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Previously On Gundam Wing Quest.


Operation Metor was kickstarted as 16 space colonies were dropped onto the earth as Heero Yui, pilot of wing gundam glassed London and irradiated Tokyo Japan as well as gaining two new prototype mobile suits.

And now, our story resumes.

Gundam Wing Quest 01: 5 Gundams Confirmed.
Previous Thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/33006826/
Character Sheet: http://pastebin.com/s8yKdK3L
Twitter: @Master_Norg

Today is April 15th AC 195 and there is only war and chaos. Treiz Kushrenada is now head of the Earth Sphere Alliance and is working on restoring order through the embittered earth sphere government while dealing with the both the militant members of the special organization group known as OZ. But you and the other gundam pilots were changing things as now earth feared the space colonies.

>Upgrades and Repairs to your Gundam are now complete

What do you wish to do Heero?
>Plan your next mission
>Gain Intel/Recon
>Spend the day with Dorothy
>Research New Technologies.
>Write in
>Gain Intel/Recon
Let's see how our fancier new suit handles before researching even more tech. Intelligence is always useful.
Rolled 3

>Gain Intel/Recon
>Plan your next mission

Let's look for a lynchpin to make the Earth Alliance less stable. Something to make them focus more on beating up each other and trying to regain order rather than focus on the Gundams.
>>Plan your next mission
I think we need to find strategic goals to accomplish rather than disruptions to OZ/Earth Alliance at the tactical level.

Like toasting Treize or Lady Une, or a good command-level decapitation.
Une is in space.

Treize well if we kill him now then Zechs takes charge, and we don't want that.

I think the only major player we know who's left of OZ is Sally Poe
Or disrupt their power bases so Trieze can't muster together the scrambled Earth Alliance as well as he should.
>>Plan your next mission
No rest for the wicked.

>Plan your next mission.

>Updating Mission Listings

>Mission List


>Paris France: Destroy Earth Federation/OZ Mobile Suit Production Factory

>Lyon France: Destroy OZ Medical Research facility on possible new Medical technologies.

>Panama Canal:Kill OZ Major Sally Poe

>Hannover Germany: Assault the OZ Special's Base/Destroy The major European Muster Point

>Dubai: Destroy The Earth Sphere Arabian League Headquarters and Oil Refinery's.

>Alaska/Canada Border: Destroy the Trans American/Canadian Oil Pipeline

>Hong Kong: Destroy Victoria Harbor

>Signapore: Destroy the Supply base/Reinforcement Center

>ST.Petersburg Russia: Destroy the Russian Mobile Suit Hub/Earth Sphere Federation Control Center

>Lake Victoria: Destroy the Lake Victoria Mobile Suit Base/OZ-Earth Federation Mines

>Sierra Lyone: Destroy The African Mining Operations and cut off supply routes through the african continent.

>Houston Texas: Destroy the American Linear Catapault

>San Diego California: Destroy the Earth Sphere Alliance Naval Corp Headquarters and Cripple All Naval actions

>Write in
>Paris France
Lets make sure they stop building.
>>>Lake Victoria: Destroy the Lake Victoria Mobile Suit Base/OZ-Earth Federation Mines
>>Lake Victoria: Destroy the Lake Victoria Mobile Suit Base/OZ-Earth Federation Mines
Let's do this!

Don't we get upgrades from this like we did last time we planned? Where's the list of that?
>Lake Victoria: Destroy the Lake Victoria Mobile Suit Base/OZ-Earth Federation Mines

Let's cut this loose link
As an Experiment I'll detail the possible Rewards during your detailed mission briefing. If that doesn't work I'll go back to the format I was planning on using for this quest.
>Paris France: Destroy Earth Federation/OZ Mobile Suit Production Factory

lessen the numbers game
>>Hannover Germany: Assault the OZ Special's Base/Destroy The major European Muster Point

Some things just need to be gotten rid of.
Rolled 17


Hmm, I'll give it a shot also. Prefer the old way but perhaps I may like this one also.

>Paris France

I'm a blueball you BOSS ENCOUNTER people.
>Houston Texas: Destroy the American Linear Catapault
Denying access to space is critical for waging war when your nation is space-based.
Lots of missions here...good ones too

>Huston Texas: That space catapault needs to go down hard
>Paris France: Destroy Earth Federation/OZ Mobile Suit Production Factory
Continue crippling their production. We can take out their star troops after another upgrade or two.
Rolled 16

Whenever we meet a fellow Colony Gundam pilot, we're gonna need to be BROS and stick together. No divided drama bullshit like what happen in the TV series and movies a few times.

Except Wu Fei, at the end we kill that little fuck. Unless he grows up and stops his SHOW ME MAH JUSTICE crap.
>Write in

North Pole
>Destroy the Polar Observatory/Communication Facility's.

Let's blind these fuckers
Also, since the true Operation Meteor is happening, that means that we'll have the real Trowa Barton instead of the imposter. So that should be all sorts of interesting.
>>Hannover Germany: Assault the OZ Special's Base/Destroy The major European Muster Point

Cut off as many big heads of the snake as we can. None of this "defanging the snake".

Now how do we prevent OZ space forces from threatening the colonies?
what makes you so sure?
Just wishful hoping, really. But I'd like it to be the case.
Rolled 16


OH yeah! I totally forgot about that, it'll be interesting in seeing that happen but I think I'd still prefer No-Name instead of the real one.
>>Dubai: Destroy The Earth Sphere Arabian League Headquarters and Oil Refinery's.

I just finished reading Part 0, I love you all, I've been laughing for the past thirty minutes like a maniac.
>>Dubai: Destroy The Earth Sphere Arabian League Headquarters and Oil Refinery's.>GUNDAM ENCOUNTER!!!

If a gundam shows up here, then we can ignore it, right?

Voting instead for

>Houston Texas: Destroy the American Linear Catapault
Lets go for Lake Victoria!

I never thought I'd play in a quest with an MC more evil than Risa... glad i was wrong
>Lake Victoria

We're ready, let's fuck them up and annihilate any of Noin's remaining students.

Zechs will pull a reverse CCA by the time we're done with his life.
>>Lake Victoria: Destroy the Lake Victoria Mobile Suit Base/OZ-Earth Federation Mines

I feel like we're not even Heero anymore, we've become this horrific Yazan/Ali-Al-Saachez hybrid, meant to do nothing but murder and VIOLATE.
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>San Diego California: Destroy the Earth Sphere Alliance Naval Corp Headquarters and Cripple All Naval actions
Cure for cancer, yadda, yadda, yadda.

>Panama Canal:Kill OZ Major Sally Poe
>Only reward is killing off a side character
>No other benifits

Well, getting straight to it I see.

>Mission confirmed!
Writing up your briefing now.
Get ready Zechs, this is gonna hurt.
Rolled 1

I'm not saying that Victoria wouldn't have won anyways, but I think we got some samefag'in going on in this thread.
Eh, it could be worse, at least he's not some asshole who always leaves his dice on.
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Rolled 19


Yeah, I hate that asshole too. Fuckin' shitcunt he is.
>Data Uplink with colonies server established…
>Downloading Data
>Lake Victoria Base. Eastern Africa.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PWp7L6FV0g Briefing music

Your Target for this mission is the Lake Victoria Base and Mining Platform, this base serves three major purposes.

One, it’s one of the main muster points for The earth federation’s/Oz’s African forces, two it’s also a training facility for Oz’s elite branch known as SPECIALS under the command of Lucretzia Noiin who you killed during Operation Meteor and lastly it’s also the sight of a mineral and resource mine.

Your mission is to completely destroy the base but be advised. The base is now under the command of Zechs Maquise, who is known as the Lightning Count.

>Mission Rewards
>Missile Data: Anti MS-Flachette
>Missile Data: Chaffe/EM-Jammer
>Overboost System Level Up
>Terrain Upgrade Jungle and Aquatic
>Beam Weapon Research
>Mineral Resources
>Experimental Data on Beam and Energy Data
>Research Data Mobile Doll Virgo.
>Unlock Wing Gundam Variant Research
Sweet Jesus these upgrades

>Unlock Wing Gundam Variant Research

Gentlemen... we RIDE!
>Unlock Wing Gundam Variant Research

We picked right gents.

Let's hit our boosters at maximum safe speed and fuck this base as hard as we can.
>Those sweet, sweet rewards
They're so good because we're probably going to get our shit kicked in.

But Heero don't care! Let's go all London/Tokyo on Lake Victoria!
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Yeah, and all we have to do is defeat fake Char's fake custom Zaku.

Time to get roundhouse kicked by an inferior suit, guys!
I'm hoping we get the Renascita. Yes, I know that's not even the slightest in continuity. Neither are Sundowner's swords. We can do whatever we want.

Speaking of the Pandemonium swords, can we combine them to the pincer claw yet, or is that the next level of Red Sun that we turned down last time upgrades were available? At what point do we get the reactive armor sub-arms? Because even though those actually wouldn't work very well with how we're building the Wing, I still really like them.
I forget specific times but I think in the anime Zechs has a week~month to get accustomed to the Talgeese.
Its been two days. Fucker will have a heart attack even trying to keep up with us.
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Fuck off. Tallgeese a beau.
>Fenice Rinascita

One step at a time Anon, first we get the Fenice, then we get the Rinascita.

The hanger alarm was blaring as you were now in your pilot suit and typing up telemetry data.

"Linear Catapault Voltage levels OK!" A voice yelled out as now the Wing gundam was slightly floating above the ground as Dorothy's face appeared on your view screen

"Return to me safely Heero."

"Mission Accepted..." You say to her as you pressed your foot down on a pedal, as now you were launched into the air at sub-sonic speeds only to kickstart your Afterburners to fly straight towards Lake Victoria.

LV 2 allows you to go Pincer mode, LV3 Turns your Blades into a Anti-MS Buster Sword.
>first we get the Fenice
We need to get served by Zechs or the Gundam pilots, then. Fenice is Exia R1.
Aw, no shields? Well, I guess they're not really necessary at all and would just get in our way. I still like them, though.
Hey man, I actually love the Tallgeese, and it's deriviate, the Leo.

The problem is that Zechs is such an obvious Char clone, that Tallgeese is basically Wing's MS-06S
To be fair, you now have a beam shield emitter built into the shield of your gundam.
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>Inferior Suit

Get out.
Right, that's why I said "not at all necessary". We have phase shift armor, too. On top of gundanium plating. We're not hurting for defenses. I just like how they look.
Inferior to its contemporaries? No. Inferior to the Wing? Yes. Especially compared to our bastard hybridized Super Wing with technology from multiple continuities, one of which isn't even a Gundam series.
Rolled 5

Meh, I'm not excited at all for Fenice (if that's the Variant NORG is talking about). I'd just prefer good ol' Wing Zero as the new suit. Then we kill a shit ton of birds and slap the feathers on to be Wing Zero Custom.

I think the animation in SRW Z3 made me fall in love with it again.
>Our MC in Wing Zero
Absolutely, bowel wateringly terrifying.
Lake Victoria Base.

"The mood was somber as Noin's students were still in a state of mourning... to them she was more than just a hard assed but caring CO, She was a friend, a mother and in the case of Zech's. the pain was much much worse.

The Tallgeese was adorned in Noin's Personal Colors of Black and Violet while the shield had a white stripe painted across to symbolize the Special's.

"Commander Zechs!" A person yelled out as he keeled over panting.. "Something's coming in fast....it's a mobile suit I've never seen before!" The officer said before Zechs looked towards the Tallgeese only to head towards the suit.

"Noiin...Releena... Today I shall avenge you both"

You however were gripping the control stick's tightly... The reinforcement to the frame as well as special Anti-G force padding to your Pilot suit made the Ride berable.

>Lake Victoria Base ETA 1 Hour

30 minutes left into the flight your radar pinged. There was a mobile suit and it was coming straight at you.

What will you do?
>Blast it out of the sky d20+5 15/15 shots available
>Fly past it and destroy the base
>Engage it in Mobile suit Combat
>Write in

One of the many variants you can potentially unlock As we speak I'm trying to look for any and all unique Wing gundams.Succeed in this mission and you'll start on path to unlock new Wing Gundams.
Rolled 19 + 5

>Blast it out of the sky d20+5 15/15 shots available
Let's not even give him a chance to fight us. Just to be extra dickish.
Rolled 86

>Fire three shots
Rolled 2 + 5

>Blast it out of the sky d20+5 15/15 shots available

2 in the chest
1 in the head
Rolled 7 + 5

Let's pop off a shot before we engage. If our aim is good enough, we can solve this right now.


>Fly past it and destroy the base

We want Zechs angry and unfocused

Murder that fucking base, burn it to the ground.
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Rolled 18 + 5

>>Blast it out of the sky d20+5 15/15 shots available
Rolled 7 + 5

>Blast it out of the sky d20+5 15/15 shots available

obligatory 5th roll
19+5=24 Astounding Success!

Your new and improved buster rifle charged up in no time as you saw the Mobile suit flying towards you, but what was shocking was the data that came up.

It was the Tallgeese. The first ever mobile suit... In some ways it's a relic of the past but in other ways the tallgeese could still outperform at least a large majority of current mobile suits.

"This isn't even a challenge." You say as you pulled the trigger blasting the Tallgeese, only to see it fall to the ground before your eyebrow arched as the smoke cleared. The legs were seriously damaged and you outright destroyed it's leg-based missile pods and Dober Gun.

"So...you're the one who killed them.." Zechs said quietly as he pulled a lever down.

>Limiters Disabled.
>Hyper Overboost System Engaged!

The thrusters of tallgeese began to glow a dull red, before shifting to a bright blue as a loud sonic boom occurred out of nowhere, the tall geese was gone.

"What the?"

>Head to the base now
>D20+4 MOVE!!
>"Running away? No wonder you're called the lightning count... you can't even last a minute...'
>Write in
Rolled 3 + 4



Jesus fuck Zechs is out for blood


We're dealing with a Kaioken mode Tallgeese
>Head to the base now
We're already fucking OP as shit, we need Zechs to come back so we can have SOME kind of challenge.

Burn that base, head back to Dorothy.
Rolled 20 + 4

>D20+4 MOVE!!


Shame he'll face my Nat 20.
Continue to base. Mission first, pleasantries after.
...are we a fucking NEWTYPE?!


Dice Gods be praised!
Rolled 4 + 4

>D20+4 MOVE!!
>"Running away? No wonder you're called the lightning count... you can't even last a minute...'

these can be combined
We're never going to see a super Tallgeese.
Rolled 11 + 4

Please tell me you're the same guy that called his Nat 20 in the last thread.

That would be fucking hilarious.

We should add in LAUGHTER as we miraculously dodge.
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May I point you to


And yes, yes I am. Hell I'm afraid to roll anymore.
Precognative Success!!

You swore you could see the Tallgeese in it's hyper overboosted state moving in slow motion

"I laughed when I shot down that shuttle in space..." You said, your voice now on open comms as you roundhouse kicked Tallgeese into the air before your Blood-lust Anti-MS Swords emerged from their hip sheathes and you cut off the Tallgeese's legs in one fell swoop.

"I laughed when I shot down that woman.." You said while avoiding a headbutt with the grace of an bullfighter

"AND I'M LAUGHING AT YOU!" You maniacally cackled as you activated your own overboost system and kicked the damaged tallgeese so hard that it's boosters and arms flew off and exploded.

"DAMMN YOUUU!?" Zechs screamed out from the cockpit before clutching his chest as blood spurted from his mouth and nose as what remained of the tallgeese flew at supersonic speeds into the ocean.

"Now then... the mission awaits." You said as you flew towards the base.

>Anti MS Guns in range
>Anti MS Missle Pillboxes in range
>Anti MS Experimental Railguns are in place.

>How do you want to deal with this
>Blast them
>Fly by them and attack the base directly
>You are become death, destroyer of all Cut them down with your beam swords

>Do you wish to activate Phase Shift Armor?
>>You are become death, destroyer of all Cut them down with your beam swords
>>Do you wish to activate Phase Shift Armor?

yes. this Heero does not wear condoms because there is no protection from this Heero
>>You are become death, destroyer of all Cut them down with your beam swords
>>Do you wish to activate Phase Shift Armor?
These. No mercy, only Murder.
Rolled 13


So Zechs will still live. That's good, I was afraid that 20 would kill him already!

>You are become death, destroyer of all Cut them down with your beam swords
>Activate Phase Shift Armor.

Duo ain't got shit on us.
First things first. Shoot the area where Tallgeese fell with a full beam cannon blast.

That motherfucker is staying down permanently.
Rolled 9 + 5

>>Blast them
Did we just pull a char kick on char?
You know, I can't remember: Did Zechs ever do a Char Kick?
not to my recollection but he rip an MS in half
Rolled 10


Only cure for Cancer is Tallgeese.
More like you preformed Akuma's Ultra 2
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>"I am here to kill you Treiz"
>"I have given up on humanity, Heero. I have spent my many months here creating a Gundam that can perform the Dark Hadou"

>Phase Shift Armor has been activated

Sheathing your Anti MS Swords two beam sabers emerged from compartments hidden within your gundam's arms as now the bright bluish green blades of hyper-ionized plasma energy emerged.

>Attack the Railguns
>Attack the Missiles
>Attack the Guns
>Go Crazy
>Make a statement -Overboost and start slashing the area
>Finish the mission...cut this base down...literally
>Write in

D20+6 Best of 5 wins
>Finish the mission...cut this base down...literally
Rolled 8 + 6

>Make a statement -Overboost and start slashing the area...cut this base down...literally

We love making statements.

And I love rollin'
Rolled 15 + 6

>Finish the mission...cut this base down...literally
Rolled 18 + 6

Rolled 5 + 6

>Go Crazy
>Make a statement -Overboost and start slashing the area
>Finish the mission...cut this base down...literally
Rolled 6 + 6

>Go crazy

Rolled 16 + 6


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Rolled 8 + 6

>>Go Crazy
Rolled 10 + 6


You were going to complete this mission by the razors edge in a literal sense. Your beam sabers cutting down the bases defenses as people scrambled to get to their mobile suit's.

You didn't even give them a chance to sortie as you attacked the hangars, med bays. in 30 minutes the Lake Victoria base was ruins and you were laughing for every second of it.

>Leave and head home... you've done enough
>Blast the Lake to ash with a Max powered shot
>Write in
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>Blast the Lake to ash with a Max powered shot

hat trick
Rolled 18

>Blast the Lake to ash with a Max powered shot

Not enough dickery yet. Needs more.
Blast that bitch
Rolled 4 + 6


Blow up the Nalubaale Hydroelectric Power Station.
>Blast the Lake to ash with a Max powered shot
Was there ever really a question?

You needed to make this statement clear as you soared upwards to a good distance laughing loudly as you blasted Lake Victoria to nothing more than ash. But you didn't stop there no

You even went for the nearby hydro-electrical powerplant to boot and the mining refinery plants.

The alliance's eastern african operations are all but dead.


As you flew off back towards the base deep in the ocean Zechs was alive...but barley, his vision was blurry and red as more blood seeped out of his mouth.

>Zechs Merquise has been incapacitated

>Gained the following Data/Items!

>Missile Data: Anti MS-Flachette
>Missile Data: Chaffe/EM-Jammer
>Overboost System Level Up
>Terrain Upgrade Jungle and Aquatic
>Beam Weapon Research
>Mineral Resources
>Experimental Data on Beam and Energy Data
>Research Data Mobile Doll Virgo.
>Unlock Wing Gundam Variant Research

>Work on Research/Data
>Check up on the other gundams
>Write in

if only we could have sex on top of Releena and or Noin's grave, film it, and send it to Zechs
Rolled 4


then if we got time

>Work on Research/Data
>Fly to space
>find Relena's space corpse
>bring to earth
>find Noin's grave
>Desecrate everything
>Work on Research/Data
Always a priority.
In retrospect, vaporizing them was short sighted. Oh well, we can't have it all.

>Check up on the other gundams
What are our brothers in mayhem doing? Have they been getting obscenely powerful upgrades for their already obscenely powerful suits, too? Because man...the other G Units could get really scary if they're advancing like we are.
>Check up on the other gundams
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Bravo, sir! You are a shining example of Spacenoid independance!
We definitely need to catch up with Dorothy.

You promised her to come back alive, and come back alive you did, though Dorothy was going over your mission data and there was something that intrigued her even more.

The way you seemingly dodged Zechs attack when he triggered that hypersonic state.

"Truly you are something else Heero Yui, Just how did you know he was going to attack?" Dorothy asked

>I just did...
>I got...lucky?
>No mobile suit can't move like that without leaving some sort of trail, and I just picked up on it at the last second
>Write in
>I just did...

there's no explaining nat 20s
>Get way too close
>Whip shirt off
>Write in
"I like to think that my ability to accomplish seemingly impossible feats is the result of sheer spite manifesting as physical reality. Not even natural law can keep me from ruining things for others. Truly, I am blessed to be the instrument by which the universe tells mankind to go fuck itself."
>I just did...
"I have become a New-Type, I need three Zero Systems installed into my Gundam".
this is definitely it.
>YFW with the sheer bullshit heero is pulling, he could take down his canon counterpart.
>>I just did...

Who wants to say this version of Heero is alot more than just human
Bitch please, I'd take a Psychoframe + Fin Funnels/Fuckton of normal Funnels over 3 Zero Systems any day of the week.

I thought the Nu Gundam was way better than Unicorn, probably because the Nu Gundam isn't just for show.
>>I just did...
We're a newtype psychopath
Hell, at this point we could take down Kira or Banagher, that's how terrifying we are. Plot armor means nothing to us.
I never watched that series.

If I was going to consider any serious upgrades I would give him a Wing-Zero/Epyon level mobile-suit, give it Hyper Mode and three Solar Engines.
Rolled 5

>No mobile suit can't move like that without leaving some sort of trail, and I just picked up on it at the last second

Oh and me callin' that 20.
it had to end sooner or later. nobody bats a thousand

"I just...did." You say only to give Dorothy a small shrug as she let out a slight chuckle as once more she straddled you before gently poking your nose.

"That just proves my point you are becoming something more than human, maybe it's your training or perhaps it's written into your very DNA to be a pilot, you are a true gundam Pilot Heero." Dorothy cackled

"My...associates are taking the resources from the mines...don't worry, nothing will come back to us.

>Good... -kiss her nose before checking out the status of the other pilots

>What are you getting at?

>Hug Dorothy and check up on upgrades/research

>I promised you I'll come back but first...I think something else needs to be done -Pin Dorothy onto the bed and fade to black-

>Watch the news/get intel on the political situation

>Write in

Quest discussion question. What tech do you hope to see in this quest?)
naw i don't think we could outright take down the regenerating time traveling bullshit that is banana.
kira maybe though.
>Good... -kiss her nose before checking out the status of the other pilots
duty before booty

and how about GPOA2 Nuke Bazooka?
>>Good... -kiss her nose before checking out the status of the other pilots
we gotta keep our head in the game a bit.
Well, I'd expect it to be mostly things that can be derived from After Colony technology. We're already pushing the limit in what upgrades we've made, I don't think we can take it much farther before things get stupid. I'd expect things from here on out to be mostly refinements of things that already exist rather than totally new innovations. Still room for some neat stuff, though. Off the top of my head, improved transformation technology would make sense. ECM and improved pilot interfaces are also appropriate, the Zero system exists after all. Going more out there, how about something like the field generators on the Deathscythe Hell's cloak, so we can have a supplementary defensive barrier over the entire suit?
Psycoframe allows you to control the MS directly with your brain/psychic powers. It also amps Newtype powers IIRC.
Funnels are tiny remote control drones that you use to swarm people with laser spewing death machines from all angles.

Fin Funnels are actually Bits, which basically lager version with generator, this gives Fin Funnels a longer operating time, as well as more versatility and power. The Fin Funnels allow you to make a barrier shield with them too, as a defensive measure. All this comes at the expense of a larger size and cost. Compare the 6 Fin Funnels on the Nu Gundam to the 10 Funnels on the Qubeley, or the whopping *30* on the MP type.
I wonder what the other gundam pilots think of us?
Rolled 16

>I promised you I'll come back but first...I think something else needs to be done -Pin Dorothy onto the bed and fade to black-

I'm quite surprised no one's voted for it.


Oh I wasn't calling for it that post. Calling out like that usually gets you a Nat 1, The Call™ must be used at the right time and place to please the Dice Gods.

You decided to check on the status of the other pilots, they were pretty much moving slowly, but wherever they went it was something similar to your handywork but with slightly more restraint.


Treize Kushrenada was not a happy man... he was watching the combat footage of his best friend/best pilot getting outright destroyed by the gundam and then there was the pilot's seemingly supernatural perception.

"Who is that pilot? " Treize snarled as he looked at the resting body of Zechs merquise. It was nothing short of a divine miracle that he was still alive after traveling at hypersonic speeds and intense gravitational forces.

Treize's day was going to get worse as one of the soliders saluted him

"Chairman Treize! Reports are coming in from the Romafeller remnants in space! Directive 21 has passed and the Mobile Doll timetable has been pushed upwards sir!"

"...Damnit! Do these fools not understand, that if we take the man out of war...it becomes a meaningless waltz of worthless and senseless battles." Treize said with a sigh before looking towards Zechs.

"Rest well old friend...I will need you now more than ever."

>What do you wish to do?
>Spend Time with dorothy
>Upgrade your Gundam/resarch
>Wrire in
>Upgrade your Gundam/resarch
We can't stop until we've made the Turn A. Photonovel Turn A, not anime. I won't be happy until we can wage war against entire star systems single-handedly.
>Spend Time with dorothy

I believe victory fucking is order

I gotta call it here for me, almost 5am here.

g'night, glass an orphanage for me
So what, we're gonna teleport our buster rifle shots directly into the enemy's cockpit now?

The quest will end with Laughing Heero using Moonlight Butterfly on the Colonies, after destroying most of Earth.
Rolled 4

>Upgrade your Gundam/resarch

Then we can Victory Fuck before the next mission.
I picture the quest ending with Earth a eternal battlefield setting stuff up for frozen teardrop
I'm sorry to say that I must call the thread here for now, I feel the odin sleep coming for me.

It looks like this thread will be a 2 parter
i can understand that
sleep well NORG.
It's fine, we're at a fairly natural place to stop, having just gotten back from a slaughter. I mean mission. So let's just have the next thread be its own thing and not a continuation of this one. Anyway, this was fun (if horrifying that we enjoyed doing such things). See you next time, NORG.
I seriously need to work on a questing schedule.

Thread is archived http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/33055989/

Feel free to discuss, plot throw ideas for potential Tech Tree Layouts and such as well as bring up potential wing gundam variants.

As of right now you're barley on the way to creating another wing gundam if not just scarcely scratching the surface on the build fighters variant path.
But I will say this, that nat 20 dodge... Highlight of the fucking thread

We need a drawfag for Laughing heero using wing gundam and tatsumaki senpukyakuing tallgeese
Also before I resume my pilliar man sleep

There will be weapons based upon the other members of Desperado, and other items.

Can we say potential Metal Gear Gundam-REX/RAY?
Horrible combo idea, DODS Rifle +00 Trans am

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