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09/09/09(Wed)20:53 No.5794728 File1252544022.jpg-(37 KB, 379x500, LastStandOfThe46th.jpg)
 Only to be greeted by the monotone voice of Imperial Propaganda news on the TV set hung above you.
You wonder why TV is still popular. You'd think someone would have changed the name by now. As you ponder, a Victory Bulletin appears to start.
"Today the glorious forces of the emperor have triumphed yet again against those foul xenos! In a gallant action consisting no less of allied action from 10 individual regiments, the Necron forces in Sector 8451-X0 were finally put down and destroyed in a one month running battle!"
Despite the oppresively upbeat tone of the presenter and the stirring victory music, the pictures shown on screen are anything but. Men with horrendous gauss wounds writhe in pain, silent screams struggling to escape the confines of the TV set. Whole plains of blackened Tanks, the bodies of the crews smoked inside, cooked like bags of meat. Imperial Guard, hopelessly holding out against a tide of Mechanical Horrors... (Wait, that's you!)
"Our prayers and thoughts go to you! Our Imperial Guardsman, as you stand against the predations and machinations of the impure for our most glorious emperor!"
The Victory Music grows louder as the pictures take over. The carnage is so great even the victory pictures are grimly scattered with the bodies of humans, tattered flags marking last stand points where reinforcements had arrived too late. Of the Necrons, only the occasional puddle of liquid metal is seen.
Silently, a list of Regiments Destroyed scrolls down the screen...
Your heart jumps into your mouth. |