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!Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)23:38 No.13930896 File1297917497.jpg-(79 KB, 407x550, Dagon.jpg)
 For the sake of hurrying up, no dice rolls necessary I suppose.
You crack the spine of the captain, whose dying words are: Fuck.
His blood and innards spill out over the floor, and you begin shaping them into the runes of Dagon. The other men, too shocked and cowardly to intervene, watch in mute horror as you open a rift between His realm and your own. From the gaping maw of the ethereal an utterly inhuman cry of glee and hatred rocks the giant metal fish to its very core. Some of the men go mad on the spot, driving their faces into the blinking lights before them, caving their skulls in with pipes, and tearing out each others' eyes and throats. The other slump to their knees and pray. They pray to whatever is coming through the portal, they pray to their own false idols, they pray to whatever will save them from the coming oblivion. But nothing will save them. You have doomed them to a hell unending at the hands of one of the perfect and ascended Old Ones. They, who know more than all of the man-things that have ever walked this planet combined. They, who will now sing the song of destruction across the Earth, and begin their reign of bloodshed and terror over the weak humans.
You have served Dagon well, young Kraken. |