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A fantasy RPG
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Previous Episodes: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=seeker+quest
Character Sheets: https://imgur.com/a/AUQv7
Inventory + Spellbook: https://pastebin.com/s811YMmL


Your footsteps echo into the stone chamber. The room is empty save for a floating golden box connected to the floor by a taut steel chain. The door behind you shuts, hitting the floor with a loud thud. The box in front of you starts to twitch and make quick janky rotations. Slowly, the box starts to unfold into the net of a cube. Within a ball of throbbing green energy is revealed, as soon as the box finishes unfolding the orb floats down in front of you, slowly changes, becoming more opaque and more like the shape of a man, until...
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A Djinn stands before you. Starkly different from the last one; he looks exactly like a human being. He immediately gives a polite bow. Then slowly rises looking at every person in your group expectantly.
Archduke: "I am Cedric Lockridge, rightful King of Aflor! I have come seeking the power of the Wish Granter."
Djinn: "Hail your majesty, hail seekers. I am Dhabul the Tyrant. I possess the power to grant one wish."

(choose one)
>"We have but one wish: To restore the environment of Uthain to its rightful state."
>"Only one? I thought Djinn could grant three wishes?"
>"Why do you look like a human?"
>"Are you capable of restoring Uthain's damaged climate?"
>"What do you know about the undead that swarm this city?"
>"Tell us of your crime."
>"Why are you named 'the Tyrant'?"
>write in
>I wish for infinte wishes.
"So you can only grant one wish for all time? Or is it one wish per person? Or is it one wish per milennia?"

"I wish to understand the mechanics of these wishes to such an extent that i may grant wishes myself"
>>"Only one? I thought Djinn could grant three wishes?"
>"Why are you named 'the Tyrant'?"
tell us your extended history basically
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>"I wish for infinite wishes."
Dhabul: "Ha! I would if I could seeker. I'm afraid I can only grant one wish."
>"Only one? I thought Djinn could grant three wishes?"
He takes a pause.
Dhabul: "Hmm. Other entities may be able to grant three wishes at once but not I. Think of it as instead of three little wishes you get one big wish."
"So you can only grant one wish for all time? Or is it one wish per person? Or is it one wish per millennia?"
Dhabul: "A millennia! No, It only takes 3 years before I can grant another wish. But yes, only one. Not one each."
>"I wish to understand the mechanics of these wishes to such an extent that I may grant wishes myself"
Dhabul: "I, the Wish Granter may volunterily grant a wish to any one creature. The wish is very powerful but not omnipotent. For example I cannot bring someone back to life or change the past. But I can give great power."
Archduke: "Is your power alone enough to allow a small nation to stand against the might of a great empire? Give examples."
Dhabul: "Certainly, I could manifest precious resources to fill your coffers. Unleash horrible plagues on your enemies. Destroy cities with a rain of meteors. Grant immortality to a worthy ruler. Create magical items of tremendous power. Your ancestors found my services quite satisfactory King Lockridge."
Alina: "Did the Aflor royal family wish for all that?"
Dhabul: "I informed them of these possibilities but they wished for none of those, well except for magic items."
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>"Why are y-"
Dhabul: "Pardon my interruption, but before you continue I have a question of my own: Never have I identified myself as a 'Djinn' on this world. How is it that you know this name?"

>"That's a secret."
>"We encountered one of your kind before."
>"Ayanos the Murderer told us."
>*Lie* "We divined this information through magic."
>*Lie* "Chamber of the Djinn was written on the door."
>"Just one more question first."
>write in
>"We read about your kind in an ancient scroll"
Why are you named 'the Tyrant'
You reiterate.
>"Why are you named 'the Tyrant'"
Dhabul The Tyrant: "I was found guilty of a crime and part of my punishment was to be given a title pertinent to my transgression. A title I am forced to introduce myself with. My original name is Dhabul the Playful. I will not have my question dodged so easily however. How do you know the name Djinn, and that a Djinn might grant *three* wishes?"
>"We read about your kind in an ancient scroll"
Dhabul The Tyrant: "Ah I see. I am not the first of my kind to visit this place? Interesting. How ever did you find me if your source was a scroll about an unrelated Djinn from centuries ago? I Certainly haven't been here that long."
Archduke: "We are not here to answer your questions. Now tell us of the crime that earned you the title of Tyrant."
Dhabul The Tyrant: "Well, among my kind significantly interfering with mortals is forbidden. One game I always fantasied about playing was to build and manage a civilization! A game which I commence by supplanting the leaders of an existing mortal society. Unfortunately my people were furious when they found out about my game. They accused me not only of seriously interfering with mortals, but cruelly oppressing them. For this crime they branded me the tyrant and imprisoned me in the void. Shall I give more detail or are you ready to talk about wishes?"

>write in
>I wish to for delicious food to rain from the sky every fortnight, so that world hunger may come to an end!

"Please expand on the details", furthermore we should discuss what this 1 wish cap means with the duke
>If we wished you free, could you grant more than 1 wish?
Honestly I'm ok with waiting 3 years for a wish
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>"Please expand on the details"
Dhabul The Tyrant: "Well, some of the stuff I did that my fellows found particularly apalling included waging war, slavery, torture and genocide."
Ulric: "That's horrible! What's the matter with you!?"
Dhabul The Tyrant: "They were doing all these things to each other *before* I started playing. I didn't think it made a huge difference if I did it as well. These things are necessary to keep your civilisation competitive."
Shawel: "What a childish moralisation."
Dhabul The Tyrant: "I am a child, Lady. I'm only 200 years old."
>"If we wished you free, could you grant more than 1 wish?"
Dhabul The Tyrant: "No, but If you free me I wouldn't have to stay in this place. I could just stay with you and grant your wish once every three years until you're satisfied, or for the rest of your life. I don't mind playing here for a few decades."
Archduke: "Please don't consider freeing the Djinn. There's no reason to believe he'll stay true to his word. We should just secure his golden box in Aramoor and use his wishes without risk of him running amok."
Dhabul The Tyrant: "That 'box' is just a padlock for a immobile dimensional rift. You can't move me or my box away from this exact location unless you wish for my freedom of course."
Archduke: "You lie."
Dhabul The Tyrant: "I know you may not like it. But I can't be taken from this place. You physically can't move the box away from the rift. Or me from the box."
Archduke: "If that is true, my best option is to use the wish to fulfil the deal with Uthain and in return they will help me recapture this city. Thus securing my control over you Dhabul."
Dhabul The Tyrant: "A good gameplan, but I want to be freed, and your bargaining position is a lot weaker than my previous keepers. Why should I give you your wish and remain a prisoner possibly for centuries when I could let this Seeker set me free in exchange for being his servant for at most a few decades?"
Alina: "Is that an open offer? I'd like a Djinn servant."
Ulric: "Alina!"
Dhabul: "Sure the offers open to anyone."

>"I'm not going to risk freeing you."
>"I'll wish for your freedom if you vow to grant one wish for me in three years."
>"I'll wish for your freedom if you vow to become my servant for the rest of my natural lifespan."
>"I'll wish for your freedom if you vow to become servant to my King for the rest of his natural lifespan."
>"I'll wish for your freedom if you vow to become servant to the Archduke for the rest of his natural lifespan."
>write in
>Tickle torture him until he accedes to giving you a wish without freeing him
The Duke is pretty chill, Im not going to cuck him with a wish like that. I also trust anyone who plays civs. Lastly, freeing this guy seems like a bad idea.

Would the Dijin and duke agree to use our first wish to move his prison to a pocket plane inside a ring? One from which he can look out into the world with and one that is only accessible to someone who speaks the magic words? is something like that even possible?
>"Your Grace, we could wish for his freedom in exchange for a life's worth of servitude to you."
>"I'll wish for your freedom if you vow to become servant to my King for the rest of his natural lifespan."
After our king is dead the dijin will be free to fuck with humanity. + If we screw over the duke his army is right outside
You guys, think about what you're voting. Sheeeit. Did you even play the previous threads
Don't trust*

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>"I'll wish for your freedom if you vow to become my wife
But I was part of the first one. I'm the reason way we got Alina the blonde hair blue eye girl after lying to her brewer dad.
Wait a minute, you're one of those monkey paw demons aren'tcha?
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>>"I'll wish for your freedom if you vow to become my wife

Good job anon! You unlocked the secret ending!
i change my vote to this
>"Hey, You're not going to try and 'monkey paw' us, right?"
Dhabul the Tyrant: "You mean cruelly twist the wording of your wish to cause horrible effects? That's not easy to do. Before I grant a wish I have to say exactly what that wish will do without lies, omission or taking the truth out of context. However I only need to tell you of the *direct* consequences of that wish. For example if you wished to be impervious to flames I couldn't get away with turning you into a statue without first telling you that's what I'm planning to do. BUT, even if I did the wish properly and made you invulnerable to flames I wouldn't have to warn you that a fire may still kill you from smoke inhalation. Deliberately making my explanations ambiguously worded also won't work."

You gesture to the Duke to come in close. You lean over to him and whisper.
>"Your Grace, we could wish for his freedom in exchange for a life's worth of servitude to you."
He whispers back, "I am aware of what he's offering. But there's no evidence he won't break his vow as soon as it's convenient. Who's to say he won't just immediately fly away or worse: turn on us! You know as well as I do not everyone is a man of honour."
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You think for a bit. Then address the Djinn.
>"Is it possible for us to use the wish to make you movable? Like instead of being bound to this box you're bound to a small portable object like a ring. We could make it only open to a password and make it so you can peer out into the world from inside it."
Dhabul the Tyrant: "Yes, this is within my power. Though I would be very reluctant to grant this wish. If I'm bottled in some object I'd basically be the slave of whoever holds it and the password. Worse, the object might be lost. Leaving me trapped for potentially a very long time."
Archduke: "An interesting idea Christof. There are certain advantages to having the Djinn immobile. Even if someone reaches this chamber, they will not be able to steal him."
Ulric: "Unless they use a wish."
Archduke: "I suppose. But I don't like the idea of someone stealing the ring. Password or not. Might be better to just restore Uthain and take Tywardreath right away. No one will be able to make any wishes for the next three years, which is plenty of time to secure this chamber. Subsequent wishes can be used for enhanced security."

Dhabul the Tyrant: "None of this matters unless I *choose* to grant your wish anyway. How do you intend to coerce me into giving you my *one* wish?"

>"What do you suggest?"
>"Tickle torture"
>"We may have to resort to force."
>"What if we vow to free you in exchange for granting a number of wishes?"
>"If you don't I'll smash your golden box."
>write in
>"Tickle torture"
>What powers would be at your disposal if we wished you free? Would you destroy us all the moment we granted your freedom? Do you think you would be able to?
>"What if we vow to free you in exchange for granting a number of wishes?"
For someone who likes civs you are doing g everything in your power to talk your way out of being the right hand man of the future ruller of all these lands. Its The next best thing to supplanting leaders and leading a kingsom.

This dude is only 200 years old and he has already spent like 100 sitting on his hands in a lonely room. If he has the mind of a child we should appeal to his sense of play.
This is also why I was feeling out the ring idea
That's a good idea
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>"What powers would be at your disposal if we wished you free?"
Dhabul the Tyrant: "I'm good at lots of magic. The same schools of magic Dragons taught your kind long ago."
>"Would you destroy us all the moment we granted your freedom? Do you think you would be able to?"
Dhabul the Tyrant: "What? I don't know how to fight! Brute force is no fun, I prefer games of skill and strategy."
Ulric: "Fighting can have all three of those things."

>"You know Dhabul, you could be the Archduke's right hand. Don't dismiss the idea of cooperating with him so easily. He's the future ruler of these lands."
Dhabul the Tyrant: "Hmm? Perhaps, perhaps. His ancestors weren't cruel. But I still prefer absolute freedom to being King Lockridge's subject, even if he lets me join his team."
Archduke: "If it will make you cooperate, I'll let you be my most trusted advisor."

Dhabul the Tyrant: "Ah, how generous. I feel like I can trust you. And you wishes seem reasonable. How about we settle this with a game? If you win, I'll grant your wish and be your advisor. If *I* win you'll wish for my freedom. Sounds fair? I don't think you'll find anyone else on this planet capable of making Aflor strong enough to fight an empire or 'restore Uthain'."
Archduke: "What? So You'll cast a compulsion spell to ensure the loser is forced to pay the ante?"
Dhabul the Tyrant: "Uh, well technically if I tried to do that the wish wouldn't work because of mindcontrol. The person making the wish has to be willing. But a desire to honour one's agreement counts as "willing"! We just have to use an honour system."
Archduke: "So you're saying even if I lose I could just change my mind and not wish you free."
Dhabul the Tyrant: "Well... technically you could. But I sense you and the Seeker Christof are lawful creatures. I trust you to keep your word. Anyway, that's my second offer. You'll not change my mind to just *give* you the wish."
Ulric: "What game?"
Dhabul the Tyrant: "Suggest whatever game you like and if I find it agreeable I will accept it. I can materialise any props you need."

The archduke looks back at you.
Archduke: "What do you think Christof? I'll admit I'm not above breaking a promise in these circumstances. We could play his game, if we win he either grants our wish or backs out. If we lose we will just back out."

>"Maybe we should just fight him."
>"I think you're right. Let's accept his challenge."
>"You can't just break a promise made with the gods as your witness!"
>write in
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if the duke allows it, ill smash you in a game of chess
>A game of dice. Best of three. Let's do it
Christof's hand is legendary
It's a classic.
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Ulric: "I'm pretty good at Draughts, I beat Salaman every time we played."
Alina: "I'm good at cards, but not really super confident I can beat this guy."
Shawel: "Uh I'm not so good at games. I know a few riddles though if that counts."
>"Thank you. But I am confident I can beat him myself."

Looking at the Djinn, you gesture to Lockridge.
>"If the duke allows it, ill smash you in a game of chess."
Archduke: "If you're confident, then I approve."
The Djinn's eyes slowly narrow and his mouth curls into a smug smile.
Dhabul the Tyrant: "Very well then. However this game is aboriginal and I've only actually played it once before, while I'm guessing you have played it many times. I propose we use unorthodox rules to make things fairer."
>"What changes do you propose?"
Dhabul the Tyrant: "1 - We will use an abnormal starting postion. Our back rows will both use the same random order. The pawn rows will remain the same. 2 - When one piece takes another it gains the ability to move like the piece that was taken, but only once."
He waves his hands and bright green Magefire crackles in his palms. A prism of stone rises from the floor. Then he gestures to each side, a simple wooden chair manifests on each side of the 'table'. Finally he manifests a chessboard with a line of unplaced chess pieces on the side.
He takes a seat and looks at you with sly anticipation.
Dhabul the Tyrant: "I Dhabul the Tyrant, child of Izotaan the Philosopher, and peerless in Wish Granting promise to grant any one wish to any of the seekers here if Christof bests me in chess."

>"I Christof Astier, the Seeker chosen by the King of Uthain. Promise to wish for your freedom if you best me in chess."
>*Commence the game without making a promise*
>"I changed my mind, lets play a different game."
>"I do NOT accept your proposed rule changes. We will play orthodox chess."
>write in
>"Back in Uthain most would be offended by such a suggestion. I insist we play orthodox chess, the way its meant to be."
>"I Christof Astier, the Seeker chosen by the King of Uthain. Promise to wish for your freedom if you best me in chess."
>The pawn rows will remain the same
Yeah no shit.
I'd ditch the second rule because it's far too complicated for my pea brain, but I don't mind the first one.
I can accept both those rules
If you guys vote to play chess with a bunch of new rules attached to it then you better show up later to actually win the match.
>"I Christof Astier, the Seeker chosen by the King of Uthain. Promise to wish for your freedom if you best me in chess."
>I can accept both those rules
Can we try another game? Tic-tac-toe?
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You nod.
>"I can accept both those rules."
You sit down on the chair and look your opponent in the eyes.
>"I Christof Astier, the Seeker chosen by the King of Uthain. Promise to wish for your freedom if you best me in chess."
The Djinn shows a toothy grin.
Dhabul the Tyrant: "Let us begin."

You're White. What will be your opening strategy?

>Improvised Scholar's mate
>Control of Center
>Pawn structure
>Try to gain a piece advantage
>Trade pieces, force endgame play

Roll 1d100.
Lower is better.
An average of each player's roll is taken.
At least one roll is necessary.
Your Int score improves your roll by 10.
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(more concise display of the board)
Rolled 85 (1d100)

> Control of Center
I don't think regular chess strategies are going to work out.
With this rule the pawns can be more useful.
Well crap.
Rolled 77 (1d100)

>Control of Center
Question, if a piece eats two different pieces does it get to keep two "powers" or only the last one?
You can exchange the old power for the new one or just choose to keep the old one
Rolled 81 (1d100)

I was betting it all on the fact that I actually get to play vs dolomite

Rolled 78 (1d100)

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(Rolled 70)

You make your first move and the match begins.
You start trying to move your bishops and knights to the center four square for greater control of the board in the mid game.
After a couple of moves the Djinn cracks his fingers.
Dhabul The Tyrant: "Ha! Fool! You've left part of your front line unprotected."
He slides his Bishop from its starting position right into your right-most Pawn.
Shawel: "Oh no!"
>"Wha- My castle is exposed!"
He points his finger at you menacingly. "That's right Christof! Your Castle is next. There are no spaces for it to flee to~ Your rook will be mine. Along with your King shortly thereafter."

He's going to trade his Bishop for your Castle and get a free Pawn out of it. (Although your King will gain the Power to move like a Bishop. Which will make surprise Checkmate Extremely difficult.)
An early disadvantage could be a huge problem. Although the idea leaves a bad taste in your mouth; maybe you could get the upper hand through a trick.
(You may allocate unused skill points at any time.)

>Try to psyche him out (Persuade -Difficult-)
>Try to convince him you're not a strong player (Bluff)
>(Cheat) Try to relocate a piece without him noticing (Stealth)
>Don't try anything.
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What are your tactics?
>Defensive, continue moving your pieces to advantageous positions
>Offensive, go for his King
>Risky, make a small gamble to try and get a piece advantage.
>「SPECIAL MOVE」: Surprise attack with your Bishop-King!

Roll for chess playing. Same rules as before.
Move left most horse forward to sit in front of his pawn, it's a golden position
Play me fair and square dolomite, or are you a PUSSY .
Rolled 4 (1d100)

Also >Try to convince him you're not a strong player (Bluff)

Didn't notice it
Rolled 74 (1d100)

I'll go with this too.
Not sure, we already told him we are confident in this game. Will be hard to tell him otherwise.
>Roll 1d100.
>Lower is better.
>An average of each player's roll is taken.
I'll be less dumb next time, I apologize.
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Nah, i'm going to just not count the second roll and give you the 4
(rolled -6)

You try to make a small bluff. *Maybe* you can make him overconfident.
>"Curses! Why did I have to pick this game?"
Alina: "You idiot, you always rush into these things without thinking! Do you even know how to play this game!?"
That's not like her. She must be trying to assist your bluff! From your perspective it seems an obvious ploy but you can at least hope the Djinn bought it.
You put your attention back on the game.
You send out your Knight right in front of his Pawn.
Instead of reacting to your move immediately he naively continues to kill your Rook. Big mistake.
>"I'll take your unprotected Pawn with my Knight."
The Djinn shrugs dismissively.
Dhabul: "Ha, It's useless! I'll move my Queen behind your Knight. Now there's nowhere for him to escape to."
>"Who said anything... about retreating!"
A look of shock smacks him in the face.
Dhabul: "W-What!?"
>"I use the movement ability my knight plundered from your Pawn to take your Castle."
Ulric: "Ha, Christof's taking the lead."
Dhabul: "Ah! My backline"
>"Now using your dead Castle's power I'll take your Knight."
He puts your Knight's rampage to an end taking it with his Queen.
Archduke: "Heh, Not bad Christof."
Dhabuls face and body language calm down. And then return to his previous position of smug composure.
Dhabul: "Heh, I got careless. Looks like I'll have to work a litte harder to defeat you."
>"At this rate you won't be defeating me at all Dhabul."
Dhabul: "Don't be so sure~[/]"

>Try to take out his Queen
>Try to promote a Pawn
>Just trade pieces
>Try to get out your Queen and Castle
>write in

Roll 1d100 for chess playing
(You can choose not to roll if you don't want to risk lowering the average)
Rolled 65 (1d100)

>Try to get out your Queen and Castle
Rolled 86 (1d100)

Can't castle because we moved our king but getting your peices out onto the board is good. lineing up Queen and bishop for example. He is very boxed in and has very few moves available. The best strategy is to position our peices to constrict.
>Try to get out your Queen and Castle

Not rolling, my rolls are shit.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

>Try to get out your Queen and Castle
Time for a nat 1
It can't be any worse then this
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Watch me.
Rolled 81 (1d100)

Watch this
Rolled 47 (1d100)

I am making a post
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(Rolled 58)

You start trying to clear the way for you advanced pieces. Especially your Rook and Queen.
Dhabul The Tyrant: "Although it would be very boring for me, maybe you should consider surrender?"
>"You're the one down a piece. Maybe this game is a bit too complex for you."
You each take a Pawn. He advances out his Knight and Bishop while you clear a path for your own Rook and your 2nd Bishop.
Not bad.
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>Hunt unprotected Pawns
>Kill his Bishop and Knight
>Go for the King
>Cheat with the Time Stop Potion

roll 1d100 for Chess Playing
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>I am making a post
Rolled 58 (1d100)

>Kill his Bishop and Knight
Rolled 85 (1d100)

Move our rook up to sit next to his bishop, only 1 move he can make that doesn't end in a sequence checkmate
I'm sure someone will cover for my mistake
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Watch this.
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Rolled 72 (1d100)

Watch this
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(Rolled 44)

You move your Castle right next to his Bishop.
He moves the Bishop to take your Queen, he slides it onto the Queen's tile toppling her, but suddenly Dhabul freezes.
Without taking his hand off the piece he observes the state of the board. Then he slowly drags his Bishop back to its original place and makes a defensive move instead.
You want to take out his Bishop and Knight but there's tonnes of pieces now pointing at the single Bishop. Both of you move your pieces closer to the contested area. The Djinn using up his Queen's jump to reposition her.

He's not saying anything.
You both stare at the board, deep in thought.
>Try to win the fight over the Black Bishop's square
>Try to kill unprotected pieces
>Try to Checkmate
>write in
Rolled 37 (1d100)

>Try to win the fight over the Black Bishop's square
Check this nat 100
Rolled 38 (1d100)

Play defensively until you can actually get you 2 majour peices into the game.

Move Queen to the left, setting up a discovered check once we move our rook then secure the rook after he moves his pawn
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"muh autism"

But what if balk does "other thing"?
He could, but anything else would mean a free major piece for us
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Silence! No micromanaging!
Votes are CLOSED.
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(Rolled 27)

His Queen is no longer threatening the Bishop's Square and you've got a Rook poised to attack.
You go all in.
You take his Bishop with yours. The next few turns is a swift bloodbath of pieces attacking the same square.
Ultimately, your Queen takes the square and plunders a Knight.
The game is yours.
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You move your Queen-Knight up to single-handedly capture his King.
>"Check mate."
Expressionlessly he observes the state of the board.
Dhabul The Tyrant: "Hmm... well played Seeker."
He knocks over his King with his index finger.
Shawel: "Victory!"
Ulric: "I knew he'd win."
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Alina: "Nice win, Christof."
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Archduke: "My man won the match Dhabul. You better honour our agreement."
Dhabul The Tyrant: "Of course, your highness. Christof won fairly, and I do not back out of wagers. I will now grant one wish to any one of you. Just say what you want in a sentence starting with 'I wish', then I will say what I'm going to do to grant the wish and ask 'is this what you wish for?' Then you say 'make it so' to complete the wish."

>write in
>I wish for a magic sword that can talk and do cool magic stuff
>I wish for a time necklace. It can sent me back in time to my past location with all my memories and experiences. While staying with me on my travel.
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"When I said I can't change the past I meant I can't do anything that enables anyone to change the past."
>I wish for Uthain to be restored to its full prosperity, and possess the ability to rise even beyond.
>Also you'll be the Archduke's advisor, as agreed.
Is the duke ok with us having the first wish?
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You look over to the Archduke.
>"Your grace?"
Archduke: "Go ahead Christof. Make the wish to restore Uthain. You've come a long way to reach this moment."
>"Thank you."
You step up to the expectant djinn and stand tall.
>"I wish for Uthain to be restored to its full prosperity, and possess the ability to rise even beyond."
Dhabul the Tyrant: "I will: restore Uthain's climate and environment back to its original state over a short period of time. Temporarily energize nature, so the flora and fauna rapidly go back to their normal state. The first generation of farming will also complete very quickly. The sentients that live there will feel motivated and hopeful, an effect that will gradually fade away over several months. This should help society flourish. No harm will come to anything directly from this wish. It's environmental effects are completely isolated."
Dhabul the Tyrant: "Is this what you wish for?"
>"Can you make it so instead of 'sentients' it's just 'humans?'"
Dhabul the Tyrant: "Heh, very well then. Is this what you wish for?"
>"Make it so."

Dhabul smiles and slowly raises up his hand.
He presses his thumb to his middle finger.
Dhabul the Tyrant: "So be it."
He snaps his fingers, an enormous wave of energy pulses out with a thunderous bass sound. So strong you can feel it in the pit of your stomach and passing through your bones.
A BRIGHT light shines from the djinn's body. With such intensity all you can see is white for a moment.
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Next comes the loud crashing of metal. The pieces of the golden box have fallen apart and crashed to the floor.
The light. The collapsing of the box. It's exactly like what happened to Ayanos after you made your third wish and his freedom came into effect.
The djinn stares at his hands gleefully. Opening and closing them into fists.
You point your finger at Dhabul.
>"What is the meaning of this! This is not what I wished for!"
Archuke: "What!? What's going on."
Dhabul The Supreme: "I *did* grant your wish Christof. Uthain is restored, and will likely flourish. Your quest is complete."
Archduke: "Why was your prison destroyed!"
Dhabul The Supreme: "I once granted a wish that meant I would be freed after granting two more wishes. That seeker made only one wish and refused to make a second. Foolish. You people eventually came and ultimately made the second wish I needed to become free."
Ulric: "What? Why did you make us play chess then?"
Dhabul The Supreme: "I thought you might be wary if I granted your wish for no reason. You obviously had some knowledge of djinn, enough to know we don't usually give wishes freely. Worse I suspect there may be more djinn hiding in this world. I didn't want you to leave me to go find another one with a less egregious name and crime."
Archduke: "...and just what do you intend to do now that you're free?"
You clench your fists in anger and calmly you ask:
>"Do you intend to conquer this world?"
Dhabul The Supreme: "I'll certainly try, this world is as good a playground as any. But first I should read your minds and plunder all your memories. If there are other djinn lying around I need to get rid of them. Don't try to resist."
He starts to advance towards the Archduke.

what fucking do?
>run away
>stop time
>try to reason with him
>write in
>try to reason with him

And then what?
I dunno, probably nick the Archduke and run for it. We have an army outside.
How do you suppose you will reason with this guy huh? Huh c'mon lets hear it. HUH
How do we stop him from teleporting us back into the room? The dudes all powerful. The archduke has a necklace that could MAYBE protect him but thats about it.

Suggesting that doing the thing that got him locked up in the first place may lead to a worse punishment could have some effect.
Nah reasoning won't work.
You're unsure of just how powerful he is. He clearly isn't acting like you or your party are a threat.
You decide to save the Time Potion for a more distinct opportunity.
>"Dhabul. Stop. Think about what you're doing."
Ulric: "Yeah, you can't just take over our world. You're not evil."
Shawel: "You may also be literally *unable* to. I don't sense so much power from you."
Dhabul The Supreme: "Haha what? Why shouldn't I try? Ruling mortals is way more fun than the philosophy and art my elders are so fond of. Stay out of my way. I have no desire to harm any of you."

>Threaten him
>(Persuade) Try to dissuade with potential consequences
>(Persuade) Appeal to empathy
>(Persuade) Try to entice him with something better than world conquest
>(Bluff) Tell him Ayanos The Murderer has already claimed this world
>write in

Roll 1d100 (average of 3)
Persuade: 100+10, You need a roll of 50 or lower to succeed
Choosing a right/wrong prompt may cause a bonus/penalty to the roll
Appropriate write ins for argument may award a bonus to the roll
Rolled 23 (1d100)

>"Do you know what you're getting yourself into? The elder dijinn will not take kindly to your antics a second time. That is, if we don't kill you first. We have had dealings with your kind, as you already know."
This, envoke avanos's name and show him the statue as proof
No don't, it will only urge him on to read our minds
And roll faggots, it's best of three
It's average of 3
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Yeah I misstyped but why aren't you rolling
Rolled 42 (1d100)

I thought a roll of 23 was good enough
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Yes I was asking for three rolls from three players.

>"Do you know what you're getting yourself into? The elder djinn will not take kindly to your antics a second time. That is, if we don't kill you first. We have had dealings with your kind, as you already know."
Archduke: "Do not underestimate the consequences of your actions."
(+10 bonus)
He looks concerned for a moment. He casts his gaze downwards and to the side, and starts chewing his thumbnail.
Dhabul The Supreme: "That's... There is no risk. This place is too remote. No one will stumble across this world by accident, and no one will come to check on me until my sentence is elapsed! The only reason there are any djinn here in the first place is because of the secrets of the Golden Boxes that *I* gave to humans."

Looks like he's reconsidering his choices. Just one more push should do it.
Roll 1d100 average of 3
50 or lower is needed.

>(Persuade) More prisoner djinn will arrive here and attract attention
>(Persuade) Your activities are bound to become exposed eventually
>(Persuade) Double down on his fear of punishment
>write in
Rolled 42 (1d100)

Don't you think mortals freeing caged djinn is too big of an oversight in the djinn penal system to be unintentional? Sounds like a good way to see what a prisoner will do once he is free.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

>(Persuade) Double down on his fear of punishment
>"You are threading on thin ice. I wouldn't want you to get yourself killed on a whim."
Rolled 41 (1d100)

>(Persuade) Your activities are bound to become exposed eventually
>"The moment you start to act the others will surely take notice and investigate "
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>"Don't you think mortals freeing caged djinn is too big of an oversight in the djinn penal system to be unintentional? Sounds like a good way to see what a prisoner will do once he is free."
Dhabul: "Ridiculous! I alone have telepathy strong enough to transcend a dimensional prison. They couldn't have known it was possible for me to use mortals to access my own wish granting power."
>"And what if you're wrong? What if they're observing you right now? Judging your choices. And if not what happens if they eventually find out?"
Dhabul: "That's... too small of a possibility."
>"You are threading on thin ice. The moment you start to act the others will surely take notice and investigate. I wouldn't want you to get yourself killed on a whim."
Dhabul: "They would never! Life is far too precious to them."
>"Then they will send you back to your prison. You will not be able to escape in the same manner twice."

(+5 bonus)
Rolled 49, Success!

He sits on the floor sadly.
Dhabul: "But... I am free."
>"To be free does not mean your actions have no repercussions. It simply means you get to choose your own path and live with any consequences that come from it."
He goes quiet. The idea of being imprisoned again is now clearly weighing far more heavily than any asinine game.
Dhabul: "Then... what should I do?"

>write in
>"You could still be Lockridge's advisor, you know."
This basically

"civ games are more fun when played with a group of people"
I've been reading through the archives and voted on a few quests I really liked

>>4336536 Kinda feel guilty that my first vote ever in this thread is for something this big but I agree with >>4336646
My nigga
Support this one, boy our lad Christof came a long way, just hope we have enough time to recover the armor back from the bandits before we head back to Ulthain.
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>"You could still be Lockridge's advisor, you know."
Dhabul: "Huh?"
Archduke: "Yes. If you wish, I welcome you to my side. You can pursue your interest in mortal affairs without direct interference."
Dhabul: "I wont grant you any more wishes you know? I'm not supposed to."
Archduke: "Nonetheless you may still join me."
Dhabul: "Then. I will accept your offer and help you build up Aflor."
Archduke: "So be it."

You all emerge from the chamber. The Duke's men spring up inquisitively.
Archduke: "Our business here is done. Uthain is restored and the djinn is under my care. Soon Uthain will send its army to retake Tywardreath. Once again Aflor's people will have their capital."
Dhabul: "That might not even be necessary. The undead in this city have a hierarchical hive mind so I can easily control all of them with my advanced telepathy. And make them destroy each other."
Archduke: "You were capable of this all this time?"
Dhabul: "No, there's some sort of machine out of my box's radius that scrambles telepathy so I could never communicate with anyone outside of my room or control any of the undead."
Shawel: "Ah. The magic noise generator."
Alina: "You better not try anything with those skeletons."
Archduke: "I will allow this. Have the undead destroy one another. Captain Blackyard. Disable the noise machine."
Cpt. Blackyard: "Yes, your grace."
The whirling stone cylinders of the machine grind to a halt for the first time in decades.
Dhabul: "Ahhh, I've been wanting to destroy this thing for so long."
Ulric: "Are the skeletons under your control now?"
Dhabul: "Just a few of them. There are specific skeletons that are supposed to do all the work controlling the others but they're destroyed right now. Look out the window."
Everyone in the room, the Archduke, the guards, you and your party all hurry over to the windows to see the skeletons are all fightning amongst themselves and are quickly being destroyed.
Archduke: "It's really happening. And to think I gave up on this years ago. Christof, I thank you."
>"It was an honour to fight at your side, your grace."
Archduke: "Oakheart, Blackyard. Secure the pieces of the golden box in the chamber and prepare for departure. We're returning to Aramoor."

You turn to your party.
Alina: "So. It's really *really* over now? Isn't it."
Ulric: "It feels so sudden. It's strange looking back and seeing just how much we've been through."
Shawel: "I am glad to have walked this path with all of you."
>"Yes. It seems like our long journey is at an end, I can finally return home. Thank you all for standing by me."

(Is there any unfinished business you would like to resolve before the quest ends?)

>write in
All of them. They deserve it
We asked her if she would like to come home with us. Wonder if she still wants to?
>write in
Let's get our second round on those bandits and get back the Ulthain armor.
All of them.
start with Ulric, see what he is all about and what he plans to do now. I hope that we delivered on the promise of adventure and heroics.

Ask Aline to come back with you, ask her if she would be interested in running an orphanage for troubled necromancer spawn.

???? We didnt have enough time to get to know each other, but HE was a stout allie and we are lucky to have had him.

He is a more honorable man then you could have ever expected. If anyone can teach the dijin grace and civility its him.

Wish him luck. I hope one day he can do the right thing through his own volition, instead of fear of reprisal. Perhaps the two of you can play a rematch in the future, and this time he can pick the game.
All of them
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Okay, we'll do Alina first

>"Will you come back to Uthain with me Alina?"
Alina: "Of course. I said I would last night didn't I?"

>"I'm thankful to have met you."
>"I couldn't have done this without you."
>"You've come a long way as an adventurer."
>kiss her
>lewd her
>write in
>"You've come a long way as an adventurer."

>We should probably have some words with the Archduke. He might possibly have something for us to relay back home
>"You've come a long way as an adventurer."
>lewd her

Goddamn, I remember when I wanted us to find a blonde girl with blue eyes at the first threads. Bane posted with her brewer father, and having her cover us when she was a low level archer.
>>"You've come a long way as an adventurer."
>>kiss her
>You've come a long way as an adventurer.
>lewd her
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>"You've come a long way as an adventurer."
Alina: "So have you. You've come a long way from throwing tents at vegetables."
Your eyes meet and you wrap your arms around her.
She smiles as your gently pull her in close.
Then you Sneak Attack her butt with your hand. Causing her to let out a little squeak.
Alina: "Christof! You villain!."
She playfully shoves you away.

Just got a good idea what to speak with Dhabul about
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>"I hope I delivered on my promise for adventures and heroics Ulric."
Ulric: "Definitely! Fighting skeletals, crashing goblin parties, kissing Succubus. It was everything I could hope for."
>"What will you do now that it's over?"
Ulric: "I'm going back to Tamor to see my parents and brother. After that, who knows? I'll probably go out on another adventure. What about you? Going back to your old life of being one of the King's abjurers?"

>"Yes, my wizarding skills have improved a lot. I can probably take a much higher position as a royal wizard now."
>"I was going to ask the King for a fief and become a vassal."
>"I think I want to keep being an adventurer."
>"I kind of want to adopt that clone girl we rescued from Azahl's lair."
>"I'm going to sell all my magic items and retire super early!"
>write in

Who's next?
>"Yes, my wizarding skills have improved a lot. I can probably take a much higher position as a royal wizard now."
>"You can depend on me if you ever find yourself in Uthain."

>"I was going to ask the King for a fief and become a vassal."

>"Yes, my wizarding skills have improved a lot. I can probably take a much higher position as a royal wizard now."
>"I was going to ask the King for a fief and become a vassal."
>"You can depend on me if you ever find yourself in Uthain."

Yo we can still be a vassal and a royal wizard
>"Yes, my wizarding skills have improved a lot. I can probably take a much higher position as a royal wizard now, but I was also hoping to ask the King for a fief and become a vassal as well."
Ulric: "You're going to be a wizard and a lord? Sounds like a lot of responsibility.. But I'm sure you can handle it Christof!"
>"Thanks Ulric. You can depend on me if you ever find yourself in Uthain."
Ulric: "Sure thing. And if you ever need a sword you can trust, just find me. I'll come to your side in a flash."


>"What will you do now Shawel?"
Shawel: "I will continue my journey I suppose. When my father retired he told me to go out into the world and find my own path. I didn't really know what to do, but when I was younger he took me on Yehiyiweti Godana."
>"Huh? What's that?"
Shawel: "It is a... coming of age pilgrimage. For adolescent boys. Where you visit four specific Natural Wonders. Since I left home I've just being traveling the world visiting more Wonders, doing adventurer stuff as I went. When I came to see the great tree of Oakheart I met you and joined your quest. To be honest Christof, I feel unsure of what I really want to do."

>"Don't worry too much about what you 'should' do. Trust in yourself."
>"Traveling the world and seeing its beauty is a good path."
>"Maybe you need a sense of purpose in your life?"
>"Maybe you could return to your father?"
>write in
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(god I hope I can finish before the thread falls off)
>>"Don't worry too much about what you 'should' do. Trust in yourself."
>"Keep traveling and find what you want to do. If you ever come to Uthain consider me to be your friend."
>"By the way, if you intend to hide your secret properly you might need magic. Nothing escapes these eyes."
who's next?

Can't believe it's coming to an end
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>"Keep traveling and find what you want to do."
Shawel: "That I shall."
You firmly grip each others hand.
>"By the way... if you intend to hide your secret properly you might need magic. Nothing escapes these eyes."
Shawel: "Ah, aha well. I apologize for lying. I've experimented with magic before but I find it unnecessary. But thank you for keeping this to yourself."
>"No problem. If you ever come to Uthain consider me to be your friend."
Shawel: "And where ever you are, consider me yours."


Archduke: "You know, I had resigned myself to being a mediocre ruler. Whose accomplishments amount only to hygiene and education reforms and fighting orcs. I'm glad you convinced me to give this expedition another try. Today, I feel like a real king."

>"You *are* a real King."
>"A good ruler isn't defined by spectacular feats, embellished by history."
>"Teaching the djinn grace and civility may be the most important accomplishment of all kings."
>write in
>"No ruler that strives for the good of his realm is mediocre."
>"Whatever do you plan to do next?"
>"A good ruler isn't defined by spectacular feats, embellished by history."
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>"No ruler that strives for the good of his realm is mediocre. And the accomplishments of great rulers throughout history are embellished anyway."
Archduke: "I'm not sure a fully believe that. But it's comforting to consider."
>"What do you plan to do next?"
Archduke: "I'm going to take back Tywardreath and Malgrave, then resettle them. With our capital we can make central Aflor safe again, allowing trade and travel throughout the region. The city itself will give the people living space and will act as a symbol of peace and prosperity"
>"What about Dhabul?"
Archduke: "I cannot force him to grant wishes. And without that power, Aflor will remain dependant on the Lasal Empire. Not necessarily bad, although I know the Aflor people in their hearts prefer to be autonomous. Still the Djinn may prove to be a useful advisor and perhaps, over time. He may be persuaded to share the occasional Wish. I should learn to play chess. Hm Hm."
He hands you a goblet of wine.
Archduke: "To your health. And a safe journey back to Uthain."
>"I am honored. Your grace."


Finally you approach the djinn himself. Staring thoughtfully through the window.
You join him and he addresses you.
Dhabul: "Yes, seeker?"

>write in
>"You Djinn live pretty long. If you ever come across one of my descendants tell 'em I'm proud of their achievements."
"Have you ever considered making games instead of just playing them?"

"Did you let me win?"
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>"Have you ever considered making games instead of just playing them?"
Dhabul: "Of course. I've tried making literal table top games. But making a game out of a complex objective like world conquest is best. Though I admit it would probably be too difficult to achieve without exploiting my wish granting power."
>"Did you let me win?"
Dhabul: "Ha, that's a secret. The possibility of losing on purpose or resigning was a factor I had considered long before you stepped into my chamber. The *real* game was setting myself up to be freed."
>"You Djinn live pretty long. If you ever come across one of my descendants tell 'em I'm proud of their achievements."
Dhabul: "Very well, will remember to tell them that if I ever meet them. Farewell Seeker."
>"Good luck Dhabul. Perhaps we can play a rematch in the future. Next time, you can pick the game."

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Finally you arrive back the the edge of Alfor. The place where your quest began what seems all so long ago. You take one last look at the land.
Your quest is over.
You're going home.
That's it. After almost three years Seeker Quest is finally finished. Thank you all for joining me on this story. Especially those for keeping it alive when the player count was low.
I'm going to take a break from questing now. But I may be back to run a new story some day.

Thanks for playing!

PS: Seeker Quest's ending landed on my birthday today.
Best Birthday ending :^)
I remember when the quest just started
I'll see you around Dol
Happy birthday, I will be celebrating mine this Sunday
Great Work QM. Took me awhile to catch up and I been mostly lutking, but this quest was preety dope. Looking forward to see what you come up with next.
Happy birthday dolomite. Three long years but you did it.
Happy Birthday and thank you for running! Enjoy your well deserved break/respite.
Almost forgot, Happy Birthday Dolomite.
Thanks lads. Have a good one.

Happy birthday.

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