/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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August 2014
34314640 Poorly Drawn Karateman QuestA shitty stick figure karateman, Probably drawn by some talent less fuck who can't draw for shit in MS Paint or something, goes on a quest to become the champion of Karate, on the way he teaches a goat how to fight and faces off with a black guy.Karateman, karate, quest, drawings, goat, black guy2014-08-22 8 
April 2016
46620511Nowhere QuestWe take Billy through a wild ride in nowhere and try to find our way outQuest, collective game, nowhere quest, drawing, drawn, nowhere, alone, weird, Billy, 4th wall2016-04-12 3 
May 2016
47031191Evilord Quest OneshotA good evil overlord starts his day by connecting with his daughter and grabbing sandwiches. Evilord Quest, Collective Game, Evilord, Supervillain, Drawquest, evil, villainy, drawing,2016-05-02 6 
47154906Evilord Quest 2It's tutoring time for the young Princess, and Evilord gets to know the elf Teresa.Evilord Quest, Collective Game, Evilord, Supervillain, Drawquest, evil, villainy, drawing, elf, archer, archery, draw, art, 2016-05-09 6 
May 2017
1460029deadquest chapter oneyou are dead. you ate a lot of worms and hunted down a fleshy pile of rags.dead, deadquest, skeleton, drawings, death, fun, rags2017-05-18 1 
June 2017
1554706Copper Age Draw QuestA shaman works in the communitycopper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest2017-06-09 4 
1593056drawing stuff IIIa break out is botched and we return to the foldcopper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest, era draw quest2017-06-22 1 
July 2017
1620344I'll draw you stuff IVA new character is chosen: A cyberpunk security guard who promptly gets involved in mysterious mysterydrawquest, drawing, drawfag, Cyberpunk, eraquest, scifi2017-07-02 1 
1635403I'll draw you stuff VCharley encounters a weird thingdrawquest, drawing, drawfag, Cyberpunk, eraquest, scifi2017-07-07 1 
1673449I'll draw you stuff VITublat has a frightening conversation with a tainted spirit.copper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest2017-07-19 1 
September 2017
1870830You Are The Drawing Quest #1.Pr0t0We begin our RP with a simple thought: What if we could roleplay our characters that we had drew so we could go on a simple questCollective Game, You Are The Drawing, The DeviantArt RPG2017-09-17 1 
May 2018
2585990Getting FatterHe's getting fatter. getting, fatter, one-shot, one, shot, drawing, draw, art, image, picture, cool, fun, saved, for, posterity2018-05-23 0 
August 2021
4956419 DF:DARP - Dwarf Fortress - Dealings with Armok Reap FuryDwarf Fortress Adventure Mode /qst/Dwarf Fortress, Guayo, DARP, DF, DF:DARP, fantasy, player-driven, drawfag, drawings, 2021-08-13 1 
January 2024
5872086City Management QuestIn this thread Marjun is elected as major of Trenfel, and must wrestle with the council to achieve his goals.City Management, Economy, Trade, Management, Trenfel, Marjun, City Management Quest, Drawing2024-01-30 6 
February 2024
5892191Curse Carrier 1First episode of that quest where you have to bang a girl or die. Has some drawings, but not for every update.Curse Carrier, Magic, Drawing, Quest2024-02-01 13 
5911465Curse Carrier 2After barely surviving an encounter with the agency, Weaver decides to focus on increasing his magic and possibly leave this fucked up town.Curse Carrier, Magic, Drawing, Quest, Urban Fantasy2024-02-29 10 
July 2024
6033253Haunted Game QuestPlay as an eldritch god stuck in a video game, but you might not be the only one in this predicament...Drawing, Modern Fantasy, Horror2024-07-08 4 
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