/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2010
10079802Evil Campaign Advice/tg/ gives advice on how to run an evil campaign. (No trolling involved!)Evil, Advice, Campaign, Villain, Villainy2010-05-27 0 
October 2013
27784621Supervillainy Quest: OriginsA villain turns into a supervillain.Supervillainy Quest, Collective Game, Super Villain, Supervillain2013-10-17 6 
October 2015
43123865Supers Quest 1We pick our hero, gain our powers, and join the dark side.Supers Quest, Collective Game, super powers, villainy2015-10-17 6 
May 2016
47031191Evilord Quest OneshotA good evil overlord starts his day by connecting with his daughter and grabbing sandwiches. Evilord Quest, Collective Game, Evilord, Supervillain, Drawquest, evil, villainy, drawing,2016-05-02 6 
47154906Evilord Quest 2It's tutoring time for the young Princess, and Evilord gets to know the elf Teresa.Evilord Quest, Collective Game, Evilord, Supervillain, Drawquest, evil, villainy, drawing, elf, archer, archery, draw, art, 2016-05-09 6 
November 2016
50330040Odd Villain MotivationsIn this thread, posters brainstorm some motivations for villains that are odd, unconventional and just plain petty.Brainstorming, petty villainy, BBEG, motivations, funny, insurance fraud2016-11-23 31 
March 2022
5174490Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 12A lizard-lady molests and murders her way through allies and enemies to fulfill a dark pact and a darker destiny in this penultimate threadReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, dark fantasy, villainy, assasination, spycraft, mind-control, transformation, cuckoldry, reptilians2022-03-25 5 
May 2022
5207193Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 13The half-human agent of a dark dynasty returns home to her people, brings a race to ruin, and inscribes her lasting legacy forevermore.ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, romance, motherhood, duty, villainy, victory, sacrifice, destiny, endings, coom2022-05-01 5 
June 2023
5650178Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 11The Antipladin weds his blushing bride... Then reveals he's a monster, kills her brother, kidnaps her, and introduces her to his girlfriendReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, love, marriage, villainy, assassination, subterfuge, subterraneans2023-06-01 8 
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