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In the year 1987, crime and corruption in America is an epidemic. Drugs and guns flow into the country from everywhere in the world, and the gateway to it all is the coastal paradise, Heat City. This is a place of shining high-rises and shadowed alleys, sunsets and smog, neon and blood, ruled by ambition and greed and power. Here in Heat City, you can get whatever you want -- if you can pay the price.
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Endgame of the attack on the Yakuza's commercial center.

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You'd think a slender girl in a pink kimono should be easy to push around. But Rico finds himself unable to bring his full weight to bear on something so elusive; even as he shoves her away, she turns the movement into an elegant twirl, landing gracefully on her feet. Ramirez fires, over and over, but the constant spiral of wind-fluttering petals interferes with his sightlines. Each movement of her blade stirs the flower petals into motion. Is she controlling it? Does she have some kind of mystical power? She even cuts through the heavy urn that Rico throws at her, each half landing with a heavy thud behind her. Is she allowed to do that?

Well, when Heckler's intellectual analysis tells him to stomp real hard on one of the fans, it breaks apart, and when that happens, the wind dies down a little. Maybe not that mystical.
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Over at the train, it's a goddamn bloodbath. The Yakuza probably assumed that twenty or thirty guys was a reasonable size for the final reserve backup squad to secure the train exit. Normally, it would be. But you're not normal, are you?
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Live by the dodge, die by the dodge. Blackjack is struck twice, once from both sides, as she's finally caught one step behind in swordplay. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, she would have dodged at least one of these strikes. But not this time. This is that one time in a hundred. First a sharp cold stab to the back, then a sudden flash of light and agony from the front. Half her vision turns red. Then both sides go black.

She's still alive, but not for long, not with the rate blood is coming from what used to be her eye. Get someone to carry her out, if you can. If not, well, nice knowing you.

HCPD is here, by the way.
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Emerging from the crowd of civilians in the rear of the train are yet another squad of assholes in suits with swords. They must have stocked the whole train with these bozos. Play rearguard, or try to stay one step ahead of them, your call.

Driving wildly in a stolen yakuza sports car, Tony narrowly swerves around a late night garbage truck as he races to catch up to the train. Wasn't he just telling himself it was time to get out of the game, that he was too old for this shit? And look at him now.

Just ahead, the train emerges from the elevated rail shelter and descends to the main streets. Tony considers his options. Great job catching up to the train and all, but he's still outside the damn train. What's he supposed to do?

Well, he could take out those yakuza drivers who just showed up, that would be a good start.

Tokumei stands in front of the cowering informant. His few remaining men take up what defensive positions they can. They're scared, but they're ready to make you pay for each step forward.

Turn 11 begins.
"Oh what the hell are these jokers- -gak-" That was the sound of the swordswoman being surprised. A long, 40 inch sword through her right lung made it sound messy and rough, the instinctive cough ripping even more of the lung open. Then, the sword through the eye, completely severing the optical nerve makes her scream out in pain (or at least attempt to do so), making her wound worse in the brief moment before she passes out from pain shock. The swordswoman had been wounded before- but she had never been so quite grievously destroyed like this. She collapsed in the hallway in a bloody heap, still clutching her swords with a deathgrip, but utterly unresponsive. If she could think, she would probably be reflecting on her choice of career, and how angry her partner was going to be.

But she couldn't, so she wasn't. The closest thing to thoughts that went through her mind were AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and ithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurts. So there wasn't much going on upstairs anymore.
Rolled 7, 7 = 14 (2d10)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 5/6, Edge 5/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 3/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $237 658
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

>1 AP: [Stance]
>1 AP: [Check] Hard 0 (+2 from Visions of Death, +2 total, 1st roll) to call Tokumei to battle
>1 AP: [Check] Sharp 7 (+2 from Visions of Death, +9 total, 2nd roll) to glean insight into Tokumei's strengths as a swordsman

Nishina grimaces as she rips her blade out of the neck of the shinobi imitator, catching an artery in the pull and coating the sleeve of her kimono with blood. Her eyes leap forward to the next car, where Mifune awaits. So close, but it feels like a great chasm between them.

The doors between them slide open as a body slumps into the open button, and she knows she has to speak.

"[Tokumei! You can lie to yourself, but you cannot lie to me! You have nowhere else to hide, Mifune Rosanjin! I am Nishina Kaori! You killed my brother Torio! You stole my family's home! Come forward and prepare to die!]"
Rolled 2, 5, 10, 4, 5, 8 = 34 (6d10)

>[Botting Kit] as per their request (they are currently in the woods)

" Hey, fugu-fiends, why don't you pick on someone can actually punch back? "
. . .
" No, that also sounded better in my head sorry I'm off my game, I've been thrown through a lot of walls today--


>--Lose 3 HP, 6HP Left
>--Furious Focus kicks in, +1 Edge

>[1AP] Armlock tie 1W and [Grapple] throw them 2SW, 3S into the Sumi [2d10, +1Hit, Crit 5+, SC10+]
>[1Edge] Shootdodge 1W, 1SW, 5S
>--Headkick the Sumi 1NW [2d10, +1Hit, Crit 5+, SC9+]
>[1AP] Move 2S, 1W, 4S
>[1AP] Be Sharper [Pop Breathminths]
>[1 Edge] Grappler Throw Tie 4N, 1NE into Sumi [2d10, +1Hit, C5+, SC10+]
>[1 Edge]Electrify

Hp 6/9 Edge 1+2/10+2 Def 4 Crit 8 [Crit 5+ SC 10+]
Heat 8 Wanted 2
Hard 2 Cool 0 Sharp 3+1+2 Weird 4+2 Move 5+2
!Electrify, !Spook, !Infiltrate, !RC Bomb, !Taser [1/2]
!Apprentice, !Furious Focus, !Havana Hardline
!Some Bark, More Bite [Unstoppable, Grappler]
!Dad's Shades [Shootdodge] + [Lucha Loco, +1D/C on vault fists]
!Sharper, +2 Sharp

2x Light Blue Pens
2x Pistols D2, 4/12
Fist: 2D, +1C, +1A
Kit's Breathmints [Drugs 2x]
Vest: Armor [--]
>1AP: Move 2N 2NE
>1AP: Sharp check, pistol shoot the purple car's tire
>1AP: Move 2NW 2N

Name: Friedrich
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 1/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 4/12+4. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 2/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Spent)
Medic Bag (Spent)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
Cash: $856,755
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
Assets: Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense)
Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge)
Hitze Trupp (Grunts, Hard 2, Cool 1, 5 Germans, Definitely not Stasi, Sadism)
Barracuda (Speedboat, Speed 2, Handling 1, Size 3)
Secure Warehouse (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room, Upgraded Workshop, Upgraded Security)
Flammenwerfer (empty)
Cell phone
Portable video camera
Historical artifacts (Old books. In German. One in Japanese.)
Top shelf DDR cigarettes
Blue Marker
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Third time's the charm?
Rolled 5 + 2 (1d10 + 2)

1AP: Move E,E,S,E,E
1AP: Move E,E,N
? Edge: Hotwire Car [Sharp]
1 AP: Drive Off
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 6/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 2/3)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade), Ticket
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
>Move 6N
>Move 6N
>Move 6N

Name: Rainfall
Class: Assassin[Lv7]
HP[9/9] Edge[8/8] Move 6
Defense 10(9+1) Crit 6
Cool:5(4+1) Sharp:1 Hard:2(1+1) Weird:4
*Skills:(Flash Step)(Die Hard)(Top Ten)(Furious Focus)(Hardliner)

*Weapons:Blood Katana(Dmg4,Block1,CDmg+1,1stCritHeal+1)
*Gear:Armor Vest(Armor [6/6])
*Clothing:Bulletproof Suit(Def+1,Edge+1)
Rolled 1, 3 + 3 = 7 (2d10 + 3)

Name: Fresco
Type: Operator
Stats: HP: 4/8, Armor 0, Edge 0/8, Move 6, Defense 10, Crit on 5, Supercrit on 7[5 DE], Heat 2
Weapons: DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 3/0)
Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/4)
Factor: Hard 0, Cool 4+2, Sharp 2+2, Weird 4+1
Special Talent: Deadeye: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Attack with +3 accuracy, +3 crit rate, and +1 crit damage
Lightning Reload: 1/Turn reload for 0 AP
Oh Yeah!: Fuck you, roll +weird for a cool entrance
Moonlighter: Gain a 3rd Sidejob. Can use this 3rd job to reroll a Side Job roll.
Furious Focus: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 edge, gain 1 edge.
Dance Fever Disco: (0 AP, 0 Edge) Gain +1 Wtoken at start of mission. Spend WTokens to gain +2 Move and Def for that round.
Drug Kit: (1 AP, 0/2 Uses) Take 1 damage to gain ++2 to a stat for 3 turns.
Custom Mask: +1 HP & +1 Move

>Deadeye Yokai to the West
>Aimed Shot Yokai to the East
>Lightning reload
>Take cover

Wish the rush of drugs finally leaving his system Fresco realized his situation. People covered in blood fighting in a train. And he had lost a lot too. "Hey thanks for the save. I'm gonna sit down there though." He tells the friendly looking enemy gangster before leaning back against the closed door of the train and sinking down.
Rolled 10, 2, 10, 6, 7, 6, 10, 1 = 52 (8d10)

>-Visions of Death on Sumi
>-Shootdodge on
>1Edge: Move W and stab Sumi SW
>1Edge: Stab Sumi SW again
>1AP: Stab Sumi NW
>1AP: Stab Sumi NW again
>1AP: Stabilize Blackjack using First Aid Kit

Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 7/8 (+1 hat), Edge 2/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Stance), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 1/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit(3/4)
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
Rolled 2, 10, 4 = 16 (3d10)

HP 4/13 Edge 2/10
Move 6, Def 6, Crit 9+
Cool 1 / Sharp 2 (+2) / Hard 4 (+1) / Weird 1
Heat 10 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and heal 5 Edge) SPENT
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
Unstoppable (0 AP 1 Edge, +1 Armor, Rage, Block; remove debuffs and conditions)
Hardliner (+1 Hard token/mission, spend H.T. to move 7 in a straight line, gain breach and collision for that move)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll) SPENT
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger", "Garden of the Divine Transgressors") SPENT
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result) SPENT
Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear)
Shotgun (Rng 10, Dmg 4, Ammo 3/4, Breach)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/12)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
Armor Vest (6 armor, doesn't stack) SPENT
Frag Grenades (Frag Out: 0/3, Throw, Area 2, 3 Damage, Breach) SPENT

That FUCKING hurt

>Full Heal (1 AP)
>Unstoppable (1 Edge)
>Shove W Sumi 2S (1 AP)
>QS Shotgun same Sumi (1 AP)
Rolled 10, 10, 1, 7, 10, 5 + 3 = 46 (6d10 + 3)

Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 0/10
Move 5+2
Defense 11
Crit on 9+S

Cool: 5+2
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SER, 15, Overdrive)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 1/3
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 2/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit Chance +1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag, Medic Bag (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (1 AP, 4 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.

‘Fuck off!’

> Furious Focus: Fire Up! (+Block, Damage, Crit Chance)
> 3 AP: Strike the adjacent Sumi thrice with my knife (2d10+3, 3 damage, Crit on 7)
> 1 AP (Adrenaline Shift): Fully heal from the medic bag.
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Murder and crimes are bad, you know that right?
Rolled 4 (1d10)


>TT activates
>AP1 Throw Molotov at S x2, SE, S
>AP1 Move: N x5
>AP1 Move: N x4, W

"Fire in the hole"

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 7/14, Edge 3/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2-1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/15 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn, Ammo 2), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
Rolled 3, 10, 10, 4, 3 = 30 (5d10)

Type: Brain
HP 6/7
Edge 4/8
Move 5[4]
Defence 3[5]
Crit 8
Stats: Cool 1 Sharp 3 Hard 0 Weird 2
Weapons: Gym Bag, Pistol, Fists
Gear: First Aid Kit(3/4), Smoke Grenade 2/3, Frag Grenade 0/3
Special Talent: Infiltrator

>AP 1 Throw Frag grenade at the enemies E
>Edge 1 Throw Frag Grenade at Hana
>Edge 2 Move 4 N
>Edge 3 Shoot The Guys Guarding the Yellow VIP
>AP 2 3 Shoot the guys guarding the yellow VIP!
Rolled 10, 4 + 3 = 17 (2d10 + 3)

>+Teamwork Tactics activates, +Apprentice
>1AP: Heal Ramirez with First Aid Kit (1/4)
>1AP1ED: Blitz Hana Moving 4 North
>1AP: Overwatch Dragon Kick Hana

"You really aught to surrender frills."

Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 11/12
Edge 6/8
Move 5(6)
Defense 13

Cool: 5(8) {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg + taunt, gain block 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
{Apprentice}: Melee Weapons Gain +1 Accuracy
{Dragon Kick}: 1ap attack for 2 dmg, +3 Crit

-Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
-Pistol [Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 2/8]
-Fist [Dmg 2, Crit +1]
-{Dragon Kick}: [Dmg 2, +3 Crit]

-Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 defense, +1 Edge)
-First Aid Kit (1/4)
>1 AP: [Move] N, W, 2N, NW
>1 AP: [Move] 2NW, W, 2N
>1 AP: [Move] N, 4W

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: Gym Bag
Secondary Weapon: Pistol (4/12)
Skill: RC Bomb (1/2), Top 10 (0/1), Furious Focus, God Gamer (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (5/12)
Cash: $608,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG, Blue Marker
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
HP: 6/7
Edge: 7/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
Rolled 8 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 8/13, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/12, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard (Used), Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x0
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $2,145,202
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Loud Apartment, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter
Jackhammer Shotgun
Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Red Disk, Blue Disk, Locker Key
Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy)

>[1AP] Move 2SW, 4W.
>[1AP] Hard roll to smash the fan 1W of me (+4 Hard).
>[1AP] Reload Jackhammer Shotgun

"Thanks, Rico! Keep her off me, I'm gonna do something about these fuckin' fans!"
Rolled 8, 2, 4, 9, 7 + 1 = 31 (5d10 + 1)

"On it."
With the tank half-empty, Napps draws the pistol, throwing a shot to the air and feeling a pair of cuts rip through his vest in return. A gut feeling tells him it's useless now - a feeling that solidifies at the sight of the offending swordswoman, an arm's distance away. Hurt, bloodied, sword sheathed - but not done. Not running. Not like the other.
Hermano would probably die here.
Napps wasn't Hermano.
"Konnichiwa. Watashi wa Napps. Shine."

>[1 AP, Quick Attack, 4->3/8 P.Ammo] Pistol, firing at Fan 5NW (first roll)
>[1 AP, Reload Chainsaw] 0/8 -> 8/0 C.Ammo
>[1 Edge, Rev It Up!, 5->4/8 Edge, 8->7/0 C.Ammo] +6 DMG, +1 Move
>[1 AP, Quick Attack, 7->6/0 C.Ammo] Chainsaw on Hana, Apprentice + Melee advantage + RIU (2nd & 3rd roll)
>[ 1 Edge, Quick Attack, 4->3/8 Edge, 6->5/0 C.Ammo] Chainsaw on Hana, Apprentice + Melee adv. + RIU (4th & 5th roll)

Name: Napps - 4XP Thug
CSHW: 3, 2t, 7t, 1 = Def 8t | Edge 3/8t | HP 14t->12/16t | Crit on 9+ | Move 5t+1
Armor Vest (Armor 0/6 - absorbs X Dmg before breaking) | Serious Armor (Req 4 HARD, +2 HP, +1 Def, -1 Move)
Fists (Melee, 2 DMG, Crit Range +1) | Pistol (Range 10, 2 DMG, 3/8 Ammo) | [Primary] Chainsaw (Melee, DMG 0, Ammo 5/0, [Rev it Up!] (0 AP, 1 Edge, 1 Ammo) - Until the round's end, +1 Move, cannot use gear/other weapons, +6 Dmg, costs Ammo to use.
[Apprentice] All melee attacks gain +1 accuracy
[God Gamer] (1/mission, add +1 to a d10 roll, after it's been made)
[Top 10] (1/chapter, name & describe my character's favorite movie to reroll any die (Ex: "Reggie")
[Latin Beat] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Gain +2 Move and +2 Defense this round.
[White Lightning, USED] - 1/Mission, spend 1 AP to knock yourself down and gain 5 Edge.
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge) Napps and Riptide attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate won't expend an action.
[Dance Fever: Breakin'] (0AP, 1 Edge) Start Missions with a +1 Hard token, Spend tokens of that stat to gain +2 Move and +2 Defense that round.
[Die Hard] (on first death, exchange all remaining Edge for HP & second wind)

Temporary Buffs
From S.A: +2 HP, +1 DEF, -1 Move | Mayhem Tokens: +1 Sharp/Move/Hard | Dance Fever: Breakin': +1 Hard Token
(He absolutely pronounced it "Shy-n")
Rolled 1, 4, 2 = 7 (3d6)

>(1 Edge) Call-in Ray, request Transport
"I need a medical evac, west side of the building, middle of the wall! Can you bust through?"
>Reload ACR
>Quick Shot the tie directly North of me with the ACR (4dmg, crits on +9, acc+1)

Name: Honey Badger
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP:5/13 Edge:3/9 Move:5 Defense:6 Crit on 9+
Factors: Cool:0+1 Sharp:4 Hard:4+1 Weird:1
Weapons: Pistol (range 10, dmg2, 2/8 ammo)
ACR (range 20, dmg4, 3/0 ammo, auto, +1 accuracy)
Fists (Melee, dmg2, crit +1)
Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 move)
Gear: Frag Grenades (1/3, Area 2, 3Ex damage)
Talent: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Steadfast, Raging Demon, Lena's Lover, Call Out, Apprentice, Top Ten (0/1), White Lightning (0/1), Unstoppable, God Gamer (0/1)
Rolled 4 (1d10)

oops ignore those 3d6 I'm trigbrained
Rolled 9, 4 = 13 (2d10)

>2 AP: Fire PCX Twice at the Punk to my NE
>Lightning Reload
>1 Edge: Overwatch PCX

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (2->0/8->4/4) [max 4/8]
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 5/7 + (0/6 Armor)
Edge: 6->5/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 4/12, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. Remove a condition.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die) (Used)
GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (1 Uses)
Cash: $1747377
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>1 AP - Move NW2, W4
>1 AP - Move W3
>1 AP - Stomp Fan

Heckler was starting to get allergies. To combat this, he quickly moved to turn off the fan.
>1edg: Electrify
>1edg: Spook
>1ap: Move 4N, 1West
>1ap: Pick up Axe
>1ap: Take cover

Name: Tobias Rieper
Type: Brain
Stats: AV 6/6 HP 8/8, Edge 8/11, Move 6(7), Defence 4, Crit on 5
Factors: Hard 0(1), Cool 0, Sharp 4(5), Weird 4(5)
-WR/BR Axes (Melee/Range, Damage 3, Crit on 3+, Super Crit on 9-10, Throw Axe: 2/2 Uses range 10)
-Shock Baton (Melee, 2dmg, stun1)
-Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 4(SC10))
Clothes: Utility Vest {Inventory} (+1 Mag, +1 Gear)
Gear: Armor Vest (AV in Stats)+ Impact Grenades (3/3)
Special Talents: {Infiltration}{Spook}{Electrify}{Top 10}
Heat: 7, Wanted 3
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Name: Riptide
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP: 12/14 (10+1+3) | Edge: 3/7 | Move: 7 (6+1) | Defence 4 | Crit on 6+
Hard: 6 (3+3) | Cool: 0 | Sharp: 1 | Weird: 4
[Hurting Other People]
[Ruiner] (1 AP, 1 Edge)
[Apprentice]: +1 Acc to Melee Weapons | [Unstoppable] (0 AP, 1 Edge)
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Riptide and Napps attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate (Napps) won't expend an action.
[People's Champ]
[Pistol]: Range 10, DMG 2, Ammo 4/8;
[Fists]: Melee, DMG 2, Crit +1 (On 5+);
[Shotgun]: Range 10, DMG 4, Ammo 4/8, Breach.
[Armour Vest]: Armour 0/6
[Custom Mask]: +1 HP, +1 Move (Currently Equipped)

>1AP: Shoot Tie SE (Shotgun, Quick Attack)
>1AP: Move 2N, 1E, 1N, 1NW, 2W
>1AP: Move 1W, 2NW, 1N, 1W
>1 Edge: Overwatch NW with Shotgun.
Rolled 4, 10 = 14 (2d10)


Name: Renjun
Type: Assassin

Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 0/7, Move 6+2, Defense 11, Crit on 6
Weapons: Jian (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance](1 AP 1/Turn) Block 1 and Counter 1), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 8/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5), Dragon Kick (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5, Super Crit on 9)

Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+3, Sharp 0+1, Weird 4

Skills: Visions of Death (0 AP, 1 Edge, Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.), Top 10 (1/chapter name and describe one of your criminal's top 10 favourite movies to reroll any die.), Apprentice (Melee weapons have +1 Accuracy), Dragon Kick (1 AP, Melee, Damage 2, crit chance +3), Advantage on next Race

Gear: Armor Vest (Armour 1/6) (Damage is dealt to Armor before HP. Armor blocks damage and is then removed)

Outfits: Custom Mask (+1 HP, +1 Move, Blue Bian Lian mask, Equipped), Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense),
Assets: Cell Phone, Chinese Language Bibles, Jewelry (Crucifix made of Gold and Jade), Cache of small crosses made of Gold and Jade, Artwork ("Sermon on the Mount" by Bloch)
Vehicles: "The White Magpie" (Van, 1/1/7, Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Nitrous, Sport Suspension), Barracuda (Speedboat, 2/1/3), "Quianlima" (Lancer Sport, 4/2/1, Engine Tuning, Nitrous)
Base: Dock Warehouse (Security x2, Workshop, Theatre x2, Bathroom, Kitchen)

Gang: The Heat City Knights (Weird 2 Hard 1, 5 totally sane people converted to Christ, Superstition)

Cash: $100450
Heat: 7
Wanted: 4
XP: 2

The target is close and Renjun is moving in to apprehend. He says a quick prayer for the health of Blackjack as he carefully steps past her and into the hallway, where he continues his bloody crusade against these fiends.

>1 AP: Move 6W, 1N, 1W
>1 AP: Quick Attack N Tie (+3 to hit from TT + Apprentice)
>1 AP: Enter Block Stance
Rolled 5, 5, 9 = 19 (3d10)

"Fuck it, clearing path for traffic!"

AP 1: Move towards tie to the North 6
Edge 1: Move into melee with tie to the North
AP 2: Punch
AP 3: Punch
Edge 2: Punch
Rolled 5, 5, 6 = 16 (3d10)

3 punch actions means 6 dice rolls.
Rolled 4, 10, 2 = 16 (3d10)

Name: Tony Vespucci
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 8/10 Edge 8/15 Move 6, Defence 4, Crit on 5 and above
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0-1, Sharp 5+1+2, Weird 4

Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), SMG (Range 10, Damage 3, Ammo 2/15, +1 crit range, Autofire)
Gear: First Aid Kit (0/4 uses)
Special Talent: Taser (4/4 uses)
Special talent: Pack Alpha (names: Carlo and Diego)
Special Talent: Electrify
Special Talent: Snake Eye
bulletproof suit: +1 edge, +1 defense

>Mirage (Racing Tires + Suspension): Carissima

>2AP: [Autofire] the bastard in the car in front of me for 2 shots
>1AP+1Edge: Aimed attack the guy 13N of me, driving the car
Rolled 9, 3, 8, 5 = 25 (4d10)

Mizuchi flies into an incoherent rage after seeing the fallen Blackjack. Diving headlong into the fray. "Get the fuck away from my best friend!"
>-1 Edge regained from Furious Focus
>1AP: Move NW, 3N, 1NW
>1 Edge: Flash Step the suit 2S, 1SE of the VIP with Raijin, appearing N of him.
>1 AP: Block
>1 AP: Attack Cloud NW with Raijin

Name: Mizuchi
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 0/7+1, Move 6, Defense 8+1, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 2, Cool 4, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/4), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), Raijin (Melee, Damage 4, [Stance], 1/1 Per Job [Stormdance] +1 DMG and +1 Stun for one turn)
Gear: First Aid Kit (0/4 Uses), Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defense, +1 Edge)
Money: $222,243
Tokens: Sharp
Special Talent: Flash Step, Agility, Flurry of Blows, Furious Focus
Assets: Katana Coupe w/ Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous [Speed 2+1, Handling 1+1, Size 3], Movie Collection (Anime), Loud Apartment, Blue Cassette, Tower Apartment (w/ The Works & Security+), Hi-Fi Stereo, Cell Phone, Manga, Designer Shades, Rare Weapons, Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts, +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition)
Heat: 12
Wanted Level: 3
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Rolled 10 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

Hard 0[1] - HP [8/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6[5]
Sharp 0 - Edge 0/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 4, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - [BUSTED]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]


With the enemies slain, Horace dashed through the smoldering and red-painted train. The sword is singing a song of war and bloodshed through the halls of her mind, tasting in the air that its prey is near. It beckons Horace to lean her ear close so she can hear what it has to tell her...

>TT from Friedrich!
>Furious Focus!
>1 Edge: Visions of Death; Tokumei Must Die!
>Move 9N
>Move 9N
>Weird Check +5: Speak with the Highlander, ask for its veteran's counsel on how to best slay a countering warrior like Tokumei...
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With the fans broken, the wind dies down and those flower petals stop whirling around. It's a lot easier to come to grips with the girl this way. Angela finally knocks her down with a solid punch to the jaw, the first really solid hit on her that collapses her frail form to the ground.

"You want her alive?" Angela asks, looking up at Rico.

"She's just a kid," Rico says. Looking down at her now, arrogance turning to pain and fear in her eyes, it seems obvious she didn't understand what she was getting into. "She talks a big game, but she's not a killer."

"Fine by me. Some of the people we let live after we had to kick their ass, they mellowed out afterwards. So far so good, I guess."

Meanwhile, Badger has Ray on the radio calling for a medevac, but Ray doesn't seem interested. "You know that, normally, when you drive a car into a wall, the car stops working, right?" His voice is nonchalant. "My cars cost big bucks, they're not like your dime store Bravados. Don't call me for this ape-brained destruction type of thing. Ask Angela, she loves it. Me? I drive."

"You motherfucker --" Badger squeezes the radio in his hand so hard a panel snaps off and goes flying.

"Relax," Ray says. "I thought this might happen, so I planned for it. Don't count on it happening again, though. This is a one-time bonus."

Somewhere nearby, a truck engine roars.
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It's hard to call someone out with an emotional speech while on two different cars of a moving train. Especially with the extra noise coming from the gunfight in the back. But the threat is pretty obvious. Everyone knows what Nishina is saying. Everyone knows what a sword means.

Tokumei's not about to charge out from behind his defensive screen of flunkies, that would be stupid and he knows it. But it's clear from the flunkies' nervous glances and restless grips that they're increasingly aware of how fucked their position is. If they can hold out until the next stop, then maybe they can escape into the crowd. But until then, there's no way out, and they know it.

"Nishina," Horace says from right behind her. "My sword told me about what kind of man this guy is."

Nishina frowns. Even as a daughter of the land of samurai, Nishina feels a little uncomfortable about how much Horace likes that sword. But she says, "Go on."

"He is a duelist. He knows the tricks to cheese a one-on-one bout, and even besides trickery he has legitimate skill from experience in many duels. He has slain many. People like your brother were lured into what they believed was a fair fight, only to be taken off guard by his skill and unexpected moves. If you try to handle him alone ... I'm afraid you'll be outmatched."

"I don't care," Nishina says, gripping her sword tightly. "I have to do this. No matter what the danger to myself."

Horace smiles. "That's why we're here, though. So you don't have to do this alone. Just rely on us, okay?" With a jaunty motion, she swings the Highlander up to rest on one shoulder. Wrath stance, it's called. "Besides. You're not the only one with a hungry sword."

[Tokumei rapidly builds up bonuses against isolated targets, or from attacking the same target repeatedly.]
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Still on the subject of fated encounters.

Mizuchi deflects and counter-strikes, a perfect stroke that bypasses the guard of his more inexperienced foe. Another blood spray, another collapsed body. Life-or-death battles have forged the pretend assassin into a real one. Whatever his humble origins or imagined fantasies, Mizuchi has in truth become one of the deadliest killers of the city.

But there's always other fish in the pond, hungry for a bite.

The sudden appearance of another man in a suit makes Mizuchi raise his blade in defense, but the other guy doesn't make a move. His stance is relaxed, hands in his pockets, blade in its sheath. He's the same height as Mizuchi, same build, same attitude. Same shape of sword at his side. He doesn't say anything for a moment after the greeting, or look directly at Mizuchi, he just casually observes the situation.

"You going to throw down for this loser?" Mizuchi says, indicating the fat guy in the suit who this has all been about.

"Who, me? Nah." Orochi gives the informant a swift kick to the leg, knocking him over. The Sumi clan member shouts something, enraged, and swings his blade. A skillful strike. He doesn't stand a chance. Orochi ducks and steps underneath the path of the blade, and swipes upwards as he stands. The Sumi's neck is neatly severed, head and body tumbling separately to the ground.

"Nah," Orochi says again, as if nothing had happened. He spins the katana to flick blood off, then wipes the rest off with a cloth. Still with his back turned, he says "I'm here for you, Mizuchi. Heard a lot about you. Wanted to see for myself if you were the real deal."

Orochi turns around, and his eyes meet Mizuchi's for the first time. His killing intent slams into Mizuchi like a physical force.

Mizuchi tenses to meet an attack, but the sensation dies away before anything happens. Orochi shakes his head. "Not now. This would have no meaning. Heal your wounds, Mizuchi. Grow strong. When you're ready ..." He makes a swift movement with his arm. A throwing knife pins a note to the wooden wall near Mizuchi. "You'll know where to find me."

Orochi walks away, giving a casual wave as he does. "Seeya."
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It's about then that the truck blasts through the wall.
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Turn 12 begins.
“ Anyone else want anything I can keep going the rest of the day if anyone’s still going to throw down “

Because it’s like thirty seconds to midnight right? Everything hurts. There’s been so many walls. She keeps being throw into or through or at them. Kit’s had interactions with walls that she did not countenance architecture capable off. But at least it’s starting to be ove—


It isn’t because the walls of the hallway collapse inwards and Kit gets pelted by brick, mortar and falling dust. Coughs. Waves a hand at the dime store Katana guy. He’s got this. This is officially too much wall based internaction for one night.

>Move 6N, grab accountant
>Move 7S, hoist Blackjack
>Furious Focus AP: Leave, but with Focus, to make up for any missing AP in the above

“ Okay I got you don’t worry I read a medical textbook once. Do worry I think I have like eight concussions and everything is ringing. “
Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d10)

"S'all good, cher, s'all good," Doctor Ben quietly assures, tying the last knot on the bandages covering Blackjack's face. "We- Oh you, be nice!"
>-Visions of Death on Sumi
>-Furious Focus
>1Edge: Flashstep and stab the Tie who shot Riptide
>1AP: Return to Blackjack
"So as I was saying, we have the guy, we're scramming. You'll be alright."
>2AP: Carry Blackjack to the evac

Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 7/8 (+1 hat), Edge 1/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Stance), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 1/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit(3/4)
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
"Hey! Diego! Carlos! Over here! Uhh...fuckin'...ven aqui! Vamanos, vamanos!"

3 AP: Move 7W, NW, N, 2NW, 4W

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: Gym Bag
Secondary Weapon: Pistol (4/12)
Skill: RC Bomb (1/2), Top 10 (0/1), Furious Focus, God Gamer (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (5/12)
Cash: $608,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG, Blue Marker
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
HP: 6/7
Edge: 7/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
HP 13(+1)/13 Edge 1/10
Move 6, Def 6, Crit 9+
Cool 1 / Sharp 2 (+2) / Hard 4 (+1) / Weird 1
Heat 10 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and heal 5 Edge) SPENT
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
Unstoppable (0 AP 1 Edge, +1 Armor, Rage, Block; remove debuffs and conditions)
Hardliner (+1 Hard token/mission, spend H.T. to move 7 in a straight line, gain breach and collision for that move)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll) SPENT
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger", "Garden of the Divine Transgressors") SPENT
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result) SPENT
Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear)
Shotgun (Rng 10, Dmg 4, Ammo 2/4, Breach)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/12)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
Armor Vest (6 armor, doesn't stack) SPENT
Frag Grenades (Frag Out: 0/3, Throw, Area 2, 3 Damage, Breach) SPENT

Time to blow this joint. Money be damned.

>Move 2SE, 2E, 13 S, 1SE (3 AP)
Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 0/10
Move 5+2
Defense 10
Crit on 9+

Cool: 5+1
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SER, 15, Overdrive)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 1/3
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 2/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit Chance +1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag, Medic Bag (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (1 AP, 4 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.

Time to go.

> Furious Focus: Fire Up!
> Run 1E 2SE 12 S 2 E
>Name: D. Spenser
>Type: Brain
>Stats: HP 8/8, Armor 0/6, Edge 4/9 (+1 from suit), Move 5 (+1 from token for total of 6), Defense 5, Crit on 7 (10 standard, 9,8,7, from weird)
>Factors: Hard 1, Cool 1, Sharp 2, Weird 3, Heat 0, Wanted 1
>Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit +1)
>Special Talent: Infiltration
>Outfit: Two Piece Suit (+1 Edge)
>Gear: Gym Bag: Ammo Bag (1 AP, 0 Uses), Medic Bag (1 AP, 0 Uses), Armor Vest
>Cash: $4180
>Assets: Mastodon, Secure Swamp Shack

"Securing target, then attempting exfil with assets"

AP 1: Move towards Mizuichi by 6 Squares
Edge 1: Move to Secure Primary Objective
AP 2: Secure Primary Objective
Edge 2: Exfil
AP 3: Exfil
Type: Brain
HP 6/7
Edge 0/8
Move 5[4]
Defence 3[5]
Crit 8
Stats: Cool 1 Sharp 3 Hard 0 Weird 2
Weapons: Gym Bag, Pistol, Fists
Gear: First Aid Kit(3/4), Smoke Grenade 2/3, Frag Grenade 0/3
Special Talent: Infiltrator

>AP 3
>>Move S S S SW W W W W W
>>Edge 1 Exfil
Rolled 10, 7 + 1 = 18 (2d10 + 1)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 5/6, Edge 5/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 3/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $237 658
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

>1 AP, 1 Edge: [Steadfast]
>1 AP: [Move] 6 North
>1 AP: [Quick Strike] Tie with Ivory Katana

Nishina breathes for a moment, staring into the smoke. She turns over her shoulder to look at Horace, her expression iron-hard. Deliberately, she unclenches her jaw, then nods. "Thank you for your support."

She's the first one through the smoke, ducking and darting, swirling her flowery kimono about herself to distort her silhouette as she closes in. "[Die!]"
Note to self when you copy this sheet next turn, you're actually on 4 Edge and forgot to mark down an Edge for Steadfast use.
Rolled 5, 9 = 14 (2d10)

Name: Fresco
Type: Operator
Stats: HP: 4/8, Armor 0, Edge 0/8, Move 6, Defense 10, Crit on 5, Supercrit on 7[5 DE], Heat 2
Weapons: DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 2/0)
Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/4)
Factor: Hard 0, Cool 4+2, Sharp 2+2, Weird 4+1
Special Talent: Deadeye: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Attack with +3 accuracy, +3 crit rate, and +1 crit damage
Lightning Reload: 1/Turn reload for 0 AP
Oh Yeah!: Fuck you, roll +weird for a cool entrance
Moonlighter: Gain a 3rd Sidejob. Can use this 3rd job to reroll a Side Job roll.
Furious Focus: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 edge, gain 1 edge.
Dance Fever Disco: (0 AP, 0 Edge) Gain +1 Wtoken at start of mission. Spend WTokens to gain +2 Move and Def for that round.
Drug Kit: (1 AP, 0/2 Uses) Take 1 damage to gain ++2 to a stat for 3 turns.
Custom Mask: +1 HP & +1 Move

>Move E1, N5 [1 AP]
>Move NE1, N4, E1 [1 AP]
>Deadeye closest Yokai with DMR [1 Edge, first die with +3]
>Pistol quick shot remaining tie [1 AP, 2nd die]

Smoke blocked his way. A clean shot was impossible from back there. Fresco can see one of the sword freaks running forward and drawing fire. And so with nothing to lose he follows behind.
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>>6075705 | >>6084419
The rumble of a truck crashing through walls sends a fresh wave of petals falling to the ground. Those that had already fallen either flitting through the last puffs of wind, or sticking to the stained ponds and streaks of blood on the ground. It shakes Napps from his following of Rico's plan. A plan has to be made in the moment, and acted-on in the next.

He doesn't need to glance at himself to know the difference between them: near-untouched, spry, weapon at the ready, versus a shredded armor vest, adrenaline to descend, and a gas tank sloshing half-empty.

Trust them to fend for themselves, trust them to fend for you.

"Rico." He holsters the chainsaw, bending over to toss the unconscious swordswoman over his shoulder. "Between the two of us, you've got more hutzpah and vigor to take the lead. I'll carry the girl, support where I can - you just keep us alive till the end."

He glances at Angela, before drawing his pistol and moving out. "Stay breathing, boss!"

>(1AP, Carry) Secure Hana
>(2AP, Move) 5E, 3SE, 1S

Name: Napps - 4XP Thug
CSHW: 3, 2t, 7t, 1 = Def 8t | Edge 3/8t | HP 12/16t | Crit on 9+ | Move 5t
Gear: Armor Vest (Armor 0/6 - absorbs X Dmg) | Serious Armor (Req 4 HARD, +2 HP, +1 Def, -1 Move)
Fists (Melee, 2 DMG, Crit Range +1) | Pistol (Range 10, 2 DMG, 3/8 Ammo) | [Primary] Chainsaw (Melee, DMG 0, Ammo 5/0, [Rev it Up!] (0 AP, 1 Edge, 1 Ammo) - Until the round's end, +1 Move, cannot use gear/other weapons, +6 Dmg, costs Ammo to use.
[Apprentice] All melee attacks gain +1 accuracy
[God Gamer] (1/mission, add +1 to a d10 roll, after it's been made)
[Top 10] (1/chapter, name & describe my character's favorite movie to reroll any die (Ex: "Reggie")
[Latin Beat] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Gain +2 Move and +2 Defense this round.
[USED, White Lightning] - 1/Mission, spend 1 AP to knock yourself down and gain 5 Edge.
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge) Napps and Riptide attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate won't expend an action.
[Dance Fever: Breakin'] (0AP, 1 Edge) Start Missions with a +1 Hard token, Spend tokens of that stat to gain +2 Move and +2 Defense that round.
[Die Hard] (on first death, exchange all remaining Edge for HP & second wind)

Temporary Buffs
From S.A: +2 HP, +1 DEF, -1 Move | Mayhem Tokens: +1 Sharp/Move/Hard | Dance Fever: Breakin': +1 Hard Token
Note to self, you forgot to subtract a pip of chainsaw gas a few miles back, edit to 4 later and make sure it doesn't happen again.
Rolled 4, 1, 3, 5 + 1 = 14 (4d10 + 1)

Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 8/13, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 0/12, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard (Used), Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x0
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $2,145,202
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Loud Apartment, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter
Jackhammer Shotgun
Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Red Disk, Blue Disk, Locker Key
Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy)

>Move 3E, 1S, 1SE, 1 E
>Autofire at point blank with Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/12, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy) at the Oni 4SE of me (First four rolls, +1 to hit).

"Truck's here!" Ramirez yells, hearing Ray smash through the wall. "Wounded and objectives get in! The rest of us, we're headed for the rendezvous!"
Rolled 3, 8, 4, 7 = 22 (4d10)

>-1 Edge: Electrify
>1AP: Move 1E, 6N
>1AP: Use Axes on Tie 1 West
>1AP: Move 1N, 1NE, 1NW
>1Edge: Stun Baton the Oni 1N, 1NE, 1NW

Name: Tobias Rieper
Type: Brain
Stats: AV 6/6 HP 8/8, Edge 6/11, Move 6(7), Defence 4, Crit on 5
Factors: Hard 0(1), Cool 0, Sharp 4(5), Weird 4(5)
-WR/BR Axes (Melee/Range, Damage 3, Crit on 3+, Super Crit on 9-10, Throw Axe: 2/2 Uses range 10)
-Shock Baton (Melee, 2dmg, stun1)
-Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 4(SC10))
Clothes: Utility Vest {Inventory} (+1 Mag, +1 Gear)
Gear: Armor Vest (AV in Stats)+ Impact Grenades (3/3)
Special Talents: {Infiltration}{Spook}{Electrify}{Top 10}
Heat: 7, Wanted 3
Bad copy paste, it shouldn't be point blank autofire.
Rolled 10, 3 = 13 (2d10)

"G-Go go Nishina!" Rainfall clears some of the mobs to help on the DUEL OF DESTINY.

>Move 6N
>Move 4N,1NW
>Attack the Oni to the N (Dmg4,CDmg+1, crit 6)

Name: Rainfall
Class: Assassin[Lv7]
HP[9/9] Edge[8/8] Move 6
Defense 10(9+1) Crit 6
Cool:5(4+1) Sharp:1 Hard:2(1+1) Weird:4
*Skills:(Flash Step)(Die Hard)(Top Ten)(Furious Focus)(Hardliner)

*Weapons:Blood Katana(Dmg4,Block1,CDmg+1,1stCritHeal+1)
*Gear:Armor Vest(Armor [6/6])
*Clothing:Bulletproof Suit(Def+1,Edge+1)

Blue Marker
Blue Disk
Blue Cassette [CHAOS]
$10,000 Gold Bar
$10 Chocolate Money
16 Heat, 2 Wanted
Beach House
Katana Coupe [2/1/3]
Zero(Speed+Handling+Nitrous) [3/4/1]
Rolled 5 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 4/12, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. Remove a condition.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die) (Used)
GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (1 Uses)
Cash: $1747377
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>1 AP - Move SW2, S3, SW1
>1 AP - Move NW2, N3, W1
>1 AP - Find Loot (Sharp)
Name: Riptide
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP: 10/14 (10+1+3) | Edge: 2/7 | Move: 7 (6+1) | Defence 4 | Crit on 6+
Hard: 6 (3+3) | Cool: 0 | Sharp: 1 | Weird: 4
[Hurting Other People]
[Ruiner] (1 AP, 1 Edge)
[Apprentice]: +1 Acc to Melee Weapons | [Unstoppable] (0 AP, 1 Edge)
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Riptide and Napps attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate (Napps) won't expend an action.
[People's Champ]
[Pistol]: Range 10, DMG 2, Ammo 4/8;
[Fists]: Melee, DMG 2, Crit +1 (On 5+);
[Shotgun]: Range 10, DMG 4, Ammo 3/8, Breach.
[Armour Vest]: Armour 0/6
[Custom Mask]: +1 HP, +1 Move (Currently Equipped)

Riptide looks at the dramatic entrance that Ray's Truck made. Doctor Ben is fulfilling his title and exfiltrating Blackjack before she's gone for good, D. Spenser is leaving with the primary objective, and Ninja Ninja sneaks out like his namesake.
Somebody is missing, Riptide thinks, until he remembers:

>2AP: Move 5E, 7NE, 1E, 1SE,
>1AP: Reload Shotgun

How Riptide knew where Napps was is a question for the ages, but he is genuinely shocked to see Napps holding a young woman wearing a pink kimono over his shoulder. Hana.

"Am I interrupting something? Hopefully you were just bringing her into our custody."
Rolled 10 (1d10)

>1AP: Quick Shoot Tie 8S with pistol
>2AP: Move 8N

Name: Friedrich
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 8/10, Edge 1/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 4/12+4. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 1/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Spent)
Medic Bag (Spent)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
Rolled 6, 2, 7, 3, 2 + 1 = 21 (5d10 + 1)

"Alright lets go with that. I'll clear the way make sure she's ok."

>1AP: Move 5S, 1SW
>1AP+1Edge: Blitz Moving 2S, 1SE, 1E, 1S, 1E Hit the Yokai (Apprentice)
>1AP: Vault Attack Yokai Moving 3SEE (vault) and attack with Dragon Slayer
>1Edge: Move 1E, 1N, 1NE, 1N

"Clearing the way..."

Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 11/12
Edge 4/8
Move 5(6)
Defense 13

Cool: 5(8) {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg + taunt, gain block 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
{Apprentice}: Melee Weapons Gain +1 Accuracy
{Dragon Kick}: 1ap attack for 2 dmg, +3 Crit

-Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
-Pistol [Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 2/8]
-Fist [Dmg 2, Crit +1]
-{Dragon Kick}: [Dmg 2, +3 Crit]

-Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 defense, +1 Edge)
-First Aid Kit (1/4)
>Move N NW W W
>Move W NW NW N
>Move W W W W (get in the truck)

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (4/4) [max 4/8]
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 5/7 + (0/6 Armor)
Edge: 5/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
He's taking cover behind a cabinet, trying to catch his breath when Riptide catches his attention, reracking his piece.
"Got no business with her - but Rico wants her alive, see if he can't get 'er to swap sides. Keep us all breathing, and I'll do my best to watch yer ass!"
Rolled 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 7 = 23 (6d10)

Mizuchi is absolutely dumbfounded by the sequence of events that just unfolded before him. That man looked a frightening amount like him, but he didn't have any siblings back in Toronto. The rational part of his mind, shrinking further every day, feels this might be a hallucination from the copious amounts of morphine, flashing lights, and adrenaline.

It's the coolest thing he's ever experienced.

The Ronin collects the kunai and its message, grinning. "I'll show you I'm number one, Orochi! You can count on it, eh?" Turning back to the Sumi he's been dueling, his gaze turns sharp. "But you need to get out of my face."

>-Furious Focus Regains 1 Edge
>1AP: Stance
>1AP+1Edge: Flurry of Blows the Sumi N with Pistol, Fists, and Raijin in that order.
>1AP: Move 3E, 3SE

Name: Mizuchi
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 0/7+1, Move 6, Defense 8+1, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 2, Cool 4, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 2/4), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), Raijin (Melee, Damage 4, [Stance], 1/1 Per Job [Stormdance] +1 DMG and +1 Stun for one turn)
Gear: First Aid Kit (0/4 Uses), Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defense, +1 Edge)
Money: $222,243
Tokens: Sharp
Special Talent: Flash Step, Agility, Flurry of Blows, Furious Focus
Assets: Katana Coupe w/ Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous [Speed 2+1, Handling 1+1, Size 3], Movie Collection (Anime), Loud Apartment, Blue Cassette, Tower Apartment (w/ The Works & Security+), Hi-Fi Stereo, Cell Phone, Manga, Designer Shades, Rare Weapons, Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts, +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition)
Heat: 12
Wanted Level: 3
Rolled 1, 3 = 4 (2d10)

"Heh. Right on time."
>Move 5W
>Throw a frag 1SW 4S
>(1AP) Fire the ACR at the enemies south (the tie in cover if he survived?) (acc +1, crits on +9, dmg4)
>(1 Edge) Move 5W, into the truck and extract.
"I'm sorry, I think my limit. I'll go on ahead. Stay safe."

Name: Honey Badger
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP:5/13 Edge:1/9 Move:5 Defense:6 Crit on 9+
Factors: Cool:0+1 Sharp:4 Hard:4+1 Weird:1
Weapons: Pistol (range 10, dmg2, 2/8 ammo)
ACR (range 20, dmg4, 2/0 ammo, auto, +1 accuracy)
Fists (Melee, dmg2, crit +1)
Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 move)
Gear: Frag Grenades (1/3, Area 2, 3Ex damage)
Talent: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Steadfast, Raging Demon, Lena's Lover, Call Out, Apprentice, Top Ten (0/1), White Lightning (0/1), Unstoppable, God Gamer (0/1)
Rolled 9 (1d10)


>TT activates
>AP1 Throw Molotov at SE, S x5
>AP1 Move: E, N x4
>AP1 Move: NE, N x3

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 7/14, Edge 3/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird -1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/15 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn, Ammo 1), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
Rolled 3, 5, 10 = 18 (3d10)

Name: Tony Vespucci
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 8/10 Edge 6/15 Move 6, Defence 4, Crit on 5 and above
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0-1, Sharp 5+1+2, Weird 4

Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), SMG (Range 10, Damage 3, Ammo 4/15, +1 crit range, Autofire)
Gear: First Aid Kit (0/4 uses)
Special Talent: Taser (4/4 uses)
Special talent: Pack Alpha (names: Carlo and Diego)
Special Talent: Electrify
Special Talent: Snake Eye
bulletproof suit: +1 edge, +1 defense

>Mirage (Racing Tires + Suspension): Carissima

>1AP: [Quick Shot] the guy aiming at me
>2AP: [Aimed Shot] the OTHER guy aiming at me
>2 Edge: [Aimed Shot] the guy in the car ahead of me
>1 Edge: move ahead
1st dice is for 1st shot, 2nd for 2nd shot, so on
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Rolled 1, 5, 2, 1, 6, 8, 6, 7, 2, 9 = 47 (10d10)

Hard 0[1] - HP [8/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6[5]
Sharp 0 - Edge 0/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death [TOKUMEI MUST DIE]

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 4, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - [BUSTED]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]


The demons fall, a path cleared, and it'd only be right to leave an opening for that eastern woman to strike her target as well. Now is the time, Horace. All the way, onto triumph or to judgement day.

>Furious Focus!
-Move 5N; Ruin Cover with the Highlander
-Move 5N; Ruin Cover with the Highlander
-Move 1SW, 2N, 1E, 1N; Ruin Tokumei with the Highlander
>Quick Attack Tokumei with the Highlander
>Quick Attack Tokumei with the Highlander
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It's over in seconds. The cell guards don't even have time to draw their guns. The stranger flicks the blood off his katana before sliding it home into its sheath.

"Let's get you out of there," he says as he unlocks the cell door. "Oh, and you'll probably want this."

As Dokkebi exits the cell, the man hands her a familiar shape. Her face. She holds it reverently.

"Now come on," the man says, turning towards the door. "We've got work to do."
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The exfiltration process starts. Ray's improvised escape truck holds 12. Normally you could fit more people inside the back of a semi-trailer, but there's two cars in there already. The cars are the most normal-looking sedans you can imagine, just barely big enough to squeeze in six people (someone will have to take the trunk). These are the perfect escape vehicles if your goal is to disappear anonymously into traffic. All that needs to happen is for Ray to get out of view long enough to open the back and let you all drive out. Breaking line of sight from police pursuit in a huge fucking truck might normally be impossible, but that's why they call Ray one of the best.

Four more spots inside the truck. Assuming you reserve two for Tony's goons -- you wouldn't leave Tony's goons high and dry, would you? -- that's two left.

Everyone else is going to have to fight through to the southeast corner to Ace and Molly's pickup -- or find your own way out past the police cordon closing in. You've got a clear shot for now, or at least clear-ish. But that won't last long.
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The train is filled with bodies now, men in black suits clutching at their missing limbs or spurting arterial blood onto the floor. There's only two men left standing. Unfortunately for you, one of them is worth all the rest combined.

In the back, the informant nervously clutches his briefcase like a shield, as if it would protect him.

In front of him, though, there's Tokumei, impassive and unyielding as a stone wall. You're going to have to get through him to get the job done.
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It took them a while, but the cops are showing up in force now. They might have already called in SWAT, and if they haven't, they definitely will once they realize once they're dealing with. HCPD already hated your asses before the safehouse incident, now they REALLY hate you. They're going to bring in the big guns, and soon. You've got one informant in the bag; as for the second one, you just have to hope the train squad does their job.

Time to jet.
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Guess that's what happens when you don't listen to your sword's advice. So long, Horace the 2nd. We'll miss your saucy attitude and destructive ruination. And your fat ass.

Mei Lin tries to help out, and eats shit for her trouble. Tokumei's blade seems to nullify the electrified gadget in her gloves that she blocks with. He sweeps her defenses aside and goes for the kill, a piercing thrust that would kill a woman less indomitable.

You might have him cornered and outnumbered, but this could easily go real bad, real fast. In fact, that's already happening.

Turn 13 begins.
Rolled 6, 6 + 3 = 15 (2d10 + 3)

>Name: Fresco
>Type: Operator
>Stats: HP: 4/8, Armor 0, Edge 0/8, Move 6, Defense 10, Crit on 5, Supercrit on 7[5 DE], Heat 2
>Weapons: DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 0/0)
>Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/4)
>Factor: Hard 0, Cool 4+2, Sharp 2+2, Weird 4+1
>Special Talent: Deadeye: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Attack with +3 accuracy, +3 crit rate, and +1 crit damage
>Lightning Reload: 1/Turn reload for 0 AP
>Oh Yeah!: Fuck you, roll +weird for a cool entrance
>Moonlighter: Gain a 3rd Sidejob. Can use this 3rd job to reroll a Side Job roll.
>Furious Focus: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 edge, gain 1 edge.
>Dance Fever Disco: (0 AP, 0 Edge) Gain +1 Wtoken at start of mission. Spend WTokens to gain +2 Move and Def for that round.
>Drug Kit: (1 AP, 0/2 Uses) Take 1 damage to gain ++2 to a stat for 3 turns.
>Custom Mask: +1 HP & +1 Move

>Deadeye Tokumei DMR (1 edge)
>Aimed Shot Tokumei DMR (2 ap)
>Move W1, S3

Shit. People were dying. Just what was this guy
Rolled 7, 2 + 4 = 13 (2d10 + 4)

Mizuchi makes like a bat out of hell, using his superior parkour skills to absolutely haul ass through the burning building. He presses himself up against the crashed truck in the lobby, trying as best he can to catch his breath through the rapidly spreading smoke and flame. He needed every ounce of stamina he had for this last run. This was tight even for him. He could only pray his friends had it in them to escape too.
>- Regain 1 Edge from Furious Focus
>1AP: Move: 2S, 2SE, 1S, SE
>1AP: Move: 1SE, 5E, vaulting soft cover with Agility.
>1AP: Move: 4E, SE, S
>1 Edge: Move: S, SE, E, NE, NE, E

Name: Mizuchi
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 0/7+1, Move 6, Defense 8+1, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 2, Cool 4, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 2/4), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), Raijin (Melee, Damage 4, [Stance], 1/1 Per Job [Stormdance] +1 DMG and +1 Stun for one turn)
Gear: First Aid Kit (0/4 Uses), Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defense, +1 Edge)
Money: $222,243
Tokens: Sharp
Special Talent: Flash Step, Agility, Flurry of Blows, Furious Focus
Assets: Katana Coupe w/ Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous [Speed 2+1, Handling 1+1, Size 3], Movie Collection (Anime), Loud Apartment, Blue Cassette, Tower Apartment (w/ The Works & Security+), Hi-Fi Stereo, Cell Phone, Manga, Designer Shades, Rare Weapons, Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts, +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition)
Heat: 12
Wanted Level: 3
Rolled 1, 10 + 1 = 12 (2d10 + 1)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 5/6, Edge 2/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death [Currently Tokumei/Mifune], Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 3/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $237 658
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

>1 AP: [Move] 5 North
>1 AP, 1 Edge: [Northern Fist] Mifune
>1 Edge: [Quick Attack] Mifune
>1 AP: [Stance]

Another life to add to the tally. One more to be avenged. Nishina had not known Horace very well, but she respected a fellow swordswoman. He /would/ answer, whatever it took.
"Napps! Team! Way's clear! ¡Dale, vamos a llegar tarde! Move up!"

>1AP: Move 1SE, 3E, 1SE, 1S, 1SE
>1AP: Move 1S, 2E, 1SE, 1S, 1SE
>1AP: Move 4S,1SE

Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 11/12
Edge 4/8
Move 5(6)
Defense 13

Cool: 5(8) {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg + taunt, gain block 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
{Apprentice}: Melee Weapons Gain +1 Accuracy
{Dragon Kick}: 1ap attack for 2 dmg, +3 Crit

-Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
-Pistol [Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 2/8]
-Fist [Dmg 2, Crit +1]
-{Dragon Kick}: [Dmg 2, +3 Crit]

-Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 defense, +1 Edge)
-First Aid Kit (1/4)
Rolled 8 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

HP 13+1/13 Edge 1/10
Move 6, Def 6, Crit 9+
Cool 1 / Sharp 2 (+2) / Hard 4 (+1) / Weird 1
Heat 10 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and heal 5 Edge) SPENT
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
Unstoppable (0 AP 1 Edge, +1 Armor, Rage, Block; remove debuffs and conditions)
Hardliner (+1 Hard token/mission, spend H.T. to move 7 in a straight line, gain breach and collision for that move)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll) SPENT
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger", "Garden of the Divine Transgressors") SPENT
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result) SPENT
Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear)
Shotgun (Rng 10, Dmg 4, Ammo 2/4, Breach)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/12)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
Armor Vest (6 armor, doesn't stack) SPENT
Frag Grenades (Frag Out: 0/3, Throw, Area 2, 3 Damage, Breach) SPENT

The fire rises
>Move 1E, 1S, 1SE, 1S, 1E, 1SE (1 AP, end movement between the doors)
>Open the door to the karaoke room and yell "Leave the building, fire is spreading! Warn the others!" at the people in the room. (1 Edge, Hard roll)
>Move 1E, 2S, 1SE, 3E, 1S skirting past the fire, 1S, 2SE, 1E (2 AP)
Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 0/10
Move 5+2
Defense 10
Crit on 9+

Cool: 5+1
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SER, 15, Overdrive)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 1/3
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 2/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit Chance +1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag, Medic Bag (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (1 AP, 4 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.

>(Furious Focus) Fire Up
>(3AP) Move up to the tile West of Chaser, also skirting around/ leaping over the fire.

We’re going to make it!
Rolled 1, 10, 1, 10 = 22 (4d10)

>1AP: Move 4N
>2AP: Autofire. Empty AR clip on Tokumei

"Verdammt! Das Arschloch ist stark."

Name: Friedrich
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 8/10, Edge 1/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 0/12+4. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 1/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Spent)
Medic Bag (Spent)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
Rolled 2 (1d10)

"C'mon, guys, c'mon! Andale, andale!

>1AP: [Move] 5W
>1AP: [Move] 2W, 2SW, 1S
>1 AP: [Move] 5S
>1 Edge: [Move] 5S
>1 Edge: [Frag Out] 1SW, 6S.

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: Gym Bag
Secondary Weapon: Pistol (4/12)
Skill: RC Bomb (1/2), Top 10 (0/1), Furious Focus, God Gamer (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (6/12)
Cash: $608,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG, Blue Marker
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
HP: 6/7
Edge: 5/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
Rolled 8, 5, 6, 8 = 27 (4d10)

>1ap: Move 1NE, 2N
>1ap: Throw Impact Grenade 2SW
>1ap: Axe Tokumei
>1edg: Shove Tokumei off the train

Name: Tobias Rieper
Type: Brain
Stats: AV 6/6 HP 8/8, Edge 4/11, Move 6(7), Defence 4, Crit on 5
Factors: Hard 0(1), Cool 0, Sharp 4(5), Weird 4(5)
-WR/BR Axes (Melee/Range, Damage 3, Crit on 3+, Super Crit on 9-10, Throw Axe: 2/2 Uses range 10)
-Shock Baton (Melee, 2dmg, stun1)
-Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 4(SC10))
Clothes: Utility Vest {Inventory} (+1 Mag, +1 Gear)
Gear: Armor Vest (AV in Stats)+ Impact Grenades (1/3)
Special Talents: {Infiltration}{Spook}{Electrify}{Top 10}
Heat: 7, Wanted 3
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Quickly tapping Blackjack on the shoulder, Doctor Ben jumps out of the truck and vanishes i nthe hallways, fast as wind.

>3AP+1Edge: Move according to picrelated and clamber up to the food truck (Cool autosuccess)
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 7/8 (+1 hat), Edge 1/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Stance), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 1/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit(2/4)
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
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Ramirez needs to get out before he gets turned to hamburger
Rolled 6, 1, 1, 3 = 11 (4d10)


"Parry this you slippery punk."

>TT activates
>Hurting other people activates (weapon and collision dmg +1)
>AP1 Move: N x4
>AP2 Autofire against Tokumei with Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/15 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) [Rolls 1-4]

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 7/14, Edge 3/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird -1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/15 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn, Ammo 1), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 8/13, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 0/12, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard (Used), Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x0
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $2,145,202
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Loud Apartment, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter
Jackhammer Shotgun
Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Red Disk, Blue Disk, Locker Key
Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy)

>[1AP] Move 6E
>[1AP] Move 2E, 2S, 1SE, 1E
>[1AP] Move 1E, 1SE, 2S, 1SE, 1E

Out of the corner of his eye, Ramirez spots Renjun still standing around by the truck. "Renjun, don't wait up! Get in and evac, now!"
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Rolled 6 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

>>6096502 | >>6096456

Name: Napps - 4XP Thug
CSHW: 3, 2t, 7t, 1 = Def 8t+2 | Edge 3->2/8t | HP 12/16t | Crit on 9+ | Move 5t+2
Gear: Armor Vest (Armor 0/6 - absorbs X Dmg) | Serious Armor (Req 4 HARD, +2 HP, +1 Def, -1 Move)
Fists (Melee, 2 DMG, Crit Range +1) | Pistol (Range 10, 2 DMG, 3/8 Ammo) | [Primary] Chainsaw (Melee, DMG 0, Ammo 5/0, [Rev it Up!] (0 AP, 1 Edge, 1 Ammo) - Until the round's end, +1 Move, cannot use gear/other weapons, +6 Dmg, costs Ammo to use.
[Apprentice] All melee attacks gain +1 accuracy
[God Gamer] (1/mission, add +1 to a d10 roll, after it's been made)
[Top 10] (1/chapter, name & describe my character's favorite movie to reroll any die (Ex: "Reggie")
[Latin Beat] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Gain +2 Move and +2 Defense this round.
[USED, White Lightning] - 1/Mission, spend 1 AP to knock yourself down and gain 5 Edge.
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge) Napps and Riptide attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate won't expend an action.
[Dance Fever: Breakin'] (0AP, 1 Edge) Start Missions with a +1 Hard token, Spend tokens of that stat to gain +2 Move and +2 Defense that round.
[Die Hard] (on first death, exchange all remaining Edge for HP & second wind)

Temporary Buffs
From S.A: +2 HP, +1 DEF, -1 Move | Mayhem Tokens: +1 Sharp/Move/Hard | Dance Fever: Breakin': +1 Hard Token

"On it!"
He sets aside the bloodstained hostage/target/ally(?) against the cabinet, feeling for the buttons of the Walkman beneath his leather, cramming a set of buds into his ears and picking Hana back up as a drum snaps through his ears. If he's getting out of this - he'll need to focus on nothing but The Run.
"Un, dos, tres, quatro."
>[1 Edge, Latin Beat] +2 DEF/MOVE this round
>[3 AP, Move] 1W, 3S, 1SE, 1E, 1S => 3SE (vault), 1E, 2S, 1SE => 3E, 2S, 2SE
Rolled 3 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 4/12, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. Remove a condition.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die) (Used)
GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (1 Uses)
Cash: $1747377
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>1AP - Pick up Loot
>1AP - Move 1E, 1NE, 4N
>1AP - Figure out how to follow after Orochi (Sharp Roll)

As Heckler swiftly removes a rolled up duffle bag from his Tac Vest, a thought struck him Mizuchi had seen Orochi walking off towards the backrooms, and had somehow escaped the building. After quickly stuffing his bag full of loot, he shuffles into the only open door that hadn't been called out over the team communications. With a quick shift of his rifle, Heckler gets to work trying to figure out how to escape along the same passageway shouting, "Aye wait up. I got a few questions first."
Using God Gamer to Bump to 8
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Everyone who's taking the truck piles in. Kitt and Spenser slap some improvised restraints on the informant, a pudgy white guy in a tailored suit that, despite its quality, can't hide his girth. He's yapping at top speed while squirming, swapping rapidly between threats, pleas, and bribe attempts in an effort to weasel out of this somehow. He even demands to see his lawyer once. Eventually Badger gets tired of listening and thumps him in his big gut, not enough to do any damage but enough to shut him up for a while.

Almost everyone else heads to the pickup vans. There's a handful of yakuza and cops in your way, but nothing you can't handle. Angela is back out there on the streets, running interference on anyone else trying to come this way in particular. So you've got a straight shot at escaping for another few minutes.

Alejandro already took off in a Zero he stole from the yakuza; unfortunately a handful of the police noticed his departure in a car covered with blood and broken glass, and turned off to pursue him. Alejandro is [Chased], using a Zero's driving stats.

Heckler has his own ideas. Going after an infamous assassin on his own might not be the wisest idea, but Heckler is hardly known for being the sane and reasonable one of the gang.
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"[You killed my brother!]" Nishina shouts as she clashes swords with Tokumei. "[You took my home! My family! You took everything from me!]"

Tokumei smiles at Nishina over the crossed blades, his single eye glinting as the streetlights outside rush past, a repeating pattern of light and darkness. "[How many have you killed to pursue me? How many brothers and fathers have you turned into ash? Do you think there's a girl out there right now, just like you, a sister who's swearing revenge against her brother's killer, preparing to devote her life to hunting you down?]"

"[That's--]" Nishina's grip tightens on her sword handle as she strives to push forward. "[It's different! I'm not like you!]"

Tokumei laughs as he catches Nishina's blade on his. He shoves hard, sending her reeling backwards. "[You have no moral high ground to stand on. You lost that right when you stepped onto the road to revenge, giving up human feelings to walk the demon's path. I at least have my ambitions. You have nothing but hatred."]

An explosion, deafening in the close quarters, as the impact grenade goes off. Glass shatters, steel breaks and bends. Ears ringing with a high-pitched whine and with the scream of the wind forcing its way in through the impact hole, a stunned and exhausted Nishina sees Tobias, ever the efficient hitman, shove Tokumei, forcing him backwards towards the gap.

For a moment, Tokumei tries to regain his balance. Just as it seems he will, Jackal's bullets tear into him. Losing control, he falls from the train.

Nishina leans out just in time to briefly catch a glimpse of his bloodied body, lying still in the middle of the street.
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The truck and vans take off, leaving a blasted and burning building. There's almost nothing left of the Ura-Yakuza, or of the Sakura Garden commercial complex itself. The flames begin to rise high, framing the drifting pink petals of the trees, the fallen arcade machines still displaying glitched images on broken screens. Blood, severed digits, and strewn guts are found painted on walls, across floors and furniture, even on the ceiling.

Ms. Yamada will be happy.

The one place in the building left relatively unscathed is Toshiro's Sushi. Tony briefly considers if he could swing back and drop off a bomb before the HCPD notices him. Better to play it safe, he decides ... for now.
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At long last, she's taken her vengeance.

Hatred drifts away like smoke, leaving behind nothing but emptiness.

Without revenge, what else is left?
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One man who didn't escape with the rest of the group is Heckler. He has the idea to grill the escaping assassin, Orochi, and maybe hype up his friend Mizuchi in the process.

However, Heckler's exhausted and wounded after a long battle. He's pursuing a man adept in stealth and urban traversal. And he's in enemy territory.

Unable to find his target, Heckler is just deciding to call off the hunt, when he hears a voice coming from behind him. "What do you want?"

Heckler slowly turns to see Orochi standing there, eyes hidden behind sunglasses. One hand rests casually at his side, the other holds his sheathed katana near the top, one thumb on the sword guard. He opens his mouth to respond, but Orochi raises his free hand. "Actually, never mind. I don't care."

A lightning-fast motion. The hilt of the sword drives forward, striking upwards with precision to jam into Heckler's solar plexus. His diaphragm paralyzed, Heckler coughs and wheezes, trying to catch his breath back and keep his lunch down at the same time. He manages to stay standing, but just barely, only staggering back a few steps. He tries to talk, but nothing's coming out.

In a flash of light, the sword is drawn. Heckler forces himself to dodge back, but Orochi wasn't actually aiming for him. The straps of both his gun and the duffel bag of cash are severed. Orochi kicks the gun away, the metal shape spinning into the shadows of the alleyway. He sheathes the sword, then bends over to pick up the bag. "Give Mizuchi a message for me. Tell him this is between me and him alone. Tell him that if he sends any more of his punk bitch friends after me, I won't just rob them. I'll kill them."

Taking the duffel bag, Orochi vanishes into the shadows. Heckler gasps as his lungs start functioning again with a sudden jolt; he draws his pistol and fires, aiming into the darkness, but hits nothing.
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The train slows to a stop. The harsh glare of police car headlights beams into the blasted train car.

There's dozens of the bastards out there, waiting for you.

If there's a god up there, he's probably not on your side. The best you can hope for here is a deal with the devil.
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Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

The helicoper zooms in. A familiar figure in a mask stands at the side gunner door, behind a gigantic mounted machine gun. The gun opens up in a devastating barrage on the crowd of police, a swarm of bullets like deadly hornets that sting and chew through flesh and armor and metal alike. Spent ammo casings cascade like a waterfall of brass and smoke.

In the brief window of chaos and blood, an opportunity to escape is seized.

The machine gun's ammo belt clicks empty, The helicopter flies away. By the time the police have recovered from the onslaught and gotten organized, their quarry is already gone.
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Mission complete.

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Head someplace to decompress after the job.
- Heat City Fights, Chaser's boxing gym
- Burger Bomb, fast food chain, everywhere.
- Mi Hungi, chinese restaurant, Princeton. Manager: Sum Gai.
- Bullet Train, ramen shop, Snake River. Owner and chef: Ono-sensei.
- Not'Chos, taco truck, St. Domingo. Owner: Jose Luis.
- Al's Diner, retro restaurant, Freedom Square. Owner and cook: Al.
- Jameson's Bar & Billiards, Freedom Square. Owner and bartender: Mick Jameson.
- Videodrome, 24/7 video rental, Freedom Square. Owner: Mitch Hoffman.
- Wizard's Tower, comic and TCG store, Blue Ridge. Owner: The comic book store guy, aka the wizard.
- The Marie Louise, paddleboat casino, Snake River canals. Manager: Joe Rizzuto.
- Laser Utopia, strip club, Princeton. Manager: Emily Vale.
- Catcrawl Alley, red light district, North Shores. Madam: Jade.
- Wander the streets by neon lights
- Write-in

The last of the Syndicate-affiliated gangs is done.

This should mean you've won, and it's over.

So why does it feel like it's only just begun?

Epilogue 1

A trail of blood leads from the street to the alley, a dark hole hidden between splashes of neon glare. Tokumei drags a broken leg behind him as he limps to this shelter, collapsing once within the welcome embrace of the shadows. He puts his back up against the wall, breathing heavily, dizzy with blood loss, soaring on adrenaline above the pain. Somehow alive.

"Impressive." A voice speaks from the shadows. "You might say nobody could have survived all that, and yet here you are."

"They're monsters," Tokumei whispers. "I heard the stories, but I didn't believe ..."

"You really should have," the voice says. "They're monsters we created. And we did the job right."

Tokumei groans as the pain wells up like an ocean. "I need to get to the hospital, fast. Please."

A burst of genuine laughter. "You thought I was here to help you? I didn't think you were so naive."

"But--" Tokumei's single eye stares wildly. "I did everything you asked. I was loyal--"

"A dog is loyal," the voice says. "But sometimes they need to be put down. You're a loose end, Mifune. Time to tie you up."

One last gunshot rings out through the night streets.

Epilogue 2

Ramirez isn't sure where Heckler went to, but that's normal. The two might be war buddies who would die for each other in a heartbeat, but that's different from being friends. Neither of them really "do" friends. There's the job, and the money, and the gang. There's surviving, one day at a time. And that's it.

Having almost died (again), Ramirez needs to rest up some before he goes anywhere else. He arrives at his hole-in-the-wall apartment in Princeton. The floor is shaking with loud music, as it often does at this hour. Ramirez collapses into an armchair. He'll dig out the bullets in a minute, but for now he just wants to sit here in peace.

That's when the phone rings.

Ramirez is tempted to ignore it. But there's a very small group of people he's given out this phone number to, and all of them are important. He winces as he gets up from the chair and limps over to the kitchen, where the phone is, and picks it up. "What do you want?" he grunts.

"Hey, is that any way to greet an old friend?" An unfamiliar male voice replies.

Ramirez takes a moment to place the voice's owner, then it clicks. His eyes narrow. "It's you."

"It's me!" the voice agrees. Ramirez has never learned the man's real name, only a string of aliases. But their acquaintance dates back to his days in the military. He was some kind of spook, often interacting with the higher-ups as a liaison between the armed forces and one of the three-letter agencies. Ramirez was never able to nail down exactly which organization he worked for. "How did you get this number?"

"Please. I'm insulted you would ask."

"... fine. What do I call you now?"

"I'm Dave Smith these days." The man whose name was definitely not Dave Smith said, "You should sound happy to hear from me. I'm calling to help you out!"

"By help me out, do you mean send me on a wild goose chase that almost gets me killed, like that time in Cambodia?"

"No, no, nothing like that. In fact, it's the opposite, I'm paying my debts. A lot of guys in my line of work would just leave you twisting in the wind, but I like to help out my old friends where I can."

"That's bullshit. You have some ulterior motive, I just don't know what it is yet."

"Could be," the man says. "But this is too good for you to pass up. I happen to know that the little outfit you're running with these days has run into some trouble. Lost your HQ, to be specific. Now you're drifting. Could be that I can help you with that. Help you fulfill a dream of yours at the same time, as it happens."

"How would you know about my dreams, 'Dave'?"

"Don't you remember that one time we shared drinks at the beachside bar? You got hammered and spilled your guts to me about the kind of base you wanted to build someday. That "soldier's paradise" you talked about. As it turns out, I've got just the right property for you to make it come true."

Ramirez straightens up. "You mean ...?"

"Ramirez, my old friend, how would you like to buy an oil rig?"
Name: Blackjack
Type: Assassin
HP 6/6
Edge 1/6
Move 6
Defense 8+2

Cool: 4+1
Sharp: 2
Hard: 0
Weird: 4

Flash Step (0 AP, 1 Edge.): Target an enemy within (Move) spaces. Move behind them, and make any attack action. The first reaction shot misses, other shots have disadvantage.
Infiltration: At the start of a mission, you may choose to not deploy. At any time, either you or the GM may deploy you in the right spot for the job, with the right tools, with or without an explanation. When this happens, roll Weird.
Agility: Pass through enemies. Gain advantage to Vault, jump, or Climb.
Visions of Death: (0AP, 1 Edge) Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 Crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.
Flurry of Blows: (1AP, 1 Edge) Attack with main weapon, pistol, and fists, in any order. You can move up to 3 tiles before each attack.
Throwing Knives: (1 AP, 3/3 uses): Attack 3 enemies within Range 10 for 2 damage.
[Top 10]: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favorite movies to reroll any die.
[Lady's Favor: Lena]- (0AP, 0 Edge), spend during a mission before rolling any d10 to make the final result a 10.

Moonshadow- DMG 3, +1 Defense, [Stance]. 2/mission, consecutive rounds only: [Phases of the Moon] (1 AP, 1 Edge): Attack 3 enemies within 3 spaces.
Wakizashi- DMG 2, +1 Crit, when [Stance] counter activates, also attack with this weapon.
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1
First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 2/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.

Bulletproof Suit: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
+Living Room
+Security x2
+Rare Weapon (Wyatt Earp's Revolver)

Motorbike (Rebel) [2/1/0]
Motorbike (Muramasa) [3/3/0]
Speedboat (Barracuda [2/1/3]
Heat 14
Cash: $1,397,391 USD ($390,958 of which is in Cuban Pesos and British Pound Sterling)

>Drift in and out of consciousness
La parábola de la víbora y el labrador siembra un torbellino de violencia que es cosechado por uno u otro. "¿Por qué me odias? Es mi naturaleza, al igual que es tu naturaleza dedicarte a la agricultura. No se desprecia al océano por actuar de acuerdo con los ciclos de la luna en el cielo."
Rolled 1 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

Chased Roll

Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 6/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 2/3)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade), Ticket
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
Rolled 2 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

Top 10 reroll
-$2,500 for bribes, Wanted Level 3>5, Heat 5>0
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 6/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 2/3)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $204,783
Heat: 0
Wanted Level: 5
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade), Ticket
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
Revving up his bike twice, Doctor Ben turns it around and speeds after Ace's van. He wants to make sure Blackjack is alright.

Name: Doctor Ben
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 8/8 (+1 hat), Edge 10/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Block), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit, [Mia's Favor]
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
Money: $1,294,765
Heat: 16| Wanted: 3
Swag: designer shades, fresh kicks, top shelf liquor, cell phone, movie collection
Assets: Bungalow(+workshop), Stylish Suit, Bulletproof Suit (+1 Def, +1 Edge)
Muramasa (4/4/0, engine, tires, suspension, nitro, bright purple with white skulls)
Swordfish (2/3/3)
Green Disk, Green Marker
Gang ("reformed" neo-nazis, 2 Weird, 1 Hard, Violent)

Epilogue 3

Noon the next day.

At the same time, all across the city, television screens flicker and change. Every channel tunes to the emergency broadcast station.

The mayor of Heat City, John Harland, stands in front of a podium draped in the American flag. Behind him are the towering skyscrapers of central downtown. The man stands with a commanding presence, his impressive physique detailed by his tailored suit. His jaw is set, and his eyes burn with intensity.

"My fellow citizens of this great city. For too long, we have cowered in fear under the shadow of crime. For too long, we have allowed ourselves to be held hostage by thugs, by scum, by low-life villains who make a mockery of justice. These criminals believe they own Heat City. They believe they can take what they want with impunity, ruling with fear and violence, terrorizing the people into submission. You, the people, whose hard work and dedication has built this fair city, only to have it burn down around you."

Footage taken from news helicopter cameras plays, multiple angles of all too familiar scenes. The bank robbery. The safehouse defense. And now, the Sakura Garden.

"These gangs have reduced our city to a state of chaos. Our homes and neighborhoods have become war zones. Our brave men and women of the HCPD, undermined by politicians and paper pushers, no longer have the power to stand between us and this senseless violence. Look at these scenes of carnage from recent events. Will we stand by and watch this happen, sending our brave police into the line of fire, only to be cut down by superior firepower?"

"No more!" Harland slams a heavy fist down on the podium, and leans into the microphone to speak in a voice booming with righteous fury. "I will not allow these parasites to feast on our city any longer! I will do whatever it takes to keep our people safe, and to bring justice to all who deserve it."

The mayor stands and straightens his tie. He looks directly into the camera. His eyes dare anyone to challenge him.

"As of today, I am declaring a state of emergency in Heat City."

The camera slowly zooms in as the mayor continues. His voice is resolute, filled with fiery determination.

"This special state of emergency act grants me all the powers and responsibilities necessary to return safety and justice to our streets. To the good and honest citizens of our city watching this right now, I hear you. I see your fear. And I promise you this: starting tonight, these streets will be ours again! And anyone -- ANYONE -- who stands in the way of law and order will be crushed like the vermin they are!"

"Citizens of Heat City, you know me. I expect the best, and I pay for the best. And today is no exception. To do a dirty job, you need professionals, and I've brought in the best in the business. They don't play by the rules for soft men, rules made by chicken-shit bureaucrats and limp-dick lawyers. These are warriors. They will restore the peace our city deserves. They will hunt down every last criminal, every last dirtbag, every last coward hiding in the shadows. And they will show no mercy."

Footage plays of private mercenary groups arriving at Heat City. Black Talon. Iron Shield. Vanguard.

"And to those criminals who are watching this right now. You think you can run wild in my city? Think again." The view returns to Harland, who points directly at the camera. "Heat City does not kneel to thugs and killers. We are the city of freedom, a city that stands proud, strong, and united. And we will take it back from you, by any means necessary."

A grim smile spreads across the mayor's face.

"So listen up, scum. You can run, or hide, or fight back. You can try anything you want, but it won't matter. Because you can't do shit! Our warriors of the law will find you. They will root you out of your rat holes. And they will bring you to justice.

"Thank you, and may God bless America."
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