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Predator Quest: Episode 27

You are Three-Claw, a Yautja hunter of the Cloud Viper clan. You have been tasked by your clan Matriarch to investigate breaches of forbidden knowledge by clan Weyland on the planet Fey'lenn, or Pandora, as it is known in the human tongue.

The previous quest thread is archived here:




For alerts and scheduling on future sessions.


You are slowly sinking through the dark mire. Your arms are outstretched, and you try your best to remain still. The more you move, the faster you'll sink.

The oxygen meter in your mask's rebreather slowly ticks down. You do your best to conserve the oxygen. Hopelessness grips your chest, and for the first time since battle, you begin to feel every inch of bruise and broken bone on your shoulders and back.

Suddenly, the faint cacophony of combat above intensifies. The muted thumps of Burning-Scythe's plasma shots are joined by a second, louder noise - the distinct buzzing of a large gatlng cannon.

The entire mire shakes and quakes as the beast above you roars and struggles in pain. The gatling cannon's distinctive buzz intensifies, and does not stop. You feel the thick liquid around you vibrate with each crescendo.

And then, you feel it. The beast is sinking. You're not certain whether it's dying or fleeing, but it's slowly submerging itself. You feel one of its tentacles brush against your left arm.

Do you:

A. Attempt to grapple on to it (DC: Easy)
B. Attempt to lodge your spear into the writing mass. (DC: Medium)
b need our gear back
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>A, ok fuck this shit, easy trophies are all fine and good, but we're here on a rescue mission. This is not worth it.
>Go to bed after posting this
>Wake up, read archives

C, get out of there. Gear is replaceable, we are not.

Well. Tiebreaker please.
Rolled 2

I'll vote B, cuz I really don't want to lose our gear.
>hisloof After
Yes, his loot, after it.

What's the origin of this whole series of reaction images? What's the association?
Rolled 13

Rolled 14

inb4 critstorm
Rolled 11

Fis see us rollin', Fis hatin'.
Well, it's a start.
Man, what the fuck even happened last night? All those 1s... shit was horrifying.
Hey no crit fail I call this a win.
you're missing a "1" and you have an extra + that won't work.
Last night, the FIS managed to infiltrate 4chan's servers and rewrite the dice coding.
Yeah, Fis and I are kicking back and feasting on your sorrows.
>>B. Attempt to lodge your spear into the writing mass. (Pass, DC 12)

Realizing this is your only chance to escape your murky coffin, you are suddenly overcome by a surge of desperate strength.

You raise your spear and stab into the writing tentacles. It penetrates. You drag yourself towards the beast along the length of your spear. The tentacle reflexively coils from the pain, and you hang on with all your strength as it drags you through the mire.

As you come closer to the beast's body, you realize it's heavily injured. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of holes pockmark its thick hide, and portions of its flesh have been completely shredded by your ship's gatling cannon.

You dislodge your spear from its tentacle and push yourself towards its main body. Your hands find purchase on its wounds, and with all your strength, you begin to climb the sinking beast towards the surface.

You look up. You are perhaps only half a meter from breaking the surface, but the beast is sinking fast. You must think quickly!

Do you:

A. Take a mighty leap upwards. [DC: Easy]
B. Try to recover your speargun and shoot a tether upwards. [DC: Medium]
B, I doubt we are in any condition to leap mightily enough to break the surface.
>B. Try to recover your speargun and shoot a tether upwards. [DC: Medium]
B. A sinking object of that size will create a sinkhole; we won't be able to jump out of liquid this thick with something sinking under us.
B it is.
B. Science!
Rolled 9

Rolled 10

I'm feelin' lucky.
Rolled 20

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dat feel when you roll the first critical success in two threads.

You know what happens when you play a critical fail backward?

You get your disc back, your spear back, and your stick back.
Right, and we critically succeed.

Write-up incoming.
Closer. You dropped the extraneous +; now put a "1" before the "d20".
Rolled 18

Let me try again...
Now you've got it!
Huzzah, it works. I'm a newfriend, thank you for the hint.
Rolled 7

Does that mean we get our disc back as well?
You realize the sticky tells you how to roll dice.
I do now.
>>B. Try to recover your speargun and shoot a tether upwards. [Critical Success]

Realizing this is your last chance to cling to life, you desperately clamber towards the silhouette of Sharp-Strike's combi-stick.

You grip the shaft with your right hand and pull yourself up. You fumble in the half-darkness until you feel the distinct shape of your speargun, still clutched tight within the beast's tentacle. You tug and pull with all your strength, but you cannot seem to free it from its grip.

The gun is solidly tangled up by the tentacle, and the tentacle is nailed hard to the beast's body.

Desperately, you thumb the switch to attach the tether and push hard against the tentacle until the gun points upwards. You press the trigger and hope for the best.

You track its motion with your mask and watch as it breaks the murky surface. It continues sailing upwards, and miraculously, manages to latch on to your ship.

"PULL UP!" You shout into your visor.

The beast beneath you begins to tremble. The murky liquid quakes and shakes. You feel yourself slowly rising. Suddenly, light fills your visor and the murky ichor slides off your body. You look down, and realize you're riding a dying leviathan into the air.

Do you:

A. Ask Sharp-Strike to dump you and the beast on dry land.
B. Work on cutting the tentacle loose and drop the beast back into the marsh.
A Time for payback.
A. We're going to beach this whale and extract our weapons and vengeance from its hide.

Let's take a closer look at the bugger.
A, we got too much high quality gear on this thing.
A, why shouldn't we?
Hah hah! Time for trophies.
>A. Ask Sharp-Strike to dump you and the beast on dry land.
You know, when we get back to Yautja Tertia, we're buying Quick Strike a present.
lets make tradition of carrying trophies back home on the ship
A, it has far too many attached teeth, let's relieve it of a few.
>>A. Ask Sharp-Strike to dump you and the beast on dry land.

You instruct Sharp-Strike to maneuver the ship towards solid ground. He obeys, and drags the massive beast towards shore.

Once over solid ground, you flick the switch on the speargun to cut the tether and both you and the beast drop to the ground.

You half roll half stumble from the slimy corpse sit down beside it, exhausted.

Burning-Scythe limps over and sits down next to you. He points to his left arm, dangling uselessly. "Broke my arm," he tells you.

You point to both your shoulders and the back of your head. "Broke my shoulders. Maybe fractured my skull. Not sure."

Sharp-Strike sets your ship down some distance away and runs over to you.

"It's massive!" He exclaims, as he examines the corpse.

Do you:

A. Tell Sharp-Strike to make sure it's dead.
B. Assure Sharp-Strike it's really dead and tell him to extract your weapons.
I really don't think we deserve a trophy off this thing. If anything, Sharp-Strike gets the credit and the trophies.
A, our gear isn't going anywhere.
Oh, agreed.

A. "Please, extract a trophy in the most painful way you can imagine. If it is not dead, we'll know soon enough. *Yautja profanity*ing Fis."
>A. Tell Sharp-Strike to make sure it's dead.

Kill two birds with one stone: tell him to cut a trophy from it.
I'm pretty sure he should make sure it's dead BEFORE he goes near it.
We told them about the fis.

Thank god our ship has a proper med bay.
>A. "Please, extract a trophy in the most painful way you can imagine. If it is not dead, we'll know soon enough. *Yautja profanity*ing Fis."

Assuming it isn't considered dishonorable to have the same action kill something and extract a trophy, do this.
Don't approach it from the bitey side, then.
>>A. Tell Sharp-Strike to make sure it's dead.

"Might still be alive," you tell him, and throw him your combi-stick. "Make sure it's really dead."

Sharp-Strike takes your comb-stick, takes a few steps back, and charge forward. He drives the spear tip through one the holes made by the gatling cannon until it's hilt-deep.

He depresses the trigger and detonates a heated plasma explosion within. The beast trembles slightly, but show no more sign of movement.

"Can't really consider it a fair kill; put up a hell of a fight, though." Burning-Scythe tells you.

You turn your head and peer at the fleshy blob.

Do you:

A. Have Sharp-Strike pry a few teeth from its maw as a souvenir after he's done pulling out your gear.
B. Have Sharp-Strike just extract your weapons and leave it alone.
C. Leave it up to Sharp-Strike's own sense of honor and see what he does.
This; we may be the leader of this mission, but trophies are a matter of personal honor, and Sharp-Strike is the only one entitled here, if anyone is. Leave it to him and see what he chooses to do.
C. I wouldn't begrudge him taking one, though; let any who doubt whether it is deserved take one look at Three-Claw and Burning-Scythe, and then at the freshly blooded hunter who saved their lives.
Someday, we're going to have an aquarium in our trophy hall, with a live Fis in it.
Oh god, I'm so happy right now. I just found this quest again (after the terrible happenings of last night) and I can't believe that shitty situation turned out so good for us.
I'm with this guy, he did technically save our hides

(this is me.)
Unanimity is quite a warm fuzzy feeling.
yea, both shoulders broken before we even started looking after the other team...
this also go into ship for healing
>> C. Have Sharp-Strike decide.

You turn to Sharp-Strike. "Well, you're the one that killed it. It'd be up to you on whether you want to take a souvenir, " you tell him.

The young hunter hesitates for a moment, and thinks about it for a while. "Well, it's the ship, mostly. Can I... Can I take a few teeth and hang it from the cockpit? Not as a trophy; decoration, I think. "

"Go ahead," you tell him.

Burning-Scythe stands up and points to his arm. "I'm going to get this taken care of."

You feel your shoulders and lower back flare in pain.

Do you:

A. Spend 24 hours in the surgical bay until you make a full recovery.
B. Spend half an hour and get yourself patched up.
Well we need some time in the medbay but at least we are alive.
Can the medbay give us a diagnosis? If it can patch up a broken bone or similar and send us on our way, we're fine. If it says we're concussed or have a spinal injury, spend at least 6-12 hours recovering.
>B. Spend half an hour and get yourself patched up.

Can the

The mission is time critical, we can't afford to wait too long.
And possibly a cracked skull, our teammate got a broken arm, and this is the first critter we find.

Off to a great start!
We didn't die. After 3 nat 1s that in and of itself is enough for me to be beyond overjoyed.
Five. Not three.
Ah, my forgot about that.

A never mess with a head injury, always take it serious
The surgical bay can either treat your wounds fully via regenerative gels etc, or triage them and not heal them completely. I.E. splint broken bones, set dislocated shoulders, patch up wounds etc.
>Can the medbay give us a diagnosis? If it can patch up a broken bone or similar and send us on our way, we're fine. If it says we're concussed or have a spinal injury, spend at least 6-12 hours recovering.

I'd like to know this as well.
>The surgical bay can either treat your wounds fully via regenerative gels etc, or triage them and not heal them completely. I.E. splint broken bones, set dislocated shoulders, patch up wounds etc.

That wasn't the question, though; can it tell us *what* our injuries are? No matter how serious this mission is, spinal injuries are not to be trifled with, but broken bones and ribs and even a cracked skull we can cope with.

Now that the creatures out of the marsh, what exactly does it look like? A squid?
>Can the medbay give us a diagnosis? If it can patch up a broken bone or similar and send us on our way, we're fine. If it says we're concussed or have a spinal injury, spend at least 6-12 hours recovering.

Nthing this.
I'm going to vote for A. We took a heavy beating, we could use the rest, and what happens in a fight when we're still all busted up and our injuries get someone killed?
B, as long as we don't have a spinal injury. A if we do.
Good idea we need to make sure our head injury isn't serious.

You follow Burning-Scythe into the ship's medbay and lay down in one of the surgical pods.

The machine hums to life and begins to scan your body.

"Wonder what's jamming our comms," he mutters, as the surgical pod begins to splint his arm.

"Something underground, perhaps. Something we can't see," you respond.

"Yet - the distress signal got through."

You are silent for a moment, and think about the implications. "Perhaps it's stronger. We did have trouble pinning it down," you tell him.

"Yes, or perhaps it's a trap, meant to lure us here. Anyway, where to next? Once we're in better shape, that is."

You answeR:

A. "We should continue exploring this island and pin down the source of the distress signal.
B. "We need to link up with Steel-Arrow first. Find out what's jamming our signal.
A giant blob with a mouth and several long tentacles. It's now riddled with holes.
It's only jamming long-range comms, not short-range comms. I'm inclined to believe that a trap placed specifically *here* would block short-range comms too.

Given that:

>A. "We should continue exploring this island and pin down the source of the distress signal.

this is a mission, not a hunt, its time to get serious
>A. "We should continue exploring this island and pin down the source of the distress signal.

This, plus we can't actually contact Steel-Arrow by comm right now.
Voting B.

While we try to do that, let's stay in the medbay and let our buddies sort all the complicated stuff out.
>A. "We should continue exploring this island and pin down the source of the distress signal.

We've had our "fun", such as it was. Lets locate our objective and get the hell out of dodge.

If we get him and get out without causing a ruckus we can have a nice relaxing fun-time jungle hunt afterwards before we head back. Just don't go near water and we'll be fine.
>A. "We should continue exploring this island and pin down the source of the distress signal.

No point in trying to contact Steel-Arrow about why we can't contact Steel-Arrow.
>We've had our "fun", such as it was. Lets locate our objective and get the hell out of dodge.

That sounds like you wanted to vote for A. Our objective is that distress signal.
>A. "We should continue exploring this island and pin down the source of the distress signal
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More or less like this?
There were actually 5 for B, and 6 for A...
>There were actually 5 for B, and 6 for A...

This; please count again.
Ah, I must have started typing before that.
I can change the write up to A. One moment please.
Fair enough; you might consider posting a short "end of voting" post when you start writing.

Thanks, and sorry for the trouble.
>I can change the write up to A. One moment please.

Thank you! Much appreciated.
Sharp-Strike will grab our weapons too, right? Just want to be thorough.
Yeah, both options there involved him grabbing the weapons; the choice was just whether he took a trophy, too.
>> A

"Let's keep searching. Ashen-Blade's ship has GOT to be on this island."

"Right. Better get on with the triage, then."

The surgical pod beeps as it finishes its initial diagnoses. The result shows two broken shoulders, two fractures long the rear ribcage, and a minor concussion.

You ask it to triage your wounds. The pod whirrs, the lid closes, and a cloud of anasthesia begins to fill your surroundings.

You fall into a light slumber.

You awake less than an hour later. You gingerly step out of the pod. Your entire back still aches, but it no longer flares with sharp pain as it did before.

You find Burning-Scythe gearing himself up in the armory. You take your disc back and clip it to your waist. Sharp-Strike joins you a moment later.

"I was patrolling, " he tells you. "Found more Na'vi corposes to the north. There seems to be an underground tunnel there - looks to be natural.

"Right then. Let's go."

Do you:

A. Continue exploring the metallic bridge and the swamp.
B. Press north and explore the tunnel.
>You look down, and realize you're riding a dying leviathan into the air.
Dayum, that's one hell of a tether gun.

If we get some spare time we should autopsy the blob thing and find out why out plasma and armour piercing spears didn't work well against it.

Oh and don't forget to get our disk back.
I smell black ones.

>B. Press north and explore the tunnel.

Seems likely that Ashen-Blade sought shelter, and a natural cave does seem likely.

On the way north, ask Burning-Scythe what killed the Na'vi he found. Does it look like Yautja, or Fis, or something...worse?
>B. Press north and explore the tunnel.

This, and

>On the way north, ask Burning-Scythe what killed the Na'vi he found. Does it look like Yautja, or Fis, or something...worse?

This, but burn the heretic who thinks there's something worse than Fis.
fuck the fis
We most likely grabbed it already.

B Underground tunnel.
It was implied this was where jamming came from and also seems to be a common final stand area in regards to our rescue mission.
B. Make sure to remember the disk.
Blargh, wrong letter.
>This, but burn the heretic who thinks there's something worse than Fis.
Amphibious Fis
>implying Fis isn't already.
Space Axolotl?
>>B. Press north and explore the tunnel.

You slot your war gear and prepare to diesmbark.

"A tunnel? Let's find out. I'm not too keen to fight another one of those," you tell him. "Lead the way."

The three of you exit the ship and head north. As you proceed further, you begin to see more and more Na'vi corpses, as Sharp-Strike said.

Burning-Scythe bends over and examines a few.

"Plasma wound to the chest. Decapitation by disc. What's this?" He peers closer. "Looks like slugs to the heart. Killed by human weapons," he tells you.

You see the mouth of the tunnel loom before you. It looks to be the entrance to an underground cave system. You peer inside and scan the formation with your mask.

It seems to be constructed out of some foreign alloy unknown to you.

You step inside. The tunnel splits into three passages.

Several Na'vi corpses line the entrance to the left.

You feel a strong draft coming from the middle shaft.

The right shaft seems to turn sharply downwards after a few meters.

Do you:

A. Take the left
B. Take the middle
C. Take the right.
D. Suggest you three split up to cover more ground.
A, corpses indicate activity and we can't risk splitting up in our wounded state.
Do *not* split the party.

Check the Na'vi corpses; if they were killed by plasma, discs, or other Yautja means, then
A, go left.
>It seems to be constructed out of some foreign alloy unknown to you.

Collect a sample.

>Several Na'vi corpses line the entrance to the left.

Killed by what? Humans, Yautja, or other?
A) follow the bodies.
>Check the Na'vi corpses; if they were killed by plasma, discs, or other Yautja means, then
>Killed by what? Humans, Yautja, or other?

Good question. Could we get an answer to that before we finish voting?
I know that left is the way with the activty, but I'm curious what the wind draft is. Perhaps it could be a fallback escape point. Either way, I'm curious and would like to check it out before we go left and figure out what's left all those bodies.
>It seems to be constructed out of some foreign alloy unknown to you.

Literally "constructed"? Earlier it sounded natural.

>A. Take the left
>"Plasma wound to the chest. Decapitation by disc. What's this?" He peers closer. "Looks like slugs to the heart. Killed by human weapons," he tells you.
I wonder if the reason Steel Arrow came here was to show humans what Weyland was doing here. That would explain why he came here and seems to have humans fighting on his side.

On a side note, if we place a laser mine down in proximity mode, can we have it send a signal when it detects something instead of exploding? I don't want something to sneak up behind us, but collapsing the tunnel would be bad.
C, right.
Take us deeper!

>inb4 morphing walls and terrifying death, Martian style

You examine a few of the corpses leaning against the left passage wall. Two seems to have died by plasma, while the other two were riddled by rifled slugs.

Not constructed in a literal sense - composed would be a better word. There's n evidence these passages are artificial.
you watch one day OP is going to be in a bad mood and either A: clan wayland is going to go all bioweapon with fis..or were going to see xenofis...or worse BOTH
and we shall tame it and it shall be our best friend

The tunnel is strong, though.
A then, that's our best direction to find our pal.
>You examine a few of the corpses leaning against the left passage wall. Two seems to have died by plasma, while the other two were riddled by rifled slugs.

How interesting.

Are the Na'vi corpses kitted out with Weyland auxiliary gear, or are they tribals?
hahahah..AHAHAHAHAHA...oh god ....hahaha...ha..HA...HAHAHAHA...ahahahahahahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...oh man **WHEEZE** hahahaha...no..no that is when we break out the true yautja weaponry because that will not be a hunt...that will be a matter of survival not just for our species but every species
Looks like A wins. Write-up INc

Follow the corpse ridden road
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I think fis would be less deadly if it's genetic purity was tampered with. Fis strong, xenofis loses too much (but gains an awesome frill/crown/hat)
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am I supposed to hear this in zoidbergs voice?
That reminds me, we need to see if we can get a plasma scythe for missions like this.
xenofis loses? ummm nooo fis gains acid blood and the swarm...xeno gains size strength and amphibious capability...ON A SIDE NOTE! OP how does it feel to have your creation (fis) be the stuff of nightmares to fa/tg/uys everywhere?
we gundam wing now?
I do wonder if OP expected Fis to be memetic when he first wrote it up.
>>A. Take the left passage.

You lead your team down the left passage. As you progrees, you see several more corpses litter the passage.

The passage narrows as you go further, and soon, the three of youa are forced into single file. You come to a sharp turn.

Suddenly, you hear something. It seems to be machinery of some sort. You signal your party to halt.

You hear the slow rumble of an engine and the clanging of moving gears.

Do you:

A. Have your team wait and scout forward by yourself.
B. Ready your weapons and proceed cautiously, as a team.
Can you please try harder to maintain some basic grammatical standards.

I really doubt exnofis would even die from anything short of big explosions.
So it wouldn't even become exnomorph fis.
>B. Ready your weapons and proceed cautiously, as a team.

Let's not be stupid.
A, scouting is our specialty.

We've got the super sensor-spoofing stealth suit. Lets do some forward recon.
Injured or not, we're still a good scout.

Looks like A wins.

Write up inc.
I wonder if fis was even written or simply a good DM improv as to our ending up in/near water
I apologize I have not slept in quite some time and as a result I became somewhat derpy regards to grammar. Slapped myself upside the head and remembered that I need to give a shit.(especially on /tg/)
Well that is the bitch about xenos no? it does not really matter how stronk you are when something is eating it's way out of your fiscage.
>>A. Scout ahead.

You signal your companions to wait, while you creep forward stealthily.

You turn the bend and find the passage grow more and more constricting. Soon, you're forced into a crawl as the ceiling suddenly slopes downwards.

The passage eventually leads to a large cavern containing the source of the noise. You drop down silently. There's a large shaft in the center of the cavern, which houses a lift.

It extends deep down into the depths. Beside it, a generator turns a set of gears, which power the lift. Beside it, you see the corpse of a human. This one died from having his throat slit.

Do you:

A. Explore around the cavern for other passages.
B. Take some time to peer into the shaft and see if you can spot anything.
C. Call your teammates over.
>It extends deep down into the depths. Beside it, a generator turns a set of gears, which power the lift. Beside it, you see the corpse of a human. This one died from having his throat slit.

This is not looking good.

Let's get our friends over here first.
Yeah C.
I will agree with this, there is apparently another stealth fighter here, so we should warn them about that as soon as we can.

C seems to be ahead.

Write-up incoming.
I concur, C for me
Ashen-Blade or United States Colonial Devgru?
While possible, we cannot know for certain. It could be anything, so we must be prepared.
>>C. Call your teammates over.

You signal over your comms and bid your teammates to join you.

A few moments later, Burning-Scythe and Sharp-Strike drop from the passage to stand by you in the cavern.

You point to the shaft and the body. "What do you make of this?" You ask.

Burning-Scythe examines the corpse and its wound. "Blood's dried up. Must be dead for a few days now. Wound is too messy. This wasn't done with a Yautja blade.

He then walks over to the generator and probes it for a moment. "Most likely an excavation lift. Doesn't look like it sees regular usage."

Do you:

A. Call the lift up.
B. Climb down the shaft
C. Look around the cavern for other passages.
I'm beginning to think that Machiko is going to make an appearance
>A. Call the lift up.
any activity around it is long gone, may as well be fast about this
B. Let's see what waits below. This is more stealthy than calling the lift, which could alert anyone to our presence here.

human female who hunted with the Yatuja, protagonist in a series of the AVP novels and comics

Never assume you're the only one poking around the suspicious underground facility.
>B. Climb down the shaft
we still have climbing gloves don't we?
B of course...mine shaft lifts are loud

also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9OtN8NdatQ felt appropriate
B wins write up inc
that would be cool, was entertaining reading about her interactions with the Yautja and how different their cultures are, not sure if the timelines would match up but thats hand waived easily enough

"Follow me down," you tell them, as you activate your climbing gloves and slowly make your way down the sheer cliff.

Burning-Scythe follows you, using his wrist blades to find purchase along the concrete shaft. Sharp-Strike uses a combination of his spear and his boots to gain traction, and descends last.

The three of you make your descent carefully. At last, you come to the bottom, where the lift currently rests. A set of metallic sliding doors bar your way. Behind you is a vent to an air passage.

Do you:

A. Pry open the doors
B. Crawl into the vent.
B of course

Now would be a great time for some innovative Yautja scientist to make us a sweet little recon drone (and with the missions we're going on, its not like it would detract honour or glory from the hunt)
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too terrifying to pass up

My sides
here again, just remembered in the recent predators movie, one of the non-canon super preds had a cybernetic hunting falcon that acted as a recon drone, that would be cool next time we go SHOPPING!

hahahaha, but it needs those googly hammerhead eyes
One day I hope I can QM a quest so awesome that it warrants as many drawfags as this one has....
A fuck tiny vents, sketchy as fuck.

does not compute with xenomorph
hey, the pandoran queen had eyes, and the FIS genes are probably strong enough to override the xenos lack of eyes
>>B. Vent
You cut the vent cover loose with your claws and hoist yourself in.

Your companions follow behind you. You crawl forward quietly, occasionally peering through vent openings along the way.

It appears you're in some sort of underground Weyland facility, and the passage of a few heavily armed guards lead you to believe it must be military in nature.

You come across one of the storage rooms and hear a scraping noise coming from within. You halt, and slowly peer outwards.

You see the storage doors open, and the body of an armed guard is thrown inside. Thick lines around his neck indicate he was strangled.

Your restricted line of vision did not reveal to you the killer.



Thanks for playing, see you next time. (Most likely won't be tomorrow, though; check my twitter for session planning)
That is pretty awesome.
dun dun DUN

fun as always OP, also, any chance we could pick up a hunting pet/drone next time we go shopping?
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Dun dun duuun

Next time OP, and thank you!
There's been a very active Yautja group around these parts. Steel-Arrow's team?
more like Ashen-Blade and any friends he brought with, he has human connections so you never know, we could be all Opredator with operators
Please link your twitter.
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the googly could not be contained
Seriously. Look at OP's pic, and the pic the Quest used to have before now.
If the artist isn't the original concept artist for the Predator movies or something like that, I'll be surprised.


It's on one of my concept maps.

now it is truly XENOFIS
Aye the quality and style is suspicious to say the least.
Why is it that now I want a buddy cop movie about Three-Claw and his gravity defying xenoFis partner?
>Listen here Xenofis, I don't want you pulling any shit!
>Damn it Xenofis, I've only got 0.1 seconds until retirement!
Rolled 2

This quest thread should be novelized.
That looks a lot like the fish from E.V.O., and in particular one of the upgrade jaws from that game.
this needs to be drawfriended STAT

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