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Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%202nd%20Primarch%20Quest

You are Lieren of Nothing, a man of many aspects and roles. Farmer, hunter, architect, rebel, general, scholar. philosopher, student, teacher, enemy of the wicked, Primarch and son of the Emperor of mankind and soon you shall also be groom and husband. Having arranged for your known kinsmen, brothers lost and father distant, to converge for a time upon Shangrala as guests for that most joyous of days, you greeted and welcomed Magnus and Perturabo most gregariously and grandly, with ceremony and pomp reserved for great men such as them. Presently, Perturabo is giving his unabridged and honest criticism to those amongst your ministry of developments engineering and architectural corps and branches, which translates into a scathing judement of their capabilities that might drive lesser willed men to suicide. And Magnus is meditating near by, while he along with Amon, his friend and once mentor, and Wenyan, your adoptive father, watch Perturabo's adoptive sister, the bright Calliphone.

Reaching out to your red hided brother, you do not even need to brush his mind to sense the turmoil it is rife with. He had bitten into the mere mention of "angels" and has been pondering how to approach you or Farmin to here the truth of the matter, as the last time you and he encounter Warp entities together, a life or death struggle began, your fiercest battle and closest brush with death. One that taught him of the dangers the denizens of the great sea can represent. But, while he all but knows the truth of the discordant powers ever plotting the downfall of man kind, he was not trusted with keeping the secret that weighs heavily upon your mind. And you would not so easily break the oath of secrecy you made, even if at times necessity has forced you to straddle the line of doing so. Until your father has given his word, you will not betray his trust, even if you are certain Magnus would be as stalwart an enemy against the dark powers as you or Elazar has proven to be.

'The matter that troubles you, of the reference to the slaying of a being dubbed an angel by misguided and twisted minded psykers during my introduction of the valiant pilots of the steel giants, is one we shall discuss when we are able to hold a truly private conversation with our sire' you wind whisper into his mental ear as you watch Perturabo point out fault after folly after miss measurement by the merest of estimation 'For it is a matter that concerns him as well, the fall of the Shuni Caliphate is something you and Him should be aware of. As well as the ruination that was wrought upon it by itself in its final death throws, but, I cannot say more, for my tongue is bound by promises made'

'Though it frustrates me, I understand, though I must wonder how you were made to be bound to such oaths, when we first met and spoke of such matters, you railed wildly and warned the less cautious me of the threats hidden within the warp. But I shall not press you for answers, and respect your privacy and honor of silence. For the time being' Magnus answers back from across the city, sounding much more greatly relieved than he is frustrated with much of his concern being washed away by you explaining so little. But that brief explanation answered countless questions plaguing the vast intellect of your brother's sagacious mind.

And with that problem abated, you turned your focus to Perturabo, and gliding behind him in a single stride, offer him a suggestion. Well meaning, brotherly advise.

"Instead of pointing out what they did wrong and where they are lacking, would it not be more productive to teach them where they went wrong and the cause of the faults in their designs" You say quietly, not loud enough for anyone without a primarch's hearing to discern, so as not to embarrass or appear as if you were scolding your brother "So that they may improve and be at once more useful to you, rather than castigating them and casting them aside"

Perturabo tightens his jaw, and you can hear his teeth and bone groaning as he clenches a hand into a fist and snaps the edge of the planner he was holding.

"You will lose nothing but time you'd have otherwise spent censuring them. My workers are not vain glory hounds, they ever strive for improvement. Of all men, they are the most suitable candidates for you to experiment with this, silken touched, approached" You continue on warily, backing away to show you aren't forcing him to do anything nor that you think his own approach of rebuking and savaging his subordinates for every mistake was incorrect

"If it will keep you from meddling further" He grumbles under his breath, eyes slanted and face wrinkled with annoyance as he takes a deep breath, and then releases it, and then takes another as he undergoes a great struggle inward to act against his instincts and manners taught to him in the jealous and clambering courts of Olympia

"You..." He says, pausing as he reminds himself of the pronunciation of Long-Jianese names, and speaking halting after as he is still mastering your native tongue "Shoon. The issues that make your personal inclusions to the palace designs, are that you cling too stubbornly to outdated techniques, wasting resources and showing an utter lack of personal creativity. Not only does this make your work unsuitable for the palace of so high an authority, but it overall reduces the effectiveness of the palace as defensive structure. You'd waste manpower and time to fell and transport trees that take centuries to grow to the side you require for the pillars you'd have support the upper floor of the servant's wing"

Shun frowns, but he no longer looks on the verge of outright panic, having his mistakes explained, if not gently, than at least plainly, gives him something to work with and explain himself.

"It was a purely symbolic addition, to show that the new dynasty stood atop different foundations and had different pillars to the lords of the Yan, I hadn't foreseen how that would weaken the structure if it came under attack. And I was aware of the expenses to gather such resources, but I had already procured the lumber, they had been felled in a storm earlier this year and had transported them to the city...I..I had forgotten to include that in my notes, in my excitement" he explains meakly, head bowed as Perturabo's frown deepens with the creases on his brow

"Because you never imagined the palace to be attacked" he says, to scold the man, but even though he is not speaking kindly, Shun takes his words as revelation

"A most foolish and arrogant mistake" He admits with a nod "And I realize I am slow to adapt, and that my traditional sensibilities make me unsuitable for this paramount duty, as I will only endanger our beloved emperor while I remain blinded by nostalgia of my previous work and willfully ignorant of what the future may bring. I should have learned this lesson, there is no excuse for my folly"

You smirk like a jackal that has just caught a field mouse as Perturabo's eyes widen as if he himself has received a revelation, and he nearly reels and takes a step back as if he was assailed by a tree snapping gale. He blinks twice, composes himself and nod.

"Hmm, on second thought, casting aside an artist such as you would be a waste. I shall leave you in charge of the less vital perimeters, the garden walk would make good use of the lumber you procured, build a..hah, what do you call them. Pavilion" He says, sounding less stressed and tightly wound now as he turns to his next subject, snapping his fingers once to recall their name as he takes this experiment into its second stage "Chen. Your submission for concrete foundations is not properly supported and it will quickly deteriorate due to ground water seepage and other environmental strains. Making the entire wing a hazard. You are treating it like it is liquid stone and mortar. I have studied the durability of the concrete commonly used on this world, the type you requested, while cheap, is not enduring. If instead you used the form often used in public works, such as the hydroponic dams you previously worked on, it would still require much more internal reinforcing"

"I didn't think the materials used for public works would be suitable for a palace" Chen weakly defends

"That is a personal opinion, with proper carving and dying, it would stand side by side the jade you Long-Jianese so adore. If you insist upon using a subpar material..." Perturabo says, frustration building within and seeping into his tone

"I understand" Chen relents, broken immediately by your brother's scathing retort "I...withdraw from this project, I am not worthy of partaking in it, I allowed common arrogance and the belief that expensive materials are always more desirable to cloud my judgement"

Perturabo freezes, almost like a computer that has ran into an unexpected error in its coding. He looks to Chen and then to you, before rubbing his eyes and changing subjects

"Chang...Changpu" he says, struggling to pronounce the next man's name "The reason your work was rejected outright, is because the measurements you provided for the inner walls do not effectively use the space provided, they are too thin and yet take up too much space, but are built in such a way that restricts ease of access to the battlements from within the palace grounds. While hiding the entrance ways through the use of angles and blind spots in perception, was inspired, it will confuse during a siege. I could break this wall before...tch, rice was finished boiling"

Changpu coughs, and covers their mouth, as if they were about to cough up a mouthful of blood

"Instead of your plan, I am going to use additional walls to mask the stairways and provide additional cover" Perturabo explains "Increasing the density of the walls, fortifying them without giving up space for the imperial gardens or intruding in the sightlines laid out by the overseer of the upper terraces, who, showing greater foresight, had them reinforced to bear the weight of heavy artillery platforms or even orbital defense systems. They can provide both strategic value in a siege and aesthetic value otherwise, however, Meifeng, the reason I scraped your proposal for the new imperial gardens, was not because you worked with Changpu to incorporate them into his walls, it is because the main path through them is not only undefendable, it mars the presentation of the gardens, cutting through them without any attempt to incorporate it within them"

"When Lieren cut through the bone devouring"

"THIS IS NOT A MONUMENT TO MY BROTHER!" Perturabo roars furiously "it is the palace of the emperor, if you wish to honor Lieren, do not make use of this project to do so, do not use any project to do so, you simpleton, except if that is the express purpose. You'd weaken the image of the imperial dynasty, honoring others within their own abode. I have studied Jinhai's military deeds, while I disagree heavily with his fickle approach to combat, the design inspired by the native water ways of the Dai region, honors the man you serve and is much more easily defendable without detracting from the intended beauty of the garden. Away with you. You may serve your replacement but I shall not speak another word to a fool who hides behind another's reputation to mask their mistakes"

Though he does not admit it, your brother in the end agrees with your suggestion, finding it more efficient than simply castigating and reprimanding his workers without further explanation, though that is in part because the Long-Jianese architects will admit their follies when confronted with them and both them and the engineers are always striving to improve. You do not know the character of the subordinates he has on Olympia, but you can tell your brother is delighted by the results and the chance to oversee a project whose workers do not take offense or refuse to accept even light criticism. Though he does still prune and weed the taskforce working under him, the cuts are less severe than they were previously, as he finds other uses for architects, designers and electricians that he was prepared to toss aside completely, after taking time to discuss their faults and hear their reasons for their more shoddy work, though only if he found their logic and reasoning agreeable and sound.

"I am stunned they consider me harsh but fair" He says, apropos of nothing as the two of you lead his chosen few direct subordinates to redraft the plans according to his revisions and redesigns, the members of your ministry whom he actually praised and commended for their work prior to his oversight "Even those I sent away didn't appear to hold me in contempt. How strange. Though they will not have many chances to carry out any grudges they may hold against me, I must admit that...worked out better than I had anticipated. They barely argued and came to...almost seem to idolize me"

"The Journey teaches self improvement is an endless road, perfection is an ideal that can never be truly reached only pursued" You answers vaguely as you watch the clouds pass by

"You reason they accepted their public censuring because it will drive them to improve?" He divines, glancing from the corner of his eyes "Rather than wallowing in their wounded pride at being humiliated? If only that was a trait all of mankind shared, common sense. But, I doubt this same silk glove approach would get me anywhere on Olympia"

"They've seen your genius before, brother, you only need to find those who are not so blinded by vanity to think themselves your superior despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary" You explain with a shrug as you walk ahead of him "Which I admit, will be difficult, considering the prevalence of paranoia and self serving ambitions on your world, but not impossible, I think"

"I can think of ways" Perturabo vaguely alludes, rubbing the bottom of his chin "to make use of both to my own ends, though that would require me to find upon my world, talents and minds worthy of putting forth the effort, like the intellectuals amongst the chaff of the workers you've entrusted to my command"

You nod and the two of you head to the site where you will introduce him to Jinhai, along with Magnus


However, the walk there will take time, even if both of your sprinted full tilt there. Long enough that silence will hang and grow tiresome. And there is much yet you wish to say to your brother.

What do you tell Perturabo, Lieren?

>Simply that he's greatly improved the design for the palace and you anticipate seeing it brought to reality, congratulating him for a job well done

>Suggest he commit a "Petty" rebellion, by forcing his ideas through on Olympia, since he cannot be stopped from doing so beyond societal pressures.

>Mention the peculiar quality of Shangralan fog and mist, and how it interferes with most kinds of sensors and arrays much like it does with ordinary sight.

>That you enjoyed seeing him so happy, speaking with those with open minds and intelligence enough to grasp his vision

>Write in
>That you enjoyed seeing him so happy, speaking with those with open minds and intelligence enough to grasp his vision
>Suggest he commit a "Petty" rebellion, by forcing his ideas through on Olympia, since he cannot be stopped from doing so beyond societal pressures

Perhaps perty should write a book?
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>Speak of your own Legion and when first you met, how even your sons required patience and guidance to better themselves, much as those working under Perturabo now did and those later will.
>Suggest he commit a "Petty" rebellion, by forcing his ideas through on Olympia, since he cannot be stopped from doing so beyond societal pressures.
>Mention the peculiar quality of Shangralan fog and mist, and how it interferes with most kinds of sensors and arrays much like it does with ordinary sight.
Let's get him thinking about the future a little more, setting the stage as it were.
I support this, But will add

>Speak of your own Legion and when first you met, how even your sons required patience and guidance to better themselves, much as those working under Perturabo now did and those later will.

Its really very nice to see Pert enjoying himself and met with Longjianese journeymen. The best critics are harsh but utterly fair, because plain truth improves all the better.
That's a good idea. We don't want perty decimating his legion like canon.
>Speak of your own Legion and when first you met, how even your sons required patience and guidance to better themselves, much as those working under Perturabo now did and those later will.
>Suggest he commit a "Petty" rebellion, by forcing his ideas through on Olympia, since he cannot be stopped from doing so beyond societal pressures.
>That you enjoyed seeing him so happy, speaking with those with open minds and intelligence enough to grasp his vision
>That you enjoyed seeing him so happy, speaking with those with open minds and intelligence enough to grasp his vision
Supporting these.
>That you enjoyed seeing him so happy, speaking with those with open minds and intelligence enough to grasp his vision

>Speak of your own Legion and when first you met, how even your sons required patience and guidance to better themselves, much as those working under Perturabo now did and those later will.


As for the "Petty" rebellion, he could establish a War College or Architects Guild to gather would-be experts and teach them his ideas. Maybe even write a Manual of Warfare that contains his ideas that could serve as a textbook for the institute (Have Calliphone pen a couple chapters under an alias, Perturabo should love that idea). Not only would he find some of those who already have 'talents and minds worthy' among the students but he would convert a small number of those who would otherwise be worthless to his way of thinking. By mostly only passing and further teaching those who are actually willing to learn, upon graduating/certification, their skills would speak to his superior methods. The students talents could help silence the critics and perhaps even humiliate them in mock battles/competitions.
>and perhaps even humiliate them in mock battles/competitions
Perty DOES like blowing his opposition out of the water. Not to mention his penchant for wargaming...
Why not just have Perty recruit from AdMech? They’d practically worship his aptitude with tech. Though the Singularitarianist faction would probably gravitate towards Lieren and ship-sisters.
Perhaps it might be a good idea to have him pen a work on architectural styles and design that could do stuff like
>speaking of benefits and flaws of different approaches
>which purposes that each can be best used for
>which styles work together to make a structure or sets of adjacent structures look good and aid in the execution of the purpose they are made for
>which styles clash and make a structure or sets of adjacent structures look bad or hinder the purpose they are built for
and so on. A Philosophy for Construction to go alongside the Philosophy for Destruction that the Manual of Warfare would be.
>Perturabo should pen a treatise on Warfare and Construction
>Warfare and Construction
>Creation and Destruction
>Life and Death
>Black and White
>Yin and Yang
>>5965308 #
>Speak of your own Legion and when first you met, how even your sons required patience and guidance to better themselves, much as those working under Perturabo now did and those later will.
>Suggest he commit a "Petty" rebellion, by forcing his ideas through on Olympia, since he cannot be stopped from doing so beyond societal pressures.
>That you enjoyed seeing him so happy, speaking with those with open minds and intelligence enough to grasp his vision
This please
>>Simply that he's greatly improved the design for the palace and you anticipate seeing it brought to reality, congratulating him for a job well done
>>Suggest he commit a "Petty" rebellion, by forcing his ideas through on Olympia, since he cannot be stopped from doing so beyond societal pressures.
Everything is the journey. The journey is everything.
>Speak of your own Legion and when first you met, how even your sons required patience and guidance to better themselves, much as those working under Perturabo now did and those later will.
>Suggest he commit a "Petty" rebellion, by forcing his ideas through on Olympia, since he cannot be stopped from doing so beyond societal pressures.
>That you enjoyed seeing him so happy, speaking with those with open minds and intelligence enough to grasp his vision
Perhaps he might do more on Olympia now with what he is learning in Shangrila. A book or an academy or a group, something for him to think beside the many books he read. He could begin educating and interacting, with people close to his vision or that might accept it on their own.
The birth of a new Olympia.

I like these ideas
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the wait, hope easter treated you well.

That you enjoyed seeing him so happy, speaking with those with open minds and intelligence enough to grasp his vision:9

Suggest he commit a "Petty" rebellion, by forcing his ideas through on Olympia, since he cannot be stopped from doing so beyond societal pressures:9

Speak of your own Legion and when first you met, how even your sons required patience and guidance to better themselves, much as those working under Perturabo now:10

Mention the peculiar quality of Shangralan fog and mist, and how it interferes with most kinds of sensors and arrays much like it does with ordinary sight.:1

total votes: 13

So Lieren will speak of his own legion and his first meeting with them, and suggest Perturabo consider a "Petty" rebellion to enshrine his ideas on olympia, before admitting that he enjoyed seeing him happy and in his element with open minded and sagacious individuals

Writing now
"Even Jade must be cut and refined" You say as if it were an idle thought, watching the clouds revealed through the mists and fog parted and burned away by city lights.

"Pardon?" Perturabo questioned, having grown accustomed to the silence, using it to scheme out the renovation of the Imperial palace and where work would begin when it was time to start.

"It is a saying, I cannot claim that it is old wisdom or to know who first spoke it or when" You explain, turning your gaze down from the heavens back to the world beneath them and your brother "But I was reminded of it, while thinking of my gene-sons, and how despite them being remade and altered to become the epitome of warriors and soldiers intended to wage war on a galactic scale, they required refinement when I first met them, like jade just pulled from the ground"

"I find that terribly hard to believe, considering their apparent effectiveness in the exercises" He answered, somewhat suspiciously but not fully disbelieving your claim, despite what his body language and facial expression would have others believe themselves

"Their bonds of brotherhood, so strong upon distant Terra, were fraying. They had, through Dae-Hyun, heard a portion of my world view, my three beliefs, my philosophy, and the journey I had walked that had lead me to them" You explain as Perturabo nods

"So you contacted him as you and Magnus contacted me, the means of which you found me still being one of the few mysteries that stubbornly alludes me" He remarked off handedly "I presume, they didn't listen as closely as you'd hoped"

"They singled out the words they were drawn to the most, and ignored everything else that had been said, they took portions of lessons to heart, but not the spirit of the gift as it was presented in its whole" You explain with a nod "They, the second legion of our father's galatic ambitions, were renowned for their comradery before, but this strife had them become dubbed as the Chimera legion or the fractured legion, as these philosophical differences created cracks in their warrior brotherhood"

"Is that why your legion numbers scarcely over two hundred?" He asks after a halting moment, treading carefully around the subject, showing true concern in that split second of hesitation approaching the subject

"They are veterans entrusted to me by our father, to win a battle that will endured in the psyche of Long-Jia long after we both have returned to dust" You answer with a shake of your head "No, they simply drifted apart in their zeal to appease a distant, ideal vision of a father they had not yet met, to make me proud"

"The lecture they received must've shattered their new world views" Perturabo says chuckling with amusement, though you see how his shoulders slack and relax as he hears the truth of the matter "Though I can't imagine you being overly critical"
"That was not the only flaw within them, but all men have flaws. They were warriors, weapons. I wished them to be men" You explain, stopping your tongue from continuing 'As I chose to be', and instead say "So I taught them arts, encouraged them to find hobbies beyond their tireless training and preparation for battle. I overlooked their petty vices and brotherly games, partook of them myself. They were always excellent warriors, but, when wars end and peace settles, what use is a sword but to be beaten into a plow? I wished them to be more than spears and pointed guns, though they were, to my understanding, far closer to base humanity than some other legions. The soldiers you saw fighting with them...they left home and family out of comradery shared with my sons"

Perturabo nodded along, rubbing his chin as he listened, measuring each new piece of information and weighing its meaning and purpose, why it is being told to them.

"So it was not difficult guiding them to better themselves. All they required was my guidance and my patience, my understanding. Especially concerning some prejudices they held before arriving to my service" You continue on, flicking open a fan and using it as you walked "Much as your own sons will require, to be shaped into the warriors or men you desire them to be, much as others you will meet will need, like the architects and engineers presently working under you"

"Even jade needs to be cut and refined, I see" Perturabo says with a sagely nod, eyes still closed "Despite their impressive performance and abilities, they still needed to be, well, not beaten into shape, but refined as you said"

"And not just as men, though they are impressive warriors, there were somethings they had yet to learn, and one can never truly call themselves the perfect ideal of anything, even a soldier. A lion may devoured by mice, if there are enough of them" You explain blithely "Though I am curious, of how your first meeting with your legion will go. Ours took place not far from here, in that meadow of flowers beneath the shade cast by a school built in memory of a lost friend. I remember how, even as battle hardened veterans, they were nervous yet eager to earn merely my acceptance, and when I gave them my approval and pride, oh they were more joyous than spring rain after a long drought"

"I wonder, is that part of their genetic tampering and indoctrination to be fearless warriors of mankind" Perturabo idly mused "Or a natural affection on their part"

"I am certain your sons will be as eager and at times desperate for your approval and affection, as my own were. Filial piety is in no short supply in the Astartes" You chuckle, as Perturabo tightens his jaw and grinds his teeth

"I do not care if they love me" He lies as easily as he breathes "I was simply wondering if it is programed into their psyche or if that loyalty is trained then earned"

"A good father shall have loyal sons" You answer, making your brother chortle in amusement

"You'd be laughed out of Olympia, saying that" He sneers, though not meanly "They'd assume it was a joke or one of those nonsensical koans your people delight in. I'd be a fool to scorn such valuable troops, before hammering out their faults. An easy task, if your scions are to be taken as the standard. If I have time free, I may ask them of the fourth legion, Older brother "

"You did not simply tell Dae-hyun the designation of your gestation pod?" You ask as you snap your fan close "And, while it may seem an easy task, I'd suggest putting the fundamentals of it into motion via a "Petty rebellion" of thought and ideals, something that would not break your oath to your father, and spread your beliefs with only societal pressures as an opposing force"

"I was entranced by so renowned a warrior, who hasn't heard of the bear of Terra" Perturabo sarcastically answer shaking his head "And that would earn me far more enemies than I already have"

"The ire of the shortsighted is often lost in the mists" You answer, looking at him from the corner of his eyes "And you have nothing to fear from such petty strifes, born of lesser minds"

"Oh but they will haunt me, hound me, work against me in all ways they can, undermine me and my vision" Perturabo says with a vicious glint in his eyes, as satisfaction blooms in his heart "Oh they will brand me another foolish son of my fool of a father"

"With whose backing their complaints shall be silenced to rueful murmurs and jealous whispers" You argue as he throws his hands up in the air

"He would never dare weaken his position, allowing me to hammer society into a more perfect form" He sadly replies

"The shortsighted are easily lost in the mist" You answer with a variation of the earlier idiom, raising up one finger along the flat of your fan "Tyrants cannot see far beyond their own palaces. He values your knowledge, your shrewd mind, he knows the worth of you, he recognizes the benefits your contributions to technology and warfare bring"

"You think a tyrant of Olympia will be as easily baited as those you contended with here?" He replies quietly, conspiritorially

"You name him a fool. Fools, of all kinds of men, are the most alike to one another, even across the span of stars" You answer plainly "Separate the grain from the chaff, polish the rice, and cook it"

he frowns

"Translation. Find those with hidden talents or overlooked genius, teach them, shape them into my ideal subordinates, to play host to my personal vision" He says, rubbing his temple as if it aches "So their skills would speak of my superior methods, and silence those who seek to undo my efforts behind my back, quieting the critics"

"And imagine how humiliating it would be, for say, a shepherd with a mind for numbers, outdoing the trusted mathematician of a high lord" You sneer back as Perturabo savors the thought like a hard candy, reveling in the mere idea of such a thing.

"Perhaps I shall. I admit, it would be wonderful to hear others so fervently repeat my wisdom to others, and be understood and looked to as a superior intellect" He chuckles, low, almost dangerous as you smile behind his back

"Just, one more thing" You begin

"A petty rebellion does not include hangings" He jests, glancing back to see your brilliant, glowing smile

"I enjoyed seeing you so happy and carefree, were you were supposed to be, amongst open minds and those intelligent enough to grasp your grandiose visions" You say humbly and earnestly, cupping your fist and bowing "Like a panther in the fog"

A smile slowly dawns on his face

"I...thank you, Lieren" he says a moment later, uncertain of what else to say to you.

Jinhai wished he did not need to wear his battlefield regalia. While the fish scaled armor was easy wearing in battle, it was weighty and unpleasant while off the battlefield. He'd much prefer to be wearing his daily imperial attire, rather than his armor designed to evoke both carp and dragons. He had managed to convince his new guards that the helmet was unnecessary, as all of the inbuilt sensors within its visor had began searing his eyes as he sat upon his traveling throne, waiting to meet this Magnus and Perturabo.

Lady Qian had given them standing orders to be on guard, he couldn't fault them for being obedient and loyal, but he thought his spymaster was overly cautious. The kin of Lieren would never be any danger to Shangrala or her people, and certainly never him or his family. They were brothers, no bound by blood, but by a shared dream and promise. But, worrying his wife and servants had no purpose, and a little discomfort was nothing he couldn't endure. Tapping his fingers on the arms of his throne, he watched the throng and stream of courtiers, nobles and officials who earned their position through merit and ability, as they spoke highly of both of Lieren's brothers. How Magnus delighted in the customs and culture of their people, how Perturabo endeavored to ensure his safety and he wished he had Lieren's gift for reading others, to see what they were not telling him.

A messenger appeared, shouting and blaring on a mechanically powered horn, that the time for the long awaited audience had come and for the two brothers of Lieren to be presented and introduced to the emperor. Jinhai himself.

Sitting up straight, Jinhai retrieved his helmet, setting it on one arm of the throne while a servant placed the Mian Guan atop his head and eleven strands of eleven beads entered his vision.

He was shocked, when the first of the brothers, appeared, gliding across the air. More so that he was red and taller than Lieren than the display of psykerist power. He maintained a composed, dignified expression that Daiyu and Qian Xia had tutored him to default to while in public, stroking his beard as he watched a second young man more a boy than a man of a darker Vishnu or Shuni shade of Skin, maybe Zoroast, enter the facade palace behind the oddly dressed giant, dressed in similar fashion to him. Shades of desert sands beneath a blazing sun.

"Behold, the son of heaven, the first emperor of Long-Jia, the war hero, the Qilin rider, the breaker of Dai, the genius of shifting tides! Long Jia Jinhai" The same messenger bellows "Present yourself, Magnus of Prospero!"

And in perfect Long-Jianese, the red giant introduced himself, deigning to touch the ground and kneel respectfully his way as the crowd around him murmured. Jinhai heard enough to know the favorite theory for why he was so...red, was that he must be an even more dangerous fighter than either Lieren or the oft rumored Angron.

"Rise, Son of Prospero" Jinhai said in a booming voice, lifting up his hand "And come to my side, I would like to hear stories of your world, Sorcerer king"

Jinhai smirked, seeing the planners of this ceremony go pale faced as they realized what he had known all a long, that Magnus was of foreign royalty. It was a harmless faux pas on their part, one that wouldn't bother Magnus if he shared any characteristics with his golden eyed brother, but one needed to stir the pot ever now and again

"Shall I entertain his magnanimousity with an account of Tizca?" Magnus chuckled, no doubt reading his intent as Jinhai felt him touch the surface of his mind while a few courtiers quietly panicked and some of the spider's webs shook in their boots "And its beauty, that is peerless beneath the shifting sky of Propsero?"

Jinhai answered with an approving lift of his hand.

And found that Magnus had just as poetic a tongue as his brother, as all who heard him speak of the rebuilt wonder of the city wept, embittered that they would be unable to witness its beauty first hand, that they could not behold the grandeur of an otherworld kingdom rebuilt by the hands of another giant. And Jinhai did not think any of them were wary of the man who he addressed like the long dead Kamal Kanon, as a king of sorcerers.

"Behold, the son of heaven, the first emperor of Long-Jia, the war hero, the herald of phoenixes, the subjugator of Xue, the end of bloodshed, the radiant one! Long-Jia Jinhai!" The herald cried as a shorter giant with a judging and disappointed scowl and shaved head strode in with a little girl at his side, with ink black hair curious wonder in her young eyes. and soldiers who seemed intimidated by Jinhai's mere existence followed behind here.

The power structure there was clear enough that one didn't have to be Lieren to see it. There was a pause as the officials tried to quickly discern Perturabo's social standing, before the man himself walked up and knelt on one knee

"I've heard stories of you accomplishments, I am impressed. That is a rare accolade indeed" he said curtly as he rose and then repeated his name and introduced his sister, Calliphone, as Magnus raised a cup while Amon paused his explanation for the runes they both wore on their belts "Brother"

"Perturabo" Magnus said with a nod

"I would, if it is permitted, discuss with you why your palace requires so much grazing area for this Qilin creature" Perturabo began, to the horror of the more uptight and protocol and etiquette obsessed of his flock of hanger ons

"Oh, you mean my pet" Jinhai exclaimed happily, sitting up a bit straighter "I was told it needed more exercise to be a suitable stud for a herd found in the Zoroast provinces, by a tribe of Nomadic Angra, and wished an area to be prepared for him and his future mates"

"Angra" Perturabo rolled the term in his mouth "Ah, one of the subspecies present on this planet, may I show the emperor my revised plans for his palace"

Jinhai leaned forward, seeing Lieren standing in the entrance to his temporary court, smiling just as amusedly as he was, by the courts confusion of how to deal with his brothers

"And the payment to be given to your father" Jinhai said with a smile "And Lieren, come, sit with your brothers, send a messenger to fetch his father and bride, and her sisters, while we wait for our friend Angron and the"

He glanced to look at his friend's expression, and saw that he still wanted to leave the last guest welcomed as a surprise, as he did with those visitors of an entirely other species from the rest of them

"Final guest" he decided to phrase it as, as Perturabo nodded and bid his sister to introduce herself in passable Long-Jianese. Not everyone could be as cunning a linguist as Lieren and his brothers and Long-Jianese was a difficult language to learn, let alone master.

"I must ask, why you didn't simply poison the toad dragon or crush it beneath the walls of the canyon it took as its lair" Perturabo questioned as you refilled his glass of plum wine "The rubble could've been cleared and used in the construction of your road"

"Then stories would be told of its survival, and my workers would be too scared to work as quickly as they had before" You laugh as you pull up the glass and offer it to Jinhai and Daiyu in turn, who both, with temperance, refuse a second glass of the vintage your father had been credited to making as he'd recently been gifted an orchard of juicy and sweet plum trees

"Superstitions have great power" Amon says, still green around the neck from when you slipped him a thimble of dragon's spit.

"This beverage has great power" Magnus joked as he coughed, eyes watering from the remaining half of a thimble of Dragon's spit, that was then passed to Perturabo, who eyed it warily "And I believe, in accordance to our treaty, it is your turn to tell a tale, Perturabo"

And at the moment, Jinhai rose to announce the arrival of Angron, and you could tell both Magnus and Perturabo were more interested in meeting him than continuing exchanging stories

"Be wary of that spirit" Wenyan warned "It is a dangerous thing with a foul taste"

"Though many suffer it, thinking it symbolic of the bitterness of life" Kanzeon laughed

"Most who do are drunk scholars" Daiyu tittered

"Or bask" Mari added quietly

"Gimme" Anahita snorted, reaching for a bottle of the stuff "It can't be that bad'

"Don't turn of your taste receptors" Al-uzza scolded "It is most unbecoming to show off in front of the imperial family"

"Oh spoil sport" Anahita laughed as she set the bottle down and Kanzeon batted Liberty's hand away from it as she tried to sneakily pull it under the table.

How do you welcome Angron, Lieren?

>Wait for him here, while he has his numerous victories proclaimed for all to hear

>Leave this midday meal with Jinhai and your brothers, and exchange war stories as you meander back to the temporary imperial court.

>Mention to Perturabo and Magnus your spar with him, and raise the question which of you four would win in a free for all

>Decide that now is the time to tell them who else is invited to your wedding. And that you should force Eldrad to mingle and partake in these ceremonies as well

>Write in

Also, imagine what is going on the heads of those soldiers Dammekos' sent to escort perturabo and Calliphone.

They were expecting being sent to an isolated, backwater city state

And then instead get Long-Jia and all the wonders Lieren has brought to it.
>>Wait for him here, while he has his numerous victories proclaimed for all to hear
>>Decide that now is the time to tell them who else is invited to your wedding. And that you should force Eldrad to mingle and partake in these ceremonies as well

YES. Time to teach Perturabo the health benefits of trolling
>Get eldrad in here. Dont mention emps
And like >>5967821 said, don't mention Big E.
>>5967813 #
>>5967821 #


Meeting Dad should be a happy surprise.
>Wait for him here, while he has his numerous victories proclaimed for all to hear
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Somehow reading about Lieran here gave me strong vibes of what he would appear as if his philosophy ever became inverted. A type of benevolent nirvanic creator and teacher capable of great subtly layered atop an inhuman perception of the universe who incidentally also appears very similar to a Ctan or man of iron when his golden face of understanding is stripped away.
>>Wait for him here, while he has his numerous victories proclaimed for all to hear
Evil Lieren be like
>"I will state my points clearly and concisely."
>"I won't mislead my friends for a laugh."
>"Chaos isn't that bad."
>"Baseline humans suck at fighting."
>"Tea is kinda nasty, not gonna lie."
>"I actually will fuck my giant wife."
>Wait for him here, while he has his numerous victories proclaimed for all to hear
>Decide that now is the time to tell them who else is invited to your wedding. And that you should force Eldrad to mingle and partake in these ceremonies as well

>Don't tell Dad
>Also, imagine what is going on the heads of those soldiers Dammekos' sent to escort perturabo and Calliphone.
>They were expecting being sent to an isolated, backwater city state
>And then instead get Long-Jia and all the wonders Lieren has brought to it.

There's a possibility that if they end up asking a bit more about the history of the world and find out that despite the current prosperity, the planet was, within living memory, leagues worse than they have ever heard anywhere on Olympia could be like.
So, they think back on what Perturabo was prevented from doing by court politics or other reasons, as well as what he did manage to get through. And this makes them conclude that they were holding Perturabo back from becoming the greater of the two worlds.
Which makes them turn into Perturabo's strongest supporters because they want to atone for this (mayhap some have lost family to things that they believe or are certain could have been prevented?).
Perhaps this desire for atonement even start to turn into mini-Iron Warriors, so Perturabo is forced into a position where he has to tangle with an equivalent to his Legion's canon culture with the realizations Lieren helped give him at the start of this very thread and elsewhere.

Maybe that conflict initially triggers with a promising soldier getting crippled or killed in a legitimate accident during intense training, making Perturabo remember this bit:
>"Even jade needs to be cut and refined, I see" Perturabo says with a sagely nod, eyes still closed "Despite their impressive performance and abilities, they still needed to be, well, not beaten into shape, but refined as you said"
and he realizes that this culture only has them being beaten into shape, not properly refined.
With potential that he has to work with Calliphone to stop her father from making things worse since said father wants soldiers with that mindset (sorta taking up the role of canon Perterabo, especially his weaknesses).
Frankly we need to send gifts back with him. Including something nice and big and threatening.

A knight might be too much but not a heavy tank.
What about a Cui Warmonger? They still use horses on Olympia, right?
Lol lmao.
Ye but a horse is a horse. Someone to wow those back in olympia of something that they cannot hope to match.

Imagine if we sent dragons home with Pert.
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I got it.
What if we give Perturabo resources and time to build something of his own? Something that he can wield and is unwilling to give up. That would be a powerful show of station.
I was thinking. For our niche shall we get into gene stuff? no Primarch has that spec and we could do alot of good.
Magnus sat within the get Pyramid of his home sorting through tomes mundane and arcane. The latest additions gathered by his sons out in the wider Imperium from far flung worlds whose cultures he hoped would offer some wisdom worthy of remembrance. But he felt strange, despite the warming adepts, even Amon being at his side he felt....lonely? It saddened him so much in the moment he put down the scroll he'd been examining at stepped outside to look over the balcony to overlook his word's capital. It was all there but somehow it felt less hopeful yet he couldn't put his finger on it? He moved back to his study and sunk into a chair sitting in silence wracking his mind as to what could be plaguing him so and after a moment his brow furrowed; he couldn't remember?

Having clearly noticed his friends absence Amon entered the chamber and spoke quietly concern clear in his tone;

“Are you alright Magnus?”

The Crimson King was lost in thought....why couldn't he remember? He turned to his friend his own self doubt evidently clear for Amon stepped closer...

“What is it, what has happened?”

Magnus went through his mind, gaps? Clear cuts within his mind....he felt a wave of nausea...he felt something roll down his cheek?

Amon was before him now looking him hard in the eye; “Speak to me Magnus”

The Primarch of the Thousand Sons looked his old friend in the eye and a whirlwind of emotions crossed between them, his teacher placed a hand upon his shoulder to reassure him but something caught his eye? It was a simple ring...Magnus didn't recognise it.

“Where did you get this?” he asked,

Amon looked at the ring dismissively; “i've always had it since...well I don't remember but what does it matter it's just a ring?”

Magnus rose for he now knew the feeling,, his mind had been tampered with...by who? When? For what purpos- he froze.... the Lost.

Slowly the Sorceror King turned about his chamber taking care to keep his mind still, to filter all things out until he understood...

Something in his mind clicked and he heard a voice; “Empty your mind”.

He began to weep yet he spun his head around searching for the source of the voice.

It was Amon's Ring, it was an overlooked carved figure upon his desk, it emanated from a single piece of half burnt parchment upon his wall.

He as swept the things away and gripped his skull; it hurt.



Upon Terra the Master of Mankind ceased his work and felt a tingle work it's way down his spine.

“Did you feel that Malcador?” He spoke without looking away from where the sky should be even through the ancient depths of the Imperial Dungeons

“-I did...it seems our efforts were not enough...”

he froze for both he and his friend were looking into the dark of the high shadowed roof above them, Golden eyes stared back and the room began to feel colder and colder breath becoming a fine mist.



Magnus's eyes bled as they burnt radiant gold, he roared and shook the whole Pyramid, images flashed before his eyes, memories, feelings, hopes; his brother.

He remembered celebration, fighting beside a shadow his mind struggled to fill out, he remembered unbound joy, he heard laughter...wedding bells, he remembered...he remembered a quiet night upon a far flung world.

“Our Father summons me to Terra brother, i'm sure we'll be reunited once more soon enough. What over Shangrala while I'm gone!” The shadow laughed and smiled, mist hiding his features but for those eyes.

Shangrala....the word was the last piece and his mind was whole once more.

“Lieren-” He whispered aloud first in sadness, his brother....his father had...no...impossible...he wouldn't he couldn't?! he...

He recalled how Dorn, Russ and Mortarion had also been called back to terra...but only Lieren had...


Amon's worry was swiftly becoming a dread, Magnus had once been weeping having overturned his own study but now...now the sky was growing dark, the tears had stopped. Magnus was shaking and all things stood still the Primarch's rage palpable in the world. Lightning lashed out, a fog decended, Magnus's face was looked in a snarl of unfathomable fury.

"Tyrant" whispered the shadows of the room.

“No Father of mine” he murmured, eyes ablaze like suns.
But Magnus is better at that.
I think we don't really have one specialization and that sort of goes well with our legion of chimeras.
Primarchs are sort of good at anything they set their mind to, if anything I'd say we are like Vulkan, Lorgar and Corvus put in a blender; we are better at aligning people to our worldview and shaping philosophies but with a more humane yet revolutionary approach
If anything our specialty as far as the emperors original plan was simply efficiency. Being able to absorb as much data as possible like a machine and charting the most efficient path to whatever the emperor designates.

And you can still see reflections of that in leirens character, just hidden behind an actual personality with emotions.
I think we can categorize Lieren's psyche into 3 distinct parts, the man, the machine, and the monster (The Ogre).
Fits nicely into the ego, id, and super-ego slots.

Counterpoint: As a creation of the Emperor with one of the most powerful minds in human history, our once-dullb machine-like mind subconsciously determined that the ideal path for efficiency was to create a likeable personality. Humans listen to other humans they like, they're more willing to go along with risky plans if made by somebody they trust, and more likely to push beyond their limits for a friend in need.

Our meat computer concluded that to increase efficiency towards our Father's plans, we needed to optimize our emotions.

This also explains why We hate so strongly, and why we have to quell the Ogre so frequently: Hate and spite are powerful motivators to accomplish, but too much can spill over into recklessness.

Anyhow, how long until Malal reveals that we're all either:
A court of Malice daemons and advisors vying for His approval.

A collection of (mostly) benevolent warp spirits who filled Lieren's empty vessel.

Mindwiped fragments of Men of Gold given a second chance as Man of Meat
I personally see us as being most similar to Perturabo < Lorgar < Fulgrim < Lion < Magnus < Kurze < and Sanginius in that order. We actually have a scary amount of overlap with Fulgrim and Lorgar. I say we are most similar to Perturabo for obvious reasons and because when offered literally any job we chose to be an architect. Fun fact, Fulgrim was the only canonical primarch to take wives.
So my theory is that each primarch was likely made in part from the souls/essences of minor/dead warp gods so it's possible that we were made from a minor god of chaos undivided/god of order.
Majorkill had the same thought about them as he said the special sauce needed to create them. Fabius Bile managed to create true clones of the primarchs, but they lacked the special sauce, therefore they were weaker than the original, which allowed Abadon to kill the Horus clone.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait. Delay was due to the weakness of the flesh this time. Specifically that I cut the fuck out of my hand while building Gunpla, probably shouldn't have used a dull exacto knife.

Wait for him here, while he has his numerous victories proclaimed for all to hear:9

Decide that now is the time to tell them who else is invited to your wedding. And that you should force Eldrad to mingle and partake in these ceremonies as well:8
-But don't mention Big E:7
-Don't tell big E about Eldrad:1

total votes:10

So Angron will be welcomed by having his victories proclaimed, while Lieren, Magnus and Perturabo wait for him at Jinhai's side

Where Lieren will tell his three brothers that he's invited Eldrad, and welcome The Aeldari to join in on the festivities, but leave out that he's also invited their father.

Writing now


Nice music choice, made the already foreboding story even more so, though the ending made me cry. Excellent writing all around, anon, lots of pathos and emotion in it.
Crossing one leg over the other, you swirl a glass of lemon juice mixed with a water, before using it to cleanse your palate before sneakily snatching a piece of candy Liberty had been eyeing, and giving the youngest of Kanzeon's sisters a mischievous smirk as Perturabo faces down his reflection in the small thimble sized glass of dragon's spit, being egged on to try it by not only Anahita, but Magnus, Wenyan and even his own sister, who finds the thought of seeing him lose his composure from a simple drink to be amusing.

"I for one, cannot wait to meet the heroic son of Nuceria once more" Jinhai stated, loudly enough to be heard by the court as he set a comforting hand over Daiyu's own, turning to her and smiling "Your first meeting with Angron had been terribly short, hopefully this second encounter will be longer, at least long enough for you to see the qualities that made him the beacon of hope and freedom for his enslaved people"

"I hope I will have more time to speak with him than I did during his first visit to our world" Daiyu returns, raising her voice to be heard by the court and the honored few reporters allowed admittance and audience during this most historic of days.

"This isn't poisoned is it?" Perturabo wheezes, eyes watering from sipping the edge of the thimble of spirits "I've tasted lethal doses of Olympia's most potent toxins, and they were refreshing compared to this, tch, drink"

"It is very much an acquired taste, made from the guts of a certain species of river fish" You chuckle as you take the thimble from him "And traditionally, if its bouquet of aroma and bitter tastes are unpalatable, it is mixed with fruit juice and other sweeteners to lessen both"

"Bastard" Perturabo growls bitterly as Magnus pinches his nose

"It could wake the dead from their slumber, or be used to rose coma victims" He jokes as Perturabo pours himself several glasses of water, that he moves through drinking to wash the bitter tasting and thick textured spirit from his tongue while Calliphone giggles from behind her hands, as Anahita wrestles Liberty away from the table, rough housing with her as Al-Uzza and Mari sit straight back, the very image of etiquette and feminine elegance. Laughing, you lean back into your chair and run a hand through Kanzeon's hair, picking flower petals from it while shaking the perfume sprayed and worked into her locks to fill the air of the court with its sweet fragrance.

Angron arrives

Dressed casually, in the cloths of a common man of Nuceria, unadorned and unarmored, though his choice of fashion puts on display his numerous scars that cover his sun darkened hide. He stands proud and resolute as his achievements and accomplishments are read off by both a former cybernetic gladiator and the official who introduced Magnus and Perturabo.

His father, Oenomaus, stands at his side, holding his gladius and with the young dragon Eruthrós wrapped around is arm, chirping happily and snapping playfully at the man's recently shorn beard.

Perturabo narrows his eyes as he scrutinizes Angron, taking his measure from a distance and judging him based on his posture, stance and idle expression as Magnus looks over the rim of his wine glass, and also looks over the other primarch with a calculating eye, amiable curiosity clear in his ever shifting, multi colored eyes. Eyes which widen with dull surprise as he senses Angron's natural psionic capability, as Angron also senses Perturabo's stare and dour contemplation of him through that same ability

"Brothers" Angron said with a toothy grin, the kind that could spark a brawl if carelessly made, throwing his arms out as his muscles tense and coil tight, showing off his physicality and strength "To think we'd meet so soon, and for a reason as peaceable as a wedding. Here I thought we'd first meet face to face in the killing fields, faces splattered with blood and weapons covered in gore, but instead, we meet here, in a much more suitable and pleasant occasion, far from the chaos of battle or the grimness of war. And who do we have to thank besides the man and women of the hour, Lieren and the Lucky Lady herself Kanzeon"

"It is better for us to encounter one another outside of the battlefield before we are made to join our forebearer's intergalactic conquests" Perturabo admits, smirking as he is pleasantly surprised by Angron's proud bearing and respectful greeting "If only so we may have a chance to grow accustomed to one another, and used to eachother's presence, rather than being made to scramble to work as a unified front in a war beyond our imagining"

"You haven't seen the memorial of the butcher's war, it isn't beyond one of our imaginings" Angron says somberly, with a thoughtful nod "But yes, it is best that we meet as brothers and foster that familial bond, as I have done with Lieren"

"I've heard enough to know that more terrible wars than it will await beyond our respective terra firma" Perturabo muses "Though the like of it has never visited Olympia, I understand what sort of war we're expected to wage. Lieren, I admit, is the only one of us with experience applicable to waging such a conflict"

"So far, I for one am not leaping at the chance to share his experience, while there is still rebuilding to be done" Angron states neutrally, sensing the often mercurial shifts of Perturabo's emotions as soon as they begin "My people have spent so long under oppression, that there is little culture that has survived untouched by it. Something I seek to undo. And, if I am correct, you are Perturabo, hailing from Olympia. Odd how your dress is similar to mine"

"Communal memories and culture that endured the vast distances traveled and time spent separated between two off shoots of humanity across the stars" Perturabo answered, pleased to be given a chance to display his shrewd wit "And you are correct, Thal'kyr. I offer my condolences for your unfortunate beginnings"

"I'm sure if you had the means, you'd have fought at my side as well' Angron states confidently, glancing to Magnus and sneering "Ah, and that leaves you as Magnus, the dreams you've given me make me wake up in a cold sweat, magician"

"I beg your pardon, I've simply been trying to establish an enduring astral communication system, as I have done with Lieren and his followers" Magnus kindly replies, running a hand through his mane of hair before sweeping it with a flick of his wrist

"He also possesses Psykerist abilities?" Perturabo questioned

"Angron is an empath" Magnus answers "A blessing and a curse, as I understand it, as the potency of his innate talent is quiet beyond any empath I've encountered on Prospero"

"Heavy is the blade that shares the dying terror of those who it cuts down" You sagely muse as Angron snorts bullishly through his nose

"To put it in less flowery words, A lesser man would be made pacifist by this power, but, I was a killer before I fostered my gift, and have had the good fortune that my opponents have all been the worst breed of bastard, so far" Angron answered for himself "So, it isn't as double edged a blessing as you might think, Brother, and the more I use it, the greater my uses for it become"

"I must wonder if I'm the odd one out, or if my own preternatural abilities have yet to awaken. Or perhaps they have and they are simply more subtle than grandiose displays of power or exaggerated empathetic ability" Perturabo wonders, as you smile and hold your tongue, already considering his innate ability to comprehend the mechanics and function of any and all technology to be the innate ability he's held since birth

"There is probably a method of testing for it, Bo" Calliphone chimes in as Angron marches up to the table, exchanging short but not impolite greetings with Jinhai and Daiyu. Magnus then begins to, with Amon's assistance, list of the various means of testing for psionic ability and prowess while a whimsical thought passes your mind

"Ah, I should invite the other guests to join the festivities, or else they may simply spend the whole affair lurking in the shadows and just at the edge of perception" You states as Kanzeon sighs through her teeth, having a dim view of most of said guests

"Who?" Several voices demand at once

"Eldrad Ulthran, the foremost farseer of Ulthwe, stop hiding your presence and join in the celebration!" You declare loudly, standing and lifting up your cup

"Feel free to leave your hangers on at the door" Kanzeon dully adds with a roll of her eyes as Perturabo frowns and Magnus and Angron's eyes widen in surprise
"The Aeldari?" Magnus questions

"Ah, one of the aliens who lent a helping hand" Angron recalls as his father shows off the dragon to an amazed Calliphone and Amon, who are both enraptured by the creature

"The eldar, the same species that caused a galactic catastrophe and wrought ruin the work of generations due to arrogance alone. They're...You've invited them to your wedding?" Perturabo balks, more baffled than offended

"My darling can't help but see the best in people, and admittedly, these eldar at least feel ashamed by their ancestors, and this one in particular is a...friend" Kanzeon explains as Al-uzza stammers

"This is a bad idea" She hisses through her teeth as Mari shakes her head

"They aren't so bad" She says quietly as Anahita frowns

"So that's how you incorporated their tech in your designs, kazzy, you cheater" She pouts, tossing an apple at her sister, but Liberty intercepts it

"I'll keep a close eye on the rat bastards!" She declares as she bites into the fruit and chews it loudly, and with her mouth full of pulp, keeps talking "Make certain they don't make things go FUBAR"

"Her linguistics are entirely different than the rest" Perturabo mutters, distracted by Liberty's unique character as Calliphone stares at her, wondering what it is she said as she has only just began learning Long-Jianese

"Haha! The little one is funny, I like her" Angron laughs as Al-Uzza scolds Liberty telepathically and Mari just frowns despondently

"Must you reveal my company so thoughtlessly, Lieren of Shangrala, I was content to wait for the ceremony to begin to reveal myself" Eldrad sighs as he swoops into the court room, which is now abuzz with activity and confusion by his sudden appearance and nature as a non human entity, though no one looks at him with violent intent or fear, due to the teachings of the journey

"And yes, Perturabo of Olympia, that is a, though somewhat crude account of my people's past mistakes, unfortunately an accurate one as well" he continues on, sounding simply tired as Perturabo watches him closely "It was not the first nor the last, but it was perhaps our greatest folly as a species. It is good to see you Magnus, and I am pleased you allowed me my discretion, unlike a certain golden eyed jester"

"You seemed lonely, in the crowd but unobserved, and I believe my family to be better company than your disciples" You giggle, and hide your grinning face behind your sleeve like a maiden girl, mostly to annoy Eldrad more "Come, we have drinks and fresh fruit"

"How did the two of you become friends?" Perturabo asked, giving up on logic for the time being, leaning across the table

"It is a long story" You claim

"It truly is not, that is a stark exaggeration" Eldrad argues back, lifting up his helmeted head as the clamor of the court quiets to whispered gossip and curious murmuring "We share a student, a common acquaintance"

"Carys" Kanzeon answers blithely "One of the few Eldar with anything approaching common sense"

"One who forsook our ways to instead practice his teachings" Eldrad explains "And while percentage, you may have a point with that insult, I still take offense on their behalf. Nice to see others of your kind active, and I see introductions are in order"

Jinhai turns to you

"I know the word Ulthwe, but who is he?" He asks quietly as Eldrad is introduced to Kanzeon's sister

"The Guozhi of Ulthwe, one of their leaders, the most senior amongst their peerage, a powerful psyker, and the venerable elder of most who are present" You answer back quietly and helpfully, so he doesn't embarrass himself as he greets the unexpected guest "Though I am certain Guozhi himself would argue he is far beneath Eldrad in terms of experience and ability"

"I see, I see" Jinhai mutters, stroking his beard thoughtfully as Eldrad steps forward to introduce and present himself in flawless Long-Jianese

What do you do now that the surprise guest has joined the party, Lieren?

>Apologize for your rudeness in exposing him, and tell him his presence and company is much appreciated

>Talk about your recent encounter with the unrepentant Aeldari slavers and how they are the ones deserving of enmity, not Eldrad's people

>Discuss your philosophy of working together with other races and trying to find common ground with them with your brothers.

>tell Perturabo why Liberty is the way she is, and that she's taken on habits, mannerisms and turns of speech from her favorite caretaker, Dae-Hyun

>Write in
>Talk about your recent encounter with the unrepentant Aeldari slavers and how they are the ones deserving of enmity, not Eldrad's people
>tell Perturabo why Liberty is the way she is, and that she's taken on habits, mannerisms and turns of speech from her favorite caretaker, Dae-Hyun
>>5970856 #
>Talk about your recent encounter with the unrepentant Aeldari slavers and how they are the ones deserving of enmity, not Eldrad's people

>Discuss your philosophy of working together with other races and trying to find common ground with them with your brothers.

>tell Perturabo why Liberty is the way she is, and that she's taken on habits, mannerisms and turns of speech from her favorite caretaker, Dae-Hyun

A discussion about our philosophy with our guests can be enlightening considering how their points of view can show different ways of perceiving it.
>Apologize for your rudeness in exposing him, and tell him his presence and company is much appreciated
"I apologise my Friend but I didn't want your first introductions to be one of shock that may result in abet brief; misunderstanding. For just as their are those of your kin whom have made such mistakes in the past humanity has committed sins to; The Men of iron."
[Someone might panic if they seen an Aeldari sneaking around and do something foolish]
>Talk about your recent encounter with the unrepentant Aeldari slavers and how they are the ones deserving of enmity, not Eldrad's people

We need to get this sorted pretty quick so if any are encountered our Brothers know the difference, this can lead into...

>Discuss your philosophy of working together with other races and trying to find common ground with them with your brothers.
>Discuss your philosophy of working together with other races and trying to find common ground with them with your brothers.

>tell Perturabo why Liberty is the way she is, and that she's taken on habits, mannerisms and turns of speech from her favorite caretaker, Dae-Hyun
>>tell Perturabo why Liberty is the way she is, and that she's taken on habits, mannerisms and turns of speech from her favorite caretaker, Dae-Hyun
>Apologize for your rudeness in exposing him, and tell him his presence and company is much appreciated
>Discuss your philosophy of working together with other races and trying to find common ground with them with your brothers.
>>Discuss your philosophy of working together with other races and trying to find common ground with them with your brothers.
>tell Perturabo why Liberty is the way she is, and that she's taken on habits, mannerisms and turns of speech from her favorite caretaker, Dae-Hyun
Question why do you exclude talking about the dark Eldar it is important information to share with the brothers. I understand being polite to our guests is important but informing them of one of the dangers they may encounter is more important than being polite.
>Apologize for your rudeness in exposing him, and tell him his presence and company is much appreciated
>tell Perturabo why Liberty is the way she is, and that she's taken on habits, mannerisms and turns of speech from her favorite caretaker, Dae-Hyun
>>Apologize for your rudeness in exposing him, and tell him his presence and company is much appreciated
>>tell Perturabo why Liberty is the way she is, and that she's taken on habits, mannerisms and turns of speech from her favorite caretaker, Dae-Hyun
>Apologize for your rudeness in exposing him, and tell him his presence and company is much appreciated

>Talk about your recent encounter with the unrepentant Aeldari slavers and how they are the ones deserving of enmity, not Eldrad's people

>Discuss your philosophy of working together with other races and trying to find common ground with them with your brothers.
Can’t wait for Big E to show up so we can lend him our eyes to read the brand.
Say guys when we get Konrad can we give him to the eldrad he would make sure he controls his vision and also his sanity also Konrad deep down actually wanted things to change then what his visions showed him but they always stayed the same
I'm not sure it's a good idea to let the fucking Night Haunter into a craftworld. That's a diplomatic incident just waiting to happen.
We can have him restrained by primarch standard and the emperor will also be there to supervise him as well if he can
I'm not sure Konrad can even be fixed. I think the best we could do is convince him that fate is bullshit but he's still going to be lawful evil demigod batman and Lieren will hate him for that. I'm not even sure Lieren would want to help him after all the downright evil shit he's done, it's more likely he'll want to hang Curze on sight.
I’m sure he can we just have to be patient with him and slowly restore his sanity and help him control his powers
>>Apologize for your rudeness in exposing him, and tell him his presence and company is much appreciated
>>Talk about your recent encounter with the unrepentant Aeldari slavers and how they are the ones deserving of enmity, not Eldrad's people
"you dont know him like i do, i can fix him. he only hits me when i've done something to make him mad"
I agree, i am also not sure is possible. Lieren will collide with others primarchs, inevitably.

I dont think it will be a question of patience and understanding. It will be more either a removal or reeducation with an imprisonment perhaps. Its still someone that can be a galactic warlord.

>>Talk about your recent encounter with the unrepentant Aeldari slavers and how they are the ones deserving of enmity, not Eldrad's people
>>Discuss your philosophy of working together with other races and trying to find common ground with them with your brothers.
Didn't he have a moment where he saw a future where he took on a Robin, but rejected it because of a contrasting vision where the boy attacked him and seemed to have killed him? I think it was spoken of by him in the book where he was going to his death and in it, he was questioning why that alternate vision was the one he listened to since it was a malnourished boy and he was a grown Primarch. If we can get him talking about that, that could be the break in his armor we need.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the wait, had problems with machine spirits besides my internet or PC, and replacing them caused me a lot of stress. But its settled now

Talk about your recent encounter with the unrepentant Aeldari slavers and how they are the ones deserving of enmity, not Eldrad's people:8

tell Perturabo why Liberty is the way she is, and that she's taken on habits, mannerisms and turns of speech from her favorite caretaker, Dae-Hyun:8

Discuss your philosophy of working together with other races and trying to find common ground with them with your brothers:9

Apologize for your rudeness in exposing him, and tell him his presence and company is much appreciated:7
-"I apologize my friend...etc": 2

Total votes:13

So Lieren will apologize to Eldrad, explain why liberty is so coarsely mannered, talk about his raid upon the dark natured Aeldari, and then discuss his philosophy of working with other races and trying to find common ground between disparate species

Writing now
"I apologize most sincerely and truthfully for so rudely and unexpectedly exposing your presence to all others who are guest to this most auspicious and joyous of days" You humbly apologize to Eldrad in the Aeldari tongue, much to the bewonderment of Perturabo and Calliphone, and the minor exasperation of Magnus, Kanzeon and her sisters, who see it as showing off somewhat in front of guests and family. Eldrad lifts off the helmet that marks him as a farseer and a defender of Ulthwe, an amused glint in his large, almond eyes as he sets it down on the table and with the grace of a falling leaf, takes his seat.

"However" you continue, this time in Long-Jianese so you won't give your brother, betrothed or sisters in laws anymore reason to heckle your earnest apology, even if admittedly it was somewhat histrionic to speak your request for pardon in an alien language "Your presence and company on this most merry day of my wedding, are as greatly appreciated as a warm hearth after a long journey"

"Though some present do not share the opinion, your hospitality brings me succor and a sense of safety near as impenetrable as the walls of fair ulthwe" He answers in perfect Long-Jianese, which you can see sets the clockwork in Perturabo's mind turning as he connects the linguistic similarities between the two entirely separated languages, knowing that the poetry and symbolism ingrained into them must serve as a common foothold that allows for speakers of one to more easily grasp the other.

"I protest the presence of your dumbass lackies, Ulthran, not you. You've only done good for this family" Kanzeon defensively rebukes, though Al-Uzza still side eyes him warily and Liberty makes a very rude gesture, which breaks Perturabo's concentration on unraveling the mysteries of the elegant and idiom rich language of your countrymen and the men of the craftworlds as the question comes to his mind, why is the youngest of the sisters so rowdy and rude.

"It is not in our nature to trust easily" Eldrad begins, turning to Kanzeon as you lean closer to Perturabo and whisper, like a gossiping old woman

"You wonder why Liberty is the way she is, with such a sharp tongue and churlish demeanor, acting more as a rowdy boy or undisciplined soldier than a graceful girl raised by elegant beauties with manneredly habits and considerate hearts?" You ask, as Calliphone leans closer to slip into the discussion as well

"Am I that easily read?" Your brother jokes, smirking as he lifts a hand and waves it, giving affirmation that he would like to here the reason.

"Well, it could be that her true vessel served a more militant purpose than her other sisters, and this has shaped her personality. However, I believe it to be much simpler and profound than her rough edges being the result of nature. Rather, they are the product of nurture" You explain, hands tented as Al-uzza joins in whatever argument Eldrad and Kanzeon are having at the same moment


"She's taken on the mannerisms, speech and habits of her favorite character, former legion master Dae-Hyun. She tries to emulate him, finding his soldiering life style glamorous and exciting, like a little sister mimicking her elders to earn their approval and affection" You explain rapidly, as Liberty catches on that you're talking about her while Perturabo chuckles under his breath and Calliphone gives him a knowing look as the smallest of the sisters walks up and tugs on one of the braids of your hair, cheeks aflame and flushed the color of in season cherry blossoms.

"Don't listen to him!" She balks childishly "The big lug is just being an oxygen thief! I'm just the only one of my sisters who isn't a fat civvy, so what if I don't give a fuck about offending the pencil pushers and arm chair generals and all the other scumbags"

"I see, then, would you like to discuss the most effective strategy for taking a walled city with minimal casualties while inflicting maximum enemy casualties?" Perturabo asks suddenly and sharply as Mari hears Liberty and rushes over to scold her for, well, her usual antics. And Liberty stares, wide eyed with a mix of shock and appreciation for Perturabo militant mindset, mouth wide open as she struggles to answer his question with something more concrete than bluster and acting the part of a rowdy soldier.

Laughing as Liberty is pulled back to her seat and given an ear pulling by Al-Uzza and Mari while Anahita laughs while Kanzeon and Eldrad continue to argue and use ancient history of both their civilizations to prove their point, which has been forgotten as the two have chosen instead to strive to come out on top in the argument rather than prove their side of the debate at this point. But they eventual wind down, neither conceding defeat to the other, but their conversation does become much more polite and pleasant.

"You've encountered Aeldari as opponents before, have you not, Lieren?" One of the officers serving under Yin Lei asks, having been welcomed to the table as acknowledgement for his role in breaking a smuggling and narcotic production ring that had rooted itself in a port city of the Zoroast in recent months "Does this venerable sage hail from their lords or a superior branch of their family, or is he of a rival house?"

Eldrad expression is unreadable to most, especially those who do not have experience with the Aeldari. He isn't uncomfortable, but he is grimly amused by the confusion and has half a thought to do mischief while Kanzeon crosses her arms, annoyed, as even though she has a certain dislike for craftworld aeldari, she holds nothing but contempt for their wholly unrepentant cousins and she is grateful for the assistance Eldrad has lent, even if she wouldn't dare speak it openly.

"A different sect, a society separate from his, made up of villains, blackguard and cruel tyrants of the worst kind. They are the Yan to their Long-Jia, in a manner of speaking, an older, misbegotten branch of their culture that has not adapted even though their maladaptive way of life brings them naught but hardship and agony" You explain, as much for your brothers who have never met an alien before this day as it is for the curious officer, who Yin Lei must've lectured on the lessons learned during the imperial armies clashes with the Lords of the Stellar hunt "They deserve naught but your enmity and hatred, for they have committed atrocities I dare not utter lest my tongue turn black and rot from merely repeating them. Eldrad's people, the fair folk of the Craftworlds, while they can be"

"Arrogant, haughty, vain, conceited, and short sighted" Kanzeon interrupts as Al-uzza lifts her spectacles up the bridge of her nose "Though those are minor character flaws compared the depravity and monstrosity of their truly barbaric cousins, and despite my personal feelings being part of the equation, I admit I much prefer the haughty craftworlders to the depraved monsters outside of their walls"

"And they have a history of deception and trickery, to preserve their receding foothold in the galaxy and stave off the extinguishing of their species" Al-Uzza continues, in a much more scholarly tone, which brings murmurs of curiosity and pity from the crowd listening "A duty they consider paramount over any other aim"

"As I was saying" You begin again, taking no offense to their interruption "And as my promised one observed, their uncultured cousins are sadistic killers and torturers who delight in the agony of others. Eldrad's people, the worst they can be accused of, is prioritizing their own safety over everything else. Though a handful of them have converted to the tenants of the journey, away from their traditional way of life and that they were allowed to do so and freely take their leave, shows that they are a wise people, in spite of past follies"

"Though some of my peers are truly as Kanzeon describes them, others, like myself realize there is much to be gained by accepting the help of other species instead of looking down upon them from atop the podium of long lost glories" Eldrad continues

"I have heard much of your people's great folly, Aeldari" Perturabo chortles "I would not call your histories glorious, though I, admittedly, have only heard of the fall of your people"

"Much of it was not, much of it was, Lieren has studied our pasts, if you're curious, or we can discuss it kindly together" Eldrad says, carefully tempering himself

"And I have experienced exactly the sort of personalities they refer to, both on Ulthwe and Kher-Ys, while they have much to teach, they also make it difficult to even speak with them at times due to those attitudes" Magnus opines, swirling a wine glass thoughtfully "Though, my brother and I have been able to extract gratitude from them"

"A most arduous surgery, surely" Al-Uzza sarcastically remarks, making Kanzeon and Anahita giggle while Liberty looks carefully at Eldrad, wondering where the Gratitude gland was located and how she might remove it if the need arose.

"Oh, you've heard stories and had to argue with hard headed fools" Angron laughed boisterously, eyes gleaming as Eldrad bowed his head, sensing what he was going to say next almost simultaneously with yourself "They tried to have me killed because their oracles had bad dreams about me, isn't that hilarious in a grim way? Though, I also have fought amongst the ones who freed themselves from their ancestor's burden and a few of the ones who still enslave themselves to the past, and hold no ill will towards them for the ultimately suicidal actions of their kinsmen"

"That attempt was not given official sanctioning, and as you said, they paid for it with their lives. Though we were able to recover their affects and return them to their less brash minded comrades, in time" Eldrad answered politely and guiltily "However, our assistance to your cause, was sanctioned"

"And I haven't forgotten it, and hope your fellow seers won't either" Your brother replies with lifted glass "In fact, let us drink, to celebrate the success of the people's revolt"

"I.." Eldrad says, eyes scanning as Kanzeon covers her mouth with her sleeve and Anahita grins viciously. You sense their intent, and glance downwards.

The two of them and Angron had fortified the sweet peach brandy with Dragon's spit.

You decide to say nothing, mostly because you are curious yourself how Eldrad will respond to it, and the effects of the potent liquor on Aeldari physiology.

"As you can all see, my family has had numerous encounters with this ancient race of star farers" You continue on, keeping an eye on Eldrad to watch his reaction to the bitter spirit as you speak "And Eldrad's own disciples have aided me alongside those Journeymen amongst them, in rooting out a den of their ill mannered, evil natured cousins in a daring raid against a hub of their slave trade. A most glorious, and successful operation"

"You may recount the tale of your victory, Grand architect, though it shall be recorded for the benefit of our officer schools and future expansion towards the stars" Jinhai granted his permission with a flick of his fan "For I am curious to hear of this battle against stellar tyrants, and believe it could all serve as a lesson to us all about the importance and strength of unity"

And somehow, Pan An would receive a detailed account of the battle and dramatize it into a popular play, you knew. Smiling, you began your tale, explaining it in a way your audience would understand and that your brothers would appreciate, mixing the style of a military report with long-Jian folktales, and preventing it from turning into a horror story by replacing the details of the horrors you encountered with colorful excuses for why you cannot repeat what you saw, that it would offend the listeners or turn their hair white with horror, though you describe in almost lurid detail how you went about orchestrating the downfall of the station and its masters, moving from the parts of the plan you personally caried out, to that left to the Aeldari, the freed captives alien and human. How you killed Stollaire the son of Cearnarch after using his paranoia to separate him from the security of the center of the citadel, earns a round of cheers from the officers present to listen to the account, while the earlier part of your story where you faced down Cimigh Noct has everyone on the edge of their seat even as Perturabo and Angron give their thoughts about how they would've carried out his killing.

While the rare show of sportsman ship and nobility amongst the defenders of the witch Niss, as well as Redmon's heroic resolve enduring her torments bring tears to many eyes, as does the valiant sacrifice of the muscled green ape, who your description of cause Eldrad to choke on his drink and sputter, as do the other aliens who fought alongside their fellow captives.

By time you reach the end of the account, with the destruction of Yzura's tower, which besides Niss' temple of torture, is the part that requires the most colorful metaphors and avoidances of true descriptions, everyone, your family included, are hushed and listening enraptured by the warriors of several worlds finding unity in purpose against a common enemy.

"And that my brothers, is a prime example of why I strive to work together, not just with my fellow man, no matter their creed, status or origin, but with other species, even those bizarre and totally alien to our eyes. No matter how different they look or how peculiar their customs or biology is, there can be found common ground between species" You explain, as the more ardent Journeymen welcomed to the meal hang on your every word with awe, while your brothers are more critical and introspective

"I am well aware of the difference in the Prosperan and Aeldari approach and use of our shared psionic gifts" Magnus adds as Amon nods in agreement

"Learning different arts is one way to improve one's innate abilities as a psyker, or shore up their weaknesses" He adds with a raised finger

"Oppressors are an universal threat that should be stamped out wherever they are found" Angron growls "Fighting for one's freedom is also an instinct all life shares"

"My son speaks with great wisdom" His father says, well into his cups at this point in the evening

"The difference in physiology and psychology would be an interesting line of study, imagine what the aquatic aliens could achieve in naval warfare, that even trained sailors could not" Perturabo wonders

"Could you tell me about that "Share" "If" Again, Brother of my brother?" Calliphone politely requests

"I often wonder how it is you stumble across villains in need of a noose whenever you go out on a stroll, Lieren" Wenyan ponders only half in jest

"Lieren, if I may have a moment of your time, in private" Eldrad says, oddly frantic and on edge for a reason even your eyes could no discern

What do you do now, Lieren?

>Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate

>Mention off handedly you're sheltering the alien beings you saved from the slavers on Shangrala

>Meditate on why exactly you keep stumbling upon evil wherever you go, as your father raises a fair point.

>Enjoy Kanzeon's company and indulge in the joy of her company and that of your friends and brothers, until your last guest arrives

>Write in
>Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate
>Mention off handedly you're sheltering the alien beings you saved from the slavers on Shangrala
>Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate
>Enjoy Kanzeon's company and indulge in the joy of her company and that of your friends and brothers, until your last guest arrives
Oh time to multitask again guts
>>5973396 #
>Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate

>Enjoy Kanzeon's company and indulge in the joy of her company and that of your friends and brothers, until your last guest arrives

>Mention off handedly you're sheltering the alien beings you saved from the slavers on Shangrala
>>Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate
>>Mention off handedly you're sheltering the alien beings you saved from the slavers on Shangrala
>Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate
"Of course excuse me a moment! Angron you should tell them if your great speech before the free folk before the great charge of the den which once held you!
>Mention off handedly you're sheltering the alien beings you saved from the slavers on Shangrala

Oh shit Eldrad just sensed someone showing up or glimpsed a strange future didn't he.
Support >>5973399

Isnt it vecause whenevr we go out, We encounter malcomtents. Tyranny and evils are not rare in the world
>Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate
>Mention off handedly you're sheltering the alien beings you saved from the slavers on Shangrala
I bet he wants to talk about that ork and its strange behaviour. You'd think an ork would go after the giant human with flashy golden eyes instead of mere eldar. I think that maybe Lieren's soul-link ability might have caused it to confuse Lieren for an ork.
>Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate
>Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate
>Enjoy Kanzeon's company and indulge in the joy of her company and that of your friends and brothers, until your last guest arrives

I imagine it has to do with the fact that we just described the "valiant sacrifice" of an Ork, then proceeded to give a speech about how we need to work together with aliens.
He knows we have no clue what an Ork is, and was fine with leaving it at that, but even he must not want us to foster the image of the valiant Ork among our brothers and the Long-Jianese more then necessary. It could lead to a *very* unfortunate first encounter.
That's my hunch at least.
>Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate

>Mention off handedly you're sheltering the alien beings you saved from the slavers on Shangrala

I imagine the ork went after the eldar because they tortured him. Orks can be spiteful and will fight the people they hate more over a person who might give them a better fight
>Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate

>Mention off handedly you're sheltering the alien beings you saved from the slavers on Shangrala
>>Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate
>Mention off handedly you're sheltering the alien beings you saved from the slavers on Shangrala
>>Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate
>>Enjoy Kanzeon's company and indulge in the joy of her company and that of your friends and brothers, until your last guest arrives
The meditation option is a trap i tell you. Last time we meditated on our enemies one whole entire chaos god came back into existence.
>Meditate on why exactly you keep stumbling upon evil wherever you go, as your father raises a fair point
Hey, malal here, haven't had internet for a few days, since the abominable intelligence within the router has finally perished and me and the family are thinking about switching providers. I'll keep you all updated, but the wait might be a few days longer
ALAS! Woe is humanity!
The dark age of technology is upon us!
Malal here. Internet issue was solved quicker than I thought it'd be, which is good. What isn't is that now I've gotten sick and feel really vomity. Once there isn't the risk of me turning my keyboard into a shrine of nurgle midupdate, I'll call the vote finally.

I'm really sorry for taking so long, it's just one thing after the other.
Don't worry about us Malal, just focus on getting better.
If it isn't the abominable intelligence its fucking grandpa nurgle huh?
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Feeling well enough to write, so calling the vote now. Sorry for the more than a week long wait, fellahs. Good news though, its my birthday tomorrow.

Listen to what Eldrad has to say, he is strangely anxious and his request sounds desperate:14
-"Of course, excuse me for a moment...":1

Mention off handedly you're sheltering the alien beings you saved from the slavers on Shangrala:10

Enjoy Kanzeon's company and indulge in the joy of her company and that of your friends and brothers, until your last guest arrives:4

Meditate on why exactly you keep stumbling upon evil wherever you go, as your father raises a fair point:1

Total votes:15

So Lieren will listen to what Eldrad has to say, but not before off handedly mentioning the alien refugees he is sheltering

Thanks for your concern

It is what it is
>Feeling well enough to write, so calling the vote now. Sorry for the more than a week long wait, fellahs. Good news though, its my birthday tomorrow.

I hope you have a good birthday malal
The long night is over
Which is truly concerning, as you've known the great farseer of ulthwe to be a well and truly composed individual who is not easily shocked or otherwise made frantic. Whatever has set him at unease and distressed him must truly be a matter of vital importance. Looking over the lid of your glass at the sharp eyed aeldari, you nod your head once, deciding that if it is so grave a matter for him to drag you away from the festivities so suddenly, that it must be discussed between the two of you in private, you see absolutely no reason at all to delay hearing what has so frayed his nerves and turned the serene look in his eyes half crazed. However before you can rise from your seat to follow after him as he leaves his and glides away as gracefully as a passing breeze, your brother Perturabo had idly spoken a though that you'd be remiss to not comment on, and it'd be somewhat ill-mannered of you to rush off without mentioning it since your brother seems rather fascinated by the line of thought he's begun down.

"Well, perhaps you can speak with the juvenile Se'ah'in yourself, Perturabo, they would surely not mind the company. Though you may find them somewhat difficult to understand, considering the composition of their language and their more overt violent tendencies" You tell him as you push yourself from the table, handing your glass to Al-Uzza while Kanzeon glares at Eldrad's retreating back, clearly annoyed by his interruption of your shared serene embrace. Your brother's face goes through a serious of emotion, his eyes hardening, softening, narrowing and opening as he experiences a wide spectrum of feelings as he contends and digest the information you so casually gave him.

"You brought the aliens here?!" He balks, though there is a twinge of excitement to his shock as he lifts up his head "Surely that is dangerous, they might be vectors for disease or their inhuman psyches may cause...trouble with the native populace"

"Such is the risk of sheltering any refugee, risks that are easily avoided with proper preparations" You answer calmly, smiling as Kanzeon holds onto your arm and runs a hand through your hair, pouting "I am sheltering them in locations that provide safety and comfort not only for them, but for those who live nearby. The Se'Ah'in, are watched and cared for by a Vishnu Tribe, whom they've grown rather attached to, once they learned how to communicate"

"Father will not be best pleased" Magnus chortles "Though, your gift will surely assuage most of his concerns. I have not know you to be mislead by another's character, in all the time we've known each other"

"I am aware, I had to undo one of the teachings he implanted into my sons" You answer with a nod "But I know he will see reason, they are no threat to us. And thus far, have proven themselves capable friends"

"Every being deserves freedom, especially from the "tender care" of those slavers" Angron roughly interjects, giving his thoughts on the matter.

"Oh, forgive me, I forgot for a moment I was dealing with an equal. Of course you'd take precautions" Perturabo sighs, his look of frustration abating and his expression softening as he nodded "Other idealists wouldn't think to quarantine or prepare proper accommodations, but you wouldn't be so careless. As I wouldn't be. I take it these are young races? Younger than the eldar at least, whom I'm still uncertain as to why you trust them so explicitly when"

"I have a chip on my shoulder about them?" Kanzeon asks and Perturabo thinks for a moment before nodding "Some of them have enough sense to listen and pay attention to him, and not be as arrogant as the rest of their kind, some even realize he knows better than them"

"Others would cage them, hunt them for sport" Angron muses, rolling his drink in his glass "Man can be as cruel as the inhuman, Perturabo, so it stands to reason, the inhuman can be as kindly as our fellow man"

"I must speak with the telepaths. Their insights as a race of psykers would surely be enlightening, and I'm curious how their techniques differ from ours and the Aeldaris" Magnus says, as Amon gives a nod, cheeks reddening from his indulgence in light spirits

"There is no need to apologize, for I took no offense, you were right to have your concerns and I'll introduce you to them and teach you how to communicate with them. Magnus, will need no such guidance, as he has mastered wind whispering" You say as Magnus contemplates the light refracting off his violet red beverage

"Though it would be fascinating to learn how different physiologies and psychologies effects linguistic development" He muses and Perturabo's eyes alight

"I've been thinking about that since Lieren mentioned how the aliens communicate, of course, the main obstacle in using them as auxiliary troops would be the difficulty of facilitating communication between two races whose means of communication could not be more different" Perturabo begins as Angron sighs, closing his eyes tightly as Magnus and Perturabo become engrossed in their discussion, which attracts the interest of Al-Uzza quickly.

"If you don't want Eldrad to turn old and grey waiting for you, now is the time to make your escape" Kanzeon titters "Don't worry, I won't go anywhere"

And you take the chance to take your leave as she suggests, and quickly find the private place Eldrad where wished to speak to you. Away from the curious courtiers of the temporary throne room and the crowds desperate to catch a glimpse of you or your brothers, you find him upon an overlook, a man made ridge overlooking rice paddies and enclosed hydroponics farms, pacing nervously on the edge

"Eldrad" You say, to catch his attention, though there is no need, as he sensed your approach

"You didn't stand too close to the fungoid alien, did you?" He asks quickly, eyes scanning the mists like he expects a fog panther to leap out and go for his throat "If we're lucky, the blast that ended it evaporated it spores and you didn't unwittingly bring a living plague to the webway or Shangrala"

Squinting your golden eyes, you see now why he was so on edge and panicked. It was out of fear for the alien specimen you described to him and the others, whose heroic and selfless charge broke the defensive line of the foul aeldari raiders. He has experience with the creature and none pleasant.

"My eyes are sharp, even without their preternatural abilities, I am confident I could spot even a single spore" You say to set his mind at ease and brush away what seems to be his primary concern, that the green skinned xenos would propagate here, which speaks volumes of his fear of them when he did not concern himself over so much for the chance of the ones you had been able to save spreading away from their native habitat

"You are certain?" He asks sharply, eyes transfixing yours

"I am certain" You answer with a quick bow of your head "Do the Aeldari have dark history with that species?"

"The entire galaxy does. I believe I mentioned, briefly, the ork race when we discussed the genesis of my people and our ancient mythological history" He continues on "I see I should've spoken of them more indepth, given you a description beyond their barbarism and ceaseless warmongering"

"Your scholars believe they share with you a creator, if I recall" You ponder, hands pressed together as a wandering monk would as they chant mantras into the mist. Eldrad winces.

"That does not make us kin" He says sternly "The orks and Aeldari could not be more disparate. What you encountered, and you believe to have been a heroic and selfless warrior, is an ork. And while I know you'd not be fooled by their clumsy attempts at misdirection, as you'd have seen the brutality inherent to their kind if you had been able to glimpse it for but a moment longer, I feel a..."

"Responsibility?" You suggest, head tilted curiously as you listen with an open mind, while you'd be offended he made light of such valiant a sacrifice, eldrad has a point. You had not been able to glimpse into the heart, mind and soul of this Ork before its unfortunate, untimely demise

"Yes, you see the best and worst of all living souls. There is nothing honorable, heroic and noble within the orkish mind. You might think me to be speaking from a place of prejudice" He continues with a nod "And I'm certain if Kanzeon was aware of these cretins, she'd put aside her own feelings for my people to warn you as well, I'm certain any of his sisters would. It boggles my mind that they were unaware of the threat the orks pose, yet knew of the Jokaero enough to be frightened by them"

"They have every reason to be, I've seen how the Jokaero disassemble technology when it contains components they require, though the individuals present on Shangrala have gone out of their way to show they mean and will do no harm to them" You reply mechanically, even as you jest "Tell me what makes these orks so great a threat, surely it isn't their war like tendencies. They could be..."

"They cannot be taught. It is part of their psychology, physiology and existence. They cannot be domesticated or turned into proper soldiers. And do not tell your bride, but yes, the most misguided of my people have tried to tame orks. It has ended very, very poorly for them and anyone nearby their experiments. They need constant conflict to perpetuate their barbaric, bloody existence" Eldrad says sternly, and you narrow your eyes, wondering if perhaps he is exaggerating or his own past experiences with them have dyed his perceptions of them, though the concept of a species that needs conflict to survive is one that you easily accept. But could they really not be changed, shown a better path?

"They cannot" Eldrad repeats "They are a parody of the worst kind of warriors, those who fight without reason or remorse, who battle simply for the thrill of the fight and to luxuriate in the warm spray of blood. They do not care who or what you are, if you cannot fight them, they will slaughter you for sport or to attract those who can. They do not understand the world beyond the lens of ceaseless fighting and violence. They want for nothing except battle. They have no fear of death. They massacre all that stands before them, even each other. They are as a horde of locusts, stripping dry all before them. They bully, enslave and murder those weaker than them, they laugh as they feed innocents to the grinding gears of their endless war against every living being in existence"

This impassioned speech brings a very unsettling image to mind of the fungoid orks and one that has the booming laughter of the bronze throated high minister of murder. Kong Nue

"They are an entire race devoted to the discordant powers?" You ask steadily and furiously

"No. They have gods of their own, twin deities who scholars have gone mad trying to differentiate. They plague every corner of the galaxy, knowing no loyalty and no mercy" Eldrad says, and you sigh in relief, even if they are war mongering monsters, at least they do not spread the corruption of evil spirits throughout the stars "And why I asked about their spores, is because they can come to benight worlds from a single spore being brought to its surface. They are living weapons, and I believe the individual you encountered and fondly recalled, only didn't attack you, because it had a grudge against its tormenters"

"Ah, so they seek out powerful opponents to do battle with?" You question

"Yes, though I wouldn't word it in so complimentary a fashion" He answers

"While orks will content themselves with mindless slaughter, they desire the struggle of intense battle and warfare. They would seek out you and your fellow primarchs on the battlefield, not caring how many of their fellows were crushed beneath your foot, to experience the rush of fighting a truly challenging opponent" He continues on "And they will do anything to draw out such an enemy. Remember this, Lieren. And remember they cannot be saved from their nature, even if you abhor the thought"

"Some crimes can only be punished with death, some wrongs can only be answered with execution" You reply simply "No matter how righteous minded or noble hearted the perpetrator, some misdeeds can only be absolved through an ending of their life"

"Good" Eldrad says with an approving nod, eye brows arched as he turns to look over the farmland "That is all I wished to speak of to you, better to inform you now"

"I'm certain some farseers would've allowed me to blunder with this misinformation, only telling me after I'd encountered the true face of ork kind" You answer with a nod, standing by his side to see what he is looking at, and quickly understand it is the world itself. The craftworlds may be massive, but they are not true worlds. Their "breath" is still, in a way. The Qi stagnant and turbid, unlike the every flowing energy of a living planet.

"I am sure they would have" He answers with a darkly amused smirk "You've brought such beauty to this world, I wonder how many of my compatriots could see your achievements for what they were?"

"That, even I cannot see" You answer vaguely, bowing your head to return to the celebration, to wait for the last guest to arrive and rejoin your beloved at her side, though there was no peace in your mind. Grappling with what eldrad told you about ork-kind, and knowing he spoke not a single word that was a lie, the reason for the xenophobia your gene-sons had been taught became apparent. You of course, knew not every species in the galaxy would be as kind and polite as those you had encountered, and had known there were dangers in the blackness between the stars, and many species had done wrong to humanity as a whole, but confronting this fact directly brought to mind unpleasant thoughts.

One day you'd lead your father's armies across the stars. And on that day, what would be asked of you? Your hands became clammy as the question fermented in your mind. Would you be set against enemies or foes?

You banished the worming questions troubling you, and with head held high, returned to the celebration.

And what do you do, while you wait for the final guest to arrive, Lieren?

>Join in Perturabo and Magnus' discussion about the culture of theoretical aliens

>Tell your brothers the warning Eldrad gave you of the orks, just for the peace of your own mind

>Seek comfort from Kanzeon and tell her of what troubles you.

>Seek more knowledge about these orks from Eldrad

>Write in

Thank you
>>5979119 #
>Join in Perturabo and Magnus' discussion about the culture of theoretical aliens

>Tell your brothers the warning Eldrad gave you of the orks, just for the peace of your own mind

>Seek comfort from Kanzeon and tell her of what troubles you
>Tell your brothers the warning Eldrad gave you of the orks, just for the peace of your own mind

>Seek more knowledge about these orks from Eldrad

Let the seas boil, let the stars fall.

Though it takes the last drop of my blood, I will see the galaxy freed once more and if I can not save it from chaos and xenos, then let the galaxy burn!"
>Seek more knowledge about these orks from Eldrad
Crafty Eldari! He didn't say they have an empire already.

>Join in Perturabo and Magnus' discussion about the culture of theoretical aliens
>Tell your brothers the warning Eldrad gave you of the orks, just for the peace of your own mind
These could be joined and the warning inserted into the flow of conversation, purification measures must be implemented in spacecrafts.

I now wonder after the crushing of the Ork empire how many imperial worlds were contaminated unwittingly by the crusade itself carrying the spores into new worlds.
>>Tell your brothers the warning Eldrad gave you of the orks, just for the peace of your own mind
>Seek more knowledge about these orks from Eldrad
>Decide to show off, And ask our brothers to each put on a show with their paticular talents for the room.

Just some fun stuff to read.
Now is the time for a wedding.
>Tell your brothers the warning Eldrad gave you of the orks, just for the peace of your own mind

>Seek comfort from Kanzeon and tell her of what troubles you.
>Tell your brothers the warning Eldrad gave you of the orks, just for the peace of your own mind
>Seek comfort from Kanzeon and tell her of what troubles you.

Happy birthday Malal!
It's tomorrow here, at least.
>>Seek comfort from Kanzeon and tell her of what troubles you.

>>Seek more knowledge about these orks from Eldrad
if Eldrad wanted us to tell our brothers he would have just told us at the table.

happy Birthday!

>Join in Perturabo and Magnus' discussion about the culture of theoretical aliens
>Tell your brothers the warning Eldrad gave you of the orks, just for the peace of your own mind
>Seek comfort from Kanzeon and tell her of what troubles you
Why no information on Ork Waagh field?
Seriously. That's like their most important feature.
Probably because it would sound like he's making stuff up by then...
Is our golden sea just WAAAAGH!!! with extra steps?
It really isn’t. It’s more Lieren playing god without realizing it.
I wonder if our optimism (and early contact) will change the Emperor's actions relating to other Primarchs, and his cruelness/benevolence towards humans in general (not just Imperial)
>Tell your brothers the warning Eldrad gave you of the orks, just for the peace of your own mind
>Seek more knowledge about these orks from Eldrad

We need to have Lieren find out from the emperor just how far Shangrala is from Terra and how long he expects it to take to reach Lieren, that is essentially our time limit for trying to pull off stuff like Guilliman's 500 worlds if we want a province in the imperium that is led by Lieren or to help more of his brothers or try to track down whats left of the old ones.

I still advocate we vote to help Mortarion as soon as we believably can, he is on a pseudo daemon world and Nurgle isn't going to want him to steal Morty in the same way he did Angron and Magnus.
While unchaos'd Morty would be awesome, everything in his life has sucked from the beginning, he hates psykers, tricksters, non grindy warfare and fun in general. You would be hard pressed to make him listen to us in any way. Imo our course of action for him could be to obliterate Calas Typhon and anything he touched. Ngl Nurgle did a great job stacking the deck against Morty
I say we go after logar first he need us the most so we can make him not worship our father and also hate Chaos and a little bit on religion as a whole if we can’t convince him on seeing the emperor as not a god then say that he keeps it to himself and only do it as a last resort if the imperium is in danger of falling as a fuck you to chaos
I think we should meet the khan
>Join in Perturabo and Magnus' discussion about the culture of theoretical aliens

>Tell your brothers the warning Eldrad gave you of the orks, just for the peace of your own mind
>a little bit on religion as a whole if we can’t convince him on seeing the emperor as not a god
I like how people keep misunderstanding his flaws. Lorgar has a narcissistic personality and the Emperor trying to break it by razing Monarchia. The Emperor would have been fine with the religious bullshit if he just did his job.
no Big E was very anti-religion but I'd be willing to bet he'd let Lorgar do it (for a while at least) if it didn't slow down his conquest to a snail's pace.
I’d like to remind you that the Space Yiffs had their own religion and there’s no way the Emperor didn’t know about it. The only reason the Emperor even cared enough to do it was because it was post-Rangdan Xenocide and needed to secure the galaxy immediately.
We should probably ask Eldrad to tell us about any other xenos [MIGHT] come in contact withb in order to avoid needless bloodshed- or prevent us from unearthing something we aren't prepared for (Necrons CAN be reasoned with. Sometimes. Rangdans and rakgols not so much)

Obviously though, not right now. It's a wedding, and while it might be some time before we see Eldrad again, it would be much more conducive to let him prepare some notes.

As a trade, we could offer to help recover soulstones at a later date, and endear ourselves to the Eldar as whole as somebody that can be trusted; it'll lead to more honesty and less "one gorillion lives sacrificed for to save an eldar's baby blankie"
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait, Partied a bit to hardy.

Join in Perturabo and Magnus' discussion about the culture of theoretical aliens:6

Tell your brothers the warning Eldrad gave you of the orks, just for the peace of your own mind:11

Seek comfort from Kanzeon and tell her of what troubles you:7

Seek more knowledge about these orks from Eldrad:5

Decide to show off, And ask our brothers to each put on a show with their paticular talents for the room.:1

Total votes:13

So Lieren will tell his brothers of the ork menace, join Magnus and Perturabo's discussion about alien auxiliaries and seek to calm his worry's with Kanzeon's company

Writing now

Thanks a bunch for the birthday wishes lads
Yeah that fits.
By the way are we going to the Emperor’s entrance soon?
Though with each step you took, the unpleasant thought unearthed itself and rose a little higher from the corner of your mind you buried it in. But you didn't not allow it to pollute your mind further than it already had, and wore a smile still as you strode over to your seat and sat down, one leg set over the other as you reached out for a glass, which was shortly filled by Magnus with a flick of his own wrist, the fairness cup lifting from the table to pour itself as he, Angron and Kanzeon and her sisters spared you a concerned glance each, sensing the inner turmoil you had fought to bury along with the grim ponderings that had caused it. Kanzeon pulled your arm forcefully to your chest and began running her hands through your hair

'You're shielding your mind' She said as her avatar's expression remained stiff, lips dipped in a partial pout as she focused more on your worries than maintaining her guise of humanity as most would be concerned 'Hiding whatever it is that has shaken you so deeply, what did you discuss with him?'

'Forgive me, darling, it was a reflex' You say with a solemn bow of your head and wordless frown 'I shall explain shortly, for the source of these worries must be shared with my kin'

'Including us' Anahita pushes her way into the telepathic conversation

'Of course' Magnus chimes in as well, as Angron gives a brusque nod. The sight of Kanzeon's relieved expression and glowing smile, brings one to your face as well as you shift in your seat as much as you are able with her holding you so tightly to herself, and adress your brothers with a polite cough

"My discussion with Farseer Eldrad is what troubles me, partially" You say, and it is no lie, the discussion was what lead you to contemplate your purpose and if you'd be made to face enemies alone in the war for the stars, or those foes who could one day be considered comrade and friends "He had experience with the species the fungoid warrior descended from, and informed me they are a race and people completely dedicated to war and battle, vicious and without remorse or comprehension of mercy. And for the peace of my own mind, I would relay his warnings of them to you, my brothers, for surely when our family is rejoined we shall face this threat and others like it"

Al-uzza adjusts the frames of her glasses with a thoughtful look and a distantness in her eyes that tells you she is devoting most of her mental energy to combing through the memory and record archives stored within the database she inhabits and controls. Mari tilts her head, resting it against her hand as she listens, and Anahita shifts in her seat while Liberty grins, excited by the mention of battle. Kanzeon's gentle expression hardens, but none of the sisters show any signs of recognition when you speak the word Ork. The most likely explanation is the branch of humanity that created them never encountered the brutes.

"This is good" Angron declared, as your father and his discussed the hardships and sorrows of their youth over a private bottle of plum wine and a plate of fish broiled in garlic, ginger and hot peppers "Knowing one's enemies makes their defeat an easier task. Like watching another gladiator fight. Though, it might dampen the happy mood, are you sure it cannot wait? this is your day after all, brother"

"I don't mind" Kanzeon says bluntly, smirking as Angron frowns and both you and he sense that she does mind, at least a little. She pinches your ear when she detects that thought

"I am curious" Magnus admits, and Perturabo gives a nod, while helping Calliphone seperate the meat from the bones of the fish dish they were sharing "Perturabo and I had been having a most engrossing discussion about the theoretical cultures of other space borne sapients, and this warning would surely broaden the horizons of our conversation"

"Our brothers are right, we can't prepare to counter a threat without knowing it, and I must admit I am curious how a culture solely devoted to warfare could survive or flourish, though I do not need to be told how they feed or cloth themselves, warrior cultures always have uses for those that are weaker than themselves" Perturabo muses as he uses a pair of chopsticks to pluck strips of white flesh from the fish platter, inspecting each portion and setting aside those that have too much garlic or pepper seeds on them

"Then I shall tell you of the barbaric ork race" You say, glancing to see Jinhai stroking his beard, listening closely but not interrupting this familial discussion, with Yin Lei at his side, eyes narrowed and clearly taking mental notes of every word they say. You nod, to show them that you are aware and approving of their eavesdropping.

"They reproduce through fungal spores, that I understand are spread nigh constantly, the presence of one can spread their species across the stars, infecting planets with their ceaseless warfare" You explain and you can see a wicked thought pass through Perturabo's mind

"Weaponized fungicide, though we must assume they've adapted to such counter measures" He states with a thoughtful nod "Or fire, fire could work, though its use in sustained warfare is always erratic, too many factors outside of control to consider"

"Warp fire" Magnus suggests "Though that brings its own risks and obstacles to contend with"

"Explosive population growth, following every battle. Seems like these beasts were perfected to be a pain in a galactic empire's ass" Angron grumbles, as a grim thought flashes through his mind that rulers apathetic of others' suffering would use the presence of this constantly reappearing enemy to cultivate a society of warriors to more effectively wage war on a galactic scale. Kanzeon gripped your arm, as your mouth suddenly dried at merely perceiving the idea that drained the color from Angron's own face, as well as your own

"All merely guesswork, until we know more, Lieren continue" Perturabo hustled the conversation on, hands tented on the table, having finished his work of deboning the fish and separating the more strongly flavored meat from the more plain cuts

"They are, through that curious means of reproduction and their constant state of seeking new battlefields, wide spread. They have a psychological and physiological need for conflict, war is their religion as I am to understand it" You continue on, tapping your fingers fretfully on the table as the thought Angron thought idly darkens your mind, though that rising sense of dread is quieted as Kanzeon weaves her fingers between your own and tightly grasps your hand "A religion embodied by twin deities, though Eldrad did not at length describe their belief system"

"It is worthless if all it does is spread bloodshed" Angron snorted

"Not necessarily, through it, we could discover much of how they perceive the world and thus wage war" Magnus argues as Perturabo silently considers what you've just said

"They are living weapons, escaped into the wider cosmos" You continue gravely "They cannot be taught to be better, bargained with or tamed. They require fighting to survive and they desire the hardest and most grueling battlefields the galaxy has to offer, relishing in the thrill of challenging opponents, but they will war amongst themselves or target the weak and helpless if their is no sport to be found within reach. Thus, when out existence becomes known and widespread, they will seek us out"

"That will make it easier to lure them into traps, they seem like brutish morons" Angron says with a glare, rage welling inside him at the mention of the ork's habits of slaughtering innocents

"They will perform massacres to draw the attention of powerful opponents" You explain "And to lure them, as you would them, to their preferred battlefield"

"Bastards" Angron snaps as Kanzeon tightens her grip on your arm, Al-uzza gasps, Mari frowns, Anahita glowers and Liberty looks sick at the thought

"Quarantine, if we could push their range back to select star systems...no that wouldn't work, without extreme measures and protocol that will be nigh impossible to enact, let alone maintain over generations" Perturabo mutters darkly, eyes a maelstrom of conflicting thought and emotions

"Perhaps they will always be a burden" Magnus says sadly "If they are old enough to make the aeldari issue warnings about them, no race before us have found the means to be rid of them, not even our own at the height of our dominion and power, the zenith of our ascendency as a race"

"Shit" Perturabo snarls

"I'll kill as many as need killing to keep them away from the helpless" Angron declares harshly, gripping the cup in his hand until it begins to crack at the edges

"They have no fear of death, and I know how effective a fighting force that does not dread their demise can be, both from fighting alongside and against such armies" You explain bitterly, tapping a foot as you efficient mind works tirelessly to find a solution that your brothers could not have seen or at least have not suggested, and find none despite running thousands of simultaneous calculations. The information you have is incomplete, but you have a sinking feeling that even if you knew everything about the orkish race, down to the chemical compounds and genetic make up, you'd still find no solution to removing them as a threat. Which is a thought that troubles you.

Removing the ork problem from the equation would be genocide on a unprecedented scale, and that once more brings to the surface the thought that troubles you the most.

'We'll find an acceptable solution together' Kanzeon swears, lovingly stroking your shoulder, and the mounting sense of revulsion and panic rapidly retreat, like the waning tides 'There is nothing we cannot accomplish, together'

'You're right, my songbird' you reply, sighing as you set a hand over hers

"There is not much more I know, but we could continue this unpleasant discussion of this barbaric species with Eldrad himself, for he is much more knowledgeable than I am" You say solemnly, directing the conversation away from a topic that keeps bringing up the most unpleasant of thoughts to the forefront of your mind "Shall we return to more pleasant conversation, I am most intrigued by your and Magnus' discussion, that I so rudely interrupted"

"You don't like the idea of waging a war of extermination" Angron says quietly, not scathingly, but sympathetically

"All life hold equal value" You answer under your breath, it is one of the core pillars of your worldview and ideals

"Of course, we'll only be guessing based off of assumption and theories" Perturabo says with a nod and contemplative look "And I think you'll find it most fascinating the theoretical species Magnus had imagined, the filter feeds who may exist on gas giants, that subsist upon trace particulates in the atmosphere"

'That could work' you catch Al-Uzza, still discussing the earlier topic with Anahita and Mari through their private communication channel, but you do not delve deeper into their silent conversation, not wanting to further trouble yourself with an issue that you do not yet completely understand

"Descended from microbes that arrived upon the solid core from scattered debris that was pulled into its gravity well" Magnus explains excitedly "That evolved gradually, though I do not believe they would develop either sentience or sapience, but you do yourself an injustice, Perturabo, your concept of grazing herd animals evolving to become a isolationist and xenophobic culture was as fascinating as it was disturbing"

"Herbivores tend to be more aggressive due to the pressures of predation, if one was able to advance and evolve a large brain, they would almost surely have an inclination towards suspicion and violence towards outsiders, their survival instincts translating to paranoia and instinctive hatred of other creatures, due to the threat they could pose to their kind" Perturabo happily explains "Though it was Calliphones suggestion for this theoretical society to be made up of giant rabbits"

Calliphone says nothing but beams with pride, making Kanzeon sigh in delight as the sight brings a warm smile to your face

"Though, they are not as strange as your guests" Perturabo adds, as you notice Angron pressing two fingers to his head, and you know at once he's trying to keep up with the mechanical efficiency of Anahita, Al-Uzza and Mari as they discuss counter measures to Ork aggression, without having a similarly formatted mind to theirs, as your own is "How a plant ascends to sapience, is truly a mystery"

"Or a race whose language is built on song, yet who cannot pierce their own voices" Magnus says with a nod

"That is most curious" Amon says, struggling to pick up noodles with chopsticks "I do not profess a deep understanding of evolution, but perhaps they've lost their hearing in recent generations"

"It may be an adaptation to a threat that travels through sound" You theorize, having encountered such a threat yourself before

"An auditory virus" Perturabo marvels, eyes wide with possibility "What a terrifying concept"

"Or a sonic predator, the Se'ah'in have lethal vocal ranges" Mangus suggests in turn

"Or maybe evolution just fucked up, it isn't always beneficial, in fact it rarely is. All an adaptation proves is that those with it have bred more the specimens without it" Kanzeon chimes in, rolling her eyes "Though, I will admit, the little I know about the Sagit gives me a headache. You'd think the giant chickens would be the easier to understand than they are"

"Their language was the most challenging to learn and master" You say, which makes a suddenly returned Eldrad laugh

"Harder than the Nosa Rubigin? who you needed to paint your face and dousing yourself in chemical markers to speak with?" He asks

"Yes, the Sagit's language is paradoxical with their inability to recognize song, yet also not understanding communication unless it is formatted as one"

"Which is why trying to understand them gives me a headache, trying to process it is exhausting" Kanzeon groans, as you pat a hand on her shoulder and smile comfortingly

"We could use them as a base for more outlandish propositions of potential alien life" Perturabo chuckles "Magnus, let us see if we cannot come up with a means of communication more bothersome than these aliens?"

"Is that a challenge?" Magnus guffaws.


and at that very moment, you sense him. Your sire. The moment he steps upon Shangrala, his presence becomes impossible to miss or ignore.

Angron looks up and to you, eyes bulging as he realizes immediately who just arrived, as does Magnus, who pauses mid laugh and turns to you with a look of disbelief. Perturabo frowns, brow creased in irritation.

"Ah" Eldrad gasps "He's arrived, your final guest"

"Our father?" Magnus sputters

"Our father" Angron groans

"Our father!" Perturabo exclaims excitedly

"Tch, and here I was about to make my move" Kanzeon snickers, tugging on your ear.

How do you greet your father, Lieren?

>With an official message of thanks and gratitude for the assistance he lent Long Jia during the butcher's war

>By asking how your still earthbound sons are fairing and how the war has progressed

>By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms

>With Eldrad at your side, as you are curious to see how the two will interact

>Write in
>By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms

I wouldn't want to take this from him.
>By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms
>By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms
It may be our day, but this is his moment. This will give us some time to round up our boys and brothers anyways.
>>5982521 #
>By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms

give him some kind of encouragement for when he meets E
>Allow Pert to meet him on his own terms.
>By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms
>With an official message of thanks and gratitude for the assistance he lent Long Jia during the butcher's war
>By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms
>With an official message of thanks and gratitude for the assistance he lent Long Jia during the butcher's war
When he inevitably asks about all the xenos we should tell him that being friendly with nonhostile has served us well and reveal the fragment of the great plan to him.
>>By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms
>By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms
>With Eldrad at your side, as you are curious to see how the two will interact

I think we can let Pert go first then follow up.
>With Eldrad at your side, as you are curious to see how the two will interact
Don’t forget this guys let reintroduce our Fathers old Ex friend because he definitely need to if we ever want our father to potentially agree of letting one of our brothers in eldrad care (for rebilitation sake)
We're not letting evil batman onto any craftworlds, anon.
>By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms
>With Eldrad at your side, as you are curious to see how the two will interact
>>With an official message of thanks and gratitude for the assistance he lent Long Jia during the butcher's war
>By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms
>By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms

>With an official message of thanks and gratitude for the assistance he lent Long Jia during the butcher's war
Might not be the best time, but do we still have the nurglite daemons skull that we couldnt purify? I wonder if the big man could help with it,could be a great lesson for our bros to show that the enemy is not all powerful.
Faintly remember we had it sealed away somewhere.
We could also take big E and family around shangrala and show the sites that was home to the archenemys strongholds shuni-tzeenchian dark citadel site, where khorn almost got enough kills to manifest something nasty. Introduce nameless sect take our shaman-father around to the dai monks haunt to lay their soul embers to rest.
All these later of course.
Did you forget we plan to use the dai monk souls to make a new ship soul?
How about no? It really feels like you forgot most of the quest to suggest this.
We explicitly aren’t.
As someone who just reread most of the quest we very much are. It was the one thing lieren actually felt fine about doing before he decided to look into why AI kept going bad.
No. He’s against using human soul period. His conversation with Gouzhi killed that route as it is immoral.
So more or less we are forced to go the route of creating a human soul.
Isn't creating a machine spirit similar to what we want?
>By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms
Send him ahead and inform him we'll be here prepping for the correct welcome for our Father. They can have their chat and Perty can escort Big E through the military parade that is likely still around towards the palace where we'll be waiting [No artillery this time Dandan the poor tectonics].

>With an official message of thanks and gratitude for the assistance he lent Long Jia during the butcher's war
As he is brought up the steps via the Grav-Chariot read off his deeds and assistance Lieren himself welcoming/reading off his deeds. Beside us the old bear of Terra and our Wife...Eldrad can lurk once again stepping in when he so feels. (there are Mechanicum here remember.)
"I bid welcome the Unifier of Terra, Conquers of the Stars, He who brought Dawn to Old night and The Raptor Lord.... my Sire."

>Write in
I specifically want to note having our Legion master beside us and our Brothers, when entering the Throne room have our Sons at the ready on parade... flex a little.

Do you think dad brought a Wedding Gift? I wonder how malcador and whomever has also come are gonna react to the fact four [maybe five] Primarch are gonna be on one place?! We've gotta earn a gate crasher surly? theses no way this happens so smooth....wheres our wrathguard bro?...I worry for him.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait.

By allowing Perturabo to speak with him privately and meet him on his own terms:12

With an official message of thanks and gratitude for the assistance he lent Long Jia during the butcher's war:5

With Eldrad at your side, as you are curious to see how the two will interact:3

Have our Legion master beside us and our Brothers, when entering the Throne room have our Sons at the ready on parade.:1

total votes:15

So lieren will allow Perturabo to meet with and speak with their father privately and on his own terms

Writing now
"Go to him, Perturabo" You laugh, amused by your wife to be's half serious jest as you lean closer into her embrace, grinning as jubilant as a groom should on the day of his wedding "Each of us has met him privately before, I would not rob you of your moment of reunion, nor this chance to take your measure of the great visionary from terra and form your own opinions of the man who is our father"

"If you have any worries about your sister's safety, we'll be more than happy to baby sit for a few minutes or hours" Kanzeon adds, placing her hand over yours and giving a polite nod as Magnus lifts up to fingers

"Though there would be nothing to fear, it is understandable for you to have trepidations bringing her close to a man who is yet a stranger to you both" He adds with a sagely dip of his head "My own meeting with out sire was most enlightening, it was the same day I met Lieren"

"Just keep in mind, he is a conqueror with galactic ambitions" Angron snorts, swirling his glass of wine in his hand, glancing over to his father and yours thoughtfully "But he truly believes the path he is setting is what is best for the species"

"No, Calliphone will be by my side, but I appreciate the gesture, Lady Kanzeon. You are more family to me than the rest of Dammekos' brood" Perturabo says calmly, not showing any of the nervousness that has afflicted him, the self doubt and concern that he will be lacking compared to you three, who have achieved much, forgetting that he to has acomplished great deeds in the excitement of the moment.

"Don't worry, Bo wouldn't allow a fly to land upon my head" Calliphone says proudly, chest puffed out as she puts on a brave face, though you can see she is just as afraid as your brother is. Eldrad makes a sound of discomfort and clutches his head, shifting in his seat and turning away from the pair.

"Hrn, a true brother then" Oenomaus remarks, giving an approving nod in the direction of Perturabo, who he has not spoken to since he has arrived upon Shangrala. Wenyan strokes his beard in thought, and Amon is taking a nap, overcome by the constant refilling of his glass.

There is a murmur in the crowd of courtiers and guests, Jinhai makes a show of thoughtfully incling his head, and rubbing the bear on his cheeks.

"I will meet with this Emperor of terra, after he has reunited with his son. Though I am yet the ruler of these vast lands of Long-Jia, my title and authority do not entitle me to take precedence over one's own family. We shall keep your plate and your cup filled, cunning son of Olympia" He proclaims, lifting up his hand in a gesture to give Perturabo leave, as he has already began lumbering out of the hall before he'd began speaking, Calliphone's tiny hand gently clasped in his own. Daiyu tries to kill your brother with a glare, having tutored that exact speech into Jinhai's psyche in preparation for this day. Jinhai, for his part, just laughs and reclines, resting his head against the knuckles of his hand.

"The ways of star men are most peculiar" He jokes, to the laughter of his subjects and advisors, who had been just as offended on his behalf as Daiyu was, and now see what would be taken as a grave insult as a faux pas mad through difference in social structure and expected etiquette.

You shake your head, smiling fondly at your brother's back, as Liberty scuttles around the table, eyes locked on his abandoned cup of barely touched wine. A persistent trouble maker if there ever was one. The counter operation to stop her from reaching her prize is carried out in a matter of moments between Mari, who coordinates the effort, Anahita, who distracts her, Al-Uzza, who lifts the cup out of her reach, and Kanzeon, who grabs Liberty around the waist and hoists her up.

Laughing from your belly, you pat the defeated girl atop her head and wish her better luck next time as she pouts and grinds her teeth, arms crossed defiantly.

"He drank from the cup in a way to avoid poison, in powder, liquid or bio reactive film form" Al-Uzza remarks, amazed as she turns the glass around before setting it gingerly down

"Such are the dangers of his upbringing" You answer as Angron glowers

"We should give his master the same treatment we did the high riders, it'd be a nice bonding experience" He remarks off handedly, leaning against the table "Suffer not the tyrant to live"

"Trust me, Big man is of the same line of thought" Anahita snickers, leaning closer to him, grinning excitedly "Though I don't think they'd put up nearly as much as a struggle as your pains in the asses"

"For one, we wouldn't be starting from a slave revolt waiting for reinforcements without an obvious time of arrival, and have double the amount of primarchs, yes, the tyrants of his world would not stand a chance, if only he'd allow us to interfere" Angron answers with a nod of approval, which Anahita glows at receiving, almost literally, as she activates some cosmetic wiring she implanted under her avatar's skin to act as electronic tattoos of a kind

"I wonder if all our brothers will lift themselves up from beneath the steel heel of oppression, and I am the only who enjoyed a life free of its presence" Magnus ponders idly

"While I agree, from what I heard of the nobility of olympia, its many family trees need pruning, it is not our place to interfere. He is in no dire danger from them and commands great authority already. He would only need to break one oath to remove the unworthy from power himself" You answer dourly, frowning

"And he is smart enough to find a loophole, if he is required to" Mari chimes in as Al-Uzza nods

"I've only known him for a day, but he has a shrewd mind and is calculating enough to be capable of carrying out a soft coup, if the need arises" She adds, glancing around as she notices that there are several curious army officers trying to listen in on this discussion

"There is a need, I'm sure Lieren would agree, even if he preaches patience. Never expected you to be one to spare rope when there was a rotten bastard in sight" Angron chuckles, low, threatening, though the threat is directed at men galaxies apart from here

"Perturabo would take it as an insult" You answer back with a nod "I respect him too much to believe he is so incapable"

"That is why I haven't offered, he'd take offense" Your brother remarks, grinding his teeth in frustration "Perhaps our father will get him in a rebellious mood"

"Better than this wedding getting him in amorous one" Magnus chuckles "though it would be amusing to see Perturabo's attempts at courting"

"We should put Al-uzza in a nice dress" Anahita mutters conspiratorial to the restrained Liberty, who nods seriously, as if Anahita's whim to annoy her sister is a serious operation, vital for the survival of mankind

"Or we shove you in one" Al-uzza snaps back "Your overly affectionate nature might be able to get through his thick head"

"Hmm, I can approve of this course of action, if only to see you blush, Ana" Kanzeon snickers as Mari frowns. There is a sound of a breaking glass

"Or we do not start throwing our sisters at him, hoping for a repeat of these two lovebirds" She grumbles, arms crossed

"She is right, rarely is there a match as true and good as ours" You answer, brushing a lock of Kanzeon's hair over her ear "We who are joined in purpose and understanding, whose affection blossomed to grow to rival our love for all of humanity, whose love could eclipse suns"

"Shameless flirt" Kanzeon giggles

"Didn't you say something about wanting to jump his bones before our father arrived?" Angron snorts, brushing broken glass of his chest

"Al-uzza, I suggest an alliance, we get Mari in a dress" Anahita says fiercely, eyes locked with the meekest of the sisters

"She is already wearing one" Al-Uzza groans

"A prettier, more frilly dress" Liberty says, and all of her sisters attention snap to her in perfect synch. Except kanzeon, who is at present angrily explaining what a joke is to a laughing Angron with her cheeks flushed a lovely shade of pink, like the petals of plum blossoms.

"Hey, little sister" Anahita says sweetly, eyes gleaming with mischief "Come here for a moment"

Liberty attempts to flee are quickly thwarted. You pour some of your tea out in mourning of her dignity as she is carried away by her three elder sisters

What do you do as you wait for Perturabo to return, Lieren?

>Apologize to Jinhai and the other guests of the rowdy behavior of your family

>Seriously consider which of Kanzeon's sisters would make a good match for your brothers

>Ask Eldrad what trouble him earlier

>Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of shangrala with Jinhai

>Write in
>Ask Eldrad what trouble him earlier
>Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of shangrala with Jinhai
I really want to talk about actual 40k stuff
I really hate romance. It’s shoved into too much of fiction.
>Ask Eldrad what trouble him earlier
>Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of shangrala with Jinhai
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>Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of Shangrala with Jinhai
>Summon Dae-Hyun, your most trusted sons, and the commanding officers among their baseline allies in preparation for meeting your sire in public once again.
>Apologize to Jinhai and the other guests of the rowdy behavior of your family

We should give a little face to the local emperor now because big E will eclipse everyone else in this court.
(And probably demand fealty too)

>Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of shangrala with Jinhai
We have ships, time to look around before a xeno armada comes swinging from our blindside.

I want to wait to have more primarchs to play matchmaker with before we start the waifu wars.
I find the idea of trying to play matchmaker repulsive and a waste of time.
Aye. Love will bloom exactly when (and if) it's meant to. No reason for Lieren to try and force things.
>>Apologize to Jinhai and the other guests of the rowdy behavior of your family
>Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of shangrala with Jinhai
>>Apologize to Jinhai and the other guests of the rowdy behavior of your family
>Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of shangrala with Jinhai

>Seriously consider which of Kanzeon's sisters would make a good match for your brothers

>Ask Eldrad what trouble him earlier
>Ask Eldrad what trouble him earlier
From there we
>Summon Dae-Hyun, your most trusted sons, and the commanding officers among their baseline allies in preparation for meeting your sire in public once again.

But while we wait there is something we need to do which was a thought ealier
>Quietly meditate upon what Weylan said; why do we find such troubles wherever we go?
>Ask Eldrad what trouble him earlier
>Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of shangrala with Jinhai

Damn, did Angron break a glass at the thought of Anahita in a dress or at the thought of her flirting with Perturabo? Or both?
>Apologize to Jinhai and the other guests of the rowdy behavior of your family
>Ask Eldrad what trouble him earlier
>Ask Eldrad what trouble him earlier

>Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of shangrala with Jinhai
>Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of shangrala with Jinhai
I want to do as much as possible for our world/possible interstellar empire before big e has us join the crusade
>Ask Eldrad what trouble him earlier
>Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of shangrala with Jinhai
>Ask Eldrad what trouble him earlier
>Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of shangrala with Jinhai

good good

We do talk about it, we mostly do that. We talked about orks not too long ago. We talked about different aliens. Even here it was more a flow of conversation, it wasn't really the main thing at all (we talked about Olympia)
This is our marriage so the topic being mentioned is normal. And it was more a harmless fun scene, which Malal if you can notice it, puts time to time in appropriate moments (like the marriage. When there is war and sorrow they are not there, it usually filled by mourning and contemplation instead because our friends, students and companions die for example).

This is fine and i agree with letting things go on their own without outside influence, even if it mistakes what the vote means. Lieren wouldn't force things and the vote option clearly indicates it would be more him thinking on a "what if ?" Harmless even if serious, and the vote it self is a clear example of Lieren thinking ahead out of the love he has for his family and brothers.

Not quite like that, we are talking about souls here.
We straight up create a new type of humans, our father already wanted to mass produce it. Thing is the original process is not something we want to go for since it basically sacrificed people for achieve it, for then have them amalgamate in a single being that commands an advance colonization vessel. I fear the Emperor is trying to do it already on his own, he had 0 issues in immediately using the water stone we gifted him (an highly advance terraforming machine, that uses/manipulates water. Perfect for healing wastelands of all kinds and bring life. You can set it to take water from air or anything else that has water. Including living beings) for do war crimes.

>there are Mechanicum here remember.
Right, i do wonder if our father picked a decent Techpriest or just thought "fuck it bring the most horrendous and cold tech priest i need to see how fast its hanged". He should already know that, it will be hard to not trigger some PTSD of the Vishnu war about technological monsters half human, demon and machine etc... Nitya and Ava' didn't leave good or pleasant memories for anyone on Shangrila.

>Do you think dad brought a Wedding Gift?
Likely, not sure what. Lieren would be okay with just their presence honestly. Custodes might appear i feel, and i guess there is a high chance for additional expedition forces to arrive. This time of the other legions (Angron, Magnus, Perturabo).
Jaws hitting the floor.

Beside some initial tension with the Eldar (reminder that we already told him about us giving the Journey to Eldars, talking with them about it, and that we have already a sizable group of them being full Journeymen. Some of them are already persecuted too...), and the Mechanicus issue, i think it will be good.
Amatheon was chilling in the webway, talking about the Journey with other Journeymen and people willing to listen. We did give him an invite if i remember correctly, not sure if he can get here.
>>5985332 #
>Apologize to Jinhai and the other guests of the rowdy behavior of your family

>Ask Eldrad what trouble him earlier

>Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of shangrala with Jinhai
Under an umbrella of finest make, sat in simple chairs of wood and duck feathers stuffed into simple cotton sat two men, their appearance as unassuming as the walking sticks by the grey haired men's sides; yet nothing could be further from the truth. Beneath chameleon circuits and perception disruption fields two of the oldest being in the Galaxy watched three young warp crafted homunculi travel overlooking the military they so commanded even from the vast distance away their true eyes of cold machinery zooming in on the distance flawlessly.

“Do you see the subject of your ire dear Orikan?” Ask Trazyn the Archivist and Great Curator of the Necrons idly looking over a hand painted fan.

“Yes, though you did you have to pick a spot so far away?” The gruffer sounding of the ancient machines complained without moving his sole eye from the carriage.

“If you can see the future, I'm sure you can manage a mere mile. Speaking of which; are you sure he was going to go to Monolith of Ymga?”

“He was...is...sometimes...” The oracle answered with an uncharacteristic uncertainty.

Trazyn flipped open the fan and hid his faux face as if he were a native maiden, “Such uncertainty is uncommon for you, I'd dare say rare! Are you losing your touch?”

To the outside world one old man leaned across the table and clipped the other around the back of their head, the other grumpily gripping his hooded head.

“Was that really necessary?” the Relic Thief complained now.

“Was placing us here so you could sit on or more of these damned pitiful excuses of theatre?”

“Now no don't be rude to our hosts, they have been ever so kind.”

“Why did you volunteer to come with me Trazyn?” the question was serious and so Trazyn lowered the fan to offer his rival a measure of respect.

“This place was meant to be doomed, I'd arrived to collect some exhibits but then...something happened the same time your chronology went off track. A Dragon' Egg fell from the sky and then...we'll you've seen the plays. Now Aeldari are here lurking around” Metal sholders shrugged as a mortal would

Orkan huffed the habit having developed from exposure to his rival.

"You should talk to him! He'd surely hear you out atleast for awhi-"

Trazyn stopped talking eyes looking part Orikan and despite the featureless form of their metallic undeath masks beneath the disguises Orikan saw something; surprise.

Orikan now became serious to and slowly turned expecting to see some dread foe his hand reaching for his equally disguised weapon but when he turned instead he beheld a native girl? Flowing hair, pale skin and thin features, but he saw deeper and beheld the Augmetics beneath her flesh, that were this young womans arms and legs, her spine and mouth... purest silver...

His eyes scanned over her as the maiden skipped past them placing a simple Lotus flower upon their table before joining others of her species. The two Ancients scanned her down tot he sub molecular level, this technology...the metal it was...

“Impossible...” they spoke together their visit now all the more intriguing to both.

They watched here leave as quietly a few people around whispering of two old letches following the path of sweet Luli so brazenly.

“Was that..” Trazyn pointed almost dumbstruck

“no-” Orikan retorted

“Are you sure?”


“Should we?”


They two Necron rose and followed.
Adeptus Panicus
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sorry for the long wait, I think I'll be able to call the vote later today and if not, then tomorrow certainly. Been fighting a bout of writer's block the last couple of days. If it takes me longer to call the vote and get writing than a day or so, it will be because I'm still suffering from writer's block and it didn't pass as quickly as I hoped.

That is all
Try doing morning pages.
Take your time, Big Man
Getting Pert's PoV of the Emperor arriving could be good, maybe even Malcador's or the Mechanicum's to first stepping upon our world? This is actually a pretty big moment in the 30k setting; the Emperor meeting 4 sons at once, Mechanicum contact, Even that poor spy or maybe even our mysterious nameless assistant getting another chameo? Maybe a PoV from an uninvited guest or from Eldrad? With so many eyes looking this way its a big moment for the Galaxy, the possibility for negotiation, for declarations, for daring attempts and more!
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Calling the vote now, sorry again for the wait.

Ask Eldrad what trouble him earlier:10

Discuss your plans for expansion beyond the gravity well of shangrala with Jinhai:15

Summon Dae-Hyun, your most trusted sons, and the commanding officers among their baseline allies in preparation for meeting your sire in public once again.:2

Apologize to Jinhai and the other guests of the rowdy behavior of your family:8

Seriously consider which of Kanzeon's sisters would make a good match for your brothers:1

Quietly meditate upon what Weylan said; why do we find such troubles wherever we go?: 1

Total votes:18

So Lieren will ask eldrad what brought such a troubled look to his eyes, and then apologize to Jinhai for the rowdiness of his family and then discuss with the emperor of Long-Jia his plans for expansion beyond Shangrala

Writing now

Oh this was excellent, I really liked how you wrote Trazyn and orikan, and their mannerisms, especially with them acting kind of like tourists, and their dialogue together was just delightful. Really captured the fun of the infinite and the divine, and I like how casual they were about Lieren throwing fate out of whack. Wonder who/ what Trayzn was hoping to collect.

And the second post/ ending was a nice balance of humor and foreboding, with some folks mistaking the two necrons for old perverts and Luli catching their interest, which can't be good.

All in all, this brought a big smile to my face, thank you for writing it
And while your first and foremost instinct at the display of sisterly mischief would be to laugh jollily and gayly, something troubles you that prevents you from joining in on the fun and it certainly is not the judging and annoyed looks of some of the more up tight guests that are present do to the accolades of their surface or their positions in the imperial court. No, it is that one of the guests you invited, is still deeply troubled themselves. Eldrad has looked terribly upset and concerned since Perturabo and Calliphone left the dining table to meet with your creator and father by blood, with a pained expression of discomfort written deeply upon his brown in wrinkles and creases. Not wishing to make a scene, or upset the others, nor call attention to your concerns and Eldrad's malaise, though Magnus is too busy to discussing philosophy with Guozhi who has joined the table sometime in the interim since Perturabo took his leave with his sister and Angron is booming with laughter, greatly amused by the antics of Kanzeon's sisters, you reach out to the farseer with wind whispering, to hold a silent and private conversation. Though it would be as easily discovered by your brothers as whispering would, it will be less noticeable to those who you know the Aeldari does not hold any measure of respect or fondness towards

'What troubles you, friend from ulthwe?' You question gently, lifting up your golden eyes in his direction. Eldrad rubs his fingers over his troubled brow, a look of consideration within his deeply wise eyes.

'A vision, of what could've been or may one day be. And do not try to comfort me with your belief of fate serving only as a salve of the foolish, it will not settle nor banish the dread divination that assaulted my mind's eye' He answers sharply though not harshly 'and I shall not tell you the contents of the vision, before you can request as such, You've proven capable in diverting the stream of destiny's flow, and this unwelcome sight I witnessed, may have already been avoided'

'it was a vision of a possible future of Perturabo and Calliphone. The vision activated your foresight when the girl boasted of her brother's protective nature and fondness of her' You surmise, interlocking your fingers and folding your hands one over the other 'Was the vision of him being unable to guard her, later in their lives? A tragedy of the kind I have experienced before with my loyal and true companions and friend"

Eldrad's expression darkens

'Something of the sort, but I shall say nothing more needlessly. It would only bring strife and sour the mood of this happy occasion, and while some of my followers present to experience it may not agree, we Aeldari do not often experience such occasions, free of doom or sadness' He answers quickly 'For his, her and your own sake, let us drop this discussion, before the vision benights your heart and soul as well, Lieren of Nothing'

Kanzeon turns away from her flustered argument with Angron, and looks at you and Eldrad suspiciously

Wearing a smiling mask you nod at her, and comfortingly place your hand over hers, sending a covert message to the farseer that you'd respect his privacy and desire for secrecy, now somewhat dreading the answer he hid though you know his vision may simply be that, an illusion of days now never to come.

"Sorry, did I worry you? Eldrad and I were discussing a private matter" You sweetly coo, smiling as she narrows her eyes into a glower

"Something that made him look ready to" She says, clicking her tongue to stop profanity from rolling off of it "Hah, I shouldn't be so crass in the company of royalty. You can tell me what it was you were discussing, surely"

"Fate" You answer with a shrug

"So worthless nonsense" She snorts with a relieved smile "I was worrying about nothing"

Eldrad's lips twitch and her turns away to scan the crowd, more amused than offended as you settle and push your curiosity of what he had seen out of mind, patting Kanzeon's hand once before you rise and cup your fist and bow deeply in Jinhai's direction

"Hah, forgive me, my friend and emperor, my family has become quite rowdy in the excitement leading up to the ceremony" You laugh, glancing over the faces of the other honored guests and courtiers, and see Amon performing magic tricks for some of them, a rosy tint on his cheeks, all slight of hand and no psykerism "I apologize on their behalf for their disruptions and breaking of etiquette, but surely they can be forgiven, who is not overjoyed on the day of their sister's wedding, hm? And I'm certain all of you know my noble and honorable brothers come from not only different cultures, but different worlds than us all"

That has appeased most of the complainers and traditionalists present. You smile as you see Luli enter the temporary throne room, handing out lotus blossoms as gifts to those who do not have much or whom have been spurned by their fellow guests for one reason or another. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch, a strange sensation of worry clouding your thoughts for a moment though you cannot place the source of it, besides that it concerns the faithful journey woman. Shaking it from your head, as you can perceive no threat present that can be perceived or sensed, you turn your full attention back to Jinhai and Daiyu, who is being entertained by one of the Journeymen Aeldari who is explaining the historical significance of the crest they wear upon their chest to her

"There is no need to beg pardon, old and true friend, This is a day of festivities, a time of joy and gayety, a few transgressions and breaches of etiquette are of no great concern" He chuckles, with a regal air that demands respect as he leans back in his throne, resting his head against the knuckles of one of his hands "Besides, I find their antics amusing, it is a breath of fresh air when the wait has grown somewhat stifling"

"That is putting it lightly" Kanzeon jokes under her breath. You smirk despite yourself

"But" Jinhai continues "I sense you have another reason for requesting my attention, not as your sworn brother, but as your emperor"

"Ah yes, acting as your grand architech and head of Long-Jia's ministry of development, I have some suggestions I would like to present, concerning the spread of prosperity not only beyond our expansive borders, but beyond the skies of Shangrala herself and into the stars" You begin, retrieving a scroll from your sleeve "If I may, present the initial stages of our stellar colonization plan, that I have prepared with the assistance of the other great minds of our empire..."

Magos Epsilon-Iota 65 was presently undergoing a reformatting of their reality diagrams and common sense protocols. The interdimensional borer had proven far more reliable than his initial calculations upon being allowed the great honor of inspecting the devise the master of terra had produced, finding it to be from beyond the archives of standard construction templates within the data troves and records of their venerable fraternity of mars. The material was of an alien and unknown substance, and its activation required the harmonization of energies produces from within the master of terra's own mortal flesh, resonating with their admirable array of augmentations added to their unusually worthy organic matter, and from an energy source that came from beyond their own internalized array of sensors.

And yet, despite the many unknown elements and curious technological components, the devise had seamlessly opened a path through layers of reality, allowing a safe observation of a dimension of the mind, and allowed the master, his second and they, the chosen representative of the priesthood of mars, to travel an incredible distance across the known galaxy to arrive at a populated planet they had dubbed Shangrala. Though Mechanicum designation of the world was far more suitable, its binary script far more descriptive, though according to the records that had been preserved from the dawn of the order of mars, there was far more biological life present upon the planetoid

that the magos could not see much of, the curious fog interfering with their sensory cybernetics and rendering just as blind as unaltered stock. Sighing in frustration, they noted how the lord of terra moved so gracefully, their own implants seemingly unconstrained by the unexplained quality of the mist to confound and scramble their own optic improvements and render their more refined sensors nodules nigh useless.

"This must be the work of foul Archeotechnology" They grumbled, more out of frustration than true belief, as their atmospheric samples had not explained the presence or troubling attributes of the cloying fog, and even the swell of pride they felt within their emotional suite did little to assuage their annoyance.

They had been hand selected to observe and permitted to travel through the portal from terra to "Shangrala", by their own superiors and the new benefactor of the Mechanicum, and most of their means of recording the source of the technological wonders he had gifted to them were now rendered unreliable. And Epsilon-Iota 65 dreaded refilling the ink reserves of the scribe servitor they had been given for personal usage. It had been poorly lobotomized and its script was nigh illegible even compared to their own writing made clumsy by the weakness of their appendages of flesh. Oh woe, oh woe.

Though, those memorials their patron observed contained some fascinating machinery, producing holographic displays through a curious mechanism. And their manufacture was fine, surely making use of a finely tuned and cared for constructor facility. Skirting closer to inspect the statue of a tall, unfortunately unaugmented man, the Magos fiddled with a device implanted on their wrist, taking samples of the moisture gathering on the stone and the within the soil to prove their theorem that the mist was an unnatural weather phenomenon, and one they could do away with with the proper terraforming devices to make studying the trove of forgotten technologies that were surely present upon this once desolate world far more efficient a task.

They paused, and lifted one of their secondary eye stalk mechadendrites from within their vermillion robe to glance at the approaching figure and froze in awe.

They bore witness to a true marvel of genetic weaving and biological technology, a gene augmented demi god, striding through the mist excitedly with a...

Juvenile female atop their shoulders

"One of your primarchs, lord of terra?" They questioned, as the ruler of terra's second stepped from their shadow to greet the approaching figure as the master of mankind made an expression of surprise that quickly softened into paternal familiarity.

A burst of frustrated binary cant erupted from within the Magos vocal synthesizers. The fog once more foiled their attempts at record taking, as two thirds of their auxiliary optical sensors began to experiences unexplained defects in their processes!

"Father" Perturabo gasped, as he gently set Calliphone down. He had heard his creator described, by all three of his true brothers, but they had left out one detail he thought was vital.

Their father was clearly an artist, with dabs of paint and clay across their face, and arms, their skin tanned from standing in the open air, creating works of art and master pieces of creativity, yet beneath the layer of artistic residue, were clear signs he had waged his own wars and won his own battles.

He was dressed in uniform that was personalized but not to the point of gaudiness, favoring comfort and ease of movement over excessive decoration, the dress of a general and king, who did not fear knives in the dark yet appreciated the subtle beauty and symbolism of the medals arranged on his broad chest.

"My son. Perturabo. I...did not expect you to be here" he said, voice wavering with intense emotion as Perturabo felt tears fill his eyes for a reason he could not discern "I thought it would be long before I could hear of your accomplishments first hand, this gateway, is as much your work as it was your brothers"

"Yes" Perturabo stumbled, a tightness forming in his chest "Father I..."

Calliphone wrapped her hand around one of her fingers

"Allow me to introduce you to my sister, Calliphone" He said, kneeling down and noticing a mostly mechanical person of indeterminant gender staring at him as if he was as marvelous a construction as the portal they had just stepped out of

"You've overwhelmed the fourth" The other be robed figured drolly exclaimed, and Perturabo felt his temper rise from that remark. who was he to refer to him with such scorn. With a roll of his eyes, he looked up to his father, uncertain of what to say or do

"She has the shine of intelligence in her eyes" He appraised, reaching out a tender, ink coated hand down to her "I can tell she is destined for great things my son, but, before you tell me of her talents, I'd be remis to not know of your grand accomplishments upon distant Olympia and your ideas..."


What is the initial stage of your colonization plan, Lieren?

>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array

>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states

>Sending craft to explore the nearest star systems and search for other civilizations. Find New Varo,

>Using the star charts Kanzeon has to find planets suitable for human habitation within reach of shangrala

>write in
>>5989241 #
>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array

>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states
>Clear the atmosphere
>Explore the planets that share the sun.

Make sure we completely cover our front garden before we advance. Dont want to find orks a planet over.
>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array
First we fix the windows and doors...

>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states
Then we secure the backyard.

We should have sent someone to pull the hanger-ons away from the Emperor so Perty could have his family time.
>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array
>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states
write in
construct a space station as a monument and as a space shipyard

together with my previous choice
>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array

>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states
>Sending craft to explore the nearest star systems and search for other civilizations. Find New Varo,

>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array

>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states
>with some folks mistaking the two necrons for old perverts
Well you could argue that Trazyn is a stalker/kidnapper (though it's really not sexual.) But Orikan is most definitely a massive simp.
>>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array
>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array
>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states

>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array

>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states

Based Pert, Almost going to murder the Ad-mech boys.

>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array

>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states

>Sending craft to explore the nearest star systems and search for other civilizations. Find New Varo,
Secure the system THEN we find New Varro.
Wasn't the emperor also going to bring a custodes with him too?
>>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array
>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states
Custodes and primarch
>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array
>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states
>>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array
>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states
Ensure Shangrila and the Shangrila system are fully secured. And more importantly rebuilt, and developed a new. Before moving in to the space frontier, I don't mind the sisters ships just decorating again and again the moon with more dark eldars corpses from that foul kabal of false hunters, but they need to understand the message, that this is our home. We can kill them somewhere else, say another raid in a slaver port in the webway ;)

This two great operations will be excellent training, education and experience for the peoples and military forces of our beloved misty world. And most importantly crucial for the future, be more colonization, fleets or anything else. Has always creating a good foundation to build upon, is something Lieren follows.

Nice Emperor/Perturabo reaction, that Magos is extremely lucky (for now) and Malcador just cant help it. The Long-Jia court seems mostly satisfied even with our family not exactly acting like nobles and courtiers, ultimately i don't think it matters (if we count what we do and what has been done) beside being something they will talk and gossip forever about. I do wonder what places like Terra where nobility is somewhat already present would think of this event ?

And thinking about nobility ...... we should ask Angron how things are going in Nuceria after the great slave revolt and liberation from tyrants. Did it become a Republic ? I want to hear how the Beggar Sect is doing there too.
>>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array
>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states
And as I complete my third reread, here I go a-voting once again.
>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array

Defence first. Don't clog it up with doing other shit - lets get shangrala defended in the single most important way we've still got to do.
>>Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array
>Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states
Its going to be interesting seeing the Mechanicus get to know us and our mentality because they might be able to see the machine behind the mask if they review our actions.
"Ah the machine created a human mask so as to draw out maximum results."
because in many ways we are what the mechanicum could aspire to be, we're a massive data reclaimer whom has created such zeal around gathering, preserving and sharing data. Yet we've also managed to overcome quite the stigma they deal with, we're the machine beneath the skin kinda how they view reality. The Realm of matter and Realm of Thought.

also we're going to be pissed at the servitor and might end up doing something just turn to look at them; "Disgustingly wasteful, needlessly cruel....inefficient beyond measure. "

>Captcha Y2K GG
Lieren is the kind of guy that could cause a schism in AdMech.
On one hand, he uses and spreads alien tech with the seeming approval of the Emperor, constantly improving and developing technology, and most capable of fulfilling the prophecy of the Brotherhood of Singularitarianism. This isn’t even getting into Lieren’s other weird shit like how his soul seems to function as perpetual motion machine, his ability to see the truth, or his ability to channel anything. There will definitely be a “Lieren is the real Omnissiah” faction among AdMech most likely made of tech priests who would normally fall to Chaos.
On the other hand, Lieren rejects most of AdMech’s tenets and is sure as hell not going to give them tech to extract souls. Hardline tech priests will hate him and the feeling will be mutual.
I hope via the sisters and what not we can build a tech base separate from mars for our stuff at least.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait, life had me stressed the last couple of days.

Clearing the debris in orbit of Shangrala, repairing the salvageable escort crafts that lead Kanzeon and her sisters there, and establishing a dominant orbital security array:16

Exploring the planets that share its sun with several groups of explorers and ensuring the solar system is under the complete control of Long-Jia and its allied states:14

Sending craft to explore the nearest star systems and search for other civilizations. Find New Varo:2

construct a space station as a monument and as a space shipyard:1

So the first stage of lieren's stellar colonization plan, will be clearing and repurposing the remaining debris around Shangrala, creating a powerful orbital defense array, and exploring the nearby planets with several exploration groups.

Writing now

Apologies in advance if the writing is more sloppy/ typo ridden than usual. I have just chugged a bottle of wine.

Total votes: 18
"The wreckage left behind by the ancient vessels that carried our forebearers to Shangrala across the vast expanse of the sea of stars, is a priority. It will need to be cleared for us to efficiently establish dominion and control of our world's own orbit and gravital field" You explain, standing before the court, wearing the symbols of your office and speaking as the highest and most respected architect in the empire rather than its hero or soon to be married man "I have had, through various means, began the initial stages of salvaging these archaic stellar craft, to recycle them for materials and components, but the various wars against tyranny and for freedom and prosperities sake stalled my progress on repurposing them. I now believe, we, the Long-Jian people, have the means to repair, retrofit and make use of these vessels once sailed by our distant, long forgotten ancestors, instead of merely reducing them to raw materials for construction or finer artifice"

Al-Uzza, who has returned with a much dressed up and seething liberty, wipes tears from her eyes, as Anahita looks on excitedly, anticipating the challenge to come, and Mari smiles pleasantly while Kanzeon shows her approval with an energetic burst of clapping.

"The stellar ships that can be salvaged and returned to service, shall be gathered, towed from the rest of the debris field to the zenith of Shangrala's gravity well, and those that are too damaged or are already reduced to scrap and slag, shall be, recycled and their base elements used else where, as I have gradually been doing since I first saw our mist wrapped world from above" You continue on jovially, several of your assistants already taking notes, while your most talented underling is ordering a number of his own underlings to begin taking measurements Perturabo had requested to refine his plans for the redesigned imperial palace

"and rather than domestic or civil use, I intend, with your permission, Emperor Long-jia, to repurpose those materials for the construction of a defensive array in orbit, to protect and shield our prosperous lands and happy populace for generations after we're gone, and to become the dominant power in the space above Shangrala, establish astral fortifications and security platforms and militant forces that will defend our humble world for years to come" You continue on "I have schematics for this array and the stations and batteries that shall make up it, but I intend to have the greatest minds of our empire inspect and alter them if they find any part or design of them lacking"

You pause, taking in a breath through your nose as Jinhai shows his approval with a subtle nod, which shows the rest of the gathered, uninformed nobility and generals that the plan you're presenting is indeed a sound and good idea, and they to show their approval, though only a handful act as if they truly understand what you're saying.

Yin Lei's eyes are focused, and you know he and the other generals of his caliber will request detail reports on the capability of the renovated stellar crafted and newly built stations the moment they begin construction.

"Tao Dandan, Shan, Shirong, and Cao Yunru, have already received my initial schematics to improve and adjust, and many of the corps of my ministry are preparing to begin the reclamation undertaking" You explain once the comotion in the temporary court has settled "And while some will work with my artistic brother, Perturabo of Olympia, in remaking the imperial abode to be suitable to house and protect the second generation of the Long-Jia line, many more shall take part in this effort in clearing our night sky and create orbital fortifications. And others will be trusted with exploring the unknown worlds that are Shangrala's sisters, and I would request members of the imperial army and officer colleges to join these ventures, so we may know the planets we share a star with and if they are empty of human life, prepare them for habitation and if our distant cousins dwell upon them, meet them and share our great providence and bounty with them"

That last part elicits a great swell of cheers, though one look in Kanzeon and her sister's direction tells you there will be no human population on any of the worlds in the star system Shangrala is a part of.

"This exploration mission, will require a loaning of weapons and heavier armaments, to ensure the safety of our brave star sailors" You continue on, as Magnus meditates, deep in thought as he steals parts of this idea for his own home system and Angron gnaws on a beef bone, having taken some delight in acting the part of the conquering, barbaric hero, in no small part because a vishnu delegation had arrived and started asking him of stories of his victories in battle

"And I shall also use the ancient vessels entrusted to the family of my bride Kanzeon, to expedited the process of clearing the orbit of shangrala and exploring the neighboring planetary bodies" You say, winking at your bride, as she smirks, finding some amusement in the white lie of them being the caretakers and pilots of their true bodies, rather than their guiding spirits "This undertaking, will be great, expensive and tiring. It will take years, even if every part of the mission is performed flawlessly and every member of it works flawlessly. To make the worlds a part of the Long-Jian domain, to prepare them for habitation and colonization. The worlds must be able to support an acceptable and comfortable quality of life for the first wave of migrants, even if they are only traveling to the worlds to mine them of their metals or establish city sized hydroponics farms. I refuse to allow any man, woman or child to suffer in a world that is hostile to their existence, even if it would benefit the greater whole of our now interplanetary civilization or humanity as a whole"


"Oh do carry on, Lieren, I could use a second perspective on the matter of reestablishing the manifest destiny of mankind across the galaxy" Your father says as your other father shifts in his seat, reaching for a bottle of wine and spare cup to fill and share with the unannounced guest "and I would be lying if I wasn't interested in how you intend to take control of your native star system, considering the tools and means you have at hand, perhaps we could share notes, see which approaches work for barren, inhospitable worlds, and which do not"

"Father. Malcador" You greet, as the whole audience you had enthralled stares at the gilded, near glowing figure, standing at the threshhold of the temporary throne room, as Jinhai rises from his seat, eyes wide with interest and Daiyu grips his arm, frightened by the presence of your sire "Perturabo and"

You frown, for a moment wondering if a servitor had been rescued from the vaults of some high rider hold out, that your brother had brought along to allow them a merciful end beneath free skies, but then realize that the heavily augmented figure, with pallid and unhealthy skin and flesh, is not a servitor but instead a cyborg, of the likes of the cults of Hei'an fu in the zoroast city states, the tech adepts employed by the high riders, and the oracle breed of the hellias, though far more machine than man, than any of those three examples. Especially the oracle breed, who practice genetic manipulation and biological augmentations rather than the cybernetic alternatives. Your hand twitches, as you recall exactly how expert the wicked natured splinter sect were at creating monstrosities from the human genome, and the disgust and disdain Philotes' surviving sister held for those villainous gene splicers for perverting their departed sibling's legacy for their own ambitions.

And you see that the heavily mechanized person, dressed in robes like an ascetic monk, red and adorned with symbolic effigies of cogs, is scrutinizing and studying everything around them, with equal parts religious wonder and professional categorization, though as they feel the side effect of your attention, they turn to you and gaze upon you with awe, as an artisan would another craftsman's finest work. Clearly, this individual worships technology and machinery, idolizing it to the point of preferring it to their own humanity.

A mirror of yourself, in someways.

"The emperor of terra, forgive me for being unable to meet your acquaintance when you brought aid to my people in our most dire hour" Jinhai says, loud enough to shake everyone present from their stupor of awe or fear "And thank you for fathering such a noble and heroic son, whom you should be honored as much as Wise Wenyan for his part in teaching him the virtues that made him the man that inspired so many others"

Your father smiled while his companion bristled at Jinhai speaking to him as an equal, partly an act to make your father seem more approachable and reasonable, you knew from a quick glance.

"And you are the man my son knew was better suited for ruling and leading, a ordinary man from low origins, now entrusted with leading this world to a better tomorrow. I see his expectations were not misplaced, Long-Jia Jinhai, you possess the right qualities to deserve to rule. I have also heard you are a remarkable dancer" You father returns with a courtly, dignified, bow, sweeping his arm out wards, as if he were wearing a cloak that need to be swept aside "If only you were born upon Terra, you'd have made for an excellent general in the wars I waged reclaim our cradle"

"You honor me, emperor of terra" Jinhai says, stunned by the amount of praise and respect given to him by your father "I am happy to welcome you to Shangrala, and happier still that it is for such a joyous occassion"

"I haven't often had the chance to attend weddings, neither have you, old friend" He chuckles, turning to malcador

"No we have not" He bluntly answers "And our attendance of this one is...costly, risky"

"So was our first visit to this world" Your father says with a good natured smile "And it paid off, sometimes a gamble must be taken to clear the obstructions in the golden path, my friend"

"Hmph" Malcador grumbles, before narrowing his eyes at Kanzeon and

"Ow?" Both of them scoff at once, as you realize both of them had tried to overload the other's mind with a stream of transmitted information as a particularly rude and ill mannered greeting

"I believe you were discussing interplanetary colonization" Perturabo suddenly speaks up, thrilled at the chance to discuss such a high minded subject

What do you do, Lieren?

>Introduce your father to everyone, and tell him all about Jinhai and Daiyu

>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention

>Present your astartes, and list of the causalities they suffered in defeating the butcher king and ask your blood father, how fairs your legion on terra

>Covertly tell both your father and Malcador of your efforts to counter chaotic plots, through the creation of the Nameless

>write in

Had a lot of fun writing this, thinking maybe I have my mojo back, but that could just be the wine

Oh they're coming, don't you worry, I've been anticipating Lieren meeting with a custodes since thread start. It might be something I'm more excited for than his first, proper, encounter with an Ork
> "Perturabo and"
>Missing stuff after this bit.
Also some text missing after malcador narrows his eyes at kanzeon.
But fucking awesome that we've finally reached this point.
>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention

>Covertly tell both your father and Malcador of your efforts to counter chaotic plots, through the creation of the Nameless
nothing is wrong here continue on your business.
There are some parts missing from the update Malal
>Introduce your father to everyone, and tell him all about Jinhai and Daiyu
>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention
>>Introduce your father to everyone, and tell him all about Jinhai and Daiyu
>>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention
>>Present your astartes, and list of the causalities they suffered in defeating the butcher king and ask your blood father, how fairs your legion on terra
lots of praise and conversation until we get to darker things and the efforts it took to get us here.
>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention
>Covertly tell both your father and Malcador of your efforts to counter chaotic plots, through the creation of the Nameless
>Mention that you had found a xenos soul that granted you a fragment of the Great Plan which we believe to be related to the Old Ones
>>5992751 #
>>Introduce your father to everyone, and tell him all about Jinhai and Daiyu
>>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention
>>Present your astartes, and list of the causalities they suffered in defeating the butcher king and ask your blood father, how fairs your legion on terra
And this
>Covertly tell both your father and Malcador of your effortsps2s to counter chaotic plots, through the creation of the Nameless
>>Introduce your father to everyone, and tell him all about Jinhai and Daiyu
>>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention
In addition to whatever is chosen I submit this request for while our father becomes the main focus and we're chatting with whomever

>write in
Having split our mind before and having so witnessed Magnus push a sliver of himself free to be independent quietly have a separate word with Malcador in the shadows about the creation of the Nameless and the plots we handled thus far. Naturally introducing our Knight Erazar to the Sigillite so they can get to know things. This is the side working in shadows while the crowds are distracted.
>Inteoduce big E
>bounce ideas off pertorabo
Remember to do the xeno that had the great plan guys
>>Introduce your father to everyone, and tell him all about Jinhai and Daiyu
>>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention
keep going with the conversation and do the introduction, both are equally important.
>Introduce your father to everyone, and tell him all about Jinhai and Daiyu
>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention

This is one of those cases where no matter what the idea is, the only *lieren* option is to to the introduction followed by engaging with pert. It's not what i'd normally vote for, but it's what lieren would do.
>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention
>Covertly tell both your father and Malcador of your efforts to counter chaotic plots, through the creation of the Nameless
>Introduce your father to everyone, and tell him all about Jinhai and Daiyu
>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention
>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention
>Covertly tell both your father and Malcador of your efforts to counter chaotic plots, through the creation of the Nameless
>Speak of the fragment of the great plan you obtained as well as the results of your still incomplete study of it, several of the greatest psykers and minds currently alive are present so something fruitful will likely result from discussing it.

I am honestly not sure how much objective and narrative time we have to do family projects with the primarchs and emperor so the great plan fragment discussion might be premature or something that should have a entire action dedicated to it alone but honestly we have a psychic Angron, Lieren, the ship sisters, Malcador, The Emperor, and Pert in this room right now talking seriously about things like terraforming and for all we know the top custode, Horus, or Alpharius might suddenly walk in and join.
The main issue with the great plan fragment is that we cannot completely comprehend it due to our soul being too weak and for anyone without our eyes would take time to understand it. Fortunately we can cheat this by channeling our eyes into someone else to read the plan.
“Do you think it wise to humour this childish outburst my Friend?” Malcador asked the Lord of Lightning as the pair looked over a balcony of pale carved stone over an arena of the same material, it was a private sparring ring reserved for the growing Imperial household many of whom had gathered to watch the coming match up. Horus the Emperor's General and Firstfound Son having challenged Lieren the Emperor's Quartermaster so some whisper; favoured Son. The night was young and the sun was setting over a unified Terra.

The two entered the pit both in their full battle regalia looking each the very titans of legend they were. Horus wore his Legion's colours with pride under the rising moon they were so named for a heavy cloak over his shoulders and a crackling two handed power sword in his hands. Upon the otherside of the arena standing in the shadow cast by the moons wispy light stood Lieren his obsidian armour trimmed with ivory and bronze still stylised in his homeworld's fashion, in has own gauntlet clad hand a Halberd of the so called Star metal.

“They have to work out their differences, at least here it is supervised and we can repair damaged Egos-” the Master of mankind answered “besides it might do Lieren some good to lose here and there.”

“You think the Lunar Wolf can best the Fog Panther” Malcador raised an eyebrow,

“Pherhaps...” The Emperor's eyes narrowed as his Sons saluted one another and begun to circle the ring.

“Ill take that bet” Malcador smirked a moment pulling some coins from within his robe

They both laughed quietly together.


Horus thundered forward his charge shaking the very foundations, his sword was raised high and held in two hands ready to either counter he foes attack or to bring the blade down in a heavy strike. Lieren had taken a defensive posture planting his feet, Horus's strike came down like thunder and Lieren raised his weapon in not twp hands but one? The haft of the halberd took the brunt of the strike but instead of taking the blow Lieren let the momentum bleed forward as sparks bloomed from the power blades' downward thrust the Halberds point now being pushed towards the Lunar wolf by his own blows strength. He flung his head back to avoid the counter blow of his own making flicking his own sword back into a sweep, he knew he had to get within Lieren's guard as his weapon favoured space to move but instead he found Lieren was sidestepping as if this were a dance the halberd his partner.

They circled again, Horus was about to lunge but a swift spear thrust forced him to pull his blade back to block even as strike after strike came, swing after swing the Panther's weapon a blur of motion but even as he felt his arms begin to numb and bruise, the close strikes drawing ever nearer to striking his chest or face what was draining him most was the searing in his head; Lieren's sight. That famed golden vision he'd heard of... first it felt like a light skinning, then an irritation, then like a scalpel over his flesh....but as this fight draw on as the two moved across the arena it was becoming a burning pain. Yet he fought through it and as Lieren's weapon withdrew to begin another flurry of motions he closed the gap and with the timings he'd measured by weathering the Secondbornes' blows he caught his foes weapon in on hand and with his other he swung a wide arc intending to end this duel. But eyes still locked Lieren lept, spinning in the air over the blow avoiding it almost like a leaf riding the over pressure of a strike leaving it unharmed and floating, a two footed kick met his own midsection as Lieren used the still grappled staff as a fulcrum to deliver the blow.

Horus felt himself stagger back once more, he felt within his sheer fury. He was the firstfound, he'd battled beside their father for so long! He'd been personally tutored and now this? THIS? NO! He refuses to relent his unending determination fuelling his relentless assault. With a bellow of rage, he lunges forward once more, his sword whistling through the air in a powerful thrust aimed at Lieren's heart. But the Dancing Panther is quicker still, his body a blur of motion as he sidesteps the attack with razor-sharp precision then in one seamless motion, he spins on the balls of his feet with his halberd arcing upward in a graceful sweep that catches Horus across the cheek with a glancing blow.

The thinnest cut, a single drop of blood. A crack in his pride.

“ENOUGH” came the command from above and both Primarch ceased, but Horus could still feel it the burning, he closed his eyes a moment and he could still see them..those eyes...the burning...

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Calling the vote now, sorry for the wait, had internet problems over the weekend.

Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention:13

Covertly tell both your father and Malcador of your efforts to counter chaotic plots, through the creation of the Nameless:5

Introduce your father to everyone, and tell him all about Jinhai and Daiyu:9

Present your astartes, and list of the causalities they suffered in defeating the butcher king and ask your blood father, how fairs your legion on terra:3

Mention that you had found a xenos soul that granted you a fragment of the Great Plan which we believe to be related to the Old Ones/Speak of the fragment of the great plan you obtained as well as the results of your still incomplete study of it, several of the greatest psykers and minds currently alive are present so something fruitful will likely result from discussing it.: 3

Having split our mind before..etc: 1

Total votes:14

So Lieren will Introduce his father to everyone, and tell him about Jinhai and Daiyu, before allowing him to become the center of attention, and continue explaining his stellar colonization plan to those still listening, bouncing ideas off of perturabo.

Writing now

Ah, those were intended, should've put ... after the ands to show that there was an interruption of speech/ thought going on

Really like how you set the scene and described Horus and Lieren's armor and weapons, very evocative. and Mal And Big E placing bets on the fight made me giggle

The fight it felt was also well described and vivid, painted a clear picture of the action in my mind's eye, and it was rad and hype asf. Excellent work.
We really need to talk about the great plan and the nameless.
Later. After.

When the wedding is done and hours before they leave.
By the way, any excuses prepared on our oath breaking?
"A moment please, brother, I shall resume that conversation after I have presented our father, as befitting a man of his importance and station, to the members of the imperial court, ministries and army in audience in this temporary court" You whisper under your breath, slacking your shoulders to show how much you wish you could immediately continue that line of thought with Perturabo but that obligation and etiquette demand you pause the invigorating discussion and how the delay vexes you, for you truly do enjoy and cherish every enlightening conversation you have with any of your brothers. Perturabo smirks, understanding your body language and tone, though with an annoyed wrinkling of his brow telling all that was left unsaid in this quick passing. Smiling, nearly overwhelmed with brother comradery, you swell your chest and lash your arm out, sweeping it across the crowd as you retreat a step and bow lowly, theatrically drawing attention to the figure you've motioned to with the gesture you're so well known for, none other that your Father and sire.

"I am the loyal son of two fathers" You say, voice loud and thundering, carrying to every corner of the tent erected in place of a pavilion or needless temporary imperial housing "Much has been said of the virtues and sagacity of my first father, who welcomed me to his hearth and taught me the ways of man, Venerable Wenyan of Nothing, who showed to me the suffering of the people and the lands and always supported me in my ventures and duties. But, a scarce few of you know of my sire, the man whose blood carries through my veins, who I was taken from as a child and left to wander the wilds and the mists"

Malcador snorts, leaning against his staff as the cyborg cultist records every word you say with a cumbersome device that could easily be miniaturized and reduced, with a number of unnecessary attachments and subsystems that are a waste of craftsmanship and resources, including what appears to be an incense burner. Your father just nods slowly, showing a hint of his great grief of the separation of his sons to the court, and reaching out to their hearts and sense of common humanity with a gesture so subtle most wouldn't even be aware of it unless they were watching him closely

"He is the warden and the caretaker of Humanity's origin and birthright! The distant world of terra from which all of mankind was seeded across the stars! From Shangrala, New Varo, Prospero, Olympia and Nuceria, we all trace our roots back to ancient Terra, a world that was long benighted by squabbling warlords and tyrants!" You shout, your impassioned words stoking the flames your father lit in the hearts of the court with just a dip of his head and chin "A world ravaged by war, ruined by the shortsightedness of man, plagued with famine, strife and pollution"

Malcador tugs at his collar, and clears his throat, as your father smiles, knowing exactly how you intend to frame his unification of humanity's homeworld.

"Until a man with a vision, for universal prosperity and unity, arose from the masses and lead them towards a new dawn" You say with a cheeky grin, making use of your own heroic image and reputation to draw a comparison to your father and further ingratiate him to the both the common citizen, who must be watching as you can sense at least a dozen transmitting and recording devices, and the higher strata of society, the generals, nobility and ministry officials.

Standing to you full, towering heigh, you cup your fist and bow towards your father

"A new dawn free from the destitution, misfortune and discord of the old night that tore apart our once star spanning empire!" You say, stunning the crowd with the latest in a series of world upending revelations, to keep them reeling and thus more easily accepting of your father and his benevolence and accomplishments, a task helped by how highly regarded you yourself are by much of Shangrala "That was his dream, his vision for our shared future. Me and my brothers were sired, to help usher in this new dawn, to reclaim and reunite the stars once united, now long divided. That the world I was deposited upon was Shangrala, is perhaps the second greatest fortune of my life"

You say, as you look deeply and admiringly in the deep emerald sea of the eyes of your perhaps your first greatest fortune

"Sixteen of my brothers" You begin before Malcador smiles mischievously and counts with one hand fifteen, and you smile toothily, understanding the message immediately "Are still lost amongst these fiefs and holdouts of old humanity, four including myself are present here today, my friends and my brothers, Magnus, Perturabo and Angron. I only wish all of my brothers, by blood or not, were here to share even but a fraction of my joy, but alas, they are drifting yet or lie buried now beneath peaceful fields. However, I have strayed from the topic at hand in my somber grief, please, fair folk of Long-Jia, Bask, New Varro, and further beyond, allow me the privledge and pleasure to introduce you to my sire! The Lord of Lightning, the Savior of Terra, the Uniter of Sol, The Father of thousandfold sons, The Dreamer of Serenity, The seat of all stars, The master of the peak. The Man who has declared himself the Emperor of Mankind, and holds the strongest claim to that title, the man who will unify our lost cousins and return humanity to beyond its greatest zenith and guide us all into a new golden age!"

"And may I ask his name? Titles are well and good, but they are no way to greet such a heroic, legendary figure, let alone a friend" Jinhai asked innocently, and Malcador looks oddly smug as Eldrad chuckles, and even the most strict, conservative and or pig headed present do not raise their voice in objection or offense that you named your father as an Emperor who, by right, would hold dominion over Shangrala and thus the much beloved Long-Jia Jinhai and Daiyu

"Well, I would be touched, nay, honored to counted you amongst my friends, Emperor of Shangrala" Your father chuckles "I have used and given up many names, and the one I was given at my birth long ago is something I treasure deeply"

"And guard jealously" Eldrad remarks, as your father turns to them, and both of them are, for but a moment, overcome with indescribable sadness that brings tears to your eyes just from witnessing it "Though I cannot fault you for that, names have power"

Magnus nods solemnly, and Guozhi lifts up his glasses, though doesn't stop from entertaining Liberty and a very drunken Amon about stories of one of his previous lives, or perhaps Meixiu's latest mischief.

"Then I shall redact my request and pry no further, Father of Lieren" Jinhai says with a respectful nod, stroking his beard as he glances around, searching for a seat worthy to sit your father, and Wenyan stands to offer his own. You tell him there is no need with a lowering of your hand, he deserves that place just as much as your own father "But I welcome you, oh safe guarder of our lost cradle. Unity is one of the greatest strengths that can be found or fostered, simply for fathering Lieren, all of Long-Jia is deeply indebted to you, Master of Racing Lightning and Liberator of The Day"

"And may I introduce Long-Jia Jinha, the first emperor of the Long-Jia Dynasty and a personal friend of mine, who rose from a humble guard in the employ of the worm of Gao, to become a warrior and then general of great renown, before being elected as the new imperial patriarch after the previous dynasty was ousted from power, and greatly reduced" You introduce, explaining Jinhai's life story since meeting you respectfully though much abridged "A man who has oversaw the freeing of the other peoples of Shangrala and ushered in a prosperous new era for us all. And at his side, sits Long-Jia Daiyu, formerly Gao Daiyu, the daughter of the aforementioned worm, who has clashed spears with me once before and was also a general during the liberation of Long-Jia and whose charities and relief organizations have tended to the people and lands of Shangrala as she guides her husband's hand and helps him see the best path forward for us as a people"

Your father gives you a knowing look, but says nothing of how much of your own accomplishments you've attributed to the wisdom and rule of the first imperial couple of the Long-Jia dynasty.

"I would be overjoyed to discuss the parts of our lives that your son left out" Daiyu says warmly, folding her fan to show your father her friendly smile "Such as our children or what progresses and advancements can truly be laid at our feet or, my husband's life before being hired as a house hold guard"

"Some say I was fished out of a river by your noble son" Jinhai laughs, grinning ear to ear "And that I have scales under my ears, or the Qilin I've rescued and tamed, or we could share tales of our victory, Emperor on Terra"

"I would much enjoy that" Your father says simply "Though I could tell you of how I and Terra own you and Long-Jia a debt, for surely my son must've told you how, as he fought the barbarians at your border, he also returned the seas to terra..."

Smiling, and in a very good mood hearing that your father has made good use of one of your gifts to help in healing the biosphere of distant terra, you return to your table, and find Malcador already there, chatting with Wenyan and Guozhi, with the latter acting as a wall between him and Kanzeon, who is still glaring fiercely at him. You exchange smiles with your betrothed and brush the back of your hand across her cheek as you walk by her and her sisters, who are now talking with several noble ladies, including Qian Xia who shivers as you step past her.

"Shall we recommence the discussion of the logistics of colonizing new worlds?" You ask Perturabo as he watches your father as he holds the whole court in the palm of his hand, fascinating them with a beautifully poetic account of the tragic state of Terra and how terribly scared the world was, shifting between styles as easily as turning over his hand

"I will ask for one of those "Water Generating Stones" to study once we're done" He says dully, nodding as he hands Calliphone what is left of the sweet, glutinous rice cake slathered in honey he had been experimentally jabbing with his chopsticks "But, I'd be lying if I tried to claim I was thrilled to have this discussion. And firstly I would like the ask how do you intend to deal with the issue of supplying fresh and clean oxygen to the crews of these voyages, the designs of oxygen recyclers, how much space will be set aside for hydroponics bay to recycle carbon dioxide into breathable air efficiently, or more esoteric and advance means of achieving a steady equilibrium"

"Ah, you're astute as every, brother. The main vessels of the effort, are capable of creating, from its component molecules, fresh oxygen through the ancient technology from the golden age that was lost to us, though I shall also make use of natural means of recycling air and include a number of back up purifiers and supplies of pre pressurized air, as auxiliary means of life support if the plants are blighted or the chemical reactors are unusable or somehow the base components cannot be found" You explain

"Fascinating, simply fascinating. I've heard from a lush who tried to harass me with conversation that you broke a mountain down to its raw elements" Perturabo says excitedly, relishing in this high minded conversation "Are you using similar technology and the same base principles to generate oxygen from, heh, thin air?"

"Kanzeon was the one who reduced a mountain to raw and useable materials, and yes, the technology is the same, just slightly altered with their permission" You answer as he nods, smiling a knowing smile as he already knows Kanzeon and her sisters are in fact the vessels you speak of "And they're currently under going testing, Mari and Al-Uzza are leading that effort, and they would be happy to provide a demonstration"

"No need, and if the technology exists to manufacture oxygen wholesale, I do not need to ask how you intend to provide the necessary nutrition and vitamins to the crews of these expeditions" Perturabo says, voice warming and growing friendlier as the discussion becomes deeper "Though, if they would have me, I would not refuse a guided tour of the vessels themselves, once I've finished with the palace renovations and before I return with my payment to Olympia"

"We will have to ask them if they are willing" You say with a shrug "And how would you prepare a completely nutritional ration for space travel"

"Compact freeze dried meals, with most of the vitamins and minerals instead given in water soluble pills or powders. The body's needs for protein and fat contained in a ration that can be easily stored, preserved and used in any enviroment. It would not be pleasant tasting, but it'd make them capable of surviving being marooned in the void or a stalemated siege" he answers with a nod "However, if I had the luxury of giving them more ostentatious fair beyond the bare necessities for them health and survival, I would customize the menu per ship, to align to the dominant local flavors of those crewing it to maintain morale and cohesion and prevent mutiny. Though that can be easily addressed through less costly means, a communal garden in the, HEAVILY, fortified hydroponics compartment of the vessel or perhaps a stock of small, easily fed and reared herd animals or even cloned cultures of meat"

"Astonishing, you've put a great deal of thought into this, I am enlightened, I may have to borrow some of those ideas for my own endeavors. With proper due given to their inventor and original thinker of course" You exclaim happily, slapping your palm of your forehead as Perturabo smile turns smug as he preens himself with your earnest praise, relishing it before another question crosses his mind

"Navigation" He says bluntly "and travel. I've had theories of how interstellar travel could be quickened, but I am curious to know the answers you've found. Using the Eldar Webway or sending transmission and launching materials and schematics to build the gateways you, I and Magnus created through orbital rail cannons, is simply not effective, though creating our own network of those portals would be a worthwhile endeavor to undertake, even if it requires...extreme cost and effort"

"Have you heard of warp travel" You start, before a finger jabs to your shoulder draws away your attention and you turn around to see the cyborg cultist.

"May I, honored scions, join this discussion?" They ask curiously, as you frown, not from the interruption, but from seeing just how much of they've augmented themselves and replaced their flesh with machines that to your eyes, that have witnessed the transcendent beauty of the technology within and created by Kanzeon and her kin. Compared to the augments within Luli, Dae-Hyun, and Lord Kang Yongrui, their own are clumsy, cumbersome and disfiguring to your eyes, but the way they are arranged and decorated, show that they are adored by their host, treasured like fine jewelry. But, their resemblance to the cybernetic warriors of the butcher's war or the Servitors employed by the high riders, brings about a sense of disquiet.

Perturabo for his part, is apocalyptically enraged by the interruption and looks and is a second away from decapitating the cultist with a de-scaling knife beside his plate. Calliphone just stares at the cultist with wide eyes, terrified just from the sight of them.

"And, I was told by your progenitor's seneschal, that there are others who have requested your presence, reclaimer" They continue one, completely unconcerned with your brother's rage or the rudeness that has enraged him "They are of the legio custodes"

"legio custodes" Perturabo scoffs, grinding his teeth

How do you answer, Lieren?

>Tell them they are free to listen, but must not speak out of turn or interrupt.

>Ask them why they dub you reclaimer, and what exactly are they?

>Intrigued by this Legio custodes seeking you out, say you will agree to meet them and do so.

>Send a message to Anahita and Al-Uzza to distract this fool before Perturabo rips their head from their shoulders

>Write in
>Tell them they are free to listen, but must not speak out of turn or interrupt.
>Ask them why they dub you reclaimer, and what exactly are they?
>Demand that he apologize to Perturabo to placate him.
>Write in
Wind whispery Perty that this is an opertunity to get to know the sect our father has inducted, we need to know the strange ways of these cogmen and if they currently feel this way about us all the better to gather intel.
>Tell them they are free to listen, but must not speak out of turn or interrupt.
They may interupt politly if information is relevant, after all all knowledge must be gathered and shared, recovered and refined.

Once things are amicable and underway tell the Cogman we would like to discuss much when we have a moment but first we have to cast a wide net at this time.
>Intrigued by this Legio custodes seeking you out, say you will agree to meet them and do so
On the way past chuck a grape at Magnus and Angron and throw a wink, we ain't forgot them in all this
>Tell them they are free to listen, but must not speak out of turn or interrupt.
>Ask them why they dub you reclaimer, and what exactly are they?
>Tell them they are free to listen, but must not speak out of turn or interrupt.
>Demand that he apologize to Perturabo to placate him.
>Intrigued by this Legio custodes seeking you out, say you will agree to meet them and do so.
If we can continue our conversation with our brothers that would be swell, before pert has an aneurysm.
>support >>5996481

Oh boy. Its a wonder that he cant see the rage steaming off Perty
I support this
>Tell them they are free to listen, but must not speak out of turn or interrupt.

>Ask them why they dub you reclaimer, and what exactly are they?

Also this guys rwite in somewhat. >>5996481
Support and
>Ask them why they dub you reclaimer, and what exactly are they?

we can get a deeper insight into the gear boys
>>Tell them they are free to listen, but must not speak out of turn or interrupt.
>Tell them they are free to listen, but must not speak out of turn or interrupt.

>Intrigued by this Legio custodes seeking you out, say you will agree to meet them and do so.
>>Write in
Defrock the priest and examine his augments with Perturabo, go over their cumbersome nature and how, if you were to augment men like this, how you would build their cybernetics.
I wonder if we can ask big E to prepare some of our brother's astartes to follow them home. A small honour guard of their own legionaries to arrive when he is returning home.

Support, make the techlet seeth as we "dress him down" and style on his shitty tech. Then bring in leilu or someone else to show how it's done, and let the toaster fucker cry at the magnificence of real cybernetics, whilest inspiring Peter turbo with the expert blend of art and design
>Tell them they are free to listen, but must not speak out of turn or interrupt.
>Ask them why they dub you reclaimer, and what exactly are they?
>Ensure the cyborg cultist apologizes to and placates Perturabo and does not anger him further.

This cogboy likely is working with literally only half a brain so being cripplingly autistic is no surprise. It will be a huge headache if they get murdered not even a hour into the visit by a primarch having a sperg out.

I rephrased the apologize write in because I doubt Pert will care for a apology that Lieren directly forces out of the cogboy. Lieren needs to be subtle to handle Pert being Pert.
Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait.

Tell them they are free to listen, but must not speak out of turn or interrupt.:12

Ask them why they dub you reclaimer, and what exactly are they?:5

Demand that he apologize to Perturabo to placate him.:2

Defrock the priest and examine his augments with Perturabo, go over their cumbersome nature and how, if you were to augment men like this, how you would build their cybernetics.:2

Ensure the Cyborg cultists apologize to Perturabo: 1

Wind whisper to perturabo...etc:6

Intrigued by this Legio custodes seeking you out, say you will agree to meet them and do so: 7

Total votes:14

So Lieren will telepathically communicate to Perturabo that this is a chance to learn of this sect of tech worshipers and their strange ways and gather intel about them, hoping to soothe his rage

and then will tell the tech pritest they are free to listen, but not interrupt or speak out of turn, unless the information is relevant

And once the discussion with Perturabo is finished, intrigued by the legio custodes, will go and meet them as he was requested to

Writing now
Malal you don't need to apologize you write when you write and we look forward to every update of this gold standard worthy story
'This being is one of our father's accomplices' You inform perturabo via wind whispering, your brother jolting at the unfamiliarity of the sudden telepathic contact, which only further darkens his mood 'and while they are as irritating as a buzzing fly, there is much we could learn from them. Clearly they idolize us as masterwork biological artifice, abiding and tolerating their existence and presence could provide us with valuable knowledge and intel of the workings of their organization, be it wholly or partially religious in nature and what industrial and higher technologic services and capabilities they keep separate from those they offer to our father's, and their purpose for being here'

'I would have whatever this repugnant creature is flogged and whipped for this slight' Perturabo replies mentally after a moment of figuring out how to send a message back to you through just thinking of it 'And I will not permit a simpleton who scarcely understands the mechanics of the cybernetic machinery they have implanted in themselves soil a discussion this mentally stimulating'

'An easy compromise is found, they shall remain silent, if they do not agree or speak to readily and out of turn, you may punish them, though I would ask not to the point of irreparably damaging them' You answer back quickly, wearing a pleasant, smiling mask as you try to temper your brother's flare of anger and before it is heated enough to become murderous in nature 'Please, calm yourself, though they have shown a grievous lack of etiquette and common politeness, they may have something worthwhile to say'

'Doubtful, and if they interrupt once again, I will test the durability of their non vital augments as a lesson' Perturabo's thoughts prickle, irritated and furious 'But, I will hold my tongue, if only because letting this moronic imbecil chatter may, as you said, give us knowledge we can leverage over their superiors, of both rank and intellect'

'I am grateful' You answer solemnly before glancing down at the red robed adept, who only now has sensed the ground buckling hostility radiating from perturabo, and with a genial tone and musical timber to your voice, you answer them "You may listen, but do not speak unless first spoken to, or else you have something revelant to add to the discussion or pertient insight of the matter"

"Those are...acceptable conditions, I shall not utter a single vocalization unless first refered to" They answer with a nod, incense smoke wafting up from inside of their robes as Perturabo wrinkles his nose

'That is more than you asked, brother' He complains, glancing your way before choosing to approach the tech adept by ignoring them entirely "And to answer the question that had been stated before I had been so rudely interrupted and halted from answering. I have not, heard of warp travel, until no. Olympia was simply not advanced technologically or societally enough to develop interstellar travel, I presume this warp travel is a means of expediting the time taken to travel across the vast distance of space"

"Yes, it is, in my understanding, a less effective and safe means of travel than the one we've devised, though it does not need to be established or wired, less trustworthy than the webway that inspired the gold dragon's rivers" You explain hastily, and smirk in amazement as the tech adept keeps up and comprehends everything you're saying "However I am aware of and have access to a number of methods, means and technologies that greatly increase the percentage of successful warp jumps and decrease the risk inherent to that form of galactic travel, though I understand that setting a course to warp travel requires specialized equipment or a particular breed of abhuman"

"I would be able offer more sound advise if I knew what the warp actually was, I know our devised method of instantaneous transportation between worlds and star systems is tunnel between this, stable, layer of physics and another, that Magnus' culture seas as a great sea. I presume, then, that warp travel involves casting the vessel performing it adrift in this alternate level of reality" Your bother just as quickly replies, speaking nearly unintelligibly fast for anyone who does not have a primarch's ability to absorb perceived information, but the tech adept keeps up, nodding along, without saying a word "And if I am correct, I presume the greatest amount of danger lies in the unpredictability of the forces and lack of physical laws in this, other realm. Then the primary concern would be shielding any vessel traversing this unstable sub reality, and expediting what travel must be done through it"

"Correct, though it is not as simple as making a raft that will not leak or sink, there are entities in this realm, constructs of the mind, that like shoals of predatory fish or scavenging birds, are none to assault vessels as they travel through the warp, or great sea as it is seen in Prosperan society. In Long-Jianese cultures, the psykers that are aware of it, dub it the Emperyean, and see it akin to the realm of spirits from myth" You explain, lying easily, even though you had willingly broken your promise of secrecy, when you did, you explained the threat of chaos to those who had encountered and bested it without knowledge of it before hand. It just so happened, the destruction of the Shuni Calliphate and the Butcher's war exposed a great deal of Shangralan citizens to the pawns of the discordant powers.

"Ah, entities spawned by a similar process to that of the subconscious veil of paranoia enveloping Olympia, except on a much greater scale, the thoughts and subconsciousness of all life gathered together in a senseless mass" He says, and you nod in confirmation of his theory "And considering the prevalence of superstition and the often violent nature of even civilized life, it makes all to much sense that these thoughtforms would be dangerous, as even the lowest forms of life struggle to stay alive. Could a means of deterrence be employed, weaponry of some kind or a field that disguises the energy signatures of passing warp ships, or, could dampen the mental energy produced by their passengers, if that is instead how they are drawn to the vessels"

"I know of one method of deterrence that has proven effective in my studies of it, and I am certain Magnus knows similar ways to protect against their predations and intrusions" You continue on "And there are creatures that exist in the Empyrean that are simply beasts that adapted to travel and survive inside its inhospitable depths"

"Magnus has told me of a certain breed of reptilian beasts that migrate through this "Warp" Perturabo says with an amused snort "I was wondering if that was a joke or not. And if I take intrusion literally, I am to believe the denizens of this space can invade through the matter of the ship, either physically or through some means of phasing or teleportation"

"Yes" You answer with a nod "There are many records kept in the archives tended by my bride and her family concerning of attacks of all three of the kinds you supposed"

"What a troublesome problem, it may prove a brief challenge to my, our combined wit" Perturabo chortles, eyes glinting with ambition

A rattling cough and rumble of static reminds your brother of the existence of the listener, who politely raises their hand like a student in class

"What" Your brother snaps, voice dripping with the venom of contempt

"Warp sciences are by no means my area of expertise, but from the way the reclaimer of most treasured technology speaks, they have, or believe they have, discovered or recovered a means of warp travel that is safer than the standard form practiced by the scattered enclaves of humanity" they say rapidly, voice never changing from a machine like monotone, each word spoken like it had been pre recorded "That does not require the usage of the genetically transferred preternatural capabilities of the Homo navigo. the mention of specialized equipment alongside the Homo Navigo, surely refers to relics from the dark age of technology, or an even more far flung era surpassing ours in technological development. What manner of machine is used to reduce the probability of cataclysmic failure of ship's hull or gellar field integrity, and is it of the same source of the archeotech your genetic progenitor gifted to our most venerable priesthood"

Perturabo narrows his eyes, ruefully impressed that the tech cultist had prepared such a complex yet concise question.

"It is a geometric arrangement of lines in repeating sequences that creates a null field that interferes with warp energy, that is incorporated in the interdimensional tunnel you used to travel here..." you say, giving pause for the tech adept to at last give you a name, if only so Perturabo can write it down in a record of his grievances somewhere, like a book of grudges.

"This one's personal designation, is Epsilon Iota 65, Ordained Magos explorator of the Mechanicum of Mars" They answer after a long, silent moment of staring directly at you "And I would also request you to cease exposing me to the intense ocular radiation emitting from your eyes, as well as a request of a demonstration of this geometric arrangement and an explanation of how it functions, and what components are required to create and power it"

"Quite, and cease your demanding" Perturabo said bluntly "Your impertinent question has been answered, though, I am curious about this sub species of humanity, the Homo Navigo"

"They are not among the races of mankind i have encountered, of which I have encountered five unique breeds, not counting of course, the standard lineage of humanity" You answer, shrugging your shoulders "but I have heard tell of the descent the Magos refers to"

"A necessary variation created when the abominable intelligences were cast down, at least, according to my own research into the subject" they answer "I can detail their capabilities, if you would allow me the right to speak further"

"No" Perturabo said dully "their designation alone is enough for me to infer their capabilities and use in interstellar travel, and partially addresses my concerns of travel and navigation, though I would prefer to not incorporate a reliance on a curiosity of biology for something as vital as shortening the extent and duration of interstellar travel. Devising an alternate means of charting and traveling through warp space, would be preferable, and I already have an inkling of where to look to find the necessary knowledge to concoct the means"

"You speak of innovation" The magos queries, tilting their head, desperately wanting to say more, having suspicions that, rightfully so, Perturabo would find the means to study alternative means of warp travel from the same source as the miraculous technologies your father won the allegiance of their priesthood through.

"And you speak out of turn" Perturabo said coldly "And of nothing of relevance, derailing my train of thought. Brother, can we be rid of this pest, I cannot be held accountable for what I will do if they persist in their pestering"

"Mago Epsilon Iota 65 of the priesthood of mars, there is much we can discuss, but it must wait till later. This is a conversation between family that you forced your way into" You say disarmingly, kneeling down to be closer to their eye level to keep things somewhat amicable between the priest and your now once more irritated brother "My brothers and I relish in these rare opportunities to discuss insightful matters. When we are not so engrossed, I would be happy to talk merrily with you of many things"

"And I expect you to tell me of your culture, if you are capable of not being a mortal annoyance" Perturabo adds, as the mago's stares at you with milky eyes behind their ocular implants, and gives a slow, curious nod

"Much has been revealed, even in this short audience" They mutter to themselves as they shuffle away

"Bah, their presence has polluted my mind and soured my thoughts" Perturabo growls through his teeth "Unfortunately, we will have to delay the more in depth discussion until after I have calmed my temper"

"Whenever you are ready, brother, we will resume" You say kindly, smiling as your brother rubs his temple "and it is very well that we put a pause on this conversation, these custodes the magos mentioned have caught my interest"

"They sound like a fanciful fabrication devised to draw our attention" He scoffs, crossing his arms "I would not join you on a fool's errand"

"The invitation stands" You chuckle, and Perturabo smirks

"And I shall stand on the sidelines, to not be made a mockery of" he joked back, not entirely comfortable doing so "If they turn out to be real, I shall be keeping watch over my sister, and our unneeded escorts"

You cup your fist and bow, and Perturabo returns the gesture, taking a moment to mimic it flawlessly, before the two of you depart one another's company, him in a far fouler mood than you are.

You seek out Malcador, who you find haunting a shadowy corner.

"I'm surprised the magos could separate you and Perturabo" he remarks as you approach him "Come, your father's firstborn sons wish to take their measure of you, to allay their concerns and suspicions, and decide your worth"

"Hm" you answer, humming as you follow behind the shorter man, hands clasped behind your back

"If only they were "gifted" like you were, there'd be no need for them to demand an audience with and to test you, I think they're simply jealous of your approval in your father's eye" Malcador said bitter sarcasm as he whisked you away from the festivities and past the outskirts of the town, into the wilderness outside of the farms and beneath the school.

Where stand four golden clad warriors, taller than Vishnu and your astarte gene-sons, and grown Angra and Tiger Folk, armed with weapons that curiously resemble some models of the Chendao.

"The second primarch" the apparent leader speaks callously, the red tassel of their helmet dancing in the wind "Touched and marked by chaos in more than one way. So you've come as commanded, good, I have heard you have a...fickle nature" clearly having some prejudice against you and already disliking you by principle, much like the Kang clan

You smile. They are planning on testing your will, through combat or debate. Even though your shared creator is convinced of your resistance to the temptations of the discordant powers, they need to be convinced, and already look down on you and consider you lesser than themselves.

How do you answer the Custodian, Lieren?

>"The name I have given myself and am known as is Lieren, though I have also gone by Kynigos, elder brother"

>"It is not wise to bare your fangs towards a panther in the fog, firstborn. We are kin, and share enemies"

>"You think me a threat, because of my many close brushes with evil and wicked spirits? I assure you, I hate them as much as I love humanity itself"

>"Fickle? No, Efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue"

>Write in

At last

Thank you for your kind words, I still feel bad for taking as long as I do though, and don't want to disappoint you all
>The name I have given is Lieren
>Fickle? No, effecient. Mischievious maybe.

These two options make it fit well. I would enjoy getting across what we are, the only goal here should be to let them be assured we are uncompromised.
They can dislike us, consider us lesser, but if they bar access to the Emperor, that would cause a big issue later.
Gasp comically and using our cloud walking technique drift backwards through the air dramatically before landing in a better footing (we're also testing them).

"Fickle; so needlessly rude. I prefer;" *make a show of searching for the word* "Maverick. But please locally I am known as Lieren; a name I took for a purpose though I have used a handful in a similar manner by now. You are my Father's Keepers and as I understand have been for longer than I have drawn breath so;"

Give them a bow and cupped fist giving a more serious tone

"I offer you thanks even if you do not ask for it, I hope we can work together cordially until I earn your trust and ever onward even if I do not. You will come to learn I am many things beneath this smile. I offer you deference my Elders"
The name I have given myself and am known as is Lieren, though I have also gone by Kynigos, elder brother”

>"You think me a threat, because of my many close brushes with evil and wicked spirits? I assure you, I hate them as much as I love humanity itself"

>"Fickle? No, Efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue"
>"The name I have given myself and am known as is Lieren, though I have also gone by Kynigos, elder brother"
>"Fickle? No, Efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue"

Are they testing our pride with this taunt? I mean they are judging us on our reputation having never met us but to lead with that can only be read as rude. We've never let pride stand in the way of our goals, I guess the real question is what is our goal here and what is theirs for that matter. A test but to what end?

>Write in
"And your names, elder brothers?"
>"The name I have given myself and am known as is Lieren, though I have also gone by Kynigos, elder brother"
>"Fickle? No, Efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue"
>"Fickle? No, Efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue"

"I find your choice of weapon curious, golden clad, much like my own" Then lets magic/waifu-get our Chen Dao
"How about you and I sing their stories through a spar?"
>>"You think me a threat, because of my many close brushes with evil and wicked spirits? I assure you, I hate them as much as I love humanity itself"
Let's cut to the chase. He doesn't have to like us, but he should understand that we're on the same page as far as Chaos is concerned.
>"Fickle? No, Efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue"
>"It is not wise to bare your fangs towards a panther in the fog, firstborn. We are kin, and share enemies"

>"Fickle? No, Efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue"
>"The name I have given myself and am known as is Lieren, though I have also gone by Kynigos, elder brother"
>"Fickle? No, Efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue"
"Touched and marked by chaos, correct. Even if its not also true. But do you know why ?"
Unsheats the sword of love
"Because i scorned them, offended them, denouced them, disrupted some of their plans and became an enemy of theirs for all eternity. And I reject them fully."
"See with your own eyes what i have in my hands. Quite right, your eyes do not betray you but if you are not yet convinced, perhaps we should discuss my Journey ?"

>"The name I have given myself and am known as is Lieren, though I have also gone by Kynigos, elder brother"
>"Fickle? No, Efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue"
>>"Fickle? No, Efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue"
>The name I have given is Lieren
>Fickle? No, effecient. Mischievious maybe.
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Calling the vote now. I've already archived this thread, so I'll be making a new one. Also happy to say I found a new hobby in mini painting, the serotonin rush I had giving my little knight dude's gold shoulder pad a line of silver would've knocked Slaanesh into a coma.

"The name I have given myself and am known as is Lieren, though I have also gone by Kynigos, elder brother":9

"Fickle? No, Efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue":13

Gasp comically...Fickle? I prefer maverick...etc:1

"You think me a threat, because of my many close brushes with evil and wicked spirits? I assure you, I hate them as much as I love humanity itself":2

"And your names, elder brothers?":3

"I find your choice of weapon curious, golden clad, much like my own" /"How about you and I sing their stories through a spar?":1

"Touched and marked by chaos, correct. Even if its not also true. But do you know why ?"...etc: 1

"It is not wise to bare your fangs towards a panther in the fog, firstborn. We are kin, and share enemies: 1

Total votes: 15

So Lieren will reply with "Fickle? No, Efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue" and "The name I have given myself and am known as is Lieren, though I have also gone by Kynigos, elder brother"

writing now
>Also happy to say I found a new hobby in mini painting
Oh lord, I pray for your pocketbook.
new thread: >>6003068

Just getting enough to get a taste/ feel for it cost me a hundred big ones. My poor wallet, but I have much more gunpla than that in my backlog still lol

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