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Welcome back, Kestrels, to the sixty-third installment of Mecha Space Pirate Quest! Brought to you by Captcha: Cooperating After 20 Minutes Minimum. As usual, you are Admiral Roarke S. Starwind of the Iron Kestrels, the most dangerous pirate fleet in the Belt.

Previous Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Mecha+Space+Pirate+Quest%2C+Collective+Game%2C+mecha
Master Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/sSHs0QmF
Upgrade Menu: http://pastebin.com/QQQzkFZe
List of Moves: http://pastebin.com/HSdyCe2y
Rogues' Gallery: http://pastebin.com/E9ZcDLfG

This milk run to the asteroid base of 16-Psyche has just curdled so hard it's become a yogurt run. At least you have at least one new ship out of it, provided you can keep it intact, and Mohammed defeated Caesar in a one-on-one duel to leave them tied 1-1. You're staring down at least a few cruisers' worth of guns, plus at least one huge cannon that probably outranges everything you have. To add insult to injury, the Cleander, the only missile boat you have with you, expended its missile bays in a futile attempt to do in the Harmonium.
Hullo Wong. How's Life?

How fast can Karen and the Doc rig up a bomb capable of cracking the base open?
Hola Wong, how are you tonight?
It's a planetary core. It would take a lot of nukes to crack that nut.
Man I hope Belegor turns out to be Senator Armstrong
Oh boy we're back. I'm still hoping we can recruit the orphans and provide for them. I also dont want to put our troops in harms way just for that purpose. Think we can have a 1v1 with their Mika expy who I assume is their leader/ace
No where near fast enough. We could likely go in, raid the place and turn off the defences manually by the time they make a planet cracker.
I doubt he will just come out here and fight us alone but when we go in he'll probably come looking for us.
SHouldn't be hard. Beam chaff will make their CWIS worthless to them, so we can easily enter their hangers and take the fight to them.
>Lady's Blessings, son.

We'd get wrecked. Unlike Raiden we can't suplex a several hundred ton spider robot mecha.
What would be better to bring in with us the mook killers, or the Ace killers?

Not with that attitude we won't, just as an aside finally got around to playing Revengeance and holy shit it was great.
You eyeball the big cannon. It looks even more threatening than a Wels-class' superheavy battery, and confirms your initial impression that it has more range. That's not so much of a problem. 16-Psyche is a good 14 clicks from your location, although it wouldn't surprise you if the Avalonian commander, whatever her name is, starts just shooting randomly.

Which is when you have an idea. You privately hail the facility, "You know, I never did catch your name. Here's an idea. Why don't you and I settle this like warriors? Single combat in our mecha, winner gets the base, loser leaves unharmed? That way, the only loser is the Jovian military. If I win, I'll even let you have the supplies to repair your ship, and suppress my urge to pour fire into that rock until it bursts and let you take those children out of there." You hide a shudder, it's hard to call those...things...children.

"Absolutely not! I swore an oath to my Countess that I would not engage in any duels...especially not with you! Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I'm naive? You, Pirate King, are ranked by the Duke as equivalent to some Paladins in skill. I am not so egotistical as to face you alone in serious combat. When that stupid girl Loriette contacted the Duke, she showed us the recorded footage of the fight. I have no desire to have my Cavalier ripped apart."

"I'll kill him." Says the dead-eyed boy with the unkempt dark hair sitting behind her, eating candy. It doesn't sound like an offer, but it doesn't sound like a promise, either, or a threat. It's just a completely neutral statement of what's going through his twisted little head.

"Not on your own you won't!" She scolds him.

"I don't need help to kill him." The boy says. His hands look oversized, the only full-grown part of him, twisting open the wrapper on a chocolate-covered sweet and popping it into his mouth.

"Yes you do!" She pats his head, a bit roughly, "Just be patient, and no being selfish! Your brothers will all want to help, right?"

The boy nods. He doesn't look at all disappointed, angry, or put out. It's like seeing a corpse move.

Next, you hail Josiah and Pierre. You could in theory just hail Josiah, since he's nominally in charge, but fuck it, you feel like undercutting Fairchild by treating both SOUL leaders equally, "It looks like a temporary alliance is in order." It's the only rational solution remaining.

Pierre nods, but Josiah looks at you searchingly before he does the same, speaking gravely, "It would seem that way. It's rather nostalgic for me. So, what do you want to do?"

>[What's your plan beyond using the smoke missiles to set up a safe halfway point and dupe the CIWS turrets.]
Well, i'm at na airport waiting for my flight...

But let me risk it while i play with you guys as much as i can.

Also, my cellphone screen cracked, and it will be a while until i can recover some of my photos =/
Boa noite, Wong, how are you doing tonight?

Ready to watch some butts being kicked?
>Have our ships spread out so that one shot from the cannon won't be able to take out more then one ship.
>Have all of our ships start sending out our mechs and having their getting into a firing squad and have them hold until given an order.
>Leave Fatima, Jesus, Lacus, Caesar, Naomi, Beckingham and Flint to fight on the outside
>Take Josiah, Sam, Clemmy, Moe, and Pierre inside to hunt down the Aces
At least he is eating candy now instead of fucking dates or whatever.
Well, first off we have two priorities. Dealing with the defenses, and getting the commander down. There is likely a control room for the defenses, so getting our men there is a possibility without damaging the outside. Could use a team of Clemmy, Richard, Sammy and Pierre for that team.

The Commander takers should be Roarke, Josiah, Fatima, and whomever we can take care of. The Stone Soldiers act as a mid way team that causes trouble with the captured ship and holds it's ground. Hang on, got more.
Is Sam's mech the only one with Stealth capabilities?

Can we place explosives at key points on the station to sabotage the main cannon and any other guns?

And does anybody else not care about the orphans at all? Yes, it's unfortunate but the Green Skulls were the ones who actually fucked them up.
Maybe shooting at the cannon with our ships while our mooks megacrits on the base from out of range.

As i appointed in the end of the last thread, with the bônus and 100+ mechas shooting, megacrits will probably happen every turn, no?

>What are your resources in the moment? Bluegills? Pumpkinseeds IIs? Any nasty little surprises? There is not much point in hiding anything now that we two are at the end of the barrel of THAT.
Obviously it would be nice not to be fighting kids but when an army of anything is out to kill you you shouldn't hold back.
Honestly no, I would rather just get rid of them and not have to worry about them at all. I mean if we didn't stop the Green Skulls when we did we would be fighting them anyway
We have 2 major targets, main control center and the power generator. We do not want Rejoicing man to have the opportunity to wipe data drives or blow the whole base up. So he has to be in our team no matter what.
I do give a crap about them. But they will have to surrender. Best way to do that is get their commander and leaders. Likewise I want to take this base as intact as possible and not destroy all it's stuff that we would have to repair.
Snipers weaken the point defense ahead of time. Have aces be the point of the spear, and if possible I'd like to bring along some spare shields for the aces.
>Leave Fatima, Jesus, Lacus, Caesar, Naomi, Beckingham and Flint to fight on the outside
>Take Josiah, Sam, Clemmy, Moe, and Pierre inside to hunt down the Aces
This is okay.

>The Stone Soldiers act as a mid way team that causes trouble with the captured ship and holds it's ground. Hang on, got more.

Split them in two teams, one to guard the ship, and a tatical one who is going to be lead by Flint and go around to hit an importante target.
Josiah has that too.

Caring or no, we'll probably have to fight them anyway, but the best result is to focus in making them surrender...

I always thought they were prunes.
Don't forget the main reason why we're here. To retrieve data from the Megabass project. Having the base intact and all is a nice bonus, but not at the cost of losing the crew to rescue hostile teen cannibals
Flint is inside the base right now with the secured Avalonian ship.
Do not split the stone soldiers. They will do their best staying where they are and splitting their small force up makes it harder to achieve either objective.
Whatever they are they do not appear to be appetizing.
Then leave Sam outside
If they turn on the CIWS to shoot the avalonians, the people inside just have to deal with the people that can dodge 2 turns of 10K fire... And they won't be many.

Also, a small group could go mostly undetected while the Avalonians have to deal with their own ship firing at them, and the Pirate+Jupiter'sKnights invasion going on.
Have SOUL A and Sam infiltrate the base and take care of the cannon, as well as any soft targets (power, life support, etc.)
disable the CIWS turrets before the Chaff dissipates.
move our ships and our Mechs in to deal with the Orphans. our CIWS should take care of the Harpies while the mechs deal with everything else.
find and disable the ace mechs.
Attacking said teens haphazardly as oppose to taking control of the base with a decisive decap attack will increase the chances of casualties and losing the data in the fighting. Do not act like they are inclusive or that going on a killing spree is without risk.

He gave one to Kudelia in S1 and she nearly puked.
Spoken like someone who has never eaten dates.
Does it have a gunblade like the Chevalier.
A sensible reaction to either dates or prunes.
>eating rabbit food
Enjoy your nutrient deficiency.
I suffer through potatoes. Eat enough potatoes and you get all the nutrients you need.
Do you eat them raw?
That's unfortunate.

Eat carrots and lettuce too, bro. They're good for you.
I'll have you know I've eaten plenty of dates.

How's your brother doing Wong?
Okay, so...

>Cesar, Beckingham, Lysa, Keith and the Master Harpies and Rocs stay outside together to defend the ships(Cesar is without arms, and Keith is not much danger without his head, but the problem may be getting Naomi to agree with leaving Cesar behind.)

>The rest goes with Roarke, with the Elite mooks maybe going in with them too, midway to the targets Sam, Pierre, Naomi and Moe goes to hit an alternative target, while Roarke, Josiah and the rest goes to hit the avalonians
Alright, so, I'm giving this decision a little time to be made because it's an important tactical decision. So far, it seems like things are (and as always, correct me if I'm wrong), leaning towards sending in a relatively small force of your biggest, meanest mecha to knock out the command center and deactivate the Mega Core Cannon.

Who are you sending, and are they going in through one access point, or multiple? If multiple, please specify squads. Take it as a given that Josiah will be on your squad, for reasons.
Taking special care to not injure feral teen cannibals who blame us for their state of affairs isn't the way either. Decapitating their leadership may work, but don't pretend we're UN peacekeepers either. We're here for the data, if decapping their leaders doesn't work, I rather we bug out with data and blow the facility to kingdom come over pacifying the teens.
Boil em, mash em, put em inna stew.
If its not a grain, meat or fish you better get that shit out of my face.
And nuts of course. Who doesn't like a nice mouthful of nuts?
I feel the same way anon, but you have to force yourself to eat greens and fruits at least once a day
Multiple entry. Kaiser, Josiah, and Clemmy on the command center squad. Pierre, Moe, and Sam on disabling the BFG.

He's better, thankfully. He realized something was wrong quickly, got to the hospital quickly, and got better quickly.
Sounds good to me, Feeling pretty excited to see the New Kaiser in action
I bet you hate pineapple on pizza too you filthy heretic.
My 'special care' was taking their heads and arms out and then moving on. Not making sure they were dead. Do you think I was going to do something special? No. Shock and Awe, don't kill needlessly. If they don't eject, thats on them.

Roarke, Moe, Pierre, Richard, Caesar's GF with her guns and crazy shield, Clemmy and the old police man. Bring some higher up machines as well. We'll need some pumpkin seed IIs.
The best pizza is a white pizza with Grilled Chicken bacon, and roma tomatoes on top no question
I hate pizza full stop
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>If its not a grain, meat or fish you better get that shit out of my face.
Also, Fish is Meat.
I know but some people just have to be difficult and insist it isnt.
barbecue suase pizza wth chicken and pineapple.
best pineapple pizza I've had.
that pretty good too
Thats retarded, what do they insist it is then?
Wow, a real subhuman! I never thought I would see one in the wild.
Continuing in an hour guys. I need to eat, this gives you time to plan, and holy shit he brought up the Saudi money .
It could be worse he didn't say he hates burgers

How do they rationalize it isn't meat?
To feel good about not eating 'Meat', but that's a very small number of vegetarians I've personally met.
Trump did in the debates?

It's a technical archaism from a time before the establishment of modern biology that has limped into the modern age.
??? What Saudi money?
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Mecha Space Pirate Quest: where plans to take out an enemy fleet and it's battle station give way to food shitposting.

He tore the Clinton Foundation wide open.
I haven't been watching, how is our boy doing? Please tell me he isn't shooting himself in the foot again.

It just doesn't make sense its muscles and tissues so its meat.

You know you love it
Say what you will, but this entire political cycle has been one hell of a bizarre ride.
Yup, donations from Saudi Arabia to the Clinton crew. Considering that these were officials, thats considered a major offense in the court of law.
I dont eat burgers either Until recently at least, home made venison burgers are great
Tell me have you put a fried egg on a burger yet? Its the best topping in my opinion.
I have not but I consider fried egg sandwiches to be the food of kings
/pol/ has basically declared this the best election ever just from the sheer amount of memes it has produced.
Do it as soon as possible, and make sure to keep the yoke runny it isn't as good when its cooked through.
I wish that all four candidates would die before election day.

He's gone nuclear. He'll never sound as polished as a career politician, but by God he's said almost everything I hoped he'd say.
I just tuned in and he's doing great on this question
Thought process of Grand Admiral Starwind.
>Two squads, me, clemmy, and Rejoice man. I don't trust him.
>Pierre, Sam, and Moe on the other cuz the siblings should have time for each other and Moe could use more experience.
>Should take the beefcake fetishist and teen cannibal Ace. At least he's eating candy.
>Hey, it looks like one of those dates thingies Fatima eats as a snack
>He's a cannibal, most likely would hate fruits and vegetables.
>I wonder if he hates pineapples on pizza too. If he even likes Pizza.
>That's it. If he hates pizza, first time seeing a subhuman.
>Though if he likes burgers, he's still ok.
You guys have terrible options for people to run your country. Our guys are sort of shit and useless but Trump looks like a live action Disney movie villain and Hillary is a criminal.
You know what is Roarke's favorite pizza? I'm gonna say Meatlovers or maybe a nice Scilian
>The Sudden Question of whether the Avalonians have Pizza

Nah, it needs to be something weird and rare. Like Jellyfish.
Its way to early for this shit. I am going back to bed
A man like Roarke would go for a good classic meat lovers. Perhaps even deepdish to get more of the good stuff.

If not weird and exotic then it needs to be Chicago-Style Deep Dish.

No one knows why it's called Chicago style.
Better than our guys who stole several billion dollars in taxes, is currently being under investigation by US for tax fraud and embezzlement, and is still in power because the next-in-line is even more fucked up. Fun fact, the stolen money was used to fund Jamie Fox double new year celebrations and a recent major film about financial crimes. The fucking irony.
Who does more damage? a live action Disney villain or actual criminal?
You in Saudi Arabia?
Nope, but our guys are trying to make us into one.
Somewhere in Asia? one of the -stans maybe.
We don't know either but we just bullshit our way out of it everytime
>The avalonians say they prefer a nice soy substitute on their salads.
And I thought I couldn't hate the Avalonians any more then I do
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Wipe them out. Wipe them all out.
...that's not how the law works anon. Nonprofits like the Clinton Foundation can take money from wherever the fuck they want as long as they don't spend it settling the founders legal obligations. That would be illegal as fuck.
>While listening to the classical notes of Nikki Manaj and Justin Beiber.
Stop anon my urge to PURGE is only rising
do they browse neo-tumblr too?
Nowhere near the Stan republics. I would say though, just google FBI, producer, wolf, wallstreet, and you'd probably know which country it is.
With special snowflake characters by the dozens and each calling themselves by a different pronoun. The privilege checking is off the charts.
Too feudalistic, tumblr is built on everybody having a voice but only stupid things to say
Malaysia. Don't know why i was surprised.
So what I'm hearing here is that you're aiming for the cockpits, which is justified since you gave them an out and they didn't take it.

War is war, man.
So, while we're waiting, anyone want to share some mech and pilot stuff?
I slapped this together after watching the last episode of IBO. Fuck ranged weapons, just make entangling melee weapons.
Not really? Just aiming for the disable, force them to eject or not. It's not like it's harder either way and both take them out for the count. Really, the most blood thirsty one seems to be Thunderbird.. which is no big surprise.
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Sure why not The Húskarl is an incredibly custom Shetland passed down for three generations with the current pilot being Finn Bodvarsson. Finn is a norse pagan mercenary who fights to earn his place in Valhalla and is searching for an honorable death. He torn out one of his eyes as a sacrifice to Odin.


Yup we gave them and out and they didn't take it
Fastest and most efficient way to down hostiles. One anon wanted to leave the teens alive by taking out the heads and limbs, but that takes too much time and endangers us as well.
You must not read the mech lists because the Harpy's cockpit is in the head. Taking it out forces them to eject or die. It is the quickest way to deal with them.
5 called shots to take out limbs and head, as opposed to one called shot to the torso. Sure, easy.
Oh just remember to play back in black when the fighting starts Wong
Honestly, I don't think anyone cares if they live. Skulls are acceptable targets. Those kids are skulls. End of discussion
We're melee units in tunnels. Anything from the waist up doesn't require a penalty to our hits. And the torso has more hits than the rest of it while still having penalties to hit. Learn to know who we are controlling.
Plus as nice as we are we are still pirates at the end of the day. Roarke started pirating as a kid and I bet no pulled their punches fighting him.
And we don't have to take special care to separate their heads as to leave the cockpits intact. We instagib Harpies, we move on. They chose to raise arms like soldiers, they die like soldiers.
Dismember will be godlike in this fight especially because the +2WA on our fists negates the penalty
Except they have the option to eject.. which they have a good chance of doing considering they pilot harpies. The way you make it sound we would have to then crush the pilots who ejected which would waste time.
If they attack, kill.

we can not allow ourselves to show mercy, not when we're this heavily outnumbered.
We have 300 mechs to their 150ish machines. We outnumber them.
I'd prefer to go for nonleathal where practical.
I thought they had 60 knights and hundreds of harpies.
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"Clemmy, you and Josiah are with me." You shut the Avalonians out of this conversation, obviously, "We're going in to take out their command center. Our mecha will be the most useful in those narrow corridors and we can make good use of any choke points."

"But-" Fatima starts to protest.

"No buts. I need to talk to him, and I need you out here covering our escape in case things get hairy."

"But-" Keith Young's icon has changed, he's on his PC, and you can see another head being hastily lifted via cables and microjets onto his S-Slinger in the background.

"No buts." Josiah interjects firmly, "He's right, and I need you out here too. There are at least half a dozen mechbays on that facility, and if they launch Harpies your mech is the best suited to handle them. I'm counting on you."

You see Keith's mouth draw into a downward-bowed pout, but he nods and salutes, "Yes sir!" Lysa flies by in the background, kisses him on the cheek, and flies past towards the open cockpit of her own pink mech.

"What can hers do?" You inquire of the former priest.

He shrugs, "The S-Sensation is a support and guardian mech designed to work with Keith's S-Slinger. It uses the base S-Slayer design, modified towards a more specialized support role. By default the pauldron launchers carry a payload of mixed smoke and chaff missiles, and it has a pair of melee weapons."

You nod again, and call up Basil on the Kaiser's comms, "I've got an idea. Basil, launch posthaste. Samantha, Lieutenant Blanchett, Mohammed, you'll form a second intrusion squad. Take out that megacannon and force them to split up the Knights. The Harpies aren't a major threat to mecha of your size. Group up just outside CIWS range, fire a smoke cloud on the coordinates I give you..." Which you're already plotting, "...Halfway inside their range. That should block their LoS to us and give us a way to get through without giving them the chance to open fire or putting you within their reach. All ships, split up, keep an eye on each other if you want but under no circumstances let any vessel get directly in front of the megacannon. Lysa, you'll be in charge of the smoke for Squad 2. Basil, you're with me and Squad 1. They have the advantage of a fortification, we have the advantage of ace supremacy. Stone Soldiers, how's the Avalonian ship coming along?"

Moses' voice crackles in over the comms, "It's heavily damaged, boss, but still salvageable. I can't get the damned engines started up without a vocal signature from their commander, but with some work maybe we can bring their guns online."

You bite back a sigh of irritation, "Do your best. Avi, you have operational control out here. All units, launch! All shields, up once mecha have launched! Let's do this right and go home safe, alright?"

Only if they're normal pirates. They're not. These are child soldiers, the naivety of youth that they are invincible with a grudge against an invader that starved them and is aiming to kill their saviours. Taking care to leave them alive is a great recipe for disaster.
>Calls it the S-Sensation
Fuck Lysa, we need to bully her an Jesus more
They have plenty of harpies, and 60 nights, but that does not mean over 240 harpies. Likewise, taking the tight corridors removes their main advantage of hit and run style combat and mass attacking. Meanwhile, said situations help us.
not to mention that they're cannibalistic mutants.
>Make sure to tell all of our guys privately to make sure no one deletes any data whatsoever
We used Back in Black for the first fight against First Mate. Doesn't fit well here.

Any and all bullying ideas will likely be used.
Child soldiers are also not very good when it comes to having their moral broken or taking loses. Constant pressure with no experience in handling pressure would cause them to flee.

Would they consider the Paladin's their saviors? Unlikely. Food providers maybe, but thats it. This entire thing is involved around food and given food and time anyone would do. And you lot keep acting like I said great care when I have not. Zealots who would not eject in a fight they can't win would not survive either way. They have that option to live and fight another day, swallow their pride, and surrender. If they don't take it, thats their fault.

What about Breaking the Law? It's especially ironic since you're teaming up with the UJCIDF.

...and because privately I think of it as one of those themes Roarke has played dozens of times during heists back when he was First Mate.

Oh, is Danger Zone on the mixtape?
If Danger Zone isn't on the mix tape I would be ok with Breaking the Law. It is Roarke's character theme if this was a SRW game.
What should we play then? Maybe Maniac?


Yes it is thought I wish we had The Touch or The Trooper. But we can use them if we ever get another mixtape
Howabout Shoot to Thrill?

Although Danger Zone would likely fit better in this scenario.
Lets try that again
Seconded for Danger Zone
Danger Zone
While we're on the subject anons, should we change out songs on the mixtape we aren't going to use? Originally I thought we were going to play it at different times but if were only using it for fights I doubt we need songs like Sailing
Got a link to the list? I don't remember what exactly was on it.
Right here
Well, yes. The Avalonians did killed the adult Green Skulls on the facility. And it can reasonably inferred that once Mordred's superiors arrived they would be recruited into their forces.
We need to be ready in case they pop up during the assault.
I'd add Painkiller, Welcome to the Jungle and Shoot to Thrill.

I'd also rearrange the lists so that "non-combat" songs and combat songs have separate tapes.
But that raises some questions. What role which they would take? Assuming their goals are survival, which would make the most sense, and a slab of revenge on the side(they were ok with us killing the green skulls, but they were pissed that they resorted to such acts), being used as ablative armor or front line infrantry would likely not sit well since thats what they were destined to be before. Because they are in the boonies and likely stay in the boonies until their job is done it would make sense to use them as fodder and have them prove themselves. I don't care how idealistic or feral a kid is, being thrown from one abusive situation to another still raises questions. The fact the savior did it would piss many of them off since it would just mean they were being used and were never free.
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I think everyone here is missing a grand opportunity. We can totally take them in, Fa's cousin is used to running an orphanage and I'm sure Rosita would be able to bribe or kidnap any kind of support staff we'd need, and they could probably fulfill menial colony tasks with the start of our belt empire.
Too much risk and too little gain
isn't that akin to slavery? i'm pretty sure roarke is totally against that.
Slavery usually means no pay or reward. They would be given those things. Merit gets rewards.
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Jovian customs already has child laborers in factories, I'm sure Roarke wouldn't be opposed to using them in lower risk situations.
Also excuse me for not just jumping on the purge all the children train.
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Rolled 5 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

"Alright, if we do this correctly, they will have to divide their heavy mecha to deal with us." You tell your squad as you get into position, setting up comms for the three of you.

"Ready!" Clemmy chirps, she looks overjoyed, wiggling back and forth in her seat as she adjusts the Flowerhorn's instruments, "This is just how I thought it would be! You, me, some third wheel that isn't Keith..."

"Glad to know I'm not Keith." Josiah quips, "Say, Roarke, what exactly did your father tell you about his war days? Did he tell you what he always used to do when he launched?" His voice slightly hardens, "And what exactly do you know about Belegor? Where is he? Is he in this system?"

"Not a damned thing." You admit, "Belegor's just some Paladin I heard of, and I'm working off a theory that he may have been involved with the Orange Pekoe team. Dad always said he was too young to officially enlist. I didn't even know he was involved until someone else told me."

"A Paladin?" Josiah's eyes narrow, and much to your surprise...he starts laughing. Deep, full-throated, overjoyed laughter, "Excellent. It's perfect, just perfect. Absolutely the best possible ending to this sad, sordid story. Let's all live through this, Roarke, we all have some revenge to take, after all. Anyway, what he would do when we launched was..."

"Hold on." You interject, "I've got to set the mood." You scan through your mixtapes, pick a song, and put it on. The bold beats of Kenny Loggins, and a song written for pirates, begin to play. "So what did my dad do whenever you launched?"

Josiah sighs heavily, "Exactly that. The very same song. Joe would sing along, deliberately off key, and Alex would threaten to stuff a grenade down his throat and Belegor would just smirk while Leroy tried to get everyone focused on killing Green Men. God forgive us, we were young and stupid back then."

"It's never too late to be old and stupid." You point out, and your squadmates laugh as Basil soars alongside, plates on his mech's shoulders rising up and firing a spray of missiles that release a dense, white fog full of glittering shards. Spears of light arc out from the facility's CIWS turrets, but the chaff breaks them up into a harmless glow that illuminates your trio of mecha. Black and white, black and gold, and green and silver, you dive towards the gaping mouth of the mechbay.

A pair of Knights and half a dozen Harpies are waiting for you just inside, the Knights painted in deep crimson with black accents and the Harpies lime green with the familiar white skull emblem.

>[Initiative, 1d10+6, your two comrades are using your initiative for my sanity, and the enemy is all delaying to the initiative of the lead knight, which I'm rolling]
Rolled 5 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Rolled 5 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Rolled 2 + 16 (1d10 + 16)

Why dose this keep happening
Rolled 2 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

oh it was 6, thought it was 16
I don't know why anons but I just want to beat the shit out of Josiah
Rolled 8, 7, 10, 9, 7 = 41 (5d10)

Well thats a little weird, checking the dice
how the fuck?
Should I roll again?
Rolled 10 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

well fuck.
Please roll one more time.
Rolled 4 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Does that count?
Rolled 6 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

here you go with a plus one from the maneuver pool
Because thats your default Thunderbird. If you aren't trying to seduce someone, you want to kill anyone in our way.
Oh ya, you're right anon
So, Thunder's the lizardbrain of Roarke. Makes sense.
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Hey if it works man.
Space Mobius when?
Rolled 3, 2, 5, 8, 2, 2, 3, 3, 7, 3 = 38 (10d10)

The two Knights are aiming at you. You're the biggest target and are taking point, while the Harpies focus on your comrades.

Rollan'. First two are the Knights attacking, at +12, then Josiah and Clemmy each making three dodges, then the Harpies at +10.
welp, they missed a fuck ton.

Knuckle Kaiser Knuckle Crack

"My turn."
Rolled 5, 5, 8, 4 = 22 (4d10)


Give me 1d10+15s.

Also, whoops, I forgot Clemmy and Josiah's other two dodges.
Rolled 4 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 1 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

KEK bless my rolls
Rolled 8 + 15 (1d10 + 15)


But that's Cipher
Rolled 2 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Alright. Here you go.
So anons we can insta kill any harpy by dismembering its head, how strong are knight's torsos though? We might be able to smash in the cockpit in two hits
Rolled 4 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

That's not how you roll dice anon
still looking for s PS2 emulator to play the old games. So still don't remember things right.
Flawless evasions. Now attack the shit out of them.

Give me 1d10+17s.
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Rolled 4 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Space Badlands Showdown when?

More like this anon, you need a certain finesse
Heavy striker so 10 kills and likely 5-6 SP. We do 8 kills a punch with armor piercing. They'd go down in 1 linked barrage. Less if we land a kick on them.
Rolled 1, 2, 9, 6, 10, 7, 1, 9, 6, 2 = 53 (10d10)

Hang on. Resetting the die
Rolled 7 + 17 (1d10 + 17)


Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 5 tons
Heavy Striker Head: C/S/K 5, 2.5 tons
Heavy Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Left Hand: Cost 2, Space 1, Damage 1K, Kills 1, 0.5 tons
Heavy Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Right Hand: Cost 2, Space 1, Damage 1K, Kills 1, 0.5 tons
Heavy Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Heavy Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Rolled 8 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Yatatatata the knights cockpit
Rolled 2 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Rule of Nature!
Rolled 1 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Rolled 9 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Rolled 3 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Awesome this is going to be a bloodbath
Rolled 1, 2, 10, 5 = 18 (4d10)


+12 to all.
Rolled 8 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

>2 crits
Good rolls anons

I can't believe you hit on a 1.
I may not be blessed by constant 10s, but I have done well even with my shitty rolls.
Rolled 9, 7, 1, 8, 4, 1 = 30 (6d10)

And for your teammates...

Clemmy is slightly wasted against Harpies, because her mech is built to kill huge heavies like a Tarrasque with her sheer alpha strike luck expenditure damage, but she's a good girl and does her best.

...and she rolls at +16, even higher than Josiah's +15.
RIP child soldiers.
Rolled 10, 3, 6, 4, 5, 10 = 38 (6d10)

Harpy dodges at +10.
Looking at their bonuses, the Harpies are rolling at 10s. MV of a harpy -2 so these guys are 12 average units. Thats C rank crew.
Rolled 1 + 10 (1d10 + 10)


Oh, right, I forgot about PARRIES! Knights have Medium Shields with DA -2, so they're at +10. Versus a 24 (impossible, so I won't roll for it), a 25 (again, impossible), and an 18.
Welp. Not even a 10 could save the first Harpy.

did he move the shield OUT of the way?
Man one knight gets double crited and the other crit fails a parry
Parry timings are hard, anon.
Given we rolled a 1 for that 18, I'm guessing Drunken Boxing-esque shenanigans.
I'm honestly just picturing it as a back hand combo. As if shooing the fodder away.
>Roarke slips on a space banana peel, and ends up spin kicking the Knights head off

He should have used a buckler says the guy who never used shields without 100% physical block and who has landed a grand total of one PVP parry per Souls game and can vividly remember the circumstances behind them.
Are you me?
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You remember when a pair of Knight-sized enemies were a tough battle for you, and luck and vigor pulled you through. That was a long time ago. You're stronger now, and the Kaiser...

The Kaiser is a monster. You can FEEL the tremendous power output. Despite its increased size, it's lighter, it moves as deftly as one of the Knights even before accounting for your superior skill. You dodge a lance thrust aimed for your cockpit, clamp your hand around the base of the unlucky Knight's lance with your right hand, and pull him sharply forward.

'Revvin' up your engine, listen to her howling roar...' Croons Kenny,

Your shields automatically swivel back, streamers of blue-green flame roaring from the thrusters there as you hammer into the Knight's torso, the drills on your knuckles sending festive curliques of white-hot metal rent from his frame dancing around the room like springs. He chooses not to eject, and in mere seconds you've reduced a Heavy Striker with armor equivalent to the Kaiser's original plating to twisted scrap metal. You throw it aside, barely twitching your head to avoid a cannon shot from the other one, and lunge forward. He tries to interpose his shield, but he's too slow, your admittedly sloppy backhand blow tears off the armor covering his cockpit and breaches it itself. Blood sprays out, apparently he didn't have his finger on the eject button either.

'Metal under tension, beggin' you to touch and go...' You've heard this song a million times and it never, ever gets old.

Clemmy is laughing. She spins into a graceful pirhouette, igniting the beam saber on one foot and slicing through the heads of two Harpies at once.

Josiah, meanwhile, is facing down four of the Harpies. For some reason, they don't seem to like him at all. He doesn't much seem to care. Three long, slender stilettos of emerald-green plasma swish through the air, from the rolling joints between the new Slayer's knuckles, casually slicing apart two more Harpies.

The chorus kicks in, 'Highwaaay to the danger zone! Ride into the danger zone!'

In less than ten seconds, you've torn apart two Knights, and your comrades have killed two Harpies apiece, the remaining two pulling back just in time to avoid Josiah's blades. None of them even manage to scratch the SOUL B members with their axes.

"Yes! Yes!" Clemmy laughs, her mech hugging itself as the last two Harpies dart away. She starts to lunge after them, then stops herself as the Kaiser grabs the Flowerhorn's shoulder. "I know, I know...but you feel it, right?" The Flowerhorn presses its palms against the Kaiser's chest, standing on one foot with the other knee bent so its heel nearly touches its skirt armor, an oddly coquettish gesture, "This is the power of a Thoroughbred squad. It's destiny. It's you and me and sweat and blood and the smell of hot metal." Her voice purrs like a chainsaw, her eyes smouldering with heat as she stares at you through the vidcomm.

Roarke too op please nerf
the enemies just need to git gud.
Looks like the Harpies aren't as fanatical as they seemed. Judging by the weight of a possible Knight, they are likely A ranks. Compared to the Cs in the harpies, it's looks like Knights are Avalonians only. Just need to keep it up.
So if she sallies forth to fight us we're just going to have everyone gank her at once, right?

She did refuse to duel, after all.
More then anything I'm just worried about our mooks or one of their guys getting a lucky crit on one of our softer aces especially Sam
Sounds like a plan, unless you want to disable the unit, it is Avalonions tech
Lets have Clemmy fight her, and considering how much of a cunt she's been Clemmy can play with her before we ransom her back
so just completely dismember her suit. shouldn't be too hard.
Meant to link to you
Well, so long as our guys are smart and eject when shit goes down, they would be alright. The Knights are too honorable to live and the kids probably just realized that this is not some game.
Depends if she sticks around. I can see her try to run back to her ship with her remaining knights only to find the stone soldiers waiting for them.
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You pause the music. Just for a moment.

"Roarke, my sweet, sweet darling husbaaaand..." The Flowerhorn's clawed fingers tighten on the Kaiser's shoulders, its face nuzzling against the black mech's, "I want you. I want you right now. I want you in my cockpit..."

Goddamn. If the circumstances were different you would be there already.

Josiah coughs loudly, and Clemmy's uplifted leg describes a lazy circle that ends with her foot-mounted beamsaber a few meters from the S-Slayer's neutral-faced mask. It's not an attack, just a warning. She doesn't even look away from you, her chest rising and falling with her steamy breath.

"I'm going to have you. As soon as I can." She promises you, her voice ragged, "Once we're done. Once we've killed them all."

"Mmm. Ah." The S-Slayer takes several long steps back, "You know, I think I'm understanding why General Fairchild has a poster of your face and a set of darts in her office now, Roarke. Oh dear." He laughs, "That, and the maintenance staff nearly went on strike after she...well, let's just say you've indirectly caused quite a lot of damage to her office."

"Fairy just doesn't understand!" Clemmy protests, "She's being a stubborn idiot!" She spears a downed Harpy on her footsaber, plucks it off with her clawed hand, and sulkily rips its wings off.

"Maybe." You glance ahead, in the direction the Harpies fluttered off in, "I think we're going to get the attention we want soon. Hopefully we've convinced them not to waste our time with the small fry, and if not..."

"If not." Josiah points out, "I'll begin using missiles. This S-Slayer Mk. II isn't just for show, I redesigned it from the ground up to suit my needs."

>[In the extremely brief lull between violence, what do you want to ask Josiah about while he's being chatty? Or flirt with Clemmy, that's good too.]
As long as we roll well.
We could double team her rip and tear style
This worries me but I hope Fatima thought of that outside
how much REEEEEEEEEEING has Fairchild done to her office?
We know but Roarke doesn't
he isn't omnipresent like us after all. MAQ When?
>How would you like your own Avalonian to play with for a while Clemmy?
Clemmy's been really good later and Mordred's acting like a cunt. Clemmy can get some info out of her and we can use her as bait to capture not Rin
"Hey Josiah, why exactly are you working with Fairchild?"

Also this
Well, I guess the most Roarke question is talking about dad. Know a bit more about the circumstances, why Josiah wasn't here either.

Oh, someone mention how the Green Skulls were the pirates Fairchild decided the back, despite then being, literally, the most evil.
That's why she did it, her plan was to use them to get rid of the rest of the crews and be so hate able she could call a crusade about it to win public support
Ask Clemmy if she would like to double team the Paladin if it shows up.
I just want to see her get hot and bothered off the thought of that.
I feel like we should be rolling for Pregnancy after were done with this fight
On another note, post pictures of your pilots!

Here's the Gold-Tail's pilot.
I need to get started on making my mech. homework and being lazy about actually figuring out the system is not helping.
I wonder whatever happened to that Maid that stole Roarke's boxers?
The Myrmidon's Pilot!

Take your time Anon. There's no rush.
And I forgot the pic

Incidentally, finding pictures of badass moderately attractive older women is surprisingly difficult.
the hunt for cake is hard indeed anon.
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But thats a dude. Anywho, the dutchman is piloted by not!Doan, but part of me is drifting to another choice as well.
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How old are we talking? Does it have to be anime or also western?
Wait, is that an older, busted up faced Daniel Radcliffe?

Oh, and taller.
Yeah, the Myrmidon is piloted by a mid-Twenties guy, the Gold-Tail has a 17-19 year old girl and the Spartan's pilot is 62.

62 years old but not showing it so much. I assume medical technology is advanced enough to slow down aging a tad. It's still obvious she's older though. Either art style works.

I liked Doan.
Both are good choices for the Dutchman in different ways. Sticking to good ol' goat face for the designer. Always looks like he's going full ham.
>Once we've killed them all

Clemmy broke in head. This has probably undone 20 threads of therapy.
Doesn't look much like Daniel Radcliffe to me. I just liked the art style.

Honestly, I was kinda imagining a younger Dame Maggie Smith.
Nah she's been a good girl and not hurt anyone in our crew, she deserves to have a little fun
Just some bloodlust and some regular lust.
"Hey, I've been meaning to ask. Why exactly are you working with Fairchild? Why is it that you and my dad were supposedly best friends, but I never even knew you existed, growing up?" You ask something that's been nagging you for a while.

Josiah sighs heavily, "I did come by once, when you were a baby. I wanted to see how Alex was doing." He smiles ruefully, "I had just been confirmed as a Bishop of the Church. Back at the orphanage, Alex and I had always talked about taking holy orders, but the War changed us both. It strengthened my faith, but I think he may have lost sight of the Lord by the end. Perhaps I should have judged him for that, most of my colleagues would, but he had a wife he loved, two healthy children, and even though he tried to make me welcome I could see that the memories my presence brought back pained him greatly. So I set aside my own feelings, and stepped back. I let him live the life he wanted to live, and devoted myself to my work. I didn't even know what had happened until the Solar System League talks brought me to Jupiter and an agreement with the Pope led to my assignment as a SOUL pilot. It was easy going back to following orders. Familiar. Fairchild is the head of the SOUL project started by General Baaljag and Colonel Mu...Stern." He corrects himself quickly.

"Right. Colonel Stern." Your voice is as dry as the Sea of Tranquility, "But that doesn't answer my question. These kids we're killing? They're just one of the atrocities the Green Skulls created wherever they went, and Fairchild was using them as a catspaw."

"It's hard sometimes, reminding myself that you haven't seen the things Alex and I did, Roarke. War is full of atrocities. People die, and to the people doing the killing, they're sometimes nothing more than an afterthought, a nameless tick on some grand balance sheet or even less than that. All of those people had hopes, dreams, loved ones, wishes they left unfulfilled. Some were important to a few people, some to many." He looks down at one of the shattered Knights, "We'll never know who these two were, or why they chose to face us first. We'll never know about the younger siblings waiting for them back on Avalon, or if they were in love with each other. We'll never hear about the deeds they did when they were alive and the deeds they wanted to do. They were the protagonists of their own stories, but to us they might as well never have been given names."

"That's not good enough." Your voice comes out like one of the Kaiser's punches, "She told SOUL A to stand by while the Green Skulls killed children. Are you defending that? Or when her ship used Suleiman 1 as a shield?"

"Roarke..." You're only aware that the Kaiser was moving towards the S-Slayer, shields locking back in attack position, when the Flowerhorn shoulder-checks it and pushes it back, "Stop it. I...I'm having a really hard time thinking about this too. Please."


Amos' granddad is retired!
Oh Lord.
This is the oldest lady I got.

>tfw you never bothered sorting out your character art folder
I know that feel. got some of it sorted but the recent shit ain't sorted and it's mixed up with unnamed webms and bits of hentai and porn.
I am so glad we picked blue over yellow. We can only tempt fate so much before it snaps back. No one survives the Yellow Getter machine.
Eh, not exactly what I'm looking for, but I'm getting there.

Say, name a badass old man from some media.
Master Asia
Old Snake. Eldore from White Knight Chronicles and that's all i can name off the top of my head.
"He has a right to be angry. I wasn't making light of what happened. However...I believe in the Lord. Do you know why people turn to religion, Roarke? Some think it's because of the promise of eternal life in Heaven. I don't. I am sure for some, that's their only motivation, but for those with a sense of justice the existence of Hell is even more appealing. I believe, with all of my heart and soul, that those who are deserving of it will come to a bad end and find judgement awaiting them. Inescapable, ineffable judgment. It awaits every last one of us, including me. The absolute nature of this final reward is terrifying, yet simultaneously gives me absolute peace of mind. If God desires to deliver her to justice, I will be there to see it through. If God lightens her soul and brings her redemption, I will still be there to see it through. So long as God is in his heaven, all is right with the world." Josiah makes that Christian handsign thing where they draw two lines across their chests.

"Even if heaven forgives her, I will not." You gently push Clemmy aside.

Josiah smiles. It's an infuriating smile. Subtle, yet faintly knowing, "This, too, is in His plan then. Poor General Fairchild."

"You weren't the original pilot of the S-Slayer, were you." It isn't a question.

"No, I suppose there was a test pilot for the original version." He says, neutrally.

"Who?" Once again, the Flowerhorn hauls the Kaiser back, "Who was the original? Who killed Captain Ozark? Who killed my brother?"

Josiah sighs heavily, "Roarke, if I knew who killed your brother, there might already be blood on my hands. I would surely face damnation for my betrayal, but Alexander Starwind was my best friend from the time the two of us were old enough to have lasting childhood memories and Cassius was his eldest son." The S-Slayer spreads its arms wide, "I'm speaking to you in confidence, trusting that you aren't going to betray that by recording this conversation to get some kind of petty victory over Fairchild when you've already got the most significant win you could ever have hanging off your mech. I helped cover up the loss on Griggspont because it involved the exposure of classified military technology. I was not privy to the identity of the pilot. If you don't believe me...do what must be done. My conscience is clean."

>[Hit him]
>[Don't hit him]
Joseph Joestar (part 3)
Bang Silverfang
Rooster Cogburn (maybe)
Hijikata Toshizo (from Golden Kamuy)
Anybody played by current Clint Eastwood
>[Don't hit him]
>[Don't hit him]
>>[Don't hit him]
the man truly was loyal to Roarke's father so i'm going out on a limb.
>>[Don't hit him]
Not the time or place for it and it won't do us any good.
Master Roshi
Blackbeard frm AC:Black Flag
Reinhardt frm Overwatch
Hayato Furinji frm History's Strongest Disciple
>>[Don't hit him]
We'll get our chance to fight him later, but for now Flirt with Clemmy to break the tension
any of the old Kage's from Naruto too, now that I'm thinking about it.
>[Don't hit him]
>This is not over. Not by an inch or by a mile. We will have this conversation later.
>>[Don't hit him]
"I'd probably want to punch you in the face later, but not in a mecha."
You know, thinking about it, I honestly can't hate Josiah. Guy is a prick, but at the same time he's damn honest. He knows where he's going. He's not buttering it up and he knows Fairchild is damned as well. He may have the Slayer and was the cover up, but for that I can't properly hate him like Jesus or some others.
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"This isn't over. Not by a mile, not by an inch. We'll continue this conversation later. I might want to slug you, but not in a mech." You promise Josiah, the Kaiser putting its arms around the Flowerhorn and hugging Clemmy's mech tight.

"It would be difficult to turn the other cheek after one of your punches, so I'm grateful for that. Thank you." Josiah manages so sound just slightly sarcastic, but then lightens up, "I do intend to see just how strong you've become at some point, though. You'll get the chance to vent your anger."

"What about me? You're both upsetting me, when do I get to vent my anger?" Clemmy grumbles.

The Kaiser pats the Flowerhorn's raised head, "How about on the Avalonian commander? Do you want her?" You suggest.

"Really!? Yes! Oh Roarke, you're the sweetest!" Clemmy crows. She picks up the torn wings of the Harpy she pulled apart, and begins busily crushing them together and bending them, twisting them back and forth.

"Come on. Let's go." You turn and begin heading farther down the corridor. You keep a sharp eye on your ASP, expecting at any minute to run into something unpleasant.

>[Roll 1d10+12, Awareness]
Rolled 3 + 12 (1d10 + 12)

So once we capture Mordred whats the plan for her? I say we let Clemmy have some fun with her and then use her as bait to draw out Rin so we can capture her.


What was that guy's name from Escaflowne who fought mecha with just a greatsword?
Well, it's the bare minimum. Next highest challenge would be a 20 and that requires a 8.
Rolled 5 + 12 (1d10 + 12)

Rolled 1 + 12 (1d10 + 12)


Rin would Space Shirou or Space Saber. I don't think she was involved in Fate/ stay part where Mordred was. That entire uinverse is confusing though so yea
Apparently we aren't following it that closely, because Mordred talked about how much her Paladin and Lori were rivals
Rolled 9, 7, 8, 9, 8, 8, 3, 4 = 56 (8d10)

Lordy what is with my rolls today?
Ignore these rolls Wong.
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You spot the thin wire stretched about ten meters off the ground just seconds before you would have hit it. You throw a cautionary arm out across the chests of the Flowerhorn and Slayer, pushing them back. Several steps. The wire is stretched across the end of the corridor, where it opens out into a large room. Scanning it, you can't see any mecha, but from another corridor down on the other end you can hear them approaching. You're also reading the signatures of a pair of fusion cores inside the room itself on either side of the door, although whether they're mecha themselves or bombs hooked up to the tripwire, you can't tell.

>[Retreat and trip the wire with your harpoon while in the corridor]
>[Crawl under it and trip the wire with your harpoon while a safe distance inside the room]
>[Crawl under it but don't trip the wire at all]
Well shit WTF?
Mecha-tripwire? What the hell man, that's a first for.
>[Crawl under it and trip the wire with your harpoon while a safe distance inside the room]
>Wait for the other mechs to get closer, then
>[Retreat and trip the wire with your harpoon while in the corridor]
>>[Retreat and trip the wire with your harpoon while in the corridor]
Use their own traps against them. Either it damages some mechs or we just dragged two harpies to us.
Thanks for the suggestions.

I figured it out.

"I don't remember my jumpsuit being so tight. Maybe if I Just adjust the zipper a bit..."

Was almost Maria Carnegie.

Here's her mech and Background by the way: http://pastebin.com/yjbC1Hr9

Dunno if Wong saw the updated version.
Goddamnit anon.
>[Crawl under it and trip the wire with your harpoon while a safe distance inside the room]

I'm worried the explosion will collapse the corridor.
We could dig through pretty easily
Somewhere, there is a young officer with some furry undertones hanging out with his crew, playing with his guns.
>throw a piece of a harpy at the wire
Now I have to draw up a mech that uses a scaled up hand cannon...
Then splitting up the party would be a bad idea. The trap is either something to damage us or isolate us. If we don't do either, we're good. Remember, you never split the party.
Unless the vote changes significantly between now and tomorrow, it looks like the winning option is crawling under the wire and tripping it with your harpoon while a safe distance inside the room.

See you glorious bastards at the same time tomorrow (technically today)
See you Wong

You can bring the others with you.
Seemed to be a split really, unless you count throwing a harpy limb a part of retreat, but we'll see you soon.
But I thought we didn't get to bring friends?
Damn, if any of our mechs had a ranged energy weapon we could try cutting the wire without tripping, but no such luck.

>[Crawl under it but don't trip the wire at all]
Everybody move along, leave the trap to be. Or see about disabling it from the other side without exploding our way out.
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Meet the pilot of the Valkyrie. I considered basing her off of Cima, but I don't think that Rosita would unintentionally cause enough resentment in a friend for that to work. Even if she's probably stolen the heart of half of Kathrine's boyfriends by accident.
Aaand mecha: http://pastebin.com/LkDJjdpF
Incidentally, the ace version would probably use an energy pool for even more fancy, while the mass production version would only have one active shield and a more standard weapons loadout.

Did you explain how how they got an EMW for it?
Rosita uses puppy eyes on Roarke Starwind. Its Super Effective!
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>ADF-01 Lightning

>Medium Striker Torso: C/S/K 8, 4 tons
>Medium Striker Head: C/S/K 4, 2 tons
>HeavyStriker L. Arm: C/S/K 6, 3 tons
>Left Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
>Heavy Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 6, 3 tons
>Right Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
>Medium Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 5, 2.5 tons
>Medium Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 5, 2.5 tons

>Base Frame Weight: 18 tons
>Base Frame Cost: 38 CP

>Armor: Medium Striker (4 SP, 4 CP, 2.0 tons) on all locations (Total: 24 CP, 12 tons)

>Main Sensors (Head): 4 CP, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1 ton
>Backup Sensors (Torso): 2 CP, 2 Spaces, 2 Kills, 1 ton

>Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Liftwire (0.3 CP), Spotlights (0.2 CP), Katz Deluxe Anti-Theft Codelock (0.2 CP)
>'Kusanagi' (Handheld Katana): WA +1, 8K, Quick, AP, 24 CP, 6 Spaces, 4 tons (SE: +9 CP)
>(Optional) Beam Magnum: WA +3, 10K, Range 650m, Clip-Fed (5 shots, 3 clips), 24.6 CP, 6 Spaces, 4 tons (SE: +9.5 CP)(WE: +2 CP)
>Lightweight Standard Shield: 6 SP, 9 CP, 0 DA, 7 Spaces, 3 tons (SE: +2 CP)

>Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 3 per arm, 4 in the torso. Moves 700m per turn in flight or can run 250m, 20 CP

>Total Weight: 39 tons
>Total Cost: 134.7 CP ('Kusanagi') / 137.8 CP ('Beam Magnum')

The pilot is named James McClintock, has a grudge against Martians, drinks more whisky than any human can safely consume, and has set his sights to take down Roarke Starwind to become the top Mecha Ace. Has spent the last 8 years touring the underground mecha fighting circuit.
I can see her suffering already.
>"Say Kathy, I want to hold a tournament. Can you set that up?"
>Sighs, canceled her date, pulls another all nighter
Also, the Knights seem to be using at +16, while the orphans are using +12. Oddly enough, I don't think we've seen anything but 12, 14, and 16 for crew stats all quest. Does anyone know why?
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Hm. Can anyone comment on:
- Whether you take the MA penalty for Clumsy weapons for each such system you have mounted across your legs and on each leg, or just the largest penalty among all the systems?
- How the Clumsy penalty is rounded if it's got a fraction in it?
- Whether you can still punch with a Hand if it's holding something at the time?
- Whether there's any way to pull something currently grappled at range with an Entangling weapon, or if it's just immobilized in place?

They're the recommended values for crew skills for crews of different ranks.
It's their rank in terms of experience. 12 is a C. Fresh from the Academy and know how to pilot a machine, but has no real experience. 14 is B which are crews like the Kestrels and the average we've been facing. Experienced and more skilled. A is your elite crew. The really skilled ones who fought countless battles. They'd be close to SOUL tier in the navy and aces for us.
I ship Kathy with the Myrmidon's Pilot.
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>Walkure Delta
Za Walkure (A Storm Dragon "Ace-ish" Mecha... Well, at least it isn't a Shinobi Harpy!)
Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 5 tons.
Striker Head: C/S/K 3, 1.5 tons.
Heavy Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons.
Heavy Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons.
Heavy Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons.
Heavy Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons.
Striker L. Wing: C/S/K 3, 1.5 tons.
Striker R. Wing: C/S/K 3, 1.5 tons.

Armor: Heavy Striker (5 SP, 5 CP, 2.5 tons) on Legs, Arms and Torso, while having Striker (3 SP, 3 CP, 1.5 tons) in Wings and Head.

Main Sensors (Torso): 4 CP, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1 ton.

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Torso Storage Module (1 CP, 1 Space), Liftwire (0.3 CP), Spotlights (0.2 CP), Stereo System (0.1 CP), Anti-Theft Code Lock(0.4 CP), Interservo Linkage System (Left Hand to Right Hand, and Right Hand to Left Hand, 6 CP).

Head-Mounted Heavy Missile("Himitsu Heki: Tiro Finale!"): Range 1200m, WA +2, 12K, 1 rocket, 3 CP, 3 Spaces, 0.5 tons.
Torso-Mounted Missile Pod("Owari da! BANISHMENTO ZIS WARUDO!"): Range 450m, WA 0, 6K, 10 Shots, 6 CP, 6 Spaces, 2 ton.
Arms-Mounted Fists: WA 0, 4K, Handy, Quick, 6 CP, 6 Spaces, 2 tons (x2)(12 CP)

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per Leg, 3 per Wing, allowing it to fly 600 meters per turn or run ??0m. 16,6875 CP.

Design & Decor: (Its very ornated indeed) +2 Cool, 1CP.

Weight: 44.5 tons as base (39.5 after 10 CP spent on Weight Efficiency).
CP:139,6875 CP.
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Pilot: Akai Inazuma
Is one of the "imoutos" of Oda Yoritomo and has been in the Yamato for almost as long as she can remember, her mother was one of the first to join the crew after the its formation and piloted a transformable winged bluegill, but was kind of yandere like about oda and didn't liked to talk about her past, eventually Akai's mother was killed in battle while trying to protect Oda from another ace's secret weapon, and Akai was adopted by the crew because she doesn't wanted to abandon the only home whe new to live in a maid café. So, to forget the loss of her mother she went full into old nippon culture and the word of the home-dweller sages, and wanted to became a pilot like "Oni-chan", but as nobody of the crew liked the idea of risking their newfound imouto in battle, they started to distract her by making her "train" in order to prove herself able of being a pilot(and submitting her to any weeaboo trainings they could think of).

But when she got word of the tourney she just started to annoy everyone so much about wanting to fight in it that she finally was able of convincing Oda to give her a mech.

The result was the Walkure, a mech good enough for an true Storm Dragon pilot.... And able to bring imouto back home.
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Here's the completely up to date Myrmidon with all its variants: http://pastebin.com/bw0jkhUe

This is the version that Iskander Interstellar would be putting on the market.
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And this is the Myrmidon Custom "Achilles" which is being piloted in the Tournament: http://pastebin.com/gd9a2WJT
Kathrine would either instantly take her under her wing or consider her a DEADLY RIVAL. Kathy's the type to actually care about the relative strength and prestige of the Storm Dragons and Red Siren's gang more than either Oda or Rosita. Mainly because Rosita blew off any concerns about that, and thus Kathy began to worry.

Incidentally, there are rules for other crew costs hidden in the Advanced Tactics Manuel on page 85. The Rinehawk might be closing in on the 15 rank.
>mfw everyone is posting their fully-statted tournament mechs and I still don't have anything remotely submittable
Well, guess I'll just skim through everyone's numbers, then.

EMWs have a quarter of their damage in structual Kills, so the 7-Kill Naginata should have 1.75 Kills and weigh 0.875 tons.

You also have an additional +1 bonus to melee damage done with your Medium Striker Arms, so you may wish to make a note that it will actually deal 8 Kills of damage.

Similarly, your Heavy Striker Arms come with a +1 bonus to melee damage with your Kusanagi, so it will actually deal 9 Kills of damage in combat. You might want to make a note of this in case you forget during the fight.

Like Projectile Weapon ammunition, Clips for additional reloads of your Magnum are assumed to be stored anywhere on your mech unless you specifically allocate Spaces to store them, so you don't actually have to spend Space Efficiency on them (and indeed might not be able to, if Wong isn't letting us Efficiency things down to 0). However, since Clips are discrete items, I do not believe that they can be assumed to occupy the same set of Spaces as the gun itself - you cannot hold a Clip in the same Hand as you hold a gun.

As above, you may wish to make a note that your Fists actually deal 5 Kills of damage due to the +1 melee damage bonus from your Heavy Striker Arms.

Your running MA is determined by your Weight. As you're at 44.5 tons pre-Efficiency, your land MA is 4 Hexes, or 200 meters.

Your Beam Rifle should have Range 11 if I'm not wrong. Otherwise, nothing really leaps out at me.
Hm... Akai-chan don't think about it much anymore but on the inside she kind of miss having a real family, if Kathrine could get to her heart she would gradatively open up to her, alternately she would love to have a rival, but she wouldn't take it too seriously out of her mech.
Lets see how this is going to roll ^^

I know about the 5K part, but i didn't regard it as worth to mention in the sheet because Wong would probably perceive that anyway, but thanks for the attention and for the running MA part, i didn't found it in the book, ^^.
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It's in the Core Rulebook, same table as the one you get your MV from.
I'll throw out the dutchman again. Been working on a defense loadout for it but that and other tweaks will take time. http://pastebin.com/7EPWmpMY
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Melee range is range 0, not range 1; all your melee weapons (including the Ball and Chain) should have 1 less range.

Apart from that, I didn't spot anything over a quick skim through other than that your Total cost makes reference to your cost 'after power plant', when you probably mean to refer to your hydraulics.
Huh, I must've forgotten to change the range increment. Thanks for pointing that out.

Have you seen the Spartan and Gold-Tail?
I can see Agatha becoming very fond of Akai. She's had three kids and knows how to deal with the antics and might act motherly towards the Imouto. How would Akai respond?

Don't really know how Agatha would deal with Kathy. Any thoughts there?
Decided to revamp the Myrmidon's Pilot.

>Rohan Sune
>29 Years Old
>Born on Europa
>Raised in a devout Hindu Family
>Joined the Military as a Pilot, mustered out after 6 years
>Hired by Bucephalus as a Test Pilot, eventually joined the Skunkworks program
>Had to leave when his team was let go
>Hired by Iskander Interstellar as a Test Pilot

Serious, quiet sort of guy. Jack of All Trades type pilot. Competing in the Tournament in order to give the Myrmidon some exposure and to earn a reputation as a stellar pilot for the future.

Unknowingly a heart-throb thanks to his stylish good looks and formally polite demeanor. Has never had a romantic interest. Somewhat a straightedge as he's a Vegetarian, doesn't drink or smoke, etc.

Question: Can I put two heads on a Mech and Primary sensors in both?
What are you looking for? I was actually looking into the Mobius Zero and the Exus for inspiration for a Martian ace, but I've already got too many designs
>Mainly because Rosita blew off any concerns about that, and thus Kathy began to worry.

Incidentally, are we using the tailing rules?
How many is too many? Cause I have three contestants but have made at least 5 different designs.
Well you can only use one. I got at least 10 mechs floating around at this point, only 3 of which I actually feel like using.
Only one contestant? Cause that's gonna suck.
As far as I remember. To be fair it stops someone just swamping the thing with all their shit.
True. Admittedly, I'd really like to see how these characters interact.

On another note, did Wong say anything about using Alpha or Beta class armor?
Yes. Speaking of mecha, I'm working on reverse engineering some of the more common mecha to add to the Rogues Gallery. I'm almost done with the Knight, but if anyone wants to fully stat the Tulwar or Scimitar I'd appreciate it. Thread 5 would have the information you need.
I dont know if he said it specifically but I assume beta armour is not allowed. That said as far as I remember Karen got theblans for beta armour off the internet so who knows.
Looking back at this, this might be fine then. It may seal us in with them, but that'd only go poorly for them. A 'I'm not locked in here with you, YOU'RE locked in here with ME!' sort of situation and it would draw attention to us. After all, the other team is trying to shut down their weapons so any heat off them is good for us.

>[Crawl under it and trip the wire with your harpoon while a safe distance inside the room]
and bring our buddies with us.
Have figured out the Knight (except for tread bullshit), and the Scimitar. Speaking of:
Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 6 tons
Heavy Striker Head: C/S/K 5, 3 tons
Heavy Striker Left Wing C/S/K 5, 3 tons
Heavy Striker Right Wing C/S/K 5, 3 tons
Medium Striker Armor (4 SP, 2 tons all locations)
(23 Tons, 41 CP)
Main Sensors (Head): 4 CP, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1 ton
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2 CP, 2 Spaces, 2 Kills, 1 ton

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Storage Module (1 CP, 1 Space), Liftwire (0.3 CP), Spotlights (0.2 CP) Weapons Cross Linkage (Beam Guns, 2 CP)

Duel Medium Beam Guns: Range 350m, WA +1, 3K, Infinite Ammo, 5 CP, 4 Spaces, 1.5 tons

Thrusters: 6 CP worth of thrusters to give a total speed of 800m
Total Weight: 28 tons
Total Cost: 68.5 CP
Would a jet need a liftwire?
I honestly tossed it in because it seemed like everyone had them.
Wow, Scimitars are cheap.
Asking because a mass-producible Medium Strikers with EMW's, High-yield Ranged Beam Weapons and Beta-Grade Armor is entirely doable and kinda terrifying.
Actually, it should be 67.5 CP, since it has a Head Cockpit with Ejector Seat (1 CP, 1 Space) instead of the Environment Pod.

I reverse engineered the stats from these lines in the 5th thread:
>Scimitar: 4SP, Torso 10K, Head 5K, Wings 5K each. Travel 800 meters per turn using both actions. Equipped with two fire-linked Medium Beam Guns with +1 WA and 3K damage. Cockpit in Head.
>Tulwar: 5SP, Torso 12K, Head 6K, Wings 6K each. Travel 1000 meters per turn using both actions. Equipped with a Medium Cannon that does 6K with WA+0 and a Rocket Launcher that does 4K per missile and packs 10 missiles. Some have nonstandard loadout, being more powerful.
Its a lot easier to be cheap when you have less limbs.
Hold up, Tulwars are Indian. Samshirs and Saifs are directly Muslim related. What gives?

No dude, I mean this:

Iskander Interstellar Myrmidon

Medium Striker Torso: C/S/K 8, 4 tons
Medium Striker Head: C/S/K 4, 2 tons
Medium Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 5, 2 tons
Left Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Medium Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 5, 2 tons
Right Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Medium Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 5, 2 tons
Medium Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 5, 2 tons

Armor: Medium Striker Beta Grade (6 CP, SP 4, 2 tons) all locations

Frame Cost: 72 CP
Frame Weight: 27 Tons

Main Sensors (Head): 4 CP, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1 ton
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2 CP, 2 Spaces, 2 Kills, 1 ton


-"IBR-11" Beam Rifle: Range 11, WA +1, 8K, Infinite Ammo, 12 CP, 12 Spaces, 4 tons (Space Efficiency: 7, 3.5 CP)
-"IEMW-01" Beam Saber: WA +1, 7K (6K+1, only 2K of structure), EMW (treats SP as 4 less than usual), 6 CP, 6 Spaces, 1 ton (Space Efficiency: 1, .5 CP Total)
-Arm-Mounted Folding Shield: DA 0, SP 10, 15 CP, 1 Space, 5 tons

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Torso Storage Module (1 CP, 1 Space), Liftwire (.3 CP), Spot-lights (.2 CP), Deluxe Anti-Theft Lock (.4 CP)

Base Mech Cost: 118.9 CP
Base Mech Weight: 39.5 Tons

Thrusters: 12 MA [ 18 CP | (.45 * 39.5 = 18 ) | 19 Spaces: 3 in each arm, 2 in Torso, 5 in Each Leg ]

Total Mech Cost: 136.9 CP
Total Mech Weight: 39.5 Tons

It's Expensive but still falls into the category of "Grunt" Mech. It's pretty much exclusively what an Officer would Pilot but two Myrmidons versus 3 Pumpkinseed-II's has me betting on the Myrmidons.
Meant to reply to this guy>>729211
>Hold up, Tulwars are Indian. Samshirs and Saifs are directly Muslim related. What gives?
I dunno, I don't name them
Oh, here's a thing.

>Gamma Armor Shield: DA 0, SP 8, 24 CP, 1 Space, 4 tons, [Gamma Armor will not Ablate to anything less than 8K Damage]

Ah, right.
Gamma is definitely not allowed and I am pretty sure doesn't even exist yet.
Well aware. It's just a neat thing.

Is Alpha Grade Armor as Useless as it looks? I mean, it'll resist large numbers of 1K but it's otherwise not worth the cost.
It would have uses for machines that operate in hazardous environments like fires or live wire situations. Would make for great rescue machines.
Probably mostly for guys on foot I imagine. Or if some prick decided to put a million 1K missiles on his mech. It'd stop a harpies beam scattergun.
Medium Weight Torso: C/S/K 12, 6 tons
Medium Weight Head: C/S/K 6, 3 tons
Medium Weight Left Wing C/S/K 6, 3 tons
Medium Weight Right Wing C/S/K 6, 3 tons
Heavy Striker Armor (5sp, 5 CP 2.5 tons all locations)
(25 tons, 50CP)

Main Sensors (Head): 4 CP, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1 ton
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2 CP, 2 Spaces, 2 Kills, 1 ton

Options: Head Cockpit with Ejector Seat (1 CP, 1 Space), Storage Module (1 CP, 1 Space), Liftwire (0.3 CP), Spotlights (0.2 CP)

Torso Mounted Rocket Launcher: Range 350m, WA 0, 4K, 10 rockets (can be fired singly or in a salvo), 4 CP, 4 Spaces, 1.5 tons
Torso Mounted Medium Cannon: Range 350m, WA 0, 6k, 35 shots, 8 CP, 5 Spaces, 3.5 tons

Thrusters and speed: 9.6 CP of thrusters, mounted in the wings. 1000m MA.
Total Weight: 32 Tons
Total Cost: 80.1 CP

Have the reverse engineered Tulwar.
Yes. Generally speaking, you can mount whatever Servos you want on your mech, and mount whatever systems you want in those Servos, assuming you have Spaces to spare.

There are admittedly some other restrictions on things you can and can't do, but having multiples of the same type of Servo is not among them.

I'm not looking for anything in particular. I just seem mentally incapable of not making janky pieces of shit.

Beta is almost certainly the purview of aces only. Not sure on Alpha, but I'm not sure how useful it'll be in this context.

Beta Armor mainly obsoletes super-cheap mechs like the Harpy. Generally speaking, Bluegills and Pumpkinseed IIs already mount weapons with a high enough yield to ablate it. All that really happens is that the average damage of weapons is pushed up.

But once systems on the level of Reactive Shields and Energy Pools become mass-producible, things will start becoming really scary.

Shields are shields, and armor is armor. Shields are not armor (not mechanically, at least), and cannot gain the benefits of the various armor types. You can only purchase appropriate options on the Shields table for your Shields.

Makes you less likely to get wrecked by swarms of extremely cheap mechs, or Roadstrikers geared towards killing mechs. Of course, more expensive Roadstrikers using out-of-scale weapons will still wreck you, but I don't think Wong would allow anything like that.
>Shields are not armor (not mechanically, at least), and cannot gain the benefits of the various armor types.
Maybe you should take a look at the section for the different armour types again.
Huh. Not sure how I've never noticed that before.

Although I generally round thrusters, that's wonderful! Yes, this is the canon form of the Tulwar, although they're frequently customized (most commonly with 5 points of Weight Efficiency for 29.5 tons, or with the weapons modified, Mohammed's original had two linked Medium Cannons). The only thing I'll change when I add it to the pastebin is giving the head cockpit a proper environment pod like most of the bigger mecha have instead of just an ejector seat.

Thank you for doing that. Honestly, I kept meaning to do the Tulwar and then getting distracted by mecha that could actually hurt Roarke.

As you can see, the Tulwar is cheap and the Scimitar even cheaper. It's fast, and despite being a bit unwieldy compared to a Harpy in humanoid form it can generally wreck your typical pirate mecha. When it comes to anti-pirate fighting, the Martians actually have a solid edge on the Jovians with their Bluegills and Pumpkinseeds.
>Bluegills and Pumpkinseed IIs already mount weapons with a high enough yield to ablate it.

Missiles and melee weapons only at the moment. And the Pumpkinseed's cannon. It seems that no one else has had the idea of building compact beam weapons yet.

>Shields are shields, and armor is armor. Shields are not armor (not mechanically, at least), and cannot gain the benefits of the various armor types. You can only purchase appropriate options on the Shields table for your Shields.

Shields can be made out of different armor materials.

It's unfortunate that a halfway decent shield is pretty expensive.
>Hold up, Tulwars are Indian. Samshirs and Saifs are directly Muslim related. What gives?

Tulwars can be found in Pakistan too, can't they? Martian mecha aren't actually limited to being named after Muslim weapons, you could very easily have a Glaive or Halberd show up, the Khanda is also Indian.


Missed this, see >>729602
Why is called a Tulwar?
Because their names have a sword theme
>Tulwars can be found in Pakistan too, can't they? Martian mecha aren't actually limited to being named after Muslim weapons, you could very easily have a Glaive or Halberd show up, the Khanda is also Indian.

Fair enough. Now that I think about it, the Mughals did use Tulwars but it's such an obscure weapon comparatively.
Martian mecha starfighters are named after swords.
Technically the Tulwar can swap out its ammo load to 15 standard rounds and 5 anti armor shots for no extra cost, if it thinks its going to be fighting heavily armored mecha. That's probably standard practice for fighting Paladins, because its not like you are going to actually last long enough to run out of ammo.

Apparently not. As for why, I meant more lorewise. Why'd they decide on that name?
'ey Wong, what's up?

Question for you, What Mechs are the Lunar and Venusian forces using?

And did you get to read the pilot Bios?
Because Martian mechs have a sword name theme. Same way that Grumman corporation aircraft get named after cats, and other US fighter names are bird-themed.
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>Yes, this is the canon form of the Tulwar, although they're frequently customized
Pic, (and Pastebin) related? http://pastebin.com/ySi3QU1J
whats a good name for are growing nation in the belt? a german name that relate's to a bird of prey would keep into are name patern i think.
I'm confused as to the purpose of mounting a Head on what is clearly a Mechafighter (and therefore does not take any penalties for not having Sensors in a Head servo), apart from presumably needing the extra Spaces and the bonus to eject.

Then again, I suppose having a higher chance to survive ejecting is a pretty good selling point for a grunt unit.
Falconia, not just for the bird name but because they idea of it fits really well with Roarke's plan

The RCC tends towards more Jovian-pattern mecha, such as the Cardinal, but Lunar mecha in general are very likely to transform and are usually named after birds. It's hard to say "very likely", on second thought, because a lot of what Lunar mecha do is fill in gaps the Martian and Jovian corporations ignore. For example, the Tern shuttlecraft is virtually ubiquitous just because nobody else really put much thought into making a shuttle and usually just refitted Tulwars to have bigger cockpits, while the designers of the Tern cared about things like "leg room" and "cupholders".

Means 'eagle state'
>it has cupholders

I'll take twenty.
Eisentor, the Iron Gate. Got to go through it to get to Earth and Mars or Jupiter after all.
that's actualy very awesome. also sounds like something a german would call america.
Hey Wong, did you decide what upgrade we're getting from Fatima since we finally slept with her?

Why German?
Huh, neat. Venus doesn't get any non-RCC or Lunar Mechs?

Can we assume there's a bunch of Bird names for the Lunar Mechs and you'll just stat them out later?

Cause Osprey sounds cool for a Frontline mech and the idea of a White Hat version of the Harpy called the Sparrowhawk amuses me.
the knuckle kaiser. kaiser meaning a german king or emporer.
Eh, your right but Roarke himself is Irish so wouldn't it make more sense for it to be irish?
I thought he was Jovian
Nothing we have is overtly Irish though

Also Rhinehawk. Totally wasn't originally supposed to be Rimehawk. Nope. Nuh-uh, always was Rhinehawk.


I'll summarize, it's called Kaiser Kick and gives your dropkicks the Disruptor property, which is like AP for beam and reactive shields.
Confession: I think Knuckle Kaiser is a dumb name and I'm surprised more people don't snicker when its full name is mentioned.

Black Ogre sounds badass though.
Also Rhinehawk.
Practically nobody speaks Irish today, including Irish people. Irish is almost certainly a dead language at this point.
well i guess we have some irish blood from are father. but i like to believe that are mother is german, and that she had a few german words she taught us. like kaiser.
Ionian if you want to get specific.
Wait isn't our mother Irish and our dad is an Aussie?

Try saying it in hotblooded engrish.
If there was a well-known mass-murderer named "Twinkle-nosehairs" you wouldn't laugh at his name, you would run.

Reputation is a hell of a drug.
Our name is Roarke Starwind

His First Mate is named Miles Longshadow

His brother took 'Cassius Cosimo Cavalier' as an alias

His pirate fleet is led by an idol, a black weaboo, climatologist Harlock, and an operator

We're too full of ridiculous for me to give a fuck

It has been so long since your ancestors lived on Terra that it's a bit moot. Bruce Kelly is an exception since he was literally born on Australia.
Not gonna lie, I'd probably laugh when he's very far away from me. Like if I was online.
>Nakeru Kaiza!
This is the type of shit you get when peoples souls arent weighed down by gravity.
of the two names offered(alderstaat and eisentor) which do you like as a nation or colony?
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Wait, shit, I messed up.
At the end of the day we're called the Bull of Io which is about as perfect a nickname as Roarke can possibly get considering what it actually means
>His pirate fleet is led by an idol, a black weaboo, climatologist Harlock, and an operator
To be fair, that Idol technically isn't part of the pirate fleet. Also, as far as I can tell she doesn't actually run anything. Instead she seems to use sheer charisma to compensate for not bothering to read reports.
And Kathrine worked so hard on them too...
>weighed down by gravity.

I know this originates in Gundam but that's a nonsensical phrase.
I want to hug the Katherine and tell her I appreciate her.
You would think that since gravity is weighing down your soul.
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That depends on the situation in which they meet at the stat of mind of Akai-chan in that moment, for example, in most of time she talks mostly normally ith a little weaboo shenanigans, but when she feels th need she goes full chuuni on people.
Its possible that Akai start trusting agatha and enjoying to spend time with her "Senpai", but she probable wouln't trust her much in the beginning and maybe even call her "Oba-san" while in chuuni mode.
Alternatively, the idea of having a life out of the dragons or to have people to care about besides her adoptive family is strange to her as she tries to not think much about her mother thing, and so, she may be a little divided between giving attention to Kathy or Agatha, or to focus in being "The Akai Yokai" in the future.
>The ravishing of a princess frm Europa and given the opportunity to rule her own kingdom.
Holy sheeeeeto
That effectively means Zeus, right?
Front guy even looks like a brown haired Roarke. As if he thought dying his hair and going shirtless would get him into a tourney to take on Wu-fei the traitor.
Yup, plus the calling someone the Bull of Io is also basically calling them Zeus the man who loved to put his dick in everything
Now I feel that people from Charon would probably get discriminated agains cause of the whole Neo-Greco-Roman Religion thing.
I think people would just be really superstitious about it.
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Rolled 1 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

"Hold on." You slowly, carefully back your comrades up, and scan around for further tripwires. It seems like there's just the one.

You pause to think momentarily. Leaving it like this just guarantees that someone is going to be thrown into it or stumble over it at some point, probably someone you like. You briefly consider backing up and setting it off, but then you consider the mindset of those fleeing Harpies, expecting pursuit from this direction. It wouldn't surprise you at all if this is supposed to collapse the hallway.

You decide to take your chances, and drop to all fours in your mech, scurrying underneath the wire and getting a look at the two fusion cores set up on either side of the corridor, "Alright, do what I just did. Don't snag your back thrusters on that wire." You cast a look down the hallway on the other end of the room, which seems to be a disused storage or maintenance area. You're definitely reading approaching mecha, but the amount of wall between you and them makes it impossible to work anything else out. Your comrades follow you, and you pull back to the center of the room, engaging your harpoon and slicing the wire easily. The ensuing explosion rocks the floor, lines of blowcord igniting and glowing as the flame hisses up into the ceiling...where an even larger explosion in the ducts above the corridor you came in by knocks you nearly off your feet and drops several support struts and reinforcing metal plates into the corridor. You're confident the Kaiser would have survived it, but it would have been a pain to dig your way out and it likely would have damaged you. Either way, unless you want to dig yourself out while in combat, there's now only one exit from this room...and a dozen Knights, shields held in front of them and lances poised to fire, are marching towards you from that exit.

>[Roll 1d10+6 initiative and issue orders to your squad. Clemmy has her powerful beam sabers and magnetic grappling harpoons, Josiah has powerful beam sabers of his own and his 12K Burst Missiles]
Going to point out that everything is always weighed down by gravity, no matter how far it's from an object with mass.
Rolled 7 + 16 (1d10 + 16)


It's a bit less so when you realize the speaker's father literally believed that humankind migrating to space en masse would cause them to all evolve into Newtypes.

Although that's also kind of nonsensical.
Yeah but gravity obviously doesn't weigh you down as hard in space.

She's very good at delegation.
Yeah, the sidestory at the start of thread 40 really inspired Katherine particularly this exchange:
>"Not unless your own mechanics were wrong about it. Didn't you read their report?" Samantha looks sidelong at the taller woman.
>Rosita smiles and shrugs, "If it was urgent I'm sure someone would have told me directly."
Thus, the detail oriented sidekick Katherine was born.
Oh no doubt, but not when he is in arms reach of you.
So, as a Thunderbird, you're saying that Roarke has a metaphysical manifestation of Zeus in his noggin? And all this while, including the seducing and bloodthirstiness was intentional?
Its only nonsensical if it doesn't work.
Rolled 6 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

well, here we go.
>Have Josiah unless his missles while us and Clemmy rush into them from either side us going far left her going far right

No, but boy isn't that a coincidence
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>mfw people are making their pilots so detailed and have such high expectations of how they're supposed to act
What exactly are you referring to by 'down' in this instance?
Rolled 5 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Reason why I keep mine simple man. I know the feel and won't push ya.
I could make my eventual pilot a faceless everyman if it makes you feel better?
As long as my guy is a zealot and his main goal is dying gloriously in battle do whatever you want
This is why mine is just an old antisocial dude in a gas mask.
>*Smiles* "It seems that they just run into the DANGER ZONE"*starts playing music*
>"Josiah, some fire support would help, could you do the honors? Clemmy, you go to the left, i go to the right and we met in the middle of them... Sounds like a plan to you?"

Like, for example, I'm seeing people talk about some second in command for Rosita and how she would interact with EVERYBODY and I'm scrambling to parse even a little of it. Storm Dragon Chuuni girl WAS fine but now she's gone the same way. I can't keep up.

Maybe I've made a terrible mistake somewhere.
Red Sirens new album was "Wolf Girl" right?
oh dear god it all makes sence now!
Just make the ultimate heel turn and have them all die in the first battle

Well, instead of having kids the Newtypes tended to get thrown into the cockpit of a mobile suit and sent to fight whichever terrifying monster Newtype had the titular white gundam unit in that series, so they periodically go nearly extinct.
Mine has one paragraph of story i posted here ealier, but i don't expect too much, i was just awnsering Sparthan and Valyrie-Senpai in how i would develop her if given chance.
Mr.Wong, desu this is what you get with a passionate fanbase. We do enjoy your story and the upcoming tourney is an opportunity to invest ourselves more into the story. However, a piece of advice from my hero, Caped Baldy for those with pilot backstories.


Yes. Yes it is.
Just make them keep it simple. If they go overly fancy, simplify it. Tell them you are going to do it, but do so to save yourself grief.
Current SPACE JAM Contestants and their Mechs:

>Agatha MacGregor: BHI Morgan Custom "Spartan"
>Akai Inazumi: Walkure Delta
>Finn Bodvarsson: Huscarl
>James McClintock: ADF-01 Lightning
>Kathrine Archibald: Valkyrie Close Assault Mech
>Rohan Sune: Myrmidon Custom "Achilles"

Unnamed Characters
>Not!Doan: Dutchman
>Rebellious Girl: Gold-Tail
>Gasmask Guy: Freebooter

Did I forget anyone?
Huh, strange, i don't remember removing the namefagging.
Hey, Wong-sama, please, you don't have to get much stressed up for chuuni, i was just theorizing about stuff with senpais, but i never expected that everything would go 100% that way and that you have to guess what i would like for chuuni or something, don't need to be worried, you can take her in the direction you want man, i'm okay with it.
I believe that the Gold Tail and the Myrmidon are by the same fellow

Honestly, just do what comes naturally when you write the characters. We can shorten who they are down to a sentence and you can just take it wherever you want from there.
Possible names for gasmask man include Monk, Funk, Junk, Lunk, Chunk, Drunk, Skunk, Trunk and Punk.
Rolled 7 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

"Josiah, hit them while they're still bunched up. Clemmy, go left, I'll go right. Ready?"

Josiah rubs his forehead, "I swear, I was supposed to be in command of defeating Avalon here. Why am I taking orders again?"

"Admiral outranks Lieutenant." Clemmy points out, "Plus it's a smart idea."

"Right, yes. That's why." The priest twists his mech's shoulder, and with a push from the fan-feathered tail angles a rocket launcher into position, "Here it goes."

Unlike previous iterations of the S-Slayer, it doesn't fire a bunch of small shaped charges, but rather one huge, multi-finned missile trailing white fire.

Short form of my character:
Ex military girl who is the serious strait woman to Red Siren. Is comically overworked because of Red Siren's delegation habits, but they're still good friends.
Whenever Red Siren tells her not to worry because X will work itself out, she starts to worry about X.
Rolled 8 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Right then, let me roll a +17 for the moment we start punching things to help Wong.
I'm not actually entering this either; it'll get utterly destroyed. I was just bored earlier.

>Dragon-loving engineer fired from workshop for stealing parts to upsize favorite children's toy, escapes police to seek employment with pirates.
I wonder what each of our girls kinks are?
I bet Rosita's is Hand Holding
Rolled 9, 7, 10, 3, 5, 9, 8, 6, 9, 2, 7, 5, 8, 7, 2, 7, 10, 4, 10, 1, 10 = 139 (21d10)

Well thats a lot of high numbers.
Avalon doesn't want to job today, too bad Roarke's gonna make them
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Don't worry guys, I'll still give it my all with your characters (and the tournament structure will help). This is my Plus Ultra!
>Implying Clemmy's isn't handholding while engaging in intense wrestling/CQC with Roarke
Daughter of an Storm Dragons ace that got chuuni after trying to forget the emptyness left by her mothers death, is has power delusions about being much more powerfull than she really is because of her training, but even if she believes that her destiny is to be the best pilot under Oda's wings... inside her heart she miss having a real family, but won't admit it.
Please. Fa is an exhibitionist, Clemmy is hand holding/kissing obviously, Karen is toys, Rosita is roses and candles, Sam is S&M, and Lori is addicted to giving footjobs.

Oh, no, those are all of the locations Josiah just hit.
Well, thats Blast rolls for 6 Knights and each 10 is one for the SPECIAL table. One of them is having a especially bad day.
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I'm so sorry for all the metal...
Rolled 3, 6, 3 = 12 (3d10)


Rerolling all 9s because that's a location Knights don't have (they have no wings, tails, or other greebles)
Rolled 2, 4, 5, 1 = 12 (4d10)

Alright so rolling for the four 10s on the special chart
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No Tracklist ver.
Rolled 7, 5, 10, 8 = 30 (4d10)


Rolling 10s.
So someone explodes and another goes on the cinematic roll.Another gets gib and one loses a shield. Bloody hell Josiah.
Rolled 10, 6 = 16 (2d10)


8's a cinematic damage hit. Rolling for the powerplant explosion too, because why not? Bear with me, guys.
Quick Summary of the Characters to make things easier.

>Agatha MacGregor: Old Widowed Veteran looking for new purpose in life.
>Akai Inazumi: Chuunibyou girl who is the Storm Dragons' collective Imouto
>Finn Bodvarsson: Crazy Neo-Viking Cyclops looking for a glorious death.
>James McClintock: Professional Mecha Tourney Pilot looking to face and Defeat Roarke
>Kathrine Archibald: Red Siren's long suffering 2nd in Command who wants some recognition for her work
>Rohan Sune: Bookish Test pilot for small Corp who is trying to make a name for himself

>Not!Doan: I think there was something about helping orphans?
>Rebellious Girl: Street Punk who wants to join the Kestrels and become a real Pirate
>Skunk the Lunk: Antisocial Paranoid Veteran who never takes off his gas mask [In my mind, He either sounds like the Pyro or has a ridiculous German Accent]

I think that's Everyone?
And cinematic guy is down! Explosion guy doesn't die from an explosion.
Another mech shutdown, thats 3 out of combat now because of the crits.
How do burst location roll works? why he rolled 21 dice when there is only 12 guys?
Do you want suggestions for Song Names?

It's actually not that bad. The one hit in the cockpit actually survives because blast damage caps at 5K and then starts building on another location, Knights have 6K SP.
Wolf girl
That is true, but man that probably scared the guy shitless.

...Actually, no, the guy who was hit in the cockpit was the one in the hex Josiah hit to begin with. Well, I fucked THAT up. HE'S dead for sure.
My wolf to be (its actually a love song written with Roarke in mind after she heard fatima calling him "My Wolf")

I won't lie it's completely a Momiji reference.
So, with the 2 we killed and the dozen here, thats 14 knights. We are well on our way to killing a quarter of Morgan's elite knight crew. That is just our team, not accounting for those going after Flint or B team.
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>pic related
Does he have a ridiculous German Accent?
Do Missiles only do Blast damage?
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Idk about him, but chuuni should speak in engrisu a lot, desu~
Dont know, Hunk is pretty much an edgelord though from what I know. Also the only competent member of umbrella that doesnt get turned into a monster.
This one is all song names strung together to tell a basic story,
1 bad moon rising - ccr
2 a wolf at the door - radiohead
3 wolf bite - owl city
4 bark at the moon - ozzy osbourne
5 new moon rising - wolf mother
6 she wolf - megadeth
7 hungry like the wolf - duran duran

the blank version is if Wong would like to make up his own names.
>3, 7, 10 (7)

This poor son of a bitch is dead. Dead dead dead dead dead, he took a 12K cockpit hit. Ignore the 3 and 7, those were fuckups.

>3, 5, 6,

This guy's alright. He took 5K to the Torso (meaning just -1 SP and no direct damage), and two 5Ks to the right arm (-2 SP)

>8, 6, 3,

Also okay. -1 SP to the Left Arm, Right Arm, and Torso.

>2, 7, 5,

Ditto. -1 SP to both Arms and the Torso.

>8, 7, 2,

-2 SP to the Left Arm, -1 SP to the Torso.

>7, 10, 4,

-1 SP to his Left Arm and Torso, the blast also severed his shield mount.

>10, 1, 10

Both tremendously lucky and tremendously unlucky. -1 SP to the head, survived a powerplant hit BUT his Knight shut down. Oh, -1 SP to his Torso, too.

If they were Harpies pretty much every last one of them would probably be dead.
Well quality beats quantity. And we have an exSF operator, certified yandere cqc expert, and the Bull of Io.
So, one dead, one out of combat, one guy that can't arry and its going to die if he doesn't eject.

4 people with an 5SP torso.
Isn't Wesker really competent? He's infected but not a monster. I think.
Thats the thing though, these are A rank crew. 16 points across the board and Knights are likely about 100 cp each. With a dozen machines that is 1200 CP, or 3 400 cp units and we took out two with a single missile. He should have another one ready.
"To be honest, I think this thing could be more efficient. It's an anti-Harpy weapon." Josiah comments phlegmatically as the missile lodges directly inside the cockpit of the Knight in the center...and explodes. Chunks of metal knock the six Knights surrounding him around, one lodging between the shield and the arm of the knight in front of him and making it fall to the floor with a tremendous clatter. Another strikes a powerplant, and sparks fly over the framework of one of the Knights behind the now-deceased initial target before it collapses, nonfunctional.

Ten remain, one without a shield and somewhat battered, four others also looking rather torn up. You're sure you've seen Richard testing ballistics on a missile like this before, and yes, it WAS meant for Harpies. The Knights are large, beefy mecha compared to typical pirate fare.

>[Someone already rolled an 8+17, but we still need more! Feed me more 1d10+17s!]
He turned into a giant worm monster.
Rolled 7 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Punch as many cockpits as possible
Knights are Heavy Strikers with Mediumweight armor, right?
Rolled 5 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Rolled 8 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Rolled 8 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

I think we can afford to avoid cockpit hits with the stragglers once we drop the numbers a bit.
Rolled 3 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

They knew what they were getting into, better to get this done fast as possible so we have less deaths on ourside
Rolled 4 + 17 (1d10 + 17)


That's a 12K missile with Blast, right?
Test. Pls ignore
This is what I've reverse engineered:
Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 5 tons
Heavy Striker Head: C/S/K 5, 2.5 tons
Heavy Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Left Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Heavy Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Right Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Heavy Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Heavy Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
43 cp (18.5 Tons)
Armor: Medium Weight (6 CP, 6 SP, 3.0 tons) on all locations (36CP) (18 tons

Armament: The Knight uses a Mated Cannon and Lance, a hit of 6K to either will destroy both. The CP, Spaces, and Weight listed for either form is shared and not added twice to its cost. (18 CP)
[Handheld] Avalonian Lance (Lance form): WA 0, 6K, 9 CP, 6 Spaces, 3 tons
[Handheld] Avalonian Lance (Cannon form): Range 350 meters, WA 0, 6K, Ammo 10, 3 reloads, 9 CP, 6 Spaces, 3 tons.
[Arm-Mounted] Medium Shield: DA -2, SP 9, 9 CP, 4.5 tons

Thrusters: 7 thrusters stored in allowing them to jump 200m at a time, without the capacity for in-gravity flight, but they can run 300m per ten seconds (30m/s) and the sophisticated system of treads built into their feet, reminiscent of a very complicated rollerskate, lets them ignore terrain that would severely hinder you. Treads: ??

Total weight: 43? Tons
Total Cost: 104 CP

I'm not sure what the tread things cost, but they may be as much as 15 CP, which would be almost comically suboptimal.
Yeah, but if its getting to the point where we've already won the encounter, there's no real reason to go for cockpit hits.

There's a lot that's suboptimal in this system and the devs really, really should have gone "yo this isn't as point-efficient as tons of thrusters but better represents more primitive mecha because we're trying to cover a tremendous tech range here".

Do you remember a certain Rashad Abujamal?
Huh, that's a pretty Heavy mech for something that makes up the bulk of their forces.

The Lance-Cannon is pretty neat.
That is true.. and avalonians are known to explode on failure.
Wong how close are we to getting to 10 renown?

Better to just get rid of them
Their striders seem to be based around the old philosophy of war mechs. Heavy, bulky, and big. Fits well with the fact thats probably the only thing the Green Lady remembers of them. If they stuck to planets, having them be land based isn't a bad idea.
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at +12


Oh, the melee-form lance should actually be 7K, I forgot to add the +1 from the arm servos.
Rolled 1, 5, 9, 2 = 17 (4d10)


Naturally I forgot to roll!

And parries at +10...oh wait, no, it's literally not possible for them to block you in time on any of those hits. You just took down four Avalonian Knights in ten seconds, personally. Roughly 2.5 seconds per mech.
Well the first one got pulverized to bits.
God were fucking frightening have we been using the plus 2 accuracy on our fists?
Rolled 1, 9, 3, 9 = 22 (4d10)

Clemmy makes two attacks at +16. They dodge at +12.
And the first one was a megacrit. Bloody hell the footage is going to leak EVERYWHERE.
Hail to the King, baby.
Probably just went through them like hot knife through butter. And the final fatality would be Roarke peering through the hole he made with the Kaiser Grin and saying,

>Here's Roarke

Two of them took Megacrits, actually. One took a crit. One took a normal hit.

Yes, hence +17 instead of +15...but thank you for reminding me, someone give me a 1d10+15 Intimidation.
I think a scarier way to do it would be counting them. We're up to 6 knights now, and only blood and oil is marring the kaiser's body.
Rolled 2 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Time to make people shit their pants
Rolled 3 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 10 + 10 (1d10 + 10)


And a parry at +10 versus a 17. The 25 is unbeatable for them.
Rolled 9 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Could we use our maneuver pool to boost it? I think it would refresh at the end of combat anyway.

They all lose an action. Let me take a minute to think about whether multiple megacrits in a round means multiple Intimidation rolls.
He punches through them hard enough that his fists not only proceed to go through the machine, but then kill the knights behind them.
>Whenever the Knuckle Kaiser sustains at least 1 Kill of damage to the Head servo, or scores a critical hit, the pilot gets to make an Intimidate roll as a free action.
Seems pretty black and white according to the rules. Whenever he gets a crit, he gets to make an intimidation roll as a free action.
And there were three crits. Two were megacrits. With the progression of the rolls, it sort of fits too. After all, they might charge at him, but then he'll just kill 4 more.
When we get back home we should do something fun with Athena, we did give her a promise. Maybe we can take her for training with Master Asia
She gets front row seats to the concert.
Dress up as the Box Gun-Kaiser and be the big spooky monster for her and Banana to beat.
Who the hell's Banana?
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You take the ones on your side. It's as simple as that. You stiffen your right hand like a spear, and the thrusters in your new shields roar.

Your mech has always been strong, but the Knuckle Kaiser in its previous iterations was always a customized Thoroughbred MP. Now, it's something else. Something infinitely more terrifying. A love letter forged with the obsessive desire of a girl who has watched you launch in every flight over the course of becoming a woman, written in black, white, and red. The elegant cursive of her feelings is conveyed in lines of ridged metal and the supple responsiveness of servos almost as sophisticated as living tissue. A true Black Ogre.

You put your right hand directly through the guts of the closest Knight, and driven by your lunge the two of you lurch backwards, spearing a second Knight through the cockpit as well, your hand emerging from its back. The Kaiser's right arm is buried to the shoulder in metal, circuitry, and a trace amount of organic tissue. Perhaps that's why the other two dare to approach you. It doesn't matter. Your left hand grabs ahold of the cockpit of the first, claws digging deep to crush and rend, then swinging wide in a backhand that eviscerates the fourth. The Kaiser's mask flips up, oil spattering its pristine face, and you hear a muffled version of a dissonant shriek over the comms, one that must be deafening to your opponents. They freeze in place...all but one. The one who lost his shield.

Clemmy effortlessly slashes through the cockpit of one, both arms describing a windmill that divides the Knight into four pieces...but as she whirls on the shieldless one, whose plating is a bit more ornate, he parries with his lance. It snaps. That one had been at the head of the formation, perhaps a leader.

You pause momentarily. You had been feeling inwardly slightly conflicted about killing Loriette's people. They might be enemies of the UJCIDF, but they've never personally threatened your freedom...however, seeing them fight, you begin to understand. A death in battle, serving one's lord, is an honorable fate for them. Seven have fallen, five remain, one disarmed. They all seem paralyzed with fear of the great black monster that is ripping them apart the way you imagine one of the Paladins might tear apart Scimitars or Bluegills. It must be an awful feeling for them, they're skilled pilots, likely veteran warriors, faced with something they can neither understand nor defeat.

You pull your arm out of the two Knights you impaled, and salute them with the oil-dripping appendage.

>[Finish them?]
Hey Wong, what was your ruling on alternate armor types?
Ask them to surrender?
Finish them. They're warriors and anything less without them surrendering is an insult.
>"anyone wants out, nows the time"
>Finish them
We have bigger fish to fry and we won't really get a good ransom from any of them
Take them. Nonleathally if possible. I want to keep the commander around for LorI to laugh at, do I might as well be consistent
The kid Athena likely plays with.
"Eject and live, or stay and die like soldiers. Your choice." Then move in for the kills.
"Knights, your braverly and refusal to flee in the face of overwhelming combat power is commendable. I salute you.

In recognition of this, I offer you quarter; to lay down your arms and cease hostilities."
No. Either surrender or die. Disabling them only gives them the chance to detonate their powerplants. Mercy is a luxury of the strong, and we aren't strong enough to leave hostiles at our backs.
Kill them dead. We arent here to hold peoples hands and they might blow themselves up if we give them the chance.
Then this.

If they resist, finish them.
Hey Wong does Roarke know about Amos yet?
You know, I just realized something. With our upgrade done, any Knight we kill is going to give us CP. There are 30 knights in this base. We will have so much CP for fist bits and extra bits.
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You hail them. "If you wish to leave, then go. Tell your commander what awaits, and surrender this asteroid to the Iron Kestrels. If not, I will handle you personally."

None of them budge. The leader stoops down and picks up a pair of his downed comrades' lances, one in each hand. With a deft flick of his wrist, he switches one to a reverse grip, peels back the shattered torso armor of the Knight whose powerplant was struck, and digs out the cockpit ball, rolling it away down the corridor behind him. The other four raise their shields, and couch their lances.

An old man's voice reaches your ears, "Sirrah, in the name of the Lady, we do not yield, but we will sing your praises in the afterlife. It is a privilege to die in battle against such a warrior." Each of them raises their lance in salute before resuming their fighting stance.

You gesture for Clemmy and Josiah to stand back, "It is an honor to face such brave and commendable foes. You have my utmost respect."

>[Feed me 1d10+17s]
Rolled 9 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

But what to do with Mordred's mech and the other ace's? I say we give them to Miles and Richard to make new mechs since their still in harpies

Rolled 8 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Been a while since I caught a live thread, feels good
Rolled 9 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

We'll have enough parts for all our aces by the ends of it plus any scrap we get. This place is a gold mine for a iron core.
Good night, sir knight.
Rolled 10 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

For Honor.
Rolled 10, 6, 2, 5 = 23 (4d10)


Superlative. +12.
Rolled 10 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

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Those are some fucked knights
Welp. All full megacrits.

Honouring them with a taste of our full power.
And that makes 10 knights killed by roarke. 33% percent of their order, wiped out by Roarke himself.
Rolled 8, 3 = 11 (2d10)

And two attacks from the survivor, give me 1d10+15s.

Again, +12
Rolled 5 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 5 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 4 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Get fucked Knights
Rolled 2 + 15 (1d10 + 15)


I wonder if any will survive their mech's destruction.
Avalon should bring out their elite mooks. Anything less is an automatic death sentence.
And defenders get the tie. Not even a scratch on us.
If they were sent to intercept us, they probably were
More 1d10+17s just for formality's sake.
Rolled 7 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Rolled 2 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Rolled 1 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Rolled 4 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Alright then
Think those were their elites. Did not help them. We are the Anti-Paladin to them. A blackguard if you will.
Rolled 6, 2, 9 = 17 (3d10)


Last one is a parry versus the 19 just in case.
Horray, the guy parried! Still dead, but at least he parried! He'll be the talk of the heavenly round table.
so, what do you guys think about our change from /tg/ to /qst/? I eventually came to like the bigger and comfy threads... But i'm getting this vibe that our sessions have been becoming shorter because of being divided between various days.
Still pissed about the way we got here, the mods fumbled this so fucking bad.
Not a fan of segregation and being considered not tg for using a tg game for this quest while they talk about random shit on there right now.
Before they can open fire, you are among them.

A strong left straight right cross combo crushes one cockpit, another spearhand tears through another. The howls of the Black Ogre echo over the comms as you tear two more apart. It all happens in the blink of an eye. Powerful treads on the leader's feat whir as he charges you, the lances he wields halted inches from your torso armor as you catch them in your hands, throw them aside with the metal badly torn from the cutting saws on the Kaiser's fingers and palms, and knock him onto his back, dropping down and slamming your fist through his cockpit with such force it leaves a crater in the floor. Silence falls. Complete, total silence.

Even Clemmy isn't lusting at you verbally for once, although you can see her quivering, her hands scrabbling at her flightsuit without opening it. You stand your mech up, the saws and drills whirring to a half, and caress the Flowerhorn's cheek, leaving an oil smear on it.

"We press on." You state plainly, and the other two mecha fall in behind you as you exit the maintenance room.

[Continued in an hour so Wong can eat]
So any plans on how we're going to use Mordred to bait out Rin?

I think it's the opposite, it's not unusual for me to run this three days in a row now, and it used to be that two days a week was a good week.

I'm also somewhat relieved to be away from /tg/'s mod, who seems to have a bizarre love of generals and doesn't allow the kind of derailing that used to make /tg/ great. The implementation reflected quite poorly on the mod team, however, they need to be more transparent and all bans should be made public with the associated rule broken. This isn't goddamn Reddit.
How many seconds after we're back at thr Rinehawk until clemmy reclessly cuts us free from our pilot suit and tries to fuck is in the hangar bay?
We won't even be out of our cockpit anon
>feet somehow became feat
>halt somehow became half

What the dickens, me.
Same ammount of time it will take Fatima to come to us to make love with us when she looks at the video footage of us killing 11 knights.
Will it be necessary? Moment we take the colony, the Avalonian fleet will likely stay away from us. They'd be fighting a losing battle and once taken, this place is of no use to them.
I want to bait out Rin so we can kick her ass, take her mech, and then ransom her back. Plus the fact that then Lori can bully her.
We'll have enough tech as it is and chances are she is with the main fleet. If you were worrying about casualties before, getting into a fight with them right now would guarantee a big loss of them.
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Man, I thought things were going badly for the Avalonians before this thread. Just... Jesus.

I'm glad I caught the tread, even if it it's during a break.
Now imagine how Fairchild is going to react to this video
I doubt there'll be enough desks to flip in the entire universe.
Honestly I want to see The Avalonians reaction to Roarke Tearing apart their knights and Paladins
post it on a propaganda video showing the Avalonians working with Green Skull remnants (child soldiers, no less!) and Roarke Starwind working hand in hand with Soul B for the benefit for the Belt and all Mankind.
How about we make Mordred beg for mercy on camera and then tell Avalon to send someone more worth our time?
>One of our ships attacked first and got punished for it, then deserted to his side. This gives him another ship, more mechs, and crew.
>The slinger was beheaded by the Tarrasque. Something we considered a failure.
>The Swordfish was disarmed by his second-mate in a machine that looks more heroic than the slinger and both were friendly.
>Teams up with us to take on the Avalonians and even leads the assault.
>Was reasonable to the enemy, but still managed to kill 11 knights so far.
Like that Thunderbird.
What the Dickens is a funny saying.
I imagine either Beth or Josiah will have to edit first.
>That pic
Do you think our Father would approve of our lifestyle?
Probably would jump into her Not!Qubeley and try to flip the Jupiter Gate.
It'd be next to impossible to do a 'han shot first' with the ships since the series of events dictate how it went. Likewise, any physical event would be impossible to alter. They'd leave out the talk with Roarke, but at this point the entire scenario is not looking good for a spin. It'd be best for her to just say 'welp, there's Roarke doing what roarke does and took out an entire division of knights using child soldiers. Will he rescue them or not we'll find out after the break!'

He'd approve of our musical taste.
We haven't played our Harmonica in a long while

The Knuckle Kaiser has become even stronger than I anticipated. Of course, it's Karen's expression of love. Even if she's not an ideal housewife or good at saying endearing things, a person can express great passion through their art.

Roarke has taken out eleven (not counting the three your friends got) Knights by himself so far without taking a scratch. Contrast that to when he fought the eleven Harpies and DID take damage.

I don't know why I'm laughing so hard at this mental image.
Are you drunk? I know I am.
not that, just edit out any instance of Mecha Grinding so she doesn't flip her shit halfway through the debriefing
A thing to consider is also the fact that the gap in terms of MV as well as the ACC and skill boost. -4 is a hell of a gap, even for a A rank crew and the Kaiser is a crit machine with all the mods done to it. Against bluegills and harpies knights would be scary. Even to pumpkinseed Is and IIs. However, the Kaiser is designed to destroy such machines if he goes straight for the kill and it shows. He is the key example as to why a specialist is horrifying.
That gnx iii needs a goddamn tampon.
Rolled 2 + 4 (1d10 + 4)

You walk onward, into the heart of a grand manufactorium. Although the machines lie dead and silent, you can see where mecha once would have been built, the racks to hold them standing like the desiccated ribcages of great steel beasts. There is air in here, far from the minor airlock entrance you used to breach the facility, and you can hear the clangor of your mecha's feet against the floors. It takes some maneuvering, occasionally, to avoid obstacles like abandoned trolleys or piles of blankets where you guess the children must have been camping. You spot, in one corner, an entryway to a chamber full of glass tanks...but it's blackened, burned, and although your ASP detects the organic remnants of rows of corpses they are quite plainly dead. You also spot something else, though, something that isn't dead at all. Spots of heat, living beings scurrying occasionally across the catwalks over your head and along the walls. One pops up over the railing, the teen's thin arms barely able to keep the man-portable beam cannon he's holding steady as he fires at you. You don't even bother to dodge, the white hexagonal patterns of your bichir armor glowing briefly as the force of impact dissipates, and you immediately grab the Flowerhorn's wrist as Clemmy activates her beam saber, stopping her from slicing the catwalk in two. It isn't worth it.

However...you spot something else on the floor. It's the cockpit ball of the Knight that escaped. It's gone a long distance on the smooth, grooved floor, it was propelled with some force by the leader of those Knights you killed, but if the pilot is inside they're probably still alive. These pods are made to resist impact. Josiah approaches it, and leisurely raises one foot to crush it flat.

>[If you want to stop him, roll 1d10+6. You can announce that you are adding Luck, if you wish. It's a straight 1d10+Mecha Reflexes roll from both of you, and he takes a penalty because he isn't expecting you to interfere. If you fail, though, what will you do?]
Rolled 5 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Plus 2 luck.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Well we don't even need to roll, do we? Our minimum roll is 7.


Which changes the question to...

>[What say/do?]
I should no have added the luck. I already beaten the roll with a 1.
Why did you waste luck when we have a boss fight about to happen
Forgot the +6, didn't matter anyway.

"You know he's MY prisoner, right?"
I'd feel a little cheated if it expended luck seeing as we could legit not fail that roll.
I'm reading through the myths of Zeus's lovers and comparing them with the waifus

Sam is pretty similar to Ganymede. We just need to give her brother or father a bunch of Bucephalus Mechs.

Fatima is a bit like Metis and Themis. Wise and powerful counselor and sets the rules in the Harem.

Clemmy is pretty similar to Callisto. Huntress seduced out of her former following and unable to return home.

There's probably a bunch of other similarities but I'm not really thinking straight.
Yep. That's the way it goes though, I guess he didn't look too close at Wong's roll and expected it to have the same bonuses.

Remember this man. Always pay attention to all the rolls and bonuses. Always.
>Not a threat. Save your energy for the commanders
Guy is down and out and we need answers either way once this is over. Besides, stomping on him only gives him an out. I can at least respect the desires of the soldiers who sacrificed themselves.
See >>731260
I'm use to low rolls screwing me over and someone rushing in without using luck or MV for their action when it was critical. I was bound to pay for my hubris and I apologize for it.
no point killing a man who can't fight back
Nah, Sam's Europa. Pretty obvious.

I see. On that subject, if you intend to keep this one...how will you do it? Carry their cockpit ball with you against the remaining 46 Knights plus the Cavalier and not-Barbatos and however many Harpies there are?
Well it wouldn't be hard to warp the ball just enough so the guy doesn't die but he can't open the door, right? Or would it be likely he carries something that can cut through the ball?
What about sealing the entrance so that he can't get out?and then rolling him to the way back?
The Ball has a hatch that has to open, right? Just block the hatch and put it in a corner while marking the place. He's stuck, can't escape, and sending forces to him helps us.

Maneuver points are expended first, arguably. Normally I would consider that cheating given you are not actively in battle at this moment, but...that was a pure oversight, spending that luck. With Josiah's roll success was wholly inevitable.
Make a ball sized hole in the wall.

Place ball in wall, with the cockpit door facing the wall.
There' a little overlap in Sam and Europa's stories, but more in Sam and Ganymede's
I think the parallel that really stretches it is comparing Roarke's personality to Zeus', but Samantha and Europa have a much more similar story than Samantha and Ganymede.
>Roarke: Fuck everything
>Zeus/Jupiter: Fuck Everything

Everything checks out pretty well, chief!
Your harpoon grips the contours of the ball and yanks it away before Josiah's foot comes down, leaving it dangling like some sort of oversized flail at the end of your arm.

"That one isn't a threat, save your energy for the commanders. Besides, the pilot is my prisoner, not yours." Your hands tighten into fists, "Honestly, does it really take a pirate to remind two special forces elites to behave themselves?"

"I'm sorry, Roarkey." The Flowerhorn's shoulders slump, "I just don't like people trying to hurt you."

"I know, Clemmy, I know." You console her.

Josiah laughs over the comms, "How sentimental. What benefit is there in letting the pilot report our capabilities to his commander? For all we know, she'll bring the whole facility crashing down on our heads. This is war, Roarke."

"It is for you. For me, this is pillaging. Is there something I should know about that could destroy a facility this size? An active nuclear weapon, perhaps?" You slam your fist into the wall, leaving a crater, and shove the cockpit ball into it with the hatch facing the wall. "Stay."

"Not to the extent of my knowledge." The priest's tone is just faintly sanctimonious, "Nuclear weapons aren't so cheap that they're just left laying around."

"May I make a confession?" You ask.

Josiah smiles beatifically, "Always. I'd always be happy to talk to you about my faith, and your father's. Should you wish to convert, I would even be willing to preside over your wedding." He adds in a quiet, more dry voice, "Your entanglement with Alice is certainly more tolerable than Ensign Young and Miss Fleur's. Don't tell them I said that." He clears his throat, "Although, you and Ensign Young are more alike than you know. He, too, probably would have chosen to spare an enemy on the pretense that they are a valuable prisoner. I think the angriest I've ever seen him was when he thought you were using Alice's feelings rather than genuinely returning them...and I'm relieved to see the truth of the matter between you two. On top of that, you both exhibit similar preferences for mastery of a singular mode of combat and disabling your enemies rather than killing them."

You point at him, "Those are fighting words, there. You're trying to tempt me to hit you, and it's working."

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Roarke's hard to pinpoint, the closest would probably be a mix of Odysseus and Achilles, maybe some Ajax thrown in
See >>731353
>you and Ensign Young are more alike than you know.

Dem foightin words alright.
>Although, you and Ensign Young are more alike than you know.
Hardly. Bitch boy has this weird tendency of shooting his gun and mouth first before diplomacy. At least we're cordial before busting mechs in.
>Although, you and Ensign Young are more alike than you know.

"Pretty sure I'm not THAT naive."
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He tuts amicably, "Nothing of the sort. Not while we're still working, anyway. It wasn't an insult, I find your respective attitudes fascinating. So, what did you want to confess, Roarke Susan Starwind?" The devilish S-Slayer folds its hands as if praying, palms pressed together.

"I don't understand why a facility like this would be abandoned in the first place. This place is a fortress, why just pack up and leave?" You look around at the tremendous room.

Josiah and Clemmy both chuckle. She speaks first, "You really are thinking like a pirate. Oh Roarke..." She sighs fondly.

The clergyman clarifies, "You're viewing this in terms of resources and a place to defend, from the perspective of someone whose main base was, for many years, a relatively small but fast ship. You are not thinking like Bahamut Corporation or the Jovian government, with nearly infinite money and resources. While the project was underway, it was necessary to have a facility where the work could be carried out in secret, far from prying eyes or possible corporate espionage that would have been unavoidable on one of the Europan colonies. The battle over this particular technology has been so bitter that even SOUL B has been denied access to it, the Bahamutcorp technicians refuse to share trade secrets with their Bucephalus rivals. Which is part of the reason why I'm here. Anyway, the need for secrecy and security drove Bahamutcorp to construct the Megabass here, in the lawless Belt. I believe that, prior to the discovery of a most singular pilot with the remarkable capacity to control the sheer overwhelming amount of information from its HMIS, there was some incident with a failed experiment going berserk that was eradicated and covered up, likely for the implied violation of human rights. Once the project was done, however, this asteroid became an inconvenience. Valuable resources and key personnel, stranded out in the Belt rather than kept close at hand. It was likely the scientists themselves agitated for it to be abandoned. One man's treasure is another man's trash, isn't that how the scavvie saying goes? It could always be retaken, the Green Skulls at the peak of their might were no match for the UJCIDF and at the time no one could have imagined an Avalonian invasion of the Solar System. Even the memory banks of the computers have been left mostly intact. One would need to be a Bahamutcorp scientist who knows their encrypting methods to make any use of the information retrieved. I can't imagine what you hope to do with it...perhaps you're banking on the skill of your mechanic, Roarke?"

Your mind goes immediately to one person, and it's not Karen. You do, in fact, have a high-level particle physicist who worked on a Bahamutcorp SOUL project and would, in fact, know exactly how to translate the files you hope to obtain. Duncan, "So why was Project Skywalker being carried out on Suleiman 1 with a place like this available?" You ask.

You know it was really silly to not wipe the computers when they left. There's no way they made this place 100% secret, and sure random pirates or scavvies aren't gonna get through the encryption, but what'll happen when a Bucephalus finds out about a secret base in the ass end of nowhere and decides to tell corperate to investigate and they find it abandoned with all the data still on the computers? They have the time and resources to crack the encryption. Why were they so sure

Oh and I'm not saying this to Not!Rejoice, I was just wondering if you could provide some OOC knowledge. There should be SOME good reason for them to be this lazy.
>a Bucephalus

A Bucephalus agent. Or spy, whatever you call people doing corporate espionage.
"in fact the saying is: One man's trash is another man's treasure."
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Josiah shrugs, "I can only speculate. My first thought is that a facility like this requires a significant investment of time and manpower just to operate. Project Skywalker had many loci, from the mechbays of Wels-class battleships experimenting with developing the SOUL units to places like Suleiman 1, a dedicated megabase...pardon the pun...like this simply wasn't required. A lab on some pleasant little mining colony where the scientists were able to get some human contact with the locals and stretch their legs would suffice. Besides, it showed good faith in the Martian investors, good faith that would not have existed if Project Skywalker was carried out behind the closed gates of a purely Jovian fortress like this one. The Ahmad family has considerable clout with the Caliph, as I am sure your Martian fiancee has already told you at length, using one of their colonies was a symbol of trust and necessary to bring them on board."

You still have questions, "What about all of this iron? What about the mining operations? 16-Psyche is clearly not mined out and wouldn't be if you ran the mines at full tilt for centuries!"

He shrugs again, "There are a few answers. The most prosaic is that mining here was heavily controlled. You didn't have an independent civilian population like on Suleiman 1, the only mines allowed to operate did so strictly as vendors to Bahamutcorp, and Bahamutcorp has enough mines that it could easily relinquish this one and lose nothing. It's not as if they were selling the iron. The most human reason is that this place strikes me as desolate, depressing, difficult for people to live a normal life around. The reason I think most likely, though, is corruption at the upper levels. Someone wanted a plentiful source of cheap iron removed from the financial equation, either to drive the price up or ensure profits from another mine they had more of a stake in. It might not even have been a personal investment, just an honest bribe."

"I'm still not buying it. Why not wipe the computers? Sure, random pirates or scavvies aren't going to crack their encryption, but Bucephalus would do it in a heartbeat." You note.

"You're right, it is suspicious. I could say that they were trying to lure Bucephalus into obvious theft of Bahamutcorp patents so they could bring them in to court...but I don't believe that, and neither do you." His tone becomes speculative, "Curious and curiouser." The S-Slayer squats down, "Do you see this?" He's pointing to a dust-covered terminal.

You take a closer look. As gently as possible, the S-Slayer fans the air with its fingertips, stirring the dust away from a lump next to the screen. It's a coffee mug, "Perhaps, Roarke, there wasn't time to wipe the computers, and perhaps something scared Bahamutcorp enough to persuade them never, ever to return. What do you think?"

>[What DO you think, if anything?]
Because searching for it would likely attract a lot more attention than anything else. Scavvies would sniff it out as money, pirates would want it too. But because the green skulls had the place they wouldn't want to get close. If they did, they could use the data as a bargaining chip.
Psyche is a small pierce of the pie for a megacorp, but a delicious feast for us.
God, I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop and Josiah to try to take Clemmy hostage, or even kidnap her. Christ, having him this close is making me antsy, and I'm behind a shitty laptop in my apartment, not neck-deep in dead mecha and REJOICING like Roarke is. The second there's certainty that Josiah is in that mech, for real, and it isn't a remote, I'm lobbying HARD for a surprise-attack drill-fist to the cockpit.
I think if this turns into some B Horror movie I'm just going to punch the spooky shit. Got a priest on hand and everything.
Still, this place has value and we'd need to clean house anyways. Might not get everything out of it, but backing down now won't help either.

Calm thy tits. We have enough enemies in front of us, let's not have paranoia take control too.
I'm guessing, since BahamutCorp was experimenting with the capabilities of the HMIS, they accidentally created the EXAM system.
It's super weird this place was abandoned in a hurry. It was set up after the war with the Green Men, right? A Green Man attack is the only reason I can think of they would just abandon a veritable fortress. But if the Greenies were already gone, there can't be another reason. Maybe the malfunction Josiah mentioned? No, they continued work after that.
I doubt the Slayer, in any configuration, could take the Flowerhorn in a melee engagement.
>fucking with two of the most fearsome CQC mecha around

>whilst in a CQC environment

Come on, Josiah isn't a fucking retard.
Well, there could be AI, EXAM shit, psychic shenanigans, crazy orphans, dealing with Galbady's sponge bath, gas leak, a purge of unneeded personel, break in the air systems, faked power core failure, booted out by pirates, and a few other scenarios off the top of my head. None involving greenmen or spores.
well it is a barely habitable rock in the middle of pirate country. A fortress is only valuable if its guarding something important. Plus all the crazy shit they did to try and control a nuclear fleet with someones mind probably had them ready to go when they left.
Necromorphs, Xenomorphs, Predators, some more weird spooky alien shit
>dealing with Galbady's sponge bath

This should be considered a war crime.
Maybe someone left this things here unprotected for their own gain? Maybe to get it back later but never got to really do it? Maybe they preffered to not move the data to another place where it would get more attention and be an easier target than here in the middle of nothing? Maybe this is one of that computer encryption shenanigans that needs centuries to unravel if you do not have the password?
I meant what could make them do it without a fight. Think about it.This place is heavily defended and sturdy, and instead of using that to their advantage, they literally ran as fast as they could.
You'll all see, he's buddy-buddy with Fairchild. They have an anti-Kaiser (or anti-Flowerhorn) weapon on board, and I'll say SEE I WAS RIGHT!

And then I'll cry because Clemmy is great and has suffered enough.
End of the day, what it is doesn't change what we need to do or our goals. Things are getting heated and we've come for treasure and a possible base of operations. Backing off is a bad idea for us.
Lots of things. Scientists are neither brave or strong so anything on a personal level or 'big' could get them. Hell, it could be a proto-eva.
They'd have had guards and a garrison of mecha at least, maybe even some ships.
It must be weird to give a bath to your own decaying body while you experience it through the senses of your mind broken slaves.

Seriously, this guy daily life must have been one of the craziest things an human as ever experienced....
This is the first time they've seen the improved KK, any weapon they would have would be for the older model. Even still, if they wanted Roarke dead they wouldn't be in here with us.

If anything Josie will be going for computer databanks or some way to wipe out the facility, not Roarke.
Anon, think very carefully what we are doing right now against a army of A ranks in 100 CP suits. Think some guards could handle a berserk machine thats well into the 300 CP range? Hell, if it's a ace, they'd be screwed.
Look, all I'm saying is that our track record with religious mech pilots is... bad.

Lysa with her pseudo-new-age-Justice thing corrupted Jesus. Fatima's late almost-husband literally suicide-bombed us. Why not prepare for the inevitable hat-trick?

On board the S-Slayer Mk. II? Didn't I give you its stats already, after you scanned it most thoroughly with your Target Analyzer?
That's not how people think. I doubt these guys were expecting us to go through them like tissue paper (and we probably shouldn't, all the rolls have been off the charts.)

Just saying their mechs aren't as good as ours isn't a good reason, look at Amos. He still fought the Paladin in a mook mech. So did all the people with him. A lot probably would've died if he hadn't been the luckiest person to ever live, but that's no reason to not do it. They're soldiers.
The Avalonians are already waging a holy war for this side of the galaxy, there's your hat-trick. Josie probably doesn't really want to kill Roarke, since he has someone else he wants to kill, instead.



Also great quest but sheesh you make me care too much.
Lysa's done nothing to us, and Jesus was already a dumbass to believe her.

And Rashad's suicide is less religion and more 'taking you with me', which is a fully acceptable tactic used by anybody
I'm saying that if the scientists were trying to developed a AI mech and it goes berserk in a high class, there would have been nothing to stop it. Likewise, security guards are not exactly the same as trained soldiers. Their job is to get their people to safety, not fight the monster. If it doesn't chase them, then there is no need to worry and escape is easier. Just warden off the area and don't think about it.
it'll be fiiiine namefag.
Whats The Worst That Could Happen?
I dunno, Roarke dies? He was literally a pair of sunglasses away from it a couple threads ago.
That's because Bruce Kelly is a bad motherfucker. But these niggas ain't no thang.
We're not going to be fighting mooks for much longer. There's still the head-honcho and all her personal guards.

inb4 we megacrit them all to death in one round.
Any knight we face is not going to last long. The giant might, but that depends on how many weapons it has and if punching it's arms off is easier than going straight for it's core. Not like a suicide bomb would do anything to Roarke. DA 0 13 SP active shield!
Friendly reminder that the only reason Jihad John didn't get us was because of the second or third luckiest roll of the quest.

It's not a good idea to just assume we're gonna win. Wong wouldn't want us to just breeze through everything and he's gonna try his best to not let us.
So... Are we saying everything above to Josiah? Are we even saying something to him?
I was just speculating in my comment, it wasn't really meant to be said to him. I'm not good at writing dialogue longer than 5 words, which isn't a very great achievement.
technically, we could have blocked the blast with our shield back then as well. Turned out alright in the end though and I am not advocating lax nature. However, paranoia does noone any good. We think things through logically, and we play smart while looking at the facts.

I already replied. You lot just went rambling again and forgot to give your own suggestions.
Any chance that we will have the opportunity to roll for our troops like in the session in which our harpies fired at the Green skull's ones, Wong?
>well, lets see what secrets lie at the heart of this spooky rock... after we evict the squatters
>"Not to the extent of my knowledge." The priest's tone is just faintly sanctimonious, "Nuclear weapons aren't so cheap that they're just left laying around."

Um...didn't the ship that surrendered to us say they had nukes on board? They did say they were going to nuke the site quick before we claimed it....
"Well, we can't stay here theorizing forever, and sooner or later the truth is going to come out anyway, i believe."
Figurative language.
No they did not. They had missiles, not nukes.
It was just regular missiles, and Captain Traitor spend them firing at the Harmonium.
I think it's reasonable to assume a boss fight is going to be challenging. And that Wong isn't going to let the quest devolve into just megacritting every encounter to death.

Oh whoops. I was sure I posted this but I think I responded to something else.

See you then Wong. Thanks for running.
See ya. Thanks for running.

These are all good theories. If it were a coverup, this place would have already been collapsed. If it was an emergency evacuation, there might be signs of violence. Maybe the project was orphaned? A leadership circle that doesn't support the project gets in charge, and the project is quickly abandoned (scientists hastily reassigned or shot and left in a lime pit) and the project left fallow for future use?

An alternate theory would have this government project left fallow so a private party could get ahold of it. Bahatmutcorp reclaiming its research or Bucephalus mounting a covert strike to try to get the data.

After all, its hard to publicly denounce an attack on an installation you're desperate to keep secret.

Too little data. I like the insane AI theory, tho.

In theory 1, it is the projects owners that stop work, leave the project for future use, and then bide their time.

Ooh. How about staggeringly unstable reactor on the station, and it's abandoned cause it could cook off at any second?
See ya Wong.

So... Reiterating >>730293

Anything missing?
Thanks for running, Wong, it has been an honor.

Question: Is it possible that chuuni girl would appear before the tourney? Or Kathy? as they already are part of the crew?
Alright so I probably fucked this up but Here is my entry for the Space Jam
And for the Life of me I could not find where to calculate the amount of spaces handheld weapons take up

Mercenary Bluegill Custom: Wraith

Striker Torso: C/S/K 6 3Tons
Striker Head: C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 4 2tons
Left Hand: CP 2, 1 Space 1K, .5tons
Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 4 2tons
Right Hand: CP 2, 1 Space 1K, .5tons
Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 4 2tons
Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 4 2tons
Striker R. Wing C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Striker L. Wing C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Frame Weight:16.5Tons Armor Weight:10.5Tons
Main Sensors (Head): CP:4 SP:1 Kills:1 Tons 7km Sensor Range 1000km communications
Advanced Sensor Package (Head): CP:10 Spaces 2
Backup Sensors (Torso): CP:2 Paces:2 Kills:2 Tons:1
Frame CP:31 Armor CP:21 Sensors CP:16 Options CP:3.8 Weapons CP:29.62
Armor: Striker (3CP, 3SP 1.5Tons) All locations

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces)
Liftwire CP:.3 Spotlights CP:.2 Stereo CP:.1 Anti-Theft Lock CP:.2
Basic Cloaking System x0.15 CP:17.744

Beam Cannon: Range:625 WA:+2 K:6 Infinite Ammo CP:15.12 Spaces: weight:3tons
Electro Mace: WA:0 K:5 Shock CP:7.5 Weight:2.5tons
Arm-Mounted Small Shield: DA -1, SP:6 CP:7.5 Weight:3 tons

Thrusters & Speed:MA12 x0.45 600M CP:16.425 Thrusters: Wings6 Legs8 Torso2
Total Weight:36.5Tons
Total CP:135.521

A Heavily Customized Bluegill designed for recon and speed and used by the former Mercenary Band The Ghosts of Saturn

Gareth Rains 24 Male
After his Mercenary band broke up 4 months ago Gareth has been wandering the Belt doing odd jobs to make ends meat. And now he sets his eyes on the Space Jam tournament and the chance to sign up with the Iron Kestrels and turn Pirate.
Handheld weapons take up space equal to CP costs before applying Space efficiency.
Alright So I would have to add 8 points (CP:4) of Space efficiency to the Beam cannon to drop its Space requirement to 7.12 making it a two handed weapon
bumping the Total CP too 139.5

Also not entirely sure If I should keep the basic stealth since it only applies to visual and not sensors

Opinions from anyone still up appreciated
Don't take up space, but an arm needs the same number of spaces or greater than the weapon to be able to hold it.

I have an "Silver Chariot" in the making that was an Custom Bluegill too, but i will probably give up on it after Wong got worried about me being serious on the Dark Flame Master.

It brings joy to my heart that someone is really going to go to the tourney in such an iconic mech, but i worry about its performance when facing such shenanigans like Battoujutsu-Senpai or very crazed pilots like chuuni and "VALLHALLA"-Thunder...

Huh, i have to look again on how stealth works, but if i'm not mistaken, your invisibility will hold up just to the point of your first attack, right? It is a good strategy against distance types like the myrmidom or even against mixed-types like the Walkure, but you are in for a bad time once your stealth ends.

If i were you, i would use this advantage to go near ranged mechs while they can't see you, and maybe get into range with melee mechs so that you can open the battle firing without penalty at them, but that would risk getting a dropkick.

Could you elaborate a little more about the pilot and give him an image, please? You explained about the circunstances that led him to this fight but talked nothing about his personality.

On the overall, i think this is good mook mech, better than an Ninja Harpy at least.
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Honestly The Wraith probably won't win the tourney and I am okay with that, I just wanted to make a light and Fast Recon Mech

Gareth Rains Born to a well off Family of Doctors from one of the Factory Colonies out by Saturn, Joinned The Ghosts of Saturn at 19 after flunking out of medical school
A fairly jovial fellow he take most things in stride and has immense amounts of patience
Enjoys social drinking and singing out of tune
Hold it single handedly. The mech can still wield a weapon with spaces equal or less than the total amount of spaces both arms have.

Also, the Lightning is designed as a tourney mech first, war mech second.
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>Honestly The Wraith probably won't win the tourney and I am okay with that, I just wanted to make a light and Fast Recon Mech
Hehehehe, i like your attitude, anon, sometimes you don't have to win, but just make your stand, no?
>pilot information
huh, he kind of reminds me of myself in a way... He seems like an good guy, would he join the kestrels?

I know, battoujutsu senpai, and thats is what makes him cool the way he is, in fact, i'm very afraid of going against him, it would be an fast and short fight based mostly on "who hits first".

Hey, do you know if you can parry with weapons that have the "Handy" propriety? I'm very in doubt with that one.
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>Would he Join the Kestrels?
He even brought his own shade
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>I tip my hat to you
I could up the cloak system to an Active Cloak that fools a mechs sensors as well as visuals if I drop the Electro-Mace and the ASP

What do you guys think?
Anyone got the mecton Zeta mech building stuff on hand? I wanna try my hand at this.
Hmm... I'm going to study it a bit, but does it allow you to recloak in the middle of an fight? You have to keep in mind that it needs an way to fight back too, and a 5k mace is an weak weapon even for an harpy if i'm not mistaken.
search in the google for "4shared mekton zeta core" or "4 shared mekton zeta advanced", and you'll get all that you need from it.
no Idea why his age changed all of a sudden
Should be 24
I just read about it... Hmmm... How much exactly does the normal sensors "detect" you? is it enough to override any bonuses you would gain against enemies or to the level that basic cloaking is useless? if so, active cloak is a must, but removing ASP and your only melee weapon could put you in a tight situation as you'd have to rely on luck to hit good places with your gun.
Basic Cloak only devices Visual, so a video feed or someone watching the mech, basically its optical camouflage
Active clock is that but also provides basic jamming fooling sensor packages
I'd love to keep the ASP because it is supposed to be a Recon unit....
I could drop the shield and that would give me enough CP to put the ASP back in
But then I really am gambling on staying out of effective range and stealth pot shots
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>Using firearms and relying on random location rolls.
I admire your courage, my fellow warrior, may the dices be good with you.
Alright fuck, assuming something nothing Else is wrong with this
Dropping the shield and re-adding the ASP puts it within a rounding error of CP:140
Mercenary Bluegill Custom: Wraith

Striker Torso: C/S/K 6 3Tons
Striker Head: C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 4 2tons
Left Hand: CP 2, 1 Space 1K, .5tons
Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 4 2tons
Right Hand: CP 2, 1 Space 1K, .5tons
Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 4 2tons
Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 4 2tons
Striker R. Wing C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Striker L. Wing C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Frame Weight:16.5Tons Armor Weight:10.5Tons
Main Sensors (Head): CP:4 SP:1 Kills:1 Tons 7km Sensor Range 1000km communications
Backup Sensors (Torso): CP:2 Paces:2 Kills:2 Tons:1
Advanced Sensor Package (Head): CP:10 Spaces 2
Frame CP:31 Armor CP:21 Sensors CP:16 Options CP:3.8 Weapons CP:22.14
Armor: Striker (3CP, 3SP 1.5Tons) All locations

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces)
Liftwire CP:.3 Spotlights CP:.2 Stereo CP:.1 Anti-Theft Lock CP:.2
Active Cloaking System x0.3 CP:32.3

Beam Cannon: Range:675 WA:+2 K:7 Infinite Ammo CP:22.1 Spaces:7.5 weight:3tons Space efficiency:9

Thrusters & Speed:MA12 x0.45 600M CP:13.95Thrusters: Wings6 Legs8 Torso2
Total Weight:31Tons
Total CP:140.1
fuck my adding skills god damn
Total CP:140.19
guess I don't need spot lights with all the extra sensors...
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What about dropping one of the hands an turning the Beam canon in an Arm-mounted version?And then, use the 2CP to drop one ton more.
It will leave you with 29.5 turning your MV to -2.
Also, don't forget to realocate your thrusters, they don't occupy 16 spaces anymore.
fucking GENUS!!!
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Fluff wise, you can use your only hand to hold your gun-arm while you shoot, what is very cool in context.
You're welcome, kestrel-bro!
Now to figure out all the rules for making a gun arm
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Not much, just declare that its Arm-mounted and have the right number of spaces, what is not a problem for you.
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You may want to post the final version and compare that to the original to see if this is really what you wanted.

>I think this is it for me today,i'm going to bed
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Alright I hope for the Love of Jove this is the last Time I have to make any modification or have to wade through the Mekton Zeta books

Mercenary Bluegill Custom: Wraith

Striker Torso: C/S/K 6 3Tons
Striker Head: C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 4 2tons
Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 4 2tons
Right Hand: CP 2, 1 Space 1K, .5tons
Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 4 2tons
Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 4 2tons
Striker R. Wing C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Striker L. Wing C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Frame Weight:16 Tons Armor Weight:10.5Tons
Main Sensors (Head): CP:4 SP:1 Kills:1 Tons 7km Sensor Range 1000km communications
Backup Sensors (Torso): CP:2 spaces:2 Kills:2 Tons:1
Advanced Sensor Package (Head): CP:10 Spaces 2
Frame CP:29 Armor CP:21 Sensors CP:16 Options CP:3.6 Weapons CP:22.14
Armor: Striker (3CP, 3SP 1.5Tons) All locations

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces)
Liftwire CP:.3 Stereo CP:.1 Anti-Theft Lock CP:.2
Active Cloaking System x0.3 CP:31.6

Left-Arm Mounted Beam Cannon: Range:675 WA:+2 K:7 Infinite Ammo CP:22.1 Spaces:7.5 weight:3tons Space efficiency:9

Thrusters & Speed:MA12 x0.45 600M CP:13.725Thrusters: Wings6 Legs6 Torso2
Total Weight:30.5Tons Weight efficiency: 1ton CP:2 New Weight:29.5Tons
Total CP:139.06
A Heavily Customized Bluegill designed for recon and speed and used by the former Mercenary Band The Ghosts of Saturn

Gareth Rains 24 Male
After his Mercenary band broke up 4 months ago Gareth has been wandering the Belt doing odd jobs to make ends meat. And now he sets his eyes on the Space Jam tournament and the chance to sign up with the Iron Kestrels and turn Pirate.
Gareth Rains Born to a well off Family of Doctors from one of the Factory Colonies out by Saturn, Joined The Ghosts of Saturn at 19 after flunking out of medical school
A fairly jovial fellow he takes most things in stride and has immense amounts of patience
Enjoys social drinking and singing out of tune

And Fuck it Here's a song for his entrance at the tournament
I should Probably Pick an ELO song
I hate myself but
It dawns on me I could save roughly 5cp on the rifle giving it warm up 2 at a x0.7 mod
Also would work giving me time to re-clock and move into a new shooting position between shots while it charges up
Might actual allow me to bump the Kills up to 8 or 9
To tired to do the math now
Question about multi-feed projectile weapons with Burst.

Basically I'm trying to fluff a machine-gun with an under-slung grenade launcher (as in, one clip would have standard ammo, and another would have blast ammo. Multi-feed would allow it to switch between the two without taking an action), but I'm worried that if I give it burst 3, this will also effect the grenades, causing it to fire three grenades when I only want it to fire one, which is going to make stating up the clips a pain in the ass.

basically what I'm asking s if Burst will effect both types of ammo, or if it's possible to make it effect only one type.
Never mind, I just noticed the rules for weapon mounting. Hopefully this means the weapon will only be stupidly expensive, instead of massively.
I am pretty sure one burst would still count as one unit of grenades.
I'm probably going to deal with this later after I've gotten some sleep and actually read some of the book instead of diving right into building, since I'm hung up on how I want to build the gun (Which is the main feature of the mech) and I'm getting hung up on stupid stuff like how to figure out the weight, kills, and space of the damn thing.
As in you paid for 5 grenades and burst so instead of firing 3 grenades and being left with 2 you fire a burst of 3 grenades and are left with 4 because you only fired one burst.
how is it possible to make a mech with 55 MA? just pods with thrusters everywhere? i want to make a transforming jet able to achieve escape velocity, i am using just the core book.
Wings add extra MA. Though penalizes you with MV -2
Big huge boosterpacks.
Pretty sure wings alone dont give you an MV penalty.
they do get -2 MV when in figher form
Yeah but its fighter for that gives the penalty rather than the wings.
if i go heavy striker for servos and armor, i will need 82.5 space for thrusters. so that's like 3 max sized pod. maybe 4 of them
that's before weapons
I just realized, Jesus would get 74 shots against attacking knights before they reached even maximum range for their canons. Is there any reason why we can't send in a third team to back us up now that the heavies have been cut down to size a bit?
Because the Avalonians are most assuredly waiting for their reinforcements, specifically the third Paladin that joined Lorietta and Rothsburg in the attack on the Martian Gate.
Okay, I just want to know if I've gotten this damn gun mechanically right. I can eal with everything else later.

Mated Awesome gun to be named later
77.94 CP
3.35 space

Gun 1 (shooty)

4 cost
4 spaces
4 kill
6 range (300 m)
+1 WA (1.5x)
Burst 3 (2.0x)
All-Purpose (2.6x)
31.2 CP
3.1 CP per clip (10 burst shots)
3.1 space
3.1 kills

Gun 2 (explody)

7 cost
7 spaces
7 kill
8 range (400 m)
-1 wa (0.8x)
Blast 1 (6.0x)
33.6 CP
6.04 CP per clip (3 grenades)
1.0 space
1.0 kills

Space Efficiency 8

10 burst clips (bullet)
3 round clips (grenades)

The main sticking point for me is how ammo factors into mating. other than that I /Think/ I have it down correctly
Because the Colony is the worst area for our big guns like Miles, Fatima, and Jesus. Too many twisting corridors would not allow them best use of their range. In space, they have much better odds and can use their built in 'fuck everything' weapon systems to their full power. Besides, this is probably the worst scenario for the Mordred forces right now. 14 knights are out of commision of their 60, and there are 3 strikes happening inside with a fleet outside. Either they split their forces to protect or reclaim very important points, or they are going to run into some serious trouble when their main weapons are down and the rest of the fleets march in. Hell, even if each group only dealt with half as many knights each, thats another 14 knights.
To be fair Jesus's wide angle beams would probably wreck face in such tight conditions.
Maybe, but then it falls into the very serious problem of Jesus having no real defences and a pretty bulky machine. Those wide angle guns can do a lot of damage, but not enough to kill knights outright. If a few got close, he'd be pin cushioned. It's the same sort of scenario that killed the original tarrasque pilot, only with far less protection.
is this some good old fashioned Mekton Zeta I see? oh boy! its kind of a shit system though
I was thinking Fatima, Naomi and Naomi's boytoy. The Boytoy has a nasty drill, and Fatima and Naomi have screens that are powerful enough to no sell everything in a Knights normal arsenal.
A good idea, though we don't know if the Avalonians will try a run for the ships. If we can shut down the defense grid, having units enter every hanger and sealing them off would likely force them to surrender.
Its given us some pretty epic moments so I don't mind it
Assuming that your system is handheld, each gun will take up an amount of Space equal to its CP cost, plus the Spaces of any loaded ammunition. Reloads do not take up Space (until they are loaded into the weapon).

So Gun 1 will take up 31.2+3.12 = 34.32 Spaces when it is fully loaded, while Gun 2 will take up 33.6+1.008 = 34.608 Spaces. Mating them at this point will produce a Mated system of (34.32+34.608)/1.33 = 51.8 Spaces. This is the number of Spaces you need to have to ensure that the Mated gun can be held/mounted at all times.

If it's internally-mounted, you will need Spaces for the rest of your ammunition as well.

I'm not entirely sure whether Space Efficiency is supposed to be applied at this point, or prior to Mating. While the process is referred to 'physically integrating two weapons into one', the fact that the weapons are also said to 'operate individually' and the description 'If one weapon takes damage, the other weapon takes the same damage' (as opposed to something like 'The system has Kills equal to the lower Kill value between the base systems') seems to imply that the weapons are mechanically separate.

I personally apply Efficiency before Mating to be safe, but I imagine most people would permit you to apply it after.
He is probably better off just going with his first idea.
Well, first you add the total spaces both take up then divide by 1.33. After that you can use space efficiency. Weight will be the same and if one is destroyed so is the other.
I was under the impression that the base cost was how much space it took. Because otherwise you're going to be paying out the ass just for space efficiency since medium striker arms only have four spaces to fit shit.

I'm fairly sure I would have broken the CP limit on just the weapon alone if I went with the original plan. Too many multipliers in play.
>Too many multipliers in play
Maybe you are right. you do have to pay out the ass for space efficiency though unfortunately. It constantly annoys me, there is no way to make anything but the most basic weapon and have it fit without space efficiency.
I just realized something, there is nothing prohibiting us of doing training matches with our robots from the tourney, no?
Would any of you guys like that? Or do you want to keep your strategy secrets until the real deal?XD

Oh boy, this will need a lot os space efficiency... Is this to the tourney? I don't think it will be much cost effective.

I don't have much faith that the avalonians reinforcements are comings so soon, and now, with our army distribution, they will have an bad time even if a Paladin show up, let's face it, he can be a problem to one or two SOUL level mechs and dozens of mooks, but against 4 Aces + Long ranged Master Harpies and more than a hundred of mooks? While her own ship is heavily outnumbered as well?

I feel bad for Duke Kirito, though, he seems like and good guy even if he actually believes on the Lady, in other circunstances he could even be friends with Roarke if thy had been in the same side.
Wait... if Fairy Kirito is here... Where is normal Kirito and Trap Kirito? Is this his trump card? Will we get into a three-way Kirito fight sooner or later?!
If I'm wrong, it's no big deal since I already have a few ways to bring the cost down (Switching out All Purpose for variable phalanx, for one. and maybe reduce the damage on the grenades to 6). But I'd still like for Wong to set the record straight before I go back to the drawing board.

Yeah, it's for the tourney. I'm trying to recreate a specific mech, though, and the gun is a pretty big part of it.
I'd rather not. Threads get big enough already, don't need to clog it further. As for the Duke, his plan was solid and he did have some good luck, but it broke down because they simply underestimated their target and tried to pull a scare tactic on the Martians and Jovians. They went for a strike at the heart of their enemy and failed ultimately. The failure forced them to withdraw and it drew the attention of Roarke. So they lose 1 ship and one paladin right there. Getting to the base first was a good idea, but the fact this place is also a major target made things worse for them. They stood out like a sore thumb, did not try to blend in, and only managed to piss off everyone more.

The Paladins may be strong, but these guys were not meant for stealth operations. ESPECIALLY against the beating hearts of the Navy forces. They tried to much, too fast, and now they are slowly being picked apart as more threats pop up at an alarming rate. Their Knight striders are also losing the edge against the Pumpkinseed II, and if it keeps up, they will find themselves in a major bind. Hell, losing a quarter of their leadership would be disastrous for their morale if they don't find ways to shore it up.
They're Zealots, so I doubt morale is something they really care about.
To be fair, the 12 paladins might not be the 12 strongest mecha pilots they have. The Queen for example could be literally Saber, with all the bullshit that implies for her mecha.
>implying the queens main force isnt an army of secretly cloned greenmen in biomechs that she will bust out when most of the paladins are dead
I'm just waiting for not!Gehrman to show up.

Or literally Char.
I'm waiting for Sol to throw either the Megabass at us or some secret nanomachine mech piloted by Cassius's corpse with the hope Roakre wouldn't be able to kill him
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Matters more than you think. Their goal is to try and control all the outer colonies and planets. That requires a cocktail of Power,Loyalty, and Morale. It's how they get more planets to willingly join them because they have the power to control them and are winning every fight. Each major Paladin is a commander of a large chunk of their forces and each falling is a loss of power and control. Not only that, it shows that Avalon is not invincible, that it can be beaten. So those planets that banked on that will likely get nervous. Either going neutral or begging the Navy for help. Morale may not affect their knights and zealots, but it does affect their end goal.
No, but they are her public face. She may have a shadow unit, but that assumes a lot. With the search and talk in Wedge's story I assume that she's looking for the tech to do just that.
If she had the power to do this from the start I don't think the Lady would have any need for the Avalonians. Besides, their bioarmor might not be as amazing as we think it is. They still died to much older machines, and now Ace class machines are being made much more often. Really, making demi paladins using mass produced paladin mechs would be more likely.
Not!Char is dead. Stabbed in the back. Likely by Caesar's father.
THAT would end very badly for them.
I mean Char literally pops out of an alternate dimension and comes to fight us. The actual Char.
Alright Would someone please double checking my Numbers here

Base K:9 Range:600 CP:13.5
Range 125% X1.12 New Range:750M New CP:14.56
WA:+2 X1.5 New CP:21.84
Warm-Up Time 2 X0.7 New CP:15.288
Space Efficiency 8 Ranks CP:4
Left-Arm mounted Beam-Cannon MKll
K:9 Range:750M WA:+2 2Turn Charge up Between Shots, Infinite Ammo Weight 4.5Tons Space:7 CP:19.288
Roarke would probably go completely berserk and kill every living thing in the area
>Not!Char is dead. Stabbed in the back. Likely by Caesar's father.
Anon, Everyone has told us repeatedly that Char is definitely dead, and the one and only Thoroughbred X was destroyed. Discount Siren is running around in a Thoroughbred X frame.
>implying she didnt just rile up avalon to create a screen while she clones more troops
>implying medium weight mechs that regenerate wouldnt be fucking terrifying

As a reminder much older class machines is a catagory that includes our own machine and Caesars machine.
Consider reverse-engineering some of the more recent ATM-made weapon systems in the Rogue's Gallery. For instance:
>[Handheld] Variable Beam Stiletto x 2 (stats show an individual sword): WA+3, 8K (only 2K of structure), EMW (treats SP as 4 less than usual), Variable (can be converted back and forth as a free action between its sword form and a beam shield form with 8SP and DA 0), 44.5 CP, 7 Spaces, 1 ton

An 8-Kill, WA+3, Variable EMW would cost 8*2.0*2.0 = 32 total CP. Assuming it takes 32 Spaces, reducing it 25 Spaces to 7 would take 12.5 CP. This is in line with its 44.5 CP final cost.

If you used its base cost for its Spaces instead, you would instead be paying 0.5 CP for 1 Space of Efficiency, which would leave it costing only 32.5 CP.

Gehrman's pretty easy. Just have a low MV mech wielding a set of Combining weapons, or a Morphable Energy Pool weapon that has the appropriate Portfolio.

Incidentally, Maria proper would be somewhat similar, except that she would stab herself with EMWs through R.A.M. armor on her Torso, which would power up Energy Pools for phase 2 and 3. She'd be somewhat more complicated to stat unless you're willing to make compromises like having paired swords mechanically be a single Quick weapon.

How do you get 13.5*1.12 to be 14.56 instead of 15.12? Regardless, I have your pre-Efficiency cost to be 15.876 CP. Reducing the system to below 7 Spaces (so as to fit into 7 Spaces; you can't fit 7.876 Spaces of systems into 7 Spaces) would require 9 Spaces of Space Efficiency for 4.5 CP - though in theory you could argue that there's no rule saying you can't buy fractional Spaces' worth of Efficiency. But I just tend to go with whole numbers, as you seem to have done.

In any case, unless I've made a mistake somewhere, your total cost should be 20.376 CP.
Thank you for double checking, Not sure how I screwed up punching numbers into a calculator
I'd just be worried about not!Gehrman's absurd statline.
Alright The increased weight of the gun meant I had to buy 1 extra ton of Weight efficiency, but the decreased cost of the Cannon gave me enough CP for it
So unless Wong comes along and says he hates it and to start again
I present (Hopefully) The Final Edition for my Recon Mech

Mercenary Bluegill Custom: Wraith

Striker Torso: C/S/K 6 3Tons
Striker Head: C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 4 2tons
Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 4 2tons
Right Hand: CP 2, 1 Space 1K, .5tons
Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 4 2tons
Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 4 2tons
Striker R. Wing C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Striker L. Wing C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Frame Weight:16 Tons Armor Weight:10.5Tons
Main Sensors (Head): CP:4 SP:1 Kills:1 Tons 7km Sensor Range 1000km communications
Backup Sensors (Torso): CP:2 spaces:2 Kills:2 Tons:1
Advanced Sensor Package (Head): CP:10 Spaces 2
Frame CP:29 Armor CP:21 Sensors CP:16 Options CP:3.6 Weapons CP:22.14
Armor: Striker (3CP, 3SP 1.5Tons) All locations

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces)
Liftwire CP:.3 Stereo CP:.1 Anti-Theft Lock CP:.2
Active Cloaking System x0.3 CP:31.6

Left-Arm mounted Beam-Cannon MKll
K:9 Range:750M WA:+2 2Turn Charge up Between Shots, Infinite Ammo Weight 4.5Space Efficiency 9, Tons Space:7 CP:20.37

Thrusters & Speed:MA12 x0.45 600M CP:13.725Thrusters: Wings6 Legs6 Torso2
Total Weight:30.5Tons Weight efficiency: 2ton CP:4 New Weight:29.5Tons
Total CP:139.26
A Heavily Customized Bluegill designed for recon and speed and used by the former Mercenary Band The Ghosts of Saturn

Gareth Rains 24 Male
After his Mercenary band broke up 4 months ago Gareth has been wandering the Belt doing odd jobs to make ends meat. And now he sets his eyes on the Space Jam tournament and the chance to sign up with the Iron Kestrels and turn Pirate.
Gareth Rains Born to a well off Family of Doctors from one of the Factory Colonies out by Saturn, Joined The Ghosts of Saturn at 19 after flunking out of medical school
A fairly jovial fellow he takes most things in stride and has immense amounts of patience
Enjoys social drinking and singing out of tune
I think he meand the actual Queen, not the Lady in the Woods. There is a human royal family that seems to run things day to day. I don't think any of them are actually paladins, but they presumably have shiney Gene Mods and Mecha.
>Armor Weight:10.5Tons
>Armor: Striker (3CP, 3SP 1.5Tons) All locations
>Armor CP:21
You have 7 Servo's worth of Armor when you have 8 Servos to mount Armor on (Head, Torso, 2 each of Legs, Arms and Wings).

>Frame Weight:16 Tons
I'll assume you're counting that one Hand as part of your Frame
>Frame CP:29
6[Torso]+3[Head]+2*4[Arms]+2[Hand]+2*4[Legs]+2*3[Wings] should give 33.

>Main Sensors (Head): CP:4 SP:1 Kills:1 Tons
I imagine this is a typo from during editing?

>Total Weight:30.5Tons Weight efficiency: 2ton CP:4 New Weight:29.5Tons

There's probably other stuff I missed, but these were the most obvious.
Said older class machines back then didn't have active shields, reactive shields, beam sabers, or a lot of the advanced stuff we have now. Likewise the Swordfish and Thoroughbred MPs original stats were a lot less impressive compared to our ace machines right now.
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Yeah, I've had a lot of fun with the system too, I just with it were a more balanced and the construction rules were better laid out

Have ye olden mech design frome games past
They also had shit we dont like attack drones and nanomachine mechs.
Second attempt at this. Changing out All Purpose and weakening the grenades a bit reduced the cost by almost a third, but weight efficiency brought it back up.

76.96 CP
Gun 1 (shooty)

4 cost
4 kills
6 range (300 m)
+1 WA (1.5x)
Burst 3 (2.0x)
Variable Phalanx (1.4x)
16.8 CP
1.68 CP per clip (10 burst shots)
1.68 space
1.68 kills

Gun 2 (explody)

6 cost
6 kill
7 range (350 m)
-1 wa (0.8x)
Blast 1 (6.0x)
28.8 CP
5.18 CP per clip (3 grenades)
0.86 space
0.86 kills

Space Effeciency 49

Can't really think of anything else I can do to reduce the cost other than making the grenades weaker again and with a smaller clip size.

I haven't even really gotten around to stating the mech yet. Trying to make something below 140 CP that can wield this is going to be fun.

I haven't even really gotten to the mech yet, so statting somethng that can carry this
>Total Weight:30.5Tons Weight efficiency: 2ton CP:4 New Weight:29.5Tons
I forgot to add the extra Ton of weight from the new rifle

And it looks like I need to add an extra 1.5 tons of armor weight and find a total of 7 extra CP somewhere for the missing servo and armor
welp good by weight efficacy I guess

Thank you
Have fun catching up to where we are
>Main Sensors (Head): CP:4 SP:1 Kills:1 Tons
I imagine this is a typo from during editing?

Also I am not sure what is wrong with this? please explain
Wait a minute, I'm retarded. I forgot to divide it by 1.33 for mating them

56.94 CP
Gun 1 (shooty)

4 cost
4 kills
6 range (300 m)
+1 WA (1.5x)
Burst 3 (2.0x)
Variable Phalanx (1.4x)
16.8 CP
1.68 CP per clip (10 burst shots)
1.68 space
1.68 kills

Gun 2 (explody)

6 cost
6 kill
7 range (350 m)
-1 wa (0.8x)
Blast 1 (6.0x)
28.8 CP
5.18 CP per clip (3 grenades)
0.86 space
0.86 kills

Space Effeciency 35

10 burst clips (bullet)
3 round clips (grenades)

MUCH better, and with a lot more room for mech building.
Those pods were modular by the way, at some point i loaded the old girl up with 2 pairs of twin-linked autocannons during our campaign and it was hilarious
I'm parsing
>CP:4 SP:1 Kills:1 Tons 7km Sensor Range
>CP: 4 / SP: 1 / Kills: 1 / Tons / 7km Sensor Range
in which case you haven't listed a tonnage. I'm assuming here SP means Spaces instead of Stopping Power (which you probably ought to clarify).

Any other method of parsing it would make things more confusing.
>Just wait for when Not!Megumin shows her ultimate power:

In the not distant future, Moe and Fairchild meet in the battlefield, and Fairchild goes:
"This child...! has acquired the power of the BLACK OGRE! With the help of ROARKEEEEEEEEE!
This heart of mine darkens with an unlimited contempt! Its burning hate tells me to FLIP you! Take this, my lust, my envy, and of my sorrow!
*Flips the Zulfiqar onto the Jupiter's gate*
Okay that should read
Main Sensors (Head): CP:4 Sace:1 Kills:1 Tons:1 7km Sensor Range 1000km communications
Uh, your tonnage should also be half of your Kills. But otherwise, that's a fair bit less confusing.
Nope, its not that simple, just look at the core manual and at the mechs at the Rogue's gallery and you'll see that some servos have less weight somehow.
I'm sorry man, it seems that my sleepness in this morning made distracted me and didn't let me perceive the small errors on your sheet earlier.
In the specific instance of Sensors, the rule holds true even in the Core Rulebook; both listed Sensor types have 2 Kills and weigh 1 ton.

Also, Core Rulebook rulings are generally superseded by any contradicting rulings in the ATM.
I can see the situation similar to this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB15qcW3KbA just replace the musclesquito with the Kaiser and the blood for sweet, delicious CP.
Alright I added the weight for the missing armor and costs for the missing armor and servo, re-worked the canon to make up for the CP
re-did my thrusters and cloaking to match the new stats
Please let me know if I fucked up anything else

Mercenary Bluegill Custom: Wraith

Striker Torso: C/S/K 6 3Tons
Striker Head: C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 4 2tons
Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 4 2tons
Right Hand: CP 2, 1 Space 1K, .5tons
Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 4 2tons
Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 4 2tons
Striker R. Wing C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Striker L. Wing C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Frame Weight:16 Tons Armor Weight:12Tons
Main Sensors (Head): CP:4 Space:1 Kills:1 Tons:0.5 7km Sensor Range 1000km communications
Backup Sensors (Torso): CP:2 spaces:2 Kills:2 Tons:1
Advanced Sensor Package (Head): CP:10 Spaces 2
Frame CP:33 Armor CP:24 Sensors CP:16 Options CP:3.6
Armor: Striker (3CP, 3SP 1.5Tons) All locations

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces)
Liftwire CP:.3 Stereo CP:.1 Anti-Theft Lock CP:.2
Active Cloaking System x0.3 CP:31.06

Left-Arm mounted Beam-Cannon MKll
K:9 Range:750 WA:+1 2 Turn Charge up Between Shots, Infinite Ammo Weight:4.5Tons Space Efficiency 4. Space:7.5 CP:12.084

Thrusters & Speed:MA12 x0.45 600M CP:14.85 Thrusters: Wings6 Legs8 Torso1
Total Weight:32.5Tons Weight efficiency:0
Total CP:134.594
A Heavily Customized Bluegill designed for recon and speed and used by the former Mercenary Band The Ghosts of Saturn

Gareth Rains 24 Male
After his Mercenary band broke up 4 months ago Gareth has been wandering the Belt doing odd jobs to make ends meat. And now he sets his eyes on the Space Jam tournament and the chance to sign up with the Iron Kestrels and turn Pirate.
Gareth Rains Born to a well off Family of Doctors from one of the Factory Colonies out by Saturn, Joined The Ghosts of Saturn at 19 after flunking out of medical school
A fairly jovial fellow he takes most things in stride and has immense amounts of patience
Enjoys social drinking and singing out of tune
I found the sheet with the alternate pod configurations
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Not in the case of servos, as Wong himself uses the weight listed in the core book, i don't known why, but that is how he does it:

Following the Rogues gallery example, the tonage of your legs and arms must be 1.5 each, not 2T.
so it's 4 tons heavier than it needs to be, well that is actually not the worst mistake I could have made
2 Tons
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I am sorry for taking up so many posts guys
so I corrected the Weight for the arms and legs

Mercenary Bluegill Custom: Wraith

Striker Torso: C/S/K 6 3Tons
Striker Head: C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 4 1.5tons
Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 4 1.5tons
Right Hand: CP 2, 1 Space 1K, .5tons
Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 4 1.5tons
Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 4 1.5tons
Striker R. Wing C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Striker L. Wing C/S/K 3 1.5tons
Frame Weight:14 Tons Armor Weight:12Tons
Main Sensors (Head): CP:4 Space:1 Kills:1 Tons:0.5 7km Sensor Range 1000km communications
Backup Sensors (Torso): CP:2 spaces:2 Kills:2 Tons:1
Advanced Sensor Package (Head): CP:10 Spaces 2
Frame CP:33 Armor CP:24 Sensors CP:16 Options CP:3.6
Armor: Striker (3CP, 3SP 1.5Tons) All locations

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces)
Liftwire CP:.3 Stereo CP:.1 Anti-Theft Lock CP:.2
Active Cloaking System x0.3 CP:30.722

Left-Arm mounted Beam-Cannon MKll
K:9 Range:750 WA:+1 2 Turn Charge up Between Shots, Infinite Ammo Weight:4.5Tons Space Efficiency 4. Space:7.5 CP:12.084

Thrusters & Speed:MA12 x0.45 600M CP:13.725 Thrusters: Wings6 Legs6 Torso2
Total Weight:30.5Tons Weight efficiency:1ton CP:2 New Weight:29.5Tons
Total CP:135.1317
A Heavily Customized Bluegill designed for recon and speed and used by the former Mercenary Band The Ghosts of Saturn

Gareth Rains 24 Male
After his Mercenary band broke up 4 months ago Gareth has been wandering the Belt doing odd jobs to make ends meat. And now he sets his eyes on the Space Jam tournament and the chance to sign up with the Iron Kestrels and turn Pirate.
Gareth Rains Born to a well off Family of Doctors from one of the Factory Colonies out by Saturn, Joined The Ghosts of Saturn at 19 after flunking out of medical school
A fairly jovial fellow he takes most things in stride and has immense amounts of patience
Enjoys social drinking and singing out of tune
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I still don't believe that the charge thing is a good idea... Are you going to aim+shoot in the first turn, recloak in the first action of the second, and move or maybe aim while you wait to your gun to recharge?

This creates another question, will roarke let cloak mechs begin the fight cloacked? Or do they have to spend their first action to do it?

Anyway, this thing may have some chance of fight now, if he can keep up sniping people and cloaking
I cant see why he wouldn't. Only problem with the cloak I see is that people might not have access to that technology.
>yfw Kaiser with upgraded cloaking system

How fucked are you?
It would be the Avalonia/Navy boogieman. Only way to tell he's there is by your friends being ripped apart and the Kaiser looming over their bodies.
>not Knuckle Kaiser with heavy hydraulics
Cost multiplier system.
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"One man's hero is another man's monster"

About the tourney test thing, we could do it in another thread, no? I could create one, i guess.
Hydraulics is a cost multiplier.
>revealing your pro strats ahead of time
All of our machine stats are on the pastebin to all to see... and you guys know that i'm going to rush on you and punch you out of the sky...
>Or maybe not
Can't say why he's doing it that way. I'd use the more recent ruleset myself, but he's the one running the show here, so what he says goes.

Bear in mind that you lose your Cloak whenever you fire, unless you have Fire Control, and can't re-Cloak again until the next turn, unless you have Combat Cloak.

I would personally be terrified of a Kaiser with a Burst Reactive Shield, atop a low MV Mecharider.

>not using fake strats to shift the meta so that your real strats are now perfectly aligned to counter it
You could, of course, just use all the spare designs you have that you aren't going to enter, so you actually have something to do with them.
>Not Knuckle Kaiser with Enclosing Reactive shield
>implying I dont have my true design hidden and I'm not pulling an elaborate ruse
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>implying that we can't came up with an strategy in mind to defeat you in mid battle, as even speciallyzed mech have their counter and can't count on using the same tricks on everybody.
>implying that everyone isn't doing ruses from the begining and that in the last minute we will not radically change our mechs too.
I dont know mate this trick has worked pretty well so far in the quest for us, its just got a little extra twist on it. It was actually partially inspired by one of your mechs. I got the idea while I was trying to fix its maths
>implying we don't all know your true design is a single Torso servo, attached to numerous Pods covered in Superlight Ablative Armor each filled with Thrusters, with a Weapon Mount carrying a fuckhuge Fragile Beam Weapon, which Active Cloaks during the first turn and fires upon your enemy's unparriable rear arc using Fire Control

>implying we don't all know your true design isn't a long-range sniper that abuses a high MA, long Sensor Range, and sensor-jamming ECM to retreat beyond the range at which enemies can even perceive you before chucking EXPLOSIONS with wild abandon
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Medium Striker Torso: C/S/K 8, 4 tons
Medium Striker Head: C/S/K 4, 2 tons
Medium Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 5, 2 tons
Left Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Medium Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 5, 2 tons
Right Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Medium Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 5, 2 tons
Medium Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 5, 2 tons

Armor: Striker (3 SP, 3 CP, 1.5 tons) on all locations

Main Sensors (Head): 4 CP, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1 ton
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2 CP, 2 Spaces, 2 Kills, 1 ton

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Torso Storage Module (1 CP, 1 Space) (0.3 CP), Spotlights (0.2 CP)

Handheld ZX-21 C.R.O.W.E (Combat Raid Offensive WEapon) 49.59 CP, 3.59 Spaces, 5 Tons
Mode FAIZ (autogun): Range 300m, +1WA, 4K, Burst 3 (more hits the higher it beats the opponents defense roll, up to 3), Variable Phalanx (switch to anti-missile as a free action). 10 Bursts per clip.
Mode IOTA (Grenade Launcher): Range 262.5m, -1WA, 6K, Blast 1. 1 round per clip

Arm-Mounted small Shield: DA -1, SP 6, 6 CP, 3 tons 1 space

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 1 in the torso. Moves 350 meters per turn in flight, or can run 250m. 11 CP.
Total Weight: 37 Tons
Total Cost: 136.09
I'm completely sure I fucked that up, but there you go, the thing I spent my day off working on.
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>In fact, i was going to do something like this, but the limit initial distance worries me too much to let me go ahead and do it.
>In fact, my true design is an "ONE PUNCH" mech with an nasty surprise to anyone who survives or cancel its main resource... Or i could be just making you all paranoid.
>implying we didn't all know that was your initial plan

>In fact, my true design is an "ONE PUNCH" mech with an nasty surprise to anyone who survives or cancel its main resource
What, so something like the thing in >>730188, but less ridiculously overspecialized?
I swear, with how smug you are getting, I'm just going to take that weapon from you and smack you over the head with it.
Maybe I am adding things up wrong because it is late but it seems to only add up to 130.9 CP to me. Though I haven't checked to see if you did the maths on your gun right because regular guns confuse me a bit.
>implying we don't all know your true design is a Mega Heavy Dismember-based mech with high WA hands, that uses a Remote Controlled Mecharider Drone to maintain a low MV, which fights by flying up to enemies and stealing their weapons and/or limbs before attacking with them
so i noticed there are no cost or space stats listed for torsos and heads in the advanced rulebook, whats up with that?
Does your copy of the ATM happen to be missing a Page 19?
Oh its there, it just doesnt list the cost or spaces for those 2 servos, only the number of kills. Should i just use the core book for reference?
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Well, the other possibilities are that your copy has a misprint, or you're just rather terrible at reading.
I see you have stolen a glance of the King Fisher design of the Chessboard project. The fully realized King Fisher would be 300+CP with mega particle cannons built in it's bit weapon hands and the option to control 6 other remote suits.Sadly, I'll just fight with the Dutchman and the gear it has along with the new guard set up. Zaku Pride, world wide.
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>mfw you almost described the elder one strategy.
Calm down anon, i'm just playing mind games with you guys here, i'm not subestimating your mechs or getting smug...
But i magician can never reveal his secrets, so i may be holding one or two card up my sleeve to deal with the trickery some of you may be planning to me ^^.
Ah fuck it, its only going to sit in pastebin for eternity anyway so I might as well bring out my actual hidden design. Less hidden and more Wong's deceleration on one mech per dude crushing its chances be used though.
Its just a fanboys attempt at making his own KK.
It's entirely possible I fucked up somewhere. I'll go through it all again tomorrow.

Anyway, here's the gun in all it's glory if you want to double check.

ZX-21 CROWE (Combat Raid Offense WEapon)
49.59 CP
3.59 space
5 tons (?)

Gun 1 (shooty)

4 cost
4 kills
2 tons
6 range (300 m)
+1 WA (1.5x)
Burst 3 (2.0x)
Variable Phalanx (1.4x)
16.8 CP
1.68 CP per clip (10 burst shots)
1.68 space
1.68 kills

Gun 2 (explody)

6 cost
6 kill
3 tons
7 range (262.5 m after reduction)
-1 wa (0.8x)
75% Range (.88x) (262.5 m)
Blast 1 (6.0x)
25.34 CP
1.52 CP per clip (1 grenade)
0.25 space
0.25 kills

Space Efficiency 31

10 burst clips (bullet)
1 round (grenades)
Terrible at reading it is. The format change had me confused, until i realized the scaling is all the same across the 3 stats. Well back to updating my old designs
Hmm, i remember someone saying that he/she was going to do a mook version of the Kaiser when i was making the Walkure... Was it you, senpai?

Finally someone with some sense here, woudl Not!Doan have mercy on Not!Megumin because she is an child orphan like the ones he known?
how do i get the space value for weapons?
For a normal weapon it's how much CP they cost. 6 cp, 6 spaces. Making it smaller is 0.5 CP per space.
That depends solely on the combatant. If she surrenders she surrenders. If she goes all out, no punches will be pulled. His goal is a orphanage to get children away from wars and raise them proper. If you're going to run into them, some discipline might be required.
Rodger, rodger. I assume thats rounded to the nearest whole number?
I always round it up. So 6.3 is 7 spaces.
Rounding up is the easiest way to go here. You cannot fit 6.4 Spaces of systems in 6 Spaces.

That said, you may wish to work with the fractional values eventually, when you start dealing with systems like Projectile Weapons and Missiles that can have fractional Spaces taken.
is this correct so far?

Sunbeam MkI Beam Emitter RA 6, WA +2, 3k, BV 1, Space 4, 5.28cp (space efficiency 2, 1cp)
kek, didnt fill in the stats correctly

Sunbeam MkI Beam Emitter RA 6, WA +2, Kills 4, 4k, BV 1, Space 4 5.28cp (space effeciency 2 1cp)
If thats a beam gun, then 4 kills would be 6 cp. You reduced the range to 75% of what it was so 0.88 modifier, but then you increased the range for a 1.5x modifier. That would make it's CP value with space efficiency 7.92. It also weighs 2 tons.

So, this is the mech of my character in a MSPQ based game I am playing in. The idea behind it is 'fuck you for being within melee range'. I THINK I did everything right. Anyone got any thoughts on it?

It's upgraded form has MA 15 Thrusters, and the beam greatsword upgrades to a 13 damage, with Hyper instead of Quick. I fucking LOVE Hyper EMWs, but I just don't know if they're worth it.
Thats ok, we can always eject if something goes wrong, i asked wong about it to be certain if it was okay to go for the torso.
May i be honest with you? I think that any range below 8MA is too short, as battoujutsu style mechs will need only one action to get to you, and even heavier or less movable ones like yours can dropkick you by spending their full turn.
More, your own MA is one of the lower ones from here, so ranged mechs will probably outsnipe you because of this if you are unlucky.

If Blast work as i remember, it was probably i good choice against the lighter mechs, but maybe a flamethrower would be better if you were faster enough to put someone on fire and run while they burn.

The Phalanx may be a good call, though, but i don't see people relying much on missiles here, though, at least not as an main weapon... Anyway, it can still save you from probable Heavy Missiles if you are lucky/able to sepnd luck on your roll.
What i said to >>734916 about short range applies to you too, be aware of dropkicks and battoujustsu.
4/6/8 beam gun

0.88x cost for 75% range (6*0.88=5.28) so it becomes 4/5.28/6

1.5x cost for WA +2 (5.28*1.5=7.92) so that comes out to 4/7.92/6

So that mean i should have a Range 6, 4K damage , 4 kill, Infinite Ammo, BV 1, 2 ton, 8 Space, beam gun that costs 7.92 CP

I want to bring down the space to 4 so i pay an additional cost of 2CP for 4 ranks in weight efficient bringing to total cost up to 9.92

so the stats should be a RA 6, Kills 4, 4k, BV 1, Infinite Ammo, 2t, 4 Space, 10cp, beam gun

Is that correct?

>>735389 have a mean pair of 6K axes with AP and disruption swinging around on Heavy Striker arms. I dare enemy mechs to come in melee range
4 ranks in space efficient i mean
Yup, got it down right. It's not a strong weapon, but accuracy is always nice to have.
yay, those are just my secondary guns by the way.
do ballistic guns calculate their space the same as beams?
Yup. Ammo has to be purchased as well.
Yup. The same goes for all weapons. The only difference is that EMWs can only take a quarter of the Damage.
Is this correct so far?

Head Servo
Striker head 3/3/3, M.striker Armour(a) SP4 DC2 5cp
Torso Servo
Medium Torso 12/12/12, L.Heavy Armour SP7 7cp
Arm Servos
H.striker LA 6/6/6 +1K Thr 3 (Upper), H.striker Armour SP6 6cp
Claw 1 space, 2 Kills, 1t, 2K 2cp
Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA 0, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12cp (space effecient 7) 3.5cp

H.striker RA 6/6/6 +1K Thr 3 (Upper), H.striker Armour SP6 6cp
Claw 1 space, 2 Kills, 1t, 2K 2cp
Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA 0, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12cp (space efficient 7) 3.5cp

Striker LA 4/4/4 +0K Thr 2 (Lower), Striker Armour SP3 3cp
Sunbeam MkI Beam Emitter RA 6, Kills 4, WA +2, 4k, BV 1, Infinite Ammo, 2t, 4 Space, 8cp (space efficiency 4) 2cp

Striker RA 4/4/4 +0K Thr 2 (Lower), Striker Armour SP3 3cp
Sunbeam MkI Beam Emitter RA 6, WA +2, Kills 4, 4k, BV 1, Infinite Ammo, 2t, 4 Space, 8cp (space efficiency 4) 2cp

Leg Servos
H.striker LL 6/6/6, Medium Armour SP8 8cp
Foot 0cp, 0 space, 0t, 2k

H.striker RL 6/6/6, Medium Armour SP8 8cp
Foot 0cp, 0 space, 0t, 2k
(Prime Config)
H.striker Pod 5/10/0, L.Heavy Armour(a) SP7 DC2 9cp
Thumper Cannon RA 11, WA +0, Kills 6, 6k, BV 1, Ammo 10, 3 tons, 8 space 7.5cp
10 standard rounds 7.5cp

H.striker Pod 5/10/0, L.Heavy Armour(a) SP7 DC2 9cp
Thumper Cannon RA 11, WA +0, Kills 6, 6k, BV 1, Ammo 10, 3 tons, 8 space 7.5cp
10 standard rounds 7.5 cp
Seems to be missing things like thrusters, sensors, the pod to control it, links for the weapons, and the various quality of life stuff.
Thats because I havent gotten to that part yet, I just wanted to make sure all the heavy lifting was out of the way before i moved on.

Also this thing weighs 73 tons in servos and armor alone
Head Servo
Striker head 3/3/3, M.striker Armour(a) SP4 DC2 5cp
Sriker Sensors 1 kill, 1 Space, Sens Range 4km, Comm Range 800km 2cp

Torso Servo
Medium Torso 12/12/12, L.Heavy Armour SP7 7cp
Cockpit 1 Space
Environment Pod 1 Scpace 2cp
Backup Sensors 2 Kill, 2 Space 2cp

Arm Servos
H.striker LA 6/6/6 +1K Thr 3 (Upper), H.striker Armour SP6 6cp
Claw 1 space, 2 Kills, 1t, 2K 2cp
Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA 0, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12cp (space effecient 7) 3.5cp (Melee Link

H.striker RA 6/6/6 +1K Thr 3 (Upper), H.striker Armour SP6 6cp
Claw 1 space, 2 Kills, 1t, 2K 2cp
Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA 0, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12cp (space efficient 7) 3.5cp (Melee Link)

Striker LA 4/4/4 +0K Thr 2 (Lower), Striker Armour SP3 3cp
Sunbeam MkI Beam Emitter RA 6, Kills 4, WA +2, 4k, BV 1, Infinite Ammo, 2t, 4 Space, 8cp (space efficiency 4) 2cp

Striker RA 4/4/4 +0K Thr 2 (Lower), Striker Armour SP3 3cp
Sunbeam MkI Beam Emitter RA 6, WA +2, Kills 4, 4k, BV 1, Infinite Ammo, 2t, 4 Space, 8cp (space efficiency 4) 2cp

Leg Servos
H.striker LL 6/6/6, Medium Armour SP6 6cp
Foot 0cp, 0 space, 0t, 2k

H.striker RL 6/6/6, Medium Armour SP6 6cp
Foot 0cp, 0 space, 0t, 2k

-pods can we removed or swapped with alternate weapon pods through use of quick change mounts
(Prime Config)
H.striker Pod 5/10/0, Quick Change Mount 1cp, L.Heavy Armour(a) SP7 DC2 9cp
Thumper Cannon RA 11, WA +0, Kills 6, 6k, BV 1, Ammo 10, 3 tons, 8 space 7.5cp
10 standard rounds 7.5cp

H.striker Pod 5/10/0, Quick Change Mount 1cp, L.Heavy Armour(a) SP7 DC2 9cp
Thumper Cannon RA 11, WA +0, Kills 6, 6k, BV 1, Ammo 10, 3 tons, 8 space 7.5cp
10 standard rounds 7.5 cp

Melee Cross Link, Shield Breaker+Shield Breaker 4cp

Interservo Link, Thumper+Thumper 2cp

Total weight 35
Total weight W/ Thumper pods 41

12 boosters 16cp
12 boosters W/ Thumper pods 18.5

Total Cost 166cp
Total Cost W/ Thumper pod 200.5cp

600 meters per turn in flight or 250 meters per turn on running (200 meters per turn with thumper pods)
Huh, you know that wong specifically asked us to organize the stats like the ones in the Rogue Gallery, right? Why are you formating them like the KK from the master pastebin?
Oh no, I just stumbled in here from >>>49884092 and saw people posting giant robots. I haven't even read this quest, I just really like building giant robots in RPGs
syntax error
Huh, how did you stumble here from there? I scrolled down and found no link... but it may be because os my sleepness.
Anyway, welcome aboard anon, you you like to join us for a tourney battle of robots? There is still some time to go before the quest gets to be there (some months maybe), but its probably be fun when it does.
Also, what do you think about joining us in this game?
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>you you like to join us
Would you like*

its not like i was stuttering because i'm a ts-tsundere or s-something... Baka!

>played by an weeaboo
Alright, double checked the math and I'm fairly sure this is right. I also increased the MA at Brazilian Anon's advice so the relatively small range of the gun hopefully won't be that big of an issue.

Pastebin this time since I don't want to spam the thread with my shit any longer.

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>Cheking your mind
Servos+hands= 34CP
Armor= 18
Base mecha cost=61.5CP

(I tried to reproduce your weapon and ended up with only 29,45744... Idk if something went wrong, but maybe you should recheck the math again... Did you multiplied the total cost for 1,3e instead of dividing the spaces by that? Idk, maybe i'm just wrong.)
Shield= 6CP
Total Weight: Frame+Armament= 34
Total cost(without weapon)=80,25

Wait, i know what went wrong now, you applied the blast modificator to your weapon... Don't it apply only to the ammo? This is what it looks like in the book, because if it were appliable in the weapon, it should be in the weapon list,and not in the ammo one.
>Servos+hands= 34CP
Not sure how you're getting that, sicne I'm coming up with 36 for the servos and hands.

>Armor= 18
Or this. Do we not have to armor the hands or something?

>Wait, i know what went wrong now, you applied the blast modificator to your weapon... Don't it apply only to the ammo? This is what it looks like in the book, because if it were appliable in the weapon, it should be in the weapon list,and not in the ammo one.

Holy shit, if this is true, than that changes everything.
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Yeah, 36CP, you are right, i messed up by computing the hands as 1CP each.
>Or this. Do we not have to armor the hands or something?
No, we don't, they are mounted in the arms, occupy 1 space and gets protected by arms armor.
Excellent, and after I rebuild the CROWE, Hopefully I'll have enough spare CP to increase the armor and re-add the wings I had to take off. maaaaybe even give it a melee weapon if I feel like it.

Thanks for your help.
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Its nothing bro, lets have an incredible duel when the time comes, shall we?
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>Akai sees kathy shadow imager for the first time
"This ability to multiply...! Allowing the pilot to be safe and her mech to keep on avoiding my attacks...! NARUHODO! This onee-san has acquired the power of the RED SIREN! WITH THE HELP OF RO-SI-TAAAAAAA!"
*Starts playing the G Gundam transformation music, the storm dragons watching the fight are going crazy with this, Oda is just "They grow up so fast...*sniff*"*
"AHHH! This eye of mine *KIRA-KIRA* with an *SUGOI* *CHIKARA*! Its burning sight tells me to defeat you! TAKE THIS!My *AI*, my *DAIKIRAI* and all of my *KIMOCHI*! SHINIIING EXPLOSIOOOOON!*Kurae*!*KURAE*!*KURAEEEEEEEEE!*
*The Walkure changes color and rush up to punch the Valkyrie*
Also, just for fun I made this:
Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 5 tons
Heavy Striker Head: C/S/K 5, 2.5 tons
Heavy Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Left Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Heavy Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Right Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Heavy Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Heavy Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
43 cp (18.5 Tons)
Armor: Medium Weight (6 CP, 6 SP, 3.0 tons) on all locations (36CP) (18 tons)

Armament: The Knight uses a Mated Cannon and Lance, a hit of 6K to either will destroy both. The CP, Spaces, and Weight listed for either form is shared and not added twice to its cost. (18 CP)
[Handheld] Avalonian Lance (Lance form): WA 0, 7K, 9 CP, 6 Spaces, 3 tons
[Handheld] Avalonian Lance (Cannon form): Range 350 meters, WA 0, 6K, Ammo 10, 3 reloads, 9 CP, 6 Spaces, 3 tons.
[Arm-Mounted] Lancer's Shield: DA -1, SP 7, 8.5 CP, 3.5 tons

GES: The Ground Type has a ground effect system that allows it to hover over terrain. It consists of 10.5 thrusters allowing it to move 400m per turn.
Total weight: 42 Tons
Total Cost: 107 CP

A lighter, more handy shield and a ground effect system to allow it to move extremely fast over the ground and water. It is actually faster than any standard Jovian Mecha in atmosphere.
Can you pin and then attack with the thing you are pinning with?
Also, have the finished Knight":
Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 5 tons
Heavy Striker Head: C/S/K 5, 2.5 tons
Heavy Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Left Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Heavy Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Right Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Heavy Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Heavy Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
43 cp (18.5 Tons)
Armor: Medium Weight (6 CP, 6 SP, 3.0 tons) on all locations (36CP) (18 tons)

Main Sensors (Head): 4 CP, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1 ton
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2 CP, 2 Spaces, 2 Kills, 1 ton

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Storage Module (1 CP, 1 Space), Liftwire (0.3 CP), Spotlights (0.2 CP)

Armament: The Knight uses a Mated Cannon and Lance, a hit of 6K to either will destroy both. The CP, Spaces, and Weight listed for either form is shared and not added twice to its cost. (18 CP)
[Handheld] Avalonian Lance (Lance form): WA 0, 6K, 9 CP, 6 Spaces, 3 tons
[Handheld] Avalonian Lance (Cannon form): Range 350 meters, WA 0, 6K, Ammo 10, 3 reloads, 9 CP, 6 Spaces, 3 tons.
[Arm-Mounted] Medium Shield: DA -2, SP 9, 9 CP, 4.5 tons

Thrusters & Propulsion: 9 thrusters stored in allowing them to jump 200m at a time, without the capacity for in-gravity flight, but they can run 300m per ten seconds (30m/s) thanks to the sophisticated (and ridiculously expensive)system of treads built into their feet, reminiscent of a very complicated rollerskate, lets them ignore terrain that would severely hinder you. 15 CP, 15 Spaces, 7.5 tons

Total weight: 52.5 Tons
Total Cost: 131.5 CP

Jesus Christ that rollerskate thing is stupidly expensive.
>52.5 Tons
Fat bastard isnt it?
Its the damn rollerskates. 15 cp and 7.5 tons for +100m to running. Its a trap no matter what point level you're playing at.
I guess its not so bad if you are making something that cant fly or use GES.
Also you can get the same effect for 12 cp and 6 tons.
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>but they can run 300m per ten seconds (30m/s) thanks to the sophisticated (and ridiculously expensive)system of treads built into their feet, reminiscent of a very complicated rollerskate, lets them ignore terrain that would severely hinder you.
>15 CP, 15 Spaces, 7.5 tons
I think you might want to be clearer on the fact that this is a combined set of Treads and Wheels; I couldn't tell where your numbers were coming from at a glance.

Also, unless you're actually using some system that isn't occurring to me right now, both Wheels and Treads take no Spaces.
Ah, my mistake, I misread that bit. Corrected version:
Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 5 tons
Heavy Striker Head: C/S/K 5, 2.5 tons
Heavy Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Left Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Heavy Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Right Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Heavy Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
Heavy Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 6, 2.5 tons
43 cp (18.5 Tons)
Armor: Medium Weight (6 CP, 6 SP, 3.0 tons) on all locations (36CP) (18 tons)

Main Sensors (Head): 4 CP, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1 ton
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2 CP, 2 Spaces, 2 Kills, 1 ton

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Storage Module (1 CP, 1 Space), Liftwire (0.3 CP), Spotlights (0.2 CP)

Armament: The Knight uses a Mated Cannon and Lance, a hit of 6K to either will destroy both. The CP, Spaces, and Weight listed for either form is shared and not added twice to its cost. (18 CP)
[Handheld] Avalonian Lance (Lance form): WA 0, 7K, 9 CP, 6 Spaces, 3 tons
[Handheld] Avalonian Lance (Cannon form): Range 350 meters, WA 0, 6K, Ammo 10, 3 reloads, 9 CP, 6 Spaces, 3 tons.
[Arm-Mounted] Medium Shield: DA -2, SP 9, 9 CP, 4.5 tons

Thrusters & Propulsion: 8 thrusters stored in allowing them to jump 200m at a time, without the capacity for in-gravity flight, but they can run 300m per ten seconds (30m/s) thanks to the sophisticated (and ridiculously expensive)system of treads built into their feet, reminiscent of a very complicated rollerskate, lets them ignore terrain that would severely hinder you. 12 CP, 6 tons

Total weight: 50.5 Tons before 2 points of Weight efficeny bring it down to 49.5
Total Cost: 129.5 CP
Think you got the lance wrong there. 6k physical weapons are 3 CP unless you add AP to them. Honestly, the basics for the Knight aren't too bad. Remove the treads and replace them with more thrusters, give the shield a better defense rating and go for one handed weapons like a 6k AP axe and beam gun and the machine would be a pretty good contender. Hell, GES would likely be a better option than treads for something it's weight class.
If i get to post more robots, I'm game

I know i need to de-bloat this design, but my inner battletech engineer refuses to have at least 2 weapon systems on a mech
>Think you got the lance wrong there
Its actually Wong's work. Note the
>The Knight uses a Mated Cannon and Lance, a hit of 6K to either will destroy both. The CP, Spaces, and Weight listed for either form is shared and not added twice to its cost.
I also did a Gound Type with most of those suggestions here >>736549
It needs to add in the sensors and such, but that won't change anything fundamental.
Gonna start about an hour late today. Dinner and range time with a relative, God bless America.
>If i get to post more robots, I'm game
Welcome to the Iron Kestrels, Anon, may your pillage be good and the 80's gods give luck to your rolls!
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I have a theory for what happend to the base. And it's wonderfull.
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Calling for all the Kestrels, Sirens and Storm Dragons! Who is ready for kicking some Avalonian ass?
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Experimenting with genetic modification to try to create the new Green Men?
What, no Stone Soldiers?

What was Bellingham's crew called again?

Here is cheaper robot, very sadly I had to dump both extra arms to bring the CP in line with the other builds I've seen in this thread, but the Thumper Cannon Weapon pods bring the CP up to 170 when they are both equiped

Berserker Omni-Platform

Striker Head: C/S/K 3, 1.5t
Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 5t
Heavy Striker L.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
L.Claw: 2cp, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1t
Heavy Striker R.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
R.Claw: 2cp, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1t
Heavy Striker L.Leg: C/K/S 6, 2.5t
Pod A: 5/0/10, 0t (quick chagne mount)
Pod B: 5/0/10. 0t (quick change mount)

Armor: Medium Striker(a)(Head), Medium Weight(Troso, L.Leg, R.Leg), Heavy Striker(L.Arm, R.Arm), Light Heavy(a)(Both Pods) (51cp)(23t) (33cp W/o pods)(16t W/o pods)

Main Sensors (Head): 2cp, 1 Spaces, 1 kill, 1t
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2cp, Spaces 2 Kills, 1t

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Interservo Weapon Linkage (Thumper Cannons 2 CP), Melee Cross linkage (Shield Breaker Axes 4 CP), Quick Change Mount (Pod A 1 CP), Quick Change Mount (Pod B 1 CP)

Handheld Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA Melee, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12 CP (space effecient 7 3.5 CP) (Melee Link)
Handheld Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA Melee, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12 CP (space effecient 7 3.5 CP) (Melee Link)
Torso-Mounted Sunbeam MkI Beam Emitter RA 300 meters, Kills 4, WA +2, 4k, BV 1, Infinite Ammo, 2t, 4 Space, 8cp (space efficiency 4) 2cp
Pod-Mounted Thumper Cannon RA 550 meters, WA +0, Kills 6, 6k, BV 1, Ammo 10, Reloads 0, 3 tons, 8 space 7.5 CP (Interservo Link)
10 standard rounds 7.5cp
Pod-Mounted Thumper Cannon RA 550 meters, WA +0, Kills 6, 6k, BV 1, Ammo 10, Reloads 0, 3 tons, 8 space 7.5 CP (Interservo Link)
10 standard rounds 7.5cp

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 2 in the torso, moves 600 meters per turn flying or 250 meters per turn running (16 CP) (13.5 CP w/o thumper pods)

Total Weight: 36t (30t w/o thumper pods)
Total Cost: 171cp (136.5cp w/o thumper pods)
Interesting. It's well over the CP limit for the Tourney, but interesting.

What does it look like?
His pirates don't really have a name. Hell, Red Siren's crew don't really have a name. Although the Sirens is a decent name for them.
Give me some time and i can throw up a sketch
Thats is exactly the problem, they don't have a name... And i forgot our S.S. frineds for some reason... But feel free to appear too! Its not like today is your day off or anything '-'
Also, what is the CP limit for the tourney?
Should use a little bit of weight efficiency to make that when you drop your pods your MV goes to -2 only.
Its still over the 140CP limit for the tourney, but its pretty interesting....Ah, your axes need an interservo link of 6CP, not an Melee link... But the quick-change pods is a very good strategy.
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Worst. Trying to reverse engineer of greenman technology. The worst part is that they succeed
140 CP
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>Snek best girl
Your shit taste keeps surprising me
I did not know you had such shit taste Brazil Anon

The undead should not be this attractive
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Not liking both. That is not a very Susan thinking.
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Don't worry I got your back, something about a girl calling me darling does things to me.
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Meh, i didn't get far into the manga though, so give me a break, i probably didn't see half of the possible waifus.
And i know that Miia is very mainstream, but i like her loving demeanor
My second would probably be centaur girl, and then spider girl, with some love for slime girl too.
I don't see why people like papi, though, she seems too annoying for me.

So...If you guys are so intent of critisizing my MM waifus... Who are your waifus?

Yeah, i know how that feels bro, i'm glad someone here has such good taste.
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>Horse after Snek
It just keeps getting worse. And as far as MM waifus go Lala is the best
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I won't say who my waifu is because it will cause a shit storm.
Her blowjobs must be really exotic.
Yeah she probably gives great head.
I'm just posting smug anime characters at you for expecting miscellaneous characters from random pieces of media to be inserted unfittingly into an entirely unrelated quest simply because they're your waifu.

Also, telling people on the internet to explicitly state who their waifus are is blatant bait to start a shitstorm.
At least give us a hint Its Horse isn't it

Thats what I'm counting on
It's the dragon girl isn't it?

I dunno, usually waifuposting peters out after a few posts
My waifu has an expy in this quest, if I had a second choice it would be Tohsaka Rin
How do you feel about the fact we're going to kick the shit out of your waifu and then help Lori bully her?
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Oh, Takumi, this work is pretty popular among some people i known.
I don't known what to think about it though, the corruption thing is not for me, but his/her life with sogahara after the main story is somewhat cute... As cute as sogahara can be with that insane rape instict.
Don't bully Noriko, unless you meant Rin then go ahead. She deserves it every once in a while.
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She isn't from MM and it's from a very know, but not so great or good as people talk about it anime.
Nah I meant Rin, Noriko is great
After that, Shinji gets mad and comes to save her...
And we kick his ass and BAD END they both.

Nah, i'm kidding, we just make them go to our side or something.
She still comes in under just under the CP limit without the pods installed, so I could still enter her in the tourney as a melee brawler move. 14K with AP and Disruption flying around at 12 hexes is nothing to scoff at
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I was just joking anon... I don't really expect her to appear, we aren't on this level of gene mods yet.

>Also, telling people on the internet to explicitly state who their waifus are is blatant bait to start a shitstorm.
What, no! We are all adults here, anon, what could possible go wrong?
I think this works

Berserker Omni-Platform (Dry Confiduration)

Striker Head: C/S/K 3, 1.5t
Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 5t
Heavy Striker L.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
L.Claw: 2cp, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1t
Heavy Striker R.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
R.Claw: 2cp, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1t
Heavy Striker L.Leg: C/K/S 6, 2.5t

Armor: Medium Striker(a)(Head), Medium Weight(Troso, L.Leg, R.Leg), Heavy Striker(L.Arm, R.Arm), (33cp)(16t)

Main Sensors (Head): 2cp, 1 Spaces, 1 kill, 1t
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2cp, Spaces 2 Kills, 1t

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Interservo Melee Cross linkage (Shield Breaker Axes 6 CP)

Handheld Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA Melee, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12 CP (space effecient 7 3.5 CP) (Melee Link)
Handheld Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA Melee, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12 CP (space effecient 7 3.5 CP) (Melee Link)
Torso-Mounted Sunbeam MkI Beam Emitter RA 300 meters, Kills 4, WA +2, 4k, BV 1, Infinite Ammo, 2t, 4 Space, 8cp (space efficiency 4) 2cp

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 2 in the torso, moves 600 meters per turn flying or 250 meters per turn running 13.5 CP

Total Weight: 30t
Total Cost: 138.5cp
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>some people i known
You know people into ShindoL?
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Don't need to show all of your waifus here anon, just the MM ones is okay too.
Dont forget to slap a bit of weight efficiency on it for that sweet minus 2 MV.
>what could possible go wrong?

Your taste in waifus rivals the taste of my asshole after three weeks of eating nothing but taco bell and then ingesting twice the recommended dosage of laxatives all whilst sitting in a public toilet at a gas station with graffiti adorning the bathroom stall.

But I'm shitting on the floor instead of in the toilet.
Yes, is it so rare?
....Also, my friends are weird, this is one of the reasons i started to study psychology, i attract weird and crazy people, like moths to the flame.
cant, I'm only 0.5 CP under the limit as it is
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I'm suprised mainly because admit to liking ShindoL, and by implication recommended some of his stuff to you
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>implying i have more then one waifu

Vlw mas não vlw.
What about buying manual controls to reduce your maneauver+luck from 11 to 10 and get 6.5CP?
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>Main Sensors (Head): 2cp, 1 Spaces, 1 kill, 1t
>1 kill, 1t
why does it keep happening
not a bad doujin but yea the ending was a boner killer
though mine was satisfied before i got to the end.
You seem to be missing a leg there and claws are 4 CP, not 2.
which version of Mekton are we using again?
>ShidoL douji with a happy ending
if you boner doesn't end before you finish reading it. The douji will end it for you.
Whatever version has advanced technical manual.
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Are you BR, anon? Are you from Rio?

Thats pretty bold of you bro, but i'm not exactly a fan, i just read some of his/her/idk works and have some opinions about them, aaaand, TSF Monogatari was somewhat popular among my circle of otaku acquantainces when i was in school, so i still know some people who probably like it if i'm remembering well.

But thanks for the recomendation, i may read it later for...huh... errr...Research reasons!
Out of the Characters who aren't Roarke's waifus, I like Kathrine best. Mainly because I just want to hold her close and tell her I appreciate her.

But Agatha is up there for other reasons. Pic related.
I wonder how Roarke's wedding night is going to go? I mean all of the girls are gonna want to consummate their marriage and I doubt any of them are going to let the others get a turn.
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Also, i just noticed, Rika would be a perfect daughter for Karen, and Yukimura maybe could work for daughter/son of Sam.
>Pic related, rika is on front

Do you know DATE? His works are evil incarnate, it will end your boner maybe 5 pages into into, if you are not and edgelord or something....
Use SCIENCE!!! to make multiple dicks?
not very familiar with those who draw my doujins but i can generally tell if a doujin is drawn by the same artist. that and i always check the doujins tags before going in.
146 pages right?
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We already consumated it, and without delegating work and having an orgy, doing everyone at the same time is just impossible if you aren't a greenman or pre-war augmented person.
But all of the first(but one) are dead, and we didn't even met someone from the second yet.

He has "DATE" written in the front page and end page of every one of his works if i'm not mistaken... And its "Grimdark" with most people dying or becoming mad, or worse, before the end
Looks like 144 to me.

Also I did another thing because I cant stop myself.
Its a modification to a Pumpkinseed 2. Its supposed to look like a gelgoog.
Girls still expect their husband to sleep with them on their wedding night
Huh... Guys, shouldn't wong be here already?
Man is having a family dinner.
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On another note, the summarized characters.

>Agatha MacGregor: Old Widowed Veteran looking for new purpose in life.
>Akai Inazumi: Chuunibyou girl who is the Storm Dragons' collective Imouto
>Finn Bodvarsson: Crazy Neo-Viking Cyclops looking for a glorious death.
>James McClintock: Professional Mecha Tourney Pilot looking to face and Defeat Roarke
>Kathrine Archibald: Red Siren's long suffering 2nd in Command who wants some recognition for her work
>Rohan Sune: Bookish Test pilot for small Corp who is trying to make a name for himself

>Not!Doan: I think there was something about helping orphans?
>Rebellious Girl: Street Punk who wants to join the Kestrels and become a real Pirate
>Not!HUNK: Antisocial Paranoid Veteran who never takes off his gas mask

This is just to make things easier for Wong in the future. Please confirm if this is accurate to the characters. If not, correct it.

I'm assuming Wong will modify them to work better, of course.
lordy I'm going to have read this manual thoroughly before a i start trying to build something aren't I?
may or may not make an backstory for my pilot. If i do it's going to be the standard AC backstory. Nothing but a simple merc.
Not!Doan is getting the prize money to build an orphanage in return of getting Dr.Zeige's Dutchman into production.
fixed the hands, and it turns out to be 1 ton lighter

Berserker Omni-Platform (Dry Confiduration)

Striker Head: C/S/K 3, 1.5t
Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 5t
Heavy Striker L.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
L.Hand: 2cp, 1 Space, 1 Kills, 1t
Heavy Striker R.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
R.Hand: 2cp, 1 Space, 1 Kills, 1t
Heavy Striker L.Leg: C/K/S 6, 2.5t
Heavy Striker L.Leg: C/K/S 6, 2.5t

Armor: Medium Striker(a)(Head), Medium Weight(Troso, L.Leg, R.Leg), Heavy Striker(L.Arm, R.Arm), (33cp)(16t)

Main Sensors (Head): 2cp, 1 Spaces, 1 kill
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2cp, Spaces 2 Kills, 1t

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Interservo Melee Cross linkage (Shield Breaker Axes 6 CP)

Handheld Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA Melee, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12 CP (space effecient 7 3.5 CP) (Melee Link)
Handheld Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA Melee, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12 CP (space effecient 7 3.5 CP) (Melee Link)
Torso-Mounted Sunbeam MkI Beam Emitter RA 300 meters, Kills 4, WA +2, 4k, BV 1, Infinite Ammo, 2t, 4 Space, 8cp (space efficiency 4) 2cp

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 2 in the torso, moves 600 meters per turn flying or 250 meters per turn running 13 CP

Total Weight: 39t
Total Cost: 138cp
>Total Weight: 29t*
slight error correction
You might want to write a quick sentence about who Doan is then. Maybe something about Zeige too
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Wow, me too '-'
I didn't really expected to meet an local annon here XD
So, what is your story? How did you ended up here in 4chan?I never met another anon IRL, it doesn't seems to be a popular site around these parts.
Not exactly necessary, just read the basics and focus on what you want for your concept, everything else you can ask us here.
so for the cockpit,since i'm trying to make mine more in line of an Armored Core, the virtual 360 one is the way to go. Cause I'm not seeing a neural connection piloting system in the book.
Pretty sure neural connections is how everything is piloted in this quest.
Yep, you don't need to pay extra for the HMIS, it is already assumed that you have one, like space protection.
Well to start with, ya got two left feet. Second the weight doesn't add up. Armor and the base frame is 34.5 tons. Adding the weapons and sensors thats another 10 (main sensors also weigh a ton for some reason) to get 44.5.
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There is quite a niche of us in 4chan. My story? Nothing much stumbled on 4chan searching for anime and hentai. Entered /a/ then /b/, my worst mistake. Then keep comming and going from this hell hole...the ride never ends.

I had. Not a very fun experience. But i also don't regret it.
Might want to make it more readable. Use the Rogue's Gallery as an outline.
plenty of you guys over on /pol/. probably among the most common countries over there
arent we using the total kills/2=total weight rules?
Yes. Even taking that into consideration your machine still is 44.5 tons. Sensors are a bit weird since they don't follow that to the letter. I honestly don't know how you figured it would be so low when similar machines have been in the high 30s, low 40s.
Use the Weight stats given in the Mekton Zeta core book for servos and use the ATM for everything else.
its already in Rogue's Gallery format, what you must be founding strange is that he used variable levels of armor for each servo.

I have to check its math, but it seems pretty ok...It could be a heavy contender for some of us.

Ah, newguy, you should buy a liftwire, the deluxe something(for your mech don't be stolen), spotlights, and maybe the soundsystem(if you want to blast your soundtrack into the fight, as half of us plann on doing)
the nifty gadgets are always required for any respectable machine.
though most AC's cockpits are entered from above .
I meant separating it out a bit more.

I think I'm the only one who lists the values at each part in order to prevent mistakes.
Ah geez, i forgot to add the armor tonnage this entire time, now i have to recalculate my thruster CP
Hm... Got here because of boredom and curiosity, because i always heard about this as if it were "The Center of the Internet, form where all the memes come from". After this, i went to some boards but stayed because of /tg/, then i started to read quest logs for fun, and ended up here when i mustered the courage to do so.
Seryously?Why? I don't like to go there much, everytime i went there they were being depressive about the world going to end because of their enemies or something.
no idea. /pol/ is an acquired taste for sure. Most compare how shitty some European countries are becoming to their own. Outside of /pol/ you guys are on /int/ and /sp/ mostly
A quick rule of thumb if you want your machine to fly is that it requires 30% of it's weight in thrusters to get MA 8. 4 above (12,16, ect) is another 15%.
also if i get this thing done before Wong calls it, ya'll know what's going to playing
we can go up or down one weight class for arms and legs right?
Fucking Nineball.
So final weight is Total Kills/2+Armour Tonnage, right?
Legs can get pretty big, but only a single size smaller than the torso. With arms you can make them pretty small, but only a size bigger.
can't exactly make Nineball himself with a 140 CP limit now can I. Next best thing is to make the default starter AC from one of the games
Which one, the blocky guys or the faster guys?
Pretty much. I'll look over the numbers when you put it up.
Two sizes bigger on arms and legs, innit?
Yeah, i heard about how here is becoming better than EU because of the heavy manipulation of economy there or something... And its no surprise we are in /sp/ with all the popularity of soccer over here(but i don't like it anyway), and before i forget, we deserved that 7-1, even if it was so humiliating.

This, Heads and wings can be only one size bigger than the torso, but any size smaller, at least if you don't care about the wing MA bonus, if you care, there is a limit of 2 sizes smaller.
NOPE, look at the tonnage of limbs from the core book.

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basically this but a little bit more bulkier with missiles to replace one of the shoulders weapons and a railgun to replace the other.
Yeah boy thats my shit.
Only one size bigger for arms and only one size smaller for legs.
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preferred the Tellius in 4 just for that EP output. Couldn't recreate in FA no matter what i tried.
So the arms only weight 2.5 tons instead of 3? Why are we not using the tables from the ATM?
So, now the real question, what other caracters do you want to show up in this quest? And how do you want them to be in this universe?

I think that Haru form Accel world could be a great pilot or maybe a ship navigator, maybe he could be the future son of Avi... Or maybe Kuroyukihime could be an Avalonian noble and he would be her Knight.
Where do I find the tonnage for the parts. the class chart only shows the amount of Space the part has. That's what i'm assuming.
Limit what we got for now. Just like waifus, too many characters can cause a quest to die. Man, Harem protag quest is such a perfect example.
Core Book, and why? I don't know, maybe because that is going to let us build stronger mechs with less points and the DM thought it would be cooler that way?

Maybe the older mechs from the time of the war used the ATM values and we use the corebooks ones because of technology evolution... Who knows?
Waifus can do it, but we don't need to focus on secondary characters too much... and we can wait for introducing them in the second season as some of the actual ones will probably retire.
And Wong asked about this a few threads ago if i'm not mistaken, and then pointed out that some of the reccomendations are already planned, like Beatrix, who he revealed later.
Heavy Striker Arms- 6 space; Heavy striker armor-5sp-5cp
so if this what the arms are going to be, i'm assuming the armor takes up 5 spaces out of the six the frame provides leaving me with 1 space for something.
Alright fine then. I think i did it right this time

Berserker Omni-Platform (Dry Confiduration)

Striker Head: C/S/K 3, 1.5t
Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 5t
Heavy Striker L.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
L.Hand: 2cp, 1 Space, 1 Kills, 0.5t
Heavy Striker R.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
R.Hand: 2cp, 1 Space, 1 Kills, 0.5t
Heavy Striker L.Leg: C/K/S 6, 2.5t
Heavy Striker R.Leg: C/K/S 6, 2.5t

Armor: Medium Striker(a)(Head), Medium Weight(Troso, L.Leg, R.Leg), Heavy Striker(L.Arm, R.Arm), (33cp)(16t)

Main Sensors (Head): 2cp, 1 Spaces, 1 kill
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2cp, Spaces 2 Kills, 1t

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Interservo Melee Cross linkage (Shield Breaker Axes 6 CP)

Handheld Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA Melee, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12 CP (space effecient 7 3.5 CP) (Melee Link)
Handheld Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA Melee, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12 CP (space effecient 7 3.5 CP) (Melee Link)
Torso-Mounted Sunbeam MkI Beam Emitter RA 300 meters, Kills 4, WA +2, 4k, BV 1, Infinite Ammo, 2t, 4 Space, 8cp (space efficiency 4) 2cp

Thrusters & Speed: 3 per leg, 2 in the torso, moves 400 meters per turn flying or 200 meters per turn running 13.5 CP

Total Weight: 45
Total Cost: 140.5

Do you think Wong will fudge the cap for me? I really dont want to do back and rework this thing for half a point
Armor does not take up space on the body. You can only have up to 2 levels higher on the servo it's on.
Take a kill out of one of your weapons and you should be good.
Armor don't take up spaces

Yeah, you are probably in heaven right now, have fun!
What about scraping the Backup sensors and mounting the main ones in the torso?With maybe using the 1CP left to equip an 10K missile on your head?
I cant remember what slapdash thing I made in 4 but I remember twin shoulder miniguns wrecking everything.
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Twin shoulder chain guns with an accurate targeting system just killed everything in FA except for Arms Forts.
Oh this going to get fun
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“I don't know. I can think of any number of possible reasons. Maybe they wanted it to lie fallow so they could come back to it? Maybe the encryption would take a century to undo or something? Maybe the data wasn't safe on Europa in one of their active bases, so they left it here? After all, I've never heard of anything but the Megabass working this way. Or maybe the explanation is a whole lot worse, maybe there's something here that should never have been born. Maybe they had some kind of experimental nanomachines that went wrong, or a human personality imprinted on a HMIS to create an electronic ghost phenomenon, or an actual AI. Maybe it was something worse, some sort of living monster. Maybe even a cloned Green Man. Something that went on a rampage and forced them to evacuate in a hurry.” You speculate as you walk, the Kaiser's head swiveling back and forth as you keep an eye out for more traps.

It seems to you that Josiah is looking at you with just a little bit too sharply over the vidcomms, but it's impossible to tell what, if anything, he's reacting to in your skein of speculations. After a while, he shrugs with deliberate nonchalance, “Let's hope we don't find out.”

There's a rattle and a muffled thump from somewhere far overhead, and it takes an effort of supreme willpower just to scan the entire ceiling...finding nothing that isn't blocked by many layers of metal...rather than stop and attack the source of the noise reflexively or start moving more quickly.

Forgot my [Continued]
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About this, we should do it in Chronological waifu order.

I think it was... Karen, Sam, Rosita, Clemmy, Fatima.... And in the end we deflower Lori.
>leaving the best to the end
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>Sleeping with a girl your not even marrying, on your wedding night
What are you doing man
Solutions to handle various what if scenarios.
Nanomachines; EMP, learn that punching skill to cause it to explode. Make Oda a sword out of it.
EXAM system: Find Ramba Ral. Give it to him.
Cloned Greenman: Find out identity. If it's Caesar's girlfriend, see if it's nature or nurture.
We are going to marry her!! Were we not?
I saw other anons defending that we should marry her now to avoid problems in the future, i just went with it.
Necromorphs, Xenomorphs: BURN EVERYTHING!!!!
God-tier superhuman waifu: Seduce it.
Were not marrying her in the foreseeable future when she gets her wedding we'll sleep with her. But not on the same night were marrying all the other girls. Just think how Fatima, Clemmy, and Sam would react to that
You know... Shouldn't we namefag with the name of our pilots and robots to easy recognition about who can change or speak about what?
And lets face it, we are just like speaking about them, every thread we end up revealing our identities anyway.
Nah. Fucking ID's are identification enough.
Can we please not? Limit to how far this could be taken man and I am not going down that road. That road leads to tumbler and reddit.
Wait till the tourney begins than maybe. Also have no idea if I'm doing this right.
Medium Striker Head Servo- 4kills-Medium striker standard armor --4cp-DC 1
Medium Striker Torso Servo-8kills-Medium striker standard armor --4cp-DC 1
Heavy Striker Arms- ?kills,6 space +1 dam; Heavy striker standard armor-5cp- DC 1
Medium Striker legs- ?kills,5 space +1 damage Medium striker standard armor --4cp-DC 1
MEdium Weight pods-?kills ,6CP- 12 sp
two standard hands WA+0 1sp, 1 kill, 2cp Medium striker standard armor-5cp- DC 1
I think it would be strange to give her a wedding just to her when everyone had to share their wedding, and that marrying again another person could be even stranger... And if we marry her now or later, they will hate it the sameway if we don't get them to accept her.
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>Not doing all wives at once
>Not doing the Karen and Rosita first, then Sam and Clemmy, then Fatima and Lorietta
>Not chugging down Red Comet Energy Drinks all night long
>Not making sure wedding night is a week long

Pic related.
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Senpai, you just made me regret my words '-'
Actually I could mount a single 15k missile for the same tonnage and 0.5 CP less, but I dont know if is worth losing the redundant system
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Instead im just gonna go this

Berserker Omni-Platform (Dry Confiduration)

Striker Head: C/S/K 3, 1.5t
Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 5t
Heavy Striker L.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
L.Hand: 2cp, 1 Space, 1 Kills, 0.5t
Heavy Striker R.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
R.Hand: 2cp, 1 Space, 1 Kills, 0.5t
Heavy Striker L.Leg: C/K/S 6, 2.5t
Heavy Striker R.Leg: C/K/S 6, 2.5t

Armor: Medium Striker(a)(Head), Medium Weight(Troso, L.Leg, R.Leg), Heavy Striker(L.Arm, R.Arm), (33cp)(16t)

Main Sensors (Head): 2cp, 1 Spaces, 1 kill 0.5t
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2cp, 2 Spaces 2 Kills, 1t

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Interservo Melee Cross linkage (Shield Breaker Axes 6 CP)

Handheld Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA Melee, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12 CP (space effecient 7 3.5 CP) (Melee Link)
Handheld Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA Melee, WA +0, Kills 6, 6K, 3t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 12 CP (space effecient 7 3.5 CP) (Melee Link)
Torso-Mounted Sunbeam MkI Beam Emitter RA 300 meters, Kills 4, WA +2, 4k, BV 1, Infinite Ammo, 2t, 5 Space, 8cp (space efficiency 3) 1.5cp

Thrusters & Speed: 4 per leg, moves 400 meters per turn flying or 200 meters per turn running 13.5 CP

Total Weight: 45
Total Cost: 140

Pic related is what the same mech would be like with quick switch pods attached
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“Roarke, d'you really think there's a monster?” The S-Flowerhorn tilts its head towards you, walking by the side of the Knuckle Kaiser Mk. II.

“Probably not. Humans are monstrous enough on their own. I'm sure there's some ridiculous bureaucratic reason, it's par for the course for these megacorporations.” You assure her.

The S-Flowerhorn's shoulders slump, so do Clemmy's, “Awwww, I wanted to put its head on my wall.”

You start laughing. You can't help it. It's just what you expected of her, and it reminds you of something important. You'd just started to let yourself get creeped out by this place and the feral youths you still see peeking at you here and there, to the point where you were scanning the shadows for any sign of something vast and horrifyingly eldritch lurking in preparation to strike. That is, until she reminded you that you're safely sheathed in over sixty tons of one of the most advanced close-combat mecha the galaxy has ever seen.

>[Roll 1d10+12 Awareness now that I've restarted twice and captcha is cooperating]
Rolled 9 + 12 (1d10 + 12)

Rolled 3 + 12 (1d10 + 12)

Das a pretty good roll senpai
21. Thats a really damn good roll. Think they will try to Rashad Rush us or ambush us? Maybe there is some loot.
Look at your thursters, you need 14 spaces for them, not only 8.

I still think that the -4 awareness penalty for torso mounted sensors, is not a problem if you do not go against stealth mechs.
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You have to grab Clemmy by one of the Flowerhorn's back thrusters, the ones near the base of its neck, and haul it back as the faint breeze from her mech's vents reveals a large, flat metal plate beneath the uneven rivulets of dust on the floor. You can see the raised, square metal button beneath from here.

"Another trap." You announce grimly.

>[Set it off]
>[Leave it be]
>>[Set it off]
>Move back and set it off with Harpoon
>>[Leave it be]
Leave it be. Mark it down though. This spot had some research to it, right? Blowing stuff up here might damage something valuable.
Hey Wong do you ever post in /qtg/?

Your right, switching to
>Leave it be

Never had. Honestly, I've been trying to post less when it isn't necessary, at least while the mods are in election frenzy.
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You decide to leave it alone, carefully skirting around it.

Up ahead, you can see where sections of the walls and floor have been ripped up to form flimsy (by your standards) barricades and pits. Up overhead, a tremendous fan slowly spins, revealing the huge air ducts behind it. Air circulation matters, after all. Ten Knights are already dug in, kneeling behind the barricades, and more are trooping in behind them.

“It seems they must have some kind of functioning security camera system back online.” Josiah remarks dryly.

“Yes, they must, so killing that one pilot wouldn't have done us any good, now would it?” You remark in response, equally dryly. He's an odd fish. He may have been your father's best friend, and you may believe a lot of the things he says about their history together and his faith, but you don't trust him. You don't trust him at all. He's too slippery, his smile is too knowing, and he's a bit too calm. You momentarily wish you had Samantha here, she can read people better than anyone you know. You know this for a fact because of how she's supplemented her pension playing cards with your crew. You're a brave man, but not brave enough to go a few hands of poker against her. Rosita is almost as good at reading you, but you suspect that's a result of her just knowing you too well. That, and she cheats. Unapologetically. And when she gets caught, she pouts cutely and uses her wiles on you to get out of it. Usually in a way that involves testing the sturdiness of whatever surface you were playing on.
Rolled 5 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

>[Come up with a strategy and roll initiative, 1d10+6]
Rolled 5 + 15 (1d10 + 15)


Intimidate them to drop their weapons and surrender
Rolling for intimidate, adding 2 luck
Rolled 7 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

My suggestion is simple. We go fishing. Grab one and drag them through the barracade to us. Then have Clemmy and Josiah rip him apart. Show them they cannot hide from us and that we will drag them to us. Clemmy can help with that too.
Rolled 4 + 6 (1d10 + 6)

Fire Missile shake their formation, then go high and drop into the middle to Melee them to death.
No, that's a terrible idea
How big is the air duct Wong?
Okay, here is the new and improved Libra. I'll have to go and double check everything to see if all the math works since there's a bunch of last minute tweaks I had to make at the end to get it under 140 CP. But this should more or less be close to the final version.

Actually, how big and heavy are the fans? We could drop them on the knights and knock them down or break their barricade.
I was going to say have Josiah and Clemmy distract them while we climb in the vents and then drop on top of them giving Clemmy the moment to run forward to join us
This is okay.
That sounds like a bad idea. We should wear down ourselves and that seems like a lot of effort for something that may not work. If they are entrenched they will likely have several defenses that would make a straight attack dangerous. So we either yank them out, or simply drop something they would not expect. This way we save on the missile and we can proceed to beat them while they are down. That is, if they weren't crushed to death by the heavy fans.
We would* wear ourselves down. Both Clemmy and Josiah have worse dodges than us if I recall and if they are fortified, it may give them bonuses for defense.
What about pulling the fans on them with grapple-chan?
Thats is what I was suggesting. Either pull the fans down on their heads, or fish some out with grapple-chan. Either way she gets her turn to shine and show she is best girl.
We could do this with clemmy too, sounds likie a plan? How would this be done by the system Wong?
Still far prefer >>740112 KISS principle
So long as it's plausible with them I want to drop the fan on them. They won't expect it and we can proceed towards them. After all, if we take down this ten, thats 24 of 60. Got a lot of knights to get through and I don't want to even give them a chance of getting lucky hits on us.
I had most of this written already, but I should explain. The fan is a tremendous one, outmassing the Knuckle Kaiser significantly, if you grappled onto it and hauled in, you'd be more likely to bend the blade and pull yourself up.

Also, sorry for the delays, it's a combination of looking up Partial Cover's exact rules and trouble with captcha.
Rolled 8, 9, 4 = 21 (3d10)

"Clemmy, let's go fishing." You suggest.

"Fishing?" She looks at you in confusion, "What do you mean by...oh!" She grins gleefully, as you extend your grappling harpoon by a few meters and spin it around your arm, "Oh Roarke~"

"Right through the barricades, beautiful." You tell her.

"This is the best date ever!" She crows, slots opening up on the cylindrical bulges underneath the Flowerhorn's arms.

"Josiah, drop another missile on them." You instruct.

"Of course. We might get lucky again." He sights it in, "Hm, let's see...that one has a bit more of a crest on his helmet, picking him off should demoralize the others. Counting fifteen now, and I don't see any others coming in. Let's hope this does it."

The three of you open fire at the same time.

>[Roll 1d10+15]
Alright then have Josiah barrage the barricade while us and Clemmy try to harpoon people to us
Rolled 8 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Gonna reel us in a big one
Rolled 6 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

aye aye. Using one maneuver for this.
Rolled 1, 9 = 10 (2d10)


And their Dodge rolls at +12
Rolled 8 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 4 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

12 versus 23 and 21 versus 22. SO close!
Rolled 6, 3 = 9 (2d10)


Alright two crits
got I am bad at this

Axe Killer

Striker Head: C/S/K 3, 1.5t
Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 5t
Heavy Striker L.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
L.Hand: 2cp, 1 Space, 1 Kills, 0.5t
Heavy Striker R.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
R.Hand: 2cp, 1 Space, 1 Kills, 0.5t
Heavy Striker L.Leg: C/K/S 6, 2.5t
Heavy Striker R.Leg: C/K/S 6, 2.5t

Armor: Medium Striker(a)(Head), Medium Weight(Troso, L.Leg, R.Leg), Heavy Striker(L.Arm, R.Arm), (33cp)(16t)

Main Sensors (Head): 2cp, 1 Spaces, 1 kill 0.5t
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2cp, 2 Spaces 2 Kills, 1t

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces),

Handheld The Seperator Battle Axe RA Melee, WA +0, Kills 8, 8K, 4t, space 5, AP, Disruptor 16 CP (space effecient 11 5.5 CP)
Hand-Held Sunbeam MkI Beam Emitter RA 800 meters, Kills 4, WA +0, 4k, BV 1, Infinite Ammo, 2t, 5 Space, 8cp (space efficiency 3) 1.5cp

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 3 in the torso, moves 400 meters per turn flying or 200 meters per turn running 13 CP

Total Weight: 45t
Total Cost: 139.5 CP

There, a medium speed, heavy armored, trooper, with a dinky, long range, harassment gun and an axe that could split a mech half its size straight down the middle
Rolled 8, 8, 6, 7, 4, 9, 7 = 49 (7d10)

Interestingly, with Josiah's modifiers it is impossible for them to dodge, these are location rolls.
With your arms you can hold until 6 spaces worth of things, so take 0.5 from space efficiency of your Axe and use it to buy the Deluxe lock for 0.2 and lifwire for 0.3...
Rolled 4, 3, 6, 10, 5, 3, 10, 8, 5, 9, 6, 6, 5, 5 = 85 (14d10)


And I forgot, that's three locations for each of them.
This "impossible to dodge" situation makes me think that we should 10s rolls again to give the mooks a chance...An maybe let the 1s subtract 1d10 rule work too.

What do you think about it, wong?
Rolled 7, 10 = 17 (2d10)

You know what happens when you give mooks a chance?
You get one shotted by a mech a third the price of your own.
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Rolled 7 (1d10)

Getting a sense of deja vu here.
Rolled 5 (1d10)

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And you aren't bad anon, its a workable mech, and it reminds me of my own "Hussar", also, the armor variation is an interesting choice, even if i think that the Medieum Weight should go to the arms instead of the legs, and that this whole thing would make it hard to it be mass produced...

And 16MA of weapon range? 0.0

The problem is, it is still slower in both MV and MA than most of the "Nimble and Lethal" mechs that are mainstream here, so he may have some difficult caused by that.
But no one is perfect, right?
(Or at least, no one can be so OP with 140CP)
God I bet were going to become a nightmare Avalonians tell their children about
Cut your shit good though.
'Do not fight from the Dark One, child. It's hide is invincible, it's claws; deadly. Do not hide or trick the Dark One, for it can see through every deception. Do not run from the Dark One, for it will drag you to it, and rend you limb from limb. When you hear the Dark One's howl and see it's face, play dead and let it walk pass. That is how you live against the Roh Arc.'

The Black Doom Comes.
Rolled 4 (1d10)

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>Black doom
>not black knight
"But mother, i want hear more about the Balck Ogre Row Arc! I not afraid of stories and i don't wanna sleep yet! >.< "
Pick 2

I put a few final touches to round out the CP, and though i may be slow, at 9K with Armour Piercing I can chop mechs like >>734777 in half. Just gotta play the terrain to my advantage

Axe Killer

Striker Head: C/S/K 3, 1.5t
Heavy Striker Torso: C/S/K 10, 5t
Heavy Striker L.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
L.Hand: 2cp, 1 Space, 1 Kills, 0.5t
Heavy Striker R.Arm: C/S/K 6, 2.5t
R.Hand: 2cp, 1 Space, 1 Kills, 0.5t
Heavy Striker L.Leg: C/K/S 6, 2.5t
Heavy Striker R.Leg: C/K/S 6, 2.5t

Armor: Medium Striker(a)(Head), Medium Weight(Troso, L.Leg, R.Leg), Heavy Striker(L.Arm, R.Arm), (33cp)(16t)

Main Sensors (Head): 2cp, 1 Spaces, 1 kill 0.5t
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2cp, 2 Spaces 2 Kills, 1t

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), (Head)Anti theft lock Lock (0.2 CP, 2 Spaces), lift wire (0.3 CP) 2xSpotlights (0.4cp), Stereo (0.1)

Handheld Shield Breaker Battle Axe RA Melee, WA +0, Kills 8, 8K, 4t, space 6, AP, Disruptor 16 CP (space effecient 11 5 CP)
Hand-Held Sunbeam MkI Beam Emitter RA 800 meters, Kills 4, WA +0, 4k, BV 1, Infinite Ammo, 2t, 5 Space, 8cp (space efficiency 3) 1.5cp

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 3 in the torso, moves 400 meters per turn flying or 200 meters per turn running 13 CP

Total Weight: 45t
Total Cost: 140 CP

The Reaver in Black. The Obsidian King. He With the Rending Hands. Knight Slayer. Grinning Death.
The best part is that by being a Thoroughbred at it's core, it just adds onto the horror story. When the monster fell, many inherited parts of the beast, but the Grinning Death took and claimed it's black heart for itself. Twisting it's face into a bloodthirsty grin that must be hid behind a mask so it does not scare his own people.
Wait... your axe is an 16CP weapon, right? You need to spend only 5CP to turn it into 6 spaces, not 11.
To the Avalonians we're pretty much the Beast from Berserk
This is getting even better.
Please continue, annons, i'd like to see more.
Oh, before we forget, if you are up for playing at the tourney, you should make a small backstory for your pilot too, and choose an pic for him.
This is an anime based quest, though, so you may want to use some character you think would fit to the role and ask Wong if he is okay with it.
Just don't get too much into it and go full book author and start writting a book about him or something, keep it simple.
Presumably he wants 11 spaces worth of efficiency.
Why does he needs that if he has heavy striker arms?
>(space efficient 11, 5 CP)
but it is, anon

oh golly gee, I cant wait to axe the other pilots what they think of my mech. What are the details on the tournament anyway?
Rolled 10, 2, 7, 3, 10, 7, 4 = 43 (7d10)

Six of these are location rolls, the last one is a dodge at +12 because I really should let the initial one roll in case it's a crit.
The current sheet only has 10 ranks in space efficiency, I just posted an improperly updated sheet is all
Not much details beyond it being a recruitment drive for new pilots and a way to get a new mook design for us.
Sure. Might as well give the others some time in the spooky spotlight.
>Hidden in the belt of rocks, the Grinning Death had assembled a host of demons. While many are small and change forms to serve as messengers, there are some that stick out.
>A group of fallen Jovian Knights draped in dreary gray, all equal to a knight in skill.
>A red witch who can make copies of herself at will, a shadow that drags you into the darkness unseen.
>A giant beast, supposedly the Grinning Death's mount. Attacks fall short of it, the air bristiles with lasers near it, and it can call for a beam that could nearly rip a knight in two.
> Two personal messengers who serve directly under him and a foreign knight wielding strange blades.
> A strange black soldier, likely his apprentice, Unlike a weaker, cowardly one in white that shoots from far away, this one shoots and cuts down swaths of enemies in it's path.
Rolled 7, 6, 5 = 18 (3d10)

Halloween special omake night? Mecha are replaced with actual demons and green men
Oh man these are delicious, I would love one referencing the music blasting from Roarkes comms
Nah its the annual Halloween party for the Kestrels with everyone in full costume Oda goes as Nobunaga and fails to see why nobody notices any differences
Okay then, I hope its a doubles tourney so my mech isnt left taking pot shots with his pea shooter while all the fast little mech skirt around it forever
Rolled 1 (1d10)

>Once, the Grinning Death had been no more than a petty warlord. But after stealing the Thoroughbred's Heart, he built himself a Kingdom among the tumbling rocks of Sol becoming the Obsidian King.
>Such is his viciousness that he cannot use weapons, resorting to tearing apart his foes with his clawed hands.
and someone ELSE loses their shield. Wait, if the last one is the leader, then he loses his shield.
Dark gods of metal and rock who herald the Grinning Death's coming. Predcting the fate of it's foes as they are torn to shreds. The beast breaking the laws of reality to do so.
well something bad is happening to someone
>The Grinning Death has been known to play the wails of long dead souls keep hidden inside its dark carapace
>not everyone noticing his nobunaga costume and Oda wondering what costume they are talking about
I dont think too many of them actually go much faster than 400m a turn anyway and most of them are geared towards melee if I remember right.
Wait, what if Avalonians don't have harmonicas? How freaky would that sound to them, right?
I fucking dare you to melee me
Welp if i make mine right it's going to do what an AC does best. Lasers and missiles all over the place while moving as fast as this system allows.
I'll wreck your shit in melee mate

The fastest Mech is the Lightning which can Travel 600 meters a turn.

A few other Mechs travel 500 meters per turn.
Well thats comforting

1v1 me IRL
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Each One CP point in space efficiency reduces 2 spaces, its not an 1 per 1 exchange, but an 1 per 2 .
Huhhh, the best option is that you catch up with the quest to understand it all, as i would have problems to explain the whole universe of the game, but i will try to make it simple.
>Earth had a nuclear war and became unusable
>People go to colonize space
>Venus, Mars and moons from everywhere are colonized, with some colonies in the asteroid belt too.
>People discover how to make giant portals to jump across systems, and do so.
>Super Augmented Humans begins a war against everybody, war kills 2/3 of humanity.
>Now we have Mechs and the solar system is divided in an alliance between Jupiter's government and its vassals, Earth and its vassals(Venus and Luna) and the Mars Caliphate.
>There were many pirates in the asteroid belt, but this band called the Green skulls start to get big and dominating everybodys territory.
>The Iron Kestrels destroy the Green Skulls, their lider becomes a very famous space anti-hero and creates biggest army of pirates ever seen.
>Out of the system, the last Greenman becomes the godess of the Avalonian Kingdom, and Jupiter start war with them because of it.
>Avalonians are now in the system sttiring things up and trying to deafeat the evil Solar System League.
>Pirate King Row-Arc wants to conquer the belt and start a third side to not have to ally with anyone, and to celebrate his wedding with his harem, he announces an mech tourney with an big money prize... And the chance of fighting him for the title of champion of the belt.
>Here we are, preparing mechs for amazing giant robot duels in SPAAAAAACE.
Yeah, the Huscarl is probably the deadliest melee mech in the running. The Lightning is probably the next deadliest but it also carries a decent ranged weapon. The Achilles and Gold-Tail are tied for third as they mount linked beam sabers.
>not the one with the rock
Man if the cp limit was higher I would have had beam javelins too but the cost for throwing and a pod to hold them was just way to much
Gonna point out that energy shields are pretty much nonexistent at this point aside from a few super special Mechs. Disruptor is going to be virtually useless.
>implying the Rock needs a mech to win.
well thats good to know
Sorry, but the Norse Berserker with the fuckhuge sword kinda takes the cake.
I have made the possibility of a rock I can wield 1 handed or one that can be two handed and has 0 accuracy. It's also capable of other fun things.. like parrying.
Man, Not!Doan can ONE SHOT 99% of the mechs here if he hits with THE ROCK.
I know he is a good guy that loves to talk about Zakus... but please don't take him light.
22 kills man, 22 kills.
Now you can make it quick or something.
At this point I'm kind of tempted to just reworm as much as I can to fit a pair of cross linked axes with Quick and AP so i can make 4 melee attacks per turn

My disgust is unending.
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Wait, is it a 20K melee weapon that's being double handed with Medium Striker Arms?
Couldn't you cut through the rock though? I mean its a rock and we have swords and axes?
Sorry, everyone, I had some computer problems. 9 targets total were hit.

>8 8 6 10 (Cockpit, survived)

1. -2 SP to Left Arm, -1 SP to Right Arm

2. -2 SP to Torso

3. -2 SP to Torso

4. Dead as a doornail

5. -1 SP to Torso, -1 SP to Left Arm, -1 SP to Right Arm

6. -1 SP to Right Arm

7. The primary target of Josiah was Headshot, head removed, -1 SP to Right Arm

8. Grabbed and grappled into Roarke's fist range.

9. Grabbed by Clemmy but not grappled.
The Rock itself has 22 Kills so, yes, but it'll take a while.

Wong, please, you have to use this. eventually...
Yes also the mech has heavy hydraulics.
You can cut through any weapon.
Yup, plus hydraulics. I allocate 30 CP for my dutchman gear. I could very well put everything I have into a rock instead of trying to cover other avenues or being a all rounder.
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Its bad idea, all the metal ore in it makes it very hard to get a strike straight at it.
(You get a penalty to hit it because it is an weapon, yes, even if it is a ROCK)

Addendum, the Lightning can only carry Kusanagi, or the Magnum, not both. The idea is that McClintock switches his loadouts based on who's his opponents are and rely on his MA to kite opponents or close in the distance.
It also only takes up 10 spaces so it can easily be double handed

Does weigh 10 Tons though.
Rolled 1, 1, 5, 2, 8, 4, 6, 3, 3, 1, 2 = 36 (11d10)

Now if everyone didn't fall asleep while my laptop was throwing a fit, feed me 1d10+15s.

Oh, right, and #5 there lost both his weapon and his shield.
Rolled 5 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 6 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 6 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 9 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 3 + 15 (1d10 + 15)


The Avalonians might already have a name for the Knuckle Kaiser after this.
Rolled 3 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Ah, right, forgot that.

And I completely forgot about Best Girl Kathrine and her Valkyrie!

She's up there with the Lightning I think.
Rolled 4 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Mister 5 also rolled the highest. Bloody hell.
The Rock is the definition of "dodge or die"
>mfw you created your own waifu
It occured to me. If he lost his weapon and shield and just came up to punch us, wouldn't the knight's attack do nothing due to the officer armor?
Rolled 8 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Oh right, you need more rolls. Here
He will probably try to take up an makeshift weapon and come at us.

Hehehehe, What take this one alive as a prisioner? There isn't much what he can do to hurt us know, and maybe he will keep company to the other installated in the wall back there on the other room XD

Also, we didn't get to take information from any Knight yet, as we plann of ransoming the Lori's ones, but these two will be fair game.
Unless you aren't counting any enemy roll that's 3 or lower since they just miss. Which is a lot of them. 7 of the 11 rolls.
I created Agatha, not Kathrine.
Guys, opinion on this? Do you want the let him to be the last one an "disarm" him or not?

(i kinda want to see if who they are once we open the cockpits too)
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Oops, sorry onee-san.
15, 15, 13, 14 left.


Dodge vs 13


Dodge vs 13


Dodge vs 17


Dodge vs 14

Hit by a 20, someone reply to this post with a Parry roll.


Dodge vs 16


Dodge vs 18

Four more Dodges and a parry. In other words, I need five more 1d10+15s from you.
Rolled 2 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 2 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Here you go
Rolled 2 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

We have auto parry with our active shield though.
Rolled 6 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

fuck crunchyroll right now. need to find another place to watch some anime.
huh weird.
Rolled 7 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

There is some things on youtube in HD.
There is 3 versions of anitube too, with the Japanese one having almost everything, but with no subtitles or with portuguese ones(It was bought from a Brazilian owner afterall....).
Meanwhile, and I'm sorry for the long delays, Josiah blowing up a powerplant made things complicated, their secondary attacks versus Clemmy and Josiah, 5 and 6 respectively.

One is dead, another is missing both weapon and shield,


Successful dodge, even though that one is missing its head and taking penalties and I forgot to account for that.


Also a successful dodge


Again successful. Active shields defend against only the first attack per round. RAW, this means you don't even get a Dodge roll, it's autoparried. However, this still wears down your shield's SP at an alarming rate even if you're dodging well, so I houseruled it so that you can still roll Dodge against that first attack to avoid wasting your shield.


Another fine dodge


And a skillful Parry, the Kaiser's right-hand (non-Active) shield is now at 12 SP.
Fair enough. Seems a bit odd, but it's understandable.
Rolled 1, 9, 9, 5, 1, 9, 6, 1, 8, 7, 6 = 62 (11d10)

And their secondary attacks against Josiah and Clemmy. The reason only 11 are capable of attacking is simple. One had his powerplant explode, one lost both his weapon and shield, one (#7 in the roll order) is headless and takes penalties but can still attack, one has been grappled by the weapon arm and dragged into crush range by Roarke, and one has been grappled by the weapon arm but managed to resist being Grapple Dragged by Clemmy.
Rolled 3, 6, 10, 8, 1, 2, 2, 5, 9, 7, 2 = 55 (11d10)


It shines a lot more against single opponents.


And Dodge rolls.
and anitube is down. Why is so hard for me just to catch up on One Piece. Fuck!
Who's dodge rolls? i'm lost here.
Its Knights against Josiah?

Clemmy is at +13 to Dodge, Josiah is at +14

Josiah dodges one, fails to dodge the second versus 21, dodges the third, dodges the fourth, dodges the fifth, fails to dodge the sixth versus 21. First two rolls are his Parries at +14.

Clemmy dodges the seventh, dodges the eighth, dodges the ninth, dodges the tenth, and fails to dodge the final one. Third roll is her Parry at +13

Also, the enemy you dragged into range...well, I realized that Josiah has an action left, and Quick weapons, so the fourth and fifth rolls are his attacks at +15. The sixth and seventh rolls are the Knight's Dodge at +12.
Rolled 8, 6, 7, 1, 10, 9, 9 = 50 (7d10)


Whoops, of course I forgot to roll.
Calm don't, you need an japanese IP to use the Japanese one.

Here is the one i'm using recently:
And there is Branitube too, but idk if it is still up.

If you don't care about portuguese subtitles... there is Animakai too:


Click on "Assista Online".
Oh boy, this is getting good.

Josiah actually takes a hit.

And now that I think about it, you did roll two crits and they're cinematic enough to set off your grin. Gimme 1d10+15s, I'll take the first two.
Rolled 9 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 6 (1d10)


And again I forgot to roll.
Rolled 7 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 4 + 15 (1d10 + 15)


They've lost their entire turn and Josiah's right arm has taken -1 SP while his Tail Shield is now at 11 SP. Clemmy parried too, but she has a Beam Shield and it doesn't have ablative SP. It can take 6K hits all day.

It's your turn again, and this time, they can't respond for their entire Turn, basically meaning you get two turns of attacks on them. Give me lots of 1d10+15s.
Rolled 7 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 3 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Send all of our shots to cockpits, the longer we take the more time they have to prepare defenses
Rolled 10 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Alright. Here you go then!

I'll handle adjusting the bonuses and penalties myself based on this, but actually...would you rather try to grab more of them out, or Dropkick the barricades and get into their midst? Depending on how quickly you kill them, one or more might be able to circle around into a spot where you wouldn't be able to get Parry rolls on them and your Evade rolls would take a penalty. Essentially, the first way is slower, but safer. The second way is faster, but your defenses would be reduced once they can attack again.

Vote quickly.
Rolled 4 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 9 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

WAIT do not punch the cockpit of the unarmed one, he is useless now.
Rolled 7, 2, 3, 1 = 13 (4d10)


Rolled 9 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Go for the drop kick and with the help of the others break them apart.
You know....
>>Dropkick and punch.
Go the fast way, better to end this quick as possible

Every enemy is a threat even if he doesn't have weapons

His hands are actually just fine, he can easily pick up a slain comrade's weapon and shield if it dies near him.
Oh, okay then, go for it
Dropkick them. The longer we wait, the more shit Mordred and Teen Cannibal can do.



Servos: (41cp) (17.5t)
Striker Head: C/S/k 3, 1.5t
Medium Striker Torso C/S/k 10, 5t
Heavy Striker L.Arm C/S/k 6, 2.5
L.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Heavy Striker R.Arm C/S/k 6, 2.5
R.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker L.Leg C/S/k 6, 2.5
Medium Striker R.Leg C/S/k 6, 2.5

Armour: Medium Striker (4SP, 4cp) all locations (24cp) (12t)

Main Sensors (Head): 1 kill, 1 Space, 2cp, 0.5t
Backup sensors (Torso): 2 Kills, 2 Spaces, 2cp, 1t

Options:Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 Spaces, 2cp), Interservo Melee Cross Link (Huginn+Muninn, 6cp)

Weapons: (24cp) (6t)
Hand-Held Huginn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 6 Spaces, 3t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 4 (2cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Muninn)
Hand-Held Muninn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 6 Spaces, 3t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 4 (2cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Huginn)

Thrusters & Speed: 6 per leg, 4 per arm, 2 in the torso, Moves 800 meters per turn in flight or 250 meters per turn running (22 Spaces, 22cp)

Total weight: 37t
Totat cost: 123cp

>potential 40 damage per turn

Dropkick successful. You're aiming for one of the ones with weakened Torso armor, so it kills them. You kill a second, megacrit a third to death, and crit the fourth to death, entitling you to two MORE Kaiser Grin rolls once we handle this.


And we need more 1d10+15s, at least three more. One attack, two Kaiser Grins.
Rolled 5 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 10, 5 = 15 (2d10)


Forgot to roll, of course!
Rolled 2 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Well then, here you go. We have killed so many knights.
Rolled 3 + 15 (1d10 + 15)

Rolled 4 + 12 (1d10 + 12)

Let's break their spirita, then their bodies
Alright, for my sanity I'm going to make what has happened so far into a post even though we still have part of a turn to do.
Oh, you've killed seven this round of the eleven that could still attack.
Maybe from now on you handle groups of mooks rolls as groups based on how many. Because fifteen dudes rolling is kind of fucking insane.
>We have become Death, destroyer of worlds. Man we really need a find a way to make the Kaiser ride a pale horse into battle
Oh anon, you just got me to spend a full minute grinning to the monitor after seeing that reference...

Don't you want to spend 16CP on Weight reduction to change the -3MV to only -2MV?

Just take care to not be ONESHOT by an rock or Heavy Missile, and you should be good.

Ah, there is a limit of at least -2MV for the tourney, and max of one vernier level.

And you can choose only one mech to play with... at least until wong say something that changes it, if he say something.

I but we are doing many mechs here anyway, because we just can't stop anymore....
Thats 19 Knight kills to Roarke alone. With these guys done, we would have defeated 29 knights. 50% of the knights here, not accounting any that faced stone soldiers or team B. The best they have done is scratch a shield and scratch Josiah's arm. The real kicker is that they are probably watching this riiiight now, and are horrified, thinking they could beat him.
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>ride a pale horse into battle
Paint the Rhinehawk pure white and stand on top of it?
Hello? Anon? Did it work?
Rolled 3, 7, 4, 4 = 18 (4d10)

Oh, right, I almost forgot Clemmy and Josiah and I had the whole post almost written. Josiah's just moving into attack range, Clemmy is mimicking you with a dropkick and follow-up slash. She's spending Maneuver and Luck on the dropkick to boost it to +14, and she has a +16 on her follow-up attack, the enemies have +12


For a round or so until the Kaiser hits them like a flamethrower.
What about getting a flying manta like the ones of SOUL C?
I don't read Spanish, I took French instead. I'm gonna dig through my bookmarks and see if i can find what i used before.
Those were specific machines that only really work on a planet. Roarke does most of his piracy in space.
>I don't read Spanish
Its portuguese anon... but i know what you mean.
> I'm gonna dig through my bookmarks and see if i can find what i used before.
Sorry, for not helping much =/
Rolled 5, 9, 9, 5 = 28 (4d10)

Eh, some of them can try parrying, I now remember.
not a problem. Crunchyroll has been fucking over console and non-premium users for a while now.
I remember that comment Fairchild made. SOUL was her surgical knife, Roarke was a spiked flail? I think he's been promoted to 'Horror Movie Chainsaw' now.
Hey look, a murder horse

I tried out bringing my tonnage to 29 with 18 MA but it only left me with CP left to spend
Rolled 5, 4, 3, 5, 8, 10, 7, 7 = 49 (8d10)

And because you act next anyway, Josiah is getting the chance to act first and get a few kills.
You mean 16CP right? 2CP= 1 Ton reduced.

Yeah, one cp to use on "Options" probably, but isn't it enough to your 8x10 attacks per turn and a MA of 800?

Man,i'm afraid of you '-'
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Please Wong... this antecipation is killing me, are you going to describe an entire battle in one post?
Rolled 8, 9 = 17 (2d10)


Josiah's spending 1 Maneuver per attack, so he hits two, let's see if they parry.
Wong we may need to find a way to streamline this process of fights against many baddies.
If anything he should use an actual diceroller. Faster. And I trust him.
Eh, gimme a few more 1d10+17s.
NO, I need to pair that up with heavy hydraulics

>8x12 attacks per turn
Rolled 2 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Rolled 1 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

So many dice
Rolled 4 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

This is probably one of the biggest battles we've ever been in since that fight against the harpy swarm. It's pretty understandable that we are going to be facing large groups of knights, but unless they withdrew the remaining 30 to go against us, this may be it. After all, once the defenses are down, nothing is stopping the other 250+ machines from entering.

You kind of Intimidation-stunlocked them all down, this fight is all over but for the metal hitting the floor. This is pretty much literally the Pillar Men versus German soldiers here.
Rolled 6, 8, 5 = 19 (3d10)


It's actually larger than the harpy swarm, and has more total combatants involved (18).
Rolled 9 + 17 (1d10 + 17)

Rolled 1 + 10 (1d10 + 10)

One is already dead for sure, one gets a Parry attempt versus 19...
Alright, I am picturing the three doing the Jojo pose. Also, it's pretty ironic considering the Avalonians are the weird invaders and Roarke is using the German named mech.
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>they're watching the security cams like pic related
And I think that's 21 out of 60. 35% of the knights have been wiped out by Roarke personally. The damage they've done to him? A single scratch on his shield.
We should definitely do those to scare even more the people monitoring this.
Sorry 8 attacks of 11K per turn, no?
This thing is a monster.
This was so easy that it scares me... Its just...Seriously? There must be something wrong here.
Mordred is probably still lauthing it off and saying that her "master plan" is working perfectly, or something.
You hit the music, and Kenny Loggins resumes

'Headin' into twilight
Spreadin' out her wings tonight
She got you jumpin' off the deck
And shovin' into overdrive '

You and Clemmy strike simultaneously, your harpoons hissing through the air. The one you catch by the shoulder comes flying over the barricade towards you, but the one Clemmy grabs resists her, grabbing ahold of its barricade and fighting like a champion bass not to get pulled into her reach.

'Highway to the Danger Zone
I'll take you
Right into the Danger Zone '

Josiah, meanwhile, casually aims and fires, the over-the-shoulder rocket launcher spitting death. It strikes the commander apparent in the head of his mech, exploding his slightly-more-ornate helmet. Shards of metal tear up the fine armor of the Knights. One particularly unlucky one has his lance ripped from his hand and his shield mount severed, both tumbling comically to the floor. The Knight you yanked over into your reach struggles to stand, and Josiah leans down and casually sticks his emerald beam talons through the Knight's guts, steam rising up as it collapses.

'They never say hello to you
Until you get it on the red line overload
You'll never know what you can do
Until you get it up as high as you can go '

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Nonetheless, cannonfire greets you. You easily avoid most of the projectile arcs calculated by your HMIS, but have to raise your shield up to stop one 120mm round. Josiah has a chip of armor torn off his right arm by another shot, although he and Clemmy both easily block two more. Two Knights are down, one is disarmed, and one is grappled. Your visor rises up, and the eerie howl echoes across the comms. You see the remaining Knights disoriented, struggling to recover. They don't get the chance, Danger Zone belting out like a dirge for the flower of Avalonian chivalry.

'Out along the edge
Is always where I burn to be
The further on the edge
The hotter the intensity '

Then you charge, leaping into the air and driving your foot through the torso armor of one of the wounded Knights, cracking it nearly in half and landing on it as it falls. Your fists sweep out, blurring with the speed of your combos. Within seconds, five more have been ripped apart by your attacks, and a sixth barely manages to interpose his shield between himself and you, although you see cables snap on his arm servo from the force. Five are still capable of battle. A number that drops quite rapidly as Clemmy mimics you. She's more of a melee specialist than a brawler like you, but she still crushes the cockpit of one of the survivors, her legs bunching up as she leaps off, beam rapiers extended, and swipes through the cockpit of another. Three remain, plus the disarmed one fumbling desperately for a lance and one paralyzed with fear whose lance is still gripped by Clemmy's harpoon. Josiah is the last to arrive, but he still lands in a whirl of his triplicate blades, slashing through the cockpit of one successfully and casually stabbing the disarmed survivor through the back, watching it slump over. The headless one gets too close, and he disembowels it as well. Only the grappled one and one still capable of combat are still intact. This ends when you put your fists through their cockpits.

'Highway to the Danger Zone
I'm gonna take you
Right into the Danger Zone
Highway to the Danger Zone
Right into the Danger Zone ' You and Kenny rock out.

Metal hits the floor like the banging of the loudest drums ever to exist.


This is the reason why aces are so valuable and responsible adults put up with so much of their shit. Because a good ace in a good machine is an absolute wrecking ball. The dicerolling would be a pain in the ass, but imagine how many Bluegills or Pumpkinseed Is it would take to bring down the Knuckle Kaiser. You could say it fits the genre, I also note that the cost of the number of mecha involved in potentially defeating the Kaiser far exceeds the Kaiser's own point cost.

This is also what I meant early on when I said that a good pilot is one of the most expensive components of a mech. A rookie wouldn't be able to get those kinds of results.
Now just imagine when we get this baby down to 19 tons, and give it reflex controls
It also doesn't hurt that we can one-shot these guys. Otherwise we'd be pretty bogged down.
It is damn horrifying and in all fairness understandable. This is probably the best time for rookies to reach ace levels or someone trying to accelerate them. Wonder if Amuro is still at Canada or Space Canada?
Dance like a butterfly, sting like a 55 ton mech. Also, we just need get it +18 for us to be unbeatable.
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Servos: (41cp) (17.5t)
Striker Head: C/S/k 3, 1.5t
Medium Striker Torso C/S/k 10, 5t
Heavy Striker L.Arm C/S/k 6, 2.5
L.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Heavy Striker R.Arm C/S/k 6, 2.5
R.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker L.Leg C/S/k 6, 2.5
Medium Striker R.Leg C/S/k 6, 2.5

Armour: Medium Striker (4SP, 4cp) all locations (24cp) (12t)

Main Sensors (Head): 1 kill, 1 Space, 2cp, 0.5t
Backup sensors (Torso): 2 Kills, 2 Spaces, 2cp, 1t

Options:Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 Spaces, 2cp), Interservo Melee Cross Link (Huginn+Muninn, 6cp), Anti Theft Kock (0.4cp), Stereo (0.1cp), Liftwire (0.3cp), Spotlights (0.2cp)

Weapons: (21cp) (6t)
Hand-Held Huginn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 9 Spaces, 3t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 1 (0.5cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Muninn)
Hand-Held Muninn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 9 Spaces, 3t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 1 (0.5cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Huginn)

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 4 per arm, 4 in the torso, Moves 800 meters per turn in flight or 250 meters per turn running (22 Spaces, 22cp)

Total Weight: 37t

Cost: 121cp*0.1(Heavy Hydraulics)
Total Cost: 133cp

>12 melee damage
>8 Melee attacks per turn
>96 potential damage
Your visor clangs shut, decisively, and you step over the piles of twisted metal and shattered lances. Fifteen Knights, broken like so many toys.

Something metallic tumbles down from the fan above, and you jump back from it, raising your shields, before you recognize it. It's a battered armor plate that was once the cuirass of a Knight. You receive a hail across the comms, “Thought we'd better announce ourselves so you didn't chop us up too, sir. We've got ten of my best keeping the ship on lockdown. We've managed to get the CIWS turrets up and running, but we haven't reactivated the power yet, figured they might detect it and realize something's wrong. If that's a problem, I accept full responsibility, but in my opinion could come in handy for an ambush on our part. Speaking of which, I was gonna say you're welcome for us dealing with the five lurking up here to jump out on you, reinforcements for those poor unlucky fucks down there, but in hindsight you probably didn't need it. At least we got to lure them into a rocket trap. Good times. Hoo-rah, sir! You've got fifteen of us in the vents ready to support you at a moment's notice!” You hear the cheer echoed over the comms. Moses Flint sounds a little smug, but also somewhat shellshocked. You guess he was watching your battle. You hear him sip something, then sigh contentedly, "By Jove I don't know where that woman gets this fancy coffee, but I can't get enough of it."

>[Continue what you're doing, soldier]
>[Belay that and get back to the ship, soldier]
and now i must sleep for to be works in mornings
>>[Belay that and get back to the ship, soldier]
>Call it a hunch but their gonna want to escape either from us or with the info, best to be extra careful
Something's wrong. Huginn and Muninn shouldn't be this cheap. Huginn and Muninn take up space equal to their CP cost PRE-Space efficiency.
>>[Belay that and get back to the ship, soldier]
Get Cornelius on the line and figure out how power the ship up. May need to make off with it if they attempt to escape.
Oh, have a good sleep anon, we see each other later in the next session, wednesday i think.

Dual axe mech fills me with joy and it's fast enough to compensate for its lack of ranged combat. 800 is actually tremendously optimal because you can move a full 400m and still attack that way, letting you beat the full move of most humanoid infantry mecha in this quest. I swear, this quest has almost as high a percentage of melee mechs as Kuromukuro and I love it.
>[Continue what you're doing, soldier]
>You are not to engage until I say so. Also secure us an exit lane should things turn sideways.
Are you really confident on this? Should we not send them to deal with something else? 15 Pumpkinseed can put a real pressure on Knights and harpies, and the CIWS will wreck them hard.

Yeah, I also don't see how he's dual-wielding nine space weapons in 6 space arms with that little space efficiency.
>[Belay that and get back to the ship, soldier]
Half of their elite unit has been cut down on our end. If they split their forces to deal with both teams, then they may go after the other team as well. give them some support if they need it before heading back to the ship. Keep in touch if you can.
Think about this anon, we vastly out number them. Why wouldn't they have taken the kids and ran when they had the chance? Why stay here so long with such overwhelming odds they have to have some backup plan or at least something to spit in our eye.
>[Continue what you're doing, soldier]
"keep the small fry off our ass"
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Double checked the math, and while I was slightly off on the final cost, it wasn't enough to really make a difference. Posting the (hopefully) final version of the Libra


Medium Striker Torso: C/S/K 8, 4 tons
Medium Striker Head: C/S/K 4, 2 tons
Light Weight Wing R: C/S/K 2, 1 Ton
Light Weight Wing L: C/S/K 2, 1 Ton
Medium Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 5, 2 tons
Left Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Medium Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 5, 2 tons
Right Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Medium Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 5, 2 tons
Medium Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 5, 2 tons

Armor: Medium Striker (4 SP, 4 CP, 2 tons) on all locations except the Wings, which have Light Weight armor (1 SP, 1 CP, .5 ton)
Base Frame weight 30 Tons
Base Frame Cost: 66 CP

Main Sensors (Head): 4 CP, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1 ton
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2 CP, 2 Spaces, 2 Kills, 1 ton

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Torso Storage Module (1 CP, 1 Space) (0.3 CP), Spotlights (0.2 CP)

Frame + options weight: 32 tons
Frame + options cost: 75.5 CP

Handheld ZX-21 C.R.O.W.E (Combat Raid Offensive WEapon) 43.59 CP, 3.59 Spaces, 6.5 Tons
Mode FAIZ (autogun): Range 350m, +1WA, 5K, Burst 3 (more hits the higher it beats the opponents defense roll, up to 3), Variable Phalanx (switch to anti-missile as a free action). Tracer Ammo (+1 WA) 10 Bursts per clip.
Mode IOTA (Grenade Launcher): Range 400m, +1WA, 8K, Blast 1. 1 round per clip

Arm-Mounted small Shield: DA -1, SP 6, 6 CP, 3 tons 1 space

Thrusters & Speed: 4 per leg, 2 in the torso. +2 MA from wings. Moves 450 meters per turn in flight, or can run 250m. 10 CP.
Total Weight: 41.5 base = 39.5 after 4 CP spent on Weight Efficiency
Total Cost: 139.09
pretty sure that backup plan is Reinforcements.
I don't think they are going to make it

Run where, exactly? Their one ship is no match for your fleet and has a damaged gate generator, the Rhinehawk could solo it.
We know their planning something!
>Implying I'm not always paranoid and worrying about how they might fuck us over
Yeah, doesn't make much sense to have they just waiting for that.
this may be a good idea, but i'm still unsure, what do you guys think?

I could almost swear I read somewhere that burst weapons are automatically capable of shooting down missiles and that you wouldn't need Variable Phalanx. If I'm right, you should save a few points. I quite like the Libra, as it stands I think it's thematically a good fit for the Kestrels.

Remember to round up the spaces on that gun.
>Handheld ZX-21 C.R.O.W.E (Combat Raid Offensive WEapon) 43.59 CP, 3.59 Spaces, 6.5 Tons
Mode FAIZ (autogun): Range 350m, +1WA, 5K, Burst 3 (more hits the higher it beats the opponents defense roll, up to 3), Variable Phalanx (switch to anti-missile as a free action). Tracer Ammo (+1 WA) 10 Bursts per clip.
Mode IOTA (Grenade Launcher): Range 400m, +1WA, 8K, Blast 1. 1 round per clip

How many clips you have? Each clip costs 1 CP IIRC, excluding the one in the gun.
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Pilot: Alexander Grant

A man whose taking to doing mercenary work in order to pay off an unspecified debt he can't seem to ever get rid of. Is extremely interested in astrology and considers the sign he was born under (Libra) to be a good luck.
And just so I can recall and keep track of the kill tallies;
Roarke:21 knight kills
Josiah: 4 knight kills
Clemmy:4 knight kills
Stone Soldiers: 5 knight kills.
34 knights defeated
Might have gotten the numbers done wrong, but their fighting strength is now halved effectively.
I think that only counts for smart missiles after they miss the first shot.
In that case, they can keep doing what they are doing but still assist B team to quickly complete their objectives. Moment we get the defenses down is the moment we win.
Oh yeah. 'Jesus' reminds me of this dude. Both self-proclaimed 'Ace' through an extremely high scores in battle simulations
At least Patrick wrecked shit in the end. and he never fucking died no many how many time his suit got owned.
Can't see anything that says that. Only thing I'm seeing is that Phalanx weapons require a burst value. Otherwise there wouldn't be a point to making Phalanx variable.

>How many clips you have? Each clip costs 1 CP IIRC, excluding the one in the gun.

Crap, knew I was forgetting something. Back to the drawing board...
In the end are the keywords here. We're still in Season 1 anime here.
>[Continue what you're doing, soldier]
"It seems that the three of us can handle them with no problem, but it may not be so simple for the other attack team, so, i'm putting you in charge of their support, Giv'em hell soldier!Show them why we are made of Stone and Iron!"
>"It seems that the three of us can handle them with no problem, but it may not be so simple for the other attack team, so, i'm putting you in charge of their support, Giv'em hell soldier!Show them why we are made of Stone and Iron!"

Changing to this from this>>741260
Heavy Hydraulics increase your lift capacity 1.5x. Thats means my 6 space Heavy Striker arms can lift 9 space equipment
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You consider sending him back, but then after some deliberation...you finally decide not to, "Go check on the other squad, if you can. Don't take any risks you don't have to."

He laughs, "Teach your grandma to suck eggs. We'll be careful. You're almost at the main bay, we had the chance to scope it out a little. All of the Harpies and assorted Skulls mecha seem to have launched, probably because you and the Avalonians are launching one hell of a big army and they don't want our people sticking mines on their anti-ship cannons without a fight. CIWS turrets are great, but they're not gonna stop everyone, and with the majority of our manpower out there it makes sense to send out their own. It looks like there are six more Knights, plus the two commander units. They should be waiting just up ahead."

>[Is there anything you want to say or do as part of your glorious entrance?]
Still a better character than Kira ever was.
Quick cost 2.0x of the base CP. Your CP is still too low. And that isn't how it works. Space and lift capacity are 2 different things. If you're using 9K weapons, your weapon weight should be 4.5 tons.

That isn't actually how it works. You might be able to lift it, but it's too unwieldy to be used effetively in battle unless you have the spaces for it.
How familiar are Avalonians with Greek Myths/history?

He married Kati Mannequin, that's automatically winning.
That too.

It probably depends on the individual Avalonian and their level of education.
No, no it does not. Space is not what you can lift up.
Clap slowly, very slowly. "I must admit, that was quite the last stand there. 15 knights, well bunkered down, blocking the hallway with everything they had. Some neat traps, plenty of skilled aces, and quite a long way to get here. You even managed to scratch my shield! ONCE. In the end, that is 33 brave soldiers who have lost their lives because you got cocky along with 4 kids you dragged into this mess. 37 lives because you underestimated me. Want to add to that number?"
>"And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer"
Yeah i just re read over those rules quick fix though

but, anon, the base cost of a 10K melee weapon is 5cp


Servos: (41cp) (17.5t)
Striker Head: C/S/k 3, 1.5t
Medium Striker Torso C/S/k 10, 5t
Heavy Striker L.Arm C/S/k 6, 2.5
L.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Heavy Striker R.Arm C/S/k 6, 2.5
R.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker L.Leg C/S/k 6, 2.5
Medium Striker R.Leg C/S/k 6, 2.5

Armour: Medium Striker (4SP, 4cp) all locations (24cp) (12t)

Main Sensors (Head): 1 kill, 1 Space, 2cp, 0.5t
Backup sensors (Torso): 2 Kills, 2 Spaces, 2cp, 1t

Options:Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 Spaces, 2cp), Interservo Melee Cross Link (Huginn+Muninn, 6cp), Anti Theft Kock (0.4cp), Stereo (0.1cp), Liftwire (0.3cp), Spotlights (0.2cp)

Weapons: (24cp) (6t)
Hand-Held Huginn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 6 Spaces, 3t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 4 (2cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Muninn)
Hand-Held Muninn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 6 Spaces, 3t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 4 (2cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Huginn)

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 4 per arm, 4 in the torso, Moves 800 meters per turn in flight or 250 meters per turn running (22 Spaces, 22cp)

Total Weight: 37t

Cost: 124cp*0.1(Heavy Hydraulics)
Total Cost: 136.5cp
To add on, toss the head of the Knight commander into the room.
Hey guys, what about start playing Bohemian Rhapsody like we did with Lori?They know about that, so it may intimidate them out of their pants when they realize that the thing that deafeated a paladin is coming at them with just an shield scratched after facing 34 Knights.
Actually, looking through the ammunition rules in the ATM, I'm not really seeing anything about needing to buy reloads unless I'm misreading it. Just that they're assumed to be on the mech.
No need. Danger Zone is all we need.

And Captcha: The fuck's a patio??
Check ATM projectile weapons. If you buy clipfed, you need to buy the as many clips as you want. Otherwise, your weapon fires empty after your last shot.
man, look at ammo cost and pent sizes,
I've got a mech in need of peer review. Anyone game?

Oh, it's a small outdoor area with furniture intended for conversational and company use, often paved or with some kind of umbrella table for protection from inclement weather. Think of it as a non-elevated back porch with different dimensions.
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>The fuck's a patio??

You serious?
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Oh, that's what it is. We don't really call it anything.
Maybe later. Once i get on my laptop.
>You know, you could have just fought me one on one and avoided all this. Would have saved us all this time.
And thats the kicker isn't it? She came into this thinking she had the advantage due to sheer numbers. Yet, 30 or so people entered and cut them in half. The majority were killed by 3. There are well over 250 mechs waiting outside along with more ace machines that can give them trouble. All ready to deal with green skulls and avalonians. How many 'proud knights' did she have in total?
Orders are orders.
>Clap slowy, very slowy.
"And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer"
"I must admit, that was quite the last stand there. 15 knights, well bunkered down, blocking the hallway with everything they had. Some neat traps, plenty of skilled aces, and quite a long way to get here. You even managed to scratch my shield! ONCE. In the end, that is 33 brave soldiers who have lost their lives because you got cocky along with 4 kids you dragged into this mess. 37 lives because you underestimated me... You know, you could have just fought me one on one and avoided all this. Would have saved us all this time and lives... So, are we going to end this little game and have a true warrior face me in true duel? Or should more people pay with their lives uselessly? The choice is up to you."
I just realized i was calculating weapon tonnage off of the wrong stat
Is Roarke a two-bit Hollywood villain now?
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You make your way, at last, out of the manufactorium and into the primary mechbay of the 16-Psyche facility. Although it has airlocks of its own, you avoided even considering them as entry points, knowing just how many enemies awaited you on the other side. Fortunately, the Harpies are gone.

It seems the commander has left the control room above the huge chamber, the big red mech is powering up as you arrive. The one next to it is slightly bigger, the size of the Knuckle Kaiser, a huge, hulking white thing with golden horns and a tremendous physical mace. Behind them stand six Knights, their armor more ornate than any of the others you fought previously, presumably the most senior. Each has an individual coat of arms on their shield, and different patterns of red and black on their armor. The commander, seemingly, doesn't have a shield.

You announce yourself by throwing the helmet of one of the Knights you'd destroyed into the room. It bounces across the floor, and skids almost right against the toes of the commander's mech, "'And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer.'" You quote. Then you start clapping, slowly, "It was a valiant last stand, fifteen of your best, fighting from entrenched positions. Your soldiers are well-trained veterans, using clever traps, and I confess...even I can't say I got here completely unscathed." You lift your shield, displaying the burr left by a deflected cannon shell. "At least thirty-three of them are dead now, because that was still insufficient. Along with four of the Skulls' children. Do you want to add to it?" Your shields flare up, the Kaiser's fists clenching as the drills on the knuckles spin up, filling the air with a menacing hum.

To the avalonians?He is stuff just taken out of the legends, this would be the minimum they expect.
Why to dissapoint them when we can have fun playing with their proud and fears?
Alright. taking away the Tracer Ammo left me with enough spare CP to give both FAIZ and IOTA 2 reloads each. I could have upped the MA by 1 if I left IOTA without any extra grenades, but I decided against it.

Including the CROWE's stats this time in case anyone wants to double check that too.

Name: Libra
Pilot: Alexander Grant

Medium Striker Torso: C/S/K 8, 4 tons
Medium Striker Head: C/S/K 4, 2 tons
Light Weight Wing R: C/S/K 2, 1 Ton
Light Weight Wing L: C/S/K 2, 1 Ton
Medium Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 5, 2 tons
Left Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Medium Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 5, 2 tons
Right Hand: 2 CP, 1 Space, 1 Kill, 0.5 tons
Medium Striker L. Leg: C/S/K 5, 2 tons
Medium Striker R. Leg: C/S/K 5, 2 tons

Armor: Medium Striker (4 SP, 4 CP, 2 tons) on all locations except the Wings, which have Light Weight armor (1 SP, 1 CP, .5 ton)
Base Frame weight 30 Tons
Base Frame Cost: 66 CP

Main Sensors (Head): 4 CP, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1 ton
Backup Sensors (Torso): 2 CP, 2 Spaces, 2 Kills, 1 ton

Options: Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Torso Storage Module (1 CP, 1 Space) (0.3 CP), Spotlights (0.2 CP)

Frame + options weight: 32 tons
Frame + options cost: 75.5 CP

Handheld ZX-21 C.R.O.W.E (Combat Raid Offensive WEapon) 44.07 CP, 4 Spaces, 6.5 Tons
Mode FAIZ (autogun): Range 350m, +1WA, 5K, Burst 3 (more hits the higher it beats the opponents defense roll, up to 3), Variable Phalanx (switch to anti-missile as a free action). 10 Bursts per clip. 2 reloads
Mode IOTA (Grenade Launcher): Range 400m, +1WA, 8K, Blast 1. 1 round per clip. 2 reloads

Arm-Mounted small Shield: DA -1, SP 6, 6 CP, 3 tons 1 space

Thrusters & Speed: 4 per leg, 2 in the torso. +2 MA from wings. Moves 450 meters per turn in flight, or can run 250m. 10 CP.
Total Weight: 41.5 base = 39.5 after 4 CP spent on Weight Efficiency
Total Cost: 139.57


ZX-21 CROWE (Combat Raid Offensive WEapon)
38.43 CP (44.07 with reloads)
4 spaces
6.5 tons

Gun 1 (FAIZ)

5 cost
5 kills
2.5 tons
7 range (350 m)
+1 WA (1.5x)
Burst 3 (2.0x)
Variable Phalanx (1.4x)
21 CP
2.1 CP per clip (10 burst shots)
2.1 space
2.1 kills
2 reloads (4.2 CP. takes no space)

Gun 2 (IOTA)

8 cost
8 kill
4 tons
8 range (400 m)
+1 wa (1.5x)
12 CP
Blast 1 Ammo (6x)
0.72 CP per clip (1 grenade)
0.12 space
0.12 kills
2 reloads (1.44 CP. takes no space)

Space Efficiency 23 spaces = 11.5 CP
Orders matter little if she is unable to complete them. The duty of the commander is lofty, but heavy. Look at the situation, assets the skills of the enemy and your allies. Plan accordingly. Know when to withdraw and save resources. She has failed on a fundamental level because she thought she could handle us. She considered us on a 'Paladin's Level' and STILL underestimated us. A single Paladin eats through Scimitars and Tulwars and the biggest part of her army is a bunch of harpies. The stuff Tulwars and Scimitars bully. She has messed up on a fundamental level that will hinder her commander's plans by quite a lot. Even a soldier knows when a situation is FUBAR.
Cause it sounds forced as shit, really. And a bit nonsensical. But whatever, man. Too late now.
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“...Yes, you're right.” You hear something you weren't expecting. Sadness. Deep sadness, “I underestimated you completely, but this was the only strategy available to me. It failed, and it seems my allies did not return in time. I saw over the monitors what you did. Thank you, at least, for granting them a quick death. I know the Gas Knights would have done far worse to them.” You can actually hear her lower lip quivering a little, “Soldiers must always be willing to throw away their lives for a cause so long as their lord stands. They cannot surrender until I fall. To you, because death is better than being in Jovian hands. You're right, I don't want any more of my brave companions to die, so I will accept the stain of dishonor for breaking my sworn oath to my superior.” She draws a strange weapon from its sheath at her back, shaped like the long handle and forte of a sword with no blade, and activates it. The radiant plasma blade of a greatsword almost as big as her mech appears from the emitter in its forte, and she salutes you with it, “Pirate King Starwind. I, Dame Morgana Gray challenge you to single combat in the name of the Lady of the Woods and the Countess Tabitha Roosevelt of Avalon.”

“Mother, no!” There's a boy's voice from the white mech with the mace.

“Shhh, it's alright, Mikael. At least once, I want you to see how a parent should act. You deserve to know how it feels. Let me protect you.” The red mech throws its free arm around the white mech, then pushes it away.

>[Accept her challenge and duel her one-on-one]
>[Refuse and engage as a group]
>>[Accept her challenge and duel her one-on-one]
>[Accept her challenge and duel her one-on-one]
Roakre's murderboner is getting its fill today, just have to make sure to take her alive. We did promise Clemmy a toy
I really want to just gank the hell out of her and tell the rest to stand down.

Big boy isn't going to stand down regardless of how this plays out, so he'll have to be fought. And once he starts attacking the other knights might, too.
>[Accept her challenge and duel her one-on-one]
>[Accept her challenge and duel her one-on-one]
"Very well."
>Accept her challenge and duel her one-on-one]

Dame Gray. I. Admiral Roarke Starwind, of the Iron Kestrels, accept your challenge. Defend yourself.
>>[Refuse and engage as a group]

We gave her a chance for a duel earlier. She refused.
>>[Accept her challenge and duel her one-on-one]

"I am honoured to accept your challenge. On my word should I win, I will see your men fairly treated."
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"Very well. I salute you. All of you have brought honor to your people, and I will not forget your name. Shall we?" You gesture for your teammates to step back, and she does the same.

You step back into a fighting stance, and so does she.

At that moment, the mechbay receives a hail, the image appearing projected in midair on a holoscreen.

[Meanwhile, in space...]
Forgot to change that the wings actually have superlight armor, instead of lightweight.
>[Accept her challenge and duel her one-on-one]

> have Josiah and Clemmy keep an eye on the boy.

honer doesn't mean shit to Mika. Neither do fair fights.
For fucks sake
Jesus, did you fuck up?
You are, for a brief time, Ensign Heinrich 'Caesar' Merrow of the UJCIDF, preparing for battle and quietly hoping your new bro isn't getting murdered in there.

Harpies swarm from half a dozen mechbays, crawling across the face of the asteroid like glittering green mosquitoes, lining up into loose formations and taking flight as squads. The occasional Harpy Custom, as big as a Bluegill, Gatling Warmouth, or Assault Morgan II stands out among them. The Warmouths and Morgan IIs don't seem so bad, compared to the heavily modded customs that seem to comprise their entire population in this day and age, for the most part they're using standard gear and not much of it.

You make a face, “This is kind of...uncomfortably familiar.” It really is, it reminds you too much of the Battle of Auditorium. You vividly remember that space battle, the swarms of Harpies everywhere, charging down any mech heavy enough to have a chance at piercing Naomi's shields while she howled at them to come get some and filled the sky with rapidfire plasma blasts while Pierre supported the two of you with missiles and hand-to-hand. Arguably, the Battle of Mars' Gate was worse, there was something indescribably horrific about seeing Knights flail around in space clumsily trying to stand up to the S-Swordfish while you three picked them off and seeing the Paladins destroying Martian and Jovian mecha en masse from afar, but that time you had Colonel Stern's S-Lionfish there, and somehow you never believed you were in any real danger with his spiny mech keeping Engeler and its escorts busy while the Cincinnatus...as powerful as the Jaburo but completely undamaged...hammered the Avalonian ships with fire.

Damnit Tohsaka, get out of here. Go find some Old Man to fund your space war
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You hear Keith's voice crackle over the comms and try to resist the urge to repeat the Tarrasque's shot and take his head off again, “Regulations dictate we MUST do the cheer when launching against Avalon.”

Naomi groans, “No, not you! Not that stupid thing! It was so embarrassing, posing for it!” She shakes her head vigorously, “I refuse. These aren't the Knights, anyway, they're just stupid pirate remnants. Let's just kill 'em and go. Fighting THAT isn't going to happen.” The S-Puffer points at the six-winged battleship of the Iron Kestrels, which has finished deploying its entire complement and activated its shields, “Look at that fucking thing, it has a dual emitter and multiple engine cores somehow linked together. It's like they downgraded the guns on a Wels, fed it Red Comets every day when it was a shipling, and then gave it to a tribe of shield-worshipping Martians to raise. It's obscene. The Green Skulls aren't worth the cheer by themselves.” Your cruisers have deployed their mecha too, but it's clear that the Iron Kestrels have more troops even if their average tonnage is less.

“The Iulia Maesa is better.” Keith stubbornly insists, “Its firepower is second to none.”

“Good for a ship that isn't here!” Naomi rolls her eyes, “Anyway, I'm not doing the cheer. Period. The Lieutenants are down there anyway, remember? We'd look stupid doing it with just four of us.”

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>“Look at that fucking thing, it has a dual emitter and multiple engine cores somehow linked together. It's like they downgraded the guns on a Wels, fed it Red Comets every day when it was a shipling, and then gave it to a tribe of shield-worshipping Martians to raise.
Naomi is def best girl for Caesar.
“That's alright!” Lysa chips in, cheerfully as always, “We recorded it when you all first practiced it, and spliced the footage together with ours and some special effects. Keith's right, my aunt insisted that we use it, it's great for morale...and besides, it's fun!”

With a sinking feeling in your stomach, you remember being asked to read some lines off a prompter in a recording room after the Battle of Mars' Gate. You didn't really think that was going to be the final version.

“You two really do deserve each other.” You note, dryly.

“Fuck no! Not the first take!” Naomi sounds panicked, “Not when I thought it was a joke!” She wails, “Laurence is gonna make fun of me!” It's hard being a younger sibling, you bet, especially since Laurence is supposed to be unbelievably pro.

“Yep!” Lysa chirps, “I loved the pom-poms, by the way. Let's show the public the warm glow of our patriotism! After all, we are not just the premiere soldiers of Jupiter, we are important tools for morale, symbols of purity and strength, it would be a waste not to do it.”

“I knew this was going to happen. I knew when I woke up and my hair wouldn't behave.” Naomi drops her helmeted head into her palms, “Why can't I get a redo? Maybe I could really, really subtly shoot that Martian kid's mech in the knee and get my credits back from Princess Jerkface.”

too bad she's probably a green man.
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“I'm sure cheating in an illegal mech duel is even more against regs than gambling on an illegal mech duel and causing damage to UJCIDF property already is.” Keith responds smugly, “All of this is recorded and going in my report, which is going directly to General Fairchild. I won't have petty people like Colonel Stern second-guessing justice for the sake of their own convenience this time.”

Naomi makes a very rude gesture to him over the comms, and you find yourself compelled to chime in, “Record this. As soon as we're out of our mecha I'm going to hit you so hard you think Lieutenant Farragut is still around. Go fuck yourself, Young, you know who he is and that he's done more than you ever will in an entire career of being a sanctimonious little prick with bad taste.” You're a lot more eloquent than usual when telling Keith off, you've noticed.

“Intimidation, one count. Threatening to assault a fellow officer, one count. Conduct unbefitting an officer, several counts.” Keith recites, “Would you like to add more?”

You feel the blood rush to your head, “Is it a crime to shove every one of your stupid poorly-armored weapons up your stupid ass you filthy pleb? You're a nobody, insulting THE video game hero of an entire generation. Bluegill Joe could have kicked your ass in his original mech and he could probably do it with a spacesuit today, and nothing, nothing is ever going to change that. No matter how many sims you win or targets you hit, you'll always be a second-rate scrub.”

I forgot about Laurence, add him to the list of people's whose asses we're going to kick
“I'm...I'm putting this in my report too! You'll be on Shetland maintenance bay duty for the rest of your life!” He stammers.

“Then I'll kick your ass in a Shetland too.” Shetland maintenance bay duty isn't literal. Most warships don't even carry Shetlands and untrained mechanics aren't generally allowed to work on military mecha at all. However, it references the ultimate, formless nadir of the kind of work a high-class pilot should be doing, the purest expression of being on your commanding officer's shit list, doing every sort of dirty, humiliating chore beneath your station. Being stationed somewhere remote to gather satellite debris, for instance, or buffing carbon scoring out of a ship's hull. It doesn't matter.

“That's statistically improbable.” He shoots back, in a voice that would be smug if he wasn't trying so hard to control his rage.

“What's statistically improbable is how a pea-brained narcissist like you manages to join the military in the first place. Get over here, you'll be more use if I ram you into the Harpies like a bowling ball than posing like the fanciest angel at a Lunar Christmas and stroking your own wings over there.” You point at his mech, then make a crushing gesture with the Swordfish's fist.


Servos: (41cp) (17.5t)
Striker Head: C/S/k 3, 1.5t
Medium Striker Torso C/S/k 10, 5t
Heavy Striker L.Arm C/S/k 6, 2.5
L.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Heavy Striker R.Arm C/S/k 6, 2.5
R.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker L.Leg C/S/k 6, 2.5
Medium Striker R.Leg C/S/k 6, 2.5

Armour: Medium Striker (4SP, 4cp) all locations (24cp) (12t)

Main Sensors (Head): 1 kill, 1 Space, 2cp, 0.5t
Backup sensors (Torso): 2 Kills, 2 Spaces, 2cp, 1t

Options:Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 Spaces, 2cp), Interservo Melee Cross Link (Huginn+Muninn, 6cp), Anti Theft Kock (0.4cp), Stereo (0.1cp), Liftwire (0.3cp), Spotlights (0.2cp)

Weapons: (24cp) (10t)
Hand-Held Huginn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 6 Spaces, 5t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 4 (2cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Muninn)
Hand-Held Muninn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 6 Spaces, 5t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 4 (2cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Huginn)

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 4 per arm, 4 in the torso, Moves 800 meters per turn in flight or 250 meters per turn running (22 Spaces, 22cp)

Weight 41t (weight efficiency 4, 8cp)
Total Weight: 37t

Total Cost: 132cp

I got 8 points left, what do?
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Who IS Laurence? i don't even remember!
Man I am just imagining Roarke and those in the hangar watching this and giving awkward side glances at the conversation.
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Naomi's older sister
this is why we will win. our competition wants to kill each other more than us
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“Merrow, contain yourself. These acts of rebellion against authority stem from parental neglect in your formative years, I am aware, but that is no reason to take it out on Keith when he's just trying to help you to live up to your father's reputation. Both of you, calm down. Vent your aggression on these poor souls. It is a pity they must die, but they have become as wild animals. They fear the cage of being our prisoners more than they fear death, it's more kind this way. I'm broadcasting the cheer, stand by and try not to spoil our image.”

“Pinky, don't worry about protecting your boyfriend, because if Caesar's in trouble then I'm going to beat the shit out of you and get in trouble with him.” The S-Puffer holsters its beam magnums and makes a rude gesture at the S-Sensation, which it gracefully ignores.

“Hmph. I'm going to pretend there was a problem with my command and I didn't see or hear that, now be quiet.”

The cheer goes live.

So, now we have three confirmed greengirls?
Maybe making your axes stronger?And buying a torso storage module.

You know what else?You don't have anything mounted in your arms, so you should just give them your leg thrusters and debuffing your legs to Striker(In other words, use them just to stand and walk, so that you don't have them as a weak point, because if you lose your arms you are out of the fight anyway)
I thought is was illegal to own niggas like that

I got it, beta ans alpha armor
For that M feeling
Yup. This is most definitely Jesus' fault. He fucked everything up.
You see the image, since it's technically broadcast from the S-Sensation, that every mech within comms range is seeing. Since you can surmise that Lysa is tapped into the Petronius' comms, that's a fairly massive distance, and you cringe hard at the thought of just how many people are seeing this. Including Mohammed, who seems like a calm and collected guy, and worse still...Roarke Starwind. He may be a pirate, but nobody wants to look like an idiot in front of someone that cool.

A black screen. Sparks fly across it as though struck from a piece of flint by a blade, becoming stars. “For the safety and prosperity of the galaxy.” You hear your voice droning, as an image of you appears, eyes downcast. They've done a clever job with the shadows over the lower half of your body to hide the fact that you were texting Naomi on your PC complaining about this while you were reading the lines.

“For the hopes and dreams of mankind!” The crimson stars fall over the surface of some nameless world, Keith appearing and giving a heroic smile and peace sign to the camera, standing on top of a shadowy hill with the meteor shower behind him.

“For our friends and families.” The stars become the lights of a bustling metropolis, the image of Lieutenant Blanchett standing above it. His tone is practically a growl and he looks incredibly bored behind his beard, scratching his mohawk with one hand.

“For the fire of love in our hearts, kyaa~!” The lights of the city become dewdrops on a field as the sky lightens, Naomi twirling and doing a cheerful pose with a pair of cheerleader's pom-poms, an exaggeratedly cheerful smile on her face, “Blaze with righteous passion!” She winks. It might be dorky beyond the dreams of Simon...and perhaps you as well...but you honestly think her part is kind of cute.

“For truth and ideals.” The lights reflected in the dewdrops become the thruster jets of hundreds of Bluegills and Pumpkinseeds, a Pumpkinseed II flying past outside the viewport of the cruiser where Josiah McAllister stands, a thin smile on his lips and his hands clasped behind his back.

“For the sake of tomorrow, and those who forge it.” The thruster jets become fireflies, cupped in the hands of a crowd of children. Lysa moves among them, kids hugging her legs as she smiles and ruffles their hair. One firefly lands on her forehead, and she laughs, “We'll fight with all our might for what's right, everyone! Justice and peace!”

“S!” Your voices resound as one, the six of you appearing onscreen at once as the fireflies fly up into the heavens and become stars again, “O! U! L! Deploy!” The real Lysa and Keith thrust their right fists into the air, you and Naomi don't.

Whoever came up with this needs to be shot.
Welp, that settles that. They have developed a weapon that would blind and kill anyone they face. Truly they have made a weapon that surpassed Metal Gear.
And now cut to Roarke unable to breather in his cockpit
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>this pic
Roarke? Mordred is already defeated, not even a knight of avalon could be prepared for such treachery!
“Ahhhhhh!” Naomi, the real one wails over the comms, “It's worse than I thought! I wanna die! I wanna change my name and run away to Qu'lir!” She bonks her visor against the screen, “C'mon Caesar, let's ditch, I'll wear fake cat ears and say 'nyaa' a lot and nobody will know the difference. This is so-o-o lame.” She shakes her head.

You're so distracted with her that you don't realize for a second that all movement among the horde of green mecha has stopped. They're all staring, as intently as dogs on a scent, up at you. Then, as one, they kneel.

“W-why am I being hailed? For Jove's sake, if they want to laugh, go ahead, I'll give them all a piece of my-the asteroid is hailing me too!? ALRIGHT BASTARDS! YOU WANNA LAUGH!? YOU WANNA LAUGH AT ENSIGN NAOMI HEIM!? I'M GONNA TELL YOU ALL WHERE YOU CAN STICK IT AT ONCE!” She hits accept.

Shot, hanged, poisoned, beaten, and left to drown or freeze to death in a Russian river during winter. It's that atrocious.
OH right she looks like their fucking queen
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Oh... ooooohhhhh no. It's finally bloody happened. They actually do have a picture of the green lady and she just got exposed.
>Lady of the Woods.
There's a queen, But she's a native Avalonian, not Greenman
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Oh boy.

This is fine.

Accept the madness, naomi.
right my bad
Huh turns out i was calculating my legs as heavy striker instead of medium striker this entire time. I just freed up 2 points and 1 ton, and freeing up 1 ton means i can free up 2 more additional points by lowering weight efficient

Do you know what that mean? A full set of Beta armour!


Servos: (39cp) (16.5t)
Striker Head: C/S/k 3, 1.5t
Medium Striker Torso C/S/k 10, 5t
Heavy Striker L.Arm C/S/k 6, 2.5
L.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Heavy Striker R.Arm C/S/k 6, 2.5
R.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker L.Leg C/S/k 5, 2
Medium Striker R.Leg C/S/k 5, 2

Armour: Beta Medium Striker (4SP, 4dc, 6cp) on all locations (36cp) (12t)

Main Sensors (Head): 1 kill, 1 Space, 2cp, 0.5t
Backup sensors (Torso): 2 Kills, 2 Spaces, 2cp, 1t

Options:Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 Spaces, 2cp), Interservo Melee Cross Link (Huginn+Muninn, 6cp), Anti Theft Kock (0.4cp), Stereo (0.1cp), Liftwire (0.3cp), Spotlights (0.2cp)

Weapons: (24cp) (10t)
Hand-Held Huginn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 6 Spaces, 5t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 4 (2cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Muninn)
Hand-Held Muninn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 6 Spaces, 5t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 4 (2cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Huginn)

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 4 per arm, 4 in the torso, Moves 800 meters per turn in flight or 250 meters per turn running (22 Spaces, 22cp)

Weight 40t (weight efficiency 3, 6cp)
Total Weight: 37t

Total Cost: 140cp

Keksimus Maximus
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“MothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermothermotherMOTHERMOTHERMOTHER!” The murmur of words swells into a chant, then into shouting. Mixed in are other words, in Avalonian accents.

“Praise the Lady!”
“We knew you heard our prayers! Praise you, Lady, we never lost hope!”

The face of the Avalonian commander appears, and you can see on her screen that she's facing down the Knuckle Kaiser, whose posture is shaky. It seems to be clutching its belly while its shoulders heave, and over the Avalonian's comms you can hear Admiral Starwind choking on laughter.

“My Lady...” She smiles tremulously, “I still remember, when you touched me on the shoulder and bade me look after poor Countess Roosevelt in her time of loss. I do not know if you are a hallucination, or if truly you have come to save us, but know that those of us who perish did so with your name on our lips. Now I stand, facing down the most terrible foe in the Solar System...yet with You in my heart, I feel no fear. Let what may come, come.” The blonde-haired woman bows her head, tears trickling down her cheeks.

“In the name of the UJCIDF, arrest her." Keith and Lysa order at exactly the same time.
Time for aggressive recruitment and taking Soul B prisoner

Ceasar: "Hi kids, I'm dad."
This is the best thing
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>“In the name of the UJCIDF, arrest her." Keith and Lysa order at exactly the same time.

JESUS YOU HAVE FUCKED EVERYTHING UP! I HAVE TO USE THE SHIFT KEY FOR THIS SHEER LEVEL OF RAGE AND CONTEMPT! Alright, calming down. We need to get those two to the Kestrel fast or the base because Naomi getting into Fairchild's hands would be bad news.
This is great since now we have a reason to turn on the Navy and take them all for ourselves
inb4 to be continued
You know, it's probably easier if I give you this question now rather than next time we run. I'll still ask for final votes next time because it's an important decision, but now's a good chance for you to talk and argue it out.

Will you choose to betray your father's legacy, say fuck you to the military, and desert to the Kestrels/help Naomi? Or will you choose to uphold your family's honor even though it means giving up your lover?
Why is this even i question? We hate father anyway and Naomi is all we have!

>[Desert to protect Naomi]
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Oh, and [to be continued on Wednesday in a new thread]
>Desert to the Kestrels/help Naomi
Caesar seems to care much more about Naomi then his families honor. If I remember right he joined the navy to get out of his father's shadow
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This is the best episode until now
It rustles me hard when my GM does shit like this
Oh and
Will you choose to betray your father's legacy, say fuck you to the military, and desert to the Kestrels/help Naomi?
Jesus and his girlfriend treated the lot like shit, attacked her without question, didn't things through logically, and is a fucking scrub. He just caused chaos on the battlefield when it was already chaotic. Fuck him and Fairchild, Naomi at least was respectful to him and Roarke at least seemed like the least horrible option. Besides, Oda did warn him. He warned him this shit could go bad.

Caesar won't just up and desert immediately.

I expect that he would very vehemently get in the way of anyone attempting to arrest naomi. Up to manhandling them away and firing warning shots while furiously appealing to them as to how this is probably some fucking terrible conincidence, that just outright arresting a loyal SOUL soldier for a mistaken appearance doesn't make sense.

However if push comes to shove, he will do whatever it takes to keep his waifu safe.
>Will you choose to betray your father's legacy, say fuck you to the military, and desert to the Kestrels/help Naomi?
Not even a question.

why must you always run on days I work.

also, >>741385
This look alright, or have I fucked something else up?
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Please guys! Back me up on this! You know you want it!
>To betray your father's legacy, say fuck you to the military, and desert to the Kestrels/help Naomi?

For love of his life, or the approval of a father who didn't give 2 shits of his son.

Tough decision, mate.
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Now we have both the Thoughbreed X expy and the Kingswordfish one....

This just got legendary.
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Thanks for the run Wong, i just can't sleep anymore because of the hype, this is one of the best sessions of RPG i ever had, thank you so much man * --- *.

Until wednesday!

S-Swordfish is actually not an expy or ripoff of Rudolph Merrow's King Swordfish, it's the Mk. II version. He had his old mech from the War sitting in a barn and Caesar stole it.
Four days of torture.
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Forgot pic
I know how you feel bro, i can't even sleep anymore after this...
Wait a minute, can I close 400 meters on a mech, full attack and then dropkick a second mech 400 meters away again for 9k?

8K but yes.
This is what is going to happen anon, and we all know it, but his desertion is inevitable when there is Keith and Lysa being...well "Keith and Lysa".... On him.

I yearn for the day we can kill Keith

No, let me clarify, not "full attack". I completely flubbed that. Closing 400m is one action, attacking twice is a second. You COULD close 400m, dropkick for 8K, then fly 400m away and dropkick another mech for 8K. Or you could fly in, dropkick, then make two axe attacks.

Every 400m move for you is one Action, the Dropkick can be added to that Action for free.
First thread and you already want to kill Keith?
Oh, you know nothing anon Snow, you know nothing.

That is why i'm voting for the Lance-Dropkick "AVE CESAR", lets wreck him know while he tries to mess with Cesar's waifu.
That...is insanely OP. 5 Attacks in one action.

You realize Roarke can do the same thing, right? He's dropkicked and then done four attacks many a time.
I just realized this thread has had a lot more unanimous decisions than usual. Neat.
Not i surprise when you see what decisions were made, its the type of thing with Roarke is quite previsible...
And the Cesar situation would obviouly go as the words of Oda:
"For the sake of your waifu, GANBARE!"
that are probably echoing in Cesar's head right now.
So i can can can fly in kick for 8k, then attack twice with, linked, quick, axes for 8 attacks at 11k each?

thats like 96 potential damage in 1 turn
While you were sleeping the hivemind ate more anons, soon it shall be complete
NO, 4 attacks.
2 rolls because of the "quick" and what hit gets doubled because of the twin-links.
Soon we all shall be one, and then, nobody is going to be someone, as all will be ANON.
I see, but 4 attacks at double damage is basically like have 8 attacks anyway.

That is dead killy
If you can hit. I'm thinking. It'll be bad to be anywhere 400 meters of your mech.
Soooorta. See, there is a slight problem with your plan. Armor. Specifically shields and dodges. You do get a few rolls, but each dodge is like missing 2 attacks. If someone parries with a heavy shield, you'd be doing 0 damage aside from weakening the shield. It does have potential for massive amounts of damage, but if you miss, that damage is lessened by quite a bit.
The way i understand it right now is that roll twice per attack because of quick and apply damage to the struck location twice per successful attack, not straight up double damage, correct?

I'm aware, i was just figuring my theoretical maximum damage per turn
Since nobody has made any objections. Here is the final form of the Libra. I squeezed in a few more options since I had the room to spare.

Yes, quick lets you attack two times per action, so, dropkicking and then attacking with your second action will give you 2 rolls.

Each one that hits causes the axe's damage two times in that location.
Considering this, you max damage is 44K per action, if not considering enemies armor.
You causes 11K of damage per weapon attack if i'm not mistaken...Right?
Don't call it final yet, did someone confirmed that everything is okay? I'm kind of too tired now to check your math.
yes, 11K. If i was already in melee range could i spend my actions to melee attack twice?

Oh, by the way, her mother is probably Oda's former First Mate. His crew lost its officers apart from Oda when the Green Skulls attacked, and he's been a little slow to replace them with all the stuff going on.

Katherine is also confirmed, although interestingly there's a Catherine in this quest already, in the form of Sergeant Nedermeyer on Qu'lir.
now that the threads over, if anyone here feels like critiquing a mech, I have one here >>741361
I double and triple checked the math, and it all seems to work out. Only thing I can think of that might be wrong is the gun.
Hey Mr.Wong would you mind giving my Mech a once over?
Also Thanks for Running love this quest
You know, i think when the footage of the Battle of 16-Psyche comes out, McClintock would probably drown himself in whisky after watching the Black Ogre take out 20+ Knights by himself.
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So...wow, that gives her a motivation on hating the greenskulls... And maybe put her as the next in line to be the new first mate?
Thanks Wong, you're being too nice with me, i would give you a hug and jump happily if i could ^^.
Also, it would be cool if along the way she discovered something about her mother past before being a pirate, maybe that she has a family, or that her father is alive, or that she is A PRINCESS FROM BEYOND THE STARS...Err..hum, i mean... Sorry the chuuni thing just went all up my head again, but don't feel an obligation of doing so, you have done enough already, and i can't ask you for more, so i'm just suggesting... But whatever you do, don't let her steal the spotlight from Roarke or the other players, they deserve it too.
Also, i was planning on he mother's death being an old thing, but it can change, when did the Greenskulls attacked the Storm Dragon's? Was it just before the start of the quest? Or was it a few years ago?
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You know, with all the her love for swiming and dancing, maybe the theme 80s music for Lori should be Maniac:


It seems to to have something in common with her backstory of shame, transformation and living her life at the fullest, no?

(I'm just imagining her and Roarke dancing at the sound of this with all they have...XD)

I've been calculating the amount of space the C.R.O.W.E takes up completely wrong. What I've been doing is adding the total ammo CP amount to the entire thing, and then getting the total spaces from that, which is completely wrong. The CP and total spaces are completely different in regards to projectile weapons.

This gun is going to be the fucking death of me. but goddamn if it works how I think it does, than it will eat mooks alive.
Here now. Voting.

>Desert to the Kestrels/help Naomi

Shit dude. Was this ever a question?
Wait, the spaces taken ARE EQUAL TO IS COST.
But ammo works in another way... jus see the table on the ammo rules page on the ATM.

Huh... I believe you are a bit late, Paladin-senpai, but don't worry, wednesday we will be here again.
In the meanwhile, i'm thinking of doing a thread for mechs discussion if this one is archived, what do you think about it?
Projectile ammo has both a CP cost, and a different Space value (in IOTA's case, the ammo is 0.72 CP per grenade, but the space it takes is 0.12. The only reason they would be separate is for them to be calculated separately.

Honestly, the whole thing is vague as fuck. Especially in relation to weapon mating. And since this setting is so damn beam heavy there's no real precedent for projectiles.
I'd have nothing to contribute, but I'm sure others would enjoy it. Long as Wong don't mind, of course.
There is some at the Rogue's Gallery, like the master hapies i think.

Also, if we give better mechs to Miles and Richard, we need someone to pilot the Master Harpies, maybe new named NPCs...

I never made a thread before and didn't even read the rules of 4chan yet, something i should know?

And i don't think he minds.
Oh my precious child. I say this with the upmost respect and friendship meant: Lurk more, fag.

But really, it should be fine. Have a relevant image as your opener. Make sure the opening isn't just 'talk shit about mechs for MSPQ'.
At this rate I'm going to have to rebuild the CROWE again, because I keep finding tiny little thing I misread/skimmed over. Maybe even the Libra itself.

Goddamn it. I know this was going to be a massive pain in my ass when I went into this.
I can't spend all day here, senpai.
But i will try to follow your suggestion as much as i can.

Hehehehehe, i know, right?
But in the end... I think it was worth it.
and to think I've only just finished getting the frame done.
Clearly we should take out her mech's legs. They can't surrender until she falls after all.
Clearly we must defect, join put Naomi, Caesar and Mohamed in the same team. It shall be called Team Spirit, and there will be a cheer.
No there won't, but we will threaten to require it in order to tease them.
Mo's reaction to that would be priceless
Hmm, do Miles and Richard like the transforming capabilities of their Master Harpies? If not, there's a few other custom Mechs they could use.

How does everyone feel about adopting a new Frontline mech to replace the Harpy? I believe the two contenders are the Dutchman and the Myrmidon.
Alright, the Libra should now be 100% legal.

We can go slowy on her, wlowy and safe.
Punch her head out, destroy her weapon, remove her arms, and tells her to surrender.
If not, detroy her legs too.

The problem is Not!Mika who is going to go on us anyway.
Looks Solid.

No melee weapon?
>50 CP gun
>a melee weapon
Pick one.
I'd add one if I could, but there is simply no room for one. It's a bit of a weakness, but I plan on building a alternate version of the CROWE for close combat.

However, if the gun works like it should, than it should eat Medium Striker mechs alive since a full burst (Assuming the target has no shield) will destroy any limb it hits, and severely damage a medium striker torso (assuming the target is in medium striker armor as well.) The grenades can be used to either hit harder targets, or soften up a group of mooks.
Not gonna lie, the 50 CP gun seems pretty suboptimal. Sure, it's got a grenade launcher, but you only have three grenades and a 5K Burst 3 with +1 WA is pretty decent on its own.
Issue there is that there are very few Mechs that don't mount shields. Out of the ones in the Competition, only the Huscarl doesn't and it's a heavy melee machine.
The dude is trying to recreate a mech from a show which is respectable.

On an unrelated note if you were to roll 1D10+BOD for a shock attack what would be the BOD for a normal person? Is it +6?

That's not to say that it's a bad gun. It's actually a very good gun. It's just attached to a pretty useless thing. You're honestly better off taking a missile launcher.
Fair enough. I'm just pointing out some perceived weaknesses.
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Game, actually (The Brasta is from Super Robot Wars) but yeah, if I wanted to go full munchkin I'd get rid of the wings, and either get rid of the grenade launcher and add Armor Piercing ammo or more WA bonuses to the FAIZ, replace the IOTA with armor piercing scattershot, or be boring and opt for a backup melee weapon.

on a related note, Stacked ammo bonuses can get hilariously insane if you're willing to pay the CP cost.

Trust me, I know the gun isn't the best it could be, but I had a vision, damnit!
Fair enough mate.

Why the Phalanx rounds though?
Because goddamn do I love when mecha shoot down incoming missiles with their gun.
If you want to be full munchkin you should add a shock weapon. I did a little reworking and I think if I am understanding the rules right this thing should be able to stunlock every single person in the tourney assuming it connects.

Speed is slightly wrong though.
Good a reason as any.

I built the Myrmidon to serve as a high-powered Grunt Suit so I had to optimize more than Munchkin. Its standard Loadout comes in at 121 CP because any more and it becomes a pure Officer mech.
You would probably be right. As our characters roll at at +16, it would be reasonable to assume that our individual stats and skills are at 8. As there is no way to roll above a 10 on 1d10+8-8 (i.e. 1d10), anyone hit would lose at least 1 turn.

However, this is working on the assumption that: a) you can close into melee, b) you can hit reliably (I don't believe losing turns confers any penalties to dodge), and c) you won't get killed before you land a hit.

If you want to use a Shock strategy, I'd suggest you either use Shock ammunition in a Projectile Weapon, or purchase Quick and bump up your WA on that Melee Weapon while giving yourself some way to close to melee range without getting shredded first.

I made something off a similar principle a while back, and discarded it for not being particularly viable and also being terribly rude; the weapons were a pair of Linked 12-Kill, Shock Only, Quick Melee Weapons and the strategy was to close at 12 MA per action before hitting enemies continually as they lost turns, until they eventually rolled 1s and died straight out.
Shock weaponry seems like something that would be banned in the tourney because we don't want to kill any of the participants.
As I said, discarded because terribly rude.

That said, 8-Kill (and 9-Kill) Shock weapons in specific cannot kill any of the participants if I'm making the correct assumption about their Body stat, because the required roll to kill a target is anything below zero, while the minimum 1d10+8[BOD]-8[damage] can roll is 1.
The first melee weapon has half its damage traded for range and I doubt anyone wants to spend an awful long time dodging 6K armour piercing attacks. I just tacked on the shock weapon after wondering what to spend the leftover points on. Or I could always mix both the weapons together and get this http://pastebin.com/2Hied0v0
Its just something a made to pass the time anyway so I am not to worried about it being allowed.
Also, mounting torso weapons seems like a dick move due to cockpit issues. Most of us will probably be going for wing hits.
>note to self, mount more torso weapons
I can't imagine that fighting in such a manner will be a good reflection of the combat potential of a design. Hopefully we'll be able to handwave a confirmed ejection or magic nonlethal practice weapons and go all out, fighting in such a way that will reflect actual combat.

Not that tournament style is the best way of evaluating a grunt mech either - grunts will generally fight alongside many more of the same unit against an equal or greater number of enemy grunts, or against a single ace, not in neat little one-on-ones.
Finally back to see whats been posted so I'll give my 2 cents. Either the Dutchman or the Myrmidon would make good frontliners, and I will admit in saying that their roles are different enough that both could work. The dutchman is great for melee and general heavy loads. Sturdy enough to take the pain and it's got good turn over for repairs(take an action to remove bad limb, take a action to put on fresh limb. 40 seconds to get 4 new limbs on a machine) and intimidation with it's +2 to Cool.

The Myrm is a bit more tactical, but can serve as a sort of gun specialist compared to the Dutchman's frontman.
>grunts will generally fight alongside many more of the same unit against an equal or greater number of enemy grunts
This is why I'm not too worried about giving the Libra only one weapon. Sure if the gun gets destroyed, it's out of the fight, but ideally it will be fighting alongside others that will give it time to retreat and grab another gun from a carrier, And I plan on making a alternate Close Combat loadout that should work well alongside the 'base' Libra which will have a back up melee weapon.

of course, this is all assuming the Libra wins and becomes the Iron Kestrels own grunt suit.
I got your grunt right here famalam http://pastebin.com/TLwaHKyV
I think I might switch to this altogether, it sort of makes sense that a war vet would prefer a heavier mech.
That's assuming everyone has 8 in Stats and Skills. I can see it varying a bit when you have people like Agatha and Not!Hunk who are extremely skilled but their bodies are wearing out.

Admittedly, the Myrm's real advantage is that it's got a lot more high-tech options. EMW's are rare and compact High-powered Beam Weaponry is pretty rare outside of SOUL units. That, and it can be turned into an Ace Custom with a little work, as the Achilles shows.

One of the things Wong mentioned was how at above 130 CP the unit would be an Elite Mook or Officer Mech. That's the main reason I reduced the base Myrmidon to 121 CP, so it can be mass-produced more easily.

To be honest, the Libra seems like specialist more than a grunt. It's already pretty expensive for Mook mech but the fact it's limited only to ranged or Melee makes it suboptimal to make the main mech of a fleet.
To be honest, the Libra seems like specialist more than a grunt. It's already pretty expensive for Mook mech but the fact it's limited only to ranged or Melee makes it suboptimal to make the main mech of a fleet.
Point. Then again, I always imagined the CROWE being a highly modular gun (The EAGLE it's based off of has like 4 or 5 different modes of firing). So someone could switch out the grenade launcher for a bayonet or something else. Or just go with the FAIZ and get a heavier shield and backup sword.

I'll need to think on this some more later.
Little sparse in terms of damage output, if I'm to be honest. You might take a while to cut through the armor of some of the competition.
Yeah maybe. I have gotten attached to it now though.
At that weight class it seems more like a Warmouth or Morgan Custom.

Don't forget you get a +1 to Melee Damage from those arms.

Could you post the Dutchman again mate?
Actually just out of interest, which ends up doing more damage assuming you hit with everything AP or Quick?
Sure. here's one of the Dutchman pastebins. http://pastebin.com/7EPWmpMY
Depends on the level of armor.

Quick means you'll do about 8K damage twice, if both attacks hit. An opponent with Medium or Heavy Striker Armor will take 3-5Ks of damage Twice to the servos. AP means the opponent will take 6-7Ks of damage once.
Also Ideally I would give it a beam weapon instead but from a purely role-playing perspective the guy would not have access to them.
Is the cost of the Dutchman consistently 136.7 CP for all its loadouts? Because that pushes it solidly into Elite Mook/Officer Mech.
Depends on the Kills of your weapon and the SP of your target.

Let's say your weapon deals X Kills of damage and the servo you're attacking has Y SP.
A Quick weapon would deal 2(X-Y) damage, while an AP weapon would deal X-(Y/2) damage. For a Quick weapon to deal more - that is, 2(X-Y) > X-(Y/2) - you'll find you need to have X > 3Y/2.

That is to say, for a Quick weapon to deal more damage than an AP weapon, your weapon needs to deal more Kills of damage than 1.5 times the SP of your target, and vice versa for an AP weapon to deal more damage. At the 1.5 times SP point, they would be equal.
I'd swap that shit out for a 6K quick EMW for full gelgoog mode at the same price.
You could probably explain it as a custom Pumpkinseed-II. I'm assuming Bahamut sells the refitting kits to people besides the Military.

Actually, this guy could be one of the Military Aces who's participating in the Tourney, if you want to go that way.
Its Not!Hunk and I am still sticking to the pumpkinseed I idea for now.
Huh, I thought he was in the Freebooter.

In that case, keep the Glaive.
Guys, remember that winning the tourney does not mean that you will become the official grunt, the tourney itself has as part of its purporse to test the designs, but Roarke obviously knows that duels do not equal actual grunt work.... Can you imagine the Kusanagi being our official mech? Or the Walkure? I don't think that having any of them both as main mech would be a good idea.
He was but I keep making more shit and changing my mind on what I like.
Realistically, we'll want a mix of ranged, melee and support units to form our grunt units.

I don't think it's possible with the permitted tech to make a multirole mech that excels in all three of those aspects without egregious amounts of minmaxing and possibly not even then.
Hey Guys, I think there was some talk about the Tournament arc being done from the perspective of a new participant. Do we want Wong to handle making the character and their mech, or should we ask him if he'll consider one of the Characters we've made instead?
While I imagine it would be hilarious to watch Wong roleplay a chuuni, I think it would be better for everyone if he made a character he's comfortable writing from the perspective of and used them instead.
Both would be okay, but thoght he said that with /qst/ IDs we will just play as each character we created symostaneously.

But if we choose one, who would be best for the job?
I am shit at roleplaying so I will leave all that to Wong.
It's unlikely we'll have one that excels on all three fronts, but one that's competent is totally possible, especially with varying loadouts.

That sounds pretty fun but I think the best option would be to let him make a character.
However, if he gives us the option of playing as one of a few different characters, including some of the ones we've submitted, at the beginning of the arc, that would be pretty awesome.

To be fair, he's going to be writing the chuuni anyways.

I'm kinda partial towards Rebel Girl because she seems like Protagonist material. Undefined enough that we can give her some more traits and she's an underdog with a rare Mech.
I left Alexanders backstory as open as possible because I'd rather not make a massive backstory for a character that will probably only show up for this part. But if Wong ends up taking a liking to him, than he's free to futz around with his backstory as much as he wants
Now I am just imagining the snowflake squad all sitting in a room playing poker or something while the story continues on around them.

It's just a possibility. I'm fine with whatever, but RPing as one of these characters would be cool.
Thats probably going to happen after the tourney...
That would make him a good choice for a Player character then.

Out of the current tourney participants, I think Akai, Finn and Not!Hunk are the only ones who would count as Snowflakes. Everyone else is fairly grounded.
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My first idea was just this guy.
That depends on your specific definition of snowflake, but Akai at least is probably confirmed snowflake in any of them.
I really love the varied mechanics for the different factions in G00.
I haven't seen 00 so I don't know who that is.

In this case, I meant unusual for the setting. Despite the Storm Dragons' theme, they're an overwhelming minority.
Its just some mook. It could be any number of characters. I just wanted a guy always in a helmet.
The Chinese guys had the shittiest stuff but they did the best with it out of the three.
Honestly, I just counted Hunk because he would stick out for his behavior.

Sudden Thought: Would it make sense if he was from Charon? Low-light and extremely isolated environment would play right into his neuroses.
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Meet Mar's newest Mecha! Fun fact, its completely immune to the knight's ranged weapon, and if its somehow stupid enough to find itself within a Knight's melee range, it deserves everything it gets.
Dang, that's pretty impressive.

Surprisingly slow though.
Whatever is fine. As long as he hates obviously biologically enhanced stuff and has shitty empathy I am cool with it. It would give some sort of reason for the edgy red eye lenses as well.
Specialized Light filter because anything more than low-level illumination gives him headaches.
>unusual for the setting
>most of the pirates and at least half of the main cast has space madness, maybe including the Gas Knights.
And because he needs the filter to see the spores coming when the time to fight comes again.
You'll note that EVERYONE thinks the Storm Dragons are weird.
I was considering replacing the screen with a ranged only version and using some of the cost savings to increase speed. Because again, this thing has absolutely no business being in melee combat.
Reactive Shields, being SOUL tech, aren't actually permitted on tournament mechs otherwise I'd be putting them on literally everything for every purpose they could conceivably be used for which is basically just the two.
That would make more sense IMO.
Speed isn't sufficient to keep you out of melee 100% of the time. Given that you have to be within 10 hexes to hit reliably, a mech of average speed could easily cross the distance and dropkick you in a single turn.
Longer range on the guns and more speed is probably more useful honestly.
Not necessarily. By the book, once you get past 100 cp a mech is considered a elite mook. For assembly line production 50 cp of a mech are made a day in the tech manual. So 120-140 is not really much of a difference. Besides that, the price for the frame is not as expensive since it's the weapons that give it the price(since it's allowed 30 CP of gear). You could give it cheap weapons, cheap axes or even rocks and it could still preform well with them. Even moreso considering the hydraulics. Thats the beauty of the dutchman. The value isn't in the weapons so much as it is the frame.
Anyone would like to comment on this?

>["Your waifu is shit, your filthy greenman lover"]
Huh, well that's what I asked Wong a few threads ago. Supposedly, the Pumpkinseed-II is an Elite Mook and above that is Officer Mech.

If the cutoff point is 140 CP then I can easily squeeze some more stuff into the Myrmidon.

Eh, I could mount heavier armor on it, but it would lose its variable loadouts. The standard loadout actually costs 126 CP, so it's actually cheaper than the Dutchman. The most expensive loadout gives it 2 Beam Sabers but the "Anti-Ace" loadout gives it 4 20K Missiles.
Well, half the problem is you are going by price and weaponry, not something that stands out. As I kept developing the basics of the Dutchman, I made modifications that would simply help the everyday man along with some stuff that can save a buck. If a Dutchman is shot through the chest, but the Pilot and limbs are ok, you can transfer the specialized limbs and pilot to another torso. Rather than make the most killy weapon, what can you do to help the pilot in a pinch? How can your Grunt assist the quality of work for it's pilot? We have plenty of Ace Killers, but no real grunt machines aside from the Dutchman and Myrm. So, what makes yours stand out?
Oh, right, I meant to add Quick-Change Mounts to the Myrmidon.
Still doesn't really make your machine stand out though since then we'd both be using them. Why not EMWs, pods, weapon mounts or the like? There's plenty of stuff that can help that will give you a edge or difference.
It's already got EMWs. Its thing is that it makes what was formerly cutting edge, commercially available. Hence the EMWs and high-powered Beam Weapons.
No, not beam sabers, I mean Electronic warfare. Recon. That sort of tech. A good number use them already and the Pumpkinseed II makes energy melee available already.
That's EWF. And I want to stick with the whole Grunt mech thing.

At any rate, I made some adjustments to include the Quick-Change mounts: http://pastebin.com/k4QSEazw

Also, when I made the Myrmidon, the idea was that it would be a direct competitor with the Pumpkinseed-II. So I've been measuring it against that this whole time.
There is more than one way to build a grunt and going for sheer power doesn't really help. Look at the dynamic between the two megacorps. One went with more steamlined defensive machines with a more melee focus while the Palomino II is a long range machine. It's important to have something that makes you stand out or the entrenched machine will do better. Likewise, while your machine is more powerful, it's also more expensive than a Pumpkinseed II and certain aspects seemed to miss the point as to why the Pumpkinseed II.

As an aside, your Ace killer missiles would be 1 ton each. 12k o damage is 1k of health and that would round up on each of your missiles.
Is the Palomino a long-range machine? Never heard anything about it.

As for performance, it's a bit of a gamble, hence its entry into the competition. We'll see how it goes.

I'll fix the missiles later.
There is still room for improvement, like long range or higher MA, are you going to stop at 12xCP like Myrmidon-senpai because of the Elite Mook x Officer mecha thing?
>-3 x "Stinger-X" Single Use Missile Launcher: Range 16, WA 0, 20K, 1 Missile, 2 CP, 2 Spaces, .5 Tons
I dont know if taking away the "+2 WA" expected of a high damage missile on this universe is a good idea, a missile won't help a mook if the target just avoid it.
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Hey,is there somebody still here?

Shouldn't we start strategizing on how to deafeat the "JUSTICE" couple? Keith is still a problem, and i don't remember what the S-Sensation is capable of.

Hm... but are Fatima and the master Harpies couple in position to support him on deserting? If they are, it shouldn't be a problem, Keith is dumb to the point of firing at the kestrels and starting a problem, but with 3 longranged mechs over him is is too outnumber.

But we shouldn't kill him yet, though, i would hate to give Fairchild a martyr for her to use as a weapon to start crap against us again.
We are going to beat him up. we're going to capture him, and we're going to put him on actual Shetland Maintenance Duty until he's ransomed.
I think jumping straight to desertion is a bit too much. I mean no one takes those two seriously anyway.
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Thats a directive, not a plan... but okay, i'm considering it a begining... What about AVE CESARing him? Does he have more MA than our BEST (GAS KNIGHT) BOY?
Nah, there will be drama, insults, hot-blooded shoutings, and all the typical things that mecha series have, and then things are going to get crazy.
> I mean no one takes those two seriously anyway.
I doubt it, Keith is Fairchild little favorite vassal, and he is selfwilled enough to stir things up using her authority and dealing with the consequences later.

And worse, everyone else from SOUL is on the base right now, who is going to stop these two maniacs?The Captains of the ships? I don't know if they have the AUTORITAH to do so.
Zangief is there. And its not like REJOICE man cant shout them down over the radio.
Against the S-Slinger, options include:
>Taking off his head again
Limits his range, and allowing him to be sniped at from outside it
>Taking off one of his arms
Prevents him from using his beam cannon.

Once either or both of these are done, most aces will be able to simply out-trade him by attrition - the S-Puffer in particular has Reactive Shields that can fully parry anything apart from his cannon.

The S-Sensation has been described - earlier in this thread, I might add - as being defensively-oriented, having melee weapons and combined Smoke and Scatter Missiles. She's rather more of a problem here, as sufficiently high-Kill, high-Radius Smoke Missiles will prevent us from targeting either of their mechs entirely, as neither the S-Swordfish nor S-Puffer have any advanced sensors.

Meanwhile, Keith, with his ASP, can snipe with impunity, and it can be probably assumed that the S-Sensation can see through its own smoke.

Hence, it is imperative that, upon winning initiative, we either prevent Lysa from popping her smokes or else take out both their ASPs. Failing any of those, we must retreat out of the cloud and take cover, forcing them to exit the cloud and come to us, whereupon we should ambush Keith and engage him in melee. Lysa can hopefully be kited until out of smokes, at which point she can be sniped from afar.

If everything goes pear-shaped, don't forget that we don't actually need to defeat them here - just escape.

Also, after a degree of minmaxing while I was bored during some spare time earlier, a mech which I believe is only-technically-legal (aside from the fact that it effectively has +0 MV), which is relatively heavily armored, and can function almost adequately as an AWACS (it lacks a Target Analyzer) as well as alternate between a close-range brawler and a mid-to-long range fire support:

Might have got some of the numbers wrong, but I believe the concept still stands. Now excuse me while I go wash myself off before trying to think up something actually submittable.
Poor Caesar, they just instantly want to arrest Naomi who they have known and worked with all this time just because those fanatical Avalonions think she looks like their green man. I know he doesn't want to defect he loves his job but I'd see him doing it to protect her, which then can be misconstrued as being under Naomis influence
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Zangief is not there, he went with Sam to disable the cannon... Can him do that?Would it stop Keith?Did you forget about his speech of "Now i won't let anyone double-guess (Fairchild's) justice like the Colonel has done before!"
Won't him just snipe at Waifu to slow her down and make Cesar have to slow down to protect her too? And don't forget his absurd range.

If the Rhinehawk is near, we should able to take shelter there with Naomi, but if we is too far, maybe the best choice is to disable Keith main cannon and the run before S-Sensation takes something out of its robotic idol ass to screw us, but that would mean to fight inside the cloud (what would be an amazing special effects scene if this were an anime).

If things go really bad, sent Naomi to run for her life and stay to distract Justiceboy and Darth Idol, this would be an true manly thing to do.

Wait... would the harpies come to defend Naomi? Oh boy...

(I didn't read everything, but that mech of yours seems like a monster... i think you'll need an hot spring shinto purification bath after this one.)
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>After hearing of this incident, Not!Hunk becomes even more paranoid and won't get out of his power armor during the tourney...
Yeah but if its just the two of them its not like they can do much right? We should at least see how the rest of them react.
I've got your back, Anon, don't worry, i'm certain that what you wanted to say was:

>Yeah but if its just the two of them its not like they can do much right? What could possible go wrong?
>Won't him just snipe at Waifu to slow her down and make Cesar have to slow down to protect her too?
Possibly? Caesar is the bigger threat, so I assume Keith would take him out first.

Regardless, slowing down does less to protect Naomi than simply preventing Keith from shooting at her by taking out his cannon or one of his arms, given that I don't think there's an option to bodily intercept shots targeted at another ally.

>And don't forget his absurd range.
I would assume that we're basically deployed side by side right now to guard the ship.

Still, his range is only a factor if both his main sensors and his cannon are up, which is why taking either of them out is the priority for him.

With his range so reduced, he is reduced to attacking Caesar with his sidearms - Naomi will have her Shields up off-turn and be largely untouchable to him, barring crits or Lysa taking them down - and Caesar should be able to simply out-damage him.
Doesn't Jesus also have those wings of his that do attacks?

Were they really shitty 4 kill weapons we don't have to worry about or were they 6 or 8 kills?
Friends, I have been inspired

His weapons are:
>a (effectively) WA +0, Range 9.8km 12-Kill Beam Weapon
This is the only one that can penetrate Naomi's 9 SP Reactive Shields, and the one we'll want to have out of commission if we have to eventually retreat.
>a WA +1, Range 11 WA +1, BV3 8-Kill Beam Weapon
Identical to what Naomi uses. In hindsight, these might be a little more of a threat than I had previously thought, because our mechs all weigh the same for some reason. Still, note that it deals a maximum of 24 damage over 3 hits before armor, and only if he rolls far higher than we do.
>a pair of Linked WA +1, Range 10, 6-Kill Beam Weapons
They're also Wide Angle 180°, but that doesn't matter for the purposes of a 1-on-1, and Naomi can't reasonably be damaged by them. Probably even less of a threat than the Magnum, it deals a maximum of 12 damage over 2 hits.

Note that the above attacks, which deal between 12-24 damage on full hits, are ranged attacks, and therefore hit random locations on our mechs. They have to penetrate a maximum of 7 SP on every servo before dealing damage.

Meanwhile, the S-Slinger has a maximum of 6 SP on every location, and will have the same location targeted repeatedly by Caesar's WA +1, Quick, Armor-Piercing Melee Weapon.

When I say 'we can out-damage him', I don't mean 'all his shots will plink ineffectually off our impenetrable armor', I mean 'we will have to trade hits, but once we're within melee range, we'll shred through his armor and servos faster than he does ours'.

I was considering doing something like that a while back, but I'm not sure if two-handing a shield allows you to get past the one-size-larger restriction with regard to servos, so I left the idea be.
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This is how i'm thinking that thinks are going to be:
First: Cesar and Naomi will try to reason with their teamates, but keith isn't taking it so easy and start demanding things, we will be wary of him and won't accept any surrender options because we fear for Naomi.
Second: One of them will start treathining us by coming close or pointing a gun, then Cesar will start warning shots with his shuriken, but things will scalate anyway.
Third: Full combat now, Lysa doesn't know how to deal with it and will smoke everything around her so that Keith has the upperhand while we fight on the dark.

At this point, the harpies are too alarmed and start coming to save their goddess and the mechs of the ships will try to kill them.

Inside the cloud, Cesar is going to tell Naomi to run to the Kestrels while he delays the two,she may or may not accept it, anyway, i belive that the penalty for blindness is -2, not exactly incapacitating but not dismissable either.

If Cesar and Naomi try to escape Keith is shooting down Naomi until Cesar comes back for him, if Cesar stays and fight Keith will try to make distance from him while sniping him.

Idk if Lysa can even use her melee weapons, but i believe that Bethany is on that ship ready to assume control of the S-Sensation once Lysa allows it, so she will try to attack and dissapear in mid of the smoke probably.

Our best shot is to decepate Keith and then run, failing that we can try to fight him on his terms and take off his arm or head to run, or take out Lysa and use her as an hostage... but the last one doesn't seem something Cesar would do.

Lastly, he can risk it all and take off his kiddies gloves to go for the kill with AVE CAESAR as Keith will probably be able of ejecting in time (And Caesar hates him anyway).

I feel kinda bad for him though, he is probably going to lose is job, is credibility, his family's honor and also be branded as a traitor because some sixteen years olds decided turn their autism on him.
>Caesar's WA +1, Quick, Armor-Piercing Melee Weapon.
I failed to include the fact that this weapon also deals 13 Kills of damage per hit.

So basically, on Keith's first turn, he deals up to 5 damage on a single servo, or 3+2+1 across three different one; while on our first turn, we deal 10 to his torso simply from an Ave Caesar.
Ok, now i see we can out damage him, so, i think we can be safe if we go for one of his arms in the first turn and spending luck to cancel any penalties caused by smoke or whatever.

After that, if things go smoothly, should we incapacitate their mechs? Or just run? We still have the avalonian problem.
>Full combat now, Lysa doesn't know how to deal with it
>Idk if Lysa can even use her melee weapons
Interesting assumptions here, given that I think some of us still suspect that she was the actual First Mate.

What I imagine will actually happen on the first round of combat is that she will delay her turn until after Keith, and deploy smokes only after he's fired. Scatter Missiles reduce the damage of Beam Weapons, which works both against Keith and Naomi.

This means that Keith will get a free shot on her, while we may be rendered impotent by what I'm about to bring up next:

>i belive that the penalty for blindness is -2, not exactly incapacitating but not dismissable either.
That's for lacking sensors.

Smoke missiles are special - they require an Awareness minus Kills of missile roll of 15+ or 20+, depending on whether the target is in or beyond the cloud, from all mechs without an ASP or Magnetic Resonance Lens. If you fail the check, you do not have Line of Sight to the target. (ATM page 35)

The only way to attack targets you do not have Line of Sight to is Indirect Fire (CR page 90), meaning that we basically cannot attack anyone in or past the smoke cloud if the Kill value of the missile is too high.

I was actually considering making a mech based on this a little earlier.

This is why I said earlier that it is imperative that we either prevent Lysa from launching her smokes or take out their ASPs.
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Also, welcome back newguy friend, feel free to post more designs while we wait for the next session.

Should this thread end, i will finnaly stop being lazy and do the preparations for an Tourney Challengers thread for we post designs, account for which ones are going for the prize, develop pilots that are still undefined and maybe have some spar duels if someone wants to do some testing.
Doesn't Jesus' main cannon have AP as well? I forget all the shit it has. I have trouble remembering all these goddamn numbers and abbreviations. There's too many mecha to keep track of.
We can use roll20.com for mock duels. the site supports hex maps and tokens
Beam Weapons cannot gain Armor-Piercing; it's restricted to Melee Weapons and Projectile Ammunition only. EMWs do have a similar property in that they always bypass 4 SP of armor (which, obviously, is better against targets with less armor, as opposed to AP, which is better against targets with more).

The full stats of his gun (copied from last thread - you can go to the archive and Ctrl-F S-Slinger if you want to know the rest of the stats) were:
[Two-Handed] Young Custom Beam Cannon: Range 700m (no penalty out to 9800m), WA +0, 12K (1K of Structure), Long Range, Fragile, Infinite Ammo, 47 CP, 14 Spaces, 0.5 tons
Note that WA +0 already takes into account the penalty for Long Range.
>one-size-larger restriction with regard to servos guess I'll have to make one fat bastard to get away with this

Also, a MW 10SP, Enclosing, Ranged Only, 0 reset, reactive shield only costs 22.5 points. >>741521 has heavy striker arms with free space in them
>reactive shield

I expected a Mated Standard Shield/Melee Weapon setup that just attacked with the shield all day, in accordance with the actual build, or at least a Variable Beam Shield.

I'm not sure how you're going to deal with melee with that Ranged Only Reactive Shield, but I might suggest you use a Burst Reactive Shield if you want to be able to attack with it. And if you're going to do that, there's a few other things I could suggest.
If you mate a shield and a weapon does it still only take up one space?
Takes up a number of Spaces equal to the total Spaces of the Shield and Weapon divided by 1.33, so no.

However, it's the closest way I can think of to actually attack with a Standard Shield (apart from perhaps mounting a weapon in a Binder, but that's attacking with a weapon in the Shield, not attacking with a system which includes the Shield itself).

I wasnt using >>746686 for THE WALL, i was just pointing that i could probably sacrifice speed and tonnage efficiency to fit a permanent 10SP shield on a mech that already deals 44k in melee damage per turn. With a 10 sp shield and 4sp beta armour underneath it would be virtually invulnerable to the standard range of ranged attacks. That leave most mechs with only the option of facing it in melee, and you do not want to face a pair of Quick, Cross-linked, 11k, axes in melee combat

THE WALL will be a purely defensive theory crating mech. The question; Exactly how tough can you make a mech for 140cp?
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There is no need, we aren't using hexes here, and is not much problem to guess your relative position to your enemy basing on storytelling and movement actions alone.

The only thing that we need to determinate is starting position, to which i recommend being 1KM, so that it doesn't turn into a dropkick battoujutsu contest and investing on range be worth it.

Yes they can buy it, there is a rule somewhere in the ATM that specifies that if the DM is okay with it modificators of weapon can be apllied to anything he desire.

In fact, Wong even considered giving the Kaiser EMW hands by giving the "Handy" mod to EMWs, but Anons were against it and he dropped the idea.

I think that reactive shields are banned from the Tourney, i'm almost certain of it.


A bunch of 4K with high WA and a good roll would still be a pain to you, and Heavy Missiles could do some damage too.

Also, don't forget crits and bad parry rolls, it happens more often when your enemy is more nimble and light than you, and with that weight it would be a -4 facing mostly -2 mechs.
a bunch of 4K missiles*
50 meters is a hex so it would work either way.
how do you determine kills and tonnage for shields?
Tough? I'm assuming you're talking purely from an armor standpoint here.

A Tank Body Form mech composed of a single Super Heavy Torso servo with Mega Heavy Gamma Armor would cost a total of 42 CP, and give you 20 Spaces to work with.

Supposing Command Armor is permitted, you can then further mount Mega Heavy Gamma Command Armor for 33 CP.

Then, mounting 2 Mega Heavy Enclosing, Reset 0 Reactive Shields would cost 2*45 = 90 CP. Reducing one to 22 Spaces to fit into the remaining Spaces in the Command Armor costs 11.5 CP, and reducing the other to 17 Spaces to fit into the Torso costs 14 CP. The remaining 3 Spaces go to Superlight Main Sensors and a Cockpit (both 0 CP), and a Mega Heavy Gamma Standard Shield (30 CP) in the Torso.

Then you get Weight Inefficiency (-x0.2 CP), Manual Cockpit Controls (-x0.05 CP) and an Undercharged Cool Powerplant (-x0.15 CP; even in this case, I'm not cruel enough to force a pilot into a mech with a Hot one) for a total of -x0.4 CP.

In total, the cost comes out to 220.5*0.6 = 132.3 CP.

Tank Form gives you +2 Armor SP on all locations (I assume regular Armor and Command Armor both apply here), so you'll have 11[Gamma Armor]+11[Gamma Command Armor]+15[Gamma Standard Shield]+2*15[2 Reactive Shields, both Reset 0] for an effective total of 67 SP, of which a minimum of 38 damage is required to ablate the first layer of Gamma Command Armor or Shield (though Disruptor weapons will reduce it to a 'mere' 23). After all the armor, they still have to get through 20 Kills' worth of servo to finally destroy your Torso entirely.

However, your tonnage comes out to 38 tons, and with the -1.0 B-mod penalty and -1 from Tank Form, your MV comes out to -5. Funnily enough, this is in line with quite a number of the aces in this quest, but you have to be careful of lower MV units critting or mega-critting you.
I just treat the sp as Kills and work from there..
>>746774 is correct. As described in the ATM, SP is equivalent to Kills for a shield (or armor), and a Shield weighs half its SP in tons.

Unless you're talking about Beam Shields, but those are actually EMWs, and are therefore treated completely differently.

Version 2 could have a Zeta-style beam bayonet or something.
Oh, hello Wong-sama, how is your brother doing? Is he out of the hospital yet?

Oh, before i forget, did you already decided on what is going to be the starting distance for the duelists in the tourney?
>not spending it on more gun
Heya Wong.

Did you ever say anything about Beam Shields or Beta Grade Armor?
Hey Wong has Roarke gotten to see the Amos fight? And will we get to see the article the girls were interviewed for?
General Question: How big a deal is -2 to a Parry roll really?
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That depends on the situation, if it is an ace parying against a rookie and both of them are in the same weight level or with just one or maybe two levels of difference, its not something to really worry about.

But in the tourney against a mech of the same MV level? BAD, even more if he has WA bonus, what is not so rare.
If dudes presumably have 16 on stats across the board and say you roll a 10 and have -3 MV it would be 10+6+6-2-3 for 17 if I am understanding the rules right. But I am still reading up on the actual combat rules so I might be full of shit.
I got sidetracked while building THE WALL, and would up tuning my tourney entry instead

We 18 hexes per turn now


Servos: (39cp) (16.5t)
Striker Head: C/S/k 3, 1.5t
Medium Striker Torso C/S/k 10, 5t
Medium Striker L.Arm C/S/k 6, 2t
L.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker R.Arm C/S/k 6, 2t
R.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker L.Leg C/S/k 5, 2t
Medium Striker R.Leg C/S/k 5, 2t

Armour: Beta Medium Striker (4SP, 4dc, 6cp) on all locations (36cp) (12t)

Main Sensors (Head): 1 kill, 1 Space, 2cp, 0.5t
Backup sensors (Torso): 2 Kills, 2 Spaces, 2cp, 1t

Options:Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 Spaces, 2cp), Interservo Melee Cross Link (Huginn+Muninn, 6cp), Anti Theft Kock (0.4cp), Stereo (0.1cp), Liftwire (0.3cp), Spotlights (0.2cp)

Weapons: (24cp) (10t)
Hand-Held Huginn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 5 Spaces, 5t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 5 (2.5cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Muninn)
Hand-Held Muninn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 5 Spaces, 5t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 5 (2.5cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Huginn)

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 4 per arm, 6 in the torso, Moves 800 meters per turn in flight or 250 meters per turn running (24 Spaces, 24cp)

Weight 39t (weight efficiency 2, 4cp)
Total Weight: 37t

Total Cost: 140cp
>Moves 1000 meters per turn in flight*
forgot to update that part of the record sheet
The entire situation with Keith and his dumbass girlfirend is pretty simple. Simply head to the pirates. Sure we could go after them, stab them once or twice, but the issue is that our main goal is protecting the Pufferfish and that the battlefield is filled with more than just us. Plus side to all this is the harpies and knights will likely protect her as well so we have some ablative armor, and the moment the pirates take them in, it goes back to 4 on 2. Well, 4 on 2 and the giant colony with the huge laser. Looking at it that way, Jesus ruined any chance of getting them by rushing for that option. Just a matter of dealing with the sniper fire and getting support from fatima and the rest.
The question is if the sol ships will actually listen to them, and if they do Josiah is fucked since he's stuck in close quarters with Roarke and Clemmy
accidentally updated the thrusters as 24/24 instead of 25/25


Servos: (39cp) (16.5t)
Striker Head: C/S/k 3, 1.5t
Medium Striker Torso C/S/k 10, 5t
Medium Striker L.Arm C/S/k 6, 2t
L.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker R.Arm C/S/k 6, 2t
R.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker L.Leg C/S/k 5, 2t
Medium Striker R.Leg C/S/k 5, 2t

Armour: Beta Medium Striker (4SP, 4dc, 6cp) on all locations (36cp) (12t)

Main Sensors (Head): 1 kill, 1 Space, 2cp, 0.5t
Backup sensors (Torso): 2 Kills, 2 Spaces, 2cp, 1t

Options:Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 Spaces, 2cp), Interservo Melee Cross Link (Huginn+Muninn, 6cp), Anti Theft Kock (0.4cp), Stereo (0.1cp), Liftwire (0.3cp), Spotlights (0.2cp)

Weapons: (24cp) (10t)
Hand-Held Huginn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 5 Spaces, 5t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 5 (2.5cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Muninn)
Hand-Held Muninn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 5 Spaces, 5t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 5 (2.5cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Huginn)

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 4 per arm, 6 in the torso, 1 in the head Moves 1000 meters per turn in flight or 250 meters per turn running (25 Spaces, 25cp)

Weight 39t (weight efficiency 2, 4cp)
Total Weight: 37t

Total Cost: 140cp
ah shit, only now do i realize the speed should be 900
They would have highest authority with Josiah out on the colony, and if he can't tell them to 'stop attacking our own people you stupid twats', then he's screwed there. Guy isn't stupid and he watched us closely when we mentioned what it could be including a cloned greenman. In short, Jesus fucked up majorly for everyone involved and they could very well lose their fleet by this simple action. We might be feasting on SOULs after all.
>When walking/running, you may move up to 1/2 your total MA at no Action cost at all
Surly he can shout at them over the radio.

Hmm, noted. I suppose -1 DA would be better without getting too expensive.
>When flying at high speeds, your ability to aim suffers; the greater the speed, the greater the penalty. This penalty is for Attack Rolls only; there's no Defense penalty for speed.
Less neat but still interesting. Only starts to kick in at 17 MA
Could, but that would require the signal being strong enough. We haven't heard much on the colony from our other team and if it requires a colony signal to speak to the outside, then he won't get it until we beat Mordred. This is pretty much a disaster on every front for him if Roarke pieces things together because the idea that Bahumet actually worked on cloning greenmen would be corporate suicide since it shits on everything Fairchild talked about.
Best case scenario is that all of soul A defects and we capture Soul B their machines and Mordred and her mech
>It takes a single turn to reach a 12 MA or less.
> It takes two turns to reach 13-24 MA.
> It takes three turns to reach MAs of 25-36 MA.
> It takes four turns to reach speeds of 37+ MA.
I have no idea if we are even using these rules.
>Fairchild's face when jesus fucks up everything forever.
Are Energy Pools allowed in the Tourney?
Unfortunately not. An Energy Pool would increase the potential firepower of a grunt unit by quite a bit.
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Best case scenario is a bit better than that. With every Avalonian here bowing to her, we can easily capture and claim them without much struggle. That means we won't have to spend a long time cleaning up because the residents would do that for us. We get a base, people who knwo the base, and all their gear and equipment in one fell swoop. Hell, Sammy's brother may even get Mordred which could allow for the strongest child in existence to be born.
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Plus two yamato level ships and the avalonian.

This ups our total to ten ships.

This.... This would be an true army... I don't even know what we could steal with this without causing war with someone...

Aaaaaand, thats is probably enough to take on the Avalonian troops in this system, as they weren't many, doesn't have half of their paladins here and are weakened now after so much things.
Probably not.

I would use them, so that we could have the joy of descovering a way of going around them in the future. But idk what Wong thinks about it.
So, I'm trying to figure something out. Do you need to buy Space Efficiency for the Portfolio Forms?

Can one of the forms of an Energy Pool with 15 Power Available just be a 10K Beam Gun with no modifiers?
>burst weapons can be fired into more than one hex
I should have read this shit earlier.

Good Point. Might just build a Variable Beam Shield instead, although those are pretty expensive.
It'd be less a proper army, but more than enough to police the belt or at least our sections of it. Could even sacrifice a few vessels to the Yamato to start making it bigger. Give it some shields, some more missiles, or a linear cannon that isn't complete shit with the 3 turn charge.
Weapons in Portfolios are restricted by CP, not Spaces. But, as Spaces are determined from CP, all this means is that you can't cheese higher CP weapons into your Portfolio with Efficiency. An Energy Pool taking the form of any weapon still has the Spaces and weight of the base Energy Pool, not the weapon it is emulating.

And yes, as a 10-Kill Beam Weapon costs 15 CP, it can fit into any Portfolio with 15 or higher Power Available.
I would rather just use the Gerald to rebuild the station and then just ship them off somewhere else, and as far as Mordred goes I would rather just get as much info as possible from her then let Clement do what she wants
>1-10 on the emergency ejection table are all varying degrees of how dead you are
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>MFW the CROWE costs almost as much as Jesus' Beam Cannon
So, does a Variable Energy Shield switch forms between a Beam Sword and Shield or is it more of a shift in the Shape of the Shield to something more offensive?

Well, one way or another them being around Naomi is going to make them easier to deal with, train, or get answers from. Clemmy will still have her fun, but rather than her remaining tight lipped, she may just spout out the information willingly.
I would have given the Libra a beam bayonet, but I couldn't justify him getting one since it's supposed to still be rare tech.
Heh, I was actually starting up a Beam Sniper Rifle.

>Beam Sniper Rifle: Range 11, WA +2 (Cancels to 0), 8K, Infinite Ammo, 24 CP, 24 Spaces, 4 tons, Long-range (Space Efficiency: 19, 9.5 CP)

33.5 CP is honestly not bad for a weapon like this.
Do what I do with it. Get it from a pumpkin seed II. Those things are becoming incredibly common since it's just a extra pack for the pumpkin seed.
You could Give it a Normal Bayonet instead of the Grenade Launcher if you don't want to stick with the original design. A 6K Melee Weapon with AP and Quick only Costs 12 CP.
I already have like four alternate loadouts I'm thinking of, Just need to figure out the math for it.

In that case, I'll think about it. because I really want a beam bayonet on this thing.
Here's a Test for the Achilles. Not sure if I should go for the Variable Beam Shield or stick with the Medium Shield and Dual Beam Sabers. Thoughts?
And I forgot the paste.

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I really liked it, its GENIUS!(and really get the anime feel right)
I'm in for sacrificing the two Jupiter's ones to get shields and more missiles to the Yamato, but i don't know if it would be cost effective.
But if we get 4 upgrades, i would choose +Missiles(1), Shield(2) and +Hangar Space(1).

I still think that now we could handle Avalon if we cared to do it... But i think it would be a jerk move, we need Duke Kirito distracting Jupiter so that we can grow while they don't give attention to us... Until is too late to do so.
Also, we should make the avalonians give us the technology to make warp gates, so that we can begin attacking other systems... I can only imagine the face of the cat people when they discover that jupiter is old news and that there is a new boss in town.
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I think that the beam shield is forbidden too, i could be wrong, but if i'm not you should change to the beam sabers with medium shield.
The Avalonians don't seem to know portal tech too well since they had to use old ones to get here. Likewise, making a Gate would draw the attention to any and all local forces. As for handling Avalon, I would say no. Remember, this is a small strike force; not an actual fleet and Jovian forces are spread thin. We have 1 Wels size ship and the rest are relatively small so assuming 'we can take them' will end in disaster.
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Hmm.... Maybe, but we don't have much need to do it anyway, as they are accidentally helping our plans...

(Also, i don't really hate Avalon, i mean, the greenman thing is just stupid and sets me off, but Jupiter seems almost worse than the naivete of Avalon.
In the future, i'm favour of making Jupiter and Earth fall, but i don't care much about mars yet, and Avalon is less of a problem if they lose the Lady and stop trying to conquer the galaxy... Which will end in blood for them)
The issue isn't really either side but rather the lead forces behind them. The Green Lady did very well with her propaganda and the same goes for Fairchild. If both are gone a lot of the hate goes through the window. Other than those two, the megacorps would be the main issue alongside any secret group on earth. Some shady shit is happening behind the scenes, and while I want to bleed them dry, we are going to have to play smart with them. The fact we never see the big heads of either corp concerns me.
I find it weird that there is a penalty for the attacker if he is going fast, but there is no bonus to hit something else that is going fast. You'd think it would be more difficult to hit something something that was going 600+ M/h
>but there is no penalty to hit something else that is going fast.

"Something something tracking systems can predict other fast objects but get fouled up when you're moving too fast."
Well, going fast doesn't mean you can dodge out of the way. It's the same with a calvary charge and some dude with a long spear. Charging straight in is going to screw you over because then you get stabbed with the spear. Similar principals.
I think he meant that you getting a penalty to hitting other things when you're moving fast but other things don't get a penalty to hit you.
So, how much should we charge Caesar and Naomi for the Rhinehawks protection, besides their mechs?
Roarke should act like the cost is something really big and when Caesar says the no matter what it is, he'll pay it, we should just smile and say "1 Credit."

You got another thing coming if you think Roarke is going to extort a man willing to throw away his entire life for love.
But what is something was travelling parallel to you at 2700 mph, which is as fast as a projectile in Mekton, it wouldn't be harder to hit that? Even if something was just banking its forward facing axis by a few degrees per meter at a time it would be traversing those degrees in fractions of a second an therefore shifting rapidly along the vertical and horizontal axis relative to the attacker. Even if the defender was coming head on they would only have to bank very slightly a few times during their approach to be bobbing around several meters per second from the attackers perspective
Pretty much this, and theirs the fact that Roarke respects Caesar for standing up for Clemmy and telling he would kill us if we were playing with her feelings.
The targeting software is robust enough to make those kinds of corrections when the attacker isn't moving that fast but when the attacker speeds up it needs to take into account a lot more factors, which reduces its effectiveness.
Ssorta. The thing is, while moving fast would make them harder, to keep up that sort of speed would also make it harder to avoid. Making corrections, altering the trajectory, and even stopping short will cause you a lost in speed, especially if you require build up in the original system. The benefits of going fast are cancled out by the fact you really can't dance around to maintain charging speed. As for being fast= less accuracy? It's hard to get the timing right when you do an attack on the run or while constantly on the move. going at such ridiculous speeds makes it much worse. Even with high speed computers, there is still the delay of the limbs and commands to add in. You could simply zoom by the guy while running at them among other things.

Nothing of real value. Maybe have them mingle and assist, but that should be it.
I also noticed there is no rules for performing a charge attack with a melee weapon, this makes me a sad panda
Doesn't Caesar make charges with his lance all the time?
special rule for him for getting Naomi. She is the best girl for him for a reason.
In not so sure about the mingling part. I mean, I wouldn't want a suspected greenman/ avalonian spy and her thrall wondering around our ship. put in a cell together, or something. Its tradition at this point.
So what are the plans for all of the custom mechs were about to get? I say we use them to buff up our allies
>Jesus's mech goes to Miles to be combined with her Master Harpy
>Josiah's goes to Richard to be combined with his Master Harpy
>Basil gets Lacus's mech to be combined with his Morgan II
>Sam gets the feral's mech to buff up the Betta
Depends on What we can and cannot work with. The Feral machine may have a few systems better preserved as is while stuff from knights could help bulk up the basic parameters of the Betta. The wings and gun are a must for Miles, and the active shield tail and beam claws would be great for Richard. The rest we could rip apart to see how they tick and reverse engineer some things.
And now having looked at the Rogues Gallery, we should also make sure to upgrade Oda since he's hovering around Miles and Richard's cp level
CP levels are honestly not that indicative of much. The Master Harpies are much more expensive than they seem because they can transform.
His would easy with Morgana's weapon and armor. Lighten the weapon for one handing and give him two along with some good guns. He'd be a menace.
It constantly annoys me that you cant shield charge.
Lame, I was hoping a could bisect someones much with an 18 hex charge
If you want your parade rained on even further apparently its only possible to accelerate 12 hexes in a single turn. Makes me glad I decided against using the 20 MA transformable I made.
On the other hand you can still move the distance most of the mechs move in a whole turn in a single action.
That helps a little bit. Well even if I cant reach full speed in one turn, at least i dont have to worry much about spending points on turning
You'll likely have a good chance at getting first blood, even if they get initiative, but that can go downhill fast since you only have melee weapons. It's a good killy machine, but it's going to be helluva fragile to anything that can handle the first attack.
That first attack is a 7K flying dropkick 4 chances to hit with 22k. I dont think a lot of things could survive that
How does it go from 7K to 22K?

The Enclosing trick was houseruled out months ago. You can't activate/deactivate an Enclosing Reactive shield more than once per round, so no sneaky tricks to save points.
Presumably 11K from the two weapons.

I mentioned last time, he wasn't there long and he's healthy now, thank you, it was just pneumonia.
Wouldn't that only be two chances to it if they're Linked and have Quick?

Right now that's virtually all in military hands or owned by the Kestrels.

Roarke will see the Amos fight soon.
Wrong. You can do that drop kick, but it's at a -2 to hit. A strong shield can block it. Then you have enough actions for 1 melee attack which is quick so you get 2 rolls. If the enemy has a shield or strong melee weapon then they have two rolls for each attack. A dodge and a parry. Because these are non AP weapons you will have to eat through the whole armor to do so. Not much of an issue right now, but once you add the shield you won't even nick a kill. On the other hand, Blast damage can go through most of that 4 SP armor. If one roll is a 10 on location, you will have a bad time. Your weapon is very killy. I won't lie, but in any situation than 1 on 1, you will be having a lot of trouble.
Yes actually. Unless he means go full speed at turn 1 to close the distance and spend the next turn attacking.
Four or five of them coming over the horizon would be pretty spooky though.
That's a Pity. Energy Shields are pretty awesome.

Were you going to do the Tournament arc from the perspective of a new character?
there should be an "and" in there. My mech can move 8 hexes and end the move in a kick maneuver for free, dealing 4+4 kills of damage on a successful hit. Since my currently updated build has a move of 18 that means I can still make 2 melee attack actions in that turn. My axes have the, Quick, modifier which allows them to attack twice in one action for 4 attacks total, and the are both Cross Linked to each other dealing a total of 22 kills per hit, 11 for each axe. That is, in total, 50 kills of damage spread across 5 hits my opening turn.

Assuming I dont get ass blasted by something that deals 12k and blows my torso apart in 1 hit on turn 1, i could reasonably down a mech of similar size in 1 turn of combat
You realize that the 'can walk half your move for free' is only for walking, right? Not actual thrusters and flying. Hence mentions of walking and how they are kept separate.
S'pose you're right. Sure hope this is a 1v1 tournament then.

How many designs prompted so far have shield anyway?
Pretty sure he is right here, he would have four attacks a turn so and is capable of flying 400 meters in a single action so he would have two attacks left.
Mine usually has one aside from Manly, and the Ranged variation has an active shield and a gun that can shoot 1000 MA away at a -1 to accuracy.
If only the point cap wasn't set at 140cp, then i could fit a 10sp active shield with zero recharge for only 22 more points. Now a few of those would be spooky coming over the horizon.
Energy Pools are pretty awesome.

They might be banned for the Tourney but they've got some interesting concepts about them. Like allowing for lighter and less bulky weapons.

Would an Energy Shield made by an Energy Pool still get shorted out if it takes double its rating in damage?
Except his walking speed(which is what you can use for free, not flying) is 5 MA. So if he is on the ground he could get a bit of extra movement. But then he'd be losing that momentum with his flight.
Active Shields don't use Recharge and Reactive Shields are banned.

You can still take a 10 SP active shield if you want.
But he isnt moving for free, he spends an action to fly and drop kick and then he spends an action for attacks, which he gets two of because of quick.

He was saying he gets the kick for free rather than the 400 meters.
I was mainly replying to this post here >>748061
where he says he gets 5 hits. Which is not true. I do agree that he'd get the kick, and the quick attack, but not another set of quick.
I meant reactive shield
Five hits as in a drop kick, two hits from his linked axes and then another two hits because they are quick.
He used "hits" ad in "one of my weapons hitting someone" and then counted 4 because the twin link makes each axe hits the opponent everytime he connects a "Quick" roll.
A medium weight 10 SP reactive shield would be 30 CP. One turn recharge would double it to 60, and it would not be possible to get such tech for the tournament(or properly mass produced when 8 SP is considered big), You would also need space for it and it would add an extra 5 tons to the weight. Not that easy.
The way he was talking and acting with the 'free movement' seemed like he could use both turns to attack and kick. 5 rolls, not five 'hits' since he considered each hit 22 kills. Which is 11 kills a hit(10 from the weapon, 1 from the arm.).
Sadly I ca' nae take a 10SP active shield but I can fit a standard shield by dropping my axe, but would I still be DEAD killy or just killy?
Enclosing and Ranged Only bring the cost right down to 22.5
Reactive Shields are still banned.

You'd be plenty killy.
You would still need 11 CP of space efficiency to fit that into your machine along with 10 cp of weight efficiency to keep the weight down.
Consider that if he was actually making two actions worth of attacks that would be 88k assuming every one hit.
true, this was a theoretical, no cp limit, upgrade.

But would i be DEEEEAAAD killy
Someone tell me if I am fucking this up but if you have 5 sp of armour and you get hit with a 10 kill weapon your servo takes 5 kills of damage and your armour drops to 4 sp right? Just want to make sure.
But that would require him to get close. First action is getting close with his crazy speed and adds a drop kick. Second action is the attack which is the quick weapon so 2 attacks. If one hits the other does and it does indeed do ten damage plus one from arms. Thats a potential 50+ damage if he gets first strike and must approach. But thats the thing; it requires him to approach. Sniper fire will be a problem along with blast and a plane 10 sp shield would be at DA-2.
Yup, thats about right.
He could always parry with his axes.
Only in melee. Those axes will not help against ranged attacks or blast.
I had actually forgotten about that, but in that specific design, the goal was to optimize purely for armor - as it has no weapons, it would never have any reason to actually deactivate its Enclosing Reactive Shields.

Though, I assume from Naomi's mech that freely flipping in and out of Reactive Shields in an Energy Pool (in the hypothetical situation that we could actually purchase either of those things) would still be fine?
That is true.
I still haven't got a response from Wong about The Wraith
>That Face when Senpai doesn't notice you.jpeg

I dont know why I didnt think of this before. If I Cross-link a Quick axe with an AP axe, then I can declare an attack with the quick axe for the extra attack and apply the AP effect to the extra hit from from cross-link. Its like getting an extra 20cp worth of weapon for 6cp

Hand-Held Huginn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 6 Spaces, 5t, Quick (10cp) Space Efficent 5 (2.5cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Muninn)
Hand-Held Muninn, Range 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10K, 6 Spaces, 5t, AP (10cp) Space Efficent 5 (2.5cp) (Interservo melee cross link w/ Huginn)
Don't think it works like that since the other axe wouldn't be quick enough to keep up. Same with a +2 accuracy weapon and a AP weapon. It's a weird bit of double dipping that makes no logical sense.
I'm pretty sure you can only Crosslink weapons of the same type that have the same qualities.
well, it technically doesn't say you cant
Anon, you are getting into the min-maxing situation right now. Do not go down that path. It will not end happily for you.
The description is that 'Linkage allows two or more weapons to be fired in one action'. That is to say, it allows you to activate two weapons with one action.

While activating the Quick weapon will allow you to 'attack twice in a single action', it is the single action of activation that ties the weapons together, not the attacks - otherwise Linked Quick weapons could theoretically attack infinitely as each attack triggers an additional one off the other weapon.
Then perhaps it's time to double down on damage?

Servos: (39cp) (16.5t)
Striker Head: C/S/k 3, 1.5t
Medium Striker Torso C/S/k 10, 5t
Medium Striker L.Arm C/S/k 5, 2t
L.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker R.Arm C/S/k 5, 2t
R.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker L.Leg C/S/k 5, 2
Medium Striker R.Leg C/S/k 5, 2

Armour: Beta Medium Striker (4SP, 4dc, 6cp) on all locations (36cp) (12t)

Main Sensors (Head): 1 kill, 1 Space, 2cp, 0.5t
Backup sensors (Torso): 2 Kills, 2 Spaces, 2cp, 1t

Options:Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 Spaces, 2cp), Anti Theft Kock (0.4cp), Stereo (0.1cp), Liftwire (0.3cp), Spotlights (0.2cp)

Weapons: (25cp) (10t)
Hand-Held Ragnarok RA 0, WA +0, 20 kills, 20k, 10 Space, AP (20cp) Space efficiency 10 (5cp)

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 4 per arm, 4 in the torso, 2 in the head Moves 900 meters per turn in flight or 250 meters per turn running (25 Spaces, 25cp)

Weight 39t (weight efficiency 2, 4cp)
Total Weight: 37t

Total Cost: 134cp

Can you use space efficiency on thrusters?
Technically you can but I dont know if its allowed in this game.
It hasn't been done and from what I have seen, is not done, so no space efficiency thrusters.
Beta Armor is not permitted judging from what Wong said.

You are allowed to use Space Efficiency on Thrusters.

That's some intense pain you're bringing though.
Hey, remember when I said I was going to do more loadouts for the Libra?


I may have gone a bit insane.
Ok then


Servos: (37cp) (15.5t)
Striker: C/S/k 3, 1.5t
Medium Striker Torso C/S/k 10, 5t
Medium Striker L.Arm C/S/k 5, 2t
L.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker R.Arm C/S/k 5, 2t
R.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker L.Leg C/S/k 5, 2
Medium Striker R.Leg C/S/k 5, 2

Armour: Heavy Striker (5SP, 2.5t, 5cp), Medium Weight all other locations (6SP, 3t, 6cp)

Main Sensors (Head): 1 kill, 1 Space, 2cp, 0.5t
Backup sensors (Torso): 2 Kills, 2 Spaces, 2cp, 1t

Options:Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 Spaces, 2cp), Anti Theft Kock (0.4cp), Stereo (0.1cp), Liftwire (0.3cp), Spotlights (0.2cp)

Weapons: (25cp) (10t)
Hand-Held Ragnarok RA 0, WA +0, 20 kills, 20k, 10 Space, AP (20cp) Weight efficiency 10 (5cp)

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 4 per arm, 4 in the torso, 2 in the head Moves 900 meters per turn in flight or 250 meters per turn running (25 Spaces, 25cp)

Weight 44.5t
Total Weight: 37t (Weight Efficiency 7.5) (15cp)

Total Cost: 140cp
don't forget to adjust you MA. You have 15 MA a turn now compared to before.
what, why? my final tonnage hasn't changed so my lift factor should be the same
because we don't use final tonnage, we use the full weight of your machine. Reducing the weight allows you to lower MV penalty but not make it lighter for MA in this game. Otherwise a lot of machines would be moving faster.
well, I wish I had known that from the start
S'why you need to lurk and read the threads. Lots of hidden info here and there that could cause trouble or help out. It's still faster than most machines by a good amount, it's just not ridiculously fast.
>make several tons mech lighter
>still requires the same amount of thrust as it did before

stop smoking crack mekton
The reasoning for this game is the fact that rather than using lighter materials or advanced systems which are smaller, you're using thrusters and basic maneuvering systems to keep it mobile. The Kaiser is a good example of this. Big, bulky, covered in thrusters and verniers. It also means that you won't be knocked back so easily by something heavy or thrown around like a ragdoll.
its a houserule.
Fuck it, am going full on DEAD CHOPPY. Fuck armor, fuck survivability, SPEED, AP, QUICK, TWENTY TWO KILLS

Servos: (32cp) (15.5t)
Striker Head: C/S/k 3, 1.5t
Medium Striker Torso C/S/k 10, 5t
Medium Striker L.Arm C/S/k 5, 2t
L.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker R.Arm C/S/k 5, 2t
R.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker L.Leg C/S/k 5, 2
Medium Striker R.Leg C/S/k 5, 2

Armour: Medium Striker (4SP, 6cp) on all locations (24cp) (12t)

Main Sensors (Head): 1 kill, 1 Space, 2cp, 0.5t
Backup sensors (Torso): 2 Kills, 2 Spaces, 2cp, 1t

Options:Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 Spaces, 2cp), Anti Theft Kock (0.4cp), Stereo (0.1cp), Liftwire (0.3cp), Spotlights (0.2cp)

Weapons: (25cp) (10t)
Hand-Held Ragnarok RA 0, WA +0, 20 kills, 20k, 10 Space, AP Quick (30cp) Weight efficiency 20 (10cp)

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 4 per arm, 4 in the torso, 2 in the head Moves 900 meters per turn in flight or 250 meters per turn running (25 Spaces, 25cp)

Weight 39t
Total Weight: 39t

Total Cost: 139cp
just realized im actually 1 point over. if i scarp anti-heft, stereo, liftwire and spotlights im good
Your Servos are heavier than they should be. Use the weights in the Base Mekton Book instead. Alter, just take half a ton off of each of them.
>anti-theft kock
got the weapon wrong. That should be a CP 40 weapon. 10 for 20 kill melee, x2 for AP x2 for Quick.
gosh you're right, must have confused the cost with +1 WA
There, all should be in order. Now, where does this rank on the scale of stabby killy mechs


Servos: (34cp) (14.5t)
Striker Head: C/S/k 3, 1.5t
Medium Striker Torso C/S/k 10, 4t
Medium Striker L.Arm C/S/k 5, 2t
L.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker R.Arm C/S/k 5, 2t
R.Hand, 1 kill, 1 space, 2cp, 0.5t
Medium Striker L.Leg C/S/k 5, 2
Medium Striker R.Leg C/S/k 5, 2

Armour: Medium Striker (4SP, 6cp) on all locations (24cp) (12t)

Main Sensors (Head): 1 kill, 1 Space, 2cp, 0.5t

Options:Torso Cockpit with Environment Pod (2 Spaces, 2cp), Anti Theft Kock (0.4cp), Stereo (0.1cp), Liftwire (0.3cp), Spotlights (0.2cp)

Weapons: (55cp) (10t)
Hand-Held Ragnarok RA 0, WA +0, 20 kills, 20k, 10 Space, AP Quick (40cp) Space efficiency 30 (15cp)

Thrusters & Speed: 5 per leg, 3 per arm, 3 in the torso, 3 in the head Moves 800 meters per turn in flight or 250 meters per turn running (22 Spaces, 22cp)

Weight 38t
Total Weight: 38t

Total Cost: 140cp
Quite killy. Will be interesting to see it go up against the Range Variant dutchman. See if it can cross 5000 meters.
More killy than the Huscarl but that's also a Heavier mech.

This one is going to annihilate whatever it fights in melee but it's pretty fragile too.
Pretty sure you'd have to move out to 5000 meters first. I seriously doubt Wong will start the mechs that far apart. 1000 meters at the most.
Thats pretty close considering it's a sniper mech design. Mid range for it, 2400 meters. Enough to fire 6 rounds of 6k at -1 before it reaches.
I mean, thats assuming we get dropped into an open death pit with no cover
What >>749153 said.

You're assuming that you'll start off at an optimal range when it's far more likely we'll be starting fairly close. The vast majority of the Mechs in the Tourney are not snipers.
I want to imagine this thing wields a sword as long as the mech, with booster built into the hilt to help it swing faster
Because the vast majority think that making super killy melee weapons as opposed to range options would be the best idea. Making it so even ranged fighters must start in melee with the chance of getting 1 or 2 shots off to the melee's 4-8 is going to skew what sort of machines can be made. Likewise, the fact that range hits a random part as opposed to focusing down the torso or the like.
True, but assuming they're going to start off at least 2 kilometers away from each other is ridiculous.
These are giant war machines that can cover 500 meters in 10 seconds flat on average. Thats 2km in 40 seconds. As it is, every duel is starting to turn into 10 second death matches because everyone wants to be close for melee and have weapons that can one hit the torso. No variety, no difference, just 'who gets to go first wins'.
Isn't one of the Dutchman's Loadouts a 20K Rock?

Anyways, I imagine maneuvering and terrain are probably going to make the real difference, rather than blindly rushing at each other.

Admittedly, Wong should probably ban Weapons that do more than 10K Damage.
Yeah, which initially started as a joke weapon that was meant to be thrown. Not an actual viable means of combat, especially for real combat which the Dutchman was designed for. Was to show off it's strength and then it would punch and grapple the shit out of the enemy. Maneuvering and terrain matter little when everything can fly too.
>Maneuvering and terrain matter little when everything can fly too.

Tell that to the Tarrasque. Or literally any military engagement where you can hide, like Roarke evading Jesus' sniping.

Terrain is very important even in three-dimensional combat.
Except those sort of situations were very precise and covered a different sort of field. It's also something that benefits melee over range in most cases.
Make a catch-all comment expect a catch-all answer.
Using specific scenarios when 2km is considered 'too far' for the tourney is not really catch all and dishonest considering the topic. At 2km, Keith becomes less of a problem because he'd be in grappling range. The Tarrasque was well above our weight class and required a few teams and a power core to breach it's shield. Cover at that range only helps the melee fighter because line of sight is usually required.
Hell, in both situations you mentioned, cover helped the melee units a lot more than the ranged when my point was how the ranged get gypped. So including cover just makes it worse for them.

Terrain and Cover would probably be used in the Tourney because maneuvering makes for a more interesting fight.

The Advantage melee frames get comes from how easy it is for them to get high damage weaponry while ranged Mechs are more limited. Placing a hard cap on weapon kills would eliminate most of the disadvantages.
It's not just that, it's also the unpredictability of it as well. A shot has to roll it''s hit randomly or pay a penalty for the called shot. So even if you can two shot with a weapon, the chance to hit the same place twice in the same turn is low. Cover helps a lot in that regard because they also require line of sight to fire. Same goes for melee, but if you need to be up close to them, you may as well just jump or side step past the cover to avoid the bonus they get. The cost means that you can't go for high damage, or you would have to go with incredibly heavy solid projectiles with limited ammo. Arms and armor are around 5 Kills and 5 SP so even a normal 10k weapon will chop one off with ease.
Maneuvering can make for a interesting fight, but the thing is, a lot of the stuff does favor the simple high kill build. I don't want range supremacy, but I also don't want fights to be quick and solely in favor of the one who gets the first rolls right. I want to see neat, unique designs, using different ideas without copying one another. Not a bunch of late era battlebot flippers.
Newguy just went Battoujutsu route while i was sleeping.... Ouch.
I don't think so, it adds a random element of situational advantage that isn't really realiable in a fight, i'm against doing it.

Seiously, starting close range makes no sense if you want a true mook tourney, because in doing soyou would turn it into just a battoujustsu contest of "who hits first".
Going to point out that melee has the same disadvantage of not being able to hit the same spot every time. It's why linked weaponry is a thing.

I proposed the 10K damage limit so we don't get automatic Torso kills all the time and to allow for shields to block them. Admittedly, 8K is more "fair."

Huh, 8K all around does seem like it's make for the most interesting fights when I think about it.

Anyone else want to weigh in?
Not reallly? So long as you go for the arms, torso, and head you don't need to pay the penalty so there's no worry. Yes you still need to pass the dodge and parry, but once you get through that, it's not an issue. It's part of why Fatima's head shot was amazing; because it required a 1 on a location roll. As for limiting the kills? Ehhh, could take or leave. Lower kills doesn't really stop the problem if they go linked and quick anyways, but distance or at least a situation where they have to work for that shot would.
The dodge and parry are bigger obstacles than you make them out to be.

And Ranged weapons can be linked or take Burst as well.

I'm just putting forward a suggestion that could fix all the perceived issues.
No, Melee doesn't compare because you can call shots, so you just have to worry about getting it to it, while in range its posible that you spend 8 shots in someone and doesn't even destroy a limb because every shot got to a different one.
Also, people would compensate for the damage limit by using more twinlinks... And i would hate it because, like dutch senpai i want to see the diversity of designs.
Also, your mech ended up very cool man, congratulations for it, i can't wait to see the cool battles it an cause.
Nah, it just a specialization of the autism variant that is more common in this quest: Mecha Engineer Autism.
Having many loadouts is a good choice, so that you can change them between battles...Huh, is there a limit to it, or should i start creating my own loadouts for the Walkure?
Not as big as you think. The dodge can be an issue, quick gives you a reroll in case you miss. Burst also requires you to hit a certain number to get the most of it. For burst three, you need to beat their dodge by three. It's also incredibly expensive. In the end, it's a case of 2 rolls or 3 rolls to get results on one action.
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Also, it may be too late for this, but, yeah, you can have Beta Armor, you just need to be someone from the factions that have it.
I'd recommend playing as the Bluegill pilot that avoided the Tarrasque shots and pinned it down with glue, i don't know who was behind that helmet, but whomever may be, he or she sounded verry cool and deserving of a promotion... So why not giving them a real elite mook mecha?
True. It really exposes a lot of flaws in the Mekton System, huh?

Despite your position that people would make samey builds, we've already got several people making high mobility melee Mechs with extremely damaging weapons. Restricting kills might get them to diversify or at least make them pay more to keep the heavy melee focus.

I don't particularly care which way it goes anymore though.
Could someone repost the actualized version of the Pilots? And your robots pastebins if possible? It would be easier to have them at hand if we create a Tourney Mech Discussion Thread;
Also do someone remember our waifu's 80s themes? If i'm remembering right it should be....
Karen- I Need a Hero
Rosita- China Girl
Sam- Killer Queen
Fatima- Piano Man

But what about Clemmy and Lori?

I was thinking on giving "Maniac" for Lori as "She dances like she never danced before".
Pro tip, search for pastebin in your history. Thats how I do it.
Thanks senpai, now i'm questioning myself on how i didn't think that before...

Also... What do i do if my history was erased...?
Start watching porn in incognito mode for a start. After that just get what you can and see what else is needed.
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Hehehehe, i was kidding senpai.
>no weird porn in any of the tabs
Step it up brazil.
Last pastebin I post in this thread for the Libra


Added the total cost and weight for each configuration. Also added a custom bayonet for the CROWE. Now I just need to get everything like it is in the Rogues Gallery pastebin for easy reading.
Why last post? What aboutr the final version in Rogues Gallery's format?

So, while we wait for the next session...

What do you guys plann on doing about the Morgana and her Knights? And do you think that the skulls children will surrender after her defeat?

Also, do you plann on letting Clemmy on watch over Josiah even if Mikael attack us?

For me, its pretty obvious that he won't just stand there while Roarke humiliate Morgana in combat, he is probably going to rush on us to try and save her, and then Clemmy will wnat a piece of him.

Meanwhile, Josiah will be free to burn all the data, even if the Knights try to put a fight against him.

About the orphans... Idk what to think after the Naomi thing, guys. They are probably going to follow her now or be deluded about Avalon, so i guess that we may have a chance of anexing them... If Cesar and Naomi don't decide on turning them on us or something, but i doubt they would try.

And there is the matter of what we are going to do with Cleander and the new avalonian ship. I'm in favor of keeping the Cleander as a simbol of good faith with their crew for taking or side, or maybe scraping it for CP and using that to reinforce the Goshawk, which could be piloted by them anyway as it is still without captain... But i don't know about what to do with the avalonian, as its canonfire seems powerfull as it is concentrated in one side, but reinforcing the Lori's may create an special upgraded avalonian vessel or something as their technology differ from us... So i'm not certain yet.

Anyway, i don't really think we are going to get out of this without a fight, it would be too easy, and even if its possible, i see it as highly improbable...

What do you guys think?
The grand situation depends on a few variables; how stupid Jesus is, how intelligent Joshua is, and how deep the bonds between Morgan and Mikael are. Jesus being stupid will determine the short term outside. If he blindly attacks Naomi or the Kestrels, then the situation will go south for him and his. Likewise if he fully alienates Soul A, including those who support Soul A then there is a chance that those who side with Caesar and Naomi would defect as well. Best case scenario; 5 on 1 in terms of ships. Any and all harpy child will side with Naomi if she gives the right request, or anyone who would help her, so they add onto our fire power as well.
Now, the bond between Morgana and Miki will determine the afterwards of the duel. With the hints we have been getting (you'd make a good father for the boy), their relationship may be incredibly tight. Not killing her and asking him if he wants us to spare her as a son while offering standard surrender procedure may just have him back down and agreed. Especially if we want to assist Naomi and Caesar.
The final clincher will be Josiah. As it is, he's going to see the situation going south really fast. Especially if both Jesus and Lysa start attacking Kestrels. If we take Morgana, Miki and the knight leaders without conflict, the fight goes incredibly poorly for him. Losing the S-Slayer would be bad for him, and the fact they attacked first makes things even harder. If he attacks, then the chance of every SOUL machine being taken by the Kestrels rises dramatically and just makes them even more dangerous while the Jovians lose their ace core. No, Josiah would be smart. He'd back off, get his forces to fall back, and try to keep things clean between us and them. Afterall, his machine isn't even fully finished. Why ruin his pirate killer before it was even ready?
As for the loot, I like that idea or upgrading the Yamato. The orphans can likely respect us if we treat them like humans, feed them, and maybe let them pray in Naomi's direction.
Once someone mentions Naomi isnt the lady shit will probably hit the fan.
Not exactly. The legend and religion may have her mention that she can come in other forms or the like(which makes sense with clones) and they could simply consider her a aspect of the green lady. The only one who saw her directly would be Morgana, but to the others she's a symbol of hope and not going hungry. We feed them and provide that hope and they would still likely call her mother.

And now I am picturing Pierre keeping a eye on Morganan and Miki calling him 'father'.
Unlike with most cults the lady is a real person who goes around and does stuff, I highly doubt they will buy into there being more than one of her.
If she was a normal human? Maybe. However, due to the fact she's a greenman she has likely made allowances for a lot of the shit she did. The forest is an example of this along with what her people did. Stuff like the clones could be done as avatars, puppets for her will, ect. Lots of way for her to explain her Greenman tricks to the believers after all.
How would you stat a grappling hook?
Entangling melee weapon with kills traded for range.
You can do that?
Yeah, each kill gives you 50 meters. You could trade them all to give you a straight grappling hook or only trade some of them for a melee weapon with extra range. I think you have to buy entangling for it though.
The rule is unique to weapons with the Entangle property, which is uniquely available to Melee Weapons only. By trading Kills in damage (but not structure) for range at a ratio of 1 Kill to 1 Hex, you can increase your weapon's range from the standard melee range of 0.

With regard to melee damage bonuses from limbs, I would err on the side of caution and not sacrifice any Kills that your weapon doesn't actually inherently have; the weapon should logically still be able to actually exist when demounted from the limb, and not deal -1 damage on a hit when mounted elsewhere.
so how exactly does this maneuver pool with work?
The same as luck but it recharges each fight instead of each session. Also I think the amount you get depends on your weight?
It seems to be dependent on you piloting skill, you get 1 at 6 piloting and another for each level above that.
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Piloting, actually. There are also certain Cost Multiplier Systems you can purchase to increase your Pool size by a given percentage.
That reminds me, what sort of point level are our pilots supposed to be?
I would think 16 across the board like a B-level crew. I think wong said something like that, maybe some particularly specialized dudes might get something different but dont quote me on that.
Just to be sure, IC wise Sam and Roarke are the only people aware of the Lady and Naomi's likeness being shared, not counting of course all the Avalonions that just saw her
We make rolls at 1d10+16, which means that our relevant stats and skills will be at an average of 8. I'm not sure whether you'll be allowed to deviate from the average based on the strengths and weaknesses of your pilot, but I imagine that, for the sake of balance, everything should probably just have an 8 in it - otherwise anyone who isn't at 10 Reflexes will be immediately disadvantaged.
Assuming all other stats are equal, which would be better

>Weapons: (55cp) (10t)
>Hand-Held "Huginn" Battle Axe RA 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10k, 5t, 5 Spaces, AP, Quick (20cp) Space Efficient 15 (7.5cp) (Cross-linked with >Muninn)
>Hand-Held "Muninn" Battle Axe RA 0, WA +0, 10 Kills, 10k, 5t, 5 Spaces, AP, Quick (20cp) Space Efficient 15 (7.5cp) (Cross-linked with Huginn)


>Weapons: (55cp) (10t)
>Hand-Held "Ragnarok" Greatsword RA 0, WA +0, 20 kills, 20k, 10 Space, AP Quick (40cp) Space efficiency 30 (15cp)
16 is A rank for crews. 14 is B and 12 is C. It's why even though the harpies only had a -2 to MV they were attacking at a 10.
That makes much more sense.
It is generally better to deal the same amount of damage over less attacks, as your damage will have less total effective SP to penetrate.
But i could still attack with 1 arm missing with the axes. And besides even if someone had a 6sp shield on top 6 sp armour, it would still come out to 10 kills going through total with the axes wouldn't it?
No, you would be dealing 4 damage to the limb in that case, AP halves the armor, but you still need to cut through it.
>But i could still attack with 1 arm missing with the axes
I did say 'generally'. If you want to ask about such specific criteria, you should have defined what you meant by 'better' to begin with.

>And besides even if someone had a 6sp shield on top 6 sp armour, it would still come out to 10 kills going through total with the axes wouldn't it?
No. Assuming successful Parries on every attempt, you deal 4+5+6+7 = 22 damage as both armor and shield are ablated by all 4 attacks (effective (3+3)/2 = 3 SP against the last attack).

Taking the other extreme of no Parries, you deal 7+7+8+8 = 30 damage (rounding down all fractional damage).

Contrarily, the greatsword deals 14+15 = 29 damage with all Parries successful as both armor and shield are ablated by both attacks (effective (5+5)/2 = 5 SP against the last attack).

With no Parries, it instead deals 17+17 = 34 damage.

Hence, the greatsword deals more damage in all relevant instances.
Not only is the sword cheaper overall, its more effective by a fairly significant margin. That's sad, because the axes are rad as fuck
Don't forget about the risk of someone sniping one of your arms, it would be a serious problem.
The loss of effectiveness from losing an arm can be entirely mitigated by spending 2.5 of the 6 CP he would otherwise have spent on an Interservo Melee Cross-Link to reduce the sword to 5 Spaces instead of 10.
how dost thou determine shield DA?
Its there in the shields section, you got to pay for better DA much like WA.
Judging by>>748994 he really does not have the CP to even do that. How he can do it with two weapons and a link confuses me.
by going slower

Is this a legal?
Mated Shield and Melee Weapon 10SP, DA -2, RA 0, WA +0, Kills 10, 10t, 15 Spaces, 20cp
I was also miscalculating some things, which freed up some room when corrected
seems relatively legal since it's a plain weapon, though mated weapons are two different weapons together.
True but damage dealt to one weapon is applied to both weapons, and they both have 10 kills worth of HP, so there's really no harm formatting the stats that way
Forgot to list AP on that
Don't forget to accomidate the extra 10 tons for your MV and MA.
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Oh, don't forget that you can probably have Beta armor if your character is one of the Kestrels pilots, it may not help you much to have medium beta armor against more killy opponents, but it will put all the "ablation" designs in a VERY BAD situation... And i belive that they comprise like a quarter of the mechs at this time, maybe a little bit less than that.

It will also make you imune to usual level beam guns and rocket pods or lauchers.

If you are doing that, i'd recomend you to play with the Bluegill pilot who excelled at the tarrasque battle in one of the first sessions, as he or she seems deserving of promotion but never had his/her identity revealed.
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Guys... I Think i found Clemmy's daughter...
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Seriously! Look at these eyes!
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Also, didn't we promised clemmy that we would give Morgana to her?

Is this really a good idea? We didn't torture someone that surrendered until now, and clemmy is probably going to mindbreak her or something... '-'
Ehhh, I don't think it'd be a case of mind break if she tells us everything willingly and while Clemmy likes to have fun, Morgana seems like the no fun sort of interrogation. Like a punching bag, really.
Wouldn't clemmy torture her either way? Or make up increasingly personal or secretive questions to try to make her resist and have an official motivation to break her?
Originally? Maybe. Not so much in our case. She wants to make us proud, but not be excessive either. Probably wouldn't be pleasant, but not life threatening. Besides, I kinda want to see her look at Miki. Feral to feral as it were.
>not be excessive
She got into a knife fight with us and she likes us.
A knife fight where she used it to remove our clothes for the fastest dickings. She does have control and precision with that thing.
She punched ceaser in the face when she was being nice.
Yes, near the start of the quest when wong stated that she would have initially went for the knife on a friendly. It has been quite some time since then.
Its been like a month tops. If she punches friendlies in the face what is she going to do to unfriendlies?
Far more than a month. Half a year to be precise in game time. Maybe more. Training ate up time like crazy. She also was going to go for the disable on Scarlet when she first met her even when she considered her old. So yes, I do see her causing harm, but there is a difference between a few bruises that can be fixed up to cutting off a limb or killing.
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New Thread, when? Did it begin already?
Wong doesnt normally show up until like an hour from now.
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Oh, sorry, i must have counted wrong... All the changing timezones things got me lost in time

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