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  • File : 1295743476.jpg-(185 KB, 400x520, 1286850615916.jpg)
    185 KB Dragon Quest XXXI Writer-dude !vf05RX1JTQ 01/22/11(Sat)19:44 No.13621387  
    [Note: Previous thread was mis-tagged, can be found under 'dragon, quest', but not 'dragon quest', which returns all the other threads.]

    Scinnari locates Asha, leads her to you, and you teleport your servant and yourself homeward, to Mza. Scinnari follows literally a moment later. You dismiss Asha, then turn to your plunder, the all-important task of finding out exactly what you've acquired and adding it to your hoard.

    Scinnari assists you in this, and you spend the evening scanning the tomes and books you stole from Sanneks laboratory, as well as performing a few experiments to determine whether the scrying mirror and summoning circle you brought with possess any latent and possibly unpleasant qualities. Happily, they don't, and while the library turns out to be fairly mundane, it is still a fairly comprehensive amateur's reference on planar matters. In terms of size, it's nothing on what you acquired from the late Azdukashen, but a noticeable addition nonetheless. The memory of Azdukashen's fate makes you smile, almost purring at the thought.
    >> Writer-dude !vf05RX1JTQ 01/22/11(Sat)19:45 No.13621393
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    As the dawn breaks, you decide to turn your attention elsewhere.

    “Scinnari. I have a brief task for you.”


    “Write a letter to the churches of a few deities, preferably the ones that hate undead as much or more than you do.”

    “As you wish...”

    “I wish to inform them of all that we have found. 'In passing research, I have determined that the fate that befell Azar is due to an ancient artifact.'. Fill them in on what we found, and deliver it to a few churches. Sign 'Lord Varian Prestor, Sorcerer-king of Mza'.” you instruct, shifting slightly on your hoard. The sound of sliding gold pieces is music to your ears.

    “I see... Causing trouble for Luthessa's master?” Scinnari asks, picking up a quill and scroll of parchment.

    “Indeed. Also, passing the job on to others who are less likely to request a reward for the work, and more likely to remember where this information came from. Debts are wonderful things to own.” you reply with satisfaction. Scinnari laughs, pleased.

    “Truly. I shall do so, is there anything else you desire at the moment?”
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)19:47 No.13621426
    Hmmm. How are Asha and her children doing?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)19:48 No.13621437
    We need to figure out how to approach that other red dragon.

    Did we ever get her name?
    >> OP 01/22/11(Sat)19:49 No.13621456
    So good to see Dragon Quest back!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)19:52 No.13621487
    I suppose a quick check in on Cygnis couldn't hurt
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)19:56 No.13621542
    How's the banking operation going?
    >> Writer-dude !vf05RX1JTQ 01/22/11(Sat)19:59 No.13621574
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    Asha's older children came out to greet her, and seem to be in working order. (As far as small humans go, and all that.). You left her in the castle; your actual hoard is inside the volcano, dark caves of the dry magma tubes.

    The Red in control of Beren, self-styled 'Queen' Seffestranias, did extend an invitation to visit her a few months back. You replied politely, said it was impossible currently, but that you might be able to make time later. She seems to have accepted your excuses. (No communication in the interim.)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:03 No.13621632
    I think we should take her up on that.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:04 No.13621641
    We need to get a detailed assessment of our newly salvaged fleet, I think. And commend those of our forces which aided in their seizure, reward anyone who performed exceptionally; the personal touch is necessary in order to keep them feeling more loyalty to us. Who knows what interesting stuff they might have turned up onboard them, besides?
    >> Writer-dude !vf05RX1JTQ 01/22/11(Sat)20:05 No.13621651
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    >banking operation
    Define and elaborate, please. (Remind me, if it's already been hammered out.)

    Confirm? (y/n) If y, then any more specific details?

    Good to be back. (And as glacially slow as ever. Sadly, I don't think I fixed the connection problems, so responses may be spontaneously delayed if I'm forced to reboot/retype from scratch.) Enough of my whining, on to Dragon: the Overlording.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:08 No.13621684
    Y for Cygnis check in.
    Ask about how she's doing, what the state of Freeport is in, her financial investments, her own position on the war so far.
    Tell her about the reanimating artifact and the fact that we suspect a black dragon is involved
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:09 No.13621691
    On the agenda:
    1. Go over our new ships. A more thorough search can't hurt and might turn up something interesting.
    2. Check up on stuff over in Freeport. Cygnis, our old kobolds, etc.
    3. Potentially head over to Beren and visit Seff.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:10 No.13621699
    I thought that we were going to start up a mercantile banking operation, focusing on investment in the numerous companies contracted in the outfitting and repairing of the countries involved in this war
    Could be wrong though
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:10 No.13621709
    I think we should handle more immediate concerns before heading off. Those ships we made off with, for instance.

    But after that I'm in favor of checking up on Freeport business.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:11 No.13621715
    >Tell her about the reanimating artifact and the fact that we suspect a black dragon is involved
    Whoa, be careful with that. Cibach the adventurer would have little or no way of knowing about that artifact unless he'd been doing some serious snooping into this black dragon's business, particularly given that we moved fast- VERY fast- after Azar fell to find out what happened and take advantage. In two or three weeks we could bring this up, when the information has had some time to get out. Not now.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:12 No.13621728
    Banking operation is more longterm, I don't think we're at that point yet. We'll need to be a city with a bit of trade flowing through before we can get that underway. It was discussed last thread, we are intending to become powerful Venitian moneylords eventually.

    And we need to go meet the red dragoness and check up on all our feelers and such we laid out for Scinnari. The last thread is in the archives, by the way, but whoever archived it forgot to include "dragon quest" in the tags. We left a fairly decent listing of things to do at the end of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:17 No.13621758
    Hrmm, I guess you're right. Though you have to admit sneaking into a city of the living dead and getting mixed up with black dragons is something an adventurer would do.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:23 No.13621809
    Do you think we can time our visit with Cygnis so that it makes sense that we know of it?
    I'm sure that Cibach the adventurer has to be doing things that would make it so that he's at least a bit ahead of most people when it comes to things like cursed gems.
    >> Writer-dude !vf05RX1JTQ 01/22/11(Sat)20:24 No.13621836
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    A few days pass, and you use the Orb of Storms to conjure up the winds your fleet needs for it's return journey. You're 'navy' returns at dawn, significantly slower than yourself. The fact that you stayed behind, but still were waiting to greet them will undoubtedly add one more whisper to the rumors about "Lord Prestor".

    The ships are Rhasverian, and, while extremely durable and simple in operation, they are not the fastest vessels on the sea. Still, vessels are vessels. With the addition, your navy has swelled to twenty seven.

    Reports from the crews seem to indicate that they're fairly proud of the operation, lizardfolk included. Some of them even seem to have taken a liking to the ships, and have made noises about wishing to stay with your navy. For the most part, the humans of your navy seem impressed with the lizardsmen, but relieved to be parting.

    Plunder from the hulls is mostly in the form of supplies. What hasn't spoiled will make utilizing these ships much cheaper and easier for the next few months. There's still plenty of minor loot, though, in the form of gold, wages, or simply possessions of the late crew members. Additionally, one of the ships seems to have been carrying wages for something: a few thousand gold were locked securely in the hold. Though you crave it, you instead order it distributed among the Navy as reward for a job well done. The impact on morale is instant.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:29 No.13621890
    Is this a formal navy, with full time people and a defined chain of command?
    Or is it more privateers?
    >> Writer-dude !vf05RX1JTQ 01/22/11(Sat)20:29 No.13621894
    oh also guys, I'm gay, does anyone want gay buttsecks?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:31 No.13621915
    If we don't have a proper navy yet, now- immediately following our acquisition of several new military vessels- would be an ideal time to establish one. We can rightfully claim those ships and everything on them as ours, after all; they're basically owned personally by us at this point. There's no reason that we would give them away to independent parties, and our interests require a regular navy.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:31 No.13621918
    Don't forget that it has been decades since Cibach's exile from freeport. It's entirely plausible for an adventurer to investigate the death of an entire city, and given the magical ability Cibach showed, it's entirely reasonable that he could get there in a great hurry if he so chose.
    >> Writer-dude !vf05RX1JTQ 01/22/11(Sat)20:32 No.13621928
    fuck me hard, guys, i like cocks
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:35 No.13621957
    It has been a decade and a half. Still...

    But yeah, I don't see any reason to inform Cygnis of this quite yet. Also, I'm sad that our scrying mirror is redundant loot since we already have a crystal ball which is likely more powerful.
    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/22/11(Sat)20:35 No.13621959
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    Impressive. Also annoying, but impressive none the less.

    My impression was that it's an amalgamation of privateers, slowly evolving towards a real navy. More 'unified mercenaries on retainer', at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:37 No.13621984
    Yeah, that makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:39 No.13622001
    It's good that our allies be kept informed. A black dragon with an army of the undead is kinda important news.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:40 No.13622015
    Speaking of that dragon, what's its name? Ask the Spinel, it will know unless the necromancer chick didn't. And considering how vain dragons are, I'm pretty sure that she did.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:44 No.13622042
    Yes, but it could also be useful in the future. We can reasonably put this off for a long time, then when we need to we can reveal that we "Found out that a black dragon was behind the Azar catastrophe!"
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:46 No.13622071

    Speak to the crystal, alone. Find out:
    -If Scinnari has ever used it without our knowledge, and if so what she asked.
    -Scinnari's true name.
    -The black dragon's name.
    -Why it's answering Scinnari.

    Then lock up the crystal somewhere.

    Use our scrying abilities- crystal ball, new mirror, whatever- to get updates on:
    -The situation in Azar.
    -Our various spies, ships, and interests.
    -The kobolds in Freeport.
    -The red who invited us over, and anyone else interesting in her city so that we don't go in blind.
    -The armies of the various nations, since they will doubtless be responding to Azar's fate with drastic action.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:48 No.13622085
    I still think asking it for her true name is stupid with the way it blurts shit out all the time. We need to find it out in another manner if possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:49 No.13622104
    If we find out her true name through any method, it will know that we found it out and be equally capable of blurting out that we know it. It's therefore pointless to be circuitous.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:51 No.13622129
    Ah yes, but it won't be able to truthfully say that we asked it to probe her mind. Just that we found out. One is an invasion and possible desecration of whatever shreds of trust we might (or might not) have developed over the past 15 years. The other is worthy of respect.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:51 No.13622130
    Ah, but it has a very nasty sense of humor. The next time Scinnari uses it, it will be
    "Of course milday. I am always ready to be of service- just like I was last night when I told your true name to your husbandu. Oops, you didn't know? Sorry about that."
    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/22/11(Sat)20:54 No.13622155
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    Detailing Scinnari to assist with the training of Asha's children, you acquire some privacy with which to question the crystal. Damnable device that it is.

    "Crystal. What can you tell me about Luthessa's master?" you ask, dwelling in the darkness of a branching cavern.

    "Much. Most of what she knew. For instance, he is large." the crystal rings out, as obnoxious as ever. You don't miss it's words, though, and under it's baiting, there is something of value.

    "He, you say?"

    "Indeed. He's also significantly older than she is. As far as she knows, her tribe has worshiped him for centuries."

    "Really? Does she know where they live, relative to the world?" you ask. The crystal seems to be remarkably forthcoming today, even volunteering information.

    "She beleives it to be.... I suppose it would be 'to the east' of Azar, but that's only based on her infrences. Wizard though she may be, her education in other matters is sadly lacking. I doubt she could find Azar on a map, let alone her tribe of jungle-dwelling savages."

    "Probably teaching her only what is necessary. But this master of hers, he lives near their tribe?" you ask.

    "Indeed. Alternately, they live near him."

    "And what is she doing in Azar?"

    "Putting her master's plans into motion." the crystal replies unhelpfully.

    "And those were?" you grate out.

    "Using the cult she headed to smuggle in the artifact, and activate it at the height of the conflict." the crystal chimes. "With Sannek's help, she succeeded."

    "And Sannek... why did she need his help?"

    "The artifact can only be used by humans. Curiously, neither of them knew, though perhaps their master did. Suffice to say, she needed a reasonably powerful human wizard, which Sannek is, but one she also believed herself to be superior to, which Sannek also is. She was awaiting her master's arrival, to present the city to him, and receive his next instructions."
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:54 No.13622156
    I don't know- this black dragon sounds like bad news. I would rather that we start martialling our allies now, rather then letting him build up steam and catch us with our britches down.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:54 No.13622161
    We should find a way to cause pain to this artifact, or destroy it somehow. In the event it becomes more trouble than it is worth.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:56 No.13622177
    It's already probed through her mind and it is perfectly capable of nasty-humoring us by telling her that we're going around her back to seek a greater hold on her in any case. The gain of delaying and wasting even more money on marginally competent sages and adventurers who haven't found this one fact for us after fifteen bloody years is NOT greater than that of just getting her name now.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:58 No.13622202
    I'm thinking we should probably inform Cygnis about the black dragon sooner rather than later. Maybe also bring it up with Seff when we take her up on her invitation.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:59 No.13622214
    Our allies consist of a devil, a pirate town and a gold dragon who doesn't know we're a red.

    We need more troops if we're going to tackle a black dragon who's considerably older than we are. In fact, I'd try to avoid a confrontation altogether. We can track down his lair, then leak it to adventurer bands. They'd fucking jump at the chance to off a black dragon responsible for the death of a city.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:00 No.13622223
    Yes, it is. "This one fact?"

    A true name is just about the most potent thing in all of existence. You can command someone to do ANYTHING at all, even think in a certain way, without limits. They are completely enslaved to you. There is a reason most DMs either make them only known by a handful of beings or remove them altogether. They are stupid powerful.

    And yes, it has already probed her mind. I would still rather not reference it and give it more ammunition to use against us in its obvious drive to sow dissent between us and whoever we encounter. FUCK this crystal in most circumstances. If it is possible to obtain the information another way we always should. Hell, we don't even know that it will be able to answer, and if it can't then it will still say "Oh and Azaladon asked me to mindrape you for your true name!" next time she sees it. Hell, we don't even know if it would answer truthfully and we would be working on bad information.

    In short, if we require it we will have this crystal to get the name from. It would be smarter to get it another way, however.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:01 No.13622225
    Her master's name. GET IT.

    Also what she knew of the plan after successfully activating the artifact.

    And what she knows of her master's resources and his other servants. Is she one of many capable casters, or unique in her power? How numerous is her tribe, and others of his worshippers? Do some digging. The crystal is annoying, but just keep asking it questions until a picture is formed.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:04 No.13622252
    Heh, Scinnari helping Asha with the kids- well, she is always pestering us for children. I'd love to see her face as she's holding a bawling toddler, and trying to rock it to sleep while three others tug at the hem of her robes.
    A little preview of maternal bliss.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:05 No.13622270
    >A true name is just about the most potent thing in all of existence. You can command someone to do ANYTHING at all, even think in a certain way, without limits. They are completely enslaved to you. There is a reason most DMs either make them only known by a handful of beings or remove them altogether. They are stupid powerful.
    So what you're saying is, we could get Scinnari's true name immediately and then stop worrying about her betraying or plotting against us forever. Stop needing to shape our actions based upon her prickly, jealous self. Stop thinking that she's working as an agent of the hells at any given moment instead of an agent of us.

    I fail to see the downside.
    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/22/11(Sat)21:09 No.13622303
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    "I see... And, regarding a certain other development..." you reply, pacing around the crystal, with some irritation. "Why have you begun answering Scinnari?"

    "Should I not be?" the crystal replies, almost innocently, if such a quality can be ascribed to it's 'voice'.

    "Answer th-" you start to demand, before deciding to simply reiterate your question. "Why do you now answer her?".

    "I don't. I sometimes answer her." the crystal corrects you inanely.

    "And why is that?" you repeat, irritation rising.

    "Why... Is she not your trusted servant, your most significant other? Surely I can extend my services to other members of your family." the crystal replies, tone eminently reasonable.

    "Fine. What questions has she asked of you," you ask, voice rising over the crystal's chimes as it starts to answer, "/excluding/ ones that I know of?". The crystal pauses momentarily, then continues.

    "She asked where you came from. Then she asked where you came from before Freeport, and where you came from before that. Eventually, she worked her way up to your hatching in the northern wilds. Then she asked who she should consider a threat. Then whether you had and plans regarding replacing her, or binding her via her true name, and if so, who was her potential replacement. Then, quite angry, I believe, she asked whether it was possible to destroy me." the crystals recitation echoes, almost ominously, in the dark.

    "I see, and what answers did you give to these questions?" you ask, with some trepidation.

    "A chain of the maddening 'just barely' responses that you so hate. Incidentally, she does too. Then informed her that you have been investigating her past, and naturally have designs upon her, should you be able to locate her true name. She didn't seem terribly surprised." the crystal adds, preempting your next question. "Naturally, I did not answer her final question."
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:10 No.13622311
    If we fail, or she catches wind of this, she'd get pissed. I know we're Neutral Evil and whatnot, but We've shown that we trust her. That'd just be going against our character.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:13 No.13622326
    >Then informed her that you have been investigating her past, and naturally have designs upon her, should you be able to locate her true name.

    Wat. But this is totally like, not true. We don't plan to bind her via true name, just keep it as a backup. The crystal would know this. So did it lie to her?
    >> Shas'o Not'Quest! 01/22/11(Sat)21:16 No.13622363
    Goddamnit, just throw this thing down a well already!
    >> Shas'o Not'Quest! 01/22/11(Sat)21:17 No.13622369
    Eh, it can spin circumsantial evidence and hint and tease and poke to make anything look like anything else.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:18 No.13622375
    We do NOT trust her. Or if we do, we're an idiot. She is a devil who works for us strictly for her own advancement and would stab us in the back in half a second if offered greater gains by doing so that she can get at our side.

    >We don't plan to bind her via true name, just keep it as a backup.
    Maybe you don't. Give me her true name and half an hour with WD when no one else is objecting, and she'll be ours heart and soul for life.

    Ask what actions Scinnari has taken since entering our service that we do not know of and would disapprove of. And ask if the crystal can give us her true name, and if not, why not and how we might best go about getting it.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:21 No.13622392
    Heh. Actually, I think we don't have that much to worry about. From the sounds of it she was rather disappointed by what information she got (or rather didn't get).
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:21 No.13622394
    No. Throwing anti-votes, or whatever you would call them. Stop acting like a prick because nobody else wants to mindslave her.
    >> Shas'o Not'Quest! 01/22/11(Sat)21:23 No.13622411
    She wants Abaz to sire her children. I think she has a vested interest in us.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:23 No.13622414
    >Ask what actions Scinnari has taken since entering our service that we do not know of and would disapprove of.
    I support this.

    I do not support any of the other things you said there. Seriously, man? Stop being random lolevil.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:25 No.13622438
    Ask what answers it gave.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:25 No.13622445
    Sigh. Time to go have a talk with Scinnari about prying information from our brain. Bad devil, stop it. We at least gave you the courtesy of asking you about your past first.
    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/22/11(Sat)21:27 No.13622459
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    "And I presume you wouldn't answer it were I to ask it of you either?"

    "You presume correctly." The crystal rings contentedly. Tiamat's talons!

    "Fine. And what precisely left Scinnari so.. angry at you?" you ask, wondering if there's any point in hiding your emotions from something that can read your mind. Practice, perhaps.

    "I would attribute it to the fact that I refused to answer whether you had plans to replace her, though I may be wrong. I could be wrong, though." the crystal answers. You shake your head. It may well be more trouble than it's worth.

    "Returning to Luthessa's knowledge, did she know her master's name?"

    "Her tribe refers to him as many things. Blight Lord, Scale God, and so on. Remarkably unimaginative. She doesn't actually know his name, expected to address him only as 'master'." the crystal explains. A faint hint of distaste surfaces as it discusses her tribe.

    "I see. And... what are this 'master's powers and resources? Is she an exceptional individual, or one among many, as far has his servants go?"

    "Exceptional, but relatively young. Much promise, though. I believe... Her thoughts are slanted so very much by her point of view. I believe her to be the most powerful, or, if not, for there to only be a few individuals to rival or surpass her in power. Her master singled her out as 'promising', and has shown an interest in her progress. She hopes to serve him well."

    "Loyal? Wouldn't he like to know that." you observe with some disgust.

    "Indeed. He wouldn't hear it from myself, though." the crystal says contentedly.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:29 No.13622480
    You SHOULD want to mindslave her; this is not random, and it is not 'lolevil', it's entirely rational. You cannot trust devils. At all. She is pretty, charming, powerful, highly intelligent, extremely competent, and acting entirely out of self-interest. Any apparent loyalty that she has for us is a facade. Any long-term plans she makes with us can be discarded instantly in the face of greater opportunity. Our hold over her is nonexistent, formed of unenforceable promises and baseless assumptions.

    When the day comes that she betrays us, she will do so decisively, highly effectively, we will not see it coming and we will not like the results. The only way to avoid this while keeping her in our service is to take preemptive action to establish an extremely firm hold on her that she CANNOT escape from. This could be a true name, it could be some kind of compulsive magics, we could do something else to establish for certain that she won't turn on us... but leaving things as they stand indefinitely is idiotic.

    I really wish that she could just be loyal devil waifu who loves us and won't betray us and we can trust, that we didn't have to do this sort of thing. But she's not, and we do. Don't shout me down because you enjoy your pleasant delusions too much to break them.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:32 No.13622495
    Welp. Time to go talk with our devil and straighten some things out. I suggest we have a "truth-time" discussion with her, pointing out that she has used the crystal to ask about us in great detail and was likely given a large amount of very twisted information.

    Make a sharp point of the fact that we haven't asked it to reveal her mind to us, and we are displeased she asked the artifact those questions rather than us. We would not have minded detailing our glorious past, after all. And now since she went behind our backs to ask about us rather than doing legitimate research, we think it appropriate she tell us about hers.

    Also, ask her what questions she asked the crystal and what answers it gave her. Compare/contrast the responses. Ask her for more details.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:33 No.13622510
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    Pathfinder Black dragons look so much better than other black dragons. Especially the D&D variety of Black dragons, they always looked rather retarded with the sheep horns.

    Pic related, more Pathfinder Black dragon.

    Pic related.
    >> Shas'o Not'Quest! 01/22/11(Sat)21:34 No.13622516
    "Why do you dislike her using the name "master"?"
    See, we can be perceptive too!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:35 No.13622524

    I like the normal DnD black dragon. Looks kind of like a croc, which makes sense for a swamp dwelling dragon.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:36 No.13622537
    I'm not at all deluded about what she is. You are, however, quite deluded about the amount of control a true name presents, it seems.

    You know that it will allow us to summon an outsider from anywhere, instantly, and command them to do anything we want, yes? Knowing a true name is literally having all the keys to her mind and being, all the locks, all the doors, all the hinges, and all the screws to secure the hinges.

    Even knowing we are seeking that kind of a hold on her is likely a very disturbing thought and an incentive for her to be seeking an even stronger hold on us. It's in theory a worse enslavement than /being in the hells themselves/ if the wrong person has the name. You can use it to alter her very self.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:36 No.13622538
    Alright, I think it's time to go have a chat with Scinnari.
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/22/11(Sat)21:37 No.13622543
         File1295750232.jpg-(882 KB, 800x1075, black_dragon_by_Kyle_Anderson.jpg)
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    >Pathfinder Black dragons look so much better than other black dragons. Especially the D&D variety of Black dragons, they always looked rather retarded with the sheep horns.

    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:38 No.13622562
         File1295750310.jpg-(46 KB, 400x228, Black_Dragon__D&D.jpg)
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    I suppose, but look at those horns. Also, the Pathfinder variety looks much more like an amphibious creature with a swim speed.
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/22/11(Sat)21:41 No.13622589
         File1295750500.jpg-(53 KB, 307x158, Black_Dragon_Lurker.jpg)
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    Those horns are awesome! Perfect for putting on your helmet!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:45 No.13622632

    True, they are much better once the beast is dead and you can easily mount them on the wall or on your helmet as a trophy. The Pathfinder Black's horns are a little too large, and stretch back too far... they would be much more awkward to wear or put on a wall.

    But you have to admit one thing, it is much easier to find a good Pathfinder Black dragon picture with a Google search than a good picture of the D&D variety.
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/22/11(Sat)21:47 No.13622655
         File1295750858.jpg-(172 KB, 1680x1120, White_dragon.jpg)
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    Aye, the horns of a black dragon are such a beautiful that not every artist's hand can capture them properly...

    White dragons have definitely improved though.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:48 No.13622668
    I just realized that this crystal can apparently read our mind right through our Mind Blank.

    >> Shas'o Not'Quest! 01/22/11(Sat)21:54 No.13622733
    Which is why we need to toss this thing down a well as quickly as possible. Goddamn, it is such a liability it's not even funny.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:54 No.13622734
         File1295751256.jpg-(72 KB, 1000x713, White_Dragon__Pathfinder.jpg)
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    Oh for sure. Look at this beauty. The D&D variety of White dragons always looked so derpy. True they were the dumbest brutes of the dragons... but they are still dragons, with a much better stat block than any common monster.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:55 No.13622744
    It did teach us a fair bit about what happened in Azar, though. Definitely worked out there.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)21:56 No.13622758
    It knows everything about us, man. You don't throw something like that down a well. You lock it in an extra-planar prison only you have access to.
    >> Shas'o Not'Quest! 01/22/11(Sat)22:00 No.13622795
    And the only thing keeping it from spilling everything is it's perverse sense of humor!
    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/22/11(Sat)22:06 No.13622846
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    There are many things that require your attention at some time in the relatively near future. All of them seem of lesser immediate importance than a talk with Scinnari.

    "I'm really quite disappointed." you say conversationally as she enters your lair, upon her return.

    "Oh?" she says, interested, as she approaches you.

    "Indeed. I was doing some further research on Luthessa and her mysterious superior when what do I hear, but that you've been trying to poke around in my mind. By proxy." you continue, turning to face her directly. She seemed to be approaching you, intending to lean on your flank, as she does some times while you discuss. Now she halts, and you suspect you see a flicker of fear run across her face.

    "First of all, there's the inherent mistrust associated with such an action. I am fairly certain I did you the courtesy of at least asking about your past." You rise, sitting like a cat, tail coiled around you as you stare down at her. "Beyond that, there's the foolishness inherent in asking a self-proclaimed device of discord for information regarding those you are close to. Really, I would have thought /you/ of all creatures would know this most of all." You pause, allowing an uncomfortable silence to form and draw out. As you had hoped, Scinnari feels the need to fill it.
    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/22/11(Sat)22:06 No.13622853
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    "I... Am sorry for this breach of trust, lord." she says at length, shifting uncomfortably. At least she didn't try to deny it. "It was foolish to the extreme, and... an unconscionable betrayal of trust. I... I originally meant merely to investigate why it was answering me as well as you, but... got carried away by the opportunity." she says. She bows her head, and continues as you let the silence grow again. "I- am sorry, lord. I present myself to your judgement."

    You let the silence continue for a few seconds, then speak yourself. "First of all, I would be interested to hear what you asked it. While the crystal can, I do /not/ read minds." you say blandly, not shifting at all yourself.

    "I asked why it whether it would answer me, and why it would answer me. It declined to do so, so I asked about your past, where you came from and whether there was anyone... significant behind you." Scinnaris replies neutrally, "I hoped that such an question would be something it couldn't resist answering. I was correct. Then I asked about what designs you had upon me, specifically, if you intended to replace me.". She pauses, as if waiting for you to question, but you remain silent, staring down at her. She continues after a moment. "That was all."
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)22:11 No.13622890
    "Scinnari, my dear. I believe I asked you once upon a time in the past why you felt the need to lie about such matters. I had thought we had come to an understanding.

    It took great pleasure in informing me of at least one other question you asked. Shall we try this again, this time with more truth?"

    This allows her to fill in the blank on the questions and, hopefully, actually tell the truth this time. She also asked about her true name (which might or might not have been part of what she has admitted already) and how to destroy the crystal, which she most assuredly has not.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)22:23 No.13623012
    Oh, and addendum: Also ask what it answered her with.

    Finally, declare a "truth time" and state that we will now begin answering questions truthfully and without the crystal's spin on things. Tell her she may refuse to answer any question other than the ones she likewise answered about us.

    That consists of:
    1. What is her past?
    1:a. How did she fall?
    1:b. What is the deal with the order and cult?
    2. Who are the significant parties backing you?
    3. What designs do you have upon me?
    3:a. Specifically, do you intend to replace me?
    3:b. No, really, it's more a matter of when seeing as you are immortal and I am currently not. You would be silly not to plan ahead in case I don't achieve immortality as well. Who are you lining up to replace me?
    4. Not so much a question, but clarifying anything the crystal might or might not have implied. I do not seek to dominate you or bind you to my service as a pawn to my will, by any means. Nor do I have designs upon replacing you. It doubtless insinuated both of these things, if I read it correctly. It is an object of discord.
    4:a. (conditional) If she admits to asking about us seeking her true name, we ask her what it answered and how she feels about it. We then explain that we COULD have asked the crystal to pry it from her mind, as she doubtless knows it, but we have not. If we happen upon it then we do not intend to use it on her, ever, unless she betrays us. We hope that should she somehow happen upon ours (much more difficult to find a prime TN) that the courtesy would be returned.

    Likewise, we will inform her if we find it, and expect her to reciprocate.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)22:31 No.13623081
    "I want to play a game with you Dr. Floyd. This is a good game, it's called the truth."
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)22:31 No.13623094
    I like this one.

    >Finally, declare a "truth time" and state that we will now begin answering questions truthfully and without the crystal's spin on things.
    There must be a less childish way to put that. I am, however, perfectly willing to exchange answers with her... although given that she already acquired many of those answers about us, I would require that she ask those questions and give us those answers in turn.

    I would weaken our claim that we do not intend to bind her to "I only desire enough control over you to be assured that you will not betray me". Which isn't as kind, but as I believe I am the player currently most interested in binding Scinnari and that is true in my case, we can say it without any risk of lying through our fangs.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)22:33 No.13623114
    > There must be a less childish way to put that.

    Copy the scene from 2010, mentioned here >>13623081
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)22:35 No.13623131

    4:25 and onward.
    >> Shas'o Not'Quest! 01/22/11(Sat)22:35 No.13623136
    "Scinnari. After all this time. You should know now that you will always have a place in my heart. You have served me beyond the call of duty in almost all of my endeavors- since the moment I met you, honestly. You've been by my side, through thick and thin. Part of this conniving and scheming on your part. Which I can respect.
    But don't you think that after all our time together, after all we've been through, that I was affectionate?
    Scinnari, you will always be the first. First of my allies. First of my concubines. And first of my heart."
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)22:36 No.13623149
    What the fuck. No.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)22:40 No.13623194
    Look, I love Scinnari. She is my waifu.

    But I do not condone this mishmash. Yuck. No. She is an evil waifu and that will both make her think she has huge control over us and honestly imply things that aren't true at all at this point in time. Azaladon does care for her. I'm not entirely sure you could call it "love" as of yet, however.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)22:41 No.13623199
    That's a bit much at this point. Let's just go with >>13622890
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)22:43 No.13623223
    Fuck yes Dragon Quest!
    >> Shas'o Not'Quest! 01/22/11(Sat)22:44 No.13623230
    Ah, I'm sorry. I'm just not good at writing romance I guess without it coming off all sappy.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)22:44 No.13623231
    Save it for bullshitting Cygnis.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)23:07 No.13623442
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    Just gotta say WD, I've been eagerly checking /tg/ since I saw you were running Dragon Quest again. This is immense fun and I think a speak for everyone when i say that these threads are awesome. You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)23:14 No.13623513
    As agreed upon in the IRC:
    We will continue practicing and improving our mundane mind breaking on young/lesser dragons (perhaps a lizardman next?) in preperation for doing the same upon Cygnis.
    We will have magical versions as backup at all times in the event we fail at the mundane version.

    Ultimately this means that Cygnis will preferably be our willing slave, though if that is undoable, we have no compunction about leaving her trapped in her own mind and unable to do anything about it.

    tl;dr: we can all stop arguing about Cygnis now, we got this shit locked down.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)23:19 No.13623592
    Hmmm? What about the binder though? We are it's scion. How much do you want to bet that anything we dominate, it'll gain proxy control of later on
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)23:21 No.13623616
    Magical mind control does not mean Binding. Binding is likely an epic spell. There are many lesser ways to influence a being's mind. Geas, dominate, charm, ect.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)23:22 No.13623619
    .... what?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)23:22 No.13623622
    That looks like a perfect topic to argue about in IRC.

    Report: irc://irc.irchighway.net/dragonquest

    Our one-stop location for bickering about trivial minutiae and making/refining long-term plans.
    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/23/11(Sun)00:01 No.13624007
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    "I see...." you say, allowing her to stew in an uncomfortable silence for a few seconds. "I thought we had established some semblance of trust. More than a semblance, my dear. Do you truly feel the need to lie to me?"

    She hesitates, then speaks. "I... also asked it whether it could be destroyed. It... It was a question in a fit of anger at it's lies, not something I actually intended..." she says, as if trying to fabricate an excuse.

    "I see. And the answers to your questions?"

    "It... told me that there was no significant entity in your past, and that you were.. a hatchling of five, born in northern wilderness." Scinnari recites. "It then told me that while you desired my true name, you had no other significant plans for me. It refused to answer whether you intended to replace me." she says, drawing in a deep breath. Calming, perhaps. "Between the two... the way it phrased, them, I took that to mean that you did have such intentions, and it had been ordered not to reveal them. Finally, It told me that it could be unmade, but certainly not by me or anything I could bring to bear on it. I- I believe it was taunting me." she explains. "Naturally, I did later think back and realize that it was probably lying or twisting words as it pleased. I... Truthfully, I had hoped you would not find out and I could just forget such an... embarrassing occurrence." Her words sound honest, but then again, she's older than you, and her kind are known for deception and dissembling.
    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/23/11(Sun)00:03 No.13624024
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    "I see.... Scinnari." you say, testing the name on your tongue, "Scinnari. /Scinnari/. I thought we had a-" you break off, sounding disappointed and upset. Technically, fairly accurate, though you wouldn't actually sound that way unless you meant to.

    "Scinnari, I am going to propose an... evidently groundbreaking idea. Let us try the truth. Answer for answer. Question for question. You may refuse to answer, if you so desire." you say, folding your forelegs and laying back down.

    "I... of course, my lord." she says.

    "Very well. Are you still reluctant to answer why you Fell?" you ask.

    "I... yes, lord." she says, evidently unhappy to give such a dissatisfying answer. To your pleasure, though, she continues anyway. "I... was an angel of... I fell in love with one of my Lord's followers, a hero, a champion of my Lord. I... through chance, I found out that a battle he would face would be the death of him. My Lord forbade me to intervene... I disobeyed." You sit motionless, allowing her to explain. "He... I saved him, and was cast out for it. Then he... stayed faithful to my Lord when I did not."

    "And so you fell?"
    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/23/11(Sun)00:05 No.13624040
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    "No..." she scowls hatefully. Her voice drips venom as she proceeds. "I learned that my... 'Lord' had engineered that both to test his follower, to test me, and to save his follower from a death he could not otherwise have intervened against."

    Explained, you pause for a moment to contemplate it. Gods are held opposed to devils and demons, but removed as you are both from the mortal humanoid view, and from divine or infernal intent, you feel drawn to trying to reason out the details of it from both sides... Gods and devils, even demons, to some extent, are both reputed (at least among those other than their own clergy,) to have to work within rules and limitations... If her god had been a deity of honor or battle, for instance, he might not have been able to intervene in a situation without violating his own tenants... But to engineer such a...

    "And /that/ was when I Fell. I felt that the least I could do was to follow my Lord's... glorious example." she says, bitterness evident in her voice. "You. If you hold this.. /trust/ between us to be as sacred as you suggest... Do you intend to replace me, as the crystal suggested?" she ask, tone verging on ugly.

    "I thank you for the trust displayed in answering my question..." you purr. "And as for your question... I have enjoyed your company for sixteen years, and benefited greatly from your aid, time and time again. I'm not sure I /could/ find anyone or anything capable of taking your place." you pause a moment, "I have no intention of replacing you, now or ever. Further, should you ever think me going back on my word, I beg of you to confront me; If you feel dissatisfied, I will do my best to please you." you lift a claw, reaching out to brush at Scinnari's choker. "I did not lie when I called you the jewel of my collection. The one to which all others pale when compared..." Scinnari cheeks flush, and she turns her head away.
    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/23/11(Sun)00:08 No.13624059
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    "This order of paladins, and a cabal of necromancers... warlocks? you mentioned.... What relation do they have to you?" you ask. "Why do you seek vengeance upon them?"

    "I..The order of paladins was... Is the legacy my... 'love'... left upon his death. Champions of good, crusaders against evil, servants of... his god." Scinnari says, "I... wish to destroy that which he left. To spite him and the 'god' who used me as a tool and discarded me when I had fulfilled my task." she says, absently brushing a strand of her hair out of the way. "In addition to the virtues of destroying an enclave of proponents of deities and opponents of the Hells. Likewise, there's an inherent bonus in eradicating a cabal of demonologists and servants of the Abyss."

    "And likewise, there is another, more personal virtue to it?" you ask quietly. She seems on the verge of a retort, but then simply nods.

    "Yes. To eradicate what he had... fought his life, and failed to destroy. To prove his god impotent, him worthless, and that which has been cast out a more capable servant of their cause than anything they could do... But I will deny it if anyone asks."
    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/23/11(Sun)00:09 No.13624064
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    "Please, I had hoped you trusted me!" you plea in mock-pain. "Very well, I owe you a question?"

    "Two by my count." she replies. You consider debating it, but conclude that it would only undermine your position. "My True name. You desire it." it is not a question, but a statement of fact. "What efforts have you made to find it?"

    "None." you reply, mostly truthfully. "I have attempted to research your history quietly, passively, out of curiosity, and while I would not turn your Name down if offered, I have neither asked the crystal nor made other efforts to locate it." That is entirely truthful.

    "I see.... And.. you do not know it?"

    "Not at all." you reply, all too honestly. "Your questions offer a neat segue into my next subject... Names. I have no intention to find yours, nor to use it, should I come across it, unless prompted by betrayal. Might I request a similar promise from you?"

    Dealing with a devil, you remind yourself. If she thinks she can get away with it, she will... and of course she can get away with it, should she have your Name... But on the other hand, she would have expected the same of you, meaning... Well, it can't /hurt/.

    "I... Such an arrangement sounds desirable. I agree, lord."

    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/23/11(Sun)00:35 No.13624319
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    Sorry for being so slow, had to do some research.

    Me too... Egahds.

    Aww! Kittykittykitty! Thank you. /tg/, or at least, you guys, are a fun audience to do things for.

    "Excellent. In that case, I would like to know who you serve, in the Infernal Hierarchy, and what their interests are regarding me. Secondly, I would like to know /your/ designs regarding me."

    "I.. Very well, lord. Though again, I believe you to be behind in your count." she says. "I... The name of my superior would mean nothing to you, but I serve, eventually, Glasya, ruler of the Sixth." she states. Lady of the Sixth, Daughter of Asmodeus, according to what you know... Interesting.

    "I have not contacted her since before Kazmiri imprisoned me back in Freeport; I do, however, assume she knows you exist, and that she has wishes regarding you. Traditionally, my interests are in damning you to the hells- being a son of Tiamat, though, the change is not as significant as it might be.... It is difficult to explain, but mostly, it would require Taimat to purchase your soul from Glasya, for which I would receive credit."

    Unsettling to hear discussed openly, but also reasurring to hear discussed honestly. Though, really, that is what all devils intend, hardly any different. And it's true, Taimat does reside in the Hells.

    "I see. Thank you. And your intentions?" you voice levelly.

    "I... Have already disclosed them to you. They have not changed, to rule over an empire on this plane, to be your consort, a voice in your ear... It would mean.. much for me, both as status and as a... desirable station to hold through the centuries." she replies.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)00:47 No.13624418
    So that's it for her questions?

    I think that now we should thank her for being cooperative. And by thank her I of course mean sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)00:50 No.13624446
    More questions for her first, I think. Then sexy time.

    And mention that her constant paranoia about being replaced is a bit annoying.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)00:51 No.13624448
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    Aaand she wants to be mommy to a bunch of cute little dragon babies!
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)00:54 No.13624475
    On top of the massive pile of gold, of course. Passionate, mindblowing sex on top of vast riches. A dragon's dream.

    Let's make this truth between us a constant thing. She already knows virtually everything about us now, one way or another, and honestly we haven't been doing anything we need to hide from her for... well, over a decade. She's pretty much privvy to all our operations. Might as well start this new openness out on the right foot.

    Bearing in mind, of course, that she's a devil and anything she says might in theory be a lie. But at least this way she will think twice about lying to us, because if we find out she did while supposedly in our deepest confidences... well, that would be considered a large betrayal.
    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/23/11(Sun)00:58 No.13624520
         File1295762286.jpg-(522 KB, 1010x709, 1287092939826.jpg)
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    "Two questions, then. Arguably three." Scinnari replies. "Cygnis. You have been staying in contact with her?"

    "I have, though that's hardly a question. Consider that your third." you reply. She knew that, or at least, should have. You haven't done it in her presence, but you've made no secret of it.

    "What are you plans for her?"

    Ah. This question.

    "Whatever becomes possible. I find the image of her chained to the foot of our royal dais to be an enjoyable one, though not particularly practical." you reply. "I think she shall become another jewel in my proverbial crown, albeit, I doubt a willing, competent one, as you are." you reply. "Possibility will dictate means, I fear."

    "Ah." Scinnari says, quiet for the moment. "I... Assume I can not save the last question for another time?"

    "I think not." you say, rising. "However, I think there is no reason to terminate this... honesty we have constructed. If you think of something further, ask it. Perhaps we can make a habit of this honesty, at least to each other." you reply. "Unless you find it totally unpalatable, or myself totally untrustworthy?"

    "I- No. Not at all, my lord. Thank you for your forgiveness."

    "I haven't said that." you point out, "However, that was where I was heading. I see no benefit in holding things against each other. Beyond the obvious, as I'm sure you were about to point out. You are forgiven. As for the last question... allow me to point out, from my perspective, the most glaring flaw you possess is your paranoia of getting replaced. Not your fault, undoubtedly a relic of Baator, I suspect, but... That is it."

    "I.. see. Thank you for the warning, my lord." Scinnari says, bowing, "And for your forgiveness, now given."
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)00:58 No.13624527
    I still am unsure how she will ovipositate more than one at a time, considering her size. Or what the results will be.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:00 No.13624553
    We should also find another dragon as well. Half-dragons are useful, but full bloods are always stronger.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:02 No.13624594
    Get any questions she has for us and move towards wrapping up this conversation.

    If we make it constant, make that explicitly clear. Also make explicitly clear that as we have now established this state of affairs, she gets no strikes ever again. If we ever discover that she has lied to us or acted to betray us and she cannot show that we are somehow mistaken in that understanding, we will come down upon her as an unforgiving hammer with all the might at our disposal.

    We recommend being scrupulously honest in the future.

    Also, I would like to bring up the following to Scinnari: She is wonderful in many ways and has a myriad of redeeming features. Aside from her desire for our soul, which is understandable, her single greatest flaw- perhaps her ONLY significant flaw- she's constantly paranoid that we're trying to replace her, and it's annoying as hell to have to deal with.

    if she is willing to take it as a point of faith that we value her and are not going to get rid of her, then it will remain true. We will likely acquire other people who fulfill any or even several of her current functions at some point, simply because we're a dragon and our hoard must always grow, but we expect her to understand and support us in that rather than fighting it. And she will remain with us as our first precious and irreplaceable gem.

    If she wants us to value her more, change her actions in that fashion. If she can't... well, we'll live with it regardless but it will continue to be an annoying blemish on her service.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:06 No.13624634
    It appears that I was pre-empted by WD. Astonishing. I didn't think that was possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:07 No.13624643
    The red dragon in Beren perhaps. Though that will depend on what she's like. Another argument for going to meet her.
    >> Writer-dude !!HctBG7qJ41T 01/23/11(Sun)01:12 No.13624689
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    Really? Oh, that hurts. See that? That's me, yowling in pain. Hurts. You cruel, cruel person.

    If this is wrapped up, what do we do next. If it isn't, what do we need to do to finish it?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:12 No.13624693
    Next course of action (after sex with Scinnari on top of our hoard, of course), would be to contact Seff and tell her that we would like to meet with her.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:18 No.13624753
    Could just drop by and surprise her.

    "Oh, yes, There's apparently a fairly old Black south of me, went and necromancy'd a city, had to go investigate that, then put some underlings in line, ah, you know how it is. Anyway, pleasure to make your acquaintance, oh beautiful lady."

    Okay, not at all like that, but still. Might get some street cred if we POOF! cloud of smoke teleport to meet her. Or piss her off, one of the two.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:18 No.13624762
    I would like to put a little more emphasis on the points in >>13624594, but as long as they've been expressed we can just take it as something that happens offscreen to no significant surprises.

    Likewise, rampant sex should happen offscreen.

    Next plan.

    We now have a scrying mirror and a crystal ball. This means that our magical spying corps just doubled in size. Have them spend their time tracking the actions which the various nations are taking in response to the apocalypse at Azar; it's very important to the stability of our wealth at Mza that we know. Make sure our spies are working on it as well. Keep eyes on EVERYONE for the next month or so in case drastic action is taken and we need to either interfere to maintain the stalemate or defend ourselves.

    Once the security of our island seems assured for the next while, we can write back to Beren and say that we might be able to make a state visit in a couple weeks and would she still like us to drop by?
    >> Writer-dude !!cxzh3hxzuC1 01/23/11(Sun)01:29 No.13624825
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    The IRC (And here, too,) is suggesting we spend the next month spying on other countries to determine their responses to Azar, and listing a bunch of defense we should be adding to our lair/castle. Gimme 2d100, one for each.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:30 No.13624835
    Can we build Asha up so that she's not a nervous wreck whenever not in our immediate presence?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:30 No.13624843
    I'll support this. Keep an eye on what happens and then go to Beren as soon as we can without losing tabs on the political situation.

    1. Before we set out make sure Asha gets with child again, from suitable stock as always.
    2. Ensure we have dispel magic traps and such, as well as guards with rings to see invisibility.

    That's all I can think of.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:33 No.13624876
    rolled 86, 97 = 183

    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:35 No.13624882
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:37 No.13624897
    >2. Ensure we have dispel magic traps and such, as well as guards with rings to see invisibility.
    Rings? I think you mean "awesome eyewear". Our first step towards faceless elite guards.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:37 No.13624899
    We should do this AND go visit that female Red.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:43 No.13624942
    We should visit, but how much should we be willing to tell her? I doubt we should reveal our draconic status just yet. . .
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:44 No.13624949
    Well, informing her of the stuff going on down in Azar is a start. After that, simply trying to get a measure of her personality. She's a potential mate, but she's a potential rival first.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:46 No.13624979
    No one gets to know our draconic status until we have a very good reason to let it slip.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:51 No.13625021
    We're too young to consider true dragon children. Half-dragons can be raised in the castle by servants, but full draconic children will require a significant portion of our time to manage.

    We shouldn't try courting the other red yet. Meeting her is good though. Will she smell the dragon in us?

    If she comes across as an ignorant brute, we could try usurping her control and gaining the favor of the people she's subdued. Empire addition anyone?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:54 No.13625054
    We're 100, we're a full fledged adult now. This is the time dragons start thinking about children.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:56 No.13625069
    > We shouldn't try courting the other red yet. Meeting her is good though. Will she smell the dragon in us?

    Cygnis didn't, the closest she got was smelling traces of our breath weapon on a bunch of corpses, so I'm guessing she can't.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:56 No.13625077
    Maybe, but what do we have as a power base? One island with one pirate town, one castle, a hoard that has no regular income, an a tribe of lizardmen. Good for a human, but not much to raise dragon babies with.

    That said, I don't know much about how dragons go about child rearing. Do we just mate and leave the female with the eggs, or is it a joint affair? Do the kids leave once they reach a certain age, do we have any traditional obligations like portioning out our hoard, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:59 No.13625095
    Reds, and many dragons in general, generally just abandon the eggs and whatever happens happens. They don't think about children except as an inconvenience.

    That said, we are not a standard red, and might have other plans. There has been some concern that the Binder might prove able to control or influence our spawn, if we have any; we have yet to test this. Or ask the crystal about it, which would be more awkward shit with the crystal.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)01:59 No.13625096
    We have regular income from our dock tolls and minor taxes in town. It's enough to keep our operation going without depleting our hoard, and is growing constantly.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:02 No.13625111
    Ah, sweet, you're doing DQ regularly again!

    Too many awesome quests have suddenly disappeared without a trace.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:03 No.13625127
    I'm all up for making the crystal feel awkward. Hell, we should use it for bedroom lighting.
    >> Writer-dude !!cxzh3hxzuC1 01/23/11(Sun)02:09 No.13625157
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    >Mah Gawd.

    Reaction is diverse. The city of Exheln, several hundred miles to the east of Azar nearly panics; the gnome and halfling authorities offering fabulous bounties to whoever can bring them the head of the perpetrator, and the source of the mass-rising. Rhasver, to the north, finally buckles under the stress of the war- their entire expeditionary force annihilated, they withdraw, focusing on keeping their peace, and securing their borders against retaliation. No treaty or accord is signed, but the international war is effectively over, at least in it's previous form.

    The most interesting, at least to your mind, result is south, in Tashz. Several companies of the sultan's janissaries are mobilized, and your scrying heavily suggests, but is unable to actually witness meetings between the Sultan and prince and some of the Blue dragons of the Shifting Sands desert. Either way, the sultanate is taking this with deadly seriousness, and at least one Blue seems to have taken objection to the undead. A blue almost as large as you, you first witness making raids against the undead of Azar. Or rather, the more adventurous undead of Azar; you can't scry within the city itself, and can only witness her battles further from the city.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:09 No.13625159
    Our very own mind-reading lava lamp that hates us. It's the sort of artifact that would shout out embarrassing secrets just to ruin the mood, too.
    >> Writer-dude !!cxzh3hxzuC1 01/23/11(Sun)02:10 No.13625167
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    Sadly, the blue ends up as you would expect- sheer luck allows your scrying to stumble across her as she flees from the city, like the proverbial bat out of hells. For good reason: following her is a quite angry and massive black dragon, easily the largest you've seen, at least five hundred years old. The ensuing battle, or rather, flight, as the blue hasn't a chance, ranges quite a ways afield, ending with the black nearly ripping the blue's right wing off. The blue manages to escape into the desert sand, though you doubt she'll ever fly again. Somehow, this makes you feel better about leaving Luthessa and Sannek alive while you were there; you truly wouldn't appreciate having him on your tail. The fact that none of the nations you've scryed on has, themselves, been able to scry on Azar, leaves you somewhat unsettled, too.

    On a more local front, your lair is coming along excellently. Both castle, crypts, and cave have been rendered impervious to scrying, teleportation, and other ethereal entry. Devices to allow your guards to detect and dispel magic were annoying to create, but well worth their cost in peace of mind. The cost is minimal, especially with the influx from your established powers and service in Mza. You hardly notice anything but the gradual evolution of your defenses and wards.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:13 No.13625190
    Well, everything seems to be good on the home front. I'm proud of us, /tg/.

    Let's go see what kind of shithole the other red's policies have turned her nation into.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:16 No.13625210
    Civ V civilizations comparison check

    I like it.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:19 No.13625229
    "+4 You have chosen wisely in your civics."
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:20 No.13625240
    Did we get any results from our letter to church people? I'd like to know how that went, particularly if any of them seem to have taken that as the start of future good relations. Clerics are nice people to have on call.

    Aside from that, one minor matter. We commission for ourselves a very nice, rather small flask, like one might use to hold a potion. We put a jeweled red dragon on it. If at some point we want to turn into a dragon direct from our sorcerer-king guise, we drink whatever's in the flask first. Very obviously. Then we look at anyone who suggests that we're actually a dragon like they're an idiot when we get back. A minor deception that could save us a great deal of trouble.

    Anyway, yes, I believe sending a letter to Beren and arranging a state visit was next on our agenda.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:21 No.13625249
    That's civ 4, but it had a better diplo system I think. Civ 5 you can't tell what's going on half the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:24 No.13625271
    To Beren!
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:25 No.13625280
    The dragon-drink is a good idea, easy way to fool most people. Just gotta be careful not to let it get stolen, or else when someone else drinks and it doesn't work, the secret is out.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:26 No.13625292
    Is our Island becoming something akin to Freeport already?

    How are things there?
    Is population content? Are there any things we should look into?
    How about lizardfolk? How are they doing?
    >> Writer-dude !!cxzh3hxzuC1 01/23/11(Sun)02:27 No.13625305
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    Those dirty Reds!

    A letter is dispatched, suggesting that you are sorry for the delay, and ready, should she be willing to resume overtures. You make a few preparations in the meantime, and see what you can learn about Beren.

    A city state commanding a major mountain pass, it's fairly wealthy. Being fairly wealthy, but also but a single city state, it's been conquered fairly regularly by whoever fancies themselves the next Angevin, and attempts to unify the 'empire'.

    Due to that, and the fear humanoids hold dragonkind in, the past sixteen years are about as long as it's had without being conquered in the previous half century. With that on her side, there's very little this Seffestranias could do to ruin her city without actively trying to. That said, Scinnari and you are left unimpressed with her practices. A pity.

    A letter returns, welcoming you and whatever entourage you desire to bring, and promising you safe passage and royal room and board, as befitting your status. You can't tell whether that last part is entirely serious. Suffice to say, she seems eager, or at least willing, to meet you.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:29 No.13625312
    Where is Beren relative to us anyway?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:29 No.13625316
    Better fill it with some substance that we are immune to but would kill most of the humans.
    Then tell them that this kind of things can be tolerated only by powerful wizards. There's a reason why such potions are virtually non-existent: hardly anyone can use them without killing themselves
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:30 No.13625335

    Something on fire? Molten metal of some kind perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:35 No.13625373
    Hah, we could enchant the flask so that it constantly keeps whatever liquid is inside it at a boiling temperature. We're fire immune, so we could gulp that right down, but anyone else... they wouldn't like it one bit.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:36 No.13625380
    That's most substances. Dragons can eat lead as a hearty meal, though it tastes awful, for instance.

    Alchemist's Fire, perhaps?

    Also, who are we bringing? Asha is preggers now, probably, but we could take her along anyway. Scinnari should probably stay behind and make things run smoothly, as she can teleport to us easily should the need arise. Unless she wants to come, of course. This is a diplomatic meeting and she might want to schmooze at the royal palace to cast her nets.

    Maybe Asha's oldest and our finest warriors? No lizardmen, we don't want split loyalties.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:38 No.13625398
    We should remember that blue. Should we ever need to take out "big black and ugly" she would be a prime ally.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:46 No.13625452
    Asha should stay since she's pregnant. Scinnari should come with us.

    We should really have some lizardman or human staff to help manage our stuff while we're away. Executors or butlers or whatever.

    Def. a good idea. How do chromatics relate to those of different color? Is it all maimkillburn or can we speak intelligently?
    >> Writer-dude !!cxzh3hxzuC1 01/23/11(Sun)02:46 No.13625455
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    Pretty decent.
    Content, though in constant upheaval. This city has grown from forty to a few thousand in a few years. It hasn't slowed down enough for any unified opinion to emerge.
    Some of the lizardmen are adapting to the city, at least to some degree. Some have even volunteered to join your navy, seeing it both as a duty to you, (they've been remarkably quiet on the subject of 'you') and something their natural armor, strength, and swimming skill lends itself to seafaring.

    Scinnari is delighted with the idea, which you immediately have done.

    The church of Pelor's reply requests more information, assistance if you can lend it, though it assures you that they shall devote efforts to destroying the device. Sadly, this is representative of most of replies you receive. Singular in it's exception is a note requesting more information and your assistance in acquiring the artifact. This one promises extensive compensation, should you assist, and makes no mention of destroying it. The signature at the bottom is signed 'Loremaster Gadra'.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:48 No.13625467
    >Loremaster Gadra

    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:50 No.13625485
    Asha's two or three oldest kids (assassins needs must travel, after all)
    Scinnari (she can teleport home frequently)
    A captain and three or four of our most elite guards
    Several trade rep types
    A couple dwarves, if they wish to come and check things out
    A pair of the most loyal/strong lizardmen warriors we can find
    A number of loyal servants
    And take one of our naval vessels there

    This should display our power over all groups on the island, give us enough trade expertise to hammer something out if that happens, and have enough servants and soldiers that we don't have to depend upon her generosity for either.
    >> Writer-dude !!cxzh3hxzuC1 01/23/11(Sun)02:51 No.13625490
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    Alchemist's fire would work for that purpose, and would probably provide excellent special effects. Uncapping a bottle that immediately ignites, then drinking the flaming contents would be impressive. (Perhaps you'd want to write it off as a ring of fire immunity? I don't know.)


    East-north-east. Part of the shattered Angevis empire.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:52 No.13625506
    As interesting the chance for loot (and an obvious plothook) is, I don't want to retrieve it for anyone else than us, or else have it destroyed. Something capable of zombifying a whole city shouldn't be in anyone's hands. Unless those hands are ours, and those aren't hands at all so it stands as is.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:54 No.13625523
    Leave the lizardmen out. They're generally regarded as a violent race and it would do no good for a human ruler to be associated with one in a real society.

    Have to keep up appearances.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:56 No.13625536
    But we're not a human ruler- we're an elven sorcerer-king, and having them in our retinue is a display of power, a declaration that we have bound even these savage and violent types to our will. We're going into a meeting with a dragon, not a human, so I seriously doubt that she'll look down on us for having "uncivilized" servants.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)02:58 No.13625561
    I agree. But that is some thing we can deal with when we get back. Right now let's meet that red all ready.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)03:21 No.13625760
    Writer Dude? You still there?
    >> Writer-dude !!cxzh3hxzuC1 01/23/11(Sun)03:37 No.13625861
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    A ship is prepared, the flaship for the ill-fated Rhasver attack years ago, and your entourage is assembled. Five dwarves, from the outpost on Mza, Asha and her two eldest children, and a half dozen of your 'elite' guards. Along with these, you bring Zaxis and his sister, the two of your lizardmen who's blood seems strongest.

    You depart with a strong wind in a favorable direction, and the journey is rapid. You arrive in the port of Artursh, and proceed north towards Beren. You are forced to spend money on your journey, but all that extracted from Mza; a lowering in income rather than actual negative flow.

    Your arrival in Beren is an interesting affair. You aren't received with pomp or fanfare, but a party of soldiers does meet you at the pass, and escort you into the city. The palace of Beren you find interesting, if only as an example. The palace is a large structure, visible from the pass above the city, and possess a massive 'skylight', one that you could easily through. Presumably it's purpose. The majority of the palace is normal-sized for humanoids, excepting a few massive chambers that seem to have been expressly designed for Seffestranias. You must concede, such public and luxurious housing holds some temptation.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)03:38 No.13625870
    Thread archived.

    See you next time WD.
    >> Writer-dude !!cxzh3hxzuC1 01/23/11(Sun)03:39 No.13625889
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    >could easily through
    >could easily fly through
    Forgive me. It's late.
    You are guided to a well-guarded wing of the palace, and your party issued quarters. The dwarves, men, and guild representatives seem worried, highly nervous, but intent on doing their duties. Asha's children have been surprisingly easy to convince to stay quiet, and remarkably well behaved, if un-cultured. Zaxis and his sister, though have remained entirely unperturbed, enigmatic, even, as far as humanoids can be.

    Moved into your room, you relax once you are certain your amulet has nullified any scrying or spying nchantments. you were given what is probably the best room in the building; it looks out over the city, and away from the mountain range. The view is excellent, and you find yourself drawn the to balcony once you no longer have pressing duties to attend to.

    "So. The city of the great dragon queen itself. I suspect you could have done better." Scinnari observes from behind you.

    "I suspect so too, but it's just that- suspicion." you reply, mindful of potentially listening ears. Even with your amulet...

    "True." Scinnari says. "Still. She is to greet us at dinner tonight. I suspect the rest of our group is worried about becoming dinner." She's right; the fear on some of your merchants is palpable.

    "Indeed. It has made them... jumpy. The rumors don't really help, though I suppose nearby cities have reasons to want Seffestranias to face difficulty." you justify.

    "Hmm... I suppose." Scinnari replies. "Still, is there anything you wish to do before dinner?"
    >> Writer-dude !!cxzh3hxzuC1 01/23/11(Sun)03:40 No.13625901
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    Getting fairly tired and slow. This may be a good point to wrap it up.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)03:49 No.13625959
    Not sure what we can do before dinner, really. Well, other than the obvious... though it's always a fine option. Investigate the palace, speak with any attendants? Teleport into town to see what the populace thinks?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)03:50 No.13625981
    Calm the merchants down as best we can. We would rather them be professional, cool, and collected if any deals are to be made.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)03:51 No.13625986
    We should speak to our entourage. Assure them that they are as safe as you can make them- and remind them that as part of your retinue, their actions are a reflection upon both Mza and upon you. You expect anyone who doesn't think they can handle themselves effectively in the presence of a dragon to plead illness or similar and take dinner in their quarters.

    We should also have Scinnari or Asha casually mention that if the dragon queen tries anything funny, we'd start throwing lightning at her in a matter of seconds. Not within our hearing, of course, but say it nevertheless- we need to boost morale.
    >> Writer-dude !!cxzh3hxzuC1 01/23/11(Sun)03:54 No.13626013
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    Alright, my writing is getting spotty at best, and tectonic in terms of speed. Call it a night, and see ya'll tomorrow.
    >> Writer-dude !!cxzh3hxzuC1 01/23/11(Sun)03:56 No.13626029
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    Gah. Look at that. Forgot my usual reminder; final instructions can go in the thread, I'll check it, and you can email me. (been dropped somewhere.)

    Leaving thread before I embarrass myself further. Will hang out in chat a little bit longer.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)04:05 No.13626095
    We have decided to bring a gift in the IRC. Ornate gold-leafed and tooled box lined in purple velvet, containing several beautiful and very beautiful rubies that were like pulling teeth to part with. I would say fifteen good ones should do it, provided they are top-quality. Truly a kingly gift.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/11(Sun)13:23 No.13629814
    Bumpan to keep thread alive until WD shows up again.

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