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01/10/12(Tue)02:38 No.17486061 File1326181083.gif-(105 KB, 450x350, Cruiserimagenottoscale.gif)
 You dive into the hole, the pilot giving off a loud "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAAAAAAW!"
The VFs follow you in as behind you the Kingdom of Zeal shrinks to nothing. All around you is lightning and ribbons of multicolored energy. The ship shakes as these chaotic waves and bolts crash against it, bombard it, but your reality emitters provide enough interference that they do not breach hull integrity. You cannot see anything after a while. Your pilots cannot see anything. Then...
"Turn. Here. Now," Char commands. "Left!"
The pilot complies, jerking the craft to the left. A few minutes passes before Tosh speaks.
"Bank hard down, mon. No ground here, ain't gonna crash. Now. Do it NOW!"
"I think I've got something! Keep going in this direction!" an Auror excitedly says as the Observer gives off a series of beeps and tones. VP-99 interjects.
"The Observer units is detecting trace signatures of transpace drives along the northern energy current. Recommend adjust course twelve degrees."
"...that's right. Do it," Char commands. The pilot complies. "We're getting close."
"Almost there, mon..." Tosh nods he narrows his eyes. "Now... got to reach out to da little gurl. Let her know we're here..."
Char closes his eyes and Tosh does the same. Gondegal walks into Char, the newtype suddenly infused with a ghostly glow as the Aurors point their wands at Tosh and murmur chants.
Suddenly a bright flash rips through the maelstrom in front of you as a breach tears itself open, revealing a star-field beyond, and a small fleet of familiar ships...
Captcha: Atsocial drunk. Now, now, Holtz isn't here yet, Captcha. |