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!!SbnXxXER/Ds 04/07/10(Wed)13:08 No.9039280>>9036809 Agreed. Injury to the point that he must stop the exploration of the caves and have the NPCs bring him back to the keep for recuperation, sure. Losing out on the sword's best shot at ancestral awakening, sure. A quick "oops, dead" just hurts. (ALTHOUGH FELLOW PLAYERS, THIS IS WHY WE HAVE NPCS FOR THAT CRAP). Definitely looking forward to meeting the Reaper.
I figure we have a few good methods on the physical realm to help us with coming back, besides being generally awesome when it comes time to tango with the Reaper. >the Norse use the blood of the dragon in shamanistic rituals Well, nothing quite like bringing back the newly deceased with powerful material components for a shamanistic ritual. >Byron He's our bro of a god, and bros don't let bros go out in a non-manly way. We do awesome things, which he likes, he might help us out a bit. >Sacrificing heart That should get some god's attention, if not Byron's. We do have a priest, shaman, and bard available. >Sarah Gets a dream, begins praying for us. Diceroller is a proven romanticist, after all. >Newly dead Well, we're only mostly dead. >Wyvernsting A sword of legend might have some strong pull to ensure its wielder can come back to the living with the right conditions. At the very least, it might appear to us to use against the Reaper. >Ancestors They won't let us die just yet if they can help it.
And QL, Lord Quest directly inspired me when I was preparing Terminator Quest (Iron Quest and Frost Giant Quest also contributed when I looked to see what /tg/ enjoys in its quests.) I didn't try and copy your math, but I hope you'll see my imitation of several of your methods as the sincerest form of flattery (or a willingness to adopt ground-breaking methods pioneered by others in a given medium). You run a fantastic game, sir. |