Thread | Title | Description | Tags | Added | Score |
April 2008 |
1460461 | Evil Game Abortion | A DM lets a new guy have the wheel. Evil characters and game breakage occurs. DM rages. | D&D , story , DM , evil | 2008-04-03 | 10 | |
May 2008 |
1684465 | Dungeon Keeper D&D | A DM running the equivalent of Dungeon Keeper in D&D for a "party" of 5 liches asks /tg/ for help with ideas for adventurers to attack, and also talks about how he's been running this game. | dungeon keeper, stronghold, evil, lich, variant | 2008-05-08 | 5 | |
June 2008 |
2088233 | How to make players die inside | Some VERY nasty things DM can make to players. Makes TPKs look like saying hello. | Evil, D&D, RP, DM | 2008-06-26 | 24 | |
July 2008 |
2135370 | Insane Villain Quirks | Useful traits for your next crazy BBEG | BBEG, Villain, Character, Evil | 2008-07-03 | 6 | |
December 2008 |
3215569 | Succubus | A DnD succubus dscussion evolves into talk about the Blood War as well as some talk about the nature of the Planes | Sucubus Infinite Blood War Devil Demon Outsider | 2008-12-21 | 2 | |
April 2009 |
4201710 | How to make a Horror Game | Tripfag asks how to run a horror game, anon delivers. Vocabulary, delivery, and themes used for best effect are detailed. | DM, RPG, Horror, Terror, Lovecraft, Evil Parrot | 2009-04-06 | 7 | |
May 2009 |
4489468 | How to make characters love an NPC | A truly magnificent thread with many ideas on how to make the PLAYERS, not the playable characters, fall for an NPC. Includes a masterful summary short of a scientific dissertation by Dr. Baron von Evilsatan | DnD, Dr. Baron von Evilsatan, Love, NPC | 2009-05-07 | 8 | |
4559501 | Warhammer 40k for beginners | ITT: Explain the Warhammer 40K universe to a total noob in as much or little detail as you want. | 40k, grimdark, summary, awesome, good, evil | 2009-05-16 | 0 | |
June 2009 |
4962821 | Phylacterie's and where to hide them | OP askes for places he can hide his Lich PC's phylactery, /tg/ deivers with some vicious but useful answers. | Lich Phylactery Evilhidingplaces evil | 2009-06-22 | 1 | |
July 2009 |
5186158 | 53rd Annual Blackguard Convention | Evil overlords, necromancers, and all-around jerks gather around to talk about all those pesky paladins, raising skeletons, and unhealthy relations with swords. Also includes some dispute with the Fighters Guild over who booked the convention hall, ending in a football game. | Roleplay, evil, conventions, mary sue | 2009-07-18 | 11 | |
September 2009 |
5772445 | Witch Girl thread | A Witch Girl RPG thread. /tg/ discovers just how evil and sadistic girls with absolute power can be, several comics are posted, discussions on systems of morality are had. | Witch Girl, comic, evil | 2009-09-08 | 26 | |
5820756 | Wasteland Warrior Space Opera Storytime | Wasteland Warrior being a BBEG bastard and then preparing for future sessions. | Wasteland Warrior, Storytime, Evil Bastard | 2009-09-12 | 24 | |
5881187 | NobleDark GrimBrightness! | Someone makes an odd sentence construction. Anons bicker for a while. Then, Dr. Baron von Evilsatan arrives and generates win. | Dr. Baron von Evilsatan, Evil, Satan, Noble, Dark, Grim, Bright, Grimdark, etc, too many tags, oh god how did this get here. | 2009-09-16 | 17 | |
5982843 | Evil Campaigns | People tell tales of evil campaigns that they've had. Wasteland Warrior appears and asks for the rest of one story. | Wasteland Warrior, Evil campaigns | 2009-09-24 | 12 | |
October 2009 |
6136779 | Evil Quest | Braining old priests with their own holy symbol and other pleasantries. | Quest thread, evil | 2009-10-05 | 33 | |
6165188 | Evil Quest #2 | Teegee the Corruptor and his Evil deeds. Part 2. | Quest thread, evil | 2009-10-07 | 22 | |
6196590 | Evil Quest Part III | Our anti hero duels with the forces of good. Gets the girl, many die. Good times by all. | Quest Thread, Evil, | 2009-10-09 | 20 | |
6198252 | Evil Quest Part IV | /tg/ seizes a warship to sow fear and terror over the world. | Quest Thread, Evil | 2009-10-09 | 20 | |
6235500 | Evil Quest Part V | The Elves are pissed off at you already, but that isn't unexpected. | Quest Thread, Evil | 2009-10-12 | 16 | |
6299610 | You are the demons! | In the sixties, a mad Soviet mystic named Alyosha Stadzec succeeded with what should be impossible. He opened a portal to Hell. But instead of infernal legions pouring out to conquer the Earth, what emerged were beings not too unlike ourselves. Sure, they had wings, horns, red skin, and such... but they were actually pretty decent people. | demons, religion, devils, hell, writefaggotry | 2009-10-16 | 13 | |
6318285 | Evil Quest Part VI | Starting working class rebellions are harder then you think. | Quest Thread, Evil | 2009-10-18 | 16 | |
6347204 | Virus Sword | /tg/ discusses an evil, intelligent, magic sword that replicates it's self. | intelligent sword, evil, virus, legacy | 2009-10-20 | 5 | |
6390184 | Time Travel Campagin pt 2 | Contiuation of a previously archived campagin. The heros make their way to the Dark Ages, and eventually encounter Fae | Time Travel, Campagin Log, Story Time, Fae, Bhargest, Pregnancy, Seelie, Unseelie, Wolf, Evil Robot Ghandi | 2009-10-23 | 3 | |
6419801 | Evil Quest VII | We hear about a prophet at the mage academy, and pay her a fateful visit. | Evil Quest, Collective Game | 2009-10-25 | 18 | |
6462267 | Evil Quest VIII | A barbarian horde at the doorstep of the city, we maneuver for a power play. | Evil Quest, collective game | 2009-10-28 | 20 | |
6465507 | Evil Quest IX | After the violent success at the end of the last thread, we make good on our gains. | Evil Quest, collective game | 2009-10-28 | 20 | |
November 2009 |
6693534 | Evil Quest Part X | The forces of evil encounter its first adventuring party and promptly deals with it. | Quest thread, Evil | 2009-11-14 | 16 | |
6697198 | Evil Quest Part X (2) | To the victor goes the gloating. | Quest Thread, Evil | 2009-11-14 | 18 | |
6885062 | Evil Quest Part XI | One of evil's obstacles in the capital is obliterated at last. | Quest Thread, Evil | 2009-11-27 | 17 | |
December 2009 |
7004888 | Evil Quest Part XII | The war in town is coming to a conclusion, looting the mage academy and battling skilled royal blood. | Quest Thread, Evil | 2009-12-05 | 18 | |
7096169 | Evil Quest Part XIII | Evil is back upon the high seas. | Quest Thread, Evil | 2009-12-12 | 14 | |
7272561 | Evil Quest Part XIV | I am Kelgris. I hunger. Run coward! Run run run! I live. | Quest Thread, Evil | 2009-12-25 | 15 | |
January 2010 |
7424288 | Girlfriend Quest 2 | The quest continues under new management. It gets worse before it gets better. | Girl, Quest, Collective Game, Evil, Vampires | 2010-01-05 | 5 | |
7589122 | Uzumaki, The Eternal Spiral | Stats for the Lovecraftian monster from the manga Uzumaki. | D&D, Stats, Lovecraftian, Elder Evil | 2010-01-15 | 23 | |
February 2010 |
7941402 | Mass Effect Discussion | Thats right, A mass effect discussion based on whats right or wrong. Whats technically good or evil, and just mindless speculation about ME3 | ME, Mass Effect, Disccusion, Good vs Evil, Right vs Wrong, Just Plain Fun | 2010-02-06 | 0 | |
April 2010 |
9292029 | Village drawing RPG | OP puts up a picture of a village, then accepts suggestions that would improve it. It develops into a sacrificial demon cult, with an epic ending. Also, awesome art by OP that shows the village's development. | Chaos, Evil, Village, Awesome pictures | 2010-04-19 | 55 | |
May 2010 |
9636188 | Evil Quest: Part XV | Guess who's back, back again
Evil's back, tell a friend. | Quest thread, Evil | 2010-05-06 | 15 | |
9973456 | d20 Modern Resident Evil | Rules for running Resident Evil d20 Modern. Designed quite well, including all herbs, ammo, and weapons. Pregenerated level 1 of all characters in the series and originals. | d20 Modern Resident Evil Homebrew roleplay awesome | 2010-05-22 | 6 | |
10079802 | Evil Campaign Advice | /tg/ gives advice on how to run an evil campaign. (No trolling involved!) | Evil, Advice, Campaign, Villain, Villainy | 2010-05-27 | 0 | |
September 2010 |
11929156 | Evil Quest: Part XVI | Evil Quest is back. Again. Hopefully to stay this time. We fuck with some elves and nobles. | Quest thread, Evil | 2010-09-03 | 12 | |
12021439 | Evil Quest: Part XVII | The Beast? The Tyrant? Or the Coward? | Quest Thread, Evil | 2010-09-10 | 13 | |
12078401 | Evil Quest: Part XVIII | Children are set on the path to corruption. Delicious. | Quest Thread, Evil | 2010-09-14 | 14 | |
12161510 | Evil Quest: Part XIX | Besieged in a smuggler's cavern. Can evil hold out long enough? | Quest Thread, Evil | 2010-09-21 | 11 | |
12246179 | Dragon Quest IV | Get paid, look into a cult, win past a wizard, and start learning magic. A busy day for a red dragon, particularly when all done polymorphed as a 'lesser race'. A fun read and installment, with potentially far-reaching events. | Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic | 2010-09-28 | 27 | |
12269050 | Dragon Quest V | More investigating a disappearance. For cash and considerations, of course. May have accidentally drowned the person we're trying to find while trying to loot a pirate ship, and ran into Jerrik, our manservant and now P.R. agent again. All in a days work for an dragon among the lesser races. Also: /tg/'s dice are sentient, and hate us. Viciously. | Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic, pirate, orc, | 2010-09-30 | 24 | |
October 2010 |
12304272 | Dragon Quest VI | Slow start, but we get a good start on our hoard, including some magical gubbinz, learn some new things about certain people, and find an elder-god style cult. Damn elder gods always screwing around in our reality. | Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic, pirate, orc, cult, | 2010-10-03 | 23 | |
12314471 | Dragon Quest VII | Cibach Azaladon, young-adult age category red dragon, is out to see the world, gain empire, hoard, love (or at least mate,) and power. Glorious power. Under the 'knowledge is power' theory, we manage to bust up an evil cult, and rescue a servant the local god of knowledge who is as much more than she seems as we are. Also, we get to drop the hammer in dragon-form. | Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, wizard, magic, pirate, orc, cult, gold, VII, 7, seven | 2010-10-04 | 24 | |
12329848 | Dragon Quest VIII | Cygnis, the Gold we rescued, offers us an in on local politics, as well as a fairly decent bribe. We accept, and start plotting about how to off her. Necessities are arranged for, and meetings are scheduled. Wonderfully productive. Short, but lots of text. Plotting and maneuvering. | Dragon, dragonquest, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, erinyes, wizard, magic, pirate, cult, gold, VIII, 8, eight | 2010-10-05 | 22 | |
12397403 | Dragon Quest XI | Interrogating a captive, taking care of a few items of business, converting captive to minion, and presenting Scinnari her gift. Finally, a new task, and corroboration that the cult we fought is still in action. Slow night, but fairly productive. | Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, cult, magic | 2010-10-11 | 24 | |
12479383 | Dragon Quest XIV | Get saved by a cultist pretending to be Arman, catch him on it, with Scinnari's help, then get Cygnis to help us walk into an ambush. (and have her on hands so as to manipulate her easier.) Traps, then cult-huntan' ensue. Stop right before we get to save/kill Arman. | Dragon, dragon quest, quest, fantasy, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, cult, magic | 2010-10-18 | 23 | |
12493266 | Dragon Quest XV | Smash the cult, rescue Arman, use superior memory to trip up W-D, and unveil sinister plans. Manage to get a little closer with Cygnis, too. | Dragon, dragon quest, quest, dragons, D&D, rpg, writing, dungeons, devil, cult, fantasy, magic | 2010-10-19 | 23 | |
12517127 | Zerg Quest XVII | Routine planning meeting to consolidate power takes a turn for the horrific as Nargil initiates something unspeakable. A dark force returns. All hope built over the last 15 threads may be lost. | Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, fleshlings, Starcraft, WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?, Kerrigan, true evil, Bernie | 2010-10-21 | 20 | |
November 2010 |
12653918 | Not your ordinary corporate logo thread | From military badges to discussions over corporate responsibility | logo badge evil inc. corporation dystopia cyberpunk weyland ocp | 2010-11-04 | 15 | |
12671890 | Shin Megami Tensei Card System | Some dude came up with a card based game system for running a game similar to a few SMT games...namely Persona. | SMT Shin Megami Tensei Persona Devil Summoner Digital Card Homebrew System | 2010-11-05 | 4 | |
12962795 | Evil Characters | "/tg/, what's the most horrible and depraved thing to ever happen in an RPG you were in?" | Potential Inspiration, evil, stories | 2010-11-30 | 1 | |
December 2010 |
13056167 | Evil Quest: Part XX | The battle begins for the city of Angelfalls. | Quest Thread, Evil | 2010-12-07 | 13 | |
January 2011 |
13449521 | Envy Quest 1 | Eshara, Countess of the Endless Depths, Demon of Envy is introduced and we go about trying to earn money in Hell. | Demon, Devil, Hell, Infernal, Envy, Collective Game, Envy Quest | 2011-01-09 | 14 | |
13468274 | Envy Quest II | While in possession of jealous Thomas Strobel, we push him to abuse a young maiden, and learn of an incompetent Inquisitor and a magic-sensitive Cougar | Demon, Devil, Hell, Infernal, Envy, Collective Game, Envy Quest | 2011-01-11 | 13 | |
13547642 | The Blackguard's Daughter | Thread about a butthurt DM turns into original writefaggotry. Rape is surprisingly left aside. | blackguard, elf, daughter, evil, writefaggotry | 2011-01-17 | 27 | |
13574563 | The Blackguard's Daughter Part II | A continuation of the story of Lily. | blackguard, elf, daughter, evil, writefaggotry | 2011-01-19 | 20 | |
February 2011 |
13774551 | Evil Quest: Part XXI | Soon, the tower shall be ours! | Quest Thread, Evil | 2011-02-04 | 11 | |
13915858 | How do I play Evil Characters? | OP wants to try playing an evil character in a good-aligned group. Many stories are told. | Evil, Alignment, Roleplaying | 2011-02-16 | 5 | |
March 2011 |
14137988 | Envy Quest III | Envy Quest has returned and we have to keep our true identity hidden from an elder vampire. | Demon, Devil, Hell, Infernal, Envy, Collective Game, Envy Quest | 2011-03-06 | 10 | |
14156868 | Evil PCs | A thread about evil PCs and an epic story about a human fucking over his party. | Evil, PCs, awesome | 2011-03-07 | 8 | |
April 2011 |
14612827 | Marche of FFTA | "The Stealthiest Lawful Evil Protagonist in the history of Lawful Evil protagonists." | Lawful Evil, Lawful Good, BBEG, troll, trolling, final fantasy tactics, final fantasy tactics advance, fft, ffta, fantasy, paladin, discussion | 2011-04-16 | 8 | |
14719814 | Evil Quest: Part XII | You seem to be in a Surreal World | Evil Quest, Collective Game | 2011-04-26 | 11 | |
May 2011 |
14863919 | Keter the killer. | Epic tale of a swordsman-turned-Diabolist-turned-hero of the wastes. | Fighter, Wasteland, Keter, Falchion, Writefaggotry, Storytime, Evil | 2011-05-09 | 24 | |
14897507 | Dark Lord Quest Part 2 | In which we recruit an assassin, and continue working on our plans for world domination. Also, SPIDERS! | quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, witch, contract, bind, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS | 2011-05-12 | 10 | |
14904666 | Dark Overlord Quest 3 | We meet the old boss. And manipulate him. | quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS | 2011-05-13 | 10 | |
14918470 | Dark Overlord Quest 4 | With success comes annoying adventurers, parasitic merchants, and fucking elves. Oh those fucking elves. | quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS | 2011-05-14 | 8 | |
14928381 | Dark Overlord Quest 5 | We find out who the plotter spying on us was, form a plan for dealing with him, and get closer to Shaiara. We also have a revelation: bonsai is evil! | quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, bonsai, evil bonsai | 2011-05-15 | 10 | |
14939603 | Dark Overlord Quest 6 | We have a tournament and meet an uppity drow. We also find an orc ronin without a katana folded a million times. | quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, drow, orc | 2011-05-16 | 10 | |
14949512 | Dark Lord Quest Part 7 | The torture go on, the orc samurai becomes our servant, and our spiders became torturers and can even talk! | quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, drow, orc, torture | 2011-05-17 | 9 | |
14954504 | Dark Overlord Quest 8 | Taunting the drow, who KEEP ON PISSING US OFF! Also a nice meal. | quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spider, torture, drow | 2011-05-17 | 9 | |
14960957 | Dark Overlord Quest 9 | Not much gets done, BUT we do learn a lot. And seem to have some horrible Shadow Magic disease. Also, Succubai! | quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, witch, contract, bind, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, Succubai, Shadow, Archon | 2011-05-18 | 10 | |
14977000 | Making the Perfect Villain (tm) | How do you make a villain your PCs love to hate? Make him their antithesis, and then make him a perfectly normal human being. | evil, villain, mundane, space, furry, furries, human, humans, reasonable, trolling, troll, maximum, decency, PCs, psychopaths, BBEG, original content, original, advice | 2011-05-19 | 29 | |
September 2011 |
16423368 | The Garden of Ehnkieridian, Part One and Two | An amazing tale of a group's quest's to root out an nefarious evil. | writefag, garden, ehnkieridian, DnD, evil, DM | 2011-09-26 | 8 | |
November 2011 |
17059442 | /tg/ Meta Quest 29 | We begin exploring the zombie outbreak in Pennsylvania. We find evidence of at least Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, and quite possibly Return of the Living Dead zombies. We also find some survivors that tell us that Raccoon City has become the domain of some lich-king. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead | 2011-11-30 | 12 | |
December 2011 |
17087235 | /tg/ Meta Quest 30 | We begin the assault on Raccoon City. However, bad rolls constantly get our troops hammered, and we lose the BLU team respawn tech to magic dickery. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead | 2011-12-03 | 12 | |
17095963 | /tg/ Meta Quest 31 | The tg diceroller continues to have us over a barrel as we continue to lose members of our team. We finally decide enough is enough, and pull out our forces in order to drill a hole down to the lich. Who then promptly uses our weapons' energies to make his escape, leaving us to deal with Vampire-Wesker. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead | 2011-12-04 | 12 | |
17109365 | /tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread | In which the Command Crew discusses plans and theories for the upcoming visit to Transylvania and what vampric horrors await there. Plus the usual chatter about who and what we should requisition next | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight | 2011-12-05 | 6 | |
17117963 | /tg/ Meta Quest 32 | We land with a small force in Transylvania, and begin chatting up the locals. Strahd and Dracula are at war, and signs point to their respective loves reincarnated in a single body. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight | 2011-12-06 | 13 | |
17137538 | /tg/ Meta Quest 33 | We dress up two of the White Mages as Tatyana/Lisa, and start poking around town to try to bait Strahd and Dracula to go to open war with each other. While searching, one of our teams spots Tatyana/Lisa, but loses her. Then one of the decoys is kidnapped. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight | 2011-12-08 | 12 | |
17161163 | /tg/ Meta Quest: Waiting on OP edition | OP gets held up for a couple days and we fall back on plotting against the Counts, and mostly talking about what we want on our requisitions list. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight | 2011-12-12 | 8 | |
17179943 | /tg/ Meta Quest 34 | Strahd summons Darius and the travelers from Londinium. We bullshit a story about Londinium and the Brittanica Empire, and the Emperor on his Golden Throne. Strahd seems to buy the story, and wants us to kill Dracula. Low rolls result in Strahd refusing to commit the majority of his forces, but he concedes to a diversionary attack as we infiltrate Castlevania. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight | 2011-12-12 | 11 | |
17194517 | /tg/ Meta Quest 35 | We plan, and then execute, the breaching of Castlevania. Our preparation pays off, and we are able to infiltrate the castle, and face Dracula. It is a pitched battle, but with the strength of our Space Marines, the healing of our White Mages, the protections by our Abjurer and Psion, and 10 X-COM High Explosive charges, we defeat Dracula, and Lyla is promoted to Hero-rank. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight | 2011-12-13 | 11 | |
17206876 | /tg/ Meta Quest 36 | We go along with the narrative, trying to catch Strahd backstabbing us in some way. When he finally offers us tainted wine, and we get confirmation of its curse, we open up a 12-pack of whoopass on Strahd and his cronies. They were not prepared to face the Knights Inductor, or battlemechs, or First Age weapons forged by Elves. Strahd goes down like a chump to the two White Mages, and we make off with his gold and a rack of his finest wines. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight | 2011-12-14 | 14 | |
17239971 | /tg/ Meta Quest 38 | Our Probe Droid reaches the Japan Meteorological Agency offices and makes contact with some scientists. We learn that there are insurgent forces fighting against Griffith's reign, and that Guts appears to be among them. In Antarctica, our Probe Droid there distinguishes itself, and VP-99 is almost ready to become a Hero. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk | 2011-12-17 | 13 | |
17273710 | /tg/ Meta Quest 39 | More information is collected about the World Pillar in Antarctica, and we have confirmation that Persona 4 characters are part of the insurgents. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona | 2011-12-20 | 11 | |
17284731 | /tg/ Meta Quest 40 | We begin setting up sniper positions in Tokyo as we make contact with the insurgent forces. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona | 2011-12-21 | 10 | |
17296729 | /tg/ Meta Quest 41 | We successfully convince Guts to work with us, and prepare to shake up Griffith's world. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona | 2011-12-22 | 11 | |
17306889 | /tg/ Meta Quest 42 | We begin the second battle of Tokyo, as magic and mutant flesh meets more magic and advanced technology. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona | 2011-12-23 | 12 | |
17316446 | /tg/ Meta Quest 43 | We defeated Griffith, only to realize that he was just a pawn. The true reality distortion anchor of Tokyo reveals itself. We begin heavily losing troops, and the Leopard dropship goes down. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona | 2011-12-24 | 15 | |
17325929 | TG Quest: The Extended Cut | Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest thread #43 after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. Discussion of what to tell the Persona heroes and plans for the Antarctic showdown with Ebon Night. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona | 2011-12-26 | 6 | |
January 2012 |
17397134 | TG Quest: The Extended Cut -part 2 | Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest: The Extended Cut after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. More discussion, Mostly heroes and mechs this time. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona | 2012-01-04 | 6 | |
17425874 | /tg/ Meta Quest 44 | We begin cleaning up after the battle against the Idea of Evil. While Cheryl continues her training, we have our Antarctica team attack the Greater Shoggoth in order to access the Old One research facility. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona | 2012-01-05 | 11 | |
17429885 | /tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread post-44 | The standard arguing of what to requisition and what is just stupid. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona | 2012-01-05 | 6 | |
17446362 | /tg/ Meta Quest 45 | The Command Crew is contacted by Igor, agent of Philemon, a powerful entity from the Persona Canon. He offers the Command Crew a Contract, and after much debate, the vote narrowly has us accepting. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona | 2012-01-07 | 10 | |
17450144 | /tg/ Meta Quest 46 | We open up one of the stasis chambers, only to fight a proto-Angel. We open the second stasis chamber, and find a shard of the World Pillar with Adam in fetus form inside. Translating the Elder Thing research reveals that they may have found the Lance of Longinus as well. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion | 2012-01-07 | 10 | |
17456343 | TG Meta Quest planning thread part BLARGH | Yet more debate over requisitions, and even a little over our current mission. MOST SHOCKING TWIST YET. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion | 2012-01-09 | 6 | |
17468187 | /tg/ Meta Quest 47 | As Cheryl interfaces with the World Pillar, Ebon Night takes exception to the Command Crew staying safe in orbit, and pulls them down to Antarctica for the final confrontation. Our calculations concerning our ability to defeat his defenses seem to have been...overly optimistic as we lose the entire White Mage Team. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion | 2012-01-09 | 10 | |
17471475 | /tg/ Meta Quest 48 | After the cataclysmic battle with Ebon Night and Cheryl initiating Second Impact, we awaken in the Kingdom of Zeal. However, it is revealed that this is only a semi-stable time echo, and we recruit the time ghost of Belthasar to aid us. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger | 2012-01-09 | 11 | |
17481243 | Evil Quest Redux | Resurrection of the story? We'll see. We shall see. | evil, quest thread | 2012-01-10 | 14 | |
17481740 | /tg/ Meta Quest 49 | We find that Gaspar and Tosh are locked up with the Mammon Machine, and we execute a daring breaching of the chamber. Queen Zeal proves that she's one tough boss, then the Mammon Machine brings something through. Ebon Night wants a rematch, and the /tg dice seem to have bet against us as our troops drop like flies. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger | 2012-01-10 | 11 | |
17485818 | /tg/ Meta Quest 50 | The crew of the TGS Oncoming Storm and their taskforce stand bloody and weary, but triumphant over Ebon Night and Queen Zeal. With their new allies, the three Gurus of Time, Life, and Reason, they refit the Blackbird into a trans-space ship and make their escape through the space-time rift eating the temporal echo of the Kingdom of Zeal. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger | 2012-01-10 | 11 | |
17508060 | Evil Quest: Part XXIV | Angelfalls is liberated. All hail the new Duke Consort. | evil, quest thread | 2012-01-12 | 15 | |
17564941 | Evil Quest: Part XXV | Rebuilding hits a snag. Dealing with a blast from the past. | evil, quest thread | 2012-01-17 | 15 | |
February 2012 |
17914370 | Devil-In-Training | A demon comes to /tg/ for help in landing his first "sell your soul to the devil" Faustian bargain. The neckbeards flex their BBEG muscles and offer what help they can. | deal with the devil, demon, devil, evil, Faustian bargain, Punisher’s daughter, Screwtape, sell your soul, Wormwood | 2012-02-13 | 10 | |
March 2012 |
18320539 | Overlord Appreciation | The people of a newly formed merciless dictatorship thank the overlord for improving their lives. | Evil, Evil Overlord, Propaganda, Roleplaying, Campaign Setting, Commoners, Common Folk, Bastard Elves, Asshole Elves, Goodguy Badguy | 2012-03-14 | 51 | |
18507017 | Yandere Thread | Question about ERP derails into Yandere talk. | yandere, scary, ideas, evil | 2012-03-30 | 11 | |
April 2012 |
18637565 | Dark Spirit Quest 1 | At last! After 10,000 years we're free to conquer the world! We start building an army and consuming delicious, delicious souls. | Dark Spirit Quest, Collective Game, evil | 2012-04-09 | 10 | |
18641111 | Dark Spirit Quest 1.5 | We continue to gather our forces, destroy a human settlement, and make a new champion. | Dark Spirit Quest, Collective Game, evil | 2012-04-09 | 11 | |
May 2012 |
19112522 | Kindheitstrauma Playing Children Homebrew | /tg/ collects point buy drawbacks for a childhood horror game, remembers own childhood, is being awesome. | Mommy is sick, Daddy gets mad, My brother is dead, Mommy's Icky Friend, Divorced, Little Princess, Beaten, My Little Robot, Bad Touch, Jog Dad, Little Sunshine, In the System, Our Pride, Evil?, On Ritalin, Home Alone, Moving Again, I'm a Mistake | 2012-05-16 | 22 | |
19137029 | Eclipse: Dark Spirit Quest 2 | After a stormy start we started to dominate the Lands around us, gain two new Champions and started building a infrastructure for our new forces. | Dark Spirit Quest, Collective Game, evil | 2012-05-18 | 9 | |
June 2012 |
19461549 | Evil Sorcerer Quest | The debut of an exciting new illustrated quest sees an evil sorcerer begin raising an army of the flaming dead, and granted power by his dark god. | Evil Sorcerer Quest, Collective Game | 2012-06-13 | 35 | |
19468566 | Evil Sorcerer Quest Pt.2 | The Sorcerer gains new digs and new alies. Some by combat, some by musical. Then we fight the (cheating) Avatar of the god of war. | Collective game, Humor, Evil Sorcerer Quest, | 2012-06-14 | 35 | |
19547305 | Villains United | The Vile Villians, Nefarious Ne'er-Do-Wells, and Dastardly Dudes Group tries to conduct a meeting. First item on the agenda: what to make for their parade float. | supervillain, super-villain, dr. evil, henchmen | 2012-06-20 | 14 | |
August 2012 |
20513994 | Lady Robot Master Quest Part 19 | In which OP is late but also early, and we help Top Man solve the energy crisis through robot sex. Then, Flash Man is creepy weirdo. | megaman, quest, collective game, blade woman, top man, evil energy, roll, splash woman, plum, flash man | 2012-08-29 | 1 | |
September 2012 |
20558506 | Lady Robot Master Quest Part 20 | In which Blade Woman seduces a destroyed evil alien computer... | megaman, quest, collective game, blade woman, pharaoh man, evil alien computer, flash man | 2012-09-02 | 3 | |
20750660 | /tg/ Meta Quest 100 | We start off feeling good about ourselves, finishing jobs and getting needed equipment and ammo, and then the low rolls come in. We get caught in a blowout, fight a Silent Hill-ified Combine Strider, and then meet with Bruce McGivern of Resident Evil, who's a little far from where he should be. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil | 2012-09-17 | 10 | |
20778132 | /tg/ Meta Quest 101 | We team up with Bruce McGivern and make our way towards Pripyat, and ultimately towards the Chernobyl NPP in the footsteps of Corporal Shephard. Then we get caught in a firefight between the remnants of the Monolith faction and the Combine. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-09-21 | 10 | |
20879390 | Kender Suprise | Our feeble attempt to fight back only made them stronger. | Kenders, Pockets, only the dead can know peace from this evil | 2012-09-27 | 40 | |
20882930 | /tg/ Meta Quest 102 | Cheryl, Bruce, and Regina make their way to the Chernobyl NPP. They enter the main building, and begin searching for signs of Corporal Shephard. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-09-28 | 10 | |
October 2012 |
20937226 | /tg/ Meta Quest 103 | Losing Bruce's life to Silent Zone dickery, Cheryl links up with Shepard and we finally make it to C-Con's lair. Blowout soon, fellow Command Crew? | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-10-02 | 10 | |
20978779 | /tg/ Meta Quest 104 | We get some questions answered by the G-Man, wake up back with the task force, and play host to Bruce, Regina, and Corporal Shephard. And Cheryl eats cookies. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-10-04 | 10 | |
21061278 | /tg/ Meta Quest 105 | We finally get in touch with Yellowman (who's stuck in his own parody of Sliders), and begin our efforts on the Quarantine Zone. Man-hating Tiefling SUE Diplomancer incoming. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-10-10 | 10 | |
21086720 | /tg/ Meta Quest 106 | We are able to track down what we are confident is the source of the troubles in the Quarantine Zone. /tg/ dice strike again, making what should have been a routine success into an abject failure, and then we find out what kind of S.U.E.'s we're dealing with. The Godzilla Threshold is about to be crossed. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-10-12 | 10 | |
21099910 | /tg/ Meta Quest 107 | Found out more about the Quarantine Zone. Mindwipes required. . . for the crew to get rid of the horror. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-10-13 | 10 | |
21113042 | /tg/ Meta Quest 108 | We launch our attack on the Arch-S.U.E. The battle is hard-fought and then our foe insults Cheryl's dad. Blowout soon, fellow Command Crew! | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-10-15 | 12 | |
21142521 | /tg/ Meta Quest 109 | The fight against Chaosbringer and his corrupted Sailor Senshi comes to a head. We get knocked down, but get up again. They're never gonna keep us down. Then someone makes a stunning entrance. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-10-17 | 10 | |
21212864 | /tg/ Meta Quest 110 | Concurrent with our fight with Chaosbringer, the Command Crew initiates a multi-pronged plan to secure the orbital space for the task force, acquire additional assistance for our fight, and free prisoners held in Chaosbringer's Floating Palace. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-10-22 | 10 | |
21340000 | The Cost of the Crown | A cunning, upcoming young Heir apparent talks through political intruige and how to deal with the other PCs. As more is revealed, the rabbit hole goes deeper than expected | Cost of the Crown, King, Evil character, dickery, Planning, Destiny, doomed hero | 2012-10-29 | 14 | |
November 2012 |
21464043 | /tg/ Meta Quest 111 | MechaGodzilla finishes off the corrupted EVA pilots, and we switch to the Breakout Team. We are stopped by more of Chaosbringer's corrupted minions, and Gondegal pays the ultimate price for our blindness, and we hear only the laughing of eldritch dice gods. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-11-08 | 10 | |
21522310 | /tg/ Meta Quest 112 | We successfully rescue Yuna, but at great cost. Chaosbringer is also defeated, but it costs us dearly as the Avatar vanishes. Even then, Tsunami is locked in battle with her corrupted sister, and we prepare to rescue 4 other unfortunates when 3 million ships of the Great Crusade arrive. That's just one of their advance fleets. Then they begin asking uncomfortable questions about the hungry legions of the damned we let loose on the world. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-11-11 | 10 | |
21735676 | /tg/ Meta Quest 116 | Vignettes abound, the TSAB calls for assistance as we find Kane's coordinates: the heart of the Void Engineer/New Chaos battlefield. Black Ops is moving in as well, and even Yellowman calls in to say we need to rock everyone's faces. Our ship's name "The Oncoming Storm" sums up events nicely. | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-11-25 | 14 | |
December 2012 |
21926536 | Malevolence | The wraith awakens, snack time, vandalism as a way of life, and goblin greetings. | Malevolence, Collective Game, Evil | 2012-12-07 | 2 | |
22253486 | /tg/ Metaquest 126 | The command crew spends some time with the next group and meet up with an old "friend". | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-12-28 | 8 | |
22289139 | TG Meta Quest 127 | We manage to link up with some allies, and meet yet another faction trying to get what lies beyond the portal | Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom | 2012-12-30 | 7 | |
January 2013 |
22553014 | Marine Quest III | Fake Marines, Devil Fruits and Pirates oh my!
(I apologize for shitty description) | Collective Game, One Piece, One, Piece, Marine, Quest, Marine Quest, fruit, devil fruit, fake | 2013-01-13 | 22 | |
22590376 | Marine Quest IV | The captain finds out what powers the fruit he ate gave him, and puns follow. Also, MYSTERIOUS VISITOR comes and gives a new assignment | Collective Game, One Piece, One, Piece, Marine, Quest, Marine Quest, fruit, devil fruit | 2013-01-15 | 23 | |
22647545 | /tg/'s Nemesis | /tg/ finds the ultimate BBEG. And is utterly horrifed by it. | Horror, Self-Loathing, Joshua, Madness, Evil, Classic Blunder | 2013-01-18 | 13 | |
February 2013 |
22972744 | Stone Wolf Civ: Stoneclaw Pack 1 | As the race of Stone wolves evolve their magical power in a land full of magical radiation with no man nor other intelligent race that they know of. The Pack fights their way into higher population. With their worst enemy being a magical crystal. | Civ, Wolf, Collective Game. Crystals. Earth. Stone. OhgodtheGiantCrystalisEvil | 2013-02-05 | 4 | |
22990474 | Stone Wolf Civ: Stoneclaw Pack 2 | As the thread goes on, a powerful ally is met. They look like hell but being kind the wolves give them a new home and help them on their feet as they also work out Copper smithing. | Civ, Wolf, Collective Game. Crystals. Earth. Stone. OhgodtheGiantCrystalisEvil | 2013-02-05 | 3 | |
22995977 | Stone Wolf Civ: Stoneclaw Pack 3 | As the Battle of a Giant Draconic beast was Owned by a lucky roll. Azure kicked some ass and carved out the place of the tribe's hero and Smoothstone honors a Promise as he takes in the monster's egg. Also, the Pack learns how they are suppose to Art. Along with more Earth Magics. | Civ, Wolf, Collective Game. Crystals. Earth. Stone. OhgodtheGiantCrystalisEvil | 2013-02-06 | 2 | |
23010408 | Stone Wolf Civ: Stoneclaw Pack 4 | As the Stone Wolves go on, they meet gods living in Crystals. A Tribe works to make it's way back to the swamp after killing a monster. And the Young Dragon is given the name Ash. | Civ, Wolf, Collective Game. Crystals. Earth. Stone. OhgodtheGiantCrystalisEvil | 2013-02-06 | 2 | |
March 2013 |
23477347 | Anti-Succubi, Valkyries and Other Cosmological Thoughts | OP asks for a good-aligned parallel to a succubus. Thoughts progress to valkyries and what the proper reward for good acts is supposed to be. | Succubus, cosmology, good, evil, angel, demon | 2013-03-03 | 7 | |
April 2013 |
24496481 | The Last Battle of Monsters and Men | ITT: the old gods stir, the land cackles, and the sea reclaims the sky as once more the last battle between all that is good and all that is evil breaks across the multiverse | humor, funny, pranks, coaster, evil, good, lulz, THE RING | 2013-04-28 | 4 | |
May 2013 |
24599545 | Best Blackguard Ever | "One of my players decided to roll a Chaotic Evil Blackguard for my current campaign... I'm not sure if he's doing Chaotic Evil wrong, or if everyone else is."
It's the latter. | D&D, Blackguard, Chaotic Evil | 2013-05-03 | 63 | |
June 2013 |
25555962 | Evil Precure Quest 1 | In which we are born, get hungry, sorta befriend a hungry hungry intelligent bear and meet our enemy. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-06-21 | 25 | |
25607915 | Evil Precure Quest 2 | In which me make a truce. React to cute critters in the typical Japanese schoolgirl fashion and realize that Cure Blade may probably suicidally reckless. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-06-24 | 16 | |
25685591 | Yet Another Magical Little Girl Quest | This time we are evil! SO ORIGINAL. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl, I wish I could think of a joke tag but this shit is already a joke | 2013-06-28 | 24 | |
July 2013 |
25820912 | Evil Precure Quest 4 | Where we finish our fight with Cure Blade. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-07-05 | 18 | |
25877216 | Evil Precure Quest 5 | In which we do after-fight talk and make an important decision. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-07-08 | 11 | |
26014051 | Evil Precure Quest 6 | Questions are answered and we are welcomed into our new, possibly permanent home. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-07-15 | 11 | |
26157555 | Evil Precure Quest 7 | In which we meet again with our other hairy friend. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-07-22 | 17 | |
26240092 | Evil Precure Quest 8 | In which we trick our bear friend into seeing reason. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-07-26 | 11 | |
August 2013 |
26396269 | Evil Precure Quest 9 | Where we temporarily stop being humongous bitch. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-08-03 | 10 | |
26473817 | Imp Quest | An evil little imp is born in Hell and seeks out power, blackest magics, and plots most foul | imp, quest, collective game, collective, game, devil, demon, daemon, abaddan, The HypnoJew, evil, souls, summoner, summoning, conjuration, damn, damned, damning | 2013-08-07 | 18 | |
26514677 | Evil Precure Quest 10 | In which find some moments of peace after our absurdly chaotic first two days. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-08-09 | 11 | |
26513155 | Imp Quest 2 | Our little Imp goes to earth, and there he finds a loving family, a loving family which he will tear apart and mold into something much more interesting. | imp, quest, collective game, collective, game, devil, demon, daemon, abaddan, The HypnoJew, evil, souls, summoner, summoning, conjuration, damn, damned, damning, Wrath, Homicide, Cannibal Mother, corrupting, corruption | 2013-08-09 | 12 | |
26568329 | Evil Precure Quest 11 | In which we suffer from a mild case of /tg/ paranoia. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-08-12 | 14 | |
26646432 | Evil Precure Quest 12 | In which more paranoia develops as anon tries to come up with plans. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-08-16 | 11 | |
26779217 | Evil Precure Quest 13 | We meet with the invisichameloen and figure he is an ass. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-08-23 | 11 | |
26828791 | Evil Precure Quest 14 | In which we decide to face or avoid what we did last night. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-08-26 | 11 | |
26884808 | Evil Precure Quest 15 | Where we realized we missed some shit going down. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-08-29 | 13 | |
September 2013 |
27030044 | Evil Precure Quest 16 | Where we try to figure out what to do with a sister that was made from what is arguably a part of one of our friends. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-09-05 | 22 | |
27370679 | Evil Precure Quest Thread 17 | In which we follow our slightly crazy, smarter-than-us sister to someplace important | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-09-23 | 21 | |
27423433 | Evil Precure Quest 18 | Where we meet the other us living inside our mind, she's a bit of a selfish bitch. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-09-26 | 22 | |
27490530 | Evil Precure Quest 19 | The choice has been made, its time to follow through with it. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-09-30 | 24 | |
October 2013 |
27514961 | Villains Who Make It Personal | Anon comes to us with tales of a villain who uses the most vile of weapons, NTR. /tg/ responds with their own tales of villains who affected them and their characters on a personal level. | Villains, Storytime, NTR, Evil, | 2013-10-01 | 5 | |
27541392 | Evil Precure Quest 20 | We realize that we might possibly most likely be a terrible person after all we've been through. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-10-03 | 15 | |
27611001 | Evil Precure Quest 21 | Where fe finally get to choose the sports we're supposed to be good at. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-10-07 | 12 | |
27665563 | Evil Precure Quest 22 | After the hectic day we had we go back to relatively magic-free normal life. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-10-10 | 15 | |
27675147 | Level 0 Peasants vs 5 Rats | We knew they were still inside, the chewing.. The terrible chewing. How did they get out of the basement? we had, in our previous lives, forgotten to close the door behind us. | Level 0, Story time, DM, Evil, Bear trap, Peasants, TPK | 2013-10-10 | 143 | |
27695341 | Washed up Villain quest | The beginning of Dick Vilian Bethany Dastardly the third's tale. In which he signs a rather dubious contract for freedoms, takes over a gang, executes the former leader via train, Makes his henchmen look presentable, learns the arcane arts, and dabbles with necromancy | Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Necromancy, Evil, Villain | 2013-10-12 | 22 | |
27707106 | Washed up Villain quest 2 | In which we start our less than legal businesses, spend a day with a zombie in the town, meet an old woman who isn't as she's seems, hit a demon with a train, see the world from the eyes of John fritz, and decide to set out sights on the Devils | Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Train, Evil, Villain, | 2013-10-13 | 12 | |
27726113 | Washed up Villain quest 3 | In which Dick Vilian Bethany Dastardly the third takes up pupeteering creates a drug to control the minds of others, Gets a car and goes for a trip in the woods with Mr.Fritz and Miss Smith, Frees and Binds a fae creature, takes ownership of a cottage fit for a necromancer by fight a horde of skeletons with a cane, Corrupts a sword of justice and heroism into an abomination of a weapon, among other things | Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Necromancy, Evil, Villain, random events | 2013-10-14 | 12 | |
27781447 | Evil Precure Quest 23 | Some slight quick timeskips happen to ge things rolling. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-10-17 | 16 | |
27849138 | Evil Precure Quest 24 | Where we meet our magicless match. We better not cheat this time. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-10-21 | 12 | |
27846385 | Washed up Villain quest 4 | We suddenly become a god, plan our villainous marriage to the goddess of justice (out of character) and turn a mighty demon into a little girl because Bethany though it was funny | Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Necromancy, Evil, Villain, God | 2013-10-21 | 10 | |
27886400 | Washed up Villain quest 5 | Bethany attends a wedding, learns the meaning of fear and also loses one of his most trusted companions | Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Necromancy, Evil, Villain, god, | 2013-10-23 | 6 | |
27977365 | Evil Precure Quest 25 | In which we fight a surprise opponent and you feel like she is going to be of the persistent sort. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-10-28 | 14 | |
28027857 | Evil Precure Quest:Halloween edition | Time for something scary, like a which inside a ghost house sort of scary. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-10-31 | 8 | |
November 2013 |
28092703 | Evil Precure Quest 26 | Where we fight our greatest enemy...ourselves? Or is it really ___? | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-11-04 | 10 | |
28219412 | Evil Precure Quest 27 | Where we try to negotiate with an angry, stubborn person by being angry and stubborn. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-11-11 | 11 | |
28405208 | Evil Precure Quest 28 | Where we talk to our double, which would be a copy of a clone. And find out taht shit might or might not be starting to go down. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-11-21 | 12 | |
28516649 | Oh the horror | Op asks which horror setting /tg/ would pick. /tg/ replies "all of them, at once." | horror, parasite eve, silent hill, hinamizawa, resident evil, f.e.a.r, alan wake | 2013-11-27 | 6 | |
28535389 | Evil Precure Quest 29 | Where we kick Matilda the illusion bitch's ass so hard that Momoko goes temproraril crazy. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-11-28 | 11 | |
December 2013 |
28617703 | Times your group has had to end for the night | Times a campaign has had to restart, be rewritten, or put on hold because of silly bullshit players pull. Also a small bit of advice on worldbuilding. | DM, GM, DMing, GMing, worldbuilding, story, stories, storytime, PC, GMPC, DMPC, bard, paladin, seduction, cancer, Elder evil, EE, BBEG | 2013-12-02 | 5 | |
28745872 | Evil Precure Quest 30 | Masako meets a street shark and then promptly hits him with a street light | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-12-09 | 11 | |
28806013 | Evil Precure Quest 31 | The immortal question. What would Kevin Bacon from Tremors do? | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-12-12 | 11 | |
28886630 | Evil Precure Quest 32 | The fight against the street shark ends and we are so very, very rudely interrupted by someone we hate. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-12-16 | 12 | |
29083165 | And I Will Fear No Evil: A Type-Moon CYOA - Canto 1 | Bartolomè de la Fuente is young man ordained in the service of the Lord. But he is very far from home now, in Naples. And something terrible has befallen his father. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2013-12-26 | 15 | |
29098922 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA - Verse 2 | Bartolomè encounters a vicious creature, and learns what his new role entails. Thy will be done, O Lord. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2013-12-27 | 10 | |
29117460 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 3 | Bartolomè reads a letter from his father, and encounters a suspicious man named Wayne. At the church, he encounters a fellow Executor, and learns his next objective. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2013-12-28 | 8 | |
29151898 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 4 | Bartolomè is prepared for coming danger, but can he live with the choices he must make? | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2013-12-30 | 7 | |
29156793 | Evil Precure Quest 33 | Where we sort of make up with shorty, Red. But most importantly: Misa is pissed off at us. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2013-12-30 | 10 | |
January 2014 |
29195957 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 5 | Bartolomè sets out late at night to slay a vampire and confront a mage. But will he survive long enough to try? | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-01-01 | 8 | |
29219135 | Evil Precure Quest 34 | Where we confront a very angry Misa. Archived Early | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-01-02 | 11 | |
29236103 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 6 | Bartolomè and Wayne enter the lair of Klaus Hind, and struggle to escape his vexing illusions. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-01-03 | 7 | |
29296296 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 7 | Bartolomè confronts Klaus Hind, and all of his skills are put to the test. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-01-06 | 12 | |
29348189 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 8 | It is time to rest and recover. Bartolomè spends many days in bed, and learns what transpired as he slept, as well as the extent of his injuries. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-01-08 | 10 | |
29360104 | D&D Alignment: How very Neutral of you. | A few guys actually make some gods-damned sense of D&D alignment. | DnD, D&D, Dungeons, Dragons, Planescape, Neutral, Zapp, Brannigan, good, evil, law, chaos, sense, fluff, alignment, explanation, succubus | 2014-01-08 | 13 | |
29378280 | Evil Precure Quest 35 | Where we find out that us apologizing is apparently an even bigger deal than we thought. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-01-09 | 10 | |
29471210 | Evil Precure Quest 36 | Where we panic unnecessarily, feel intimidated by an older woman and relax. Almost a normal day in the life of Masako. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-01-13 | 13 | |
29536850 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 9 | Bartolomè has a chat with his mother, and goes to the supermarket. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-01-16 | 10 | |
29636785 | Evil PreCure Quest 37 | In which we finally take off that damn nekomimi maid outfit. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-01-20 | 10 | |
29635883 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 10 | Bartolomè learns the identity of his next potential foe, and begins his training. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-01-20 | 12 | |
29712333 | Evil Precure Quest 38 | We win a race and then take a stroll into (justified) paranoia town. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-01-23 | 10 | |
29776017 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 11 | Bartolomè encounters a bizarre young girl in the alleys of Naples. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-01-26 | 7 | |
29837241 | Evil Precure Quest 39 | we take the reigns of Aomi and have to sniff out Matilda. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-01-28 | 12 | |
29870914 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 2 | In which the story is derailed and our hero ends up dead, with a white devil on his side. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Dead End, White Devil, Terminator Mode, | 2014-01-30 | 3 | |
February 2014 |
29944240 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 3 | Tohma has no fear, calls devils cute and asks them on dates. Lily also starts her journey to save her man. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Lily Interlude,, | 2014-02-02 | 6 | |
29948300 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 12 | When Bartolomè arrives at the airport, he finds that someone has been waiting for him. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-02-02 | 8 | |
29955845 | Evil Precure Quest 40 | Where Aomi attempts to interrogate an uncooperative illusionist. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-02-02 | 7 | |
30040609 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 13 | Bartolomè is in the clutches of a Dead Apostle. Who is this girl, and what connection does she hold to his missing father? | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-02-06 | 10 | |
30048265 | Evil Precure Quest 40 | In which Blue isn't just a spectator anymore. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl, Masako | 2014-02-06 | 7 | |
30097372 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 4 | Curren rushes to save her new family member, while Tohma wakes up on a island and meets his hero. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Dead End, White Devil, Cute Devil, Lost Island, Huckebein, | 2014-02-09 | 4 | |
30115768 | SingulEDGEity | With help of anons, OP creates the edgiest character to join freeform RP. | ow the edge, evil good, dinosaurs, drugs | 2014-02-09 | 11 | |
30132596 | Evil Precure Quest 42 | Where we finish our briefing, get letured by a miniature bear and follow Masako's clone on her first outside experience in her own body. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-02-10 | 5 | |
30149111 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 14 | A young girl rescued by Bartolomè recalls the horrors that drove her to kill her best friend. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-02-11 | 8 | |
30217280 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 5 | Where Tohma is killed, and meets a pair of Kaisers. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Dead End, Kaisah Dojo, Magical Guy, | 2014-02-14 | 3 | |
30216019 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 15 | Bartolomè's first encounter with a foul man who holds a grudge against him and his mentor... | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-02-14 | 6 | |
30247230 | Lemure Quest part #1 | You wake up as a lemure in the pits of limbo. Wat do ? | lemure devil girl | 2014-02-15 | 14 | |
30287430 | Evil Precure Quest 43 | Where Masako finally gets her ass kicked. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-02-17 | 6 | |
30304347 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 6 | Tohma makes many new friends, all who want a piece of him, one way or another. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, | 2014-02-18 | 6 | |
30357276 | Evil Precure Quest 43 | In which Masako wakes up injured. Again. This is becoming a habit. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-02-20 | 12 | |
30354834 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 16 | The home of Kayton Abraham is breached. But he has been expecting company. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-02-20 | 8 | |
30396659 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 7 | In an all out brawl over the island's airspace,Tohma meets a precious person once again! | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Outlaws, Huckebein, | 2014-02-22 | 6 | |
30413981 | Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 5 | Jake and pals get whisked off to another dimension, however they end up dragging folks along for the ride. They find themselves in a world ruled by a pink haired tyrant. Will they defeat her? Will they get back home? The story is beginning to come to a close... | Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Mara | 2014-02-23 | 24 | |
30420960 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 8 | In which Tohma meets a pair of kings once again, fixes a hate machine's life, and makes a hard choice. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Dead End, Hard Choice, Huckebein, Best Girl, | 2014-02-23 | 6 | |
30464534 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 17 | Bartolomè does battle with Kayton Abraham | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-02-25 | 6 | |
30501213 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 9 | In which Tohma fails to negotiate with the TSAB. At least Mira likes him a bit more, that is something, right? | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, | 2014-02-27 | 5 | |
30509427 | Evil Precure Quest 44 | In which Masako tries really hard, and finally gets some ice-cream. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-02-27 | 10 | |
March 2014 |
30551716 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 18 | Bartolomè explores the home of Kayton Abraham. He encounters something horrible within its depths... | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-03-01 | 7 | |
30566839 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 10 | Hades plays ninjas for fools, Tohma gains a knight, and two Devils fight each other. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Black Devil Mode, Devil vs Devil, | 2014-03-02 | 8 | |
30569292 | Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 6 | Weapons are built, preparations are made, and the assult on Terminal HQ begins. Ether Lacus dies, or everyone dies. | Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Apsalus | 2014-03-02 | 24 | |
30595945 | Evil Precure Quest 46 | Fixed archive tread number. Masako enjoys a good day and finds out she has a fan club. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-03-03 | 10 | |
30661180 | Evil Precure Quest 47 | Where Matilda awakens something inside o her and is promptly defeated. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-03-06 | 12 | |
30712960 | Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 7 | Kira Clones. Pink Mobile Suits. The end of an adventure and a sad separation. Jake's adventure comes to an end... | Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Apsalus | 2014-03-09 | 24 | |
30717235 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 19 | As night falls, Bartolomè descends into the depths of Abraham's castle. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-03-09 | 7 | |
30742649 | Evil Precure Quest 48 | Where Masako finally fights anger monsters and these are beefed up. And the doctor seems to have an ace up his sleeve. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-03-10 | 10 | |
30763162 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 12 | Tohma prepares for dealing with the Eclipse Virus Outbreak... while he also stares at a cute commander! | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Cute Commander, | 2014-03-11 | 5 | |
30783978 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 20 | Our battered priest struggles to find help before he bleeds to death. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-03-12 | 6 | |
30837283 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 13 | A stupid devil is helpful... and Tohma finds out that someone waits for him. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Tsundere, | 2014-03-15 | 3 | |
30856377 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 21 | Bartolomè meets the Painter. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-03-16 | 7 | |
30894998 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 14 | In which love is another battlefield, and Mira is being cute too! | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Sleeping Girl, | 2014-03-18 | 5 | |
30899014 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 22 | Short part. Bartolomè is shown a piece of art that seems to depict him. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-03-18 | 7 | |
30942637 | Evil Precure Quest 49 | Masako escapes the belly of the beast and meets a new friend, frienemy? She sounds like a spoiled brat anyways. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-03-20 | 8 | |
31002593 | And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 23 | Primate Murder. | Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil | 2014-03-23 | 7 | |
31026801 | Evil Precure Quest 50 | Masako formally meets the princess of pride and tries to get her a place to stay | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-03-24 | 12 | |
31088661 | Evil PreCure Quest 51 | In which Masako peacefully starts fights with other girls, and gets a new sword. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-03-27 | 11 | |
April 2014 |
31228869 | Evil PreCure Quest 52 | In which we break the fourth wall to answer creepy questions from the voices in our head. Also, the bear gets taken home. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-04-03 | 10 | |
31308399 | Evil PreCure Quest 53 | In which Lubu is adorable. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-04-07 | 6 | |
31313225 | Evil PreCure Quest 53b | Where we begin to hand out punishments to our teammates. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-04-07 | 10 | |
31372551 | Evil PreCure Quest 54 | Masako does her very best at telling the disbelieving sensitives about magic. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-04-10 | 10 | |
31457648 | Evil PreCure Quest 55 | Where we sort of finally work out Aomi's issues. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-04-14 | 10 | |
31527180 | Evil PreCure Quest 56 | Masako vs Love: Round 1 | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-04-17 | 5 | |
31548348 | Evil PreCure Quest 57 | In which we talk about feelings and punish an insolent clock. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure,Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-04-18 | 6 | |
31580322 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 19 | In which Tohma manages to work out a future date with two girls and meet a familiar devil. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, | 2014-04-20 | 5 | |
31693713 | Evil PreCure Quest 58 | We spend some adorable moments doing SoL shenanigans until we gen an unexpected guest. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-04-25 | 10 | |
31762308 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 20 | In which Tohma adds two new members to his team, and now deals with the gunner who sinks airships! | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, | 2014-04-28 | 2 | |
31765210 | Evil PreCure Quest 59 | A fight between siblings leads to much unnecessary stress. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-04-28 | 10 | |
May 2014 |
31831147 | Evil PreCure Quest 60 | A heart to Heart with Misa and planning. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-05-01 | 6 | |
31855556 | Evil PreCure Quest 61 | A disturbing nightmare fucks up the rest of our day. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-05-02 | 10 | |
31984400 | Evil PreCure Quest 62 | Where two pinks calm each other down somehow. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-05-08 | 12 | |
32070608 | Evil PreCure Quest 63 | In which much ado is made about underwear. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-05-12 | 10 | |
32129576 | Evil PreCure Quest 64 | The Grand Tournament! | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-05-15 | 12 | |
32209150 | Evil Precure Quest 65 | In which a tourney bout is fair play, followed by unfair play. Also a jerk gets broken ribs, but not from Masako. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-05-19 | 11 | |
32308550 | Paladin Quest: The Chivalring | You are a paladin of the Moon, sister of the Sun and daughter of the Sky. There is evil afoot, and it is your duty and privilege to smite it. | Paladin Quest, Collective Game, Knights, Chivalry, Not!Asia, Lunar Paladin, Vampires, Jojo, Smiting Evil | 2014-05-24 | 29 | |
32354710 | Paladin Quest II: Live Free or Die Chivalrous | You are Fei Yu Xiang, Knight of the Moon, and you've just been turned into a Hungering Prince. But who cares about that, there's chivalry to do. | Paladin Quest, Collective Game, Knights, Chivalry, Not!Asia, Lunar Paladin, Vampires, Smiting Evil | 2014-05-25 | 22 | |
32359888 | Evil Precure Quest 66 | Hey sister, can ya spare a coffee? | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-05-26 | 14 | |
June 2014 |
32515380 | Evil Precure Quest 67 | A hostage situation that DOESN'T go completely FUBAR. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-06-02 | 6 | |
32554516 | Reclaiming Might Quest | The beginning. You recall a small fraction of your power. | Reclaiming Might, Evil Overlord, Tactics, Strategy, Exploration, Empire Building, Smut, Collective Game | 2014-06-04 | 9 | |
32715050 | Reclaiming Might Quest | Thread 2 | Reclaiming Might, Evil Overlord, Tactics, Strategy, Exploration, Empire Building, Smut, Collective Game | 2014-06-11 | 6 | |
32719968 | Evil PreCure Quest 68 | In which we face the consequences of our actions while everybody else is high on painkillers. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-06-12 | 10 | |
32859503 | Reclaiming Might Quest | Thread 3 | Reclaiming Might, Evil Overlord, Tactics, Strategy, Exploration, Empire Building, Smut, Collective Game | 2014-06-19 | 4 | |
32866925 | Evil PreCure Quest 69 | Karaoke and Citizens Raging Against Precure or C.R.A.P | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-06-19 | 10 | |
32947975 | Evil PreCure Quest 70: Late & Short Edition | Masako never has things MAID easy for her | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-06-23 | 12 | |
33087402 | Kouga: Saint of Mars 8 | When you manage to turn victory into defeat and die, who are you going to call? The Black and White Devil. | Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Devil Dojo, White Devil, | 2014-06-30 | 2 | |
33087664 | The Overlord Who Could Not Be Evil | Storytime of a wannabe Dark Lord whose attempts at "evil" all backfire making him beloved by the people as a great hero, much to his displeasure. Wipes out a religion? Later everyone finds out it was into human sacrifice. Imports evil creatures such as liches? Necro-industry! Kicks a puppy? The damned thing was a plague carrier! | Overlord, Evil, Heroic, Failure, Story, Writefag, Heartwarming, | 2014-06-30 | 20 | |
July 2014 |
33152341 | Evil Precure Quest 71 | In which we warp our mind with violent movies. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-07-03 | 10 | |
33300068 | Evil PreCure Quest 72 | We fall victim to Mirror Shield's evil plot of making us pay for her food! | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-07-10 | 10 | |
33317239 | Reclaiming Might Quest 6.1 | The battle continues.
Troll tags for 3, 4 and 6: edge, shameless | Reclaiming Might, Evil Overlord, Empire Building, edge, shameless, smut, Collective Game | 2014-07-11 | 1 | |
33410005 | Evil? PreCure Quest 73 | A POV switch, we get inside Momoko's head. Somebody had to make use of the all the vacant space. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-07-15 | 12 | |
33612980 | Evil PreCure Quest 74 - Probably not misarchived Edition | In which we are definately not being followed by a box. Also, tickles. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-07-24 | 12 | |
August 2014 |
33873118 | Evil PreCure Quest 75 | C.R.A.P is still dumb, Mirror Spear is still a bitch. film at 11. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-08-04 | 10 | |
33947086 | Evil PreCure Quest 76 | Masako and pals lose track of time. Clearly this is the work of an enemy Stand. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-08-07 | 10 | |
34032004 | Lawful Evil Civilizations | OP requests ideas for how a Lawful Evil city would work. Worldbuilding, dystopia and the prospect that North Korea is actually ran by a chaotic stupid LOLevil That Guy player character results. | Alignments, dystopia, hell, lawful evil, Ayn Rand, | 2014-08-11 | 2 | |
34119092 | Crazy Evil Precure Quest 77 | A day in the life of Mirror Spear | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-08-14 | 10 | |
34215365 | Evil Precure Quest 78 | Napping and plans for tree visitation occur. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-08-18 | 8 | |
34338430 | Ancient Baatorians | Thread in which /tg/ discusses D&D lore about the Baatorians, the Archdevils, demons and other fluff dealing with the ancient history of the Multiverse. | D&D, lore, Planescape, Baatezu, Baatorians, Baator, Nine Hells, devils, demons, history | 2014-08-24 | 11 | |
34375075 | Evil Precure Quest 79 | Fungicide, Document forgeries, and Image dumps. Oh my! | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-08-25 | 10 | |
34426446 | Paladin Quest III: Judgement Day | QM lost her Anonkun password, so one last thread on /tg/. | Paladin Quest, Collective Game, Knights, Chivalry, Not!Asia, Lunar Paladin, Vampires, Smiting Evil | 2014-08-27 | 1 | |
September 2014 |
34541860 | Evil PreCure Quest 80 | Putting the "Fun" in Fungicide | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-09-01 | 11 | |
34707520 | Evil Precure Quest 81 | A master spy he is not. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-09-08 | 12 | |
34866099 | Evil PreCure Quest 82 | De-clawing the kitty | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-09-15 | 11 | |
35029003 | Evil Precure Quest 83 | We explain the situation to Satoshi... with our fist. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-09-22 | 11 | |
October 2014 |
35331439 | Evil PreCure Quest 84 | You know what goes well with fungicide? Sleepovers! | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-10-06 | 10 | |
35458769 | Esper Quest: Thread 17 | Akari and Co. take on Not!Mechagodzilla... and... Co.?
Oh boy.
| Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, GIANT ROBOTS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, THE GREAT EVIL, MAGIC, JUSTICE | 2014-10-12 | 2 | |
35486626 | Evil PreCure Quest 85 | Follicle Fiasco | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-10-13 | 10 | |
35567762 | Esper Quest: Thread 18 | Akari and Co. learn that Mop-man is a big jerk, just like his robot:
| Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, GIANT ROBOTS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, THE GREAT EVIL, MAGIC, JUSTICE | 2014-10-16 | 5 | |
35634830 | Evil PreCure Quest 86 | Masako's cromulent hair cuts and eggs is open for business | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-10-20 | 10 | |
November 2014 |
35923968 | Evil Precure Quest 87 | The children need more violence in school. Also, anon is lewd. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-11-03 | 11 | |
December 2014 |
36533029 | Post Apoc Evil Genius Civ Quest Part 1 | Once there was an evil genius who wanted to take over the world. But you can't take over the world if it's destroyed. Now he seeks to rebuild it, so he can destroy it! Or something, don't question the boss | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Evil, Genius | 2014-12-04 | 0 | |
36559260 | Post Apoc Evil Genius Civ Quest Part 2 | We rise in strength as our foes fall and become as slaves to us. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Evil, Genius | 2014-12-05 | 1 | |
36667115 | Post Apoc Evil Genius Civ Quest Part 3 | We get attacked by sirens and lose all our women, find some tanks, and a secret facility under a volcano. | Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, Evil, Genius | 2014-12-10 | 1 | |
36767757 | Evil PreCure Quest 88 | The Quest is lives!...which is more than one might say for [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]! | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-12-15 | 12 | |
36923814 | Evil PreCure Quest 89 | Taking some precuremon back to the precurecenter | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-12-23 | 10 | |
37028981 | Evil PreCure Quest 90 | Tag team finishers and Psychonauts: Imouto version | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2014-12-29 | 10 | |
January 2015 |
37132287 | Explaining the real world to utopia's natives | OP ask /tg/ how we would explain the IRL world and it's problems to an innocent native of a fantasy realm where bad things can't happen. Writefags arrive and heartwarmingness results. | Ethics, writefags, heartwarming, evil, good, Alfred Pennyworth | 2015-01-04 | 7 | |
37168050 | Evil PreCure Quest 91 | Mirror Shield gets mind loved tenderly | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2015-01-05 | 13 | |
37471519 | Evil PreCure Quest 92 | Mind over family matters | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2015-01-19 | 8 | |
37622640 | Evil PreCure Quest 93 | Insight to Dad and oh snap! We're gonna have to name them aren't we? | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2015-01-26 | 10 | |
February 2015 |
37784077 | Evil Precure Quest 94 | Landscaping, new names, and chores oh my! | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2015-02-02 | 7 | |
37937069 | Evil PreCure Quest 95 | itching for a duel MAID in heaven | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2015-02-09 | 6 | |
38342029 | Evil Precure Quest 96 | Brief thread with an equally brief duel. And C.R.A.P is doing stuff again | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2015-02-27 | 8 | |
March 2015 |
38408807 | Evil PreCure Quest 97 | Let's hug it out bitch! | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2015-03-02 | 10 | |
38698536 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 1 | Giles, a strange guy with strange habits and stranger hobbies, arrives at a lovely palace with less than lovely intentions | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-03-15 | 27 | |
38725092 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 2 | Giles is stuck on babysitting duty, and he runs into the pompous douche bag that people call "Fate's Chosen" | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-03-16 | 23 | |
38754217 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 3 | Giles teaches the little princess a while bunch of things that he probably shouldn't! | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-03-17 | 21 | |
38774419 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 4 | Omen's abound when Devils walk the night. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-03-18 | 17 | |
38834343 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 5 | Giles meets his not-sister Melissa. A woman with a fiery head and fierier temper. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-03-21 | 17 | |
38849052 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 6 | Giles gets a chance to hang out with his not-sister and the cutest damn princesses in the realm. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-03-22 | 13 | |
38873390 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 7 | Further hangouts with not-sister and adorable princesses. Then some snooping and eavesdropping show that tomorrow night might be very interesting. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-03-23 | 13 | |
38937206 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 8 | Giles begins his morning with some unexpected cuddling. Then we find out that Marcellus is quite he lady's man (or quite the lady, man), and the party begins! | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-03-26 | 12 | |
38956241 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 9 | Giles shares a dance and a moment with Laura, then he learns just how delicious tears can be. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-03-27 | 11 | |
38988706 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 10 | After much dancing and a bit of romantic tension,the party comes to a close and Giles finds he is not alone in the shadows. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-03-29 | 11 | |
39018031 | Evil PreCure Quest 98 | Lets hug it out bitch! | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2015-03-30 | 10 | |
39010800 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 11 | Giles and co. escape the city with an unexpected tagalong. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-03-30 | 11 | |
April 2015 |
39074959 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 12 | Giles goes shopping for supplies with Laura. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-02 | 11 | |
39095672 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 13 | Laura likes back rubs, and Giles finds himself cornered. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-03 | 8 | |
39134156 | On a Devil's Whim 14 | Even the best kept secrets cannot deny a Devil's Whim. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-05 | 11 | |
39159313 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 15 | Wounds and reconciliations and a bit of sneaking. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-06 | 11 | |
39224584 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 16 | Giles goes to see Melissa, and sees Father Pitre for the first time in 6 years. Tears ensue. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-09 | 11 | |
39245154 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 17 | Further hangouts with Melissa, then she accidentally drops the bomb on Selene. More tears ensue. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-10 | 7 | |
39284086 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 18 | We win our duel with Marcy, learn Marcy's little secret, and go to sleep without anything messed up happening. Honest. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-12 | 9 | |
39310740 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 19 | A bit of calm morning conversation after the events of the previous night. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-13 | 9 | |
39330286 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 20 | Giles laughs with some good friends. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-14 | 6 | |
39388216 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 21 | The Gambler lives up to his name. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-17 | 6 | |
39446501 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 22 | A Devil hath no fury like a woman scorned... | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-20 | 8 | |
39473497 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 23 | The aftermath of the battle, a meeting with our newest employee, and a bit of accidental peeping to cap off the trip to Harth. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-21 | 6 | |
39493595 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 24 | Giles arrives in Harth, meets its King and Queen, and talks business with his assassin assisstant | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-22 | 6 | |
39533361 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 25 | Giles passes on the skills of a true Master Thief. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-24 | 7 | |
39616341 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 26 | Giles gives a drunken Melissa a bath time massage, then has to care for her after she passes out. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-28 | 6 | |
39655433 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 27 | Giles kicks off his morning by putting his assassins to work, then cares for a hungover Melissa. After that, he teaches Selene how to hit people where it counts and run like hell. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-04-30 | 7 | |
May 2015 |
39715838 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 28 | Giles gets a pep-talk from Marcy about how to deal with women, then he confesses his feelings to Melissa. Neither of them got much sleep after that. Laura also takes her rejection like a champ. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-05-03 | 6 | |
39730563 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 28 | Giles meets Cassandra on his trip into town, and she helps him find a lingerie shop for him to spill his spaghetti in. After that, we get very suspicious of the king. Then it's off to bed, where we must pull off several pieces of lingerie with our teeth. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-05-04 | 6 | |
39816165 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 29 | Giles has bit of rushed prep before the ball, then he gives the talk to and dances with Selene. After that, Cassandra shows us all her hand. And it beats ours pretty handily. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-05-08 | 6 | |
39847637 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 30 | The ball goes to hell, and Giles must pull it back to earth. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-05-10 | 6 | |
39876403 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 31 | Giles is running out of secrets. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-05-11 | 6 | |
39921630 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 32 | Giles and Marcy "kidnap" Selene, and decide on what they should do now that they've stolen a loli | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-05-13 | 6 | |
39994787 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 33 | Hector, Marcella, and Selena head to Searise, after helping some family. Yup. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-05-17 | 6 | |
40017693 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 34 | Giles helps Marcy feel pretty again. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-05-18 | 6 | |
40133394 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 35 | Marcy gets a prize for friendship, and a sweet family moment is had. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-05-24 | 6 | |
40264746 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 36 | Communication is essential to a happy marriage. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-05-30 | 6 | |
40285474 | DMC Quest 1 | Devil May Cry Quest, featuring Duncan. Kill Demons. Be cool. | Quest, /tg/, DMC, Devil May Cry | 2015-05-31 | 11 | |
June 2015 |
40373899 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 37 | In which Marcy has fears and Pitre has secrets | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-06-04 | 4 | |
40330797 | DMC Quest 2 | Devil May Cry Quest 2. Figure out your powers. | DMC, Devil May Cry, Quest, /tg/ | 2015-06-04 | 5 | |
40393217 | Devil May Cry Quest 2.5 | Duncan successfully completes his first mission. | DMC, Collective Game, Devil May Cry | 2015-06-05 | 8 | |
40453073 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 38 | Giles has a discussion with his (possibly) adopted brother, and discovers his resolve anew. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-06-08 | 6 | |
40501773 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 39 | Giles is best dad and best master. Kuma a cute. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-06-10 | 6 | |
40523459 | DMC Quest 4 | O, Canada... | DMC, Devil May Cry, Collective Game | 2015-06-11 | 5 | |
40605569 | Devil May Cry Quest 5 | Problems at home as Duncan tries to deal with women. | DMC, Devil May Cry, Collective Game, Devil May Cry Quest | 2015-06-15 | 3 | |
40612557 | Devil May Cry Quest 5.5 | Friendly reminder: this game is set to Duncan Must Die. | DMC, Devil May Cry, Collective Game, Devil May Cry Quest | 2015-06-15 | 3 | |
40603140 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 40 | Giles is no longer best dad. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-06-15 | 6 | |
40686375 | Devil May Cry Quest 6 | Duncan goes cruising to beat up some bad dudes. | DMC, Devil May Cry, Collective Game, Devil May Cry Quest | 2015-06-20 | 6 | |
40719012 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 41 | Laust lays siege to Searise. Giles seeks to turn the tables. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-06-21 | 4 | |
40767819 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 42 | Giles pulls rank and goes to work. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-06-23 | 4 | |
40721684 | DMC Quest 7 | Babes, Bikers, and Lightning Fags | DMC, Devil May Cry, Quest | 2015-06-26 | 3 | |
40823383 | Devil May Cry Quest 8 | Even a Devil May Cry when it loses a loved one | DMC, Devil May Cry, Quest, Collective Game | 2015-06-30 | 4 | |
July 2015 |
41189283 | Devil Hunter Quest 1 | We meet the team, acquire a glaive and almost get murdered in a graveyard thanks to an unlucky crit fail. | Collective Game, Devil Hunter Quest | 2015-07-13 | 6 | |
41210312 | Devil Hunter Quest 2 | In which we train, go on an extermination mission and go mano o mano with a Demon | Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game | 2015-07-14 | 5 | |
41269586 | Devil Hunter Quest3 | In which we get AN ADORABLE PUPPY | collective game, Devil Hunter, | 2015-07-17 | 4 | |
41291137 | Devil Hunter Quest 4 | Everyone kinda dies on me, so i just archive it. | Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart | 2015-07-18 | 3 | |
41379535 | Devil Hunter Quest 5 | In which we meet the ex elites, and duel another dark magic user | Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart | 2015-07-22 | 3 | |
41420313 | Devil Hunter Quest 6 | In which we watch two of the elites fight, and get a warning from ourselves. | Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart | 2015-07-24 | 0 | |
41461401 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 43 | A tired Marcella does her best to protect a hungry Selene as the Siege of Searise reaches the island. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-07-26 | 7 | |
41582436 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #1 | Our protagonist enters a new world and learns a few choice facts about family. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-07-31 | 15 | |
August 2015 |
41606978 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 44 | Giles surveys the wreckage of Searise, gets surprising news of his parentage, and finds Melissa's porn stash. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-08-02 | 6 | |
41611778 | Devil Hunter Quest 7 | In which we train, talk to Jack, have a deep discussion with our team and revisit our past | Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart | 2015-08-02 | 2 | |
41622512 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #2 | Our protagonist meets some more survivors and recruits a new servant | Collective Game, Quest, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-02 | 5 | |
41666827 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #3 | Our protagonist plans out the attack, but not everything goes to plan | Collective Game, Quest, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-04 | 5 | |
41685435 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #4 | Everyone is the hero of their own story | Collective Game, Quest, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-05 | 5 | |
41696382 | Devil Hunter Quest 8 | In which we discover something cool, talk about MC's junk, and relive an old story. | Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart | 2015-08-06 | 3 | |
41726401 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #5 | Back in the land of the living, our hero plays both sides | Collective Game, Quest, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-07 | 6 | |
41751629 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 45 | Giles is left alone to his thoughts, which is one place he'd rather not be | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-08-09 | 6 | |
41767498 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #6 | Our protagonist draws her plans as battle looms | Collective Game, Quest, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-09 | 5 | |
41778266 | Devil Hunter Quest 9 | In which we get captured, inspect a ring and make allies. | Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart | 2015-08-10 | 2 | |
41806562 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #7 | Our protagonist makes her escape, but not without some difficulties | Collective Game, Quest, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-11 | 5 | |
41857363 | Evil Precure Thread | Back after an extremely long hiatus. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2015-08-14 | 11 | |
41866930 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #8 | Meeting fairy royalty, solving fairy problems | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-14 | 5 | |
41879081 | Devil Hunter Quest 10 | In which we start the Labyrinth and start fighting a spirit | Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart | 2015-08-15 | 2 | |
41907943 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #9 | Several discoveries are made, and few of them are pleasant | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-16 | 5 | |
41913547 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 46 | Giles and co. meet up with their friends, and some nice calm moments are had. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-08-17 | 8 | |
41951401 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #10 | A family reunion, training an angel and meeting up with an old friend. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-18 | 5 | |
42007910 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #11 | Questions and answers. Plus, looking a gift horse in the mouth | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-21 | 5 | |
42016258 | Evil Precure Quest 100 | Masako does her best either avoid a horrible fate or embrace it. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2015-08-22 | 10 | |
42046082 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #12 | Our protagonist attends Forneus' garage sale and learns of an Archangel | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-23 | 6 | |
42051311 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 47 | Giles slips back into an old habit, and shows Selene the ropes. But a surprise appearance by Cassandra throws things off balance in more ways than he may realize... | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-08-24 | 8 | |
42087271 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #13 | Local girl shouts at door and punches a devil | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-26 | 6 | |
42145944 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #14 | Family reunion 2.0 Also, fairies are jerks | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-29 | 5 | |
42190763 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #15 | A rude awakening, and delving into a dog eat dog world | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-08-30 | 5 | |
September 2015 |
42235697 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #16 | How to earn some enforced bedrest | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-09-01 | 5 | |
42286799 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #17 | Cassandra's brief moment in the spotlight, and Amelia descends into the tunnels | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-09-04 | 5 | |
42296425 | Evil Precure Quest 101 | Everyone is a bitch or an asshole. Our heroine (surprisingly) doesn't look so bad anymore. For now at least. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2015-09-05 | 8 | |
42310803 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 48 | Giles receives help from a demon, and starts his trek across the Glass Desert. Though where demons were there to help him, Angels have come to hinder him. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-09-06 | 4 | |
42326914 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #18 | A close fought battle with Uriel, and a new start with Oberon | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-09-06 | 6 | |
42331496 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 49 | Giles tangles with an Angel, escaping death several times to finally finish it off. But the arrival of more Angels forces him to make a less than optimal exit... | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-09-07 | 6 | |
42377645 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #19 | Cassandra parts with an old friend and makes a new one. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-09-08 | 5 | |
42401441 | Dungeon King #1 | We decide on being a golem warlord, and loot our first village. | Collective Game, Dungeon King, evil, golems | 2015-09-10 | 5 | |
42418670 | Dungeon King #2 | We conquer a village, take an apprentice, and learn some things | Collective Game, Dungeon King, evil, golems | 2015-09-11 | 5 | |
42434227 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #20 | Cassandra deals with a pair of highly trustworthy individuals. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-09-11 | 5 | |
42473286 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #21 | Amelia receives some unwelcome news and sets her sights on a new goal | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-09-13 | 5 | |
42479802 | Dungeon King #3 | We get stormed by a hero with mages, and find some frogmen. | Collective Game, Dungeon King, evil, golems | 2015-09-14 | 5 | |
42505429 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 50 | Giles enters the pirate haven of Cortela, seduces some information out of a barmaid, and starts a bar fight because he can. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-09-15 | 6 | |
42516490 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #22 | Amelia confronts Mot's drama and gives new life to an old friend | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-09-16 | 5 | |
42516902 | Dungeon King #4 | We beat a wizard senseless and get pissed at our apprentice | Collective Game, Dungeon King, evil, golems | 2015-09-16 | 5 | |
42576983 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #23 | Sharing secrets, and preparing for the attack on the third cornerstone | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-09-18 | 5 | |
42577123 | Dungeon King #5 | We conquer Dvor, and make a golem for a sultan (but really for us) | Collective Game, Dungeon King, evil, golems | 2015-09-19 | 4 | |
42609942 | Evil Precure Quest 102 | Masako is faced with the option of punching her father or act as a bodyguard. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl | 2015-09-20 | 7 | |
42604800 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 51 | Giles secures a ship to Laust, a new sword, a bed for the night, and a lass to keep said bed warm. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-09-20 | 4 | |
42622406 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #24 | The battle for the third cornerstone begins in full | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-09-20 | 5 | |
42629809 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 52 | Giles gets his new sword and begins his next journey, after being guilted into bringing Elda along as well. Though she may find that she was better off at home, as some enemies just don't give up... | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-09-21 | 4 | |
42664965 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #25 | The madness of King Oberon | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-09-23 | 5 | |
42717635 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #26 | It's cold up north | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-09-26 | 5 | |
42756554 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #27 | A change in leadership in the land of the Fae | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-09-27 | 5 | |
October 2015 |
42813748 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #28 | Finding a New Way to do things | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-10-01 | 5 | |
42848729 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #29 | Among the dead and into the labyrinth. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-10-02 | 5 | |
42886456 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #30 | An eye for an eye. A new protagonist appears | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-10-04 | 5 | |
42923780 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #31 | Our protagonist enjoys some family time and performs surgery | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-10-07 | 5 | |
42975438 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #32 | Playing therapist and performing surgery | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-10-10 | 5 | |
43014247 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #33 | Fighting the last Archangel. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-10-11 | 5 | |
43050119 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #34 | Searching for the Fiends and finding far worse things | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-10-13 | 5 | |
43103660 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #35 | A line is crossed. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-10-17 | 5 | |
43127456 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 53 | Giles kills yet another Angel, at the cost of his ride to Laust. So with Elda as his navigator, he embarks on and finishes his journey to Laust. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-10-18 | 6 | |
43141010 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #36 | Bidding farewell to the fairy kingdom and attacking the final cornerstone | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-10-18 | 5 | |
43168619 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 54 | Giles breaks off his (admittedly short) relationship with Melissa, and makes his way back into the Palace. Along the way he finds Marcy and some people he didn't expect... | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-10-20 | 6 | |
43177245 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #37 | Leaving the old world behind and entering the Tower | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-10-21 | 5 | |
43223212 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 55 | Giles brings Laura back to her normal self, and then he finds Selene and makes himself part of the family. Unfortunately, circumstance cuts their happy moment short. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-10-23 | 6 | |
43233157 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #38 | Finishing the forces of Law once and for all | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-10-23 | 5 | |
43262963 | Devil Hunter Quest 11 | We come back from the hiatus and kill shit | DarkTart, Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, | 2015-10-25 | 4 | |
43274521 | Devil Summoner: London Quest #39 | To build a better world. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-10-26 | 7 | |
43280140 | Quest: On a Devil's Whim 56 | A Thief gives his life to protect those he loves, and from his loss something new is born. | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-10-26 | 7 | |
43320062 | Quest: On a Devil's Last Whim | A toast to war, to peace, to death, to life, and to family. The End | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, Smiley | 2015-10-28 | 13 | |
43369400 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #1 | And the cycle begins anew | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-10-30 | 5 | |
November 2015 |
43406859 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #2 | Learning more about demons and worlds both old and new | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-11-02 | 5 | |
43443780 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #3 | Mia's adventures through the looking glass | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-11-04 | 5 | |
43499815 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #4 | After much discussion, Mia returns to the other side | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-11-07 | 5 | |
43538811 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #5 | A brief lesson on how to rewrite history. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-11-08 | 5 | |
43575081 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #6 | "Remember Mia, this is a sneaking mission..." | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-11-11 | 5 | |
43622029 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #7 | The calm before the storm | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-11-14 | 5 | |
43646188 | /tg/ creates utopia | In which OP asks how /tg/ posters would create a utopia if given reality warper powers. Discussion of human nature, religions and the need for evil results. Surprisingly civil. | ethics, utopia, dystopia, god, power, good, evil, Skull-King The Giant Robotic Scourge Of Mankind, | 2015-11-15 | 2 | |
43653754 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #8 | Assassins stalk the night | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-11-16 | 5 | |
43686875 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #9 | High Impact Sexual Violence | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-11-17 | 5 | |
43738108 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #10 | Two explorations and two new recruits | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-11-20 | 5 | |
43770447 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #11 | Gathering intelligence and recruiting an old friend | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-11-23 | 5 | |
43782487 | Underdark Quest 1: Character creation | Somewhere, deep in the underdark in the city of Granthabur, Rahymus Razenbur, a male member of the Razenbur house starts his day and decides to train a bit | Collective Game, Underdark Quest, SpiderGod, Drow, Horrible awful things, Evil, Underdark, | 2015-11-23 | 5 | |
43806367 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #12 | Digging up the past with Elliot | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-11-24 | 5 | |
43852496 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #13 | A simple request. What could go wrong? | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-11-28 | 5 | |
43888277 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #14 | The first steps down a dark path | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-11-29 | 5 | |
December 2015 |
43926486 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #15 | The thrill of battle! | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-12-02 | 5 | |
43981157 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #16 | A long overdue rescue and some well-deserved answers | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-12-05 | 5 | |
44018151 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #17 | Taking the first few steps into a new world | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-12-07 | 5 | |
44056617 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #18 | Escaping the tunnel network and exploring a new tower | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-12-08 | 5 | |
44107140 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #19 | Old friends should keep in touch | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-12-11 | 5 | |
44148967 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #20 | In the domain of a God-King | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-12-13 | 5 | |
44188629 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #21 | Escape from the Golden City | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-12-16 | 5 | |
44244137 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #22 | Challenging the Archangels | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-12-19 | 5 | |
44280880 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #23 | Gathering the wounded and the fallen | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-12-20 | 5 | |
44322201 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #24 | Rest, recuperation and mad science | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-12-22 | 5 | |
44405069 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #25 | Getting heated and going berserk | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-12-27 | 5 | |
44442140 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #26 | The most trustworthy angel | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2015-12-29 | 5 | |
January 2016 |
44500450 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #27 | Heading West, and covering new ground. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-01-02 | 5 | |
44542207 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #28 | A nice relaxing bit of babysitting. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-01-03 | 5 | |
44569548 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #1 | The protagonist wakes up in a strange location, but makes some new friends along the way. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-05 | 23 | |
44588977 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #2 | The protagonist makes his first non-human friend, and has second thoughts about being a medical student. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-06 | 17 | |
44604157 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #29 | Tying up loose ends - and stalling for time. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-01-07 | 5 | |
44609931 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #3 | In which the protagonist and his friends try to make new allies, have a more than one bad time in the process. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-07 | 15 | |
44642114 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #30 | Explosions, and their role in the healing process. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-01-09 | 5 | |
44656679 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #4 | In which the protagonist and his friends kill a ghoul, escape from the hospital and receive a hot welcoming party. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-09 | 14 | |
44674319 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #5 | In which the protagonist wakes up in yet another hospital and receives a full debriefing and explanation. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-10 | 13 | |
44686892 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #31 | Heading North, and taking the bait. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-01-11 | 5 | |
44728318 | New Cycle Quest #32 | The fight against Mada | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-01-12 | 5 | |
44735719 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #6 | In which the protagonist spends time with his family and takes a late-night call from a friend. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-13 | 14 | |
44759233 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #7 | In which our protagonist attends Devil Summoner Bootcamp. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-14 | 29 | |
44790010 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #33 | Returning, as heroes, from the Northern lands. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-01-15 | 5 | |
44835409 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #34 | Beneath the broken earth once more. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-01-17 | 5 | |
44847235 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #8 | In which our protagonist makes new friends and allies at Devil Summoner Bootcamp. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-18 | 14 | |
44874949 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #35 | A successful experiment. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-01-19 | 5 | |
44909070 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #9 | In which our protagonist becomes a big damn hero, faces a hard decision, and engages in a show-off contest. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-21 | 12 | |
44926085 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #10 | In which the protagonist learns about the history of the Task Force and the dark side of Demon Fusion. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-22 | 11 | |
44937492 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #36 | An uninvited guest. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-01-22 | 5 | |
44984495 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #37 | A meeting beneath the full moon. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-01-24 | 5 | |
44993153 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #11 | In which our protagonist is given his first objective, leads a fire team, and channels his inner Rambo. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-25 | 11 | |
45015915 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #12 | In which our protagonist handles an explosive situation and meets a special guest character. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-26 | 11 | |
45027473 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #38 | Say hello to a devil, say goodbye to an angel. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-01-27 | 5 | |
45058207 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #13 | In which our protagonist is assigned his first official mission, takes a road trip, and rejects a very persuasive recruitment offer. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-28 | 11 | |
45087236 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #39 | Tying up a pair of loose ends. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-01-30 | 5 | |
45120443 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #14 | In which our protagonist goes on a not-date, postulates conspiracy theories, and scopes the site before the big day. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-01-31 | 11 | |
February 2016 |
45132779 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #40 | Mad science and misdirection | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-02-01 | 5 | |
45181540 | One Piece Adventure Quest 1 | From the Small island of Tumbling Weed in the west blue, a lass by the name of Adela De'terrar begins her adventure on the sea Early archiv | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-02-02 | 21 | |
45174582 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #41 | The most awkward family reunion yet. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-02-03 | 5 | |
45187063 | One Piece Adventure Quest 1 part 2 | Adela De'terrar, continues her new life as a marine, which is kind of annoying if pirate's keep interruptin your coffee breaks
Early ar | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-02-03 | 20 | |
45205326 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #15 | In which our protagonist is most certainly not a lady killer. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-02-04 | 11 | |
45221958 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #16 | In which the protagonist is still most certainly not a lady killer (Continuation of previous thread). | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-02-05 | 11 | |
45237489 | One Piece Adventure Quest 2 | Adela gets a rude awakening and has to train with her fellow marines...or is the captain using her to train them? Which is it? Early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-02-05 | 20 | |
45231033 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #42 | The night of the full moon draws to a close. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-02-06 | 5 | |
45240354 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #17 | In which our protagonist prevents the mission title from coming to further fruition. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-02-06 | 11 | |
45325411 | One Piece Adventure Quest 3 | Adela goes out to sea, being taken on a patrol to search for pirates and other sorts trouble. Early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-02-09 | 14 | |
45318908 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #43 | The Crawling Chaos rises | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-02-10 | 6 | |
45375890 | Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #44 | The end of a long road. | Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest | 2016-02-13 | 10 | |
45387566 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #17.5 | In which the protagonist is Solid Snake, makes a promise and takes a nap. (Continuation from previous thread) | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-02-13 | 11 | |
45396983 | Quest One Shot: The Devil's Daughter | The life of an adorable Princess/Apprentice Thief, and the start of many adventures to come! | Collective Game, On a Devil's Whim, One Shot, The Devil's Daughter | 2016-02-14 | 10 | |
45463357 | One Piece Adventure Quest 4 | With the ship in desperate need of repairs, Captain Ginegin decides to stop at dancing waves island. But something isn't right here. EA | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-02-16 | 13 | |
45447950 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest - Interlude 1 | Annette Turner takes the stage as our protagonist for our 1875 interlude sessions, with 75% Guns and 25% Family Issues. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-02-17 | 11 | |
45525443 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #18 | In which deductions are had, information received, and Victoria channels her inner speed demon. [Thread cut short due to QM getting ill.] | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-02-20 | 11 | |
45601928 | One Piece Adventure Quest 5 | Dancing Waves Island is in trouble! Pirates have taken it over and its up to Adela and the other marines to put a stop to it. Early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-02-23 | 17 | |
45637841 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #19 | In which the protagonist impresses his comrades, defies genre expectations, and makes a startling deduction about the culprit. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-02-26 | 13 | |
March 2016 |
45744995 | One Piece Adventure Quest 6 | The marines under Ginegin's command have been alerted of Adela's hard won victory, but the battle for dancing waves island is far from ov | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-03-01 | 11 | |
45747271 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #20 | In which the protagonist makes more connections, spares a life, and enters the home stretch of the case. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-03-02 | 13 | |
45806257 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #21 | In which the protagonist is young blood, splits the party and gaslights someone’s paranoia. The first case is almost finished! | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-03-05 | 11 | |
45865996 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #22 | In which the protagonist is an Ace Detective and connects all the dots together. Also includes Brady’s Night in the Limelight. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-03-08 | 11 | |
45885883 | One Piece Adventure Quest 7 | Time to finish up cleaning this mess. Early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-03-08 | 12 | |
45907720 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #23 | In which the protagonist and his friends close the first case by setting two weary souls to rest, with varying permanence. [End of Arc 3] | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-03-10 | 15 | |
46038282 | One Piece Adventure Quest 8 | Two devil fruit users on one ship? and ones a former pirate captain?! well can only lead to fun times can't it? early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-03-15 | 14 | |
46077971 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #24 | In which the protagonist gains ethereal insight, recruits a new friend, and gives someone a precious memory. ['Epilogue' to Arc 3] | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-03-18 | 13 | |
46186526 | One Piece Adventure Quest 9 | FRUTA ISLAND, an absolutely beautiful island that's perfect for a relaxing holiday...but there's something hiding in its jungles. EA | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-03-22 | 11 | |
46226448 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest - Interlude 2 | Annette Turner returns to the stage of 1875 with a ballad of ice and fire. Mostly fire, though. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-03-25 | 8 | |
46351268 | Blood Marked "Quest" | We introduce Lucy Cook, a young woman in modern time who has suddenly gotten very good at killing, but very bad at hiding the evidence. | Collective Game, Blood Marked, Lucy Cook, Eldritch Abomination, Evil, Villain, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, Insanity | 2016-03-30 | 2 | |
46378097 | One Piece Adventure Quest 10 | Adela heads into the jungles of Fruta Island, to try and figure out just what's going on in its shadowy depths. Early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-03-31 | 11 | |
April 2016 |
46373525 | Blood Marked "Quest" 2 | In which we have an odd dream, poke around a cave and a stream, cut our hair, and learn more about the little demon in the back of our head. | Collective Game, Blood Marked, Lucy Cook, Eldritch Abomination, Evil, Villain, Insanity | 2016-04-01 | 2 | |
46394015 | Blood Marked "Quest" 3 | We suffer a massive identity crisis as every new post gives us a new name. In the story we kill a man and plan to post pictures on the web. | Collective Game, Blood Marked, Lucy Cook, Eldritch Abomination, Evil, Villain, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, Insanity, April Fools 2016 | 2016-04-02 | 1 | |
46399268 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #25 | In which our protagonist has massive gains, receives another mission, and meets some unusual vendors. [Start of Arc 4]. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-04-02 | 12 | |
46458081 | Blood Marked "Quest" 4 | In which we battle for control over our body... win... and learn more about what we've become. | Collective Game, Blood Marked, Lucy Cook, Eldritch Abomination, Evil, Villain, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, Insanity | 2016-04-05 | 1 | |
46527516 | One Piece Adventure Quest 11 | Chaka, the witch doctor who's been preaching to the people of fruta about a goddess of fear is about to meet the real one. Early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-04-07 | 12 | |
46531708 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #26 | In which our protagonist performs demon fusion, takes a road trip, and receives a rude awakening. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-04-08 | 11 | |
46680181 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #27 | In which the protagonist is Mad Max in Kentucky, interrogates a mercenary, and undergoes PTSD. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-04-15 | 11 | |
46714957 | One Piece Adventure Quest 12 | A seemingly average day is interrupted by a seemingly abandoned Marine ship on the horizon, Scarred and wounded by battle. Early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-04-16 | 11 | |
46803220 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #28 | In which MacKay gets his turn to shine and channels his inner Crusader as our protagonist lies unconscious. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-04-21 | 13 | |
46819094 | One Piece Adventure Quest 13 | misfortune on the seas. early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-04-21 | 11 | |
46857981 | Be the BEG Chapter 22 | What mysteries do the relics hold? | Collective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Evil Shit | 2016-04-23 | 7 | |
May 2016 |
47031191 | Evilord Quest Oneshot | A good evil overlord starts his day by connecting with his daughter and grabbing sandwiches. | Evilord Quest, Collective Game, Evilord, Supervillain, Drawquest, evil, villainy, drawing, | 2016-05-02 | 6 | |
47102734 | One Piece Adventure Quest 14 | A floating fortress!? who the hell would build something like that! Early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-05-05 | 13 | |
47154906 | Evilord Quest 2 | It's tutoring time for the young Princess, and Evilord gets to know the elf Teresa. | Evilord Quest, Collective Game, Evilord, Supervillain, Drawquest, evil, villainy, drawing, elf, archer, archery, draw, art, | 2016-05-09 | 6 | |
47220525 | One Piece Adventure Quest 15 | The assault on Bellary's patch work fortress continues! What dangers await our heroes on board? early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-05-12 | 11 | |
47209003 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #29 | In which our protagonist meets an Entity, praises MacKay’s initiative and explores the realm of the fae. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-05-13 | 11 | |
47339331 | One Piece Adventure Quest 16 | The Island with no name,a secluded resort alone in the sea,Now with three crews of pirates on it.It falls to Adela to bring them to justice. | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-05-19 | 11 | |
47359854 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #30 | In which our protagonist settles a disputed territory claim with explosive results. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-05-22 | 12 | |
47492087 | One Piece Adventure Quest 17 | Friendly pirates? an entire crew ripping a resort apart for nothing more than a den den mushi?!What's going on this island with no name?!EA | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-05-28 | 11 | |
June 2016 |
47595241 | One Piece Adventure Quest 18 | It's a three way battle as Adela faces off against a pirate captain with a devil fruit, and a mysterious woman. With some help of course. E | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-06-03 | 11 | |
47611943 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #31 | In which our protagonist bonds with his squad, exchanges information, and visits a museum. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-06-06 | 13 | |
47728685 | One Piece Adventure Quest 19 | Adela will learn that no good deed goes unpunished. And her Grandfather continues to watch and judge her abilities. Early archive. | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-06-11 | 11 | |
47807598 | One Piece Adventure Quest 20 | The fight between the lass twins continues on the beach. Will justice win out in the end of the day!? Early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-06-16 | 13 | |
268264 | The Paladin's Dilemma: A Question of Normality | A paladin dies in the course of his duties, takign with him a terrible menace. He is called from death to continue his duties now... | Collective Game, paladin, immortals, ressurection, body snatchers, overwhelming evil, blood | 2016-06-21 | 3 | |
276530 | Overlord Quest | An evil lad trains for his rite of passage | Overlord, Evil, Mastah | 2016-06-23 | 6 | |
47930164 | One Piece Adventure Quest 21 | Returning to Popa island to celebrate their victories at sea, the marines get some off time, But Adela has a stack of transfer requests.. EA | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-06-23 | 11 | |
47916886 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest - Interlude 3 | We return to 1875, and Annette Turner descends into the rabbit hole. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-06-24 | 7 | |
293214 | Overlord Quest Ch. 2: A Fallen Star | The Overlord Begins His Reign | Overlord, Evil, Mastah | 2016-06-29 | 2 | |
July 2016 |
48063228 | One Piece Adventure Quest 22 | The trip to the Grand line begins, as Adela and friends get reassigned to a new Branch of the marines. Early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-07-01 | 12 | |
315581 | Overlord Quest Ch. 3: History of Evil | The Overlord expands his domain and finds the Reds | Overlord, Evil, Mastah | 2016-07-06 | 1 | |
48165885 | One Piece Adventure Quest 23 | The waters be calm as our heroes near their new assignment in the grand line. But will they remain as such? Early archive. | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-07-07 | 11 | |
340173 | Overlord Quest Ch. 4: Heroes' Folly | The Overlord discovers the location of the Greens and gets in a drinking contest | Overlord, Evil, Mastah | 2016-07-11 | 1 | |
48217177 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #32 | In which our protagonist finds some clues, stakes out an orphanage, and runs in the nineties. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-07-12 | 12 | |
48407595 | One Piece Adventure Quest 24 | Adela and co Arrive at Beartrap town and their new assignment in the grandline. But things here are nothing like Ginegin's command was! EA. | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-07-22 | 12 | |
365710 | Overlord Quest Ch. 5: Eyes In The Darkness | The Overlord looks for Isa, finds a spine (Short because OP is a faggot) | Overlord, Evil, Mastah | 2016-07-25 | 1 | |
August 2016 |
410744 | Overlord Quest Ch. 5.1:More Questions, Less Delays | The Overlord heads to the pirate cove and removes a new spine along the way. | Overlord, Evil, Mastah | 2016-08-02 | 1 | |
48658992 | One Piece Adventure Quest 25 | Adela has gained some infamy on beartrap island, as well as the friendship of Keli fal.But rebellious and crooked spirits come a rising. EA | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-08-06 | 11 | |
437859 | Overlord Quest Ch. 6: A Pirate's Life For Me | The Overlord, having successfully taken the pirate cove, begins look for the Blues. | Overlord, Evil, Mastah | 2016-08-09 | 1 | |
458550 | Overlord Quest Ch. 7: A Mermaid's Melody | The Overlord heads into mermaid caves to get the blues back. | Overlord, Evil, Mastah | 2016-08-18 | 1 | |
48904396 | One Piece Adventure Quest 26 | Adela has a rare day off, and Keli fal is fixin to join her on it. But both of these lasses are magnets for trouble on their own.EA | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-08-20 | 11 | |
September 2016 |
49153628 | One Piece Adventure Quest 27 | Adela faces off against revolutionaries. Its Order vs Chaos on bear trap island as it falls into anarchy. Early archive | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-09-03 | 11 | |
619935 | One Piece Adventure Quest 28 | The revolutionaries begin their siege of bear trap island.Now Adela and co need to last until help arrives or go out and kick some rebel ass | Collective Game, One Piece Adventure Quest, The Headmaster, One Piece, Devil fruit, Devil fruit user, Adventure, | 2016-09-24 | 10 | |
October 2016 |
702421 | SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #33 | In which our protagonist has a second 'date', raids a grocery store, and recruits a new Demon | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-10-20 | 7 | |
November 2016 |
849522 | SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #34 | In which the protagonist receives a queen’s favor, uncovers an ancient truth, and completes the mission given to him and his squad. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2016-11-30 | 8 | |
December 2016 |
909059 | Evil Sorceress Quest | You are an, now evil, aspiring court wizard. Betrayd by your master you are now cast into the wilderness. How will you get your revenge? | Veejay, magic, evil magician, necromancy, Collective Game, Evil Sorceress Quest, | 2016-12-08 | 33 | |
916014 | Evil Sorceress Quest #2 | Magic, barbarians, strange necromancers and more! Our busty hero (but actually a terrible villain) continues her quest for REVENGE! | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2016-12-10 | 16 | |
933080 | Evil Sorceress Quest #3 | Starting a goblin uprising, meeting Vincent, taking Merriam and Ben into confidence and getting the mayor convicted. Sirena is never idle. | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2016-12-20 | 14 | |
943362 | New Overlord Quest Ch.1: New Beginnings | A New Overlord Has Been Found | Overlord, Evil, Mastah | 2016-12-23 | 2 | |
January 2017 |
970352 | Kaz's Christmas Special Part 1 | Task force 666 fights to save Christmas | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest, Kaz | 2017-01-02 | 5 | |
1003777 | Kaz's Christmas Special Part 2 | The fight to save Christmas continues and finishes with a revelation. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2017-01-13 | 2 | |
1035811 | Evil Sorceress Quest #4 | Sirena continues on her journey with a new elven friend joining the party. Things are all fun and games until genocide happens. | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2017-01-15 | 11 | |
1050486 | Evil Sorceress Quest #5 | Sirena meets the person who could be her greatest ally or perhaps her most deadly enemy: herself! | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2017-01-20 | 11 | |
1091746 | Evil Sorceress Quest #6 | The siren Sirena secretly seduces shotas, simple sorcery stupid! | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2017-01-30 | 10 | |
February 2017 |
1137584 | Evil Sorceress Quest #7 | Sirena continues her work on improving Bridge Town by investing in a brothel and helping a pair of siblings grow very, very, VERY close. | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2017-02-10 | 10 | |
51629545 | Rounding out evil species and/or cultures | A discussion on what the cultures which produce XP fodder might be like. | worldbuilding, orcs, evil, morality, ethics, | 2017-02-12 | 2 | |
1193098 | Evil Sorceress Quest #8.1 | Sirena confronts the hags and enters the Black Gauntlet, the challenge to become the new Witch Queen! | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2017-02-27 | 8 | |
March 2017 |
1212782 | Evil Sorceress Quest #8.2 | Sirena's greatest challenge yet continues as she struggles for the title of the Witch Queen! | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2017-03-01 | 10 | |
1228801 | Commanders of an Evil Empire 1 | A mass combat game where you're playing the bad guys | skirmish mass combat Ostrich Commanders Evil Empire | 2017-03-08 | 5 | |
1244300 | Commanders of an Evil Empire 2 | Iverding falls | ostrich, skirmish, mass combat, evil, commanders | 2017-03-16 | 2 | |
1268382 | SMT Devil Survivor:Spain | Quest #1 | We wake up after a party to strange happenings. Also a hangover. | SMT, DollmakerQM, SMTSpain, Devil Survivor, | 2017-03-17 | 2 | |
52266243 | Reasons to worship an evil deity | A discussion on cultist motivations and ways to worldbuild them to be more interesting. | cultists, cult, motivation, religion, worldbuilding, evil, | 2017-03-22 | 10 | |
1279251 | SMT Devil Survivor:Spain | Quest #2 | We make ourselves comfortable, and find a pair of demons. | SMT, DollmakerQM, SMTSpain, Devil Survivor, | 2017-03-26 | 1 | |
April 2017 |
1307704 | Commanders of an Evil Empire 3 | The hordes of the Overlord arrive in Grimershall | Evil, Commanders, Skirmish, Mass Combat, Ostrich, Evil Empire, Commanders of an Evil Empire | 2017-04-06 | 2 | |
1372337 | Star Vs. Quest | Starting from a Shitpost in a Star Vs. Thread on /co/, Anon gets punched in the face by Star, finds a magical artifact and plays dodgeball. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-04-17 | 70 | |
1375238 | Star Vs. Quest Mk2 | Anon discovers the wonders of the human body. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-04-18 | 38 | |
1362832 | SMT Devil Survivor Spain #3 | We venture into the Mall, and fight... Something | SMT, DollmakerQM, SMTSpain, Devil Survivor, | 2017-04-21 | 1 | |
1386807 | Star Vs. Quest Mk3 | Doors, Dads and Gypsy Ass | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-04-23 | 32 | |
1378158 | Evil Sorceress Quest #9 | Sirena returns to the mortal plane after ruling for about a month in her new realm, ready to continue expanding her influence! | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2017-04-24 | 6 | |
1396852 | Star Vs. Quest Mk4 | Anon has great day ahead of him, and discovers he has feelings for an unexpected someone. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-04-25 | 30 | |
1406235 | Star Vs. Quest Mk5 | Anon's life continues the same trend it's had since he was born. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-04-27 | 38 | |
May 2017 |
1391560 | SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 #35 | In which our protagonist reflects on the mission, suspects the fey, and prepares to go grave robbing. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2017-05-01 | 7 | |
1393730 | SMT Devil Survivor Spain #4 | We advance the plot, meet a weird guy in a church, and OP disappears into the night. | SMT, DollmakerQM, SMTSpain, Devil Survivor, | 2017-05-02 | 2 | |
1398395 | Evil Sorceress Quest #10 | Sirena and her allies delve deeply into an unlucky mine and end up unleashing an ancient evil! | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2017-05-04 | 6 | |
1418051 | Star Vs. Quest Mk6 | Anon wins hearts and minds while Muscles assaults asses and tits. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-05-04 | 31 | |
1412796 | Ancient Evil Quest | We become a spooky Druid and fuck around | Ancient Evil Quest, CursedQM, Evil Quest, Evil | 2017-05-05 | 6 | |
1433054 | Ancient Evil Quest part 2 | First thread failed to archive. We create Juggernauts and Forest walkers and deal with a Lordling's petty troops | Ancient Evil quest, Druid, CursedQm | 2017-05-08 | 3 | |
1437137 | Star Vs. Quest Mk7 | We swooce away from Star, burn bridges and get our privilege checked the hard way. Also, Muscles finds sweet relief. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-05-08 | 31 | |
1460456 | Star Vs. Quest Mk8 | Anon sprays his slimy fluids all over a mobster and takes out the trash. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-05-17 | 29 | |
1487831 | Star Vs. Quest Mk9 | School, surf, violence and broken hearts. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-05-28 | 26 | |
1477685 | Evil Prince Quest #1 | We escape mom's caste with some friends and head to the elven forest in which we help out some orcs and find a nice dryad | Evil Prince Quest, Dryad, Magic | 2017-05-30 | 3 | |
1488652 | SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #35.5 | In which our protagonist pretends to be Sam Winchester, banters with a king, and witnesses Queen Titania's justice. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest | 2017-05-31 | 5 | |
June 2017 |
1508267 | Star Vs. Quest Mk10 | Anon discovers that Griffith did nothing wrong. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-06-04 | 24 | |
1532396 | Star Vs. Quest Mk11 | There are two types of traps. Anon likes both. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-06-08 | 26 | |
1531340 | Evil Prince Quest #2 | We head to the castle, get attacked by a beyonder, and leave the castle as result, only to end up in an orc village. | Evil Prince Quest, Magic, Leader | 2017-06-14 | 3 | |
1552884 | Star Vs. Quest Mk12 | A night so chill Anon is almost put on ice. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-06-15 | 24 | |
1566627 | Evil Sorceress Quest #11 | Sirena, having confronted her ancient ancestor, now begins to put plans in motion to expand her influence to other regions. | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2017-06-18 | 6 | |
1573106 | Star Vs. Quest Mk13 | Discovering that he is the last Anon in the entire multiverse, Anon heads home briefly before being subsumed by cancer. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-06-19 | 24 | |
1571758 | Evil Prince Quest #3 | We unite the orcs seduce a bounty hunter into following us. | Evil Prince Quest, Magic,Leader | 2017-06-24 | 2 | |
July 2017 |
1605580 | Star Vs. Quest Mk14 | We take the eyes, and make our way through THE HOLE, dodging abominations along the way. Mommy is proud. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-07-01 | 26 | |
53944400 | An Ancient Evil Awakens! | Activities for recently unsealed ancient evils besides world conquest and potential tactics for the conquest of the modern world. | sauron, ancient evil, BBEG, worldbuilding, conquest, cyberpunk, | 2017-07-02 | 5 | |
1680426 | Star Vs. Quest Mk15 | We find Luna, then a smaller Luna, and then an even smaller Luna. Anon a gud boi. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-07-28 | 24 | |
August 2017 |
1713808 | Evil Sorceress Quest #12 | Sirena continues her escapades by fighting several orcs and foiling the heist of a master thief! | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2017-08-05 | 6 | |
1720330 | Star Vs. Quest Mk16 | Furrabian nights, like Furrabian days/ More often than not/ Are filled with cat THOTs/ In degenerate ways! | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-08-10 | 24 | |
1764297 | Star Vs. Quest Mk17 | To stab, or not to stab--that is the question. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-08-22 | 22 | |
September 2017 |
1799106 | Star Vs. Quest Mk18 | Deals as the devil and dealing with the devils. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-09-01 | 24 | |
55197427 | Pact Magic | /tg/ worldbuilds a setting and magic system based around faustian bargaining. | magic system, setting, worldbuilding, devil, demon, | 2017-09-06 | 7 | |
1834114 | Star Vs. Quest Mk19 | In the heart of darkness with a heart of fire. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-09-15 | 21 | |
55383128 | Young, Bright-Eyed, Aspiring Villains | Here, we discuss characters who want very badly to be evil, but pursues their wicked goals with enthusiasm, optimism and light-heartedness. | Villains, Evil, Parody, Disney, Singing, Character Creation, Brainstorming | 2017-09-16 | 15 | |
1868296 | Evil Sorceress Quest #13 | Having foiled a master thief's heist, Sirena now begins to manipulate her would-be victim, Lady Silverwind, into a loyal servant. | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2017-09-22 | 6 | |
1872221 | Star Vs. Quest Mk20 | We'll meet again/ Don't know where/ Don't know when/ But I know we'll meet again some sunny day! | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-09-24 | 21 | |
October 2017 |
1916842 | One Piece Quest! Character Creation Edition! | Endless Ocean starts a One Piece Quest, and O'wiley Keel is made! | One Piece, Pirate, Marine, Endless Ocean, OP, Devil Fruit, Treasure | 2017-10-02 | 3 | |
1913685 | Evil Sorceress Quest #14 | Sirena faces off against the spawn of a dragon, reunites with a barbarian and gets her hands on a shiny rock. | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2017-10-11 | 6 | |
1931644 | One Piece Starter Quest 1 | A Three Eyed Boy joins a unique pirate crew, sails to a nearby island, and eats a mysterious devil fruit. | One Piece, Starter Quest, Ghost, Devil Fruit | 2017-10-12 | 12 | |
1945632 | Star Vs. Quest Mk21 | The biggest break ups, the biggest make ups, and the biggest fights of Anon's life. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-10-17 | 18 | |
1995604 | Star Vs. Quest Mk22 | Anon has a heart of gold and a soul of garbage. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-10-30 | 14 | |
November 2017 |
1955529 | One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 2 | Three eyes get plant powers, collects plants to study and cuts off his foot! | Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit | 2017-11-04 | 4 | |
1983385 | One Piece Haunted Pirate Quest 3 | Three Eyes watches a fights, Doc Sicko goes besetting, the Captain’s Devil fruit get stolen and he goes in a rampage. | Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit | 2017-11-04 | 3 | |
2034912 | Star Vs. Quest Mk23 | Against all odds and among the Stars, Fate cheats and gets it's teeth kicked in. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-11-12 | 17 | |
2036971 | One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 4 | Three Eyes goes to the North Pole, after the Captain, then gets in a fight with Krakens, collects some plants, & fights in the Arena. | Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit | 2017-11-13 | 2 | |
2084702 | Star vs Quest Mk 24 | The Final Thread-All things must end. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-11-21 | 17 | |
December 2017 |
2092863 | One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 5 | Three Eyes beats a Brute, gets a working vacation, and starts a recruitment drive | Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit | 2017-12-07 | 2 | |
2137308 | Luna Quest Thread 1 | Luna has the absolute worst birthday. | Star Vs. Quest, Scribe, Luna Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2017-12-18 | 10 | |
January 2018 |
2151242 | SMT Devil Summoner - Task Force 666 Quest #36 | In which our protagonist and his team take some much-needed down time, and prepare for the next mission | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2018-01-02 | 7 | |
2164874 | Youjo Senki: In War, Peace 1 | As Elise Korsch, we find ourselves on the Rhine Front, fighting against the Francois Republic. | Youjo Senki Quest, Saga Of Tanya The Evil, Collective Game, World War 1 | 2018-01-03 | 4 | |
2180869 | Youjo Senki: In War, Peace 2 | As Elise Korsch, we find ourselves on the Rhine Front, fighting against the Francois Republic. | Youjo Senki Quest, Saga Of Tanya The Evil, Collective Game, World War 1, Blitzweeb | 2018-01-07 | 2 | |
2175741 | One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 6 | Three Eyes tries his hand at recruitment. | Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit | 2018-01-07 | 1 | |
2182236 | Luna Quest Thread 2 | The end of the beginning. | Star Vs. Quest, Scribe, Luna Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-01-07 | 4 | |
2231661 | Luna Quest Thread 3 | Luna attends to some guests | Star Vs. Quest, Scribe, Luna Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-01-22 | 3 | |
February 2018 |
2238527 | SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #36.5 | In which a lot of heavy shit happens. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2018-02-02 | 6 | |
March 2018 |
2323875 | One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 7 really! | The real haunted pirates! After recruiting Sword Boy, Three Eyes and the crew attempt to escape the marines on the island. | Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit | 2018-03-03 | 0 | |
2384821 | SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 #37 | In which our protagonist dons his DEMONICA. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2018-03-28 | 6 | |
April 2018 |
2442687 | Star Vs Quest Mk A1 | Third Impact but it's just a prank bro. | Star Vs. Quest, Scribe, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-04-09 | 2 | |
2457538 | Star Vs Quest Season 2 Episode 1 | And we're back ladies and gentlemen! Anon tries to delegate but gets forced to intervene. Also Yaoi. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-04-10 | 20 | |
2508212 | Evil Sorceress Quest #15 | Sirena gets a big surprise from her twin and makes a few deals with a devil. | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2018-04-30 | 5 | |
May 2018 |
2501073 | Star Vs Quest 2 Mk2 | Janna doesn't want help with her problems while we make problems for Jackie. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-05-03 | 17 | |
2524290 | Star Vs Quest 2 Mk3 | Martha gets mad. Janna gets mad. Star gets mad. Anon is constantly mad. Luna is constantly smug. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-05-15 | 12 | |
June 2018 |
2577470 | Star Vs Quest 2 Mk4 | Anon tastes something funny and Star Vs Quest jumps the shark. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-06-02 | 10 | |
2631250 | Evil Sorceress Quest #16 | We return home to celebrate our birthday, and reunite with our family. But that's not all we end up reuniting with... | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2018-06-12 | 5 | |
2618960 | Star Vs Quest 2 Mk5 | Anon screams at people and animals. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-06-14 | 5 | |
2667451 | Evil Sorceress Quest #17 | Sirena manages various things in Aran, tricks a clan of ogres and reunites with her ancient ancestor on the moon. | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2018-06-27 | 5 | |
2655485 | Star Vs Quest 2 Mk6 | It's date night where Jackie and Anon go surf and punch. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-06-30 | 5 | |
July 2018 |
2693321 | Star Vs Quest 2 Mk7 | Anon rolls a Nat 20 and still loses. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-07-10 | 5 | |
2756625 | OVERLORD QUEST I | Awaken, Master! Your slumber is ended, and it is time to conquer once more! | Fantasy, Collective Game, Overlord, Dark Lord, Evil, Magic, Orange Juice | 2018-07-25 | 1 | |
2729283 | Star Vs Quest 2 Mk8 | Anon gets stomped on. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-07-29 | 3 | |
August 2018 |
2766846 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 9 | Like always Anons problems multiply and he refuse to let anything go. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-08-13 | 3 | |
2802927 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 10 | Anon hangs on. Jackie Lets go. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-08-21 | 6 | |
September 2018 |
2836115 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 11 | Anon is the bigger monster. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-09-08 | 5 | |
2843366 | SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 #37.5 | In which our protagonist meets, greets and defeats the Mother of Spiders, and makes the move on Fitz. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2018-09-10 | 5 | |
2870736 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 12 | Anon diddles the dead in a new way. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-09-18 | 4 | |
October 2018 |
2910264 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 13 | Everyone is real, but some are more real than others. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-10-01 | 5 | |
2950604 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 14 | Anon is reminded that overconfidence is a slow and insidiousness killer. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-10-19 | 5 | |
2985440 | One piece of Freedom Quest 1 | A story told on the blue blue seas begins again. But who is the hero of this tale? | Collective Game, One Piece of Freedom Quest, The Headmaster, One piece, Adventure, Devil Fruit, Devil fruit users, Pirates, Marines, Sailing | 2018-10-20 | 5 | |
2961487 | Evil Sorceress Quest #18 | Sirena travels into a dream, fights a demon army, goes to the moon and saves a princess, and that's just the beginning! | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2018-10-22 | 6 | |
November 2018 |
2985991 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 15 | Anon isn't a failure. He just didn't succeed. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-11-02 | 5 | |
3038597 | Evil Sorceress Sidequest: Mage Apprentice Quest | In which we take control of Merriam Cutter, aspiring mage, as she deals with the fantasy equivalent of Mean Girls with zombies. | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2018-11-17 | 1 | |
3022781 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 16 | Anon body swaps with an ugly stitched together abomination. So no real change. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-11-17 | 12 | |
3017028 | Umbrella Laboratories Quest: The Darwin Initiative | We start off in Africa, much blessing of the rains was involved. | Resident Evil, Totally-Not-Wesker, | 2018-11-17 | 9 | |
December 2018 |
3051046 | Evil Sorceress Quest #19 | Sirena learns a valuable lesson about life, love, friendship and dedication when her father brutally kills her. | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2018-12-02 | 1 | |
3053676 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 17 | Anon's a good boy and he proves it. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-12-07 | 5 | |
3094152 | Evil Sorceress Quest #20: The Finale | Sirena, after having planned and prepared for so long, finally confronted her hated nemesis Mordrax in a battle for the fate of the world! | Evil Sorceress Quest, Collective Game | 2018-12-21 | 8 | |
3096834 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 18 | Boys will be bugs. Here come the lizards. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2018-12-27 | 10 | |
January 2019 |
3140787 | Star vs Quest Mk19 | Team Battle on the Sands of Furabia | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2019-01-13 | 7 | |
3189312 | Devil May Cry: The Ring | A hero awakens as he sleeps through his call to adventure. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't take 'no' for an answer. | Collective Game, Devil May Cry, Stylish, Power fantasy, Fanwank | 2019-01-19 | 8 | |
3173924 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 20 | Anon Is a dog. So is his waifu. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2019-01-25 | 6 | |
February 2019 |
64346236 | Bioweapon Generator | Anons make tables for creating Resident Evil style monsters and labs, create abominations. | biotech, bioweapon, resident evil, generator | 2019-02-01 | 4 | |
3207400 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 21 | Anon spends the day preparing for Brittney's big party. The universe spends the day preparing to date rape him. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2019-02-09 | 6 | |
April 2019 |
3368295 | SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #38 | In which our protagonist deals with interpersonal problems, goes on a deadly picnic, and confronts the voice inside his head. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 | 2019-04-04 | 5 | |
3417325 | SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #38.5 | Continuation of the previous thread. A drug-busting operation in the demon world begins, featuring Dante from the "Devil May Cry" series. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 | 2019-04-21 | 5 | |
May 2019 |
3484151 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 22 | And then there was Silence. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2019-05-06 | 6 | |
3508939 | Ancient Evil Reborn Quest #1 | The Wight-Lord awakens from his slumber and resumes his campaign of carnage. Op gets autobanned and thread stalls. | Wight-Lord, Undead, Collective Game, Quest, Storyteller, Fantasy, Magic, Necromancer, Ancient Evil | 2019-05-20 | 1 | |
3519085 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 23 | Anon gets a seat at the table. To bad it's the Kids table. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2019-05-26 | 5 | |
June 2019 |
3566925 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 24 | A king in a crown or just another clown? | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2019-06-17 | 7 | |
66715619 | Interesting Warlock Deals | /tg/ asks for original and interesting premises for warlock deals and their payments. | worldbuilding, magic, plot hooks, deal with the devil, warlocks, the house always wins, | 2019-06-18 | 6 | |
July 2019 |
3604585 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 25 | Anon loses a friend but gains one in himself. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2019-07-06 | 5 | |
3644987 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 26 | Anon slaps Jackie's soul out | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2019-07-22 | 6 | |
3702113 | The Times of Ending (Civ Quest) #1 | Lead a Human expedition to the shores of a foreign land, the races, easy prey for the servants of evil.
The Kobold Home Island is invade | Collective Game, Civ, Evil, Gunpowder, Fantasy. | 2019-07-30 | 1 | |
August 2019 |
3683750 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 27 | Anon commits Incest on a Dare. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2019-08-05 | 5 | |
3726105 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 28 | Anon, You are the father! | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2019-08-17 | 5 | |
September 2019 |
3765984 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 29 | "Traps won't save you this time, Anonymous." | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2019-09-06 | 5 | |
October 2019 |
3855224 | Dovahkiin of Earth II | Traveling on the high seas! | Dovahkiin, Devils, Nun, Schemes | 2019-10-20 | 2 | |
November 2019 |
3893588 | Dovahkiin of Earth V | Asia returns to Kuoh, where she meets some old friends and face her hardest battle so far | Highschool DxD, Dragonborn, Dovahkiin, Nun, Devils | 2019-11-11 | 2 | |
3916726 | Dovahkiin of Earth VII | Asia learns more about Shirone past. Later, she and the girls enjoy the night out at Rome, before departing for their next mission. | Highschool DxD, Dragonborn, Nun, Devils, Motorcycle, Cooking | 2019-11-22 | 1 | |
December 2019 |
3949798 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 30 | Star makes her plan crystal clear. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2019-12-13 | 7 | |
3941309 | SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #39 | In which our protagonist makes unlikely allies, rescues hostages of a trafficking operation, and battles the Daimyo of the Hill of Swords. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2019-12-15 | 6 | |
3977445 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 31 | She learned it from watching you! | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2019-12-29 | 5 | |
January 2020 |
70484710 | Chuuni alignment | A truly chuuni edgelord drives a rather good discussion of alignment with his autism. | that guy, good, evil, alignment, edge | 2020-01-17 | 10 | |
4021936 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 32 | "Quest is dead. And I killed him." | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2020-01-25 | 5 | |
4022961 | Resident Evil Quest: Run #1 | Daisy Dixon is just a normal chef in Raccoon City, USA, on the 24th of September, 1998, and absolutely nothing could ruin her birthday. | Collective Game, Resident Evil | 2020-01-27 | 38 | |
February 2020 |
4051755 | Star vs Quest 2 Mk 33 | The End. | Star Vs. Quest, Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game | 2020-02-03 | 8 | |
4103897 | BOW Quest | Resident Evil DnD | DnD, Resident Evil, RPG | 2020-02-25 | 0 | |
May 2020 |
4195167 | SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #40 | In which our protagonist comforts a victim, recruits some new friends, and assaults the stronghold of Jack's Crew. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest | 2020-05-05 | 5 | |
July 2020 |
4292910 | Evil Queen Quest | Evil Queen Milia Krait begins her day by scheming, executing innocents and having an aggressive bath. | Collective Game, Evil Queen Quest, Advisor | 2020-07-02 | 1 | |
January 2021 |
4583098 | Devil Prints [Skirmish] | Though the priority is search and rescue, your team's job is to go in force and subdue the very obvious devil presence. | Devil Prints, Collective Game, Skirmish, Monday | 2021-01-15 | 0 | |
March 2021 |
4647750 | Resident Evil Quest: The Return | After a year of absence, Resident Evil Quest returns with the continuing nightmare of Daisy Dixon and her attempts to escape Raccoon City. | Collective Game, Resident Evil | 2021-03-12 | 8 | |
77961635 | Would you be the mini-boss and husband for a doting lawful evil empress? | /tg/ is asked an ethical question and responds by concluding that it'd make a great anime and arguing over potential titles. | ethical question, morality, alignment discussion, BBEG, Evil Overlord, Waifu, | 2021-03-15 | 2 | |
April 2021 |
4677197 | Evil ranger quest ep. 1 | An evil Power ranger is created deep underwater, and has trouble finding her place in this strange politics-ridden world. | Power rangers, Collective Game, White ranger, First quest, Adventure, Female protagonist, Evil protagonist, Rangers, No coom (unfortunately) | 2021-04-04 | 0 | |
October 2021 |
4964739 | Lolimort Quest #1 | Tammy Morgana Riddle seeks eternity, a life where she will never grow old and die. Lucky for her, she's a witch. | Lolimort Quest, Tammy Morgana Riddle, CHARISMA, gymnastics, witch mc, rich mc, Harry Potter, evil mc, loli mc, Rose is best footstool | 2021-10-01 | 7 | |
December 2021 |
5058462 | Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Eraser #1 | Your name is Jack Lake, and you have a magic robot arm and a demon buddy with a hat. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, SMT Devil Eraser, SMT | 2021-12-27 | 10 | |
February 2022 |
5107197 | Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Eraser #2 | Your name is Jack Lake, and you put a gremlin in your arm. | Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, SMT Devil Eraser, SMT | 2022-02-07 | 3 | |
May 2022 |
84398883 | practical usage of Umbrella Corporation BOWs and associated technologies | What traits would actual weaponized bioengineered monsters require to be practical and how could they be integrated into an actual military? | worldbuilding, monsters, military, resident evil, umbrella, | 2022-05-12 | 0 | |
August 2022 |
5326608 | Fall of the Regime | Sam "Chainsaw" Evil, a dictator and secret lich of the tropical country of Paneira, deals with a slew of national-level problems. | Fall of the Regime, Collective Game, Samuel "Chainsaw" Evil, Civ Game, Dictator, Lich | 2022-08-07 | 15 | |
September 2022 |
5366144 | Fall of the Regime: 2nd Term | Chainsaw Sam deals with a foreign power, talks to a giant woman, and starts a secret lab. | Fall of the Regime, Collective Game, Samuel "Chainsaw" Evil, Civ Game, Dictator, Lich | 2022-09-16 | 8 | |
October 2022 |
5406409 | Fall of the Regime: 3rd Term | We crash a mercenary auction, kidnap a student, set up a date for Bordec's third prince, and Soleil strikes twice. | Fall of the Regime, Collective Game, Samuel "Chainsaw" Evil, Civ Game, Dictator, Lich | 2022-10-29 | 6 | |
March 2023 |
5542054 | Tyrant Queen Quest | Princess Isabella tries to take the throne after a coup by her brother, through any means necessary, indulging in cruelty along the way. | fantasy, evil protagonist, action, mindbreak, protagonist mindbreaks a twink by raping him, oneshot, has fanart near the end | 2023-03-02 | 10 | |
January 2024 |
5840756 | Eviler Omni-Man Quest | You are Nowl-Ahn, a supreme Vitrumite warrior, sent to subjugate a primitive planet they call Earth. | Omniman, Invincible, Evil | 2024-01-07 | 0 | |
March 2024 |
5911909 | Eviler Omni-Man Quest Issue#2 | You are Nowl-Ahn, a supreme Vitrumite warrior, sent to subjugate a primitive planet they call Earth. | Omniman, Invincible, Evil | 2024-03-10 | 0 | |
April 2024 |
5948139 | Eviler Omni-Man Quest Issue#3 End | You are Nowl-Ahn, a supreme Vitrumite warrior, sent to subjugate a primitive planet they call Earth. | Omniman, Invincible, Evil | 2024-04-11 | 0 | |
July 2024 |
6038030 | The Purge: Fall of America | America has fallen, the government collapsed and amongs the Chaos, you see an opportunity for a new life among the ruins. | The Purge: Fall of America, PsychoQM, dystopia, anarchy, Psychopath MC, Evil MC, Post Apocalypse, Incest, Cuckolding, Rape | 2024-07-09 | 6 | |
6051761 | Goblin Cultivator | A BTFOd Goblinslayer goblin meets an Evil Cultivator | KinoPhageQM, GoblinBreederQM, collective game, cultivator, goblin, slayer, wuxia, xianxia, DnD, evil | 2024-07-28 | 5 | |
August 2024 |
6068523 | Goblin Cultivator II | Goblinslayer Goblin meets XianXia Supervillain. Xianxiananigans ensue. | Goblin Cultivator, collective game, Wuxia, XianXia, cultivation, evil, necromancy | 2024-08-18 | 2 | |