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Welcome to Floors General. A place to discuss the current battle, the rules and chatter about nonsense.
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Not a game thread.

The current battle has seen a fallen friend rescued and a horde from hell decimated, though not defeated.
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Not a game thread

A demon subdued, a child caught in the crossfire and a beast readying a breath of Force and Poison from a multitude of heads.
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>saving the thumbnail
I should point out Poka made that dragon, not me.

What is this? A compila FOR ANTS?
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For those interested with my movement.
We're gonna fight that Chimera and by Guns it will have Volgon bullets in its skull!
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RunnerMade Guides.
Today I'm featuring Mages.

Edited with Base+Word , clarification.

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Meta and Advance Classing..
So I'm still thinking we could attempt binding the chimera, but ideally we might need to get a Sacred Geometry surrounding it. Does anyone in the area have chalk?
I have Irondrops.
I could put a few rounds into its head to establish dominance.
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I don't know if I got all the notes regarding the editor but this is what I dug up. If there's anything else to add, let me know.
I mean that probably won't hurt, but I don't know how much it will help.
I can punch it.

And by can, I mean will. I'm pretty sure you need to weaken it before you capture it though, so it's okay.
Er, I wasn't going to bring this up, Velen, buddy, if you're dead set on capturing this giant whatchamcallit you probably need some help.

And, well, I mean, I don't know if it's any use at all or anything but, y'know, if, err, you'd like I do have this stockpile of sleep bombs. Four of them.
Powder and Zeal Patch Preliminary Actions 2.

After surveying your character's accomplishmehts give yourself points according to this chart.

1Kill= 1 Point.
1Floor Clear= 10points
Boss Floor Participation Kill = 10 Points.

Of those kills/Boss kills list the weapons you used. This needs to be considered once only, per weapon.

[ ]swords
[ ]daggers
[ ]maces
[ ]shields
[ ]polearms
[ ]heavy 2-handers
[ ]cords, chains, whips.
[ ]arrows
[ ]fists, claws
[ ]axes
As a side note to section 2. Weapons will only qualify if they have in fact triggered a killing blow.
:( shame Siggy's dead he had kills

1 Floor clear = 10pts
1 Boss credit = 10pts
9 kills = 9 pts
Total: 29 pts

Sword: 9 kills, 1 boss credit
You have 2.9 Determination
"ASSUMING THAT MY CALCULATIONS ARE CORRECT which they are, because you haven't been around long and the math is simple I HAVE OBTAINED 15 POINTS IN TOTAL. REGRETTABLY, NO KILLS UTILIZED MINE SHOVEL and why would they? glorious melee combat is no place for you NOT YET IT ISN'T, BUT SOMEDAY!"

>1 Floor Clear: 10
>5 Kills: 5
>Total: 15


Kills: 5 Points
Floor Clears: 30 Points
Floor Boss Participation Kills: 20 Points.
Total: 55 points.
Would the Chain Sword count as a cord weapon?

25 kills. 25 points.
[X] Sword
[X] Axe
[X] Polearm
[?] Cord

4 Boss Participation. 40 points
Reapers, Board of Education, Deep Weasel, Pumpkin Patch

4 Floors Cleared. 40 points

Totals: 105 points

You also got a kill with your hammer.
That was my demon wasn't it?

You brained Sigmund before the demon popped out.
I was not in control of that action however.
13 kills.
3 floors (Lanternreap, Graveyard, Moth's Flame)
3 Bosses (Reapers, Board, Yig who I shot)

Glorious GUNS - lots, don't count
But also:

1 Kill, two floors and two boss participations.
1 Whole floor.

Final tally:
63 For 3 floors, 2 bosses, some kills.

>+1 boss / 10 points = 73 if Yig Counts
>+1 floor / 10 points = 83 if Hel counts.

Yeah, it was my bad for saying that, but it may still count?
That would be ultimately up to the one who is administrating this tally.
As I suspected. Nothing worth mentioning. Here is my tally.

3 floors
3 bosses
5 kills.
-3 chain
-2 shield

65 points
>1Kill= 1 Point.
>1Floor Clear= 10points
>Boss Floor Participation Kill = 10 Points.

8 kills excluding two bosses = 8
4 floors cleared = 40
Participated in 3 boss kills = 30

It's 78 I think.

I've killed less in 4 floors then Rabbit has killed in one turn. Damn
I've died too many times for this to be anyway impressive. And almost all my kills are from bombs. Unless Bomb Arts become a thing its not going to happen. Oh wait I did kill a moblin with melee. 1 moblin.

2 floors : 20 points
1 boss : 10 points
4 kills : 4 points

[X] Mothman's Half
[X] Bombs

34 points
probably counts as knuckles or daggers.
>Eyes own tally
>Eyes Burkhards

Erh, Sarge? I was comatose in a foreign dimension for 5 months and you're telling me you had tea in the meantime? I've gotta say sarge I'm a little disappointed in you. You've got the greatest gun in the world and... I guess I expecting more mayhem.


What happens if I step into a binding circle, Velen? I've been outside and back in again, and all this fur is sign of something. I'm not a demonic creature (promise!) but could you summon another Trigger? Me again? Not that I'm the greatest pet, but a pocket militia might be handy.
I have my chalk
And I'm in the room before it.
Just for fun I decided to do this too.

Floors : 4
Bosses : 4 if shutting down Yig counts. 3 if not.
Kills : 35
[X] Books
[X] Chalk

Totals : 115 or 105

'Ere, it's not my fault I was always somewhere that had a lack of fighting. Besides what fighting I did do were against really big dudes. The one thing I killed in Luxendarc had like 40+ HP and that was with only minor magical assistance.

Also it was not 'having tea' I was negotiating with an important civic figure in order to secure access to the Shinobi class which you must admit have been a valuable addition to the strength. And that wasn't a bed of roses, I got to watch a weasel jump at me and then I got to watch Graves eat it and that is nothing someone should ever have to see, especially when it's being done on a table right in front of you.
I have 5 kills. I have completed 3 floors. I have aided in 2 boss fights. I have 55 points according to this system.
>Just for fun I decided to do this too.
Fun sounds nice.

Bosses:0 kills
Kills: 0
Heals, Revives and Reversals: 20 (counts only the ones that were cashed in actual number probably 1.5x)

Total: 40 + ???
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1.5 Determination.

5.5 Determination.

Chainsword counts as a cord weapon and a sword.

Equipping Shields doesn't count unless you have "killed" with a shield. Boss participations don't count for the [Bloodletting] unlock. They must be kills. 6.3 Determination. Bloodletting:Shield denied.

6.5 Determination.

You may have also killed a mothman with a knife.
3.4 Determination.
[Fists] Unlocked
[Thrown?] MaybeUnlocked

Th- That's a very high number... Are you sure you can't just stab a random moblin in the eye somewhere ?

P-Perhaps Fullbeard will ask of guides as well ?
>tfw no kills yet.

I guess there are no sexy lore images like this for the not-base classes?
She definitely killed a mothman with a knife and removed the head. That's how she got her current weapon. So she'd have Daggers unlocked too.
Well I suppose if you have to ask I'll counter with another question, " Is this something you will get arrested for ? "
Yes. Should someone wish to arrest the guilty they would look to me first. It was these hands and this hammer that slew Sigmund. My not being in control simply means those laying down judgement might find me innocent.
Quest_Scholar! Rabbits can also fill out your murder-kill survey.

Rabbitspaw needs to count all his murder-killing? Oh no. Is large weight on Rabbit soul.

==10 Paw Rabbit Style==
36 kills total (32+4)
1 floor clear (10)
1 boss participation (10)
= 56
Rabbits did this with
Thrown Swords, Daggers, Bombs (Lots)
If Rabbit understand accounting, Rabbit has-possesses 5.6 Determination. Maybe Rabbits can learn Resolve-Conviction now?

Also is 6.6 if rescuing Pardoner from Golgotha and fighting Doppie-Evil-Rabbit counts. Rabbits is not sure.

Is truth without bias Spinneny speaks. Rabbits will not say is-was okay. But is maybe not so bad. When wielding blade, fighter is to blame. Not the blade. Sometimes we are-am Blades. Sometimes we are Fighters.
Alright, so let's see.

Kills : 2 kills (+1 kinda kill in a safe duel environment against Torone Goldjoy)
Floor clear : 3
Boss credits : Golgothan (finishing blow landed), Big Pumpkin (if Big Pumpkin counts)
Weapons : Axe, Shield, Fist (I did kill a marine with a lariat)

Total guesstimate, not counting the current floor:
7 kills (7)
1 boss (10)
3 floors (30)

Total: 47

Maybe I'll find a way to recover the fleurette. I should be getting Sword soon. Would that count?
You know, Captain?

This means Yig ain't quite dead enough for my liking. Any chance we still got old Horace's notes lying around somewhere? I've got a hankering to read through the lot if we get through this mess in one piece.

Yer kidding me right ? No one goes out to /kill/ elderitch gods. Their Wyrd Disciples, Sure. Their lesser spawns, Sure. But the /Gods/ Themselves ? You've already suffered one miracle in preventing the manifestation of one and now you're convinced you can KILL IT ?

Sure let me go challenge The Order now that we succeeded in defeating one rejected Paladin of Theirs !

Sure ! Let's go fight a Chimera after smashing 6 homocidal pumpkins in succession !

And while we're at it, let's just put the Maleolgia in a bottle and bring order to the universe once again !
My scholarly friend, those are all splendid ideas!
You truly have the adventurous heart of a noble hero!
And with my bravery, your smarts and the support of the Wyrd hunt, we will surely succeed!

Take some parchment and ink, write a letter to the order demanding a fair challenge! I'll be on the lookout for any vicious chimera's...

I don't know much about the Mal, except for first-hand experiences... But I trust your knowledge completely! Now where would we find a [bottle]?
I'm dogged optimist at heart, Questi.

But nah, I'm obsessed with firearms and psychotic and I've been hearing these low whispering voice ever since stepping inte the portal but I'm not a meglomaniac. Can't kill a god like that.

We can make sure it doesn't bother us ever again, is what I reckon.

That's not-- I mean it's-- I don't think we should-- That sounds a li--

Oh science we're going to end up having a fist fight with God, aren't we?
That is, honestly the best idea I have heard for what to do with the Mal should someone decide to deal with it.

Though getting the Mal into the so called "bottle" is the near impossible or impossible part.
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"Don't be silly, Questi. Killing one of the gods would be far easier than containing the Malebolgia. On that subject, how many of the gods do you suppose one would need to control in order to delay the Malebolgia for a time?"
Much, much too late.
It has also just occurred to me that I am an idiot who cannot into numbers. Please disregard that post, I will delete it presently.
Likely all of them, but I'm no magician. I consider "About every single one" a good bet though; so we should probably get started if we intend to do this.
Hello thread! New anon here. Is there currently a means to join the game, or at least look over the rules of play?
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Quick start>>45787842

Compilia: >>45787956

Mage guide >>45788697

And because you might not like pdfs, I will happily upload the one page rules as well!
You say that like we're not about to kill a chimera right now.

And what is life if not achieving the impossible? The goal might be unreachable, but that makes the journey and the attempt no less worthy.
Many thanks. Is there currently a class that is in demand? Also is it safe to assume that any class not in the png is an advanced class then, or are ghouls, slayers, editors expansion classes?

Btw do I do character creation post here or in a different thread?
Guides. And hunters are our two least populated base classes.
Am I the only soldier in this entire company with any shred of self preservation instinct? I just came from the abyss! Let's not go /back/ there!

Funny you should ask, I was just doing a tally for unrelated reasons.

Base Classes
4 Rogues + 2 NPC Rogues
4 Knights + 3 NPC Knights
3 Hunters + 1 NPC Hunter
2 Guides + 1 NPC Guide
5 Mages + 1 NPC Mage
5 Militia + 0 NPC Militia
( == 23 )

Advanced (base in brackets)
1 Slayer (Knight)
2 Editors (Mage)
2 Navigators (Guide)
1 Scholar (Guide)
1 Ghoul (Rogue)
1 Alquemist (Mage)
1 Weiss (Knight)
( == 32 )

As you can see, the numbers kind of speak for themselves. And character creation is remarkably easy; you simply pick a base class and fill out this form:

[LETTER(add your unit number here when you get it)](your name) Lv1:Novice Human


Bag: 0z

(add your skills here)

And you're good to go. We're currently waiting for the results of last phase, and should be back in the action of dying and getting shot at soon.
Why the hell am I going up the stairs paying off my family's debts for fleeing if I don't obliterate threats along the way?
Many thanks. Been looking at Guide and Knight initially. Skill range is determined by the currently equipped weapon right? Meaning a hammer-wielding guide can only use skills on allies adjacent but the wand-wielding guide can target up to three spaces away, right?
You got it. There are exceptions, but they are specifically mentioned in the ability where they exist.
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>Also is it safe to assume that any class not in the png is an advanced class then, or are ghouls, slayers, editors expansion classes?

Yes, they are advanced classes, you need to be at least level 2 to take one and once you do you can no longer take the skills of your basic class only the skills of your advanced class, unless there is a special shop/opportunity is available.

Also Adv. Classes are improvements from the base so you can only take one that connects to the base one.

>Btw do I do character creation post here or in a different thread?
You can post it any thread, this is a general thread so at most this thread is about roleplay dialogues.

Indeed Guides are in the lowest number and we could use a few. Before you choose however keep it in mind that you need less guides than other classes since normally they only indirectly advance the mission by keeping the group alive. So while your actions, performance and cooperation is vital usually it will only be supportive.

>Meaning a hammer-wielding guide can only use skills on allies adjacent but the wand-wielding guide can target up to three spaces away, right?
You are correct, unfortunately we have found little use of the guide hammer as the wand has obvious advantages of range and +1 Mag. While hammer only ads +1 attack and so far we almost never saw use for it over the wand.

Can't do anything if you're dead. Family is going to suffer too.
Yes, but they Knew, and know, it was always a possibility. They might have already lived out their lives and died in the terminus field of a town far ahead of our current floor. I do what I do for them with that in mind. I will not disgrace them by being a coward and failing to do the right thing on the slim hope that I might see them again. The years I had with them, after I settled down from being a jaeger, will have to be enough unless the spiral blesses me with more time with them.
Got it in one, rookie.

Following on from the tally and our last attempts with a Party system, plus Isaac's good advice I imagine it would be a useful thing to designate some Hunting Bands.

I mean, we are the Wyrd Hunt!

Currently Jackie is singlehandedly in charge of botting people who disappear for a bit, which is wonderful of him to do - but when botting anything from 5-12 people things get missed and it's a lot of work.

We also often split up, and run every which way - and I think it's because taking into account the actions of 30 individual people is a lot of stuff to keep in mind at once. And then we get the accidents...

Therefore, I would suggest we mark out 4-6 small hunting bands and then you, when you do your actions, watch for the actions of those in your band. If you're in close proximity you know specifically what to look for and who to coordinate with and you can quickly check what has happened and who is going where and firing what which will cut down on instances of friendly fire and allow jolly cooperation like rogues throwing knights, or guides netherwinding hunters or hunters suspending while militia shoot or any number of fun little gimmicks.

It'll also make large scale planning a little easier, as we can simply assign a small sub-group of a hunting band to go do A Thing and then be relatively assured The Thing will get done.

We tried that with our Cove / Hunter / Chain / Sundial split, which worked quite well for 2-3 turns until a sudden and inexplicable onslaught of monstrous demons THAT I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH scrambled our ability to work together and caused our formation to collapse.

But Dog-Trigger, I hear you say - what kind of obsessive person would possibly want to take the time to write out a series of coordinates for 30 people?

You forget, I spent 5 months floating in the void. Time is a ressource I have had a lot of!
I think this would be a good idea. 4-5 well balanced bands.
Hold on, I just noticed a few things. Items that use two hands say they use two hands. Wand doesn't use two hands. Hammer doesn't use two hands.

Dual-wielding Guide? What's the penalty for off-hand weapons/equipment?
So therefore, I imagine it's relatively easy to split our Wyrd Hunt into the following smaller bands:
[Spears] For Killing Blows
[Arrows] For Harassing
[Dog Squad] For Moving And Scouting
[Riders] For Direction and organization
[Chains] For Disruption And Support

Now these obviously aren't squads in the military sense. Instead, I figure you simply figure out what you like to do and what you're good at, and assign yourself into one of these bands. Then deploy with that moniker added. [-I] Trigger - *Dog Squad*, for instance.

Suddenly you have a few people you know you can watch out for, work with and who Jackie and other leader types can assign a general order. If someone in your band disappears, the people in it can organize to bot that person.

It groups us together on the map too, and gives us a subdivided unit of organization to work with. Plus, you know, if you like, I bet you can get a special order made for a fancy unit patch. I hear those are popular.
But hey, if you don't like it, then that's fine too.

Yet the way it could work is that we get one group of 3 mages, 2 knights, 1 guide, 1 navigator and 2 hunters - like the little group who started out on the beach. Then they stick to doing a task, and everyone in it know exactly whoose actions to watch out for.
It's handy.

2 hand equipment use both hands, 1 hand use one hand and 2nd hand.

You know that.

Ah, but did you know that if you have 1 sword in your main hand it hits for your STR + its ATK? Good! But a sword in your 2ndh hand only hits for its ATK without your STR?

So if you dual weild swords your single attack action would be (STR+ATK) for mainhand and (ATK) for offhand.

If you had 2 guns, you could fire both. You could even dual wield uzis, heaven knows why you'd want that. You need 1 free hand to reload however, so if you have a gun in either hand you run out of ammo and then you can't reload your guns. (Rifles are exempt, as you just rest the stock on the ground when you reload)

Magic? You can have a wand in either hand! It's great. But you could only cast spells through 1 wand at a time. But if you had Fire wand and Spirit wand, you could cast either fire spells OR spirit spells without changing your equipment (and each wand would use its own +MAG to calculate your total effective attribute for that spell)

Weapons: str + atk for mainhand, atk for 2nd hands

Wands: Pick which held wand to use

Guns: Shoot lots, but can't reload without dropping a gun

Books: You can't read from two books at the same time, you only have 1 pair of eyes dummy!
So what you're saying is a main-hand hammer off-hand wand guide has both spell and melee presence?

I see merit to this concept.
Exactly. Although somewhat curiously no one ever tried that. Almost like the poor guides were scared of being in melee! PFhaa!
Guides are small and cute and vulnerable. If were one, I'd wait to improve my equipment before trying that kind of stunts.

We're currently missing the Knight/Guide combo class, it's been hinted at being paladin-y but at the same time we don't know when we're getting ti.
[G] Quaker Lv1:Novice Human
HP 4 MOV 3 ACT 2 STR 1 DEF 2 MAG 2

ATK: 2 [Hammer]
POW: 3 [Wand]

-Hammer (+1 Atk)
-Wand (+1 Mag, 3 Range)
-Guide Robes (+1 Mag, +1 Def)
Bag: 0z


I am not afraid to forge new paths. Let this be glorious.

With a Ward tile and 4 health, they look pretty durable to me. Won't run them as a tank, but melee support is viable.
Please don't hurt yourself. It would break my heart. Like watching a kitten getting kicked.
Wait, was I suppose to do the name field and tripcode or should i wait for roll call?

I have never felt aimless hype before. I hope the class involves rampant melee healer shenanigans.

If pain means progress, then I won't mind. I mean, I can heal too so the it's like the kitten is a cleric.

You deploy on the real thread
When and/or where is that?
As said before we are mid Floor. Last thread ended, Monday (the GM) is currently doing other stuff. This is a general thread to fill in time before the next thread comes.

In the next thread when there is an "ACTION PHASE" you can request deployment near to one player.

Whenever Monday can muster the time for it, it will be posted just here on /tg/. You can review the last thread in the archive.

Many thanks. How would I request deployment, and would I be able to choose a player to be deployed next to?
yep. Just type the following:
>Deploy next to [person]

and write down your stats. There are mainly 2 objectives now. Protect the stairs and kill the chimera. landing a hit on the chimera boss could net you an extra level if you don't die
>new guide deploys to front lines
>taps chimera with hammer
... think I'll wait for some better gear before trying something like that. Maybe not.

Would I also put down the actions I'd want to take on the turn for deployment?

[Deploy] is a full turn action. It use to be different but not anymore.
Ah alright. Just came across a deployment post a moment ago.
Is the Holy Shield a weapon, or just provides a stat boost? There also seems to be some confusion as to who is carrying it or if it's a drop sitting in the dungeon.

Also, are the stairs the northern portion of the pillar room where poka and a handful of others are in?
The Holy Shield is a [Shield], worn by Knights and Militia like Trigger who suck at their job and pretend to be knights.

It is a stat boosting item that provides those stats as listed, and is also a weapon you can punch people with. A knight is currently carrying it, but you're right about the confusion.

The Stairs is the top west corner on this map >>45787710
the oridian knight has the paladin shield.
I made a move to grab it only because the knights actions during that phase weren't linked to action phase post.
As a guide you would still get the level by assisting with heals and stuff IIRC
A quaker hey? Well fine then.
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In honor of the 13th daemon union in recorded history. Rainbow Jenny!
I always liked that picture.

Rainbow Jenny is awesome
Rainbow jenny should have been standard jenny from then on. No way we'd mistake her for another unit on the field.
Those braided twin tails are big enough to be lethal weapons.

I, one day also hope to be a rainbow!
Just eat something of every color, Zieg.
Taste the rainbow.
Jenny Longhoppings?
Where do the stairs connect on the other map?

Good to know! Many thanks.

The name was originally intended to play on using a hammer and earthquakes. Now it seems like I could say the name is there because he'll be in the heat of battle instead of staying out of trouble.
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No, it's:
>pic related
psh... your muscle man meme can't compare to my nastolgia based pun.
The stairs don't connect to the lower level, they lead off the floor. The lower level is connected via holes and cave openings.
These are demons from hell. You do not let demons from hell onto an inter-dimensional transit to roam freely.
Then why do we need to protect the stairs? Does it connect to the previously cleared floor? Do we leave cleared floors unprotected when we have access to npc's to potentially act as rearguard?
They lead up, usually we wouldn't worry too much if it were regular monsters. But demons, eldritch horrors and whatnot could reach the next floor and wreck unwanted havoc.

Think if it as just making sure. Hell some runners chilling in the corridor between floors and some of the shopkeepers are handy at defending themselves, but let's not take (moore) chances.
Ah alright that makes sense. Do we have anyone currently in range to defend the stairs by the way? Alternatively, since it's the floor entrance, is it possible to deploy at the entrance?
We have a teleport point in the hunter camp. See those chained up tiles lying around everywhere? Our two adept Hunters can use them to ferry people from one of them to another.

It's going to go into the corridors, and given the crazed warped nature of that noneuclidean space, they'd probably be able to go back down to other floors, or up to higher ones. And possibly, in a worst case scenario, directly attack the inhabitants of the corridors.

It's a floor EXIT as well. That's the issue, can't deploy from there to my knowledge, we got people running back to grab it, and that chain should hold them off for at least another turn.
It's the exit. The entrance usually seals off when we enter it after. We deployed further away because 3 floors back we claimed an airship, which allows us a few special tactics.

The hunters are doing a splendid job at defending their points, and their massive dogs are real fighting engines. Even if they all die, they will last some good decent time. Our best bet right now is for everyone topside to rush to the stairs. While everyone down bellow goes on to do their things.
Ah cool. So it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a guide just deploy by the hunters to help fortify choke points then. Think I'll have Quaker just plopped in over there.

Do peeps have to be deployed in cardinal directions adjacent to a character? No diagonal deployment?
Can't deploy next to npc units however, nor anyone in actual combat. The good thing however is a few of our own are teleporting back to the hunters, and a short time frame could work to allow someone to deploy before shit hits the fan (again)
Deploy near M6 and you should be good.
You can even help with the demons directly, guide pulse kills em. Join Khya in healing related murder sprees!
M6 is the one in the southern doorway right?

Wait, so Quaker can hit things with a hammer AND deal damage by healing certain enemies?

I think I love this game.
Our first Combat Guide, Hoorah!
Be sure to fuse your Guide's wand with a gun for maximum lethal healing.
Are combat guides viable, even theoretically? Cuz I would totally be down to join if that was a thing. I want to help people, but I also want to cause those who hurt my people horrific pain.
Well you'd need to pick up a shield, some armour and fightan weapons.
You could still technically heal from one space with your Hammer I believe.
I'd have to check the class card.
At worst you could always switch to your wand or fuse your wand with your hammer.
Assuming we get the fusion pot again next crystal corridor.
Well they aren't as viable as a lot of things, especially not at level 1 or 2 (and with the stuff becoming harder and harder) But survive 1-2 floors aas a regular guide, get some gear upgrades, work a bit of mojo and you could get something really nice out of it.
Oh hell yes. They're a bit harder but they're MORE than possible, especially if you class into Scholar.

See, your pulses' exact effect CHANGES based upon two factors.

Element, and Mag.

Mag is how POWERFUL it is.

Element is the exact effect.

You start off with a plant staff, it's the only dual element starting item. It has the elements Hydras and Terras.

Terras Pulse plants a block where you target it.
Hydras Pulse douses the targetted area in water (demons hate water btw)
Plant Pulse heals a target for HP equal to your Mag. (compare Lux+Aerias=Spirit Pulse, which is it heals 1 HP for Mag rounds)
What do you mean by plants a block? Like, spawns a plant, or spawns a block that sits where somewhere in range?

Oh man, if you can just spawn blocks adjacent to yourself as a guide, slap down a Ward on your location, and you just one-man bottlenecked a hallway.

There is also the potential paladin class, combination of knight and guide.
it causes a block of earth to appear in the tile you target, great for forming fortifications.

Which you guys are going to need badly when the mengeles arrive, they have flamer fists.
spawns a block
Can I spawn a block of earth with one action, and spawn water on it to turn it into mud with another action, and cause an AoE of difficult terrain?

Could someone with fire dry it out to entrap and damage enemies stuck in the mud?
You'll have to test that, no one's tried it.
Think I'm gonna need to rename this character to something more fitting to someone who tries out dumb things.
Justin Case, the guy who's always there for you, just, in, case.
Why does he try out these dumb ideas?

Just in case they work.
Many thanks Coffee!

[G] Justin Case Lv1:Novice Human
HP 4 MOV 3 ACT 2 STR 1 DEF 2 MAG 2

ATK: 2 [Hammer]
POW: 3 [Wand]

-Hammer (+1 Atk)
-Wand (+1 Mag, 3 Range)
-Guide Robes (+1 Mag, +1 Def)
Bag: 0z


Wait hold on, if Pulse is tied to an element, then is Ward also tied to an element? If it is, what does Hydras Ward and Terras Ward do?
Wards just a thing you draw on the ground that lets whoever stands on it get 1 Def and lets you target that space from anywhere
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[I] Toby Rook, Level:1 Militia
HP:4/3+1, MOV: 3, ACT: 2
ATK: 1, DEF: 1/0+1, MAG: 1

Main Hand-
Blunderbus Lvl 1, RNG: 4, AMMO: 1, ATK +1
Uniform Lvl 1, DEF +1, HP +1

IronDrop x10, 4 AP

Bag: 0z
Bread x3, Canteen x2, Nocs, Molotov

[I] Friendly Fire, Firing Solution
To clarify, starting Guides have a MAG of 3, because of their cloaks, and a POW of 4, because of their wands
It says on the rules page that guides can use chalk to make wards. Is chalk required to make a ward in the first place, or just to make the ward permanent?

Forgive me but the reference is far overhead.

I didn't include the bonus to MAG because I didn't want to mess up with the equipment bonuses. However, I messed up with the equipment bonuses anyway. Thanks anon! I'll fix it in my text file but won't repost the fix to avoid spamming the thread.
It's not a reference. I accidentally linked your post.
Chalk is not required to make wards as a guide, but you can deploy with free chalk and then draw mage runes with it, because Charon bought chalk for everyone.
Oh, my mistake.

Maybe we can take this as an opportunity made by fate? Maybe we should team up as rookies and blaze fascinating new trails together? Just in case?

Can you further explain 'bought chalk for everyone' because is it like they made a down-payment on chalk to allow peeps the extra item on creation? Or is it like a party-wide perk sort of purchase?
Basically the Scholomance provided chalk for free anyways, when it showed up in the corridors, but Charon spent some money to get chalk provided so that we can deploy with it etc.
Cool. I'll start off with some chalk then. Is it a consumable item, one with limited uses, or just a permanent fixture?
Ward itself can be cast like a spell with no chalk needed, or it can be drawn which needs chalk or some other writing implement to do.
We haven't seen chalk run out yet. I mean in theory it probably does? But it's easily replaced.
These are really good to know, and I'll keep them in mind. Thanks a lot!

Also, general thanks to the thread. This is a really nice community so far, and I hope to do proud by the thread standards.
Sweet quads, boss
who is behind the art for these things? I would love to get in contact regarding a project we are working on for OPR (onepagerules.wordpress.com)

if interested: onepageanon@gmail.com

He charges something like 15-30 for every hour of his work.
Thanks, I'll get in contact with him asap! :)
We have begun processing. Once concluded, a game thread will start on Dungeon Phase.
muh hype

dun foget irc gaiz

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> Livia scans the enemy and recognizes it immediately !

" The Hunters of eld did recently rise to the challenge of the Blood Scourge and so it was easy to comprehend that the rush of battle made larger prey seductive, perhaps even empowering. To answer for their foolhardiness, the Hunters of Elysia made one contribution for their efforts despite there being only one survivor to tell the tale of this monstrosity's might . . . . The beast had been named Quaga for preliminary reports of the Town's destruction had been thought to be a disaster of Earth "
"I'll be honest... I'd much rather us just run the fuck away from that thing. It's not worth the fight. Livia, get some rigs put down so I can pull out people who are getting too low. If we were on open ground I'd say fuckit, let's try for it. But in an enclosed space? Unless we can get behind it? It'll obliterate us unless we can get geomantic field around it and hammer it over and over and over again with as many in tandem BallBallBall spells as we can manage."

Hetros ponders longer, "Do we want fast and risky or slow and safer?

If we want to go slow and safe, kill the ram, then the dragon. If we want to risk more damage, then we kill the dragon first and lower it's defenses faster. But I'd much rather just run from this thing... It's too blasted deadly in an enclosed area where we can't bring our numbers to bear."

I have 10 stun rounds. The Hunter's Daughter holds 2 rounds. With Battle Rhythm, I could theoretically lock down the dragon head for 5 phases.

It will take me, at a minimum, 2 phases to get there, and another phase to get set up, during which I will be completely vulnerable.

Of course, that leaves three other heads to deal with.

>Burk makes a sucking sound through his teeth.

"That is not something we can fight boys, not here in any case. Hetros is right we need to blow the crystals in that cave and get that bugger on the surface. Then we can bring the Wyrd Hunt to bear."

"And we're going to need /everyone/ for that shit."

You do that and Penny is stuck. Considering we kind of opened the doors to Hel to save trigger I'm of the persuasion that no one is being left behind. We're killing a god and we're doing it now.

Damn straight we are, but we're doing it on /our/ terms, not the beasts. Fighting it in that cave will be a death trap.

Bring it to the surface and prepare the best in-tandem spell you can!
"Best we can manage at this point is a 3 man tandem, we won't get any floor busters like that last one. But yeah, I say we blow the crystals down there and let that do the lion's share of the damage. I can rig-network a hunter's bomb down there to give you guys the time you need to plant it, and then get the hell out dodge, hopefully blow the cieling out from it, put it on the surface where we can do some SERIOUS damage to it. Everyone on the dial should get the hell away though."

"This monster has destroyed a town and it seems everyone has already forgotten what happened to the false Paladin.

Lure this thing into some rigs, and see if Alistair can't judge the monstrosity."

Except Pogrom was man sized, stood still, and wasted his time gloating instead of trying to kill us.

This thing is a lot bigger, a lot meaner, and we don't have any rigs set up around it.

So if we do the smart thing and wait a bit, we can have our Vampires on the surface, we'll be finished with the Hunter Camp, and you won't fight a huge bloody boss whilst half of the ranged DPS is on the surface bloodjunky.
Sweet unholy mamma! That thing's a beauty! -takes on a crocodile hunter voice- Imma show you a few tricks or two about the Quaga, but first I require eating a few corpses, it won't take too long aye!

We don't have to fight it *now* we can prep for it, or we can save that giant guy thing, lotsa choices heh!

Durian boy you have to see this!
-incomprehensible gibberish- *cackles and grins*

Game Thread has Posted on Dungeon Phase. Action Phase is imminnent !
Oh the stars help us! Everyone, I don't think we can take that "thing" on, not by a long shot. Even with our combined forces if we would take that thing and by some miracle we win we would still will suffer huge losses. Let alone bind it.

Requetsing that we retreat from the cave after we tried to save the giant but it may be too late.
We can take it, it will just take a lot more planning then 'everyone rush in and do your best!'
Eh, doesn't look that bad to me. 50 damage and one head is gone if it's Ram or Dragon, 100 or so and it's another head. You just blow it apart in chunks.
Of course the fact the Ram can destroy your gear is slightly worse, thanks for pointing that out Livia.

So just have our terrifying new vampire allies walk through the wall to the cave, then drop a bomb near the crystals. That'll blow the roof and damage the creature, and then we destroy the ram, then the dragon, then the lion, then the snake.
Individually they're neither hard nor dangerous.

'Course we can leg it too.

And I now see what Questi meant>>45795722
A chimera ain't quite six homocidal pumpkins.
If you'd like. I'll be deploying near M4 below ground near the chimera. Having you next to me drastically increases my chances of living until the end of the boss fight lol

[M4] Bloom, could you cast a spell to destroy the two tiles of wall East of you?

I'll try to flank the Chimera from that position.
The canteen is much appreciated Dakka. But I also have plenty of llama water with me so no need to waste your actions on me feel free to delete your post and use it for something else.
I can't do much other than that.
I'll leave the canteen on the floor for someone who needs to douse themselves then.
If a fresh faced Guide wanted to drop in, where would be the best place?

Bandit camp needs additional heals /right now/

Bring cleanses and pulses!
Who would that be nearest to?
Hey you should get in to the irc channel if you can. Much easier to get answers.

Use mibbit or other irc platform to connect to the rizon network, channel #skirmish
How do I make one of these? I am not familiar with the genre.
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Would anyone play a skeleton skirmish game with rogue-like features?

There are some other skirmish games going on at the moments aside from this one.

But really, all you need is your base classes and a map to run/edit on. Oh, and photoshop + a gallon of coffee.

You can think of these games/Monday's Skirmish system as a sort of X-COM tabletop.


Go on...
>There are some other skirmish games going on at the moments aside from this one.

Link please!
>Go on...

What would you like to know?
More than "Skeleton Skirmish Game"

Give us a synopsis of the game skellifam
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All I know of is something run by CognisCommand. Mecha Skirmish Quest, I think.

>I don't play that one, so I don't even know if they have a thread at the moment. Catalog and ctrl+f is your friend, anon.

Also, here is the OG play sheet.


Do you have classes set up yet? How lethal do you intend to make your game yet?

>Clickety clack, is there a sack?
Specific questions, please. I'm bad with broad questions.


Mech Quest is having a mission right now but I dunno what space there is.
Are you going to use dice or hard mechanics with little randomization?

Where does the game take place? Is it in a dungeon kinda like this or is it aboveground in a fantasy world or what?
>Do you have classes set up yet?

I have some vague ideas. I'll probably be stealing a lot from Exalted's Underworld.

>How lethal do you intend to make your game yet?

How lethal do you want it?
>Are you going to use dice or hard mechanics with little randomization?

Dice, yes. Preferably with lots of randomization.

>Where does the game take place?

In a bleak, gray expanse. It is a fantasy world, but contrary to the previous sentence it is not post-apocalyptic.

And how do the Skellies factor in?

X-COM rookie lethal.

>Which means including /tg/ dice
Agreed. I was going to say Warhammer Fantasy RPG lethal, but thats pretty much the same.
They will be the main playable race.
I am not familiar with either of those.
Pretty damn lethal. Loss of limb, maiming, and long-term injury is common, and engaging in combat is risking death.
Ah, thanks.

Given the nature of skeletons, I'd say it would rarely be lethal. It takes significant damage to kill a skeleton, usually ground to a powder or the like.

But they are fairly weak so a strong breeze can easily blow them off course.
What's the win conditions of the game?

That works. You'll be close to the action so you should be able to help in a bout two phases


I'm pretty sure if I try I might kill you by accident since you would be right next to the explosion; assuming I can actually do it.
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I have no clue. What do you suggest?

Don't die.
Eh I'll do it anyways because of Rule of Cool

Hope you don't die or I'll need to throw my llama water at you.
Another victory for bad Volgon plans!
No not of Floors, of this skeleton game.

Forgive me, anon, if this sounds rude, but it sounds like you don't really have a lot of this game planned out. Wargames like this one require a LOT of preparation before you start to run. Color me interested, but I don't really have time to tell you (the GM) about your own game.
So I have my character sheet, do I just post in the main game thread to get spawned?

Yes, here


Remember, don't forget:
Your name
Your trip
Your character information at the end of your post (see others for examples)
And most importantly, a greentext indicating who you want to spawn next to. For example:

>Deploy West of [M2] (person's name)

Remember, the person you are deploying next to must NOT be in active combat (not likely to be shot at, eaten, set on fire, etc.), and of course, you can't deploy inside a wall.

Also take note that the player you're deploying next to may have moved by the time you post - keep that in mind, and hopefully you won't die upon deploying!
I don't have it planned. I'm just trying to move a previous quest into another genre to see how well it works.

Skirmish games are team based, and operate under the assumption that if a player gets their character killed, the GM won't actively try to save them, with exceptions of course.

Traditional quests, as you know, generally operate with everyone contributing to the actions of a single character, which may change according to the narrative.

Thus I'm not sure how well your quest might transfer to the skirmish system; typical quests are narrative based and focused on one character, while skirmish quests are more gameplay/system based that focuses on all of the characters controlled by the players.

In short, typical quests operate more like a free-form "create your own adventure" book, while skirmishes are like some weird tactical turn based strategy where roleplaying can actually effect the outcome of a map.

With that being said, I am skeptical that trying to move a previous quest to the skirmish system will work without gutting it a bit.
Go read the archives here: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=skirmish
Should give you a history of skirmishs. Misses the original floors game and the detroit monday night fight games (short lived about a year ago) but covers almost all the others.
Ah, if you want to transistion a quest to another genre, you mught want to check out Cognis quest, the quest who spawned Mecha Mercs Skirmish.

It's an hybrid between the two genres, and I think it might be what you are looking for.
Is it just me or is [I6] dead now? There's a little skull next the avatar and they're a little scribbled out. If it's kot actually [I6] then I'm talking about the character in the topside house in the west hunter's location.
If somebody with Earth Bloq or Earth Pulse could start plugging up holes in the southern wall of the hunter's fort that'd be grand. Focus on the area infront of our dudes first.
That's a different thing, don't worry about it.
I'm not that expendable!
Please don't write me off as dead straight off the bat.
Being a Rookie First Class sure is tough around here.
Oh cool. Many thanks!

Don't worry about it. Help is on the way!
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Wait hold on, I can't be looking at Dakka because they're underground. Who're the characters here?
H* Falconi and M6: Miss Potts.
Looks like M6 lost their face
Exactly my point, good anon. You're looking at:





Many thanks!

I really appreciate how helpful this community is.
well if we don't help each other we all die and then the game ends. So we gotta be helpful. Tensions rise, we argue and have spats (You missed a massive one over the hunter's end class), but things work out.
That's to be expected in times of stress.

Also, I regret not noticing the Surf Eye shield before deployment. Would have loved getting a shield for when I go melee right away.

It's cool, questions exist to be answered. Sometimes you have questions, sometimes you have the answers other people seek. It might not be obvious from the picture you posted, but the hunter and the gasmask wearing semi blood mage are on the roof, m6, falconi, harpoon, and one-eye milita are in the building itself hence their shading. Falconi ad Harpoon are just standing where a bit of the roof broke.

Glad to be help


>Thus I'm not sure how well your quest might transfer to the skirmish system

It was a civilization quest, so it shouldn't be too much of a stretch. Also, I like genre-blending and messing with formats.
Oh go suck garlic you midian loving layabout!

But seriously, we don't even know if we landed viscount yet, so we'll see.

>tfw you only have one advanced class and hunter gets 4.
>tfw it's gonna be at least another 1 or 2 floors before you get any
>tfw you are on fire.

Militia life is haaaaaard
I'll check that now.
Don't despair sarge, we'll preserve. It's just and all the rookies against the vast wide world.

And hey, boss, when you think about it - Everyone else needs fancy gimmicks and their shiny suits to do much good. We've been just our basic selves without magical upgrades or fancy new spells for five whole floors and we're kicking ass!

If only we could get some standard issue volgon bubblegum.

Right up to the point where we actually get the cool new stuff anyway.

And it should be really cool new stuff.
This is an announcement.

If we deal 10 or less damage, every turn, to this thing, then it will take 33 turns to kill the Chimera.

If we deal at least 20 damage every turn, starting right now, it will take 17 turns to kill it.

We need to make this count.

I'd also like to point out, that our base level knights, and most of our base level classes, are going to be incapable of piercing it's high Def and MDef, even our base level mages will have trouble.

I'm arguing for this.

If we cannot kill even ONE of it's heads, the major 3 heads, by turn 20? Then we cut and run.

If we cannot kill it period by turn 10. We cut and run.
Spawing in as a disposable Militiaman for armor piercing may be valid tactic then?
Yeah, that might work.


What happened to the bombs reflected by the Wheel Hunter? They just flew off and didn't detonate?
Hm, let's not worry too much. While this is a dangerous foe, we do have a few tricks up our sleeve.

If Livia can Suspend the Snake Head, Khya can Dillate Stasis the 3 large heads. That gives you a snake head with 3 def and +1 damage taken by every attack to wail on. Our Midians could attack it for 20 assuming they all do a minimum of 1 attack against agaist the suspended snake head. Assuming they use all their attacks, that's 64 damage. (Butcher gets an extra action to do +4 damage).

In one turn.

If if Livia Suspends the Dragon Head, and someone time pulses Jenny when she is within reach, Jenny can feasibly do 42 damage or so to the Dragon Head with its DEF at current rate, more if that's reduced.

If we get a vampire to draw a Rune (or the Lux Moth), then Meave, Velen, Jackie, Morat, Bloom, Mordenkainen, Harrow and anyone I'm forgetting can hit it for a solid 20-30 damage each turn, assuming 1 action to prepare a spell and one actio to cast it through the rune versus MAGDEF 6.

If Burkhard gets rigged into the Progrom Chamber, and moved into position by Becky, he can use Armor Break rounds to lower it's baseline def, and that increases the damage of every attack leveraged by a lot. Burkhard himself, with 5 AP dmg baseline can hit the Dragon Head for 12 damage in a single burst. Trigger can shoot for 8, and if they just keep shooting without applying Packed Rounds that's 10 damage each turn by them alone at range.

We can order the Laughing Girantina to fight against the creature, and Jackie can summon a Darc Moth and order it to asssinate one of the heads, see what happens.

Mord is digging a hole right above the beast, which would allow topside mages to move and pour down In Tandem Fire, against for 20-30 a turn.

If you get advanced, you could have someone time pulse Kaz, someone move him there, and Khya Accel him for 6 acts and Burkhard or Mord apply -DEF damage; suddenly Kaz is hitting for (assuming def 5 instead of 7) 40 in a single turn.
Jenny hits for 7, heavy crushing, and Kerkalykk hits for 6, heavy slashing. I believe both reduce DEF to ½? So they're doing 7 and 6 versus DEF 3 - that's 4 and 3 damage an attack. If Jenny hovers, then drop attacks, thats +2, followed by a twist. That's 6+7+3+3 = 21 damage to the Dragon Head, in one phase again.

Jackie could use the Darc Arrow to Armor Shatter the creature like he did to a few others, he has enough POW to get through it's insane def. The moment he has a rune up, that happens and it gets lowered DEF.

Watchful who is nearby can shoot it for 2 damage a turn, which is just one person. Trigger joins in, and they're consistently doing 6, Isaac joins in and they're doing 8 a turn. That's versus DEF 7, using AP armor - the moment armor, their damage is 16 instead. If it gets lower than that, they switch to Pumpkin Rounds, and it's 24 a turn, for the three of them, at range.

The issue isn't actually leveraging damage to bring the creature down, the issue is surviving the counter-attack of 5 acts with 2 being REACTIONS at dmg 10 can kill mulitiple people with massive AOE. Even with 6 reversal (!!) a turn from both Khya and Gilda, the odds of someone dying is very, very high when it can destroy both equipment and bodies.

But I assume it's not immune to Stun. Jackie Eye-Sworded the Moblin for 4 Stun damage? Get a rune up somewhere, throw Stuns at the creature, get the heads to eat a few of those actions to recover. Or Shieldbash it as a knight.

I suggest Stasis the body, then Suspending the Snake Tail, or Stunning the body the suspending the snake tail, then sending the Midians to all attack it. Snake damage goes straight to the main body, and they can murder the Snake Tail (22 or so damage if they all attack once on a suspended tail. Channel, then Time Pulse Kaz and laugh as he does 22 damage with a single attack action)
It ain't easy being militia, but it sure as hell beats being the poor bugger on the front lines with fancy new teachings.
We've got guns and we've got plenty of spare ammo to hand out.
The others have to wait to reach the potential we already have.
sounds good
There is an awful lot of "If" and "I assume" and "can still kill mulitiple people" in these posts. Just the fact that most of the newcomers can't even put a dent into that thing make things severely complicated. Or if you are expecting some of NPC assist like they did with Pogrom then I would not bet on this. Let me remind you that Pogrom and the summoner were miles away from this beast and Pogrom Knocked out 2 veteran players and we STIILL needed NPC aid to down him.
I'd also like to back this with, they have -literally- no vested interest in this.

The Manticore is gonna DIE when the floor goes up, it'll be eaten by the Mal, it has no idea the Mal is -coming- so it's dead and doesn't even know it.

Why should the order put anything on the line to kill this thing?
The biggest reason to fight, and not simply say fuck it, is because one of our own would be left behind. Penny is cursed with the task of seeing this Floor Boss dead. She cannot leave the floor until it happens.
Why should we care what the order does? They didn't factor in the math.

I don't see how they're really relevant at all. I was just pointing out that it's fairly routine to deal damage enough, should we work together.

We have a party member who is cursed with the inability to leave the floor unless the boss is dead. So I was assuming we'd try to kill the boss.

Now instead of saying what we can't possibly do or won't possibly get, what do you both suggest we actually do?
The Pogrom was defeated and Demon was defeated so Jenny's curse should now be lifted.

To start, Instead of charging it because an Anon said so, we first need to clear the place and get Hunchback and everyone else to safety. Then clean up the assault at the hunter's fortress to hopefully get their aid. Then, pretty damn obviously, we need to try and use the crystals, that happen to be growing from the walls of the cave, as makeshift explosives to hurt the beast and possibly collapse the cave on the beast and trap it under the rubble. With all of us being far away of it.

There, after these have been dealt with we can start thinking about taking this thing on. I know we are on a time limit here but I will not stand for having half of our group wiped in a casual fashion.
Penny, not Jenny.
I'm with you on this Poka. We can't take this thing on piecemeal. If we start taking too many casualties right off the bat, it'll be impossible to fight at all.
>Penny, not Jenny.
My mistake.

You can guys always get so creative and smart with everything. But right now you are intentionally ignoring the root of this debate which is Penny's curse she got from putting on the helmet. Did you consider our options in saving her in other ways? Trying to lift the curse? Maybe find the source of it? Maybe the helmet just needs to be broken? Although I doubt it is that simple.
Yeah, unfortunately. My first sugestion would be to find a way to put Penny in a puddle of acid and have the helmet break, but Acronaut Helmets are indestructible.

So that's out.

Next I figured we could just Cleanse the helm, but it seems severely unlikely that a lvl 1 guide spell can just stop a curse of that magnitude. If it could, there's nothing stopping us from just curing Jenny's demon with cleanse or fixing the midians.

Questi might have a good idea.

>Let me remind you that Pogrom and the summoner were miles away from this beast and Pogrom Knocked out 2 veteran players and we STILL needed NPC aid to down him.

Only because of a serious friendly fire mishap and people forgetting what happens when you cast Lux into a pool of water.

If that incident didn't happen the ass whooping people were squaring up to give him would have gone off without a hitch.
"aaahAAAHaahh, ah. Huh. Oh, a moment of clarity, good. Volgon Coffee is truly a marvel of a beverage."

"I would ask the Hunt to consider something for a moment with regards to the Three-Headed 'king.' We know now, beyond any reasonable doubt, that we are hunted. Elements of the Order watch with suspicious eyes, bounty hunters nip at our heels, and the surviving remains of our enemies plot our demise. Fool yourself not in believing that this will be the last time we cross paths. This is yet the beginning, and as we travel the corridors our share of enemies will only grow. We are a band of vagrants, outcasts, mercenaries, and worse. No small share of our number have shed their very humanity, willingly for some, and become monsters. We practice magicks long forbidden and scorned by what's left of society. We treat with the Hose of M, regarded with scorn almost universally by those that hold order in human society."

"To many, and possibly to the majority, we are an enemy more real to them than the ever-pursuing Malebogia. More real than the beasts that lurk outside the safety of town. More insidious, as we wear the faces and garb of friends while gladly doing the work of their feared enemies. There is no avoiding this fact, however inconvenient it may be. We are hunted as villains and recidivists, and we will continue to be hunted. I remember your records speaking of an encounter with the Volgon 5th Warmachine. How long before they come looking to avenge their past failure, I wonder?"

"Now, what would it look like if the Hunt turned tail and fled from this beast? Would it look like we are a force not to be trifled with? Would prospective hunters think twice, perhaps three times before choosing to take us on? Would running from this battle convince others that we are a threat far too costly in lives to fight?"

"I think not. If we wish to demonstrate the full extent of what happens to those that choose to threaten us, we must destroy this beast."
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A good idea ? Well obviously you cut your losses and leave em. But if that's not your speed I'd say give me 400 zenny and I can tell you what I know about it.
Do you accept Dog-Credit, dear Questi?

I'm having a liquidity problem. LT Burkhard tells me my no good, somewhat useless cousin Tactis empted my accunts while I was in Hel *and* misplaced my cursed flaming SMOULDERING GUN which makes just about mad enough to bark.

Which is a more literal expression these days, huh.

So while I'd love to keep financing your book buying, I'm down to pocket lint, llama water and copious amounts of bullets and guns.

Do you accept IOU's I can't access my bank right now.
Mister Questi-Frog?

Rabbits can maybe help Wyrd Hunt. He has killed 33 enemies which if Rabbit remembers is 330 z, and he has 70 zen from shopping. So is 400 zenny.
This Rabbits will give you, truth and fair, for a advice.

But Rabbits here is sly, for Rabbits need to survive all of Floor to gain-give his zenny, so if you am be giving advice, is needed to be good advice to get your zenny.
Actually Rabbits had thought. Is impossible for Penny to remove helmet. Is cursed.

Rabbits-Beckie-Butcher is good at stealing. Can we maybe remove helmet for Penny? This will be am solving her problems.

I think you might steal Penny's head along with the helmet, rabbit.
Is not so good plan then, Rabbits hear knights work-think-fight better with heads. Unlike mages, they are needing their brains.

Rabbits does not quite know what to do then. Perhaps there is sly or clever way to fix-disable the Curse? Perhaps Questi-Froggy knows? Rabbits is thinking is many curses in wide floors, so cannot solve-complete all curses to fix them. Therefore is must be way to fix curse what order to 'kill everyone alive' or 'destroy enemies', so there is possibility-chance that Penny can not-fight the Chimera and still live.
Hey guy! I see there's a thing on the ground near the fort and I don't know what it is. Is that just a gun someone dropped or tossed away? Bottom center of pic related.
>27 posters in the main thread
>38 player actions.



Something about this doesn't quite mesh up.

It's an arm from one of those muscley demon buggers, might be worth a look at. Although it might be difficult to pick up
What if I just prop it up and use it like a turret then? If anything, I'll try moving to grab it for potentially someone else to use it, since I would be in range to provide fortifications then.

Oh right. Does spell range follow movement rules, where diagonals are two spaces and not one? Until told otherwise I'm going to assume it does.
Roll call. Please post in this thread that you are present.

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Hey, how far can allies throw each other?
Is it only one tile?
Because for what I want to do I'll need a hunter to pull me out of harms way.
>Pic related, someone pull me out of there

It might not even work acting considering it was chopped away from it's user

And no spells and ranged attacks do not follow movement rules, you can a cast magic diagonally to your hearts content.
I'll pick it up anyway. Maybe an alchemist can mix it with something.

This brings joy to my heart.
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Just for clarification, if a gun/spell has range 4, it could shoot any white squares in pic related from the black square, right?
Looks like you are correct, given >>45839298
the roll call thread matches up
Hey, over by the fort and shack are bandits right?

Soooooort of?

They are sketchy hunter motherfuckers dealing in monster parts and preventing people from leaving the stairs.

Best not to trust them with your wallet in any case.
Dealing in monster parts? Sounds like my sort of people. A shame they're hostile. A shame they won't be needing their equipment while dead.

No no they're friendly right now, don't kill em!
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Hey I just noticed this. Since the hammer is at the top of the map, that means it's a drop right? Or are items available for claim kept in the same group at the top of each map?

Also what's going on with that spirit looking guy holding the a similar hammer? Are they a spooky ghost friend?
I'm talking about the red-orange guys with guns south of my current location at the stairs fort.

No that I think was a thing left there by accident, it is still technically in in Jenny's possession. And that spooky Ghost guy was Jenny's Demon that she picked up whilst on a mission 2 floors back. She beat it into submission so rejoice!


Oh THOSE guys. Yeah those aren't bandits those are demons. Make sure they don't escape the stairs. They also should take damage from your lux pulse being demons and all but make sure people get heals and stuff.
I though I needed a lux pulse requires a wand with the lux element? Also was told guides start off with plant wands.

Many thanks for clearing up the other sense of confusion.

Plant is a combination of Lux and Teras, you can cast the combined element or the individual ones. I think. Don't quote me on this I don't play magic classes.
Is there an element guide then? Didn't see one in the pdf, and it'd be nice to better understand what combines with what. That and I was told previously that plant was Teras and Hydras.

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