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12/21/09(Mon)03:38 No.7227885 File1261384688.png-(103 KB, 800x800, 045_brownlvup.png)
 And the LAST M . . . is Minions. You are the lord of the Minions (or, at least, training for that). You can control 10 now, which is double what Little Sister and Gnarl can control. They will only ever be able to control 5 each. You, however, could grow to much, much higher numbers. The Minions are your bread and butter, simultaneously your greatest offense and defense. With them fighting before you, you can avoid all harm and just let them take all the risks, and they will love you for it. For them, you could never do any wrong, even if you employed some idiot strategy that got them all killed.
There are six tribes of Minions (one which was longlost, and one which you newly created with your Twisted Magic).
The first tribe is the tribe of Brown Minions. These are your warriors, you skilled, disciplined, fighting machines. As they grow stronger, their Power attribute and Hit Points increases. But, they can also loot the armor and weapons from fallen enemies, which means they can raise their Damage Soak (mitigates physical damage) and Magic Soak (mitigates magical damage) and Power even further. You also had a Coerced elven guard sergeant educate them in how to use shields.
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