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!rtcFUbR5dY 02/26/11(Sat)21:50 No.14055959 File1298775019.jpg-(96 KB, 800x600, nice pad.jpg)
 Discovering a ruined tower, built by the long-vanished Empire that once kept order in this land, we were set upon by bandits - who in turn were set upon by us! Having been bested, they offered council about the country surrounding us. South was the great southern swamp and beyond them the great southern waste. West was the old kingdom of Ahn, which surely lies crumbling around the tomb of its dead king.
East, however, lay the mountains, and the treasures of the Empire that were hidden in its vaults at the end of the last great age. Centuries of thieves may have picked the vaults clean, but yet tales hold that some great relics may still be found there, and so we set out for the mountains and their secrets. |