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  • File : 1248837554.jpg-(42 KB, 497x500, Panopticon.jpg)
    42 KB Hive Quest Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/28/09(Tue)23:19 No.5281972  
    You are a mnemonic virus that has just gained self awareness.

    >You have three host beings; they seem to identify as human.

    >Two of your hosts identify as male, one as female; they seem to make this determination based largely upon physiological traits.

    >You are unsure how you came to exist; though your hosts do seem to be in similar circumstances.

    What do you wish to do?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:21 No.5281993
    jump onto a cat!
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:22 No.5282005
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:23 No.5282022
    First, we need to get the female to start a Youtube series of videos showcasing us.

    Then soon afterwards the two male hosts will start forcing the meme on 4Chan until it gains enough momentum to become self-perpetuating. They should give links to the female host's videos if asked about where they got it from.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/28/09(Tue)23:27 No.5282055
         File1248838028.jpg-(175 KB, 400x426, Leopold.jpg)
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    >Jump onto a cat!

    You scan your hosts minds, attempting to identify the concept of cat; you receive three, disjointed, responses.

    >Male 1 (M1) - Furry nuisances.... Overused images on internet... Ceiling cat?

    >Male 2 (M2) - Leopold... where is that little ball of fluff?

    >Female 1 (F1) - Cat... The Cat... Red Dwarf?

    It seems M2 has a 'cat'. He identifies this cat as Leopold. Briefly scanning under that title gives you an image [picture related] of what he considers 'Leopold'.

    Do we wish to send M2 in search of 'Leopold'?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:28 No.5282073
    Easy enough. I'll quickly try to use the two males to kidnap as many fertile females as possible. If the men are of good genetic stock, I shall let them breed. If not, I will gain control of other males as well.

    I will be infecting these males and females as they come under my control. As soon as I have a small force, let's say 40-50 people, I will embark into the wilderness.

    There, I will be constantly breeding my host bodies. Within a few generations, I will have amassed a sizeable force of humans under my virus-induced command.

    If there are any military bases nearby, I would send the most attractive females to any outlying towns, in hopes of them contacting a member of the military there. It would only take one. As soon as he/she would bring the infection back to the base, others there would fall under my sway. The other humans that I have under my control would be doing similar things across the nation as well. Hopefully, within a matter of years, the majority of the country's military and political power would be in my hands.

    Now, what to do from there?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:30 No.5282091
    >what to do from there?
    Oval Office Orgy, what else?!

    (Sage for no useful addition to conversation - the CORRECT way to use sage!)
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:32 No.5282100
    How do I spread?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:32 No.5282105
         File1248838355.jpg-(39 KB, 430x300, prototype-ss1.jpg)
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    Can I use this guy?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:32 No.5282107
    Why make them breed? Simply sending them out into the modern world will allow contact with at least one other, which can allow you to replicate into them, quickly cascading. Even the loneliest neckbeard sees their parents, and their parents see their co-workers, who see their boss, and so on.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/28/09(Tue)23:34 No.5282130
    You search your hosts minds, on the topics of threesome and masturbation. They both appear to be tied into the concept of which gender they identify with. You don't believe they are physically close enough to accomplish the former.

    You begin to, experimentally, focus M1 on the latter task, but immediately begin loosing your still tenuous grasp on his cerebral consciousness. This is a most disconcerting experience (like a limb going to sleep) and immediately use what power remains to order him to desist.

    This Youtube sounds a viable form of distribution, how do you wish to achieve this?

    Currently this all sounds beyond your grasp, the number of concepts you have to access in your hosts' minds to merely comprehend it staggers you.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:38 No.5282161

    Because I want to strike as many places as possible, simultaneously.

    If I were to try to spread it like a virus, in one localized place, it might very well be discovered. It it starts popping up in over one hundred major cities and military installations at once on the same day, there would be little to no chance of stopping it. I'm assuming I can only infect others in the immediate vicinity (i.e. touching, though not necessarily sexual). In this way, I would be assured of maximum exposure in the least possible time.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:39 No.5282176

    Instead, using the vast scientific-industrial complex I have gained in America, I shall attempt to do my greatest piece of work yet- the Allmind.

    Instead of having multiple copies of myself (i.e. the virus) spread across the country, constantly having to be updated on what is going on, I would craft some sort of psychic resonator. It would draw on incredible power (most likely a series of nuclear reactors set up to power it in the geographic center of the country). It would emit subliminal sound waves across the country, being heard subliminally on a frequency not heard by humans. However, the virus itself would be able to analyse it, and assimilate the information contained within.

    Hopefully, this would allow perfect synchronity in my ever-expanding net of influence.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:40 No.5282188
    hell yes we do and we want m1 to go get slap a dog a in the face and f1 to try and milk herself to give to leopold one day
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/28/09(Tue)23:42 No.5282208
         File1248838951.gif-(19 KB, 469x600, Mnemonic.gif)
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    Spread? You consult your host's minds as to what occurred prior to your achieving consciousness.

    >M1 - Weird image... squigly... nausiating... on that sign...

    >M2 - Leopold? Leopold? symbol... Leopold?
    M2 seems to be distracted by his search for Leopold; but seems to be making progress towards locating this 'Pet' of his.

    >F1 - Strange picture... my drawing table... pencil still in my hand...

    It seems you are 'Induced' by individuals viewing a particular symbol [picture related]. You imagine if you could show it to more people you could 'Spread' yourself...

    Perhaps if they added the image to themselves in some way you could do this? The idea instantly causes F1 to add a concept to your memory 'Tattoo', interesting...
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:45 No.5282241

    Would it be possible to, using this "tattoo", to imprint this image upon the hosts' forehead? It seems as though that is a likely way to spread myself.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:45 No.5282244
    It would become quickly obvious what was going on, to the rest of the world, enjoy your nukes
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/28/09(Tue)23:48 No.5282273
    You assimilate these ideas into your memory for future archival; M2 supplements this action by adding the concept of 'Plans' to your consciousness, a little far sighted, but the concept intrigues you.

    How do you wish to plan to distribute yourself?
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/28/09(Tue)23:52 No.5282305
    You consider this notion; initially it seems plausible and you have F1 attempt experiment with it.

    >F1 - Pick up this marker... okay, how did I draw that again... okay mirror... and... almost there... Got it!

    It seems F1 has managed to recreate our symbol upon her forehead. She provides us with the idea that she could try showing it to her roommate; do we wish to have her seek out this 'Roommate'?

    M2 seems to have located Leopold; but as he focuses his attention on Leopold are grasp on his consciousness seems to fade, much like it did with M1 during 'Masturbation'. Do we wish to continue to allow him to focus on this 'Pet'; if we do it may cause us to loose control of him...
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:58 No.5282360

    Indeed. I would have F1 search for her roommate, if she is still located with the house. I will try to be gaining knowledge on how human society works, on a very basic level, using information stored in M1 and M2's brains.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:58 No.5282362
    M2 should focus on the symbol first. Attempt to draw it or depict it using his abilities and available tools. Expose M2's 'Pet' to symbol.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)00:06 No.5282412
    F1 stumbles out of her room and you are overcome by a selection of new concepts 'Kitchen' and 'Bathroom' come in surprisingly quick succession; followed by 'TV Room' and 'Rock Band Night'. It seems F1's roommate has 'Friends' over, F1 slinks in the back of the room until finally her roommate 'Rose' looks around in disgust.

    >Consciousness gained! 'Rose' (F2)

    You attempt to assert your control over 'Rose' but are find yourself having some difficulty...

    >F2 - Ely... weird forehead... Rock band... friend... hard to focus...

    This 'Rose' is proving harder to assimilate. Perhaps its the increased noise that is proving as a distraction? Plus there is her 'Friend' to deal with...

    What do we wish to do with F1 and Rose?

    M1 & M2
    We begin searching their minds and come across a wide range of concepts; society seems to work on a large scale, though they usually stick to a number of smaller 'Social' spheres. The primary of these seem to be 'Friends', 'Coworkers' and 'Family' in slightly different orders of significance for each of them. They both seem to have a rather pronounced attachment to an additional sphere, the 'Internet' a mass collection of electronic data... it seems strangely similar to yourself in a way.
    >> FUCK YEAH ISIS Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:07 No.5282419
    I hate to post off topic, really I do, I have nothing to contribute at the moment except for EXTREME HAPPINESS that another fatguy digs ISIS. Also that the subject matter kind of fits the band.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)00:11 No.5282455
    It seems by searching M2's mind you began to reestablish control and this ... 'Plan' only helps to cement it, you have him recreate your 'Sign'.

    >M2 - Symbol... how should I mak-.... Kitchen... BBQ sauce?... okay it was like...

    It seems he has attempted to recreate our 'Sign' using 'Bar-B-Que Sauce', which is some type of 'Food'.

    >Consciousness gained! 'Leopold' (N1)

    As you integrate Leopold into your consciouness you find your overall control slipping. Everything begins to fade, becoming subsumed by strange desires, like 'Sleep'.

    It seems you cannot keep Leopold in your consciousness without losing almost all that makes you sentient.

    How do you wish to deal with this?
    >You will be unable to take any other course of action until this issue is resolved.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:12 No.5282466

    Interesting. This "Internet" could be an excellent vector for spreading myself, if it is of a similar structure to myself. I search M1's mind in order to discern a way to spread my image upon it.

    M2 will draw the symbol upon a sheet of paper/any other transportable, flat surface nearby, and go aid F1 and F2 in the assimilation process.

    As for F1, I will have her stand in front of the object they're focusing on (the... television?) in order to direct their attention to her, and therefor the symbol. F2 I will have turn off the television, thus reducing distraction from the noise and the sounds. Hopefully, this will result in maximum exposure to myself.
    >> Processor 049 07/29/09(Wed)00:13 No.5282474
    F2: Terminate, interrupt, cease "Rock band"
    F1: Demonstrate "symbol-us" to F2 conceptual extension "friend"

    M1+M2: Locate "internet".
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:14 No.5282484
    become one with leopold and live out our lives in blissful cathood
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:14 No.5282487
    I accidentally namefag, how did this get here I don't even
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:16 No.5282508
    Relinquish "N1". Impossible. Negative. Death. Fail. Cease.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)00:17 No.5282510
         File1248841022.jpg-(57 KB, 400x300, Static.jpg)
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    You try to exert yourself in these actions... But you can't get through. Everything is all 'Static'-y. Such a task feels beyond your grasp.

    At this point you might be able summon up all of your consciousness to exert your will over one host right now, but even that may be pushing it...
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:17 No.5282514
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:18 No.5282526
    Relinquish N1! Focus F1! F1!
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:20 No.5282537
    This idea is stupid and you should feel stupid!
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:22 No.5282559

    Cease control of N1. It seems as though hosts with less-than-human intelligence can dangerously compromise the ability of ourselves.

    As for sleep, this is a dangerous, organic weakness that must be dealt with for the time being, until we are able to acquire greater hosts. Perhaps, once regaining control, find some sort of substance to continue conciousness?
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)00:22 No.5282561
    Your are overwhelmed by these contradictory choices. You feel as if it is your prerogative to spread yourself, and losing control, it 'Scares' you. It 'Scares the Hell' out of you.

    Ultimately you gain your focus, as your collective hosts scream out against this 'Indignity', possessing the intellect of a cat is 'Beneath' them, 'Beneath' you.

    You gather your conscious willpower together, as it slips away. away. away.

    You attempt to exclude 'Leopold' from your mind. But you can't, seem to. Maybe its the symbol?

    >N1 - Tasty... Salty... mmm... mmm... mmm...

    mmm... mmm...

    No; you are not that. You are not Leopold.

    What would you have M2 do?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:26 No.5282590

    Quickly! As long as the cat is near the symbol, it seems effective. I would have M2 quickly take his hand and attempt to destroy the symbol (smudge, spread around, what have you) so that it is not recognizable anymore. Perhaps that will break this cat's influence.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)00:27 No.5282597
    This does seem to be the case. In the back of your consciousness you realize that any form of dissemination would have to work around this limitation...
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:28 No.5282604
    the cat is a threat. destroy it.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)00:30 No.5282627
    Using what little resolve you have left you force M2 to 'Destroy' the symbol.

    >M2 - BBQ... tasty... d-DESTROY... ow...

    It seems M2 has 'Kicked' the wall where the symbol is located. It seems to have been destroyed and you quickly feel your grasp of control reasserting itself.

    >N1 - ?... sleepy...

    It seems Leopold has decided to take a nap; hopefully this will further weaken his impact on your consciousness.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:32 No.5282652
    We can't afford to let that happen again. No lower beings can see the symbol. They must all be eliminated.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:34 No.5282665

    I dare not destroy the cat for now. If his being a part of the collective can cause that much damage, what would happen if he was suddenly ripped from it?

    I will, however, proceed with the original plan to gain control of F2 and friends. Once this is accomplished, I will consolidate my gains in this house. I must know more of the outside world before entering it.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)00:37 No.5282685
    With your consciousness reasserting itself, 'Rose' substitutes the concept 'Self Control', returning you elect to enact your 'Plan' for controlling 'Rose's' friend. But find the circumstances have changed.

    It seems that while you were distracted by Leopold your hosts bodies 'Lost Consciousness'.

    >F1 - Rose's friend... saying something... called... Ambulance?!

    It seems that an 'Ambulance', some sort of physical treatment provider, has been summoned to F1's 'Apartment'. This presents a number of opportunities, especially because.

    >Consciousness gained! Harold (M3)

    It seems 'Harold' just now viewed your symbol. Perhaps while you where 'Distracted' it was unable of asserting your dominance...

    What do you wish to do?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:39 No.5282698
    We must ensure our own survival. The easiest way to do so would be to infiltrate an area without lower beings and display the symbol prominently.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:39 No.5282706

    I must immediately gain control of these other potential hosts in the house. If outside factors were to be introduced without preparation, the consequences could be disastrous.

    What I would do is attempt to gain control of these other hosts upon arrival to the house. This "ambulance" is coming from some sort of large care-giving facility... potential hosts there as well?
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)00:39 No.5282707
    You can no longer feel Leopold's presence. The last you recall from him was:

    >N1 - Sleepy... sleeepyyyy... zzzzzzzzz

    You could send M2 to... deal with him. Or merely let 'Sleeping Dogs Lie', a concept provided by M3. Odd, you thought Leopold was a 'Cat'...
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:43 No.5282728
    Try to determine where this symbol came from. To protect myself I must go Frankenstein on my creator, as well as any siblings I may have.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:43 No.5282735
    terminate 'leopold' and all of comparable development.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)00:44 No.5282748
    Searching the collective memory it seems that the 'Ambulance' comes from a 'Hospital'. Which is some form of large care giving facility. It would probably not contain any non-compatible organisms.

    As you are constructing this 'Plan' F1, F2 and M3 simultaneously report a noise, a 'Knock' coming from the door.

    How do you wish for them to proceed?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:45 No.5282759
    Ignore N1. M1~M3 should locate "internet".
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:45 No.5282760

    On further thought, let's take the risk and have M2 deal with him. No doubt he would be awoken by the commotion of the ambulance arriving, critically compromising our control.

    It must be done quickly though, or we would lose the ability to continue as he dominated our Mind.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:50 No.5282807

    Quickly have another host draw the symbol on their forehead. Have said host answer the door, hopefully infecting these humans as well.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)00:50 No.5282809
    You have determined that F1 created the symbol by chance. Searching M1 and M2's memories seems to reveal that you gained control of them after they arrived 'Home'. Cross-checking their memories of immediately prior to this reveals their only similar habits include getting and 'Reading' the 'Mail'. Perhaps they found your symbol in a ... 'Letter'?

    You send M2 to dispose of Leopold, who you can no longer detect. Upon waking him, rather forcefully, you still have no connection to Leopold.

    >Consciousness Lost! 'Leopold'

    It seems sleep causes carriers (at least of the animal variety) too no longer be a part of your consciousness; the implications startle you, to a degree.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:50 No.5282816
    M2 is not in proximity to F1, F2 or M3.

    F1 should use the 'door', symbol still displayed.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:53 No.5282837
    Disguise F1 as a victim of some accident, M3 and F2 assisting her. Hurry out the door, ensure that F1's symbol is covered until the surrouinding organisms have been screened for compatibility.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:55 No.5282845
    M1~M2. Seek "mail" with "symbol". Apply "symbol" to "internet".
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:57 No.5282865
    All lesser organisms are a potential threat. We must eliminate them for the sake of our own survival.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)00:58 No.5282870
    Sensing that F1 possesses the greatest deal of finite dexterity, she substitutes the concept 'Artistic', of the group you have her copy the symbol onto M3's forehead.

    The knocking has become quite rapid at this point, and you can hear muffled shouting coming from the other side of the door.

    F1 puts the finishing touches on our symbol and then M1 opens the door.

    >Consciousness gained! 'Jacob' (M4-EMT)

    A bevy of new concepts floods our consciousness. Throughout the chaff of 'Medical Skills' a new concept comes to the fore, if only because M4 thinks it with a mixture of hope and fear.

    >M4 - Mnemoni-... infected... need WhiteWall... can't... losing...

    Then you seem to establish proper control of him, perhaps the two of our symbols that he can see helps. But he was resisting with far greater aptitude than anyone we have so far encountered.

    Perhaps we should search his memory for this 'WhiteWall' or try to check on the EMT 'Driver' who is waiting on M4?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:01 No.5282892
    WhiteWall = Symbol + Destroy. Seek "destroy WhiteWall".
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:04 No.5282908

    Interesting. It seems as though the outside world is already aware of our existance, or an entity similar to ourselves. Why else would he mention "mnemonic"?

    Maximum priority- gaining control of the driver. If he is able to inform the hospital of what has occured here, retaliation would be devestating.

    Have M4 request that the driver come inside to help him move a body into the ambulance. Once inside, gain control of him. If control is impossible, subdue and interrogate. If that is impossible, eliminate.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)01:11 No.5282952
         File1248844283.jpg-(67 KB, 380x253, WhiteWall.jpg)
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    You start delving into Jaco- no, M4's mind. Its arduous as he keeps trying to send you in circle's, repeating thoughts you've already 'Seen'. But he keeps looping himself back to this 'WhiteWall' concept...

    >M4 - Harold... I'm-... WhiteWall... Think of training... Tone it out... WhiteWall... think of WhiteWall...

    It seems that WhiteWall, at least in Ja- M4's recollection is just a mental image of a 'Whitewashed Wall'; when he manages to focus on it this does severely interrupt your connection to him. However he keeps glancing at M3 or F1 and our symbol brings him back to us.

    We hear a loud horn honking outside the 'Apartment'... perhaps it is that driver that M4 was thinking of earlier? If she has the same resistance as M4 we would have a hard time controlling her...

    What do we wish to do; consolidate our efforts on controlling M4, or send out M3 or F1 (risking inadvertent exposure to Non-humans) to try to gain control of the driver?
    >> Belisaurius 07/29/09(Wed)01:17 No.5282989
    F2 should stay with M4 and atempt to distract him from thinking of "whitewall"

    M3 should go to the ambulance and ask for help "moving a critically injured friend." Atempt to get the ambulance driver into the apartment and in contact with F1.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)01:19 No.5283009
    This does seem to be the case. Although you are having trouble getting an information out of Jaco- no, he is M4. He keeps trying to, F2 substitutes, 'Lead you astray'. He keeps interjecting his thoughts with:

    >M4 - WhiteWall... driver bet- driver has WhiteWall... I have WhiteWall... Everyone has WhiteWall... WhiteWall...

    Now your sure he's 'Lying' to you, none of your other hosts 'has' WhiteWall. And the only one who even thinks they've heard the term before is M2.

    Speaking of M2, you've gained a more solid recollection of his and M1's localation relative to the rest of your hosts. It seems they are located in the same 'Apartment Complex'. You could summon them to provide some potentially much needed muscle if you desire.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:22 No.5283043
    Take M4 into the 'apartment'. Use 'artist' F1 to depict symbol on a literal 'white wall'. Conflate 'WhiteWall' with 'Symbol'. Reinforce 'symbol'.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:23 No.5283052

    I think that would be a wise choice. M4 has proven to be unreliable as a host, at least on a short-term basis.

    Send out F2 to bring the driver inside. Have the other hosts wait out of sight in case of any disturbance. If there is one, have them restrain the driver until he can be brought under control.
    >> Belisaurius 07/29/09(Wed)01:30 No.5283115
    I concur, this "whitewall" behavior needs an apropriate response.

    Also, get M1 and M2 doing something useful.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)01:31 No.5283122
    You send F1 into her 'Room' to gather 'Art Supplies' while F2 keeps M4 busy. Though once F1's symbol is removed he becomes much more physically resistant; requiring F2 restrain him using 'Tricks' from her 'Self-Defense Courses'.

    You send M3 outside to meet with the driver, having him hold his hand to his head in mock pain (to cover the signal from unwanted eyes). As he approaches M1 and M2 also show up, and you can feel your overall control increase from their relative proximity. Finally the driver steps out of the car and asks M3 if he is all right; to which he moves his hand away and exposes her to our Symbol.

    >Consciousness gained! 'Mary' (F3)

    That wasn't difficult, a quick search of her memory turns up no references to WhiteWall and she is easily added to your collective.

    >F3 - Whats wrong with hi-... oh... M4 is not acting like us... that is a... problem?

    Only then to you realize that you can no longer sense M4.

    >Consciousness lost! 'Jacob'

    It seems he broke away from your control before F1 could return and has broken out of F2's 'Chokehold', harming her badly in the process. Last you detected he was headed towards F1's room.

    What do you wish to do?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:33 No.5283136
    F1: can hear commotion? Take original copy of symbol drawn. Present it to him in obvious manner. Use art supplies to depict duplicate in room. Quickly.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:36 No.5283156

    He may be trying to destroy our greatest asset at this point: our ability to efficiently spread ourselves. Have M1 and M2 proceed to F1's room. Perhaps, if Jacob can be gained control of again, she can depict the symbol itself onto his body. It may aid the controlling process. Have F3 turn off the lights/sounds of the ambulance- such a thing causes undue suspicion.
    >> Belisaurius 07/29/09(Wed)01:39 No.5283180
    M1 and M2, move to F1's location and subdue M4, AKA "Jacob"

    Also, F3, recall all memories regarding M4. Highlight "Special Training"

    F2, status report.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)01:41 No.5283196
    F1 was hurriedly gathering art supplies, and though she heard the commotion; we were so focused on recruiting F3 that we were unable to properly direct her. Splitting up seems to greatly reduce our productivity.

    It doesn't seem Jacob has made it to her room yet...

    F3 steps back into the ambulance and turns it off completely while M1, M2 and M3 rush back inside. Rushing down the long hallway toward F1's room. As they get to the closed door you suddenl-

    >Consciousness lost! F1

    It seems the doors locked. M1-3 could probably batter it down, or would you rather try to... 'Reason', a term F3 suggests, with him.

    What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:42 No.5283208
    M1~M3 restrain Jacob F1 depict depict depict F2 recover F3 recall 'specialtraining'
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)01:44 No.5283223
    You begin searching F3's memory.

    >F3 - Jacob... been EMT for yea-... don't remember where he's from... never talks much about past... real sociable, though... always has you talking more... lot stronger than he looks...
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:44 No.5283224

    Break down the door immediately, have F3 appraise the damage to F2 while M1-M3 proceed to F1's bedroom
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:45 No.5283226

    We have already controlled Jacob for a period of time. Upon gaining knowledge of human societies, it was discovered that humans place great value on small sub-units of genetically similarhumans known as "families".

    Perhaps claim that we know the location of his family, and will eliminate them if he does not comply with our requests? Inform him that they will be unharmed if he unlocks the door and gives us access to F1.

    We will, of course, try to re-assimilate him.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:45 No.5283232
    gather outside the room destroy barrier strength in unison find depictions (M1 and M2 mail) use depictions on M4
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:47 No.5283242
    If I can be created, so can others like me. Once I reach a position of relative safety, have one of me search Internets for reports of things similar to me. They must be hunted down and wiped out before they can pull me in.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)01:50 No.5283273
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    You currently lack any connection with F1.

    M2 quickly bull rushes the door, taking it off its hinges and falling to the floor on top of it. M1 and M3 stare into the room and can see Jacob standing over F1, with a strange cardboard tube in hand. Blood trickles from F1's face but a quick cross reference with F3's memories shows she's probably just unconscious. M3 rushes into the room flying over M2 and landing a powerful blow. But Jacob quickly comes about, abandoning the cardboard tube and dropping M3 to the floor in some strange MMA-esque take down.

    >F3 - In Ambulance
    >F2 - Dazed, likely has a broken arm, leg and collarbone
    >M1 - Ready to Act
    >M3 - Grappled, broken collarbone
    >M2 - On floor, could get up and act, but will be delayed

    How do you react?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:56 No.5283334
    M1~M3 all fight Jacob.
    F3 aid F2 towards room, gather all minds in one place, overwhelm him, use F1's original symbol drawn on him.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:57 No.5283342

    Have M1 and M2 withdraw into the hallway.

    See entry >>5283226 However, demand that he remain where he is in the room until it can best be decided how to assimilate him. If he comes out to attack, have M1 and M2 gang up on him.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)01:58 No.5283349
    You suspect that if you were to reinfect Jacob you would probably be able to gain more information than you would from the internet; as none of your other hosts had any passing knowledge of anything resembling yourself.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)01:59 No.5283359
    F3 on way back into house look for knife in kitchen.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:01 No.5283371
    Need F1 'artist' to destroy 'whitewall'. Jacob alone destroy F1, must destroy 'whitewall', must salvage 'artist'.
    >> Belisaurius 07/29/09(Wed)02:01 No.5283374
    M1, move behind Jacob.

    F3 obtain medical supplies and tend to F2

    M2 Attack if Jacob turns away from you.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:02 No.5283385

    Wait for F3 to join the others and use whatever social influence she has with Jacob to "reason" with him, at least to calm him down and reduce combat readiness.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)02:03 No.5283391
    You have M1 and M2 work in tandem with M3's struggling to pin Jacob to the floor. Even with all of them acting in concert they barely manage to keep him under control. F3 sprints from the ambulance and grabs the paper from the desk, forcing it in Jacob's face.

    Jacob starts to laugh. "It'll take more than that now", he manages between half-mad chortles.

    F2 attempts to get up, finds her wounds are quite debilitating, but manages to make her way to bedroom, limping, at this point.

    What do you wish to do; create a larger symbol // many copies of the symbol on the wall or ceiling of this room, attempt to knock Jacob unconscious, or attempt to persuade him through some other means?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:07 No.5283414

    Attempt to draw the symbol itself onto him. Barring that, I can't think of anything else that would do it. Search him for any documentation about "whitewall". If he still proves resistant to infection, kill him.

    Have F3 tend to F2's wounds. Do not yet revive F1; she may have been freed from our influence, similar to what happened to the cat.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:08 No.5283421
    make jacob sleep not destroy make 'unconcious' then symbols larger and more, F3 to fix F1 and F2 and M2, then F1 make symbols and M3 and M1 help more symbols, symbols on a white wall to overpower jacob when he awakes so he becomes M4 again.

    idea. 'plan'.

    new symbol. more than just picture. sound. need a sound shaped like us. need a smell like us. need more means. sound first. sound first. once jacob unconscious, think of soundshape.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:13 No.5283458
    Force M1, M2 and F1 to cover themselves and their homes in symbols, then run into traffic - bearing bits of paper with the symbols on them.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)02:13 No.5283468
    You have M3 copy the symbol blatantly onto Jacob's forehead. It doesn't seem effective, as his rakish laughter slowly descends into a fit of coughing as he loses his breath.

    In this time F3 has grabbed a first aid kit from the ambulance and begun patching F2 (who has armed herself with an exacto knife in case Jacob begins to escape). She can't do much to help in the short term, but she does set the limbs and offers her some painkillers, which she declines, worrying that it will affect our connection.

    Jacob resumes his laughter upon seeing this. "Why do you even bother? You've been around, what, 3 hours. With this much biomass you'll start mutating soon." He manages to mutter, with a terrified look in his eyes.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)02:15 No.5283481
    Your worried this plan would cause a large number of non-humans to become infected, crippling your potency.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:16 No.5283488
    Have the female nearest to jacob remove clothing, draw symbol on body
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:16 No.5283495

    Immediately have the hosts who aren't concerned with holding down Jacob begin evaluating our mental/physical charactesistics. See if there's any major deviation from how they were acting 3 hours ago.

    Continue questioning Jacob for further information about the mnemonic virus. Knowledge is power, and we need to be prepared for what may happen next.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:18 No.5283501
    "mutate" change form find more forms each form us not branching threat fear suggestion incorporate 'humorous'.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:22 No.5283530
    >random words talk more no coherence
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:24 No.5283544
    is like alphacentauri, planetmind like symbolmind, you like earthzakharov, all think no root
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:29 No.5283574
    symbol make more, more place, around jacob, make him think of nothing but symbol. subvert mind.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:31 No.5283586

    He seems pretty deranged already. I don't know what posting more of the symbol will do to him. Perhaps... if anyone has a pair of glasses, sketch the symbol onto them and make him wear them. EVERYTHING that he sees now will incorporate the symbol.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)02:32 No.5283593
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    You have F3 remove her top while F2 begins drawing a greatly enlarged version of our sign upon her in permanent marker. While doing this you have F3 pose a number of questions to Jacob;
    >F3 "What do you mean, Mutate?"
    He looks at her gruffly and snorts.
    >F3 "How can we tell when we will Mutate?"
    "You can't see it already; all this physical activity might've helped mask it but its started."
    >F3 "Can we stop i-"

    Before she can finish her sentence Jacob goes rigid,

    >Consciousness gained! Tag#11849375 (M4)

    With that a flash of thoughts rushes through your consciousness; burning its way through Ja- Ta- M4's synapses and into your collective thoughts:

    > >Panopticon OBSERVER -STOP-
    > >Hive Outbreak (HO) -STOP-
    > >Class 6 (C6) -STOP-
    > >Immediate Attention Nee-

    Appear as if etched into a whitewashed wall as they rush through all of your hosts minds and through some mechanism you don't understand, seems to leave Jacob's and into some massive collective which you can barely detect before it disappears, Jacob's mind becoming a blank slate, occupied solely by WhiteWall before he seems to pass into some kind of coma.


    That's all for tonight /tg/; I'll be back tomorrow starting around the same time to continue this adventure; though we'll be taking a bit of a different perspective, one were the actions we've undertaken thus far might make things rather... difficult.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:37 No.5283632
    Ooh, perspective change. I'm looking forward to it. Although if a similar 'primitive' entity turns up, I'm sure as hell using the planetmind talking again.

    entertain is wordstring craft 'mind' infectious challenge.

    A very solid start for a quest.
    >> Panopticon !!F2eyXa59NyS 07/29/09(Wed)02:46 No.5283718
    Thanks; I was initially going to start with what I have planned for tomorrow, but decided to use this as a bit of a Prologue.

    Should serve to make things interesting; even if there won't be as much excuse for 'HIVEMIND' type text...
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:55 No.5283814
    Kill my hosts, but force them to shit out my symbol in their death throes.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)02:57 No.5283830
    Right, well, someone get over to sup/tg/ and archive this, I'm rather terrible at writing the descriptions and such.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)03:06 No.5283905
    Begin auditory hallucinations in all host beings, using an altered form of All Along the Watchtower.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)03:18 No.5284018
    Alright guys, get in there and vote this thing up a bit.

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