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It's time, and I lack a suitable image.
Past threads: http://pastebin.com/uMT2kb5q
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Saxton_0
Related Steam group worth checking out: http://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791435338813
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have an image for free
no bully tho
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Remove the Ragu.
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Good to go boss :^)
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>maybe the 27th time I ask they'll let me interject my fetishes into the quest
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There's no "Maybe" here, thought. It's just "No."
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I want /u/ to leave.
Shit, sorry for the massive delay.

[ ] Ryuuko
[ ] Satsuki
>[x] Ryuuko
>implying anyone remembers who we chose last
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>[x] Ryuuko


Only thing I remember is that it's time
>[ ] Ryuuko
She's like the protagonist, so yeah.

>[X] Ryuuko
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>"Only if you ask nicely, dear."
You're flying in the direction Inumuta has pointed you to. Ragyou shouldn't be too far.

"So, what do you make of what Hououmaru said about dad? She seems to know something.", you ask.

"It's possible that she was merely trying to distract us. Ignoring her statement was the wise thing to do. Then again, he did head to the manor. Something must've happened there.", Satsuki answers.

You sigh. "Honestly, I'm not sure how to feel. On one hand, I want to kick his ass for hurting Nui and running off at a vital time like this, but I can't help but worry about him, too. He's not a great parent, but he sure as hell beats Ragyou. That, and we share a common goal."

"Perhaps we can get some more information from Ragyou. If she was in the mansion at the time he went there, it's highly likely she knows what happened."

"More like, it's highly likely she's behind it. Oh, look!"

Ahead of you on the horizon is a massive orange blob. One could think it's the sun, if it wasn't the middle of the night. No, it can only be one thing. You exchange looks with Satsuki.

[ ] Charge straight at Ragyou
[ ] Approach cautiously

>[X] Charge straight at Ragyou

We don't exactly have anything to hide behind if we approach, they're getting just as much as a view of us as we are of them. And they have much more to prepare themselves with.
>[ ] Approach cautiously

Let's be real. Jobmaru is probably going to leap out of nowhere to intercept us from the side if we charge right in. We'll probably kill her in one hit, but still.
>[ ] Charge straight at Ragyou
Stick us in that cage will you?!
>[x] Charge straight at Ragyou

>[x] Approach cautiously

>[x] Approach cautiously
When has charging straight ever worked?
>[ ] Approach cautiously
>[x] Approach cautiously
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As much as you want to bash Ragyou's face in, charging straight at her would probably be a bad idea. Besides, the real fight doesn't begin until the Three-Stars arrive. You need to pace yourselves, and buy them time.

You move in fast, but not as fast as you would otherwise. Ragyou smirks as you close in.

"That's far enough, Ragyou!", Satsuki says.

"I see you're back to wearing those awful outfits." She sighs with a shrug. "I suppose teenage rebellion can't be helped. Now, if you excuse me, I am busy driving."

She still has the nerve to crack jokes after what she's done to you?

[ ] Attack her
[ ] Taunt her
>[ ] Taunt her

Counter bait
>[x] Taunt her
>[x] Custom

Yo momma jokes or bust
>[ ] Attack her
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>[x] Taunt her
"Are we nearly there yet? Are you going to turn this life fiber around?"
>[x] Taunt her
>[ ] Taunt her
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>[x] Taunt her
Ryuuko a best taunter
[ ] Taunt her
"Yo mama's so slutty, she got fired from the sperm bank for drinking on the job!"
>drinking on the job

I can't breathe, anon
No, you need to calm down. She wants to piss you off. You should be trying for the opposite, instead.

"You mock our Kamui, but what are you wearing yourself? Always the same outfit! It's ugly as all hell, too!"

"It's elegant, and practical.", she answers nonchalantly.

How is this thing elegant, let alone practical? Regardless, this isn't working. You have to keep trying.

"Oh, I bet it's practical! For touching yourself, that is! That's probably how you came up with that disappearing clothes thing in the first place!"

Ragyou examines her fingernails. "I won't deny that. It's saddening to hear such vile language from a seventeen year old girl, however."

You glance at Satsuki. She's giving you a disconcerted look. This really isn't working.

[ ] Attack
[ ] Ask Satsuki for help
[ ] Say something dumb
>[ ] Say something dumb
>[x] Say something dumb
Has a button ever been shinier?
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>[ ] Say something dumb
I can't say no to this.
>[ ] Say something dumb

This is really the only way.
>[ ] Say something dumb
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>[x] Say something dumb
>[X] Say something dumb

We've been training for this our whole lives.
>I won't deny that

I'm out of thumbnails to use to describe mfw
and posting actual, proper images just seems kinda lame
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>and posting actual, proper images just seems kinda lame
literally worse than Nui
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>[x] Say something dumb

This isn't going to be anything new
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>[X] Say something dumb

What's the worst that could happen
It's only funny the first 8 times.
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No chance of a happy family now?
>Life Fiber Stalin
>Life Fiber Hitler
>Three daughters with fucked up childhoods
You tell me.
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If you alter the definitions for family and happy enough sure.

Also Ragyou could end up stylizing our wills and are minds till they match hers again.
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How bad could some foolish words be for us?
You need something better, way better. You strain every fiber of your being in search of it. The Life Fibers, too.

"Well... uh..." It's difficult, really difficult. "Uh..."

You feel Satsuki's hand on your shoulder. "Ryuuko, this isn't the time."

She looks at Ragyou with a sharp, piercing gaze. "What happened to father?"

"Souichirou? Nothing, really. He's recently had an epiphany, so to speak.", Ragyou answers with a grin.

"A what?", you ask.

"He's realized the futility of his previous goal... and is now assisting me in mine."

"What?!" That's ridiculous!

"Don't lie, Ragyou.", Satsuki says through gritted teeth. "Your goal is the exact opposite of his. What did you do to him?!"

Ragyou spreads her arms, and shakes her head. "Have I ever lied to you, girls? Your father understands that my plan is the best way out of this situation. Perhaps it's time you realized this, as well."

You look at Satsuki.

"Would he really do that?", you ask her telepathically.

"No, of course not. She must've manipulated him somehow. That, or she's flat out lying. Pay it no mind, Ryuuko."

You turn your attention back to Ragyou. She still has that stupid smirk on.

"That's great to hear!", you say. "I've been looking for an excuse to add him to my shitlist after all he's done! Thanks a bunch, "mom"!"

"If he's with you, then he's against us.", Satsuki adds. "However, we will deal with you first."

Ragyou looks slightly taken aback, but mostly disappointed. "I see." Her smile returns. "Is that all? As I've mentioned, I'm pretty busy."

She feels untouchable, does she?

[ ] Attack her
[ ] Attack the Original Life Fiber
>[ ] Attack the Original Life Fiber
>[ ] Attack the Original Life Fiber

inb4 skeletons
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>[x] Attack the Original Life Fiber
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>[ ] Attack the Original Life Fiber
Fuck your shit, mom.
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>[x] Attack the Original Life Fiber
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>implying he didn't turncoat on purpose
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Oh, yeah. Forgot something.
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>Trusting the science jew
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Coldfibers will protect us from the Ragyo

And I'm out for the night.
Sweet dreams OP and everyone else.
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don't spank it to lolibutt
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Not the only butt that's gonna get spanked around here.
Good night.
Well, she can keep thinking that. She's not the real reason why you're here, after all. You're here to stall the Original Life Fiber's advance to Honnouji. The rest of your team isn't here yet, but you and Satsuki can do quite a lot yourselves.

Ragyou ignores you, and the gigantic ball of yarn starts moving again. That gives you an opening to attack.

You send a thought to Satsuki. "Why don't we just wipe that stupid grin off her face by wrecking her ride?"

"We were supposed to wait for the Devas and Mako to show up, however... Ragyou seems to be ignoring us. She believes she's already won. If we can take her by surprise thanks to that, I don't see why not."

The two of you draw your swords, and approach the back of the huge gourd. With enough force, you should be able to split it in two along the sides.

That is, if Ragyou didn't suddenly materialize in front of you, with two swords, reminiscent of the one Nui now uses.

"I don't think so."

She blocks your combined attack, and pushes both of you back, almost causing Jiyuuzan to fall out of your hand.

"If you confused my unconcerned attitude with arrogance, know that you are mistaken. I was merely under the impression you've learned by now: you can't beat me, girls."

"Oh yeah? Just watch us!"

You close in on her again, swords raised. Yet again, Ragyou blocks effortlessly, and repels you.

She seems amused by the situation. "Careful, now. I only have so much time to play around with you."

Combined attacks are evidently not going to work. You'll need to try something different.

[ ] Split up
[ ] Attack her from different directions
[ ] Continue going after the OLF
>[ ] Split up

"Hey, Satsuki, I'll split!"
"You mean, we will split, right?"
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>[x] Split up
I'm assuming that's "and keep attacking the OLF"
>[x] Split up
>[ ] Split up
>[ ] Attack her from different directions
If we keep attacking her we are sure to succeed eventually!
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>[x] Continue going after the OLF

We going for broke
>[ ] Split up
I gotta split too, need to sleep.
You guys keep doing the thing.
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hello skeleton, our old friend
op is kill post crazy crossovers
oh god

Dat sylveon
It's only been a week, but you've really missed wearing a Three-Star uniform. Not just because of the power it grants. It's proof of how far you've made it.

You never imagined going to a delinquent den of a middle school would pull you into a chain of events like this. Still, given the chance, you would make the same choice again. You're exactly where you were meant to be.

"So, do we still need to carry the Super Suction Savers around? It would be boring if we got those cool new uniforms and still had to use those things to fight!", Mankanshoku vocalizes.

It didn't occur to you, but it is a good question. It's a shame she asked it out loud, instead of contacting Iori.

"Hey, seamstress.", Jakuzure speaks into her earpiece.

"Who, me?", Harime replies.

"No, the other one."

"I would really appreciate it if you stopped calling me that.", Iori answers. "What do you want?"

"Please tell me we don't have to use those suction-whatevers to fight COVERS anymore."

"You don't, in fact. The new uniforms have been designed with combating COVERS in mind. Your attacks will disrupt their structure, causing them to eject their host."

"...Why didn't you include this in the Two-Star uniforms?" Slowly but surely, Jakuzure is getting worked up.

"It was a recent development, and one of the reasons why it took so long to make those uniforms. You were already instructed on the other."

The other being Life Fiber Overdrive, of course. It should prove useful in the upcoming battle.

Jakuzure sighs. "Fine, whatever."

"The COVERS are getting close.", Sanageyama says. "I was hoping we would get to debut our uniforms in the fight against the Director, but..."

"Are you trying to impress somebody, Sanageyama?", Inumuta asks. He receives no response.
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So can we avoid jobbing as Monkey or will we keep that tradition alive?
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For some reason I only drew this recently,even though the event that inspired it was quite a few threads ago
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looks like some shirts need hugs

dammit ryuuko and satsuki
"We must not waste any more time!", you exclaim. "Let us deal with this quickly, and head where we're needed!"

"Right!" For once, you're all in agreement. The five of you stand at attention, and activate your brand new uniforms.

Tune: fairly easy to guess, I would imagine

"Three-Star Ultima Uniforms: Final Form!"

"Blade Regalia: Wondrous Enlightenment!"

"Symphony Regalia: Final Movement!"

"Probe Regalia: Truth Determination!"

"Shackle Regalia: Ego Burst!"

"Platinum Regalia: The World!"

Lightweight, extremely so. That's the first thing that comes to your mind. Also rather skimpy. Did the month spent in Nudist Beach headquarters rub off on Iori? Nevertheless, the uniform fills you with power, greater than the older iterations. What's more, you know this isn't all it's capable of.

You glance at the other four. Their new forms are similar as well-

Mankanshoku. That revealing outfit... she's barely wearing anything at all! It's a lot like her previous regalia, minus the muscle-like armor, leaving her barely covered.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS, IORI?!", you scream into your earpiece, surprising everyone around you. "YOU MADE MANKANSHOKU WEAR SOMETHING LIKE THIS?! UNACCEPTABLE!"

"Don't worry, Gamagoori-senpai!", Mankanshoku reassures you. "It's got panties underneath, see?" You rapidly avert your gaze.

"...Calm down. It's the most energy-efficient form I could come up with.", he answers.

"My ear hurts...", Harime laments. "I did think it needed more lace to make it prettier, and a bit more covering!"

"It didn't need more lace.", Iori says. "It didn't need to be pink, either. Neither did all of the other uniforms, except for Jakuzure's."


"...So, nobody's going to comment on MY outfit?", Jakuzure asks. "I mean, I've worn a Kamui before, but this might actually be skimpier."
I'm definitely going to need a pic of MAkos outfit from one of our friendly drawfags
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This guy knows what's up. Except someone else is gonna need to have priority first.
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Well, to give you an idea, here's a picture of the previous one by manfacefag, which went up in flames just like a certain talking shirt :^)
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>which went up in flames just like a certain talking shirt :^)
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>just like a certain talking shirt :^)

Well, it's 5 AM. That means THE HAPPENING will still have to wait.
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>just like a certain talking shirt :^)
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Speaking of shirts going up in flames, did no one consider using napalm on the OLF?
goodnight op
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Sounds insufficient, somehow

I suggested a contacting the US for a ship-mounted railgun a few threads back, but at least napalm could reasonably be made by NB. Or maybe a rocket that pierces through the OLF and ignites a bunch of thermite.
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Bump with adorable.

Are there any Kill la Kill characters for MUGEN? I wasn't able to find any when I looked.
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>sleeping on the job
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>"Are you trying to impress somebody, Sanageyama?"
Nonon's and Mako's outfit.
Manface plz?
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el bump
no promises because those suck
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I keep being hyped for the idea.
>Nonon's and Mako's outfit.
I'm assuming it's pretty much the same in-canon for Nonon. Mako, on the other hand...
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Whatever Mako's look like, it made Gama blush.
that and their mother would probably molest them more regularly
Starting later again, playing video games again.
It's hard work.
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OP is playing vidya, post anything.
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Posting QTs
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I think I'm gonna take a break for today full stop, actually. Apart from video games, I'd like to plan for a bit.
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We can wait, as it's gonna get 'real' real soon.

Sounds good, vacation today.
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A TRIGGER discipline bump.
It's safe, she has no clip in the gun anyway.
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Truth be told, I've been having a bit of a writer's block recently, which probably wasn't too hard to notice.
So how about this for a while?
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Yes, but I'm going to bed, so yay story time in the morning.
>hiatus quest

Anaru quest was put on ice for a week too. Wouldn't mind a brief break if you need some R&R to get the creative juices going.
something something get hype
Sure thing. Take your time.
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So, you and your sister somehow ended up in an alternate timeline, or universe, or whatever. Point is, you're not where you're supposed to be.

Thankfully, or perhaps not, this world is not too different from what you're used to. You still exist, and so does Satsuki, as well as all of your friends.

Thing is, that's where the similarities end, all because of a single event many years ago, which never happened over here.

And now, here you are, standing alongside Satsuki, facing the dire consequences of a simple misunderstanding. The fury of the other Ryuuko somehow caused her blood to literally boil. And it's not a problem only for her.
So, which one will you be?

[ ] The red one
[ ] The blue one
[ ] The one who still thinks her alternate counterpart is a raging lesbian
>[ ] The red one
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>[x] The one who still thinks her alternate counterpart is a raging lesbian
>[ ] The one who still thinks her alternate counterpart is a raging lesbian
>[ ] The one who still thinks her alternate counterpart is a raging lesbian
Shiny option
Well, how can I say no? Or you,rather.
>[ ] The red one
>[ ] The one who still thinks her alternate counterpart is a raging lesbian
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>picking two separate people
>voting 10 minutes after it's over
>Picking two choices that contradict each other
>Picking two choices after the vote is already over
They can play at being "close friends" all they want, you know they have something going on. Unless that alternate timeline they come from has a completely different understanding of the word "friends", that is. Still, that doesn't seem to be the case.

You and Matoi, though? Unthinkable! The other you deemed that purposeless underachiever to be worthy of courting?

You shake your head. No, no. This is a different Matoi Ryuuko, you can tell that easily. If the story they told you is true, she has been within the other Satsuki's sphere of influence since elementary school, and on more amicable terms. It's nearly a decade of difference. Then, perhaps...

"Is something the matter, Lady Satsuki?", Inumuta asks, reminding you you're still sitting in your throne in the central room of Student Council chambers.

You quickly collect yourself, and assume your usual mask. "Why do you ask, Inumuta?"

"For a good while, you looked perturbed, as well as... several other things."

"Lady Satsuki's thoughts are none of your business, Inumuta!", Gamagoori yells.

You raise your hand to silence them. "I am fine."

Suddenly, one of the doors to the side bursts open, and the other you steps out.

"There is a problem.", she announces.

"And that is?", you ask. You know that look, it's one of your own, after all. Whatever it is, it's serious.

"Ryuuko has informed me that her meeting with this timeline's Matoi Ryuuko... did not go well."

"I just caught it on cameras.", Inumuta interjects. ""Did not go well" is an understatement."

Nonon approaches him to take a look at his laptop's screen. Her eyes immediately widen. "What the hell is that?!"

You get up from your throne, and approach Inumuta as well. Glancing at the camera footage, you immediately realize what's going on. It's the worst case scenario.

"That is Matoi Ryuuko... or rather Kamui Senketsu wearing her.", you say.
You look up from the screen, and at the other you.

"I trust you understand what this means?", you ask.

She nods. "I do. And I realize it's a result of our presence here, whatever the direct cause might've been. Ryuuko and I will ensure this is resolved as soon as possible." With that, she turns towards the elevators.

"A shame.", you say. "Matoi Ryuuko could've been a valuable asset."

The other Satsuki stops. "You say it as if she was already dead."

[ ] She is
[ ] She might as well be
[ ] She isn't?
>[x] She might as well be
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>[ ] She might as well be

It's like old yeller all over again.

>[ ] custom
>put her down quietly
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>[x] She might as well be
in loving memory
>[ ] She might as well be
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RIP, will fondly remember from time to time.
"She might as well be. She has been consumed by her Kamui. Her only hope for liberation is death. I thought you said you understand she needs to be put down?"

"Put down?"

The other Satsuki turns her head to face you. Her expression, filled with unparalleled scorn, causes you to falter for a brief moment. The Devas take a step back.


[ ] Say nothing, leave
[ ] You disgust me
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>[ ] You disgust me

>Your lack of resolve disturbs me
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>[x] You disgust me
You pig in hybrid's clothing!
>[x] You disgust me
You thought that, despite the timeline differences, you and the other Satsuki had a lot in common. You were wrong.

"You disgust me.", you hiss, deriving certain grim satisfaction from watching her expression falter. Good. If this is her usual way of thinking, she needs to give it some serious consideration. "Since this world's Kiryuuin Satsuki lacks the resolve to do so, I will help Matoi Ryuuko up to her feet."

Without waiting for a response, you head to the elevator.

"Excuse my rudeness, milady, but did you really mean what you said there?", Junketsu asks.

"If she's anything like me, my words will serve as a wake-up call for her. If not, well..." You sigh. "I feel we're going to run into a lot of problems before returning home."

"...I hope they're not all going to be of comparable magnitude to this one."

The elevator arrives at the ground floor. You immediately head outside. There, you see the monster Inumuta has shown you on cameras, in its full "glory", as well as your sister, currently struggling to fend off its attacks.

"So do I, Junketsu.", you say, activating the Kamui.
It's so late it's early, so that'll be it for now.
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good night king
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>Nonon approaches him to take a look at his laptop's screen.
>You get up from your throne, and approach Inumuta as well.
Ladies, please, contain your orgasms. There's enough DATA for both of you.
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bump la bump
Without a word, you return to your throne. That piercing gaze... it's like looking in a mirror, but at the same time it's not. It brings Matoi to mind, as well. ...That's right! That bizarre iris pattern Matoi has - the other you has it, as well! How did you not notice this earlier? You saw their matching streaks of colorful hair, but you assumed it was their way of bonding.

What does it mean, though? Does the other Satsuki love her "friend" enough to imitate her looks with hair dye and contacts? Would she even do something like that? You'll have to ask them about this, if they will even be willing to talk to you, considering the note the other you left the tower on.

Oh, that's right. You got sidetracked by her unusual eyes. What she's told you... what does she mean by it? As far as you know, the only way to deal with a berserk piece of Life Fiber clothing is killing the host before they run out of blood. Otherwise, things get much worse. Does she know a different way to deal with this, without putting down Matoi?

"Lady Satsuki, are we just going to leave dealing with this... thing up to those two?", Sanageyama asks. "I can feel it from here, its power is monstrous."

[ ] They can handle themselves, it's their fault anyway
[ ] Send somebody to control the situation

I realize it's a terrible time to be posting this, but I'm gonna go afk right now anyway.
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>[x] Send somebody to control the situation
>[ ] Send somebody to control the situation
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>[x] Send somebody to control the situation
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>[ ] Send somebody to control the situation

It's time for a break
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>[ ] They can handle themselves, it's their fault anyway

Owning up to stuff is overrated
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Too post the next part or not to too post the next part?
>[x] not post the next part
Starting in a bit.
I take that back, actually. We're really close to the finale now, and I want to make sure it's good.
We can have this.
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>"Time to get 'hyped', nee-chan~!"
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Or we could have...THIS
"How do we make her regain control, then?", you ask.

"First, I need you to tell me: what did you do to get her so furious?", Satsuki responds with a question of her own.

"In short, she thinks I killed her father because I carry the opposite Scissor Blade to hers. I tried to calm her down, but it didn't work, and she turned into this- Oh, she's coming."

The disfigured form of the other Matoi Ryuuko charges towards you, having recovered from the kick Satsuki gave her.

"Well, if that's how it is, this is going to be problematic.", Satsuki assesses.

[ ] Dodge
[ ] Block
[ ] Counterattack
>[ ] Dodge
>[x] Dodge
evasive maneuvers
You jump back to avoid the oncoming attack, and Satsuki follows suit.

"I think our best shot is avoiding fighting until we figure something out.", you say. "She grows stronger by the minute."

Satsuki nods. "Yes. We must remain within her line of sight, however. She must not turn her attention to anything or anyone else. That means we can't just fly over her head."

You groan. "And it would be so much easier."

The two of you continue evading the berserk other Ryuuko's attacks, all the while making sure her attention is fixed on you.

"Ryuuko, Satsuki, I don't mean to rush you, but I feel that we're running out of time to help her.", Senketsu says.

"How can you tell?", you ask.

"You could call it a hunch, I suppose. Maybe it's because it's the other me who's part of this monstrosity. Either way, you must hurry!"

"Right. Any ideas yet, Satsuki?"

"She's lost control, but the other you is still in there. I'm sure the other Senketsu isn't doing this voluntarily, either. If we can get through to her somehow, and inspire her to snap out of this state, she should return to normal."

Get through to her and inspire her? But how? She thinks you're her father's killer, and she probably won't be happy to see Satsuki either, given the history she has with the local one.

Wait, you saw her leave the school with Mako. They seem to be friends over here too, and Mako was clearly worried. Maybe she could help?

[ ] Tell Satsuki to keep the other you busy, go get Mako
[ ] Try sympathizing with her
>[ ] Tell Satsuki to keep the other you busy, go get Mako
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>[x] Tell Satsuki to keep the other you busy, go get Mako
Go get mako
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What the fucking hell am I looking at?
>[ ] Tell Satsuki to keep the other you busy, go get Mako
Hey Crimson-sama I forget when in the What-If timeline did the girls cross over to canon timeline.
Sometime during the month following the festival.
Perhaps it's one of their rape cage illusions?
B-but they remember escaping! Unless that was a hallucination too.

I think it was after we escaped, before we recruited Nui and dad left.
What, you don't like it?
Pls. The ending with shortsuki was their illusion. :^)

Like it? I HATE IT
There is no Mako & Gama option.
"I have an idea. Can you keep her busy?", you ask.

"Very well."

You storm off towards the main building, while Satsuki confronts the monster. Mako is still near the entrance, watching the ensuing events with visible concern.

"Mako, you and the other Ryuuko are friends, right?", you ask her.

She nods energetically. "Yes! Ryuuko-chan is my best and only friend! I met her on the first day she transferred in, and we're in the same class! She saved my life, and then she saved my life again, and she lives with us, and-"

"Okay, okay, I get it.", you cut her off. "Point is, she needs you. You're probably the only one who can snap her out of this. Will you help us?"

"Of course!"

You've acquired Mako for your plan. What is your plan, though? You need to ensure she gets to talk to the other you, and that she doesn't get harmed.

[ ] Hold her down, let Mako talk to her
[ ] Launch Mako at her
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>it was all a rape cage illusion

In that case we have to go deeper
>[ ] Launch Mako at her
On one hand having the source of her anger in close proximity might make calming her down more difficult. On the other hand just launching Mako at her involves great deal of risk to make herself.
>[ ] Launch Mako at her
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>[x] Launch Mako at her
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>"Deeper into the cage? I thought you would never ask, Anon."
Oh Ragyo-sama, I entrust my heart to you~
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>"Very good, darling... I'll be taking in now, if you don't mind."
"Okay, here's my plan. Listen carefully, because I won't say it twice.", you say.

Mako nods again, listening intently. You glance to the side. Satsuki has engaged the other you in combat. It seems she has gotten too agile for Satsuki to simply avoid. You need to act fast.

You grab Mako in two hands, surprising her somewhat. She continues to "stand" at attention in the air, however.

"Bring back the real Ryuuko, whatever it takes!", you say, before hurling her like a human javelin.

Your throw is right on the mark, allowing Mako to cling tightly to her friend. Satsuki freezes in her tracks in shock. She looks at you.

"Ryuuko, what are you-"

"Just watch."

The monstrosity attempts to wrest Mako off of herself, to no avail. This is odd, she could easily swat the girl away, possibly killing her in the process. ...No, wait. Even in this state, she's holding back, just because it's Mako. This might work.

"Ryuuko-chan! I know you're upset, but you shouldn't react like this. Your evil clone from the yakuza is actually nice, and wants to help you! I want to help you, too!"

The other you half-heartedly tries to get rid of her friend yet again, with the same result.

"Nobody's saying you can't get mad! You're wasting blood though, and that's worth good money! You can get mad without doing that, and talk it out with the other you! She couldn't have killed your dad, he's her dad too! I think!"

You're not sure if this is working or not, but the fact Mako is still alive likely means something. Right now, the other Ryuuko is merely standing in the same spot, seemingly listening to what Mako is saying.

"Okay, I've decided!", Mako announces. "I was told to bring you back, whatever it takes! Here goes!"

She hits the other you with an open palm in the face, causing the monster's neck... to snap? That can't be right... right?
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>causing the monster's neck... to snap
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>Your evil clone from the yakuza is actually nice, and wants to help you!
Before you can fully process what happened, the neck returns to its original position and shape. In response, Mako does it again. And again. And again. After a while, thick steam envelops the two, making it hard to see anything.

Then, the snapping noises fade, replaced by... more snapping noises. Those are of snapping threads, however. You're not sure if that's an improvement. However, through the slowly thinning steam, you can see that the monstrous figure is slowly returning to a more human form.

"...Did we do it?", you ask your sister.

"Let's wait and see."

After a while, you can see the other Ryuuko and Mako clearly. She looks back to normal now, and utterly drained by the ordeal. She exchanges some words with Mako, which you can't make out from this distance, and passes out, likely from all the blood loss.

Mako immediately panics. "Huh? Ryuuko-chan? Did she die?!"

"She's just unconscious.", Satsuki answers, sheathing Bakuzan.

"You saved her, Mako.", you add.

"L-Lady Satsuki! You're working with the yakuza, too?!"

Satsuki gives Mako a confused look, and glances at you. You shrug.

"Anyway, she can't stay here right now, she needs help.", you say.

You approach the other you, and take her in your arms. This is weird as hell. You feel you owe her that for your thoughtlessness, though.

[ ] Take her to Mako's house
[ ] Take her to the tower
>[X] Take her to Mako's house
She belongs to the Mako's.
I'm sure Makodad will take goooood care of her.
>[ ] Take her to the tower

Time for some plot build up
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>[x] Take her to the tower
what could possibly go wrong?
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>[x] Take her to the tower
What could possibly go wrong?
Let's find out.
"Let's take her to the tower.", you say.

"Huh? The Student Council tower?", Mako asks.

Satsuki raises a brow. "Why?"

Your reason to do so is mostly because it's close, and you're used to it being your home. Still, that's not entirely true here, is it?

[ ] Because it's close, and she needs rest
[ ] Because I want to keep an eye on her
[ ] Because she and the other Satsuki need to talk
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>[x] Because she and the other Satsuki need to "talk"
>[ ] Because it's close, and she needs rest
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>[X] Because she and the other Satsuki need to "talk"
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>[ ] Because I want to keep an eye on her
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>[ ] Because she and the other Satsuki need to talk
Perhaps they do.
What kind of talk is it that they need, though?
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A talk about the Black-Derman-Toy model. They need to be ready to take over REVOCS' financial affairs should anythng unfortune happen to their mother.
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>What kind of talk is it that they need, though?
Time for timeline spoilers. Maybe some early sisterly and motherly revelations is the kick in the pants the canon timeline needs.

Or it would be a total trainwreck. I'm down for that too.
Well, Ryuuko is gonna be angsting over losing control like, a good while early. That's already a big change.
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>"I'm the one who killed your father Ryu-"
>"I know."
Definitely this
Third for this, she may have some ideas already but give her the details so she can find some more resolve.
"Her and the other Satsuki have some issues to work out, it seems.", you say. "I'm not sure if we should tell them..." You remember that Mako is here. "...what they don't yet know, but they definitely need to talk."

Satsuki nods. "I suppose you're right. Is this really the time for that kind of thing, though? She has just undergone what must've been a traumatic experience, and needs time to recover both physically and mentally. Perhaps it should wait?"

"No, of course I'm not going to take her straight to the other Satsuki. She could stay in that guest room they gave us." The two of you can take the couch, after all.

Your sister furrows her brows. "...I don't know, Ryuuko. You need to put herself in her position, it's different than yours. She's going to wake up in what she thinks is her enemy's den. I doubt she will be in the mood to cooperate, let alone talk business. I still believe we should wait."

That's way more insight than you're capable of in this situation. You suppose it's hard to put yourself in the shoes of another you.

[ ] Relent
[ ] Insist
[ ] Ask Mako for her opinion
>[x] Ask Mako for her opinion
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>[x] Ask Mako for her opinion
>[ ] Ask Mako for her opinion
>[X] Let Mako decide
>[ ] Ask Mako for her opinion
Lets ask the hamster.
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>Putting Mako in charge
Shiny option triumphs once more!
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She knows what she's doing, right?
That's the right boot she's putting on her left foot, right?
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We should get some fabric softener on evil Junketsu for scientific purposes, while wearing him to make sure nothing goes wrong.
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Bless you.
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>while wearing him
Risking our own hides for the sake of science? Sounds risky. I vote we put him on a test rabbit instead, somebody more.... disposable
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I was also able to get 2 new reaction images from that.
Conflicted, you turn to the girl who has been surprisingly silent all this time.

"You know this Ryuuko better than either of us do, Mako. What do you think we should do?"

"I think you shouldn't sell her organs!", she says. "That would be bad for her!"

This Mako might actually be crazier than the one you know.

"...Uh, okay, we won't do that. And other than that?"

"Well... Ryuuko-chan opposes Lady Satsuki because she wants to find out more about her dad. Do they really have to fight over that, though? But... right now, I think she would feel best if we took her home."

"To your house, that is?", you ask. "You mentioned something about her living with you."

Mako nods. "It's a bit cramped in there, but Ryuuko-chan is like a sister I never knew I had!"

You glance at Satsuki. She has the same expression. That one struck deep.

"...Well then, lead the way." The odds that the Mankanshokus' house is in the same spot in this timeline are pretty low.

On your way there, the other Senketsu suddenly opens his single eye.

"W-what happened?", he asks, before looking around to assess the situation. His eye stops at you, and widens. "Where are you taking Ryuuko?!"

"Relax. I'm taking her to Mako's house.", you answer.

"...I see. Can you tell me what happened, then? Everything is rather... hazy."

You look at your sister. "What DID happen, Satsuki? I honestly don't have much of a clue, myself."

"There is another Satsuki, too? This is a lot to process."

"She let her rage take over her mind while wearing a Kamui. A grave mistake.", Satsuki answers.

"...Is she saying I caused this?" He sounds worried.

"I can hear you, Senketsu. And no, you weren't at fault. She dragged you along on her rampage, so to speak."

"You can hear me?! How?"

"I'd be more amazed if she couldn't.", your Senketsu chimes in. "Then again, things are different here."

"That they are.", Junketsu adds. "The other me doesn't talk at all!"

"That's the default, remember?"

"...Silence, knave."
>"That's the default, remember?"
>"...Silence, knave."

Those two need some no-bully-sensitivity training.
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>"That's the default, remember?"
>"...Silence, knave."
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Those crazy Kamui.
>"...Silence, knave."

Best Kamui!
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And I'm out.
Night all, have a neat art.
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Same with me, the bed calls for me.
You guys keep pushing that button and stuff.
"Oh, you two talk to your clothes, too?", Mako interjects. "Ryuuko-chan does it all the time! It's a bit creepy, but kind of cute, too! Anyway, we're here!"

Turns out, it was the exact same spot, after all. The house looks different, though, more makeshift. Without you in the Student Council, the basic housing never got constructed, huh?

You enter the house. The Mankanshokus seem to be trying their best to hide from your line of sight. They're probably thinking the same thing as Mako did. Oh well, it's pretty funny. You carry the other Ryuuko to the bedroom.

"Thank you for the help!", Mako says. "Daddy will take a look at Ryuuko-chan in a moment, so you don't need to worry!" Maybe you should. Just a little.

"I don't really know if I can trust you, but... thank you.", the other Senketsu says. You nod to him.

"Well, we'll be leaving now. Take care of her, Mako.", you say.

"Aww, you won't stay for dinner? I need to thank you somehow! You say I saved Ryuuko-chan, but you made it possible!"

"I also pissed her off in the first place, so that makes us even." You smile. "Thanks for the offer, but we need to talk to somebody urgently."

"Okay! Bye-bye!"

You wave to Mako, and head towards the door. On your way there, you drag the culture-shocked Satsuki along with you.

"You're not used to seeing living conditions like this, are you?", you ask, as the two of you head back up.

"...Neither are you."

"True, but I've been to Mako's No-Star house back home." By "home" you mean your original timeline, of course. "Then again, this one is even more modest, measly even."

"I feel terrible for even considering not building those houses back then.", Satsuki says. "More so for the fact it took me a trip to an alternate timeline to fully realize it."

"Don't beat yourself up over this. You considered it, but didn't go through with it."

"Because you stopped me."

"And you let me stop you. It was a joint effort." You chuckle.
It's getting late. This whole ordeal took a lot longer than you expected it would, and has left you quite drained. Still, you should probably at least talk to the other Satsuki about what happened today.

"So, what do you think the other you will make of this?", you ask.

"...I'd rather not be associated with her.", Satsuki answers. "...But I suppose I have to face the truth: this is what I would've been like if I hadn't met you back then."

You tilt your head. "Did something happen? I mean, she's pretty uptight, and I think she's still convinced we're lovers, but I didn't really notice anything awfully wrong with her."

"Her methods are slowly starting to show, and I don't like what I'm seeing. We have to be careful around her."

"So what, we're not gonna talk to her about this?"

"She likely already knows most of it. She won't be eager to talk to us right now, either, especially me."

"Why's that?"

"I... expressed my disappointment with her way of thinking. Strongly."


The two of you step inside the elevator leading to the tower.

[ ] Go straight to sleep
[ ] Check on the Devas
>[ ] Check on the Devas
>[X] Check on the Devas
>[ ] Check on the Devas

Going for broke, why stop with their alternate time selves.
>[ ] Check on the Devas

and steal their lunch money
>[x] Check on the Devas
I really enjoy this side story a lot. It's a really good change of pace to the main story.
"Maybe we should talk to the Devas, at least?", you suggest. "They don't seem so bad."

Satsuki merely nods. After a moment, the elevator arrives at the top floor. The central room is fairly empty. Only Inumuta and Nonon are here. It seems that before they noticed you, they were arguing about something. Seems it's a universal constant.

You can see Satsuki glancing longingly at the vacant throne. Old habits die hard. You pat her on the shoulder, and you both sit down in one of the couches instead.

"I must say, while unorthodox, to say the least, your method of dealing with this problem has proven amazingly effective.", Inumuta says.

"You were watching us, huh?", you ask.

"Lady Satsuki requested that I keep an eye on the situation, in case something goes wrong."

"And to gather combat data on all three of us.", you add for him, and grin as his expression confirms your guess. "Figures."

"Has the fight caused any significant collateral damage?", Satsuki asks.

Inumuta adjusts his glasses. "Nothing that can't be fixed within a day. There were no injuries, either, as all the curious spectators were smart enough to keep their distance."

No injuries? You lost a hand there! For several seconds, but still. Well, it's not something you're going to correct him with, anyway.

"So... in that alternate timeline, you know a different me, too?", Nonon asks.

"Yes.", Satsuki says. "The Four Devas are the same as here. And yes, the different you has been my close friend since kindergarten."

Nonon looks content to hear that.

"Well, we have a fifth Deva, sort of...", you chime in. "Or a plus one, rather. Five Devas sounds awkward."

"Who is it?", Nonon asks. Inumuta looks curious, as well.

"Mankanshoku Mako.", you answer.

Nonon almost falls from her couch. "...You're shitting me. That underachiever, one of us?"

"I find it extremely hard to believe, as well.", Inumuta adds.

"Well, believe it or not, she's a Three-Star, and keeps up with the others just fine."
I'm struggling to keep my eyes open, which affects my writing, as you can imagine.
Another time.
And so fades the court of the Crimson King, blessed be his name.
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good night kc
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slav bump
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Summoning skeletons.
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>Nonon almost falls from her couch.
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A little ol' bump.
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Well, time to kill this one off.
No, wait, there.
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Harime the rock reportin for duty
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Time for the next part because, why not?
>because, why not?
Sounds like a valid reason to me

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