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!WSgPeEy3kM 11/13/09(Fri)01:59 No.6682905 File1258095596.jpg-(70 KB, 600x750, sidereal.jpg)
 >>6682822 >>6682815 >>6682803 'Those fae bastards!' you think to yourself. 'They attack the town, endanger myself and the peoplr I care about, and THEY COST ME MONEY! THOSE BEASTS!!'
You feel a burning fury at the creatures of the wyld, and at the same time, and elation. You see what needs to be done to stop it, making your path crystal clear. Your blades flash out, and though it attempts to dodge, they seem to home in on the creature. One of them you aim at what appears to be the support beams for a small bridge on the second floor of the buildings you are edged between. Somehow you were guided as though by divine steps towards this one spot, where the ice had made it brittle and easy to shatter. The heavy wooden construction drops on top the hobgoblin. But that isn't enough to stop it, or you. You dive towards it as it attempts to, with speed greater than you'd ever moved before, and strike with your sais. The precision is like nothing you've ever done before, and it falls dead after a brief flurry of blows. You stand above the corpse breathing heavily when you realize something. The alleyway is bathed in a bright yellow light emanating from...you!
You're glowing! At the same time, you are aware of a sort of power within you that you've never felt before. It is like being more...alive. More aware. And as you stand, you feel a tingling on your forehead, as though a finger is tracing a mark, leaving a tingling electrical feeling behind it as it goes. It feels like it is making the shape of a crude stick figure human, but atop the head are two horns. |