/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2019
3829388Dovahkiin of EarthAsia Argento is 'Rescued' by the Dovahkiin. Now they Travel Japan!Highschool DxD, Dragonborn, Nuns, Vampires, Murder2019-10-04 2 
November 2019
3893588Dovahkiin of Earth VAsia returns to Kuoh, where she meets some old friends and face her hardest battle so farHighschool DxD, Dragonborn, Dovahkiin, Nun, Devils2019-11-11 2 
3904793Dovahkiin of Earth VIAsia leaves Kuoh with a new companion, returns to Rome and faces another dragon!Highschool DxD, Dragonborn, Nun, Dragon, Dovahkiin, Guns2019-11-11 1 
3916726Dovahkiin of Earth VII Asia learns more about Shirone past. Later, she and the girls enjoy the night out at Rome, before departing for their next mission.Highschool DxD, Dragonborn, Nun, Devils, Motorcycle, Cooking2019-11-22 1 
December 2019
3940162Dovahkiin of Earth VIIIIt's official, humans can be turned into angels now! Meanwhile, Asia meets some new faces, and discover a possible traitor in the Vatican.Highschool DxD, Dragonborn, Nun, Angels, Traitor, Hotel2019-12-03 2 
3950900 Dovahkiin of Earth IXAsia goes to Heaven, and meets some of the new angels. A celebration in held, and the girls have fun at the garden of Eden.Highschool DxD, Dragonborn, Nun, Angels, Heaven, Eden, Tag!2019-12-15 1 
3961441Dovahkiin of Earth XPeace talks turn from a casual dissing of eachother's faction to a full blown war when Khaos Bridge attacks!Highschool DxD, Dragonborn, Angels, Fighting, War2019-12-24 1 
3971967Dovahkiin of Earth XI Asia embarks on a mission to search for Avalon, where she faces the khaos brigade once again. And among their members, is Shirone's sisterHighschool DxD, Nun, Dragonborn, Avalon, Teasing2019-12-31 2 
January 2020
3986514 Dovahkiin of Earth XIIAsia is chosen as a master for the grail war. After arriving in fuyuki, she pick a house, makes new friends and summons her servant.Highschool DxD, Nun, Dragonborn, Fate, Holy Grail War2020-01-13 1 
3996085Dovahkiin of Earth XIII: The Holy Grail War part IAsia and Rider fight against Archer and Berserker. Two possible allies appears, but can they be trusted? Highschool DxD, Nun, Dragonborn, Fate, Holy Grail, Murders War2020-01-13 1 
February 2020
4035398Dovahkiin of Earth XVI: Holy Grail War Part IV After healing Rin, Asia continues her search for Assassin. Homever, what she found is not quite what she expected.Highschool DxD, Nun, Dragonborn, Fate, Holy Grail, Investigation2020-02-02 1 
4050173Dovahkiin of Earth XVII: Grail War Part: VAsia returns from her meeting with Assassin, and makes a new deal with her allies. They then proceed to fight Zouken for the last time.Highschool DxD, Nun, Dragonborn, Fate, Holy Grail, Dragon2020-02-07 3 
4064769Dovahkiin of Earth XVIII Holy Grail War FinalThe holy grail war comes to a end after Asia and her allies fight their last opponent and a unexpected figure arrives to bring giftsHighschool DxD, Nun, Dragonborn, Fate, Holy Grail, Vampires2020-02-29 0 
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