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  • File : 1314237603.jpg-(73 KB, 695x625, 1300948869934.jpg)
    73 KB Kobold Sorcerer Quest Chapter 4 Pt. 3 VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/24/11(Wed)22:00 No.16054280  
    You and several other kobolds, undead and living, appear in your finely sculpted apartment. By far the most lived in place in your adult life, it has been kept in immaculate shape by one of the cleaners while you've been away.

    The assorted folks with you look around in wonderment at your living space.

    "You really must be someone important." The burly kobold says. "All this place, all to yourself."

    Your last plans were to move these people, see that they were settled in, and attend to a few things here before returning and regenerating Slam'lok's hands with a scroll you might be able to find.

    (Previous Thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/15894005/)

    What will you do?
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/24/11(Wed)22:24 No.16054517
    And bump.

    You have with you:

    Larger kobold (name unknown)
    Red-skinned kobold
    Three blue-skinned kobolds (formerly ground fang, under charm)
    Ghurkhen (Undead skull)
    Ghurken's Grandson
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/24/11(Wed)22:36 No.16054627
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)22:48 No.16054727
    Thank goodness I checked today.

    How'd your examines go, OP?

    Anyway, on to the quest!

    Let's start with our undead friend by taking him down to the research lab. I know two very surprised kobold-researchers are about to do SCIENCE!
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/24/11(Wed)23:13 No.16054983

    They went well. I should've posted that I wasn't having the games on wednesday and friday, I will remember to do that next time. I passed 'em all, though art worked my ass off.

    You figure you'll take your undead allies down to the technology department, but realize that the people may find the image of the skeletal creatures disconcerting. You get the feeling that they too realize this.

    How will you proceed?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:15 No.16055009
    Also, have some kind of temporary housing found for the living kobolds, where they can live while they work off the debt of their new prosthetics. Which they'll need to have appointments made for.
    >> Bo'gash the Tranquil 08/24/11(Wed)23:20 No.16055052
    We're bound to have some heavy robes lying around. If we don't, send for some. Once properly covered, then we'll depart by taking the least trafficked way there, even if it means taking the long way.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:22 No.16055070
    We got any big, baggy cloaks?
    Otherwise, maybe take a lightly-frequented route to minimize contact with civilians.

    I mean, we could just use Invisibility spells, but I'd like to believe that the Crystal Cavern People won't panic at the mere sight of undead, as long as those undead aren't on a rampage.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/24/11(Wed)23:39 No.16055250

    You pen such an order within a few mintues, cleaning the charcoal off of your hand with a wet rag.


    You reach into one of your closets, and pull out a thick robe that you had used when you were learning the basics of alchemy. It's hardly attractive, but it should cover the skeletons head to toe.

    Your people are somewhat paranoid of undead, considering the times not three years ago when the kobold lich to the north would send a few skeletons to test your defenses a few times a month. Considering the deals you've made with him, they might think you and he were in cahoots if they saw you leading undead around in the inner city.

    The full skeleton puts on the robe, tying the drawstring up above where his grandfather's head is.

    "Oh, betcha think this is real funny." Ghurken's slightly muffled voice says from beneath the robe.

    "I didn't say anything, grandfather." The violet eyed skeleton responds, with what might well be a grin.

    You lead him through the city with his head down, the others staying in your apartment for the time being. You arrive at Dalak's shop within the hour.

    Dalak is not currently at the front, but Felix'hia is. He raises an eyebrow at you as you close the doorway behind you, drawing the cloth curtain. The skeletal kobold draws back his hood, and Felix'hia seems utterly unmoved.

    "Doesn't look like he needs anything." Felix'hia manages.

    "Not him, master of the obvious. ME!" A voice echoes from within the skeletal kobold's robes. The grandson of Ghurken draws him out from beneath the robe, setting him down on the table in from of Felix'hia.

    "Oh." Felix'hia says, his eyes widening a bit.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:43 No.16055301
    "As you can see, when I said we would need a full-body prosthetic, we will need a full-body prosthetic.
    "That reminds me, how goes testing of your powered armor design? I hope that it goes well; it would be useful to have on the front lines."
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:44 No.16055309
    "Well, I have other business to attend to; I'll return within the hour to check up on them."

    Then, get really close to him, whispering: "I'd appreciate it if they didn't see the light of the city; gods know what the public would think to see undead walking about."
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)23:54 No.16055403
    Rather than an hour, it'll probably be within the week or month. Simply Felix will likely need more time than just an hour, and we've got our own job to do.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:00 No.16055460
    I know; I'm just saying that we'll be back in an hour after we do our other errands to iron out any outstanding details that may arise from the initial diagnosis of the patient. An hour should be enough time for Dalak and Felix'hia to see if there's any other special materials they may need for their project.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)00:24 No.16055705

    "As you can see, when I said we would need a full-body prosthetic, we will need a full-body prosthetic." You say to him. Felix'hia kind of growls under his breath.

    "That reminds me, how goes testing of your powered armor design? I hope that it goes well; it would be useful to have on the front lines." You ask him.

    "Not bad. Needed more padding on torso pieces." He says, rubbing his chest. "Piloting is somewhat tricky, mainly cost prohibitive. Roughly 5,000 per basic suit."

    You nod assuringly. 5000 per person is a bit much, but each gun is roughly a thousand or so to produce already. "Well, I have other business to attend to; I'll return within the hour to check up on them." You say indicating the two skeletons.

    You whisper closer to him. "I'd appreciate it if they didn't see the light of the city; gods know what the public would think to see undead walking about."

    "What about a surfacer?" Felix'hia asks quietly, though he seems to lean back from you as you get closer to whisper.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:29 No.16055762
    "Even worse, unless you can be sure they won't talk about it. Our kind have enough problems with surfacers looking down on us as it is; adding stories of undead will only exasperate the problem."
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:32 No.16055801
    "Don't play smart with me; no one save you, me, and Dalak. You know that old saying: the tightest and best traps are the smallest ones."

    "Just check them out for now. When I return, tell me if you encountered any 'unforeseen' complications, and we'll try to alleviate the problem."

    With that, pat him on the cheek if he agrees.

    "Good! I'll be back soon. And remember: closed shades!"

    With that, bide our undead friends adios and go back to the apartment. Get Turen together with the umber Kobold and the red-skinned Kobold to take a trip down to the medical bay. Our medical professionals are going to need to test them.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:36 No.16055854
    >With that, pat him on the cheek if he agrees.
    None of that. We know how much Felix hates that kind of stuff. And I'm not talking about 'amusingly angry' but more 'autistic rage'.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)00:40 No.16055883
         File1314247224.jpg-(24 KB, 284x284, cat with headphones.jpg)
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    Ok... <:3c
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)00:51 No.16055990

    (Oh good, I wonder how long it would take for you to figure out he actually had some sort of problem.)

    "Don't play smart with me; no one save you, me, and Dalak. You know that old saying: the tightest and best traps are the smallest ones." You say to him. He frowns at you, his jaw tensing as his hand quivers a bit.

    "Dalak is looking at one right now. Otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it." He growls.

    "Just check them out for now. When I return, tell me if you encountered any 'unforeseen' complications, and we'll try to alleviate the problem." You say to him. He stops shaking, and looks over to his notes.

    "I have a few plans here. Can use the other skeleton as a model for a torso."

    "Good! I'll be back soon. And remember: closed shades!" You say to him.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)01:00 No.16056062
    Alright, go over to the hospitals and have preparations made to admit all of the experimental subjects and to have them measured for actual prosthetics. Also make sure that the prosthetics for the soldiers we rescued are taken care of.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)01:08 No.16056143
    (I'm going to assume that by the umber kobold you mean the big guy, as in an umber hulk)

    You get the two who were experimented upon to submit to testing. The two of them are stared at with curiosity as they proceed through the town.

    You arrive at the testing center in short order, and are greeted by a sorcerer physician. He greets you, smiling as he looks over the two.

    "Well, magistrate, I see you've met some very interesting people on your trip." He says, looking over the other two.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)01:11 No.16056169
    "Quite. From what I can tell, they were being experimented on for some kind of weaponization treatment involving dragon's blood. I'll have a full report concerning what we found sent over when it's done.
    "The main concern is to keep them calm; the treatment has done nothing to impart control of their new powers."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)01:17 No.16056221

    You leave the two kobolds in the sorcerer's gentle company. He has had to deal with the other experiments recently, so his manner has gotten a bit of brushing up.

    You head over to the hospital to ask the experiments how their stay has been. They say that they have been measured for spinal replacements, and that they should go into surgery in a few days.

    The soldiers seem in a similar condition, saving that a few of their primitive prosthetics have been removed. One of them waves you over towards their card game.

    (Back in a few)
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)01:37 No.16056395
    While it would do good for morale, I don't know if we have time to take part in the card game.
    Though we should go over there and ask the soldiers how they're holding up, at least.

    Then, after we check in with Felix, I think we should talk a little with the heads of trade and agriculture on how our surface outpost is doing, and what kind of economic penetration we have.
    With this war about to start, we'll need to start buying and stockpiling curative wands and potions.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)02:16 No.16056675

    You head over to them, looking over the cards and noting by their size that they're imported surface cards, using hyenas for one suit, dragons for another, green men for a third and knights for a fourth.

    The ones whose prosthetics have been removed have been given metal caps in the place of the non-functional limbs for the time being. You see they have an open spot with cards being dealt to it.

    "Magistrate, nice to see you." The commander says, placing his cards down so he can shake your hand with his. The metal frame in place of his left arm has been removed, a short bandaged stump in its place. While he does stand, you note he has a bit of trouble doing so.

    "Nice to see you're all doing well. Are things proceeding quickly?" You ask the group.

    The commander sits back down and shrugs. "Well, not especially. They want to have us in for observation to make sure we're not sick or anything before doing the surgery. Though, I have to say, food's gotten better here since my visit a couple years back." He looks over at the others, who seem to nod at him.

    "Actually, sir, we don't want to stay here a long time and take up government funding. I'm certain we'll all check out, but they want us to sit tight for a while to observe." He says, his tone indicating that he'll be asking something of you.

    The member of the group with two good hands sighs. "What the commander's trying to say, sir, is that we don't want to be wasting time for two weeks."

    "Don't speak out of turn, private." The commander responds.

    "We're not on duty, sir. Unless our military policy changed very recently, we're all unfit." The private answers, looking back over to you. "Please, sir. Can't you have them bypass that part? None of us have even had any recent operations."
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)02:28 No.16056781
    Start playing with the cards, flipping them in our hands.

    "Sorry soldier; there's some things I can't do, and this is one of them. If the doctor's fear infection, then that's something we'll have to take precautions against.

    Put the cards down for a moment.

    "Think about it this way. If I manage to clear the surgery, then what'll happen? One of you gets gangrene, the other gets dementia, and then you're all going to be out of luck when it comes to deployment. To top it off, think of the medical expenses tied to treating veterans in that state! Trust me boys, haste makes mistakes."

    Start playing with the cards slyly this time.

    "However, if you tough it out, and I have a feeling that your paper-work following release will...be more expedited...understand?" Give them a knowing nod to compliment our meaning.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)02:39 No.16056863
    I have to agree. The Cave Fangs might have been working on biological agents and toxins as well as their other projects. And there's no telling what kind of mutations might have developed in their messy research facility.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)02:56 No.16057015
    You hear the clack of a metal foot on the ground as another kobold rounds the corner. Despite his extensive replacements, you recognize him quickly as the kobold you took on the expedition, specifically because of his prosthetic left leg and hand. He looks fairly serious as he takes the empty seat and scoffs at his hand.

    "Listen, it's for our good. It's protocol." The commander says.

    The private laughs outright. "Being taken captive and then having my leg removed by some kind of crazy doctor is hardly what I'd call within protocol, sir. That aside, you just ask Vansek!" He points over to the kobold who has just taken a seat.

    "I was only in for about a week before they let me by." He says, his tone quieter than you expected. "Were worried about a mouth infection." He filters a few cards in his hand from one side to the other, using his left hand to do so with some difficulty.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)03:08 No.16057108
    I had all that dialogue written out, too. ;_;

    "Not too terribly long, considering the circumstances..."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)03:09 No.16057111

    You pick up the deck, noting that it's about twice the size of the locally made playing cards, but just as flexible, with a laquered finish. You look over a few of them, noting a careful hand taken to painting them. The ace of spades is a gnoll chief with an eyepatch, his name presumably written in gnoll at the bottom. You take one of the cards in your right hand, flipping it between each knuckle reflexively as you speak to them.

    "Sorry soldier; there's some things I can't do, and this is one of them. If the doctors fear infection, then that's something we'll have to take precautions against."

    You put the cards down, throwing the ace face-up on the top of the deck.

    "Think about it this way. If I manage to clear the surgery, then what'll happen? If one of you gets gangrene, the other gets dementia, you'll all be out of luck when it comes to deployment. After all, with the other things he was developing down there, one of you could have been accidentally exposed some time after the surgery. To top it off, think of the medical expenses tied to treating veterans in that state! Trust me boys, haste makes mistakes."

    You shuffle the ace into the deck, cutting the deck in two and bridging the cards. You turn the ace over as you do so, in a motion that fluidly mixes it in with the cards. You spread out the deck, showing that the ace is no longer flipped over, then reach down and pull out a single card in one fluid motion, then throw it out to the center of the table, where it lays face down.

    "However, if you tough it out, and I have a feeling that your paper-work following release will... be more expedited... understand?" You reach down, picking up the edge of the card and flipping it over to show the same ace of spades. A couple of the soldiers make small exclamations of wonder as you do so.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)03:16 No.16057168

    Hey, it still worked.

    "I guess so." The private says, sighing. "Though, how good are these things going to be? Judging from Vansek, we might not be capable of going back to duty anyway."

    Vansek glares down his nose at the private. "Listen, some kobs just like to talk to hear the sound of their own voice, and I think you're one of 'em."

    Unfortunately, his left hand loosens its grip on his cards slightly, and the cards tumble from his hand. He curses, picking them up quickly.

    "Hey, I won't lie and say I don't talk a bit, but you prove my point." He looks over at you, pointing to your arm. "How do I know I'm gonna get the same with my 850 gold pension as you got there?"

    The commander's voice takes on a dangerous tone. "Private..."

    "I mean, does ten thou get you the card tricks or was that just a magistrate special from the state's pocket?" He asks, bridging his fingers as he taunts you.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)03:26 No.16057244
    Was the card trick an actual sleight of hand using our superior prosthetic, or did we use a little bit of magic?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)03:31 No.16057284

    Oh lordy; we have some tension in the room.

    We have a better than average-standard model arm, right?

    How old are we and how old is this soldier, by comparison?
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)03:32 No.16057288

    It took you about four months to learn to do card tricks with your organic hand. The mechanical one took you about two months to learn them again.

    You feel you hand involuntarily clench.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)03:40 No.16057344

    You arm is better than average. Not in terms of nerves or anything, but with a nice coat of paint, some additional augmentations, but nothing affecting dexterity.

    You are thirty, not a year older and you aim to keep it that way. This guy is probably around twenty.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)03:50 No.16057406
    Alright, so, our prosthetic (aside from the additional ioun stones for spell storage) is about the same as the military-provided ones that the soldiers are going to get, right?
    If so, then our response should be "This IS the prosthetic that I got with MY 850 gold pension. Sure I upgraded it with spell storage modules afterwards, but that doesn't do anything to give me better control or speed.
    "Everything you saw me do, I got from training with this thing, pure and simple. Two months of doing nothing but working out with it, from the time I got up to the time I fell asleep from exhaustion.
    "There's no shortcuts to getting good at something, not if you want those skills to be permanent."
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)03:57 No.16057457
         File1314259032.jpg-(884 KB, 1106x1500, kobold cavalier.jpg)
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    "You think this arm is THAT much more powerful than the standard issue ones? A few quicker response times to be sure, but I can assure you that it isn't the equipment that is the problem." Dish him some cards. "Do you know how long I had this arm, soldier?"

    *insert response here*

    "A while. In fact, I'm gonna say a lot longer than a while: a hells of a while. Now, I'm sure you've already spent more then your fair share of nights wondering if it'll be the same ever again; if you'll ever get enough money to purchase the best limb money can afford. Here's a little secret: it won't."

    "No matter how much money you sink into it, the arm only goes so far. The rest of the motion takes the bold. You want to know how long it took for me to get my arm to do tricks like this?"

    *more responses*

    "Two months. And that's AFTER I already knew how to do it with my normal arm. Like I said, I'm not going to lie to you: this fight won't be fun and easy."

    Motion over to Vansek.

    "Judging from the way he's already holding his cards, he's gonna be fumbling for another month or so. After that, it'll be a semi-conscious effort to keep the arm steady. Longer than that, it'll become like breathing."

    Put the cards down on the table and stand.

    "We're doing everything we can to hasten this process, but even we have limits. If we operate too soon: disease and possible crippling. If we don't double-check schematics: improper limbs become more harmful than helpful. If you don't spend time re-acclimating to your new prosthetic: you might as well have gotten a peg. Now, do yourself a favor, and save your scale-lip for training your new limbs."

    That ended up being more than I wanted, but dramatic speeches are a must!
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)03:58 No.16057471

    It's about the same, yes. Mainly yours was a bit of a present for putting up with the prototypes and you got a few others that were prototypes installed in this one as a return favor. You got it for free, essentially, though you have invested a bit in the prosthetics research industry.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)04:25 No.16057667

    You smirk at him. "You think this arm is THAT much more powerful than the standard issue ones? A few more bells and whistles, but I can assure you that it isn't the equipment that's the problem." You look over at the captain. "New game?" As the captain nods, you pick up the cards and deal. "Do you know how long I had this arm, soldier?"

    "I dunno." The private says, snarkily. "I never made it a habit of checking the medical records."

    "A while. In fact, I'm gonna say a lot longer than a while: Five years." You say to him as you shuffle. "Now, I'm sure you've already spent more then your fair share of nights wondering if it'll be the same ever again; if you'll ever get enough money to purchase the best limb money can afford. Here's a little secret: it won't."

    You reach into the deck for the ace without spreading the cards. It takes you a few tries, due to the diminished sense of touch.

    "No matter how much money you sink into it, the arm only goes so far. The rest of the motion takes the bold. You want to know how long it took for me to get my arm to do tricks like this?" You ask him, flicking the cards up into the air and catching them with your left hand.

    He's not talking any more, just watching.

    "Two months. And that's AFTER I already knew how to do it with my normal arm. Like I said, I'm not going to lie to you: this fight won't be fun and easy."

    Motion over to Vansek.

    "Judging from the way he's already holding his cards, he's gonna be fumbling for another month or so. I'm guessing the acid burns fried some important nerves. Dalak will probably have a work around, but those take time too. After that, it'll be a semi-conscious effort to keep the arm steady. Longer than that, it'll become like breathing."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)04:29 No.16057688
    You slam the cards down on the table.

    "We're doing everything we can to hasten this process, but even we have limits. If we operate too soon: disease and possible crippling. If we don't double-check schematics: improper limbs become more harmful than helpful. If you don't spend time re-acclimating to your new prosthetic: you might as well have gotten a peg. Now, do yourself a favor, and save your scale-lip for training your new limb."

    You see Vensek crack a grin as you turn and walk away.

    "That's why you don't mouth off." The commander says. "Because it's his job to deal with it."

    You permit a smirk as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)04:37 No.16057745
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    Well done, OP.

    With that out of the way, let's say our good-byes to the hulk Kobold. Slip him a piece of paper with a way to get in contact with us.

    "I know it'll be hard, but keep in there."

    Also, we should probably ask for his name, lol.

    "Oh, something's been eating at me, but I've never found a proper time to settle it. I've been so rude and never asked for your name."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)04:57 No.16057856

    You head over to the larger kobold, whom the scientists are taking measurements of with fascination.

    "I know it'll be hard, but keep in there." You say to him.

    He grins. "Well, it might not be so bad." He looks over at you. "I mean, I got my health, and some folks to talk to." He flexes one of his massive arms. "And long as I got some kind of work, I think I'll be alright."

    You nod, snapping your fingers. "Oh, something's been eating at me, but I've never found a proper time to settle it. I've been so rude and never asked for your name."

    "I don't remember it." He says, frowning for a moment. "But, I can always start over. I've been tossing around names for a while, asking these guys."

    "I still say we call you Tiny!" One of the scientists laughs.

    "But I'd still rather not pick TIny." The large kobold sighs.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)05:04 No.16057894
    Don't know what the Draconic equivalent is, but let's just say:

    "...well, how about Greeg? You know, like the ancient giant who was said to have carved the Crystal Caverns?"

    Making shit up in a quest thread about the existing world? Check and double check.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)05:14 No.16057960

    "...Well, how about Greeg? You know, like the ancient giant who was said to have carved the Crystal Caverns?" You say to him.

    He grins. "Greeg. Hey, I kind of like that." He looks over at one of the large stone walls used for firing practice. "Wonder if I could carve something like that."

    "Give it a try." You say to him as you wander off. "Never know what you can do till you try it."
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)05:20 No.16058000
    I think this calls for some music as we leave...


    But enough sillyness! Let's check out on Ghurken and company before we teleport back.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)05:21 No.16058009
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    Also, I'm going to bed OP. When are your other quests going to be? Gargoyle Quest was on quite the cliff-hanger, last I remember.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 08/25/11(Thu)05:36 No.16058096

    You walk into Dalak's office, and look over at him talking with the most bent over gnoll you have ever seen, due to the room's size. He shakes Dalak's hand, and looks back over at you. He is clad in fairly colorful yellow and red robes. He grins, pointing to your right arm and saying in broken draconic "Good work, no?" He taps on his left leg, which is a near full duralumin replacement that is a very dark blue, nearly black color.

    "I told you I want to be taller!" You hear Ghurken shriek from another room.

    "Oh, hello Mynthar. This is Regam." Dalak introduces you two. He thumbs over to the other room towards the back. "I take it you want to see our... other... special guests."


    On Friday at 21:00. Like the other weeks.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/11(Thu)12:19 No.16061006
    Ghost bump.

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