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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 04/03/10(Sat)20:00 No.8960941 File1270339255.jpg-(25 KB, 133x142, 1257554126217.jpg)
They'd found the head after they'd returned later in the day. Despite everything his Gundam had taken, it had proven pretty easy to repair. For a prototype it sure was pretty rugged.
Bandit knew how they'd managed it of course. A 6 man picket was unusual, as was bringing in infantry, but not so unsually as to raise to much suspicion. Just Nights interest most likely.
Of course he didn't feel too much remorse for Night, not after that one talk he had with him a week ago, about how he enjoyed hunting at night, and why. He'd read the psyche reports before hand, but he still was suprised by just how flexible the Federations criteria for "fit for duty" was becoming. Hell, he should have been out as soon as he lost his arm, but here he was, in a Mobile Suit jury rigged for one armed use.
That Nachtmaren had even been sent here was a suprise in itself though. Until now, they mostly operated in Central America and the US. To his knowledge Lister had never even BEEN this far north in his life. Come to think of it, until three weeks ago when Operation Windbreaker was formed, neither had he.
He turned to prophet and opened a video link, his wingman stared at him with his one good eye. His GM's left arm hadn't been replaced yet, and he was holding a 100mm MG in his other hand. "Excuse me for not waiting longer to point out that I told him so" he said arrogantly, not even waiting for Bandit to speak. He knew Prophet probably had a real name, but he never really liked the man enough to find out.
"Whatever, we retrieve what we can of his gundam, from the looks of it though only the heads left."
"With my one arm? Yeah right."
Bandit sighed, meshing these misfits and psychopaths into what passes for a team had been one giant headache. He only hoped that Tanya was doing okay in her Guncannon... |