/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2011
16596363MegakainOP came to ask a question about warband leadership, but what he didn't expect was a sentient Baneblade with the personality of a bizzaro Ciaphas Cain.Awesome, baneblade, idea, derailed, tank, chaos, ciaphas cain2011-10-12 14 
June 2012
19458284Chapter Quest VIIGhosts of Retribution visit Nestorius to reap the rewards of their previous mission to retrieve STC.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Dark Heresy, roleplay, rpg, 40k, super heavy battle tank, Baneblade, stealth power armour, Adeptus Mechanicus2012-06-13 4 
December 2012
22021634Oinkbane The Wereboar AssassinA GM declares the genius of a wereboar assassin. And thus Oinkbane is born. His tactics are too subtle for you.Hilarious Wereboar Oinkbane Assassin Funny Tactics Subtle2012-12-13 47 
October 2014
35282462Space Pirate Naga Quest 14Our fearless captain braves the depths of a forgotten ruin belonging to the disgusting Lamias before meeting an old friend.Space Pirate Naga Quest, Collective Game, Space Pirate, Naga, Mechs, Ruin Looting, Lamias are just the worst, Smooth Jazz is the bane of all things good2014-10-04 5 
January 2015
37339037The All Guardsmen Party and the Super SpyThe All Guardsmen Party teams up with an Interplanetary man of mystery to investigate corruption in the Imperial Guard.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Tink, Deserter, Bane, Fumbles, Necrons, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-01-13 175 
February 2015
38181397The All Guardsmen Party and the Greater GoodThe All Guardsmen Party go to Tau space to track down some vile, xenos-loving traitors.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Tink, Deserter, Bane, Fumbles, Tau, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Greater, Good2015-02-20 172 
April 2016
46613644How to roleplay a cleric of Bane/tg/ gives a thorough, informative answer to a question about roleplaying a devout follower of the Black Hand.humor, derail, baneposting, master plan, dnd, d&d, bane2016-04-12 13 
May 2016
1752CIA QuestA journey into the mind of CIA agent Bill Wilson.Collective Game, CIA, Bane, Baneposting, Crashing This Plane2016-05-04 1 
September 2016
598365Sword Art Online Quest #8, Thread 5In which CIA cat interrogates an elf and Wolf-man gets drugged.Sword Art Online, Quest, Sauska, IncogNegro, Bane2016-09-22 5 
March 2018
2350346Smee QuestThe biggest quest since the silent era.Smee, CIA, Bane, Kino, Kinoplex, Collective Game, Nolan, Bravo, Smee Quest, Wreckage Brother, Interlinked, UUUU2018-03-10 5 
May 2019
65960580Realms of Lord Killblood DeathbaneA fairly metal science-fantasy setting with battlemutants and hover-longship riding void-vikings.Lord Killblood Deathbane, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Science Fantasy, World Building, brainstorming, Brainstorming, mutant, 2019-05-03 14 
December 2019
3973849Bane of Order Quest #1A shady band of drifters journey throughout the lands. From taking on crime lords and storming the palaces of gods, nothing is off the tableThe Bane if Order Quest, Fantasy, Adventure, 2019-12-27 0 
January 2020
3997052Bane of Order Quest #2Your group fights a fire mage, raids a bandit fort, and you get involved in a hostile takeover.The Bane of Order Quest, Fantasy, Adventure, Rogues2020-01-19 0 
4033284Bane of Order Quest #3After a close battle, you make a deal with an entity to save your life. With the others missing, holding up your end will prove difficult.The Bane of Order Quest, Fantasy, Adventure, Rogues2020-01-31 0 
July 2022
5300416Warhammer 40k: 41st Millennium QuestBasillica Hagia, a lieutenant of the Baneblade squad "Flowing Don", is sent to fight on an Imperial hive world after reports of Chaos.40k, Basillica Hagia, ServoSkull55, Baneblade, Collective Game2022-07-12 1 
February 2023
5542291WalterquestYour name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. Today is your 50TH birthday. What will you do?Breaking Bad, Walterquest, BANEQM, Indefinite Hiatus, Drawquest2023-02-03 13 
July 2023
5664737Horsequest #1You are a FUCKING MAJESTIC HORSE.Horsequest, BANEQM, Horse, Larry Corp, JERRY, HARRY, PERRY, LARRY, Drawquest2023-07-04 28 
5694772PorterquestYour name is MOSS BENJAMIN PORTER JR. You are a PRIVATE in the UNSC RED ARMY, currently stationed at VALHALLA OUTPOST 17-B. What will you do?Porter, Johnson, Porterquest, Drawquest, BANEQM2023-07-11 0 
August 2023
5703665Horsequest #2You are STILL a FUCKING MAJESTIC HORSE. The plot thickens as a rebellion makes its move!Horsequest, BANEQM, Horse, Larrycorp, JERRY, HARRY, PERRY, LARRY, Drawquest2023-08-17 17 
October 2023
5770471BOUNTY: A Horsequest Story #1You are a MYSTERIOUS HOODED BOUNTY HUNTER.BOUNTY, Horsequest, BANEQM, Jackal, Cowboy, Colt, Drawquest2023-10-12 11 
November 2023
5848264Walterquest: ReduxYour name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. Today is your 50TH birthday. You are driving your son and yourself to J.P. WYNNE HIGH SCHOOL. Your adventure is reduxed, what will you do?Breaking Bad, Walterquest, Walterquest Redux, BANEQM, Drawquest2023-11-23 9 
May 2024
5976207Walterquest: REDUX 2Your name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. You have just woken up after your 50TH birthday. It's time to go to the hospital.Breaking Bad, Walterquest, Walterquest Redux, BANEQM, Drawquest2024-05-06 5 
June 2024
6008576Horsequest 3You are a FUCKING MAJESTIC— uh, HARRY.Horsequest, BANEQM, Ho,rse, Larrycorp, JERRY, HARRY PERRY, LARRY, Drawquest2024-06-18 0 
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