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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 01/16/10(Sat)14:46 No.7619431 File1263671177.jpg-(39 KB, 547x457, zock.jpg)
The best parts are without a doubt: The theme tune, Ming and Brian Blessed. In no particular order.
You begin stepping into the pacific ocean for the first time as Ookawara gives you a quick crash course over the intercom.
"You've got two movement modes which is activated by the red toggle on your left console. It has the setting LD and MS on it, it should be currently set to MS. If you switch to Long Distance mode whilst in the water, your MS will go horizontal and activate it's backpack propellers. You're underwater speed will vastly increase up to about 100 knots, and your head torps will be more accurate. But enemy sonar will have an easier time hearing you. Also keep in mind that your ballast systems aren't as fast as thrusters, you'll sink slower than you can move up. Or any other direction for that matter. If you have to dodge, dodge into cover or straight up. Just don't raise so high that you reveal yourself to enemy surface fire. Watch out for Anti-Submarine planes. The base is low on Interceptors, and they wont attack until the enemy forces get closer to the base. Well, I guess that's it, good luck."
You keep on walking, just as the water is lapping over your head, Ookawara talks again."
"Wait! One last thing, when you fire your particle cannons the coolant systems flush out expended cool[shhhhhkkkkklkt - connection lost]."
"Uh boss? Should we go se what the end of that sentence was?"
"No, I can guess. These beams are like old recoilless rifles, we fire them and we scoot before the enemy uses the bubble stream of ejected coolant to track us."
"Really? You guessed that?"
"Yeah, isn't it obvious?"
You are now fully submerged underneath the pacific. You are currently in MS mode and there are 6 squads of friendly MS ahead of you trying to stealthy set up an ambush, you can see the Subs on Radar, they are somewhat closer to you.