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01/08/12(Sun)23:48 No.17471045 File1326084483.png-(183 KB, 415x585, Ialwaysendtheserieswithfencing.png)
 rolled 75 = 75
"Bright light, shine down on bloody impurity!" Elaine and Lyla chant in unison. "HOLY!"
Twin columns of light strike Ebon Night in the head, one in either red eye. The god-wyrm howls as it is blinded.
Confused by contradicting orders, some of the mechs keep firing while others stop. More damage rips into the Ebon Night, its defenses temporarily down due to Holy, but at a cost of lives. But some mechs have a better idea.
"Yes... I see. Thank you, Cheryl," Char murmurs as he draws his beam saber. Behind him, the VFs draw their knives, their pinpoint barriers going live. "Men! Form up. I hope you enjoy fencing..."
With that, the Hyaku Shiki and the VFs fall on the Ebon Night, stabbing, hacking, and slashing with their gigantic weapons. Not a one escapes damage. The Ebon Night claws, bites, tail whips, body slams, and grapples each mech that comes into contact with it. But as badly damaged as the warmachines become, the damage to the dragon is getting worse by the moment...
And latched onto him even now is a huge bear, ripping and tearing with his bear hands. |