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12/03/11(Sat)21:58 No.17098395 File1322967489.jpg-(28 KB, 500x445, Albert-wesker.jpg)
 >>17098294 ANON: "I am detecting the reality distortion from earlier within the breached chamber."
>>17098301 "Exasperated Statement: Very well, Master. You don't need to tell me twice."
The HK-50 marches deeper into the room, sending back visuals as it goes.
The breach opens up into a large steel room replete with strange machines, clear tanks of liquid, computers, and containment tubes filled with grotesque creatures. However, in addition to these standard trappings of a forbidden laboratory, a section of the room has a large amount of old books piled around it. Arcane implements such as rods, staves, wands, orbs, and other esoteric materials are scattered around this area, alongside mysterious apparatuses that are not immediately recognizable, such as a man-sized series of golden runed hoops that spin endlessly.
A number of huge beasts with multiple arms, claws, eyes, and maws filled with sharp fangs wander mindlessly around the area, looking somewhat lost. At the room's center is a clear containment tube with a dark shape inside.
"You make quite an entrance, you know that?" a male voice states as the unmistakable form of Albert Wesker walks into view, striding on top of a catwalk above. "The thing that made me call him 'Master' is gone, now. I suppose I have you to thank for it... Or to curse you since now it seems I will never be able to rip him apart." |