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You are William, a student, discount mage, mole/resistance fighter, and not a cripple anymore. Finally moving to fulfill a promise of wiping out a small gang for a way too perceptive cook for future benefits. Getting ready for a fight against normal mooks that should be a quick clean up.
Heat builds up inside Willaim’s suit as the sun cooks him alive after spending a few minutes watching the area as he holds his arms to avoid the temptation to cast gust cantrips for a light breeze. Instead, bearing with the heat on top a nearby building’s rooftop to have a bird's eye view to focus his attention into scanning the shoddy buildings. Spotting a drainage ditch filled with trash and rotting meat curving under a fence near a few containers as the patrols lazily moved around the area while keeping some distance from the ditch. Holes in their perimeter fade into view as all are leaning against any shade they can get a hold of to avoid being cooked under the noon heat. With half being on their phone or placing themselves at an angle to watch out for their boss as they slack off giving not much attention to the city around them.

Locking down on the entry point William nods at the party as he leads the way flipping over the edge of the roof and taking the fire escape down with flakes of iron rust being pushed off his clothing by his casted spell. Running along the streets as the party waits for a patrol to pass by before running and sliding into the ditch getting knee deep in water and filth as the stench of filth and rotting meat hits them. Seeing Betty grit her teeth as Virgil dry heaves a bit before holding his breath as William’s eyes water a bit as he blinks away the disgust before pointing forward. Pushing a wet log away, trash, and other disgusting things as they wait a few moments to hear another patrol walk around the perimeter again before their voices fade away again.

Cresting the small hill as the dirty water just falls off their clothes as gray magic whips the liquids off their clothing leaving no stains or smells behind as everyone looks like they just came from the cleaners. With Betty being the most surprised as she points a finger to William before pointing to her clothes as she makes a sparkling motion with her hands. Only for William to shake his head at not using any magic since they got here. Quickly remembering the shade spots William leads the team toward the sun baked containers as he sweats under his clothing as everyone’s footsteps don’t make a sound as the ground hardens or softens to avoid leaving any traces of being disturbed. Hopping from container to container as the party listens for movement around them taking routes near phone users or patrols taking a quick nap from night watches as they pierce deeper into the HQ. Running toward the main door of the building as Virgil grabs both of his party member’s shoulders and shakes his head as he points toward the side.

Part 1
Following Virgil to the side of the building as he guides the party toward a side door entrance as he motions them to keep an eye out as he prepares to crush the door knob. Flexing his hands a bit to get the blood pumping as he reaches out a hand first to check if it's unlocked as he hears a click as the door is pushed open to the bafflement of the party. With a shrug he slowly enters the building hearing a quiet creak making him wince at the loud noise only for Betty to press her hands against the hinges. Watching with curiosity as tendrils of gray magic leak into the hinges themselves and lubricating the mechanism turning a loud creak into a silent swing to let the party slip in.

Shuffling in quickly as the closes back up before flipping the lock on to slow down anyone trying to escape the building. Seeing cabinets, broken furniture, and old crates strewn about with cables taped to the floor as it powers the lights in the building. Slinking from wall to wall as sounds can be heard around a living area as Betty pulls out a fire extinguisher looking bomb and points to both William and Virgil to go up. Before pointing at her bomb and downward while crossing her arms in an X shape to deter them from moving back here. Nodding at her plan William lets Betty find a janitor’s closet as she starts setting up as Virgil and William begins slowly exploring the upper floors. Passing several doors as light snoring can be heard inside as both people use the outer hallways to avoid detection as they quickly circle the edges before pushing in. Spotting a hallway that looks cleaner and brightly lit with more care given to its presentation.

Sliding to the side of the wall as yelling can be heard on the opposite side by a single person complaining about the lack of communication from a patrol team and whether they ran off with his money. William gives Virgil a side glance and points his thumb to the door asking if it might be his guy. Shrugging his shoulders Virgil gives a half nod before pointing at William’s phone letting Betty know he might have found the target. Getting a reply back that her bombs are ready and that she will take care of the first wave underneath them. Adjusting their stances William texts Betty to wait one minute or when she hears screams above her as William knocks on the door. A few curses and shouts echo from the room as a quiet set of footsteps come toward the door as the knob turns open before Virgil slams the door open knocking down some mook as he jumps on him letting a few stomps slam onto the floor.

Part 2
William focuses on his real target, seeing a tattooed up boss without a shred of armor or weapons on his body, just random bits of dollars stacked on one corner. Disgust courses through William seeing such weakness displayed for a supposed dangerous enemy as terror fills his victim’s eyes as it tries to step back. Only to be denied as William rushes forward deciding to save his energy as he brings up his memory of shoulder tacking Rose to keep her pinned as he applies that logic now. Pushing forward with each step as he jumps over the desks and bowls over the boss and slamming his victim’s head into the floor. Adjusting his stance, William rains down one, two punches before the boss’s face collapses inward as his fist sinks into wet flesh and broken bone as two puffs and hisses followed by screams echo below the floor. Taking a glance, William sees Virgil finished caving in his victim as both begin making their way back down stairs to back up Betty quickly. Only for three gangsters to be outside the hallway half asleep as they exit one of the side rooms. Immediately spotting them exiting their leader’s room and appearing monotone in their eyes as William holds the spell in place for Betty’s cover. Raising his hands over as seven more gangsters come tumbling out of the room ready for a fight as Virgil checks behind for any flanking attacks before raising his fists as well.

>Battlefield conditions
Betty keeping the first floor occupied and screaming.
Ten mook gangsters are in front of Virgil and William in a hallway.
William armor energy 12/20

>Gangster mooks 1 and 2
HP ??/??
Mods ??/??
Equipment: ??
Special rule 1

-Have Virgil rush to help Betty while you deal with ten mooks alone. (Roll 4d100+40 first two fighting and second dice dodging vs ??, ??)
-Take Virgil and retreat to a doorway and hold down a chokepoint to funnel the enemy.(Roll 1d100+40)
- Have you and Virgil rush separate mooks before they swarm both of you. (Roll 2d100+40)
- No safe offensive spell found.
-write in

ze archives
-Have Virgil rush to help Betty while you deal with ten mooks alone. (Roll 4d100+40 first two fighting and second dice dodging vs ??, ??)
I'll wait another day for other anon in case he didn't see the posts.
“Virgil, go help out Betty with her floor.”
“Okay when we are finished down there we will come up to help.” Adds Virgil as he pulls away to find a stairway down.
“So who wants to come at me first?” States William as he focuses his attention to the enemies.

Slightly tugging at his cape letting a wave of magic pulse along his skin rapidly spreading a white sheen across his body. Feeling himself getting sturdier as he faces down ten gangsters as the gauntlets spool to life with booming blade casting for the coming battle. As the gangster bump into each other inside the hallway trying to get close to William, force half the group to stay back and make room for the first group.

>William Fighter level 5, Ranger Gloomstalker level 3
HP 80/80
Current Total: +45 attack, +90 dodge
Battlemaster skills: Riposte, Trip Attack, Disarming Attack, and four superiority dice. 1/2 action surges left.


Gangster mook team 2 (in battle)
Mook team 1 (reserve)
HP ??/??
Mods: +??
Special rule 1: ??

-Roll 4d100+45 first two are attacks on mook team 2 and second two are dodges
Rolled 23, 94, 68, 41 + 45 = 271 (4d100 + 45)

Rolled 81, 70, 58, 65 = 274 (4d100)

Willaim rolls
23+45, 94+45 to hit= 68 and 139 hit
68+45, 41+45 to dodge= 113 and 86 dodge DC
Forgot barkskin DC dodges raised to 143 and 116. On successful hits William deals 10 damage each hit from an average 3d6+2.

Special rule 1 activates.
Swarm tactics +10 per living mook fighting a single target.

Gangsters attempting to dodge and hit back with a +50 mod.

First two rolls to hit William with +50 and second two are dodging. On hits gangsters deal 3 damage per living enemy.
William’s eyes dart side to side watching the group trying to predict who will rush him first only instead getting the entire wall pushing forward to close the distance. Not used to seeing this new tactic William hesitates for a moment trying to look for the leader for a targeted strike only for the gangsters to seize the moment. Thundering steps echo in the hallway as they move as one with practiced ease as the first three move in line. Two gangsters follow along the side walls as they slightly crouch and pull out shivs from their pockets. Small dinky little pocket knives for quick slashing and harassment as a center follows slightly behind them to give the flankers room to move along the sides. All the while two back up gangsters pull out bats with longer reach giving a few practice swings ready for an opportunity for a wind up swing.

Like a flock of seagulls that sees a bag of spilled french fries, they descend on their victim, the side shankers swing their arms wildly aiming for his legs to cut off his mobility and force William to give more ground. Dividing his attention between adjusting his posture and preventing him from throwing any haymakers at their faces as they keep interrupting his swing. Every fist a shiv swings at his arm, every slash met with a step back, every movement a distraction as a shanker over extended forward and low to the ground. Immediately William snaps his leg forward as his shoe nails a shanker in the jaw as a spurt of blood and teeth fly out and knocks him on his back. A smile spreads on William’s face for a moment only for a burning sting to spread across his side as the second shanker stabbed his side. Seizing his hand and with a firm grip on the gangster William throws a quick punch into his face knocking the shanker into the wall from the force. Ripping the shiv out of his stomach William sees two bats already moving towards him as he flinches back as a flash of white covers his eyes as his head gets rocked from a bat. With another bloom of pain knocking the breath out of him as he doubles down only for instincts to kick in as William uses his legs to push himself away from the group and avoid being surrounded on all sides.

A loud thumping rings in his ears as he blinks away the pain as he stands back up seeing two groaning bodies on the floor get pulled back from the fight, and looked over by another gangster as he rips their shirt to place it on the shattered jaw victim. With his attention split between both injured members as he smacks the passed out one to wake up as two more gangsters take up their place. Reforming the swarm wall once again as warm streaks of blood begin seeping along William’s body and under the armor.

part 1
Looking at the injuries William shakes the cobwebs out of his head knowing he faced much worse against Rose and the wolf fight as he gets up for another round. Seeing he is at the edge of the hallway in a T section he knows one more failure then gangsters can move to the sides and use their whole team against him.

>William Fighter level 5, Ranger Gloomstalker level 3
HP 65/80
Energy 12/20
Current Total: +45 attack, +90 dodge
Battlemaster skills: Riposte, Trip Attack, Disarming Attack, and four superiority dice. 1/2 action surges left.
-Spell list
Cantrips: Encode, thaumaturgy, control flames, spark, mending, presitigation, enhanced booming blade.
(Misty Step tier 2, Pass without a Trace tier 2, Scorching Ray tier 2, Silence tier 2, Healing Word tier 1, Entangle tier 1, Shield tier 1, Absorb Elements tier 1, suggestion T2, spiritual weapon T2, phantasmal force T2, Shadow Blade T2) tier 8th maddening darkness (evocation half cost)


Gangster mook team 2 (in battle)
Mook team 1 (2 in reserve, 1 applying “aid”, 2 injured)
HP ??/?? -10
Mods: +??
Special rule 1: Swarm tactics +10 per fighting mook

-Move into a hallway to bait in another rush as they reposition and attack. (+1 free attack from Sentinel and remove swarm tactics mod from one team this turn so roll 5d100 +45 hit/90 dodge)
-Retreat back to the first floor for back up.
-Burn action surge and continue chipping them away in a normal fight. (Roll 4d100+45 hit/90 dodge)
- Push forward we can bleed one more time. We need to lower their numbers before they recover so use Shadow Blade to kill them faster. (Burn 2 energy deal +8 damage and double damage.)
- We are stronger but we can still bleed so we need to break their swarming. Use Entangle to root them down so we can kill them. (Burn 1 energy to attempt to negate swarm mod of five mooks, bonus higher the roll can hit the second team as well)

part 2
-Move into a hallway to bait in another rush as they reposition and attack. (+1 free attack from Sentinel and remove swarm tactics mod from one team this turn so roll 5d100 +45 hit/90 dodge)

I, trying to win this with the least amount of resources we can get away with and testing out mechanics.
Rolled 30, 78, 39, 99, 10, 2, 28, 3, 11, 1 = 301 (10d100)

First five dice are William's first 3 are attacks and next two are dodges.

Next five dice are gangsters first 3 are dodges against William and last two dice are attacks. Dodges lose the swarm mod but attacks keep it as they got their positions and full coordination.
William attacks at 75, 123, 84
William dodge at 179, 100

Gangster team two dodge at 2, 28 and one hit at 11.

Gangster team one gets swarm mod +70 with seven members helping and a +50 flanking bonus from spreading out.

Gangster team one gets dodge 3+120 and a hit at 121.

William lands two hits and gets 6 damaged in return.
>if we need to pop shield to block attacks until our next turn.

Sorry Mac and QM. I finally found the thread...

Awesome first posts QM good writing.
Scanning the hallway again as the gangsters take a more cautious approach as they stare at the pool of blood and missing teeth on the ground as well as the slight dent in the wall from the previous victims. A shuffle of movement is seen in the back as the two injured gangsters stir from where they lay as the shattered jaw one still holds his mouth before pulling out another shiv from his pocket and getting back in line. As the discount medic slides next to the unconscious victim and gives a hard slap against his face to wake him back up as he tries to shake the ringing out of his ear. Only for the “medic” to pull him up and shove him forward as he takes up the rear to help out the rest of his team as they make their way to the group.

Clicking his tongue in annoyance William spots settles with a bait plan slowly inching toward the hallway to his left side as the gangsters see him getting ready to run as they hug the far wall. Waiting a few seconds to psyche the gangsters up as William stares at his enemies before jolting to his left in a blur of movement as he hears the scattering of footsteps behind the corner. Spinning on his heel William rushes toward the corner of the hallway as he watches the first gangster move for the furthest wall ready to turn toward him. Pushing his legs a bit harder as William aims his shoulder forward and leaps as he directly tackles a mass of flesh into the corner. Watching the body slump down in pain as William immediately launches a knee toward hearing and feeling a satisfying crunch as flesh lightly gives way only to be pushed away as another body tackles him.

Quickly adjusting his footwork William stops being dragged as he joins his fists together and slams into the back of his victim as ribs crack from the force and dropping the gangster to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Remembering another enemy behind him William spins around lashing his forearm forward as shiv bounces off his gauntlets before committing to an uppercut that rattles another shanker’s skull as two more bodies join the fray forcing William to dodge both of the bats flying toward his head and chest again. Bringing up his gauntlets as he tenses his arms and catching both hits as wood contacts against metal forcing a harsh vibration to shake his arms as he holds them in place. With a proud smile on his face only for two more bats to come along and cracking against his knee and back forcing him to the ground as he flexes his muscles to ignore the pain before jumping toward his right side. Bringing his back to the wall to avoid being surrounded on all sides as he only needs to defend from two directions instead of three or four.

Side eyeing both groups at his side as the three reservists pull up front, two batters to his left, and five gangsters to his right with half of his enemies bleeding or limping from the damages so far.

part 1
Their voices hoarse as they try to catch their breath as blood drips out of their mouths as they keep formation waiting for the opportunity to strike back while making sure to watch their positioning. Each enemy not fully committing for a lone charge as half of their number are groaning in pain or covered in blood giving a bit of distance to avoid another rush down.

“Boss, aah why is he still not dead? Usually a bat or three would, aah, take them down?” Asks the concussed shanker in front of William.
“He might either be hopped up on painkillers or those bats didn’t swing hard enough.” Adds the discount medic as he watches William for any sudden movements.
“Nah, has to be the metal or magic skin as it was hard getting a finger to even touch him.” States the batters to William’s right side.
“Oh so it's magic armor well boy that will be a great money we will make off of your corpse.” Replies the discount medic.

>William Fighter level 5, Ranger Gloomstalker level 3
HP 59/80
Energy 12/20
Current Total: +45 attack, +90 dodge
Battlemaster skills: Riposte, Trip Attack, Disarming Attack, and four superiority dice. 1/2 action surges left.
-Spell list
Cantrips: Encode, thaumaturgy, control flames, spark, mending, presitigation, enhanced booming blade.
(Misty Step tier 2, Pass without a Trace tier 2, Scorching Ray tier 2, Silence tier 2, Healing Word tier 1, Entangle tier 1, Shield tier 1, Absorb Elements tier 1, suggestion T2, spiritual weapon T2, phantasmal force T2, Shadow Blade T2) tier 8th maddening darkness (evocation half cost)


Right gangster team (5 in battle right side, -20 HP)
Center gangster team (3 in battle, -10 HP)
Left gangster team (2 in battle, full HP)

HP ??-30/??
Mods: +70(-30 from injuries)
Special rule 1: Swarm tactics +10 per fighting mook
Special circumstance: +150(+50 per flank bonus from center, right, and left sides)

-Cast misty step and retreat toward the first floor. (Burn 2 energy and bypass opportunity attacks. Auto succeed)
-Rush left and attempt to clear a flank. (Roll 5d100 for two hit and three dodges)
- So they are a threat with intelligence. Let them approach and bring up Shadow Blade as them being this close they won’t be able to escape in time. (Burn 2 energy deal +8 damage and double damage.)
- You’re bleeding too much. These gangsters are a lot more intelligent than expected. Use entangle to hold the right side and rush the center as they are weak. (Burn 1 energy to attempt to negate swarm mod of five mooks and roll 4d100+45 for center targets)
=write in

part 2
Welcome back amon also I finally realize hey I do better with more time to write than just an hour of rushed scrambling. Also tight combat is easier to work with in a flowing scene.
Rolled 34, 91, 94, 12, 66, 22 = 319 (6d100)

First four dice are party's hit and dodge.

Betty's control to hit +25 mod, +50 ?? and dodge +25.
Virgil's control to hit +40 mod, +20 burning one superiority die and +40 to dodge.

Next two dice are gangsters hit and dodge.
Ten gangsters at +50(-50 from injuries from Betty's preparation)
Betty hits at 109, Virgil hits at 151.
Betty dodges at 119, Virgil dodges at 52

Gangsters hit at 116, and dodge at 72.

Betty gets hit and AoEs everyone including Virgil for 24 damage on failed save and Betty only takes 6 damage from her equipment set up.
-Rush left and attempt to clear a flank. (Roll 5d100 for two hit and three dodges)

I'm trying not to pop a spell or we'd have to make sure we kill everyone here.
I mean... that's kind of the goal.

>I say drop suggestion on the mooks and have them kill each other.

>Use second wind.
What I was getting at is we'd have to make sure. If we miss one or they escape then we have problems. Are you confident we have that capability?
Rolled 2 (1d2)

1 rush left
2 sugg and second wind
Rolled 46, 52 = 98 (2d100)

First roll William DC save roll+40(William total level)
Second roll is gangster save roll+0 mod.
Rolled 66, 4, 60, 99 = 229 (4d100)

First two gangster rolls attacks +50(-30 injuries), +100 flanking bonuses on center and right.
Second two rolls William dodges +80(+30 barkskin, +40 8 levels, +10 dodge)
210, 154 gangster attacks
140, 179 william dodges
William takes 9 damage from center team
William pops second wind to regain 10 HP back.
Seeing too many flanks surrounding him on all sides, William settles on targeting his left side as he locks eyes with a worthless gangster. Imagining the magic formulas pulling together in his mind as he pulls the energy into lacing his throat and voice box. Feeling the tingle of static on his tongue and mouth as he grinds his teeth getting this spell correct as he opens his mouth and speaks.

“I suggest you to beat the shit out of the guy to your left until he stops moving if you know what is good for your health.” Orders William as magic taints his words.
“What kind of cheap threa-ack!” Adds in the second mook only for his face to get wacked by a bat from his ally.
“Waiaait, wait! I am not something is controlling me!” Yells out the suggested mook as he continues beating his friend.
“Quit fucking around you idiots! When I get my hands on you both you're getting latrine duty! Everyone else swarm the fucker!” Orders the discount medic as the tide pushes forward.

Like a pack of starving animals the right flank pushes forward as bats and shivs come swinging around. A bat swatted aside from his head, a shiv parried away from his chest, a punch whiffing by a mile as the right group does everything they can to touch William only to meet empty air. Shivs hitting magic fabric only to be pulled back to avoid a grapple, bats sliding away from his body to wind up for another attempt, limbs moving back and forth unable to do anything. Only fit to be a distraction and a distraction is what they are designed for as William gives a sideways glance to the discount medic giving clear and direct order over the shuffling of bodies and grunts.

“Full group, push, side, back! T group flank, retreat, forward! Dumbasses get off the ground and help! Remember the training drills, rush down!” Yells out the discount medic as the world moves.

Immediately snapping back his attention to the right group as William pushes his body to respond to the wall of flesh seeing a bat swing toward his face only for William to bring up his forearm to block it. Another shiv comes for his stomach forcing William to side step the attack as he raises a fist ready to crack an egg open only to be shoved backward by a shoulder check breaking his stance. Another bat and shiv come from up high and down low forcing William to shoot out a feint kick to force the shiv to back off and throws his forearm forward to catch the bat hit again. Rattling his teeth at the constant clashes with wood and metal as William grabs the bat victim and smacks his weapon out of his arms as the distraction finally ends.

As sharp stabbing pulses explode on his back and legs forcing William to drop his bat victim as he sees the shattered jaw and bleeding gangster land a shiv on his leg and shoulder. With trained precision they immediately back up waving their knives in front of William to taunt him and distract him from the next flying shiv that suddenly slams into his left shoulder.
A grunt of pain echoes from William’s mouth as he sees the discount medic tossing around a shiv in his hand as he pulls out two more ready to help contribute to his team. Gritting his teeth as William takes a breath to get his bearings as he hears an explosion rock underneath his feet and Virgil’s loud muffled complaining. Thinking that is either good or really bad news William ignores that bit of information as he thinks of his next plan.

>William Fighter level 5, Ranger Gloomstalker level 3
HP 60/80
Energy 10/20
Current Total: +45 attack, +80 dodge
Battlemaster skills: Riposte, Trip Attack, Disarming Attack, and four superiority dice. 1/2 action surges left.
-Spell list
Cantrips: Encode, thaumaturgy, control flames, spark, mending, presitigation, enhanced booming blade.
(Misty Step tier 2, Pass without a Trace tier 2, Scorching Ray tier 2, Silence tier 2, Healing Word tier 1, Entangle tier 1, Shield tier 1, Absorb Elements tier 1, suggestion T2, spiritual weapon T2, phantasmal force T2, Shadow Blade T2) tier 8th maddening darkness (evocation half cost)


Right gangster team (5 in battle right side, -20 HP)
Center gangster team (3 in battle, -10 HP)
Left gangster team (2 in battle, -3 HP) (indispose)

HP ??-30/??
Mods: +50(-30 from injuries, -20 suggestion)
Special rule 1: Swarm tactics +10 per fighting mook
Special circumstance: +100(+50 per flank bonus from center, right sides)

-Burn two superiority dice for +8 damage and rush center to clear the leadership. (Roll 4d100+45, enemy rolls DC 80 will morale break if they lose the leader)
- Use shadow blade and rush right group we have to thin their numbers before reinforcements come.(-2 energy, +8 damage, double damage, 4d100+45)
- Use Misty step and pop behind the center team and attack them to avoid being surrounded again.(-2 energy roll 4d100+90)
-write in
-Burn two superiority dice for +8 damage and rush center to clear the leadership. (Roll 4d100+45, enemy rolls DC 80 will morale break if they lose the leader)
Rolled 4 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

>Burn two superiority dice for +8 damage and rush center to clear the leadership. (Roll 4d100+45, enemy rolls DC 80 will morale break if they lose the leader)

You forgot to heal us qm from second wind.
You did heal for 10 but the other two mook groups were able to get enough hits in to cause 9 damage so it was negated.

Also writong
Rolled 37, 78, 78, 93, 84, 46, 94, 42, 44 = 596 (9d100)

First four dice William
First two are William attacks at +45 and second two are William dodge +80.

Next five dice are gangsters.
Two dice are dodge, next two attacks(if they are alive), and last dice must beat a DC 80 to not morale break.
82, 123 hits, dodge at 158 and 173 Willaims
84+20, 46+20 dodge and hits at 114 and 52 mooks. Morale breaks.

I forgot to give left group a turn but too late to change things now. so more writng
Feeling the warm leakage of blood staining his stomach and the pulses of pain along his arms and legs William sets his eyes on the real threat. First turning toward the right group preparing to charge, making the group flinch back ready to counter charge only for William to put all his strength on his right leg as he launches himself to his left side. Catching the center group off guard at the sudden direction change as William falls within their group before both sides throw out their attacks. A fist flying above a ducking a shattered jaw gangster as his shiv cracks against magical armor, as a second quick flies straight for William’s leg only for William to grab the leg and raise his arm before slamming and snapping the leg like a twig. Forcing a scream out of the gangster as he collapses into the ground. A pause comes over the discount medic and broken jaw victim as William rips the gangster’s leg off and throws it at the leader to blind his vision. Focusing on the next closest victim as Virgil’s memories flood into his mind as a technique to reposition pops into his head. Spinning along his heel as William ducks from another shiv stabbing aimed for his head as he strikes out a quick jab at a gangster’s kneecap as it explodes in a gush of bone fragments and blood.

Another body drops to the ground as William charges for his last victim of the medic as he brings up his arms to defend his face. Deciding to end this quickly before the next five jump him from behind William throws out a kick groin kick as his leg slams into the medic as two little pops are felt. Retracting his leg back William spins around facing the last group as he hears the slump of a body behind him and an agonizing wailing immediately making the last survivors pause. Seconds of pained screams pass for an eternity as the sounds of a bat is heard beating down another gangster in another hallway before the gangster’s morale breaks as the right group lose cohesion and begin retreating down the hall not wanting to deal with whatever William is. Focusing on the last stragglers as William hears footsteps and loud complaining from Virgil coming up the stairs down the hallway.

part 1
>William Fighter level 5, Ranger Gloomstalker level 3
HP 60/80
Energy 10/20
Current Total: +45 attack, +80 dodge
Battlemaster skills: Riposte, Trip Attack, Disarming Attack, and 2/4 superiority dice. 1/2 action surges left.
-Spell list
Cantrips: Encode, thaumaturgy, control flames, spark, mending, presitigation, enhanced booming blade.
(Misty Step tier 2, Pass without a Trace tier 2, Scorching Ray tier 2, Silence tier 2, Healing Word tier 1, Entangle tier 1, Shield tier 1, Absorb Elements tier 1, suggestion T2, spiritual weapon T2, phantasmal force T2, Shadow Blade T2) tier 8th maddening darkness (evocation half cost)


Right gangster team (5 in battle right side, -20 HP)(retreating)
Center gangster team (1/3 in battle, -28 HP)(dying)
Left gangster team (2 in battle, -6 HP) (indispose)

HP 46/100
Mods: -50 to all check morale break
Special rule 1: Broken morale lose swarm tactics
Special circumstance: +0 lost flanking bonuses

-Let Virgil and Betty hunt them down and harvest any memories from the leader before he dies.(Can only get one memory strand)
- Healing Word the leader to harvest all his data.
-Retreat from the HQ as the leader, subleader, and most of the gangs got purged.
- Stomp on the leader’s neck and hunt for the perimeter guards.
-write in

part 2
- Healing Word the leader to harvest all his data

Let's see what we can milk from him.
no update today forced to overtime work
>we have 3 rounds until he bleeds out

> Kill the left group.
>then center
>heal him on round 2

Goals to make the rest run or die before we heal him. And start harvesting memories.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

1 heal word
2 kill left group
Rolled 1 (1d3)

Betty and Virgil
1 Protect William
2 Hunt the right group
3 Split the party and hunt.
Seeing his victims retreating William hesitates running after them especially after getting gutted for a few tense seconds when the fighting started. The more logical side demanding he gets the discount medic back to the land of the living and squeeze what info he might have left and the more violent side wanting more blood to make up for all he lost. Hesitation gives the gangsters time to move further down the hallway and break into a sprint as a few slip on the hallway and continue running. Especially when a lightly singed Betty rounds the corner with a more burnt Virgil both stopping for a moment to see two gangsters stuck on the floor. With a shrug Virgil throws a three point combo into the baseball bat gangster as cracked ribs echo in the hallway. While Betty flips out her baton as a gold shimmer coats the weapon and brings in down on another gangster's head caving in his face as an eye pops from the sheer force. Virgil flicks the blood off his hands as Betty wipes her baton on a gangster’s shirt before both take up position on the hallway’s entrance. Deciding to stop wasting time and to get back to work William moves a bit deeper in the hallway as he reaches the medic seeing him spasming out while choking on his own vomit barely clinging to life himself.

Focusing on the power node William takes a breath as he pictures a soothing warmth as he casts out Healing Word as he feels the air warp as magic runs along his gauntlets. Giving a sudden rush of sensation as his magic pulls bone and skin together as the medic’s breathing normalizes. Magic formulas pop into his head giving a surge of pride at his study and work knowing more better and stronger magic will come into his grasp. With his victim steady and protection nearby William grips the medic’s head as he begins the harvest with his hand pulling out strands of white as William rushes through the memories to get something useful.

>Energy burned 1 for healing word. 9/20
>Gangster raised to 8/10 HP and not dying anymore.

Flashes of memories rush past William as his eyes search for today’s memories as he immediately gets a list of manpower available in the HQ. Counting 78 gangsters of which 30 were stuck on the first floor cutting drugs, another 8 killed on the patrol, 10 on him, 20 outside and leaving 10 uncounted. Giving an estimated 30 to 60 survivors left in the building assuming Betty’s explosions killed no one. Pushing past junk memories William does not notice any other special weapons or skills from the pool of manpower until a stack of green catches his attention.

part 1
Spotting a stack of bills amounting to eight grand being counted in a separate side room to the drug cutting and storage. Looking over patrol routes for the day and noticing that all the manpower of the gang is still in the building for raid preparations. Saving the party time on hunting the last remnants to finish off Betty’s favor. Flicking out of his head William turns his attention to Betty.

“Hey Betty there were 30 people on the first floor, how many did you kill?”
“How would I know that? I just drop in my prep and a fireball or two to clear the main floor.”
“I don’t think there is anybody to count as she just vaporized them.”
“Okay so going by that information there should only be 30 gangsters left in this building. 10 running down the hallway and 20 from patrols rushing in.”
“So do we chase them down and split up or in a group?”

- Split up and don’t let anyone escape. (Everyone auto catches a group.)
-”I am gonna take a break. I got ripped apart. You two go ahead.” (Switch to Betty)
- Burn 4 energy to cast healing word to get back 24 HP. (Join the hunt)
-”I will support whoever I follow and avoid the frontline for a bit.” (Support role)

part 2
- Split up and don’t let anyone escape. (Everyone auto catches a group.)

No one can escape with this info. As much as I don't like leaning into our khornite instincts but info is worth gold.

It also seems like they can hold there own. So splitting up shoukdnt be disastrous.
Split up and don’t let anyone escape. (Everyone auto catches a group.)
- Burn 4 energy to cast healing word to get back 24 HP. (Join the hunt).

Heal first. Then catch them.
I figured if we heal first we don't get the auto catch.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

I would do a roll to see how far the gangsters retreat as William has to heal as Virgil and Betty covers him. As William is getting use to all this energy to magic conversion formulas.

1 split and rush auto catch
2 heal and rolling search
Stained muscles twitch in agony as shuddering breaths shake William’s lungs as his hands shake from the growing pain from all his injuries. Feeling blood quickly dry and cracks into a thin film on his skin as it pulls on his armor and clothing. Looking back at Virgil and Betty who both look much better than him as they got most of their blood still inside them. Sucking in a deep breath he feels an anger bubbling in his chest at having failed to finish off the gangsters and allowing them to retreat. He could have been better and show his party he is responsible enough to handle dangers only to come out looking half dead in under half a minute of combat. First thought that pops up inside William’s head is lifting his foot and stomping down on the gangster’s head as he lost his usefulness after a quick memory scan making sure he doesn’t escape during the clean up. Gritting his teeth William gestures for both to follow him as he rushes for the retreating gangsters hopping down the stairs in two hops. Letting gravity and his balance cover the distance as loud slams echo down the hallways as gangsters panic harder as they make a mad dash to the front doors.

Rushing forward with his party behind him to catch up as the front doors of the building burst open revealing one of the perimeter patrols finally responding to the explosions. With William holding his party back as the side door they originally entered from slams open to let the last team of ten to stream in as well. A tense standoff fills the air as the panicking group slams into the front entrance in panic only for them to be blocked from escaping as William weighs his options remembering how badly he got mauled in a bad position before.

>Battlefield conditions
Front entrance group 60/60 HP (indisposed)
Hallway group 30/30 HP (preparing to move in)
William 60/80 HP
Betty ??/??-6 HP
Virgil ??/??-24HP

-”Betty do your thing that you did in the first floor.”(Betty takes the lead)
- Burn 1 energy entangle the front entrance group and rush them. (Auto deal 10 damage)
Burn 2 energy cast shadow blade and rush the hallway entrance by abandoning defense. (x4 damage multiplier so 40 damage but receive double damage back)
-Pull Betty and both rush the front group as Virgil covers the hallway.(Standard combat)
- Burn 1 energy entangle the front entrance group and rush them. (Auto deal 10 damage)
First roll William DC save auto succ
Gangster will save auto panic, entangle save auto fail.

All gangsters get caught.
Finally seeing a good place to drop a spell to once again feel the rush of power William takes a look at the hallway group and steps forward into the hallway to cut off line of sight. Approaching the center team as both teams are caught in a very small space distracted with each other enough to give William a window of opportunity. Raising his arm up as a pulse of magic buzzes to life as he feels tendrils of magic wrapping around his forearm and with a single thought he unleashes the spell. The floor cracks as vines burst out of the ground wrapping panicking limbs and torsos as all the gangsters cry out in terror. Limbings flailing around trying to rip the vines off only to lose their balance and collapse into each other in a pile of bodies as they thrash around trying to claw out of the area.

>-1 energy. 8/20

Virgil and Betty flinch for a moment before Virgil turns his attention to the hallway team to cover their backs as Betty follows behind William with her baton. Both people rush forward to the downed gangsters with his foot raising up and slamming down on a panicking gangster’s chest feeling ribs cave in as a soft squishing sound is heard underneath. Betty pauses for a moment before shaking her head and raises up her baton instead landing two blows on a skull until it pops like an egg. Spilling the jello matter and blood along the floor as the gangster’s struggle even harder to get out of the vines as more screams echo from them. Scuttling of feet echo in the different hallway as gangsters try to rush toward Virgil only to add their pained voices to the building. Seeing no other enemies coming from behind, enemies too panic for rational thought, an entanglement spell, and this being the last of the survivors, William pops action surge and his fighter techniques to clean up.

Another minute passes by as Betty, William, and Virgil wipe out the last bits of resistance in front of them with not even a scratch on Betty or William. A task much easier done against the patrol group not having the same level of skill or even the sturdiness as the second floor group that actually made him bleed. One punch here, a kick there, and a jab downward popping or caving in entire heads as Betty tore off jaws or stomped on neck not wanting her clothing to get stained. Taking long enough to let Virgil come around the corner a bit more bloodied from fighting but still in good shape as the HQ lay quiet as the extermination mission is finished.

-”So about those acting techniques?”
-”What did you do on the first floor Betty?”
-”So your a mage too Betty?”
-”Any other gangs around here?”
-write in
Rolled 75 (1d100)

-”So about those acting techniques?”
-”What did you do on the first floor Betty?”
-”So your a mage too Betty?”
-”Any other gangs around here?”
>Start looting. Search for hidden doors and stash spots ect.
>Have our familiar sit on the roof and hide but keep a lookout for us.
>Play it off as another day in the office. Cha roll to look like a Chad during this verbal encounter. (Try to make Virgil look good too)

Good call on entangle Mac. Perfect execution.

Don't think we're good enough. Against a lack of normals we had to pop so many spells we only have 8 energy left.
We could of ended it with just two fireballs but you were against using magic at first. And swarm tactics are Over Powered. They had a +150.
Yeah since they didn't have any magic, no access to a library, and no intelligent recruits they basically had to rely on swarming a target to get those bonuses. But the moment magic got involved it locked one hallway from one suggestion spell, trapped twenty of them, and broke their morale as they are used to fighting things weaker than them. Plus it took thirty gangsters using tactics and getting lucky on positioning to barely do 1/4 of William's HP in damage.

You basically did a perfect run as the pass without a trace and infiltration allowed Betty to delete the first floor and prevented her from being overwhelmed by the survivors when Virgil came down to help. Aside from minor friendly fire from Betty it was a clean sweep.
”What did you do on the first floor Betty?” Asks William as he takes a seat on the floor before being joined by the other two.
“You know normal things like gassing them first with chemicals so they are weakened enough to not dodge a fireball point blank.” Waves off Betty as red glowing runes flash on her clothing.
“Wait, you literally pointed a fireball to your feet?” Asks a confused Virgil.
“I came prepared, plus I can’t miss if I am surrounded.”
“Speaking of being surrounded, are there any other gangs nearby?” Asks William as he pulls out his phone and opens up to Alice’s familiar ritual text.
“The only other gang nearby are Purifiers but they stay out of everyone’s way and keep themselves to the junkyard. Actually I don’t even think they count as a gang as they almost never leave that area.”
“What? Are they hermits or something living inside junk?” Adds Virgil as he goes through the corpses for loot.
“Apparently all these gangsters knew they got kicked out by the Purifiers and were getting ready to raid them to retake control. But thanks to my and Virgil’s previous experience we were able to keep them off of you so your plans could work out.” States William as begins chanting for a familiar making both other members flinch.
“I… I can’t imagine how differently things could have gone if I went alone to the HQ especially seeing the injuries you both taken. So thank you Virgil and William for your help in making my home safe. But I do wonder how much more difficult Purifiers could be if we rolled over this HQ in a matter of minutes.”
“About like three minutes, not counting the journey to here.”
”Three minutes felt like a week or more dealing with everything. Also Betty, how about those acting techniques or were you a mage using magic for your shit?”
“Yes I can give you my acting memories and for the next question I… Don’t know what I am. Everyone knows all blood carries traces of magic and how cantrips are within reach if you practice for years, but I don’t know where my magic comes from. I am pretty sure I am still human and I have never touched a mage stone then both of you fuckers turn out to be mages too.”
“I ain’t no fucking mage I trained to get to this level under my own power!” Yells out Virgil having a nerve hit.
“I think I am human but things are blurry for me during a near death experience. Also I call upon a Tressym for its guidance in my life. Come forth!” Adds William as a winged cat flops out of a portal as it meows before sitting down for a nap.
“Are you sure you're not a mage William?” Asks a skeptical Betty,
“Maybe you're half blood or something because you're just pulling out all these spells out of your ass.”
“It's called studying which no Ord have even done before which I have been doing for the past week. Also Tressyn fly onto the rooftop and alert me to any movement.”

part 1
A few seconds pass as the wing cat just rolls over for a nap not getting up.

“I will buy you two canned tuna rations.”

Immediately the cat gets up and begins flying toward the open door before soaring upwards as William walks toward one of the rooms with the party in tow.

“So back to the explanation I owe you Betty. These gauntlets are not just weapons but battery capacitors and channel focuses. It uses energy and converts it to magic formulas I memorized in my notebook and allows for even silent casting. All my magic is made by mechanical intelligence and only cantrips are made from my blood’s casting potential.” States William as he enters a side room ignoring cut drugs, charred corpses, and smoldering embers to reach the 8k pile of money.
“Yooo these guys were loaded.”
“They had all this money but they couldn’t afford a gun?” Asks a flabbergasted Betty.
“They probably didn’t want to risk a mage cop spotting them and breaking them in. Just me alone panicked and trapped 20 of them with a single spell. Also Betty you take 3k while me and Virgil get 5k.”
“I can back that up even a single rune knight would have torn this place apart and I was trained by one so I would know.”
“Wait, that much power must have some type of weakness or drawback. It cannot be this perfect weapon with no downsides.”
“Tha-Will should we tell her about its origin?” Asks Virgil.

-Betty. Commoner? SL: 1 Acquaintance.
>Betty. Mage? SL: 4 Curiosity.(+1 favor, +1 monies, +1 would have died without backup)
>Gained a Tressyn.
>Gained 5k dollars.

Pick one for each.
-Reveal Muffin and the gauntlet origin.
-Nah(End Saturday slot)

-Sunday slot vote
-Do Alice’s request
-Social a friend(+who)
-Spar a friend(+who)
-Appease a faction leader(+who)
-write in

part 2
>Nah. Go get food after searching for hidden stashes. Bring Betty along. See if she wants to help with the purifiers and we'll explain our powers better afterwards. Plan on it being Monday.

>Sunday do Alice's request.

>Tell muffin we're going to hit the purifiers on Monday night. Tell her we're going to bring Betty.

>Tell Rose that this is most likely going to be our little battle group and have her see how we do.

(Remember Mac rose can give us materials for out magic armor. But ideally if we can get magic armor for the whole squad....)
I'm on the fence about telling Betty, we promised her and we can't lie to her.

What's max sl again? Trying to think of a way to tell her most of the truth but not involve anyone else.

Can we have Rose vet her to make sure sees safe before telling her?

Also can we buy the material off of roze using our wealth and give it to muffin now to upgrade the armor and how long would that take?

I don't know about letting roze watch. Our comrades don't know about her, nor does she know about the mage armor. We'd have to explain it to another person when we start casting again.
Muffin can try to build more armors but will require Rose to learn about the armor as that is a lot of specific materials Muffin needs to build.

Max SL is 10.

Yes Rose can vet.

Yeah you can burn the money and give Rose a day to take you to their resource depo. They got the materials just not enough skilled labor to use it all. Muffin upgrades I would roll for it to see how fast she can do it but expect like a week between armor tier ups.

Ye Virgil and Muffin don't know anything about Rose, Betty always wants info, and Rose doesn't know about your party.

-Do Alice’s request

Up her SL and see what unlocks.

>Ask Roze to vet Alice for us.
>Tell Alice she'll get her explanation in a week. (Hopefully that's enough time for the vetting process or to build up more SL)
>Social Hellscream when we get back home. (Assuming we have a night slot when we get home for the day)
> Get a list of stuff from Muffin to buy parts to upgrade the armor and buy them from Roze. See if we can get useful things for her growth mixed in to help obscure our parts list.

When are we going to get our kit from the rebellion anyway? The one we used in the training illusion?

Still don't trust the org behind Roze enough to divulge the armor. Especially when it isn't just our ass on the line. They could easily think it's for the greater good to prioritize their own and take Muffin or at least the invention and leave us in the wind.
internet down today get post for tomorrow
Do you mean Betty? Alice is library girl.

We can do hellscream that's a good idea.

We already talked to muffin she gave us a list. And instead of buying them from rose we can get them from for free from the purifiers. We can then spend our money on better tools or magic items.

Bro the QM has said/heavily implied that rose is our path to upgrading muffin and our armor. We gotta trust her we have a contract...

I agree with having rose check out both Betty and Alice. But we should inform rose about our posse.
The electricity kit? It is incompatible with William's combat style as Rose had to build around movement while William is more of a static fighter.

But adrenaline, heal syringes, and smoke those will take a week of crafting as Rose integrates the demon stone into her workshop and clocking in overtime to get it all out.

also writing

“Betty give me a week as I am not allowed to explain any big picture stuff but I can get you a meeting with someone who can explain everything instead.”
“I would say that is a deflection but you're not lying as someone is forbidding you from talking. Fine, let me meet that person so I can see what is going on with my own eyes in a place I choose. Also how does the memory strand work?”
“Just walk up to me and hold still while I cast the cantrips. Also Virgil sees what else you can find as this will take a bit.”
“Aye captain.” Adds Virgil as he makes his way into rooms looking for secret loot.
“Okay so just focus on memories on what pushed you into learning how to act and your progress on refining it so I can see and learn from it.”
“Wait, you can see my memories?”
“Yes, how else do I learn skills if I can’t see the journey to getting it?”
“Should have asked more questions before agreeing to this. Come on, let's get it over with.” Huffs out Betty as she aims her head at William.

Shrugging his shoulders William places his finger tips on Betty’s head as he pulls out white memory strands as his gauntlets hum with energy. Closing his eyes and reopening them to herself in front of a bakery door in the early morning hours of the day as her parents keep a lookout for the gangsters. A man with a dark cloak, clean face, and lanky frame peers into the streets with the scent of cigarette smoke clinging on his clothing. A woman with similar blonde hair, golden eyes, and a horizontal hair braid going from ear to ear turns to her with a wide smile.

“Okay sweetie dad will take you to the train station so you can make it to Astra safely. Just do your best to learn and move up in the world and away from here as soon as possible.” Adds mom.
“I could help with baking instead of going to that death trap!” Yells out Betty before biting her own tongue to hide her outburst before looking outside.
“Betty, sweetie, it is better you go outside and enjoy your youth instead of being stuff behind a counter all day.” Adds dad.
“It is good for the youth to hang out with people their own age and get an education to prepare themselves for life.”
“I can just go to school for a day and stay the rest of the week doing inventory. I don’t need to stay there all the time.” Hisses out Betty at the idea of going to Astra.
“No, you will go to school and that is final. Now go.”
“Come on sweetie we are putting our foot down so you have to go.”

Seeing logic or her pleas being ignored Betty just grumbles under her breath as her dad drops her off on the train station before heading back home. Feeling a bit spiteful Betty immediately gets off on the second stop and takes a train back home half hoping a lunch rush will force them to take her back into the store for their bakery’s grand opening.

part 1
Slinking between alleyways making sure to check the sky for mages randomly popping out of nowhere looking for their next set of victims. Remembering the bad stories of what happens to ords that meet a mage at any time of the day and barely surviving to tell the tale. Seeing the early rays of the sun coming into the opening of the bakery as Betty waits a bit for more customers to pour in as she immediately spots a group of men coming into the bakery. With one guy kicking the sign out of the way as they make their way inside as sounds of a scuttle, breaking glass, and mom’s scream echo into the street.

Immediately terror grips Betty as she knows what is going on as she tries to think on what to do. Running inside is stupid, calling the cops won’t make it in time, and before she can even think her legs are already moving. Opening her eyes again to see Astra from a distance as tears still drip from her face as she cowers and jumps at every sound as she makes her way to the university. Seeing other ords coming out of their hiding places and begin entering the school as well as Betty wandering the hallways not remembering where she put her map and ending up in the cafeteria. With trash, trays, uncleaned tables, and a bustling staff trying to get everything cleaned up for the lunch rush only for a blue haired rune knight to immediately turn her head towards her. Sensing weakness and fresh meat on the menu as she walks toward her with a grin.

“Now here we have a normal pathetic student with no potential whatsoever. Now our main job is to make sure they don’t all die from random mage fights breaking out of nowhere. One or two deaths is not bad but forty hurts Astra rep as these insects are very fragile like so.”

With a gentle squeeze Betty’s collarbone snaps sending a stabbing pain into her lung and chest as she collapses to the ground to paralyzed in pain to scream.

“Huh one of the sturdier ones that didn’t scream. Not bad. Now back to basics, your ten minute break is over, get up chop chop!” Yells out the blue haired knight as she orders her minions to begin marching out.

A few seconds of intense pain clouds Betty’s mind before passing out from the intensity and waking back up in a kitchen’s storage area with a jacket draped over her. With a chef carrying a bag of brown sugar and a frosting bag for decorations before spotting a now awake Betty.

“You're awake. We saw what happened to you when the rune knights approached you and were able to save you with a cantrip. We couldn’t do anything about your collarbone but it should heal eventually.”
“Ah thanks for the help but is it always like this?”
“No, no. You, uh, just caught them at a bad time and showed them weakness.”
“So others were not as lucky.”
“Uhhh…” Adds the chef not knowing how to soften the blow that death is now a new fact of life for her.
part 2
“So you have, ugh, an inventory list so I can repay you?” Adds Betty as she gets up feeling a stabbing pain in her shoulders and chest.
“Ma’am you need to rest and go ho-”
“Please don’t send me home.” Betty blurts out half begging.
“Aye, we got some work to finish.”

Betty goes through each table of the cafeteria pulling out staff phones from underneath tables as she records and saves conversations from mages into her laptop. Everyday saving, recording, documenting, and streamlining the conversations going on daily to better mimic her enemies. Playing them back from start to finish hearing mages insult other factions, hiding their insults with politeness, the gossip of rumors and power plays in the background. Writing down mage habits, speech mannerisms, likes, hatreds, copying their posture and hand movements to better mimic and sell a story and to keep learning. Notes, pictures, theories, profiles all pinned on a corkboard in her room as she builds personality profiles from the leaders, to leads, to even grunts. From High Ring to Prisma, from Animus to Revelations all to better understand them even if it makes her bleed. Dad brought food while battered and bruised saying it was from a fight club at night still lying and trying to keep that smile. Every time the bakery’s door opens a flinch shakes her entire body as mom tells her to put on her earphones and study on the rooftop as there is a birthday party today. Why are they still lying? Bringing a small mirror with her on the rooftop as Betty practices adjusting her face to put on fake smiles for her parents, furrowing her eyebrows in disgust for ords, gloveling for mages, and adding tears for self targeting. To keep learning. To lie.

A mistake made during an order as a rune knight raises their voice ready to enact their justice on a new chef for bringing out the vanilla parfait instead of a chocolate one. A tear, a raised hand, begging, and a clutched Spare the Dying spell leaving behind a burned scar on Betty’s face. Easily healable but more observations are needed and more pouring in. Be as friendly as Prisma as they like the social aspect, nothing having to worry about being hunted. Be as dismissive and neglectful of ords as rune knights when they are waiting on you, don’t talk too much with them. Be efficient and fast for Animus for them to be pacified by results. Don’t cry when they break an arm for getting the frosting color wrong. Offer the Coven blood as a test subject as they love willing guinea pigs helps their data having a conscious victim for feedback. Be as pious and saintly as the Revelations and praise the patheon also read more of their bibles to have verses to pull out. Thank them for absolving your sins. High Ring requires high cultural knowledge or be well read in obscure topics to keep up with their anomalous habits.

part 3
Keep learning, pain is just a minor inconvenience, blood can be replaced, I need more data, I need to keep learning. Broken arm pain killer, scorched skin can be covered with gel, cracked skull can be negated with the spell, search for ticks, watch more people, look for lies, to keep learning

Someone new came in looking for information for Prisma, Animus, and High Ring demanding a meeting. Use knight personality to rush the conversations before the mages return for lunch switching to Coven personality to dissect his inexperienced. Switch to Prisma to lure him in and see what he offers before moving onto consolidation or retreat if he is too unstable. Target is not unstable but irrational, rejecting mage hood, demanding retribution, wanting to stay human instead, risking death, and having the intelligence to shore up his deficiencies by going to me for help. I can’t just ignore him and let him die. Data point is usable and can be liquidated by pre-paring a killzone and luring him in with information if he turns into a mage to preserve self’s anonymity to keep learning.

A pulsing headache greets William as he pulls himself out of Betty’s memories as he staggers back from the sheer knowledge of mage habits and mannerisms being forcibly downloaded into his mind. Memories throb with intensity, pain, and emotions as it sears themselves into his mind for easy recollection later. Opening his eyes again William sees Betty with empty eyes staring back at him as she rubs her head from the cantrip casting.

“A bit more intense than I expected and a lot deeper dive than usual. But I guess intense enough memories get linked together by time and power..” States Betty in a monotone voice.
“Betty what the fuck?”
“What? Compartimization is a great way to preserve a mind from constant stress, obsession, and makes mimicking easier as you put away parts of yourself.”
“It-it why?”
“It is easier for me this way so I don’t think too much about this. I didn’t expect a cantrip would let you see everything so I just drop the front as you would learn how I really act during mage encounters.”
“Its just a lot.”
“I assume honesty would be required since you're sending me your boss for a full explanation. I can read between the lines that you got involved with something that isn’t mages otherwise you would not be standing here. Anything else?”
“Ahh do you want to join us in raiding Purifiers?”
“Starting a fight for nothing is a waste of my time now if you excuse me. I need to try and convince my parents that things are safer now. Somehow.”

Part 4
pending to do next

Alice request
Tell rose we have a battle group and vet alice
Get a material list from muffin and raid purifiers on monday night
Social Hellscream when we get back home.
I wasn't expecting to introduce her to rose. Just thought we coukd trade something for the info. And then using that see if we can trust her enough to talk about the mage armor.

Anyway after that deep dive I don't trust her with the secret. Now the issue is will she mention the use of magic to Rose and how to side step that.

I'd like to use the money to get her artifacts level up, get her tools that may make things easier, maybe a workshop if we can (so she isn't risking things by being at school.

The purifiers are the junk yard, so those parts are probably sub optimal, take time to look for, and need to be repaired.

We dont have to trust rose or the organization now. We aren't at a point where they're necessary yet. First we raise our SL with her and our standing with the org. That or gain some leverage so they can't just take the information and give us peanuts in return.
“Sure and thanks for the help Betty see you later.”
“Your welcome William, see you at school then.”
Turning around to face the front doors as Betty massages her face to regain that spark of life to her face as she begins jogging out of the building. Giving one look into the sky before going at a full sprint to escape the area before a random mage comes by. With a sigh escaping his mouth William texts Alice to make sure her request is ready for tomorrow as Virgil returns from his search empty handed. Moving onto his next topic William dials up Rose pulling up their crash course training tips.

“Hello, we are reaching out to you about long term health insurance. Are you interested in expanding your coverage to your family?” Asks William.
“I am too poor to afford coverage and barely afford rent.” Adds Rose.
“Well we have a special premium to expand coverage to one person at low cost.”
“Okay that is enough what?”
“So I have a battle group formed with Virgil and Betty after finishing off a gangster HQ.”
“Already in a week or was it a day? The hours are blurring together over here.”
“I work fast and get the party together to do a raid on a junkyard and need you there to rate us.”
“Which junkyard? The trains might not be running late at night.”
“Hold on. Hey Virgil, where is the junkyard with the shit?” Asks William turning to his right hand man for answers.
“Deeper inland toward the Northern outskirts and next to a trainyard for freight. It's also between the suburbs and next to North National Highway 17.” Rattles off Virgil as he kicks over a corpse as he runs the pockets for cash.
“Heard all that Rose?”
“All of it and that is our resource hub and the Purifiers are our reclamation branch.”
“Oh I didn’t know.”
“Yeah, a crash course recruitment glossed over everything but in my defense I got a demon stone to work over and rushed out build orders for the past week.”
“It's been two days.”
“I may have sleep deprivation now. But yeah we have a queue up as everyone is putting in orders for advanced equipment now.”
“So no resources for me?”
“I can vouch for you to get what you need but we have to keep shipping out materials out of the city for the outskirts defense.”
“How much can I get?”
“Your body's worth of equipment? Twenty pounds for frames, another forty for filling, and forty for replacement parts when it explodes, and another twenty to patch the holes. Machining is not an exact science if you're going with personalized striker equipment.”
“Sounds like a plan also I need you to vet someone into joining as she figured out I was hiding things from her.”
“Ugh? Are you already recruiting? Did she like impress you or something?”
“Something like that.” Adds William seeing the burnt corpses of gangsters inside the building.

part 5
“Suuurrreee. Hmm, I can do some stalking in the background to see what is up with her and build a profile. Then confront her a week later in the forest.”
“Oh my god you're going to Rose her?”
“Hey if she starts shit I will end it but at least this time I won’t cripple her as your vouching for her. Oh right back to the junkyard/reclamation center. Good thing you told me or that would have been a bloodbath. So I got something that you might or might not like.”
“Go on.”
“The first option is to follow me in and get your stuff and be done with it or you could go for a full contact raid on the junkyard. I can contact the branch manager that this will be a stress test on their defenses so they are issued Spare the Dying cantrips to keep them alive.”
“So a spar?”
“No, this will be in your team’s and the junkyard guard’s eyes will be a fight to the death against an unknown faction. When death is facing you down that is when people truly know who they are and rapidly learn and apply theory to survive. The guards and your team will get the full experience and practice in a safe environment while you and the manager would probably get only a fraction of the experience as it's not a life or death situation.”
“What would be the point of that?”
“To rapidly boost your party’s experience as they are forced to learn, after all I can assume after our fight I got stronger and so did you. Years worth of effort condensed into a single minute.”
“Why don’t you do it then?”
“First I feel bad beating up the rookies, second we are constantly sending out our vets on the field to move supplies, third if your bosses constantly drop kill teams on you without warning that will breed resentment. So better to do the occasional stress test by new blood than constantly worrying about getting crippled everyday.”
“Okay that makes a lot more sense than I expected.”
“Of course, morale is important. So do you want to drop in and out with the goods or do a full contact raid? I will say that they are competent and won’t hold back any punches so injuries and crippling are likely.”

Pick one
-In and out. (Pass on stress test raid.)
-Party raid. (Commit to full contact and level up Virgil and Muffin)
-write in
part 6

pending next
social hellscream
alice request
-Party raid. (Commit to full contact and level up Virgil and Muffin)

Do Alice shit first. Have rose set up the raid for Monday.
-Party raid. (Commit to full contact and level up Virgil and Muffin)

Ahh didn't want her to learn about the spells using Betty but if we're going to raid and they're in charge of the scrap yard she'll learn anyway.

Unless we limit ourselves to our striker gear purely.
Rolled 3 (1d3)

Hellscream location
1: Coordinating retreats
2: Purging curses
3: Taking a break

“Yeah I will take the full contact. Wished I could have convinced Betty to join but she shut that down. Can you set it up for Monday night?”
“Sure, get your class requirement in and I can get you an adrenaline shot, a smoke, and a few Spare the Dying spells for your team. Still trying to get the rest of your equipment and these orders out as soon as I can.”
“It is all good I will see you on Monday?”
“Monday afternoon so I can give you the stuff and you can head to the junkyard after I send them a warning. Anything else?”
“Nah, I am all good, see you I guess on Tuesday if I am not crippled again.”
“See ya later Will.” States Rose as the call hangs up.
“So Virgil we will have a junkyard raid on Monday night to help Muffin get her stuff so let her know.” Adds William as he turns to Virgil as both make their way out of the area.
“Alright, have to say it feels great to finally use my skills again. Sure they aren’t mages but it feels good to get in a scrap again. But still had another panic attack when the blonde bitch whipped out magic.” Smiles Virgil as he rubs his knuckles.
“Maybe she found a way to collect magic or is a bastard of a mage.”
“Still sucks not knowing more about what is going on with you.”
“It's very complicated but hopefully I can get it all organized as Betty demanded an explanation heavily and in the middle of mage territory.”
“Yeah, yeah I will get Muffin ready for Monday see ya cap.”
“Later Virgil.”

William searches the sky for more patrolling mages before moving from street to street not wanting to get caught out after the last several times he walked relaxed. Taking his time until finally reaching the mansion pushing past the doors as magic locks flare as it pings him before allowing him entry. Walking through the quiet mansion with not a single maid in sight as William hears noises coming from the study room slowly peeking inside trying to see what is going on. Immediately noticing Hellscream reclining in her chair as she pulls tight on her arm bandages as she hisses in discomfort before letting her arm rest on the table. Next to a red syringe and bloody rotten bandages before she jolts back up throwing the bandages into the trash and casting a bonfire cantrip to burn away the mess.

-”The fight took out more than you expected?”
-”Hellscream I am back! Ready for dinner?!”
-”Why do you have bandages instead of just healing that injury?”
-Leave her to rest.(Move to next day)
-write in
-write in
--see if you can do anything to help comfort or take care of her.

I'm not that good with dialogue so I'm trying for something caring. Dont knowmif I'm getting the intent across.
>Use our new actor skills to cater to hellscream.
It is all good. I just need a general idea and intent so I can word it.
>Actor: Gain +50 to any deception or diplo checks on mages.

Tapping his chin for a moment as William tries to think how to best approach this situation pulling up Betty’s memories of her acting skills. Shifting through flashes of knowledge and pulling bits of relevant information to remember demons are prideful and Hellscream does want to maintain her image of control and power. Closing the door quietly as he knocks on the door as paper and the clatter of metal is quickly muffled behind the door.

“Hey Hellscream can I come in? I just got back from some errands. How did the mage fights go? You beat their asses or need someone to hold your notes open to draw out more spell scrolls for more fights?”
“You may enter William and I don’t need any help with scrolls.”

Entering the study room William notices the lack of medical supplies near Hellscream as she adjusts her coat’s sleeve to cover up her arms. Further scanning the room he does notice the lack of food this late at night and knowing that she burnt away the evidence of her injuries William goes for the safer option instead.

“Bit late in the day and no maids around? Did you want me to get you something from the kitchen?”
“Ah, I sent away my maids to do some emergency errands to other demons tonight. Wai-yes you may serve your master just grab anything you find in the kitchen. There should be something the maids made beforehand.”
“Sure mistress I will be right back.”

Turning back into the hallway, William rushes into the kitchen as he grabs two plates of food and places them into the microwave for reheating before making his way back to Hellscream. Passing her plate over to her as William grabs a chair for his own meal revealing a simple rice and chicken casserole with some fancy wine on the side. As Hellscream extends her right arm to reach for the wine before letting out a wince and switching to her left arm for the drink.

“Thank you William. Didn’t think it was that late making all these reports.” Adds Hellscream as she takes a bite of her food.
“You need help with writing from hand cramps or something?”
“No, no I pretty much finished today's work and getting ready for Monday’s workload for the aftermath. So usually you don’t come in to see me. What is your request?”
“I don’t have any requests. I don’t know how hard level twenties fight so I have to ask if you nee-have any tasks that you require me to do.”

-roll 1d100+40 (level 8)+50(actor) diplo roll. DC 125-150-175
Rolled 24 + 90 (1d100 + 90)

And that's why I'm going back to not rolling mac...
Rolled 5 + 90 (1d100 + 90)

Damn just a bad day.
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“Like you don’t hang out with Holly and Lora with their nails digging in. Who sent you over to ask? Was it Holly to send you to ask as a taunt?” Scoffs out Hellscream.
“Wait no I have not been asked by them to do anything.”
“Oh really then do you want me to put you under a truth spell and say that again?”
“Ahh, um.”
“That is what I thought. I know how politics work at the very least don’t try to pretend you don’t get ordered around by the other leaders too. Afterall you listen or refuse half of my orders since you're my property.”
“I accepted your clothing and enchantments.”
“And you refused my envoy and shapechange. Now run along, I have more orders to finish.”

Pausing for a moment as William tries to think of a follow up only to draw a blank at the total shutdown. Getting up with his food and walking away trying to think what went wrong and only to conclude that Prisma must have damaged the High Ring a bit harder than he thought. With a sigh William reaches his room, eats his warm meal, before heading to bed ready to finally see what Alice is up to in the morning.

“Fuck! Shit.” Yells out William as he remembers something he forgot.

Pushing himself off the bed as he gets on the ground and remakes a familiar circle as he summons his flying cat back. With it giving a stare at William before jumping onto the bed and taking the pillow for itself. With a groan William lets the cat steal his pillow as he sleeps on the edge of the bed instead letting the cat take most of the bed for tonight. The sun bathes the floor in golden rays forcing William to turn away from the light only to suddenly feel weightlessness and a hard impact. Waking up from the floor William gets back up and dusts himself off as he gets ready for the day. Putting on his gloves and armor before activating the disguise self to hide his uniform from public view. Passing by a quiet dining room as maids clean up the mansion after being absent from the night before heading out into the city. Texting Alice he is now available before getting a thumbs up and a meeting location near a train hub south of Astra. Slinking from alleyway to alleyway dodging a few sudden mage patrols in the sky as William makes his way to a train hub taking a seat as he waits a few minutes for Alice as footsteps approach him. Seeing Alice with a nervous expression as she grips a large white hat like her life depended on it with a small strap also holding the hat on her head. With not a hint of her halo thing seen as she makes eye contact with William.

“Hey Will, thanks for coming out to help me today.” States Alice as she nervously looks around the area.
“It's the least I could do since I couldn’t come sooner. So what is the request thing?”
“Oh just a lookout while I get more food and materials.” States Alice as she motions for William to follow her.

part 1
“Don’t you have that at Astra?” Asks William as he follows Alice out of the area.
“Food gets burned out every couple of hours and when I try to raid the cafeteria after hours I keep running into some cook that keeps beating me away with a baton. So I have to find other places to get more materials.” Adds Alice as she hugs the wall as she glances up every once in a while.
“So you just need me to watch out for who? The kitchen staff?”
“That and other homeless people as I only get a few minutes to dig into the dumpster before having to move to avoid getting surrounded. Being a girl and alone in the streets is not something I would recommend. I just need you to help keep a lookout while I search for what I need.”
“Something small, big, or unique?”
“I want to find some new clothes to mend and fix. Maybe some dish soap if I am lucky.”

>Gained 3 XP for clearing the HQ
>5k in monies
>May call gatto at any time to be teleported to you in one action.

-roll 2d100 +40 for both first for Perception DC 85 and second Insight DC 60
-”Sure I can keep a lookout, do I just yell?’
-”I can dig into the dumpster for you since I doubt any homeless person will try to fight someone with mage robes.” (Reveal Prisma robes)
-”I can buy you the stuff you need.”
- Something is a little bit off about her. (Auto pass perception if picked.)
-wite in

part 2
-roll 2d100 +40 for both first for Perception DC 85 and second Insight DC 60
-”I can buy you the stuff you need.”
- Something is a little bit off about her. (Auto pass perception if picked.)
>what Mac said.

Either an imposter or something or under an enchantment.

>Text Virgil to come back you up.
Rolled 68, 95 = 163 (2d100)

insight checking +40

William takes a moment to inspect Alice as he collects his thoughts watching every part of Alice’s body for what might be sticking out. Eventually noticing she is somehow taller than she was before that can only be explained either she was hunching a lot or she somehow found heels that added a few inches to her body. With the lack barely moving as if locked in place and immune to wind and movement.

“I can just buy you those things.” Adds William as he inspects Alice.
“Eh? I can’t ask for that, it's embarrassing. And I don’t want to make it look like I am mooching off of you.”
“You want to find dish soap and not normal soap.”
“Well duh I get a lot more suds with water and dish soap. I can’t use bar soap as those aren’t a common commodity in dumpsters so dish soap is much more reliable to get. Plus it has natural degreaser added in, sure it is awful for my hair but I can deal with it.” States Alice with way too much excitement and fondness in dish soap.

Every word coming out of Alice’s mouth is the truth and not a single lie is in her words over her fondness on dish soap and embarrassment over asking for money. Letting William to relax and avoid calling in Virgil for back up.

“It would only be like what twenty dollars for a pack?”
“I do not know I don’t shop and just use cantrips for most of the leg work.”
“Then why do you need soap?”
“I just like the bubbles, okay. I have to have something to do with my hands to avoid paper cuts and spending twelve hours on computers all day.”
“So you go out every night for food and stuff?”
“Yep. I try to get some exercise while out of school. Fight off a hungry dog here and there. Punch a surprise raccoon. You know normal things here and there. It is how I found these clothes so a mend here and a pres there and they are as good as new.” Adds Alice as she continues looking down hallways and the sky for her marks.

-”Yeah no I will take you to the shop for well shopping.” (Drag her ass to a grocery store)
-”So do you want to punch some homeless people and steal their soap?”
-“Actually have you actually eaten any real warm food?” (Drag her ass to a cafe)
-wirte- in
-”Yeah no I will take you to the shop for well shopping.” (Drag her ass to a grocery store)
-”So do you want to punch some homeless people and steal their soap?”
-“Actually have you actually eaten any real warm food?” (Drag her ass to a cafe)

All three is good for me.
I'm leery of this Mac. She's more than likely enchanted. Hence she's telling the "truth" since she believes it to be true.

>don't go into any alleyways or places without people.

>take her shopping
>joke about robbing homeless people for soup.
>go to a Cafe.
>Look for someone tailing you.
“So you want to punch some homeless people for their soup?”
“What? No, soup is like the worst thing to fight for as it's all liquid and no real food. And by the time I even find any it would be spilled or empty. That is just a waste of time to fight for. Now bread on the other hand is much better as it's more filling due to the air content and easier to store in pockets.”
“Yeah no I will take you shopping for your materials but first you need warm food from somewhere.”
“It's okay I am fine and don’t want to impose.” Adds Alice as she stares at the sky.
“You're going to be fed, do not resist.” States William as he grabs Alice’s arm.
“Are there even places open for food in the middle of the day?”
“Guess we will have to find one out. Umm, are there reviews online?”
“Why would you offer a meal and not know of a place to find it?”
“I was distracted by soap and soup talk. Now do you have any leads?”
“Of course I do. I marked all the dumpster locations that have a restaurant nearby.”
“Okay, lead the way then.”

Continuing forward through the streets as checks behind himself for any tails only to see empty streets or the occasional rushing car rushing past yellow lights. Taking time to check down empty alleyways out of the corner of his eyes to avoid looking suspicious as he spots mostly trash and the occasional dog ripping into the garbage. Following behind Alice as she pauses around a corner inspecting the door for a few moments as she shakes off the nervousness out of her hands and moves toward the building. Quickly opening the door and ushering William in before closing the door and heading deeper inside trying to find a simple table on the corner. Passing by several people hiding from the sunlight as they return back to their meal upon seeing William and Alice passing by. Sliding into worn seats, old tables, and a colorful mural of the coastline painted along the walls as waitresses move between tables handing out orders. As more people continue to chatter in hushed whispers as they all give occasional glances to the covered windows flinching everytime a shadow passes by. With Alice keeping an eye on the door as she scans the room for the entrances and exits as her hand grabs a menu on the table.

“So I never ordered here in person but the breaded shrimp is my favorite. It was a bit dry when I got to it but should be better now.”
“Seafood? A bit of surprise. I thought you would go for the ice cream instead.”
“I don’t get enough toothpaste so I try to avoid sweets as much as possible.”


(QM noye: i sleppy head empty no thoguht)
What is this? She's showing off she's homeless?

I domt know what to say.
I am awake and not sleepy anymore. Hold while I try to think of options.
-"Why not visit your family for actual food or get an allowance?"
-"You fought any homeless or giant rats for food?"
-"Are you taller than when I met you?"
-"So any magic wisdom you want to share in the depths of the library."
-"Do you know anything about the headmaster?"
>black Arbiter
>what factions use the library at what time.
>Does she know anything about making magic items?
-"Why not visit your family for actual food or get an allowance?"
-"You fought any homeless or giant rats for food?"
-"Are you taller than when I met you?"
-"So any magic wisdom you want to share in the depths of the library."

>Does this count as date? Can I tell my mom? (Tis a joke. Chad cha roll pls)

Thanks for keeping the quest going qm. Been a blast.
Oh and qm can we tell Betty that the gang we took down was about to hit her purifiers. Le share evidence n stuff.
I don't think she knows anything about the arbiter. She's just a street rat test subject. If she does let it lead to that organically.

-"Why not visit your family for actual food or get an allowance?"
-"You fought any homeless or giant rats for food?"
-"Are you taller than when I met you?"
-"So any magic wisdom you want to share in the depths of the library."

If she knew how to make magic items would she be on the street?
Why would Betty care about us taking down the gang? Also what do we gain by telling her that in a public setting?
Thank you to the both of you for sticking with the quest too. I didn't think I was going to last so long.

Betty doesn't care about the purifiers and didn't want to look for a fight that she didn't need.

To be fair she is stuck inside a library for entire months so she would start digging into things if only to know what is circling her.

Also if the update doesn't come out today it should come out midday tomorrow.
Oops I'm a tard. I meant rose. I don't think we told her about them being about to target them in a raid.
You told Rose about the purifiers and turns out they are their reclamation wing for resources. Also that she offered XP boost to your party by full contact sparring against them which you guys accepted. So watch out for crippling injuries as they will assume this is a mage raid.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

William cha roll DC don't roll low.
“Such a shame never allowing yourself to eat a slice of cake. Only fighting the homeless or giant rats for food?”
“Ehh, the cake gets too soggy or rotten in the heat. I try to avoid hanging around marks too long to avoid fights. Though I did have to punch animals looking for a snack and yes giant rats were a pain to deal with as they liked to jump waaaay too often.” States Alice in hushed tones to avoid people overhearing them.
“If it is that bad why not visit your family for a breather.” Adds William as a waitress comes by to take their orders as William orders a breaded fish and fish plate as Alice orders a simple burger meal.
“I am not sure if I am being watched by Coven or not since their whole deal is looking for new data. And going through the entire city and risking involving them with whatever Coven did to me. Plus they are already barely making ends meet with Astra’s generous “scholarship” funding or whatever bullshit they made up to sell to ords.”
“Speaking of Coven? Do any factions use that library?”
“Nah, it's all lower tiered spells and cantrips that used and worn books get thrown into to give ords a place to study and let the good chaff rise and better themselves for harvesting. All normal mages just go to the archive or whatever fancy name they gave to the new library to hold the real magic spells inside.”
“So there are no books about making magic items in the old library?”
“Nope, I tried looking for them myself but could not find any mentions of it but eventually I was able to make permanent cantrips with some blood, paper, and items even if they are shoddy and limited. Don’t really have a forge, magic ink, or rare materials for higher tier items. It hurt trying to get that nailed down after weeks of trial and error.”
“I can imagine since casting just one cantrip takes a lot out of an ord.”
“Yeeeess. It was annoying having to recover a few hours after each cast. Nowadays it got easier but those first few weeks were a struggle.” Groans out Alice remembering the past.
“So I have to ask, are you taller than when I met you?” Asks William as Alice’s immediately loses a foot in height as her hat turns faintly see through revealing her halo.
“Oh you noticed. Yeah it is my proudest work. It took me about a shirt, a hat, two hair braids, and a few gallons of blood to get Minor Illusion working on all three to hide my halo.”
“Why three and not one?”

part 1
“It was very hard to hide this stupid halo. It floated above my head so a normal hat could not reach it. When I added more height it could not support the hat illusion at the same time. So after that and more blood I had to add in a second layer cantrip. So with both of those fixed I made my way to a mirror for a check up and didn’t see the hat or height on because I have to move them with each step or they stayed floating in the air. Soooo after three permanent castings and using my braided hair as a focus and trigger, I tied the braids to my neck, linked all the spells together, then added in a cast/decast code to have the hat and height constantly adjusted to follow me.”
“That is a lot of spell code and it didn’t burn up or errored?”
“It did and why it took me weeks to get it working but I didn’t have to risk anyone screaming mage at me and calling the mage cops down at me.”
“So any magic or cop wisdom you can share from the depths of the library?”
“Hmm, I think you got most of the wisdom as you became a sponge everytime I gave you a lecture.”
“You're a great teacher, what can I say?”
“Ha, I mean thank you, thank you I try.” Adds Alice as she avoids eye contact only for them to light up as the food and utensils come in. Taking a few seconds to watch before grabbing a handful of fries and begins shoving them into her mouth.
“Slow down we got time to eat.” States William as he puts a straw into his drink.
“Sorry, force of habit.”
“So do you know anything about the black arbiter?”
“The what? Is it some stupid sounding band name?”
“Sorry, wrong topic. I mean the headmaster of Astra.”
“Hmm, I do know her name is Ariel Hoffman, apparently some big shot mage with no previous record of really anything. It's like she just appeared one day to fill the position from what public files I was able to look up that Hoffman was never born and never existed until Astra hired her. So I don’t know if she is a golem, simulacrum, changeling, or just someone made up to cover a position.”
“Disinherited mage, a fed, or a spy then?”
“Maybe but I never saw any school pictures of her in them and only saw her or its name on signed papers. So I am not sure what is going on with it.”
“I have one important question left to ask.” States William as he grabs his drink and brings it to his mouth.
“Wh-hmp-at is it?” Ask Alice as she shoves another handful of fries in her mouth.
“Does this count as a d-ack-fuck.” Yells out William as the straw pokes his eye as the drink aimed for his mouth and forgetting the existence of the plastic menace.

>-1 HP. HP 79/80

part 2
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Flinching his hand away from his face too fast to avoid further harm to one of his sensitive balls forced his drink to spill a bit on the table and chair. The sticky sweetness even claiming part of his arm and thigh as the beverage soaks into his clothing further cementing his accident. With one eye shut he carefully placed the drink back on the table as he grabbed a napkin to clean up with. As a chuckling Alice tries to hold back her laughter at the scene only to cough out fries that went down the wrong windpipe as she grabs a napkin to cough into before resuming her laughter.

“Haah, be careful those straws can bend in ways you can’t see.”
“Hey, make sure you swallow properly before speaking miss.”
“Don’t worry I clean up fast and don’t have any sticky fingers to worry about.”
“Those pieces of fries on your face and sleeves say otherwise. You could make a farm on those.”
“I am no-okay maybe I am a messy eater.” Says Alice conceding her loss with a smile and a small blush on her face.

-other write-ins questions
-end scene move to food shopping with Alice
Could she help Muffins R&D or make her own? If we got her the room and tools to do so. Also coukd Rose check if coven is still watching her?
She can try but she ain't got Muffin's level of mechanical expertise and would involve having her know about the mage armor.
end scene... skip to purifiers.
-end scene move to food shopping with Alice

Let's not skip to purifiers, even if we want to skip this day. Do some reading and try to follow the advice we got from actor.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

1 end and skip to puries
2 end and food

Bit late overhear due to overtime so I should have the update ready for tomorrow.

Continuing the meal both flinch as the door opens as another customer rushes to close the door before picking out a table for themselves. The quiet eeriness is broken only by the sounds of cooking and the quiet steps of waitresses moving between tables. Whispering barely audible as customers eat fast before heading out of the safety of the restaurant with the constant pressure getting to Alice and William to finish up their meal and get the next shopping list done. Inhaling their food as Alice wraps several fries inside a napkin and stashes it in her pocket as William pays off the $20 bill.

Alice grabs the door knob as she peeks through the blinds to make sure the area is clear before both rush out of the restaurant to avoid getting caught out in the open. Immediately turning into another alleyway for cover to avoid the main street as both catch their breath before moving on to the next task. Passing by other people running from building to building as they glance to the sky with a worried face before continuing their run.

“So the next grocery store I know is a few blocks away with what I need. It's a small family business in an apartment.” Adds Alice as she leads the way.
“Not on the first floor or a corner area?”
“Yep, first floor. They don’t want to deal with stairs so most shops are at ground level to help move foot traffic fast during the day.”
“So what do apartment stores even carry?”
“They specialize but my favorites are on 12th and Edna with tubs of ice cream, Venue and Kleber have peaches, and another place is where I found this outfit.” Rattles out an excited Alice.
“Why are those your favorite? Good deals or distance?
“Nah, those are my lucky stores as they were my first finds for a week. Though the owners hated that I kept going through their trash and chased me off.”
“Why did they care about their trash if they were going to throw it out?”
“Homeless are like flies so if one showed up more would come to claim the rags and it's another reason why I couldn't stay searching for long.”
“Would we run into any muggers on the way?” Asks William as both people reach the apparent apartment store.
“Nope it's day time so everyone is keeping their heads down. It is during dawn or dusk where there is a surge of shopping as everyone tries to get their supplies. Those were bloodbaths enough so that apartments had to become mobs and strung up any thieves they caught.” Adds Alice as she quickly opens the door and goes inside.

part 1
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Blinking away the sunlight William sees a center room with shelves lining the walls filled with cans, boxes, soaps, and even rice on the front counter. Turning to his right side to see a cashier tending to a customer wearing a backpack as they place their groceries inside before handing over a few bills. With two kids on the floor coloring in a castle with broken crayons and smudged paper as they draw outside the lines by adding in a cow and a few lollipop looking trees. Looking toward his left to see more cans and essentials down a hallway as a few more customers mill around and gossiping with the apartment tenants.

“So uhhh, are you sure you want to pay for this? It is a bit much asking for you to pay for lunch and groceries?” Asks Alice as she rubs her hands together nervously.
“It is fine I can afford to spend some money plus it's better than you getting jumped in a dumpster.”
“Okay I’ll just get a few things. Oh also what was it you were going to ask back in the restaurant?”
“Till now you ask about it? The moment kinda passed.”
“Well I was laughing for a bit as we traded pokes at each other.” Adds Alice as she grabs soap, a few canned food, and toothpaste.
“Fair, so I was going to say if it counted as a date.”
“Aaahh, technically yeeessss? But usually I assumed dates had more instead of just dragging you to shop for things.”
“Isn’t that a normal date anyway?”
“It's not clothes shopping or a walk in the park though.”
“Noted, I will shop for parks then.”

-”Hmm, do you want to be introduced to my friends?” (Attempt to recruit Alice to help Muffin)
-”How long will you stay hiding in Astra?”
-”So what will the next date is going to be?”
-”Do you want me to teach you a few self defense moves?”(Offer encode memories +vote what skills to give her)

part 2
Not gonna vote on this one. All you Mac.
-”Hmm, do you want to be introduced to my friends?” (Attempt to recruit Alice to help Muffin)

This is what I want but at the same time I'm paranoid. Do we want to take the risk?

-”Do you want me to teach you a few self defense moves?”(Offer encode memories +vote what skills to give her)

A more permanent solution to her problem but I might change it. If she becomes more powerful and people see her doing more would it put her in more danger?

-”How long will you stay hiding in Astra?”
“If you want I can introduce you to my other friends that usually visit the library to keep you company.”
“It would be nice to have other people to talk with rather than just chat rooms and scrolling the internet.”
“You don’t have others in the library?”
“Nope, ords just run when they spot my condition and I just hide away if a mage comes in.”
“Alice… How long will you keep hiding inside Astra?”

For a moment Alice pauses in her shopping as a worried expression washes over her face as she falls into deep thought trying to look for an answer.

“I don’t know. I guess I can wait in the library till they kick me out and from there use the cantrips knowledge and do a sewing business. Can’t exactly hunt down Coven like this or ever.” Adds Alice as she scratches her head as her halo bobs along with her movements.
“I could teach you some self defense moves for your protection or even use them on others.”
“Could they meet the gap between mages and ords?”
“Maybe but you would not know if you don’t try. I should know getting into fights is how I learned how to handle myself.”
“Ehh, I got in a few basically slap fights here and there.”
“Well fights where there are actual unknown dangers are a lot more valuable than just avoiding fights.”
“I had been in fights.” States Alice a bit defensively.
“A slap is not a fight or did you draw any blood?”
“Still a fight. But really? Do you learn a lot from dangerous fights?”
“Yup, I should know I got into three and helped me hold my own.”
“So what? Just go and pick a fight with a gang or something?”

-”Well my party will be going on a raid on a gang and could use more help.” (Recruit Alice for the Purifier raid)
-”Could have do some sparring with my party to get some basics down while I set more things up.” (Recruit Alice into the resistance and have Rose vent her but delay the raid for a few days)
-”We can hunt down some rats to show how much more dangerous a fight is.”(Roll a combat encounter)
-”A bit too extreme hunting for a gang without knowing the basics first.” (Download battlemaster skills into Alice and no recruitment for now)
-”Could have do some sparring with my party to get some basics down while I set more things up.” (Recruit Alice into the resistance and have Rose vet her but delay the raid for a few days)
Do the encode thoughts thing too. Give her basic s
-”We can hunt down some rats to show how much more dangerous a fight is.”(Roll a combat encounter)

Let's see what she can do and get her experience before throwing her off the deep end.
Sure that too. Do the others too though.
Rolled 98 (1d100)

Rolling encounter lower more dangerous -10 due to Alice's groceries.
Rolled 84, 90 = 174 (2d100)

Rolling ??? mage encounter low is bad high is good. Best of 2 due to Alice and William's paranoia nat 1s do not override.
”We could do some sparring with my party to get some basics down while I set more things up for more advanced stuff. Oh wait, we can look for a fight to see what you're good at to help tailor things.”
“It seems kinda dangerous to go looking for a fight in broad daylight.”
“Better now than at dawn or dusk where all the real fighting starts.”
“Okay you're right. So uhh just follow me as I hit the usual spots.”

After paying off the $50 bill for Alice’s groceries William begins inspecting the window to spot any nearby mages as Alice places all her bags on one arm. Not bothering to hide her supplies to act as a beacon to draw eyes to her treasures as the duo leave the safety of the building. A breath exits William’s mouth as he tenses up expecting a mage to drop out of the sky as Alice looks around much more nervous for the coming fight. Slowly walking down alleyways as they don’t their walk trying to spot any peeking eyes from any of the nearby buildings only to hear silence. Walking past blinded windows, quiet streets, and the occasional tire screeching in the distance to see not a single soul even looking at them. Half an hour of search reveals not a single person watching them as William sends out a text to Rose to vet another person.

“Gee William, another one? I didn’t even get a chance to finish my lunch. But sure I can vet her too.”
“Is it normal to get recruits from recruits?” Texts William as Alice digs into the dumpster looking like a target.
“Usually not as normal agents try to build up their skills before trying to get recruits or having to search out Willful Ords to recruit. But we got a manual for fast screening for this and I should have an update after three days of vetting them. See ya later.” Replies Rose.
“Hey Alice. Didn’t you say people usually come if we linger too long?” Asks William as he puts away his home while keeping watch down the alleys.
“Usually they do and especially tail someone with goods in full view. It is basically a big sign saying "mug me” or “jump that one” so there should have been a hit sent.”
“Also aren’t things too quiet?”
“It's always quiet, what do you mean?”
“We should have seen one person rushing from building to building or someone would have set up an ambush on us at this spot. So something is keeping everyone silenced.”
“Another predator came into this area.” States Alice as she stops her search and listens.

A loud caw is heard overhead as William’s entire body tenses up expecting an Animus hit squad above him, forcing him to dive toward the ground as he raises his gauntlets to block the blow. Only to see a crow standing on the ground flapping its wings towards Alice as a few more crows land on the ground.

part 1
Carefully getting out of the dumpster Alice nervously pulls out a scroll made out of torn pieces of paper, newspaper, and tape with very dark brown sigils painted on as she casts Speak with Animals. A flash of blue colors the sigils as it burns up the scroll as Alice’s throat glows as she fishes into her pockets for a few fries. The crows caw a few more times before taking their meal and begin pecking at the fries completely ignoring William as they feast. Slowly Alice hugs the wall as she motions toward William to move closer before she begins whispering.

“So uh the crows tell me they spotted a mage diving down a few blocks from here.”
“Your pet crows?”
“Well they are on commision and one is a familiar.”
“What? They unionized?”
“For the things I am telling them to do, yes.”
“Are we surrounded then?”
“No, they only saw one landing nearby so we can escape before we get caught up.”
“Why would a random mage drop down?”
“Maybe a kidnapping, sadism, or they got called in.”

-”We can wait till dusk in another area and try again.” (Reroll encounter slightly more dangerous but no mage chance.)
-”This is too risky, we should head back.” (End encounters and retreat)
-”Can you send in the birds for a closer look?” (Send in the burbs to see what is going on)
-”How do you have the power to cast a tier 1 spell?” (Interrogate Alice roll 1d100+40 vs Alice roll)

part 2
-”How do you have the power to cast a tier 1 spell?” (Interrogate Alice roll 1d100+40 vs Alice roll)
-”This is too risky, we should head back.” (End encounters and retreat)

I wanna know but other then that this is too risky.
Can you send in the birds for a closer look?” (Send in the burbs to see what is going on)
-”How do you have the power to cast a tier 1 spell?” (Interrogate Alice roll 1d100+40 vs Alice roll)

>send Tess our flying cat to go look for an invisible familiar that the mage might have. She's free to rag doll the fuck out of them.

Nah let's see what's going on Mac. Remember we can mind rape a mage and steal their memories. And with our gloomstalker and fighter levels. We should be dumping attack x2 +attack +1d8. Plus action surge attack x2.

We can gank the fuck out of the mage if it really is alone. Of course we won't kill them. We'll just knock them out.

We're wearing our magic armor ya?

Also frame another mage faction for our ganking of the mage too.
Rolled 66, 35, 77 = 178 (3d100)

first will +40, second alice -20, third higher means stronger mage
She doesn't know about mage armor. Fighting will reveal that. Also we don't know what rank that mage is, how much time until a response to the fight will come, if anyone can watch it etc. We don't have a disguise on.
“So you can cast Speak with Animals then?”
“Yup, good to have extra eyes for safety.”
“Then how do you have the power to cast a tier 1 spell?”
“...uh I saved up a lot of my blood to pool in aaa tier 1 spell?”
“An ord is locked at cantrip level spells and can’t squeeze more magic out of their blood.”
“Ah, maybe I was born lucky?”
“You're a bastard mage.”
“No both my parents are ords. My mom would never cheat on my father.” Hisses out Alice.
“Alice come on you can’t say your an ord and cast tiered spells.”
“M-magic came a long way of research and uhh, streamlining.” Stutters out Alice trying to think of excuses.
“That is not even a good lie with all the other previous information you gave me so are you a failed Coven agent that got kicked out?” Asks William as he tenses his body as he watches for an ambush.
“No, uh, I don’t know. It isss. Can we ignore this question?”
“No, now spill.”
“I am not sure where my magic comes from but I think Coven did something to turn me into a part mage thing.” Whispers out Alice as she braces herself.
“Ah cool so can you send in the birds while I send in my flying cat to investigate?” Asks William as he wills Tess into existence.
“Wait, what? That is all you have to say? And you're a mage too with your own familiar? I kinda expected a bigger reaction to this news than a cool.”
“I kinda got used to being around mages and things. Hell I have like two faction uniforms with magic built in so back to the scouting.”
“How can you get used to knowing you could get killed or worse when surrounded by them constantly? I stay in the library and just deal with the occasional fight in the streets.”
“Because I never want to willingly bow to them and want to fight back against them all. But enough about me we need to check in with the mage sighting.”
“Ah okay.” States Alice before she turns to the crows to give her orders.

A few more fries are given to the crows as William approaches Tessy as it stares at him with an expectant look. Mentally giving Tessy a command to follow the crows to investigate the mage only to see the cat still lay on its side not getting up. Knowing what the cat is demanding, William promises high quality chicken wings for its help as it immediately gets up and fulfills his orders. The duo begins following their familiars at the edge of their range as both take turns looking through their familiar’s eyes to track the mage’s location. Passing into a street corner where an apartment store is blown apart as William and Alice wait at the edge of their 100 feet familiar range as they close their eyes to see what is going on.

part 1
Opening their eyes again from on top of a rooftop as they see a few cop mages mill around the area as ords lay on the street with their limbs torn off, as one mage is tearing things inside the apartment, another one healing ords making sure they don’t die from blood loss, and the last one holding a boot on an ord’s chest as he casts shape water and begins waterboarding an old man.

“Speak you insect or we will take their tongues next. Shape Water” Says the mage holding the water cantrip as he stops drowning the old man.
“I got plenty of healing slots so we can do this all day. Create Bonfire” Adds the medic mage as he casts a bonfire cantrip to clean his hands.
“I got nothing to say to you t-ack!”

Words cut off as the water mage stomps off an old man’s arm as bone, muscle, and blood splatters onto the pavement as he screams in pain. The mages take the moment to bring all the hostages together to watch the old man’s suffering as they shake off blood loss and forced to sit on their knees.

“Want to give a correct statement yet? We know this area got a suspicious amount of calls, way too much inventory, and a stack of cash in the walls. So if I have to waste a slot for a zone of truth I will get my material costs from you or your friends.”
“Okay, okay I will talk.” Hisses out the old man as he doesn’t break eye contact with the mage.
“Hold on, let me get an anti-magic zone up!” Yells out a rune knight mage coming out of the apartment as his magic zone gets set up with the old man in the middle of the ritual.
“Now talk and maybe we won’t gut you like a fish for the last week of your miserable life.” States the water mage.
“Okay first thing I am sorry guys for failing you all. Resistance.” States the old man as he stares at the mage.

A flash of confusion passes through the water mage as the old man’s face turns into a pained grimace as a green glow of ley lines stab into his body. Immediately the mage tries to jump out of the way only for the rest of the hostages to slams into his back as a green glow emanates from their chests as both mages try to cast spells into the anti-magic zone only to have their spells blocked from the rune knight’s ritual. In less than three seconds several black voids tear into the air and ground as the water mage and all the hostages disappear in a quiet pop. Leaving only cracked concrete and a missing mage.

“Command will have our ass on losing the resistance lead.”
“Just call this in to command that the specialized anti-magic ritual failed again.” Groans out the rune knight.
“You think my plane shift would have worked?”
“I have no idea this soul bullshit has random loopholes. Get what we can from the apa-”

part 2
A loud explosion shakes the raided apartment as fireballs burn any evidence left behind as both mages rush toward the building trying to salvage any leads. Quickly closing the connection William drags Alice away as they begin running away from the scene before more mages come down to investigate the incident. Half an hour later William stops his run as he turns to a panting Alice on her knees taking the run worse than him.

“Okay there goes that practice idea.”
“What, ahh, was he talking, hah, about?”
“Probably apologizing to his friends for getting caught but a few days from now I can put you through a trial to test your abilities.”
“Sure, ah, sure. I want to see, ah, from all this running. See you later Will.” Waves off Alice as she carries her supplies with her toward a train station.
“See you soon Alice.”

>Alice +1(kindness), +1(didn't freak out over magic). Social Link now 4/10 Curiosity.

-Skip three days to Rose vetting results and purifier raid.
-Speak with someone(+who)
-Go to monday school.
-Do something else.

QM note: Sorry for the delay had to babysit the niece and nephew. Also, yes the gauntlets are on but no disguise is active as William was meeting with Alice right now.
Skip three days to Rose vetting results and purifier raid

No worries bud. Hope you had fun with the family.

-Speak with someone(+who)

-Do something else.
-Read books and lore that actor trait informed us Hellscreams faction likes.

Remember our unique position is having contact with the faction leaders. So hang with Hellscream or the brainwashed for more info or social. The fights are still happening at school so that leaves Hellscream.

The books are an attempt to leverage the info actor gave us to be more appealing to her and her faction. It's the case of sharpening and are doesn't delay a wood cutters work.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

1 skip to vet
2 words and books and lore
Rolled 5, 8, 2, 10, 10, 1, 10, 6, 6, 5, 5, 10, 1, 8, 1 = 88 (15d10)

learning for more spells later.
Rolling his neck to make sure the blood is still pumping as William settles for waiting and studying the next three days to avoid whatever bullshit the aftermath is waiting for him at school. Already thinking on what notes we can write down from Alice to have something to look over and translate to other better spells. Walking back home as his mind wanders to what Hellscream, Lora, or Holly might order him to do at school.


The clacks and clicks of a keyboard echoes inside the building as a mousy scrawny IT guy infiltrates William’s phone to pull text messages and phone numbers from his contact list. Data being screened by the boss and a few other infiltrators continue scanning for more hidden clues or slip ups to continue building a profile. Rose herself makes sure to fix up a corkscrew pinboard with William’s face pinned in the middle with strings of yarn pinning on Virgil, Muffin, Alice, Betty, Hellscream, Lora, Holly, and Rose.

“So after three days of stalking and research as far as we can tell, this Alice never attends class and looks like they allow her to maintain the library to not bother to pay a real librarian and actively sends her scraps of the “tuition” to her parents.” States Rose.
“Could be a Coven plant with that halo thing.” Pipes up the IT guy.
“Nah, Coven will either dispose of their experiments or keep them in their labs for study. This Alice is neither. Also she still got ords parents that she speaks with.”
“Are we sure she isn’t a deep cover plant? The Black Arbiter has been pushing new innovations to try and catch us. They already hit one of our safehouses with a specialized anti-magic field destroying the alarms and attempted to break the soul bind again.”
“I checked in person and she spends all her time with books, raiding trash, and speaking with her parents and William. She isn’t a simulacrum as she bleeds herself to make her mage spells as no mage will debase themselves this much.”
“That is true no mage will go this hard for their cover or have this much patience. What about Betty?” Adds the boss as he stares at the corkboard.
“She avoids texts as much as possible and keeps no notes on herself and prefers conversation in person to avoid leaving behind anything traceable. Keeps all her notes and data on paper and hidden in her room with profiles on most of the mages she encounters” States Rose.
“Is she being hunted as that is our level of paranoia?” Asks the IT guy.
“Her home location was targeted by a gang but from the report I got from William it lines up with the gang that controlled that area. So she probably expected the gang to be mage level threats for her to go this far into info sec.”
“What about the Virgil and Muffy character?” Asks the boss as he looks over to the infiltrators.

part 1
“Muffy is the average undergrad looking to make a difference before she gets broken by Astra or kidnapped by one of the factions when they find out she is tinkering with tech. Virgil is the leader of the ord section of Astra and trained by a fallen rune knight that got excommunicated by office politics.” Replies an infiltrator with glasses.
“Ex-knight? That explains William’s pre-training.” Adds Rose before going back on task.
“Why didn’t he get taken by rune knights yet?” Asks the IT guy.
“Probably because he never fought back and never ended up painting a target on himself as the leaders probably expected him to be a waste to convert.” States the boss.
“Mages do have random requirements to join but anyway the next topic are the mage leaders. So far their texts still match their established personalities but from the ground a minor war broke out so High Ring will lose about half of their land as they reconsolidate forcing the other factions to scramble for control of the new floors.”
“We can use the scramble for control and the follow up fights to look for Astra defenses. Do we have any assets to infiltrate?”
“Only me, I can get in with make up and dye, but I might get burned if a Prisma recognizes my voice and none of the half bloods are desperate enough to abandon the mage title. I can get close enough to check if they have shapechange, true polymorph, or anti-magic detection.”
“And we are potentially getting two recruits plus William that are already inside Astra.”
“Even if we do get them they need to be able to hold their own during investigations while the mages scramble but without something to hide their identity they will be burned and hunted down. As much as I hate saying this, if there are no counterspells in place I can take up a Prisma identity for a deeper search but it will still take me a few weeks to inspect the entire campus without help.”
“We will get to that later but right now we need to rush the development of the purifiers and the new agents. What do we have to offer them to join?”
“For Alice vengeance against Coven, for Betty more information, Muffy demon infused materials, Virgil regeneration, and William nothing as he is already being targeted by leaders so he can’t afford to take any missions from us.”
“Okay then we learned enough to bring them in and convince the Betty character to join in William’s raid. Since it's his recruits, she would prefer to stick with known assets than risk trusting someone unknown to her.”
“Roger, that boss I will let William know.”

part 2
Standing at the outskirts of the purifier junkyard late into Wednesday night as the stars shine upon the city. As the junkyard flares to life with fires inside barrels, cars stacked like legos on top of one another, with garbage trucks moving to and from the garage to dump their materials before leaving. Small patrols move across the area in teams of five and in formation with a certain confidence in their stance. Not a single purifier agent having the boastful attitude of gangsters, the meek obedience of ords, or even have a fraction of the lethalness of real mages. William watches from the eyes of his flying can before mentally tanking it and promising another treat for it on the way home as he awaits Rose’s verdict on the raid ahead.

“So both your recruits are good to join as they still have their human emotions and are not tainted by the mage madness. As soon as this raid is over we can offer induction and the soul bind to them. Also I convinced Betty to join in and help your mission to acquire materials for your own projects.”
“How did you manage that?”
“Oh the usual information exchange about our existence and what we can offer to boost her survival chances.”
“That is it?”
“Well I could not tell any lies as she would have seen through that so I had to use most of the truth. Also, man was she paranoid and it kind of turned into a dual interrogation as she tried to catch any lies and I had to keep avoiding telling her this is a test raid so she would treat it as a
real fight to the death.”
“How did you manage that?”
“Oh the usual classified, can’t tell you yet, no we are not deep cover mages under Astra control as they would not have the patience for long term plots. Except maybe High Ring but they work across decades and not months. Also here is your gear: 2 health pots, 2 smoke bombs, 3 adrenaline, 5 spare the dying, and 1 heavy stink bomb.”
“And she bought that?”
“Well yeah the problem with constantly looking for lies is that you would get deadlock when you can’t find any and only face what truth the other believes in. She was ready to fight for more info but backed down whether threats didn’t phase me.”
“Huh, well, uhh, good job?”
“Eh, it was not that difficult. We are used to vetting others fast. So anyway remember don’t tell your tell it's a test raid so they will treat this as a real danger to their lives and give everyone those spare the dying spells before they drop on the field. I will stay in the back with some emergency heals to avoid anyone getting overkilled. So anything else?”

-”Nope, I just need to meet with the team.” (Acquire the team’s battle preferences and plan)
-”Wait are you going to be the final boss of the raid coming in from behind?”
“Are you sure no mages will notice the fighting?”

part 3

Also >88 learning gained +148= total 326 learning
-”Nope, I just need to meet with the team.” (Acquire the team’s battle preferences and plan)

Ok can we spend those learning points? I think we need more catrips to use creatively.

We also should decide mage armor or no mage armor. It seems Rose hasn't figured out we have it.

Wasted time that could have gone into social linking Hellscream what she was down.
>magic armor +1

And I'll support the rest of mac's.

I was going to let hellscream cool off and lock her wounds. We don't need to fumble another cha check with her.

And qm isn't our test soon? From Lora?
”Nope, I just need to meet with the team.”
“Sure, sure. Good luck out there William.” Adds Rose as she walks further away to hide in the shadows.

Flipping open his phone William sends out a text of his location for his party to meet up with him as he pulls up the notes in his memory to refresh himself with what he has as awaits for the rest of the party to arrive.

Known spell list
Cantrips: Encode, thaumaturgy, control flames, spark, mending, presitigation, enhanced booming blade.
(Misty Step tier 2, Pass without Trace tier 2, Scorching Ray tier 2, Silence tier 2, Healing Word tier 1, Entangle tier 1, Shield tier 1, Absorb Elements tier 1, suggestion T2, spiritual weapon T2, phantasmal force T2, Shadow Blade T2) tier 8th maddening darkness (evocation half cost)

Vote for what tier 3 and below spells to learn and I will issue costs later then a confirmation.

-What spells or cantrips you want?

You can decide to use mage armor to its full capabilities with tier 3s or just lock it to cantrips.

Lora got a test for you and more things as stuffs is starting to go down in school now that High Ring got pushed down
Definitely fireball, lightning bolt, dispel magic, hypnotic pattern, revivify, nondetection.

Uh we know counterspell already qm. We learned it in class. Wait we knew haste too! I think you're forgetting the tier 3s we already learned qm.
We shoukd pick up catrips. Spells can't be used outside of mage armor or to keep our cover. We have to use them creatively instead of spamming.
There's only one good cantrip and it is eldritch blast. Which we can't get...

So yeah. Cantrips are pretty worthless it is why they're called cantrips l... they're basically almost not magic..

Feel free to add cantrips to my list... but I doubt you'll find anything we don't already have..
Yeah you guys did get counterspell and haste I do not know how I didn't put them down on the list.

Known spell list
Cantrips: Encode, thaumaturgy, control flames, spark, mending, presitigation, enhanced booming blade.
(Misty Step tier 2, Pass without Trace tier 2, Scorching Ray tier 2, Silence tier 2, Healing Word tier 1, Entangle tier 1, Shield tier 1, Absorb Elements tier 1, suggestion T2, spiritual weapon T2, phantasmal force T2, Shadow Blade T2) tier 8th maddening darkness (evocation half cost), counterspell T3, Haste T3

Costs for learning new spells would be
Fireball is 30 learning points, lightning bolt 30 learning points, dispel magic 30 learning points, hypnotic pattern 30 learning points, nondetection 30 learning points.
Total cost in learn points is 150.
Current reserves are 326

Revivify does not "exist" in the library.

You can get eldritch blast for 5 learning point cost it will just not be tied to any patrons or entities.

The spell buying confirmed or any last minute editions?
Ok we get eldrich blast. I don't really have the time to sort through catrips but I do think a combination of environment, situation, or combination can make catrips useful.

I'll take the list anon put up until I have time on the next spell vote.
>+ask rose about patrons and shit see if she knows about warlocks or can point us towards them.
“Hey Rose, do you know of any part time jobs for side gigs that are open?” Texts out William.
“We have some things available but it depends on your availability.”
“Any patrons or warlock magic that are looking for recruits that you can point out?”
“That would be the fey wild and fey patrons that like to take or enforce champions. The boss doesn’t want anyone to have contact with them without him or a contract specialist being there to avoid your soul getting stolen or trapped into a deal.”
“They can steal your soul that easily?”
“Souls, names, identities, words. They are terrifying to deal with as with mages they just convert you but fey would do worse and you might not even notice it. They already take slices of all our souls to make the soul binding work by inverting them to become soul bombs to override anti-magic so the boss does not want to risk more soul fragments being taken by speaking to them.”
“And all of them are that bloodthirsty?”
“More or less but they try to have fun too and it's why they allow us to talk to them to see how we avoid their deals. They fight mages for a combat high but fight us in social and deal aspects.”
“That is terrifying but they do offer magic?”
“Yes but they will treat you as entertainment to amuse them or get punished if you fail. Boss has it the worst as he disappears randomly or shows up 2/3s dead.”
“Thanks for the info I will go back to my planning.” Texts William as he closes his phone as the rest of his party arrives.

Virgil adjusted his newly added metal armor using sheet metal to deflect light blows and a welding and ski mask to cover his face. Pieces of metal form fitting on his limbs and chest to maximum flexibility at the cost of not defending every inch of his body or joints. Followed by an excited Muffin with a bit of pep in her step also wearing more bulky metal layers for added defense at the cost of mobility. Wearing a bike helmet with drilled in sloped armor for better head defense in a fight with a backpack and a satchel on her hip for other materials to hide and store in. Behind them a nervous looking nerd in pink hair is carrying a book with her as she adjusts her sweater trying to look as small as possible while watching out for any sudden movements. With the last person arriving being a dark haired girl with a smile as she greets everyone in plain clothing and a backpack.

“So guys the guy is Virgil, the mini-tin can is Muffin, the nerd is Alice, and the one in the back is Betty.”
“Why aren’t you both in disguises?” Asks Muffin to Alice and Betty.
“We are.” States both semi-mages
“Now that introductions are done, what are everyone's specializations here so we can better coordinate fights?”
“Virgil here I am pretty much a frontliner fighter so I can deal and take a good bit of damage before having to back off and Muffin here is an ord.”

part 1
“I like to think I am at least an alchemist with an armorer focus. But yeah I am mostly support focused and need to stay behind everyone. Or stay out of the way so I can scavenge what I need.”
“A-a wait are we suppose to share our names this fast?” Asks Alice.
“Till now you ask that?” States William.
“Yes since we are all fighting in the same place and know William we have to get to know each other to avoid all the cloak and dagger games. Having to speak in code or metaphors will get old very fast.” Adds in Betty.
“O-oh, okay. I am uuhhh part wizard and part rogue with a war mage specialty.”
“I have a bard focus on eloquence with a heavy specialization on water control or AoEs.”
“Okay my turn then so I am also a frontliner and a ranger after some training bits from memory strands. So now that we know each other’s specialty, me and Virgil will push forward first with Betty covering our backs with Muffin and Alice supporting us from range.”
“Question, should we rush forward as fast as possible to take out their leadership, split the party and infiltrate it again, or a slow forward push to test their defenses?”
*This Rose message cantrip I recommend steady react to ramping escalation see how willful ords fight back against mage tiers kay bye.* Hears William inside his mind from Rose’s spell.

>Fireball t3, lightning bolt t3, dispel magic t3, hypnotic pattern t3, nondetection t3, eldritch blast cantrip
>Current reserves are 326 -Total cost in learn points is 155= current total 171 learning points
>Ally classes
Virgil level 7 fighter battlemaster subclass, Muffin level 3 alchemist armorer specialization, Alice level 5 wizard/level 2 rogue, Betty level 5 Bard of eloquence.

-Rush into the HQ before they consolidate forces. (Rush the boss)
-Split the party and send in an infiltration team first. (Pick off patrols on the perimeter)
-Steady push and counter enemy movements. (Ramping escalation)

part 2
-Steady push and counter enemy movements. (Ramping escalation)

Well we got our suggestion and this is for training.
Sorry got busy for a bit and still trying to think on how to get the encounters set up. Still chipping away at it.
It's fine, I can wait. No need for stress.

I suggest we bait them too. We can drag them into are kill zones. Everyone will be surprised when we dump a fireball on Everyone XD.
>[/red] red [/red] off the / things
red /off thing
“We should slowly push in. We have no idea what they might have if gangsters needed time to build up to fight them.” Adds William.
“Gangsters?” Asks Alice.
“We did some cleaning up a bit ago so it's not really important right now.” States Virgil.
“Okay so everyone stays out of sight and behind me and Virgil as we push in first. Better for us to take the heat first to see what we are dealing with than risking revealing all our capabilities.”
“Won’t rushing all in have the best chance to overrun the enemy faction?” Pipes up Betty.
“I much rather have all the fighting happen outside of the facilities. I don’t want any collateral damage to hurt my future projects.” Immediately counters Muffin.
“Seems risky to attract a fight outside for some junk on the ground.” Hisses out Alice a bit annoyed about something.
“The things I can try to make will good scrap would be well worth the effort. You could even say it could be world changing.”
“Hah, quite ambitious huh?” Chuckles Betty.
“Very so I will search around for any good scraps and I can grab one of the girls to help carry the goods.” Beams Muffin.
“Not it.” Quickly states Betty as Alice looks around in confusion.
“Okay Alice, you're my assistant now.”
“Ah.” Replies Alice as William continues his vigil.

Bring the party toward the outskirts of the junkyards as they watch Purifier patrols stay inside a small one story high fence with no barbed wire or any type of traps along the ground. Just normal soaked dirt with a runoff ditch running along the outside of the perimeter. Put in place to make hopping the fence a bit more difficult.

Preparing to push toward the junkyard proper, the party takes an hour to actually scout the area as Alice’s crow and William’s Tessy both scout the area for paths toward the main factory. Both familiars search for a good patrol to fight as they spot a six man patrol with four shield users, and two others with flare guns on their hips. With three car wrecks and four garbage piles dotted around the ground as a lit barrel fire keeps them warm at night. The entire group chatting away as they give glances around the area both in front and behind them as they gossip about trading rations or equipment with each other.

Looking a bit further beyond, William spots another team of two archers with bow and arrows doing a deeper patrol as they struggle to move against a field of dirt and mud. With a layer of mud sticking to their bodies as they wipe clean the goggles on their heads for a better sightline. With two other more heavily armored shield users trying to scrape rust off of used metal using baking soda and steel wool only for them to struggle in the dim light of two fire barrels.

part 1
One more quick glance over shows a garbage truck being worked on by an absolutely tall and well built fireman with a hammer. With multiple axe wielders with shield bucklers cleaning the truck and adding small paint adjustments to fix the damaged paint job or faded paint spots. Double checking for the patrols and surprise mages and seeing none watching the fence, the team moves in and begins climbing over the fence giving Alice and Muffin a bit more help to get over the hurdle.

“So rush in with just the two of us and if we get jumped, call in backup?” Asks Virgil as he makes a bit of distance from the party.
“I don’t know how to approach this. The first line is all defensive with the real threats behind them.”
“Maybe it's a rotation as not everyone wants to be out in the cold?”
“Could be that but they do have weapons and look like they know how to use it.”
“So what is the plan then?”

>Battlefield situation
>Night time. 3 defense lines to the factory. 1st 4 shields, 2 flare guns, 2nd 2 archers, 2 heavy shields, 3rd leader?, 4 axe men with bucklers, last line junkyard HQ.
>Distance to first line 40 feet, distance to second line 80 feet, distance to third line 120, distance to HQ 160 feet.
>Victory condition: either the entire Purifier base gets overrun or the party gets KO’d.

-”Rush in and drop the first patrol fast enough that they can’t raise an alarm.”
- “I can cast pass without a trace and take the whole party to the HQ.”
-”Send out Betty and charisma our way in with a distraction as she might have the friends cantrip.”
-”Send in Alice alone to stealth search for more patrols.”
-”Offer myself as a sacrifice to their blood gods for passage.”[joke option]

part 2
Didn't we vote to slowly ramp up? Why is the stealth option here?
>I can cast pass without a trace and take the whole party to the HQ. Let's get the leader first then attack the archers from behind.

>as soon as we ambush the people cast silence on them. Our attacks will be silent when they get hit.

>throw a fireball in our silent circle of new frens.



That's my vote Mac. We can gank the leaders and ko them in one round.
In case you want to plan out the entire battle as there are three lines to go through to reach the HQ. So you got some options on how to plan against the different squads.
- “I can cast pass without a trace and take the whole party to the HQ.”

I'm just going with this. Let's take it slow based on what will change once we're in HQ.
“I can cast pass without a trace and take the whole party to the HQ.”
“Uhh yeah I kinda forgot your part mage now and can do that.” Adds Virgil.
“Part machine as this is Muffin’s work but anyway getting inside the HQ will at least get us past the patrols for the big guy.”
“What does it cost to even use it?”
“Just a bit of energy for a tier 2 spell and needing everyone to crowd around me with a snap of my fingers and a thought.”
“You think mages have this much of an easy time doing magic?”
“No, as it took me hours to learn one spell and Alice’s notes. I can feel my head hurt from cramming all this knowledge from theory to practice. Plus all the magic calculations are made by the tech so I don’t get knocked out from the stress.”
“Cool so pop it boss.”

Returning back to the party as William has everyone crowd around his area as his gauntlets hum as monochrome color spreads from his body to others. Turning whites, blues, and yellows into faded background colors as mud, water, and rust cling to their bodies for a more natural look. Shoes getting chunks of mud stuck on and magically soften to lesser any noise creation as their bodies are made lighter for easier navigation.
>-2 energy, +50 stealth checks. 18/20 energy left

Moving past the first patrol as they begin trading food stuffs with each other under the flickering light of a barrel fire. Passing by junked cars and garbage piles with the girls taking a bit extra distance from it to avoid any rats scurrying out as the entire party takes a wide detour around the pond and mud as the heavy shield users curse out and throw the wool to the ground. So far not seeing any kind of leader or squad lead during the entire search and infiltration. Quietly pushing their way toward the garage as they stop just short of the garage to watch and listen for any additional changes as an argument breaks out.

“-lled taste which you apparently don’t have!” Yells out a fireman with a buckler.
“Says the guy that eats chocolate on pickles. That is just wrong!” Replies out another fireman with his axe leashed to his hip.
“God damn is this garage full of the rejects that failed culinary school?” Adds a fireman holding a paintbrush as he paints the truck.
“Let the women argue about their lack of taste instead of doing it during lunch break or god forbid the night shift.” States another fireman as he takes out a small hatchet and begins sharpening it.
“It's sweet and warm. What is wrong with that?”
“Pineapple should never go on pizza. That is like adding cheese to ice cream.”
“Ew.” States the entire group at hearing that abomination of a sentence.
“I am going to actually lose my lunch if this conversation continues.” Adds the hatchet man shaking his head in disappointment.

>Battlefield conditions
>20 feet from HQ/garage. Bypasses all three defense lines.

part 1
-Fire ball now and hit all four axeman before they scatter.
-Get inside the garage and find something to cause an accident or attract more targets.
-Wait for someone to peel off and pick them off for information.
- Fireball the garage, Betty fireballs the building, Alice fireballs the patrol behind. Fireball everything.

part 2
ignore the blue color of write-in forgot to fix the formatting
-Wait for someone to peel off and pick them off for information.

Knowledge is power,
- Fireball the garage, Betty fireballs the building, Alice fireballs the patrol behind. Fireball everything.

GG WP scrubs.

Orbital bombardment from orbit.
We shoukd gather information first. We don't know there fighting force nor their back up plans. This isn't an undisciplined gang but an organized force.

We already scouted it Mac. What do you mean need more information?
Rolled 1 (1d2)

sorry for being late had to insult my sister for being scare on getting sick and finishing a book for the niece and nephew


1 plan i didn't ask how big the room is I said fireball
2 plan we got time to plan
Rolled 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1, 5 = 34 (8d6)

Didn't enter the garage to alert the trap defenses.

Surprise round saved, fireball 8d6 damage to the garage defense, to the hidden archer reserve half damage due to cover, and the 2nd defense line.
“I mean we are here already so the plan is to fireball the garage, the building, and the patrol behind us.” States William as he looks back to the party.
“You're just assuming we all have learned fireball?” Asks Betty.
“Well let's see you blew up an entire room during the HQ extermination, I learned it after locking myself inside a room for a few days, and Alice is a librarian or am I wrong.”
“No…” Adds in Betty and Alice as they pull on the magic as Muffin is about to shout only for Virgil to silence her with a hand over her mouth.
“Its all good Muffin they uhh, aren’t malevolent mages.”
“William, do your thing while I hold Muffin in place from flailing around.”
“Okay everyone ready?”
“Betty aim for the building as they always have reserves, Alice hit the group behind us, and I will hit the garage to clear out as many pieces as possible.” Adds William before Muffin taps out Virgil’s hand for a moment to speak.
“Uhh, I didn't think I would be in the middle of a mage fight but try not to burn everything to slag as I need materials.” States Muffin before pulling Virgil’s hand back on her mouth.

William watches as Betty pulls out a small golden lighter with a picture of a stylized dragon on the side as her thumb presses against the sparkwheel. Taking just a flick as a small flame lights up as she calls out to the leylines for guidance muttering out “I seek the guidance and gift of knowledge of the flame from the natural world. Fireball I ask you to come.”, before swiping her thumb over the fire as she lets the small spark of yellow flame twirl around her hand before palming it. Taking the time to close one of her eyes and aiming for a window on the building knowing if she hits a wall the fireball would just be absorbed and dulled from the obstacle. Drifting his eyes toward Alice who takes a different approach by taking out a sharp pen and flicking her thumb on it to draw drops of her crimson liquid. Taking in a deep breath and ripping a page out of her notebook as she wipes her thumb on it as it gives a blue glow as she offers her incantation muttering out “From the depths of my hate, I call upon the natural order for the destruction of the flame, Fireball I demand to arrive”, as a blue flickering flame consumes her page before hovering on her hand.

Seeing their work is done William turns toward his mind picturing the advanced formulas mages used to reduce their word count for quicker casting. Showing just a small glimpse at how advanced mages are when Betty and Alice need materials, a focus, or an entire sentence for incantation while mages only need a single word to get their spell off. Searching through his mind for the fireball spell as he grabs the formulas and feel them coil around his arms as the glove energy sizzles to follow his command.

part 1
With a light burning touching his fingertips as William brings his hand toward his face as he snaps his fingers letting a spark fire come to life on his hand that wavers between colors or red, white, and blue. Ignoring the off colors for a moment as William turns his attention to his party with looks of confusion on their faces.

“Holy shit Will, my gloves handle tier 3?” Asks Muffin.
“They aren’t supposed to?” Asks a fearful William thinking he is about to get his hands blown off.
“I made these from scrap. I expected only cantrips or tier 1s were its limits but then again with the way I reinforced them they probably hit above their limit.”
“I kinda forgot to ask this before but you're both real mages too?” Asks Alice to Betty and William.
“We have no idea what we are, just that all ords do have bits of magic.” Adds Betty.
“I am mostly using machines to recreate normal magic so I know I am still normal-ish. Also ready?” States William.
“On three. One.”
Alice turns her gaze to the patrol behind them still struggling in the mud.
Betty sees the building’s windows have several shadows moving behind it.

Three fireballs zoom through the air rushing for their targets. A Cobalt flame flickering through the air as it touches the ground near the archers and shield users turning the pubble into instant miss as they were thrown off the ground and sent scattering. The archers broken and singed on the ground unresponsive with most of their leather armor ripped apart from the blast. With the shield users barely even able to move as they struggle to get up as they try to crawl away with most of their armor tattered and melted.

A small yellow sun rises through the air as it impacts and detonates a window turning glass into shrapnel racings into whatever victims are inside the building. Shaking the building as archers were caught off guard during their shift break are set on fire as they try to take cover using furniture, sofas, and a table for protection as flames curl around the edges to burn all those nearby the area. Screams of pain filling the silent air as they desperately roll to pat themselves out of burning alive. With only half of the damage managing to touch them from the fireball detonating on the window instead of inside the room leaving them only half dead and scarred from the sudden heat as they try to recover.

part 2
With the last color flickering fireball sailing across the plains as it slides inside the garage as time slows down for all the axeman as a bloom of light envelops them. Fire engulfing the ground, burning off paint, tearing around bodies, and staggering people but for only a moment as the axemen held their ground. In a red flare of malevolent light the once roaring fires begin to turn into a whirlwind of energy as runes flare to life on the axemen equipment as they absorb the magic. Runes on their jackets, helmets, pants, and even weapons taking in bits of magic as the fire dies down only for their equipment to start glowing with heat and red light as they turn their attention to William. Giving him pause at seeing an entire group barely even flinch from a fireball as he takes a step back only to see the whole group stagger for a moment before getting their bearings back as some cough out blood or take a moment to steady themselves from the sudden explosion. With one of them calling out a mage raid putting the whole base on alert if the three fireballs were not enough to get their attention. Flexing his fists as William gets ready for what comes next as the rest of the party prepares.

>Battlefield conditions
>Garage 4 axemen still standing, empowered, and damaged. Will attempt to ???
>Hidden archers damaged and trying to consolidate.
>Second defense line archers down, shields at 5/?? HP, trying to run.
>First line rushing to HQ.
>Leader will ??? when ??? and is currently doing ???

>-3 energy. 15/20 left

-”Fireball the building again, two fireballs in the garage this time.”
-”Virgil with me we are going in, everyone else keep the archers busy.”
- “Pull back and lure them out they might have traps inside the building.”
-”Take cover and start sniping them with range cantrips.”

part 3
- “Pull back and lure them out they might have traps inside the building.”
-”Take cover and start sniping them with range cantrips

Eldritch blast time now Mac attack.

Hit the. Before they can regroup. We can misty step and melee the archers. And Virgil can go tank the 4 axemen for a round while the other two support him.

Rolled 1 (1d2)

1 pull out
2 pew pew
Rolled 11, 83, 44, 47 = 185 (4d100)

Purifier Leader activated.
Bonus action activate ???
Main action activate ???
Talking free action get ???
Movement push forward to ???
All auto succeed.

First roll archers trying to reconsolidate DC 50 no mod due to being rattled, second roll crispy shield boys trying to consolidate DC 90, third roll patrol getting a report DC 25 due to axemen being alive, fourth roll axemen recovery and recon DC 50.
“How far can archers shoot?” Asks William as he ducks behind a few cars for cover.
“Like 150 feet at minimum and 600 at max.” Pipes up Muffin.
“Huh, okay, instead of moving inside we will pull back to avoid whatever traps they placed in the building and break line of sight to get them out of cover and in the open for more fireballs.”
“I only have one tier 3 slot left and I will be empty after that.” Adds Alice as she flinches at the shouting in front of her.
“Me too but I got point items to cover point blank options.” States Betty.
“Good enough we can move to the mud area and put 80 feet between us and the garage. Should be enough distance to force a response as we hit the first patrol.”
“More running? We just got here.” Complains Muffin.
“Better to clear out everything girl and weren’t you complaining about collateral?” Adds Virgil as he helps Muffin up as the party begins running.

Putting more distance and cover between the Purifiers as William pings his gauntlets to feel it still humming with a lot of magic from the surrounding leyline. Knowing he still has a good chunk of power to help in the fight after a great opening move as he passes by puddles of mud and piles of melted slag as the two struggling shield users continue trying to claw their way forward either ignoring our presence or deafened from the explosion going around them. Refocusing back to the pulling back plan William raises his hand as he orders the party to get down on the ground feeling the wetness of mud and water soak their clothes. Turning everyone’s clothing into a brown coloring as they hide their bodies partially in the water to avoid being easily seen by the archers behind them. Getting ready to jump the first patrol they passed at the entrance for another sudden fiery ambush.

Taking a look back to the building to see no shadows of archers in the building trying to take potshots at his party as well as seeing no axemen coming after their position from behind. Only seeing the occasional ember light from fires and hearing the shaking of the two shield users on the ground going into shock as they gurgle on their own blood. Taking his eyes off the ground William spots the first patrol panting hard as they come into his view before they immediately spot his party and quickly return back behind cover of a garbage pile and container to avoid getting fireballed around the corner. So caught off guard they couldn’t even take a shot at his party as everyone quickly tries to get their cantrips ready for a brawl in front of them after not hearing anything behind them. Only to hear a few shouts in front of them from the first patrol.

“Message, message! Captain intruders mud bath, westside rusted chain downed, prone in puddles no cover! First patrol unharmed. Orders?!”
“Confirmed we will try our best!”

Clicking his teeth together as William tries to guess the follow up plans no that his position is known.

part 1

- Fireball their cover and hopefully clear it so cantrips can be used.
- Rush the team into melee to take out the small patrol.
-”Everyone stay put and hold a cantrip and fire it at the first thing you see.”
-”A and B cantrip blast the downed ones, V on me we are splitting the party and moving up.”

part 2
-”Everyone stay put and hold a cantrip and fire it at the first thing you see.”

They somehow absorbed fireball. That's why I didn't spam it. Now I'll use catrips to test things.
They probably had a rune do Absorb elements... qm said they still took damage they just didn't take all of it....

>Use the bonus to hide from pass without trace and go flank attack them with Virgil.
Rolled 2 (1d2)


1 stay and hold
2 tactical repositioning

Also they only half absorbed the fireball and still needed a roll to act as they literally just got burned alive and blasted.
Rolled 2 (1d4)

Purfier leader plan
Bonus action for ???
Action takes control of the axemen to ???
Movement to ???
Auto succeded

Due to patrol contact gains intelligence against the party.
1 assumes an ambush and clears the rooftop
2 assumes party is moving to flank
3 assumes party is retreating and goes with dispersal formation
4 holds ground for one turn for enhancement
Rolled 70, 4, 16 = 90 (3d100)

Archers consolidate again DC 25, crispy consolidate again DC 75, patrol spotting party leaving DC 20+90, axemen doing ??? autosucceed due to being uncontested.
Rolled 11, 95, 100 = 206 (3d100)

Alice Ray of Frost +35, Betty Firebolt +25, Muffin Thorn Whip +15. All get a -10 from flare gun action.

Patrol DC of 140 to hit.
Trait active coordination tactics (gain +15 per shield user active)
Rolled 32, 72 = 104 (2d100)

No one hits and patrol is suppressed from doing their original plan.

William +40 and Virgil +35 dodge DC 75 for half damage.
Think, think, think. Thoughts race through William’s head as he tries to guess his next move still not used to having so much command before settling down for an action. Flexing his fingers as he grabs his shadow as a pulse of magic hums as he stretches the monochrome across the air and spreads it across his party. Watching as color goes muted as mud and water covers everyone’s outfits further draining more heat from their bodies as they squirm from the mud sliding across their faces and skin.

>Pass without a trace still active due to concentration. +50 to all stealth checks.

“Everyone, me and Virgil are spinning around to catch the axemen team out of cover now that their patrol alerted them to our position. So we need to rush them before they retreat to get more people to fight us.”
“Would it not be better to take out the patrol first then?” Asks Betty.
“If the patrol is not rushing us then they are not dangerous enough to be worth the time to fight.” Adds Virgil.
“Plus I need you three here to pin the patrol here when they poke out.
“Aye captain don’t get lost.” Adds Muffin as her mouth sinks back under the water line as William Virgil move out.

“Okay, two shields on one flare. Move in bulwark formation and interception we need to keep eyes on them as much as possible for intelligence. On three.” Rattles out a flare gun user as his hands shake from the fear of the coming fight.
“Jean, it will be fine, we trained for this. There is no code black so we have a chance of surviving the encounter.”
“Still hate how weak we are to level 1 mages.”
“Just don’t think about it. Now we got a job to do. On three?” Asks Abigail.
“Yes, wait Matt and Denic send out dancing lights first I don’t want them to have clear sightlines. Okay one, two, three!” Yells out Jean as the group moves.

Eight torched sized lights begin pulsing erratically causing the party to flinch from the sudden new lights as they race toward the puddle the enemy is hiding inside. Lights dance across and inside the puddle giving it an ethereal glow as light changes color every few seconds as it fights against the monochrome as magic tries to snuff out the other in an effort to continue their purpose. Every light flickers for a moment only to revitalize as more lights shine from behind, to their sides, and underneath turning the dark puddle into a glowing marker for the Purifiers.

>Pass without a trace negated due to no cover, shadows, and water being light up.

Four shield user push out into the open space as fire light glints off their goggles as shields are raised upward with most of their body protected behind a sheet of steel coated in minor sparks of magic to improve its durability. Already its cantrip runes flaring to life as armor, shields, and muscle memory kicks in as the team moves in a well coordinated manner.

part 1
Already a Ray of Frost, Firebolt, and Thorn Whip lash out at the team as hands move on their own to intercept the attacks. Frost sings through the air as it gets deflected by the shield and slams into the ground turning a patch of mud into a frozen puddle. The firebolt zips through the air as it punches straight to the center of another shield only to fizzle into embers from not having the force necessary to break through the metal. A thorny whip bursts out from the side of the group swinging for the neck of a victim only for Jean to spot something at the edge of his vision as he ducks under the vine. Feeling the sudden tug in the air as his shield is grabbed with the vine beginning to coil around his arm getting ready to slam him into the ground, until Abigail leans back as she raises her shield up and slams the edged sides of her shield downward to cut the cantrip in half as its form dissolves into magic motes.

“Message, message! Contact, pinning targets, no tier spells yet, curre-.”
“Jean, you need to cast it first dumbass we don’t have radios right now!”
The sloshing cold water drips off of William’s and Virgil’s clothing as they begin running in their soaked state as the spell magically dries off the dripping water and mends the ground to avoid them being tracked. Their breath labored as they carried a few extra pounds on their run as they rushed back to the garage passing by piles of trash to break eye contact with the first patrol. Quickly moving through the barrel fire light to avoid spending too much time in the light as they come to the west side of the garage. Quickly taking cover near piles of garbage with bits of broken rebar sticking out threatening to stab someone if they don’t watch their step. With rust filled droplets dripping off of the metal turning the ground underneath them into a coppery color as run off flows out to a side stream.
Slamming apart the window as the leader clears off the glass shards before grabbing onto the ledge and jumping down on the ground letting his body handle the gravity as he begins issuing orders. Pushing through the discomfort as they races toward his team to help turn the tide before its too late.

“Focus! Ignore the ringing and follow protocol. Use the syringes first. I need you all stabilized.”
“Boss, they were mages that didn’t charge. Are they runeknights? We can't handle the top tier feds.” Adds an axeman finally shaking the concussion away at the sight of his leader.
“No runeknights would have double tapped than letting potential problems get in their way. These are rookies or mages that think they have the power to overrun the base.”
“Should we burn the data?”
“Other people are already doing that so just keep focu-”

>Purifier Leader pre-activated: Bonus action activate the full alarm and all trap systems.

part 2
File: Purifier leader.jpg (58 KB, 950x605)
58 KB
*Boss, Westside Alarm enchantments have been triggered, assuming one to three enemies circling around about to flank you.*
“Ah I know exactly what to do.”
Ignoring the potential tetanus infections William peers around the trash to see axemen pulling out syringes from their pockets as they stab themselves to recover some health. Their breath gets steadier, their hands stop shaking, and they all nod to their leader standing a bit taller and somehow more imposing than the others. A fireman with a full face gas mask covering his head with some kind of yellow gas tank poking off his back as a very cobbled but well maintained sprayer is held in his hands. Bits of padding and armor dotting around his body giving extra protection and weight to his build with smaller satchels and a sledgehammer. With a rubber suit and gloves coating his skin ensuring not a single speck is uncovered into the cool air outside. As William inspects the leader he notices a weird shimmer on the leader’s body barely noticeable but does exist with no visible magic being attached to him. Marking down the leader William knows who to aim for first as he turns to his party ready to issue new orders for Virgil only for the ambush to be interrupted.

“Westside! Volley two by two at twenty and sixty feet range! Fire!”

Immediately all the axemen pull out their axes as they grip their weapons hard as they chant to guide their flames as runes glow as a small red fireball pools on top of the axehead before all four axemen grab it and throw it at William's general direction. Seeing four balls flying straight to him as two detonate just short of his location only for the next two to fly behind him. Tossing his body back as he and Virgil try to survive the fireballs only for William to get his suit to get snagged of the rebar on his dive forcing him to waste seconds trying to move. Immediately feeling the intense heal slam into him as skin is burnt, hair burns, and pain flares across his body as Virgil staggers back up only half burnt, having ducked partially on the ground to escape the worst of the damage. Looking back up as the four axemen now no longer glowing in red light prepare to charge toward both of them as the leader stays back for a moment.

>Battlefield conditions.
>20 feet away from the axemen and leader
>William at 46/80 HP, Virgil at 36/53 HP
>Rest of the party is contesting the patrol ??/?? HP
>Trait coordination gain +15 per shield user active. Current trait mod +60 and -10 to enemies from dancing lights.
>Axemen ??/?? HP
>Purifier Leader ???/??? HP

-”Cast Maddening Darkness as you know you're not good enough to handle them alone.”
-”Retreat back to the party, we need more magic.”
-”Push into melee they can either risk friendly fire or can counter with counterspell.”
-”Retreat and wait a bit so we can jump them one at a time behind cover.”
-Betty, Alice, and Muffin will deal with the patrol in their way.
-Betty, Alice, and Muffin retreat to the guys not wanting to waste their higher magic.

part 4
I'll ad it I'm not sure what to do here. So I'll just try to break this down.

I think we need more information. So we need to take down one of these guys and search his mind for their plans and trap locations. We're flying blind right now.

So defeat at least on enemy, drag them back and buy time to read his mind.
No we don't.... we just need to beat their asses. What fucking information do we need?

I told you to just fireball them again and you wanted to pull put like a dumb ass...


>So question qm. Can we use our instant action to have cast Absorb elements and take half of the fire damage? It's the whole point we learned the spell.

>they're all still grouped up the shield guys? Hit them with another fireball. Then cast shadowblade. Action surge and go hit anyone left standing.

Mac I really don't get why you think we need some sort of information. S m d h
Absorb elements is a tier 1 spell that can be cast as a bonus or reaction uhh action. So you can cast that and pick the element to get half damaged on. So ye then you got action, movement, action surge, and bonus action to work with if you burn your reaction on absorb elements.

The axemen and leader are close enough for another fireball as its a 20 radius bomb and the shield guys and flare gun guys are grouped up together again. So yes a fireball will hit all of them.
Cool that's the plan then.


Have Virgil action surge too and pew pew after the fireball goes off.
The reason I think we need more info are their contingencies. One that activated on this turn based on flanking, also the traps.

I'm forgetting but did we get the striker gear before this fight?

-Betty, Alice, and Muffin retreat to the guys not wanting to waste their higher magic.

>”Cast Maddening Darkness as you know you're not good enough to handle them alone.”

How would maddening darkness effect our allies? I domt want to make the mistake we did when we first casted magic.
A practice fight is more then just brute force but strategy. Just throwing around power isn't going to simulate a Mage fight. They probably have better strategy then us.
Will getting hit by fireball break coordination?

We're heavily outnumbered and they probably have their own absorb elements. Judging how they downgraded oir first fireball assault. We also have 2 support classes with us that are seperated.

Taking them head on, seeing who runs out of gas first is a mistake.

Breaking line of sight, maybe using suggestion next turn to sow chaos. Try to negate the numbers advantage by making sure they can't cooperate or use it as a chance to hit the boss.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Uh fuck forgot to add this to the list you got this from Rose's workshopping.

2 health pots(+20 health for each can be used as a bonus action)
2 smoke bombs(Covers an area in smoke breaks line of sight)
3 adrenaline(action surge on bonus action)
1 heavy stunk bomb(stinking cloud tier)

Will's concentration did break from the fireball as it was a lot of damage.

1 rush b
2 cast dark mad
Rolled 84, 19, 81 = 184 (3d100)

Allies aren't spooked anymore as they just assume your a mage now.

Tier 8 spell on a prototype 1 gauntlet.

William's control against runaway chain failure DC 33/66/99.
William's redirect unstable mana DC 33/66/99.
William's ??? and ??? being awoken and trying to avoid losing their arms. DC 33/66/99
Rolled 21, 36, 75, 94, 88, 50, 81, 95 = 540 (8d100)

Virgil covering a recovering William. Burn two superiority die for a push attacks to break their of their momentum. Action surge for two attacks on a single downed target.
First 4 dice bo2 on push attacks, next 4 dice bo2 on attacks. +40 to all dice Virgil

DC to hit 70, 70 for push hits, DC 70 to hit if standing DC 35 if prone and double damage.
Rolled 5, 3, 4, 5, 4, 1, 6, 4, 2, 6, 5, 4 = 49 (12d6)

Push attacks wins, Virgil now gets 2d6+9 at each hit. Two push hits, two doubles.
(+2 from d8 die change, +3 from strength, +4 burning a die for push) per hit.

So like 2d6+9 x 6= 12d6+54
”I am casting Maddening Darkness as I know I am not good enough to handle them alone.”
“Sur-wait you can cast that? How did you even get such a high tier mage spell?”
“Prisma bullshit so stay back. It's my first time using a big spell.” Adds William as he prepares himself.

>-8 energy. 7/20 energy left.

Letting the notes of the class flood back into his mind as he reaches his hand outward as time slows down. Seeing the axemen slow to a crawl as limbs turn motionless as equations, math, and the tremble of magic hums along his arms. Feeling the cool air turn warm as he pulls at the invisible strands of magic all around him pulling at one, two, four, eight to follow his demand only for things to go wrong. The once warm and inviting air starts burning his arms as the gauntlets taking in too much magic, delved too greedily, making his weapons glow in heat as sparks of electricity begin humming in his ears.

Ozone burns his nose as he sucks in breaths already thinking of micro-counterspell formulas to stutter out the current building spell. Injecting more and more math junk and counters to stagger the microchips and queue to quickly drain the energy of the magic meltdown. Every thought chipping away at the meltdown steadily as he shaves off entire magical chunks into waste heat as he grits his teeth at the burns melting pieces of his flesh as his blood boils to cool the gauntlets. Another flick of his mind as he shutters out electric arcs into jumping against the rebar and metal around him instead of hitting him or Virgil. Energy sticks to his clothing, shoes, armor, gauntlets, skin, bones, and soul as sweat builds on his forehead as William pushes his mind to its limit.

Desperately putting out more magical formulas to lower the potential backblast of the spell from a tier 8 down to a tier 3 danger. With the spell still in his hands William tries to will his arms to point at the axemen only to feel all the static return back to him seizing up his body. Muscles are paralyzed as electric currents spread through his body as the burn scars cook off his nerves making his arms feel numb as the spell angrily buzzes in his hands. Humming so dangerously close to his face as William tries to brace for the magical backblast only to feel a breath escape from him as his fingers start twitching uncontrollably.

>High tier Evocation spell used and blue thought chosen. Limit 5/5 for both has been reached.

How did you destroy the gauntlets?!
They didn’t blow up before while he used tier 3s for the past week. How was I supposed to know tier 8 was its limit?
Wait didn’t Muffy say she made these with scraps and that tier 1 was its limit?
Now you remember that?!
I am not the thinking or planning one I just want to fight. Planning is his job.
Your useless.
Your a parasite.

part 1
From the inner self I accept this offering to push for a better self for tomorrow.
Upon the upper dominion I ask myself to accept this offering to aid my endeavors.

>Gained fire laced attacks. +4 damage to melee attacks.
>Tier 3 back blast downgraded to a tier 1 backblast.

Loud psychic screaming stabs into William’s mind as the spell explodes from his hand as black inky darkness coats his hand as it drips its black viscous fluid onto the ground. Painting over the coppery look into a pit of darkness that lets no light escape from its clutches as William regains feeling in his arms again as the burning sensation stopped eating at his nerves. Inspecting his gauntlets to see bits of metal slagged off, power nodes cracked and chipped, with even bits of blood glowing and fading with a pink color as it tries to hold its enchantments. Giving the area a bit of inspecting seeing scorched marks dotting the ground and melted metal of the nearest wall as if a giant magnifying glass was shown on his area. With Virgil trying to say something only for no sound to come out of him.

>William fighter level 5/gloomstalker(3-2)/mage (+2)
>-8 HP. 38/80 William HP gained three 1st level spell slots.
>7/10 energy left. Damaged gauntlets: Max energy permanently dropped.

William is out of it like he had his head split open like that one time in the alley… Enough of that Virgil you got axemen rushing along the sides, a big fat fuck in the back just watching, and whatever is going on with the others. Time to pull out her full training even if its a risk using all of those knight techniques she was able to find again during our training. Taking a deep breath as Virgil crouches down into a sprinter’s form as he listens to the ground counting each step as he waits. Four sets of footprints stomping together side by side as they move forward, not bothering to be spaced out and continuing their forward march. Seconds ticks by as they get closer only for Virgil to continue holding his position for the perfect time even as his hands tremble from the rush of adrenaline flooding his system for the coming fight. One step, they are out of sight, second step, their axehead pokes around the corner, third step, their face rounds the corner, fourth step, they are aligned. Now!

With a surge of energy Virgil stride forth as the axemen turn their attention to the lighting bolt first as they raise their axes to defend their bodies only for Virgil to jump in the air and dropkick one axeman, Sending his first victim crashing into the axemen behind him as both fall into a tangle of limbs and metal as Virgil rolls to his side and jumps back up throwing out his arm to heft the second standing axeman from the groin and throws him to the fourth axemen as they drop to the ground from the sudden gravity exertion on their bodies.

part 2
Immediately jumping again as Virgil tucks his legs as far as he can and slams them down hard on the neck area of an axemen. Feeling a collarbone cave in as gurgling sounds cough out of his mouth from below as a burning axe slams into his thigh from one of the prone enemies. Giving out another quick hop as Virgil raises his elbow high as he drops down on the face of another victim as bone and a jaw cracks from his impact making the next victim go limp. Only for another burning axe to pierce his lower back from an outstretched hand of another axeman as Virgil grabs his arm and snaps it like a twig with a quick and harsh twist leaving his victim screaming in agony. But still conscious as hate burns out of his eyes as the last still fully healthy axeman tries to stagger back up with a hunger for blood. Sucking in another deep breath as Virgil ignores some of the aches and pains across his body as he focuses his mind away from the pain to continue the fight. Only for their stare to get interrupted as Alice, Betty, and a panting Muffin make it back to their location looking behind themselves as they look between the bloody fight between everyone.
“Message, message! Hostiles broke contact and moving towards HQ moving to activate recovery and Strider plan before following hostiles.”
*Confirmed. I can see the mage’s party from here. Give them your syringes and send them here for support.*

Jean pushes forward toward the jittering shield users as two others tend to the archers as he stabs one of the users in the heart with a red syringe. A gasp of air fills their lungs as hatred colors their eyes as they stagger back up pulling another syringe from their pockets and stabbing themselves for another quick recovery. With two of the patrol shields taking the archers away as the two newly restored heavy shield users adjust their equipment as they nod to each other demanding retribution as they activate the Strider plan.

>Battlefield conditions.
>William 48/80 HP gained three tier 1 spell slots. (no second wind)
>Virgil 21/53 HP(2 superiority dice left, no action surge, no second wind)
>Party fully healthy down two tier 3 spells.
>Axemens 73/176 HP (one fully alive, one half alive, two downed.)
>Purifier leader is concealed by a smoke bomb.
>2nd defensive line activates Strider plan and patrol reinforcements coming next turn.

>Inventory: 2 health pots(+20 health each), 2 smoke bombs, 3 adrenaline, 1 heavy stunk bomb(stinking cloud tier)

Letting out a long breath as William pulls at his reserves as he tries to recover from the backblast, fireballs, and suddenly seeing half the axemen group on the ground as the rest of the party await for instructions.

part 3
All the while he watches the leader out of the corner of his eye waiting for something to happen or examining his party instead of charging into the fray. Only for the leader to notice him staring and pulling out a smoke bomb as he slams it into the ground having decided being in eye contact with three mages was a danger to his health.

-”A, B, C shoot different spell effects into the cloud so he can’t absorb everything!”
-”Virgil finish these two off I am hunting that taunting fuck!” (Failure to pick this option red entity gains one token.)
-”Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Mend, mend, mend!” (Attempt to repair the gauntlets roll DC 75-150)
-“Everyone cover me and him!” (Spend the turn up casting healing word on Virgil and use healing syringes on yourself.)
-I have nothing as tier 8 was my best idea and red is more combat inclined. (No blue token gain)

part 4
Kek again Mac you pick the shit choice and break our gauntlets mid foght... we were told we couldn't cast spells higher than 3 without damaging them. God damn it. I know strategy just listen to me Mac. This fight would of already been over and we wouldn't even be hurt.

>Virgil drinks and potion so do we. We give him an adrenaline syringe. And we take one too.

>have our support guys finish off these two people with ranged cantrips.

>fireball the group that ran into the building.

Just fireball them Mac. It'll hurt all of them even with Absorb elements. Then we can zerg the hurt ones with Virgil.
Fine, fine, totally forgot about muffins comment. Woukd have thrown a smoke grenade if I knew we had it in striker.

What's going on with the blue and red selves?

I'll go with your actions, I bow out of planning.
Rolled 37, 88, 53, 100, 100, 97, 18, 68, 55, 78, 55, 80 = 829 (12d100)

First five dice Alice +35, Betty +25, Muffin +15, Virgil +40 suppression and DC 75 to hit.
Next two dice axemen retaliation against support builds +25 and DC 65 targeting Muffin first.
Next two dice archer dodging double fire ball. DC 90.
Next two dice strider plan +20 DC 25 due to ambush and distractions going on.
Last dice Purifier leader getting in position and activating his plan to see how hard he snowballs. DC 30-60-90.
Rolled 6, 2, 2, 5, 3, 2, 6, 3 = 29 (8d6)

2d6 per hit +5, two hits, double from crits, multi-attack by two. Average 11 damage x2 x2x2= 88 damage. Plus +5 firebolt damage.
93 total damage. Axemen are down.

Muffin takes -11HP. 10/21 HP.

Archers down.

Purifier leader activating his shit to gain the rolled amount as shields.
“Everyone use cantrips to cover me and him!” 1 red token.

Panicking, William goes over his body trying to find Rose’s equipment as he quickly passes healthing and adrenaline between him and Virgil as he tries to keep his breath calm from the fight. Both men stabbing whatever drugs in the syringes as they feel a surge of energy and warmth as wounds knit back together good as new. Skin burning as it stretches out and over wounds as organs stop bleeding internally from the shock to get back to work. Glancing upwards to see the axemen beginning to turn to his direction only for their attention to be dragged to the supports as another ray of frost and thorn whip glance off of their armor as a scorching ray beams one of them to the back of their head. Being too fast and distracted with multiple enemies surrounding them. Looking between groups the axemen pivot towards Muffin sees her the most nervous as her hands shake from the intensity as panic floods her eyes as she trips backwards to dodge the first swing only for the follow up attack to land. The gleaming fire stained axe flares to life as it lodges itself into her stomach making her whimper in pain as skin and fabric are ripped loose as a trail of blood is pulled into an arc above her. Raising their weapons again to finish the job only for Virgil to roar as he rushes to both axemen and lands a vicious full body swing into the neck of the half dead axemen to drop him in a single blow before turning his fury on the person that hurted Muffin. Bringing an uppercut to rattle the axemen’s skull followed by a series of vicious punches as ribs crack apart before socking the axeman in the face and dropping him to the ground.

>-6 energy. 1/10 energy left.

With the axemen taken care of William points his hand to the building knowing more shadows were moving behind the curtains as he launches two fireballs to finish off whatever traps are inside the building. Hearing a satisfying boom and silence as he spots no movement in the upper floor of the building as he turns his attention back to the smokescreen. A soft scream echoes in the air as William turns to his right to see Alice and Betty’s bodies buried in the ground up to their chests as they struggle to grip the ground.

“Something is grabbing our legs!” Yells out Alice in a panic.
“I can’t kick?! Everything is pressing in!” Adds Betty with a bit of color and panic seeping into her eyes.
“Just hold on I a-”

Another fireball explosion rocks the area as William feels the air turn oppressive and hot as the air smells of smoke and ash forcing him to turn toward the Purifier leader.

>Daybreaker’s Wrath
>Inside Purifier killzone territory [Succeded]
>Pre-casted fire armor [Succeded]
>Activated communication network and traps [Succeeded]
>Have upgraded Daybreaker equipment[Succeeded]
>Self detonated a fireball spell[Succeeded]

part 1
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From the explosion a gust of wind rips apart the smokescreen as the leader walks forward with a burning malevolent haze coating his body in the familiar color of Hellscream’s magic. Rubber seems to be replaced by metalskin as flames roar behind him demanding blood to fuel its hunger as its red glowing eyes stare down into his soul as William takes a step back from another predator. Patches of burning hellfire dancing along his armor moving like ocean waves making sure to touch every part of his armor while not even causing a single scorched mark on his body. A glowing red antenna pokes out of the top of his backpack as motes of fire twirl around its base before returning the fire back to his body. Constantly glowing with runes pulsing as it channels and redirects the flames in a controlled manner while avoiding losing its energy from bleeding off. With a sudden sprint the Purifier Leader closes the distance to be between the support party, William, and his down axemen as he cocks his head to the side trying to decide his next move as he hears two more shield and flare gun users reinforcing his battle.

>Battlefield conditions
>William HP 68/80, Virgil 42/53, Muffin 10/21, Alice and Betty are half submerged in the ground.
>Daybreaker’s Wrath ???/??? and 29/???
>Patrol reinforcements 2 shield users and 2 flare gun users.
>Axeman and archers downed
>HQ reinforcements coming in ? turns

>Inventory: 2 smoke bombs, 1 adrenaline, 1 heavy stunk bomb(stinking cloud tier)
1 red token

-“Virgil help the party. I will keep him busy.”
-“Retreat. Muffin help Virgil get them out.”
-“Tell the team to use whatever magic they got to escape the hold.” (Get 1 blue token if not chosen)
-”Burn two tier 1 slots and cast shadow blade and rush the fat fuck.” (Get 1 red token if not chosen)

part 2
We moving this to another thread?
Probably definitely should.
-”Burn two tier 1 slots and cast shadow blade and rush the fat fuck.” (Get 1 red token if not chosen)
>use the last adrenaline shot

>Drop all our attacks into the leader.
>Have Virgil flank the leader so we get advantage on attacks.

That should force the new reinforcements to run past us to get to our allies that are stuck. So we get attacks of opportunity.

>Have the two support guys try to get out of the mud.

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