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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 01/09/10(Sat)17:41 No.7509841 File1263076917.jpg-(122 KB, 635x768, giant.jpg)
 >How would the Headvulcans work in the cave, I mean atleast one of us have them i hope?
Very well actually. Their low caliber reduces the risk of cave-in.
>After all if he really would have wanted to come he have the power to do so whatever anyone says, and him not telling us to that he was planning to come meant that we left half of the squads member behind in vain.
>That and tell him that comanders have their role, and a part of that role is to not barge in and do suicide missions, Remind him tha actual combat preformance is not always what decides battle, For example Zolomon is a much better pilot then us, But he lacks the squad management and tacticalskills we have, Meaning he fights less effective despite his superior piloting skills.
>Remind him that would he die then he would not only get us demoted, He would get his father and Icelina depressed and make Zeon lose an irreplaceble asset, A good leader.
>Tell him to tell us ahead of time next time he tries this so we can be better prepared.
You give Garma a throughough dogging about his actions. You may also let slip about Captain Kilroy being a traitor as well. He's shocked, apologetic and a little angry as well. Not at you, but rather at the generals who keep treating like he's made out of cotton wool. From the sounds of it, he needs to prove to himself that he's worth leading you all to your deaths. SORRY, I MEAN GLORIOUS VICTORY.
The talk given you continue on your way through the tunnels, the road is long and it takes several hours, you have Garma scan with his sonar for any vibrations, not just for units hidden in the dark, but also to watch out for cave ins.
You eventually come out it twilight next to a airport. Having just been underground your bearings are messed up, you don't know exactly where you are. The airport looks like a disused municipal airport.