackjack
Type: Assassin
HP 6/6
Edge 0/6
Move 6
Defense 8+2

Cool: 4+1
Sharp: 2
Hard: 0
Weird: 4

Flash Step (0 AP, 1 Edge.): Target an enemy within (Move) spaces. Move behind them, and make any attack action. The first reaction shot misses, other shots have disadvantage.
Infiltration: At the start of a mission, you may choose to not deploy. At any time, either you or the GM may deploy you in the right spot for the job, with the right tools, with or without an explanation. When this happens, roll Weird.
Agility: Pass through enemies. Gain advantage to Vault, jump, or Climb.
Visions of Death: (0AP, 1 Edge) Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 Crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.
Flurry of Blows: (1AP, 1 Edge) Attack with main weapon, pistol, and fists, in any order. You can move up to 3 tiles before each attack.
Throwing Knives: (1 AP, 1/3 uses): Attack 3 enemies within Range 10 for 2 damage.
[Top 10]: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favorite movies to reroll any die.
[Lady's Favor: Lena]- (0AP, 0 Edge), spend during a mission before rolling any d10 to make the final result a 10.

Moonshadow- DMG 3, +1 Defense, [Stance]. 2/mission, consecutive rounds only: [Phases of the Moon] (1 AP, 1 Edge): Attack 3 enemies within 3 spaces.
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 4/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1
First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 1/2 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.

Bulletproof Suit: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
+Living Room

Motorbike (Rebel) [2/1/0]
Motorbike (Muramasa) [3/2/0]
Heat 14
Cash: $734,783 USD ($190,958 of which is in Cuban Pesos and British Pound Sterling)
Black Disk

Jackie and Lena went home absolutely sloshed, calling a cab back to their apartment. When Jackie woke up the next morning, the two women were on the couch, next to each other, and Jackie had a new keyring decal on her motorbike keyring- a thorny black rose in painted stainless steel. Dramatic, but the woman had a sense of style, as well as knowing how to carry a conversation. Though Jackie wasn't trying to have any of those ménage a trois things that the pink triangles at the feminist group at HCU were so fond of (what is it with the French and threesomes?), maybe they could see her again, for the booze if nothing else.
Rolled 8 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 6/6, Edge 13/13, Move 6, Defence 9, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4, Sharp 5+1, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7), Katana (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Flurry of Blows, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $121 408
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 5 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter, Handling Reroll used this chapter)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

>+1 Sharp

Despite trying to lay low, Nishina has found herself once again roped into Ninja Castle. Apparently she was popular with the Asian-American demographic, and then the man on the other end of the call started talking her ear off while equating Japan, China, and Korea. But, well, it /was/... fun, in a way.

>Ninja Castle
>$-63,000 USD
>Speedboat (Barracuda) [2/1/3]
>Security x2
>Rare Weapon (Wyatt Earp's Revolver)

Despite the date and her cool demeanor, however, Jackie wasn't exactly fully at ease. She bought a speedboat in case she needed to book it to Cuba or the Keys suddenly, and she bought one of those security systems that some guy in the phreaker community called Zero Crash had been geeking about, saying that it was the cutting edge.

She had also given Lena a gun- more of a museum piece, than anything, and the pawn shop guy had said it belonged to some famous old cowboy. That hadn't mattered to Jackie- what had mattered was that it was still in working condition and there was a box of ammo that fit the damn thing, despite it being a hundred years old. Now that Lena wouldn't be caught out with naught but her scalpels and a syringe of hydrogen sulfide, Jackie felt much more at ease.
>New total Cash: $ 671,783
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 6/6, Edge 13/13, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+2, Sharp 4+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Flurry of Blows, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $121 408
Heat: 2
Wanted: 1
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

Perhaps it was experience, but the obstacles seemed much easier now.

>Rolling for Street Loot.
Unfortunately for Blackjack, one such call was picked up by certain Cuban man. "Oh you need some help killing a guy? Well don't worry baby, I work for cheap these days." He winks, but as it is over the phone she doesn't see. Probably for the best.

>Signing up to either Muscle or Drive as needed
Rolled 7 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 6/6, Edge 13/13, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+1, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Flurry of Blows, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $128 408
Heat: 2
Wanted: 1
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

...It was about when Nishina was handed a prize that turned out to have a huge stash of drugs in it that she started to regret agreeing to come on the show. The visit in the night was most unpleasant as well, triggering a quick swordfight before she was talked down and accepted the token of notice the shinobi was trying to leave on her desk.

On the plus side, that did trigger a meeting with a young woman who reminded her of a version of herself whose home was never stolen. She seemed to know about the attention she had received, and accepted her on as a student of sorts. It was mostly a kind of technique sharing session, though if Nishina had to drop her sense of pride for a moment she would have to admit that Lin Xue was more advanced in Northern Fist than Nishina was in her own.

The consequences of having one's journey to mastery interrupted by Yakuza, she supposed.

...Really though, why /had/ she been handed a luxury cushion that immediately tore itself open to reveal a stash of drugs? As a prize on a gameshow?

>Prep Work: Training under Lin Xue for Northern Fist
>also, please forgive my shoddy numbers and accounting. It's been a while, I'm just taking a minute to put all the pieces together.
Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 6/6, Edge 14/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Flurry of Blows, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $128 408
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

Mm. Productive. Nishina had learned a great deal from Lin Xue. Surprisingly, Lin Xue had also proclaimed the reverse. They part as... almost friends?

Nishina is quiet as Jackie—when had her internal monologue started calling her that instead of Blackjack?—speaks over the phone. Her first instinct is to politely refuse. She is not in the business of killing for money. But her mind quickly changes as the man's nature is explained further. "I would do this for free. Those like Marconi are lower than the filth in the sewers." Her voice shakes. Clearly there's something very personal going on, besides the reverence and protectiveness of elders that Nishina's demonstrated before, but Blackjack tactfully doesn't pry over the phone.

Nishina realises she's squeezing her phone a little bit too tightly. Breathe. There we go. "I... excuse me. Yes, consider me on this team you are assembling.

>Entering the Billy Marconi job as the Hacker. This is not a job interview, it is a statement of fact. I have 7 Sharp.
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Legacy: Afro
>Bank Account
>+1 Stat bonus

Ninja Ninja
Type: Brain
HP 7
Edge 8
Move 5
Defence 5
Crit 7
Factor: Cool 1 Sharp 3 Hard 0 Weird 3
Weapons: Gym Bag, Pistol, Fists
Gear: First Aid Kit, Smoke Grenade, Frag Grenade
Special Talent: Infiltrator

Free Assets: Stylish Clothes

Account: $14258

Ninja Ninja always had his brother to take care of him but with him out of the picture he needed to get his hands dirty, College ain't gonna pay for itself, not only that he needs to find out what the hell happened to him too.
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Rolled 4 (1d10)

Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 10/10, Move 5, Defense 4, Crit 10+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3, Weird 0
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 4/12+4. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 9+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Armor 6)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
Cash: $681,655
Heat: 9
Wanted: 3
Assets: Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense)
Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge)
Hitze Trupp (Grunts, Hard 2, Cool 1, 5 Germans, Definitely not Stasi, Sadism)
Barracuda (Speedboat, Speed 2, Handling 1, Size 3)
Secure Warehouse (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room, Upgraded Workshop, Upgraded Security)
Flammenwerfer (empty)
Cell phone
Portable video camera
Historical artifacts (Old books. In German. One in Japanese.)
Top shelf DDR cigarettes

With his handiwork plastered on every TV, Friedrich has barely left his base of operations ever since the safehouse was lit on fire. He's had to rely on his men more than he's used to, and has been surprised to realize just how much he's copied from what he's seen of how some in the crew operate.

None of his men have dared tell him how unsettled they are by the flammenwerfer in the corner of his office, or by the fact that he recorded the newsreel on tape and had them watch.

And now that the heat is dying down, it's time to let the Trupp loose.

>Learn Inspire
>Hitze Trupp Mayhems
Rolled 8, 3, 3 = 14 (3d10)

>+1 token to 2 random stats (first two rolls)
>+1 token to sharp
>Chased->Run Away because no car (Third roll)

One one hand, this had been a learning experience for all. On the other, did his men really have to set fire to that moneylender's office while chanting about the proletariat rising up just two blocks from a police cruiser?
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0+1, Sharp 3+1, Weird 0+1

Turns out class warfare was quite literal in Heat City.

>Gang wasted. $4500 for hospital bills, $10,000 to rehire them, $10,000 to send them on a second job
>Heat: 3
>Rolling injury
Rolled 8 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

>-1 Move

Hobbling, drugged with painkillers and still unable to speak even passable English, the german men are sent to relax by working in the Blue Mare as hosts
Rolled 2 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

>+1 Sharp Token
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0+1, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1

Was it pity? Luck? Or were they really that good? No one could really understand how their night went so well.

Friedrich, in the meantime, chose to visit the last place anyone would think to look for him: the Video Arcade.

>Tax Evader
Cash: $661,155
Nope, he didn't have it in him. He was not a gamer and tax evasion was bad.
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d10 + 3)


Ninja is at heart a computer nerd, maybe he'll find something worth selling
Rolled 2 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

Rolled 4 (1d10)

>Should have stayed at home Fucking wasted

Rolled 2 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

Second downtime
>>Maybe something a little less problematic will yield better results
Rolled 6 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

Rolled 13 (1d13)

Rolled 9 + 0 (1d10 + 0)

Rolled 3 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

10 due to handling
Rolled 9 (1d10)

>Wasted twice
>>UGGGGHHH...How the fuck did Afro manage this......

Rolled 4 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

Name: Riptide
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP: 11/11 (10+1) | Edge: 6/6 | Move: 7 (6+1) | Defence 4
Hard: 3 | Cool: 0 | Sharp: 1 | Weird: 4 (Crit on 6+)

Talents: Hurting Other People | Ruiner: (1 AP, 1 Edge) | [Apprentice] +1 Acc to Melee attacks
Weapons: [Pistol]: Range 10, DMG 2, Ammo 4/8; [Fists]: Melee, DMG 2, Crit +1 (On 5+); [Shotgun]: Range 10, DMG 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach.
Gear: [Armour Vest]: Block 2 Damage, 3 Times.
[Stylish Clothes]: +1 Defence
[Custom Mask]: +1 HP, +1 Move (Currently Equipped)
Assets: [Dock Warehouse] (Free), $200,305, T.A.Q.A.D (Nerds, 4 People, Sharp 2, Cool 1, Slothful)

Riptide wakes up with a start in his bed, a box full of AKMs with a cloth on top. His workers, the T.A.Q.A.D, are looming over him.
"What happened to me?" Riptide asks.
"We aren't sure but we checked your blood and you tested positive for nearly every drug we know and some we didn't."
"Could it have been that food from that weird street? No way, that was a long time ago..."
"By the way, we had someone called 'Mayi' check you."

One of his workers pushes up his thick glasses and speaks softly. "We think that your current way of living is catching up to you."
"What? Impossible, I've been doing this for years, since I was around 14."
The silence that statement generates in nigh-impregnable.
"...Anyway, we think you should meet someone who isn't directly related to crime and killing for once in your life. There's this girl over at the Blue Mare-"
"You gonna hook him up with a hostess?"
"Well, I feel like paying someone is the only way for him to get a prolonged conversation, so yes."
"Talia, apparently real sweet. The only bad things I've heard are that her boss is Mafia or sometihng, but people say that about everything that looks sketchy these days."
Another one of the T.A.Q.A.D pops out of the makeshift bathroom and makes a request. "Ooh, could you buy some video games for us as well?"
"What are Video Games?" Riptide says in genuine confusion.
The Silence returns with a vengeance.

>Buy a House Arcade. (-$3,330)
>Get a Golden Ticket for The Blue Mare. Visit Talia (-$5,000)
>New Balance: $191,975 ($200,305 - $8,330)
Rolled 8 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

(+2 from Talia creates a 7)
Riptide melts surprisingly easily from someone complimenting him on his knowledge. The fact that the knowledge is about Firearms somehow doesn't concern Talia at all. Or maybe she's just acting like it doesn't.

>Gain +1 Hard Token.
>Join Heat City Wrestling (Hard Check)
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HP 11/11 Edge 8/8
Move 6, Def 5, Crit 9+
Cool 0 / Sharp 2 / Hard 4 / Weird 1
Heat 8 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and gain 5 Edge)
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll)
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger")
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result)
Stylish Clothes (Leather jacket and aviators) (+1 Def)
AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 4/12, Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
First Aid Kit (Quick Heal, 1 Ap, 4/4 Uses, 3 HP and remove a debuff from self or nearby friendly)
>Assets, Resources, Connections
Bungalow (free asset, Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living room, Gym x2, Security x2, Metalwork Workshop)
HCF Martial Arts and Boxing Gym (Dock warehouse, Gym x2, Bathroom x2, Office x2, Kitchen, Security x2, Pool x2, Break room)
Buckaroo (Truck, 1/2/4, both rerolls)
Ronin (Motorcycle, 4/2/0, both rerolls)
Boxing Boys (Grunts, H2 W1; Prideful; Brian, Mitch, Vic, Bob; Underg. Fighters)
- Brian (Irish, short, cheery)
- Mitch (lazy, smoker, loyal)
- Vic (Italian, lanky, absent-minded)
- Bob (serious, rigid, cunning)
$259.985, Two piece suit, Serious Armor, Classy suits, Designer Shades, Movie Collection, Records Collection and high fidelity Record player

[Ronin nerfed. Heat and Wanted updated. XP marked on sheet. Level up: to be determined before taking any actions]

> Sign-in

A knock, then two more in quick succession: Bob has some news --a note, rather-- from the gang.

"Are we getting back in business?" Chaser speaks casually in his office in the Heat City Fights Martial Arts and Boxing Gym, the sounds of training and equipment clanging muffling his voice to any eavesdropper, while reading the contents "I guess it's about time..."
He picks up his phone and quickly calls Ramirez: "Heard you need some muscle, I'm in."
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>Level Up! +1 Sharp
Name: Napps
Type: Thug, 4 XP | Heat: 8 | Wanted: 4
Def 8t | Edge 9t/9t | HP 12/12 | Crit on 9+ | Move 5
Gear: Armor Vest (reduce DMG by 2, three times, before lost)
Fists (Melee, 2 DMG, Crit Range +1)
Pistol (Range 10, 2 DMG, 4/8 Ammo)
[Primary] AR (Range 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 4/12, Auto)
[Primary] Chainsaw (Melee, DMG 0, Ammo 8/8, [Rev it Up!] (0 AP, 1 Edge, 1 Ammo) - Until the round's end, +1 Move, cannot use gear/other weapons, +6 Dmg, costs Ammo to use.

[Apprentice] All melee attacks gain +1 accuracy
[God Gamer] (1/mission, add +1 to a d10 roll, after it's been made)
[Top 10] (1/chapter, name & describe my character's favorite movie to reroll any die)
[Latin Beat] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Gain +2 Move and +2 Defense this round.
[White Lightning] - 1/Mission, spend 1 AP to knock yourself down and gain 5 Edge.
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge) Napps and Riptide attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate won't expend an action.
[Die Hard] (on death, exchange all remaining Edge for HP & second wind)

Cash: $173,653.25
[Equipped] Bulletproof Suit (Req Cool 4; +1 Def, +1 Edge)
Serious Armor (Req 4 HARD, +2 HP, +1 Def, -1 Move)
Two Piece Suit (+1 Edge)
Kids of the Block (Wildcard gang; Weird 2, Sharp 1; Four rowdy HS-agers; Impulsivity)
Grand ($15k value, 1/1/2, Sedan)
Dirthog ($11.5k value, 0/3/0, transmission & suspension upgrades, motorcycle)
Ronin ($39.5k, 4/2/0, Reroll SPD, Turbo & Nitro upgrades, motorcycle)
Green Disk
Studio Loft (Princeton - Bullsworth Place)
House Upgrades (Basic): Living Room, Pool
House Upgrades (Luxurious): Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen
Designer Shades (Red)
Designer Shades (Black)
Fine Suits
Cell Phone
Bag of Moonshine (Permanent, grants [White Lightning])
Demo Tape (Permanent, grants [Latin Beat])
1 Box of Worm Medication
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Rolled 9 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

>Prep, DANCE BATTLE!!! Breakin' Style, Rolling 1d10+5Hard

The warm air from the sun pressed against his wet, burning muscles, slowly drying him off from the hours spent swimming and soaking. For as special and grandiose as the indoor swimming pool he had was, there was something that couldn't be beat about the real deal. He let his hand drift to his side, grasping around for something to drink.

If he'd grabbed the can of Pixie, he might be reminded of the talk he had with Rico and the Crumbs. The all-seeing eye of an orange sunset had begun to latch onto the western hills and swamps when Napps found them at the park. Rick and Rats sat on the lip of the pit, watching Yona try to give Lisa tips on handling a skateboard. He'd been using blades the last time Napps had seen them - a different kind of beast compared to the skates he was used to - so it hurt to see, but wasn't surprising, for Lisa to fall back, board slipping out from under him and rolling away. Right to Napps' feet at the bottom of the pit.

It wasn't hard to get answers - they'd gotten into a block party, one that ended up getting rowdy with gangsters and drunken deadbeat dads, and ended with a few black eyes and stolen wallets. General consensus was that it was Rico who got them involved in the fighting when they should've been running. He should've expected that, for as much of a job he did trying to keep the kids from going dark, Papi would've only been able to do so much on his own. And Rico was A) their leader, and B) always getting the others wrapped in their impulses. He'd given them a brief word of warning - Papi was the advice guy, Napps was the "he's right," guy, who (tried to) lead by example, but he tried. Rico told the others to grab their stuff, head home, and then spoke to Napps beneath his voice.

"I saw you, y'know? On the televiz, fighting cops. Me and Rats - the other two were sleeping, but we saw you in there. You're too tough to get kidnapped, you're too fucking smart to get conned - what the fuck is up? And if you're gonna tell me to go straight-and-narrow, why the fuck should I listen?" The two of them were quiet for a bit, standing there in the dying light, unmoving. The creeping heat of frustration sat under Napps' pits and eyes, watching Rico's amber dots glare in frustration - asking at once, "Give me a reason to listen," and "Please, help me understand why."

Then the slow rhythm of beats sounded to their side, and the first signs of Heat City Nightlife began to yawn with the thud of a nearby club.
"…dance off."
What? WHAT??? NO-what wait Napps What??????
>New Skill! [Dance Fever: Breakin'] (0AP, 1 Edge) Start Missions with a +1 Hard token, Spend tokens of that stat to gain +2 Move and +2 Defense that round.

Bodies sweating, burning with exhaustion, Rico's style and fluidity on the dance floor had only improved since Napps left. But enough combat manuevers and improvised mobility had given Napps the edge - thank you, Ricky Valdez. So, it meant that they left - Napps the clear victor - and breathing heavy as they sat on a bench, a block out from... the Block. The thud of the bass could still be felt in their bones, as Rico's own small sunset - the lights of the Block - glowed from beyond the corner. With their bodies exhausted, the tension cut - Napps let out his words, not knowing if Rico heard him.

"I never had a home. I had one when I had my family - my blood family. Then I lost my parents, my siblings, and my house. I lived in my car, lived with you and your family, lived with the Block, lived in my car again - but I never had somewhere…. permanent. Not until recently did I think that would be a possibility again - and then have that probability get taken. You have a home. You have a family. You've got enough protection and money to ensure you don't get run out, enough nearby doctors to ensure Papi doesn't run his kidney stones out too fast, and enough familia that can hide you away if things get too dark. My point is - you have a life. You have something safe."

"You saw me join the gang - that's right. I'm not leaving - I owe people. The same kind of debts and promises I made to the Block, to Walter, to Papi and Mañana, I've made to people who kept me alive - or by living their life and fighting their own fights, stayed alive, and kept me alive by extension. I'm not gonna tell you not to commit more crimes - I've already told you that, and so have others. But I got into this life because I saw a quick and easy - no. A hard, and long path, that rewards you for putting your neck on the chopping block. And I've gotten rewarded. But there's always... dozens, of people who follow me - who go a similar way in life. And they've died. Don't do something that's gonna get you killed. So live. Find skills - get good at something, even if you think it's dogshit and impossible. Take some risks, try some new routes. But don't follow me."

He'd taken off the sunglasses, slipped them into Rico's hand. "If you get in deepest trouble, I'll try and help. But don't try and get into it."

Then he walked off. He didn't look back - close enough that the Block's party blockers could keep things safe for the twenty feet away from their post. But hopefully what he said meant something. He wasn't going to turn back, to give up. He'd found his own space within the group. He was "comfortable," for lack of a better word. And he wasn't about to change pace just yet.
File: DontgetmeWrong.png (58 KB, 205x268)
58 KB
Rolled 7 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

>Side Job (Gang), Mayhem. Rolling 1d10+2Weird

…if he'd grabbed the Pixie, and been the type to reminisce, that might've been what ran through his mind. But instead of the soda, his hands brushed and grasped at a bottle of chardonnay, half-empty and fresh off the shelves for $9. In an instant, he saw the bar of the HQ - heard the clanks of weights, and the roars of cheers at the living room.

…he still needed to drive home sober. Not caring if someone took notice, he sat up, screwed off the cap, and let the liquid grapes flow into the sand.
"…for those of you who died alongside us, and got to the gates of- …somewhere, here's hoping you drink this."

(Although the revving of a chainsaw could be heard in a few shots, the cameras never caught the moment of the kill, or the weapon in his hands. Only the sight of bodies shredded in two.)
(And as much as Napps hoped the kids wouldn't stir up trouble - sometimes, trouble makes itself found)
Rolled 3, 5 = 8 (2d5)

>Rolling 2d5 to +1 Token to 2 random stats (HCSWM)
Rolled 4 (1d10)

"...why do I have the gut feeling that Rats just punched someone's lights out."
He looks at the landline on the wall, then down at the in-progress Sangria on his kitchen counter.
"...here's hoping it was a good fight."
He pours in the full can of Pixie, stirs, and takes a sip.
"...hot fuck."

>9 in Mayhem = Pick 3 Options! Gained 2 Heat!
>Gained 2 +1 Tokens to random stats! (3 & 5 = +1 Sharp, +1 Move)
>Gained 1 +1 Token to a chosen stat! (+1 Hard)
>Rolling on Street Loot!
Rolled 8 + 4 (1d10 + 4)


Riptide goes back to the wrestling ring. Solo this time. Napps seems to be busy with something, apparently it had to do with Breaking something? Who knows.

He proves his martial prowess by piledriving Dick "The Stone" Johnson for calling him a jabroni, then putting him in a submission hold for the win. No, Riptide cannot Smell What The Stone is Baking.

After returning to his warehouse for a shower, he notices one of his workers is watching TV like a lazy ass.
"Hey boss, don't you think it's a little weird to be getting wrestling championships considering the- uh- legal gray area of your work? Is this some kind of publicity or advertising stunt?"
"What? I simply fight because it's fun. Purely for the sake of it. Whether or not I gain adulation from the masses is irrelevant."
"Whatever you say, Joseph."

With that said, he puts on his best suit and heads for the Blue Mare for an unexpected role.

>Gain [People's Champ], and $5000.
>New Balance: $196,975
>Work at the Blue Mare as an Assistant. Substitute Cool for Weird.
File: AltNapps3.png (2.21 MB, 4032x3024)
2.21 MB
2.21 MB PNG
>With 6 Hard and God Gamer, Napps is now available as Muscle for the Oil Rig (Engine) and Hit (BIlly Marconi) side jobs!
>Mission payout: +$21,450 (225 -> 21,675)
>+2 Heat and Wanted from Mayor Harland (H: 0->2, W: 1->3)
>+1 Heat from mission (default) (H: 2->3)
>Level up: Gain +1 Cool (3->4)
>(Prep and Side Jobs TBD)

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: DMR (3/9)
Skill: Moonlighter
Gear: Armor Vest (if allowed to take gear)
Cash: $21,675
Clothes: Stylish Clothes
Assets: Estate (Sedan)
HP: 7/7
Edge: 9/9
Move: 5
Defense: 7+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3

(I seem to have misplaced my tripcode, I now have a new one.)
Rolled 2 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

Hard 0 - HP [8/8]
Cool 2 - Defense 6
Sharp 0 - Edge 6/6
Weird 4 - Crit on 7+
Move 6[7]
Heat 2 - Wanted 2

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 3, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - Armor [6/6]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]

>Cash and Stash:
Cash: $526
Ronin Motorcycle (Bayard) - 4/2/0 [Nitrous, Sport Suspension]
Stylish Clothes (Abhorrent Tie) - [+1 Defense]
Old Mansion (Castle Blumenthal) - [Bathroom, Bedroom, Gym, Kitchen, Security+, Workshop+]
Wildcards (Band of the Weird) - [Weird 2, Hard 1]


>Level up! Increase Weird 3 -> 4
>Buy Security+, Workshop+, Bedroom, Bathroom, Gym, Kitchen for Castle Blumenthal [-$30,250] [New total: $526]

The siege of the gang's HQ might have been won, but it was pyrrhic as lives and the building itself were lost to the ashes. After she returned to her manor and the revels of victory ended, Horace saw to it that the same didn't happen to her new knightly order's base of operations. By the end, the manor had truly transformed to live up to it's name, becoming not only a fortress to be reckoned with, but a new training ground and source of handmade weapons and armor for the band as well. The first dozen batches were... far from field ready, but they'll get better with time. Surely.
With home affairs dealt with however, it was time to start looking outwards and decide on a direction for the Band of the Weird. You can only sit around rolling dice and drinking off brand soda for so long after all. The upgrades really ran the treasury dry too, so it was time to start advertising their services and making some money. What better way to advertise than to get out there and show the people what they're about?

===The Band of the Weird's services are open to those who need them! First one's free.===

>In the meantime... Horace decided test her might at the dance club. Just how well can she move to the beat? (Disco - Weird 4)
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

Blaze was a new face in town, and also in the crew. Nothing quite like the freedom to earn big with a reputable gang and an environment ripe for the picking. Assignments coming down for the new heists listed Blaze on the roster for the farm. Nothing he couldn't handle of course, but this was his first real job after driving head long into the old safehouse and popping some shots off. To be honest, it was more nerve racking than charging into the police' rear lines. Perhaps it was because this time involved a smaller team than... the entire crew. More eyes on you. More responsibility. As cool as Blaze was, he was still green, and the jitters would only go away with experience... and this experience need not only be gained through crime. Word had of course reached him of The Blue Mare, everyone knows of it, especially in the crew. In particular, the "unapproachable" Lena. Was Blaze cool enough to chill with the Ice Queen? It was an intriguing prospect, and just might help him steady his nerves.

>Prep: Buy Gold Ticket for The Blue Mare - Lena ($21,675->16,675)
Rolled 10 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

(reroll from Lena)
Rolled 3 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

Catching himself after an unsteady introduction, things progressed very smoothly. Lena seemed impressed enough to take things to the Champagne Room. Hopefully it wasn't only because he was a new face in town.
Not usually one for drinks, Blaze still composed himself well, and was eager to impress. Not quite the spark to go into the private lounge, but they did only just meet. Getting as far as he did was an achievement, and one that would improve his confidence for the upcoming heist, as well as a healthy need to prove himself with a good story for next time. Lena was rather more stunning in person than he imagined, it would be nice to return and spend more time.
Herr Alamo has left, to a much deserved and hopefully happy retirement. The upper ranks of the Crew are thinning with every mission. There is an opportunity here, for someone with the will and the resources to rise.

With the gang out and about, Friedrich asks Claire to spread the word. He's looking for more people to hit the Farm with.

With Blaze, Napps, Tobias and himself already in, only two more people, one hard and one cool, are needed.

"Velcome to ze Crew. I heff more money zan I need ünd I vant to help ze new blood. I vill give you each twenty souzand dollars für your first expenses as a gift, if you vant it.

Ze same offer iz true für anyone else who iz new ünd vants it. From each according to hiz ability, to each according to zeir need."
Rolled 6 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

>Welcome back to Heat City, 47
>Level Up: Gain {Electrify}

>Go on the Dance Floor [poppin']

Name: Tobias Rieper
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 10/10, Move 6, Defence 4, Crit on 6
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 0, Sharp 4, Weird 4
Weapons:[Gym Bag or Weapon]
-Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8)
-Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 4(SC9))
Clothes: TBD
Gear: TBD
Special Talents: {Infiltration}{Spook}{Electrify}{Top 10}
Special Effects: TBD
Heat: 5 Heat, 2 Wanted
Storage: {Thermite}
"Much appreciated, mister Friedrich. May we reap a sizable bounty from the farm."
>+$20,000 (16,675->36,675)
>Candidacy as Hacker for the Billy Marconi hit. We have:
-Blackjack for Infiltrator: 1d10+4 Cool
-Fresco for Driver: 1d10+4 Cool
-Napps for Muscle: 1d10+6 Hard
-Tobias (Me) for Hacker: 1d10+4 Sharp
Rolled 3 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

This is a tragedy, a travesty, and everything withing a five mile radius of any adjacent word. It only occurs to Horace once the song starts that she doesn't actually know how to dance to this funk. Does she know how to dance at all? Oh god, the inhibitions are piling up and everyone is staring.
In a sense, there's panic at the disco.

>Burn Top Ten! [Reroll - Weird 4]

But between all the nagging anxieties, one line breaks through to the front. A riddle from one of her favorite movies, Connacht the Brigand!
When Connacht and his father spoke of their gods and the Enigma of Metal, the riddle that would bar you from an afterlife in Tir a Nog, he showed the young lad a sword and told him, "This you can trust."
Connacht spent the whole film searching for the true answer, but through many trials and false leads he finally found it... and never told the audience!

If there is anything Horace can trust though, it's that even without swords, armor, or even a tie, she still has her own strength of will. Whether walking out to cheers or jeers, this weirdo is leaving the dance floor with a big stupid grin on her face.
Dancing is about having fun above all else.
Cool 6, Moonlighter

Signing up as Pointman, as the discord cabal commands. No energy for roleplay.
Hard 0 - HP [8/8]
Cool 2 - Defense 6
Sharp 0 - Edge 6/6
Weird 4 - Crit on 7+
Move 6[7]
Heat 2 - Wanted 2

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 3, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - Armor [6/6]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]

>Cash and Stash:
Cash: $526
Ronin Motorcycle (Bayard) - 4/2/0 [Nitrous, Sport Suspension]
Stylish Clothes (Abhorrent Tie) - [+1 Defense]
Old Mansion (Castle Blumenthal) - [Bathroom, Bedroom, Gym, Kitchen, Security+, Workshop+]
Wildcards (Band of the Weird) - [Weird 2, Hard 1]


When the call for a heist comes through, even if it's from the Ostdeutscher, Horace doesn't hesitate to answer. After a night on the dance floor, nothing's wiping her grin away. Besides, she grew up on a farm, how bad could it be?

>Join the Farm Job as the last member [Weird 4]
>Napps has gained $20,000! Hot damn! At this rate, he'll make back the money on his apartment in no time!
>Napps has signed on for the Farm Heist as the Mule! For a gangster, he doesn't have much in the way of gun experience. Let's see how well he can push his way in...
>Oh yeah and -1 Green Disk. You've been put to the best use.
>Blackjack: Infiltrator
>Fresco: Driver
>Nishina: Hacker
>Napps: Muscle

Jackie *appears* in Claire's new office, though this time she accidentally makes some noise, brushing past a stack of papers as she goes to startle the other woman. Sadly, she doesn't know this place as intimately as the old office, so it'll take some time before she can spook Claire properly again.

"Hey, boss. I've got a crew." She sounds downright eager for this one. "Sign off and we'll take this motherfucker down."
"While the offer is much appreciated, I have no need for quite that much cash. If possible, would you assist in the procurement of papers?"

>D has acquired a legal living space! 'Swamp Shack'.
>D Swamp Shack has acquired Security upgrade.
Empress joins the Engine Room section of the heist as the muscle. Hard 4.

Name: Empress
Type: Thug
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 6/6, Move 7, Defense 10, Crit on 10
Attributes: Hard 4, Cool 5, Sharp 0, Weird 0

Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach)
Sheathed Dao (Melee, Damage 3, Heavy [Cleave 3, Knockdown, Knockback 2])
Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9)

Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4)
Special Talents: Die Hard, Moonlighter
Items: Stylish Clothes, Bulletproof Suit (Worn), Blue Disk
Vehicles: Zero (Sport, 2/4/1, Racing T&T)
Cash: $968,062
Rolled 5 (1d10)


Name: Renjun
Type: Assassin

Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 6/6, Move 6, Defense 8, Crit on 6
Weapons: Jian (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance](1 AP 1/Turn) Block 1 and Counter 1), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5),

Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4, Sharp 0, Weird 4

Skills: Visions of Death (0 AP, 1 Edge, Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.), Top 10(1/chapter name and describe one of your criminal's top 10 favourite movies to reroll any die.)

Gear: Armor Vest (Armour 6) (Damage is dealt to Armor before HP. Armor blocks damage and is then removed)

Outfits: Custom Mask (+1 HP, +1 Move, Blue Bian Lian mask, Equipped), Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense),
Assets: Cell Phone, Chinese Language Bibles, Jewelry (Crucifix made of Gold and Jade), Artwork ("Sermon on the Mount" by Bloch)
Vehicles: "The White Magpie" (Van, 1/1/7, Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Nitrous, Sport Suspension), Barracuda (Speedboat, 2/1/3)
Base: Dock Warehouse (Security x2, Workshop, Theatre x2, Bathroom, Kitchen)

Gang: The Heat City Knights (Weird 2 Hard 1, 5 totally sane people converted to Christ, Superstition)

Cash: $161550
Heat: 3
Wanted: 2

>Increase Cool by 1
>Rolling on wrecked for my van

Since the assault on the safe house Renjun has been operating from the shadows, rarely leaving the confines of his fortified compound in the North Shore docks as he sends his holy order of knights out to continue guiding the spiritual awakening of Heat City. Almost none of the new converts to Renjun's reactionary Christian sect have met him and fewer have seen him without his mask on since he's entered into his seclusion. Now however, the time has come for him to go back into the world and personally bring divine justice to the streets of Heat City.
Chaser somehow manages to play it cool when he is instead greeted by the recording machine. A feat for sure.
>[level up: gain 1 cool]
>Sign in for Farm job as Gunner
"Count me in. I've been there before but they might have changed patrol routes."
Rolled 5 + 2 (1d10 + 2)


Name: Renjun
Type: Assassin

Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 6/6, Move 6, Defense 8, Crit on 6
Weapons: Jian (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance](1 AP 1/Turn) Block 1 and Counter 1), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5),

Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4, Sharp 0, Weird 4

Skills: Visions of Death (0 AP, 1 Edge, Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.), Top 10(1/chapter name and describe one of your criminal's top 10 favourite movies to reroll any die.)

Gear: Armor Vest (Armour 6) (Damage is dealt to Armor before HP. Armor blocks damage and is then removed)

Outfits: Custom Mask (+1 HP, +1 Move, Blue Bian Lian mask, Equipped), Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense),
Assets: Cell Phone, Chinese Language Bibles, Jewelry (Crucifix made of Gold and Jade), Artwork ("Sermon on the Mount" by Bloch)
Vehicles: "The White Magpie" (Van, 1/1/7, Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Nitrous, Sport Suspension), Barracuda (Speedboat, 2/1/3), "Quianlima" (Lancer Sport, 4/2/1, Engine Tuning, Nitrous)
Base: Dock Warehouse (Security x2, Workshop, Theatre x2, Bathroom, Kitchen)

Gang: The Heat City Knights (Weird 2 Hard 1, 5 totally sane people converted to Christ, Superstition)

Cash: $100050
Heat: 5
Wanted: 4

>Pay $5000 for Van Repairs,
>Buy Lancer Sportscar with Engine Tuning and Nitrous
>Send the Knights out on foot to cause some mayhem (Rolling Weird for Gang)

Renjun sends the Knights out to spread the good word with maximum vigour and enthusiasm, the city needs to be prepared for his return from the other realms.

Meanwhile he acquires for himself a new vehicle, one with the speed needed to chase down and run through his enemies.
Rolled 5, 5 = 10 (2d5)


> Gain +2 Heat
> Gain +1 Cool
> Gain +1 to 2 random stats
> Don't get [Chased']

The Knights spread the good news of Renjun's return to the world with zeal, letting everyone know that the flaming sword of Christ will be coming to separate wheat from chaff with extreme prejudice. All corruption and evil will be washed away and any citizens with goodness in their hearts should do all they can to assist, mainly by attacking evil government officials and law enforcement. Luckily this time the Knights don't get too out of control and easily slip away by the time the police take interest in their firebrand preaching.
Rolled 1 + 9 (1d10 + 9)


Name: Renjun
Type: Assassin

Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 6/6, Move 6+2, Defense 9, Crit on 6
Weapons: Jian (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance](1 AP 1/Turn) Block 1 and Counter 1), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5),

Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 0, Weird 4

Skills: Visions of Death (0 AP, 1 Edge, Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.), Top 10(1/chapter name and describe one of your criminal's top 10 favourite movies to reroll any die.)

Gear: Armor Vest (Armour 6) (Damage is dealt to Armor before HP. Armor blocks damage and is then removed)

Outfits: Custom Mask (+1 HP, +1 Move, Blue Bian Lian mask, Equipped), Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense),
Assets: Cell Phone, Chinese Language Bibles, Jewelry (Crucifix made of Gold and Jade), Artwork ("Sermon on the Mount" by Bloch)
Vehicles: "The White Magpie" (Van, 1/1/7, Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Nitrous, Sport Suspension), Barracuda (Speedboat, 2/1/3), "Quianlima" (Lancer Sport, 4/2/1, Engine Tuning, Nitrous)
Base: Dock Warehouse (Security x2, Workshop, Theatre x2, Bathroom, Kitchen)

Gang: The Heat City Knights (Weird 2 Hard 1, 5 totally sane people converted to Christ, Superstition)

Cash: $100050
Heat: 7
Wanted: 4

>Race in the Flamingo Furious with the "Qianlima" Lancer Sport

Renjun can feel the speed coursing through his veins as he ventures back out into the world to show everyone that with the help of the LORD he can move with unparalleled speed and grace.
Rolled 2 + 9 (1d10 + 9)


>Use Nitrous to reroll

As the Don pulls out ahead and it looks the race is over, Renjun shuts his eyes, slams on the accelerator, takes his hands off the wheel and begins to pray. The LORD will take Renjun over the finish line.
Rolled 10 + 5 (1d10 + 5)


>Gain +1 Sharp token and advantage on my next race
>Compete in Ninja Castle

Sadly a trickster devil appeared and blew Renjun's vehicle slightly off track, causing him to narrowly lose the race. He could taste victory and he'll be back to claim it soon.

Renjun is also booked to go back onto Ninja Castle, his previous defeat has never fully left him but this time he WILL be the Ninja Champion.
Rolled 10 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

I'll make cupcakes, and bring them. If Seline is going, I can help. I'm a good engineer. It's what I studied, you know? Pharmacological engineering and--- I see your eyes are glazing over. It's fine.

Point is, I've got you.

>Engine Room, Engineer, I have Weird 6, and I an opting to use it. In case there's surprises, I do backup with some Sharp.

>Do. . . we just roll this?
Rolled 8 (1d10)


Name: Tony Vespucci
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 10/10 Edge 12/12 Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 5 and above
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 5, Weird 4

Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), SMG (Range 10, Damage 3, Ammo 3/15, +1 crit range, Autofire)
Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4 uses)
Special Talent: Taser (4/4 uses)
Special talent: Pack Alpha (names: Carlo and Diego)
Special Talent: Electrify

bulletproof suit: +1 edge, +1 defense

>Mirage (Racing Tires + Suspension): Carissima
>Cash: 71 967

cash: +24 700
+1 Hard from level up

Don Tony’s petty little kingdom grows, even as bodies drop.
Somehow, the old man is still alive.

His loyal enforcers, Diego and Carlo, still stand by his side after all this time.

Time to shed some blood.

>send the Tailors to cause some Mayhem
>Word of Advice: give Andrea the duck to Dr Ben for the Oil Rig hit
Rolled 4 + 9 (1d10 + 9)

Oh sweet mayhem, how you sing to me…
>mayhem: +1 sharp
>mayhem: don’t get chased
>mayhem: -3 heat

>renovate: every fucking thing (-88k)
Current cash: 8 667

>snakeback switch, substituting weird for cool, using the Carissima
Rolled 4 + 9 (1d10 + 9)

>reroll the check using Suspensions
Rolled 6 (1d10)


>Gain +1 Cool token and [Apprentice]
>Roll on Street Loot

A grievance from the past has been resolved at long last, Renjun is the champion of Ninja Castle! The vile dogs in the editing room sadly cut his 27 minute long post-game rant from the TV broadcast, but some of the joyous thanks he gave to the LORD for his victory still managed to make it on the air as it was too difficult to edit around.
Rolled 7 + 6 (1d10 + 6)


>Gain $4,000 from street loot table
>Roll for training with DRAGON LEE

Now that Renjun's talents have been properly recognised, he can finally begin training with the legendary Lightning Dragon aka DRAGON LEE! Truly a man blessed by heaven, Renjun is looking forward to learning all he has to teach in the realm of martial arts.
Rolled 7 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

"Zat can be arranged vith a phone call. Enjoy."

>-$20,000 each to Blaze, Napps
>-$20,000 for D. Spenser's Swamp Shack, Security Upgrade
>-$24k for farm expenses
>-1 Green Disk from Napps
Cash: $577,655

Farm Heist
>Horace II, Pointman
>Blaze, Scout
>Chaser, Gunner
>Napps, Mule
>Tobias, Wires
>Friedrich, Spotter

"Let us begin. I vill be vatching."
Rolled 8 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

"Let's do this quick and clean." Chaser says as he takes aim.
>Rolling Gunner (+4 Hard)

"Mr. Spenser was it? I've heard that you've recently been to my gym and that the Boys have been particularly rough on you.
I am terribly sorry for their lack of self-restraint, even if it does get results, so do at least allow me to pay for your medical expenses."
>pay $2000 to D. Spenser
Rolled 7 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

With a thirsty blade and a canine-bearing grin, Horace takes point for the attack. The front is the best place for a swordswoman after all.

>Pointman - Substituting Cool for Weird
Rolled 7 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

>Rolling for Farm (Mule), +6 Hard
For once, the chainsaw would only slow him down - pick the right equipment for the right job. Or, don't pick any. That would explain the handful of empty duffel bags hanging against his back, ready to be filled with loot. Let's get to work.
Rolled 4 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

Rolled 9, 6 + 4 = 19 (2d10 + 4)

>Rolling Scout for Farm
No sweat, they won't slip past me.
Rolled 4, 6 = 10 (2d10)

>Total of +9 out of a max of +6
"Great vork team! Zey did not even see us coming."

>Rolling for rare loot
>Prototype Ranged Weapon
>Legendary Melee Weapon
||Waiting for Raven||
>$100,000 to each
>White Disk to Friedrich

"Ünd hier is everyone's share. It vas a pleasure."
Rolled 8 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

"Always a pleasure working with professionals."
>New total: $357.985
"I am interested in either of the weapons" he mentions "and obviously it wouldn't be fair for some people to get less loot than others: I am willing to pay a part of my cut to anyone who won't get one."
It's only fair after all.

On a different note: it's time to get stronger. While Chaser might be ex-military and know CQC, it's always a good idea to know more combat styles.
So it's no surprise that he invited Red Misha, the Siberian Bear, to the gym. Granted, it's more of a publicity stunt than anything, but beyond the flashiness and sheer physicality there's some technique to grasp. And he's interested.
>Learn Unstoppable, Raging Bear style. (+4 Hard)
Rolled 9 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

>Training at Chaser's Gym
>-1 Cool Token
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
>+1 XP
>Learn Moonlighter

Training was not as bad as he had heard. It did make him realize that he was not as cool as he briefly thought he was, when compared to the true veterans.
Not long after Jackie arrives an old face walks in. A Cuban man with Sunglasses, stinking of alcohol, in a Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts. He also has a gun case slung over his shoulder that is covered in spray painted on profanity. He smiles with teeth of varying shades of white, some clearly not real. "Wow if I could see two ladies like you whenever I show up to a job early I'd always be early.
Jackie simply raises an eyebrow, her own aviator sunglasses reflecting the man's disheveled beach bum appearance back at him. "Yeah, I get that a lot." She seems nonchalant, while asking, "So are you one of those types that drives better while drunk, or what?"
"I'm hungover. There is a big difference. And I drive one hell of a mean machine no matter what state I'm in baby. Claire there can back that up." Fresco replies before leaning back against a wall in the office. Nodding without adding in the state of the vehicles after he drove them.
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>Napps has gained a net $120,000 from Friedrich and the Farm Job! Holy shit. What are people supposed to do with $300k??? I don't think mortals are meant to have such wealth...

Navigation came easy to Napps - it helped in the races, and it helped him now, finding the new, maybe temporary office for Claire. He'd gotten the call, agreed to the terms laid out by the woman who'd led a good team in the Ricky hit, gave the Hopefully the man they'd hit would deserve a little more pain and blood than a shitty singer or a crappy ball thrower.

Slipping through the narrow door, he saw the day's leader - "Ms. Jack," with a raised hand, and.
Sunglasses. Hawaiian shirt. Cargo shorts. Clearly not Nishina, so this was the new one. "Fresco."

He tapped his fist gently to his open chest, abs and scar exposed by his hawaiian shirt above cargo shorts, all in a slight red tint from his sunglasses.
Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 6/6, Edge 14/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Flurry of Blows, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $128 408
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

...that was the third person Nishina had seen walk into Claire's office.

...of the three other people working with her against Marconi.

She pokes her head in through the door. Looks at everyone. Looks again.

"Hello." A short bow. "Is this the gathering for those against that [maggot-eating vulture] Marconi?"
Rolled 6 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

After the brief introductions Fresco claps his hands. "Haha alright we got the whole crew! I'll go get the car warmed up."

>Rolling for Driver now with Cool
Rolled 8 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 6/6, Edge 14/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Flurry of Blows, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $128 408
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

"Apparently so," she comments as the strange man strides past. She gives Jackie a 'do you know this guy?' look, then follows after, snagging up a bag of electronics she'd refamiliarised herself with recently. Her family weren't traditionalists in /every/ respect, and she'd always had a bit of a hand for computers.
Rolled 1 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

"Good to see you again, Napps." Blackjack doesn't normally associate with the type of meathead that Napps counts himself among (at least not in the gang- she does hang out with truckers and bikers), but she pops the collar of her own red Hawaiian shirt and pats him on the shoulder. "You've been on a roll lately, it'll be great to have you along."

Jackie gives the kid an amused smile, and shrugs, as if saying 'what can you do?' But underneath the smile, there's a current of impending violence, and she nods over at the Japanese swordswoman. "Let's get this fucker."
Rolled 6, 10 + 4 = 20 (2d10 + 4)

Empress's agents will provide prep work for Rainfall, Blackjack, and Empress herself.

Rolling Muscle for Empress's part in the heist.

Name: Empress
Type: Thug
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 6/6, Move 7, Defense 10, Crit on 10
Attributes: Hard 4, Cool 5, Sharp 0, Weird 0

Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach)
Sheathed Dao (Melee, Damage 3, Heavy [Cleave 3, Knockdown, Knockback 2])
Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9)

Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4)
Special Talents: Die Hard, Moonlighter
Items: Stylish Clothes, Bulletproof Suit (Worn), Blue Disk
Vehicles: Zero (Sport, 2/4/1, Racing T&T)
Cash: $968,062
Rolled 2 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

Empress makes an attempt at the Outdrive arcade cabinet again.

Despite her reluctance to put innocent people in harm's way, two friend-of-friends related to Empress's agents demanded to join in on "the good fight". She had no idea what stories her agents were passing around, but their enthusiasm was outright dangerous. Empress begrudgingly outfitted her new goons with pistols and thin kevlar vests that would hardly stop a pistol. A reminder that their job wasn't to kill, but rather to lay low and loot what they could.

Name: Empress
Type: Thug
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 6/6, Move 7, Defense 10, Crit on 10
Attributes: Hard 4, Cool 5, Sharp 0, Weird 0

Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach)
Sheathed Dao (Melee, Damage 3, Heavy [Cleave 3, Knockdown, Knockback 2])
Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9)

Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4)
Special Talents: Die Hard, Moonlighter, Pack Alpha
Items: Stylish Clothes, Bulletproof Suit (Worn), Blue Disk
Vehicles: Zero (Sport, 2/4/1, Racing T&T)
Cash: $968,062

Mooks: Chloe and Jimmy
Rolled 1 + 9 (1d10 + 9)

Empress's pixelated car explodes spectacularly as it slams into a guard rail. Hm, well that didn't go as planned. Her pockets now void of quarters, she steps into the seat of her Zero to try out the real deal at the Central City Circuit. But not before having a proper Sport Suspension installed in her ride.

Name: Empress
Type: Thug
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 6/6, Move 7, Defense 10, Crit on 10
Attributes: Hard 4, Cool 5, Sharp 0, Weird 0

Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach)
Sheathed Dao (Melee, Damage 3, Heavy [Cleave 3, Knockdown, Knockback 2])
Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9)

Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4)
Special Talents: Die Hard, Moonlighter, Pack Alpha
Items: Stylish Clothes, Bulletproof Suit (Worn), Blue Disk
Vehicles: Zero (Sport, 2/4/1, Racing T&T, Sport Suspension)
Cash: $964,562

Mooks: Chloe and Jimmy
Rolled 1 + 9 (1d10 + 9)

Empress's newly installed racing suspension seems to come in handy as she swerves to avoid an eerily familiar guard rail.
Rolled 10 + 9 (1d10 + 9)

(Using the Moonlighter bonus because there's no way in hell I just rolled two nat ones in a row.)

Empress is sweating as she grips the wheel of her Zero and gives it a hard turn.
Empress's near-misses with death must have looked like advanced maneuvers to the spectators. Her straining sports car screamed well ahead of the rest of the pack with each hair-raising turn, providing an impressive lead which endured all the way to the finish line. Empress slumped into her cushioned seat in exhaustion even as they were counting out the 50-grand in prize money she just won. Oh yeah, and she learned a thing or two about driving. Namely to avoid hitting the guard rails at full speed.

Name: Empress
Type: Thug
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 6/6, Move 7, Defense 11, Crit on 10
Attributes: Hard 4, Cool 5, Sharp 0, Weird 0
Starting Tokens: Cool 1

Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach)
Sheathed Dao (Melee, Damage 3, Heavy [Cleave 3, Knockdown, Knockback 2])
Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9)

Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4)
Special Talents: Die Hard, Moonlighter, Pack Alpha, Adrenaline Shift (Spend Cool tokens like Edge)
Items: Stylish Clothes, Bulletproof Suit (Worn), Blue Disk
Vehicles: Zero (Sport, 2/4/1, Racing T&T, Sport Suspension)
Cash: $1,014,562

Mooks: Chloe and Jimmy
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3.76 MB GIF
Rolled 4 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

"Look, look, there I am!"

Sitting up a bit too quickly caused Wizard's headache to come back with a vengeance. The TV on the floor of his Snake River bungalow living room didn't get the best reception—faulty antenna, perhaps—, but, there he was, clearly recognizable in the grainy footage. The Wizard on the TV had a dazed, vacant look in his eyes as he stared up into what he now knew to be the camera of a news helicopter and not, in fact, a UFO that the feds had flown all the way from Area 51 so they could nab him on twentysomething counts of wire fraud. Yeah, the blood-encrusted bandage made him look decidedly uncool and very much worse for wear. Yes, the look on his face was all sorts of gormless. Indeed, he was maybe second-to-last of the crew to be shown on the news and was only described as "an unknown male, mid twenties, slight build, heavy slouch". But, still, he was on *the* news.

Despite his excited pointing, the small group of wannabe hackers and phreakers he'd gathered around him and let crash in his bungalow did not appear enthused. Casey and Lil were playing Sorcery, Kei was reading some manga that Mizuchi had lent him, and Em was occupied with Donkey Kong on her Game & Watch. Just as they had been for the past week. The only difference was that the tower of pizza boxes in the corner of the room had doubled in height. Not one of them was even quarter of the way through the K&R C book, a half-assembled black box on the coffee table was coated with dust, and the telephone company manuals he'd fished out of dumpsters sat untouched. Wizard stood up and turned off the TV.

Right, that was quite enough laying about. He'd had quite enough of the falling action in the aftermath of the safehouse raid and it was time to get back to work. Starting with these four layabouts.


Good to be back, Raven.

>Increase Weird
>Send Script Kiddies to do some Phreaking (+2 Sharp)

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: SMG (5/20)
Skill: RC Bomb (2/2), Top 10 (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (6/6)
Cash: $360,485
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1 Speed, +1 Handling, Speed reroll 1/1, Handling reroll 1/1), Sorcery TCG
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
[advantage on next race]
HP: 7/7
Edge: 10/10
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 6
Wanted: 3
Rolled 10 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

"What? Who is this? What do you want?

"I told you not to call me.

"Well, since you already did, this call better be free, Lil.

"Ugh...you guys suck. You suck so, so bad...

"They what? No, I understand. Let me think, let me think.

"Conan the Librarian or Tax Evader. You have a chance that way.

"Yes, of course you can! The challenger names the field of honor and the one challenged chooses the weapons. Code duello. Tell them exactly that if they argue and—...

"...Lil? Are you still there? Lil? Hello...?"

>Script Kiddies are challenged to a video game battle. They play Tax Evader (+2 Sharp)
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d10 + 1)


"Of course you did. I knew you'd smoke them.

"...Now, if there's nothing else...You know, time is money. Literally, in this case, since you four can't phreak worth a damn and—...

"...Uhh...Lil? Oh, for fuck's sake..."

>Script Kiddies to Mayhem (1d10+1 Weird, -$10,000, +2 Heat)

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: SMG (5/20)
Skill: RC Bomb (2/2), Top 10 (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (6/6)
Cash: $349,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1 Speed, +1 Handling, Speed reroll 1/1, Handling reroll 1/1), Sorcery TCG
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +1 Sharp
[advantage on next race]
HP: 7/7
Edge: 11/10+1
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+1
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
I have a gang I haven't used. 2 Weird, so they can slide into any role. I don't have a disc, but I'll pony up the $1000 for an Everton heist if anyone else has actions left and wants to join in. I'll forfeit my share of the straight cash and just take whatever luxury loot pops up.
Fresh from the success of the Farm Heist, Friedrich begins organizing something much bigger.

>Sign up for another Oil Rig heist. People, Black Disc needed.
Rolled 10, 1 + 8 = 19 (2d10 + 8)

"Mhm, yeah sounds like that stuff was laced.

"Fuck if I know. Some nasty shit. Stay away from that crap next time. All of you already have what it takes to phreak. Just gotta apply yourselves.

"Yeah, yeah, I know what you did. You're all over the news. Ha, well, not really. You're on the ticker down below while *I'm* plastered all over.

"Just...look, just get home safe, alright?"

>Don't get chased, +1 Sharp

"Hmm...all that money and nothing to spend it on...hey, wait a second...!"
>Buy a Jet (-$170,000), upgrade it to the max (-$13,000)

"Thanks for the tune-up, Dom. It's not going to work out the same way it did last time, though."
>Race the Flamingo Furious with the Jet, subbing in Weird for Cool, using advantage from previous thread (2d10+5+3).

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: SMG (5/20)
Skill: RC Bomb (2/2), Top 10 (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (6/6)
Cash: $166,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
[advantage on next race]
HP: 7/7
Edge: 12/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
Rolled 7 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

>Race won. +$5,000, Furious Focus gained.

As is tradition, after a good race Wizard hits the Neon Knights.
>Video Arcade, Conan the Librarian (+6 Sharp, -$500)

"A hacker? That's what you need? Sure, I'm your guy."

>Sign up as a Hacker for the Oil Rig heist.
Rolled 5 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

>Rolling for Billy Marconi (Muscle), 1d10+6Hard
"Mm. Likewise." He nods at Nishina, following Blackjack and Fresco out.
And so it is, that a swordswoman and three beachgoers left to take down a shitty scam call center.
"...And that's how you do it. Crom may laugh at the four winds but he takes overdue fees very seriously, as you can see."
>Input initials WIZ and gain God Gamer.

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: SMG (5/20)
Skill: RC Bomb (2/2), Top 10 (1/1), Furious Focus, God Gamer (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (6/6)
Cash: $170,585
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
HP: 7/7
Edge: 12/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
>Join the second Oil Rig heist

>Gain $100,000 (36,675->136,675)
Rolled 6 (1d10)


Jackie almost cocked up the whole operation with her shitty disguise, this time. In her haste to get rid of Billy Macaroni, and rid Heat City of someone who took advantage of its most vulnerable, she had forgotten to reconnoiter his crew and hideout, and prepare a suitable disguise. And Billy Macaroni styled himself as a classy criminal, with linen suits and t-shirts, rather than beach bum clothes or streetwear, so she stood out when she tried to get into position to make Napps' rampage through the building easier. Of course, Blackjack was still incredibly good at lying, but being an attractive woman and dressed differently than the rest of her 'comrades' meant that there were plenty of eyes on her, and that all she could do was add her sword to the swathe of blood Napps tore through the warehouse.

>Luxury Loot roll
>+Painting ($7000 USD)

>Mission Total: $207,000 USD
>Blackjack Take: 51,750 USD
>Fresco Take: $51,750 USD
>Nishina Take: $51,750 USD
>Napps Take: $51,750 USD
After getting the crew out of the place before the police could swoop in and cleanup the disheveled man opens up conversation again. The Lone Star's engine still rumbling as Fresco pulls them into a safe lot they can handle loot and split up. "Hey BJ. Napps. You two have been busy while I was out of town. Got some kinda disk thing, all black? I remember some military looking guy mumbling about one and I wanna see if I can make him smile with it."

>Signup as Pointman (with Black Disk if Blackjack wills it)
Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 6/6, Edge 14/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Flurry of Blows, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $180 158
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

Nishina, on the other hand, is entirely too used to using revenge as a motivator. She's laser-focused as she balances bladework and shorting out the plentiful electronic defences Billy Marconi has populated his lair with. More the latter with Napps around, especially as Jackie joined back up with them.

Jackie has to talk Nishina out of forfeiting her share of the money out of sheer naive honour, but eventually the young Japanese woman finds herself a substantial amount richer.

...What now?
>Use the +1 from God Gamer
>Gain a Hard Token
The workout took a bit more out of him than he expected, but he ended up invigorated actually.
>Pay Friedrich $1000 in damages (to his Cool image)
>Sign up for Oil Rig (Muscle)
"No hard feelings. The Boys just don’t know when to quit sometimes."
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Time moved on but the city barely could heal. What was there to do? A corrupt police department was more of a crippled police department now. Same for the SWAT teams. But at least now it meant a progressive return for Rico. Taking the helm as interim Captain (until official ceremony would come) it was slowly going to be a change. Soon he'd probably have to leave the crime behind or on the downlow. Those at station who knew we're already on his side now and those that suspected we're already shut up. Harland's response won't be a light one but at least now the old team was taken off the equation. Push while still having the advantage and then we'll see the answers at the end. For now, it was time to get things back in shape.

>Gain [Blitz]

>Join the 2nd Big Oil Rig Heist

>Hire a new gang (last one is gone) for 10,000$
>The New Block Runners. A shell gang used to train ex-SWAT members, racers and parole chumps in new Urban Tactics to make the new bulk of the HCPD SWAT teams. About 5 guys who don't exactly trust each other but will eventually have to learn to. [Grunts: 2 Hard, 1 Cool]
>Send them to Mayhem

-----New Map 9----

+2 Wanted, +2 Heat

Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 12/12
Edge 8/8
Move 5
Defense 10

Cool: 5 {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg+taunt, gain blk 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
-Clothes [Bulletproof Suit]: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
-Queen Bee Reputation lvl 1

Weapon: Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
Vehicle: Lancer [4/3/1]
+Engine Tuning and Turbo Install (+1 Speed)
+Nitrous (Reroll 1 Speed/Chapter)
+Racing Tires and Transmission Overhaul (+1 handling)
+Sport Suspension (Reroll 1 Handling/Chapter)
Jet [5/1/0]
+Engine Tuning and Turbo Install (+1 Speed)
+Nitrous (Reroll 1 Speed/Chapter)

$47,100 USD [Heat 4, Wanted 2]

Sponsored Gang: Glass Joes [2 Sharp, 1 Hard]
Some kind of military looking guy? Heckler? Jackie, slowly, nods, and hands the disc over to Fresco. "I get 5% of whatever cut the leader gets from the mission, and first choice of any interesting gear picked up. This was pretty difficult to get my hands on, you know?"
Rolled 6 (1d10)

>Heat +2 (now 6)
>Choose: Streets loot, +2 Stats random, +1 Stat choice and DON'T get chased
>Rolling for Streets Loot
Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d5)

>The crack goes into the bounty bin. (+6,000$)= 53,100$
>2 stats random (2d5) in order
Rolled 4 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

>+$1k from Chaser
>Already have a boat
>-$150k to buy a helicopter
>-$100k for both halves of Oil Rig attempt
>White Disk from me
>Black Disk from Fresco
Cash: $428,655


"Ve heff everysing ve need. Go. I vill deal vith ze machinery."

Oil Rig Team Best

Hacker (Sharp): Wizard
Scout (Cool): Blaze
Gunner (Hard): Chaser
Pilot (Cool): Horace II

Engine Room
Pointman (Cool): Fresco
Muscle (Hard): Rico
Engineer (Sharp): Friedrich
Wires (Sharp): Tobias
Rolled 2 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

"W-wait a second...*that's* what we're hitting? Uhh...c-can we stop somewhere? I want to get off. No...? Ok..."

>Rolling for Hacker (1d10+6 Sharp)
Rolled 4 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Name: Fresco
Type: Operator
Stats: HP: 8/8, Armor 0, Edge 8/8, Move 6, Defense 10, Crit on 6, Heat 2
Weapons: DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 3/9)
Factor: Hard 0, Cool 4+2, Sharp 2, Weird 4+2
Special Talent: Deadeye: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Attack with +3 accuracy, +3 crit rate, and +1 crit damage
Lightning Reload: 1/Turn reload for 0 AP
Oh Yeah!: Fuck you, roll +weird for a cool entrance
Moonlighter: Gain a 3rd Sidejob. Can use this 3rd job to reroll a Side Job roll.
Furious Focus: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 edge, gain 1 edge.
Dance Fever Disco: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Gain +1 Wtoken at start of mission. Spend WTokens to gain +2 Move and Def for that round.

Drug Kit: (1 AP, 2/2 Uses) Take 1 damage to gain ++2 to a stat for 3 turns.
Custom Mask: +1 HP & +1 Move
Cash: 16750
The Floater [Barracuda]: 2 Speed, 1 Handling, 3 Size

>Buy own Barracuda for the job [-45k]
>Roll for Pointman with Cool

"Let me take the lead. I've been to one of these kind of things before." Fresco advises as he takes on the boat with the others, leaving the air team to their fate.
Rolled 6 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

Things sure are easier to see from up here. Might have to get used to aiming down sight while in motion though...

>Scout Roll for Oil Rig
He's about to respond when a twinge in his foot and an ache in his arm stop him, turning the limb to see a patch of red under the bandages wrapped around his wrist. It's enough to remind him of the other wounds he'd taken from the Farm job, that although they'd all made it out alive and well, it wasn't without a cost of blood. Pushing his luck with the oil rig might be pushing it - and that wasn't counting whatever scrapes he'd gained from the scam center.
"I think the... german got it. Or at least something like it. Either way, I'll have to pass on anymore excitement for now."

He waves them good luck, stepping out of the car and grabbing the Ronin's keys, choosing to walk it to the lot's entrace before he would drive off. He glances at Nishina - splitting up would be the smart move, but...
He doesn't think too hard, instead following his gut impulse and knocking on the side of Fresco's car for her attention.
"Drinks at my place later?" And almost forgetting, but adding in, "good job. You did good in there."
Rolled 8 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

Rolled 6 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

>Gunner (Hard) roll
"It's like I'm back in the army."
Rolled 1 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

This was new.
She'd been behind the wheels of tractors, pick-ups, dirt bikes and the like but never at the controls of a helicopter. Horace spent a lot of hours pouring over the manual of the thing, memorizing all she could before the job, and now that she was here the adrenaline was pumping.
Now she was just like the Marines on the TV back when she was younger. Good morning, Vietnam.

>Rolling for Pilot (1d10+2 Cool)
Rolled 7 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

>Top Ten reroll.
Rolled 5 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

>Stat chosen +1 Cool token

"Alright we're all in team. ¡Vamos! Let's see what this oil rig has to offer."
Hacker (Sharp): Wizard
Scout (Cool): Blaze
Gunner (Hard): Chaser
Pilot (Cool): Horace II

Total: +5

Engine Room
Pointman (Cool): Fresco
Muscle (Hard): Rico
Engineer (Sharp): Friedrich
Wires (Sharp): Tobias

Total: +7

Both teams succeeded, advancing to stage two
Utterly confounded by the oil rig's security system, Wizard recalled the night four years ago when he went to the opening screening of GameWars, a gripping tale of hacking, artificial intelligences, and looming thermonuclear war. That night was the genesis of the Wizard, transforming him from a college sophomore into a (future) hacker extraordinaire (hopefully. The "extraordinaire" part was still a work-in-progress). It was also what compelled him to attempt to (unsuccessfully) hack into his school's library network a month or so later, with predictable results. The rest, as they say, was history.

It was this brief reminiscence that gave rise to an epiphany. He *did*, in fact, know the trick to beating this security system. Though it looked like nothing he'd seen before, that wasn't the case. Actually, it appeared to be a derivative of a system that he'd managed to blunder into compromise more or less on accident in '86. To cut a long story short, his old bungalow in Snake River wasn't the first house he burnt down and bugged out of. Far from it, in fact.

>Top Ten reroll spent. New result is 13. +3 to Oil Rig airdrop.
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File deleted.
"Heckler, where the FUCK is Rainfall!? I've been trying to reach her comms the whole month and she's radio silent. You think something's happened?"
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Rolled 4, 6, 4 = 14 (3d10)

With the heat higher than its ever been, Mizuchi has been fairly scarce. Anime nights? He was still there for those any day, but with the Heat City government looking to pour every expense into regaining even a slight amount of credibility, even someone as troubled as Mizuchi had a degree of tact. So, he spent long, long days meditating and practicing his bladework in his high rise suite, behind enough layers of private security to prevent any cowboy cops from barging in on him taking a dump with a 45 and a disregard for warrants.

It was good for his skills, at the very least.
>Learn Flurry of Blows

The loss of the safe house hurt. It had been the home for their revenge quest, and now it was gone. He figured Alamo wouldn't be the last to leave. What did the Boss's legacy mean now? He felt like that aimless young ronin again, the last thread of normality of the boss's gang gone. All he could do was wait for the answer to reveal itself. And wait for his friends to call.

As the days went on, Mizuchi finally felt confident running some damage control. He sent the Talent Co. out on their usual work for Tony, trying to obfuscate any recognition of himself at the safehouse with mistaken identity from a buzz of philanthropy.
>Pay 10k to send the Talent Company to work double time at Larocca Sanitation (+2 Hard)

As for himself, he hit the old haunt of the blue mare. He needed good conversation to get his head back in the game.
>Spend 5k to buy a gold ticket for Mia.

Name: Mizuchi
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 9/8+1, Edge 8/7+1, Move 6, Defense 8+2, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 2+1, Cool 4+1, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), Raijin (Melee, Damage 4, [Stance], 1/1 Per Job [Stormdance] +1 DMG and +1 Stun for one turn)
Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4 Uses), Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defense, +1 Edge)
Money: $222,243
Special Talent: Flash Step, Agility, Flurry of Blows, Furious Focus
Assets: Katana Coupe w/ Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous [Speed 2+1, Handling 1+1, Size 3], Movie Collection (Anime), Loud Apartment, Blue Cassette, Tower Apartment (w/ The Works & Security+), Hi-Fi Stereo, Cell Phone, Manga, Designer Shades, Rare Weapons, Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts, +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition)
Heat: 12
Wanted Level: 3
His talk with Mia was short, but sweet. It was enough to help.
>+1 Sharp token.

As for the Talent Co, they worked well and brought him a pleasant finder's fee as usual.
>Results of 6 & 8.
>This reduces Heat by 6 and pays out $5,200
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93 KB
Rolled 8 + 4 (1d10 + 4)


>Level Hard 0->1
>Heist roll!

Rainfall exists. She is in existence. Her existence is an eternal constant in this universe; where there is existence, Rainfall exists and is real and is heisting at this very moment.

Name: Rainfall
Class: Assassin[Lv7]
HP[8/8] Edge[7/7] Move 6
Defense 9 Crit 6
Cool:4 Sharp:1 Hard:1 Weird:4
*Skills:(Flash Step)(Die Hard)(Top Ten)(Furious Focus)

*Weapons:Blood Katana(Dmg4,Block1,CDmg+1,1stCritHeal+1)
*Gear:Armor Vest(Block 2Dmg[2/3])
*Clothing:Bulletproof Suit(Def+1,Edge+1)

Blue Disk
Black Disk
Secret Files[B]
Blue Cassette [CHAOS]
$10,000 Gold Bar
$10 Chocolate Money
14 Heat, 0 Wanted
Beach House
Katana Coupe [2/1/3]
Zero(Speed+Handling+Nitrous) [3/4/1]
Construction Workers(Hard2,Sharp1,Slothful)
Advantage on next race
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570 KB PNG
In preparation for the upcoming Oil Rig heist, Ramirez had spread the word of the crew he was assembling to hit it. It had to be done right, he imagined that this kind of massive offshore complex was probably crawling with security out the nose. He was prepared for that.

What he WASN'T prepared for was just how many of the gang would try to join in. Sat at his desk, Ramirez taps a pencil against his notepad, thinking.

Gunner: Ramirez
Pilot: Rainfall
Wires: Heckler

>Dr. Ben, Blackjack, Seline, Empress, Kitt, Friedrich, Chaser, Tobias, Napps, Blaze, Tony have all applied...

A lot of good people, not enough space... Ramirez's mind, honed by decades of special forces experience, pores over the list of candidates for weeks.

Finally, on the deadline of the start of mission planning phase, he steps into Claire's office, waving a dossier in the air, which he duly hands over to her.

"Claire, got the list of who I'm getting on this job." Ramirez says. "I've already got a plan, we'll be hitting the Rig soon. Wait, what do you mean the commie's hitting it first?"

Scout: Dr. Ben
Gunner: Ramirez
Hacker: Blackjack
Pilot: Rainfall
Pointman: Seline
Muscle: Empress
Engineer: Kitt
Wires: Heckler

>>5991342 | >>5991353 | >>5991394 | >>5992126 | >>5992187 | >>5991464 | >>5993587
"Alright, plan's simple this time around," Ramirez says as he paces around in front of a cool looking tactical display that Heckler had somehow procured. Apparently the glowing lines made it better for holding the attention of Marines.

"We'll split up into two groups, one to hit the platform from below, and the other's going to hit the same platform from above at the same. Ben, Blackjack, Rainfall, you're with me on GREEN TEAM, we'll be inserting via helicopter. Seline, Empress, Kid, you'll be on RED TEAM under Heckler. I call this one Operation Attack on the Mercenary Oil Rig (AMOR). Got it? Good."

>Confirming the beginning of the Oil Rig Heist!
>Dr. Ben gains +2 to first half roll
>Empress, Rainfall, Blackjack roll with advantage on first half.
Rolled 5 + 6 (1d10 + 6)


Why do I let Kitt talk me into-


> Rolling Pointman, first into the Engine Room. 6 Cool, and six pistols as well!
Rolled 7 + 4 (1d10 + 4)


They're in a tin can flying over the stormy Pacific, yet Ramirez can only think about the mountains of Afghanistan. How they looked while spiralling in the air. In another life, he'd been stood in a helicopter, shoulder to shoulder with a team of badasses. HIS team, back in the day. Before the- Ramirez tears himself away from that spiral of thoughts. This time will be better. It has to be. And while the Gang might not be the same, the people he's standing with are no less his team right now.

Rainfall in the cockpit. Blackjack checking her sword and decoded. Dr Ben doing some weird voodoo rituation with his guns. Ramirez knows this half of the mission is good hands. And right on time, the other half calls in.

"GREEN LEADER, this is RED LEADER." Comes the voice of Heckler, Ramirez's trusted (even if he'd never admit that) friend and second. "RED TEAM is on course and ready. 3 minutes out. Over" RED TEAM is the other half of heist, Heckler and Chien's kid as the techheads, Empress and Seline bringing the muscle and guns. He can trust them to their jobs.

Ramirez picks up the radio to reply. "RED LEADER, GREEN LEADER here. Roger, GREEN TEAM is 2 minutes from the drop-off, radio silence starts now. Out."

When he clicks the radio set off, Ramirez can practically feel Blackjack rolling her eyes. "You soldier boys sure like your fancy code words huh? What's wrong with just talking like a normal human?"

Ramirez resists the urge to snipe back with something about using swords in a gunbattle. He's a leader now, needs to act like it. "Makes thing easier to read, and speeds up radio comms." He says. "You'd know if-"

Any further conversation is interrupted when the radio buzzes again, this time on an open frequency. "This is Control Station PAPA GULF to unauthorised aircraft, you are entering the 5-mile secured perimeter of this base. Withdraw beyond 5 miles or you will be fired on."

Ramirez swiftly gets on the horn right back. "GULF PAPA, this is GREEN GOBLIN. We're coming back from the store with the milk and smokes." As the team tensely waits for the reply, he makes a note to thank Empress after this. Those codes might save this heist from ending before it even begins.

After a few mutterings in the background of 'older code' and 'checks out', the Oil Rig returns. "GREEN GOBLIN, cleared landing on Pad 7."

Doctor Ben chuckles from behind, audibly rolling his shoulders. "Ha, madame Empress' people do good work."

Rainfall makes the necessary adjustments, slowly steering the helicopter into position. Out of the corner of his eye, Ramirez just imagines he can see the shadow of a boat slip under the Oil Rig support struts.

"Alright, get ready fellas... let's get this show started." Ramirez takes a glance out the window, before throwing open the door.

>Rolling +Hard as Gunner for the Airdrop half.
Sniper (Cool): Rico
Gunner (Hard): Chaser
Scout (Cool): Blaze
Pointman (Cool): Fresco
Hacker (Sharp): Wizard
Codebreaker (Sharp): Friedrich
Mule (Hard): Horace II
Engineering (Sharp): Tobias

"Zere vill be some changes in ze team roles für ze second part. Vait until ve heff cracked ze code or locked ze console, zen go."
After the fiery finale at the former safe house Jackal had good time to fix the manor slowly but surely.
Oh and her truck also patching some bullet holes and holes caused by shrapnel of varying size. Straightening head sized dent on bumper, removing bricks and what looked like an red air intake from rear of car.

Even if her radios had been quiet same could not be said about the television. Hell the late night news even had guts to show end of one who fought in same room as she did. Then there was the big guys boasting it would surely come to play sooner rather than later.

At least throwing gator out of your yard works as exercise and you even learn something about how dirty these things fight.
>Learn Animal Within

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 11/11, Edge 6/6, Move 5, Defense 5, Crit 8
Attributes: Hard 4, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 3/9 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades]
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Rolled 3 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

This is more serious than the sniper thought. But he came this far. Using the radio they have he calls up that one smart hacker chick from the Macaroni job. She helps solve the puzzle in a mere minute.

>Hidden Puzzle solved! Everyone gets +1 to roll!

He then gets into Sniping position.
>Cool for Sniper
Rolled 8 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

>Rolling for Scout (+4 Cool, +1 Puzzle)

I don't think "Pointment" tend to be snipers
Rolled 8 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

That voice. She... No, he can't think about her now. Focus on the task ahead. There are more codes to be broken.
*Replace all instances of Sniper with Pointman I can't read
Rolled 9 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

>Rolling Sharp Wires

"Haven't done a mission like this in a long time." Heckler mumbles to himself as Seline and Empress sweep and clear the engine room. Moving quickly to a control panel, he quickly shifts the panel underneath open before beginning to splice wires.
Rolled 2 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

Rolled 4 + 8 (1d10 + 8)

Rolled 8 + 8 (1d10 + 8)

The whole oil rig is soon ringing with shots and running steps. Security rushes out tomeet the intruders, but for some reason, it's the intruders who keep finding them first, and always from the flank or rear. Reinforcement squads try to cut them off, surround and isolate, but find only empty rooms or traps. It's like the intruders KNOW.
Rolled 5, 3, 6, 6, 1, 2, 5, 5, 3, 4 = 40 (10d6)

"Advanced security systems? How cute."
>Rolling for Gunner (+5 Hard +1 puzzle bonus)
Rolled 3 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

I must have messed up my dice somehow when setting up the bonus, my bad.
>Actual roll that DOESN'T use d6
Kit salutes.
[Kit succeeds on 16 total, adding +3 to the Engine room]
. . . and spends the day going over the briefing while making cakes. Later, the soft dollop of decorative sugar gently reflects the light of the cool looking tactical display.

" Sense of obligation. Also I said I wanted to find out what you did for a living, and . . . *This* is *it*? This is *insane* this is an *insane plan* that man has half his face burned off and access to *machine guns*. His plan names are puns! Good ones!

. . . No no, I'll help. Apparently I'm a wanted criminal now, according to the mayor. Kinda puts a dampener on my other prospects. Also this all seems wildly dangerous so you need someone to watch your back, right?"

The first thing Kit did, running to get into a car while the very unsafe building the gang kept calling a 'safe' house burned down? Yeah, it had been hyperventilating in the back of a car as she came down from the worlds most intense adrenaline crash. Absolutely lost her cool. But the second thing had been, carefully, mechanically, by eighteen years of rote training, going over the lightweight vest. Checking it for bullets and damage (plenty of both). Pried off the 'Police' marker and threw it out the window of the car, as some criminal floored the gas and the building burned. Tried not to think of that act as a metaphor for anything.

Felt lucky, that vest. Most of the shots going her way had missed (and there's a sentence her quiet inner voice will politely work to repress, because being *shot at* seems *bad*).

So she'd been a week repairing it. Scrubbing out the stains. Take care of your gear and maybe it takes care of you. Maybe that was a scene from some forgotten movie night action flick, maybe it was good advice. Added a few extra pads and a ballistic mesh. Felt like a walking armory. But it had all helped to work through it, twelve hours tooled up doing sommersaults around the living room, Dan Vanme marathon in the background.

Didn't think she'd be using it again so soon. . .

. . . Kit snaps back to the moment. Flashes a hand-sign, proceeds. The other guy, not the burnt one, his shadow-counterpart. Kit thought she'd been kitted up but there were apparently whole new heights of military apparel a professional could reach and ways to add spare magasines to your loadbearing vest that only a truly focused mind could think of. She'd made mental notes, feeling faintly naked in comparison. Inside the room, shell casing rolls across the floor. Seline must be done. You can tell because the shouting and shooting has stopped. Kit worked that one out *early*, and then hadn't (still don't) known whether to feel clever, impressed or shocked. Maybe that was just the vibe around here.

( Had the statuesque woman with the Russian accent really thrown that guy through a window? You could do that? )

" Good work! "
" Give me twenty minutes and the doors should be right open. " She shouts, as if she has any idea, but confidence carries you through most things and if confidence doesn't rate she did have a multitool and a dream.

" So, Ramirez, right? That's ... that's got to be make-up, right? He slathers that on in morning, right? It's to be imposing? Come on, you can tell me, I won't squeal. "
Rolled 4, 5 + 2 = 11 (2d10 + 2)

>Rolling for Hacker
Jackie was in no way a hacker. She could barely operate computers, and she wasn't nearly as good as Lena, or the phreakers that she occasionally came across, in the city's criminal underworld. She was, however, a surprisingly handy electrician, and, with the right automatic pulse-code box, extorted from some computer nerd back home, she could use her skill sets to physically interface the box with the computer system's server and disrupt everything.

At least, she hoped she could.
Rolled 1 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

>>5992849 |>>5993587 | >>5993600 | >>5993601 | >>5993674 | >>5993770 | >>5993815 |>>5993840

Scout: Dr. Ben, +3
Gunner: Ramirez, +2
Hacker: Blackjack, +0
Pilot: Rainfall, +3
>Total: +8

Pointman: Seline, +2
Muscle: Empress, +3
Engineer: Kitt, +3
Wires: Heckler, +3
>Total: +11

>Confirmed Airdrop with [8] and Engine Room with [11]
>Heist moves to Central Platform!

Finally, after a running fight with the surprised PMC guards, Ramirez's team makes it to the central platform. Taking shelter in a vehicle loading dock with a strange amount of useful cover, the team gets to work on getting inside.

"Blackjack, get the door open!" Ramirez shouts, as the team trades fire with mercs swarming over the bridges to retake the command platform.

"Got it!"

"Inside, now!" The squad dives into the interior, swiftly sealing the airlock behind them. Ramirez makes a headcount for the four of them. Everyone intact, good.

"RED LEADER, GREEN LEADER. We've made entry into the upper command platform, give us a sitrep, over."

As if on cue, there's a mighty explosion somewhere below, and Ramirez can't help but smirk a little. Sounds like Heckler's team is having a good time.

"GREEN LEADER, just made entry ourselves into the lower decks, you could say we're having a blast down here! Uh, over." Ramirez rolls his eyes at the terrible pun.

"RED LEADER, this is GREEN LEADER. Got it, we'll keep open comms from here. We'll make our way downstairs and link up for the big prize, over." He turns back to his team, gesturing them forwards once more. "Let's keep moving guys. Stay alert, this place'll be crawling with more mercs soon."

>Rainfall as Scout, Seline as Sniper, Dr. Ben as Pointman, Ramirez as Gunner (+Hard), Empress as Mule (+Hard), Blackjack as Codebreaker, Heckler as Hacker, Kitt as Engineering
>All heisters gain +2 to rolls
>Rolling Hard as Gunner
Rolled 7 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

>Rolling Weird as Codebreaker
Jackie was already fed up with the pulse-code blackbox, and tossed it to the ground, smashing it under the heavy combat boot that soldier boy insisted she wear, along with the rest of the heavy flak vest and kevlar jumpsuit. Unsheathing her sword, she simply began following the wires, using her electrical expertise to find the best ones to cut around the server room, that would still let the actual hacker penetrate the base's systems.
Rolled 6 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

>Rerolling with Top 10
Almost as soon as his team move deeper into the Central Platform, a squad of PMCs arrive unexpectedly a dump a barrage of weapons fire at them all.

Ramirez takes one in vest and goes down, and barely crawls to cover, pinned down by suppressive fire. Think, Ramirez, think. How to get out of this situation? A flash of memory, a movie.

In Hyperwars didn't the protagonist, Duke Floorwalker, get pinned down the evil Space Troopers of the Empire just like this? How did he get out of it... of course!

Ramirez grabs a bunch of power cabelling (hopefully) strong enough to hold a man in tactical armour, trusts that it'll hold, and swings across like some kind of movie hero to try and flank the mercs as they reload.
A long burst from his shotgun and some very dead PMCs later, Ramirez nods at his squad again. "Let's move."
By the time Ramirez gave her the order, Blackjack was already gone- she had slipped away from the running firefight, at some point, a large sword slash on the door panel, and a large open door being the only evidence of her passing.

She followed the wires, which appeared as if they were highlighted to her, even through the walls, allowing her to go directly to the server room. Moving around the base in an erratic pattern, she avoided the many fireteams which were responding to her team's intrusion, and slipped into the server room, able to pick just the right wires to cut with the strange vision she was experiencing. At least, she called it a vision, because she was sure that she wasn't drunk or high. Whatever it was, however, it showed her the path to make the mission that much easier for the rest of the team.
Rolled 8 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Heckler gently pushes in the blasting cap into his explosive charge before gingerly tip toeing back. "Alright you lot, get ready to move. Remember the plan. Seline finds goes snipes out the guards coming in from below, Kit, you're with me and we link up with Blackjack. Empress get ready to shift the loot when we got the doors open. Fire in the hole, fire in the hole, fire in th-"
Rolled 4 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Rainfall is both forklift and helicopter certified.

Name: Rainfall
Class: Assassin[Lv7]
HP[8/8] Edge[7/7] Move 6
Defense 9 Crit 6
Cool:4 Sharp:1 Hard:1 Weird:4
*Skills:(Flash Step)(Die Hard)(Top Ten)(Furious Focus)

*Weapons:Blood Katana(Dmg4,Block1,CDmg+1,1stCritHeal+1)
*Gear:Armor Vest(Block 2Dmg[2/3])
*Clothing:Bulletproof Suit(Def+1,Edge+1)

Blue Disk
Black Disk
Secret Files[B]
Blue Cassette [CHAOS]
$10,000 Gold Bar
$10 Chocolate Money
14 Heat, 0 Wanted
Beach House
Katana Coupe [2/1/3]
Zero(Speed+Handling+Nitrous) [3/4/1]
Construction Workers(Hard2,Sharp1,Slothful)
Advantage on next race
Rolled 10 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

>Hacker roll (1d10+6+1)
Rolled 8 + 8 (1d10 + 8)

(Insert intelligent writing here. Sick as a dog.)

>Sniping. 6 Cool, 2 Boni
Rolled 4 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

" On it, sir. " Kit snaps off a quick salute and rolls over, curls up in a ball, head pointed away from the blasting charge, hands over her ballistic ear muffles, mouth open to prevent teeth-shattering clatter.

One missisipi - two missisipi - three isn't it meant to off by now did she get the count wrong wait was that type three or type five semte---

Kit rolls with the shockwave, thermal bloom scoring down the hallways, and then springs to her feet. Three point tap in every vital point, alright, no shrapnel, no bleed, so blowng a door of its hinges with an improvised additional charge doesn't seem to have caused any problems other than the fact they were blowing chunks out of architecture a hundred miles out to sea. Let's hope the architects knew what they were doing.

Kit springs forward, claps a hand on Heckler's shoulder and taps him twice on the back. All clear, all set, let's *go*. . .

>I'm at Sharp 4, and I add 2, so +6

. . . An ocean of steel and wires, this new room, past new hallways. Heckler sets a breakneck pace. Barks into his communication every few corners. Team above must be making progress. But this place would stop anyone up short - there's more processing capacity here than, well, anywhere. Why does an oil-rig need enough server racks to run a space programme twice over? Kit fishes out a screwdriver from her belt and steadies herself. Slaps Hecker on the back again, twice, peeling off here, getting to work.

Alright. A thousand doors, a thousand servers, gunshots from the rafters and sweeping laser beams curling through smoke from someone elses grenades. The air in here is cool, softly dry. They must be sucking out excess waste-heat from the servers, dumping in the ocean. It'd be tranquil if not for the raging firefight. Not the best work environment, but she can focus furiously on the task at hand. Think like a system adminstrator. Not every server here matters, surely? Some of them have been shot, sparking out, and the guards above aren't being discrete with their fire. So. . . the out-lying ones must send cross-roads, data packages, just imagine oil, flowing through a pipe, this is an oil-rig, and so what if the oil is green and made of ones and zeroes, it has to go somewhere, and then (Kit winces as a burst rips through the ground a little too close) - and then - that means . . .

Just follow the power-lines.

Of course.

The thing with the largest draw is doing the most work. Basic engineering principle. And if they're spending all this effort keeping the racks cool and the servers humming, then all she needs to do is eyeball the HVAC system, ah, past that guy with the shotgun that Empress is dealing with, trust that happens or you die, so, trust, and that leads . . .

Kit tightens her grip on her screwdriver and sprints off.
Rolled 1 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Empress steels herself and continues on.
Rolling Hard as the Mule.
Rolled 8 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

"Carry this, carry that. Can't lift this, take that instead."
Like hell Empress was going to leave even a dime behind. She remembered some sappy movie about how it's important to "let go", emphasized by the main character having to leave behind a bunch of gold. Cashing Out was the name of the movie. Some A-tier schlop about a casino heist. What a crock of shit. She was better than that, and she could prove it.
H-hey! Hey! Put the server rack down, I need that to -- okay. Okay, we can do it your way.
Rolled 1 + 8 (1d10 + 8)

Boot to the door, shot, shot. Boot to the door, shot, shot, shot, shot. Boot to the door, boot to the face, reload, boot to the face again. A rythm of violence.
>>5993887 | >>5993880 | >>5993872 | >>5993868 | >>5993866 | >>5993856 | >>5993848 | >>5993847

Blackjack: +3
Ramirez: +2
Heckler: +3
Rainfall: +1
Seline: +3
Kitt: +1
Empress: +3
Dr. Ben +1
>Total: 17

In a blitz of precision assaults and tactical movement, both the Air squad and Boat squad met in the middle, the target deck erupting into awe-inspiring orgy of violence as 8 fully prepared badass cleared space to think.

"Heckler! Good to see you made it! And the rest of you too, of course." Ramirez doesn't take long to grandstand though. "Let's move on, the objective's close enough I can taste it through my bandages!"

The assembled team needs no further encouragement, and if the PMCs were being slaughtered before, they practically evaporate in the face of the squad.

Ramirez shoots more shells than he's ever thought could be fire, going through a duffle bag of ammo, then another.

Blackjack, Heckler, and Kitt work crack codes and rewire circuits like they'd been born to do it.

Seline pops heads by the dozen under her deadly aim.

Doctor Ben is a hurricane of death, dual pistols whirling and twirling.

Empress breaks through barriers through sheer muscle, ripping doors off their hinges and server racks off the floor.

And- wait did Rainfall really use a forklift to duel a giant robot or was that a trick of Ramirez's eye?

Either way, soon they finally reach the central centre. The command centre. The big important place. The armoured hatches seem like castle walls of steel as the Ramirez's squad assembles in front.

"Guys, open it." He tells the computer crew, and Heckler, Blackjack, and Kitt leap to it. As the rest of the team secure the entryway, Ramirez feels a strange something, right there in his chest. It feels warm.

"Guy? Uh, I'm not one for speeches and all, but I just wanna say: when I run an op, I expect more than just adequacy - I expect excellence." Ramirez glances around at them, busy yet listening, with that strange warmth practically burning. Oh, that's what it is. Pride. "You've all well exceeded my expectations, you've been perfect. I'm beyond proud to have worked with you fellas on this job. Now, back to business."

Ramirez turns around to go back to what he's supposed to do, but not without spending a second to gawk at Doctor Ben beating a merc to death with a mop.

"Didn't bring enough ammo, mon ami." Says the man.

Ramirez shrugs, and waits for the massive doors to open.

>Confirmed successful completion of the Oil Rig Heist! And we did it faster and better than the other guys, too!
" Sir! "
" . . . Sir? "
" How *else* would you do this? They had *turret sections*. You can't improvise through that. We couldn't have gotten half this way without AMOR and your leadership! "

" Right? "

" . . . Right? "
Blackjack looks herself up and down, and shrugs. "I didn't get shot. I probably could have done without the armor." She smirks over at Ramirez. "And 'leadership' is debatable when it comes to soldier boy here. More like 'Ramirez telling us what to do in soldier-speak and expecting us to understand it'." She stretches a bit, winking. "But, well, you did do a good job putting this together, soldier boy- even if it's only because you invited me." Her tone is light, joking- she had never really spoken to Ramirez before, but she's softening on the asshole after a few good jobs arranged by him and Heckler.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Far from the best performance, but a bumpy ride that gets the crew there is a ride that did its job. Now to move from flying to hauling.

>Rolling for Mule (Hard 1d10 Flat)
Rolled 1 (1d10)

>Sniper (Cool): Rico
>Gunner (Hard): Chaser
>Scout (Cool): Blaze
>Pointman (Cool): Fresco
>Hacker (Sharp): Wizard
>Codebreaker (Sharp): Friedrich
>Mule (Hard): Horace II
>Engineering (Sharp): Tobias

Total: 12

"AHAHAHAHA. Good, no excellent vork! Rico, Chaser, zat vas some impressive shooting. Blaze, Fresco, impressive improvisation to get us past zose turret sections. Vizard, vhat you did vith zat keyboard vas magical. Good work Tobias. Horace... you vere zere."

"Claire, ve're back! Ve did it! Vait, vhat do you mean ze scheißkopf did it first?"

>Confirmed successful completion of the Oil Rig Heist, no prep, no red disk, C4'less, any% challenge speedrun!

>And we did it faster and better than the other guys, too!
I'll get you next time scheißkopf!

Voluntarily rolling on Wrecked because there's no way my helicopter survived this without a scratch.
>Helicopter crashed
There was no other way this could end.
Rolled 3 (1d10)

>Perform Training (lowest stat is 0)
>Level up, gain Lightning Reload
Rolled 7 (1d10)

>Wasted (Current Heat is 3, Medical Bills $1500)
>Gain -1 Move token

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: DMR (3/9)
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $136,675
Clothes: Stylish Clothes
Assets: Estate (Sedan)
HP: 7/7
Edge: 9/9
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 7+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3

I did not yet subtract medical bills because I hear they are being sponsored for trainees. I will do so if this turns out incorrect.
Rolled 1 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

>Reporting in
>Rolling for Flamingo Furious
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 10/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 3/9)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade),
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4)
Rolled 9 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

>Chased roll
Rolled 3 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

>Out Free
>Spend $20k on Minnow
>Boat Running Roll
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 10/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 3/9)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $164,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade),
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4) Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
Rolled 9 (1d10)

>Gain $20k, rolling for Street Loot
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 10/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 3/9)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade),
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
Rolled 3 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

>Gain +1 Ticket
>-$500 for Video Arcade (Pong of the Dead)
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 10/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 3/9)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade), Ticket
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
>Nothing happens, statline remains the same
Rolled 5 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Rolling ninja castle. (Third downtime, Moonlighter)

Give me your cool tokens. I;m not asking.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

> +1 Cool Token, Apprentice

Rolling street loot.
> Haze.

Nah mate. Burn that shit. Why are they offering insanely hard drugs as a reward for winning a local game show!?

Well, all reasonable preparations are complete. There is only one more gap I must cross.

….Using mu Prep action to play Overdrive.

+7 Cool.

Pray for me, friends.
Rolled 4 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

Rolled 8 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

…using Top 10.

We’re Chasing the Sun, lads. Uncle would be proud.
Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 10/10
Move 5+2
Defense 10

Cool: 5+2
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SRS, 15)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 3/12
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 4/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bags, Armour Vest (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 2 Uses), Deploy ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (2 AP, 2 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.

>Cash: $342000

>Heat: 9
>Wanted: 2

Overturned Dirthog (1 Speed, 3 Handling, 0 Size, All Upgrades)
Jet (5/3/0, All Upgrades)
Mastodon (2 Speed & Handling, 6 Size, All Upgrades)
Loud Apartment (Workshop, Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom)
Secure Warehouse (Workshop+, Security+, 5x Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Kitchen, Studio)

Machinist Apprentices (2 Sharp, 1 Cool, Paranoid)

> Only awaiting the fallout from the heist.

So… so close.

I could taste it….
; (
Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 10/10
Move 5+2
Defense 10

Cool: 5+2
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SRS, 15)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 3/12
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 4/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bags, Armour Vest (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 2 Uses), Deploy ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (2 AP, 2 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.

>Cash: $342000

>Heat: 9
>Wanted: 2

Overturned Dirthog (1 Speed, 3 Handling, 0 Size, All Upgrades)
Jet (5/3/0, All Upgrades)
Mastodon (2 Speed & Handling, 6 Size, All Upgrades)
Loud Apartment (Workshop, Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom)
Secure Warehouse (Workshop+, Security+, 5x Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Kitchen, Studio)

Machinist Apprentices (2 Sharp, 1 Cool, Paranoid)

> Only awaiting the fallout from the heist.

So… so close.

I could taste it….
; (

Better luck next time.
I wish to see the Ramirez/Blackjack relationship pushed further.
Ramirez/Heckler Army of Two Bromance has won this quest many times, but I wish to see a little further characterization. Blackjack lending an ear to Ramirez reaction to his sister's death would be interesting. Plus both are veterans from the very beginning
It'd also be fun to watch Strings squirm a little

Ramirez waits tensely in the helicopter as it flies over the water. Rainfall is in the pilot's seat, Blackjack is navigating as copilot, and Dr. Ben? Well, he's here in the cargo bay with Ramirez, and he's playing cards. Fortune telling, maybe, or playing poker with the spirits, hard to say.

On the waves below them travels the Barracuda speedboat, carrying the closest thing Ramirez has to a friend, along with three other idiots who thought this was a good idea.

The offshore platform slowly comes into view over the horizon, an imposing structure of steel imposed on the open sea. Right where the file from the island facility said it would be. It's real. This is happening.

Is that smoke?

Dr. Ben draws his last card and smiles. He shows it to Ramirez. A joker.

As the team draws closer to the platform, they see a a plume of smoke fuming from a crashed helicopter, on the deck near one of the landing pads. Several bodies of uniformed mercenaries lie bloody and strewn about, shot or cut down. For a second, you think you just might have an uncontested landing due to whatever the hell is happening. But, no, scratch that, here comes more of them, already firing at you as you drop from the helicopter onto the platform. The rig must play home to an entire private army of these guys. You'll have plenty to keep yourselves busy.

The assault is fast, efficient, and brutal. The C4 is deployed to detonate the heavy security door, the red disk disables a critical security system. You're in.

The tall black server racks with slowly blinking red lights are like sci-fi monoliths. It feels like they're watching and judging you.

As his team performs the complex process to access the computer system, Ramirez provides covering fire, keeping the entrances from being overrun. Pushed back by a barrage of fire, he turns a corner and comes face to face with --

-- what the fuck is he looking at? A plaster mask?

"Oh, hey, Ramirez." The other man pushes up his mask and grins.

"Fresco? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"You didn't hear? I'm back in town. Alamo asked me to --"

"No, I mean what are you doing HERE? Why are you ALSO breaking into this secret oil rig base?"

"Oh, well, I heard there was some big secret file that might have some rare treasure, so I put together a team! It was a last-minute thing, we just sorta winged it. Helicopter crashed, but you know, shit happens." Fresco snaps off a shot from his rifle to drop a mercenary.

"I put together a plan over weeks," Ramirez says. "I strategized, I put together the right equipment, I got the perfect team members for each job, I got everything in place to make sure this went according to plan ... and you just ... winged it?"


Ramirez feels like he's stepped into some kind of bizarro dimension. Is this real, or a nightmare? He opens his mouth to tell this fuckwad exactly what he thinks of him when someone runs around the corner -- Ramirez snaps up his gun, but relaxes when he recognizes Seline.

"I got it!" Seline holds up a small printed sheet of paper triumphantly. "I got the door code!"

"See, there you go," Fresco says. "Isn't working together great? I'll even give you credit for getting it first, since you were so efficient, what do you say?"

Ramirez's hand twitches. He thinks hard about how many people know Fresco's back in town, and if anyone would be seriously upset if he mysteriously went missing on this job.
File: file.png (17 KB, 644x209)
17 KB

In the end, greed triumphs over glory. The teams shake hands and split up to check out their own door.

The codes provide access to some kind of ultra-high-security deposit room. Everything's kept in a black box, but the data from the computer has what you need to open them. Inside are cases holding cash and -- what the hell are these things?

"I've seen these," Friedrich mutters, staring hard at them. "A very rich man had some of these, a man with connections to international crime and smuggling. I confiscated -- uh, I mean -- I was simply fortunate enough to gaze upon his vast collection of stored wealth one time. Among the pirate gold and rare jewels were these simple cards. I thought little of it at the time, but the memory plagued me. What significance did they hold? Perhaps some incredibly rare currency of which even I knew nothing ..."

In the other room, Empress says, "I have one or two ideas about where we could spend these. Our friend with the black mask might know, too. We'll ask around."

Reconvening in the central chamber, the teams congratulate each other on a huge take and a job well done. As they exit out into the sunlight, however, the plume of smoke still streaming from the crashed helicopter reminds them of a problem.

"Need a ride?" Blackjack asks with a smirk.

"If you please," Friedrich says.

‘You told me you were travelling for work!? Wha.. how…’
Rolled 7 + 9 (1d10 + 9)

'Maybe we hit the motherlode' Chaser thinks to himself looking at the vault content 'but I have yet to see how to cash these in'.
As he picks up two briefcases he turns and...
"Say it ain't so, of all the places...Seline!"
"I am. I told you through the phone, you know you gotta be cagey about the details with how many lines are wiretapped."
Then, lifting one of the briefcases up: "What do you say we go burn through a bit of this down in the city?"

>+$375000 (will deduct the marker share later)
>+ Blue Marker

Indeed. "The Boys are going to make me go broke one of these days."
>Pay $2000 to Blaze in medical expenses.

Time to go for a race
>Havana Hardline on the Ronin (+9, both rerolls)
Rolled 6 + 9 (1d10 + 9)

Rolled 1 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

Tony rides and rides, but he simply can’t do it- he and Carissima may be good, but they’re not cool- they’re not Chien. And he doesn’t have Andrea with him.

As Tony collapses against the wheel though, his mind races, faster than it ever has before- he can’t fail. Not here, not now! He has to be cool- for Chien, if not for himself! Just like in that musical that’s very popular right now, Scarabsoup!

At least that’s what he thinks the musical’s about, he hasn’t watched it. Too busy renovating, you see

>prep work: visit Mia, buy a gold ticket
>Cash: 58 667

Now, what best way to cool down than by relaxing at your own establishment?
>Gain $437,500 (136,675->574,175)

Much appreciated, but my medical expenses were only $1,500, you overpaid me a little.
>Buy Bulletproof Suit ($574,175->571,575)

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: DMR (3/9)
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $574,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan)
HP: 7/7
Edge: 10/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
After all the excitement, all that's left is to count the loot.

$4000000, 2 Blue Markers, 4 Green Markers initial.
-$250000 Ramirez's investment cut
-$50000 Tony's duck cut

$3700000/8 = 462500

Ramirez: +7125000, +Blue Marker

Heckler: +40000, +Green Marker

Rainfall: +462500, +Blue Marker

Empress: +462500, +Green Marker

Seline: +556250

Kitt: +400000, +Green Marker

Doctor Ben: +40000, +Green Marker

Blackjack: +556250

Tony: +$50000, +safe and happy duck.

>Heist complete! Thanks for coming!
>For my team, just taking my 1/4th cut.
>Claiming one of B team's blue markers and my 5% cut as payment.
Looks like my investments actually paid off. Even if she did inadvertently give the disc to the fucking commie by the old drunkard being fucking vague.
Rolled 5, 4, 5, 4 = 18 (4d10)

>Acquire more money than is right, or proper.
>Buy a new motorcycle! And a Gym!
>Give 250000 to Tony, as is right, since he is the Don.

>Run the Alligator Alley [Handling4+Hard1, Suspensions] [2d10]
>Run Havana Hardline [Speed5+2Hard, Nitrous, Katana Kid' run this one] [2d10]

Step one: Vaude dan Clamne marathon.
Step two: buy some new red sports tape, wrap it around your hands.
Step three: try to mimic the actions in the movie, punching a log to harden up.
Step four: spend an hour in the back alley doctors office, having your phalanages put back into place
Step five: read an instruction manual on close quarters combat
Step six: more Vaude dan Clamne movies
Step seven: Split. Split. Split. Split. Split. Split.
Step eight: Achieve split-lightenment.
Step nine: Ask Misha about pressure points and leverage functions.
Step ten: Acquire a vector calculus physics textbook. If A--> B with a rotation gradient of 13, then anchoring force goes to. . .

Step eleven: Practical test.

#Kit de Guerre, Brain-Forcer, 26450€
Hp 9/9 Edge 10/10 Def 4 Crit 4 Heat 8 Wanted 2
Hard 1 Cool 0 Sharp 3+1 Weird 5+1 Move 5+2
!Electrify, !Spook, !Infiltrate, !RC Bomb, !Taser
!Apprentice, !Furious Focus, !Havana Hardline
!Some Bark, More Bite [Unstoppable]
!Dad's Shades [Shootdodge]

Fist: 2D, +1C, +1A
Kit's Cocktails [2x]
Vest: Armor [6]

Tactical Utility Vest, with the extra pocket space.

Katana Kids (Grunts, Hard 2, Weird 1, Honourable to a Fault)

Murasama [4/4/0]+Tuned+Tires+Nitrous+Sports
Jet [5/2/0]+Tuned+Tires+Nitrous+Sports

Waterfront House (Home is where the tie collection is) (Gym, Advanced Security, Good Kitchen)
TTRPG Collection
A surprisingly large tie collection.
1x Strange Green Marker [Mysterious!]
Rolled 7 (1d10)

>I'll pick the 10 on Alligator.
>I'll pick the 12 on Havana
>I'll Topten the Alligator...
Rolled 3 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

>. . . Indeed, we'll score +1 Weird for the oddity of the race and spin that into an an advantage for Havana, which implies one more roll of 1d10.
>Correction: Heckler and Doctor Ben are not receiving only $40000, lol. They get $400000
Tony, extremely confused about this sudden donation, does what every logical man would do: add Kit de Guerre in his Last Will as the person to inherit his entire fortune and empire should anything happen to Maggie.

And of course, the second most logical thing to do is build five Sushipizza establishments

- Dockside warehouse
- upgrade: secure
- upgrade: kitchen
- upgrade: bathroom
- upgrade: living room
Cost: 61k
Current number: 5
Rolled 7, 6 = 13 (2d10)

>And let's bring this whole thing to an end, by rolling Handling+Cool, though on a jet the Handling is 2 and no one around here has any cool. Crash and burn, maybe, and then let's also roll Wrecked immediately (2nd)
>Switch Flurry of Blows for Visions of Death
>Buy a Muramasa and outfit it with every upgrade
>Swap Bulletproof Suit for Custom Tophat
>Leave one pistol at home and bring an elegant swordcane instead

Final stats:
Name: Doctor Ben
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8 (+1 hat), Edge 10/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Block), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit, [Mia's Favor]
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
Money: $1,272,157
Heat: 16| Wanted: 3
Swag: designer shades, fresh kicks, top shelf liquor, cell phone, movie collection
Assets: Bungalow(+workshop), Stylish Suit, Bulletproof Suit (+1 Def, +1 Edge)
Muramasa (4/4/0, engine, tires, suspension, nitro, bright purple with white skulls)
Swordfish (2/3/3)
Green Disk, Green Marker
Gang ("reformed" neo-nazis, 2 Weird, 1 Hard, Violent)
Dammit, Spider has stolen my trip!
Correct money is 1,468,960 because I'm stupid.
Name: Blackjack
Type: Assassin
HP 6/6
Edge 0/6
Move 6
Defense 8+2

Cool: 4+1
Sharp: 2
Hard: 0
Weird: 4

Flash Step (0 AP, 1 Edge.): Target an enemy within (Move) spaces. Move behind them, and make any attack action. The first reaction shot misses, other shots have disadvantage.
Infiltration: At the start of a mission, you may choose to not deploy. At any time, either you or the GM may deploy you in the right spot for the job, with the right tools, with or without an explanation. When this happens, roll Weird.
Agility: Pass through enemies. Gain advantage to Vault, jump, or Climb.
Visions of Death: (0AP, 1 Edge) Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 Crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.
Flurry of Blows: (1AP, 1 Edge) Attack with main weapon, pistol, and fists, in any order. You can move up to 3 tiles before each attack.
Throwing Knives: (1 AP, 1/3 uses): Attack 3 enemies within Range 10 for 2 damage.
[Top 10]: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favorite movies to reroll any die.
[Lady's Favor: Lena]- (0AP, 0 Edge), spend during a mission before rolling any d10 to make the final result a 10.

Moonshadow- DMG 3, +1 Defense, [Stance]. 2/mission, consecutive rounds only: [Phases of the Moon] (1 AP, 1 Edge): Attack 3 enemies within 3 spaces.
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 4/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1
First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 1/2 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.

Bulletproof Suit: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
+Living Room
+Security x2
+Rare Weapon (Wyatt Earp's Revolver)

Motorbike (Rebel) [2/1/0]
Motorbike (Muramasa) [3/3/0]
Speedboat (Barracuda [2/1/3]
Heat 14
Cash: $1,274,783 USD ($390,958 of which is in Cuban Pesos and British Pound Sterling)
Belay this. I don't care about the marker anymore. Just the 5%.
>Gain $712500 and Blue Marker from the Oil Rig heist
Once upon a time, a young man named Joshua Ramirez waved goodbye to his mother as he was shipped to boot camp, almost never to be seen again. Oh, there were letters and postcards, each telling another tale of heroism and adventure and camaraderie in far-off lands, but few were actual visits, where he could enjoy the comfort of a mother's care. And as Ramirez's career advanced, even those dwindled to a halt. Then came the incident, the months of shame and agonising pain, the lashing out, the hiding from the world. Then falling in the Boss' Gang, a life of crime. Ramirez's old lady has spent years with no word from her son.

Until now. Standing (NOT hiding) outside the door of the apartment he'd grown up in, Ramirez reflects that it's been at least 10 years since he'd talked to his mother. Will she talk to him? Will she even recognise him? Steeling himself, Ramirez thumps on the door several times, earning a response of 'Coming!'. This is it, no turning back. The door opens to reveal a statuesque Cuban woman, slightly stooped from age, yet still standing proud. And she takes one look at the hulking, bandaged man standing there and demands: "Who are you and what do you want?"

Ramirez's reply stops her short. [Ma... I'm home.]

Her eyes widen. They scan over bandages, trace burn scars peaking from under the bandages, take in Ramirez's dull, hardened eyes. [My poor boy... what terrible thing has happened to you?] His mother nudges the door open fully. [You better come in and explain everything.]
[...Then after discharge, I spent years just drifting. Doing any kind of work that suited my skills. Fell in with the wrong kind of people for a time.] Ramirez finishes his story, mouth feeling very dry. Both from nervousness and talking so long. His mother thankfully remained quiet during the entire tale, only nodding and making hums, gasps, and angry muttering at appropriate times. With everything said, Ramirez silently sits back, feeling a bit like a condemned man awaiting the chair. Or when he was a boy, waiting his mother's judgement after breaking something important. Finally his mother reaches over to deliver an almost gentle slap to his cheek.

[That was for leaving me to worry for so long, boy! You dropped off the face of the Earth, I thought you'd died and the government covered it up!] Comes the rush of words from his mother, anger and worry and love blending all into one.

Ramirez winces at the sting of his mother's slap, but there's a flicker of relief in his eyes, a spark of connection rekindled by her words. Despite the years of separation, her familiar tone, filled with a mixture of scolding and concern, soothes something deep within him.

[I'm sorry, Ma.] Ramirez murmurs, his voice thick with emotion. [I never meant to worry you. I thought it was for the best, to keep you safe from... from everything. And there was just never the time, and-]

His mother's expression softens, her gaze lingering on her son's worn features. [No excuses, mijo,] she says gently, like she used to when he was just a boy.["But you're here now, and that's what matters. We'll figure things out, together.]
As they sit in the familiar surroundings of their apartment, Joshua begins to open up to his mother in a way he never thought possible. He tells her about the demons he's been fighting, the mistakes he's made, the family he’d gained and lost so quickly. And his mother talks too, telling Ramirez everything he’d missed in their neighbourhood, the lives and goings on of old friends and forgotten relatives.

[...And you remember Jackie, the girl you used to babysit? She’s doing well for herself, graduated with a Business degree and she’s dating a surgeon now!] rambles on Ma Ramirez, in her animated way. [Sounds great ma, good for her.] He says, idly wondering who the hell Jackie is. Joshua doesn’t truly care about what some people he doesn’t truly remember are doing nowadays, but he listens closely to it all anyway. He owes it to his mother nonetheless.

Of course his mother doesn’t just leave it at that, shrugging on a coat and pulling her son towards the door. [Oh, you have to come back and talk to the rest of the neighbourhood again! You’ll be fine, all your old friends are still around. Come! You’ll regret it if you leave things unsaid when you had the chance]

And as the hours pass and the evening light fades into darkness, Ramirez realises that, no matter what challenges lie ahead, he has someone by his side who will always stand with him. And thinking of things left unsaid… Ramirez knows a few people he needs to talk to.
Old Tony stumbles out of the Blue Mare, looking down after embarassing himself so badly in front of his own employee. Swaying, Tony slumps down on a near by bench, staring dejectedly at his shined shoes. A Vespucci made man like him, fumbling so badly?

A strong hand lands on the old mafioso’s shoulder before his thoughts can spiral further, and Tony looks up to see the somewhat less than welcome sight of Ramirez's bandaged face.

"Come on, old man. Can't have you slipping like that." Grunts Ramirez, helping the older man stand up.

After a moment, the now more steads Tony peers at Ramirez in confusion. The burned man is out of place in front of the Blue Mare, and it's lucky it's late enough that there aren't any customers.

"While I appreciate the help young man, what are you doing around here? Not your usual haunt," asks Tony. "Ha, is it a girl? We've got plenty of girls, I'm sure at least one of them will see past that mug of yours. I promise I won't tell Heckler or Strings." He chuckles.

Ramirez laughs along with Tony. "Nah. Well, I guess ya could say it's about a girl, but not that kind. Here."

He reaches into a duffle bag and withdraws Andrea, the duck dignified and proud even after her lacking transport. "Safe and sound. Doctor Ben asked me to return her to you."

At the sight of his beloved pet and overlord, Tony scoops Andrea up in loving arms, cooing very much unlike the veteran mafia he is. "Oh, my darling! Did you have a good time? I hope that brute didn't treat you too roughly." He glares at Ramirez with mock anger. Ramirez scoffs in return.

"There's more." A bandaged hand goes to open the duffle bag fully. And in it, cash. Stacks and stacks of hard cast. Not an insane amount of money, but still more than most make in a year, just held out to Tony. His eyes bulge, more out of the surprise of the gesture than the amount.

"I- what is- is this that secret mission the good Doctor told me he was joining you on? I cannot take this, I wasn't involved-"

Ramirez interrupts with characteristic bluntness, shoving the bag against Tony's chest lightly. "Take it. It's yours."

Despite being the smaller and older of the two, Tony stands there, hands still clutching Andrea, refusing.

"No. I did not do anything to earn this, and will not take it."

Ramirez smirks at the old man from behind his bandages. "Y'know, a while back a truly great woman told me, if ya really think ya haven't done anything to deserve something, then work to earn it. Hire security for your girls, pay your guys more, I don’t care." His voice becomes softer. "Consider it an apology for making a scene at Chien's funeral."

That shuts the old man up. With a grunt, he takes the bag off his younger counterpart, who is already turning to leave.

"You know," Tony calls after Ramirez's retreating back. "It wasn't your fault!"

Ramirez says nothing in reply but a wave.
Nishina gives Napps a confused look. "Thank you for the praise. Is there something you need to tell me in private?" she asks, voicing her best guess at Napps' intentions.
Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d10)

>Gain [Hardliner] and $50000
"Please, do keep them. As a token of appreciation for choosing my gym."
While Chaser did grab an extra suitcase out of greed he realized that, as a matter of fact, the Heist would not have gone as well as it did if he didn't have Wizard on his team. The hacker proved invaluable on the offshore platform and as such should be compensated adequately.
>Give Blue Marker to Wizard

A weight lifted off his shoulders, he set to put his Boys through the paces.
They had been way too excited to have new members to wail on, so he'd give them proper targets
>Bouncer job (gang, first roll, +2 Hard)
>Mayhem job (gang, -$10000, second roll, +1 Weird)
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d5)

Hoo Boy.
It seems like there's a serious discipline problem with the Boys. Deep down Chaser knew that it wouldn't be all sunshine, considering they were all two-bits criminals that he was trying to give a second chance, but he didn't take them for dumb thugs. Beating up the clientele was a step too far (even if some of them were apparently asking for it). It seems he was mistaken, but maybe there was something to be done.
>-1 Hard token from Bouncer job, +$2000 dollars
"That one stung" he says out loud, nursing a shiner he got trying to bail them out from a fight they picked out of a petty taunt. Lot of prideful fools they were.
>+2 Heat from Mayhem
>Don't get chased
>Rolling for 2 random tokens (HCSWM)
If nothing else, it forced him to stay alert and on top of things.
"I'm going to whoop their ass if they don't get whooped by the police first. Here's hoping they aren't so stupid to get into another fight while the cops are still hot on their tail."

As he enters his office to pour himself a stiff drink Chaser finds a familiar suitcase on the desk. It's a Green Marker.
He might have to give his thanks to the rest of the team.
>pay Horace II $87.500 for forfeiting a Marker
>pay Rico $87.500 for forfeiting a Marker
Rolled 6 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

Class: Assassin (LVL 3)
Hard 0 - HP [8/8]
Cool 2 - Defense 6
Sharp 0 - Edge 6/6
Weird 4 - Crit on 7+
Move 6[7]
Heat 2 - Wanted 2

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 3, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - Armor [6/6]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]

>Cash and Stash:
Cash: $625,526
Ronin Motorcycle (Bayard) - 4/2/0 [Nitrous, Sport Suspension]
Stylish Clothes (Abhorrent Tie) - [+1 Defense]
Old Mansion (Castle Blumenthal) - [Bathroom, Bedroom, Gym, Kitchen, Security+, Workshop+]
Wildcards (Band of the Weird) - [Weird 2, Hard 1]


>Gain $100,000 from the Farm
>Gain $437,500 from the Oil Rig
>Gain $87,500 from Chaser -- Thanks, buddy [New Total: $625,526]

Her ears were ringing, her muscles were screaming, in short she was beyond exhausted by the big ol' oil rig adventure. Though as they were brought back why the other team, she couldn't help but laugh at the pile smoking pile of scrap that was the helicopter she'd flown her team in on. Yeah it crashed, and yeah she could've burned up with it, but damned if it wasn't badass.
The money wasn't anything to sniff at either. Time to invest it back into the band, and send them out to earn their keep.

>Send the Band of the Weird out to cause some Mayhem! (1d10+2 Weird)
Rolled 10 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

Will await final cuts of the Heist.
>I mention here that I am mostly just interested in the cash and have no qualms about not receiving a marker.

>Ninja Castle (Cool 7)
Rolled 6 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

Name: Fresco
Type: Operator
Stats: HP: 8/8, Armor 0, Edge 8/8, Move 6, Defense 10, Crit on 6, Heat 2
Weapons: DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 3/9)
Factor: Hard 0, Cool 4+2, Sharp 2, Weird 4+2
Special Talent: Deadeye: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Attack with +3 accuracy, +3 crit rate, and +1 crit damage
Lightning Reload: 1/Turn reload for 0 AP
Oh Yeah!: Fuck you, roll +weird for a cool entrance
Moonlighter: Gain a 3rd Sidejob. Can use this 3rd job to reroll a Side Job roll.
Furious Focus: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 edge, gain 1 edge.
Dance Fever Disco: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Gain +1 Wtoken at start of mission. Spend WTokens to gain +2 Move and Def for that round.

>Gain $437,500 from the Oil Rig (+probably a green marker)

Cash: 444250
Lone Star [Estate]: (Racing Tires, Sport Suspension, Engine Tuning, Nitrous) 3 Speed, 3 Handling, 4 Size

After the oil rig Fresco feels more in tune with the Heat City's crime life again. And so he heads off to hire some old associates. They may not like him, but money is money.

South Harbor Floaters (Grunts)
Vice: Disloyalty
Size: 3
Hard: 2
Cool: 0
Sharp: 0
Weird: 1

>-10k to hire South Harbor Floaters
>Send them off racing at Alligator Alley with the Lone Star
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Streets Loot
Rolled 4, 1 = 5 (2d5)

(8) - Three options
+2 Heat
>Don't Get Chased
>Two Random Stat Tokens
>Stat Token of Choice - Move +1
Rolling stats...
Rolled 6 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

Suspension reroll
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Well they weren't great drivers. Fresco was mostly in it to watch someone else drive the heavy duty vehicle. "Sure am glad that wasn't me."

>Wrecked roll
File: Empress.png (825 KB, 1400x2500)
825 KB
825 KB PNG
Name: Empress
Type: Thug
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 6/6, Move 7, Defense 11, Crit on 10
Attributes: Hard 4, Cool 5, Sharp 0, Weird 0
Starting Tokens: Cool 1

Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach)
Sheathed Dao (Melee, Damage 3, Heavy [Cleave 3, Knockdown, Knockback 2])
Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9)

Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4)
Special Talents: Die Hard, Moonlighter, Pack Alpha, Adrenaline Shift (Spend Cool tokens like Edge)
Items: Stylish Clothes, Bulletproof Suit (Worn), Blue Disk, Blue Marker
Vehicles: Zero (Sport, 2/4/1, Racing T&T, Sport Suspension)
Cash: $1,477,062

Mooks: Chloe and Jimmy

Empress stares out at a fresh construction site from the loft in her new high-end condo. Now that she decided to remove herself from the equation, she could admire the sheer absurdity of it. How many city-contracted construction workers were out there mopping up the damage from their raids? Where was the national guard in all of this?
She shook the thoughts with ease, her focus drifting towards the sight of Steph making scrambled eggs in the overly-equipped kitchen. It was the poor girl's first proper home, and she still flinched at the occasional unknown sound. There was a soft 'thump' as May sauntered out of the home office's library section, a murder mystery book tucked under her arm. To Empress's delight, Steph merely carried over a curious glance to her academic friend making her way to the lavish living room. Empress savored the last drops of wine in her crystal glass before swinging her legs off of the chaise lounge and peering down to the vast indoor swimming pool where Veronica was doing laps. The street-smart girl's close brush with death in the swamps hadn't affected her confidence or ability to keep an eye out for Steph and May. Veronica was still coming to grips with the ease of comfort in her new life, though she curbed her restlessness by working towards becoming a competitive swimmer. Her bi-weekly martial arts lessons helped as well.
When day turns to night, Empress lies awake in her bed. Her eyes focus on the sheathed dao hanging on the wall opposite from her bed. She didn't much like the sight of it. It was almost haunted, like it would somehow possess her and drag her back into the hell that it came from. Was there ever a right way of doing things? Could she have worked harder to end the ongoing shadow war in the city? She blinks and looks away to a framed copy of one of the heist boards that Rainfall drew up. Despite her pensive mood, she can't help but crack a smile. The blue marker earned from her recent heist should be making its way to Rainfall by courier right about now. She wondered how the gang would fare in the future, and whether anyone else would feel safe easing their way into retirement. Empress-Natalie, now that she has a proper false identity-pulls up the covers and rolls over onto the cold side of the bed after flipping her pillow. Despite the depth of her thoughts and the troubled memories that brought them up, she manages to slip into a comfortable rest. Weasel's death had shaken Natalie enough to seek retirement, and it was by careful saving and strategic spending that she was able to secure a comfortable way out for her little family. And crime. Lots of crime.
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

>-24k for repairs, no more Lone Star for a thread
>-65k Studio Loft in Princeton
>-5k coke supply
>-9k Old Wines
>Cash: 330250

"Well tough luck pal. But don't worry, your good boss Fresco has got you covered. Good thing those steel doors kept the gators out though am I right?" Fresco says as he tosses the gang another wad of cash in his brand new lofty place to stay. "Try a new job. You guys might have be able to pull it off. Should be in a basement across the street. You guys can figure it out."

>-10k again, sending South Harbor Floaters off to do Phreaking with weird
Rolled 5 (1d10)

The grunts clearly aren't cut out for some weird hacking job. As the corporate goons bust in the South Harbor Floaters do their best to get out without being overrun...
>Chased roll
>Pay 1k

With the boys sent to the hospital, Fresco doesn't bother checking on them. He pays some bribes so the guys can get their wounds fixed up and so they don't say who hired them. Then they part their ways, the gang fed up with their shitty leader and Fresco wanting better people under him.
Class: Assassin (LVL 3)
Hard 0[1] - HP [9/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6
Sharp 0 - Edge 6/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]
Heat 4 - Wanted 2

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 3, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - Armor [6/6]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]

>Cash and Stash:
Cash: $6,676
Ronin Motorcycle (Bayard) - 4/2/0 [Nitrous, Sport Suspension]
Muramasa Motorcycle (Durandal) - 4/4/0 [Nitrous, Sport Suspension]
Vagabond SUV (Heinz) - 3/3/6 [Nitrous, Sport Suspension]
Stylish Clothes (Abhorrent Tie) - [+1 Defense]
Cell Phone, Duel Freaks TCG, Haute Couture, Historical Artifacts, Movie Collection, Rare Weapons, Sorcery TCG, Video Game Collection
Old Mansion (Castle Blumenthal) - [Arcade+, Bathroom+, Bedroom+, Gym+, Kitchen+, Living Room+, Office+, Pool+, Security+, Studio+, Theater+, Workshop+]
Wildcards (Band of the Weird) - [Weird 2, Hard 1]


>+Hard and Weird tokens
>Buy Arcade+, Living Room+, Office+, Pool+, Studio+, Theater+ for Castle Blumenthal [-$68,700]
>Upgrade Bathroom, Bedroom, Gym, and Kitchen for Castle Blumenthal [-$12,500]
>Buy a Vagabond SUV, Muramasa Motorcycle, and take them both to the Don's garage. [-$506,000]
>Buy Cell Phone, Duel Freaks TCG, Haute Couture, Historical Artifacts, Movie Collection, Rare Weapons, Sorcery TCG, Video Game Collection [-$31,650] [New Total: $6,676]
Quick, easy, and no strings attached. As reward for their hard work, Horace treated the band to some new swag and renovations for the Castle. They'd earned it, probably, and she might as well get something for herself while she's at it.
Oh yeah. It's all coming together.
Ze loot!

$4,000,000, 2 Blue Markers, 4 Green Markers initial.
-$250,000 for Friedrich's expenses
-$200,000 for Blackjack's Black Disk
-$50,000 for Nishina's puzzle solving

$3,500,000/8 = $437,500 each

Blackjack: +$200,000

Nishina: +$50,000

Friedrich: Blue Marker, +$687,500, -$250,000 to Horace II and Rico: +$437,500

Wizard: Blue Marker, +$437,500

Chaser: Green Marker, +$437,500, -$175,000 to Horace II and Rico: +$262,500

Blaze : Green Marker, +$437,500

Fresco: Green Marker, +$437,500

Tobias: Green Marker, +$437,500

Rico: +$437,500, +87,500 from Chaser, +$125,000 from Friedrich: +$650,000

Horace II: +$437,500, +87,500 from Chaser, +$125,000 from Friedrich: +$650,000

Thanks to everyone who made this possible!
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 12/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 4/12+4. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Armor 6)
Medic Bag (1 AP, 1 use)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
Cash: $866,155
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
Assets: Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense)
Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge)
Hitze Trupp (Grunts, Hard 2, Cool 1, 5 Germans, Definitely not Stasi, Sadism)
Barracuda (Speedboat, Speed 2, Handling 1, Size 3)
Secure Warehouse (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room, Upgraded Workshop, Upgraded Security)
Flammenwerfer (empty)
Cell phone
Portable video camera
Historical artifacts (Old books. In German. One in Japanese.)
Top shelf DDR cigarettes

Updated charsheet, ready and waiting for the map
Rolled 1 (1d10)

>Cough, and adjust some numbers down and around

#Kit de Guerre, Brain-Force-Perator?, 26450€
Hp 9/9 Edge 10/10 Def 4 Crit 5+ SC 10+
Heat 8 Wanted 2
Hard 1 Cool 0 Sharp 3+1 Weird 4+2 Move 5+2
!Electrify, !Spook, !Infiltrate, !RC Bomb, !Taser
!Apprentice, !Furious Focus, !Havana Hardline
!Some Bark, More Bite [Unstoppable]
!Dad's Shades [Shootdodge] + [Lucha Loco, +1D/C on vault fists]

Fist: 2D, +1C, +1A
Kit's Cocktails [3x]
Vest: Armor [6]

Tactical Utility Vest, with the extra pocket space, as inspired by Heckler.

Katana Kids (Grunts, Hard 2, Weird 1, Honourable to a Fault)

Murasama [4/4/0]+Tuned+Tires+Nitrous+Sports

Waterfront House (Home is where the tie collection is) (Gym, Advanced Security, Good Kitchen)
TTRPG Collection
A surprisingly large tie collection.
1x Strange Green Marker [Mysterious!]
(And I forgot to add the Blue Marker to my Assets, lol)
Name: Blackjack
Type: Assassin
HP 6/6
Edge 0/6
Move 6
Defense 8+2

Cool: 4+1
Sharp: 2
Hard: 0
Weird: 4

Flash Step (0 AP, 1 Edge.): Target an enemy within (Move) spaces. Move behind them, and make any attack action. The first reaction shot misses, other shots have disadvantage.
Infiltration: At the start of a mission, you may choose to not deploy. At any time, either you or the GM may deploy you in the right spot for the job, with the right tools, with or without an explanation. When this happens, roll Weird.
Agility: Pass through enemies. Gain advantage to Vault, jump, or Climb.
Visions of Death: (0AP, 1 Edge) Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 Crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.
Flurry of Blows: (1AP, 1 Edge) Attack with main weapon, pistol, and fists, in any order. You can move up to 3 tiles before each attack.
Throwing Knives: (1 AP, 1/3 uses): Attack 3 enemies within Range 10 for 2 damage.
[Top 10]: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favorite movies to reroll any die.
[Lady's Favor: Lena]- (0AP, 0 Edge), spend during a mission before rolling any d10 to make the final result a 10.

Moonshadow- DMG 3, +1 Defense, [Stance]. 2/mission, consecutive rounds only: [Phases of the Moon] (1 AP, 1 Edge): Attack 3 enemies within 3 spaces.
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 4/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1
First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 1/2 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.

Bulletproof Suit: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
+Living Room
+Security x2
+Rare Weapon (Wyatt Earp's Revolver)

Motorbike (Rebel) [2/1/0]
Motorbike (Muramasa) [3/3/0]
Speedboat (Barracuda [2/1/3]
Heat 14
Cash: $1,474,783 USD ($390,958 of which is in Cuban Pesos and British Pound Sterling)

Due to behind the scenes discussions, loot reallocated:
>Empress receives no marker
>Blackjack receives a green marker
>Acquired! +650,000$
>Weed +1,600$ and Apprentice

>Gain Dragon Kick
>Final sheet but not deployment sheet yet

Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 12/12
Edge 8/8
Move 5(6)
Defence 13

Cool: 5(8) {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg + taunt, gain block 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
{Apprentice}: Melee Weapons Gain +1 Accuracy
{Dragon Kick}: 1ap attack for 2 dmg, +3 Crit
-Clothes [Bulletproof Suit]: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
-Queen Bee Reputation lvl 1

Weapon: Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
Vehicle: Lancer [4/3/1]
+Engine Tuning and Turbo Install (+1 Speed)
+Nitrous (Reroll 1 Speed/Chapter)
+Racing Tires and Transmission Overhaul (+1 handling)
+Sport Suspension (Reroll 1 Handling/Chapter)
Jet [5/1/0]
+Engine Tuning and Turbo Install (+1 Speed)
+Nitrous (Reroll 1 Speed/Chapter)

$704,700 USD [Heat 6, Wanted 2]

Sponsored Gang: New Block Runners [H2, C1]
Rolled 2 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 10/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 4/16, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. If they are knocked down, they stand up.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (2 Uses)
Cash: $1304877
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/2/3), Blue Disk (Used), Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>Received Reward
>Sponsor White Shark Detachment (gang)
>Start Tower Heist as Pointman
>Send Gang as Drivers
>Rolling for heist (1st Heckler, 2nd gang)

Heckler is quick to move on, taking his rewards and quickly moving to call up some old war buddies. It only made sense to do heisting with his new old friends. It also only made sense to bring Ramirez along.
Rolled 3 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

Rolled 8 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

>Top 10 reroll
Rolled 5 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

With the car back in presentable condition and night setting in it was time to seek the true training. Place where people just slug each other without care in the world Punch Club.
>Fight in the punch club

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 11/11, Edge 6/6, Move 5, Defense 5, Crit 8
Attributes: Hard 4, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 3/9 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades]
>Get +$125,000 from Friedrich [New Total: $131,676]
And would you look at that, the band's treasurer conveniently 'forgot' to add Herr Friedrich's contribution to their warchest. As he's being disciplined (ie. hung by the ankles over the nearest alligator pool), Horace decides to branch out from their castle into a more... long-term business.

Through the gang, Horace gets in touch with Tony regarding his new enterprise. The Band is willing to invest enough for two new establishments, for a stake in the company of course. And Horace is making an offer...

>Offer to pay for two new Sushizza restaurants [-$122,000] [New Total: $9,676]

in CASH!
Rolled 3 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

Ramirez accepts Heckler's offer, bringing himself, a blue disk, and the Dark Tide PMC

>First roll +Sharp for Ramirez, Second roll +Hard for Dark Tide.
Rolled 8 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

>Dark Tide
Rolled 5 + 3 (1d10 + 3)


With the cops in force Heckler finds himself with the Dark Tide Merc company holding off while Ramirez and White Shark start hacking and bagging.
Rolled 1 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

Dark Tide, under the leadership of Hag, are holding several angles in conjunction with Heckler.
The perimeter is breacher, Heckler and Dark Tide are forced back, as Ramirez is delayed by a second layer of security.

However, luckily he had a second Blue Disk.
>Move back to [3]
>Rolling +2 Hard for Dark Tide
Rolled 4 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

4chan ate my dice!
Rolled 6 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

Heckler has to dig deep as he slots another mag into his rifle. "Come on!"
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Rolling for rare loot

>Ramirez to receive $612500, 1 blue disk and 1 red disk
>Heckler to receive $612500, 1 blue disk and secret file (whether that does anything now)

It was a nail biter but the two enforcers and Merc/veteran gangs make their escape. When going over the mystery duffle, both Heckler and Ramirez are miffed at finding more disks, but another chance to blow over another spook vault was always a good time.
Rolled 5 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

Heckler almost immediately gets his buddies to take his boat and go running by the dock. I mean, they're getting a nice payment to go do a thing for the guy.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Rolling for street loot
Rolled 10 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

>Gain $612500, 1 Blue Disk, 1 Red Disk
>Lose $20000 to pay Dark Tide PMC.

Ramirez takes his cut of the heist, then addresses Hag and her squad as soon as they're away. "Well, you guys had some hiccups, but you more than earned your pay. I'm double your commission on that one."

Separating the money out, he continues. "I got more work for you guys, if you're willing. Any of you know how to fly a helicopter?"

>Lose $10000 to send Dark Tide PMC a second time, rolling +4.
Rolled 3, 10 = 13 (2d10)

Forgot to specify they were doing the Airlift sidejob aieeeeeee

>Rolling for 2 luxury loot
Rolled 6 (1d10)

>Gain Jewelry
>Rolling for Rare Loot
>Gain ambiguous legendary melee weapon
Rolled 6 + 2 (1d10 + 2)


>+1,500$ and advantage to next fight

Not quite as overwhelming victory as she wanted but those she faced looked far worse.
Now it was time to hop back into car and meet some... associates she had made accidently. After driving a little while Jackal pulled her car next to house that blended in with all the others. From there to side door of garage which was open as expected and inside What could only be described as 3 nerds fresh out of school. These guys had an ticket to easy life but apparently that wasn't enough and only reason Jackal knew these morons was because she had held note with the address upside down... and busted down an wrong door.
>acquire a Small-time gang -10,000
Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1

They seemed to think they were some comic characters who could do anything and get away with it. But in a way she had caused this so "hiring" them was most likely safest option. "Okey In this bag i have small revolvers for you. They are so easy to use anyone could do it but good thing is if everything goes nicely you won't even need them. So this is simple i want you to get into some house and loot it. Pull this of nicely and i'll see if you continue working with me. Got it? Good now get going and tell me how it went later on i know you guys have an small radio."
>Wire-Rats rob Houses

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 11/11, Edge 6/6, Move 5, Defense 5, Crit 8
Attributes: Hard 4, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 3/9 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
Rolled 10 (1d10)

>+1000$ and Streets loot
Rolled 9 (1d10)

>10 Rolling luxury loot
Rolled 7 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

>Final out come 1000$ and 2 Green discs
Rats managed to pull the job of not perfectly but what else is to be expected group of guys robbing anything for the first time? It seems like Jackal needs to keep looking after these guys they could prove to be useful later on. They even found something interesting to bring back it seems.

With that out of the way it was time to race as that was surprisingly fun way to waste time in this city. Her car may not be the fastest but sometimes little bit of toughness evens the difference.
>Race: Havana Hardline (Vagabond 3/3/6)

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 11/11, Edge 6/6, Move 5, Defense 5, Crit 8
Attributes: Hard 4, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 3/9 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades],Green disc x2
Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
Rolled 1 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

>14 Use God Gamer to raise result to 15 earn: Hardliner, Hard+ token and 50,000$
Unlike the last time she participated in race this one was not an near demolition derby. Jackal was barely able to hold the lead in few turns the course had trucks turbo whining on the straights as it's engine was pushed to bring most out of it. And on that final long straight she was about to be overtaken by an car much more suitable for speedy racing. But it seemed like the opposing drivers nerves got better of them as they were neck to neck which caused an small loss of control allowing Jackal to slip past them and pass the finish line as an winner. It would seem having nerves steeled by everything that had happened truly was the key to victory here

This would have been an great moment to go to safehouse and celebrate but the fact was there wasn't one. So instead Jackal headed back to her manor maybe one of her radios would come to life announcing something intriguing but only after taking part into an silly dance off that formed after the race. Maybe even some some style that already lived it's time would works.
>Dance Battle: Disco (weird)
Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 11/11, Edge 6/6, Move 5, Defense 5, Crit 8
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 3/9 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
And so it is, that the business grows…
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Digging up a arms cache at the farm reveals, among the standard set of weapons, two specialized prototypes: an advanced marksman carbine, and a customized electric baton lightweight enough to use in combat.

Elsewhere, the Dark Tide PMC (aka Ramirez's goons) pull off a black market transport using the helicopter, flying out to the Bahamas to drop off a package for a Bolivian drug lord. The recipient is so impressed with their professionalism he gives them a bonus, a master-crafted short sword he picked up from a clash against the yakuza.
Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 10/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 4/16, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. If they are knocked down, they stand up.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die)
GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (2 Uses)
Cash: $1747377
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>Sell Guns for Money
>Repurchase C4 via Ramirez
>Purchase a Chief Helicopter

Heckler had a lot of money now. Getting a helicopter seemed like a low cost shop for quite a bit of versatility to him. Getting more C4 also seemed like a great idea. With his purchases done, he was ready to take on what Claire and Angela threw at him, hopefully.
Ramirez approaches Blackjack when he next sees her.

"I hear you're in the market for rare swords. Some of my guys picked this up during their last job."

He shows her the beautifully lacquered sheath, the rippling gleam of the wakizashi's blade.

"100 grand, and it's yours, no questions asked.
>Selling Wakizashi to Blackjack for $100000
>Buying C4 for Heckler.
Name: Blackjack
Type: Assassin
HP 6/6
Edge 0/6
Move 6
Defense 8+2

Cool: 4+1
Sharp: 2
Hard: 0
Weird: 4

Flash Step (0 AP, 1 Edge.): Target an enemy within (Move) spaces. Move behind them, and make any attack action. The first reaction shot misses, other shots have disadvantage.
Infiltration: At the start of a mission, you may choose to not deploy. At any time, either you or the GM may deploy you in the right spot for the job, with the right tools, with or without an explanation. When this happens, roll Weird.
Agility: Pass through enemies. Gain advantage to Vault, jump, or Climb.
Visions of Death: (0AP, 1 Edge) Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 Crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.
Flurry of Blows: (1AP, 1 Edge) Attack with main weapon, pistol, and fists, in any order. You can move up to 3 tiles before each attack.
Throwing Knives: (1 AP, 1/3 uses): Attack 3 enemies within Range 10 for 2 damage.
[Top 10]: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favorite movies to reroll any die.
[Lady's Favor: Lena]- (0AP, 0 Edge), spend during a mission before rolling any d10 to make the final result a 10.

Moonshadow- DMG 3, +1 Defense, [Stance]. 2/mission, consecutive rounds only: [Phases of the Moon] (1 AP, 1 Edge): Attack 3 enemies within 3 spaces.
Wakizashi- DMG 2, +1 Crit, when [Stance] counter activates, also attack with this weapon.
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1
First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 1/2 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.

Bulletproof Suit: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
+Living Room
+Security x2
+Rare Weapon (Wyatt Earp's Revolver)

Motorbike (Rebel) [2/1/0]
Motorbike (Muramasa) [3/3/0]
Speedboat (Barracuda [2/1/3]
Heat 14
Cash: $1,374,783 USD ($390,958 of which is in Cuban Pesos and British Pound Sterling)

>-$100,000 USD
Jackie pounces on that deal, practically throwing a duffel bag of 100 dollar bills at Ramirez as she snatches the sword out of his hands. "You know, soldier boy, you aren't so bad after all. Maybe I'll keep an eye out for any toys you might like- after all, Heckler can't be the only one having fun, right?"
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Two men from the farm heist had their eyes on the prototype PCX rifle. There was only one civilized way to settle this. A game of texas hold'em. The cards were dealt...
Rolled 2 (1d10)

"Never been one lucky with cards, but here goes..." despite the joke Chaser's face showed as little emotion as possible: he was actually trying to win.
The game came to a close in Blaze's favor. The fancy new rifle was his by right.

>Claim and equip PCX

>Gain $2,000 reimbursed medical expenses ($574,175->576,175)

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (4/8)
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 7/7
Edge: 10/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
What he said unfortunately held true: he was bled dry by unlucky rounds and unbelievable bluffs (who goes for it with a pair of Two's?!)
That means that PCX goes to Blaze.

>Paying $50.000 to Napps for forfeiting a weapon.
>Paying $50.000 to Horace II for forfeiting a weapon.
>Delivering Tobias the Stun Baton

The moon rides high in the sky, looking down on a Bravado as it drives down a lonely shoreline road. The dark shapes of palm trees slide past as the car rolls towards its destination.

Angela sits in the driver's seat, one hand on the wheel. Without taking her eyes from the road, she says, "You really think this person can help us?"

"It's worth a shot," Claire says beside her. "The Ura are the strongest group still aligned with the Syndicate, along with whoever their backers are, the ones behind Phoenix. Big connections to real estate and finance. And they have a lot of skilled fighters. Like a lot. Best thing we can do is figure out how to grab one or two guys who know things, without having to take the entire gang head-on."

"We'll probably still have to kill a lot of people," Angela says.

"Probably," Claire agrees.

The Bravado pulls into a beachfront parking lot. Two other cars, both black Skylines, already wait here. Angela parks, takes a moment to listen and look around. She doesn't seem to sense danger because she gets out of the car, and Claire follows.

The parking lot is ringed by men in well-tailored suits, but they're all facing outwards, alert for external threats. Several more stand by the two cars. Only one person is facing the two new arrivals. A woman in a black dress.

Most informed criminals have heard the story. Last year during the crime war, Heat City's Yakuza clan split apart when the patriarch was killed without a successor. Since then the two sides have been deadlocked, each fighting for dominance over their old territories. They became known as the Ura- and Omote-Yakuza. Supposedly, the split happened when a warlord sent from the parent clan in Japan arrived to take over the clan, but the other half stayed loyal to the patriarch's estranged daughter.

If the story is true, it means that daughter is the woman standing here now in the moonlit parking lot. The young chairwoman of the Omote-Yakuza.

"Thanks for agreeing to meet with us," Claire says, unable to keep anxiety out of her voice.

"I was curious," the young woman says. "You and your gang have escalated in notoriety at an impressive pace. I wanted to meet the woman responsible. Claire, is it?"

Claire stammers and looks away, embarassed. "Oh, no, I just keep the books, do a little intel work ... it's not a big deal. Angela's the leader, not me."

Angela looks at the woman with a wry smile, like: you see what I have to deal with?

"I see," the woman says. "In any case, my curiosity is not the only reason I agreed to meet with you. Let's hear this arrangement you wanted to talk about."

"R-right." Claire clears her throat and straightens her posture. "We want to hit the Ura-Yakuza. But not just with brute force. Directed. We need informants. Guys who know things in finance and real estate. Squealers in suits, you know the type. You can get us intel on who we should be targeting, along with where and when we can find them. Oh, and um, we were hoping to get your assistance on a little side thing. Someone we're trying to help out."

"Not an unreasonable request." The woman surveys Claire with a cool gaze for a few moments. "And what do I get in return for all this?"

"We're hitting your biggest rivals in the city," Angela says. "Practically winning your little civil war for you."

"Think of it as an efficient investment," Claire adds. "What do you say? Can we do business?"

The woman looks out to sea, where the reflection of the moon hangs suspended in the dark water. "Something big is coming," she says. "Something bigger even than your ongoing clash with the Syndicate. You were all just a warm-up for the main set. When that time comes ... my intuition tells me that you're the ones I want on my side." She looks back to Angela and Claire, an even stare as she sizes them up. "Yes, we can do business."

"Great." The relief is evident in Claire's voice.

"One more thing," Angela says. "I'm curious, too. Is it true what they say? About you and the Patriot?"

The woman smiles, a polite smile that hides her real face. "That was a long time ago. Well, I suppose it was only a year ago, now, but it feels like another lifetime. Yes, I was ... associated with him, last year during that whole affair. Quite an adventure."

"The way I remember hearing it, the Bratva and Triads put their war on hold, all to go up against one man," Angela says. "And they failed. Seems like you know when to back a dark horse."

"Seems I do." The woman turns and walks back to her car. A man in a suit opens the rear door for her, but before she steps inside, she pauses. "Oh, and send me the details about that favor you wanted. I know just the person for the job."
Rolled 10 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

"Danke schön herr Friedrich."
>+100,000$ from Farm Heist
>Green Marker and +437,500$ Received from Oil Rig


>Call Rainfall through a payphone
"Emily? Yes hi it's T. I need you to run an errand for me at the C(haos) store. I left some cash (40,000$ in a duffel bag) in the (your) car and I need you to buy about as much of the plastic is left and 1 Exo(thermic) (Charge)r. I'll come by to pick it up later. Try not to forget." (He hangs up)
-40,000$ for 2 C4 charges and 1 Thermite Charge commissioned to Rainfall.

>Get some ICA Trainees to run some [Mayhem] (-10,000$) {Weird 2, Sharp 1}, these are teams of 2 at best and are still to learn Patience. If anything. (Final sheet will be posted at deploy)
Oh yeah baby. Slow burn is the best.
Holy shit Raven
They shitposted, but the story lives on
>Alamo retires
>Empress retires
>Chien dies, but Kit takes up mantle
>Weasel dies, Honey Badger MIA
>Mizuchi still being the Overlord of WEEBS
>Friedrich coming out of the fires of whatever European conflict and becoming an instant leader
>Rico dispensing dark justice via the "Crew"
>Blaze becoming the feared hand of the "Crew"
>Seline and Chaser as Bonny & Clyde
Ramirez and Blackjack are two views of the same story
And Dr Ben
Motherfucker uses Voodoo to reanimate himself back from the dead. Shitty part is that when he gets an erection, the past Dr Ben gets an erection (when corpses get stiffys)
Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d5)

>Good ol'Mayhem, always on tiime
>Streets Loot, 2xRandom Stats +1, +1 stat token (will determine) and DON'T get chased
>Rolling 2 random stats
Rolled 8 (1d10)

>streets loot
And lol
Tobias and Heckler are always at the right place at the right time.
Heckler is a perfect wireman, and Tobias always manages to sneak in, (((die))) and find himself in an advantageous position. Those two probably have the IN towards spook intel. And should be a follow up if Empress is retiring.
Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 6/6, Edge 14/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $230 158
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

Nishina is very confused to receive 50K in cash for a one minute phone call, especially as it ended with her berating the man on the other end in Japanese for being an idiot, but she accepts it with a grateful bow.

(This is happening before the below)

>swapping Flurry of Blows for Visions of Death

As soon as Nishina hears that they're going after the Yakuza, a change comes over Nishina. The quiet, poised, tightly-wound woman becomes even more so. Only a few have enough information to know for sure why. Blackjack, Mizuchi, Empress, Claire, Angela, and Mia. Perhaps Tobias, who always seemed to know more than he said.

Mifune Rosanjin. The architect of her family's downfall, and the slayer of her brother Torio. He had come to Heat City, and Nishina Kaori had followed. If there was any chance at all that he would be present, even the slightest one, Nishina would be ready to confront him and put him down. She would not fall as Torio did. Her focus is absolute. And, perhaps, a mite unhealthy.
>Haze +7,000$
>+1 Hard and +1 Sharp
>+1 Weird for Token
>Deployment soon
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The Syndicate is broken ... mostly.

There's one group in particular that's still loyal. The Ura-Yakuza, they're called these days, one half of the city's Yakuza clan after the big split last year. Why they're still loyal despite everything crashing down, we're not sure. Maybe they're in too deep with their connections in finance and real estate. Maybe their mysterious backers have serious leverage. Or maybe they believe they can do what the Jacks, Dirty Dogs, Niners, Triads, Marielitos, and HCPD have all failed to do.

It's not an unfounded belief. Even the rank-and-file among the Yakuza are proficient in swordplay these days, and rumor has it they've also contracted some hardcore motherfuckers from back in Japan. They're armed and dangerous, and they're ready to fight us, specifically.

Now, this isn't just about taking out some Yakuza, that's just a bonus. Our real objective is to capture two men we have intel on. Michael Johnson, a Heat City real estate baron, and Takuya Sato, a financier with ties to the major clans back in Japan. Both of them are connected to Project Phoenix, a link we intend to explore in detail once they're in a secure location and can be interrogated throroughly.

Our intel places both men as having regular appointments at a commercial complex owned by the Yakuza, of which the primary attraction is the Sakura Garden, a high-end brothel. Mr. Johnson is a regular attendee, visiting at the same time each week, while Sato can typically be found working in an office in the building on that same day.

Grab both of them and get them back to the van. Any gangsters you kill along the way are just a bonus.
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With events accelerating to endgame, your allies have agreed to intervene more directly.

[Call-in: Ally] (0 AP, 1 Edge) is now available to all criminals of 2+ XP (as in you must have completed at least one mission). This is a team-wide ability with a shared total number of uses, so make sure not to waste them.
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Sign up for a deployment squad.

>[1] Squad 1 will hit the Sakura Garden straight through the front entrance.
>[2] Squad 2 will go in through the arcade next door.
>[3] Squad 3 will go around through the sushi restaurant and alleyway. Take out one of Tony's competitors as a bonus.


>Capture Michael Johnson
>Capture Takuya Sato

These are your two targets. Grab them and haul them to the escape cars. We need them alive and ready to talk, so that means unharmed. Well, mostly unharmed.

You have 10 Favors to vote on:

Camera Hack (1 Favor, x4) = Gain vision from a security camera.
Dead Drop (1 Favor, x5) = Stash a Gear item of your choice on site.
Extra Loot (1 Favor, x4) = Reveal locations of bonus loot.
Karaoke Star (2 Favors, x1) = Some enemies will start the mission distracted.
Fugu Sushi (3 Favors, x1) = Some enemies will start the mission disabled.
Rooftop Spotter (1 Favor) = Receive advance notice of outside reinforcements.
Second Driver Team (3 Favors) = Opens an alternate escape route.
Workplace Hazards (2 Favors, x4) = Explosive or hazardous material containers will be left on site.
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>Camera Hack x4
>Second Driver Team
>Karaoke Star
>Squad 2
>Arrive on my bike

>Camera Hack x4
>Karaoke Star
>Fugu Sushi
>Rooftop Spotter
>It's time for Napps' 4th mission! Careful - in a certain culture, the number four is associated with death...
>Gain an additional $50,000 from not taking a unique weapon! Jesus. I- you have way too much money now man. What would you even do with it??
>[2] Deploy at the Arcade - plenty of cabinets to chuck and throw. Except Dodeca-Dragon. Even if it's another arcade, give it some respect.

>Dead Drop (Doctor's Bag) [1 Favor] - Stash chosen gear item on-site
>Karaoke Star [2 Factors] - Some enemies start distracted
>Second Driver Team [3 favors] - Alternate Escape Route
>Workplace Hazards x2 [4 favors] - Explosive/hazardous containers on-site

"Nah. Just bored. Figured some drinks to start paying you back for the SWAT escape, too."
>Oh Yeah

He'll show up when he is needed.
>Camera Hack (x4) = Gain vision from a security camera.
>Karaoke Star (2 Favors, x1) = Some enemies will start the mission distracted.
>Fugu Sushi (3 Favors, x1) = Some enemies will start the mission disabled.
>Rooftop Spotter (1 Favor) = Receive advance notice of outside reinforcements.
[10 Favours]
3x Camera Hack [3] going, [3]
2x Deaddrop [Medical Bag] [2] going [5]
1x Karaoke Star [2] going [7]
1x Alternative Escape [3] going [10]

" Oh, snatch and grab? "

Kit bounces to her feet from the plastic chair she was resting in. Gives the whiteboard a solid once over again, but it all seems to be like it was a minute ago. She strides to the front, grabs a marker, taps it against her hand to leave a few test smidges and grins. Doesn't draw anything. Seems like it'd be rude (and also, probably, everyone else is better at this? But being nervous never really gets anyone anywhere...)

" Easy to get distracted with the loot, clever poison tricks and explosive barrels.

Forget all that. Poison does not work as well as anyone thinks, this is a ... massage parlour... so scattering dangers all over the place is just dangerous to other customers and ourselves, and this isn't about the money.


So what *we* need is information, evasion and medical. That means cameras, cars and slap-patches smuggled in earlier in the day in case someone catches a blade. Sword wounds bleed something fierce.

These Ura-Yakuza people seem dead hard, and I bet if we start making trouble at their favorite Sakura place, there'll be more of them coming than we can know what to do with. Getting into a procated fight is just losing by a thousand cuts. "

She pauses, just in case anyone wants to appreciate that joke.

" Why don't we do it exactly like they expect, in a way they won't expect? Every protective detail in this city knows what to do when gunfire starts. You form up around your principle and you goad them out the back door. We're coming to capture someone, aren't we, so, we make a lot of noise at the front, and that means the Yakuza sends their valuables to the back.

So, like this: "

Kit starts listing names and doors and plans . . .

Front Doors:
Send the enforcers in here! Ramirez, Heckler, Friedrich, all the stout and stable heavy hitters, Badger and Alan and what have we, Riptide, all you guys with your big muscles and bigger armor plates. It's the *front door*, so kick it in right and proper. That'll draw the most attention, which is good; make some noise, get people looking your way. If they all clump up trying to sword fight you, you have grenades, right? All the noise will force the people we're looking forward to the back of the building. . . !

Ben and Napps are back here, but it doesn't hae to be a big thing, two or three more people, and then once all the noise starts elsewhere, you're free to slide in

Round The Alley:
This is a trap option for silly geese who like to overcomplicate things. If we spread out too much, getting to the escape cars is going ot be hard, and the Yakuza will be coming in fast once they hear noise is appening at a place they so value. Front door or Arcade, stick together, and let's not overcomplicate it for now.


++Oh Yeah
Rolled 4 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

Badger had been off the grid. After the death of his daughter, the old soldier had remained silent, leaving without a word once he made sure the rest of the gang was out of danger. He didn't answer any call, and made himself scarce. In a few weeks, he had met his precious daughter, the light of his life, and he had lost it. He had failed as a father. He was angry, of course, but had nowhere to direct that anger. The people responsible were dead, buried in the rubble of the former hideout, along with his little girl. All that anger had one place to go, and that was inwards.

But life went on. Even if he hated himself for this, even if she was gone, he had to keep moving. The soldier in him knew that stillness meant death on the battlefield. And so he picked it up, and kept moving.

Which led him back to the gang. Another day, another job. He still had an old friend to avenge. He was clad in his usual tactical gear, the mask obscuring his face, marked by grief. Honey Badger the father wasn't here today. Only Honey Badger, the soldier.

"Kept you waiting, huh?"

>Level up. Get +1 Sharp
>Rapid fire sidejobs, sidejob 1, Alligator Alley with the Bravado coupe (Hard 4, Handling 3)

Name: Honey Badger
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP:12/12 Edge:9/9 Move:5 Defense:6 Crit on 9+
Factors: Cool:0+1 Sharp:4 Hard:4 Weird:1
Weapons: Pistol (range 10, dmg2, 4/8 ammo)
ACR (range 20, dmg4, 4/12 ammo, auto, +1 accuracy)
Fists (Melee, dmg2, crit +1)
Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 move)
Gear: Frag Grenades (3/3, Area 2, 3Ex damage)
Talent: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Steadfast, Raging Demon, Lena's Lover, Call Out, Apprentice
Rolled 3 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

Reroll that using the Sports Suspension
Rolled 1, 2 + 7 = 10 (2d10 + 7)

Actually I forgot I have advantage on my next race thanks to last thread's result. This is the Sports Suspension reroll.
"Ja. You know who zis is. I vant access to ze cameras. Ja, ja, ze envelope vill stay betveen us if you do zis favour."
>"Old Friends", 2 favors
>Camera Hack x2

>10 Favors
>Camera hack x2: 2 favors
>Karaoke Star: 2 favors
>Deaddrop Medical Bag x2: 2 favors
>Rooftop Spotter: 1 favor
>Second Driver Team: 3 favors

>Squad 1
Rolled 4, 10 + 7 = 21 (2d10 + 7)

As he hurtled towards certain death by alligator, Badger remembered a movie he had seen back before... Before the hideout defense. The Fierce and the Fleet, an old movie about cars and family. Back then, he had thought the whole thing was silly. But now, in this situation, with his daughter gone and his demise imminent, Dominique Tourette's words echoed in his mind. "It's all about family."
>Top 10 reroll
Rolled 3 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

>Sidejob 2: Perform Investigations (Sharp 4)
Rolled 9 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

>Last but not least, Prep Work, Train under Red Misha to learn Unstoppable (Hard 4)
>Learn [White Lightning]
>+$2000, +1 Heat (new balance is 103,444$)
>Learn [Unstoppable] +1 Hard Token

Name: Honey Badger
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP:13/13 Edge:9/9 Move:5 Defense:6 Crit on 9+
Factors: Cool:0+1 Sharp:4 Hard:4+1 Weird:1
Weapons: Pistol (range 10, dmg2, 4/8 ammo)
ACR (range 20, dmg4, 4/12 ammo, auto, +1 accuracy)
Fists (Melee, dmg2, crit +1)
Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 move)
Gear: Frag Grenades (3/3, Area 2, 3Ex damage)
Talent: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Steadfast, Raging Demon, Lena's Lover, Call Out, Apprentice, Top Ten (0/1), White Lightning, Unstoppable

>Old Friends: Buy Extra Loot x2
>Infiltrator: ごきげんよう。お茶会のご予約をお願いいたします 私たちの共通の友人たちが敬意を表しています。

#Kit de Guerre, Brain-Force-Perator?, 26450€
Armor 6/6
Hp 10/10 Edge 10/10 Def 4 Crit 5+ SC 10+
Heat 8 Wanted 2
Hard 2 Cool 0 Sharp 3+1 Weird 4+2 Move 5+2
!Electrify, !Spook, !Infiltrate, !RC Bomb, !Taser
!Apprentice, !Furious Focus, !Havana Hardline
!Some Bark, More Bite [Unstoppable, Grappler]
!Dad's Shades [Shootdodge] + [Lucha Loco, +1D/C on vault fists]

2x Pistols D2, 4/12
Fist: 2D, +1C, +1A
Kit's Breathmints [Drugs 3x]
Vest: Armor [6]

Tactical Utility Vest, with the extra pocket space, as inspired by Heckler, with a little chibi dog bagtag.
>Squad 1

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (4/8)
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 7/7
Edge: 10/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 10/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 4/16, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. If they are knocked down, they stand up.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die) (Used)
GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (2 Uses)
Cash: $1747377
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>Old Friends: Karaoke Star (2 Favours)
>Squad 1
>Rooftop Spotter, Second Driver Team, Extra Loot, Camera Hack x2, Fugu Sushi

Heckler smiles slightly as he dials a number while he's in his warehouse office. There is a moment of dial tones before a voice picks up, speaking Japanese. "Moshi moshi. Who is this?"

Heckler has to pause a moment before speaking a heavily accented but perfectly serviceable Japanese back. It's been a long time since he had to use that language on a decent basis. "It's Damian, been a long time since I last saw you Jun."

"Yes it has been. I heard through some old friends of ours that you were hiring them for some... business. You know I don't want anything to do-"

"I'm not looking to get you into trouble after all you've done to immigrate here. I'm just looking for you to show up at a Yakuza place, sing songs like the jackass you were back in Osaka, and then keep your head down while I do other stuff."

There's a pause before Jun continues. "Fine. You really are a Heckler when you want to be."

"And you're getting soft with age. Am I still talking to the same Onryo?"

"I said I'd do it. Just have to make sure that my daughter and wife don't get any ideas."

"I don't know how you ended up with Yurei."

"I'm hanging up now."

>Green Box Extra Favours: Dead Drop x2 (1 Ammo, 1 Medic)

"Hey Koch. I just want to see if you could maybe stash some stuff for me at a site I'm going to be working at... Yeah... Yes... Thanks. You want to head to the docks, find the payphone, dial 888888889 and then #. Should put you on the frequency and then you can do whatever creepy thing you do. No I'm not letting you keep the damn box."
>Squad 3

>Second Driver Team
>Fugu Sushi
>Camera Hack x3
Type: Brain
HP 7
Edge 8
Move 5 [4]
Defence 5
Crit 8
Stats: Cool 1 Sharp 3 Hard 0 Weird 2
Weapons: Gym Bag, Pistol, Fists
Gear: First Aid Kit, Smoke Grenade, Frag Grenade
Special Talent: Infiltrator

-1 move token
2 bleed next mission

>>will not deploy, It is infiltration time
Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 13/13, Edge 10/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/20, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard, Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x3
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $2,145,202
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Loud Apartment, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter
Jackhammer Shotgun, amiguous legendary melee weapon
Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Red Disk, Blue Disk, Locker Key
Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy)

>Deploy Squad 1
>Old Friends: Camera Hack x2
>Favours: Rooftop Spotter, Second Driver Team, Extra Loot x2, Fugu Sushi, Dead Drop x1 (Medic Bag)

Ramirez is standing in the middle of the neighbourhood meeting, surrounded by lightly chattering Cuban immigrants. He can feel eyes on him, the elephant in the room, from all around though he can't tell whether it's because of the bandages or whether it's just because he's there at all.

"Josh! Remember me?" Calls a casually dressed man, striding over. Ramirez tries not to stare.

"Uh... Carlos, right? Carlos Almarez?" It's hard to remember, but Ramirez vaguely recalls his name on the high school football team.

"That's me! So, how've you been? You know, besides the obvious." Carlos asks blithely. Ramirez resists the urge to snap.

"Fine. Just working... having a few troubles there."

"Yeah, with what?"

"Just some problems, you hear about that fancy Japanese shopping place up in Castle Green? Trying to get ahold of their tech guys to follow up on something, but they're bein' weirdly tight-lipped..."

"You for real? My cousin's husband actually works as a service tech there, I can hook you two up..."
Rolled 10 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 6/6, Edge 14/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $230 158
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

>Squad 2

"I see. I do not expect our taste in alcohol to align, but I accept." She gives him a look. "We drink strictly as comrades and colleagues."

Sending my gang after the Houses job just for something to do. Weird+2.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Huh. Good work. Luxury Loot roll.
Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 6/6, Edge 14/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $237 658
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

"How did you... /why/ did you take this painting? It looks terrible."

"...It's worth /how much/? [Americans will open their wallets for anything.] I suppose I must thank you. [Good work.]"
The boat hums towards the rig, dark and low profile, and- in one more mysterious skill- Seline lies still and low without complaint, used to such physical subterfuge.

She’s not driving; her part doesn’t start until they enter the building. She stays low, out of the way, zones out of Kitt’s incessant technical chatter and the humming of a copter as she stares up into the stars, and thinks.

Three months ago, she’d only killed in self defence. She was an artisan.

What was she doing now?

A metre away, Kitt fidgeted and muttered and fidgeted some more, not half as used to such awkward waits- but also not nearly so introspective, about all the mercenaries about to die at their hands. Blood money, turf wars…

She was a fighter now. She made *far* more as a fighter, more than she could have dreamed of as a craftswomen, and at least she wasn’t a rogue- she was loyal to *something*, she could tell herself these deaths weren’t selfish deaths- but it felt a hollow thing. She didn’t know why Kitt wasn’t bothered; She wasn’t sure why Chaser didn’t seem to care-


The boat docked. They climbed up. The front guards were already dead. Strange. Quiet. Ominous. Maybe the fates were telling her something.

What exactly that was, she would figure out later- for the dead sentry’s replacements just arrived.

‘SELINE! Your rifle!’, Ramirez roared, a *real* leader now, with *real* authority- and so she obeyed, ducking low, Empress’ shotgun releasing staccato roars as she traded emptied pistols for the disassembled rifle in her bag. Heart shaking, hands smooth, head empty of the next and next- *Click click click*, her oldest friend was whole. Lean out of cover, just slightly, shrapnel bounced off her iron mask-

In the distance, one more squad of mercenaries. Through the scope, they seemed so fragile. She could make out their faces too. Confusion and anger and fear, partly from the chaos, more so from their dead friends.

A month ago, she would have paused. Twenty minutes ago, maybe, when she was in a pensive mood.

The gang had trained her very well. It was for her own good, said Chaser. In our way of life, you can’t stop. Regret it later, often, but not stop.

Her rifle *screamed*, semi automatic, half a dozen rounds spraying across the squad, spurts of blood and shrapnel and armour piercing shells, and behind her Kitt nodded in deafened approval. See? Her new friend has her back. She’ll be safe to do her work. Natural shooter, and always was, for as long as she had known her.
On the ride home, she got a seat next to Chaser- or, Chaser got a seat next to her, since it was their ride. Despite the discomfort, she was nodding off- dozens of minutes of running skirmishes too much for her gaunt frame.

Her partner surreptitiously checks her for injury. Pretends her mumblings are full conversation. Tries to sit still, as she falls asleep on his lap. When she wakes up, it’s on Chaser’s couch, and he’s left a note for her explaining that he’ll be gone for a few more days for ‘work’, but he’s left her the keys.

Her pa used to do that all the time. Same kind of ‘work’, even. Ma would always take the chance to clean the house, back to front, and the kids did all the farm work too, and then prepare for the homecoming party, when pa and his friends came back with hard earned cash- nothing traceable.

She suddenly feels astoundingly mature, except for the overwhelming urge to cry. She’d only ever seen mom cry once.

Seline was better- healthier- some days than others, and Chaser couldn’t remember the last damned time his own house was so clean.

At some point, Seline sometimes crashed at his place, when she was too tired to drive back to the docks. Then, it was so they could have dates in the evening, when he was more free. Then, it was because she had made it her business to fix up everything around a house he barely stayed in anyways, and then he *was* staying in it more, because it was becoming their home through raw, persistent maintenance, and then one day he woke up and was surprised that Seline wasn’t in the guest room, but was sleeping at her shop that night instead.

(There were brief fantasies of Seline in *his* room, but on mentioning sharing a bed, she went so weak with shock he aborted immediately.)

Seline woke up earlier than him. Made breakfast. Swept the floor. Left for work at the docks, with Riptide’s partnership and her own orders as well. He woke up, ate, feeling strange but not unpleasant. He made lunch and left for work (actual work, at the gym). She came back first. She made dinner. She fell asleep. He washed the dishes and woke her up. They ate dinner together, which pleased her terribly, as did so many other stable, subtle intimacies. Assuming they didn;t have ‘work’, they’d have the evening off.

Life had become domestic. His kitchen floor was clean enough to eat from. He didn’t play loud music on the radio anymore. The TV was mostly blank, unless they needed to check the news, or it was a cooking or gardening show. All the drinks and smoke were hidden away, and he thought about them less and less. All the guns were locked in a single, sound proofed room, that was also a workshop, and Seline smelt less of gunpowder and more and more of cooking, or shampoo. He suddenly had actual damned books. He fumigated the attic, finally. He built a shooting range in the back. He brought a new vacuum, a mop and a kettle.
HP 18/12 Edge 10/10
Move 6, Def 5, Crit 9+
Cool 1 / Sharp 2 (+2) / Hard 4 (+1) / Weird 1
Heat 10 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and gain 5 Edge)
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
Unstoppable (0 AP 1 Edge, +1 Armor, Rage, Block; remove debuffs and conditions)
Hardliner (+1 Hard token/mission, spend H.T. to gain breach on move)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll) SPENT
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger")
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result) SPENT
Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear)
Shotgun (Rng 10, Dmg 4, Ammo 4/12, Breach)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/12)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
Armor Vest (6 armor, doesn't stack)
Frag Grenades (Frag Out: 3/3, Throw, Area 2, 3 Damage, Breach)

>Assets, Resources, Connections
Bungalow (free asset, Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living room, Gym x2, Security x2, Metalwork Workshop, Garage, Shooting range)
HCF Martial Arts and Boxing Gym (Dock warehouse, Gym x2, Bathroom x2, Office x2, Kitchen, Security x2, Pool x2, Break room)
Buckaroo (Truck, 1/2/4, both rerolls)
Ronin (Motorcycle, 4/2/0, both rerolls)
Skyline (Sedan, 3/4/4, both rerolls)
Boxing Boys (Grunts, H2 W1; Prideful; Brian, Mitch, Vic, Bob; Underg. Fighters)
- Brian (Irish, short, cheery)
- Mitch (lazy, smoker, loyal)
- Vic (Italian, lanky, absent-minded)
- Bob (serious, rigid, cunning)
$193.785, Two-Piece suit, Serious Armor, Utility Vest, Classy suits, Designer Shades, Movie Collection, Records Collection and high fidelity Record player, Green MARKER

>Buy Utility Vest for $2.200
>Buy tuned Skyline for $213.000
>Get a Shooting Range and a garage for the bungalow (paying it as a double pool and a workshop, $23.000)
(Money already deducted)

>Deploy Squad 3
He put his foot down on the chickens, though. They could get fresh eggs at the supermarket.

The first time he stayed out late with the boys, and called Seline, he knew they would mock him for weeks. Months, when he purposefully drank light, and turned down a smoke. But fuck it- the other boys didn’t have a long term girlfriend, so there.

(It had only actually been a month and half, or a bit more- domestic rhythms made time feel hazy. Felt much longer, though. He wanted it to *be* much longer.)

The rest of the gang started assuming he always knew where Seline was, which was only really true three quarters of the day. He learned when she was feeling good, or tired, or excited, or concentrating. He especially learned when she was once again seized by gloom, and had to force herself to live, and not just lie in bed. He couldn’t figure out how to fix that, though, even if he wished he could.

The heist money was kept under the floor, multiple layers of locks, too hot for banks. Together, in total, they had over a million. He couldn’t really imagine that much money, so he didn’t.

It turned out, Seline was.



After dinner, she started staring again, drifting, thoughtful and sad. He hugged her, as if to press the mood out of her, and got words instead.

‘Why are we still in ‘the life’?’


‘We have so much. So many people… left behind, as well. Together, we’ve more than I think my family ever saw in one place.’

‘….we have more skills than violence. I was going to use the pay to start my own shop. I would buy a new identity. I would enrol in a university. I would… Live off my trade, I guess.’

‘We have enough here to live off for the rest of our *lives*.’

‘I don’t.. I don;t know. I like the crew, in their own way. But I don’t like death. I still don’t like the blood. It….. still feels wrong, to fight, even as I grow more skilled. I like living with you. I like Kitt, I like Riptide. But…

How long has it been, since someone called you our *real* name, Chaser? Even we haven;t told each other that! We.. we’ve become Seline and Chaser, part of the gang, who kill and kill, spinning our wheels, and I don’t know *why*.

We don’t have to. We could go. Alamo left. Empress left. Spider is dead. I could void my contract now. We could… we could go. Far away. Live real lives. I want our ‘real’ life! I can almost *see* it.

…but just leaving is so hard, and I don;t know why. I don’t know…’

> Massive rp post. Consider it my entire downtime in one go, since I was sick and couldn’t write. Waiting for Chaser to deploy. Yes, I did run this by him first.
Name: Renjun
Type: Assassin

Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 7/7, Move 6+2, Defense 11, Crit on 6
Weapons: Jian (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance](1 AP 1/Turn) Block 1 and Counter 1), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5), Dragon Kick (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5, Super Crit on 9)

Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+3, Sharp 0+1, Weird 4

Skills: Visions of Death (0 AP, 1 Edge, Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.), Top 10 (1/chapter name and describe one of your criminal's top 10 favourite movies to reroll any die.), Apprentice (Melee weapons have +1 Accuracy), Dragon Kick (1 AP, Melee, Damage 2, crit chance +3), Advantage on next Race

Gear: Armor Vest (Armour 6) (Damage is dealt to Armor before HP. Armor blocks damage and is then removed)

Outfits: Custom Mask (+1 HP, +1 Move, Blue Bian Lian mask, Equipped), Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense),
Assets: Cell Phone, Chinese Language Bibles, Jewelry (Crucifix made of Gold and Jade), Artwork ("Sermon on the Mount" by Bloch)
Vehicles: "The White Magpie" (Van, 1/1/7, Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Nitrous, Sport Suspension), Barracuda (Speedboat, 2/1/3), "Quianlima" (Lancer Sport, 4/2/1, Engine Tuning, Nitrous)
Base: Dock Warehouse (Security x2, Workshop, Theatre x2, Bathroom, Kitchen)

Gang: The Heat City Knights (Weird 2 Hard 1, 5 totally sane people converted to Christ, Superstition)

Cash: $104050
Heat: 7
Wanted: 4
XP: 2

>Switch Class Ability back to Visions of Death
>Purchase several small crosses made of Gold and Jade (Jewelery, -$3,600)
>Deploy Squad 1
>10 Favours:
>Camera Hack x2
>Karaoke Star
>Rooftop Spotter
>Dead Drop Medic Bag x2
>Second Driver Team

Sakura Gardens is a nodule of avarice and lust controlled by some of the lowest dogs and devils which blight this city, Renjun can barely contain his glee when given the opportunity to excise this tumour from the face of the Earth. After praying on the matter Renjun decides that the only appropriate way to approach is from the front, as a whirlwind of death blowing through this hive of perdition.
Name: Riptide
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP: 14/14 (10+1+3) | Edge: 7/7 | Move: 7 (6+1) | Defence 4 | Crit on 6+
Hard: 6 (3+3) | Cool: 0 | Sharp: 1 | Weird: 4
[Hurting Other People]: When Below Max HP, +1 Weapon and Collision Damage.
[Ruiner] (1 AP, 1 Edge): Move 5 directly next to an enemy or object and attack it. Do this two more times. Target something different each time.
[Apprentice]: +1 Acc to Melee Weapons | [Unstoppable] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Gain Armour 1, Block 1, and Rage 1. Remove any Debuffs and Conditions.
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Riptide and Napps attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate (Napps) won't expend an action.
[People's Champ]: At the start of the Mission, gain a +1 Hard Token. You can spend Hard Tokens like Edge.
[Pistol]: Range 10, DMG 2, Ammo 4/8;
[Fists]: Melee, DMG 2, Crit +1 (On 5+);
[Shotgun]: Range 10, DMG 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach.
[Armour Vest]: Armour 6/6
[Stylish Clothes]: +1 Defence
[Custom Mask]: +1 HP, +1 Move (Currently Equipped)
Muramasa (3,3,0, Motorcycle)

Riptide walks into the Hideout immaculately dressed in a butler uniform. Which juxtaposes his strange, antique mask, like civlised society meeting ancient savagery.
He has no horse in this race, though he did see Nishina acting incredibly strange.
Making sure his most likely and lucrative customers are successful along with helping a young woman is good enough motivation. For some reason he feels incredibly altruistic right now.

>Gain $6000 and +1 Hard Token from working as an Assistant in The Blue Mare.
>Buy a Muramasa (New Balance: $22,975)
>Deploy at Squad 2 (Arcade)
>Go in with Squad 1

Name: Honey Badger
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP:13/13 Edge:9/9 Move:5 Defense:6 Crit on 9+
Factors: Cool:0+1 Sharp:4 Hard:4+1 Weird:1
Weapons: Pistol (range 10, dmg2, 4/8 ammo)
ACR (range 20, dmg4, 4/12 ammo, auto, +1 accuracy)
Fists (Melee, dmg2, crit +1)
Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 move)
Gear: Frag Grenades (3/3, Area 2, 3Ex damage)
Talent: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Steadfast, Raging Demon, Lena's Lover, Call Out, Apprentice, Top Ten (0/1), White Lightning, Unstoppable
Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 10/10
Move 5+1
Defense 12
Crit on 9+

Cool: 5+3
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SER, 15, Overdrive)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 3/12
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 4/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit Chance +1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag, Molotov Cocktails (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (1 AP, 4 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.
Molotov Cocktails (3 Uses): Thrown, Area 1, Duration 2. Sets the tiles on fire, and anyone affected takes one damage and two burn.

>Cash: $897750

>Heat: 9
>Wanted: 2

Overturned Dirthog (1 Speed, 3 Handling, 0 Size, All Upgrades)
Jet (5/3/0, All Upgrades)
Mastodon (2 Speed & Handling, 6 Size, All Upgrades)
Loud Apartment (Workshop, Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom)
Secure Warehouse (Workshop+, Security+, 5x Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Kitchen, Studio)

(Full sheet!)

The female may be deadlier to male, but she’s still neither tactician nor leader.

> Deploy Squad 3, adjacent to Chaser.
Rolled 4 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

>Rolling for infiltration!
>Deploy with Squad 2
>Favors: Fugu Sushi [3], Rooftop Spotter [1], Second Driver Team [3], 1x Workplace Hazards [2], 1x Extra Loot [1].

"So, let me get this straight. We raid a fortified oil rig guarded by a private army and not even a week later we're going up against an entire gang of sword-wielding freaks? Uhm, n-no offense. This *really* can't wait, huh? Not even one more day? Ugh. Fine..."

Wizard sped back to Snake River on his Jet. After shooing his gang of slackers out and chucking four garbage bags they were supposed to get rid of days ago after them, he rushed to his room. Wizard emptied his share from the heist out of the duffle bag and secreted it away into a hidden compartment, along with the mysterious blue marker he was given. A kidnap job smack in the middle of the city, going up against the yakuza, to boot. It was going to get ugly. He considered the MAC-10 for a moment, but decided against it. Instead, he shoved a Model 59 in his waistband and pulled out a pair of shoeboxes from under the bed. M67s just couldn't stop falling off of trucks these days. His vest and duffle bag full, he was ready to head out.

>Gain +$437,500, Blue Marker from Oil Rig heist.
>Replace SMG with Gym Bag (bring 6 extra Frag Grenades)

Updated sheet:
Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: Gym Bag
Secondary Weapon: Pistol (4/12)
Skill: RC Bomb (2/2), Top 10 (0/1), Furious Focus, God Gamer (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (12/12)
Cash: $608,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG, Blue Marker
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
HP: 7/7
Edge: 12/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
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Name: Tony Vespucci
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 10/10 Edge 15/15 Move 6, Defence 4, Crit on 5 and above
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0-1, Sharp 5+1+2, Weird 4

Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), SMG (Range 10, Damage 3, Ammo 3/15, +1 crit range, Autofire)
Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4 uses)
Special Talent: Taser (4/4 uses)
Special talent: Pack Alpha (names: Carlo and Diego)
Special Talent: Electrify
Special Talent: Snake Eye
bulletproof suit: +1 edge, +1 defense

>Mirage (Racing Tires + Suspension): Carissima
>Cash: No

>extra loot x 4
>second driver team
>rooftop spotter
>camera hack x 2

>Deploy with squad 3 using the Carissima

Tony rolls up to the party in his own drive, henchmen at his side- though with a couple new scars.

News travel fast in Heat City, and Tony hears things faster than most: the Empress is gone, long live the Empress (no seriously he quite liked that woman).

Of course, with no Empress and Tony still on the throne… the pendulum has swung, and he still stands. Billy Marconi opposed his reign, and the man’s feet are sticking out a shallow grave in the swamps as we speak.

And if the old man has a say in it, he’ll have a roommate by the night’s end.

As Tony struts out his car, he might not be cool- the duck following him DOES reduce the impact a bit- but he’s looking sharper than ever.
Class: Assassin (LVL 3)
Hard 0[1] - HP [9/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6
Sharp 0 - Edge 6/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]
Heat 4 - Wanted 2

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 4, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - Armor [6/6]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]

>Cash and Stash:
Cash: $59,676
Ronin Motorcycle (Bayard) - 4/2/0 [Nitrous, Sport Suspension]
Muramasa Motorcycle (Durandal) - 4/4/0 [Nitrous, Sport Suspension]
Vagabond SUV (Heinz) - 3/3/6 [Nitrous, Sport Suspension]
Stylish Clothes (Abhorrent Tie) - [+1 Defense]
Cell Phone, Duel Freaks TCG, Haute Couture, Historical Artifacts, Movie Collection, Rare Weapons, Sorcery TCG, Video Game Collection
Old Mansion (Castle Blumenthal) - [Arcade+, Bathroom+, Bedroom+, Gym+, Kitchen+, Living Room+, Office+, Pool+, Security+, Studio+, Theater+, Workshop+]
Stake in Tony's Suzhizzeria - 2 Chains
Wildcards (Band of the Weird) - [Weird 2, Hard 1]


>Gain $50,000 from Chaser [New Total: $59,676]
A man --some would call him wise, though Horace wouldn't go that far-- once said that capital had the occult ability to add value to itself. A commie he might've been, but the golden goose eggs that keep appearing in Horace's bank account, no matter how much she tries to spend them, lend his words some credit.
Heh, credit.

Alive and mostly unharmed, they said. She could feel the sword seething at the very notion, but there were plenty of other heads ripe for the taking. Be still, thy bloodied blade, your thirst will not go unquenched.
...And no, that isn't a crack about the mark being a brothel. Now sharpen your sword, don that floppy hat, and secure that codpiece.

>Deploy with Squad 3
>Vote for Fugu Sushi, Second Driver Team, Workplace Hazards x2
>[1] Squad 1 will hit the Sakura Garden straight through the front entrance.
>Camera Hack (1 Favor, x4)
>Rooftop Spotter (1 Favor)
>Workplace Hazards (2 Favors, x1)
>Second Driver Team (3 Favors)

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 14/14, Edge 6/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2-1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
>Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 5/15 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
>Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
>Heat: 7
>Wanted: 2
>Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
Rolled 6 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

"Nn. Wouldn't have it any other way."
With that, they drive off, winding through roads until ending up at the apartment building, climbing through the back stairs until stepping into the studio loft.

It's surprisingly cushy and clean, for Napps. Luxurious kitchen with good food and drink, high-quality living room, balcony, and to the side, a door with paper taped to it reading "Pool Room". And off a few feet, a ladder leading upstairs to the bed"room".

Wordlessly, Napps moves to the island, grasping ingredients seemingly at random. It's not high-end liquor, but it's alcohol, citrus, syrup and bitters. And one of those ice ball molds.

Staying cramped inside while hiding out gave Napps time to explore new hobbies, new skills off the battlefield. Turns out he can make a killer sangria.
He sets aside a glass of sake - he didn't check what kind he'd bought - before pouring some into his concoction.

>Rolling +Sharp to make a cocktail with sake and finesse. That's what Japanese swordsmen like to drink, right?
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>Napps flips through the cocktail recipe booklet - "Orange oolong hi"
With an 8, Napps finds some tea packets in the Cubboard - tea's popular in Asian places, isn't it? He cuts some orange, mixes the powdered tea in with tonic water, then sets it in with Cointreau, until...

[The orange oolong hi is inspired by the beautifully fruity, fragrant and plump Nanbu Bijin “Tokubetsu Junmai.” Cointreau complements it well, creating a bouquet of floral, citrus and berry flavors. This is then balanced with the astringency of tonic water and the bold, earthy notes of oolong tea, creating a refreshing and simple cocktail.]

Stirring in the sake, and garnishing two glasses with cherries and oranges, he offers one to Nishina, raising his own.
(When he drinks his, he'll note that the oolong tea was very earthy)
"No worries Mr. Chaser, they were merely being thorough in their training and I was unable to keep up."
Name: D. Spenser
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 8/8 (9/9 from suit), Move 5, Defense 5, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard1, Cool1, Sharp 2, Weird 3, Heat 0, Wanted 1
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit +1)
Special Talent: Infiltration
Outfit: Two Piece Suit (+1 Edge)
Gear: Gym Bag: Ammo Bag (1 AP, 1 Uses), Medic Bag (1 AP, 1 Uses), Armor Vest
Cash: $4180
Assets: Mastodon, Secure Swamp Shack

Using Talent: Infiltration, I delay my deployment.
Nishina gives her glass a gentle sip, conveying skepticism even as her face is still.

"I am shocked that you had any sake at all in your house," she comments after a moment's thought and a glance at the bottle. "The... cocktail, is it? The cocktail is good."

"Ginjō-shu is typically meant to be served warm, but I do not expect you to have known that when you bought the bottle." She pauses. "Nor do I expect that you would have done it correctly. I see that microwave."

Nishina reaches for the sake bottle, takes a whiff, then stoppers it back up and shakes it. Satisfied, she roots through Napps' cupboards for a pot, fills it with water, and sets it on the stove with very light heat; certainly not enough to boil. After a moment, she nods and puts the bottle into the pot.

"I should state again," she starts, leaning against the counter, "that I do not dislike your drink. It was interesting. It was very modern. I simply wish to show you the more traditional version of sake." Her head is turned towards Napps, but her eyes are on the clock hanging on the wall.

While Napps replies, Nishina fishes around in his cupboards once more for the two smallest cups he has, and after a few minutes pulls the bottle out of the pot to open and pour it carefully into their cups, finally pushing one of them towards Napps.

Even before he picks it up, Napps can detect a light, almost floral aroma. In contrast to the earthy tea-sake concoction, the warm sake is light and sweet, with a flavour that unrolls across one's tongue, evolving subtly and being careful not to outstay its welcome.

Or that, at least, is what Nishina experiences, closing her eyes and lettting her attuned palate engage with the sake. It comes with a feeling of homesickness. She is a /long/ way from home. For a moment she appears troubled, but then she opens her eyes to see what Napps thinks of it.
"Mm. After the fire, we were cooped in here for a while. Couldn't go out, and when the TV shows the same thing on loop, we had to improvise. 'One of everything,' was on the list, so I trusted my gut on what would be useful."

He raises his brow, but doesn't say anything, at the sight of putting the bottle into the pot. Instead, he grabs a pencil, writing down what she said next to the Oolong recipe - 'serve warm. Put sake BOTTLE in lightly-H20'd pot, heat light.'

"Certainly an interesting take. Wouldn't have suspected it'd be served like that," he says, head ducked as he finishes his note.

He takes the filled Jägermeister shot glass - he's not prepared for how subtle the flavor is, used to harder-hitting sweet cocktails and vodkas. After a second sip, he's starting to appreciate the flavor, closing his eyes and attempting to... meditate, on its flavor. It's almost required, to focus on the floral taste, moving slowly around. Yet the notes he takes in are pleasant, enjoyable.

Wordlessly, he holds out the empty glass, awaiting a refill.
Rolled 8, 3 = 11 (2d10)

Mizuchi had been lying low still, and the news of their raid on the yakuza made him focus in even harder. No antics before this mission. Mizuchi hits the yard to ensure he's worked off all the pizza he's been eating over the break. It was time to test his sword in the Sakura gardens like thousands of warriors before him. It's weird seeing Mizuchi this focused in on something, not even Spider attracted this much effort from him in such a short time span. He was probably just stir crazy.
>Deploy with Group 1
>Rolling 2d10 for working twice at Rob's Construction, once with Hard and once with Weird.

Name: Mizuchi
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 8/7+1, Move 6, Defense 8+1, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 2, Cool 4, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), Raijin (Melee, Damage 4, [Stance], 1/1 Per Job [Stormdance] +1 DMG and +1 Stun for one turn)
Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4 Uses), Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defense, +1 Edge)
Money: $222,243
Tokens: Sharp
Special Talent: Flash Step, Agility, Flurry of Blows, Furious Focus
Assets: Katana Coupe w/ Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous [Speed 2+1, Handling 1+1, Size 3], Movie Collection (Anime), Loud Apartment, Blue Cassette, Tower Apartment (w/ The Works & Security+), Hi-Fi Stereo, Cell Phone, Manga, Designer Shades, Rare Weapons, Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts, +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition)
Heat: 12
Wanted Level: 3
>Squad 1
"You know the irony of these guys? Some officers get a rude a awakening when they realize these yakuza mostly didn't speak a lick of Japanese. But that's how you differentiate the chaff from the real tough hombres. If they make full sentences in Japanese those are the ones to watch out for." He said whilst putting his ski mask and goggles on.
Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 12/12
Edge 8/8
Move 5(6)
Defense 13

Cool: 5(8) {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg + taunt, gain block 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
{Apprentice}: Melee Weapons Gain +1 Accuracy
{Dragon Kick}: 1ap attack for 2 dmg, +3 Crit

-Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
-Pistol [Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8]
-Fist [Dmg 2, Crit +1]
-{Dragon Kick}: [Dmg 2, +3 Crit]

-Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 defense, +1 Edge)
-First Aid Kit (4/4)
Nishina gives a small, satisfied smile and refills both their glasses, then clicks hers against his in mimicry of an American gesture that Mia taught her.

"I am glad to be the one surprising another for once. America has held many surprises so far."

The two spend the rest of the evening drinking—in careful moderation, in Nishina's case—and exchanging light conversation about alcohol. Nishina appreciates the chance to teach Napps about sake, and seems remarkably knowledgeable. In turn, she listens attentively as he explains the basics of cocktail-making. It's a pleasant enough diversion, uncovering a slightly more relaxed Nishina Kaori—he had no idea that Nishina was actually her name instead of a codename, nor that Kaori was her given name—much different to the one he's seen in missions.

Still, the time comes for Nishina to leave. With a bow of farewell she makes to leave, retrieving her motorcycle helmet from where she left it near the door.
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Rolled 1, 7 + 7 = 15 (2d10 + 7)

>-1 Black Disk, +1 Blue Marker, +$462,500
Rainfall receives the Blue Marker, set it as the centerpiece among her collection of less extraordinary markers.

Clad in an impeccable FedEx cosplay, Rainfall delivers the package to the designated cluster of bushes.
>Send 2 C4 and a Thermite to T.

>Send Construction Workers to [Havana Hardline] with the Jet. (2d10+2+5 (Advantage))

Eventually, Rainfall will be gaming. Not now, but some time in the future.
>Deploy in Arcade Squad 2.

Name: Rainfall
Class: Assassin[Lv7]
HP[8/8] Edge[7/7] Move 6
Defense 9 Crit 6
Cool:4 Sharp:1 Hard:1 Weird:4
*Skills:(Flash Step)(Die Hard)(Top Ten)(Furious Focus)

*Weapons:Blood Katana(Dmg4,Block1,CDmg+1,1stCritHeal+1)
*Gear:Armor Vest(Block 2Dmg[2/3])
*Clothing:Bulletproof Suit(Def+1,Edge+1)

Blue Marker
Blue Disk
Blue Cassette [CHAOS]
$10,000 Gold Bar
$10 Chocolate Money
16 Heat, 2 Wanted
Beach House
Katana Coupe [2/1/3]
Zero(Speed+Handling+Nitrous) [3/4/1]
Construction Workers(Hard2,Sharp1,Slothful)
Advantage on next race
Rolled 9 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

Actual reroll.
Rolled 1, 8 = 9 (2d10)

Construction gang has earned a stay of execution.
>+$50,000, [Hardliner]

>Spend $10,000 to send them to Heat City Wrestling (1d10+2)

Rainfall rolls up her sleeves. Too many times she has been repelled by the fortified walls of the Blue Mare. This time, it's personal.
>Buy golden ticket to Blue Mare, Vs Lena Round #???? (1d10+1)

Name: Rainfall
Class: Assassin[Lv7]
HP[9/9] Edge[7/7] Move 6
Defense 9 Crit 6
Cool:4 Sharp:1 Hard:1+1 Weird:4
*Skills:(Flash Step)(Die Hard)(Top Ten)(Furious Focus)(Hardliner)

*Weapons:Blood Katana(Dmg4,Block1,CDmg+1,1stCritHeal+1)
*Gear:Armor Vest(Block 2Dmg[2/3])
*Clothing:Bulletproof Suit(Def+1,Edge+1)

Blue Marker
Blue Disk
Blue Cassette [CHAOS]
$10,000 Gold Bar
$10 Chocolate Money
16 Heat, 2 Wanted
Beach House
Katana Coupe [2/1/3]
Zero(Speed+Handling+Nitrous) [3/4/1]
Construction Workers(Hard2,Sharp1,Slothful)
Rolled 2 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

The whole group of construction workers simultaneously get killed in a freak wrestling accident. Rainfall enjoys a cup of complimentary water at the guest tables.
>1d10+1 at Guest Tables
Rolled 6 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

>Lena Reroll
Rolled 6 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

>Rainfall remembers existential film "Criminal Clowns from Southern Florida", and thinks of how it reminds her that she is, in fact, a clown.

>Top 10 Reroll
Rolled 2 + 9 (1d10 + 9)

Rainfall finds a nearby gun and shoots herself in the head. It's a confetti gun left behind by a clown. She is stuck in this hellish existence called life.

>Race in Snakeback Switch with the Zero(1d10+5+4)
Rolled 1 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

>Nitro Reroll
Rolled 3 + 8 (1d10 + 8)

>Rerolling with Speed
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Rainfall had a tough life
and checked
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Dark clouds pass to reveal the distant moon as you step forward from the shadows.

The Sakura Garden, Starlancer Arcade, and Toshiro's Sushi are all part of the same building, along with some private karaoke rooms and offices in the back halls. Over the walls, you can just see the tops of the pink-blossomed trees that the garden takes its name from.

Your carefully laid preparations have unfolded as planned (they usually do, it's everything else that goes wrong.) Security camera footage has been diverted. Your friend the karaoke star has enraptured a group of yakuza thugs with his singing. Elsewhere another group of thugs lies sickened from an order of improperly prepared fugu. Sites with likely hauls of cash or other useful commodities have been marked and memorized, and useful supplies of medical equipment and ammunition are stashed at covert locations.

The elevated rail tracks rumble with the sound of the city trains. Cars roar on nearby streets. Digital synth music and sound effects blast from the arcade windows. Citizens chatter about stocks and celebrities and fashionable dresses as they walk blithely past, clueless that anything is about to disturb their ordinary night. That won't last, of course. All of them has to do is take a proper look in your direction to see the shotguns and rifles held loosely under coats or in duffel bags, or the sudden proliferation of swords.

Remember. Grab the two informants, get them to the car. That's the important part. Everything else, that's just for fun.

Under the light of the street lamps, you perform your final checks. Ammo loaded. Safeties off. Blades unsheathed. Grips tightened. Fears confronted.

Time to move. Here we go.

Turn 1 begins.
Rolled 9, 5, 3, 1, 3 = 21 (5d10)

Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 13/13, Edge 10/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/20, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard, Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x3
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $2,145,202
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Loud Apartment, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter
Jackhammer Shotgun
Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Red Disk, Blue Disk, Locker Key
Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy)

>[1Edge] Activate Steadfast (+2 Block, +2 Counter)
>[1AP] Move 6N
>[2AP] Autofire x3 with Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/20, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy) at the Fatso 1SE of me (first four rolls, +1 To Hit)
[1Edge] Throw a Frag Grenade 3NW, 1W, on top of the Tie (fifth roll)

Ramirez casually glances around at the front of the team, making note of the gangers hanging around outside. 3 on the left, 6 on the right, 2 in front.

"Alright, Renjun, Mizuchi, and Friedrich, take the left. Rico, Old Man, take the right. Everyone else, let's just go straight in and keep it simple."

Ramirez cracks his neck, seeing the doorguards already reacting. "I'll start by giving 'em a knock on the door."

And so saying, he accelerates into a perfect gridiron sprint towards the double doors.
>Intended to write Autofire x4, it doesn't really matter since the first two rolls hit anyway.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

>Aimed Shot at NW Mohawk (by the pink car)
>Move N,N,W
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 10/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 2/9)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade), Ticket
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
Rolled 9, 3, 7, 1 = 20 (4d10)

>Forgot to roll advantage on point blank shots.
Rolled 6, 8, 2, 1, 1, 1 = 19 (6d10)


Name: Renjun
Type: Assassin

Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 7/7, Move 6+2, Defense 11, Crit on 6
Weapons: Jian (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance](1 AP 1/Turn) Block 1 and Counter 1), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5), Dragon Kick (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5, Super Crit on 9)

Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+3, Sharp 0+1, Weird 4

Skills: Visions of Death (0 AP, 1 Edge, Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.), Top 10 (1/chapter name and describe one of your criminal's top 10 favourite movies to reroll any die.), Apprentice (Melee weapons have +1 Accuracy), Dragon Kick (1 AP, Melee, Damage 2, crit chance +3), Advantage on next Race

Gear: Armor Vest (Armour 6) (Damage is dealt to Armor before HP. Armor blocks damage and is then removed)

Outfits: Custom Mask (+1 HP, +1 Move, Blue Bian Lian mask, Equipped), Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense),
Assets: Cell Phone, Chinese Language Bibles, Jewelry (Crucifix made of Gold and Jade), Cache of small crosses made of Gold and Jade, Artwork ("Sermon on the Mount" by Bloch)
Vehicles: "The White Magpie" (Van, 1/1/7, Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Nitrous, Sport Suspension), Barracuda (Speedboat, 2/1/3), "Quianlima" (Lancer Sport, 4/2/1, Engine Tuning, Nitrous)
Base: Dock Warehouse (Security x2, Workshop, Theatre x2, Bathroom, Kitchen)

Gang: The Heat City Knights (Weird 2 Hard 1, 5 totally sane people converted to Christ, Superstition)

Cash: $100450
Heat: 7
Wanted: 4
XP: 2

>1 AP: Move 3N, 2W
>1 AP: Quick Attack with Jian on Northern enemy (+3 to Hit (Teamwork Tactics, Apprentice))
>1 AP: Quick Attack with Jian on Central enemy (+3 to Hit (Teamwork Tactics, Apprentice))
>1 Edge: Quick Attack with Jian on Southern enemy (+3 to Hit (Teamwork Tactics, Apprentice))

Here before us is a monument to every disease ailing our society: Lust, Avarice, Profligacy, Godlessness, the Japanese and more all crammed together in one relatively small building complex. Cleansing the world of this little piece of moral rot is going to be joyous indeed.

As squad 1 approaches the Sakura Garden, Renjun turns to the Stasi agent walking next to him "Your usage of the flamethrower at the safe-house was the stuff of beauty, I couldn't help but re-watch the TV broadcast multiple times over the past several weeks. You may not realise it but you are a fellow instrument of God's will, I can only pray that you'll be as effective here as you were at the safe-house. Good luck and God Bless.

When the time to strike comes, Renjun gives Ramirez a quick nod as the enforcer gives his orders and then proceeds to charge directly into the enemy left flank.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

>1 AP: [Frag Out] 8W, NW
>1 AP: Move 3W, N
>1 AP: Hunker Down

Of course there was a gaggle of assorted thugs hanging out on the curb. That was basically their natural habitat in Heat City, after all. Though they most likely saw Wizard and the rest of the group, they didn't yet realize that they weren't just regular patrons. Wizard didn't expect this state of affairs to last more than a few seconds, though. He pulled the pin on an M67 and gave a lazy wave to one of the thugs standing by the pink sportscar before letting the safety spoon fly and tossing the grenade underarm.

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: Gym Bag
Secondary Weapon: Pistol (4/12)
Skill: RC Bomb (2/2), Top 10 (0/1), Furious Focus, God Gamer (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (11/12)
Cash: $608,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG, Blue Marker
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
HP: 7/7
Edge: 12/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
Rolled 4, 3 = 7 (2d10)

HP 18/12 Edge 10/10
Move 6, Def 5, Crit 9+
Cool 1 / Sharp 2 (+2) / Hard 4 (+1) / Weird 1
Heat 10 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and gain 5 Edge)
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
Unstoppable (0 AP 1 Edge, +1 Armor, Rage, Block; remove debuffs and conditions)
Hardliner (+1 Hard token/mission, spend H.T. to gain breach on move)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll) SPENT
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger")
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result) SPENT
Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear)
Shotgun (Rng 10, Dmg 4, Ammo 4/12, Breach)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/12)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
Armor Vest (6 armor, doesn't stack)
Frag Grenades (Frag Out: 3/3, Throw, Area 2, 3 Damage, Breach)

>Move 3NW, 3W (end movement next to the SUV) (1AP)
>QS Shotgun Tie 1N2W (1AP)
>QS Shotgun Shades 2W (1AP)(If shooting through the car windows isn't a legal move, then just Take Cover)
Rolled 6, 2, 2, 10 + 2 = 22 (4d10 + 2)

Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 9/10
Move 5+2
Defense 12
Crit on 9+

Cool: 5+3
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SER, 15, Overdrive)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 3/12
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 4/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit Chance +1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag, Molotov Cocktails (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (1 AP, 4 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.
Molotov Cocktails (3 Uses): Thrown, Area 1, Duration 2. Sets the tiles on fire, and anyone affected takes one damage and two burn.

> Move 5NW, 2W, ending my move 1NW of Chaser. (1 AP)
> Fire Up! (-1 Edge)
> Punch the Shade (1 AP, 2d10, +2 to hit, 3 Damage)
> Punch the Tie (1 AP, 2d10, +2 to hit, 3 Damage, Crit on 7+)

(If possible, please flavour melee attacks as using a knife.)

‘Horace; the pink car is yours.’
She is a *very* fast learner.
Rolled 7, 8, 3, 5 = 23 (4d10)

Name: Riptide
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP: 14/14 (10+1+3) | Edge: 7/7 | Move: 7 (6+1) | Defence 4 | Crit on 6+
Hard: 6 (3+3) | Cool: 0 | Sharp: 1 | Weird: 4
[Hurting Other People]
[Ruiner] (1 AP, 1 Edge)
[Apprentice]: +1 Acc to Melee Weapons | [Unstoppable] (0 AP, 1 Edge)
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Riptide and Napps attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate (Napps) won't expend an action.
[People's Champ]
[Pistol]: Range 10, DMG 2, Ammo 4/8;
[Fists]: Melee, DMG 2, Crit +1 (On 5+);
[Shotgun]: Range 10, DMG 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach.
[Armour Vest]: Armour 6/6
[Custom Mask]: +1 HP, +1 Move (Currently Equipped)

>1 AP: Move 2SW, 5W
>1 AP: Punch Mohawk West (Quick Attack)
>1 AP: Shoot Mohawk (Shotgun)

When Riptide woke up today from a supposedly drug-addled state, he wasn't expecting to run into an explosion while breaking into a combination brothel-restaurant-arcade-karaoke. But you never know what you're going to be doing these days.
Rolled 8 + 8 (1d10 + 8)


Name: Tony Vespucci
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 10/10 Edge 15/15 Move 6, Defence 4, Crit on 5 and above
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0-1, Sharp 5+1+2, Weird 4

Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), SMG (Range 10, Damage 3, Ammo 3/15, +1 crit range, Autofire)
Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4 uses)
Special Talent: Taser (4/4 uses)
Special talent: Pack Alpha (names: Carlo and Diego)
Special Talent: Electrify
Special Talent: Snake Eye
bulletproof suit: +1 edge, +1 defense

>Mirage (Racing Tires + Suspension): Carissima

>Move: 2N, 4W
>Move: 2N, 2W
>SHARP: pick the lock
Tony is silent. His henchmen, Carlo and Dieguzzo (also known as Diego Jr), are somber and calm.

The boss isn’t going in guns blazing, not this time- today is a matter of stealth and precision.

At least for now
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Rolled 4, 5, 10, 6, 6, 3 + 2 = 36 (6d10 + 2)

Hard 0[1] - HP [9/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6
Sharp 0 - Edge 5/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 4, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - Armor [6/6]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]


Horace wondered for a second why everyone keeps calling her 'Horace'. That was a guy's name, wasn't it? Did she look like a Horace? Who knows. All she really knew was that she dressed for the job she wanted, a genuine landsknecht. It was time to get to work.

>Teamwork Tactics from Chaser! +2 to Hit, +1 Move
>Move 1NW, 1W, 5NW, 2N
-Move 2N, 2NW, 1N; Ruin Shades with the Highlander
-Move 1NW, 1NE, 1N, 1W, 1S; Ruin Mohawk with the Highlander
-Move 1S, 1NE, 1NW, 1W, 1E; Ruin Heavy Cover with the Highlander
>Hunker Down
Napps raises a glass to Nishina, bidding her farewell as she shuts the door behind her. He takes another sip of the Sake-gria he'd experimented with - a dull sweetness that lasted long on the tongue with the fuzzy pops of Pixie - as he retreats to the balcony.

A smile on his face as he sipped, he was happy for the quiet moment. Fist fights, wrestling, shootouts, assassinations and raids. After everything, you really needed a moment to sit down and unwind. It'd been a while since he'd done that, just hang with people. Couldn't do that after the raid, and the nights at the HQ were the last chances you could do that sorta stuff.

He closed his eyes, and let the world flow through him - the wind tousling the hair on his head and arms, the evening heat surrounding him, and the chorus of engines and horns below. Maybe Nishina was down there, swerving through lanes and between trucks. Or she was the careful type, sitting in line and waiting for the light to turn green.

He takes another sip.
Rolled 1, 8 = 9 (2d10)

Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 10/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 2/16, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. If they are knocked down, they stand up.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die) (Used)
GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (2 Uses)
Cash: $1747377
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>1 AP - Move NE 3, N2
>1 AP - Quick Shot Shades by the door with AR (1st roll)
>1 AP - Quick Shot Tie NE4, N2 from new position (2nd roll)

Heckler gingerly steps over the bleeding body of the door guard as he hefts his rifle up. Firing a few semi-auto shots into the other door guard, the enforcer quickly lifts then fires another few shots at the remaining Yakuza who Ramirez was probably trying to blow up. "When you're ready, Point."
Rolled 8, 3, 1 = 12 (3d10)

>1 AP: Move 2NE 2N
>1 AP: Shoot shades 1NE point-blank with AR
>1 AP: Shoot tie 9E with AR
>1 Edge: Inspire Rico

"I... vhat? Sanks... you too?" Friedrich mumbles a reply to the religious fanatic's praise and blessing, waits for everyone to get ready and begin moving, and watches as the bandaged sheisskopf casually throws a grenade that hits some civilians instead of more hostiles. That bastard definitely did it on purpose! He grits his teeth, barks an order to one of the men he worked with in the rig heist and moves to cover.

"Rico! Get in zere! Ve need you in ze front!"

Name: Friedrich
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 11/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 2/12+4. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Armor 6)
Medic Bag (1 AP, 1 use)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
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Rolled 4, 10 = 14 (2d10)

"Move-let's run it!"

The night is on.

>[2AP - Move] 1NW, 3W, 2NW, 3N, 1W
>[1AP - Throw Furniture, 1x1 light Durable at NW, targeting smoker at 3W, 2NW]

Name: Napps - 4XP Thug
CSHW: 3, 2t, 7t, 1 = Def 8t | Edge 8t/8t | HP 16t/16t | Crit on 9+ | Move 5t
Gear: Armor Vest (Armor 6/6 - absorbs X Dmg before breaking) | [Equipped] Serious Armor (Req 4 HARD, +2 HP, +1 Def, -1 Move)
Fists (Melee, 2 DMG, Crit Range +1) | Pistol (Range 10, 2 DMG, 4/8 Ammo)
[Primary] Chainsaw (Melee, DMG 0, Ammo 8/8, [Rev it Up!] (0 AP, 1 Edge, 1 Ammo) - Until the round's end, +1 Move, cannot use gear/other weapons, +6 Dmg, costs Ammo to use.

[Apprentice (Passive, +1 Melee Accuracy], [God Gamer], [Top 10 - "Reggie"], [Latin Beat], [White Lightning]
[Extreme Team - The Shredders, [Dance Fever: Breakin'], [Die Hard]

Temporary Buffs
From S.A: +2 HP, +1 DEF, -1 Move | Mayhem Tokens: +1 Sharp/Move/Hard | Dance Fever: Breakin': +1 Hard Token
I mean NW. Stupid Skirmish curse
Rolled 10 (1d10)

>TT: +1 move +1 attack rolls
>AP1 Move: NE x3, N x2
>AP1 Move: N x2, E
>Quick Shot: with SMG toward Tie in NE x3, N x4

Charging in through the newly busted door Jackal Stopped next to the man responsible for it and proceeded to fire an burst against those who weren't targets of explosives at the moment.

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 14/14, Edge 6/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2-1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 5/15 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
Rolled 10, 2, 4, 8 + 3 = 27 (4d10 + 3)

"Right, here we are. Ski mask on. Lets go grab these dudes and try not hurt the civi-" as he says this he watches as Ramirez tosses a grenade straight into the entrance. Holy fuck. The sooner the business here was the finished, the better it would be for public safety.

"Damn right they'll need me in the front. Fuck, forgot I was working with the two biggest fraggers this side of the iron curtain. Guess old habits die hard! : / "

>+1 Ap, +1 Move from Inspire, +2hit, +1 Move from TT
>1ap: Move 5 North, 1 NW, 1 North, 1NE
>1ap: Move 5 East
>1ap: Dragon Kick the Mohawk East (+Apprentice)
>1ap: Furniture toss the Couch S-SW at the Suit 2N, 1NE

Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 12/12
Edge 8/8
Move 5(6)
Defense 13

Cool: 5(8) {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg + taunt, gain block 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
{Apprentice}: Melee Weapons Gain +1 Accuracy
{Dragon Kick}: 1ap attack for 2 dmg, +3 Crit

-Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
-Pistol [Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8]
-Fist [Dmg 2, Crit +1]
-{Dragon Kick}: [Dmg 2, +3 Crit]

-Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 defense, +1 Edge)
-First Aid Kit (4/4)
Rolled 1, 8, 3, 2, 9, 2, 2 = 27 (7d10)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 6/6, Edge 11/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $237 658
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

>1 AP: Move 5 Northwest (+5 1st roll to vault car), 1 North
>1 AP: Move Move 1 North, 1 Northwest (+5 2nd roll to vault), 1 West, 3 Northwest (+5 3rd roll to vault)
>2 Edge: Steadfast
>1 Edge: Quick Strike Mohawk w/ Ivory Katana (4th & 5th roll)
>1 AP: Quick Strike Tie w/ Ivory Katana (6th & 7th roll)
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Having carefully parked and locked up his bike, Doctor Ben strolls towards the arcade, unperturbed by explosions, shooting and flying arcade machines. Deftly hopping through a window with the help of his cane, he nonchalantly sends a bullet towards the first enemy he sees.

>Move NW 8W
>Move 2NW 3N W, vault autosucceeds
>Shoot Shades 3E 7N

Name: Doctor Ben
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8 (+1 hat), Edge 10/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Block), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit, [Mia's Favor]
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
Rainfall is muttering something under her breath about clowns and suffering.
>Move 2NW,1N,3W
>Move 2NW,4N

Name: Rainfall
Class: Assassin[Lv7]
HP[9/9] Edge[8/8] Move 6
Defense 10(9+1) Crit 6
Cool:5(4+1) Sharp:1 Hard:2(1+1) Weird:4
*Skills:(Flash Step)(Die Hard)(Top Ten)(Furious Focus)(Hardliner)

*Weapons:Blood Katana(Dmg4,Block1,CDmg+1,1stCritHeal+1)
*Gear:Armor Vest(Armor [6/6])
Rolled 4, 6 = 10 (2d10)

>Move S, SW
>Fire PCX at each of the two nearest tie men to my NE

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (4->2/8)
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 7/7 + (6/6 Armor)
Edge: 10/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
Correction, I meant S, SE for my move
Rolled 3 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

>[0 AP, Vault through window, through forgiving grace of the raven] +3 cool
Rolled 5 (1d10)

>Move 1N 3NW 1N
>Aimed Shot at the Mohawk southwest, next to the grey car (2dmg, +3acc, crits on +8)

Name: Honey Badger
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP:13/13 Edge:9/9 Move:5 Defense:6 Crit on 9+
Factors: Cool:0+1 Sharp:4 Hard:4+1 Weird:1
Weapons: Pistol (range 10, dmg2, 4/8 ammo)
ACR (range 20, dmg4, 4/12 ammo, auto, +1 accuracy)
Fists (Melee, dmg2, crit +1)
Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 move)
Gear: Frag Grenades (3/3, Area 2, 3Ex damage)
Talent: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Steadfast, Raging Demon, Lena's Lover, Call Out, Apprentice, Top Ten (0/1), White Lightning, Unstoppable, God Gamer (1/1)
Rolled 6, 4, 3, 7, 2, 2, 1 = 25 (7d10)

The assassin takes a moment to breath, letting the others frag in. Wincing at the needless, imprecise slaughter. Then, he surges forth, striking the poor enforcer too lucky to survive with a dexterous series of blows from his weapons and fists, pulling back, he rolls towards a pillar and fires a shot with his beretta to secure the kill.
>1AP: Move 3NE, 3N
>1 Edge: Flash step the Fatso by the door, appearing N of him
>1 AP + 1 Edge: Flurry of blows, attacking with Raijin & Fists, then moving 2SE, E
>1 AP: Block

Name: Mizuchi
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 6/7+1, Move 6, Defense 8+1, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 2, Cool 4, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), Raijin (Melee, Damage 4, [Stance], 1/1 Per Job [Stormdance] +1 DMG and +1 Stun for one turn)
Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4 Uses), Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defense, +1 Edge)
Money: $222,243
Tokens: Sharp
Special Talent: Flash Step, Agility, Flurry of Blows, Furious Focus
Assets: Katana Coupe w/ Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous [Speed 2+1, Handling 1+1, Size 3], Movie Collection (Anime), Loud Apartment, Blue Cassette, Tower Apartment (w/ The Works & Security+), Hi-Fi Stereo, Cell Phone, Manga, Designer Shades, Rare Weapons, Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts, +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition)
Heat: 12
Wanted Level: 3
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Things start with a bang, as usual.

The Ura-Yakuza had to have been expecting you. They must be aware they have a target painted on their back. This building is one of several obvious choices for the next target of your rampage. They knew this might be coming, and had time to plan and get ready for this.

But how do you prepare for this?

How do you stop this?
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Japan is a land of earthquakes and tsunamis. Acts of heaven which cruelly and randomly strike down the petty mortals of the earth, who are powerless over their own destiny or ambitions. The people who live there are used to taking it fatalistically, accepting that what happens, happens. They have an attitude of maintaining dignity in the face of unavoidable tragedy. Shikata ga nai. There is nothing that can be done.

But these guys here in front of you, these are the ones who moved away from Japan. They left because they don't play by those rules, and they don't believe in that attitude about destiny. They're not going down without a fight.

It might not help them, in the end. Here in Heat City, we don't have earthquakes, but we do have hurricanes. It works on the same principle. If you're in the way, you're fucked.

Turn 2 begins.
Rolled 10, 7, 6, 6 + 3 = 32 (4d10 + 3)

>1ap: Pick up the couch 1 east, toss it at the suit and yokai 1nw and 1n of me (Hard 5)
>2ap: Dragon slayer the yokai (+Apprentice)

Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 4/12
Edge 8/8
Move 5(6)
Defense 13

Cool: 5(8) {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg + taunt, gain block 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
{Apprentice}: Melee Weapons Gain +1 Accuracy
{Dragon Kick}: 1ap attack for 2 dmg, +3 Crit

-Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
-Pistol [Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8]
-Fist [Dmg 2, Crit +1]
-{Dragon Kick}: [Dmg 2, +3 Crit]

-Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 defense, +1 Edge)
-First Aid Kit (4/4)
Rolled 3, 1, 8, 7 = 19 (4d10)

Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 13/13, Edge 7/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 2/16, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard, Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x3
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $2,145,202
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Loud Apartment, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter
Jackhammer Shotgun
Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Red Disk, Blue Disk, Locker Key
Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy)

>[1AP] Reload Jackhammer Shotgun
>[1AP] Move 2N, 3E
>[1AP] Quick shot with Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/16, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy) at the Tie 1SW (first two rolls, +3 to hit).
>[1Edge] Quick shot with Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/16, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy) at the Tie 1SW (third and fourth rolls, +3 to hit).

Ramirez takes in the situation quickly, and pivots right to take pressure off of the hard-hit Rico and Jackal.

"Mizuchi, Rico and Jackal are hurt bad, go keep 'em alive!"
Rolled 9, 7 = 16 (2d10)

Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 8/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 0/12, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. If they are knocked down, they stand up.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die) (Used)
GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (2 Uses)
Cash: $1747377
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>1 AP - Move W1, N1, NW3, N2 (+1 move from TT)
>1 AP - Quick shot Yokai NW2 of Rico (1st, +2 from TT)
>1 Edge - Extreme Team Yokai NW2 of Rico (2nd, +2 from TT)
>1 Edge - Reload AR
>1 AP - Suppressive fire, targeting NW1, W6 from new location

"Moving left." Heckler shouts as he moves smoothly into position behind the tall cover in the room, spurred by the tactics of his fellow enforcers. His friend Ramirez quickly moves right and pumps two shots into the suit near jackal, but leaves the Yokai behind him.

"On your six, Beret." Heckler shouts out before quickly emptying his magazine into the foe behind the fellow enforcer and leaving him to hopefully finish it off as he drops the magazine from his rifle. His next magazine comes in and with a slap, he quickly pivots and starts laying suppressive fire into the fatal funnel the rest of the Yokai need to pass through.
Rolled 8, 10 = 18 (2d10)

>Rolling for Extreme Team attack with Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 2/16, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy) at Yokai 2NW of Rico (First two rolls, +3 to hit).
Rolled 5, 2, 10, 9, 3, 2, 7 = 38 (7d10)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 2/6, Edge 7/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $237 658
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

>1 Edge: Stance
>1 AP: Quick Strike Tie NW w/ Ivory Katana (1st and 2nd)
>1 AP, 1 Edge: Northern Fist Tie NW w/ Ivory Katana
>1 AP: Quick Strike Tie W w/ Ivory Katana (3rd and 4th)
>1 Edge: Quick Strike Tie W w/ Ivory Katana (5th and 6th)
>1 Edge: Check - Sharp - Nishina has been on his trail for so long, chasing down leads between her activities with the Crew. Mifune. Is he here? (7th, +7)

These men were better with a blade than she had anticipated. It had been a while since she had gone properly blade to blade, and it showed in the pain flashing through her system like an oil fire. She doesn't let herself slow down, taking note of their overeager defensive preparations and baiting them out with feints. A clever move Lin Xue taught her comes in handy, attacking around an opponent's guard while cutting off attack angles at the same time. It wasn't a concept unknown to her, but one of Lin Xue's forms was most applicable.

Ever on the back of her mind is Mifune. This was a step towards finding him, either in finding him outright or a clue to his location. She could not back down from this night.
Only now remembering that the first attack was redundant because Northern Fist can't be blocked or countered. I don't suppose some leniency with targeting can be applied?
Rolled 7, 3, 9, 9, 2, 8, 6, 4 = 48 (8d10)

Name: Riptide
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP: 14/14 (10+1+3) | Edge: 7/7 | Move: 7 (6+1) | Defence 4 | Crit on 6+
Hard: 6 (3+3) | Cool: 0 | Sharp: 1 | Weird: 4
[Hurting Other People]
[Ruiner] (1 AP, 1 Edge)
[Apprentice]: +1 Acc to Melee Weapons | [Unstoppable] (0 AP, 1 Edge)
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Riptide and Napps attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate (Napps) won't expend an action.
[People's Champ]
[Pistol]: Range 10, DMG 2, Ammo 4/8;
[Fists]: Melee, DMG 2, Crit +1 (On 5+);
[Shotgun]: Range 10, DMG 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach.
[Armour Vest]: Armour 6/6
[Custom Mask]: +1 HP, +1 Move (Currently Equipped)

The next moment baffles the thoughts of all people nearby.
A Rat and three Chimps surround a Leopard, and all cannot dent him.
Small morsels for him, but a fine hunt nonetheless. He won't even use his Gun.

>1 AP: Claw the Mohawk (Melee Quick attack)
>1 AP: Kick the Tie (Melee Quick Attack)
>1 Edge: Move 4W, 2N
>1AP, 1 Edge: Activate Ruiner
>Ruiner Part 1: Move 2W, Claw Tie W
>Ruiner Part 2: Move 1N, 2W, Punch Tie S
>Ruiner Part 3: Move 2NE, 1E, Kick open the door
Rolled 9, 1 = 10 (2d10)

HP 18/12 Edge 10/10
Move 6, Def 5, Crit 9+
Cool 1 / Sharp 2 (+2) / Hard 4 (+1) / Weird 1
Heat 10 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and gain 5 Edge)
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
Unstoppable (0 AP 1 Edge, +1 Armor, Rage, Block; remove debuffs and conditions)
Hardliner (+1 Hard token/mission, spend H.T. to gain breach on move)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll) SPENT
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger")
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result) SPENT
Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear)
Shotgun (Rng 10, Dmg 4, Ammo 2/12, Breach)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/12)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
Armor Vest (6 armor, doesn't stack)
Frag Grenades (Frag Out: 3/3, Throw, Area 2, 3 Damage, Breach)

Time to make an entrance
>White Lightning (-1 AP, +5 Edge)
>Unstoppable (-1 Edge, get up, +1 Armor, +1 Rage, +1 Block)
>Steadfast (-1 AP, -1 Edge, +2 Block, 2 Counters)
>Frag grenade the square NE of the tie (-1 AP, pic for reference, first die)
>Move N, 4NW, 1W (-1 Edge)
>Intimidate the civilians (Hard check, -1 Edge, second die +5)
"If you don’t wanna die, HUG THE WALLS!"

+1 Edge, +1 Armor, +1 Rage, +3 Blocks, +2 Counters
Rolled 6, 1, 9, 9, 8, 1, 3, 8, 6, 2, 4, 4 = 61 (12d10)

Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 5/10
Move 5+2
Defense 12
Crit on 9+

Cool: 5+3
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SER, 15, Overdrive)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 2/12
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 3/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit Chance +1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag, Molotov Cocktails (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (1 AP, 4 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.
Molotov Cocktails (3 Uses): Thrown, Area 1, Duration 2. Sets the tiles on fire, and anyone affected takes one damage and two burn.

> (1 Edge) Punch-knife the Mohawk adjacent. (2d10, +3 to hit)
> (1 Edge) Quick Shot the Tie 8N of Horace with the DMR (1d10, +2 to hit)
> (1 Edge) Fire Up! (+1 Block, Crit Chance, Damage)
> (1 Edge) Move 2W, 1NW, Vault 1W (1d10, +8), Vault 1NW (1d10, +8), 1NW, 1W
> (1 AP) Vault Attack. Move 1 SW, 1 W, Punch-knife Tie W (1d10, +8, 2d10, +3)
> (1 AP) Punch-Knife Tie SE (2d10, +3)
> (1 AP) Vault Attack, Move 1NE, 2E, 1NE, shoot Mohawk 2N with pistol (1d10, +8, 1d10, +2)
> (0 AP) Implicitly trust my boyfriend to deal with the civilians, because he has Real Military Training.

Chaser, moving 1N, 4NW, 1 W will see you slam into a wall. The movement on your diagram seems to be 1N, 3NW, 2W. That is the plan, right?
1N, 3NW, 2W was indeed the plan, I mistyped it; good thing I added a picture.
Rolled 9 + 8 (1d10 + 8)

No hesitation, no washed movement. They fall in a row, knife blood red, the once nervous fighter sharp edged in motion.

You call them out. She cuts them down.

There is no joy in it.

She realises you are looking. Visceral gore is splashed all around you.

Smiles, because that is Normal.

> (0 AP) Smile. (+Cool)
Rolled 9, 5 = 14 (2d10)

>Aimed Shot at Exposed Tie (directly N of Horace)
>Take Cover
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 9/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 3/6)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade), Ticket
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
*1d10, my bad
Also ammo should be 1/9
Rolled 7, 1, 2 = 10 (3d10)

>1Edge: Shootdodge
>>Move 2W, NW, N, 2W
>>Stab Tie NW
>>Move NE
>1AP heal Nishina
>1AP vault attack Tie 4NW
>1AP stab that Tie again
>1Edge Stance

Name: Doctor Ben
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8 (+1 hat), Edge 10/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Stance), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit(4/4), [Mia's Favor]
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
Rolled 1, 7, 2 = 10 (3d10)

Those are all melee attacks, so 3 more dice
>Move 4N
>Move NE, 3N

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (2/8) [max 4/8]
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 7/7 + (6/6 Armor)
Edge: 10/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
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Rolled 8, 2, 8, 2 = 20 (4d10)

In an instant, Napps relies on his reflexes, bursting through the window and grabbing the nearest heavy object to throw at someone. His time swimming, the screams around him, the adrenaline in his heart - his muscles strain, but they don't shake, as the hunk of steel is raised from the floor, and thrown like a javelin at the first thug he can target.

He sees the mohawked thug rush Dr. Ben, miss - he spins to allow Ben to pass by - and as he turns, hugs the Raven's Quest arcade cabinet beside him, and completing the spin, he swings.

>[1 AP, Throw Furniture, 7 Hard] Grab 1x1 heavy durable cover (with the Raven's blessing) at 1N, attack Mohawk at 1NE
>[1 AP, Move] 1NE, 3N
>[1 AP, Throw Furniture, 7 Hard] Grab 1x1 heavy durable cover (wtRb) at 1SW, attack Tie at 1NW

Name: Napps - 4XP Thug
CSHW: 3, 2t, 7t, 1 = Def 8t | Edge 8t/8t | HP 16t/16t | Crit on 9+ | Move 5t
Armor Vest (Armor 6/6 - absorbs X Dmg before breaking) | Serious Armor (Req 4 HARD, +2 HP, +1 Def, -1 Move)
Fists (Melee, 2 DMG, Crit Range +1) | Pistol (Range 10, 2 DMG, 4/8 Ammo) | [Primary] Chainsaw (Melee, DMG 0, Ammo 8/8, [Rev it Up!] (0 AP, 1 Edge, 1 Ammo) - Until the round's end, +1 Move, cannot use gear/other weapons, +6 Dmg, costs Ammo to use.
[Apprentice] All melee attacks gain +1 accuracy
[God Gamer] (1/mission, add +1 to a d10 roll, after it's been made)
[Top 10] (1/chapter, name & describe my character's favorite movie to reroll any die (Ex: "Reggie")
[Latin Beat] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Gain +2 Move and +2 Defense this round.
[White Lightning] - 1/Mission, spend 1 AP to knock yourself down and gain 5 Edge.
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge) Napps and Riptide attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate won't expend an action.
[Dance Fever: Breakin'] (0AP, 1 Edge) Start Missions with a +1 Hard token, Spend tokens of that stat to gain +2 Move and +2 Defense that round.
[Die Hard] (on first death, exchange all remaining Edge for HP & second wind)

Temporary Buffs
From S.A: +2 HP, +1 DEF, -1 Move | Mayhem Tokens: +1 Sharp/Move/Hard | Dance Fever: Breakin': +1 Hard Token
Rolled 6, 7 = 13 (2d10)


Name: Renjun
Type: Assassin

Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 6/7, Move 6+2, Defense 11, Crit on 6
Weapons: Jian (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance](1 AP 1/Turn) Block 1 and Counter 1), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5), Dragon Kick (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5, Super Crit on 9)

Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+3, Sharp 0+1, Weird 4

Skills: Visions of Death (0 AP, 1 Edge, Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.), Top 10 (1/chapter name and describe one of your criminal's top 10 favourite movies to reroll any die.), Apprentice (Melee weapons have +1 Accuracy), Dragon Kick (1 AP, Melee, Damage 2, crit chance +3), Advantage on next Race

Gear: Armor Vest (Armour 6) (Damage is dealt to Armor before HP. Armor blocks damage and is then removed)

Outfits: Custom Mask (+1 HP, +1 Move, Blue Bian Lian mask, Equipped), Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense),
Assets: Cell Phone, Chinese Language Bibles, Jewelry (Crucifix made of Gold and Jade), Cache of small crosses made of Gold and Jade, Artwork ("Sermon on the Mount" by Bloch)
Vehicles: "The White Magpie" (Van, 1/1/7, Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Nitrous, Sport Suspension), Barracuda (Speedboat, 2/1/3), "Quianlima" (Lancer Sport, 4/2/1, Engine Tuning, Nitrous)
Base: Dock Warehouse (Security x2, Workshop, Theatre x2, Bathroom, Kitchen)

Gang: The Heat City Knights (Weird 2 Hard 1, 5 totally sane people converted to Christ, Superstition)

Cash: $100450
Heat: 7
Wanted: 4
XP: 2

With the left flank secured outside, Renjun rushes into the building to give these masked degenerates a taste of what a real sword can do.

>1 AP: Move 5E, 2NE, 1N
>1 AP: Move 1N, 2NW, 3N, 1W
>1 AP: Quick Attack Yokai to SW (+1 to Hit (Apprentice))
Rolled 4 (1d10)

>1 AP: Move 1E 1NE 2E
>1 AP: Drop Medic Bag 1NW
>1 AP: Quick shoot Yokai 1NW of Mizuchi
>1 Edge: Inspire Badger

"Medic bag dropped. Here, you need zis."

"Old man, you can do more to help zem in zere, ja? I heff seen you in action."

Name: Friedrich
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 10/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 1/12+4. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Armor 6)
Medic Bag (1 AP, 0 use)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
(Too late to fix my bonk with Blaze and I accept the damage to my shins as my just punishment, but if possible, I'd like to drop the medic bag next to Jackal. She shouldn't be punished for my sins)
Rolled 3 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Kit, whistling, flips through the book. She found it in the library, dense, heavy, an object of power. A thing to make empires crumble, make men fear.

City Council Ordinance Guidelines On The Safe Handling of Shellfish, Volume IV.

Kit, singing the last notes of the refrain from Punches of the South Star, takes notes. Studies microclimate diagrams. Memorises the phrase 'intermitten storage conditions'.

Kit, rehearsing a smile so bland it fades from memory, shops around for the most dangerous thing she has ever bought. A Standard A4 Clipboard and two light blue pens.

Kit, hair in a tight bun, grey suit frame-fiting like the armor of a knight of old, stares down at her bed. An arrangement of ties, ranging in all the shades of grey from misty to foggy to mountain-top. Chien had a significant amount of ties. But they were all zany, a little too warm for the job at hand, infused with a certain inevitable aura of cool. She selects a tie with all the warmth and mirth of a misty Scottish morning and feels, as she pairs it with the white shirt and her grey suit, the notional concept of 'fun' choke. Contained.

Kit finds a set of polite thick-rimmed glasses. She'll put them on later. If she does it now, the disguise would be too complete. Method acting is all about commitment, and some commitments are dangerous.

Stare too far into the abyss of beaucratic middle management and you will find the abyss has filled out a triplicate rezoning form for your soul.

Kit, in deference to the fact that it would otherwise be unbearable, scribbles a few smiling faces on the flip-side of her notes. Clips them to the board. Slides the pens home, like bullets.


>Infiltrate! Become Kit de Guerre, Federal Food and Safety Inspection Service Field Agent (Intern)

>Hi i i i iiiiiii, terribly sorry about the inconvenience, I'm from the Food Safety and Inspection Service, FSIS sent me over in relation to your egg products? Yes, egg noodles, that counts. Also, ha ha, sorry, don't mean to make a fuss, but we've recieved some anoynmyous tips about the state of your fugu preparation. The heat here sometimes spoils fish deliveries, would you mind showing me your kitchen master logs for batch shipment, in conformance with EIPA? You have been filling those out, yesss? Oh. Mhm. Well, I'm afraid that could be a fine, but we should be able to clear all that right up and bring you back into full compliance with governing federal regulation. . .

> . . . I'll just have to go through your kitchen procedures step by step. Where do your store your knives? Yes, my clipboard is very official looking and I've practiced this sentence a lot. First day on the job
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Rolled 5, 1, 2, 9, 3, 1, 8 = 29 (7d10)

Hard 0[1] - HP [8/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6
Sharp 0 - Edge 4/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 4, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - [BUSTED]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]


Yowch, that smarts! Looks like these Chinamen really know how to use their funny daggers. Ain't that a kick in the head, or rather, a cut on the cheek. Clearly this was not the place to be, so Horace decided to make her time here short and sweet with a few swings of her sword and a dive through the window.
Huh. Funny looking place, isn't it? Is this what they call... ahneemay?

- Move 2S, 1E, 2N; Ruin Mohawk with the Highlander
- Move 1SW, 1SE, 1N, 2W; Ruin Mohawk with the Highlander
- Move 1E, 3S, 1W; Ruin Cover with the Highlander
>Move 1W, 1NW, 4N, 1W, 1SW
>Howdy, would ya kindly get me somethin' ta drink right quick? I'll tip ya well, cross my heart. [Roll Weird+5]
#Kit de Guerre, Brain-Force-Perator?, 26450€
Armor 6/6
Hp 10/10 Edge 10/10 Def 4 Crit 5+ SC 10+
Heat 8 Wanted 2
Hard 2 Cool 0 Sharp 3+1 Weird 4+2 Move 5+2
!Electrify, !Spook, !Infiltrate, !RC Bomb, !Taser
!Apprentice, !Furious Focus, !Havana Hardline
!Some Bark, More Bite [Unstoppable, Grappler]
!Dad's Shades [Shootdodge] + [Lucha Loco, +1D/C on vault fists]

1x A4 Standard Clipboard
1x Governing FSIS Guidelines On The Handling Of South Seas Imports, Vol I through IV
2x Light Blue Pens
2x Pistols D2, 4/12
Fist: 2D, +1C, +1A
Kit's Breathmints [Drugs 3x]
Vest: Armor [6]

A white shirt, a grey tie and a grey suit, all so uniformly bland it may be possible to fade into the background if Kit stands still. The bulletproof vest over the suit is normal. Sometimes, health and safety inspections have to place safety first. [Utility Vest]
Rolled 1 (1d10)

>1 AP: [Move] N, 3W, NW
>1 AP: [Move] NW, 3N, W
>1 AP: [Frag Out] 9NW

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: Gym Bag
Secondary Weapon: Pistol (4/12)
Skill: RC Bomb (2/2), Top 10 (0/1), Furious Focus, God Gamer (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (10/12)
Cash: $608,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG, Blue Marker
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
HP: 7/7
Edge: 12/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
Rolled 1, 9, 10, 2, 5 = 27 (5d10)

"Got it. Stand clear."
>Move 5N
>Move 1NW 1W 2N
>Throw a frag 7W into the room.
>(1 Edge) Unstoppable
>Melee attack the nearby Oni (roll w/ advantage, +1 acc from Apprentice, crits on +8, +1dmg from Rage1)
>(1 Edge) Point blank quick shot the nearby Oni with the ACR (roll w/ adv, +1 acc, dmg 4, crits on +9)
Spurred by barely contained anger, Badger dashes forward, slaloming through the arcade's furniture. He quickly tosses a frag into the nearby room, barely looking at the four masked men, before turning towards the one closest to him. The yakuza gets a nasty strike to the chin, aiming to snap his neck from the sheer speed of it, then, as he falls, the old soldier coldly attempts to confirm the kill with a rifle bullet through the skull.

Name: Honey Badger
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP:13/13 Edge:7/9 Move:5 Defense:6 Crit on 9+
Factors: Cool:0+1 Sharp:4 Hard:4+1 Weird:1
Weapons: Pistol (range 10, dmg2, 3/8 ammo)
ACR (range 20, dmg4, 3/12 ammo, auto, +1 accuracy)
Fists (Melee, dmg2, crit +1)
Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 move)
Gear: Frag Grenades (3/3, Area 2, 3Ex damage)
Talent: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Steadfast, Raging Demon, Lena's Lover, Call Out, Apprentice, Top Ten (0/1), White Lightning, Unstoppable, God Gamer (1/1)
>TT: +1 move +1 attack rolls
>AP1 Use: Medic Bag +7 HP
>AP2 React: with SMG 3 shots

Damn that hurt good thing the body armor took some of the punch out of those hits.

"Thanks those guys have a nasty bite. Nice accent by the way."

Jackal started to fix what she could under fire smg ready to fire on anyone unfortunate enough to step in her line of sight.

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 7/14, Edge 6/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2-1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/15 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
>Make that last move 1 extra W kudasai
Rolled 3 (1d10)

As bullets ping off of plastic cabinets, Rainfall finds serenity in the sleek and modern CRT glow. If she were to strain her ears, perhaps she could hear the very electrons trapped in countless vacuum tubes.
>Shoot at Shades at N
>Move 1N,5W behind the cover.

Name: Rainfall
Class: Assassin[Lv7]
HP[9/9] Edge[8/8] Move 6
Defense 10(9+1) Crit 6
Cool:5(4+1) Sharp:1 Hard:2(1+1) Weird:4
*Skills:(Flash Step)(Die Hard)(Top Ten)(Furious Focus)(Hardliner)

*Weapons:Blood Katana(Dmg4,Block1,CDmg+1,1stCritHeal+1)
*Gear:Armor Vest(Armor [6/6])
*Clothing:Bulletproof Suit(Def+1,Edge+1)
"Naruhodo!" Mizuchi sprints over and lends the fighter some painkillers.

>1AP: Move 3SE, Move 3E
>1 Edge: Move 3E
>1AP: Use FAK on Rico
>1 Edge: Use FAK on Rico
>1AP: Use FAK on himself

Name: Mizuchi
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 7/8, Edge 4/7+1, Move 6, Defense 8+1, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 2, Cool 4, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), Raijin (Melee, Damage 4, [Stance], 1/1 Per Job [Stormdance] +1 DMG and +1 Stun for one turn)
Gear: First Aid Kit (1/4 Uses), Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defense, +1 Edge)
Money: $222,243
Tokens: Sharp
Special Talent: Flash Step, Agility, Flurry of Blows, Furious Focus
Assets: Katana Coupe w/ Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous [Speed 2+1, Handling 1+1, Size 3], Movie Collection (Anime), Loud Apartment, Blue Cassette, Tower Apartment (w/ The Works & Security+), Hi-Fi Stereo, Cell Phone, Manga, Designer Shades, Rare Weapons, Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts, +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition)
Heat: 12
Wanted Level: 3
Rolled 5 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

Type: Brain
HP 7
Edge 8
Move 5 [4]
Defence 5
Crit 8
Stats: Cool 1 Sharp 3 Hard 0 Weird 2
Weapons: Gym Bag, Pistol, Fists
Gear: First Aid Kit, Smoke Grenade, Frag Grenade
Special Talent: Infiltrator

-1 move token
2 bleed next mission

>Infiltration time!
Wonder where I end up

"Hello Fellow Waiters and waitresses how do you do! totall part of the staff yes yes!"

>Infiltrate as one of staff working in the backroom preferably in the kitchen
Rolled 2 + 8 (1d10 + 8)


Name: Tony Vespucci
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 10/10 Edge 15/15 Move 6, Defence 4, Crit on 5 and above
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0-1, Sharp 5+1+2, Weird 4

Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), SMG (Range 10, Damage 3, Ammo 3/15, +1 crit range, Autofire)
Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4 uses)
Special Talent: Taser (4/4 uses)
Special talent: Pack Alpha (names: Carlo and Diego)
Special Talent: Electrify
Special Talent: Snake Eye
bulletproof suit: +1 edge, +1 defense

>Mirage (Racing Tires + Suspension): Carissima

Tony sees the shots fly… and decides that if he’s gonna earn that money, this is how he does it

>1AP, roll sharp, Open door, shout “HEY, THERE’S A DOOR HERE! EVERYBODY-A-FUCKEN-MOVE-IT THIS IS A GANG HIT!” trying to fake being a civilian who’s just as scared shitless as everyone
>1 AP: order Diego Jr and Carlo to help the civilians evacuate
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It's a little hard for Nishina to think while she's busy stabbing (and being stabbed by) men in suits. But a little part of her mind is still thinking about something else. It's the only thing that part of her ever thinks about, every moment of every day. Revenge. The blood of the man who killed her brother. Mifune.

It's impossible to know for sure whether Mifune is here, now, in this building. Nishina knows that he came to America, to Heat City. But ever since she arrived here chasing him, every lead or clue she's followed has gone up in smoke. Other than the sheer volume of yakuza here, there's nothing to indicate that tonight will be any different.

And yet ... and yet.

Nishina knows that Mifune didn't just come to America for a business opportunity. She knows that he fucked with the wrong people back in Japan, and that he came here on the run, looking for a fresh start. He had to leave everything behind. Even his name.

Tokumei. It means "nameless".

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The Yakuza strike back. Heckler eats a baseball bat to the face -- twice -- then gets set on fire as a kitsune-masked woman tosses a molotov around the corner. He thinks: It's not as funny when it happens to you.

This is already getting intense. If you didn't have several allies waiting in the wings to strike, you might be in trouble. But you do, so that's good. Problem is, so do they. There's a hell of them already here, and it seems like word has already got out to their nearby friends. Pretty soon you'll have enemies both in front and behind you.

Well, you know what to do. They die the same no matter what direction they come from.

Turn 3 begins.
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Meanwhile, somewhere in one of Heat City's many jails ...

They took away her face. This soft fleshy thing on the front of her head, it's malleable and expressive. It's vulnerable and weak. How is she supposed to be her real self, hard and unflinching, without her face?

One of the inmates, the guy in the cell next door, tried to fuck with her. Turns out she still knows how to hurt people, with or without her mask. Now they're leaving her alone. So that's something.

Dokkebi spends a small, private eternity here, alone in the dark. Waiting for something to happen.

Some instinct tells her she won't be waiting much longer.
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Rolled 8, 10, 5, 6 = 29 (4d10)

Hard 0[1] - HP [8/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6
Sharp 0 - Edge 5/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 4, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - [BUSTED]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]


Now that's definitely... a bottle of some sort. Horace glances around the counter for a second before grabbing another strange shot glass and filling them both. Slapping the fellow on the shoulder, she gives a yell of "Prost!" and downs the drink!
Hmm... lukewarm with a hint like rice. About what she expected. Still, she'll be keeping the brand in mind. You know, the squiggles.

>Prost! Domo arygato very much. And here, for yer trouble. Maybe git yerself some new pants, eh? [Slip $500 down the closest Civvie's collar] [New Total: $59,176]
>Move: 1 NW, 5W, 1 SW
>Quick Attack Thug with the Highlander
>Quick Attack Thug with the Highlander. If already dead, Overwatch
Rolled 2 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 8/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 3/12, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. If they are knocked down, they stand up.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die) (Used)
GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (2 Uses)
Cash: $1747377
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>Teamwork Tactics from Badger, but on fire so not great.
>1 AP - Move S1, SE3
>1 AP - Full Heal using Medic Bag (full health, no longer on fire)
>1 AP - Reload AR
>1 Edge - Extreme Team the Yokai which just hit me. (+2 because TT with no fire debuff)

Heckler had been set on fire before. He'd experienced it quite frequently the past couple of times. Heckler was starting to appreciate Ramirez's hatred of being set on fire. "Hey Ramirez, that guy whacked me while I was on fire. Get him!" He said having reloaded, poured an entire bottle of antiseptic over himself and fired a quick burst of his AR.
Forgot to mark down Edge and ammo. Should be 7/10 and 3/8
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

>Rolling for Extreme Team attack with Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 1/16, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy) at Yokai which just hit Heckler 2NW, 5W of me (First roll, +1 to hit).
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

>React [Aimed Shot]
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 1/9)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade), Ticket
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
Rolled 5, 4 = 9 (2d10)

>1 AP: [Move] NE, 2N, W
>1 AP, 1 Edge: [Frag Out]x2 9NW

Wizard sincerely hoped nobody saw him trip, stumble, and faceplant after a rather hurried and graceless attempt to vault through the window. He saw a group of men in demonic masks burst into the arcade and ducked between two cabinets. Sneaking a peek at them through the gaps between machines, Wizard prepared two grenades, pulling the pin on one and then the other, before tossing them over the row of cabinets.

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: Gym Bag
Secondary Weapon: Pistol (4/12)
Skill: RC Bomb (2/2), Top 10 (0/1), Furious Focus, God Gamer (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (8/12)
Cash: $608,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG, Blue Marker
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
HP: 7/7
Edge: 11/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
Rolled 5, 7, 10 = 22 (3d10)

Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 4/10
Move 5+2
Defense 12
Crit on 9+

Cool: 5+3
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SER, 15, Overdrive)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 2/12
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 2/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit Chance +1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag, Molotov Cocktails (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (1 AP, 4 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.
Molotov Cocktails (3 Uses): Thrown, Area 1, Duration 2. Sets the tiles on fire, and anyone affected takes one damage and two burn.

> 1 AP: Quick strike the Mohawk. (2d10+3)
> 1 AP: Move 2N, 3W
> 1 AP: Shoot the Tie directly West with my DMR. (1d10+2)
> 1 Edge: Prepare a Quick Shot at the first enemy to burst through the West door. (1d10)

Objective secured.
Rolled 6, 4, 5, 4, 3 = 22 (5d10)

>2AP: Stab tie twice
>1AP: Shoot the closest alive oni mask

Name: Doctor Ben
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8 (+1 hat), Edge 8/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Stance), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit(4/4), [Mia's Favor]
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
FAK is 3/4
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Rolled 4, 6, 3 + 7 = 20 (3d10 + 7)


If it works, don't stop working.

>[1 AP, Move] 1N, 1NW, 2N
>[Throw Furniture, 7Hard] Use 1x1 HD object at SW to attack sunglasses at 1E
>[1 AP, Intimidate Civilian crowd to go south, 7 Hard] "Stop fucking standing there and move! This way! Out!!"

Name: Napps - 4XP Thug
CSHW: 3, 2t, 7t, 1 = Def 8t | Edge 8t/8t | HP 16t/16t | Crit on 9+ | Move 5t
Armor Vest (Armor 4/6 - absorbs X Dmg before breaking) | Serious Armor (Req 4 HARD, +2 HP, +1 Def, -1 Move)
Fists (Melee, 2 DMG, Crit Range +1) | Pistol (Range 10, 2 DMG, 4/8 Ammo) | [Primary] Chainsaw (Melee, DMG 0, Ammo 8/8, [Rev it Up!] (0 AP, 1 Edge, 1 Ammo) - Until the round's end, +1 Move, cannot use gear/other weapons, +6 Dmg, costs Ammo to use.
[Apprentice] All melee attacks gain +1 accuracy
[God Gamer] (1/mission, add +1 to a d10 roll, after it's been made)
[Top 10] (1/chapter, name & describe my character's favorite movie to reroll any die (Ex: "Reggie")
[Latin Beat] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Gain +2 Move and +2 Defense this round.
[White Lightning] - 1/Mission, spend 1 AP to knock yourself down and gain 5 Edge.
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge) Napps and Riptide attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate won't expend an action.
[Dance Fever: Breakin'] (0AP, 1 Edge) Start Missions with a +1 Hard token, Spend tokens of that stat to gain +2 Move and +2 Defense that round.
[Die Hard] (on first death, exchange all remaining Edge for HP & second wind)

Temporary Buffs
From S.A: +2 HP, +1 DEF, -1 Move | Mayhem Tokens: +1 Sharp/Move/Hard | Dance Fever: Breakin': +1 Hard Token
Rolled 4 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

HP 13/13 Edge 7/10
Move 6, Def 6, Crit 9+
Cool 1 / Sharp 2 (+2) / Hard 4 (+1) / Weird 1
Heat 10 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and heal 5 Edge)
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
Unstoppable (0 AP 1 Edge, +1 Armor, Rage, Block; remove debuffs and conditions)
Hardliner (+1 Hard token/mission, spend H.T. to gain breach on move)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll) SPENT
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger")
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result) SPENT
Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear)
Shotgun (Rng 10, Dmg 4, Ammo 0/12, Breach)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/12)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
Armor Vest (6 armor, doesn't stack)
Frag Grenades (Frag Out: 2/3, Throw, Area 2, 3 Damage, Breach)

>Move 2N, 4W (1 AP)
>Try to corral the civvies out of the building (1 AP, Hard check, first roll +5)
"So" Chaser begins "You might have not heard me before, grenade and all that, but at the very least you lot did get out of the way. Good!" He gestures with the empty shotgun "Now keep on doing the smart thing and Get the Fuck OUT!" he empashizes, pointing to the doors.
>Reload Shotgun (1 AP)
>React QS Shotgun (1 Edge)
"uhhh this is getting really sketchy fellas I'm gonna go hide sound good? Going to give myself a head start considering I got a limp and all that"

Type: Brain
HP 7[Bleeding 2]
Edge 8
Move 5[4]
Defence 5
Crit 8
Stats: Cool 1 Sharp 3 Hard 0 Weird 2
Weapons: Gym Bag, Pistol, Fists
Gear: First Aid Kit, Smoke Grenade, Frag Grenade
Special Talent: Infiltrator

>AP 1 [interact] Talk with the NPCs around me I suppose and joke around, Ask where the fire extinguisher is
>AP 2 [Move] S, W, W
>AP 3 [Interact] Open door, like a normal person
Ah yes, the Shizuo Special.
Rolled 8, 9 = 17 (2d10)

>2 AP: Aimed Shot at the nearest Yokai NW
>Lightning Reload
>1 AP, 1 Edge: Aimed Shot at the next nearest Yokai NW

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (1/8->3/4) [max 4/8]
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 7/7 + (6/6 Armor)
Edge: 9/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
Rolled 4, 4, 5 = 13 (3d10)

>2AP: Move NE, 4E (2 rolls just to be sure)
>1AP: Quick Shoot tatoo guy with AR (3rd roll)
>1 Edge: Inspire Rico

Friedrich sees Mizuchi and Rico huddled in a corner, under furious assault. He runs behind Jackal, slides over the furniture and helps them.

The fact that this move puts him behind some of the fiercest fighters in the crew and some cover between him and the incoming yakuza is barely an afterthought.

"Rico, slice zem in heff! Ve cannot get bogged down hier!"

Name: Friedrich
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 9/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 0/12+4. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Armor 6)
Medic Bag (1 AP, 0 use)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
" . . . And another thing " Kit continues, polite like grey mist, as solid as air, a creature of permits and papers. She taps her clipboard. She tuts. She runs a gloved hand along the counter-top of the high end sushi equipment.

" Your cleaning standards are excellent. Domingo Aripistachio "

She fills out subsection 20-2 on her form. The disguise is fake and her burgeoning career in the Federal government as an up and coming food inspector is fake. But the forms are real. Just because you had to lie a little was no reason to dispect the hard work of ensuring eating late night street food didn't put someone in the hospital. Food and Safety did hard work. Last, hard line of duty against the lurking dangers of salmonella and bunky imported South Sea kipfish, which, according to all the research Kit had been doing preparing for today was actually quite a problem. There were government memoes about it. Meetings.

She turns her gaze on the leftmost chef assistance, eyes him up and down, nods, and scrawls "Yes" under "Is the food preparation technican observing sanitation protocols". Maybe she could mail in her findings anonymously? Maybe--

Through the door, a muffled gunshot rings out. Noise. Something thuds against the wall, shaking pans. The rest of the Crew. They were already here. How were they already here? This whole operation was supposed to be next week!!! She was way early!! She was still scouting the grounds!!

Oh no had she gotten the time table wrong?! Was today not Friday? It had to be Friday. She'd spent all that time in the library preparing for this, the uniforms, the ties, had to reach out to the local office to get an understanding. Three days as an intern inspecting poultry farms in the west-end! She'd lost track of time! Fuck! The raid was tonight Fuck again! Dammit how did Chien keep track of all this stuff; her dayplanner was already screamingly full, oh shit, that meant she was in a building people were going to be throwing grenades around in. Oh shit that meant Ramirez was going to be using grenades and she was wearing a normal suit and tie she'd look like *anyone*. Wait half the Yakuza wore suits and ties. Oh goddammit people were going to be throwing grenades everywhere and they weren't going to check who was inside the suit. FUCK. Oh Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck--- Kit focuses on her clipboad, notes: "Some environmental hazards, minor chance of fragmentation, lead poisoning" on the line about local conditions and snaps the full fury of her focus on the largest chef.
Rolled 10, 2, 3 = 15 (3d10)

>[1AP] "That was a lot of noise. Go find out what that was about. I'll take it from here. ". Direct the Chefs east, out of the door, and into Horace II's prepared attack. Flash my Food and Safety Badge at them. I'm a reliable federal agent, of course, they have to do what I say. This is a food related situation! [Sharp +4, 1d10]

>[1AP] Run 4W, 3S,*barrelling* through the doors and bouncing off of the people, look panicked, which shouldn't be hard because if Horace has done her job Kit might now be covered in people's guts. Try to get the chefs confused, instead of moving out east too. HELP. THEY'RE CUTTING UP THE WRONG WHITE MEAT. [Weird ... +6?]

>[1AP] Adjust my tie and move into the room 1S, closing the door behind me. Lock it. " Well, that's unsanitary. Did you know there' a fight going on out there? I'm a federal employee, I can't be involved in fights. Please take me to your manager" [Would you believe I'll try Sharp here]

#Kit de Guerre, Brain-Force-Perator?, 26450€
Armor 6/6
Hp 10/10 Edge 10/10 Def 4 Crit 5+ SC 10+
Heat 8 Wanted 2
Hard 2 Cool 0 Sharp 3+1 Weird 4+2 Move 5+2
!Electrify, !Spook, !Infiltrate, !RC Bomb, !Taser
!Apprentice, !Furious Focus, !Havana Hardline
!Some Bark, More Bite [Unstoppable, Grappler]
!Dad's Shades [Shootdodge] + [Lucha Loco, +1D/C on vault fists]

1x A4 Standard Clipboard
1x Governing FSIS Guidelines On The Handling Of South Seas Imports, Vol I through IV
2x Light Blue Pens
2x Pistols D2, 4/12
Fist: 2D, +1C, +1A
Kit's Breathmints [Drugs 3x]
Vest: Armor [6]

A white shirt, a grey tie and a grey suit, all so uniformly bland it may be possible to fade into the background if Kit stands still. The bulletproof vest over the suit is normal. Sometimes, health and safety inspections have to place safety first. [Utility Vest]
Rolled 10, 8, 8, 10, 6 = 42 (5d10)

Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 11/13, Edge 4/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 2/12, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard, Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x2
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $2,145,202
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Loud Apartment, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter
Jackhammer Shotgun
Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Red Disk, Blue Disk, Locker Key
Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy)

>[1Edge] Reload Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 0/16, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy).
>[1AP] Move 6W.
>[1Edge] Throw frag grenade 5NW, 1W, as pictured (first roll).
>[1AP] Move 1W, 2NW, 2N, 1W.
>[1Edge] Quick shot with Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/12, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy) at the Yokai 1SW of me (second and third rolls, +1 to Hit).
>[1AP] Quick shot with Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 3/12, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy) at the Yokai 1NW of me (fourth and fifth rolls, +1 to Hit).

Ramirez takes one look at what's going on to the left and spurs into action.

"Get yourselves put out and get medical attention! Everyone else. we can't let ourselves get bogged down, keep going!"
>[10]Frag grenade lands exactly on targeted square
>[9,9] First attack
>[11, 7] Second attack
>Clarifying the first attack is against the Kitsune 1NW of me
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Rolled 3, 5 = 8 (2d10)

Name: Riptide
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP: 14/14 (10+1+3) | Edge: 5/7 | Move: 7 (6+1) | Defence 4 | Crit on 6+
Hard: 6 (3+3) | Cool: 0 | Sharp: 1 | Weird: 4
[Hurting Other People]
[Ruiner] (1 AP, 1 Edge)
[Apprentice]: +1 Acc to Melee Weapons | [Unstoppable] (0 AP, 1 Edge)
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Riptide and Napps attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate (Napps) won't expend an action.
[People's Champ]
[Pistol]: Range 10, DMG 2, Ammo 4/8;
[Fists]: Melee, DMG 2, Crit +1 (On 5+);
[Shotgun]: Range 10, DMG 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach.
[Armour Vest]: Armour 6/6
[Custom Mask]: +1 HP, +1 Move (Currently Equipped)

Riptide opens the door to the Arcade and sees what he expected: Mayhem. Nishina seems to be covered in blood, both her own and others. That Witch Doctor seems to be getting into a blade skirmish with a chimp. And there's a gaggle of Raccoon-Dogs on the lookout with a Kishin leading them.
Riptide? He's locked the fuck in.
"I am here to serve Fools and Prey on a platter."

>1 AP: Move 1N, 1NW, 3W, 2N
>1 AP: Move 2N. 2NW, 2N
>1 AP: Claw Shades (Melee, Quick Attack)
>Forgot the picture
Rolled 1, 8, 7, 4 = 20 (4d10)

After heaving a couch in the face of opposition and a sword cleanly at the "Yokai". The cop puts himself on the ready for more assailants. But it was the blond swordsman who came to lend him aid. Frankly a bat was not that bad for the current SWAT leader but it was always nice to see that a teammate cared to make sure he was ok.

"Thanks for the assist! I should be good to go with t- WATCH OUT!"

And thus a weird choreography of dodging sword and fist from new assailants started. Drop the sword and push Mizuchi to get himself and him out the way of the first sword trying to stab them both. Mizu weaves and parries the next set of attacks from another suit whilst the officer Dempsey rolls the telegraphed punches of the tattooed perp.

A light pause see's them side by side to take the 3 attackers.

"Nice moves..."

"Si Si Senor Ausländer. Let's clear out the room and move on. We don't have all night. On go... Go!" He then stomped on the dragonslayers bottom handle to make it leverage and hit the tattooed guy and set himself to work...

>+1AP Inspire from Friedrich
>2AP: Hit the Tattoo with Dragonslayer (+3 hit, +1 crit)
>1AP: Move 1W, 1NW, 2NE
>1AP: Furniture throw at the tattoos and the suit S. (+5 hard. if somehow tattoo is dead throw it at the 2 suits.)

Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 10/12
Edge 8/8
Move 5(6)
Defense 13

Cool: 5(8) {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg + taunt, gain block 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
{Apprentice}: Melee Weapons Gain +1 Accuracy
{Dragon Kick}: 1ap attack for 2 dmg, +3 Crit

-Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
-Pistol [Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8]
-Fist [Dmg 2, Crit +1]
-{Dragon Kick}: [Dmg 2, +3 Crit]

-Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 defense, +1 Edge)
-First Aid Kit (4/4)
Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 5/6, Edge 6/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 0/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $237 658
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

>1 Edge: Visions of Death - Tokumei Ŷ̶̡̩̞̘̝̘̤͔͆́̋Ǫ̶̻͍̘̺̙̮̣̹̮̫̻̔̀́̎̐͘Ủ̴̞̥͉͎̃̀̎̄͝ ̷͔̤̝̞͌̆́͋͗̊̑̏͛̓͑͝Ẅ̷̫̝̫̯́ͅḬ̵̉̓L̷̩̕L̸̡̫̱̩̺͙͔̻͚͖̙̂̂̽̓̎͒̌̚͘̚ ̸̡͍̙̱͙͖̠̩̟́̒̕N̸̡͕̭̪͓͛̀̌̄͐̀Ơ̷̖͒͌͒͌̋͐͋͛͠Ṫ̷̪ ̴̡̳̪͕̬͈̩͖͓̬̮̼̿͐͗̈́͒̔͠È̸̤̰̰̦̯̖̭̓̆͋͆̾̕Ş̴͎̥̹̪͓̹̪̙͊̎̃̃͒̑̍͜͠C̸̜͚̎̽͐̃A̵̡̡̧̮͕̱͖̐̏P̴̝͖̺̍͝Ē̶̡̮̠͎̦͓̰̭͉̼͐͐̎̈́̈́͠͠ ̵͕̞̳̟̪͕̘͋̂͆̈̎M̶̝̮̪͍̘̪̎Ḙ̷̢̰̆͌̾͌͊̐ ̷̨͎̜̤̻̠̩̠̙́M̶͕̹̱̻͓̪͈̩̰̠̮̻͗̎̚͠I̵͓͉̭̜̩͉̠̰͔͖͋̓͛̇̚ͅF̵̟̹̱̼̠̙̳͍̣̤͖̓̔́̎̉͑͝͠͠Ǘ̸̧̨̮̗̩͚̤̜̈̋̒̓̑̈́̔̓͊͝N̷̡̖̹̂̀̂͌̀͑̄̾̀Ę̶̜̫̮͔̞̗̬̬̋͑͒̍
>1 AP: Stance
>1 AP: Move 1 West, 2 North, 3 West
>1 AP: Move 1 West, 1 Northwest, 1 West, then the last three squares as far north as possible

It's a shred. Barely proof, barely evidence of anything other than an obsessed mind. But it's enough. For a perfect moment of serenity, it all fades away. The gunfire, the screams, the blood in her ears.

Then she's back.

She needs to find Tokumei.
Rolled 7 + 3 (1d10 + 3)


Name: Tony Vespucci
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 6/10 Edge 15/15 Move 6, Defence 4, Crit on 5 and above
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0-1, Sharp 5+1+2, Weird 4

Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), SMG (Range 10, Damage 3, Ammo 3/15, +1 crit range, Autofire)
Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4 uses)
Special Talent: Taser (4/4 uses)
Special talent: Pack Alpha (names: Carlo and Diego)
Special Talent: Electrify
Special Talent: Snake Eye
bulletproof suit: +1 edge, +1 defense

>Mirage (Racing Tires + Suspension): Carissima

Tony has been shot. Blood drips to the ground.
His suit is ruined. So much for tailoring it.
People lie dead. So much for saving the innocents.

That’s it. No more mister nice Tony. With a snap of fingers, a duck goes flying, delivering a message

>1 Edge: call Svetlana on the Yokai NE of Akai
>1 AP: [Quick Heal]
>2AP: Aimed Shot at the bitch who shoved a civilian
Rolled 2 (1d10)

>TT: +1 move +1 attack rolls
>AP1 Move: N, NE x2, E x2
>AP1 Move: E x3
>AP1 Quick Shot: Tie [NW x5, W] with SMG (Roll 1)

After spraying down another fool it was time to advance. Sprinting behind the group that was targeting the two swordsman she entered the room they came from and send more lead towards the open door from where her last target came out.

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 14/14, Edge 6/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2-1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 1/15 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
Rolled 1 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Name: Fresco
Type: Operator
Stats: HP: 8/8, Armor 0, Edge 8/8, Move 6, Defense 10, Crit on 5, Supercrit on 9, Heat 2
Weapons: DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 3/9)
Factor: Hard 0, Cool 4+2, Sharp 2, Weird 4+2
Special Talent: Deadeye: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Attack with +3 accuracy, +3 crit rate, and +1 crit damage
Lightning Reload: 1/Turn reload for 0 AP
Oh Yeah!: Fuck you, roll +weird for a cool entrance
Moonlighter: Gain a 3rd Sidejob. Can use this 3rd job to reroll a Side Job roll.
Furious Focus: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 edge, gain 1 edge.
Dance Fever Disco: (0 AP, 0 Edge) Gain +1 Wtoken at start of mission. Spend WTokens to gain +2 Move and Def for that round.
Drug Kit: (1 AP, 2/2 Uses) Take 1 damage to gain ++2 to a stat for 3 turns.
Custom Mask: +1 HP & +1 Move

He was so fucked. He went to the wrong place and staked it out while waiting for the gang before getting a call from Claire about the place. The Chinese delivery food car was a total waste of time! The last driver seemed like a gang member, but it must have been the wrong one. If he knew it was a Japanese gang he would have gotten a cooler car. Fresco slipped his mask on and got his gun ready as he- oh fuck his pills! The disheveled Cuban looked away from the wheel to fish his pills from the floorboard of the car only to barrel through the front door in that time.

>Oh Yeah into the Arcade
Rolled 1 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

>Top 10
Smashing through glass, everything seemed to slow down. He looked out at the arcade ahead of him and tried to control the vehicle. He remembered that guy from the movie he watched on his first night back in Heat City. The German Tether or the like. Some cop chasing a guy through the streets while he was on a train above. Apparently they really drove through the streets of some city for that. Fresco did his best to swerve out of the way of anyone in his path that didn't look like some guy fresh off a boat from Japan.
Rolled 4 + 6 (1d10 + 6)


Name: Renjun
Type: Assassin

Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 6/7, Move 6+2, Defense 11, Crit on 6
Weapons: Jian (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance](1 AP 1/Turn) Block 1 and Counter 1), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5), Dragon Kick (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5, Super Crit on 9)

Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+3, Sharp 0+1, Weird 4

Skills: Visions of Death (0 AP, 1 Edge, Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.), Top 10 (1/chapter name and describe one of your criminal's top 10 favourite movies to reroll any die.), Apprentice (Melee weapons have +1 Accuracy), Dragon Kick (1 AP, Melee, Damage 2, crit chance +3), Advantage on next Race

Gear: Armor Vest (Armour 5/6) (Damage is dealt to Armor before HP. Armor blocks damage and is then removed)

Outfits: Custom Mask (+1 HP, +1 Move, Blue Bian Lian mask, Equipped), Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense),
Assets: Cell Phone, Chinese Language Bibles, Jewelry (Crucifix made of Gold and Jade), Cache of small crosses made of Gold and Jade, Artwork ("Sermon on the Mount" by Bloch)
Vehicles: "The White Magpie" (Van, 1/1/7, Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Nitrous, Sport Suspension), Barracuda (Speedboat, 2/1/3), "Quianlima" (Lancer Sport, 4/2/1, Engine Tuning, Nitrous)
Base: Dock Warehouse (Security x2, Workshop, Theatre x2, Bathroom, Kitchen)

Gang: The Heat City Knights (Weird 2 Hard 1, 5 totally sane people converted to Christ, Superstition)

Cash: $100450
Heat: 7
Wanted: 4
XP: 2

Ah fire, how he reacts to being set on a fire says a lot about a man, it reveals the nature of his soul. Renjun is pure and clean, so the fire cannot hurt him, at least not mentally, physically it hurts a lot actually. Renjun feels the pain, he acknowledges the pain but simply does not allow it to bother him as he calmly walks to the medical supplies and puts himself out.

Now his mind is clear to turn towards other matters, namely Yaju. That corpulent waste of life is going to be bursting in here any moment and he needs to pay for his crimes. Renjun prays for some insight on how best to remove this brute from existence, prays for any advantage God can grant him over this vile fucking animal.

>1 AP: Move 1E, 5S, 2E, 1S (+1 Move from TT)
>1 AP: Use Medical Bag to put out the flames
>1 Edge: Visions of Death on Yaju
>1 AP: Roll Weird to discern any weaknesses of Yaju or some advantage I can gain over him (Total of +6, 4 base + 2 from visions)
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d10)

"This is what I've been training for! I'm in my element." These Yakuza were crummy swordsman compared to someone who'd seen as much bloodshed as the young ronin. Who was the fake now?
Nodding to Rico and Friedrich, Mizuchi moves to flank as the enforcers dug in for a gunfight through the door ahead with the suits.

>1 AP: Attack Suit N with Raijin
>1 AP: Move 2NE, 2E, N, NW
>1 AP: Stance

Name: Mizuchi
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 7/8, Edge 4/7+1, Move 6, Defense 8+1, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 2, Cool 4, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), Raijin (Melee, Damage 4, [Stance], 1/1 Per Job [Stormdance] +1 DMG and +1 Stun for one turn)
Gear: First Aid Kit (1/4 Uses), Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defense, +1 Edge)
Money: $222,243
Tokens: Sharp
Special Talent: Flash Step, Agility, Flurry of Blows, Furious Focus
Assets: Katana Coupe w/ Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous [Speed 2+1, Handling 1+1, Size 3], Movie Collection (Anime), Loud Apartment, Blue Cassette, Tower Apartment (w/ The Works & Security+), Hi-Fi Stereo, Cell Phone, Manga, Designer Shades, Rare Weapons, Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts, +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition)
Heat: 12
Wanted Level: 3
Rolled 5, 8 = 13 (2d10)

>Use top 10 to reroll the attack
Of course, Mizuchi had primarily trained for this by swinging his sword around in his apartment while absolutely wearing out a taping of Clan Buster, a yakuza exploitation film about a lone traditionalist fighting a bunch of comically violent yakuza. The fake blood was at least five times as much as a real sword swing left, but Mizuchi could make up the difference in his head.
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Rainfall tries to remember if she left the stove on at home.
>Move 4W,2N
>Move 3N
>Shoot the Shades at NW

Name: Rainfall
Class: Assassin[Lv7]
HP[9/9] Edge[8/8] Move 6
Defense 10(9+1) Crit 6
Cool:5(4+1) Sharp:1 Hard:2(1+1) Weird:4
*Skills:(Flash Step)(Die Hard)(Top Ten)(Furious Focus)(Hardliner)

*Weapons:Blood Katana(Dmg4,Block1,CDmg+1,1stCritHeal+1)
*Gear:Armor Vest(Armor [6/6])
*Clothing:Bulletproof Suit(Def+1,Edge+1)
Rolled 5 (1d10)

The first rule when on fire was not to panic. Easier said than done, when one could smell the scent of burning plastic through one's mask filter. It wasn't the first time for the old soldier, though. He calmly stepped out of the fire.
>Move 3S 2SW
>Put out fire (2 AP)
>Quick Shot the closest Oni with the ACR (4 dmg, acc +1, crits on 9+) (1 Edge)
>(1 Edge) Call Out the Oni 5N (Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)

Name: Honey Badger
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP:12/13 Edge:5/9 Move:5 Defense:6 Crit on 9+
Factors: Cool:0+1 Sharp:4 Hard:4+1 Weird:1
Weapons: Pistol (range 10, dmg2, 3/8 ammo)
ACR (range 20, dmg4, 2/12 ammo, auto, +1 accuracy)
Fists (Melee, dmg2, crit +1)
Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 move)
Gear: Frag Grenades (2/3, Area 2, 3Ex damage)
Talent: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Steadfast, Raging Demon, Lena's Lover, Call Out, Apprentice, Top Ten (0/1), White Lightning, Unstoppable, God Gamer (1/1)
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Nishina is zeroed in. It might just be a thought, but it's enough to give her hope. She becomes razor-focused on her goal. This door is the gate to her long-sought revenge. This door opens the pathway to her destiny.

This door ... leads into a bathroom.

An angry Nishina slices open the locks of the stall doors to check inside, just in case. Only a scared shitless (literally) civilian inside, who seems understandably upset about having a woman slash open his stall door. Too bad, some guys might be into that.

Behind her, the arcade noises of chiptune soundtracks and punch sound effects are overwhelmed by gunfire, chaos, and grenades. Also a Chinese food delivery truck ramming through the front door. Fresco wants to show these new kids how things are done around here.

Meanwhile Horace launches herself at the kitchen while Seline and Chaser clear out the restaurant. In the staff room, Kit's diplomatic overtures have clearly run their course with the way these chefs are shouting at her. She recognizes one of the ostensible employees here as a fellow infiltrator, meaning she has backup. On the other hand, these Ink motherfuckers, guys and girls in dark cloud patterned suits holding black-sheathed katanas, look like trouble, and they're clearly gathering for a counterattack.
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In the Garden reception, men in demon masks pummel Ramirez with baseball bats to a level that would kill an ordinary man. But Ramirez isn't an ordinary man.

Nearby, Mizuchi has taken point entering the Sakura Garden's halls. He came here hoping for some epic katana duels, the kind that would write his legend in the records of history. Instead he gets a chair to the face from a giant tattooed man. Not a great start.

Renjun has fought a man like this before, in a opium den deep in the jungle. He knows the style. Yaju will be slow and lack defenses beyond his muscular frame, but his relentless aggression means he might charge at anyone within range who makes him angry. It would be possible to outmaneuver him with finesse. That's not really the gang's strong suit, but it's worth a shot.

You could also just ... run in there with your sword and hit him and see what happens. You might not like what happens, but you could do it.

Things are heating up, but you've still got backup. The power of friendship is just a two-way radio call away.

Turn 4 begins.
Rolled 4, 1 = 5 (2d10)

>1AP: [Frag Out] 7NW, N
>1AP: [Move] E, 2N, 2NW
>1AP: [Check (Sharp +6)] Johnson and Sato. That's who the crew is here for. Everything else is just a distraction—and a very deadly one, at that. Leaning up against an arcade cabinet, Wizard tries to deduce the approximate locations of either one of these men based on what the crew knows of the layout and the enemy response up to this point. What would a reasonable protocol be for the Yakuza in case of this attack? Is there a panic room they're ferrying the persons of interest to or is some other sort of contingency in place?

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: Gym Bag
Secondary Weapon: Pistol (4/12)
Skill: RC Bomb (2/2), Top 10 (0/1), Furious Focus, God Gamer (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (7/12)
Cash: $608,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG, Blue Marker
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
HP: 7/7
Edge: 11/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
Rolled 9, 5, 2 = 16 (3d10)

Name: Fresco
Type: Operator
Stats: HP: 4/8, Armor 0, Edge 6/8, Move 6, Defense 10, Crit on 5, Supercrit on 9[6], Heat 2
Weapons: DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 2/9)
Factor: Hard 0, Cool 4+2, Sharp 2, Weird 4+2
Special Talent: Deadeye: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Attack with +3 accuracy, +3 crit rate, and +1 crit damage
Lightning Reload: 1/Turn reload for 0 AP
Oh Yeah!: Fuck you, roll +weird for a cool entrance
Moonlighter: Gain a 3rd Sidejob. Can use this 3rd job to reroll a Side Job roll.
Furious Focus: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 edge, gain 1 edge.
Dance Fever Disco: (0 AP, 0 Edge) Gain +1 Wtoken at start of mission. Spend WTokens to gain +2 Move and Def for that round.
Drug Kit: (1 AP, 2/2 Uses) Take 1 damage to gain ++2 to a stat for 3 turns.
Custom Mask: +1 HP & +1 Move

>Standup [1AP]
>Flirt with Akai [Weird to become a less desirable target [1 AP, 1st and 2nd die, +6]
>Move 5E [1AP]
>Deadeye shoot the Fatso [1 Edge, 3rd die, +3 ]
>Call-In Svet to shoot the remaining Yokai [1 Edge]

Maybe driving into an arcade wasn't a great idea. Would have been if he had a better car. As Fresco pulls himself out the busted windshield he gets slashed across the back. Damn that chick is hot. The bloody man starts to smile behind his mask.

"You stab everyone you meet for the first time? This place has a bar doesn't it? How's about you put the sword away and we grab a drink?" He offers to the woman as he manages to dust himself off. "Let me clear the way for us."

After walking over and casually firing his rifle into a rather large man he pulls up the radio on his chest. "Hey can you take care of these sword freaks for me?"
(Got my dice mixed up. Flirting is first. Shooting point blank so 2nd and 3rd)
Rolled 5, 4, 3, 8 = 20 (4d10)

"My turn to swordfight on top of a car!"
>1AP Stance
>1Edge: Flash Step behind Akai and dropkick (Shove) her straight 2S. Use Mia's Favor to set the die to 10.
>1Edge: Shootdodge move 2S, dropkick Akai again and move up to her
>1AP: Stab Akai
>1AP: Move 6E

"Get her, mes amis!"

Name: Doctor Ben
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8 (+1 hat), Edge 8/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Stance), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 2/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit(3/4), [Mia's Favor]
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
>1AP: Take cover
>1AP: Reload AR
>1 Edge: Inspire Heckler
>1 Edge: Call for Pizza

A bullet bites into Friedrich's armor vest. Enemies are pouring in. Ramirez is hidden by smoke, but it does not sound like he's doing well. Friedrich dives for cover and frantically reloads while he thinks what to do about it all. He's reached a decision by the time the empty clip is secured back in his vest. First to call out at Heckler:

"Heckler! Don't get stuck in ze entrance! Move before zey overvhelm us!"

Then, to make a call:

"Hallo. I vant to order ein pizza, ja. Meat Lover's, extra meat. Ja, ja, more of everysing. Delivery at ze Sakura Garden, southvest entrance. Ze name is Friedrich. Vhat? How do I... F-R-I-E-D-R-I-C-H! Someone vill be zere to pick it up. Extra tip für fast delivery. Guten Abend."

A few seconds after he hangs up, he picks the empty clip back from his vest, stuffs it full of bills without bothering to count them and tosses it back towards the entrance.

"Für ze pizza! Someone tell ze delivery girl to keep ze change."

>-$9,400 for the tip, new total cash $856,755
I rolled for tip size.

Name: Friedrich
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 7/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 4/12. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Armor 4)
Medic Bag (1 AP, 0 use)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
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Rolled 3 + 4 (1d10 + 4)


Name: Blackjack
Type: Assassin
HP 6/6
Edge 0/6
Move 6
Defense 8+2

Cool: 4+1
Sharp: 2
Hard: 0
Weird: 4

Flash Step (0 AP, 1 Edge.): Target an enemy within (Move) spaces. Move behind them, and make any attack action. The first reaction shot misses, other shots have disadvantage.
Infiltration: At the start of a mission, you may choose to not deploy. At any time, either you or the GM may deploy you in the right spot for the job, with the right tools, with or without an explanation. When this happens, roll Weird.
Agility: Pass through enemies. Gain advantage to Vault, jump, or Climb.
Visions of Death: (0AP, 1 Edge) Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 Crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.
Flurry of Blows: (1AP, 1 Edge) Attack with main weapon, pistol, and fists, in any order. You can move up to 3 tiles before each attack.
Throwing Knives: (1 AP, 1/3 uses): Attack 3 enemies within Range 10 for 2 damage.
[Top 10]: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favorite movies to reroll any die.
[Lady's Favor: Lena]- (0AP, 0 Edge), spend during a mission before rolling any d10 to make the final result a 10.

Moonshadow- DMG 3, +1 Defense, [Stance]. 2/mission, consecutive rounds only: [Phases of the Moon] (1 AP, 1 Edge): Attack 3 enemies within 3 spaces.
Wakizashi- DMG 2, +1 Crit, when [Stance] counter activates, also attack with this weapon.
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1
First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 1/2 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.

Bulletproof Suit: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
+Living Room
+Security x2
+Rare Weapon (Wyatt Earp's Revolver)

Motorbike (Rebel) [2/1/0]
Motorbike (Muramasa) [3/3/0]
Speedboat (Barracuda [2/1/3]
Heat 14
Cash: $1,374,783 USD ($390,958 of which is in Cuban Pesos and British Pound Sterling)

>[Infiltrate] where I can help Mizuchi
It was time for Jackie to reveal herself- the crew was locking swords with the enemy, now, both metaphorically and literally, and that was when the element of surprise was most useful.
Rolled 7 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 5/6, Edge 6/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 4/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $237 658
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

>1 AP: [Stance]
>1 AP: [Move] 1 East, 1 Northeast, 1 North, 2 Northeast, 1 North
>1 AP: [Sharp Check] Analyse Akai's fighting style. How a swordswoman stands and holds their sword, where their eyes are pointed, how her most instinctual movements unfold. These things can tell a great deal to the learned. And if there's one thing that Nishina is, it's filled with a need for vengeance. A close second would be learned with swords, though. +7

Nishina bursts out of the stalls, not sparing the aggrieved man a second thought. She sees Akai. Aggressive. Skilled. Highly dangerous. Not Tokumei. Looks away.

...Looks back. It would not be wise to strike out away from her fellows, leaving them to grapple with an experienced swordswoman. Certainly not without at least a little advice. She comes closer with her guard up, dissecting Akai's fighting style.
Kit offers a lightning quick thumbs up to Ninja Ninja, past the shouting, screaming Chefs and the noise of the kitchen. Thows a wink unbefitting of the Federal inspector she's pretending to be in there. Dips her clipboard back towards the rest of the building.

I've got this, get out of here.

The chefs, knifes in hands, probably want her to move back. There's a meaty, horrific schrumphf sound from out that way. Half sounded like a sword hitting someone. So it was probably the beautiful one and the rest of the crew, kicking down doors.

Kit slide a slim hand into her inner pocket. Both the chefs twitch. No gun, promise guys, just mints. Got these since last time, with all the shouting, screaming, fire, the blood, the *carnage*. The nice old lady in the shop said they'd be calming. Good time to find out because a situation like this calls for calming. Kit takes one, gulping twice, with an anxiety tinged dry mouth. Lingering trace of lemon, some harsh asian spice in there. All these guns. Grenades. Why'd she have to be *early*? She was going to get shot or burned or --

Kit looks down at the electric impulses moving her hand.
She puts her hand on the chest of the chef in front of her. Feels the faint thump of his heart. The soft fabric of his chef uniform. Good musculature, a man used to long hours.
She can taste his dedication to the art of 完璧な食事, the years of study, the focus.

So those breathmints definitively weren't breathmints. But she did feel calm.
Ninja does not acknowledge kit to keep their cover and promptly leaves the area


"....Fuck this I'm going on a smoke break"

Type: Brain
HP 7[Bleeding 2]
Edge 8
Move 5[4]
Defence 5
Crit 8
Stats: Cool 1 Sharp 3 Hard 0 Weird 2
Weapons: Gym Bag, Pistol, Fists
Gear: First Aid Kit, Smoke Grenade, Frag Grenade
Special Talent: Infiltrator

AP 1: Move W
AP 2: Close the door behind me, like a normal person
AP 3: Move NW N N
Calm like a cloud riding ahead of the lightning.

The ninja(?) leaves. Kit smiles after him. See? The ninjas were real, and watching her. Chien always said so. Takashi's Castle had proved it. Was this a test? Wait!! There!! Beyond his fading form, those Inked motherfuckers. Unlike the Chefs they were steady. Eyes like lightning, which Kit notices as she catches the attention of one. Dips her head in a polite bow. This was a *test* a ninjitsu *test*! Kit giggles, then shakes her head. Serious.

The Sumi seemed part through a private dinner. Wonder what it took to rate Ink, Suit, Sword and Sake in the Ura-Yakuza. Wonder if they were any good. Kit loosens up her tie, one-handed, quick, rolls it off her neck and wraps it around her hand in one fluid motion. Their blades looked sharp. She was going to have to grab the edge of one. Chien's appreciation for silk ties suddenly folded into new angles. Good tourniquet, good hand-wrap, excellent improvised handcuff. She tests the strengh of the handwrap, flexing hands.

" Excuse me? "

Kit eyes the front specimen of Sumi. Good stance. Excellent footwork. Finds a grin leaking into her face. These ones might be good. Private dinner and polite company good, black-sheated katanas good, they weren't even hurrying or worried. One of them finished off a morsel, then stood, half-drawing a blade. Wouldn't find the distant sound of explosions rumbing these people. Kit rolls her shoulders to warm up, leans left, checks the rought weight of the ornate cabinet behind the foremost Yakuza, the decor, weighs the beautiful tables in her mind. Seven targets, seven swords, and all she had was a clipboard.

A clipboard and a dream. The ninjas were watching again.

" I wouldn't normally do this. Interupt a dinner.

But you work for the Ura-Yakuza. So you work for the Syndicate.

My name is Kit de Guerre.
You helped kill my father.
Prepare to cry. "
Rolled 9, 9, 1, 8, 6, 4, 7, 8, 8, 3 = 63 (10d10)

Kit bows. Kit straightens up.
" I want to remind you, you can tap out at any time.

Red Misha sends his regards. "


>[1AP, 1Edge] Put hands up in a boxers stance, make a little 'come on then' gesture. This activates Steadfast [+2 Block, +2Counter]. I would like to Counter any attacker by Grappler throwing them into another or by Shoving them face-first into the expensive equipment and each other. This is a swordfight, please don't counter with a pistol, that would be rude :(

>[1AP] Take Breathmints. +2 Hard, -1 HP.
>[1AP] Reach out and grab Chef 1W, drop backwards and full-body throw [Grappler] him 5E unto the Big Guy. Horace, you're up! [+1, 2d10, crit 5, sc10, collisions!]

>[1AP] Turn in the same motion, kick the feet out of under the Chef 1S and nudge him on his way. Which, really, is [Grappler] throw him 2S, 1W through the door way at his buddy. Should careen all of them through the door into the room beyond and on the floor [+1, 2d10, Crit 5, Sc10, D1, collisions!]

>[2Edge, taserdodge] ... keep going 2S, 1W, 1S and so I can throw my clipboard at the Sumi 4S near the far door. Which is a distraction, anyway, since I'm actually Tasering him [2d10, crit 5, sc8, d1, stun 2, Knockdown].
>--There should be a Knocked Down Sumi near me; I'm spending the 2nd Edge to stamp on his sword-arm and kick his blade away, but if he's *not* Knocked Down he would block my movement, so that would be a good time to shove him S. [Fists: +1H, Crit 5, SC 9+, D2, 2d10, otherwise, Shove deals 0 dmg unless it crits.].

>[1 Edge] Electrify Self [+2 Block]

>[1Edge] Psych, grab the ornate interior cabinet to my SW and spin it SE across the room at anyone still standing [2D, Crit 5, SC 10+, 2d10]

#Kit de Guerre
6Armor 4Block Electric

Hp 11/12 Edge 4/10 Def 4 Crit 8 [Crit 5+ SC 10+]
Heat 8 Wanted 2
Hard 2+2 Cool 0 Sharp 3+1 Weird 4+2 Move 5+2
!Electrify, !Spook, !Infiltrate, !RC Bomb, !Taser
!Apprentice, !Furious Focus, !Havana Hardline
!Some Bark, More Bite [Unstoppable, Grappler]
!Dad's Shades [Shootdodge] + [Lucha Loco, +1D/C on vault fists]
!Breathminths [+2 Hard, 3Turns]

2x Light Blue Pens
2x Pistols D2, 4/12
Fist: 2D, +1C, +1A
Kit's Breathmints [Drugs 2x]
Vest: Armor [6]

A white shirt, a grey tie and a grey suit, all so uniformly bland it may be possible to fade into the background if Kit stands still. The bulletproof vest over the suit is normal. Sometimes, health and safety inspections have to place safety first. [Utility Vest]
Rolled 8, 8 = 16 (2d10)

'Kid! Get out and regroup, NOW! Move it!"
>-Inspire Ramirez (-1 Edge)
>Move 3NE 2E
>Toss a frag 4NE 1N
>Quick Shot the mohawk stabbing Rico with pistol (2dmg, crits on +9)

Name: Honey Badger
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP:12/13 Edge:4/9 Move:5 Defense:6 Crit on 9+
Factors: Cool:0+1 Sharp:4 Hard:4+1 Weird:1
Weapons: Pistol (range 10, dmg2, 2/8 ammo)
ACR (range 20, dmg4, 2/12 ammo, auto, +1 accuracy)
Fists (Melee, dmg2, crit +1)
Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 move)
Gear: Frag Grenades (1/3, Area 2, 3Ex damage)
Talent: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Steadfast, Raging Demon, Lena's Lover, Call Out, Apprentice, Top Ten (0/1), White Lightning, Unstoppable, God Gamer (1/1)
Rolled 4, 2 = 6 (2d10)


>AP1 Reload: SMG
>AP1 Flame Out: NE, N x4, NW (Roll 1)
>AP1 Quick Shot: Yaju with SMG (Roll 2)

"Hey big guy catch!"

"You ok swords man? looked like a quite a hit. Well better get up before he throws you."

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 14/14, Edge 6/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2-1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 0/15 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
Rolled 6, 8 = 14 (2d10)

>2 AP: Aimed Shot nearest Yokai with PCX
>1 AP: Shoot nearest Yokai with PCX
>1 Edge: Request Svetlana to take out the driver of the reinforcements from the west
>1 Edge: Overwatch with PCX

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (3/4->1/4) [max 4/8]
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 7/7 + (6/6 Armor)
Edge: 9->7/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
Rolled 3, 6 = 9 (2d10)

Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 4/13, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 0/12, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard (Used), Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x1
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $2,145,202
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Loud Apartment, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter
Jackhammer Shotgun
Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Red Disk, Blue Disk, Locker Key
Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy)

>[1AP] Move 1SE, 3S, 1W.
>[1AP] Hunker Down.
>[1AP] Quick shot with Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 2/12, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy) at the Tie 8E (first roll, +1 to hit).
>[1AP] Quick shot with Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 1/12, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy) at the Tie 8E,1S (second roll, +1 to hit).

Ramirez's ears ring as he stumbles out of the smoke. He barely hears his old man's voice, but instinctively dives behind cover.
Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 6/10, Edge 5/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 0/8, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. If they are knocked down, they stand up.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die) (Used)
GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (1 Uses)
Cash: $1747377
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>Inspired (+1 Move, +1 AP)
>1 AP - Move to Ramirez's Old Location (Should be NW2, W2, NW3)
>1 AP, 1 Edge - Plant C4 1W (on the yokai tile)
>1 AP - Move SE2, E5
>1 AP - Detonate C4
>1 Edge - Suppressive Fire NE4, N1 of new position (N of tie, SE of Shades, W4 of Yaju)

As Ramirez stumbles out of the smoke, bloodied and bruised, and Friedrich telling him to move it, Heckler pulls out a small bundle out of his vest and starts wiring it up as he slips into the smoke. Barely seeing out the other side as he took Ramirez's last position, he turns on the transceiver. Seeing the Yokai before him, he rips the plastic film off the explosive charge before slapping the the charge into the chest of the Japanese man. In his accented Japanese, Heckler quickly remarks a "Hold this for me.", before dashing out of the smoke, pulling the detonator out his vest and quickly clacking the device several times. Now in cover and in an advantageous position to put more lead into the hallway, he starts firing controlled bursts into the corridor.
Rolled 7, 9, 5 = 21 (3d10)

HP 13(+7 armor)/13 Edge 6/10
Move 6, Def 6, Crit 9+
Cool 1 / Sharp 2 (+2) / Hard 4 (+1) / Weird 1
Heat 10 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and heal 5 Edge)
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
Unstoppable (0 AP 1 Edge, +1 Armor, Rage, Block; remove debuffs and conditions)
Hardliner (+1 Hard token/mission, spend H.T. to gain breach on move)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll) SPENT
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger")
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result) SPENT
Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear)
Shotgun (Rng 10, Dmg 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/12)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
Armor Vest (6 armor, doesn't stack)
Frag Grenades (Frag Out: 2/3, Throw, Area 2, 3 Damage, Breach)

>Move 2W, 1NW, 9 W, stop in front of closed door (1 AP, 1 Edge; Vault, 1st roll)
>White Lightning (1 AP; 5->10 Edge)
>Unstoppable (1 Edge; gain 1 Armor, 1 Block, 1 Rage)
>Kick in the door on the Sumi (1 AP, probably needs 2 rolls, Apprentice relevant?)

I just remembered I have gained armor from Unstoppable. I marked it on sheet in addition to the Armor from the vest.
Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 4/10
Move 5+2
Defense 12
Crit on 9+

Cool: 5+3
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SER, 15, Overdrive)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 3/9
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 2/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit Chance +1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag, Molotov Cocktails (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (1 AP, 4 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.
Molotov Cocktails (3 Uses): Thrown, Area 1, Duration 2. Sets the tiles on fire, and anyone affected takes one damage and two burn.

> Lightning Reload
> Move 12W 1SW (2 AP)
> Peer through the keyhole, discern what is in the fog of war behind the Southern door. (+ Sharp, 1 AP)

‘Is that… moonshine!?’

‘Where in the world- why *now*?’
Rolled 8 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

Let’s try that again.
Rolled 6, 9 = 15 (2d10)

>1x Deadeye and 1x Aimed Shot at Ties in Car [1 Edge]
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 1/6)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade), Ticket
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
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Rolled 7, 1, 3, 10, 6, 5 = 32 (6d10)

Hard 0[1] - HP [4/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6[5]
Sharp 0 - Edge 5/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 4, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - [BUSTED]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]


That's a bad hit... Make his worse, then put pressure on the bleeding. No, don't use the hat, just use the big fellow's shirt. That should be enough cloth to soak.

>BLEED; -2HP, Tick Down
>Quick Attack Big Guy with the Highlander
>Quick Attack Big Guy with the Highlander
>Quick Attack Big Guy with the Highlander
Rolled 6, 1, 6, 3, 1, 5 + 1 = 23 (6d10 + 1)

The twisting of his arms and spine rhyme with the motions of the pool, pulling his body through the burning air of the arcade as a Vengeful Road cabinet smatters a pair of sunglasses and-
A spike of pain up Napps' spine freezes him in place, cutting off whatever words he would've said to the crowd rushing outside. He knows better than to stand up immediately, for fear of worsening his suffered spine. Instead, he turn around, bent forward with his back to the cabinet lying on the ground, and-
Falls back, impacting the edge of the cabinet against the muscle that cramped, wincing as he feels it *POP* back in place. A temporary fix, but a useful one, as a gasp of air leaves Napps' lungs and he feels better - for now. For a moment, he breathes, his vision filled with cathode lights, and...
How could he? Although he was a god of gaming, it gave him no right to destroy his place of worship, the machines that had seen endless blood, sweat and tears from those dedicated to the cabinet. Like him. How many high scores had been destroyed, lost, because he did not think of what he 'should' do, when all he requested was what he 'could' do.
'I'm sorry.'
His sorrow interrupted by Ben's voice, he turns his head - and remembers he has a job to do.
And the chainsaw is starting to dig into his shoulders. That's there too.

>[Rev Up!, 1 Edge, 1 Ammo] +1 Move, +6 Dmg
>[Move, 1 Edge] 1N, 4W, 1NW
>[2x Quick Attack, 2 AP] (1st & 2nd, 3rd & 4th rolls) Chainsaw on Akai, +1 Apprentice
>[Quick Attack, 1 Edge] (5th & 6th rolls) Chainsaw on Akai, +1 apprentice

Name: Napps - 4XP Thug
CSHW: 3, 2t, 7t, 1 = Def 8t | Edge 8->6/8t | HP 16t/16t | Crit on 9+ | Move 5t+1
Armor Vest (Armor 4/6 - absorbs X Dmg before breaking) | Serious Armor (Req 4 HARD, +2 HP, +1 Def, -1 Move)
Fists (Melee, 2 DMG, Crit Range +1) | Pistol (Range 10, 2 DMG, 4/8 Ammo) | [Primary] Chainsaw (Melee, DMG 0, Ammo 8->4/8, [Rev it Up!] (0 AP, 1 Edge, 1 Ammo) - Until the round's end, +1 Move, cannot use gear/other weapons, +6 Dmg, costs Ammo to use.
[Apprentice] All melee attacks gain +1 accuracy
[God Gamer] (1/mission, add +1 to a d10 roll, after it's been made)
[Top 10] (1/chapter, name & describe my character's favorite movie to reroll any die (Ex: "Reggie")
[Latin Beat] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Gain +2 Move and +2 Defense this round.
[White Lightning] - 1/Mission, spend 1 AP to knock yourself down and gain 5 Edge.
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge) Napps and Riptide attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate won't expend an action.
[Dance Fever: Breakin'] (0AP, 1 Edge) Start Missions with a +1 Hard token, Spend tokens of that stat to gain +2 Move and +2 Defense that round.
[Die Hard] (on first death, exchange all remaining Edge for HP & second wind)

Temporary Buffs
From S.A: +2 HP, +1 DEF, -1 Move | Mayhem Tokens: +1 Sharp/Move/Hard | Dance Fever: Breakin': +1 Hard Token
Rolled 9, 4 + 1 = 14 (2d10 + 1)

>1AP: Stun Recovery
>1AP: Dragon Kick Suit 1 West
>1AP: Use First Aid Kit on self

Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 6/12
Edge 8/8
Move 5(6)
Defense 13

Cool: 5(8) {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg + taunt, gain block 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
{Apprentice}: Melee Weapons Gain +1 Accuracy
{Dragon Kick}: 1ap attack for 2 dmg, +3 Crit

-Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
-Pistol [Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8]
-Fist [Dmg 2, Crit +1]
-{Dragon Kick}: [Dmg 2, +3 Crit]

-Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 defense, +1 Edge)
-First Aid Kit (3/4)
>HP is 9/12
Rolled 2, 3, 2 = 7 (3d10)


Name: Renjun
Type: Assassin

Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 5/7, Move 6+2, Defense 11, Crit on 6
Weapons: Jian (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance](1 AP 1/Turn) Block 1 and Counter 1), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5), Dragon Kick (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5, Super Crit on 9)

Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+3, Sharp 0+1, Weird 4

Skills: Visions of Death (0 AP, 1 Edge, Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.), Top 10 (1/chapter name and describe one of your criminal's top 10 favourite movies to reroll any die.), Apprentice (Melee weapons have +1 Accuracy), Dragon Kick (1 AP, Melee, Damage 2, crit chance +3), Advantage on next Race

Gear: Armor Vest (Armour 5/6) (Damage is dealt to Armor before HP. Armor blocks damage and is then removed)

Outfits: Custom Mask (+1 HP, +1 Move, Blue Bian Lian mask, Equipped), Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense),
Assets: Cell Phone, Chinese Language Bibles, Jewelry (Crucifix made of Gold and Jade), Cache of small crosses made of Gold and Jade, Artwork ("Sermon on the Mount" by Bloch)
Vehicles: "The White Magpie" (Van, 1/1/7, Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Nitrous, Sport Suspension), Barracuda (Speedboat, 2/1/3), "Quianlima" (Lancer Sport, 4/2/1, Engine Tuning, Nitrous)
Base: Dock Warehouse (Security x2, Workshop, Theatre x2, Bathroom, Kitchen)

Gang: The Heat City Knights (Weird 2 Hard 1, 5 totally sane people converted to Christ, Superstition)

Cash: $100450
Heat: 7
Wanted: 4
XP: 2

Yaju is a slow beast, just a couple of skilled fighters should be enough to overwhelm him. First though we need to clear out the riffraff in the front room here.

>1 AP: Move 3N, 2E
>1 AP: Quick Attack Tie directly South of me (First 2 rolls, +3 to Hit from Apprentice + TT)
>1 AP: Quick Attack Tie directly West of Rico with my pistol (3rd roll, +3 to Hit from Apprentice + TT) If tie is dead, put up block stance instead
Pistol quick attack should only get +2 to hit not +3
Rolled 5 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

Name: Tony Vespucci
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 3/10 Edge 14/15 Move 6, Defence 4, Crit on 5 and above
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0-1, Sharp 5+1+2, Weird 4

Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), SMG (Range 10, Damage 3, Ammo 3/15, +1 crit range, Autofire)
Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4 uses)
Special Talent: Taser (4/4 uses)
Special talent: Pack Alpha (names: Carlo and Diego)
Special Talent: Electrify
Special Talent: Snake Eye
bulletproof suit: +1 edge, +1 defense

>Mirage (Racing Tires + Suspension): Carissima

>1 Edge: Quick Heal
>1 Edge: Move 3W, S
>1 Edge: tell the boys to fucking shoot Akai
>1 Edge: call a pizza for Horace
>3 AP: 3 Quick Shots on that bitch Akai

Rolling hard
Rolled 9, 4, 2 = 15 (3d10)

Rolling to shoot
>1AP: Stand up
>1AP: Use FAK
>1AP: Move SE, S, E
>1 Edge: Fire Pistol at Yaju
>1 Edge: Stance

Name: Mizuchi
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 7/8, Edge 2/7+1, Move 6, Defense 8+1, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 2, Cool 4, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), Raijin (Melee, Damage 4, [Stance], 1/1 Per Job [Stormdance] +1 DMG and +1 Stun for one turn)
Gear: First Aid Kit (0/4 Uses), Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defense, +1 Edge)
Money: $222,243
Tokens: Sharp
Special Talent: Flash Step, Agility, Flurry of Blows, Furious Focus
Assets: Katana Coupe w/ Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous [Speed 2+1, Handling 1+1, Size 3], Movie Collection (Anime), Loud Apartment, Blue Cassette, Tower Apartment (w/ The Works & Security+), Hi-Fi Stereo, Cell Phone, Manga, Designer Shades, Rare Weapons, Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts, +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition)
Heat: 12
Wanted Level: 3
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Roll eaten by failed captcha on first post, apologies.
Rolled 6, 4, 10 = 20 (3d10)

>Move 1NE,3N
>Melee Oni (Crit 6, CritDMG+1, Dmg4)
>Shoot Akai (Crit 7, Dmg2)

Name: Rainfall
Class: Assassin[Lv7]
HP[9/9] Edge[8/8] Move 6
Defense 10(9+1) Crit 6
Cool:5(4+1) Sharp:1 Hard:2(1+1) Weird:4
*Skills:(Flash Step)(Die Hard)(Top Ten)(Furious Focus)(Hardliner)

*Weapons:Blood Katana(Dmg4,Block1,CDmg+1,1stCritHeal+1)
*Gear:Armor Vest(Armor [6/6])
*Clothing:Bulletproof Suit(Def+1,Edge+1)
Rolled 8, 7, 8, 1, 9, 4, 5, 9, 5, 6, 7 = 69 (11d10)

Name: Riptide
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP: 13/14 (10+1+3) | Edge: 5/7 | Move: 7 (6+1) | Defence 4 | Crit on 6+
Hard: 6 (3+3) | Cool: 0 | Sharp: 1 | Weird: 4
[Hurting Other People]
[Ruiner] (1 AP, 1 Edge)
[Apprentice]: +1 Acc to Melee Weapons | [Unstoppable] (0 AP, 1 Edge)
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Riptide and Napps attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate (Napps) won't expend an action.
[People's Champ]
[Pistol]: Range 10, DMG 2, Ammo 4/8;
[Fists]: Melee, DMG 2, Crit +1 (On 5+);
[Shotgun]: Range 10, DMG 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach.
[Armour Vest]: Armour 0/6
[Custom Mask]: +1 HP, +1 Move (Currently Equipped)


"D'accord, Kindoki!"

>1AP: Move 3E, 4N (Vault on Van)
>1AP: Shoot Akai (Shotgun, Quick Attack)
>1AP: Buttstroke Akai (Melee, Quick Attack)
>1 Edge: Shoot Akai (Shotgun, Quick Attack)
>1 Edge: Pistol-Whip Akai (Melee, Quick Attack)
>[Extreme Team] (0 AP, 1 Edge): "Napps! Shred 'Em!",Co-ord Attack on Akai, Riptide: Shotgun
Rolled 6, 6 + 1 = 13 (2d10 + 1)

>>6018387 | >>6016498 | >>6014577
As Riptide unleashes a string of fists and bullets on the swordwielder, Napps slips in with another swing of the chainsaw.
>[FREE, -1 Ammo, Extreme Team (Riptide)] Quick attack w/Chainsaw on Akai
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Keep pushing forward. Things are going good. I mean, Ramirez almost died, but that's normal.
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With a blinding rush of speed, Akai cuts her way through the neon-lit arcade, hacking and slashing. Some of her targets are caught off guard, others are prepared for something like this and manage to counter-slice before she backs off. By the time she's burned through her attack she's lost her stomach for the fight, along with most of her blood. The red trail leading out the door is pretty telling as to what kind of shape she's in. Go after her and capture her for information, finish her off to sate your thirst for blood, or ignore it because you've still got shit to do and you're on a timer? Your call.

Meanwhile over in the garden reception, Jackal finds out that Yaju considers going through doors optional. The others find out what it's like to be a training dummy for a sumo wrestler.

You know what would help all those bullet grazes and bruised bones and burns and stab wounds? Pizza. Everything's easier to deal with when you've got pizza.

Turn 5 begins.
Rolled 10, 3, 8 = 21 (3d10)

Name: Fresco
Type: Operator
Stats: HP: 4/8, Armor 0, Edge 3/8, Move 6, Defense 10, Crit on 5, Supercrit on 9[6], Heat 2
Weapons: DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 3/6)
Factor: Hard 0, Cool 4+2, Sharp 2, Weird 4+2
Special Talent: Deadeye: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Attack with +3 accuracy, +3 crit rate, and +1 crit damage
Lightning Reload: 1/Turn reload for 0 AP
Oh Yeah!: Fuck you, roll +weird for a cool entrance
Moonlighter: Gain a 3rd Sidejob. Can use this 3rd job to reroll a Side Job roll.
Furious Focus: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 edge, gain 1 edge.
Dance Fever Disco: (0 AP, 0 Edge) Gain +1 Wtoken at start of mission. Spend WTokens to gain +2 Move and Def for that round.
Drug Kit: (1 AP, 2/2 Uses) Take 1 damage to gain ++2 to a stat for 3 turns.
Custom Mask: +1 HP & +1 Move

>Move West 6 (Vault, 1st die, +6) [1 AP]
>Move SW1, W3, N2 [1 Edge]
>Deadeye closest Tie (2nd die +3) [1 Edge]
>Normal shoot closest Tie (3rd die, +0) [1 AP]
>Lightning Reload
>Take Cover [1 Edge]
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Rolled 2, 4, 4, 1, 5, 9 = 25 (6d10)

Hard 0[1] - HP [7/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6[5]
Sharp 0 - Edge 3/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 4, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - [BUSTED]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]


A pizza? For Horace? Must be for her, but she doesn't remember ordering any pizza... Must be the perks of being a shareholder in Tony's Sushizza scheme. Time to find out what sushi is...

"Hold yer horses a second, Tojo. I'll be back 'fore ya can say 'Japanese sword'."

>Move 1S, 2SE, 3S, 1SE (Gotta eat the stun so I can eat the 'za)
>Try some of this... Sushizza stuff. Might as well since I own a few establishments, right?
>[1 Edge] Move 1N, 1E, 2N, 3NW, 1W
- Move 1W, 1NE, 1W, 1NE, 1NW; Ruin Knocked Down Knucklehead with the Highlander
- Move 5W; Ruin Cloud Combatant with the Highlander
>Move 1S, 1W, 1SE, 1W, 1SW; Ruin Blockhead Butcher with the Highlander
Rolled 10, 3 = 13 (2d10)

>1x Deadeye at remaining Tie [1 Edge]
> Reload [-1 AP]
>Deadeye Akai out of her Misery [1 Edge]
>Move W, 5x NW, 3x W [-2 AP]

Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 7/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 1/6)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade), Ticket
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
*DMR Ammo should be 2/3. my bad.
Rolled 9, 7, 8, 3, 5, 8, 10, 2 = 52 (8d10)

>1 Edge: Inspire Rico
>1 Edge: Stand up
>1 Edge: Move 1S, 1SE, 1E, 1N
>2AP: Auto Yaju with AR, 4 shots, empty clip
>1 Edge: Reload
>1 AP, 1 Edge: Auto Yaju with AR, 4 more shots, empty second clip

"Ugh. Stend up! Ze fat man must die!"

Name: Friedrich
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 2/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 0/12. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Armor 2)
Medic Bag (1 AP, 0 use)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
(AR Ammo is 0/8)
Rolled 8, 6 + 2 = 16 (2d10 + 2)

"Yep, getting up getting up! Keep him busy, I'm going to get sorted out and we move up."

>Inspired! +1 AP, +1 Move, recover from [Knockdown] and stand up.
>1ap: Fire Pistol at Yaju (+2 hit TT)
>1ap: Fire Pistol at Yaju (+2 hit TT)
>1ap: Move 1SE, 1E, 1NE, 4N, 1E
>1ap: Use Medic Bag to heal to full and remove [Burn]

Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 12/12
Edge 8/8
Move 5(6)
Defense 13

Cool: 5(8) {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg + taunt, gain block 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
{Apprentice}: Melee Weapons Gain +1 Accuracy
{Dragon Kick}: 1ap attack for 2 dmg, +3 Crit

-Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
-Pistol [Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 2/8]
-Fist [Dmg 2, Crit +1]
-{Dragon Kick}: [Dmg 2, +3 Crit]

-Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 defense, +1 Edge)
-First Aid Kit (3/4)
You can't spend Edge for the same kind of action two times. This includes skill activations. So you can only use Deadeye once per turn.
Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 5/6, Edge 6/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 3/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $237 658
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

>1 AP: [Move] 2 Northwest, 2 West, 1 Northwest, 1 North
>1 AP: [Quick Heal] Fresco
>1 AP: [Move] 4 North, 1 West

"Let her go!" Nishina calls as Akai leaves, the woman's blood still dripping from her ivory-hilted katana. Let alone what Napps' chainsaw had done. "She is no threat to us anymore." She glances across everyone, then double-takes at the enormous black man drenched in blood.

She stares at him for a moment longer, then settles herself down. "There's a medicine bag in the hallway, I believe. You should go and find it."

With that she moves, delving deeper into the Yakuza lair, slipping a wounded man a bandage and painkiller on her way past.
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Top 10 Reroll

Time to try again. To paraphrase from a certain movie, hokey religions and ancient weapons were no match for a good gun at your side. As long as you didn't have stormtrooper marksmanship....
Rolled 6 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

>Name: Heckler
>Type: Enforcer
>Stats: HP 6/10, Edge 3/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
>Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
>Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 0/4, Auto),
>Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. If they are knocked down, they stand up.)
>Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
>Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
>Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
>EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
>Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
>Top 10 (Reroll a die) (Used)
>GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
>Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
>Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (1 Uses)
>Cash: $1747377
>Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
>Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>TT from Badger (+2 Aim, +1 Move)
>1 Edge - Call In Svetlana to shoot the Yokai in front of Ramirez
>1 Edge - Inspire Ramirez
>1 AP - Reload
>1 AP - Move 2 NE, 1 N (Vaulting roll)
>1 AP - Suppressive fire doorway 9W, 1SW of new position

"Silver Bullet, this is Provoker. Scarred man is tangoing with death, can you deal with the dance partner?" Heckler says as he ejects another empty magazine, vaulting the cover piece to land above some cowering civilians. As he moves into cover, he doesn't notice whether the shots coming through the smoke have hit him, as he begins pouring lead to suppress the incoming attacks. "Ramirez, Tony's pizza's arrived. Go grab some to eat." Heckler shouts as over the sounds of his gun's reports.
Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 7/13, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 0/12, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard (Used), Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x1
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $2,145,202
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Loud Apartment, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter
Jackhammer Shotgun
Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Red Disk, Blue Disk, Locker Key
Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy)

>[1AP] Move 3E, 1SE
>[1AP] Eat a slice of pizza (+2hp)
>[1AP] Eat a slice of pizza (+2hp)
>[1AP] Eat a slice of pizza (+2hp)

"Got it, will commence pizza eating." Like any sane soldier on the brink of death, Ramirez dives straight for the pizza box and starts scarfing down slices. Ah yeah, he can feel those bruises and broken bones healing already.
Rolled 6, 6, 2 = 14 (3d10)


Name: Renjun
Type: Assassin

Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 5/7, Move 6+2, Defense 11, Crit on 6
Weapons: Jian (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance](1 AP 1/Turn) Block 1 and Counter 1), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5), Dragon Kick (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5, Super Crit on 9)

Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+3, Sharp 0+1, Weird 4

Skills: Visions of Death (0 AP, 1 Edge, Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.), Top 10 (1/chapter name and describe one of your criminal's top 10 favourite movies to reroll any die.), Apprentice (Melee weapons have +1 Accuracy), Dragon Kick (1 AP, Melee, Damage 2, crit chance +3), Advantage on next Race

Gear: Armor Vest (Armour 1/6) (Damage is dealt to Armor before HP. Armor blocks damage and is then removed)

Outfits: Custom Mask (+1 HP, +1 Move, Blue Bian Lian mask, Equipped), Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense),
Assets: Cell Phone, Chinese Language Bibles, Jewelry (Crucifix made of Gold and Jade), Cache of small crosses made of Gold and Jade, Artwork ("Sermon on the Mount" by Bloch)
Vehicles: "The White Magpie" (Van, 1/1/7, Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Nitrous, Sport Suspension), Barracuda (Speedboat, 2/1/3), "Quianlima" (Lancer Sport, 4/2/1, Engine Tuning, Nitrous)
Base: Dock Warehouse (Security x2, Workshop, Theatre x2, Bathroom, Kitchen)

Gang: The Heat City Knights (Weird 2 Hard 1, 5 totally sane people converted to Christ, Superstition)

Cash: $100450
Heat: 7
Wanted: 4
XP: 2

This Kitsune harlot is really starting to get on Renjun's nerves, there is a strong tempation to charge at her and liberate her head from the rest of her body while still aflame, but one cannot let wrath win, Renjun needs to be strategic, every action taken with clarity and purpose. Yaju is the real threat here anyway and his death may seriously demoralise the crowd of suits about to come piling in here.

>2 AP: Put out the flames
>1 AP: Quick attack the tattoo 1N with my Jian (First 2 rolls) (+3 to hit from TT + Apprentice)
>1 Edge: Move 6E
>1 Edge: Quick attack Yaju with pistol (3rd roll) (+2 to hit from TT, +1 Crit Damage from Visions)
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Ben follows the fleeing Akai with his eyes for second, but ultimately swings his head back towards the door leading deeper into the building. Nishina is right, there are more important things.

>2Ap: Move 7W 2NW N 2W NW 2N W
>1Ap: Shoot the Sumi next to Seline

Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8 (+1 hat), Edge 5/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Stance), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 2/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit(3/4)
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
Rolled 3 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

" Hey hotshot, you've got a little . . . Red. On your shirt. You good? " Kit throws a high five.

" Got a knack for timing, I was jus hoping an Amazon with a sword brought up my batting average! "

" Hey, lovebirds! Duck! "

>[0AP] Turn starts, Block ends, Electrify Ends, Counter Ends.
>[1AP] Move 4S
>[1AP] (Throw Furniture) Grab what is clearly an elaborate serving tray 1NW and kick it down 3S, 1E, to collide with the Sumi 3S and Sumi 3S, 1E
>[1AP] Pivot and face 1E. Put hands up in a boxer's stance. Lock eyes with the Sumi. Smile. Does he *really* want to to do this? Has he thought about the consequences? Come on, buddy. Just give up, lie down, and close your eyes. It's a lot less painful than the alternative. [Offer the Sumi a way out, if he crawls under a table and stops fighting] [Hard+4 or Weird6+]

#Kit de Guerre

Hp 11/12 Edge 7/10 Def 4 Crit 8 [Crit 5+ SC 10+]
Heat 8 Wanted 2
Hard 2+2 Cool 0 Sharp 3+1 Weird 4+2 Move 5+2
!Electrify, !Spook, !Infiltrate, !RC Bomb, !Taser [0/4]
!Apprentice, !Furious Focus, !Havana Hardline
!Some Bark, More Bite [Unstoppable, Grappler]
!Dad's Shades [Shootdodge] + [Lucha Loco, +1D/C on vault fists]
!Breathminths [+2 Hard, 2Turns]

2x Light Blue Pens
2x Pistols D2, 4/12
Fist: 2D, +1C, +1A
Kit's Breathmints [Drugs 2x]
Vest: Armor [6]
Rolled 3, 9, 5 = 17 (3d10)

>I am in fact also throwing a serving tray, which implies I do need to roll 2d10.

>I will think about movie night, with dad, and Small Trouble in Big China, a film about high flying antics, seven demon bags and action heroes. That rerolls the 1d10 up there, and so it's 2d10 for Throw Furniture, 1d10 for a check.
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d10 + 3)


Ninja will act like a coward upon seeing combat and walk into the nearest room

Type: Brain
HP 7[Bleeding 2]
Edge 8
Move 5[4]
Defence 5
Crit 8
Stats: Cool 1 Sharp 3 Hard 0 Weird 2
Weapons: Gym Bag, Pistol, Fists
Gear: First Aid Kit, Smoke Grenade, Frag Grenade
Special Talent: Infiltrator

>AP 1 [Improvise] attempting to keep his cover as a scared worker Sharp check
>AP 2 Open door
>AP 3 Move W W S
Rolled 4, 9, 5, 10, 7, 2, 8, 7, 6, 9 = 67 (10d10)

First in the process of grief was denial. Badger had gotten through that after attempting to reanimated his daughter. Which left the old man smack dab into anger. He stared down the massive, tattooed man that had just punched him, glowering at him through his mask's optics. That's where he remembered the words of one of his opponents, back when he had competed in Armageddon. How did it go again? "Anger is power. Channel it."

>TT from Heckler
>Point blank quick shot with the ACR, target the tattoo guy (dmg 4, acc +3, crits on +9)
>Point blank quick shot with the ACR, target the tattoo guy (dmg 4, acc +3 crits on +9)
>Unstoppable (gain 1 block, 1 armor, 1 rage) (1 edge)
>Reload ACR
>Raging Demon (2 Edge) Move 3E 2NE then triple attack Yaju with fists (rage 1 -> dmg3, crit dmg +1, crits on +8, acc +2)

Name: Honey Badger
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP:9/13 Edge:1/9 Move:5 Defense:6 Crit on 9+
Factors: Cool:0+1 Sharp:4 Hard:4+1 Weird:1
Weapons: Pistol (range 10, dmg2, 2/8 ammo)
ACR (range 20, dmg4, 4/8 ammo, auto, +1 accuracy)
Fists (Melee, dmg2, crit +1)
Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 move)
Gear: Frag Grenades (1/3, Area 2, 3Ex damage)
Talent: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Steadfast, Raging Demon, Lena's Lover, Call Out, Apprentice, Top Ten (0/1), White Lightning, Unstoppable, God Gamer (1/1)
>Activate God Gamer, bump up that 7 on the first Raging Demon fist strike to an 8, turning it into a crit.
>Make that movement 3E 2SE
Rolled 7 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

Name: D. Spenser
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 8/8 (9/9 from suit), Move 5, Defense 5, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 1, Cool 1, Sharp 2, Weird 3, Heat 0, Wanted 1
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit +1)
Special Talent: Infiltration
Outfit: Two Piece Suit (+1 Edge)
Gear: Gym Bag: Ammo Bag (1 AP, 1 Uses), Medic Bag (1 AP, 1 Uses), Armor Vest
Cash: $4180
Assets: Mastodon, Secure Swamp Shack

It is odd being an infiltrator. All the security in the world, cameras and keys to keep people out, and yet the easiest thing to get in. You just have to ask someone to hold the door while carrying a coffee and it all falls away. Getting your gear in as well? Just throw it on top of something someone else is struggling with and it slips right past. Now, it's just a matter of setting things up so your crew can get a refresher before heading further in.
Having made my way so far unnoticed, I began to set up both stations for Health and Ammo in the Left Office by the central hallway. I had all the time I wanted, seeing as there were a few very loud and aggressive . I think I heard something collide and wreck the room next to me, so this was probably the best time to finish up my prep work. I was fairly certain I had noticed one of my senior coworkers start work in the room next door, so I should be able to help Blackjack pincer anyone in the next hallway.

>AP Use for turn:
>Deploy Medic Bag, Deploy Ammo Bag, interact with the north door and peek into the next room.

Room 2 to the left of Blackjack.
Rolled 7, 1, 6, 1, 2, 8, 8, 6, 4, 1, 8, 6 = 58 (12d10)

>AP1 Get Up
>AP1 Move: N x2, W x2
>AP1 Vault Attack: Yaju with Fist (Rolls 1-2) [crit on 8]
>Edge 1 Smash: Yaju against cover (Rolls 3-4)
>Edge 2 Autofire: SMG Against Yaju 4 shots (Rolls 5-12)[crit on 8]

Had Jackal not seen the mountain of an man running her down and the wall also it would have been easy to think she had been run over. Then again considering the size of the man in question maybe vehicular laws would apply all things considering. Well no time to sit on ones ass the current goal was very clear indeed.
"Hey jackass no-one runs Jackal over and ignores her!"

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 11/14, Edge 6/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2-1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/15 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
Rolled 5, 7 = 12 (2d10)

>Move W N N E
>Fire PCX at Suit in pink car to S
>Lightning Reload
>Fire PCX at other suit in pink car to S

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (1/4->3/0) [max 4/8]
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 7/7 + (6/6 Armor)
Edge: 7/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
correction to move: W N E, not W N N E
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Blackjack's get up
pls roll for weird to give Ramirez a smooth shot of sake and kiss
tell him you remember when he used to cradle and sing softly to get you to sleep
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>3AP: [Move] E, 2N, 6W, 3NW, N, NW

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: Gym Bag
Secondary Weapon: Pistol (4/12)
Skill: RC Bomb (2/2), Top 10 (0/1), Furious Focus, God Gamer (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (7/12)
Cash: $608,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG, Blue Marker
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
HP: 4/7
Edge: 11/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
Rolled 2, 4, 2, 5 = 13 (4d10)

HP 12/13 Edge 9/10
Move 6, Def 6, Crit 9+
Cool 1 / Sharp 2 (+2) / Hard 4 (+1) / Weird 1
Heat 10 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and heal 5 Edge) SPENT
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
Unstoppable (0 AP 1 Edge, +1 Armor, Rage, Block; remove debuffs and conditions)
Hardliner (+1 Hard token/mission, spend H.T. to gain breach on move)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll) SPENT
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger")
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result) SPENT
Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear)
Shotgun (Rng 10, Dmg 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/12)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
Armor Vest (6 armor, doesn't stack)
Frag Grenades (Frag Out: 2/3, Throw, Area 2, 3 Damage, Breach)

>Steadfast (1 AP, 1 Edge)
>Unstoppable (1 Edge)
>Shove Sumi S into Sumi SE (1 AP, 2 dice, Apprentice)
>Aimed Shot Shotgun Sumi SE (1 AP, 1 Edge, 2 dice, crit on 8+)

"Numbs the nerves and shocks the system."
Just another drug, another addiction to balance while teetering on the edge. Not unlike choosing to stay in this life to begin with...
...when you have a way out right there, in front of you. But it's hard to give up on the danger and the thrills and the greed and the bloodlust and the violence: what kept you alive when the world around you was nothing but death.
To let go you have to tear down the wall you built to keep you safe without realizing it was a prison all along.
A brick at a time.
Rolled 6, 5, 4, 10, 7, 3, 9, 4, 6 = 54 (9d10)

Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 0/10
Move 5+2
Defense 12
Crit on 9+

Cool: 5+3
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SER, 15, Overdrive)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 2/6
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 2/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit Chance +1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag, Molotov Cocktails (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (1 AP, 4 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.
Molotov Cocktails (2 Uses): Thrown, Area 1, Duration 2. Sets the tiles on fire, and anyone affected takes one damage and two burn.

> 1 Edge: Fire Up! (+Block, Crit Chance, Damage)
> 1 Edge: Curb Stomp the Sumi East of me. (2d10+3)
> 2 AP: Fire DMR twice at the closest living Sumi, prioritising the one next to me. (Rolling two dice, as I don’t think the one adjacent is still alive…. I hope. If I’m wrong, please add extra rolls as appropriate. Thank you! (2d10+2)
> 1 AP, Lightning Reload, 1 Edge: Shoot the Oni SW of me twice with the DMR, straight through the wall. (4d10+2)
> 1 Edge: Throw a Molotov cocktail 1SW, 5W, again leaning out of the doorway. (1d10)

Masters of the blade, pummelled to death in seedy corridors with fist and feet and stocks…

Perhaps these noble lords and ladies would compose poetry, about this bitter irony.

If we weren’t cleaning their viscera off our boots, at least.
Frowning, she punts the bottle away red stained soles, mind already drifting after the latest explosion of reflexive violence.

….one flask of potent drink seemed an absurdly petty thing, in the face of tempestuous carnage. Plus, he held it… very well, actually.

‘….just don’t take it into the house.’
Mizuchi pulls himself up and lends himself into downing the sumo wrestler from a distance. This was turning inconvenient. His kit was empty and he was hurting. He couldn't get a clean shot through the door, so resolved to fire if the man charged through his line of sight again.
>1AP: Stand
>1AP: Move 2W
>1AP: React pistol shot

Name: Mizuchi
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 4/8, Edge 2/7+1, Move 6, Defense 8+1, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 2, Cool 4, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 2/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), Raijin (Melee, Damage 4, [Stance], 1/1 Per Job [Stormdance] +1 DMG and +1 Stun for one turn)
Gear: First Aid Kit (0/4 Uses), Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defense, +1 Edge)
Money: $222,243
Tokens: Sharp
Special Talent: Flash Step, Agility, Flurry of Blows, Furious Focus
Assets: Katana Coupe w/ Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous [Speed 2+1, Handling 1+1, Size 3], Movie Collection (Anime), Loud Apartment, Blue Cassette, Tower Apartment (w/ The Works & Security+), Hi-Fi Stereo, Cell Phone, Manga, Designer Shades, Rare Weapons, Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts, +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition)
Heat: 12
Wanted Level: 3
" Your datenights SUCK you should KISS ALREADY

also i thought the hit was next week you're all early right? i'm not late you're early"
Name: Blackjack
Type: Assassin
HP 6/6
Edge 5/6
Move 6
Defense 8+2

Cool: 4+1
Sharp: 2
Hard: 0
Weird: 4

Flash Step (0 AP, 1 Edge.): Target an enemy within (Move) spaces. Move behind them, and make any attack action. The first reaction shot misses, other shots have disadvantage.
Infiltration: At the start of a mission, you may choose to not deploy. At any time, either you or the GM may deploy you in the right spot for the job, with the right tools, with or without an explanation. When this happens, roll Weird.
Agility: Pass through enemies. Gain advantage to Vault, jump, or Climb.
Visions of Death: (0AP, 1 Edge) Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 Crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.
Flurry of Blows: (1AP, 1 Edge) Attack with main weapon, pistol, and fists, in any order. You can move up to 3 tiles before each attack.
Throwing Knives: (1 AP, 1/3 uses): Attack 3 enemies within Range 10 for 2 damage.
[Top 10]: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favorite movies to reroll any die.
[Lady's Favor: Lena]- (0AP, 0 Edge), spend during a mission before rolling any d10 to make the final result a 10.

Moonshadow- DMG 3, +1 Defense, [Stance]. 2/mission, consecutive rounds only: [Phases of the Moon] (1 AP, 1 Edge): Attack 3 enemies within 3 spaces.
Wakizashi- DMG 2, +1 Crit, when [Stance] counter activates, also attack with this weapon.
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1
First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 3/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.

Bulletproof Suit: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
+Living Room
+Security x2
+Rare Weapon (Wyatt Earp's Revolver)

Motorbike (Rebel) [2/1/0]
Motorbike (Muramasa) [3/3/0]
Speedboat (Barracuda [2/1/3]
Heat 14
Cash: $1,374,783 USD ($390,958 of which is in Cuban Pesos and British Pound Sterling)

Uncrossing her legs as she stood from a sitting position, Jackie smiled at the other girls as she took off the cushions from the pleather L-couch that they were sitting on, revealing a duffel bag with their gear within. "Well girls, it's been a pleasure." Her barely restrained anger only seemed to frighten the other women (well, those who spoke English, at least), doubly so when she pulled out Moonshadow and the waki-zashi from their scabbards, holding them in a white-knuckle grip. Shrugging on her bulletproof leisure suit jacket over the dress that she used to infiltrate the place, Jackie nodded at the one hostess that she knew for sure that spoke English as she slung her duffel bag across her back.

"Might want to start finding your way out of here, it's only going to get worse."

>Move 2W, 1SW, 1S, 2SE
>Move 4S, 1E, 1S
>[Edge] Use [Quick Heal] on Mizuchi

"Hey, Mizzy. Big guy did a number on you, huh?" Jackie pats Mizuchi on the shoulder, jabbing the blonde Japanophile with a needle full of morphine.
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Rolled 1 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

A spiraling dance of blood and steel greets the swordswoman atop the truck, as the revving of the chainsaw drowns out all other noise to Napps, his weapon quickly stained by blood.

And in the next moment - she's gone. A sharp cut across his back pierces through the armor, cutting past the leather and into his skin. A trigger reaction swings the saw into open air, but he glimpses someone fleeing through their entrance point. Napps doesn't need Nishina's call to give up - even with adrenaline pumping through his veins, he knows better than to run after someone faster than him, better than to run out with no backup.

Instead, he turns his sights to the backdoor, sided by burning arcade cabinets and blood-splattered security cameras. It's just another day of work.

>[1 AP] Move 2W, 3NW Vault over cover (+Cool)
>[1 AP] Move 1W, 1NW, 2N, 1NE
>[1 AP] React, Quick Attack, Pistol

Name: Napps - 4XP Thug
CSHW: 3, 2t, 7t, 1 = Def 8t | Edge 6/8t | HP 14t/16t | Crit on 9+ | Move 5t
Armor Vest (Armor 4/6 - absorbs X Dmg before breaking) | Serious Armor (Req 4 HARD, +2 HP, +1 Def, -1 Move)
Fists (Melee, 2 DMG, Crit Range +1) | Pistol (Range 10, 2 DMG, 4/8 Ammo) | [Primary] Chainsaw (Melee, DMG 0, Ammo 8->4/8, [Rev it Up!] (0 AP, 1 Edge, 1 Ammo) - Until the round's end, +1 Move, cannot use gear/other weapons, +6 Dmg, costs Ammo to use.
[Apprentice] All melee attacks gain +1 accuracy
[God Gamer] (1/mission, add +1 to a d10 roll, after it's been made)
[Top 10] (1/chapter, name & describe my character's favorite movie to reroll any die (Ex: "Reggie")
[Latin Beat] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Gain +2 Move and +2 Defense this round.
[White Lightning] - 1/Mission, spend 1 AP to knock yourself down and gain 5 Edge.
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge) Napps and Riptide attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate won't expend an action.
[Dance Fever: Breakin'] (0AP, 1 Edge) Start Missions with a +1 Hard token, Spend tokens of that stat to gain +2 Move and +2 Defense that round.
[Die Hard] (on first death, exchange all remaining Edge for HP & second wind)

Temporary Buffs
From S.A: +2 HP, +1 DEF, -1 Move | Mayhem Tokens: +1 Sharp/Move/Hard | Dance Fever: Breakin': +1 Hard Token
Name: Riptide
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP: 4/14 (10+1+3) | Edge: 3/7 | Move: 7 (6+1) | Defence 4 | Crit on 6+
Hard: 6 (3+3) | Cool: 0 | Sharp: 1 | Weird: 4
[Hurting Other People]
[Ruiner] (1 AP, 1 Edge)
[Apprentice]: +1 Acc to Melee Weapons | [Unstoppable] (0 AP, 1 Edge)
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Riptide and Napps attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate (Napps) won't expend an action.
[People's Champ]
[Pistol]: Range 10, DMG 2, Ammo 4/8;
[Fists]: Melee, DMG 2, Crit +1 (On 5+);
[Shotgun]: Range 10, DMG 4, Ammo 1/8, Breach.
[Armour Vest]: Armour 0/6
[Custom Mask]: +1 HP, +1 Move (Currently Equipped)


Riptide looks at Akai, then clutches his chest. When did he lose this much blood?
He briefly thinks he's hallucinating from blood loss, everyone around him look like animals in clothes. Then he realises that's how he always sees things. The blood is unusual, however.

"Good luck against Tokumei, Nishina-sama. He will feel the wrath of an Onryō today."

>1AP: Move 1W, 1NW, 3W, 2S
>1AP: Move 3S
>1AP: Use Medic Bag, [Full Heal]
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The new guy, aptly named D. Spenser, has created a nice little ammo and medical supply dump in one of the karaoke rooms, along with the stashed dead drop. There's plenty more bullets in here for everyone to continue the rampage. He peeks his head in through the door to his north to find half a dozen yokai still lounging at a private bar; they seem like they're about annoyed enough to go find out what's going on themselves. Fortunately, Spenser manages to keep up his act as a doofus karaoke employee and isn't suspected ... for now.

Ninja isn't so lucky to maintain his cover. He gets a glimpse of the eponymous sakura garden, just a glimpse of pink petals behind the fluttering red curtains. However, he's got more important business than appreciating mono no aware, specifically the angry Ink swordsman looking at him, flanked by two guys in suits with katanas.
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The wall weakened by the C4 explosion crumbles under Heckler's suppressive barrage. Yaju's still causing havoc and destruction, but he's bleeding bad and breathing heavy, almost out of gas. Akai is gone thanks to an underling driving her out of here. With her and her friends cleared out, the arcade team has a clear shot to link up with the group still battling in the back rooms of the sushi restaurant. Together they can make a push for the back offices, or hit the garden themselves. That's the beauty of America, you have the freedom to shoot who you like.

Turn 6 begins.
Rolled 9, 10, 2, 4 = 25 (4d10)

>1AP: Reload AR
>2AP: Empty another clip at Yaju

Name: Friedrich
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 2/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 0/4. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Armor 2)
Medic Bag (1 AP, 0 use)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
Rolled 6, 8, 4, 1, 1, 10 = 30 (6d10)

How did he know? /Did/ he know? The man—Riptide, she remembers suddenly, before wondering how she could've possibly forgotten—had always seemed to see more than he should, but... but there was no time to think about it. He was right. Whether alive or as the vengeful dead, she would see Mifune dead tonight.

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 5/6, Edge 6/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 3/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $237 658
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

1 AP: [Quick Strike] w/ Ivory Katana, prioritising the Yokai (1st and 2nd roll)
1 AP: [Quick Strike] w/ Ivory Katana, prioritising the Yokai (3rd and 4th roll)
1 AP: [Quick Strike] w/ Ivory Katana, prioritising the Yokai (5th and 6th roll)

"[Out of the way!]"
Rolled 10, 1, 2 = 13 (3d10)

Name: Fresco
Type: Operator
Stats: HP: 6/8, Armor 0, Edge 0/8, Move 6, Defense 10, Crit on 5, Supercrit on 7[5 DE], Heat 2
Weapons: DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 1/6)
Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/8)
Factor: Hard 0, Cool 4+2, Sharp 2, Weird [8] 4+2++2
Special Talent: Deadeye: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Attack with +3 accuracy, +3 crit rate, and +1 crit damage
Lightning Reload: 1/Turn reload for 0 AP
Oh Yeah!: Fuck you, roll +weird for a cool entrance
Moonlighter: Gain a 3rd Sidejob. Can use this 3rd job to reroll a Side Job roll.
Furious Focus: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 edge, gain 1 edge.
Dance Fever Disco: (0 AP, 0 Edge) Gain +1 Wtoken at start of mission. Spend WTokens to gain +2 Move and Def for that round.
Drug Kit: (1 AP, 1/2 Uses) Take 1 damage to gain ++2 to a stat for 3 turns.
Custom Mask: +1 HP & +1 Move

Getting patched up by a katana wielding hot chick after getting slashed across the back by another wasn't how Fresco expected things to go when he accepted the offer over the phone. But he was glad he did.

>Take drugs from +2 Weird [1 AP]
>Deadeye the Yokai by Seline & Chaser [1 Edge] (1st die, +3 hit, Supercrit on 5, Hypercrit on 10)
>Aimed Shot same Yokai (Pistol) [2 AP] (2nd die, +3 hit, Supercrit on 6)
>Move 1W, 3N [1 Edge]
>Quick Shot furthest enemy (DMR, Yokai or the Tie) [1 edge] (3rd die)
Rolled 3, 9 = 12 (2d10)

Name: Blackjack
Type: Assassin
HP 6/6
Edge 2/6
Move 6
Defense 8+2

Cool: 4+1
Sharp: 2
Hard: 0
Weird: 4

Flash Step (0 AP, 1 Edge.): Target an enemy within (Move) spaces. Move behind them, and make any attack action. The first reaction shot misses, other shots have disadvantage.
Infiltration: At the start of a mission, you may choose to not deploy. At any time, either you or the GM may deploy you in the right spot for the job, with the right tools, with or without an explanation. When this happens, roll Weird.
Agility: Pass through enemies. Gain advantage to Vault, jump, or Climb.
Visions of Death: (0AP, 1 Edge) Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 Crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.
Flurry of Blows: (1AP, 1 Edge) Attack with main weapon, pistol, and fists, in any order. You can move up to 3 tiles before each attack.
Throwing Knives: (1 AP, 1/3 uses): Attack 3 enemies within Range 10 for 2 damage.
[Top 10]: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favorite movies to reroll any die.
[Lady's Favor: Lena]- (0AP, 0 Edge), spend during a mission before rolling any d10 to make the final result a 10.

Moonshadow- DMG 3, +1 Defense, [Stance]. 2/mission, consecutive rounds only: [Phases of the Moon] (1 AP, 1 Edge): Attack 3 enemies within 3 spaces.
Wakizashi- DMG 2, +1 Crit, when [Stance] counter activates, also attack with this weapon.
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1
First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 2/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.

Bulletproof Suit: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
+Living Room
+Security x2
+Rare Weapon (Wyatt Earp's Revolver)

Motorbike (Rebel) [2/1/0]
Motorbike (Muramasa) [3/3/0]
Speedboat (Barracuda [2/1/3]
Heat 14
Cash: $1,374,783 USD ($390,958 of which is in Cuban Pesos and British Pound Sterling)

>[Quick Heal] Self
>[Visions of Death] Yaiju
>[Flash Step] Yaiju, Quick Attack, [Lady's Favor: Lena] Critical
>[Edge] Quick Attack Yaiju

Taking a deep, steadying breath, Jackie grips Moonshadow and her side-sword tightly, before flashing Mizuchi a smile and rushing forward. "Let's get the fat bastard, yeah?"
Rolled 4 (1d10)

>Move 10xW,S,4xW (Cool check for vaulting)

Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 7/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 2/3)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade), Ticket
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
Rolled 8, 3 = 11 (2d10)

Name: Riptide
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP: 14/14 (10+1+3) | Edge: 3/7 | Move: 7 (6+1) | Defence 4 | Crit on 6+
Hard: 6 (3+3) | Cool: 0 | Sharp: 1 | Weird: 4
[Hurting Other People]
[Ruiner] (1 AP, 1 Edge)
[Apprentice]: +1 Acc to Melee Weapons | [Unstoppable] (0 AP, 1 Edge)
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Riptide and Napps attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate (Napps) won't expend an action.
[People's Champ]
[Pistol]: Range 10, DMG 2, Ammo 4/8;
[Fists]: Melee, DMG 2, Crit +1 (On 5+);
[Shotgun]: Range 10, DMG 4, Ammo 1/8, Breach.
[Armour Vest]: Armour 0/6
[Custom Mask]: +1 HP, +1 Move (Currently Equipped)

Revenge has a very pungent smell, and a vivid colour. Like nettles, it is poisonous to those who harbour it, and venomous to the target of it.
Thorns that prickle even the owner, like an insidious version of a hedgehog.
With Riptide suturing his wounds then downing a bottle of painkillers, he moves. He's still covered in his own blood, greatly contrasting the neatness his Butler outfit conveys, but he can still move.

>1AP: Move 6W, 1SW
>1AP: Move 1W
>1AP: Punch Tie (Melee, Quick Attack)
Rolled 2, 10, 10, 1 = 23 (4d10)

Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 6/10, Edge 2/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 0/0, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. Remove a condition.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die) (Used)
GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (1 Uses)
Cash: $1747377
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>1 AP - Reload AR
>2 AP - Autofire Yaju (1st to 4th roll)
>1 Edge - Inspire Badger

With a flick of his rifle, Heckler ejects his magazine, quickly feeling his vest for his last magazine. Well tucked behind cover, he unload the full 30 rounds at the hulking Yakuza brute. "Come on, we got to move people. Gun's clicking."

Seeing the older enforcer get flung back into the burning pool of fire, Heckler is quick to call out. "I know you're old but now's not the time for a nap."
Rolled 8, 6 = 14 (2d10)

>1AP: Stance
>1AP: Move 4N NW (autovault)
>1AP: Stab Yokai next to Seline

Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8 (+1 hat), Edge 5/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Stance), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 1/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit(3/4)
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
Name: D. Spenser
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 8/8 (9/9 from suit), Move 5 (+1 from token for total of 6), Defense 5, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 1, Cool 1, Sharp 2, Weird 3, Heat 0, Wanted 1
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit +1)
Special Talent: Infiltration
Outfit: Two Piece Suit (+1 Edge)
Gear: Gym Bag: Ammo Bag (1 AP, 1 Uses), Medic Bag (1 AP, 1 Uses), Armor Vest
Cash: $4180
Assets: Mastodon, Secure Swamp Shack

Seeing as the hallway has been cleared, Spenser closes the door before exiting to the hallway and relays the information on enemy positions to the team. Seeing as he has more defensive capability and is still unsuspected, Spenser decides to scout a few more rooms.

AP Usage:
>Interact with Door to Close
>Move to other side of room (6 spaces)
>Interact with Door to Open
>Spend 1 edge to Move West and gain visuals on obscured hallway. Down to 7 Edge
Rolled 1 (1d10)

>AP1 Get Up
>AP1 Move: NW x4 (Roll 1 vault)
>AP1 Move: N x3, NW
>Edge1 Reload: SMG
>Edge 1 React: Quick Shot SMG

Again on her back after taking the human wrecking ball head on... again it was time to move on. Brawl in the lobby was not the goal after all. So over the table, past the big guy, through the room and past the poor lad who had their lights punched out Then a new magazine in and preparing for next charge.

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 10/14, Edge 3/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2-1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 0/5 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn, Ammo 2), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
Rolled 7, 1 = 8 (2d10)

Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 7/13, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 3/8, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard (Used), Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x0
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $2,145,202
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Loud Apartment, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter
Jackhammer Shotgun
Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Red Disk, Blue Disk, Locker Key
Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy)

>[1AP] Throw frag grenade 3SE (first roll).
>Reload Jackhammer Shotgun.
>Quick fire with (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy) at Yaju (second roll, +1 To Hit).

Back in the fight. Ramirez goes to keep their backs clear before reinforcements can interrupt.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

>Stand up
>Aimed Shot at Yaju

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (3/0->2/0) [max 4/8]
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 7/7 + (4/6 Armor)
Edge: 7/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
Rolled 4, 10 + 1 = 15 (2d10 + 1)

HP 12(+1)/13 Edge 6/10
Move 6, Def 6, Crit 9+
Cool 1 / Sharp 2 (+2) / Hard 4 (+1) / Weird 1
Heat 10 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and heal 5 Edge) SPENT
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
Unstoppable (0 AP 1 Edge, +1 Armor, Rage, Block; remove debuffs and conditions)
Hardliner (+1 Hard token/mission, spend H.T. to gain breach on move)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll) SPENT
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger")
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result) SPENT
Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear)
Shotgun (Rng 10, Dmg 4, Ammo 3/8, Breach)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/12)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
Armor Vest (6 armor, doesn't stack) SPENT
Frag Grenades (Frag Out: 2/3, Throw, Area 2, 3 Damage, Breach)

>Move 2W N4, 1N 1NW 4N (2AP, ends movement north of door)
>Step Out and Sparta Kick (Shove) Tie (1 AP, Apprentice)
Rolled 4, 7 + 2 = 13 (2d10 + 2)

Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 0/10
Move 5+2
Defense 12
Crit on 9+

Cool: 5+3
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SER, 15, Overdrive)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 3/6
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 2/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit Chance +1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag, Molotov Cocktails (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (1 AP, 4 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.
Molotov Cocktails (3 Uses): Thrown, Area 1, Duration 2. Sets the tiles on fire, and anyone affected takes one damage and two burn.

> (Focused Fury) Fire Up! +Block, +Crit, +Damage
> [Move] 1NW, 6N, 1NW, 2N, 1W, where the Tie Chaser just shoved used to be. (2 AP)
> [Shoot] the prone ink blade 1W of me with my DMR. (2d10+2, 5 Damage, Crit on 8+)
> [Lightning Reload]
Rolled 4, 7, 2, 6 = 19 (4d10)


Name: Renjun
Type: Assassin

Stats: HP 5/8, Edge 3/7, Move 6+2, Defense 11, Crit on 6
Weapons: Jian (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance](1 AP 1/Turn) Block 1 and Counter 1), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5), Dragon Kick (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5, Super Crit on 9)

Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+3, Sharp 0+1, Weird 4

Skills: Visions of Death (0 AP, 1 Edge, Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.), Top 10 (1/chapter name and describe one of your criminal's top 10 favourite movies to reroll any die.), Apprentice (Melee weapons have +1 Accuracy), Dragon Kick (1 AP, Melee, Damage 2, crit chance +3), Advantage on next Race

Gear: Armor Vest (Armour 1/6) (Damage is dealt to Armor before HP. Armor blocks damage and is then removed)

Outfits: Custom Mask (+1 HP, +1 Move, Blue Bian Lian mask, Equipped), Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense),
Assets: Cell Phone, Chinese Language Bibles, Jewelry (Crucifix made of Gold and Jade), Cache of small crosses made of Gold and Jade, Artwork ("Sermon on the Mount" by Bloch)
Vehicles: "The White Magpie" (Van, 1/1/7, Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Nitrous, Sport Suspension), Barracuda (Speedboat, 2/1/3), "Quianlima" (Lancer Sport, 4/2/1, Engine Tuning, Nitrous)
Base: Dock Warehouse (Security x2, Workshop, Theatre x2, Bathroom, Kitchen)

Gang: The Heat City Knights (Weird 2 Hard 1, 5 totally sane people converted to Christ, Superstition)

Cash: $100450
Heat: 7
Wanted: 4
XP: 2

Yaju clearly sensed the holy energy coming from Renjun and came to attack him head on, his punches sting but Renjun cannot back away from this fight now, especially with all his comrades in arms coming together to slay this beast. As Renjun prepares the killing blows he shouts "Yaju I will not allow you fill this world with evil for another moment!"

>1 AP: Enter Block Stance
>1 AP: Quick Attack Yaju (First 2 rolls) (+3 to hit from TT + Apprentice, +1 Crit Damage from Visions)
>1 AP, 1 Edge: Aimed Attack Yaju (Second 2 rolls) (+6 to hit from TT + Apprentice + Aim, +1 Crit Chance from Aim, +1 Crit Damage from Visions)
Rolled 8 + 3 (1d10 + 3)


Type: Brain
HP 7[Bleeding 2]
Edge 8
Move 5[4]
Defence 5
Crit 8
Stats: Cool 1 Sharp 3 Hard 0 Weird 2
Weapons: Gym Bag, Pistol, Fists
Gear: First Aid Kit, Smoke Grenade, Frag Grenade
Special Talent: Infiltrator

".....ahhh nuts"

Chow mein and Smoke grenades spills out of Ninja's pockets and he bolts out of the

>Edge 1 Drop smoke
>AP 1 Move S S S S
>Ap 2 Move S S S S
>AP 3 Move S S E
>Edge 1 Improvise. Sharp check. Booby trap the door with a frag grenade
>Edge 2 Slam the Door shut and lock it
>Edge 3 E E E E
>-Adjustment: I am supposed to be 1 West of the Medic Bag in the Hallway. Movement starts from there.
>1AP: Move 5W, 1NW
>1AP: Move 5W, 1N
>1AP: Move 1N, 1NW, 1N, 1NW, 2N

Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 12/12
Edge 8/8
Move 5(6)
Defense 13

Cool: 5(8) {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg + taunt, gain block 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
{Apprentice}: Melee Weapons Gain +1 Accuracy
{Dragon Kick}: 1ap attack for 2 dmg, +3 Crit

-Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
-Pistol [Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 2/8]
-Fist [Dmg 2, Crit +1]
-{Dragon Kick}: [Dmg 2, +3 Crit]

-Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 defense, +1 Edge)
-First Aid Kit (3/4)
One second, Badger was raining strikes on the massive man. The next, he was sailing through the air like a missile, into the pool of burning liquid next to the door. For the second time tonight, the old merc was on fire. He coughed, trying to catch his breath, only for a familiar voice to pierce through the roar of flames. That almost got a chuckle out of him. Usually, he was the one shouting encouragement at the kids. He looked away for five seconds, and those brats were now all grown up. He hopped to his feet. "Hah. You're right. I still got to show you kids some more tricks."

>Get up for free thanks to Heckler's inspire (and +1 move)
>Move 1NE 5N
>Extinguish self
>Consume White Lightning, go prone and regain 5 Edge

Name: Honey Badger
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP:6/13 Edge:6/9 Move:5 Defense:6 Crit on 9+
Factors: Cool:0+1 Sharp:4 Hard:4+1 Weird:1
Weapons: Pistol (range 10, dmg2, 2/8 ammo)
ACR (range 20, dmg4, 4/8 ammo, auto, +1 accuracy)
Fists (Melee, dmg2, crit +1)
Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 move)
Gear: Frag Grenades (1/3, Area 2, 3Ex damage)
Talent: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Steadfast, Raging Demon, Lena's Lover, Call Out, Apprentice, Top Ten (0/1), White Lightning (0/1), Unstoppable, God Gamer (0/1)
Oof Owwie Ouch his side banged against the table now he's got a boo-boo- Wait. Table. In his way? That gives him an idea...

>[1 AP, Move] 1W, 2N, 1NW, 1W
>[1 AP, Move] 2W, 3S
>[1 Edge, Interact] Move 1x1 light cover in front of W door, blocking it

Name: Napps - 4XP Thug
CSHW: 3, 2t, 7t, 1 = Def 8t | Edge 5/8t | HP 14t/16t | Crit on 9+ | Move 5t
Armor Vest (Armor 4/6 - absorbs X Dmg before breaking) | Serious Armor (Req 4 HARD, +2 HP, +1 Def, -1 Move)
Fists (Melee, 2 DMG, Crit Range +1) | Pistol (Range 10, 2 DMG, 4/8 Ammo) | [Primary] Chainsaw (Melee, DMG 0, Ammo 8->4/8, [Rev it Up!] (0 AP, 1 Edge, 1 Ammo) - Until the round's end, +1 Move, cannot use gear/other weapons, +6 Dmg, costs Ammo to use.
[Apprentice] All melee attacks gain +1 accuracy
[God Gamer] (1/mission, add +1 to a d10 roll, after it's been made)
[Top 10] (1/chapter, name & describe my character's favorite movie to reroll any die (Ex: "Reggie")
[Latin Beat] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Gain +2 Move and +2 Defense this round.
[White Lightning] - 1/Mission, spend 1 AP to knock yourself down and gain 5 Edge.
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge) Napps and Riptide attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate won't expend an action.
[Dance Fever: Breakin'] (0AP, 1 Edge) Start Missions with a +1 Hard token, Spend tokens of that stat to gain +2 Move and +2 Defense that round.
[Die Hard] (on first death, exchange all remaining Edge for HP & second wind)

Temporary Buffs
From S.A: +2 HP, +1 DEF, -1 Move | Mayhem Tokens: +1 Sharp/Move/Hard | Dance Fever: Breakin': +1 Hard Token
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87 KB
Rolled 7, 1, 10, 2, 5, 10, 6, 4 = 45 (8d10)

Hard 0[1] - HP [7/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6[5]
Sharp 0 - Edge 2/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 4, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - [BUSTED]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]


An Amazon, huh? Horace liked the sound of that. She told Kit she should see the other guy and matched her high five. Aces high, aces low, now get out there and show them what you can do, she said.

The warrior almost let the funny little woman's impressive display of furniture throwing distract her from the skinny little sword coming at her. That wouldn't do. She'd demonstrate the superiority of her own blade's deadly craftsmanship.

>Quick Attack the Small Swordswoman with the Highlander
>Quick Attack the Small Swordswoman with the Highlander
>Quick Attack the Small Swordswoman with the Highlander
>[1 Edge] Quick Attack the Small Swordswoman with the Highlander
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Name: Tony Vespucci
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 6/10 Edge 10/15 Move 6, Defence 4, Crit on 5 and above
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0-1, Sharp 5+1+2, Weird 4

Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), SMG (Range 10, Damage 3, Ammo 0/15, +1 crit range, Autofire)
Gear: First Aid Kit (2/4 uses)
Special Talent: Taser (4/4 uses)
Special talent: Pack Alpha (names: Carlo and Diego)
Special Talent: Electrify
Special Talent: Snake Eye
bulletproof suit: +1 edge, +1 defense

>Mirage (Racing Tires + Suspension): Carissima

>move E, N, 4E
>1AP, 1 Edge aimed shot at the guy hiding behind a car to the north
>1 Edge: tell the boys to go help out to the west

1st roll is shot, 2nd roll is lads
Rolled 7 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

>1AP: [Move] 1W, 4S
>1AP: [Move] 1S
>1AP: Heal w/ medic bag

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: Gym Bag
Secondary Weapon: Pistol (4/12)
Skill: RC Bomb (2/2), Top 10 (0/1), Furious Focus, God Gamer (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (7/12)
Cash: $608,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG, Blue Marker
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
HP: 4/7
Edge: 11/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
Rolled 3, 2, 6, 5 = 16 (4d10)

Mizuchi sprints in, seeking blood as well as to draw fire off of the injured Ramirez. He'd wasted too much time getting kicked around down here.
>1 AP: Move 6W
>1 AP: Move 1NW, 5W
>1 AP: Move 3W, 1NW
>1 Edge: Flash Step the Yokai in cover and overwatching in the bottom left corner
>1 Edge: Furry of Blows the same Yokai

Name: Mizuchi
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 7/8, Edge 0/7+1, Move 6, Defense 8+1, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 2, Cool 4, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 2/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), Raijin (Melee, Damage 4, [Stance], 1/1 Per Job [Stormdance] +1 DMG and +1 Stun for one turn)
Gear: First Aid Kit (0/4 Uses), Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defense, +1 Edge)
Money: $222,243
Tokens: Sharp
Special Talent: Flash Step, Agility, Flurry of Blows, Furious Focus
Assets: Katana Coupe w/ Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous [Speed 2+1, Handling 1+1, Size 3], Movie Collection (Anime), Loud Apartment, Blue Cassette, Tower Apartment (w/ The Works & Security+), Hi-Fi Stereo, Cell Phone, Manga, Designer Shades, Rare Weapons, Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts, +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition)
Heat: 12
Wanted Level: 3
>Should actually be two more sets of dice, forgot advantage.
Rolled 1, 8, 5, 8 = 22 (4d10)

>trying that again

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